Oiiragm Lt` R2
ALTITUDE TESTING CHAMBERS NEWNES @V[Ig OiiragM Lt`r2 EDITOR : F. J. CA MM AUGUST 1949 A CONTROL -LINE JET-PROPELLED MODEL AIRCRAFT IN FLIGHT. SEE PAGE 346, Studies in Electricity and Magnetism Elements of Mechanics World of Models Jet Reaction Power Models Woodturning Letters from Readers Model Engineering Practice Simple Electronics Cyclist Section CleVPS etc.,etc. %AOWE dips, stainless produced. clips, wehave bronze range ITSS,VOIS clips, ownspecification. steel theenormous your and size from clipto shape selection any inevery tiny design show a can yourdisposal. Herewe Department is at Research e-Aperience Our of clip-making (9-3 years Two popular types. In range of sines to grip from Delivery from Stock. No, 80 No. 300 A drawing boardslip. Platedfinish' de- livery ( Stock. 4/- dovz. z. Plus P.T. The roost informativepsstvefr:.:enrxedt-. bookhe n yet 2,.Wings 10/6 ".shed Sole Makers : HERBERT TERRY & SONS LTD. REDDITCH. London Birmingham Manchester August, 1949 NEWNES PRACTICAL MECHANICS 325 THE " ZYTO " I5in. MOTORISED SAWBENCH IFYOU TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS WITH TOTALLY ENCLOSED MOTOR GET THIS JOHNSON 1-20 TANK AND FOR CROSSCUTTNG, RIPPING, DEVELOP YOUR FILMS INDAYLIGHT MITREING, BORING, GROOVING, etc. You lose half the fun of photography if you do not develop Brief Specification: Saw -table 24in. x t8in., with rise and your own negatives and make your own prints.Itis much fall motion for grooving, etc. Takes cheaper to do the work yourself and you see your results 15in. saw. Long ripping fence with more quickly. fine adiustment: Heavy spindle bored to take dowel bits, etc. J-20 TANK, az illustrated below, is for all size -20 roll films.Holds h.p.
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