Berea Sandstone
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- Devonian Shales Qf Ohio and Their Eastern Equivalents
- Age of the Bedford Shale, Berea Sandstone, and Simbury Shale in the Appalachian and Michigan Basins, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan
- History and Development of the Oil and Gas Plays of the Michigan Basin
- List R - Rock Units - Alphabetical List
- Geologic Assessment of the Burger Power Plant and Surrounding Vicinity for Potential Injection of Carbon Dioxide
- Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Reservoir Modeling of the Late
- Bedrock Geology of Michigan
- Table 4. Stratigraphic Nomenclature for the Upper Part of the Petroleum
- Improved Calculation of Scour Potential in Cohesive Soils And
- "Ology and Mineeal Eesoueces of T] Cleveland Disteict, Ohio
- Geology of the West-Central Part of the Southern Anthracite Field and Adjoining Areas, Pennsylvania
- Mapping Source Rock and Thermal Maturity of the Devonian Shale Interval in Eastern Ohio
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
- Eastward-Equivalents of Silurian Stratigraphic Units Shown in Column
- Geologic Cross Section D–D' Through the Appalachian Basin from The
- Bedrock Geology of Michigan
- Geology of the Devonian Black Shales of the Appalachian Basin
- Xerox University Microfilms 300 North Zoob Rood Ann Arbor, Michigan 43106 73-20,3211