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- Acaricide (Chemical) Resistance in Cattle Ticks S
- Efficacy of a Low Dose Fipronil Bait Against Blacklegged Tick (Ixodes Scapularis) Larvae Feeding on White-Footed Mice (Peromyscu
- Impact of Pesticides on Pollinators and Other Non-Target Organisms
- Pesticide Herbicide Ordinance Sec 17-9
- Pesticide Residues in Bee Products
- Ust Be Reregistration Registered by EPA, Based on Scientific Studies Showing That They Can Be Used Without Posing Unreasonable Risks to People Or the Environment
- Influence of Ph on Persistence and Dissipation of Clofentezine, a Tetrazine Acaricide in Water
- The Effects of Selected Acaricides on Life Table Parameters of the Predatory Mite, Neoseiulus Californicus Fed on European Red M
- Acaricides Sublethal Effects Are More Harmful to Predatory Mite Phytoseiulus Macropilis Banks
- Irac Mode of Action Classification Scheme
- Pesticides for Tick Control Comprised Less Than 5% of Their Business for Most Companies
- The Insecticide and Miticide Mode of Action Field Guide1 a Resource to Assist in Managing Arthropod Pests of Turfgrass and Ornamental Plants
- (NO USE) These Prohibited Pesticides Currently Have Some Use in Napa County Based on the Agricultural Commissioner's Office Pesticide Use Reports
- Environmental Health Perspectives
- Compatibility of Acaricide Residues with Phytoseiulus Persimilis and Their Effects on Tetranychus Urticae
- Characteristics of Insecticides
- Disulfoton: a Deadly Threat in Pets Marcy E
- Investigation in Tea on Fate of Fenazaquin Residue and Its Transfer in Brew Q