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Home Studies Collection Home Studies Collection Journals 1. Better health : the official journal of the Central Council for Health Education. London : Hodgetts Ltd. (Vol.8-17),1935-1944 Bibliographies and Indexes 2. Bitting, K. G., (1939) Gastronomic bibliography. Katherine Bitting. 016.6415 BIT 3. Vicaire, G., (1954) Bibliographie gastronomique. Derek Verschoyle. 016.6415 VIC Cooperatives 4. Redfern, P., (1913) The story of the C.W.S. : the jubilee history of the Co-operative Wholesale. Manchester : Co-operative Wholesale Soci. 334.0942 RED Production 5. Blitz, J. F., (1950) Behind the ration book : a survey of Britain's food situation. London : Fabian Publications; Allen & Un. 338.150941 BLI 6. Ponting, K. G., (1961) The wool trade : past and present. Manchester; London : Columbine Press. 338.1763141 PON 7. Clark, F. L. G., (1939) Our food problem : a study of national security. Harmondsworth : Penguin. 338.190941 CLA 8. Vaughan, P. R., (0) An investigation into production handling in the dress manufacturing sewing. [s.l.] : [s.n.]. 338.456871 VAU 9. Anon., (1964) A brief chronicle of 150 years of progress, 1814-1964. [s.l.] : Brown, Muff & Co. 338.4765887 BRO Withdrawn 5/5/2006 10. Greenwood, A., (1920) Public ownership of the liquor trade. London : Leonard Parsons. 338.4766310941 GRE 11. Shillington, D. F. C., (1920) Bunting's book on breakfast beverages. London : Bunting & Co. 338.476639 BUN 12. Jones, T., (1960) Henry Tate, 1819 - 1899 : a biographical sketch. [s.l.]:Tate and Lyle. 338.4766411 TAT/JON 13. Timpson, D. J., (1965) William Timpson Limited : a century of service 1865-1965. [s.l.] : William Timpson Limited. 338.4768531 TIM 14. Phillips, Frank Taverner, (1966). A second history of the Worshipful Company of Cooks, London. London : Printed privately for the Worshipful Company of Cooks, London. 338.632/PHI 15. Crawford, W., (1938) The people's food. [s.l.] : Heinemann. 339.486413 CRA 16. Great Britain, N. F. S. C., (1951) The urban working - class household diet, 1940 to 1949. London : H. M. S. O. 339.486413 GRE Military supply 17. Soyer, A., (1857) Soyer's culinary campaign. London : G. Routledge & Co. 355.341 SOY Food supply 18. Jones, S., Thomas G., (1944) The unbroken front : Ministry of Food, 1916 - 1944. [s.l.] : Everybody's Books. 363.8 JON Education 19. Atkinson, E., (1931) The Teaching of domestic science. [s.l.] : Methuen. 372.8 ATK 20. Buckton, C. M., (1879) Food and home cookery : a course of instruction in practical cookery and cleaning. London : Longmans, Green and Co. 375.641 BUC 21. Sillitoe, H., (1933) A History of the Teaching of Domestic Subjects. [s.l.] : Methuen. 379.98 SIL 22. Yoxall, A., (1914) A history of the teaching of domestic economy. [s.l.] : Knapp, Drewett and sons. 379.98 YOX Customs and etiquette 23. Adburgham, A., (1966) View of fashion. London : Allen & Unwin. 391.072 ADB 24. Gray, A., (1902) Over the black coffee. [s.l.] : The Baker & Taylor Company. 394.12 GRA 25. Kakuzo, O., (1919) The book of tea : a Japanese harmony of art, culture and the simple life. [s.l.] : T. N. Foulis. 394.12 KAK 26. W. S. Crawford Ltd, M. R. D., (1958) The foods we eat : a summary of meals, their content and chronology by season. London : Cassell. 394.12 WSC 27. Furnivall, F. J., (1868) Early English meals and manners. [s.l.] : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. 395 FUR Life Sciences 28. Conn, H. W., (1903) Bacteria, yeasts and molds in the home. Boston : Ginn & Co. 589.9 CON Dietetics 29. International Health Exhibition. (1884) The health exhibition literature, volume IV : Health in diet. [s.l.] : Wm. Clowes & Sons. 613.2 INT 30. Bruce, E. M., (1907) Detection of the common food adulterants. [s.l.] : Archibald Constable & Co. 614.3 BRU 31. Anon., (1859) The Tricks of Trade in the adulterations of food and physic : with direction. [s.l.] : Routledge, Warne & Routledge. 614.3 TRI 32. Syme, J. D., (1949) Fish and fish inspection. London : H.K. Lewis. 614.31 SYM Drugs 33. Palmer, A., (1985) The recipe book 1659-1672 of Archdale Palmer. Wymondham : Sycamore. 615.134254 PAL Nutrition and metabolic diseases 34. Paris, J. A., (1828) A treatise on diet. [s.l.] : Thomas & George Underwood. 616.39 PAR 35. Banting, W., (1864) Letter on corpulence, addressed to the public. [s.l.] : Harrison. 616.398 BAN Engineering 36. Randell, W. L., (1945) Electricity and woman : 21 years of progress. [London?] : Electrical Association for Women. 621.3106241 RAN Agriculture 37. Anon., (1884) Book of farm management and country life. London : Ward Lock and co. 630 WAR 38. HistoricusHistoricus. (1892) Cocoa : all about it. [s.l.] : Sampson Low, Marston and Co. 633.7 HIS 39. Allerdyce, C., (1942) Growing and preserving fruit. London : The Garden Book Club. 634 ALL 40. Lankester, D., (1830) Vegetables substances used for the food of man. [s.l.] : M. A. Mattali. 635 LAN 41. Rohde, E. S., (1939) Rose recipes. London : Routledge. 635.933 ROH 42. Anon., (0) Beeton's book of home pets. London : Ward, Lock & Tyler. 636.0887 BEE 43. Cook, W., (1898) Practical poultry breeder and feeder, or, how to make poultry pay. London : The Author. 636.5 COO 44. Cook, W., (1896) The history and development of the Orpington fowl. St. Mary Cray, Kent : The Author. 636.52 COO 45. Bolitho, H., (1929) The glorious oyster. London; New York : Knopf. 639.41 BOL Home economics and family living 46. Abel, M. H., (1921) Successful family life on the moderate income. Philadelphia; London : Lippincott Co. 640 ABE 47. Beeton, M., (0) The book of household management. London : Ward, Lock and Tyler. 640 BEE 48. Beeton, M., (1861) Book of household management. [s.l.] : S. Beeton. 640 BEE 49. Beeton, M., (1861) Book of household management. [s.l.] : S. Beeton. 640 BEE 50. Beeton, M., (1907) Mrs Beeton's book of household management. London : Ward, Lock & Co. 640 BEE 51. Beeton, M., (1923) Mrs. Beeton's household management : a complete cookery book. London : Ward Lock. 640 BEE 52. Beeton, M., 1836-1865. (0) Mrs. Beeton's household management. London : Ward Lock. 640 BEE 53. Beeton, M., (1950) Mrs. Beeton's household management. London : Ward Lock. 640 BEE 54. Black, C., (1918) A new way of housekeeping. London : W. Collins Sons & Co. 640 BLA 55. Stote, D., (1938) The bride's book. [s.l.] : Bride's Book Co. 640 BRI 56. Carey, F. S., (1916) A profession for gentlewomen. London : Constable. 640 CAR 57. Cobbett, W., (1926) Cottage economy. [s.l.] : Peter Davies Ltd. 640 COB 58. Cottington Taylor, D. D., (1933) Good housekeeping with modern methods including a section on catering. - Part 1. London : Good Housekeeping. 640 COT 59. Anon., (1864) Cre-Fydd's family fare : the young housewife's daily assistant on all matters relating to cookery and housekeeping. London : Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 640 CRE 60. Hutton, D. F., (1919) The domestic science handbooks (edited by M.C. Pepper) Vol.2 : Cookery. London : New Era. 640 DOM 61. Jolley, P. F. D. B., Winifred M., (1919) The domestic science handbooks (edited by M.C. Pepper) Vol.1 : Laundrywork. London : New Era. 640 DOM 62. Long, H. M., (1919) The domestic science handbooks (edited by M.C. Pepper) Vol.4 : Scientific principles for teachers of domestic science. London : New Era. 640 DOM 63. Peake, N., (1919) The domestic science handbooks (edited by M.C. Pepper) Vol.3 : The teaching of housewifery. London : New Era. 640 DOM 64. Francis, G. W., (1854) The dictionary of practical receipts. [s.l.] : J. Allen. 640 FRE 65. Anon., (1864) The gentlewoman. London : Chapman & Hall. 640 GEN 66. Anon., (1937) The Housewife's book. London : Syndicate Publishing Co. 640 HOU 67. Muller, H (complied by), (1911?). The household medical adviser. London : The Werner Company. 640/HOU 68. Klickmann, F., (1912) The mistress of the little house. [s.l.] : Girl's Own Paper & Woman's Magazine. 640 KLI 69. Anon., (0) The ladies' own book : comprising full and practical information on all points. [s.l.] : Lever Brothers Ltd. 640 LAD 70. Lauzun-Brown, W., (0) Useful Information for the Home. [s.l.] : S. Trenner. 640 LAU 71. Anon., (1903) Look inside : a daily household guide. London : John Heywood Ltd. 640 LOO 72. Mackenzie, C., (1823) Five thousand receipts in all the useful and domestic arts. [s.l.] : G and W. B. Whittaker. 640 MAC 73. Society for the Encouragement of Arts Manufactures & Commerce. (1878) Report of the second yearly congress on Domestic Economy and elementary education. [s.l.] : G. Bell & sons. 640 MAN 74. Murray, R., (1873) The Modern householder : a manual of domestic economy in allits branches. [s.l.] : Frederick Warne. 640 MUR 75. Anon., (1838) The new family receipt book : containing one thousand truly valuable receipts. London : John Murray. 640 NEW 76. Anon., (1815) The new family receipt-book : containing eight hundred truly valuable receipts. London : John Murray. 640 NEW 77. Newsholme, A., (1891) Domestic economy. [s.l.] : Swan Sonnenschein & Co. 640 NEW 78. Ormond, M., (1686) A receipt [i.e. recipe] book for all maner of pyes & pasties and all sort of. [s.l.] : [s.n.]. 640 ORM 79. Plat, S., Hugh. (1948) Delightes [sic] for ladies. [s.l.] : Crosby Lockwood. 640 PLA 80. Raper, E., (1924) The Receipt book of Elizabeth Raper. [s.l.] : The Nonesuch Press. 640 RAP 81. Anon., (1967) [Recipe book, inscribed to Helen Rolfe, with her Aunt Victoria's love. 1837 with later additions]. [s.l.] : Dunn and Wilson. 640 REC 82. Anon., (1779) [Recipe book]. [s.l.] : [s.n.]. 640 REC 83. Anon., (1967) [Recipe book] : containing recipes, cuttings, and manuscript transcriptions. [s.l.] : Dunn and Wilson. 640 REC 84. Ledwich.
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