Geology of Fairfield County, Ohio
This dissertation has been 61—5134 microfilmed exactly as received WOLFE, Edward Winslow, 1936- GEOLOGY OF FAIRFIELD COUNTY, OHIO. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1961 Geology University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan GEOLOGY OF FAIRFIELD COUNTY, OHIO DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of the Ohio State University By Edward Winslow Wolfe, B. A. The Ohio State University 1961 Approved by Department of Geology ! ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks are due Mr. R. J. Bernhagen, State Geologist, who suggest ed the need for an investigation of the geology of Fairfield County. The writer is particularly indebted to Dr. Aurele La Rooque who di rected the investigation and guided the writer throughout the prepara tion of this report. Many others gave freely of their time in dis cussing with the writer the geology of Fairfield County. Among these, special thanks are due Dr. Jane L. Forsyth of the Ohio Division of Geological Survey, Mr. George J. Franklin, who is presently completing a report on the geology of Licking County, and the writer's colleagues in the Department of Geology at the College of Wooster. The writer thanks several members of the Ohio Division of Geological Survey, in cluding Miss Pauline Smyth, Mr. Karl V. Hoover, and Mr. Harold J. Flint, for their valuable assistance. Most helpful, too, was the as sistance of Mr. Jon S. Galehouse during the summer of i960. The field work was sponsored and financed by the Ohio Division of Geological Survey. Additional financial aid, in the form of a William H.
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