Game Studies - The Agony and the Exidy: A History of Video Game Vio... the international journal of volume 12 issue 1 computer game research September 2012 ISSN:1604-7982 home about archive RSS The Agony and the Exidy: A History of Carly A. Kocurek Video Game Violence and the Legacy Carly A. Kocurek is of Death Race Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities and by Carly A. Kocurek Media Studies at the Illinois Institute of Technology, where she Abstract: teaches courses on video game studies, In 1976, Exidy's Death Race triggered the United States’ first video digital humanities, and gaming moral panic. Public outrage not only fueled sales of the game other topics. Her and made Exidy a household name, but established a pattern by research focuses on the which controversial games receive a high levels of press attention, historic construction of which in turn drives these games' marketplace success. Exidy United States gamer released Death Race in the midst of changing cinema production culture in the arcade era. codes and distribution regulations that led to the emergence of films featuring unprecedented displays of violence and sexuality. The game
[email protected] is based on one of these films, Death Race 2000, in which competitors in the Annual Transcontinental Road Race mow down pedestrians for points. Although the filmmakers did not authorize the use of their concepts for the game, the game relies directly on the film's narrative. The chase-and-crash game invites players to strike stick-figure "gremlins" with on-screen cars.