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- GRASSES and GRASSLAND ECOLOGY This Page Intentionally Left Blank Grasses and Grassland Ecology
- Centropodieae and Ellisochloa, a New Tribe and Genus in Chloridoideae (Poaceae)
- Dioecy Database, Feb. 2002. This Is a Subset of the Data Used in Renner, S. S., and R. E. Ricklefs. 1995. Dioecy and Its Correlates in the Flowering Plants
- Biological Assessment
- Authors and Titles A
- Derivation of the Generic Names of North American Grasses (Names in Current Or Recent Use)
- Poaceae : Chloridoideae)
- Phylogenetics of Chloridoideae (Gramineae): a Preliminary Study Based on Nuclear Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer and Chloroplast Trnl–F Sequences J
- Generic Descriptions
- Agrostology; an Introduction to the Systematics of Grasses James P
- Checklist of Vascular Plants of the Czech Republic
- 2018 NWPL - National Wetland Plant List