Teonomica. Faz, Água E Esgotos Companhia Miadora Paulista
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. m ¦ -..,.¦ .,,....- ...... ;, ia-,a-,-fThe Rio News. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY. a, , ii. ¦¦, — ¦— i..._ Vol. XX. %¦¦-. RIO DE JANEIRO, FEBRUARY 2 IST, 189J Number 8 ILSON, SONS & CO. FLINT & w (LIMITED) Co. AMERICAN 2, PRAÇ|:?DAS'MARINHAS ,... a; . , , Bank Note Company, ¦ CONTRACTORS yy:.':}. y >* iy^jí*;'-'y.y^-... RIO DE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS «;. -. JANEIRO. 78 to 86 TRINITY PLACE, MACHINERY AND RAILWAY SUPPLIES. NEW YORK. AGENTS Sole Export Agents OF THE I in New York lor many ôf theTLeading Manulacturers of the United States, Business Founded 1705. fcstablished in Brasil Ineorporatod under Law. or lha State af Kew Vork, 1856. ¦ftirj-ír; •SVrt.w Navigalion Company pouses can secure exclusive rights on sspecialties. Correspondents of"'. a ÍÊ, Beorganizod 1879. Shaw, Savill âr> Albion Co., Ld. Encravers and Printers of The New Zealand Shipping Co., Ld. QÜAYLE I^AplDSON & Co. BOND8, POSTAGE it REVENUE STAMP8, Prince Steam Shipping Co., Ld. LEGAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK ª:^m '", RUA DA QUITANDA. NOTES ofthe UNITED STATES; and for Gellaily, Hankey, Sewell &> Co's. Brazil Line. Caixa do Correio 16.<Mtr.r10 Foreign Covernments. DE JANEIRO. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, ¦. ¦ BANK NOTES, S1IAKE CERTIFICATES, BONDS Cpal.—Wilson, Sons & Co.*<(Limited) have depôts at St FOlt OOYEKNMENTB AND Vincent, COKPOKATION8, (Cape Verde), Montevidéo, La Plata and at the ?KAPTS, CUEOKS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE^ chief Braxil Ports; and, among others, supply coal under STA1IPS, «fcc, In the flneit and most artlstlo style contract,«at Rio, to: Companhia Miadora FKOM STEEL PLATES, Paulista. Vlíth SPECUl The Braziliàn Government; BAFIGUABDHto PRKVKST COüNTKBFEITWa. Special manufactured exclusively Her Britannic Majesty's Government i '; papora tor ihe.TransaUantic PAULO Í^A$ING use ot the Company. Steamship Companies; fft^pÉÊS. COMPANY.) SAFETY lhe New Zealand Shipping Companies; COLOR8. SAFETY PAPERS. &c, &c, , k® CAPITAL— i,ooo,ooo$ooo| Work Ezeeated ln FIrcproof Balldlngs. or /100.000'. Sterline. LITH0QRAPHIO ANO TYPE PRINVNQ. «, RESERVE PÜND KAILWAV Cpal.—Large;stocks oftjhe best Cardift steam Coal always 7. I . 5olooo$<^ TICKETS OF IMPKOVED BTTLES. kept in Kiodepôt on Conceição Island. %;;^MPíí^ERS, Show Cards, Labels, Calendar*. Tug Boats always ready for service. COMMIS|ta||lVIERCHANTS, ETC. JAMES MACDONOUGH, Presidént. -, ¦ BaUaat Supplied AUG. D. 8HEPARD, _ .. to ships.* •y VIC«.PreiWeiH$.UI Wárèhòüsegí—Rua Flortnoio de Abi 15 and Largo do Ouvidor i» TOURO R0BERT80N, ) , Head offices THEO. H. FREELAND, Sec'y and Eatabliahmenta: Wilson, Sons and sample show n mis : — Largo S. Treai. &(feÇòi*.L.m.ted), Francisco 1. JNO. E. CURRIER, London, Cardiff, St. Vincent, (Cape VeMè)* Rio, Bahia f$'i *% Address aU correspondei to Ast't 8ec'y. Pernambuco, Santos, Montevidéo, Buenos Ayres and La J. K. MYERS, An't Treat. Plata., v,.; a'»,;•' m CPH W..MEE, Caixa 186, f. Managing Director. «fflrial vvkm, SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL. glirotort-f 4r LOCOMOTIVE •m- BALDWIN U. S. LEGATION.-1 Officee hSHÉs 16 ». m. ..f ¦ WORKS, % '-V*S«V to 1 p. m. E. H. COi Minister.» * ' PHILADELPHIA, PENN. BRITISH LEGATI0f.-Tiá& Compaahia teonomica. de D. Min 8.'í Água e Esgotos mm GEORGE H. WVNDHAM,VNDHAM,: jl.No. faz, (Establishèd, 1831) SÀO BURNHAM, WILLIAMS & CO., ilfVfil/^AlLt tf*tfmmtt&l¦^^f«inw'js*ÍHat*k>>*»t>fc a ''»•* ' ^jàxTXJD° «aCSfaaaMáflaa ^Bm Wl^wAftiMSMllSlBltlfl a*twíT Mili tasVttT t-r^-i-^-frá...—a -¦ jProprietori. ¦'• KyQf>^^'W^''^^'^t^t\\^matmtWGt^KWW. General These locomotive engines aro adapted to every variety oi Piumbers-.Electrical ndIHydrauKc Engineers.-Gas, Water, service, and are built accurately BRITISH CONSULATE GENERAL^" N? g* Travessa always Electric and Sanitary fittings to standard gauges and de D. Manoel. WM. GEO. ABBOTT. in stock.-Direct importers from Europe and United templates. Like parts of diflerent engines of same class perfectly Cônsul General^ States.8 tuterchangeable. Show Rooms and Technical Offices: RUA DIREITA No at Passenger and Freight Locomotives, ftfrurtjt Warehouse and Work Shops: RUA DA 7" Mine Locomo- Pimtort) CONCEIÇÃO No. Jô. tives, Narrow Gauge Locomotives, Steam Street Cars etc, etc. CHRIST CHURCH.-Riiado Evarittoda Veiga. Morn- Technical office and workshops under the management AU work thoroughiy mg service every Sunday ai na.m. Evening service of skilled mechanics. guaránteed. during cool season according to noiice. Hcly communion J0SEPH WILLIAM MEE, Presidént. Illustrated catalogue furnished on application of customers. after moming service on ist Sunday in the month and Directors • 011 3rd Sunday at 9 a. m. Bnptismt after rnorning ser. WILUAM M' COTCHING, Secretary. Sole Agents in Brazil: vice, or at olher times by special arrangement. Address correspondence to Caixa 186.' HENRY MOSLEY, M.A. British Chaplain. SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL. Norton, Megaw <§• Co. Rua das Larangeiras, No. 82, Rita /o de Março. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. - Largo do Çattete. English services: at 11:30 a.m. aud 7p.n1. Kio de Janeiro. Sundays. Portuguese services: at 10.30 a. m. and 6. p.m. Sun- GUILD, MILLER & Co. days ; 7. p. m. Wednesday—E. A. TILLY. Pastor. OHN H. BELLAMY & Co. Oflice: 99, Rua Sete de Setembro, and floor; 10 to ia o'clock. General and Coumission Merchants, -4" 1.° 107 I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-NV15 Travessa da Barreira. SHIPPING AND STEAMER AGENTS. Services m Portuguese every Sunday at n a.m., and 7 CF. O, Box 1154) p. m., Sundays: and at 7 p. m. Thursdays. Rio de Janeiro AGENTS FOR General and Commission A. TRAJANO, Pastor. Merchants Companhia de Fiação e Tecelagem Carioca. BAPTIST CHURCH.-Rua do Conde^Eu, No. im. •. Steam-ship Agents Services in Portuguese every Sunday at 11.30a.rn. and Companhia tie Navegação Carioca 7. p.m: and every Wednesday at 7. p.m. Lighter owners. _ .._ J „. J« J. TAYLOR, Pastor. Coasting Steamers. Residence: Rua do Bispo No. a;. The Alliance Insurance IGREJA EVANGÉLICA FLUMINENSE.-Rua Larga MILLER, GUILD & Co. Co, de S.Joaquim, No. 179.—Divine service in Portuguese ° on Sundays: Prayer meeting at 10 a. m.; Worship it 88, Rua I de Março. at RUA 24 P. O. Box 741.Ri0 a. m. Biblical class to study the Holy Scriptures, at 3Ü, DE MAIO, 15 RUA SÃO BENTO, 39 de Janeiro> afternoon. Gospel preaching, at 7 p. m. on Wednesdays. Biblical study, and preaching, at 7 p. m. IP. O. BOX i3o>SANTOS P. O. BOXa7ag JOAO M. G. DOS SANTOS, Pastor. PAULO EXPLOSIVES THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN NICTHEROY.-Rua Agents in the Province of São Paulo Co. d'EI-Kci, 129 A. Divine Service in Portuguese every for NOBEUS Sunday at it a.m. and 7p.n1. and every Thursday at OOIRY BROTHBES LIMITED. —Bible 7.30 *& Oo., L'd.., London. p.m Stndies.—Evtty Sunday at 5.30 p.m. Idexxa.Oa.r>a±ff. Gelignite and Dynamite SAI.OMON L. GINSBURG, Pastor. In, cases of 50 lbs. ea., nett weight General A Commission Merchants, Steam Ship Agents, Gelignite is a new and very explosive. Jttrbiral gHvrrtorij Tug Boat, Lighter and Wharf Owners. powerful Besides -where possessing great brealctng power it commends itself for use in also of a Coal Depot, a stock of "Cory'» Merthyr" is always this cuuntry by reason of the fumes after explosion not beiiie Dr. Clcary. on hand. injurious to Physician and Surgeon; Office 51, Rua dos the workers. On this account alone great ad- Ourives. Hours, from ia to 3- Residence, Kua da Real i Rio vantage is obtained over must explosivos, by iu use and Grandeia No. Botafogo. Telephone address: "NAIAD" more espécially when ' 33, 1350. Cable ] Santos operating iu confined places. Dr. W. Havelburg, Physician, Surgeon*and Also Detonator Accoucheur; ( Sio Paulo patent caps and Bickford'S patent Office and residence: Rua da Alfândega No. 39, from 2 to «se. tor further inlormatnm and price, apply to the m. 4P. Agents íor Brazil: Dr. A Stewart, Iate re>ident surgeon Glasgow Western WESTINGHOUSE AIR UAUPT&BIEHN Infinnary and sênior assistam physician City of Glasgow THE Watson, (Ritchie 6f Co. Fever Hospital. Office, 39 Kua do Rosário: ti a.m. to 1 p.m. BRAKE COMPANY, x x RIO DE JANEIRO. Residence 110 Rua da Passagem. Telephone 6366. No. 25, Rua Theophilo Ottoni. Dr. L. lebrtintr, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. PITTSBURG, PA., U. S. A. SSr Rua da Alfândega. Rio de Janeiro. Ladies specúlist. Consulution hours from 1 to 3 p. tn. Office: Kua dos Ourives 75. MANUFACTURERS OF THE Dra. Antonieta Diaa Morpurgo, Physician and Ac* Imports and Commissions. /~*HAS. H. NORRIS. coucheur; Kua S. José 48, near L-.rgo da Carioca, from t to Railway Material. 3P-m. Ladies oaly accepted for treatment. Calls by let- WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC BRAKE Kolling Stock. N^ General and Commission Merchant. ter. Residence: Kua Evaristo da Veiga, 76. Machinery. RUA DE S. PEDRO No. í, 2nd floor. S&iSjcellatttotts. The Westinghouse Automatic Bralce is now in use on M.000 engines, and 350,000 cars. This includes 161,000 REPRESEXTING AMERICAN PRODUCTS. Freight Cars. EUREKA LODGt RIO HARBOUR WSSION.-Sailors Home and Insts. Agent for tnfe.So. t, Travessa do Moreira, Rua do Livramento, This is ib per cent of the entire freight car JtTo. 3 Saúde. — Bethel senrices: /* Englisli on Sundays at Stationary and Portable steam engines and cquipmcnt of the United States. boilets. 3p.m. and 7 pm.; oa Mondays at 7 p.m. Frttttna Electiical motora and applianc« of ali kinds. Easy Concert on Wednesdays at Reading room 7 p.m. Orders have been receivèd for 100,000 Action The regular sessions of the Ice and Kcfrigeradng machineiy. open daily from to aja. to 9 p.m. Quick Brakes December, 1887. above *** held at the Masonic BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETTS AG- since 0 Steam Pumps, Valves and Condeníers ENCY—Kua Sete dc Setembro No. ?i.-On sa!e,*the For further particulars apply to their Hall, Kua Lavraüio No.