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The BG News May 2, 2002

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T-STORM HIGH58ILOW37 independent student press VOLUME 93 ISSUE 65

New speaker

mSJf .m picked ■ ^^^ IK - "-^i forgrad

By Chock Soder THE BG NEWS Sally Stroup, assistant to U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige, will replace him as speaker at commencement for 1 both the colleges of Music and P^^- Education and Human Development. Stroup is more than an ade- quate replacement, according to Linda Swaisgood, director of communications for the col- lege of Education and Human Development. Stroup, who became assistant secretary of postsecondary education in March, has expertise on col- leges nationwide. "She's responsible for post- secondary education across the country, so she's definitely informed," Swaisgood said. Though Stroup might be worthy of speaking at the May Ow Died BG News 11 ceremony, Paige's Monday RUNNING THE SHOW: A DJ at WFAL runs the switchboard during one of his shows cancellation means a few ten- tative events, including a lun- cheon and a press conference, must be canceled. "We would've done other functions because he was will- ing to stay all day," Swaisgood ■4 GAINING INTEREST said. She was relieved that invita- tions to these events hadn't WFAL TRIES TO GET STUDENTS TO LISTEN MORE already been sent, she said. "1 had confirmation over the By Eric Ham tion at WFAL phone, but I wanted proof on THE BG NEWS WFAL started in the early 1970s as a paper that he'd be here." WFAL has been trying to gain more pirate radio station out of a University stu- Though that proof didn't interest ever since it started out in a dent's dorm room. With the support of the come, it might come next year. University residence hall room. University, it eventually moved to South The U.S. Department of "There seems to be a lack of interest in Hall. Education not only found anything on campus," said Kelli WFAL is currently located on the first Paige's replacement but said Bowditch, a disc jockey and operations floor in West Hall because South Hall Paige could speak for the grad- manager at WFAL became too outdated for the station. The uating class of 2003. WFAL is a student-run radio station station is on Channel 15 on and off cam- "They've offered us a rain working to better educate the campus pus and on the WFAL website at check," Swaisgood said. "They about its organization after a downturn in Bowditch couldn't stop herself from said they'd love to come back" the amount of student involvement. laughing when she talked about some of Because the two colleges Charles Hoy, the advisor for WFAL, the station's promotional ideas through- alternate choosing speakers hopes that the amount of student involve- out the past years. each year, the college of Music ment will increase next year. "V\fe passed out Coke cans on campus will decide if Paige will come ' "Itisjustamatterofhowthestaffispre- to promote the station when the campus next year. pared next year," he said. switched to Pepsi," Bowditch said. As for this year's commence- Many of the executive staff members The cans were given by accident to offi- ment, Swaisgood said that will be graduating this year. The new staff Dan Hied BG News cials on campus that didn't find the idea even if the U.S. Department of members are going to step up and take ON AIR: WFAL DJs talk to the fans during their show. very funny. Last year during Halloween, Education never found a over the open positions. the station had students guess the replacement, others were will- ) WFAL is mainly a modem rock station amount of candy com in a jar that was ing to speak including some uon. with a few specialty shows. Every evening, Unlike most stations, WFAL plays a lot of also filled with KY jelly and condoms. students. techno, punk and metal shows are fea- new music that normally does not receive All of the disc jockeys are encouraged to With a little hard work and more pro- "You have to plan ahead tured on the station. any time on other stations. attend meetings to review all of the new motions for the station next year, the when you're holding an event The station also sponsors concerts, "Our purpose is to give the audience music that is sent to the station by record WFAL staff is hoping to attract more stu- runs promotional events and DJs parties. something they can't get anywhere else," companies. At the meetings, they choose dents to get involved at the station. said Keith Butler, a disc jockey for the sta- which songs they want to add to the rota- SPEAKER. PAGE 2 New graduate FAST TIMES AT THE CLA-ZEL m f 1' 1 m dean chosen j! CMP^_^ Former graduate on his knowledge of the Ohio sys- TH TIME MACH N tem of higher education, he has Bulmahn also been extremely effective in fur- named vice provost thering the institution's interests W^ ~JjlL: at the state level, Folkins said. for research. The new dean has a strong IHE BG NEKS background in graduate educa- The University has named tion and university research. For ""« Heinz Bulmahn, 59, vice provost the past 15 years, he has been a for research and dean of its grad- member of the Ohio Board of uate college, said John Folkins, Regents Advisory Committee on provost and vice president for Graduate Studies, and he serves on the OBOR Research Officers s ^HRIBFW academic affairs, yesterday. Bulmahn has served as interim Council. He has been on the vice provost for research and Council of Graduate Schools .. dean of the Graduate College at Membership Committee since . — 1 BGSU this past year. He came to 1999. the University in 2000 as associate Before coming to Bowling dean of academic affairs in the Green, Bulmahn spent 12 years at graduate college and a professor the University ofToledo, where he * of German. Dr. Bulmahn is a rec- was a leader in graduate educa- ognized leader among graduate tion from both the academic and the institutional standpoints. He deans across the nation and an Chris SchMhxBG News1 effective advocate for graduate BLURRING THE EDGES: Cars fly by the Cla-Zel on Main Street, which has been a main part of downtown BG for 76 years, students and scholar* Drawing BEAK, PAGE 2 v 2 Thursday, May 2,2002 WWW.B6NEWS.COM Bulmahn named vice provost for research

DEAN, FROM PAGE 1 munity and corporate institu- tions. held the position of interim vice He has continued to research pruvost and dean of the graduate and publish in his areas of exper- college in 1999-2000, after hav- tise, which are the East German ing served as associate vice pres- novel and the Berlin dialect as a ident and dean of graduate stud- political weapon. His book- ies from 1996-99 and associate length study of 19th-century dean from 1988-96. author Adolf Glassbrenner was Bulmahn has long been active published in 1978. Since then, he in helping and encouraging has published articles and essays minority students to pursue on a number of topics, including graduate degrees and research. language and social issues, East While at the University of Toledo, * German literature, academic he directed the U.S. Department program review and the gradu- of Education's Patricia Roberts ate curriculum. Harris Fellowship Program, Bulmahn earned his Ph.D. in which garnered $64,000 each 1974 and his master's degree in year from 1990-93 to support 1969 from the University of minority students working Wisconsin. He received a bache- toward doctoral degrees. He also lor's degree in 1966 from Drake participates in OBOR's Student University. . Achievement in Research and He began his academic career Scholarship (STARS) program, in 1972 as an instructor in the which mentors undergraduate Modem Languages Department minority students, as well as the at Kansas State University, where National Science Foundation he was ultimately promoted to Associated Press Rioto Alliances in Minority associate professor. In 1986, he Participation Program (Science was one of the principal writers REMODELING: A sign marks the spot where several vacant buildings are being demolished to make room for the University Gateway. and Engineering Alliance for of a $200,000 National Michigan and Ohio). Endowment for the Humanities His other professional activi- Institute for language Teachers ties include membership on the grant titled 3A Novel Learning Regional Technology Alliance Community for Isolated Rural and the Wood County Economic OSU remodels campus Teachers of Foreign Language. Development Commission, He remained at Kansas State The university, city, state and their favorite haunts and led to where he promotes relationships until 1988, when he moved to the By Karen Roebuck ment officer, Davis has watched ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER private entities formed Campus increasingly out-of-control between the University, the com- University of Toledo. the south campus area deterio- COLUMBUS — Greg Davis rate over the years. Partners in 1995 to buy the land street parties, including several remembers when he scrawled The run-down area at the and redevelop the area, he said. April 21 that led to 26 arrests, his name on the wall of the pop- edge of Ohio State, once flour- Some students, such as since students have nowhere ular South Heidelberg bar as did ishing with bars and rental .Ashley Allison, 19, of else to go on south campus. so many of his Ohio State housing is being torn down as Youngstown, already talk about Kirwan expects that the rede- Commencement University classmates in the part of a three-year, $100 million how great it will be to bring their velopment will help quell prob- 70s. redevelopment project, dubbed children back to what tliey lematic parties and crime in the A few years ago, he was the University Gateway Center believe someday will be a beau- surrounding neighborhood. touched as he watched another and touted as the main tiful entrance to campus. But The University District, a alum show off his own South entrance to campus. they lament that it will not be three-square-mile area around speaker replaced Ohio State President William finished until after most of them campus, has had the city's high- 'Berg signature to his son fol- lowing a football game, proud to E. Kirwan and Mayor Michael B. graduate. est crime rate, except for homi- SPEAKER, FROM PAGE 1 lege of Education and Human have been part of the tradition Coleman boast that the project "We're suffering the brunt of cides, during the past 10 years. Development never expected an in a basement bar that since has will become a national model all the construction, and we Greg Travalio, an associate of this magnitude," she added. invitation sent almost a year ago changed names numerous for urban redevelopment. don't get to have .the fun when it dean at the College of Law, said "Even the Dean was ready to do a to ever return. times. "This isoneofthemost signif- opens," said Allison, who the crime has become so bad speech if that needed to be But those three weeks, howev- Still, Davis was happy to see icant urban community rede- expects to graduate in 2004. "In that many students will not done." er, make a difference. A luncheon that bar and surrounding build- velopment projects in the coun- a few years, we'll be proud of the come at night to the law school, and press conference would be Paige's acceptance to speak, ings begin to fall yesterday to a try in terms of its magnitude — place we graduated from." which is adjacent to the redevel- which arrived only three weeks possible if there were more time. wrecking ball painted to look it's worth over $100 million in In the meantime, she and opment area. Evening events "There is too little time for some ago, was just as much of a sur- like a buckeye. Now, a 50-year- investments—but also in terms other students complain that are impractical and crime is prise as his cancellation, of these things," Swaisgood said. old Columbus code enforce- of the partnership," Kirwan said. the project cost them some of hurting recruitment, he said. Swaisgood said. Those at the col- "But at least we have a speaker."

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Protesters arrainged on assault charges (U-WIRE) BERKELEY, Calif. - The 79 protesters arrest- ed during the takeover ofWheeler Hall on the Universit/of California-Berkeley campus last month were arraigned Tuesday, facing charges ranging from unlawful occupation to assault of a police officer. The defendants said the charges violate their right to free speech. P CAMPUS - Survey: rules save money Ice cream founder BybbwIM ing rule, Montalto said. Another income, if it was about the same, develop strategies to help house- begins new company THE 1AHTU" (OHIO STATE II I rule families can follow is putting or if they spent less than their holds adopt and implement By Robert Esposito SweatX Web site and in adver- OAtLT 8RUIN III CALIFORNIA- (U-WIRE) COLUMBUS — non-regular income into a sav- income. appropriate financial behaviors, tisements. With a brand-new LOS AN CE L C S) 13,000-square-foot factory, During the time of a declining ings account instead of spending Certain financial and demo- she said. (U-WIRE) LOS ANGELES — SweatX claims that they set the economy Olik) State University it. Yet another rule is putting graphic variables may help iden- Stephanie FJmerick, financial researchers Mined that people money into an account each tify populations that have more Sweatshops are the bane of standard for cleanliness and planning analyst with Gianola who follow specific guidelines month. Saving goals were divid- difficulty saving income, impoverished countries around convenience through thousands can save more money. ed into five categories: retire- Montalto said. Younger families Financial Planning said the firm the world, and despite loud of dollars of improvements. The study looked at the behav- ment, emergency funds, chil- are more likely to not save since looks at a client's last three opposition and a horrible rap, "The inspector for the gar- iors and variables for why some dren, purchasing and future it is usually during the peak earn- months of spending teffind ways companies continue to exploit ment contract came in and was people save money while others education. ing years. of cutting back. workers from "abroad" (a sweat- so impressed that she asked if do not, said Catherine Montalto, The 1998 Survey of Consumer People with higher levels of For example, instead of shop euphemism). she could bring other contrac- 'associate professor of consumer Finances provided the data for education may save relatively spending money for coffee, This apparent lack of sweat- tors by as a way to demonstrate model garment factories," said •and textile sciences. She com- the analyses. The SCF survey, less money because they expect clients can invest the money into shop-free active wear is what inspired Ben Cohen of Ben & Scott Reed, director of consumer pleted the study along with doc- which includes information higher future incomes, she said. a money market or savings from 4,305 households, was con- However, educated people may Jerry's Ice Cream to start SweatX organizing and community toral student long-Youn "lo" Rha account. and Sherman I lamia, professor ducted by the Board of save more because they antici- the first fully domestic, fully affairs at SweatX of consumer sciences. Governors of the Federal Reserve pate the future. "Everyone has been more cau- sweatshop-free active wear More importantly than the Saving the income of one fam- System. Financial counselors and edu- tious, but most of the firm's company. When Cohen sold Ben workspace, SweatX is the vehicle ily member while spending the The participants of the study cators implement the saving clients have already invested in & Jerry's a few years ago, one of for an entirely unique business income of the other family were asked if they thought their rules and goals into financial long-term planning" FJmerick his stipulations was that SI mil- model based on private invest- member is one example of a sav- spending exceeded their education programs. They also said. lion be set aside in a fund called ment and worker-oriented deci- the Hot Fudge Venture Fund. sion-making "Business has a responsibility The company makes use of a to give back to the community," cooperative structure in which said Cohen in a statement each worker is given stock in the released by SweatX. "If a compa- company and a vote in its deci- Northwestern rolls out dual fuel cars ny was willing to make an sions. In addition, all of the investment in labor-saving workers are independently By Jod Genshaft Now a green leaf will join the ethanol production from 1.7 bil- tal sociology. automation and machinery, that unionized. DAILY NORTHWESTERN university seal on the vehicles' lion gallons in 2001 to five billion Car manufacturers expect to would make the people who "When we put this company (NOSTHWESTERN II I sides, indicating NU's compli- gallons a year by 2012. roll out more than two million work in the garment industry together, Ben Cohen looked at (U-WIRE) EVANSTON, HI. - ance with Green Fleet standards. NU sociology professor Allan E85 vehicles by the end of 2002. more productive." the dilemma of sweatshops in Northwestern University has Illinois' Clean Fuel Fleet Schnaiberg said pumping up The state provides rebates of "It would be possible to pay LA.," said Bob Meissner, direc- started trading in its motor fleet Program requires metropolitan ethanol production will do little them a livable wage, give them up to $4,000 each for the cost of tor of sales and marketing for for some earth-friendly wheels. businesses with more than 10 to reduce the nation's foreign oil full benefits and good working SweatX The university has purchased vehicles parked in one garage to usage. converting vehicles to operate conditions," he continued. As to the quality of the clothes eight "dual fuel" vehicles that run switch to alternative fuels, help- "It's a drop in the bucket," on alternative fuel or purchasing SweatX, which is based in Los (classified as "casual active on a corn-based fuel called E85, ing cities such as Chicago meet Schnaiberg said. "It's more sym- a dual-fuel vehicle. Angeles, is the first of these wear"), Meissner says that by which is 85 percent ethanol and the Environmental Protection bolic than actual." "When we do purchase an socially conscious ventures, so using as low as 20 skilled workers 15 percent gasoline. These new Agency's clean-air standards. The bill could have greater alternative-fuel vehicle, we apply named because the high quality to produce the clothing SweatX Ford Taurus V6 models also run E85 reduces air pollution by impact by putting pressure on for rebate moneys that help active wear is all produced in actually allows for better quality on gasoline when the alternative decreasing toxic emissions. organizations to consume more compensate the difference America at wages 10 percent of materials and designs. fuel is unavailable. On Thursday the U.S. Senate ethanol, he said. above the livable wage ordi- between the cost of the alterna- "We are tryingto build a better NU purchased the cars in passed an energy bill seeking to "If it flaunts any efforts of con- nance from Los Angeles city T-shirt or fleece or mesh by January to meet a state require- reduce the country's dependen- servation, then it can be an tive fuel vehicle and one that code. That includes health bene- improving the quality of our ment and received the permits cy on foreign oil and triple the empirical victory for (conserva- runs on gas," said Brian Peters, fits and pension. design," said Meissner. "We have to begin using them about two production of E85. The bill calls tionists)," said Schnaiberg, who NU's director of university ser- "Clothes with a conscience" is used more unique embellish- weeks ago. for increasing com-based teaches courses in environmen- vices. the mantra that was reiterated in ments by using 3-D images and many different ways at the high quality dyes, etc." Work ANNOUNCES its 2002/2003 Executive Board Jordan Ohler, President Skye Leary, Vice President Jeff Marko, Executive Administrator The BG News is now accepting applications for summer and fall semesters. Applications are available in Board of Directors 204 West Hall. Deadline: Friday May 3 Joel Freimark Nick Lewis Nick Gurich Julia Metcalf For more information, Matt LaRiccia Josh Stahl contact April Elliot, BG News editor Lisa Lautsch Quiana Odom at [email protected]

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Maine Sen. Susan Collins on the approval of a bill prohibiting job discrimina- tion based on sexual orientation. OPINION u WIRE I \vi;sivii:(ii\i.\i".\i\i;i!srrv Saddam may need to be ousted, but not yet

Plenty has been said fol- human rights violator, oppressor ging a horse to death. don't need that, the country's Bush and expanding media world, they're collected more lowing President Bush's and propagandist in the worst Could he become extremely psyche doesn't need that. reports, from the New York Times heavily in countries other than State of the Union way. By keeping his people une- dangerous to us? Possibly, but The United States is not at war for example, work only to spark Iraq. Look at Indonesia, a nation address about a possible attack ducated, uninformed, starving judging by U.S. action since the with Islam, but many Islamic fears that another war may be consisting of over 17,000 islands, by the United States on Iraq. and severely lacking in medicinal GulfWar, it hasn't gotten too bad countries already have a shaky, coming within the year. The whose new democracy may Labeling the nations Iraq, Iran needs, he uses the United States in 11 years. fractured view of our country. administration has also soon unintentionally become a and North Korea as an "axis of and other Western countries as Yes, he's a bad person. Yes, he's Time and a larger international- expressed concern for Saddam's safe haven for these terrorists. evil," posing a threat to the good- his scapegoat. Then he laughs in going to annoy the United States. ly-collective backing, if not a hoarding of terrorists in Iraq, We're not going to war with ness in democracies everywhere, our faces. The threat of Iraq is But oust him now? We're not coalition, are needed for this using this as an excuse for an them, are we? was a bold statement by any apparent but not immediately ready for that yet. type of measure. Honestly, we attack. Not quite the case. Keep Saddam may need to be democratic world leader. pertinent. Saddam is like a little The U.S. is already in a war, need at least France on our side. in mind, if terrorists are replaced, but now is not the Saddam Hussein is clearly a rick without Lyme disease, nag- and America's military families Further, strong language by entrenched in any country in the time.

PEOPLE Smoking kills ON THE STREET „JS*$£ flaw*. loved ones Have you started preparing for finals? AT ISSUE Is smoking cigarettes worth risking your life or the life of the people around you?

death caused by smoking, but I know I probably will. And it is NICHOLE an unfortunate occurrence that CROSKEY happens in too many Your bi-weekly Americans lives. Every day, estrogenfix thousands of people wither away from smoking related deaths of some son. Do you quite know what it's STEFANIEWENZEL I see it every day. People passing by me, beautiful peo- like to watch your grandpa, the SOPHOMORE ple. Radiant smiles, utterly full person whose lap you sat on "No. I'm still working of life. After all, we're in college, and who watched the right? Time to live it up. Christmas presents for the on my papers for this What 1 don't get is that these family while we went to week." people are puffing away as they church, wither away, defense- walk past me, the wisps of less against an enemy invader smoke hitting my nose and in his body? It's emotional hell. making me cough. Something I don't wish it upon anyone. that was once thought of as a Sure the hospice people were Iraq shouldn't be attacked great, and my family was sup- privilege a long time ago is a portive of one another. But you has been generally lacking in the What gives our government the way of life for many now. know what? It didn't change WADE media discussion of this issue, is right to do such a thing? Slaving away at their jobs mak- the fact that smoking killed my HARW00D any questioning of what right the Nothing. The United States has ing miniscule amounts of grandfather. The cancer slith- United States has to take such a no more right to attack Iraq than money, all to spend hundreds ered through his body, a ven- Guest Column course of action. Iraq has to attack the United ALISA PH0MSAVANH and hundreds of it on some- omous snake ready to attack at If the United States takes any States If we take the official thing that is going to kill them. FRESHMAN any moment. On April 21, it military action, let alone the all- I know, I know, we're all put on According to the official U.S. stance that it is an act of self did just that. He was almost 80. out ground invasion being con- "No, I work best under this earth to die; you don't need government definition, "(an) act defense, it is clear to see that Iraq He left behind my grandmoth- sidered, it will inevitably include to remind me of that. But you of terrorism, means any activity faces a more realistic threat from pressure." er, someone who had never significant civilian casualties. the United States than does the see, this thing that they are that (A) involves a violent act or doing to themselves is worse been alone in America since Take a moment and refer to the United States from Iraq. Given an act dangerous to human life than many other ways you she had come here in the 50s. definition of terrorism. What the this fact, do you believe Iraq that is a violation of the criminal could die. Those lovely things I would support a ban of U.S. hopes to bring about is that would be justified in attacking laws of the United States or any in cigarettes called carcinogens smoking everywhere imagin- through military action against the United States? State, or that would be a criminal rip away at your life. If you able for the sake of seeing what violation if committed within the Iraq ("an act dangerous to For those of you who still human life... that would be a smoke and have a tiny baby, it it did to my grandfather, and jurisdiction of the United States claim that a United States assault could have problems at birth. If my family, and I wish they or of any State; and (B) appears criminal violation if committed on Iraq would not be an act of within the jurisdiction of the you smoke around your young would outlaw it. People don't to be intended (i) to intimidate or terrorism, you are correct. children, your best friend or need it in their lives. It's a waste coerce a civilian population; (ii) United States") Saddam Hussein Though it fits the official defini- will be overthrown (which even your significant other, you of money. It's a waste of life. I to influence the policy of a gov- tion, it is too great in scope to be could be opening them up to don't wish this stuff upon any- ernment by intimidation or coer- "appears to be intended... to accurately described by this KRISTEN S0LDNER affect the conduct of a govern- problems they didn't ask for. one. And as the end of the cion; or (iii) to affect the conduct term. Instead, it would be the ment"). This clearly would fit the FRESHMAN Think for a moment. A baby school year draws to a close of a government by assassination crime of aggression, the same can't just walk away, and nei- and you all read my column for or kidnapping" (as quoted in definition of terrorism. crime committed by Iraq when it "No, but planning on ther can a small child. It's the last time until next year, Noam Chomsky's 9-11, Seven Many of you are probably invaded Kuwait in 1990 and endangering lives that didn't think about going home to Stories Press, 2001) If we accept thinking that this would not con- it soon." Germany when it invaded ask for it, and why? Because your families. Love them. If this definition as a starting point, stitute an act of terrorism, that Poland in 1939. the smoker is selfish. they smoke, let them read this. and it seems to be a reasonable terrorism is perpetrated by groups such as Al-Qaeda or It may be that there is nothing I hate cigarettes. I hope every Maybe I can get to someone definition, then there are several before it's too late. I hope I got conclusions that must be countries such as Iran, but not by we can do to stop our govern- one of the tobacco planters and CEOs of the cig companies to you, my audience. reached in regards to current legitimate governments. This is ment from committing this atro- Smoking kills. Kills the smok- U.S. plans. not the case. While there are cer- cious crime. However, the gov- rots in hell. They were the trig- er and the innocent people It is no secret that the United tainly terrorist groups, with Al- ernment is ultimately account- ger that killed my grandfather. around them. Kills hopes, States intends to invade Iraq. Qaeda being a prime example, if abletothepeopleofthis country. Sure, no one made him pick up dreams, the beautiful radiance Much has been said in the media a realistic definition of terrorism If there is enough dissent raised, that cig and light it, but you about how to best accomplish is used, both Western govern- enough protests staged, enough know that they probably mar- a person carries while alive. It keted it aggressively. I don't kills all these things. It could kill this, that is how to overthrow ments and small extremist popular opinion against such an ever want to witness another you, too. Just remember that. Saddam Hussein with the least groups carry out terrorism. If you act, the possibilities open to the LIZ CAPUT0 loss of U.S. and allied life. One think rationally for a moment, government are somewhat limit- FRESHMAN such article was on the front you will see that it is only ed. I encourage all of you to do page of The New York Tunes on through common use of the your part to voice your opinion "No. I don't even April 28, "U.S. Blueprint to term that terrorism has come to on these important issues. know when my exams Topple Hussein Weighs a Big denote only the acts of extremist Though this event may not be are!" Read the news on-line Invasion Next Year," though groups. stopped, if enough voices are countless other articles have Imagine for a moment what raised the damage can be been written along similar lines. the United States plans to do. It stopped from becoming cata- What was not in this article, and will attack a sovereign nation. strophic

Submission policy CRAIG GIFFORD, MANAGING EDITOR DAN NIED, NEWS EDITOR Do you agree with all of this? V* GUEST COLUMNS are longer pieces Name, phone number and address doubt it Mite us and let us know between 600 and 800 words. These should be included for verification NICK HURM, SPORTS EDITOR where you stand are usually, also, in response to a cur- purposes. BGNEWS JEFF ARNETT, COPY CHIEF KIMBERLY DUPPS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF rent issue on the BGSU campus or Personal attacks and anonymous TASHA STEIMER, FEATURES EDITOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are to be less Bowling Green area. submissions will not be printed. 210 West Hall LISA BETTINGER, ARTS & LIFE EDITOR than 500 words (less than two typed, Send submission to the Opinion Bowling Green State University double-spaced pages). These are usu- POLICIES mailbox at 210 Wst Hall or Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 PHIL GREENBERG, PR EDITOR ally in response to a current issue on Letters to the Editor and Guest bgnews@listprocbgsaedu with the Phone: (419) 372-6966 JEFF HINDENACH, PRESENTATION EDITOR E-mail: [email protected] the BGSU campus or Bowling Green Columns are printed as space per- subject line marked "letter to the edi- Website: REMA INA, OPINION EDITOR mits. tor" or "guest column." CABLA SCHOBER, QN-LjNE EDITOR WWW.BGNEWS.COM Thursday. May 2,2002 5 Officials admit girl vanished a year ago MIAMI (AP) - Child welfare officials acknowledged yesterday that a 5-year-old girl whose relatives thought she was in state care vanished more than a year ago and no one noticed until last week. Rih/a Wilson, who should have been monitored monthly by child welfare agents, was reported missing April 25. Officials blamed a caseworker for falsifying documents about visits. NATION Commission says ex-pres cashed stock

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS inventory system and that CLEVELAND — The former American Greetings was going president of American Greetings to announce a significant Corp. illegally cashed in hun- decline in earnings. dreds of thousands of dollars in The complaint alleges that stock just before the company Fruchtenbaum was told by the announced a dramatic reduc- company's general counsel that tion in earnings, according to a complaint filed Wednesday by selling his shares at that time the Securities and Exchange would violate the company's Associated Press Phtfo Commission. insider trading policies. The gov- ernment said Fruchtenbaum FOLLOWING IN HIS GRANDFATHER'S FOOTSTEPS: Erik Lindbergh, the grandson of Charles Lindbergh, gives a thumbs up before The complaint, filed in U.S. ignored this warning. takeoff at Republic Airport in Farmingdale, N.Y., yesterday. District Court, said Edward Fruchtenbaum exercised his The government is asking that options to buy and then sell Fruchtenbaum be ordered to 30,000 shares of American pay back at least the $490,000, Grandson hopes to repeat solo flight Greetings stock in December plus interest. 1998. Dan Gregus, assistant regional By Frank Eltman p.m. His flight was expected to Global Positioning System navi- event organizers concede, but The company on Feb. 24, director for the SEC in Chicago, ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER take 16 hours and 16 minutes, gation device to give its precise the challenge of the journey in a 1999, announced the adoption said that under the law, the court FARMINGDALE, N.Y. — said Peter Diamandis, founder location. Charles Lindbergh single-engine plane is still equiv- of a new inventory system that could fine Fruchtenbaum as used deduced reckoning _ Seventy-live years after Charles and chairman of the X Prize alent to a climber's ascent of reduced projected earnings by much as three times thai Lindbergh took off in chilly Foundation, one of the flight's "which is basically holding a more than 25 percent. amount. compass and guessing at the Mount Everest morning mist for his historic first sponsors. The flight that earned The announcement casued "He breached his Bdudar) Charles Lindbergh the nickname wind," his grandson has said. Erik Lindbergh, a commercial solo crossing of the Atlantic the price of the company's stock duty to the company," Gregus Ocean, his grandson lifted off in Lucky Lindy took 33 hours. The new plane also was pilot and artist from the Seattle to decline from $35.06 to $23.88 sunshine to duplicate the flight. Erik Lindbergh's Lancair equipped to send and receive e- said. area, had already re-created the in one day. Fruchtenbaum resigned from Columbia 300, dubbed the New mail messages. Had Fruchtenbaum waited "I've dreamed for years of first two legs of his grandfather's American Greetings in lune retracing my roots and flying Spirit of St. Louis, is made of a Yesterday's takeoff was at cen- until after the announcement to across the Atlantic," Erik glass and carbon composite, and tral Long Island's Republic journey: from San Diego to St sell his shares, the stock would 2000. He had been with the Lindbergh said in a statement was built in Bend, Ore., for Airport, a stand-in for Roosevelt 'x>uis, and St. Louis to have been worth $490,000 less company for 27 years and had read to reporters before he took $289,000. Its average cruising Field about 15 miles away, which Farmingdale. than it was when he sold it, the been chief operating officer off for Paris yesterday. speed is 184 mph, compared Charles Lindbergh used on his His flight was intended to raise SEC said. since 1992. American Greetings "My journey is more of a cele- with the 108 mph of the original historic flight of May 20-21,1927. awareness of rheumatoid arthri- According to the SEC, bration than a re-creation of my Spirit of St. Louis, built for The risks of crossing the Fruchtenbaum knew when he spokesman Dave Poplar said the grandfather's achievement" $10,580. Atlantic now are less than the tis, which disabled him for 15 sold the stock that the company company has no comment on Lindbergh. 37, took off at 12:15 The single-engine plane uses a elder Lindbergh faced in 1927, years. was planning to adopt the new the SEC complaint.

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1 1 Gun shots erupt at Church of Nativity

By Ibrahim Hazboun took refuge inside as Israeli troops ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITE* invaded. BETHLEHEM, West Bank — An Associated Press reporter Fire erupted in the Church of the saw Israeli soldiers firing flares Nativity compound early and throwing smoke bombs. But Thursday during a fierce it was not clear what started the exchange of gunfire between shooting or the fire. Palestinians and the Israeli forces There was no immediate word besieging it of further casualties. About 30 Flames leaped out of three Associated Press Photo people have left the church in the rooms in the Orthodox Christian 1 0 CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY: A last several days, according to and Franciscan section of the protester waves a Palestinian agreements between Israeli and large compound. Palestinians Palestinian negotiators. However, said by telephone from inside the flag in front of an Israeli soldier. there is still a standoff on the church that three people were don," he said on CNN. main issue, the fate of the gun- • n slightly burned trying to put out At his Ramallah compound, men. Israel insists they must the blaze. Arafat appeared to be shaking either surrender or accept exile, The nighttime fire was about with anger as he faced cameras while the Palestinians are pre- 50 feet from the 4th-century after receiving word of the fire. pared only to take them to the basilica itself, built over the tradi- "How could the worid possibly Gaza Strip. HB .K---K tional birthplace of Jesus. It was be silent about this atrocious The church remains the last not known if any of the nearly 200 crime?" he said to journalists and point of contention from Israel's people who are in the building Palestinian supporters who large-scale incursion into the * were staying where the fire erupt- rushed into his offices after the West Bank that began March 29, ed. Israelis pulled out of his com- after a series of deadly Palestinian An uneasy calm appeared to pound. suicide bomb attacks. On --•IV return to the area after about 30 "I don't care if this room I'm sit- Wednesday, Israel began with- minutes and the flames appeared ting in blows up. What concerns drawing its forces from to have subsided. me is what is happening at the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's 'ilV Israeli government spokesman Church of the Nativity. This is a office building in the West Bank JT'*■■■' I muJI^K '^H Dore Gold said the fire was out crime that cannot be forgiven." town of Ramallah after a U.S. Israeli forces have been sur- Associated Press Photo Gold accused Palestinian fight- brokered deal, under which six ers inside the church of starting it. rounding the church since April Palestinians wanted by Israel FLARING UP THE SKY: A flare lights up the sky over the Old City of Bethlehem as fighting erupts early "The fire that broke out had noth- 2, when more than 200 were taken from the building to a this morning. ing to do with an Israeli opera- Palestinians, including gunmen, Palestinian prison in Jericho. Summer Storage for your stuff.

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a]a_asaa>*a-a(jaMaagal*alaWl WWW.BGNEWS.COM WORLD Thursday. May 2,2002 7 US. comes under fire in Afghanistan ByRiazKhan rage at the arrival of Americans Americans hit a building about presence in Pakistan was mainly ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER on their turf — a place where 300 yards away, damaging a wall confined to air bases and other PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A Pakistan's own army treads light- and windows. The building was such facilities. There have been nighttime rocket attack appar- ly empty and no one was hurt, the several attacks in those locations, ently aimed at a building where Just across the border in local official said. including two on the base at U.S. special forces were sleeping Afghanistan, a buildup of multi- Residents of Miram Shah woke Jacobabad, in southern Sindh missed its target early yesterday, national forces raised the possi- yesterday morning to find pam- province. No one was hurt and no one was injured. It was the bility of a new major thrust phlets left around town, signed by Across the border in eastern first time U.S. forces have come against remaining al-Qaida and a previously unknown group Afghanistan, such attacks are under fire in the hostile border Taliban fighters. called Mujahedeen of North more frequent region of Pakistan since they Several hundred Afghans, Waziristan — the tribal region of U.S.-led forces have been began operations in recent Australians, British and soldiers which Miram Shah is the center. focusing heavily on the eastern weeks. from the United States' 101st How many U.S. soldiers are part of Afghanistan since It wasn't clear who fired the Airborne Division were deploying operating in Pakistan is Operation Anaconda in the first rocket, but local residents found along the border fop missions unknown. two weeks of March. That cam- pamphlets in the morning saying aimed at finding enemy fighters, Both U.S. and Pakistani offi- paign, the biggest ground opera- Pakistan's rulers had "challenged Pentagon officials said in cials have confirmed that a small tion of the war, sought to flush the faith and Islamic honor... by Washington. U.S. force is working with fighters out of a 60-square-mile bringing American commandos" U.S. special forces working Pakistani troops in the tribal area in the Shah-e-Kot valley near to the area with Pakistani troops on the other region, whose deeply conserva- Gardez. Since it ended, comman- A local official in the north- side of the border would be in tive and fiercely independent western Pakistani town of Miram position to try to catch any fleeing inhabitants swear little allegiance ders have continued to send Shah, where the attack hap- or regrouping in Pakistan. They to anyone but their tribal elders teams and patrols through pened, said the rocket apparently could also try and keep enemy and laws laid out by tradition and provinces along the border to came from a hilly area to the fighters from returning to strict adherence to the tenets of find fighters and weapons caches north—on the Afghan side of the Afghanistan. Islam. — an effort expanded in April border, said the official, who "They do have it in mind that A raid last weekend on a reli- with the arrival of some 1,700 spoke on condition of anonymity. they would like to return," gious school resulted in no British Royal Marines. At the U.S. Central Command Defense Secretary Donald H. arrests, but enraged local reli- Also yesterday, fighting raged in Florida. Air Force Lt. Col. Rumsfeld said at a press confer- gious leaders, who condemned between rival warlords in north- Martin Compton said officials ence in Washington yesterday. the presence of Americans as an em Afghanistan, both of them were unaware of the incident. "And they do have it in mind that insult to their sacred sites. defense ministry commanders. At least six people were killed in That area of Pakistan has been they'd like to destabilize, and if "We will not let American *ressPtioto a stronghold of support for possible defeat, the interim forces operate in our areas," the clashes, which highlighted Osama bin Laden, the Saudi- Afghan authority." Mauhi Abdul Hafeez, a promi- the rifts within Afghanistan's ATTENTION: Gen. Atta Mohamed, the leader of the ethnic Tajik bom fugitive who heads al- The mission is already proving nent cleric in Mir Ali, about 200 interim administration and the forces In northern Afghanistan, inspects passing tanks at a parade Qaida. Hardline Islamic groups dangerous. miles southwest of Peshawar, weakness of the central govern- celebrating Afghanistan's liberation from Soviet rule in Mazar-e- still support Afghanistan's ousted Locals in Miram Shah said the said over the weekend. ment beyond the Afghan capital Sharif Sunday. Fighting raged yesterday between rival warlords in Taliban and have expressed out- rocket aimed at the sleeping Until recently, the U.S. military of Kabul. the northern part of the country.

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By Eeorp Gedda hoping his visit here will produce tion of nearly 1.3 billion to have »$$0CI»ltD "ESS *«I1£R insights into his thinking. so considerably improved its WASHINGTON — President In an evening speech to the human rights situation in such a Bush told Chinese Vice President National Committee on United short period of time." I In Jiniao on yesterday that he is States-China Relations, an About 100 protesters shouted confident the countries can umbrella group that includes and waved signs outside the resolve their differences over pro-business groups interested in downtown hotel where Hu was Taiwan and human rights, the promoting U.S. business inter- speaking Yesterday night. "Hu White House said. Hu later ests in China. Hu called Taiwan lintao is a killer, Hu Jintao is a warned publicly that any trouble "the most important and sensi- butcher," the protesters shouted on the Taiwan question could tive issue at the heart of U.S.- through megaphones. Members hurt U.S.-Chinese relations and Chinese relations." of the China's banned Falun vigorously defended his country's And he warned that "selling Gong spiritual group were human rights record. sophisticated weaponry to among those in the crowd. "Properly handling this ques- Taiwan or upgrading U.S. -Taiwan Another 100 counterdemonstra- tion (Taiwan) is the key' to pro- relations' would be inconsistent tors stood next to the protesters moting our constructive and with U.S. commitments and holding signs welcoming Hu to cooperative relations," 1 lu said in serve "neither peace and stability the United States. an evening speech. "If any trou- for the Taiwan straits, nor China- Farlier in the day, Hu left the ble occurs on the Taiwan ques- U.S. relationship and the com- White House without comment. tion, it would be difficult for mon interests of the two coun- Before meeting with Bush, Hu Associated Press Pholo China-U.S. relations to move for- tries." spoke with Vice President Dick MEETING: President Bush shakes hands with Chinese Vice President Hu Jintao. ward, and a retrogression may China and Taiwan split amid Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and other even occur." civil war in 1949, and Beijing, administration decided to grant a which regards Taiwan as a rene- U.S. officials. to see provocation on either side Secretary Elaine Chao. After Hu's 30-minute meeting Hu raised the Taiwan issue visa to Taiwan's defense chief, with Bush earlier in the day, gade province, has threatened Fleischer said Bush "expressed of the Taiwan Strait." He listed his belief that the United Stales religious freedom and human with Secretary of State Colin Tang Yiau-ming, so he could White House press secretary Ari military action if the island attend a conference in Florida declares independence. and China can work well together rights as other areas of disagree- Powell during a working dinner at Fleischer said Bush told Hu he the State Department Tuesday He met there with Powell's top was pleased with the state of U.S. Hu said he believed that an on a wide range of issues. He ment with China noted there may be some dis- Cheney greeted Hu in the evening Powell reaffirmed the aide for East Asia, lames Kelly. relations with China. The two overwhelming majority of the The Bush administration also Taiwanese people would eventu- agreements, but he believed they Roosevelt Room at the White U.S. commitment to a one-China leaders discussed the war on ter- has taken steps to increase trans- ally support the idea of peaceful could be addressed productive- House. Both men smiled warmly policy, department spokesman rorism, agricultural issues, Richard Boucher said. Powell also fers of U.S. military equipment to Taiwan, missile proliferation, reunification because they would ly." Bush and Hu had met in and shook hands. come to believe it would benefit Beijing in February. At their luncheon, the main reaffirmed the U.S. commitment Taiwan. trade and human rights. to protection of human rights in In Taipei, Joseph Wu, deputy Hu is widely expected to them. Before the meeting, Fleischer issues were economic develop- China. secretary general to Taiwan's become Communist Party secre- Hu also defended China's said the president was expected ment, Taiwan, nonproliferation to reaffirm that the administra- and the war on terror. They were Bush is viewed as more pro- president, told reporters the gov- tary general later this year and human rights record, saying reli- ernment docs not believe Hu's gious freedom was guaranteed by tion seeks "a peaceful resolution joined by Treasury Secretary Paul Taiwan than former President president next year. He is some- visit represents a threat to law in China He said it had been of any differences between the O'Neill, Commerce Secretary Clinton was China reacted angri- thing of a mystery man, rarely ly in March when the Bush Taiwan's security. straying beyond the party line, no easy task "for a big developing People's Republic of China and Donald Evans and Labor and the administration has been country like China with a popula- Taiwan and that we do not wish BGSU Bowling Green State Unlversltj College of Musical Alls jT GDflQGK QDS QOT £K7 BQCOBraSoGQK] Moore Musical Ails Center *^■' AN ia extraordina

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__aj^ffgMA - wm $ r-» r "*KJ THURSDAY May 2, fji •4 ^1 SPIDER-MAN: L 1 2002 The film's n soundtrack makes Q NOW's spider 1 kH BOWLING 6REEN STATE UNIVERSITY sense tingle. 1 VOLUME 93 ISSUE 56 PAGE 10 II New treasure hunt game has potential By Brent Fisher IHE IG NEWS Dungeon raiding has been a tried and true genre for video games since the time of early electronic entertainment. From the very beginnings of the Atari with the game "Adventure" to the modern PC game "Diablo II," raiding dark and eerie storyby o locales for loot and battling back fierce demonic creatures arowotorie has been a best-selling premise. Microsoft has decided to raise the bar for these escapades by I laybe you are a vegetarian, maybe you are having dinner with some publishing "Dungeon Seige," a or you might just wonder what the whole vegetarian thing is all about, but fresh take on an old mainstay. Developed by Gas Powered for whatever reason you have decided to have a meal or two without ani- Games, "Dungeon Seige" takes mal flesh. Now the question is, exactly how is that accomplished? the player on a birds-eye view Depending on what type of meal you want and where you want to eat adventure through numerous it, the difficulty level of finding a vegetarian meal can vary greatly. lush environments both above If you are cooking for yourself, it is easy to control what goes into your and below ground. The single player version of meal. Gina Varrichio, president of BGVeg, said that it is easiest to be cer- this game is where most of your tain that your meals are vegetarian if you prepare them yourself. time will be wasted, and it "It is a good idea to find six to eight dishes that you can make for your- shows by the amount of effort self most of the time," Varrichio said. put into the development of "I don't like to cook, and I don't like vegetables, so I basically just fix the gameplay, graphics and musical score. For those of you who are same thing to eat every day," said Jamie Stuart, a vegetarian and member familiar with the Blizzard of BGVeg. She said she considers herself to be unusual among vegetarians Software tide "Diablo II," the because she does not like to eat vegetables and she does not eat out very single player version of often, so she does not eat a great variety of foods. "Dungeon Seige" may be the first game that can be described It is a good idea to experiment with different substitutes for meat and as equal or superior competi- other animal products and find out what works, according to Varrichio. < tion against it. Soy and rice milk are similar to dairy milk, but they taste a litde different Customization of the primary and scald easier. The scalding can be prevented by more stirring, though. protagonist and the party that If you do not want to stay home and stand over a stove, it is still possible grows around him is a very unique and potent aspect of to eat vegetarian meals. Most restaurants will also provide something that this title. Statistics and invento- is vegetarian. However, some will put meat or meat products into recipes ry can be manipulated in very that do not typically contain them. Minestrone made with chicken stock minute detail, allowing the or green beans with bacon in them are some examples of this. character to develop in whatev- "Most restaurants will have vegetarian foods just naturally on their er direction the player dictates. Rather than simply learn vari- menus, at least as long as you avoid American fare or family style restau- ous skills along a static tree line, rants," Varrichio said. "Call ahead to a restaurant or ask when you go in. If skills can be developed in a you are eating at an authentic Mexican restaurant, ask if there is lard in the wider array of choices and beans or chicken broth in the rice If it is a Chinese restaurant, I always ask directions. In addition to these if there is fish sauce on the vegetables." qualities, the player can choose numerous companions along On campus, it can be challenging sometimes, but Dining Services does his journey that possess a vast have a practice of having at least some options for vegetarians, according assortment of skills in and of to Varrichio. Most of the dining halls have at least a salad bar, pasta and themselves that he can harness stir fry most days that can always be made vegetarian. and influence It is much more difficult to find food at a restaurant for a vegan, a per- The graphics are extremely .detailed, but they'll also be a lit- son who consumes no animal products, than are a vegetarian who eats tle demanding on your hard- egg and dairy, according to Varrichio. ware. Even on my relatively fast "Most restaurants have vegetarian food, but most of it is covered in ■setup, I experienced slowdown cheese or isnt vegan for some other reason," Varrichio said. "So I really in intense battles that involved think about going out to eat with people differently. 1 really can't just go multiple combatants. Beyond that, the lighting, character tex- into just any restaurant anymore and expect there to be something on the tures, environmental textures menu for me" and overall ambiance of the Varrichio said that there are some restaurants that are very friendly to game are top-notch. vegetarian and vegan dining here in Bowling Green. Cosmos's coffee The music of the game is, in house on Wboster Street offers food that is vegetarian and vegan as well as short, exemplary. Of all the games that have come out this meat. Squeaker's on Main Street offers only vegetarian food with a strong year, "Dungeon Seige" wins the emphasis on vegan meals. While there is no meat at Squeaker's, there are musical score award. Crisp and several dishes made with meat substitutes. clear, the music set the mood "After a while of being a vegetarian or vegan, you learn what to look for no matter what area or environ- in food that you cant eat and what you can," Varrichio said. "Every day, I ment the player finds himself in. I his is definitely one of the learn more things that are vegan."... Irare times where I recommend they come out with a separate audio CD that can be pur- HustrationbylllAtt |vey chased. The quality of sound was too good to waste on a game. The multiplayer form of this 'Scenes' attempts to represent every woman game seems to have been added as an afterthought, though it's still worth a check. If By Kimberty Oupps the bills and gets a variety of jobs her sexuality with many women but you have a bunch of friends IHE B0 NEWS that only get her in trouble, legally is not satisfied with the attention with above-average Internet Adrienne Eisen tries to write or romantically. she gets from women. connections, or if you can hook about the "every woman" of the The character tells in the story in The main character's escapades your machine up to a network, 1990s in her debut novel, "Making an upfront manner, as if there is no provide for interesting reading, but the value of multiplayer rises Scenes." emotion associated with the action. her numerous mistakes make the exponentially. "Diablo II" takes The main character struggles She does something, tells the reader reader angry. back the trophy in this instance, with her appearance, career goals and moves onto what she did next. There were so many times that I though. Although a separate and family. However, her story is not It is not to say the character is wanted to jump inside the book world is provided for multiplay- that of the 1990s woman. She lacks devoid of emotion; she has feelings. and slap the girl. MAKING er, it's too large and under- ambition, self confidence and sani- However, her feelings center around Despite the annoyances of the SCENES detailed. Essentially, the single her appearance and the amount of book, the reader comes to love the player version of the game ty. AUTHOR: Adrienne The story begins with the main attention people are not giving her. main character. Her ways of Eisen spoiled me character moving to California to The character has an extreme fear expressing emotions are different, Overall, I think "Dungeon pursue a beach volleyball career, of rejection, which also contributes but she faces the same insecurities TYPE: Eisen tries to Siege" is worth a glance if you leaving her Jewish family behind in to her obsessive exercise habits and as everyone else. write about the have the spare cash. Sure, you're Chicago. She obsessively trains and bulimia. I would recommend this book to "eveiy woman" of the giving money to Microsoft, but does not allow herself to eat any- When the character does not get anyone who has a free Saturday 1990s in her debut at least you're encouraging the thing but bagels, only to throw the attention from men that she when there is nothing to do It is a novel. production of further quality them up later. She soon realizes that wants, she begins to think she is a short read that is worth the few titles Uke this. , volleyball tournaments will not pay lesbian. So the character explores hours it takes. , PRICE: $15 1 10 Thursday, May 2,2002 NOW CD REVIEWS WWW.BGNEWS.

Rhapsody - Ben Connelly of the album maintains its cohe- siveness through its undefinabili- Power of the Remedy Lane Big Red Throbbing Dragontlame Heart Perhaps what most drives This record has been around the album is Connelly's finger- as a European import for a It's hard to take a record like After my first listen' to Big pick guitar style that is edgy with this too seriously. Italy's couple of months now and is Red Throbbing Heart, I wasn't occasionally almost psychotic Rhapsody is so proudly over the just getting released in the sure what to think. After two lis- rhythms. This is highlighted on top that it calls its brand of ludi- States. The European press tens, I was almost certain I liked tracks like "Heaven Hello" and , crousty "epic" prog and power seems to be a tittle more it The third time through, I final- "Naked at the Door." tracks that metal "Hollywood metal." accepting of the progressive ly realized mat I truly dug this make you lose sight of the fact The idea is that its concoctions metal realm than my usual album. The multiple spins gave that this is essentially a one-man are like movie extravaganzas — tastes dictate. my ears some time to grow show. Motorhead "Braveheart" or "Titanic" mental- Various Artists Im sure that reviewing this accustomed to Connelly's Connelly's favorite lyrical ities translated to rock and roll. record serves as one more log charming, sometimes quirky and theme is the often rocky world of Hammered lust the song titles alone should Spider man Soundtrack for the fire of prog metal fans always unexpected style love, both from inside and out. tell you something— Fans of singer-songwriters It's a timeless theme that can be You know that this soundtrack calling for my effigy. trite if not in the right hands. Letnmy is simply an institu- "Knightrider of Doom," As skilled, thoughtful, and like Tom Waits will not be disap- tion. Motorhead's been chucking "Steelgods of the Last is going to be good when it opens pointed. Connelly's voice is Connelly offers a charmingly up with the original "Theme constructively layered as a fresh and witty look at love that is out its brand of the raw and rude Apocalypse," "The March of the record like this can be, prog Waits-ian, though not quite as for forever, so a pox upon you if From Spiderman." After that taste garbled. The musical style varies never boring. Perhaps that's Swordmaster." Despite the metal still leaves me either you haven't gotten on board thus cheese factor, Rhapsody is good of nostalgia, the soundtrack to somewhat from one track to because you're never sure unfulfilled in the rock category far, ya poser. Hammered is pre- at what it does, though it takes a "Spiderman" goes on to show- track giving tans of Alt. Country, whether to takes his words seri- or bored by the sheer preten- dictably more of the same old dose of patience to buy into it case some of the biggest stars in Blues, Folk and Indie Rock plenty ously or not. rock today. rock and roll, warts and all, that Looking back at my old review sion embedded in the genre as to be satisfied with. Big Red Throbbing Heart the band has been cranking for Nickelback lead singer Chad a whole. Remedy Lane is no Throughout the album, I hear isn't for everyone But most of Rain of a Thousand Flames, Kroeger gets to have the spotlight 27 years now. As a result, it's this record works much the same exception. traces of many different acts music fans should be able to find nothing new and maybe not to himself with "Hero," which has Pain of Salvation certainly lis- including Wilco, Radiohead and something for themselves. At the way. There are some masterfully already hit radio. It's your stan- quite as intense as the early cata- constructed songs (like the afore- tened to loads of Peter Gabriel- Clem Sneed. There is even a doo- very least check out Connelly dard big soundtrack song; every when he appears at Howard's on log, but it's also worth it simply mentioned "Knightrider") and era genesis before learning the wop number, "Hi Hidee Hi." This because Lemmy is Lemmy and movie has one. Queensryche and Fates is really the only song done in a May 5th and decide for yourself. guitarist LucaTurilli shreds (see Everything rocks until Bleu Grade A- Motorhead rules. "The Pride of the Tyrant") with Warning catalog note for note. distinguishable style and seems comes on with "Somebody Else." -Ttent Hanshew Songcraft is a bit more slow the best. Keyboards excel once Every track on the record can out of place for that fact The rest and traditional than the past as The movie has not even been again — these guys certainly released yet. and you can tell be easily referenced back to the out-of-control locomotive is know how to mix record to sound one of the two. replaced with a mid-70s Caddie where this song is going to go. right. This song is probably going to When it works, the artistic with a huge, huge engine barrel- For the first few tracks, the aspirations are achieved Prairie Margins defeats ing down the highway full force. end up with the closing credits or medieval tone and the symphon- through either flowing, airy There are really only three crush- during some love scene. It just ic bits add textures to the tracks. has that feel to it It also lacks the Satriani-esque riffs carrying ing tracks, "Brave New World," The more the record goes on, the "Red Raw," and "Kill the World." rock action that the other songs Daniel GildenloVs vocal funding problem more the "majesty" starts to get offer. ("Waking Every God," for Elsewhere, it's psuedo-melodic or annoying. groove paced. Lead track "Walk a The biggest surprise comes example) or mathematic indul- BySaraFtrestine staff to expand the magazine The ballad "Lamento Eroico," from Slipknot frontman Corey gences into music theory and THE BG NEWS outward to undergraduate liter- Crooked Mile" exemplifies this as with its Dute and sung in sauntering power chords carry us Taylor. When you think Slipknot, chaotic rhythms lurching the Conquering issues of restaffing ary magazine competitions and Rhapsody's native Italian, cer- to a full-on multi-voiced har- you think of super creepy masks listener to paths frequently less and funding, Prairie Margins, the the like. tainly doesn't help. By the time monic chorus. Wrestling fans and crunching metal. None of chosen (like on "Rope Ends"). University's undergraduate liter- "Right now, we're still trying to the 19-minute final track that is found is the stripped- ary magazine, is set to release its grow and develop so that we can rejoice as the remarkably average When it fails (as it does mote "Gargoyles, Angels of Darkness" down "Brother." spring 2002 issue sometime next get to more of a national level," Triple H theme "The Game" is often than not), it's dismal tagged on as a bonus track. A comes along, I so want an AC/DC Those who are getting excited week. Mysko said. record to cleanse myself of pre- over The Strokes appearing on musical theater or cheesy to a Prairie Margins' publication is The literary magazine does couple hints of'50s rock via gui- point of laughable tar tone and riff come through on tensions and anything arty. this soundtrack should calm primarily funded through the have benefits for its contributors , It's really a shame since there down. Their contribution. "When The worst offender is "Chain University and the Creative in the form of several awards. "Mine All Mine" and "Dr. Love." Sling," which conjures up Lyrically, Lemmy is as witty and are some amazing portions to It Started," is just a track from is Writing Department according "We offer the Howard McCord images of renaissance fair iscathing as we've come to expect. this. This IL If you were buying the to fiction editor Tammy lo Crotty. prize for poetry," Crotty said. Hammered isn't going to join If one can listen to the individ- soundtrack just for this, dont tights and Spinal Tap's It additionally depends on pri- "The prize (money) varies the hallowed Aces of Spades as a ual pieces without succumbing bother. But it's still a good song. Stonehenge set The sickly vate donations. depending on how much money Motorhead classic It's more of a to the bombastic whole, it's a very What you can get excited sweet, Muzak-ready "This "This year, we wouldn't have we have to hand out" The prize mid-tiered record on par with strong record. I personally can't, about is The Hives. This Swedish Heart of Mine (I Pledge)" runs a been able to print the magazine offering this year, steady at $35, is "Bastards" or "March or Die," and so my take on it reflects this. group has pretty much been close second. without a private donation," the same amount for the Richard that's not a bad thing. Grade: B Grade: C christened as "the next big thing." The long story short is that poetry editor Shana Mysko said. Messer award. -BradKlypchak -BradKlypchak If you like The Strokes, you will Pain of Salvation will certainly Comprised of fiction, poetry, The third, the Grandma Goda like "Hate To Say I Told You So." appeal to those who frequent and black and white artwork. award, is granted to a poet whose There are drawbacks. the Inside Out label offerings. Prairie Margins is staffed entirely writing on domestic life is excep- Aja Daashur who can say for a fact that it's Aerosmith's cover of "Theme For traditional metal fans or by undergraduate students and tional. From Spiderman" is decent, but accepts submissions only from Totaling $ 100 currently, "the ever saved a soul?" those with tastes running more Before the You gotta give her credit, she's covers are generally a bad idea University undergraduates. award is given out from a trust Beginning—Rock got guts. This is just a taste of Tom Morello's (Rage Against the to the harder varieties, Remedy "It's run for students by stu- fund left to us," Mysko said. That what goodies she offers those Machine) remix of Macy Gray's Lane will disappoint dents basically," Mysko said. amount is subject to increase in Before the beginning, there is with sweet-tooth-in-the-brain. "My Nutmeg Phantasy" is, well, Too many artistic indul- "The campus is lucky to have the future. ... huh? Hell if 1 know. Well, if As far as the music itself goes, it is different to say the least gences and too many songs something like Prairie Margins, Submissions to the literary you ask Aja about this phrase, generally easy on the ears, Setbacks aside, the that might as well have come with the people who are making magazine are accepted near the she will say (and has said) that interesting melodies at times and "Spiderman" soundtrack is the from musicals equates to too Prairie Margins bringing the liter- . beginning of each school year. this is simply the forward of the a bit formulaic at other times. first real solid soundtrack of the little enjoyment. Grade: C- ary art to the undergraduate "We usually put out fryers or book. Nothing too deep there. Her voice is pretty strong befit- year. Grade: B+ population," said Michael an e-mail. Unfortunately, that However, her depth comes ting her "independent woman" ■Lisa Bellinger ■BmdKlypchak Czyzniejewski, editor in chief of doesn't get to very many people across very, very clearly as one presentation, yet I was left hop- Mid-American Review. MAR is because we e-mail it through our reads the lyrics she has penned. ing for a tittle more openness, a the international literary journal listproc at the creative writing This 21 -year-old beauty possess- little more emotion in the voice. published by the University's department." Crotty said. es both the youthful vulnerability She lets it out on paper, but department of English and For those interested, submis- that attracts the MTV crowd and she still withholds some of that Creative Witing program. sions of fiction, poetry or artwork the old-soul sensibility that feeling on the microphone. But BG NEWS "Mid-American Review helps will be accepted for the spring appeals to left wing fogies like then, seeing how clever she is, us a lot They give us a lot of sup- 2003 issues beginning next fall Jme (decode that phrase and I'll she may be deliberately holding port as far as advice goes," Mysko semester and throughout the give you a dollar). Among her back, leaving us suckers to said. year. Those who are interested in . most insightful — and controver- hunger for more. Although Prairie Margins is acquiring a current or previous sial lines is the chorus to the Maybe I'm full of it. At any only circulated throughout issue of Prairie Margins can stop opening song: "Walking in the rate, you should enjoy this Bowling Green's campus, Crotty in Mary McGowan's office, 226 shadows of the saints/Can't live album. And any religious devo- and Mysko encourage the next East Hall, to receive a tree copy. up to the visions that they paint." tees that may be reading, just Also, "Sounds of rushing silk... skip tracks one and five, and religion's sucking up all our good you'll be fine. God willing. Always patching earth's milk/We reinvent our- Grade B- selves to be as good as gold/But -Kharylackson for news! D o m i n os Pizza ^ Brewster's 353-MEGA<6342> ~ Weekly Line Up ^E!!!pe„!^[3eJP!?Ms Happy Hour: 3-9pm $2.25i 33oz mugs J S3.25 33oz mugs after 9pm. 135 N. Main 353-6912 LARGE 2 Thursday Saturday TOPPING LADIES NIGHT with LT 'nesday l Frida\ (DJ from ACOUSTIC JAM URGE 4 with DeSi Serna TOPPING Drinks' Jeromy Culpep|:>ci' Every Wod" One Man Jam >" 10pm LARGE O Call 353-5006 .....T0PPINC lor more info We accept personal checks. AMEX, Visa, Mastercard. & Discover Deep Dish Extra - Add Toppings $1.25 $6 Minimum Delivery WWW.BGNEWS.COM NOW STORIES Thursday, May 2,2002 11 Union dedicated with comedic talent ByNckHurm starred in "Mystery Men" as the Entertainment News the Kool-Aid man as a kid. can see a guy standing out there THE BO NEWS Waffler and also was featured on "imagine 450 gallons of punch saying, 'Is that a bomb?... no, it's Jamie Kennedy, Dane Cook "Comedy Central Presents." coming over and knocking down cheese sandwiches.'" GROUND ZERO OFFERS FREE READS and Dave Chapelle helped chris- While Chapelle was the head- your wall screaming, 'Ooh yeah," Kennedy started his act by ten the Student Union by dis- line act, it was. Cook who stole Cook said. talking about his spring break This Saturday, Ground Zero Comics will be one of cussing topics that hit close to the show with a high energy per- "The only way I could defend experience down in Panama 2000 comic book stores nationwide that are partici- Jiome, including masturbation, formance myself from him is by kicking his City, ranting how contradicting .Girls Gone Wild and the Burger The crowd gave Cook a wild knee because he's top heavy, you the girls down there could be. pating in "Free Comic Book Day." Visitors to the King drive-thru employee. ovation after he encouraged the know." "Girls are down on the beach store will receive a free comic book. There is no pur- The three comedians enter- first Union orgy, saying, "Let's Chapelle's slowed down the in their little thongs showing off tained a sold out crowd in the turn out the lights and play who's pace after Cook but effectively as much skin as possible," chase necessary. Lenhart Grand Ballroom as part in my mouth." combined humor into issues of Kennedy said. The day is to celebrate comic books as an of the UAO Comedy Show He also ranted on about his politics and current events. One "They rub suntan lotion all Friday. favorite commercial on televi- of the best examples was over their body. Then they catch American art form. Among the free titles are Dark I Chapelle, the headline act, is sion, the 30-second "Girls Gone Chapelle's criticism of the situa- you staring at them and they say Horse Comic's "Star Wars Tales," DC Comic's "lustice an Ohio resident and has starred Wild" spot tion in Afghanistan. 'What are you looking at in movies such as "Half-Baked," "If you think about it, girls "These people have planes fly- a-hole!'" League Adventures," Image Comic's "Tomb Raider" "Blue Streak" and "Robin Hood: pulling their shirts up isn't really ing over them every day with David Friar of Toledo was the and Marvel Comic's "Ultimate Spider-Man." rlvlen in Tights." Kennedy stars in that wild," Cook said. "Now, if a bombs dropping causing host emcee after winning a con- his own sitcom, "The Jamie girl pulled up her shin and start- destruction," Chapelle said. test by UAO for the position. The event will kick off at 10 a.m. and will go on Kennedy Experience" on the WB ing stabbing herself, that would "Then, all of a sudden, we decide Friar opened the show with his until 5:30 p.m. at Ground Zero Comics on 123 S. network. Kennedy has also be different. Wow, that girl is to start dropping food to them. Andrew Dice Clay-esque voice starred in the "Scream" trilogy, wild!" So these people don't, know if and got some laughs with his Main Street in downtown Bowling Green. For more "Boiler Room" and "Jay and He also got personal with the these planes are dropping rant on Toledo rust-bucket cars Silent Bob Strike Back." Cook crowd, talking about his fear of bombs or cheese sandwiches. I with $10,000 stereo systems. information, call 354-5909. Alternative healing offers avenues of stress relief By Sara Firesbne the art of applying God-guided is becoming even more popular power and the help of God, I months to live. After being in basis. THE 8G NEWS intelligence (Rei) in the form of due to the rise in alternative overcame it, and I said if I did, I remission for three years and In addition to offering Reiki College students are faced energy (Ki) through the hands methods of healing and the would turn it around and help bypassing the sickness, she treatments and classes for those with an abundance of stress with the intent of balancing desire to live a healthier, happier other people." moved to Florida. who are interested in becoming every day. Whether it is a test or and/or making someone/some- lifestyle As the practicing Reiki Master "With Reiki, it has its own Reiki practitioners, Fortunes & paper, a late night job or the cute thing whole. I say God-guided I was shocked when I heard at Fortunes & Treasures for two consciousness and knows where Treasures is in the process of boy/girl that sits near them in meaning a higher divine force; it that Bowling Green (the small years now, Haines has been able to go for the treatment. If you beginning a Reiki Share group. class, it seems that they always is not limited to God but town it is) had an establishment to help many other people don't believe in it, it's not going The business also offers a tarot have something that restricts encompasses any higher spirit employing a Reiki Master, Gary around the area with their per- to do anything to you because class, spirit painting, aura pho- their daily activities in one way in whom one believes. Reiki Haines (also an ordained minis- sonal difficulties, Among his Reiki can't harm," he said. Not tography, crystal meditation and or another. does not interfere with one's reli- ter), at Fortunes & Treasures. clients whom he has helped are only can Reiki not harm, but astrology charts, just to name • 1 have always had a preoccu- gious belief and has the benefit "I've been a Reiki Master six college students who experience also as Haines has mentioned, it several of their practices. Gary pied mind that resulted in plen- of working on the physical, years in July," Haines said. His stress, men and women with is complimentary to medical Haines also offers a one-on-one ty of stress attacks and over- emotional, mental and spiritual reasons of practicing Reiki is arthritis, and osteoporosis and treatments and medicines. channeling session, in which he exaggerations during my college levels. itself a documentary in the heal- cancer and AIDS patients. "I've It opens and balances one's relates to the show "Crossing career and lifetime itself. One Rediscovered by Dr. Mikao ing powers of touch. had people that couldn't move chakras and prevents one's aura Over with lohn Edwards." year ago, 1 found an answer to Usui in the early 1900s in Japan, When Haines was diagnosed and the next day roll around on from accumulating stress, a per- Fortunes & Treasures has my problem. Something that Reiki was introduced to the with reflux sympathetic dystro- the floor with their granddaugh- fect remedy for the average col- been renovating since the two helped me reduce my stress and United States (in Hawaii) in the phy, he began using Reiki to ter for the first time," Haines lege student. years it has been located in anxiety level and function on a late 1930s. fight the disease "It's a nerve said. "People that do come to you Bowling Green. Although the more relaxed and grounded Since then, the practice of degenerative disease that's not "I've had cancer patients that are kind of open to it anyway. space is small, the intentions level. I was introduced to my Reiki has spread throughout the supposed to go away, and the were going to go back in for their Some of them will get more and outcomes of Reiki will prove Reild Master and became a level country with miraculous tales of nervous system starts to shut third round of chemotherapy relaxation out of it than anything beneficial. For more information ope practitioner of Reiki. healing, stress reduction and down," Haines said. "I'm not the and their tumor had shrunk," he else," Haines said. It can also aid or to make an appointment, call What is Reiki (pronounced relaxation. victim. I have the disease but the said. Haines also told of a in weight loss and quitting Fortunes & Treasures at 419-354- ray-key)? The practice of Reiki is The method of Healing Touch disease doesn't have me. By will woman who was given six smoking if done on a regular 4053.

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BOWIINE GREEN HATE UNIVERSITY BG loses on suicide squeeze JENNY SCHNIPKE WWI¥ BCSUFAICONS COM WOMEN'S GOLF retired the first Musketeer he That lead held until the fourth more Nate Henschen drove a 3-2 up the dramatics in the ninth Cincinnati — Xavier faced before Smith singled :o inning. That was when the pitch over the leftfield wall for a frame. She placed sixth at the University scored on a suicide center field. Then, Kevin Falcons went to work. After three-run homer and a 4-2 Oestrike pitched his longest Mid-American squeeze with one out in the bot- McKnight doubled down the Jimmy Lipari flew out to leftfield, BGSU lead. It was his fifth home outing of the season in just his Conference tom of the ninth inning to defeat left-field line to move Smith to Corey Loomis laid down a bunt run of the season. third start of his career. The visiting Bowling Green on third base to set up the game- towards the pitching mound and The Musketeers cut the Falcon right-hander lasted eight Championships as Tuesday afternoon, 5-4. It was a winning hit. reached on a throwing error by lead to one in the bottom of the innings and gave up just two the Falcon's highest non-conference contest for both XU (23-22) got on the board pitcher Mike Gallagher. Loomis fourth inning After Tedford sin- earned runs (four total). The finisher. teams first in the second inning. Mark then moved to second on a wild gled to rightfield to move Andres freshman scattered nine hits, Xavier's Ryan Schreen laid Andres and Matt Tedrod began pitch by Gallagher and scored on to third, Len Elias' throw to third walked just one and struck out down a bunt to the first-base the inning with back-to-back an RBI-single by Kelly Hunt to base was in the dirt, allowing two. Hundley suffered the loss, side successfully, scoring Brett singles then moved up a base on left-center field. The next batter, Andres to score and narrow the dropping his record to 2-4. Smith from third base for the a wild pitch. Andres scored on a Nick Elrod, was hit by a pitch, lead to 4-3. Loomis (2-for-4) was the only win. Freshman Matt Hundley groundout and Telrod came putting runners on first and sec- Xavier tied the game in the Falcon with two hits and extend- pitched the ninth inning in relief home on a McKnight single for a ond base with one out. After Len bottom of the eighth inning off ed his current hitting streak to 10 of starter Tom Oestrike. Hundley 2-0 Xavier lead. Elias Dew out to leftfield, sopho- of an RBI-single by Andres to set games. Falcons> spring has now sprung NICK ELROD By lod Hammond two field goals, one less than the BASEBALL IHf 8G NEKS Falcon kickers made last year. The practices are over, the "Everyone is definitely happy He went four for five running is over and the game is with the progress our special with four runs scored, over. For now. teams have made," Harris said. The BG football team closed "That adds another dimension a double and a home out its spring workouts last to our offense if they can put run at the Falcon's weekend with its annual spring those points on the board. The victory over Toledo game, a festivity which the White team did pretty decent this team captured this year, 27-7. spring; we didn't take any major Saturday. The game capped four weeks of steps backward. We continued workouts for the squad. to take steps forward." The Falcons, coming off an 8- Newson spoke of the Falcons' 3 year, have seen a changing of continuous adaptation of the the guard of sorts take place this defense to play to their strengths spring. Fourteen seniors from "We have changed the last year's team have departed, defense to be more of a coverage and the team's underclassmen defense," Newson said. "The look to take over the leadership new strength of our defense is Fuel your roles Coach Urban Meyer looks our speed, like in the secondary, for. so they've changed us a little bit "We have a lot of great ath- to a coverage defense." motivation letes," Meyer said before the Now, the Falcons will meet spring game. "But we have obvi- with their coach next week and ously tost some great leaders, look ahead to summer condi- with some and we will have to lean on tioning with Meyer's new class of younger guys to lead the team 26 new Falcons enter the pro- adversity on the field and off this year." gram over the summer. Quarterback Andy Sahm That list includes five offensive looks to take over one of those linemen, three quarterbacks, leadership roles. Sahm, who has two quarterbacks, and one each JASON battled with sophomore losh at wide receiver, defensive tack- DIXOH Harris the last years for the start- le, defensive end, linebacker, ing job, performed well in the comerback and tight end. "Sports reporter" spring game, completing 13 of "We're trying to rebuild our 19 passes for 155 yards and two defense and our team as a Good morning, class. Today's touchdowns in leading the whole," Newson said. "Those topic is about the revolutioniz- White team to victory. seniors did a great job last year of ing of professionalism within Other areas of concern for leading our team, and now we're athletics, and by professionalism Meyer this spring fared well in looking for some of our younger I'm referring to the psychologi- the game, as the secondary guys to step up and fill those cal advantages that many ath- intercepted three Orange passes, shoes. I think we've gotten closer letes use to motivate them. and the kicking game performed as a team this spring through all So much has changed in welL Senior Jerry Wagner picked of the hard work we've done." terms of what has embodied off two Josh Harris passes, and After summer conditioning Clim SdaohrBG News sports in this day and age, but so sophomore Keon Newson inter- the Falcons will begin practice BRINGING THE NOISE: Junior wide receiver Robert Redd eludes a Miami defender in the Falcons' much hasn't. There was once a cepted another. Nate Fry, a fresh- again in the early part of August time when athletes and teams man kicker from Findlay, booted with a full squad. lone loss at home last season. put forth 100 percent no matter the circumstances, but now we have reached a point where an athlete has come to thrive on potential downfalls or criticism Golfers to determine what actually Ruggers topple Boilermakers motivates them to do well. This kind of philosophy has finish at been exuded by our sports icons ByWtsHotinpr and permeated younger ath- THE BG NEHS letes. Of course, we shouldn't The BG rugby team won out expect a kid involved in little its last weekend of play, taking a Firestone league competition, or even a triple header from Purdue THE BG NEWS kid in junior high sports, to per- University in BG's only home The BG men's golf team will form on a game to game basis match of the season. travel to Westerville, Ohio, to solely on what someone said A nice crowd of 500 die hard compete in its season-ending about the performance or what fans braved a nippy wind to conference championship, the kid did or did not do in the watch the Falcons defeat the tournament today-Saturday.) previous game. Boilermakers 32-25, 31-10 and The men are coming off art] Maybe today's professional, 12-0. eighth-place finish at the First! collegiate, and high school ath- "Last week's loss in the Energy Intercollegiate, played' letes should try to exemplify the nationals left in a blue funk all at storied Akron's Firestone! week, and, that certainly affect- Country Club, site of the PGA» grader'and that is to consistent- ed how we played at the start of annual NEC EWorld Series of] ly perform for the love of the this week's match*," stated BG Golf. sport rather> a^0**Ok coach Roger Mazzarella. "Once Junior-Adam Balls led th fact that no one believes in your it was obvious that Purdue was- Falcons With rounds of 74, 7 ability or that you lost a game to n't going to just roll over and and 72 "to place fifth.' AuStti inspire you play dead, the guys picked up Chase finished in a tie for 37th We have been able to see this the tempo and played like the with a three-day total of 225, while Craig Pickerel tied for first hand throughout the course national championship caliber loprMamreNa BGNews of this semester. The first team that they are." 43rd with 226. Justin Gillham instance that comes to mind is Interestingly, the Falcons very LAYING THE SMACK DOWN: Flanker Garrett Fisher and fry half Chad Cunmgan take down a shot 227 to tie for 45th, while the day when the announce- nearly got a second bite at the Purdue ballcarrier Brian Gerken totaled 233 to tie ment came that four sports cherry so to speak. BG was noti- gent on Utah turning down the lenge, and we were out" its heals and score tots of points for 70th. would be eliminated. Surely, a fied late Tuesday to prepare for a invitation as they were next in The forfeit victory over the real fast. The Boilermakers were At Firestone, the Falcons number of athletes feft a sense possible spot in the national line," commented Mazzarella. Aztecs did vault BG from 13th in a deep hole in no time at all. competed against MAC teams that figure to be in the hunt in of urgency, like they had to final four as San Diego State had "At this late date and consider- place up to fifth in the nation. Center Pete Cromry touched prove something One athlete been booted from the competi- ing the distance they had to The first match against down in the comer before most this week's Championships. Toledo won the event with 869, even said their team was going tion for player eligibility Irregu- travel (the finals are in Virginia Purdue started out according to of the fans were in their seats. to win the conference champi- larities and the filing of a rape Beach), I thought we were a the usual BG rugby script: while Kent State was third with 873. Miami placed fourth with lawsuit lock,,but Utah took up the chal- Knock the opposition back on R.UBGY.PAGE14 DIXOH, PAGE 14 "Our inclusion was confin- 875. * • V r WWW.BGNEWS.COM SPORTS Thursday. May 1,2002 13 Ohio-bred horse is Derby favorite By Richard Rosenblatt have had to overcome enough IHE ASSOCIATED PRESS problems to get to this point. In LOUISVILLE, Ky. — He slides September 2000, with McPeek into the golf cart, making sure the campaigning stakes-winner soft cast protecting his broken She's a Devil Due, Sue was diag- left foot is secure. The aluminum nosed with mouth cancer. She crutches are put on board, and was 6 1/2 months pregnant with it's off to the race track for trainer the couple's first child. Ken McPeek. A healthy girl was delivered a It's Therapy time. And what month prematurely. Sue then ay to ease the aches and had the cancer removed, and "spending a few min- recent tests show no signs of the utaNBching Harlan's Holiday disease, Jenna, 18 months old, gallop ' majestically around has spent several mornings at Churchill Downs on a warm, the barn with mom and dad. sunny morning. "When you get diagnosed with Many alii picking the horse to cancer, it changes your life forev- win SaturSily's Kentucky Derby. If er," Sue said. "It can change you he does,'it would be the first in either a negative or positive Derby win by an Ohio-bred way. My positive attitude was horse since 1909. severely tested." The hard-working bay colt was Winning the Derby remains made the 9-2 morning line important, but there's a new per- favorite yesterday night, and will spective. leave from the No. 14 post in a "Given a choice before cancer, full 20-horse field. Buddha and I probably would have saidT 'Nah, Came Home are the co-second I won't get cancer, I'd rather win picks at 5-1. the Kentucky Derby,"' said Sue, "He really loves his work. He's who also battled bulimia for 15 out there enjoying what he likes years before gaining control of to do," McPeek says a few min- her diet. "Give me my health any utes after Harlan's Holiday old day. If it happens this year, returns to Bam 10. "He just loves and we win it, great. But if it does- to run. Me? I'm having a blast." n't, Kenny's only 39 years old and McPeek is on the run of a life- he knows how to get a horse to LEADING THE WAY: Monarchos, left, with Jorge Chavez up, drives to the finish to win the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs in Louisville, time, although he's been moving the Derby. He's done it more than Ky., last year. Invisible Ink, right, with John Velazquez up, finished second. slowly after a bone snapped last once. He'll get more chances." month during a basketball game. Ken McPeek has worked hard the time in the early 1990s when "He asked me, 'What do you sale. later and she'd give him an He also trains Take Charge Lady, to improve the quality of horses he was 0-for-20 or so at the Fair love?' I said, 'Horse racing.' He The horse won eight of 21 answer. the 2-1 favorite for Friday's in his stable, and he's confident Grounds, then went to Oaklawn said, 'lust do it. I'm going to starts and earned $1.1 million. "That's not a great thing to tell Kentucky Oaks, and Repent, his 3-year-old is sitting on a Park and lost another 10 or 11 in bed- "We wouldn't be here if it wasn't a guy, and as he walked down once a top Derby contender but Derby victory. He's happy for the a row. His buddy, trainer Bemie Within the hour — that would for Tejano Run," McPeek says. the road I thought 'Sue, that's sidelined recently with an injury. good times, but his priorities Flint, gave McPeek a mystical be 5 a.m. and after many beers It was also in 1995 that Ken crazy... you know you love craw- Before Harlan's Holiday — have changed. way out of the morass. — McPeek showed up at nearby and Sue went on their first date fish."' bred by Double D Farm in "With Sue and lenna, it's just McPeek tried the ritual. Keeneland, ran into Phil — to a crawfish boil at Turfway Looking over the scene in Medina, Ohio — ripped off six one of those things ... maybe it's "I did it and won a race the Hauswald, an assistant to Shug Park. At the time, Sue, a former front of Bam 10 — hundreds of wins and four seconds in 10 payback for all the hard times we next day!" he said. "And then I McGaughey, and was hired as a groom for trainer Neil Howard, people walking by and pointing starts, including victories in the went through last year," he said. went on an 8-of-12 run. It's a hotwalker. was a free-lance photographer out Harlan's Holiday to friends Florida Derby and Blue Crass "It's gratifying now that things are funny game." He won his first stakes race selling her work at horse auc- — Sue McPeek shook her head. Stakes, McPeek's claim to fame going right. But whether we win A game he got into only hours with Miss Echo at Canterbury tions and sales. "This is heady stuff," she said. was sending out hard-to-handle or lose Saturday, it's going to be after his final class at the Park in 1991. Two years later, "When he asked, it caught me "The national attention. It can Tejano Run to a second place fin- secondary to going home and University of Kentucky. owner Roy Monroe took by surprise because we were be difficult for people to handle, ish in the 1995 Derby. hanging out with Sue and lenna." "I was up all night with a McPeek's advice and bought friends," she said. "I kind of but we're appreciating this. Perhaps his time has come. McPeek saw lots of losers in his roommate and said, 'Wow. I Tejano Run for $20,000 at the blanked out, and didn't know We've got it much more in per- Certainly, he and his wife, Sue, early training days. He recalled have to get a job,"' McPeek said. Keeneland September yearling what to say." She told him to call spective." Ming premiers in America for NBA scouts with workout By Nancy Amour the ball He has a wonderful feel practice players: Oregon center er might have had something to THE ASSOCtATU) (HESS for the game," said Jerry West, the Chris Christoffersen, Marquette do with that, though — and his CHICAGO — Yao Ming arrived Memphis Grizzlies new president guard Cordell Henry and Mitch defense was a little shaky. He got in a black stretch limousine, a of basketball operations. "This is Henderson, an assistant coach at posted-up by the 7-foot-1' crowd of people waiting to catch a not a kid without talent He has Northwestern who played at Christoffersen, and Henry made glimpse. A collective "ooh" went talent" Princeton. a couple of jumpers over him. up when he walked into the gym, Yao, who turns 22 in September, RJ. Carlesimo put the players Still, most NBA personnel left ducking his head so he wouldn't is widely viewed as the best player through almost an hour of shoot- impressed. bump into the concrete doorway. in China Though the competition ing and running drills, doing just "I like his size. I like his skill Inside, 65 NBA scouts, coaches there isn't close to what he'll face in about everything except playing level, his ability to pass and and team officials were waiting, the NBA, he's seen as a franchise a game They took 15 -footers and shoot and dribble the basket- including Miami coach Pat Riley, player who could be the top over- jump hooks. There were full- ball," said Stu Jackson, NBA vice New Jersey Nets general manager all pick in the June 26 draft court layups with and without a president. "I especially liked his Rod Thorn and Washington "Somebody with that kind of defender. There were pick-and- footwork. He's been taught Wizards assistant GM Rod size and the basketball skills he rolls and post-ups. some things in the post area that Higgins. Another 200 people were has. are impressive," said former Yao dunked and blocked a are fundamentally sound." up in the balcony, hanging over NBA coach I 'I Carlesimo, who ran few shots, swatting one of Though he was accompanied the railing to get a better look at the workout at Loyola University's Christoffersen's layups into the by a translator, Yao didn't talk to - the 7-foot-5 center from China Alumni Gym. comer of the gym. He moved the media after his workout. It was not exactly a typical pre- "The things that struck me (as well, and had a smooth, outside Instead an NBA spokeswoman draft workout Wednesday, but Yao weaknesses) are easier things than shot that looked morefittingofa passed around a written state- is not a typical draft pick, either. the things you have to teach." shooting guard. ment from him. He is a once-in-a-generation Dressed in white shorts with red "The way he shot the ball "It's been a dream of mine to player, a huge man with the skills stripes and a white NBA jersey, his from outside, that was some- play in the NBA ever since the of a smaller player, a giant with an workout started with some light thing," Christoffersen said. "He's first time I saw a game on TV air of mystery to him, a player jogging and stretching drills. He kind of like a Dirk Nowitzki, but many years ago," Yao said. "To who's been raved about since the wore a pair of blue-and-whiie maybe a little slower. He can almost touch that dream today The Associated Press 2000 Olympics but rarely seen Nikes with "Yao 13" on the sides. definitely be that type of player." fills me with a sense of joy that ARRIVAL NBA prospect Yao Ming arrives at Chicago's 0'Hare outside of Asia Yao looked serious at first, but Yao wasn't that quick — the words simply cannot Airport Monday. Ming worked out for NBA scouts yesterday. " For a guy this size, he can shoot was soon joking with the three flight from China two days earli- describe."

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WAILEA. Hawaii —Mike Tyson DIXON, FROM PAGF 12 tion. sure looks fit. Sitting on a couch a For an athlete and even as a few feet from the ocean, he bites onship after he heard the news. person who only deals with the on a towel and flexes his well Immediately, my first trials and tribulations that life defined biceps for a few visitors. impression was that anger sometimes takes us through, His fight with Lennox lewis is prompted him to make such a it's only normal to find some- still more than five weeks away, bold statement. However, it thing motivating to give your- but Tyson is already around 230 wasn't the fact that he showed self a mental edge and feel that pounds, just a pound or two from that much confidence in him- there is something you need to what he wants to weigh when he self and his teammates, but the prove to those who doubt gets into the ring. fact that it came after the whether you could make it For the past months he's run announcement. through whatever was stop- five or six miles each morning lust a few weeks ago, ping your progress. along the ocean, drawing curious Brandon Hicks, who was an Quite honestly, the stigma stares from the few tourists out instrumental part of the BG that surrounds athletes when early enough to see. Later he goes football team's 8-3 record last they have to bounce back from to a golf resort for serious work in a season and was projected to be a disappointing loss or when makeshift ring that occupies most anywhere from a fourth to sev- they feel there is something to , of a conference room. enth round pick went ui id raft- prove astonishes me because His handlers say he likes to ed. A day after the conclusion of the self-motivation that this preen in front of a mirror, flexing of the draft, he was signed as a person or team has, which also and looking at a sculpted body free agent by the Indianapolis shows me that nothing will that doesn't appear to have aged Colts, and when interviewed, stop them from achieving their much in his 35th year. his comments were that had goal. But in hindsight, is it self- "I'm just in great shape," Tyson motivation if it is provided by The Associated Press something to prove as a result said of going undrafted. others? In his next breath, though, READY? Tyson's trainers say that their fighter is extremely focused for his bout with Lennox Lewis. I could sympathize with his The fact of the matter is that Tyson acknowledges what most frustration, but I firmly we all love the underdog for know—it may be the shape of his one reason or another, but lions to fight Lewis, but can re- dropout." didn't seem to shake Tyson's stride. believed that whether he was mind, not his body, that deter- the No. 1 pick or drafted in the should athletes who is only mines whether he can upset Lewis establish himself as one of the Tyson came to the islands to "His mind is very ready," said inspired when they are against great heavyweights of his time if accomplish two things before he Stacey McKinley, a longtime assis- last round, the pressure to and win the heavyweight champi- excel wouldn't have changed all odds be considered dedicat- onship again on lune 8. he wins. goes to Memphis to fight Lewis. tant trainer. "It's a big fight for Mike ed athletes? Furthermore, He knows that He also knows He had to get into great shape, and Tyson. Mike wants to go down as one bit. "I've just got to get in proper That said, I understand the when athletes reiterate the preparation psychologically," that many think he's a wild man in he had to stay out of trouble. the greatest heavyweight of all point that they have something and out of the ring and that Lewis So far, it's worked for a lighter time and this fight will help him mental toughness it takes to Tyson said. "Be hungry and deter- compete at certain levels of to prove, who are they referring mined." will have the psychological edge who seems supremely focused for doit." to? We may never understand when they do meet. the first time in years. Tyson is being trained by a trio athletics, and it may be that If Tyson can't be hungry and many teams and individual the answers or even find them, determined for this fight, it's time He doesn't buy it a bit. Even a meandering hour-long of boxing veterans, including new 11 ii mgh one thing can hold "His mind is not going to hit my session with about a dozen writers head trainer Ronnie Shields and athletes can only perform to get out of the game that has when their backs are against true. And that is I believe that consumed him since the age of 13. mind," Tyson said. "Don't get at which he alternately cursed former middleweight champion you have nothing to prove to philosophical with me, I'm a them and then said he loved them Mike McCallum. the wall or when they have He'll not only make untold mil- been slighted in a certain situa- anyone but yourselves. BG closes out season with its 21st MAC championship make it 17-8 only to have to now make the score 29-15. to play the best. BG's got an two conversions for a 19-0 lead. won its 21st straight MAC RUGBY, FROM PAGE 12 Mongold close the door on any Purdue then closed the gap to excellent team, and we'll be look- Flanker Ion Black and wing Tom championship and ranking fifth rally hopes with another of his just four points as it tallied a try, a ing forward to seeing them down Gongwer added tries and in the nation. The Falcons will patented one-two-jukes-and- conversion kick and a penalty at our place next fall." Woodman a conversion in the lose only three of its regulars Senior wing Tim Rieger's final awav-we-go scoring runs. BGIed goal. Cromly put the game out of The Falcons had a much easier second half as BG won 31-10. while welcoming back flankers career try put BG up 10-0 and a at the half 22-8. reach at 32-25 with a late penalty time with the Boilermakers in In the third match, rookie Reed Luecke and Jeff Meeker, 75-yard jaunt up the sideline by Like an irritating fly, the goal of his own. the last two matches as it was center Zac Molnar, another who were called away on BG's hard running wing Kevin Boilermakers would just not go "Put a little scare into 'em, " apparent that Purdue had put football expatriate, and fullback National Guard duty after . Mongold, and a Cromly conver- away. Purdue put another try and chuckled Purdue coach Eric everything it had into the first Matt Johnston scored tries and September 11. sion made it 17-0. conversion across the goal line to Vaughn. "I'm proud of the way contest. Fullback lake Puhl fly half Dave Dibenedetto hit a "I look for us to be as good as Purdue then decided to make start the second half only to see it my guys kept coming back at BG. touched twice in the first half of conversion to beat Purdue 12-0. or better than we were next , a game of it and punched in a try matched by Mongolds hat trick I told them before we got here the second match, and fly half BG closes out its season with year? said assistant coach and penalty kick field goal to score and Cromly's conversion that to become the best you have Ion Woodman added a try and a stellar 25-2 record after having Chris Hopps.

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University Performing Is it related to your Deadline: Friday May 3 major/career goals? Paul 8 353-4551 and condo complex. Work includes Dancers, 2002-03 Company, the Come and see H you trash pickup, lawn care, painting, pre-professional dance performance For more Information, contact Need 1 graduation ticket lor 4:30 $225. 5 afternoons. June 26-July 1. etc 25-30/wk $6/hr. Must be able to ensemble (or the BGSU Dance qualify tor CO-OP 050 Robert Bortel, BG News adviser ceremony. Will pay. Call Jessie at No Sundays Paper sub need work summer Start ASAP. Work Program Thursday. May 2 nd, a NO-COST transcript notation at 440-285-7015 or johnjebgnet. reliable car. Some training days around schedule until summer. 4-6pm., Eppler North. 372-8521 lor Lend credibility to your employment Co-op & Internship Program Need Extra $ ? I Need Graduation prior 352-4636 Phone 352-1520, 8-4pm. M-F. more info. ifc^i | . APPLY NOWI Co-op 310 SS BWg 372-2451 details Tickets! 4:30 ceremony. Will pay $250 a day pot' good $$$ Can Emily 354-8034 o. ~ SALE8 World Nail Bartending. Training provided. IF YOU HAVE THOUGHT ASOJJT I AVAILABLE POSITIONS: .Email emilycaa&gnet.. Services Offered Get your nails donel Full set $28, 1 -800-293-3985 ext 541. GOING INTO INSURANCE SALES EDITORS: Managing Editor, News Fill $18 w/student ID Need graduation tickets for "Miscellaneous summer help OR THE FINANCIAL PLANNING Editor, Arts & Life Editor, Features B.G. WOODLAND MALL Saturday, 1 pm ceremony. around apartments & houses INDUSTRY (IN THE CLEVELAND WILL PAY! 419-354-8580 AREA). YOU MUST CONSIDER Editor, Opinion Editor, Sports Editor, Dollar Tree Call 353-0325 LONG DISTANCE unlimited usage THEFi Presentation Editor. Copy Clitel and The only real dollar store where Needed 1 or 2 person subleaser All Students from 1 phone in 30 days for $39 95. MAKING YOUR FlNAT Recruitment/Public Relations Editor EVERYTHING is only $1! 2002 Summer Expansion Call Jim 419-729-9432 lor details for the summer. $200 mo. WANTED: All sales professionals 9 B.G. WOODLAND MALL Close to campus. 353-5437. Any major. Work FT/PT w/flex. hrs. Worried about pregnancy ASSISTANT EDITORS: Assistant $14 15 base - appt No exp. nee.. and recent college graduates who are outgoing, service-driven, sell- Get Tested News Editor-Campus. Assistant Rent reduced we train Great resume builder. No 354-4673 BG Pregnancy Center News Editor-City. Assistant Arts & Call ASAP telemktg/no door to door. Scholar- motivated individuals with a compet- itive nature. Must be goal-oriented Life Editor-Lifestyles. Assistant Arts 353-1175 ships/co-ops. conditions exist. & Life Editor-Entertainment, Assis- Wanted and have a sense of urgency. In- Subleaser needed ASAP. Only Call 419-874-1327. 9a-5p. tant Opinion Editor, Assistant Sports side/outside sales. Personals S250/mo *elec. Now-Aug. Editor, Assistant Presentation Edi- YOU: Think outside the box, have Call 419-422-7709 tor-Graphics, Assistant Presentation Desk clerk needed for local hotel exceptional communication skills, Editor-Photo, Assistant Presentation 1 Subleaser needed for summer. Subleaser needed. Large room, Midnight-8am shift 3-4 nights per professional appearance and the $250 a night potential. Editor-Design, Assistant Copy Chief Pets allowed $200/month OBO. walk-in closet. Cheap rent week. Must be able to work ability to build professional relation- Bartending. Training provided. Call Kyle 352-9143 Negotiable. Becky 353-6845. summer and into lall semester. ships. GENERAL STAFF: News reporters, Some weekends. $6/hr. Apply at ENJOY: 1-800-293-3985 ext 626 Arts « Sciences graduation Subleasers needed 2 bdrm., 1 balh, Features writers, Arts & Life report- Buckeye Inn 8-4pm, M-F. Competitive Compensation Pack- tickets. Will pay. May-Aug. Call 354-7850 for more in- FREE 2 tan chairs, ers. Sports reporters, Columnists, Hotel Front Desk age, Bonuses, Incentive Trips, Call Rachael at 353-3424. fo. 850 Scott Hamilton #3. heavy 25" console color TV Photographers. Designers. Graphic Full or Part-time nights only Medical/Dental, 401K, Compre- You haul. Call 419-352-2496 Artists, and Copy editors Female subleaser needed for SubtiNisers wanted 2 bdrm Must be outgoing and like hensive Training Program. Leam a skill lor life. Take PEG157 summer and fall '02. Hillsdale house, plenty of space. Only Meeting people. Flexible hours Qualified Lead Assistance Western Horsemanship. Check us Apartments. Contact Annie $1500 lor May-Aug. 140 1/2 Competitive pay. Apply in person' FAX YOUR RESUME TO: out © Leitch at 353-1752. Manville Call 354-0278. Days Inn - Maumee 150 Dussel Dr. MICHAEL BODIS (440) 234-9690

CUSTOMER SERVICE SUMMERentals Ask about $250 HIRING BONUS specials We have Rooms Ln a Rooming House, for students Part time office positions, available in One Bedroom Apartments and Efficiencies pleasant office near that are furnished/unfurnished $95/year for Southwyck Mall. available for summer only. Shift hours are Prices at $600.00 to $700.00 Unlimited Internet Access 5:30pm-9pm $8.25/hr for the WHOLE SUMMER! includes email access and 10MB of space plus bonus and benefits Deposits $200.00 for a personal website after 90 days. Call anytime, 24 hrs., JOHN NEWLOVE Call us for more information voice mail available. AI. ESTATE INC. RENTAL OFFICE 419-354-6013 800-810-4332 Uonslrr Mrcrl I \rross Irom TiK'O lit High Speed Access available in BG

HOUSES AVAILABLE 2002-2003 ALL HOUSES HAVE ONE YEAR LEASES AVAILABLE May 18, 2002 to May 10, 2003 vegetarian cafe & 12 EIGHTH - 3 BR. A-frame. Limit 3 people. Limit 3 cars. Health Food store $550.00 per month payable in 11 monthly installments of SjfW^ 175 N. Main St., Bowling Green $590.00. Tenants pay utilities. 354-7000 IS RUNNING OUT! AVAILABLE August 22, 2002 to August 18, 2003 407 S. Enterprise DC: One bedroom unfurnished apartment. •vegan Products "Organic Produce & Bulk \ 719 ELM - 3 BR, garage, central air. $900 per month. Single story building with patio and private entrance. A court- Food "Special Diets "Envlro-Frlendlv Deposit $900. Tenants pay utilities. Tenants responsible for yard to plant flowers or a small garden. Gas heal. Resident Cleaning Products*cosmetics J pays gas A electric FREE WATER & SEWER. $400.00 per month lawn mowing. lor a 12 month lease FUZZY Samuels every Sat. evenings from b-9 pm JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE, INC. RENTAL OFFICE 419-354-2260 401 S. Enterprise #A 1407 S. Enterprise KB: Two bedroom 20% off Dlne-in only 319 E. WOOSTER ST. unfurnished apartments. Single story building with patios and Good till 6/19/02 private entrances. A courtyard lo plant flowers or a small gar- (across from Taco EBell) den. Gas heat. Resident pays gas « electric. FREE WATER ft SEWER. $465.00 per month lor a 12 month leas. *B available now! NEW1WE Now Signing Leases for Rentals MECCA Management Inc. 2002-2003 Listing Brand New Efficiency & 2 Bedroom 1 Bedroom Hillsdale Apartments Apartments Coming for August 16 MOVE IN

*,. •«•

1082 Fairview Ave. 2 Bdrm Apts. A/C, Dishwasher, Are You Playing Heinzsite Apartments 710 N. Enterprise Heinzsite Apartments 710 N. Enterprise Garbage Disposal, A/C, Dishwasher, Disposal. Starts at Hie Waiting Game? Washer/Dryer Hookups A/C, Dishwasher, Disposal, Starts at $410/month ♦ utilities $710/month + utilities Hillsdalg Apartments 1082 Fairview "Wa haven! verified your income." "Your credit check isnt back A/C. Dishwasher, Disposal. Starts at yajt" Sound familiar? Sounds like dtscrtminalion. Starting at $680/mo. + utilities Hillsrlalp Apartments 1082 Fairview 5390/month + utilities Don't be a victim of the "waiting game * A/C, Dishwasher, Disposal, Starts at If you autpact unfair housing practical, contact HUD or your focal Willow House Apartments 830 Fourth Street Fak Housing Canter. Evaryona daaarvas a fair chanca. $680/month + utilities A/C, Remodeled. Etehwashet DtapcaaJ. Starts at S400/month + electric and gas Parkview Apartments 1048 N. Main Evergreen Apartments 215 E. Poe Remodeled, Dishwasher, Disposal. Efficiencies and large 1 bdrms, Luge living an?a, E0UA1 HOUHK Starts at $500/month * electric ovate laundry, Starts at SHO/monlh ommnwrrr Management Inc. FAIR HOUSING IS THE LAW! FAIR HOUSING CENTER (419) 241-8143 (419) 243-2135 TDO Stop by our office at 1045 N. Main or call 419-353-5800 (100) 240-2*40(41* AREA ONtY) Krww.toHdorhc.Offl 1 I ( ( 16 lhutsday.May2.2002 WWW.BGNEWS.COM

Help Wanted Help Wanted For Rent The Daily Crossword Fix i^J^^i brought to you by ^^JLJLJj^^T

Server Wanted Summer work!! 3 bedroom. 2 bath house 1 Certain 16-20 hours a week Available May 1st. $875 month. 1 2 Walked upon Private club looking tot PT/FT > * I * i ■ <^T> 4^\h df*|Ii!« <3]mi% Recruitment/Public Relations Editor campus S350 + utilities Available Baths. AC Avail. May 25. $800/mo. August 1 year lease 419-787-7577. 534 B. S College- 3 BR Duplex, 1 l-800-KAP-TEST • WWW.KAPLAN.COM ****mm+* ASSISTANT EDITORS: Assistant 1/2 Baths, AC. Avail. May 25. S800 1,283 Bedroom Apartments News Editor-Campus. Assistant 316 Ridge Front- Lg 2 BR Duplex. News Editor-City. Assistant Arts & 9& 12 month leases 352-7454 Avail. May 30 $650/mo. Life Editor-Lifestyles, Assistant Arts 316 Ridge Rear-1 BR Duplex. Avail. & Life Editor-Entertainment. Assis- 2 bdrm furn. or unfurnished apts. May 17. $345/mo. tant Opinion Editor, Assistant Sports 724 6th St 705 7th St. S460/mo - 1 BGSU Please call EyeCon Enterprises. Ltd Editor. Assistant Presentation Edi- yr. lease. S525'mo - school yr. At (419) 354-4426 or Offers the most affordable test prep tor-Graphics, Assistant Presentation lease. Call 354-0914 (419) 352-233J or (419) 354-2854. Editor-Photo, Assistant Presentation 2 Bdrm townhouse available Editor-Design, Assistant Copy Chief immediately. $750 ♦ util. Pertect ROOMMATE WANTED GRE GMAT LSAT lor grads/faculty. 352-0386 GENERAL STAFF: News reporters. Available May 1 or Aug. Classes Begin June 15th Features writers. Arts & Lite report- 2 bdrm. apt. avail, starting 5/15 Own bedroom w/individual lease ers. Sports reporters, Columnists, (summer or next yr.) $485/mo. 419.372.8181 <(*CODE2IISMO2 Photographers, Designws, Graphic Gas & cable mcl. Contact Elena W/D, microwave, Resort-style pool & tacuzzi, 24 hour computer Artists, and Copy editors 353-8316 or cell 419-308-2059. lab, 24 hr. fitness center, 2002-03 2 bdrm at Georgetown 24 hr. billiards room. Manor, 800 Third St. Free heat, wa- Furnished or unfurnished ter. » sewer.1 bdrm at 616 2nd St For Rent For Rent For Rent Call 419-354-9740 for more info S325-345/month 234 S. College 2 bdrm nouse. Lg living rm. and yard. One block Irom 353-5100 campus. Ideal lor 2-4 people 818 & 822 Second St. 2 BR. apts. New 2 bdrm units avail, now or tail Subleaser needed. Summer lease. $650/mo 419-868-1587. balcony/patio, AC. laundry $500.00 rental. Located across Irom BGSU 1 bdrm. Windows overlooking + gas & elec.. 12 mo lease.starling on Merry St. for 12 mo/unfurn. S550 downtown. Call 353-3537 ASAP. 8/18/02. Steve Smith 419-352-8917 furnished $625.9 mo/unfurn $650. One bdrm unfurn. grad students. or 419-308-2710. furnished $725. lor more information hland 208 S. Grove. f% Call 419-352-5111. Avail. Aug. 352-3445 Management T Check Us Out!! Apartments Designed for mat, Z^BS. Senior /cTrad Students! *™ SUMMER HELP "**™ Only a few left! • Well Maintained & Spacious Great Job Opportunities !! SERVERS $ Hiring Students Pan-Time NOW and Full Time During Summer & Breaks New • Convicnt Laundry Facilities Flexible Hours & GREAT PAY !! • One + Two Bedrooms Must See! We offer 10-40+ hours / week BIG SUMMER CASH!!!! Carry Studio Apartments • Ample Parking Route Delivery & Packaging Positions Now accepting for summer employment at -Ideal lor the serious student • Quid! or grad student Landerhaven and for several exciting events -Fully Furnished Several options to choose from: $6.50 - $10.00 per hour -High speed internet access available Jay-Mar- Top Competitive Wages -$395.00 one person 1-800-899-8070 $495.00 two people Looking for motivated, energentic, friendly people. - All utitilites included The Highlands- Located just minutes from Campus! Call Sam at 1-800-636-8771 for more details. -Long & short term leases We Also Have Facilities in Other Cities, Call Us! available The Homestead- Lexington. KV 1-80O-933-3575 Dayton/Sprngfield 1-800-283-5511 -25in TV included with Lima.'Bucyrus 1-800-894.0529 Detroit 1 734-955-9094 75 channels and HBO Cleveland/As niand Pittsburgh 1-800-355-2732 (additional $20 monthly lee) Canton, Erie 1 -800-674 0880 West Virginia 1-800-545-4423 -Near campus Southeast Ohio 1 -800-545-4423 We Invite You Cincinnati/Kentucky 1-800-288-4040 Executive Caterers at 352.7365 Mansdeld'Ashland 1 800-8940529 Week Days between 10-4 To See The Difference! No Experience Necessary. Train in one facility during school Landerhaven 354.3182 354-6036 and work during summer break. We offer Schedule Alter Hours and weekends flexibility. Start training NOW 130 E. Washington Schedule an interview A.S.A.P. 6111 Landerhaven Drive 9:00 - 4:00 Cleveland, OH 44124

353-BGSU /^ college **»arc©* 2 4 7 8 education mms Summer Work expenses. Available Pizza PROUD SPONSOR OF BGSU ATHLETICS 1015 N. Main limn v Sun Weil 11 1:30 am I Inn s Sal 11 2:30 am Internships & Scholarships awarded u up to $6,850 VIsm Valuable work experience Finals Week Specials Excellent income Enjoyable work atmosphere n»uK Get as much as $23,000* in EARN* Flexible schedules LEARN College Education Assistance Increase your people skills URGE Increase your resume value PART-TIME Team atmosphere PACKAGE HANDLERS ON CAMPUS TODAY Flexible start dales Cheese I S368-S1500/week Hopping $8 50-J9 50/Hour 11-3 -aMMMial teppasis Excellent Benefits Student Employment Office Weekends S Holidays Off Paid Vacations 300 Saddlemire On-Site Classes iNTfRVIffljJ 419-891-6820 l!>50 Hollml Road tussle Maamia. OH 43537 Call (419) 539-7204 www.upsjobs.coni or 1-800-8t9-9006 Bread (Toledo) Start Work Soon .. ( ,.>' H> •< ■ .!■'■• 1