ISSN: 2473-7194

USPA Journal & Newsletter

The Official Publication of the United States Psychotronics Association (USPA)

New Series Volume 4, Number 8 (August, 2018) Journal & Newsletter of the United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) New Series Vol. 4, No. 8 (August, 2018) *********************************************************************************************

Editorial Office: USPA Newsletter, John H. Reed, M.D., Managing Editor, 4401 Roland Avenue, Suite 405, Baltimore, MD 21210, USA. Email: [email protected]; telephone: 443-858-0575

Manuscript Submission: Submit all manuscripts as Microsoft Word documents or PDFs by the 12th of each month.

Editor-in-Chief: John H. Reed, M.D. Associate Editor: Lutie Larsen Associate Editor: Daniel Taylor

United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) website:

USPA Facebook page:

Back Issues are available on the USPA website above. Copyright: Authors retain the copyright to their writings. However, USPA has the right to post copies of the USPA Newsletter in the USPA physical and online libraries and elsewhere on the Internet.

USPA Newsletter (ISSN: 2473-7194) is published monthly by the United States Psychotronics Association, Editorial Offices, 4401 Roland Avenue, Suite 405, Baltimore, MD, 21210 USA Table of Contents, August, 2018

News, Events, and Columns:

What Is Psychotronics? by Beverly Rubik, Ph.D. President, USPA: p. 1

2018 Annual United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) Conference, -- Great Success!! p. 3

Short Psychotronics News, Notes, and Queries (Updated): includes the Dotto Ring, William Lehr, Dr. Andrija Puharich, and others: p. 5

Radionics Symposium -2018, Rapid City, South Dakota, Oct. 23-27, 2018: p. 7

Radionics Certification Training Options: p. 17

2017 USPA Conference DVD Order Form: p. 18

2016 USPA Conference DVD Order Form: p. 19

“Among the Missing” (and Updates): Missing People, Books, Collections, Artifacts, Manuscripts, Periodicals, and Organizations, by John Reed, MD: p. 20


Intelligence Technology and Change - Upgrading the Mind by Jon Monroe, p. 23

The History of Radionics, by Dennis Stillings, p. 26


Lakhovsky, Georges, 1934, US Patent No. 1962565: Apparatus with Circuits Oscillating Under Multiple Wave Lengths (Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscillator (MWO)), p. 35

Books of Interest:

Denyer, Laverne E. Living Energy Systems - An Encyclopedia of Chakras, Auras, Subtle Bodes and More! p. 39

Lovel, Hugh. Quantum Agriculture: Biodynamics and Beyond: Growing Plentiful, Vital Food, 1st Edition, Forwarded by Stephan A. Schwartz. p. 40

Regular Features:

Nexus – The Alternative News Magazine and Nexus, a Free Alternative News and InformationService: p. 43

USPA Generous Donor Recognition Page: p. 44

USPA Library and Psychotronics Periodicals Update: p. 45

USPA Local Groups and Affiliates Update: p. 46

Exchange Corner and Classified Advertisements: p. 47

United States Psychotronic Association Officers & Board Members: p. 49

What Research and Subjects Does Psychotronics Cover? p. 50

Ten USPA Membership Benefits and Membership Information: p. 51

USPA Membership Application and Link to Online Application: p. 52

USPA Catalog of Conference Lectures, 1978-1994, Available for Sale: p. 53

J.G. Gallimore’s Five Rare Books Now Available for Sale: p. 54 WHAT IS PSYCHOTRONICS?

Beverly Rubik, Ph.D. President, USPA

Psychotronics originally referred to the mind (psycho) operating devices (tron) with thought. This term came out of parapsychology in the 1960s in Czechoslovakia. The early psychotronics researchers conceived of and built psychotronic generators— sacred geometrical forms composed of pyramids and cones along with crystals, copper coils, and other materials. Unlike most machines, these devices were “operator dependent”--having various effects depending upon the operator and the directed intention--and demonstrated positive effects on people, animals, plants, and processes.

Today our interests are more broadly based. The US Psychotronics Association (USPA) investigates and applies science and technology to interactions of mind, matter, spirit, consciousness, and the underlying forces of life and nature. Psychotronics challenges the dominant scientific worldview because it deals with the power of consciousness to interact directly with the physical world, which is not considered in mainstream science. However, numerous lines of scientific and other evidence point to severe limitations of the dominant paradigm, which holds that consciousness is only a passive observer. We are among those mavericks shaping the new worldview in which consciousness plays an active role in generating physical reality.

Our membership is quite diverse and fascinating. Some USPA members are frontier scientists conducting research on the effects of intention and subtle energy healing on systems such as structured water and its memory, plant growth, and the integrity of DNA. We are also concerned about the impact of electromagnetic pollution from the proliferation of wireless devices in our environment and how to protect ourselves. Other members are practitioners and teachers of radionics, using directed intention to assess and improve the well-being of living systems through the use of radionics devices, pendulums, and dowsing rods. Still others practice energy therapies ranging from hands-on healing to use of sound and light therapies, homeopathy, Oriental medicine, and other complementary modalities. Some members are skilled intuitives who can assess the biofield and subtle energy directly, without any tools. Still others are exploring psychotronics for personal growth and evolution. Despite our differences, we have much in common as we are all open-minded persons focused on expanding our understanding of nature, consciousness, and the full human potential. We enjoy camaraderie and sharing our new learning with one another.

One main focus of the USPA is the existence of a cosmic energy or bioenergy, also called qi in Oriental medicine and prana in Ayurveda—associated with the biofield

1 or life force. Energy may be mobilized with directed intention, which corresponds to the principle of ancient Eastern philosophy—“where mind goes, the qi flows.” Psychotronics devices may serve as resonators or conduits of a cosmic energy affecting living systems at a physical level. The biofield, the energy field of each organism, is also fundamental.

Is this cosmic energy an aspect of science that has somehow been overlooked, or a new form of energy? We are taking a deeper look at the science of Nikola Tesla, among other pioneering scientists, who have been largely ignored. We are also revisiting the “aether” in physics that was displaced by a materialistic worldview, but may actually be the quintessence underlying physical reality, and the etheric body in radionics, to expand the scientific perspective.

(For a more in-depth discussion of psychotronics with Dr. Rubik and Dr. Mishlove, click here for a 32 minute YouTube video.)

Beverly Rubik earned her doctorate in biophysics at the University of California at Berkeley. She is renowned for her research on the biofield, structured water, and energy healing. She is president/founder of Institute for Frontier Science in Oakland, California; professor at Energy Medicine University; author of over 90 papers and 2 books; and president of the US Psychotronics Association.

2 2018 Annual United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) Conference, -- Great Success !

The United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) held its 40th annual conference July 20-22, 2018, at the beautiful Hyatt Regency in Deerfield, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, and it was a huge success. Internationally recognized researchers, including Dr. Beverly Rubik, Dr. James Oschman, Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, Dr. Glen Rein, Dr. Patrick Bailey, Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak, and numerous other luminaries in the psychotronocs field gave exciting presentations on all aspects of cutting edge research and applications of subtle energies, radionics, the aether, new energy, and energy medicine.

This year’s conference had attendees from all over the United States and a number of foreign countries in Asia, Europe, and Latin America, and the number of attendees is continuing to grow with each passing year. And for those who were unable to attend the 2018 USPA Conference in person, this year USPA provided live-streaming of the conference, and people from all over the world watched it from the comfort of their homes. Individual DVDs of each of the speakers at the 2018 conference will be available in the near future.

DVDs of presentations at the 2017 and 2016 USPA Conferences are currently available for purchase, and an order form with a complete list of all presentations is available here, for both of those conferences. You can either print out the page and send it to Scott Beutlich at the address on the form, or you can telephone Scott at: 815-355-8030, order the presentation(s) in the program that you would like to have, and pay with a credit card. These forms are also available later in this issue of the USPA Journal & Newsletter.

We would like very much to receive your feedback on the 2018 USPA Conference as a whole, and your suggestions would be greatly appreciated on how we can continue to improve the conference in any way possible, in order to make it even more valuable and meaningful to you. Please write to Phyllis Weiland at [email protected] with any comments or suggestions you may have.

This year’s USPA Conference Committee that planned the conference, arranged for speakers, scheduling, and all the many other activities needed to make a great conference included Beverly Rubik, Glen Rein, Scott Beutlich, George Kuepper, Lutie Larsen, and Phyllis Weiland. And to them we extend our thanks and appreciation. In addition, we wish to give special thanks to Phyllis Weiland whose help and outstanding organization abilities contributed greatly to the success of the conference.

3 We also want to extend our great appreciation to those who volunteered in many ways to make this a great conference. These included Shabari Bird, Al Kacperski, Allen Rhode, Dustin Beutlich, Marie Hatland, Ann Kay, Eva Knight, Dina Shaw, Steven Splittgerber, Darin Starkey, AJ and Zach Hadfield, Ann Michels, Wendy Walton, Gene Gryziecki, David Poppers, Charles Benzinger, and Ellie Stewart.

During this conference, elections were held to fill three Board member positions which were expiring in 2018. We are happy to announce that Daniel Taylor, Linda Lancaster, and John H. Reed were elected to the USPA Board of Directors.

Current USPA Board members now include: Marty Lucas(Chairman of the Board); Beverly Rubik, Ph.D., Ed Kelly, Linda Lancaster, N.D., Lutie Larsen, Glen Rein, Ph.D., Daniel Taylor, George Kuepper, and John H. Reed, M.D.

The USPA officers include: President: Dr. Beverly Rubik; Vice Presidents: Dr. Jon Klimo, Lutie Larsen, and Dr. Linda Lancaster; Secretary / Treasurer: Scott Beutlich; Conference Consultant & Membership Coordinator: Phyllis Weiland; and Executive Secretary: Daniel Taylor

Because of the success of this conference, plans are already being made for the 2019 conference. So for those who would like to make presentations at the 2019 USPA Annual Conference, please write to Scott Beutlich at: [email protected]

4 Short News, Notes, and Queries

(If anyone would like to make a short news announcement, report something, has a question about anything related to psychotronics and related subjects, or has any information or comments about any of the following notes and queries, please write to the editor, John Reed at: [email protected])

1. USPA Member, Gene Gryziecki, Publishes Paper: “Revisiting the Bohr Radius” Gene Gryziecki recently had the above titled paper accepted and published in the peer reviewed journal, Global Journal of Science Frontier Research – GJSFR-A – Physics and Space Science. His paper appeared in Volume 18 Issue 5, pages 59- 63, and my be accessed here. Gene would appreciate any and all feedback. You may contact him at: [email protected]

2. Seeking Radionics Practioner in Ohio: Rebecca Cotterman is looking for a radionics practitioner in Ohio. If you are a practitioner in Ohio, or know one in Ohio, please contact Rebecca at: [email protected]

3. Does anyone know anything about a man named William Lehr (1933-1996), who lived in Scammon, Kansas, and who developed several energy and healing devices, and made a reproduction of the T. Henry Moray energy device? In addition, Lehr is said to have created a high-powered spark-gap device for healing purposes that cured a man who had been sent home to die, as well as, a huge bibliography of articles and books dealing with new energy sources and energy medicine and treatment.

4. Does anyone know the whereabouts and/or contact information of Dr. Robert N. Miller? At the 1978 USPA Conference, Dr. Miller gave a presentation with Pierre Paul Sauvin titled “ Methods of Detecting and Measuring Healing Energies.” That was the only time that Dr. Miller ever spoke at a USPA conference, and we would like to follow up with him on any research he has done since that time.

5. We have been recently informed that one of the radionics devices that Jerry Gallimore invented in the 1970’s or 1980’s used a GSR meter in place of a stick plate. Does anyone happen to have or know anything about this particular device? Such a device would be very significant, because if there is a such a radionics device that can be successfully used without a stick plate, which depends on the sensitivities and subjectivity of the user, it would enable nearly anyone to use that radionics device.

5 One of the problems that beginners in radionics often have is the detection of the “stick”, on the stick plate, and some people are never able to develop this ability.

6. Do any of you know anyone who has ever owned, used, or did research on the Dotto Ring? This was an electrotherapy treatment device, pictured at left, developed by Dr. Gianni Dotto back in the 1970’s and is said to have been was used successfully to treat cancer and other diseases in humans and animals. In addition, the Dotto Ring was also said to be able to slow down the aging process and even rejuvenate individuals to some degree.

7. Does anyone have video tapes of the presentations that Andrija Puharich made at the 1982 US Psychotronics Association Conference? The title of Dr. Puharich’s first presentation was: “Chemical Compounds: Receptors of Artificial ELF”, and was sold for a period of time on the USPA website with this title and catalog number F6. The second presentation that Dr. Puharich made at the 1982 USPA Conference was the Keynote Address at the Awards banquet. The Title of this presentation was “Kindling + 1” and had catalog number F7. If anyone has either or both of these tapes, please contact the editor, John Reed at: [email protected].

Andrija Puharich, Chemical Compounds: Receptors of Artificial ELF (1982) F6

Andrija Puharich, Keynote Speaker:, Kindling +1; Awards Banquet (1982) F7

6 2018 Radionics Symposium Taught By the Masters Advanced Radionics Classes Covering Humans, Livestock, Pets, Crops and Gardens

Best Western Ramkota Hotel, Rapid City, SD October 23-27, 2018

Fundamentals of Radionics Class Instructor: Ed Kelly October 23-24, 2018 - 8:30AM to 5PM

KRT President Ed Kelly will put the FUN in "fundamentals" with a two-day course designed to rein- force the core functions of practical radionics: analyzing, balancing, and potentizing. This is a hands-on workshop, so a radionic instrument and a potentizer are required to practice using radionic rates, rea- gents, and other octaves of information.

Specific topics will include:

* Crystallizing focused intent * Basic analyzing and balancing * Cold-scanning primary & supporting rates * Selecting/testing reagents and tones * Potentizing for multi-octave impact

Remember to bring a personal object and your biggest wish or desire for the coming year!

Individual Enrollment $350.00

Bring: Any Hieronymus-type two-dial radionic instrument, plus samples of water, soil, plants, seeds, and/or animals from home. Please order as soon as possible if a new instrument is required from KRT. A limited number of instruments will be available for rent.

Separate Registration Required for Fundamentals of Radionics Class! To Enroll: Call 706-782-2524 or email: [email protected]

All Saints Church Phone: 605-787-5620 PO Box 86 7 Email: [email protected] Black Hawk, SD 57718 2018 Radionics Symposium Taught By the Masters

Basic and Advanced Dowsing Instructor: Scott Ertl October 23-24, 2018 - 8:30AM to 5PM

Day 1: Basic Dowsing Techniques October 23, 2018

Introduction to Dowsing with hands on experience using multiple dowsing tools.

Day 2: Advanced Dowsing Techniques October 24, 2018

You will learn Analyzing, Clearing and Energizing in everyday life situations. Scott will teach his tried and true methods for dealing with spiritual, energetic and other really weird energy.

You can attend 1 or both days depending on your preference.

Individual Enrollment by Oct. 1st $150.00/day $50 non-refundable down payment per person is required to reserve your seat.

Individual Enrollment after Oct. 1st $175.00/day $50 non-refundable down payment per person is required to reserve your seat.

You can register on the day of class as well.

You can bring your own tools or tools will be available to use or purchase during the class.

Separate Registration Required for Basic and Advanced Dowsing Class! To register, call Scott Ertl at 715-305-2387 or complete the registration form below and mail to: Scott Ertl, 7535 Marshfield Rd, Marshfield, WI 54449

______Name: ______Email: ______Phone #: ______How many attending: ______What day(s): ______Non-refundable down payment of $______enclosed. Make check payable to Scott Ertl or call to do via credit card. Thank you!

All Saints Church Phone: 605-787-5620 PO Box 86 8 Email: [email protected] Black Hawk, SD 57718 2018 Radionics Symposium Taught By the Masters

Schedule Day 1 October 25, 2018 - 8AM to 5PM

7:15AM - 8AM Registration

8AM - 8:30AM - Dr. Ron Barone Introduction

8:30AM - 9:30AM - Dr. Ron Barone Source Energy Medicine. Source energy medicine was developed by Stephen Pollitt from Colorado. A stu- dent last year exposed me to the concept and I purchased the book and read it. I also downloaded all the basic materials he used and then adapted the numeric logarithms for a simplistic layered method of radi- onics and consumption application. I will explain the protocol and provide a sample reagent for your use and as a frequency master to add to your water for consumption, Watch prior to the class this youtube to get an overview. At the end of my session I will open up for questions about any aspect of radionics I am familiar with.

Dr. Ronald Barone: Body, Mind & Spirit - Ron is a consultant on personal well-being; from Blackhawk, SD. Ron brings over 50 years of expe- rience in the health care field. He is a Chiropractic Doctor certified in Orthopedics, with training in advanced Radiology, Nutrition, and Kine- siology and with a focus on environment, organic foods, nutrition, herbs, homeopathics, exercise and correct thinking. He has been doing radi- onics and energy medicine as his ministry since 1995. Working on people with health issues and longevity is his primary ministry. He is a skilled dowser in the natural and spiritual realm. A personal friend of Master Dowser and Shaman Raymon Grace. He is also skilled in helping the dying go through transition to the spirit world. He has considerable experience with discarnates and a wide realm of non-physical issues. Ron has worked on many issues in the natural and spiritual realm. Ron teaches people take control of their own well-being, physically and spiritually.

9:45AM - 10:45AM - “Pennsylvania” Pete Radatti Topics Pete will cover: Experiments on automation of a radionics system; Storing complex radionics pro- grams in crystals and crystalline sand; Radionics programs stored in crystals – a method of cataloging 24/7 broadcast a very useful tool; The law of unexpected consequences is alive and well in radionics and very useful; Radionics jewelry, not just for Doctor Strange; Radionics power pods – an extension of stand- ard equipment; Using radionics in paint for art; The SIR, ROSP and other radionics programs of note; My book on training radionics.

“Pennsylvania” Pete Radatti - Pennsylvania Pete Radatti is best known for his articles in the KRT newsletter, training new radionics opera- tors, and grassroots radionics support groups (Conshohocken Radionics) in, His radionics training manual “A Fun Short Course in Beginning Radionics” is available on Kindle readers via

All Saints Church Phone: 605-787-5620 PO Box 86 9 Email: [email protected] Black Hawk, SD 57718 2018 Radionics Symposium Taught By the Masters Day 1 Continued October 25, 2018 - 8AM to 5PM

11AM - 11:30AM - Cory Stover A description and display of new radionic instruments. Radionics recognizes indwelling cosmic energies which we discover within the patterns of nature. These etheric forces are traced in the geometry of space and resonate in the rhythms of nature. They are the authentic templates for life. The aim of radionics is to bring ourselves into balance and alignment within these true energies. My aim in building radionic instru- ments is to model my own understanding of these same principles. I recently came across a second-hand quote from a friend of mine and it fits well here. It said that: "at some point in the future all of [these] de- vices would cease to be necessary and that within the space of a single day they would all be discarded, for we would have evolved." It hurts a little to say, but I'd like to think that I'm working towards that day. I'll be presenting working prototypes of new devices... while they're still relevant.

Cory Stover - Cory Stover is an inventor, intuitive and expert dowser. He is the maker of the Cory Coil, Colossus energizer and Avalon Well among other radionics tools in development.

1PM - 2:30PM; 2:45PM - 3:45PM - Tim Lippert Alternative and Energetic Approaches to Support People With Cancer. Nearly every family in America is or will be affected by cancer. Mainstream medical treatments all too often do more harm than good. Doctors’ recommendations must follow the "standard of care" or they can lose their license; thus the present, main- stream, medical model not only fails miserably...but borders on being criminal. This presentation will edu- cate every attendee about a wide array of options for testing , analyzing, balancing, & supporting those concerned with cancer. There are many natural, wholesome, therapeutic alternatives to radiation and chemotherapy. It's time you learned about them. Attending this talk will likely save your life or someone you care about.

Tim Lippert; President, Livestock Innovations, Inc. - Tim has done Radionic, Naturopathic, and Alternative Medical work for clients in over 25 states, Belize, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, and the Philippines. He owns and operates one of the most elaborate Radionics labs in North America. His specialties include agricultural and environmental consulting, geo-biology, water treatment, mold & myco-toxins, Lyme Disease, sleep apnea, and spiritual issues.

4PM - 5PM - Ed Kelly Advanced Multi-Bank Testing and Balancing. Basic two-dial radionic rates successfully resonate the biggest pillars of the plants and animals we wish to analyze and balance. However, even the most simple objects are a veritable symphony of energy and information! One way to dramatically increase the impact of our efforts is to add as many additional voices as possible to each broadcast using additional tuning banks set to complementary and supporting rates. In this presentation, Ed will share practical tips and techniques for using and creating multi-bank rates with any instrument and with auxiliary Tuning Stations.

Ed Kelly, Kelly Research Technologies - KRT ( has been delivering radionic instruments, equipment, and infor- mation to the world for 37 years. Sister company BETAR USA ( produces focused vibroacoustic sound therapy systems that allow riders to literally feel their favorite music - every note and drum beat - as a sonic energy massage that melts away physical pain, emo- tional stress, and/or mental anxiety. Ed Kelly took the leadership position in these firms following the untimely passage of his father, founder Peter J. Kelly, in 2004. Ed has been involved in radionics and the esoteric arts for his entire life, literally growing up around such giants as T. Galen Hieronymus, Thomas Bearden, Bob Beck, Bob Beutlich, and countless other inventors and researchers. Ed has a BS in Geology from the University of Georgia, an MBA from Kennesaw State University, and served the nation in the U.S. Marines.

All Saints Church Phone: 605-787-5620 PO Box 86 10 Email: [email protected] Black Hawk, SD 57718 2018 Radionics Symposium Taught By the Masters Day 2 October 26, 2018 - 8AM to 5PM

8AM - 9:30AM - Marty Lucas Programing DNA. We know that DNA carries our biological program. We also know that changes in envi- ronment can affect genetic expression. Likewise we have seen how traumas can be passed from generation to generation. These traumas have reprogrammed the ‘firmware’ of the DNA that allows vital survival experiences to be passed to the next generation. We have reached a point with Radionics where we can begin to consciously and deliberately program this portion of the genetic code and create self-replicating reagents. All evidence seems to indicate that this is not a new discovery, but simply a rediscovery of an- cient knowledge.

Marty Lucas, Every Advantage Ag, Urbandale, IA - Marty Lucas is a full-time Radionic Practitioner and teacher out of central Iowa. He is known for in-depth and far-reaching research into the fringes of radionic practice. He is able to present complex scientific and esoteric subjects into easy to understand protocols and procedures.

9:45AM - 11:30AM - Hugh Lovel Biodynamic Farming and Radionics. At Quantum Agriculture we have designed, and KRT builds, a new Malcolm Rae type instrument appropriate to agriculture. What can be done with this equipment in agri- culture is the real news. In agriculture the greatest confusion reigns in regard to nitrogen. While nitrogen is nearly four fifths of the atmosphere, it commonly behaves as an inert gas. Yet, where life is involved, ni- trogen carries the patterns of both the mineral releasing, nitrogen fixing, digestive and nutrient uptake ac- tivities in the soil along with photosynthic, blossoming, fruiting and ripening activities above the soil. The atmospheric warmth and light and the soil's chemistry and life are all moderated by nitrogen in its various relationships with hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and sulfur. In regard to animals and their inward sense and desire nature, nitrogen's activities involve the uptake of proteins, their digestion, and reorganization ac- cording to each organism's DNA patterns, circulation, metabolism, conscious determination and excretion. Daily morning and evening radionic integration, balancing and enhancement of farm activities can pro- foundly affect the resilience and productivity of any farm as a whole, thus averting the adverse effects of weather, pests, diseases and general imbalances that otherwise might lead to losses in production, fertility, animal health and overall profitability. A common result is when we get nitrogen right, everything else seems to fall into place.

Hugh Lovel - Hugh Lovel is a farmer and an international consultant to dairy farms, graziers, broadacre grain growers and fruit and vegetable producers. As a multidisciplinary scientist, Hugh has introduced comprehensive soil testing using both the Albrecht approach and a total acid digest test that more clearly reveals what is actually present in soils. Above all he has been a leading pioneer of the new science of Quantum Agriculture. Hugh Lovel is the author of A Biodynamic Farm for Growing Wholesome Food and Quantum Agriculture: Biodynamics and Beyond. He is the original designer of the Field Broadcaster quantum technology and the Quantum Radionic Analyser. His articles appear in “Acres USA”, related organic farming periodicals such as “Acres Australia” and biodynamic journals around the world. Initially Hugh gained 30 years of broad experience in biodynamic farming while operating a market garden farm and the first CSA in Georgia. His farm was home to the annual South-East Biodynamic Conferences for 12 years. Hugh migrated to Australia in 2005 to teach, consult and write. Hugh served for 6 years on the national board of Biodynamic Agriculture Australia. He and his wife Shabari Bird are the founders of Quantum Agriculture Consultancy and live in Australia and the US.

All Saints Church Phone: 605-787-5620 PO Box 86 11 Email: [email protected] Black Hawk, SD 57718 2018 Radionics Symposium Taught By the Masters Day 2 Continued October 26, 2018 - 8AM to 5PM

1PM - 2PM, 2:15PM—3:15PM - Scott Ertl and Tim Lippert The Body Electric. Tim and Scott will introduce you to one of the most significant discoveries in the past 18 years of energetic work. This addresses one of the key factors in why remote, energetic work will some- times fall short. You will learn how to test for reverse polarity, the octaves of polarity, body voltage, body amperage, and oscillations. You will also learn tips and techniques to remediate each of these problems and the equipment and reagents used to quickly achieve success.

Scott Ertl is a Master Dowser, Weird Energy Expert/Energy Mechanic, Stray Voltage Specialist. He is the Inventor of the Patented Stray Voltage Device called the “Ertlizer”. Through his work with Stray Voltage, he also solves Geopathic and Spiritual issues around the world. In his spare time he operates an Organic Dairy Farm in Marshfield, Wi. Scott has spent the last 20 years researching and developing tried and true strategies that remedy many types of issues for people, animals and properties.

3:30PM - 5PM - Dr. Linda Lancaster Evaluating shock and giving treatment through various methods of Radionics - “for our difficult times” . Dr. Linda Lancaster has been practicing Radionics for the last 35+ years within her practice as a Naturo- pathic Physician and Homeopath. She will talk about the importance of analyzing and treating shock in the Physical/Etheric, Astral and Mental bodies. Dr. Linda will demonstrate how to clear shock through Radionics, by utilizing the Kelly instrument, Parcells’ Thea Light Color Broadcast, MGA Geometric pat- terns, Drown and DeLaWar Base 10 Rates, Homeopathy and Intention. She will explain why it is im- portant to trace the shock back to where it has been lodged, which very often can reveal other infor- mation. Shock is our body’s way to protect us from deeper scars. The body says it is enough and goes into shock. In Dr. Lancaster’s practice, she has found 4 out of 6 people are burdened with shock in their subtle bodies, which can create a block in the flow of the energy in the person or animal in their healing process. If energy is allowed to flow by releasing shock, very often this can be the missing link in healing.

Dr. Linda Lancaster - Dr. Linda is a Board Certified Naturopathic Physician and Homeopath. She has been in practice since 1981 and founded Light Harmonics Institute, an Energy Medicine Clinic and Educational Center based in Santa Fe, New Mexico and maintains clinics in Santa Fe and New York City. Her training includes Classical Homeopathy, Radionics, Medical Radiesthesia, Subtle Energy Healing, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda and Detoxification Methods. Her health and cleansing programs have been offered to her patients for more than 30 years.

7PM - 8:30PM - Social and Q & A Get to know other participants. Ask teachers your questions. Share your knowledge. This will be informal.

Day 3 October 27, 2018 - 8AM to 5PM

8AM - 9AM, 9:15AM—10:15AM, 10:30AM—11:30AM - Robin Hermanson Radionics and Farming. Robin will be teaching what he has learned from Jerry Freidenstien, Peter Kelley, Steve Weston and Dale Grondahl. What has worked from seed time to harvest on the farm.

Robin Hermanson, Garretson, SD - Robin is a professional Mechanical Engineer, Green Building Engineer and Certified Energy Manager. He is also a Certified Organic Farmer and has 360 acres. For 14 years, Robin has researched health and longevity through the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization. Robin is a veteran radionics operator helping people solve a wide range of health problems with alternative methods and detoxification.

All Saints Church Phone: 605-787-5620 PO Box 86 12 Email: [email protected] Black Hawk, SD 57718

2018 Radionics Symposium Taught By the Masters Day 3 Continued October 27, 2018 - 8AM to 5PM

1PM - 1:45PM - Brian Besco Tensor Fields and Radionics. Using Tensor tools with your instruments for harmonizing, space clearing, self clearing, broadcast filtration and amplification. We will have an in depth discussion on how these tools affect the field, as well as the ways in which the tools can be incorporated into, and simplify, working with Radionic instruments.

Brian Besco - Brian Besco is the leader in research and development of Tensor Technologies. He considers the Tensor tools to be a combina- tion of the physical sciences and spiritual technologies. He is a published author and manufacturer of the Tensor tools, and spoke at the 2013 Tesla Technology Convention on the Tensor Fields. Brian has also created several new modalities of subtle energy work, and teaches work- shops around the world.

2PM - 3PM - Dan Mangum Music, Frequency, and Sound. This presentation will demonstrate some of the radionic applications of music, frequency, and sound. Musical notes and tones as well as other principals of music theory such as the perfect fifth and chords. Use of other non musical frequencies and a signal generator. Music and nature sounds as rea- gents. Also covered will be the Solfeggio tones and the “sound“ of Dinshah colors. A practical demonstration of combining music and radionics will be shown.

Dan Mangum - is a radionic researcher who uses radionics to maintain a garden, greenhouse, fruit and nut trees, honeybees, a handful of hors- es and shetland sheep, and his dogs. His background includes studying mysticism, magic, and world religions, rife machines, orgone accumula- tors, homeopathy, biodynamics, and an organic diet. Dan is a licensed electrician who occasionally installs off grid solar power and lives off grid himself.

3:15PM - 5PM - Stephen Quong Geomantic and Radionic Protocols for Clearing Black Streams and Dark Pools. One of the most difficult forms of geopathic stress to clear are the so-called “black streams” and “dark pools” of decomposing material in ancient underground stream beds. These underground deposits might be millions of years old, and yet they still emit noxious gases and harmful subtle energy fields which are very disturbing to the health of living beings. This lecture will present a specific protocol combining elements of ancient Tao Geomancy and modern Western radi- onics, which you can use to neutralize this and other similar forms of geopathic stress.

Stephen Quong - is recognized internationally as one of the foremost Vedic Astrologers in the Western world. He has been certified as an in- structor of Qi-Mag Feng Shui and Tao Geomancy; Qinway Qigong; Vipassana Meditation, the Yuen Method of energetic healing, and the Medicine Buddha Healing Dharma . He has also studied and practiced Pranic Healing, Matrix Energetics, Quantum Healing, Neutrakon hypnotherapy, and many other healing modalities for many years. Stephen has practiced and taught dowsing and energy healing since 1972, and worked with radionic devices for over 30 years. His presentation will introduce various concepts and techniques from Vedic, Buddhist, Taoist and Shamanistic traditions, which can enhance our use of Kelly-type, analog radionic devices. His full biography is available online at Email: [email protected]. Office telephone: (925) 754 8858 PT.

6:30PM - Optional - Dinner at Minerva’s (NOT INCLUDED in conference fee) Join us after the conference for dinner. There will be a special menu just for our group for you to choose from. Usu- ally we have 4-5 main course choices. Due to the size of the group that we usually have, you may not substitute or choose from the regular menu. Price varies depending what you order.

NOTE: There will be products or services available for sale by the teachers and organizers. We do NOT have other vendors and participants are NOT allowed table space to sell products or services unless you have received prior permission from All Saints Church.

All Saints Church Phone: 605-787-5620 PO Box 86 13 Email: [email protected] Black Hawk, SD 57718

2018 Radionics Symposium Taught By the Masters Kids Energy Classes October 27, 2018 - 8AM to 11:30AM Kids ages 7-20. No Fee. Registration Required.

8AM - 9AM - Playing with Energy Sarah will lead the group in a few energy games and explain how you can use these same techniques to en- rich your every day life. We will also explore how to “See” energy. Taught by Sarah Emond.

9:15AM - 10:15AM - Kid’s Radionics Class Ed and Sarah will explain the basic principles of the radionics instrument, then the group will work to- gether to do hands-on testing of the energy levels of common foods and beverages. Taught by Ed Kelly. Sarah Emond assisting.

10:30AM - 11:30AM - Kid’s Dowsing Class This session will be split into 2 groups. For those that are brand new to dowsing, they will learn how to dowse with L rods, pendulums, body dowsing and bobbers. For those that have been to previous classes, they will be taught new ways to utilize dowsing in their everyday life. All kids will go home with a great basic dowsing kit! Parents are welcome to sit in on the class! Taught by Scott Ertl and Sarah Emond.

All Saints Church Phone: 605-787-5620 PO Box 86 14 Email: [email protected] Black Hawk, SD 57718 2018 Radionics Symposium Taught By the Masters Registration Form Oct. 25-27, 2018 Please fill out all information below.



Phone Email

Early Bird Symposium Price Early Bird Nonrefundable Registration Fee (Registrations received by August 31, 2018) □ Individual $650.00 $100.00 □ Married Couple $1,000.00 $200.00

Symposium Price Nonrefundable Registration Fee (Registrations received after August 31, 2018) □ Individual $675.00 $125.00 □ Married Couple $1,050.00 $250.00

Included Nonrefundable Registration Fee Paid by: □ Check □ Money Order Payable to All Saints Church and marked as DONATION in memo.

I understand that: □ I need to include the Nonrefundable Registration Fee with this registration form. □ That the remainder of the fee must be paid in cash only at the beginning of the symposium. No checks, money orders or credit cards will be accepted. □ Equipment is not required to participate in the symposium. □ If I choose to attend the Fundamentals of Radionics Class by Ed Kelly, I must register separately by calling 706-782-2524 or emailing [email protected]. □ If I choose to attend the Basic Dowsing and/or Advanced Dowsing Class by Scott Ertl, I must register separately by calling 715-305-2387.

Accommodations Rooms at the Best Western Ramkota Hotel will be available at a special rate of $85.99 per night plus taxes. King room or 2 Queens. For reservations call 605-343-8550 and request All Saints Church group rate.

Complete form and mail, along with your Nonrefundable registration fee to: All Saints Church, PO Box 86, Black Hawk, SD 57718

All Saints Church Phone: 605-787-5620 PO Box 86 15 Email: [email protected] Black Hawk, SD 57718 2018 Radionics Symposium Taught By the Masters

Kids Energy Classes Registration Form Oct. 27, 2018 8AM - 11:30AM

Please fill out all information below.

Parent(s) or Guardian(s) Name(s)

Cell Phone Email

Child(ren) Name(s) and age(s)

Any food allergies or other information we should be aware of about your child(ren)?

I understand that: □ That there is NO FEE for the Kids Energy Class □ Children must be between the ages of 7 and 20 to attend. □ Equipment will be provided for child(ren) for class use only unless otherwise noted.

Complete form and mail to: All Saints Church PO Box 86 Black Hawk, SD 57718 (605) 787-5620 [email protected]

All Saints Church Phone: 605-787-5620 PO Box 86 16 Email: [email protected] Black Hawk, SD 57718

Radionics Certification Training Options

One of our new USPA members, David Bamber, is trying to develop a full list of English-language training programmes (regardless of training medium(s) or location) that lead to certification as a Radionics practitioner. This information would be of value to all of our members. David wrote and said the following:

“I'm aware of two classroom-based courses, both in the UK (offered by the Radionics Association and Keys College). Does anyone know of any other reputable ones (surely there must be some in other countries)? I would also love to hear of your experiences (both good and bad) if you are a recent or current student of any English- language practitioner training programme that is still in operation.”

“Additionally if you have information about other courses (classroom-based or otherwise) that suggests that they are less than reputable, I am also keen to hear that (this will help ensure that I don't book on such a course!)”

“Finally has anyone any experience with or knowledge of the Radionics and Dowsing Institute of Canada's distance learning programme? Despite spending many hours of searching, I could find no information about this course on the internet other than information that is either on their own website or that has clearly been taken from their website. Thanks!”

If you have any information that could help David on this project, please write to him at: [email protected]

17 US Psychotronics 2017 Conference DVD Order Sheet DVD No. Name Presentation Title Jon Klimo, Ph.D / Scott 2017-1 Beutlich Welcome / USPA "Ted Talk"

2017-2 Nick Begich Mind Control: A Brave New World or Enhancing Human Performance 2017-3 George Kuepper Radionics & Biodynamics in the Garden: Tuning in to Nature 2017-4 Lorna Reichel Unseen Worlds of Subtle Energy 2017-5 Don Paris Consciousness Interactive Technology in the 21st Century The Holographic Nature of the Mind and its Role in Mediating Higher 2017-6 Glen Rein Order Healing Phenomena Beverly Rubik and 2017-7 Harry Jabs The Memory of Water and Beyond 2017-8 Michael Leger 21st Century Radionics – Theory and Practice 2017-9 Ed Kelly Radionics: Easy as 1-2-3! 2017-10 Jon Klimo, Ph.D. Nonlocality, Higher-dimensionality, and Radionics K.I.S.S. “Hello” to the Next Collaborative Revolution in the Industries 2017-11 Judy Lynne Cole of Health, Art and Music 2017-14 Linda Lancaster Endocrine System and its Role in Radionics Pineal Stimulation for Higher Health and Consciousness: Radionics - 2017-15 Ellen Kamhi Dowsing - Botanicals 2017-16 Elizabeth Rauscher Psychotronics, PSI and Consciousness: A New Revolution 2017-17 Dan Taylor History and Overview of Radionics 2017-18 Marty Lucus Higher Octaves of Physical Frequencies Body – Water as a Conducting System for Electromagnetic 2017-19 Rainer Fromknecht Information 2017-20 Craig Dongoski Mental Radio 2017-21 Scott Ertl Magnetism and Polarity Full Conference Set $195 with shipping Number of DVDs _____ x $12 ______+ Shipping: ______Amount Paid Name $ Street Address City, State, Zip Phone Email Fees in US dollars only, payable to: USPA Shipping: USPA Office - 815-355-8030 Email: [email protected] Mail to: 525 Juanita Vista Lane, Crystal Lake IL 60014 First DVD $3.00 Credit Card Number______Exp. Date ______CVC Code______Zip Code______Plus $.50 for each Signature______Date______additional DVD Check or MO Amount $______Check or M/O # ______Send money via PayPal to [email protected] Request PayPal billing from your email account:

18 2016 US Psychotronics Post-Conference DVD Order Sheet

MP4 DVD ID Speaker and Lecture Title

Dr. Beverly Rubik & Harry Jabs- "Geometry Coupled with Intention: Effects of a Pyramidal 2016-1 Structure" 2016-2 Dan Taylor - "The Physics of Radionics – USPA Luminaries Light the Way" Panel Discussion- "Subtle Energy w/ E. Kamhi, J. Klimo, G. Rein, E. Rowley, B. Rubik, W. Tiller, 2016-3 Dan Taylor 2016-4 Ed Kelly - "The History of Kelly Research Technologies" 2016-5 George Kuepper - "Practicing Radionics for Farming and Gardening: Past, Present and Future" 2016-6 Tim Lippert - "Elimination of Lyme Disease, Allergies, and the use of Radiation Hormesis" 2016-7 Dr. Don Paris - "The Latest Advances in Radionics" 2016-8 Lutie Larsen and Linda Lancaster - Radionics Cameras of the 1900s 2016-9 Marty Lucas - "Geometry and the Shape of Disease" 2016-10 Panel Discussion - "Radionics / G. Kuepper, E. Kelly, L. Larsen, L. Lancaster, T. Lippert and D.

Paris" 2016-11 Dr. William Tiller - "The Power of Human Intention and its Many Applications" 2016-12 Gayle Mack - "Spiral Breath and the Glia Brain: Activate Higher Consciousness" 2016-13 Tom Masbaum - "Consciousness - Some Effects of Emotions and Memories on the Body" 2016-14 Judy Lynn Cole - "Phase Shifting" 2016-15 Dr. Glen Rein - "Subtle Light Energy and the Substratum: Bio-Physics and Mysticism" 2016-16 Dean Radin - "Skype: Mind-Matter Interactions at the Quantum Level" 2016-17 Geoffrey Miller - "Free Energy 30 Years Ago and Where We are NOW in 2016" 2016-18 Ellen Kamhi - "Herbs, Dowsing, and Radionics: Self-Care Techniques for the Coming Times" 2016-19 Dr. Karl Maret - "Exploring Subtle Energies in Energy Medicine" 2016-20 Dr. Jon Klimo - "Radionics: Working with the Post-Cartesian Unified Field" 2016-21 Kenneth Diehl - "Subtle Energy Relationships in Human Form and Function" 2016-22 Mary Hardy - "Balancing the Grid so the Schumann Resonance Does Not Affect Human

Consciousness" 2016-23 Dr. John Reed - "Evidence Based Psychotronics" Totals Prices:: 15.00 Each - Plus Shipping (see box below)

Special! - Buy 4 get the 5th one FREE Full Conference Set $215 Number of DVDs _____ x $15 ______+ Shipping: ______Due $______MP4 Price - ______x $15 Due $______Amount Paid Name $ Full address Phone/email Fees in US dollars only, payable to:

USPA Shipping:

USPA Office - 815-355-8030 Email: [email protected] Mail to: 525 Juanita Vista Lane, Crystal Lake IL 60014 First DVD Credit Card Number______$3.00 Exp. Date ______CVC Code______Zip Code______Plus $.50 Signature______Date______for each additional Check or MO Amount $______Check or M/O # ______DVD Send money via PayPal to [email protected] Request PayPal billing from your email account ______Note: If a recording is not available for whatever reason, you will be given a refunded or credit.

19 Among the Missing, (and Updates): A Column about Missing People, Organizations, Periodicals, Books, Artifacts, and Collections in the Psychotronics Field

by John H. Reed, M.D

This is a new “column” or section of the USPA Newsletter, and will be an ongoing part of every issue, with the purpose of helping the USPA, as well as, our members and research associates locate people, organizations, periodicals, books, artifacts, devices, collections, and other items that have seemingly disappeared, or have been extremely difficult to find. Updates will be added, and each missing item will be retained in future issues until it is found or otherwise resolved, since some readers may not have seen prior issues of the USPA Newsletter or the original notice of the missing item.

In addition, this will also serve as a “People Locator Service” to help find authors and researchers on psychotronics, radionics, subtle energies, energy medicine, and related subjects, who have “disappeared” or have died long ago, and whose relatives you may be trying to find in order to preserve the research papers and collection of that person.

In our research and reading, we all have encountered people, organizations, periodicals, books, articles, or other things that we have tried to find, and some people have searched for years to find something, but have not yet found it, despite the vast resources of the Internet. However, with our large USPA membership, we can all help one another find what we have been searching for. Some of you may have experience in genealogical research, or private investigation, law enforcement, or even intelligence work which you could utilize to help each other, or perhaps just make suggestions on how or where to search for something.

So if there is anything you have been searching for and need help to find, please write to me, John H. Reed, M.D. at: [email protected], and I will include your search help request in the next and subsequent issues of the USPA Newsletter. And if you have any information about an item that is listed in “Among the Missing”, please write to the same email address and share what you know or your suggestions. If there is something that is confidential, your confidentiality request will be honored and protected.

Missing Person: Willard Frank , also known as Bill Lawson We are trying to find any relatives or other people who personally knew Willard Frank, also known as Bill Lawson, who was the developer of the radionics device called the Digitron. This device, a photo of which appears at left, was invented by Willard Frank in the early 1980’s, and is reported to be the forerunner of the SE-5, which Don Paris has developed into one of the finest radionics devices in the world.

20 Willard Frank is reported to have died in 2009, and there is some question as to whether his real name was Willard Frank or Bill Lawson. If any reader knew Willard Frank, or where he lived, or any of his relatives, please contact the editor, John Reed at: [email protected].

The USPA would also like to obtain one of the Digitron devices for the USPA Museum. If anyone has a Digitron (or knows someone who does) and would like to donate it to the USPA or sell it for a reasonable price, please contact the editor.

Missing Inventions: The Missing Invention of Arthur H. Matthews to Control Insect Pests, Microbes, and Diseases at a Distance

Where are the patent and invention by Arthur H. Matthews, a Canadian, who in his own words stated “This refers to my invention of selective control – at a distance – with no physical contact – to control any form of germ – any sickness – all kinds of insect[s] which cause damage to forest, garden and human[s].” Those words appeared in Matthews’ own hand writing at the bottom of a reproduced letter on Appendix page A-10 of his book, The Wall of Light, which he published in 1971. But the big mystery is that the Canadian Patent Office database of patents does not show this invention or any other invention by Arthur H. Matthews.

Interestingly, correspondence of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents shows the title of the invention as “ Methods for the Control of Insect Pests” and the patent application number of: 510,626, but not the number of the patent, if it was ever granted. So the question arises: What happened to this wonderful invention by Mr. Matthews, and why does the Canadian Patent database have no record of this device whatsoever in its database of patents?

Further details on this mystery are available in an article titled, “Among the Missing" Special: The Missing Invention of Arthur H. Matthews to Control Insect Pests, Microbes, and Diseases at a Distance” in the February, 2018, issue of the USPA Journal and Newsletter, pages 24-27, available here. If anyone has any information about this invention by Arthur H. Matthews, please write to the USPA editor, John H. Reed, M.D. at: [email protected].

Missing Device: Marcel Vogel’s Omega- 1 Radionics Instrument In a 1987 meeting presentation, YouTube Video, available here, beginning about 4:20, Marcel Vogel states that he had been trying to find a way by which he could measure the subtle energies and fields in the crystals he was working with, and that he prayed to God to give him an instrument to make such measurements. Marcel says that about two months later, a man named Daniel Perkins, apparently guided by higher forces to build such an instrument, came to Marcel’s door and said, “Here is your instrument, the Omega-1. You will know how to use it,” and walked away. But where is that particular Omega-1, and were any other Omega-1instruments built? It is known that other Omega models of radionics instruments were produced, especially Omega-5 instruments, but it is not known if the company that built them still exists. In addition,

21 does anyone know who Daniel Perkins is, and where he is located? Anyone who can shed light on this mystery, please write to the editor at: [email protected].

Missing Psychotronics Device:

The AGRAD Machine: In the 1970’s Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc.(MRU), headed by Dr. Carl Scleicher, was offering for sale a device called the AGRAD Machine. It was intended to be used in the electromagnetic treatment of crops and the control of insect populations, and sold for $390.00. MRU claimed that AGRAD machines had been used for several years by MRU researchers to conduct experimental applications of the type described in The Secret Life of Plants by Christopher Bird and Peter Tompkins, and Report on Radionics by Edward W. Russell. Theoretically, the AGRAD machine was intended to produce effects through electromagnetic wavefronts that would interact with and control insects by disturbing the insect sensor mechanisms. A photo of the device and additional information appeared in one of MRU’s publications which you can access here.

22 Intelligence Technology and Change - Upgrading the Mind by Jon Monroe

What is intelligence? Definitions of human intelligence are difficult to nail down. Academic science values the ability to learn, remember and use information. In the Arts, it is the ability to create new and interesting expressions, and to some, it is the ability to survive in difficult times by thinking outside the box. Add to this, the notion of emotional intelligence and the picture becomes very wide angle. Modern neurophysiology tells us that except for pathology and injury, we all have more or less the same brain. From not very bright to off the charts genius, how do we account for the vast range of intelligence that passes for normal in our species? The answer it would seem, is in what is coming to be called the connectome. This is the sum total of the software connections between all of the various brain regions. The connectome is dynamic and changes as we develop. That is why you can be smarter than you were when you were a teenager but also why you begin to lose it as you become very elderly. It is through the enhancement of our connectomes that we can achieve our true potential intelligence.

The connectome. A map of brain connections.

23 The changing world changes us all. As a young undergrad in the early 1970s, I was working on a paper about the evolutionary nature of intelligence and consciousness over time. Seeking some first-hand knowledge, I went to a retirement home in my neighborhood in Madison, Wisconsin and asked if there were any really old people that I might be able to have a conversation with. I soon found myself talking with Alice who was 102 years old. A delightful and sharp woman born in 1869 who grew up in and around the city of Milwaukee Wisconsin. I explained to her that I was interested in how people were changed by the development of technology and had she noticed any such change in people over her long life. She thought for a moment and said well, for the first 50 years or so I would have thought no. At this point she laughed and said, I really thought I was old then. Alice was 50 years old in 1920. She said, up until then horses pulled us around, houses looked the same inside and out, I had the same kind of life my mother and grandmother had. Then she leaned in to better get my attention and said, and then the past just fell away. I feel a chill even now remembering her words. She said all of a sudden it became the modern world with electric lights, telephones, radios, cars and airplanes. I asked if it changed her and the other people she knew. "Oh yes", she said, "we were never the same again." That modern world that came upon Alice so suddenly in the early 20th century has been with us for 100 years now. I think we are rapidly approaching a tipping point where again the past will just fall away. Radionics and the electronic use of information as medicine, was a part of that sudden onset modern world that Alice described. With Dr. Albert Abrams (the father of modern radionics) doing his foundational research in the early 1920s. Remaining on the fringe of science and medicine throughout the 20th century, radionics is only now coming to be understood and soon to be valued for its ability to modify and control biological processes only recently discovered and not fully understood. It is the ability of modern radionics to read and influence the meta processes of the brain that make it so useful in activating our potential abilities.

A human being requires more than 15 years to achieve adult level intelligence. The plasticity of the young brain's connectome is what allows children to soak up knowledge like a sponge. This must be followed in adolescents by a pruning and consolidation of brain connections so that the knowledge can be effectively used by the adult. Transcranial stimulation or t DCS is a safe and simple way to temporarily induce plasticity in the adult brain's connectome. The Harmonic Translation System is an advanced radionic device which can be programmed to induce connections between brain regions and modify existing patterns. With transcranial direct-current stimulation creating temporary plasticity and the Harmonic Translation System programming connections and patterns within the connectome, it is hoped that a wholesale unfolding of untapped potential can be safely promoted.


The Harmonic Translation System can be programmed to connect various brain regions.

What this would look like would vary from person to person. In general, there would be improved cognitive functions. This might include both short and long term memory improvements as well as better perception of patterns in both vision and hearing. Ability in speaking or singing and communicating as well as problem solving and emotional intelligence might also be improved with increased empathy and social skills. The world is in great need of the human mind version 2.0. We have as Jason Silva so eloquently says, a great soul sickness upon us, where half of us are on psychiatric medications, and one in five of us considers suicide. Our robots are crawling the surface of Mars, but many of us can find no reason to get out of bed in the morning. I believe we have to rise to this great challenge and stretch beyond our current limitations. Only when genius, wisdom and heroic actions become the norm, will we break through our cultural malaise into a new day. To that end, I believe we must use the best of our new tools and technologies to bring out our latent abilities and conscious capacities so that we might survive and prosper in this new world. A tsunami wave of change is upon us. And again our past is about to fall away. For the first time in our historical memory, in the span of a single generation, not only our world will be totally transformed but ourselves as well.

Jon Monroe is Director of New Science and developer of the Harmonic Translation System. He can be reached at [email protected]

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Lakhovsky, Georges, 1934, US Patent No. 1962565: Apparatus with Circuits Oscillating Under Multiple Wave Lengths (Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscillator (MWO)) Images (1) Editor's note: See page 4 of this article for full page image of design; US1962565A US Grant

Download PDF Find Prior Art Similar

Inventor: Lakhovsky Georges

Original Assignee: Lakhovsky Georges

Classications Priority date : 1931-05-02

H04B7/12 Frequency diversity Family: US (1)

Date App/Pub Number Status

1931-11-13 US1962565A Expired - Lifetime

1934-06-12 US1962565A Grant

Info: Cited by (8), Similar documents, Priority and Related Applications

External links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet, Global Dossier, Discuss


June 12, 1934. LAKHQVSKY 1,962,565

APPARATUS WITH CIRCUITS OSCILLATING UNDER MULTIPLE WAVE LENGTHS Filed Nov. 13, 1931 L -xi/e/msk Patented June 12, 1934 PATENT OFFIE APPARATUS WITH CIRCUITS O SCILLATING UNDER MULTIPLE WAVE LENGTHS Georges Lakhovsky, Paris, France Application November 13, 1931, Serial No. 574,907 In France May 2, 1931 7 Claims. (Cl. 250-33) The present invention has for its object an apparatus capable of sending out simultaneously different wave lengths so that among these waves or their harmonics there is found almost always one or several capable of producing the best effect sought for any application Whatever.

There is used for that purpose the property of open circuits having a fundamental or natural self induction and capacity to oscillate upon a well determined wave length if they are excited by electric impulses emanating from discharges of any source.

The radiating part of the system, producing waves of various lengths, is therefore constituted by a certain number of concentric open rings of different diameters, which are maintained insulated by any appropriate process. These rings may or may not be terminated by small spheres forming capacities.

These rings may be arranged either in the same plane or in different planes so as to form any surfaces, such as portions of cones, spheres, paraboloids, ellipsoids, etc. these surfaces being of a nature to concentrate the waves in a determined direction in the manner of a reector, for example.

These rings may be fed by any producing device whatever of high frequency, for example, a combination comprising a trembler coil (or any other ) and a high frequency circuit provided with a self- and a. capacity.

One or several points of this high frequency circuit is or are connected to the end of one or several of the rings forming the radiating apparatus. The other rings not connected are excited by induction.

The complete apparatus (coil, high frequency circuits, rings, etc. may be mounted in a box or upon a small board capable of sliding along a guide or rocking so as to be able to be placed in the most convenient position.

In the accompanying drawing, by way of example, not limitative, there is shown:

Fig. 1 a diagram of the system.

Fig. 2 the position of the rings in the form of a cone.

Fig. 3 the apparatus mounted upon a foot or base.

In Fig. 1 there is seen at T the transformer or coil (P the primary, S the secondary of this coil), V, the screw of the trembler, C the condenser the discharge of which across the spark gap E produces oscillations in the self-induction coil L which in its turn acts by induction upon the self-induction coil L this self-induction coil L is connected on 35 one side to the rst exterior ring a, on the other side to the following ring b.

It thus forms an electrostatic eld of high frequency which induces oscillations in the other rings 0, d, e, J.

As a modication, L may be suppressed and the rings a and b may be connected each to one of the ends of L One of the ends, or even any point of the selnduction coils L or L may likewise be connected to any one of the rings.

Fig. 2 shows the arrangement of the rings in the form of a cone.

The open circuits a, b, c, f can be constituted by solid conductors. They can also be tubular circuits, this being advantageous, since, for the same bulk, the radiating surface is larger. Finally, the area of the cross section of each of these various circuits can vary from one circuit to the other; for instance, this area can decrease from the periphery (ring a) to the center (ring 1) of the radiating system.

Fig. 3 shows the apparatus mounted upon a foot A along which it can slide, in order to be placed at any desired height and upon a hinge B which allows it to be oriented upon the horizon.

I claim:-

1. An apparatus adapted to produce electric elds of high frequency having multiple wave lengths, comprising a high frequency producing device, a series of high frequency radiating circuits constituted by concentric insulated split rings of different diameters, the split ends being spaced from each other and terminating with small spheres.

2. An apparatus adapted to produce electric elds of high frequency having multiple wave lengths, comprising a high frequency producing device, a series of high frequency radiating circuits constituted by concentric insulated split rings of different diameters and terminated by small spheres forming capacities.

3. An apparatus adapted to produce electric elds of high frequency having multiple wave lengths, comprising a high frequency producing device, a series of high frequency radiating circuits constituted by concentric insulated split rings of different diameters and arranged in one and the same plane the split ends being spaced from each other and terminating with small spheres, in staggered position as regards adjacent rings.

4. An apparatusof the type described comprising a base, a plate slidably mounted on said lid base, a support pivoted to the said plate, a series of open and insulated, high frequency radiating circuits mounted on the pivoted support, and a high frequency producing device for the excitation of the said circuits.

5. An apparatus adapted to produce electric elds of high frequency having multiple wave lengths, comprising a high frequency producing device, a series of high frequency radiating circuits, said circuits being open, insulated, and having dimensions different from each other.

6. An apparatus adapted to produce electric elds of high frequency having multiple wave lengths, comprising a high frequency producing device, a series of high frequency radiating cirbetween two: of these radiating circuits and respectively each of the poles of the outgoing element of the high frequency energizing circuit.


Cited By (8)

Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title

US2351055A * 1941-11-21 1944-06-13 Henry S Blum Tube for producing multiple wave lengths

US2430664A * 1943-12-31 1947-11-11 Philco Corp Measuring apparatus for ultra high frequency energy

US2656839A * 1950-02-14 1953-10-27 Clarence B Howard Electrotherapeutic oscillator

US4841249A * 1986-10-28 1989-06-20 Aktiengesellschaft Truncated cone shaped surface resonator for nuclear magnetic resonance tomography

EP2298414A1 2009-09-21 2011-03-23 Sigrid Teupe Method and device for activating the self-healing powers of patients and applications for same

US20110220817A1 * 2008-08-12 2011-09-15 Moore John W Method of reducing the distortion of the electromagnetic eld

US20130279144A1 * 2009-12-07 2013-10-24 Northrop Grumman Systems Systems and methods for obstructing magnetic ux Corporation

EP2862596A1 2013-05-14 2015-04-22 Vincent Lauer Device for treating diseases

Family To Family Citations

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party, ‡ Family to family citation

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US2395560A 1946-02-26 Wave guide

US593138A 1897-11-02 Electrical Transformer

US2355395A 1944-08-08 Electromagnetic alarm device

US2147159A 1939-02-14 Magnetron oscillator and detector

US2600057A 1952-06-10 High-voltage multiple core transformer

US2169304A 1939-08-15 Frequency selective system

US2627571A 1953-02-03 Choke joint high-frequency heater

US2005741A 1935-06-25 -strictive sound generator

US685012A 1901-10-22 Means for increasing the intensity of electrical oscillations.

US2286428A 1942-06-16 Arrangement for tuning parallel wire lines

Priority And Related Applications

Priority Applications (1)

Application Priority date Filing date Title

FR1962565X 1931-05-02

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38 Living Energy Systems - An Encyclopedia of Chakras, Auras, Subtle Bodes and More! by Laverne E. Denyer

• Paperback: 328 pages • Publisher: Independently published (February 11, 2017) • Language: English • ISBN-10: 1520417179 • ISBN-13: 978-1520417172 • Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.7 x 11 inches

Available from, here

This is definitely NOT the same old material dressed up in a new cover. It is new, in-depth and exciting. Here is the key to understanding subtle energies, their vital connections to the Living Energy System, and how they support the web of life. Humans are complex beings with many diverse and wondrous vibrational mechanisms. The patterns combine into a structure that nurtures life and consciousness. This book provides a comprehensive look at the multiple layers and components of the human energy system

Learn more about the entire energy system (auras, chakras, kundalini, impedance crystals, soul net, infinity wave matrix, etc.) in this comprehensive text. Discover systems and connections never before published. In the 21st Century, the old paradigms of healing, and our esoteric energy fields are evolving. "Living Energy Systems" validates the belief that our bodies are more than simple machines with parts that wear out. It provides an understanding of our physical, emotional, mental, and energetic systems to identify alternatives to healing with drugs and surgery. It is a true encyclopedic reference and training manual for the modern age.

Author Laverne Denyer, (website), a healer for over 45 years has applied her insight and expertise to produce this exciting visual roadmap to human energy fields. Her detailed illustrations of the vibrational structures and clear descriptions provide an excellent overview of a healthy Living Energy System, with all of its subsystems, functions and interrelationships. Packed with extensive diagrams and clear illustrations, this book provides a comprehensive examination of the body’s Living Energy Systems that no other reference source has. Living Energy Systems is the essential manual for anyone involved in healing and conscious health care, as well as those seeking to understand and/or heal themselves.

39 Quantum Agriculture: Biodynamics and Beyond: Growing Plentiful, Vital Food 1st Edition

by Hugh Lovel, Forwarded by Stephan A. Schwartz

Paperback: 216 pages Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Pr; 1st edition (November 1, 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 069228026X ISBN-13: 978-0692280263 Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches

Available from, here.

This is an excellent book that covers all aspects of quantum and biodynamic agriculture, by one of the world’s experts on this subject matter. The Table of Contents of this book has been included below, to show the broad range of subjects covered, from introducing the subject in general, to describing in detail numerous applications, weather and seasonal considerations, and many other aspects of biodynamic agriculture.

Of particular interest to USPA readers are the author’s chapters on agricultural homeopathy, Hieronymus homeopathic and biodynamic rates, dowsing, agricultural radionics, and alchemical subjects.

About the author:

Hugh Lovel is a farmer, multi-disciplinary scientist, and teacher of soil science, biodynamics and Quantum Agriculture. Author of A Biodynamic Farm, his articles appear in periodicals such as Acres USA, Acres Australia and Biodynamic.

Hugh’s first mentor, Peter Escher, was Ehrenfried Pfeiffer’s farming partner. Hugh started the first CSA in Georgia and hosted a dozen Southeast Biodynamic Conferences. With over 30 years experience farming and biodynamic preparation making, he migrated to Australia in 2005 to teach, consult and write, and is committed to implementing Rudolf Steiner’s imperative to “…impart the benefits of our agricultural preparations to the widest possible areas of the entire earth.”

He aims to raise the level of scientific understanding in biology and agriculture where the intriguing rules of quantum physics are by far the best explanation of 40 how living organisms interact with the soil as well as the wider universe. He and his wife, Shabari Bird, reside in the US and Australia.

Table of Contents:


Getting Started

An Introduction to Biodynamics

Suggested Reading

Peter Escher

Establishing a Self-Sufficient System

The Humus Flywheel

The Biodynamic Preparations

Spraying Biodynamic Preparations

Goethean Phenomenology

Context and Content

Planting Calendars

Seasonal Microbial Activity

The Importance of Winter

The Soil Food Web

Making Preparations

Orchard & Vineyard Maintenance

Tree Paste


Liquid Amendment Preparations Storage and Use

El Nino/La Nina Rhythm

Weeds, Insect & Pests

John Priestley’s Fruit Fly Bait 41


Agricultural Homeopathy

Hieronymus Homeopathic Rates

Dowsing, Radionics and Field Broadcaster

Hieronymus Biodynamic Preparation Rates

A Universal Prayer of Intent

Dowsing Fan Chart

Hieronymus Type Left Dial/Right Dial Rates

Weather Moderation: Birth of Sequential Spraying

Energy Balancing

True Excellence in Growing Food

Homemade Fertilisers

US to Metric Conversion Table

El Nino/La Nina

The Paramagnetism Debate

Growing Ginger

Beyond Biodynamics

Alchemical Chemistry Summary

3D Gyroscopic Periodic Table

The Energetic Activities

Alchemical Chemistry




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A FREE alternative news and information service, is delivered digitally 24/7 to your device or computer.

43 USPA Generous Donor Recognition Page

The USPA would like to give special recognition on a continuing basis to people making generous donations to the United States Psychotronics Association. To do this, we are creating this special “USPA Generous Donors Recognition Page” that will be carried in each issue of the USPA Journal & Newsletter, beginning with the December, 2016, issue and going forward. New names will be added as other generous donations are received.

We wish to recognize the following individuals for their generosity: (in alphabetical order)

Mary Hardy (Temple of Sakkara)

Clement Jewitt

Ed Kelly (Kelly Research Technologies)

Michael Leger ( Homeodynamics, LLC )

John H. Reed, M.D.

William Reeves (Print & Web Design - [email protected])

Arnold Reinhold

Eric Rowley

The USP wishes to extend our thanks and gratitude for their generosity.

To make a tax deductibe donation to the United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) online, please go to the USPA donations page and scroll down to the orange “Donate” button, where you can make a donation using your credit, debit card, or PayPal. For those who wish to make a donation by check, please make your check payable to USPA and mail it to the USPA treasurer, Scott Beutlich, 525 Juanita Vista, Crystal Lake, IL 60014.


USPA Psychotronics Periodicals Library

In order to do good psychotronics research of any kind, whether it involves radionics, radiesthesia, psionic medicine, dowsing, subtle energies, biophotons, or any other subject covered by psychotronics, one needs access to as much of the periodical literature as possible on these subjects.

To address this issue, the United States Psychotronics Association has resolved to identify, acquire, and digitize copies of every psychotronics related periodical that has ever been published anywhere in the world, and to retain copies in the USPA Library.

As a first step, we have developed an online list of psychotronics related periodicals (click here) that focus on or frequently have articles on the psychotronics subjects noted above. This is a growing list, since we know there are probably other psychotronics periodicals that have been published, but that we do not yet know about. Please look over the online list and check your own personal physical libraries and your computer files, thumb discs, and other external hard drives to see if you have any issues of the periodicals on this list. Even if you just have one issue, please let us know, because that may be the one we need to complete all the issues of a particular periodical. Please write to me (John Reed) at:[email protected], since I am the USPA librarian and archivist coordinating this effort,and tell me what periodicals you have. As a whole, the members of USPA and other interested non-members, have a huge “library” of periodicals, but it just happens to be “distributed” among these people at this point in time. However, we can work together, and if you would be willing to loan, donate, xerox, or as a last resort, sell copies of your periodicals to the USPA Library, then we will be able to build a large centralized library of all psychotronics periodicals. And all USPA members will then be able to use these periodicals in their research or for their reading enjoyment.


USPA Local Groups and Affiliates Update

As mentioned in the May, 2016, USPA Newsletter, one of our goals is to reactivate all of the former 24 USPA Chapters that once existed across the US and Mexico. In addition, we plan to establish new local groups of people interested psychotronics and related subjects in other major cities in the US and other countries as well. All such local groups and affiliates will be independent, but will work together with the USPA in a mutually beneficial relationship to achieve our goals of advancing research and applications in psychotronics, radionics, subtle energy, and related fields.

So I would like to invite all of former USPA Chapters leaders and members to contact me (John Reed) at: [email protected] and let me know if you would like to help reactivate your local chapter. In addition, if you are a leader or member of a psychotronics or related organization which was never a chapter of USPA, and we would welcome you as a USPA affiliated organization as well.

We will be establishing a USPA affiliated groups as traditional organizations and also via the online group platform. This will enable current and former members to more easily have local get-togethers, meetings, and other activities, and those activities, times, and other details can be posted online. So please let me know if you would like to be the leader of a group in your area.

If you do decide to use to establish your local group, you could do it quickly and easily by going to , and clicking on the big red word “Start” in the upper left, and then just following the step-by-step procedures. You can give your local group any name you want, but it should probably have a name that relates to psychotronics in some way. And if you need any help, please let me know, and I will help you in any way I can. Perhaps the most important thing is enthusiasm and determination, so write to me, even if you don’t know any other USPA members in your area, and I will help you set up a local group: [email protected]


Exchange Corner and Advertisements

The “Exchange Corner”, is a place where people can advertise to buy, exchange, or sell items of interest, or request information or other help in relation to something wanted. So if there is anything you want to buy, sell or trade that has to do with psychotronics, radionics, subtle energy, or related subjects, please contacted the Classified Ads manager at: [email protected]. Advertisements are free of charge to USPA member within certain limits, but non-members will be charged for any classified or display ads. So please send your ads and wanted requests to: [email protected].

Wanted: Any articles, periodicals, books, devices, or other materials on psychotronic related subjects that you can donate or lend to the USPA for its library, archives, and museum. The USPA is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt organization, and as such, you are able to make tax deductible donations to the USPA. Please email the USPA at: [email protected] to make shipping arrangements. Thank you for your generosity.

****************************************************************** Kelly Personal Analyzer for Sale

Mariette Picket has a friend that has a brand new unused Kelly Personal Analyzer that she paid $2100 for, and is offering it for sale at only $1600.00 Anyone interested call Mariette at: 317-773-0061


Bruce Copen MARS III for Sale

I am a current USPA member and have a Bruce Copen MARS lll for sale. The system is about 7 or 8 years old and in original, excellent condition. Sale includes original SCOPE analysis, database and broadcast software, HP laptop, comprehensive training manual and program disc, interconnects and boxes. I have always run it on XP with no issues; everything original as supplied by Copen. All operations can be automated and multiple broadcasts can be run simutaneously, although Copen saw to develop this device so it could be used in many radionic styles and without computer control. The price is $8500 USD roughly half the original cost. I prefer to not ship to a destination outside the USA. A limited amount of training by me, as I understand it, is available to a confirmed purchaser, as time and distance reasonably permit. Please contact: Dr Robert Dixon, [email protected] or call (304) 259-9439 Berkeley Springs, WV.


47 KRT Experimental Agricultural Radionic Analyzer for Sale


United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) Officers and Board Members Officers:

President: Beverly Rubik, Ph.D. email: [email protected]

Vice President: John Klimo, Ph.D. email: [email protected]

Vice President: Lutie Larsen email: [email protected]

Vice President: Linda Lancaster, N.D. email: [email protected]

Secretary / Treasurer: Scott Beutlich email: [email protected]

Executive Secretary: Daniel Taylor email: [email protected]

Conference Consultant & Membership Coordinator: Phyllis Weiland email: [email protected]

Board Members:

Chairman of the Board: Marty Lucas email: [email protected]

Member: Beverly Rubik, Ph.D. email: [email protected]

Member: Lutie Larsen email: [email protected]

Member: Linda Lancaster, N.D. email: [email protected]

Member: Ed Kelly email: [email protected]

Member: Glen Rein, Ph.D. email: [email protected]

Member: Daniel Taylor email: [email protected]

Member: George Kuepper email: [email protected]

Member: John Reed, M.D. email: [email protected]

49 What Research and Subjects Does Psychotronics Cover?

The United States Psychotronics Association defines psychotronics as the science of mind-body-environment relationships, an interdisciplinary science concerned with the interactions of matter, energy, and consciousness. Psychotronics involves the study, research, and applications of the physics and technology of the mind, brain, spirit, consciousness, and the underlying forces of life and nature – hence the term “psychotronics”.

We believe that a true understanding of the universe must include the spiritual, as well as, the technical, and provide an opportunity for amateur researchers to present their findings along with the professionals. We stress research, with documentation of results, and practical applications, rather than personal experience and unsupported hypotheses.

Some Prominent People in the history of psychotronics research and application: Albert Abrams, Thomas Bearden, Robert C. Beck, Robert O. Becker, Jacques Benveniste, David Bohm, Harold Saxon Burr, George W. Crile, Ruth Drown, T. Galen Hieronymus, Vlail P. Kaznacheyev, Georges Lakhovsky, Wilhelm Reich, Royal R. Rife, Rupert Sheldrake, Nikola Tesla, Marcel Vogel, and others.

Some of the forces, fields, waves, and energies studied and researched in psychotronics include: bioelectromagnetism, biophotons, biopotentials, electromagnetic wave pollution and harmful effects; coherent emanations of DNA, emanations of matter, “free energy”, morphogenetic fields, non-hertzian waves, orgone energy, pyramid energy and power, qi (chi), quantum fields, scalar waves, subtle energies, ultra-weak radiation of living matter, zero-point energy, and others.

Some of the phenomena believed to be produced or involved with the above fields and energies: action-at-a-distance, the aura of the body and other living things, bioinformation, bioluminescence, chakras, consciousness, distant intercellular interactions, meridians of the body, mind-body interactions, non-locality, the placebo effect, quantum consciousness, spontaneous remission of cancer and other diseases, water memory, water structure, and others.

Related fields of study and research covering the above forces, energies, and phenomena of psychotronics: bioelectromagnetics, bioenergetics, biophotonics, biophysics, psionics, psychoenergetics, psychoneuroimmunology, quantum biology, radionics, scalar electromagnetics, and others.

Some practices, techniques, and applications related to psychotronics include: acupuncture, biogeometry, brain entrainment, clairvoyance, dowsing, energy healing and medicine, extrasensory perception, feng shui, homeopathy, kirlian photography, magnetic therapy, pendulum use and methods, prayer effects, psionic medicine, psychic healing, psychometry, qigong, radiesthesia, radionics, remote viewing, shamanism, sound and sonic healing, telekinesis, telepathy, and others.

50 Membership Benefits

So if you are interested in any of the above subjects, then the USPA is the place for you, where you can interact with, exchange ideas, and collaborate with other people who are interested in the same subjects. So sign up now for membership in the USPA using the form on the following page and start enjoying all of your membership benefits. These benefits include, but are not limited to:

1. USPA Psychotronics Library: Free access to copies of certain articles, periodicals, books, audio tapes, videos, and other materials in USPA Psychotronics Library. Please write to [email protected] for whatever item(s) you are seeking; 2. Your free subscription to the USPA Journal & Newsletter; 3. Your right to freely publish articles in the WISE Journal - The Journal of the World Institute for Scientific Exploration (ISSN 2381-1536), enabling the world to see your ideas or research, and thereby enhance your resume and credentials; 4. Your right to use the USPA Literature Research Service, whereby we will find any article, book, or other item you are seeking on the above subjects, and provide it to you; 5. Your right to participate in the USPA “Research Assistance Program”, especially useful to professors, authors, and other researchers, who need extra help on their projects. USPA will help find volunteers to help you with your research project(s). 6. Your right to be part of the USPA Project Participation Program, whereby you can volunteer to help on numerous available USPA projects, or help researchers who are conducting research on psychotronics and related subjects. 7. Your right to make oral or poster presentations at the annual USPA meeting, with the approval of the Annual USPA Meeting Planning Committee. 8. Your right to discounts on the purchase of certain items and services made available for sale or provided by the USPA and its members. 9. Your right to freely advertise in the WISE Journal, which goes out to thousands of people. 10. Your right to participate in the USPA Psychotronic Literature Preservation Program (UPLPP). The USPA, via its Library and Archives, has established a “Literature Preservation Program” to preserve your personal papers, files, records, and collection of articles, periodicals, books, and devices on psychotronics and related subjects, noted above. You may no longer need or use some of these items that you have, and you can send them to the USPA, and we will preserve them in our library and archives, so that they can be of use to other researchers.


The U.S. Psychotronics Association (USPA), was incorporated in the District of Columbia in August, 1977, and is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt organization, and as such, you are able to make tax deductible donations to the USPA. It is empowered to enroll members in the parent organization throughout the United States, Canada, and other foreign countries. Membership is open to all people who wish to join with the USPA on the new frontiers of science in working constructively for the qualitative improvement of man and his environment. Please remember the USPA in your annual charitable giving, especially if you want to advance research in the above subject areas, which can greatly benefit humans, animals, plants, and the environment.

51 United States Psychotronics Association Membership Application

Please print the page, and complete the following information: Date______Name______Email______Mailing Address:______City______St______Zip Code______County______Country______Phone______Cell Phone______

I am interested in the following Fields: ____General ____Healing ____New Age Physics ____Radionics ____Dowsing ____Subtle Energy Research Other Interests (Please specify)______

Do you want to be listed in the USPA Membership Directory? ____Yes ____No Type of Membership desired: ___ One Year @ $35 ____ 2 Years @ $60 ____3Years @ $85 ___Full Time Student @$20 ___Member of the Military @$20 ___Family Member Membership @$30 per Person 2nd Family Member______Email______3rd Family Member______Email______4th Family Member______Email______

Fees Payable to USPA in U.S. Dollars only: Amount Enclosed: $______Check or Money Order Number______Send via PayPal to [email protected] ____Receive a PayPal Bill (Your PayPal email)______Visa or Master Card # ______--______--______--______Exp. Date______CVC Code_____ Name on Card______Signature______Billing Address______If you wish to register online, you may go to

Please complete, scan and email document to [email protected] Or Mail to USPA c/o Phyllis Weiland, 535 Michigan Ave, Apt. G Evanston, IL 60202

Thank You! Rev Apr 2017 52 USPA Catalog of Conference Lectures, 1978-1994 Now Available

A compilation of nearly 300 lectures given at the first 17 years of the United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) conferences, from 1978 through 1994 is now available in a 30 page catalog (click here).

There are talks by some of the most well known scientists of our age, including Andrija Puharich, Thomas Bearden, Marcel Vogel, Lynn Surgalla, Robert Beck, T. Galen Hieronymus, J.G. Gallimore, Elizabeth Rauscher, Christopher Bird, and many, many more.

There are also lectures specifically about radionics from some of the top practitioners: Robert Beutlich, Lutie Larsen, Jerry Fridenstine, Frances Farrelly, and others.

If you have an interest in the paranormal, the life of plants or zero-point energy, there are speakers here who are experts in the fields. How about dark-field microscopy, scalars, magnetic fields, or the Philadelphia Experiment? Yes, they are in here in this catalog too. Homeopathy, color-healing, use of crystals, structuring water, water memory, and Tesla's work are some of the other topics covered in this catalog.

As of this date, (April 15, 2017) they are available only by direct contact with USPA, but soon, they will be available online. The USPA home page is at and we will have a linked site where purchase will lead to immediate download of the MP3, and payment can be made through Pay Pal.

Please note that in the Catalog (click here), most of the lectures are standard MP3s, are 30-45 minutes long, and priced at a very reasonable $5.00 each. These have no marking in the right-hand column of the catalog listing. Other MP3s are one hour or slightly longer, and are marked “Prime” in the right-hand column, with a price of $8.00 each. And a few of the MP3s are 90 minutes or longer, and are marked “Double”, with a price of $10.00 each. USPA members get 40% off.

However, if you just "can't wait," for the online order website, email us at [email protected] or contact our USPA Treasurer by snail mail at:

Scott Beutlich USPA, 525 Juanita Vista Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Email: [email protected]

Until the online order site is ready, you can print out the last page of this PDF and fill it in. You can scan it and email it to us, or send it via snail mail. For now, payment is by Check, Money order, or Pay Pal.

Thanks for your interest, and good luck with your research.

The Board and Officers of USPA USPA is a fully registered, 501 C(3) Non-Profit Organization Donations are Gratefully Accepted, and are fully tax deductible

53 J.G. Gallimore’s Five Rare Books Now Available for Sale

All five of J.G. Gallimore’s rare books on psychotronics subjects and unusual energies have been reprinted by the United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) and are being made available at a fraction of the cost that used copies were being sold at online. So rare have these books been, that only a few libraries in the entire world had them in their collections, and some of Gallimore’s books were being sold for several hundred dollars each online. However, with these newly reprinted volumes, each will be available for less than $30.00. Each of Gallimore’s books is described below with links to

Jerry G. Gallimore was one of the founders of the USPA in 1975, and was a leading researcher in psychotronics and unusual energies until his untimely death in 1989.

The Handbook of Unusual Energies: Volume 1

by J. G. Gallimore

Paperback: 484 pages Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 22, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1543024998 ISBN-13: 978-1543024999 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.1 x 11 inches

Available at

This is J.G. Gallimore's first book of three volumes on unusual energies, and at 468 pages, it is a magnificent work. In this book, Gallimore discusses in depth the research, discoveries, and inventions of all the major researchers in subtle energies, the aether, biological

54 fields, pyramid energy, radiesthesia, radionics, crystal transduction, and related subjects. These include the works of Baron Von Reichenbach's and his odic energy, Dr. Wilhelm Reich's orgone energy, Dr. Harold Burr's biological life fields, Kozyrev's time mirror, Edgar Cayce's transmission of energy, and related research done by many others. Of particular importance is Gallimore's 127 page chapter on radionics. In this chapter he discusses in depth the research an devices of Ruth Drown, T. Galen Hieronymus, Rho Sigma, Dr. L. P. Corte and other prominent people in the radionics field. But in addition, Gallimore provided diagrams showing how such devices are made and how they actually work.

Collected Properties & Writings of J. G. Gallimore: Volume 2 of Handbook of Unusual Energies

by J. G. Gallimore

Paperback: 258 pages Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 22, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1543025048 ISBN-13: 978-1543025040 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.6 x 11 inches

Available at

This is the second book in the “Unusual Energies” series that J.G Callimore published. It covers Gallimores research on Albert Abrams, the founder of modern radionics, psychological physics, psychic energy, thought resonance, subtle energies, crystals, and related subjects. In addition, a number of radionics devices are discussed, such as the De La Warr Diagnostic Instrument. And very helpfully, the rates are provided for substances, body organs, and medical diseases and disorders. I very interesting interview of Chritopher Bird, conducted by J.G. Gallimore is provided, as well as a discussion of Walter Russell and his research.

55 Relationship Between Parapsychology and Gravity: Volume 3 of Handbook of Unusual Energies

by J. G. Gallimore

Paperback: 228 pages Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 22, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1543024947 ISBN-13: 978-1543024944 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.5 x 11 inches.

Available at

The Relationship Between Parapsychology and Gravity is Volume 3 of J.G. Galimore's series of three handbooks of unusual energies. This book describes in depth the research and theories of J.G. Gallimore into the question of "parapsychology transmission" --the question of how such things as telepathy, remote viewing, ESP, and similar phenomena can physically occur. Gallimore discusses various explanation on how they occur, including the possibility that gravity waves may play a role. He also discusses the various emanations, radiations, and energy fields of all matter and life. This includes the ancient Chinese energy called "chi" (qi), the ancient Indian's prana energy, Reichenback's "odic force", Gurwitsch's "mitogenic radiation", Wilhelm Reich's orgone energy, and other subtle energies of life and matter. Gallimore shows how all of these energies are the same or similar, how they interact, and how they are related to gravity. He also discusses crystals as transducers of these energies, and provides diagrams of devices that could potentially be used to harness or control these energies.

56 Transverse Paraphysics: The New Science of Space, Time, and Gravity Control by J.G. Gallimore

Paperback: 374 pages Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 21, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1543024920 ISBN-13: 978-1543024920 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.8 x 11 inches

Available at

This book covers the visionary research and theories developed by J.G. Gallimore about anti-gravity, space, time, and biophysics. He discusses in depth the dimensions of space, time, and gravity, and new discoveries in each of these areas. In addition, he covers research being done on anti-gravity and then discusses anti-gravity patents that have been obtained. He also discusses the intriguing concept of aura energy fields surrounding humans and other living things, and how extra-sensory perception (ESP) might be explained through biophysical principles.

57 Unified Field Theory Research Book: Using Subjective Response to Psi-Plasma for Analysis of Properties Neutral Charge Plasma Fields

by J.G. Gallimore

Paperback: 134 pages Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 21, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1543024831 ISBN-13: 978-1543024838 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.3 x 11 inches Available from

This book is about psychotronics, radionics, electromagnetic fields and waves, psi-plasma, plasma fields, subtle energies, bioelectromagnetic energy, and other unusual energies emitted by living and non-living things. It also is about how living things interact with and are affected by these energies, which may enhance health or harm health. The book covers the research of Wilhem Reich on orgone energy, of Baron Reichenback on the odic forces, as well as research done by Cazzamalli on brain radiations and Lakhovsky on using high frequency radiations to successfully treat cancer in humans. In addition, Lakhovsky used similar methods to enhance the growth of plants. Gallimore shows how these energies, forces, and fields are all inter-related and provides hypotheses and ideas on their possible unification.