2018 NWPL - National Wetland Plant List

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2018 NWPL - National Wetland Plant List 2018 NWPL - National Wetland Plant List Scientific Name AW Common Name Abies amabilis FACU Pacific Silver Fir Abies bifolia FACU Rocky Mountain Alpine Fir Abies grandis FACU Grand Fir Abies lasiocarpa FACU Subalpine Fir Abies procera FACU Noble Fir Abutilon theophrasti UPL Velvetleaf Acanthomintha ilicifolia FAC San Diego Thorn-Mint Acer circinatum FAC Vine Maple Acer glabrum FAC Rocky Mountain Maple Acer grandidentatum FACU Canyon Maple Acer macrophyllum FAC Big-Leaf Maple Acer negundo FACW Ash-Leaf Maple Acer platanoides UPL Norway Maple Acer saccharinum FAC Silver Maple Acer saccharum FACU Sugar Maple Achillea millefolium FACU Common Yarrow Achillea ptarmica FACU Pearl Yarrow Achnatherum diegoense FACW San Diego Rice Grass Achnatherum hymenoides UPL Indian Rice Grass Achnatherum nelsonii FACU Nelson's Rice Grass Achnatherum richardsonii UPL Richardson's Rice Grass Achyrachaena mollis FAC Blow-Wives Acmispon americanus UPL American Deerweed Aconitum columbianum FACW Columbian Monkshood Aconitum infectum FACW Arizona Monkshood Aconogonon phytolaccifolium FAC Alpine Fleeceflower Acorus americanus OBL Several-Vein Sweetflag Acorus calamus OBL Single-Vein Sweetflag Actaea rubra FAC Red Baneberry Adiantum aleuticum FAC Aleutian Maidenhair Adiantum capillus-veneris FACW Southern Maidenhair Adiantum jordanii FAC California Maidenhair Adoxa moschatellina FAC Muskroot Page 1 of 104 2018 NWPL - National Wetland Plant List Aegopodium podagraria FAC Bishop's Goutweed Agalinis calycina OBL Leoncita False Foxglove Agalinis tenuifolia FACW Slender-Leaf False Foxglove Agastache urticifolia FACU Nettle-Leaf Giant-Hyssop Agave americana UPL American Century-Plant Agave sisalana UPL Sisal-Hemp Ageratina adenophora FACU Crofton Weed Ageratum conyzoides FACU Tropical Whiteweed Ageratum houstonianum FACU Bluemink Agoseris X agrestis FAC _?_ Agoseris X elata FAC _?_ Agoseris aurantiaca FAC Orange-Flower Goat-Chicory Agoseris glauca FACU Pale Goat-Chicory Agoseris monticola FAC _?_ Agoseris parviflora FACU Small-Flower Goat-Chicory Agrimonia gryposepala FAC Tall Hairy Grooveburr Agrimonia parviflora FAC Harvestlice Agrimonia striata FACU Woodland Grooveburr Agrostis capillaris FAC Colonial Bent Agrostis elliottiana FACU Elliott's Bent Agrostis exarata FACW Spiked Bent Agrostis gigantea FACW Black Bent Agrostis hendersonii FACW Henderson's Bent Agrostis hyemalis FACW Winter Bent Agrostis idahoensis FACW Idaho Bent Agrostis lacuna-vernalis FACW _?_ Agrostis mertensii FACU Northern Bent Agrostis microphylla FACW Small-Leaf Bent Agrostis oregonensis FACW Oregon Bent Agrostis pallens FACU Seashore Bent Agrostis pauzhetica FACU Thermal Bent Agrostis perennans FAC Upland Bent Agrostis rossiae FAC Ross' Bent Agrostis scabra FAC Rough Bent Page 2 of 104 2018 NWPL - National Wetland Plant List Agrostis stolonifera FACW Spreading Bent Ailanthus altissima FACU Tree-of-Heaven Aira caryophyllea FACU Common Silver-Hair Grass Aletris farinosa FAC White Colicroot Alhagi maurorum FAC Camelthorn Aliciella pinnatifida FACU Sticky Cheat Gily-Flower Alisma gramineum OBL Narrow-Leaf Water-Plantain Alisma lanceolatum OBL Lance-Leaf Water-Plantain Alisma triviale OBL Northern Water-Plantain Allenrolfea occidentalis FACW Iodinebush Alliaria petiolata FACU Garlic-Mustard Allium bisceptrum FACU Aspen Onion Allium cernuum FACU Nodding Onion Allium douglasii FAC Douglas' Onion Allium geyeri FACU Geyer's Onion Allium hickmanii FACU Hickman's Onion Allium hyalinum FACU Glassy Onion Allium lemmonii FACU Claybank Onion Allium madidum OBL Swamp Onion Allium schoenoprasum FACW Wild Chives Allium validum OBL Tall Swamp Onion Allium vineale FACU Crow Garlic Allolepis texana FAC Texas-Salt Allophyllum gilioides FAC Dense False Gily-Flower Almutaster pauciflorus FACW Marsh-Aster Alnus glutinosa FACW European Alder Alnus incana FACW Speckled Alder Alnus oblongifolia FACW Arizona Alder Alnus rhombifolia FACW White Alder Alnus rubra FACW Red Alder Alnus viridis FACW Sitka Alder Alocasia macrorrhizos FACW Giant Taro Alopecurus aequalis OBL Short-Awn Meadow-Foxtail Alopecurus arundinaceus FAC Creeping Meadow-Foxtail Page 3 of 104 2018 NWPL - National Wetland Plant List Alopecurus carolinianus FACW Tufted Meadow-Foxtail Alopecurus geniculatus OBL Marsh Meadow-Foxtail Alopecurus magellanicus FACW Alpine Meadow-Foxtail Alopecurus myosuroides FACW Slender Meadow-Foxtail Alopecurus pratensis FACW Field Meadow-Foxtail Alopecurus saccatus OBL Pacific Meadow-Foxtail Alternanthera philoxeroides OBL Alligator-Weed Amaranthus acanthochiton FACU Greenstripe Amaranthus albus FACU Tumbleweed Amaranthus arenicola FACU Sandhill Amaranth Amaranthus blitoides FACU Mat Amaranth Amaranthus blitum FAC Purple Amaranth Amaranthus californicus FACW California Amaranth Amaranthus crassipes FAC Spreading Amaranth Amaranthus obcordatus FACU Trans-Pecos Amaranth Amaranthus palmeri FACU Careless Weed Amaranthus retroflexus FACU Red-Root Amaranthus spinosus FACU Spiny Amaranth Amaranthus tuberculatus FACW Rough-Fruit Amaranth Amaranthus viridis FAC Slender Amaranth Amaranthus watsonii FACW Watson's Amaranth Amblyopappus pusillus FACW Dwarf Coastweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia FACU Annual Ragweed Ambrosia monogyra UPL Needle-Leaf Burrobush Ambrosia psilostachya FACU Perennial Ragweed Ambrosia pumila FACU Dwarf Burr-Ragweed Ambrosia trifida FAC Great Ragweed Amelanchier alnifolia FACU Saskatoon Service-Berry Amelanchier arborea FACU Downy Service-Berry Amelanchier cusickii FACU Cusick's Service-Berry Amelanchier utahensis FACU Utah Service-Berry Ammannia auriculata OBL Eared Redstem Ammannia coccinea OBL Valley Redstem Ammannia robusta OBL Grand Redstem Page 4 of 104 2018 NWPL - National Wetland Plant List Ammophila arenaria FACU European Beach Grass Ammophila breviligulata FACU American Beach Grass Amorpha californica FAC California Indigo-Bush Amorpha fruticosa FACW False Indigo-Bush Amorpha nana FACU Fragrant Indigo-Bush Ampelopsis arborea FAC Peppervine Ampelopsis cordata FAC Heart-Leaf Peppervine Amphicarpaea bracteata FACW American Hog-Peanut Amsinckia spectabilis FACU Woolly-Breeches Anaphalis margaritacea FACU Pearly-Everlasting Andromeda polifolia OBL Bog-Rosemary Andropogon gerardii FACU Big Bluestem Andropogon glomeratus FACW Bushy Bluestem Andropogon virginicus FAC Broom-Sedge Androsace chamaejasme FACU Sweet-Flower Rock-Jasmine Androsace filiformis FACW Slender-Stem Rock-Jasmine Androsace occidentalis FACU Western Rock-Jasmine Androsace septentrionalis FACU Pygmy-Flower Rock-Jasmine Anemone canadensis FAC Round-Leaf Thimbleweed Anemone narcissiflora FAC Narcissus-Flower Thimbleweed Anemone oregana FACU Blue Windflower Anemone parviflora FACW Small-Flower Thimbleweed Anemone piperi FACU Piper's Windflower Anemopsis californica OBL Yerba-Mansa Angelica ampla FACW Giant Angelica Angelica arguta FACW Lyall's Angelica Angelica dawsonii FACW Dawson's Angelica Angelica genuflexa FACW Kneeling Angelica Angelica kingii FACW Basin Angelica Angelica lucida FAC Seacoast Angelica Angelica pinnata FACW Small-Leaf Angelica Anoda cristata FAC Crested Anoda Antennaria alpina FACU Alpine Pussytoes Antennaria arcuata FACW Meadow Pussytoes Page 5 of 104 2018 NWPL - National Wetland Plant List Antennaria corymbosa FAC Flat-Top Pussytoes Antennaria media FAC Rocky Mountain Pussytoes Antennaria neglecta FACU Field Pussytoes Antennaria pulchella FAC Sierran Pussytoes Antennaria pulcherrima FACU Showy Pussytoes Antennaria umbrinella FACU Brown-Bract Pussytoes Anthemis cotula FACU Stinking Chamomile Anthoxanthum hirtum FACW Northern Sweet Vernal Grass Anthoxanthum odoratum FAC Large Sweet Vernal Grass Anticlea elegans FACU Mountain False Deathcamas Anticlea occidentalis FACW Western False Deathcamas Anticlea vaginata FAC Sheathed False Deathcamas Anticlea virescens FACU Green False Deathcamas Antigonon leptopus FAC Queen's-Jewels Apiastrum angustifolium UPL Mock Parsley Aplectrum hyemale FAC Adam-and-Eve Apocynum androsaemifolium UPL Spreading Dogbane Apocynum cannabinum FAC Indian-Hemp Aponogeton distachyos OBL Cape-Pondweed Aquilegia caerulea FACU Colorado Blue Columbine Aquilegia chrysantha FAC Golden Columbine Aquilegia eximia OBL Van Houtte's Columbine Aquilegia formosa FAC Crimson Columbine Aquilegia longissima FACW Long-Spur Columbine Arabidopsis lyrata FACU Lyre-Leaf Thalecress Arabis crucisetosa FAC Cross-Hair Eared Rockcress Arabis eschscholtziana FACU Pacific-Coast Eared Rockcress Arabis pycnocarpa FACU Hairy Eared Rockcress Aralia californica FACW California Spikenard Aralia nudicaulis FACU Wild Sarsaparilla Aralia racemosa FAC American Spikenard Arctium minus FACU Lesser Burrdock Arctostaphylos uva-ursi FACU Red Bearberry Arctous ruber FAC Red Torpedoberry Page 6 of 104 2018 NWPL - National Wetland Plant List Arenaria lanuginosa FACU Spreading Sandwort Arenaria paludicola OBL Marsh Sandwort Arenaria serpyllifolia FACU Thyme-Leaf Sandwort Arida arizonica FACU Common Desert Tansy-Aster Arida carnosa OBL Shrubby Alkali Desert Tansy-Aster Aristida dichotoma FACU Church-Mouse Three-Awn Armeria maritima FACU Sea Thrift Arnica chamissonis FACW Leafy Leopardbane Arnica fulgens FACU Shining Leopardbane Arnica lanceolata FACW Lance-Leaf Leopardbane Arnica latifolia FAC Daffodil Leopardbane Arnica longifolia FACW Spear-Leaf Leopardbane Arnica mollis FAC Cordilleran Leopardbane Arnica ovata FACW Sticky-Leaf Leopardbane Arrhenatherum elatius UPL Tall Oat Grass Artemisia annua UPL Annual Wormwood Artemisia biennis FACW Biennial Wormwood Artemisia campestris UPL Pacific Wormwood Artemisia cana FACU Coaltown Sagebrush Artemisia douglasiana
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