Brides of Dracula
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- The Monopolistic Feudal and the Socialistic Bourgeoisie in Bram
- Beyond Maidens, Minxes, and Mothers: the Female Vampire and Gothic Other in <Em>Dracula</Em>, <Em>Hellsing<
- The Blood Is the Life
- OVH – Castle Dracula Rules
- O Eterno Retorno De Nosferatu
- Final Paper for MA Degree on Vampires
- Best Dracula Film
- VAMPIRES from BOOKS to FILMS Andre Marc Strumer University of Southern Mississippi
- SLAV-T230 Vampire F2018 Syllabus-Holdeman-Draft
- Slides Week 2
- UNIVERSITY of JYVÄSKYLÄ Dracula's Women: the Representation of Female Characters in a Nineteenth-Century Novel and a Twenti
- Evangelical and Catholic Vampire Hunters Together: Cultures of Death and Life in Bram Stoker's Dracula
- And Dracula (1979)
- Count Dracula: …………………………………………………………