Livestock Pest Management: a Training Manual for Commercial Pesticide Applicators (Category 1D)
Livestock Pest Management: A Training Manual for Commercial Pesticide Applicators (Category 1D) Edward D. Walker Julie A. Stachecki 1 Preface This manual is intended to prepare pesticide Materials from several sources were used to com- applicators in category 1D, livestock pest man- pile this information with input from North Car- agement, for certification under the Act 451, Nat- olina Extension, Key to Insect and Mites; Fly ural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, Control in Confined Livestock and Poultry Pro- Part 83, Pesticide Control, Sections 8301 to 8336. duction, Ciba-Geigy Agricultural Division, Read the introduction to this manual to under- Greensboro, NC; Managing Insect Problems on stand your responsibilities for obtaining the Beef Cattle, Kansas State University, Manhattan, appropriate credentials to apply pesticides and KS; Poultry Pest Management for Pennsylvania how to use this manual. and the Northeast, The Pennsylvania State Uni- versity, Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Acknowledgements University Park, PA; Pest Management Principles for the Commercial Applicator: Animal Pest Con- This manual, “Livestock Pest Management: A trol, University of Wisconsin Extension, Madison, Training Manual for Commercial Pesticide Appli- WI; and External Parasites of Poultry, Purdue cators (Category 1D),” was produced by Michi- University Extension, West Lafayette, IN, pho- gan State University, Pesticide Education tographs from Harlan Ritchie, Michigan State Program in conjunction with the Michigan University, East Lansing, MI, Ned Walker, Michi- Department of Agriculture. The following people gan State University, East Lansing, MI, Vocational are recognized for their reviews, suggestions and Education Publications, California Polytechnic contributions to this manual: State University San Luis Obispo, CA, Ralph Cle- George Atkeson, Ionia county agriculture agent, venger, Santa Rosa, CA, and Lepp and Associates, Michigan State University Extension, Ionia, MI Los Osis, CA.
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