Patented July 9, 1907 R, Warley, Ignition System for Explosion Engines, Application Filed Apr, 5, 1907
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No, 858,928. PATENTED JULY 9, 1907 R, WARLEY, IGNITION SYSTEM FOR EXPLOSION ENGINES, APPLICATION FILED APR, 5, 1907. 2 SHEETS-SHEET 1. Plug PLuc A27.2 ovtnesses: r 3v-uc stor . 426-2-. 33,4- M224.eletozves /26 No. 858,928, PATENTED JULY 2, 1907, R, WARLEY, IGNITION SYSTEM FOR EXPLOSION ENGINES, APPLICATION FILED APB, 5, 1907, 2 SEEETS-SHEET 2. 2-4-2 4-1 4.4.1% 2.2% 2-222 dia-42% UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. RICHARD VART - Y, of ENGLEWOOD,ACORPORATION NEWJERSEY, OF NEWJERSEY. AssIGNOR TO THE AUTOCOIL COMPANY, IGNITION SYSTEM FOR EXPLOSION-ENGINEs. No. 858,928. Specification of Letters ratent. Y" . ; , . ." . - Application filed April 5, 1907. serial No, 36646l. .Patented . July. 2, 1907. , To all whom it may concern: . Beit known that I, RICHARD WARLEY, a citizen of effective to furnish the ignition after they have ceased the United States, residing at Englewood, in the to operate in the normal working of the apparatus. county of Bergen and State of New Jersey, have in This feature, like the first mentioned one, is accom 5 vented certain new and useful Improvements in Igni plished without disturbing the ordinary and normal tion Systems for Explosion-Engines, of which the action of the ignition system in ordinary running. In following is a full, clear, and exact description. asmuch as the greater part of ordinary running is done 60 My invention relates to ignition systems for explo with undischarged batteries and moderate speeds, I sion engines, particularly of that type having batteries regard the last named feature as a very important one 10 as a source of the ignition current, and in which a in the invention. cascade of sparks is desired at the plugs of the second So far as I am aware, all devices hitherto used for ary circuit for the highest, as well as ordinary, engine insuring a cascade or torrent discharge, notwithstand speeds, and as long as the battery has strength to pro ing high speeds and weak battery, have interfered with, duce a spark at all. or dispensed entirely with, the usual functions and 5 The ordinary arrangement is to have a coil or a series features of trembler coils in which the intermittent of coils with adjustable vibrators or tremblers so as to primary current is obtained by the necessarily pull cause an intermittent rupture of the primary circuit sating magnetization of the usual cores. By reason of and produce the torrent or cascade of sparks required. its greater economy, this standard operation is the best This works satisfactorily under ordinary conditions, but where it is operative. By my present invention I 20 it is found that the vibrators “stick' or fail to act at make use of it as long, as it is operative, and only em the highest engine speeds. This is due to several ploy the apparatus which causes the system to work causes, among them the fact that the duration of the in a different and special way when the usual or 75 circuit closure is insufficient to energize the coils to properly.standard arrangement for any reason fails to work the point where they will attract the trembler arma 25 tures. Even the single circuit rupture of the usual In the drawings: Figure l is a diagrammatic view circuit controller or timer does not produce a spark. showing the circuits and arrangements of parts of an because the usual condenser, across the vibrator con ignition system embodying the principles of my inven 80 tacts is short circuited and ineffective when the vi tion; and Fig. 2 is an end view of the coil of a slightly brator or trembler fails to act. This latter difficulty modified arrangement where only a single coil is used. 30 has been partly overcome by the use of a second con Fig. 3 is a side view of the same. denser, but it is evident that in the latter case only a Referring to the drawings in which like parts are single spark, and not a torrent of sparks, is obtained designated by the same reference sign, C and C° denote 85 at the high speeds. : " . ordinary trembler or vibrator coils, of which the usual In carrying out my invention I provide means to se vibrators with their condensers are shown at v and v?. 35 cure the intermittent primary circuit rupture across a For reasons which will later appear these vibrators condenser at the highest engine speeds so as to get the may be made without any adjusting screws. torrent or cascade of sparks required, but in carrying D is a circuit controller.or timer which closes the 90 out my invention I do not disturb the usual arrange primary circuits of the coils C/ and C° at the proper ment and normal operation of the vibrator coils which intervals to secure the desired ignition. For this pur 40 is found to be the most satisfactory under ordinary pose the circuit controller has segments land 2, which conditions in normal running. In addition to pro connect with the primaries of coils C and C, through wires land l. The other sides of the primaries of the 95 viding for a torrent or cascade of sparks at the high coils C/ and Care joined to a comiuuia wire m, which andspeeds, very the important present inventionfunction insecures getting a stillsome further addi under certain circumstances is put in permanentw con 45 tional work out of a battery after it has been used to nection with a battery B. Under these circumstances the point where it is too weak to operate with a nor the trembler coils C and Cact in the usual and stand mal apparatus. This not only is a gain in economy by ard way, producing a cascade discharge in their sec 00 reason of the greater mileage obtainable, but is even ondary circuits at the intervals when their circuits more important, since it furnishes a way of getting to are closed by the circuit controller D. 50 at station' or destination should the batteries become These features up to this point constitute the ordi exhausted unexpectedly during a trip. As the ex nary and well known arrangement of a trembler coil haustion of the batteries is nearly always unexpected partignition of my system, invention. and in .themselves . do not constitute a 05 in both the matter of time and place, it becomes ex The means by which the system is caused to act in tremely convenient to have a means of rendering them a special way, under special or abnormal conditions, is 2 838,928 tion of the magnet 3 causes the armature 4 to vibrate as follows: I provide a supplemental or auxiliary vi or tremble in the usual way, and the pulsating mag brator V, having a fiíagnet 3, with its two poles acting netization communicates a corresponding motion, to on a pair of spring blade armatures 4 and 5. These the other armature 5. But the primary ignition cir armatures have a common connection with a battery cuit is interrupted by movement of the armature 5 at 70 5 B, through the wire 6, and the metallic yoke 7, which the point 14. Accordingly the primary ignition cir also serves as the frame or support therefor. The arma cuit is intermittently broken across a special condenser ture 4 together with the magnet 3 constitutes the vi K/, notwithstanding the fact that the usual vibra brator proper since this armature is the one which gov tors v and ' fail to be attracted, or 'stick' against erns the pulsations, In practice the armature 4 their contacts. As the auxiliary vibrator operates 75 0. should be made heavier or longer or both than the arma constantly under the above conditions, it is evident ture 5 so as to have a less rapid period of vibration. If that the intermittent rupture of the primary circuit made in this way the armature 4 will vibrate at its is secured, no matter how high the speed of the engine, natural period and control the magnet 3 to have corre or how brief the primary current dwell under the in sponding magnetic pulsations and these will be effective fluence of the circuit controller D. Of course it is 8) to give the armature 5 exactly the same vibrations or true that there is a somewhat higher current consump movements. If made otherwise... the armatures are tion under these circumstances, but this special opera liable to get out of step or synchronism with one an tion is in the nature of an emergency remedy for a con other and give trouble. , dition which otherwise disables the system. As soon 8 and 9 are blades of a switch Sand movable in unison as the car slows down to normal speed, the switch S 85 20 by connecting link 10. These blades are adapted to is thrown back to position II. move together into any one of three positions denomi At any time it is liable to happen that the batteries nated I, II and III respectively. There are two con become so much worn down or exhausted that the tacts 11, and 12, of which 11 is engaged only by the usual vibrators v and fail to act. This disables blade 8 at position I and blade 9 at positions I and II. the ignition system, notwithstanding the fact that the 90 25 Contact point ll is grounded and contact point 12 is batteries have strength enough to secure the ignition. joined to the wire m.