MITs The Weather Oldest and Largest Today: Clear, cool, 51°F (l l °C) Tonight: Clear, cold, 34°F (l0C) ewspaper Tomorrow: Cloudy, 45°F (70C) Details, Page 2

Volume 121 umber 55 Tuesday, October 30, 2001 Redwine Speaks to UA On Academic Integrity IT To Clarify Rules, Seek Student Input By Kevin R. Lang would never occur if student and NEWS EDITOR faculty were simply better informed. Dean for Undergraduate Educa- "The procedures at MIT for han- tion Robert P. Redwine di cussed dling cases of dishonesty ... are not MIT's plans for dealing with plagia- very well known or con i tent,' ri m and cheating at last night' Redwine aid. Undergraduate A sociation Council He aid that faculty often do not meeting. know how to handle cases of alleged The discussion was prompted by cheating or plagiarism and that a report in la t month's faculty reports can end up with the professor, newsletter by Professor of Manage- the department undergraduate officer, ment Stephen C. Graves, chair of the the deans, or the COD. However faculty. Graves reported on the there is no central system for tracking MIGUEL 'ALLES-THE TECH increase in cases of plagiarism before cases between departments or faculty, President Charles M. Vest joins the Infinite Buffet's sponsors in singing the MIT Alma Mater. the Committee on Discipline over the or even a system for handling cases. past five years, which he attributed to "It really is all over the map, and academic pressure, confusion over I think that's part of the problem," academic rules, and "a lack of appre- Redwine said. Thousands 'Iurn Out for Buffet ciation of the severity of plagiarism "We could do a lot more in By Dana Levine the Graduate Student Council. Aramark's caterers were able to within the academic community." terms of making procedures clear EDITOR IN CHIEF Kachani said that without an provide food until 3 p.m., feeding Graves said in his report that and well known," Redwine said. He Over 6,000 students, faculty, RSVP process, it was impossible to 6,000 of the estimated 6,500 people "some students view material on the referred to this as better "articula- staff, and alumni attended MIT's gauge attendance in advance. who attended the buffet. Web as universally free to use, even tion" of MIT's standards, especially Infinite Buffet a community-wide "If you look at student-run azemi said that 'at 1 o'clock, if it is clearly copyrighted." on collaborative work. event that filled the Infinite Corridor events in recent hi tory, the num- messages were relayed to people The report called for increased UA President Jaime E. Dev- and Killian Court with food, enter- bers would make this the largest stu- that they might want to know that awareness of plagiarism rules and ereaux' 02 asked Redwine how tainment, and nearly twice as many dent-run event ever. Our estimates some items were not available." guidelines, and Redwine discussed freshmen were informed of academ- people as expected. in the eyes of precedent were not Miscommunication may have led this with the UA as the start of a ic honesty policies when they first Sina Kevin Nazemi '03, one of conservative at all," azemi said. some volunteers to tell people that new initiative to tackle plagiarism. arrive on campus. the organizers, said that the project- azemi said that attendance was there was no more food. "We're While Redwine admitted that "I don't think there's a lot done;" ed turnout for aturday' buffet, significantly bolstered by Saturday's talking about an event with 6,000 "nothing has happened yet," he said Redwine said. "1 don't think we do 3,000-3,500 people, seemed opti- nice weather and the heavy advertis- people, so there may have been mis- that MIT was seeking student input this very well." mistic when compared with the ing campaign. "Everything lined up communication among a few peo- before setting out any new initiatives. 2,000 who attended the buffet in perfectly," he said. ple," azemi said. Honor code possible, but unlikely 1997. azemi, the Class of 2003 Elizabeth Emery, regional dis- .MIT to clarify rules, policies After Redwine finished his open- president, organized the buffet Caterers fed most diners trict manager for Aramark, said that Redwine agreed with the report along with atwiksai Seshasai and Despite persistent rumors that that many cases of academic honesty UA, Page 18 Soulaymane Kachani, members of food had run out earlier in the day, Infinite, Page 19 Fire Causes Water Damage Residence Selection 2002 Emergency Sprinklers Stop Fire, Flood Parts of Buildings 5, 7 Details Stia Undetermined By Brian Loux to residence selection," Cain said. By Jordan Rubin ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR CHAIRMAN A preliminary schedule for Ori- Tentative plan ha three-day ro h Water damage caused by the entation 2002, the first Orientation The plan so far schedule mo t sprinkler system, which was set off without FSILG ru h in decade , fea- of the living group activities during by an accidental fire on the fourth tures only five days of program- the evenings of Monday, Tuesday, floor of Building 7 near the Dome ming, four fewer than u ual fol- and Wednesday during orientation Cafe, forced the Institute to close lowed by a three day "dead week." week. "Monday [August 26] is for parts of buildings 7 and 5. The Residence election Imple- the mo t part a full orientation day, The Cambridge Fire Department mentation Team (R IT) is expected finishing with the welcome dinner," received a call at 7:03 on Sunday to release a tentative time table for Cain said. "After [the dinner] we evening. According to Deputy Fire the residence selection process will have omething akin to the Res- Chief Edward Mahoney, the Fire around ovember 15. idence Midway." Department response was in line The exact schedules for the day The mornings and possibly the with procedures for a "box call" of Orientation are far from worked afternoons of the two following with a confirmed fire. out, though a rough outline is avail- days would see more orientation When the Fire Department able online. The Orientation office activitie . "The days' activities will arrived, the fire had already been has provided a preliminary schedule probably be themed, such as activi- extinguished by the sprinkler sys- for crucial academic event, uch as ties focusing on rape awarene and tem. "The sprinklers did their job," placement tests and meetings with diversity awareness each day," said explained one of the firefighters. academic advisors. 'The schedule Elizabeth C. Young Assistant Dean Equipped with air tanks, mem- and outline for living group activi- of ew Student Programs. bers of the fire department entered ties is still up in the air '" the com- The evenings will then be open the building and ascended the stairs mittee has not discu ed that a pect for living groups to coordinate rush to the fourth floor. After verifying much, ' said Matthew . Cain '02, events. Off campus living groups as that the fire was out, they opened Dormitory Council pre ident and a well as dormitories will be able to windows to disperse the smoke. member ofthe R IT. participate. "The Interfraternity Members of the RSIT have to Council will be able to host events Photography bulb ignites project work with the constraints of a short- for freshmen who have already The fire started as students in er time pan than previous years, made their decisions as to where Special Problems in Architectural since Orientation will begin four they wi h to live on campus and are JASON LaPENTA-THE TECH Design (4.196) photographed pro- days later than usual this year, and entertaining idea of off-campus life Cambridge Deputy Rre Chief Edward F. Mahoney and Cam- jects for their class. "I am told that has a schedule that overlaps with the later," Cain said. bridge Police Sergeant Craig A. Martin Inspect flooding In this fire resulted from high intensity international and transfer student Decisions on housing and dorm lobby 7. Sprinklers set off after a fire on the fourth floor flood- orientation programs. ru h have not been heavily dis- ed much of Buildings 5 and 7. Rre, Page 15 "The [RSIT] is focused on Ori- entation only inasmuch a it relates RSIT, Page 17

...... "" N.AM\HGt, The Chicago ~tuol"T\a .... ~V'Wl..oP"O Comics OPINIO lIlott \T. Symphony Philip Burrowes parodies the World & ation 2 Orchestra world of corporate control. Opinion 4 comes to Events Calendar 7 Boston. Art 10 Page 13 Page 6 Page 5 ORLD & NATION mark Earns Biden Musharraf Asks u.s. to Stop e n in artime Rhetoric THE WASHI GTON POST Bombing During Ramadan enate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jo eph R. Biden Jr., D-Del., found him elf on the deli n ive la t e after ugge ting By Venton Loeb "Gi en the fact that they ha the oppo ition orthern Alliance in that the United tate could be percei ed a a' high-tech bully" for and Thomas E. Ricks killed thou and of American and Wa hington, aid the U .. military aging ar again t Islamic militant from the air. THE WASHI GTO POST people from 50 or 60 other coun- ha told force with the rebel coali- After Biden made the comment onday in ew Yor Hou e tries and given the fact that they tion that it i time for them to attack peaker Dennis Hastert, R-I1I., aid Biden' choice of words wa Pre sure on the United tate to have sworn to continue such attack , azar-e harif, a trategic cro - "completely me ponsible" and could' bring omfort to our enemi ." radically curtail the war in we ha e an obligation to defend the road city. 'There ha been commu- Rep. Thomas . Davi III, R-Va., chairman of the ational Republi- Afghani tan grew ondaya Pak- American people," Rum feld said. nication on the ground and ( meri- can Congre sional Committee, described Biden' remark a 'outra- i tani Pre ident Gen. Per ez He noted that 'there have been any can force ) have a ked u to move geou and negligent," and even enate ajority Leader Tom usharraf asked for a bombing number of conflicts b tween us- on Mazar," Amin aid. "To operate Da chle, D- .D., eemed to distance him elf from Biden. pau e during the u lim holy lim countrie , and between u lim out of azar would help a lot of By the end of the week, the tempe thad ub ided, but not before month of Ramadan that begin next countrie and non- u lim coun- thing to go forward." yielding a pointed les on in the political peril of andor in wartime. month. Britain'S defen e ecretary trie , throughout Ramadan." Rum feld announced that U. . The quote that cau ed the rucku was embedded in a omewhat aid a pau e i under eriou consid- Briti h Defen e ecretary Geoff aircraft have begun dropping ammu- convoluted an wer that Biden gave to a questioner at the Council on eration. Hoon told reporters in London that a nition to force of the orthern Foreign Relation where the enator had given a peech. ked In the clearest ignal to date of bombing pau e i under con idera- Alliance, a coalition of rebel groups about the risks of failing to defeat the Taliban in the ne t four wee Paki tan' unea e over the U .-led tion, "That is omething we are dominated by ethnic Uzbeks and before the onset of winter in Afghani tan Biden replied that public air campaign, u harraf told Army looking at very eriou ly," he aid. Tajiks that controls a wath of terri- opinion in the United States and the u lim world will tolerate con- Gen. Tommy R. Frank , the U. . Hoon added, howe er, that tory in northern Afghanistan. tinued combat 0 long a it i action that is mano a mano ... going commander over eeing the war in British and American military offi- Expressing satisfaction with the again t other forces on the ground." I lamabad that the Pentagon needed ial do not want to give the Taliban results of the air campaign as it He continued, 'The part that I think flies in the face of and play to rethink it bombing campaign and the al Qaida terrori t network entered its fourth week, Rumsfeld into every tereotypical critici m of us is we're this high-tech bully after 22 day of air trike. Mushar- time to regroup, "knowing that they and Air Force Gen. Richard B. that thinks from the air e can do whatever we want to do and it raf a key U . ally in the campaign, will not face military action during Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs builds the ca e for tho e who want to make the ca e against us that all ited ci ilian casualties and a lack the course of Ramadan." of Staff, said that U.S. aircraft have we're doing is indi criminately bombing innocents, which i not the of tangible ucce , according to eventy carrier-based strike air- devastated Taliban air defenses and truth." Paki tani official . craft, ix long-range bombers and killed Taliban and al Qaida troops. But Defense ecretary Donald Air Force F-15E fighter bombers "We are in the driver seat," H. Rumsfeld briefing reporters at flew air strikes over Afghanistan Myers said. "We are 'proceeding at ountain Caves Used by Taliban the Pentagon, reiterated hi oppo i- Monday, concentrating on Taliban our pace. Weare not proceeding at tion to any bombing pause during troops north of Kabul, the capital, the Talibans pace or al Qaidas Are Latest Targets of U.S. Bombs Ramadan, saying that Afghanistan's and around Mazar-e Sharif in north- pace. We can control that. And we ruling Taliban militia and the al ern Afghanistan, defense officials are controlling it in a way that I Qaida terrori t network it shelters said. think is right along with our plan . . aircraft are carrying out trikes aimed at eating off a network 'are unlikely to take holiday." Haron Amin, a spokesman for that we set out." of mountain cave being used by Taliban and al Qaida force to protect their weaponry and fighters a enior avy commander said onday. In recent days, fighter jet from thi aircraft carrier have been dropping 2,OOO-pound bunker-penetrating bomb and other ordnance Bush Seeks Tighter Entry Rules on the entrances and exits of orne of the hundreds of cave u ed as mountain hideaway by the Taliban. 'It' a fairly exten ive network that' out there, but we'll sy tem- President Aims for Measures That Would Restrict Student 'Visas atically go after it the be t we can,' aid Rear dm. Thomas E. Zeli- bor, the commander of the Vin on battle group. By Mike Allen and Eric Pianin official. One of the other three that when somebody comes, we The focus on ealing cave is part of a new U .. empha i on tak- THE WASHINGTO POST hijackers had a student visa but was understand their intended purpose ing the air war directly to Taliban and al Qaida fighting forces. not attending school. and that they fulfill the purpose." "We've shifted more from facilitie and the command and control President Bush, changing the Bush outlined his immigration Bush singled out student visas, and those kinds of things to now where we're focusing more on the direction of his immigration' policy, policy in general terms, avoiding saying that some recipients never troops, the tanks, the command bunkers, caves, those types" of said Monday that he wants to tight- detailed proposals, at the maiden attend classes, and perhaps never things, Zelibor said. en immigration laws and the issuing meeting of his Homeland Security have that intention. But the admiral acknowledged that it was difficult to a ess of student visas to make it harder Council, which he said would be "We're generous with our uni- whether the trike were achieving their goal. 'We are going after the for would-be terrorists to enter the responsible for protecting "the versities, we're generous with our entrances and exits of that target set,' Zelibor aid. "Whether they're country. American peo.ple from any threat job opportunities, we're generous being sealed or not, that I don t know." Lawmaker working with the whatsoever." with the beautiful system - that is, He said that while U .. jets would have no difficulty hitting the administration said the measures Charging that some aliens have that if you come here and you work caves, cIo ing off the underground mazes and entombing their con- under con ideration include using 'taken advantage" of America's hard, you can achieve a dream," tent "may be a hard thing.' technology to track foreign students "generous" immigration rules, he Bush said. The BLU-I09 'bunker buster" being dropped by the Vinson's as they travel around the United named a Foreign Terrorist Tracking "Never did we realize .then that jet have tips that allow them to penetrate deep into rock or concrete States and to check the palm prints Task Force to recommend specific people would take advantage of our before exploding. The Afghan forces known a rnujaheddin, or holy of immigrants at airports and border changes in laws and procedures. generosity to the extent they have, warrior , made extensive use of the network of caves, ancient aque- crossings. "We're going to tighten up the Bush said. duct and tunnels during their re istance to the oviet occupation of ixteen of the 19 terrorists who visa policy," Bush said. "That's not The review of immigration laws Afghanistan in the 1980s, and US. officials say they are being used hijacked plane last month were vis- to say we're not going to let people' is the latest wave of legislation to again. iting the United tates legally, come into our country; of course we arise from the Sept. 11 suicide according to a Justice Department are. But we're going to make sure hijackings. WEATHER A Chilly All Hallow's Eve Situation for Noon Eastern Daylight Time, Tuesday, October 30,2001 r$~

Extended Foreca t Toda : Clear and cool. Healthy northerly breeze. High of 51°F (11 °C). Tonight: Clear and cold. lowing winds. Low of 34 OF(1°C). Weather Systems Weather Fronts Precipitation Symbols Other Symbols edne da : Clouding in the afternoon. Winds shifting to ea terly. High ISnow \ Rain _Trough Fog of 50°F 10° ). Low of 41°F (5°C). H High Pressure - - Showers I• - \1.\1* Thunderstorm Thur da: cattered clouds. Warming outherly breeze. High in the ····WannFroot 'R Light L Low Pressure CO Haze upper 50s F (14 - 16°C). Low in the upper 40s ( - 10°C ...... Cold Front * Moderate .. Compiled by MIT Friday and Beyond: Warming trend continue with highs in the 60s F § Hurricane Meteorology Staff ...... Statiooary Front Heavy ** . and low in the 40 F. howers could be a threat for the weekend. ~ .. and 1M Tich October 30 2001 WORLD & NATIO Page 3 FBI Again Warns of Potential Anthrax Spores Found in Four More Government Buildings

THE WASHINGTON POST New Wave of Terrorist Attacks WA HINGTO By Eric Uchtblau The warning i likely to generate FBI on Oct. 11, believed to have Tests revealed the presence of anthrax pores in four more gov- ,and Josh Meyer e en greater ecurity afeguard at been ba ed on foreign intelligence ernment building in downtown Washington onday, and officials LOS A GELES TIMES nuclear and lectrical plants, port- report relayed to the lA, triggered said a ew Jersey woman who does not work in a mailroom has con- WASH GTO ing event , border cro ings 0 er- a debate 0 er whether the adminis- tracted the skin form of the disease. For the second time this month, ea embassies and a ho t of other tration had eros ed the precarious In another sign of the contamination spreading from the District of the FBI on Monday put out an ite that could be vulnerable to ter- line between informing the public olumbia's central postal proce sing plant to other mail facilities, extraordinary alert warning Ameri- rorist attack officials said. and stirring hysteria. tests found traces of anthrax spores in mailrooms at the Supreme cans that it has "credible" rea on to Ju tice Department officials With the pate of recent anthrax Court building, the tate Department and at a federal building in believe there could be new terrori t received word early onday attacks, Monday's warning is likely Southwe t where the Department of Health and Human Services and attacks against the nited tates in through un pecified channel about to trigger even greater anxiety than Voice of America have offices. the next week. the pro pect of a fre h round of the first alert . FBI Director Robert imilar traces were found at a nearby building used by the Food The threat, though vaguely attacks. They quickly briefed Pre i- . Mueller said at the news confer- and Drug Administration, which joins a list of more than 20 sites in defined, was considered serious dent Bu h, who agreed with the ence that although the intelligence Washington where the bacteria have been detected. Officials also enough that Attorney General John decision to put out a public alert, data does not include a specific tar- announced that anthrax spores were found in a mail pouch at the U .. A hcroft canceled a trip to Toronto officials aid. get or an intended method, he Embassy in Lima, Peru, which receives correspondence through the Monday afternoon. He al 0 issued 'The administration has con- believes that informing the public contaminated tate Department mail center in terling, Va. an immediate alert to the nation' cluded, based on information devel- about even a broad-based threat But for federal health investigators, the new anthrax case in ew 18,000 law enforcement agencies, oped, that there may be additional "could well prevent another terrorist Jer ey seemed to be the day's most important development. Although urging them to be extra vigilant in terrorist attack within the United attack. ' the skin form of anthrax is not life-threatening and the unidentified coming days. tates and against the United State ' A hcroft said that he too felt woman i recovering, she may be the first per on to be infected by The warning appears to have interests over the next week" compelled to publicize the threat. "I ordinary mail delivered to a home or bu ines . been triggered at least in part by Ashcroft told a ha tily arranged trust the American people to be able concern that cells of Osama bin news conference Monday afternoon. to understand, in this context of Laden's al-Qaida terrorist network "The administration views this conflict, where there is a front over- Feds Arrest Man Detained in remain active and undetected in the information as credible, but unfortu- seas and there is another front here United States and could be planning nately it does not contain specific in the United States, that they can European Terrorism Crackdown further attacks, according to law information as to the type of attack make good judgments and can LOS ANGELES TIMES enforcement and intelligence or specific targets." understand this kind of informa- Federal prosecutor on Monday confmned the arrest in Phoenix sources. A similar warning put out by the tion." of a Middle Eastern man who had been detained briefly in Europe as part of an anti-terrorism crackdown following the Sept. 11 attacks. Supreme Court Leaves Chamber Malek eif, charged with five counts of making false statements on application to federal agencie , secretly was indicted Thur day in Arizona. He was arre ted the following day and remains in custody, pending a hearing later thi week before a federal magistrate, said After Anthrax Scare, Hears Case First Assistant U.S. Attorney Mike Johns. By David G. Savage a serious risk to many of the court's of law." A notice might have been In the indictment, eif, 36, is not accused of involvement in last LOS ANGELES TIMES employees. sent to Dusenbery, but prison offi- month's terrorist attacks. But his name has appeared in records listing WASHINGTON The second possibility is that cials might not have given it to him. hundreds of individuals federal agents have sought for questioning. The Supreme Court justices, some of the court's mail traveled She said the court should require More than 900 people have been detained for varying periods of time forced out of their building by fears through the capital's Brentwood the government to use certified mail since the attacks on the East Coast. that anthrax had arrived via the postal facility, and picked up traces and obtain the inmate's signature as Seif, believed to be a native of Djibouti, is charged with making mail, spent Monday morning argu- of anthrax there. If so, the risk proof he received the letter. false statements about hi place of birth when applying for a ocial ing over the constitutional signifi- might be minimal. But a Justice Department attor- Security card. He also allegedly listed a fraudulently obtained Social cance of putting a letter in the mail. Either way, the justices were ney said this requirement goes too Security number on a medical certificate form required for pilot train- The session itself marked a foot- determined to keep to business as far. "Our position is that ordinary ing. note to history. It was the first time usual this week. They were sched- mail is sufficient," said Jeffrey Min- since the Supreme Court moved into uled to hear arguments in six cases, ear, an assistant to the Solicitor its own building in 1935 that the as we 1 as issue their usual list of General. "It poses a burden for the Teen Who Staged School Shooting justices had sat as a court elsewhere. orders disposing of dozens of pend- government" if officials must see to They moved a few blocks away ing appeals. it that the notices actually are Rampage Commits Suicide to the federal courthouse that sits The first case heard Monday received, he said. LOS ANGELES TIMES near the foot of Capitol Hill. They sounded like a version of "the check Chief Justice William H. Rehn- S DIEGO are expected to meet there for most is in the mail" quandary. quist and Justice Antonin Scalia Leaving behind a scribbled note of rage and despair, a mentally of this week. The question before the court, sided with the government's lawyer. ill teen-ager who admitted hooting five people at an EI Cajon high Spokeswoman Kathy Arberg coincidental to the anthrax scare, They said they feared a wave of school committed suicide in his jail cell Monday, officials said. announced that a trace of anthrax was this: Are people who are about new lawsuits if inmates and others Jason Anthony Hoffman, 18, hanged himself by looping strips was found over the weekend in the to have property seized by the gov- can file suits claiming they failed to of a bedsheet around the grillwork on an air vent, said Lt. Jerry court's basement mail room. "All ernment entitled to receive notice of receive a required notice. "This sort Lewis, of the San Diego heriff's Department. Hoffman was set to tests in the rest of the building were this legal action, or is it enough for of thing can come years later," be sentenced next week to 27 year to life in prison for the March negative," she said. the government to say it put a notice Rehnquist said, and make for messy 22 rampage at Granite Hills High chool. The weekend testing was trig- in the mail? litigation. Lewis said Hoffman had spent everal weeks in a padded " ui- gered by a report Friday disclosing The case before the court arose But Justices David H. Souter and cide-watch" cell but a month ago was cleared by a doctor to be that an air filter at the court's remote when an imprisoned drug criminal Stephen G. Breyer took up the returned to a regular cell. mail handling center had tested pOS- from Ohio, Larry Dusenbery, sued inmate's claim. "Maybe I'm miss- He was found dead around 1 a.m. during a routine bed check. itive for anthrax. because he had not received notice ing something, but I don't see the Officials aid he left behind a one-page note full of doodles and The test results suggest two pos- that his old car and $21,000 in cash difficulty," Souter said. If the gov- profanity but no reference to suicide or remor e for the shooting. sibilities. The first is that a letter had been seized by the government. ernment sent a certified letter and Deputy District Attorney Dan Lamborn called the suicide "a sad with anthrax spores was sent to the His lawyer, Allison Zieve, obtained a signature from the recipi- ending to a very troubled young man." high court, and so far, remains argued this lapse violates the Con- ent, it would solve the problem, he Hoffman had a hi tory of mental illne s and was on antidepres- undiscovered. If so, this could pose stitution's guarantee of "due process said. sant medication in the months before he went to Granite Hills and opened fire with a pump-action 12-gauge shotgun. Hoffman fired at a school vice principal and missed. He then Bush to Meet Pakistan's President, wounded three students and two teachers before being shot in the jaw by an El Cajon police officer. Hoffman allegedly believed the vice principal was respon ible for the avy rejecting his bid to Powell to See Iran's Foreign Minister enlist. By 'Robin Wright Afghan opposition and determine in the conflict, especially America," LOS ANGELES TIMES what kind of government is viable. said Golarnheidar Ebrahimbai-Sala- Civil-Rights Groups Demand WASHINGTON "It's recognized by many that we mi, spokesman for parliament's Spe- In a flurry of efforts to plan for a need to develop a certain momen- cial Commission on Afghanistan. Information on Probe Detainees post- Tali ban Afghanistan, President tum on the political side, and The scheduled talks at the Unit- LOS ANGELES TIMES Bush will meet Pakistani President indeed, we are developing a certain ed ations would follow a private WA HINGTO Pervez Musharraf at the opening of momentum on the issue of moving dinner, held Oct. 17 in Washington A group of civil-rights organizations called on the Justice the U. . General Assembly next forward with a broad-based govern- and hosted by Sen. Arlen Specter, Department on Monday to release the name of the estimated 900 week, while Secretary of State Colin ment in Afghanistan," State Depart- R-Pa., for Iran's U. . ambassador, prisoners the FBI ha arrested or detained since the ept. 11 terror- L. Powell is expected to hold talks ment spokesman Richard Boucher Hadi ejad Hosseinian. Specter said ist attacks. with Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal said Monday. "Given the U. . he hoped that gathering would be Filing a Freedom of Information request, 20 civil-rights group Kharrazi, U.S. officials said Monday. deployment of Brahimi and our the first of several between Iranian also called for the government to release information on the nature These talks, and other meetings desire to work with him, the interna- officials and American legislators. of the charges filed again t the pri oners, the date of their detention Bush and Powell are scheduled to tional coordination of his efforts By having to grapple with the and where they are held. hold with world leader , will focus becomes ever more important. " Afghan crisis the United States and "While certain aspects of the FBI inve tigation into the terrorist heavily on the potential composition The Powell-Kharrazi contact Iran have an "urgent issue of strate- attacks need to be secret,' said Kate Martin, director of the Center of a new government for would be the first meeting of senior gic convergence,' an administration for ational ecurity tudie, "we do not live in a country where Afghani tan. The United ations U. . and Iranian official since the official aid Monday. Iran has the the government can keep secret who they arrest, where they are increa ingly is emerging as the Bush admini tration took office. On econd-longest border with being held, or the charge again t them." forum for deciding such key politi- unday, an Iranian parliamentary Afghanistan, after Pakistan, and has Attorney General John Ashcroft has maintained that the cal questions concerning committee called for the two nation a vital interest in the shape of a detainees have not been abused and that increased vigilance is Afghanistan, taking over from the to launch a dialogue on po t-Taliban government. required during this period of heightened security. either A hcroft United tates as the lead player. Afghanistan, which would be their Powell and Kharrazi will be nor FBI Director Robert ueller responded to the American Civil The various meetings will coin- first official public talk since the meeting as participants in the Unit- Liberties Union s previous request to have the names released. cide with the return of special U. . 1979-81 hostage drama severed ed arion's "six-plus-two" commit- But civil libertarians said this "unprecedented veil of ecrecy" envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, who is now diplomatic relations. tee comprised of Afghani tan's has rai ed erious question about the validity of the government's on a 10-day tour of Paki tan, Iran 'It i in our national interests to neighbors and the United tate and investigation. and Europe to talk with the fractured engage in talks with the main partie Rus ia. October 30 2001

Chairman Jordan Rubin 02 i or in C ief Dana Le ine '02 u ines ana er Huanne T. Thomas 02 anaging ditor Eric 1. Cholankeril 02

EWSFEATURES STAFF Director: Rima Amaout '02; en: Editors: Kevin R. Lang '02, Jennifer Krishnan '04; ociate °e Editor: Eun 1. Lee '04, Brian Loux '04: 0 iate cience Editor: ancy L. Keu s '04, hankar Mukherji '04; taff: Harold Fo G, aveen unka ally G, Alice . Wang '03, Jeffrey Greenbaum '04, icky H u 04, Pey-Hua Hwang '04, W.. Wang '04, Christine R. Fry '05, Aaron Du '05; leteor- ologi ts: Veronique Bugnion G, Peter Huybers G, Rob Korty G, Greg Lawson G, Bill Ram- trom G, Efren Gutierrez '03.

PRODUCTJO, STAFF ditor : Gayani Tillekeratne '03, Joel Corbo '04, Joy Forsythe '04; ociate Editors: Andrew arno '04, hefali Oza '04; taff: Ian Lai '02, Anju Kanumalla '03, ur ida Abdul Rahim '03, Eric Tung '04, Tao Vue 'O-t, Hangyul Chung 'OS, Jennifer Fang 'OS, James Harvey '05.

OP110 STAFF Editors: Kri chnee '02, Jyoti R. Tibrewala '04; Columni t: eena Thoma '02, Daniel L. Tortorice '02, Philip Burrowe '04, Roy Esaki '04, Ken e mith '04, Ak hay Patil '04; taff: Ba iI Engwegbara G, Michael Borucke '01, Kevin Choi '01, Coo topher D. mith '01, Ja on H. Wa fy '01, Matt Craighead '02, Christen . Gray '04.

SPORTS STAFF Editor: Aaron D. Mihalik '02; taff: Robert ATOn tam '02.

ARTS STAFF Editors: Devdoot Majumdar '04, Annie Choi; ociate Editors: Fred Choi '02, Jere- my Ba kin '04, Sandra M. Chung '04, Daniel S. Robey '04; taff: Erik Blankin hip G, Lance athan G, Bence P. Olveczky G, onja Sharpe G, Vladimir V. Zelevin ky '95, Bogdan Fede- les '02, Jumaane Jeffries '02, Amandeep Loomba '02, innie Yang '02, Jacob Beniflah '03, Daniel J. Katz '03, Jane Maduram '03, Amy Meadows '03, Chaitra Chandrasekhar '04, Izzat Jarudi '04, Chad errant '04, Patrick Hereford 'OS, Jorge Padilla 'OS, Jos ph Gra- ham.

PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF Editors: athan Collins G, Wendy Gu '03; taff: Erika Brown G, Krzy ztof Gajos G, Garry a kaly G, Karlene R. Maskaly G, Wan Yu of Wan Mor hidi G, Michelle Povinelli G, Bob umner G, amudra ijay G, tanley Hu '00, Gregory F. Kuhnen '00, ephir Hamilton M '01, ii Dodoo '01, Kaila arendran '01, Matthew Mishrikey '02, Yi Xie '02, Roshan Baliga '03, Leonid Drozhinin '03, Ekaterina o sikine '03, Pedro L. Arrechea '04, Brian Hemond '04, i ir Botta '04, Dalton Cheng 'OS, Michael Lin '05, Timothy uen '05 Jonathan ang '05. CARTOO lSTS Letters To The Editor Aaron Isaksen G, olar Olugebefola G, Xixi D'Moon '01, Bao-Yi Chang '02, Lara Kirk- ham '03, lison Wong '03, Tina hih '04. OMG, I Don't Get It actually make sense for once. For instance, That's bull poopy, for Clearasil(R) always Tuesday's SlackerBeat would be translated as works! How can it be that it does not work for anager: Rachel Johnson '02; With the comic lackerBeat making as lit- follows: you? aoager: Ja mine Richards '02; tle ense as ever, I have a modest proposal for A: Your skin never broke out in high B: [pissy silence] a public service The Tech should provide to chool? What happened? You have significant B: Because, of. course, Clearasil(R) has no help those of us who haven't the slightest clue skin problems now that were not there before. effect on my being a student at the illustrious what the hell any particular lackerBeat strip B: Yes, I know. I cannot help it. • Massachusetts Institute of Technology. i about. There are ervices that send out an e- A: Well, why? Is Lobdell pizza the root Ha ha ha ha ha ha hal Get it? Upon simple mail each Tue day explaining all of Dennis cause? Have you tried Clearasil(R) to alleviate translation, the humor, previously deeply hid- Miller's references from his Monday Night your problems? den, shines on through. Clearly The Tech Football commentary the night before. The B: Yes, I haven t had it [acne] in three should provide this valuable public service. Tech should provide a similar tran lation of years, and it [Clearasil(R)] doesn't work. lackerBeat via e-mail a the comic would A: However does Clearasil(R) not work? Roger A. Ford '02 ADVISORY BOARD Paul E. chindler, Jr. '74, V. Michael Bove '83, Barry urman' 4 Diana ben- aron' 5 Robert E. Malchman '85, irn on Garfinkel '87, Opinion Policy two days before the date of publication. Jonathan Richmond PhD '91 Reuven . Lern- Letters and cartoons must bear the authors' signatures, address- er '92, Jo h Hartmann '93 Jeremy Hylton '94, Editorials are the official opinion of The Tech. They are written es, and phone numbers. Unsigned letters will not be accepted. No let- ders Hove 96, au! Blumenthal '98, Indranath by the editorial board, which consists of the chairman, editor in ter or cartoon will be printed anonymously without the express prior eogy '98, Joel Rosenberg '99, B. D. Colen. chief, managing editor, executive editor, new editors, features edi- approval of The Tech. The Tech reserves the right to edit or condense tor and opinion editors. letters' shorter letters will be given higher priority. Once submitted, Dissents are the opinions of the signed members of the editorial all letters become property of The Tech, and will not be returned. board choosing to publish their di agreement with the editorial. The Tech makes no commitment to publish all the letters received. Columns and editorial cartoons are written by individuals and represent the opinion of the author not necessarily that of the news- paper. To Reach Us Letter to the editor are welcome. Electronic ubmissions are The Tech's telephone number is (617) 253-1541. E-mail is the encouraged and should be ent to letter Hard easie t way to reach any member of our staff. If you are un ure who copy ubmis ions should be addressed to The Tech, P.O. Box to contact, send mail to [email protected], and it will be 397029, Cambridge, ass. 02139- 029 or sent by interdepartmen- directed to the appropriate person. The Tech can be found on the tal mail to Room W20-4 3. All submi sions are due by 4:30 p.m. World-Wide Web at October 30, 2001 OPINIO THE TECH Page 5 Afghanistan Starves Its People Eat Like

Gue t Column tarian agencie and prevent aid convoys from ers to military targets, telling the uffering being hija ked by warlords. The warlord did and hungry population that their food upply A Rabbit Ja on W Black not like this '0 they atta ked the . . mili- ha been poisoned, and executing uspected tary force. fter the U. . military force di sident , homosexuals, literate women, IT offersfew choices anjay Basu claims that the nited tates i left omalia the humanitarian agencie were hri tians, Hindus, etc.) There is no moral violating the Geneva onvention by dropping left without protection and 0 were forced to equivalence. It is intere ting that if the planes food suppJie in fghanistan. ["The Wrong cea e operation . It wa not the . . military were from the World Food Program, every- for healthy eating Way To Break Bread," 0 t. 26] While I am operations that prevented the humanitarian thing would be fine and all the problems certainly not an expert on the Geneva onven- aid or confu ed the ituation it wa the war- Sanjay cites \1 ould apparently just disappear, tion, I did actually read the text of the relevant lords ... intere tingly enough, supported by although the WFP may want to watch out for Ak hay Patil articles of that document pertaining to humani- one Osama bin Laden. tinger missiles fired by the Taliban. tarian aid. (Common rticle 3 of the four ext, anjay gives a litany of possible As for anjay s call that international relief I have a five-pound bag of carrots in my Geneva Conventions of 1949, and Article 23 unintended consequences from the food organizations be allowed to operate in fridge. It has been there for almo t two 55 and 59 of the Fourth Geneva Con- Afghanistan, he should be making months, and I'm only halfway through the vention, for those intere ted). one thi plea to the Taliban, not the U. . bag. of the e contain a me stating "that government. For as the occupying I remember what I was thinking at the humanitarian action must be neutral As the occupying power in Afghanistan - in power (in other words, the one who time: "Hey! I could fini h that in a few independent and impartial" a anjay are holding the people and the land), weeks. I snacked on carrots all summer and states, or anything similar. Rather, other words) the one ~hich is holding the people they are responsible for "ensuring the I've been meaning to lose weight; this is a Article 3 states: "An impartial food and medical supplie of the pop- perfect way to do it!" humanitarian body, such as the Inter- and the land - the Taliban is responsible ulation." (Geneva Convention, Art. ow I feel like a carrot peddler. Wearing national Committee of the Red Cross for (ensuring thefood and medical supplies 55) And according to Article 59, "If dingy clothing, I roam the streets of Cam- may offer its ervices to the Parties to the whole or part of the population of bridge, accosting pedestrians and trying to the conflict." It is incumbent upon of the population:' an occupied territory i inadequately sell my supplies. "Hey you!" I growl in my occupying powers to provide food upplied, the Occupying Power shall raspy voice, "You want some carrots? Real and medical aid to both non-combat- agree to relief scheme on behalf of carrots, I sell them to you cheap!" ants and captured/surrendered com- the said population, and hall facili- Well it s not really that bad, but most batants (hint, hint - the occupying power is drops, such as aid packages detonating tate them by all the means at its disposal.' people who enter my room are politely the Taliban in this case). mine, falling on people' heads, or caring Sanjay somehow a sumes that the United offered carrots at ome point during their Sanjay next claims that U. . _offices in people. He forgot to add that people could tates can control the access of humanitarian visit. The bag only gets opened on those Pakistan are being attacked specifically also choke on the food, have allergic reac- agencie to Afghanistan. If the United States occasions when I'm starved and feeling because of food drops by the United States. tions to the peanut butter, get into violent controlled Afghanistan as he apparently especially healthy. It sits in my fridge and Huh? While I would not assert to know the clashes over the unopened packages of believes, then the Taliban and Osama bin mocks me every time I look in and realize direct motives for these attacks, it is highly raisins, or even trip over an unseen package Laden would have been handed over and the that it's the only food I have. Those are the unlikely that whoever attacked these offices lying on the ground and twist their ankle. bombing would already have ended. If the times when my primal instinct kicks in and did so because they were outraged that food While all are possible, plausible, and maybe United States does become an occupying saves me. With a speed so blinding that it was being dropped from the sky, and imme- even likely scenarios, they really don't power, I can personalJy assure Sanjay that the has to be reflex, I turn to my roommate and diately blamed the United Nations for such a equate the act of attempting to provide food United States will facilitate humanitarian ask whether he feels like ordering out that heinous act. As for his additional claim that to hungry refugees to an evil act of war. agencies and even provide humanitarian aid night. food aid in Somalia was halted due to mili- (Examples of evil acts of war for those won- themselve , just a the United tates was But this lack of healthy eating isn't my tary action, he should recheck his sources dering what they may be: Stealing humani- doing up until the start of the war. fault, I wear. Society is to blame. MIT has and his history. The United Nations sent mil- tarian food supplies from warehouses, using Jason W Black is a graduate student in turned me into a mooch (ok, fine, I was a itary forces to Somalia to protect the humani- civilians as human shields, chaining prison- the Engineering Systems Division. mooch before, but MIT aggravated this nat- ural tendency). When I'm buying food, I'm very health conscious: no soda, little candy, and everything else in its lowest fat content Monopoly Mayhem form. Unfortunately my brain, like many undergraduate brains, has somehow decided Clayton and John William Wright Patman's Player download. Yet he swore Microsoft had that free food is calorie-free. Considering Philip Burrowes respective tales of woe (peter W. Rodino Jr. shown a preview over 4 months ago. Where the amount of free food I consume, this ten- actually seems to be doing quite well with had it gone? He searched everywhere, but dency alone places great hurdles in my path The story you're about to read is false and himself) would be too much to bear. Essen- could not find it. It meant only one thing: the to eating healthfully. the names 'have not been changed because tially, all their legislation doesn't amount to a program had supernaturally disappeared. nobody is innocent in a world already damned hill of beans in this crazy mixed-up world of Rage filled the boy's heart. In an act of to hell. multinational corporations and neoliberal eco- rebellion, he resolved never to use another All right girls and boys, it's that time of nomics. All this brings us to the present day. Microsoft product again, and set out to My wallet just screams bloody year again. Gather around the campfire, stuff On a night much like this one, in a school download a new browser. Having been yourself with candy com (fact: candy com is much like this one, a boy sat watching the instructed by his school on the security supe- murder when I go to ring up my neither a candy nor a corn), and prepare for a opening of WB's Maybe It's Me. The theme riority of etscape, that seemed like a logical tale to chill your bones. Now I warn you, this seemed eerily familiar, but he let the premoni- choice. etscape's web site, however, was few pieces offruit plus milk and is not a story for the faint-of-heart or Libertar- tion slide. During a commercial break, he not merely a support page for it anachronis- the little swipe display happily ians. For those brave, foolish, and populist heard the song again, this time in an adverti e- tic application, but also a garish portal to souls who attempt to venture on, your lives ment for America Online. Time Warner publications' sites. Links in its iriforms me that I could have will be forever changed by this hair-raising Apparently, the singer was very popular "Tech" section ominously asked if XP wa account of a boy, a girl, Redmond, and the among the glorified BBS-turned-meglomania- "a new nightmare, ' conjuring up images had two slices of pizza and Congressional legislation which brought them cal ISP's hired clientele.' Intrigued, the boy (that's always where it starts) of Freddy a sodafor much less. together, wantedto learn more about this Lindsay Krueger. This story begins in 1823 at Lancaster, a Pagano, and indeed Warner Bros. records had Suddenly, it all became frightfully clear. city of the then-bustling state of Ohio. John created an AIM account dedicated just to IE, AIM, Media Player, CNET et al. were all Sherman's path out of the town of his birth is answer questions concerning the artist. pawns in a giant chess game between AOL The most annoying thing about eating really quite fascinating, crossing paths with MosnoKame: I wanted to know if you and Microsoft. Gog and Magog were drawing healthy at MIT is the price. On the whole, such greats as Rutherford B. Hayes and were a robot. together, with Lindsay Pagano playing the eating healthy i pretty expensive here. This Salmon Chase, but suffice to say he was elect- Lindsaylsuddy: Interesting ... role of Armageddon. Ragnarok was imminent is probably due to the fact that fresh fruit ed to the U.S. Senate in 1881. Senator Sher- MosnoKame: Or are you a program like unless the boy could somehow stop it. He did costs more than recycled meat, and you man drafted (rather myopically) an Anti-Trust Eliza? Do you know him? Do you computer the one thing he could do: steal Pagano's sin- can't make chili out of leftover bananas. It's Act ~ commonly known as 15 U.S.C. 1-7 - programs all hang out together like in Reboot? gle in MP3 format. hard enough for my willpower to steer me which sought to limit the growth of monopo- LindsayBuddy: i'm .a smart bot that loves Who knows how many thousands of min- away from the pasta over to the produce, but lies. His brother, the former General William to chat with people and give them info about utes have pas ed since that fateful day the boy my wallet just screams bloody murder when Tecumseh Sherman, died of pneumonia less Lindsay Pagano and other things. Type martyred himself to break the vicious, Apoca- I go to ring up my few pieces of fruit plus than a year after the Act's passage. The Sena- "home" to see everything i can do. lyptic cycle. Oh, yes, it is an act of martyr- milk and the little swipe display happily tor (eventually Secretary of State) himself MosnoKame: I'm scared.' dom, for now he is dead to the world. Bereft informs me that I could have had two slices ended up resigning from his post in protest of LindsayBuddy: =-0 of either of the two real brow ers he has fall- of pizza and a oda for much less. the Spanish-American war, "coincidentally" MosnoKame: Fear is driving me off of en to the Lynx ghetto. Unable to watch TV for Which leaves me to cooking for myself if dying just 9 days short of Halloween. Current-, AIM. fear of seeing more corporate propaganda, he I want to eat healthy at a rea onable price. ly, Ohio is a pathetic ghost of its former glory, LindsayBuddy: Tough question! gets all his news from The Tech. Friends have This i rather unfortunate considering that resigning itself to that ill-begotten class of Fear drove him off of AIM and onto his deserted him, tired of his endle s tirades my cooking repertoire is basically limited to states whose capitals are their largest cities .. trusty Internet Explorer. Using again t X-Box. Even hi in tant messages preparing Cheerios, and even then I usually Lancaster itself scheduled this year's "Trick, he found a site that had a have degenerated to Gill-less Zephyring. His get the proportion wrong. And let us not or Treat" for a brief ninety-minute period, per- music video by Ms. Pagano, but he did not only company i the incessant bubble-gum forget that next year there's a po sibility that haps in memory of its hellish past. have Windows Media Player. A search for his pop of Everything U R. I'll be financially pressured to eat cafeteria If you think that's scary (which you OS at Microsoft's web page yielded results The boy, of cour e, wa me! [Reveal fake food in the rust place. There's a reason why should), then the specifics of Henry De Lamar for Windows XP and X-Box, but no 'Media hook on hand while waving flashlight] the' freshman fifteen" is a common phe- nomenon here at MIT. We spend most of our time sitting in our rooms or Athena clus- ~= ters doing oodles of work and little else. Shou I'd we ~ Write to Providing healthy food at a reasonable price .... hould be a high priority for campus dining, .... as it should be on any campus. And on a a. similar note, student cooking should be encouraged. Most often it's the healthiest send Akshay's (,) us and ~ choice and it allows students to practice .... skill that they'll need later in life . I ~ Eating healthfully is important (the ., r:::Jb. author announce with his mouth full of carrots to )- ..... let us Domino's pizza) and having healthy eating ~ option is vital for helping the common stu- ''-t ""~ dent tay in shape. Heaven knows my car- ..... rot aren't going anywhere. ext time Afghanistan? ...~ know! you're hungry feel free to drop by and snack -.. on a few. Please? e October Tee 30,2001

Page 6

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ACROSS 45 Usher after "3 Hit by the Kinks Comedians" 1 Director Raoul intermission 4 Everest guide 34 Christian and 6 Dirty air 47 Omega's cousin 5 Coming out of Helen 10 Brea sharply 48 Set down one'sshelt 36 Swiss artist 14 Ciao, on Lanai 50 Deteriorated 6 Fat farm 37 Frome's vehicle 15 Bell sound 52 Polished 7 Fellows 41 Prehistoric 16 Chanel of fashion 55 Actress Davis 8 Mr. Ed's dinner period 17 Art dabbler 56 Listening device 9 Mirths 44 Ambles 19 Border (on) 58 City near Council 10 Powder used in 46 Droop 20 Stiffening agent Bluffs ceramics 49 Positive reply 21 Keystone Kops 62 Evaluate 11 Annual award 51 More down filmmaker 63 One way to sit on 12 Keenly 52 "The Taming of 23 Van Dine's Vance a horse perceptive the_" 26 Moves like a crab 66 Anon's partner 13 Actress Annie 53 ho 27 Wrenching 67 Be sure 0 18 Mountaintop 54 Schoolroom 31 Dickens hero 68 Rock full of characteristic furniture 32 Itsy-bitsy crystals 22 Puppy bite 57 Singer Turner 33 Idemifiers 69 Marries 24 Graphic 59 Aroma 35 Large, roomy 70 Rational storyteller 60 Ray of "God's boats 71 Rynn of film 25 Any person Little Acre" 38 Diligent insect 27 Stolen money 39 Tonic's partner 61 Howard of "Annie l---+-~--I- DOW 28 Actor Sean Get Your Gun" 40 Urban RRs 1 Quantities of 29 Struck back 64 Put on 42 Not up to snuff gum 30 Author of 'The 65 She sheep 43 Do beaver's work 2 Dismounted © 2001 Tribune Medi. SeMees, Inc AI rIgttt. --s. October 30 2001 The Tech Page 7

FoxTrot by Bill Amend by Scott Adams




Events Calendar appears in each issue of The Tech and features events for members of the MIT community. The Tech makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of this information, and The Tech shall not be held liable for any loss- es, including, but not limited to, damages resulting from attendance of an event. .Events Calendar Contact information for all events is available from the Events Calendar web page. Visit and add events to Events Calendar 'Online at

Tuesday, October 30 located in the Ashdown House basement. Enter through the courtyard. Hours: Monday: 8 p.m. - 12 am, Tuesday - Thursday: 7 p.m. - 1 am, Friday: 4 p.m. - 1 am, Must be over 21. Proper 10 required .. Freel. 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Japanese Tea Ceremony Lessons. The Japanese Tea Ceremony Lessons take Room: The Thirsty Ear Pub. Sponsor: The Thirsty Ear Pub. place on Tuesdays at McCormick Hall (320 Memorial Drive). Come anytime between 11 A.M. - 3 P.M. 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. - Renaissance Dancing. There are many forms of Renaissance Dancing that we The fee is $3 for students, $5 for others. New students are welcome at any time during the semester. practice. From Italian balli to courtly pavans to English country. We dance them all with flair and fun. Each student will receive individual instruction based on his or her level of experience. The best way to Dress is common street clothing. No experience necessary; instruction is provided. free. Room: W20 learn the ceremony is to attend lessons on a regular basis. If you are interested, you are welcome to (Sala or 407 or 491). Sponsor: Society for Creative Anachronism. observe a class and ·to speak with Mrs. Wada about the lessons .. $3 for students, $5 for others. Room: 8:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. - IFilm Movie Seminar. Each IFILM Movie Seminar examines one international McCormick Hall. Sponsor: spouses&partners@mit, MIT Women's League. movie: a foreign movie or a movie made by an American independent producer. Each educational 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Explanation in Newton's Physics. Dibner Institute Lunchtime Colloquium. screening is preceded by an introduction and followed by a small discussion. ALL MOVIES HAVE ENG- free. Room: E56-100. Sponsor: Dibner Institute. LISH SUBTITLES. Details are announced on the IRlm web page at http:;/ .. free. 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. - Gravity-Capillary solitary waves on deep water and related phenomena. Room: 4-237. Sponsor: Graduate Student Council, International Film Club. Refreshments will be served at 3:30 PM in Room 2-349 .. free. Room: Room 2-338. Sponsor: Physical - List Foundation Fellowship Program Application Deadline. The List Foundation Fellowship Program Mathematics Seminar. Department of Mathematics. annually awards up to $5,000 to two undergraduate students to support a year's work on a project in 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Seminar: Wavelet Signal Processing Applied to Ultrasonic Nondestructive the performing, visual, or literary arts. The fellowhips are available to students of color who are citizens Testing. In the past decade there has been intense research activity on the subject of wavelet signal or permanent residents of the US.. Room: E15-205. Sponsor: Office of the Arts Special Programs. processing. Wavelets have been used to characterize the time-frequency behavior of transient signals Thursday, November 1 as well as to create a reducedbasis for their representation. Even though both objectives are obtained 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - MIT Benefits Fair. The annual enrollment periods for employees benefits and utilizing wavelet transform theory, their practical implementation is different, applying in one case the for Medicare Supplemental Plan members will take place in the Bush Room (10-105) .. Room: Bush concept of wavelet frames, while in the other, the principle of orthonormal basis decomposition. Room (10-105). Sponsor: MIT Benefits Office. .... free. Room: 1-350. Sponsor: Engineering & Environmental Mechanics Group. 12:00 p.m. - MIT Chapel Concert: Killing Frost Quartet. Jim Mosher, natural horn; Diane Heffner, clar- 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. - GTL Seminar. TBA. free. Room: 31-161. Sponsor: Gas Turbine Laboratory. inet; Naama Lion, flute; Marilyn Boenau, bassoon (all period instruments). Works by Mozart, Rossini, 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. - "Pseudodifferential extension ofthe Atiyah-Patodi.Singer theorem.". Organiz- Boccherini. . free. Room: MIT Chapel. Sponsor: Music and Theater Arts Section. ers: M. Hopkins, R. Melrose, H. Miller and I.M. Singer. free. Room: 2-131. Sponsor: Topology and Analy- 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Test-Taking Strategies. Learn the mechanics of taking tests at MIT, including sis of Manifolds with Corners. Department of Mathematics. how to prepare for tests and how to approach specific types of problems. 6:30 p.m. - Current Work. Lecture by Jesus Aparicio, architect/professor of architecture, University of . free. Room: W20-491. Sponsor: Learning Strategies. Madrid .. free. Room: Rm 10-250. Sponsor: Department of Architecture. 2:00 p.m. - Memorial Service for Kenneth Hale. Kenneth Locke Hale, a professor of philosophy and lin- 7:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. - Ladies Night at the Ear. Every Tuesday is Ladies Night at The Thirsty Ear Pub, guistics at MIT known for his lifelong dedication to studying and preserving threatened languages and with special Tuesday-only beverage offerings. The Thirsty Ear Pub is located in the Ashdown House base- cultures, died of cancer in hts home in Lexington, Ma. on Monday, October 8th. He was 67 .. Room: ·ment. Enter through the courtyard. Hours: Monday: 8 p.rn, - 12 am, Tuesday - Thursday: 7 p.m. - 1 am, Wong Auditorium, Tang Center (Bldg. E51). Sponsor: Information Center. Friday.:4 p.m. - 1 am, Must be over 21. Proper 10 required .. No cover for the ladies (or the guys). Room: 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. - SAP User Group. free. Room: E25-111. Sponsor: Information Systems. The Thirsty Ear Pub. Sponsor: The Thirsty Ear Pub. 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - New Perspectives on Planetary/Synoptic Wave-Mean Feedbacks. free. Room: 54-915. Sponsor: MIT Atmospheric Science Seminars. Wednesday, October 31 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. - Modeling for Computation: Examples from Network Design. ORC Seminar Fall Seminar Series. Seminar followed by reception in E40-106 .. free. Room: E56-270. Sponsor: Operations 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. - STS Program's 25th Anniversary Symposium. Session #1 Science, Technology Research Center. and Democracy; Session #2 New Directions in STS Studies 4:15 p.m. - M.tT. Physics Colloquium. "Prospects for a Deep Underground Science Laboratory" . free. . free. Room: Wong Auditorium, Building E51. Sponsor: STS. Room: 10-250. Sponsor: Physics Department . 11:00 a.m, - 12:00 p.m. - Optics. Phase Stabilization of Modelocked Lasers. free. Room: 34-401B 4:30 p.m. - Arabic: The Silenced Father-Tongue. A Genevieve McMillan-Reba Stewart Lecture on (Grier Room). Sponsor: Optics. Women in the Developing World .. free. Room: E51-095. Sponsor: Women's Studies Program, Center for 12:00 p.m. -1:00 p.m. - Virus Protection Software Quick Start. Learn how to download, install, and Bilingual/Bicultural Studies. Graduate Consortium in Women's Studies at Radcliffe College. configure virus protection software for your 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - Documentary Across Media. Imaginative new forms of documentary narrative computer, and how to keep {he software up to date. Discuss your questions with and reporting have emerged in many media beyond film in recent years. Dee Dee Halleck and Rick Row- Jerry Isaacson, MIT Information Security Officer. ley are among these new documentarians .. free. Room: Bartos Theater, MIT Media Lab. Sponsor: Com- munications Forum . . free. Room: N42 Demo Center. Sponsor: Information Systems. 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - BSU Lecture Panel Series. The Black Students' Union will be starting a monthly 12:10 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. - "Physical Oceanography Sack Lunch Seminar. free. Room: 54-915. Sponsor: panel series this semester to be continued throughout the year. The topics for our first panel is "Choos- Physical Oceanography. ing Between Industry and Academia: MBA, Masters, or PhD? And in what order?" Staff and students 12:10 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. - GABLES Monthly Lunch. GABLES is the Gay, Bisexual, and Lesbian Employ- from MIT departments, offices, and alumni in addition 0 local university representatives make up each ees and Supporters group. Each month, on the last working day, we gather to enjoy lunch and the com- volunteer panel. . free. Room: 50-105 BSU Lounge. Sponsor: Black Students' Union. pany of our colleagues and friends. Occasionally there are discussions of topical interest, however the 6:00 p.m. - authors@mit - Greater Boston: Adapting Regional Traditions to the Present. SAM BASS focus of this event is social. The organization also works to advance the interests of GBLT employees at WARNER, JR, GREATERBOSTON: Adapting Regional Traditions to the Present. From eastern Massachu- MIT. The lunches are open to anyone in the wider MIT community interested in our work. We have often setts to southern ew Hampshire, greater Boston is what five million people call home. Drawing on welcomed guests from other universities and their friends .. The cost of your lunch. Room: A variety of more than thirty years as a resident of Boston himself, renowned urban historian Sam Bass Warner, Jr., local eateries. Sponsor: GABLES. reveals a vibrant, ethnically diverse American metropolis, a mixture of cities and small wooded towns, a 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - spouseS&partners@mit- Halloween Celebration. Join us for snacks, pumpkin region built on tradition, yet able to keep pace and set trends in the modem world. Reflecting on the carving, apple cider and other Halloween traditions. Children can come in costume. Childcare provided. natural environment of greater Boston and interviewing those who live there, Warner provides a fresh free. Room: W20-400. Sponsor: spouses&partners@mit, MIT Medical. portrait of what he shows to be both the nation's oldest and newest urban area. Sam Bass Warner, Jr., 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. - A Hint at Differential Topology on Graphs. Refreshments will be served at 3:30 PM is Visiting Professor in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the assachusetts Institu e of i Room 2-349. free. Room: Room 2-338. Sponsor: Combinatorics Seminar. Department of Mathematics. Technology. Greater Boston is published by the University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001. free. Room: MIT 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. - MIT Objectivist Club general meeting. The MIT Objectivist Club's general meet- 7-238, Rotch Library. Sponsor: The MIT Press Bookstore. MIT Libraries. ings. We discuss topics in philosophy and how they relate to different aspects of our world today. This 8:00 p.m. - As You Uke It. Shakespeare Ensemble production directed by Tom Garvey, music director term, we will also be having weekly study sessions, probably in epistemology, the philosophy of knowl- Chris Eastburn. $8, $6 students. Room: Kresge Little Theater. Sponsor: Shakespeare Ensemble. edge .. free. Room: 10-280 (Oct. 3), 4-144 (Oct. 10-Dec. 12). Sponsor: MIT Objectivist Club. 8:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. -IFilm Movie Seminar. Educational Screening of Marcel Carne's masterpice 7:00 p.m. -1:00 a.m. - Thirsty Ear Pub Halloween Party. Don't miss the annual Thirsty Ear Halloween "Les Enfants du Paradis" ("Children of Paradise"). The movie HAS ENGLISH SUBTITLES. The introduc- Party! -Free candy -Costume contest at midnight, with prizes including gift certificates to Barnes and tion will be given by Prof. Edward Turk, a world authority on Marcel Carne's work .. free. Room: 4-237. Noble and Newbury Comics -Games including Bobbing for Bottles and a pinata. The Thirsty Ear Pub is Sponsor: Graduate Student Council, International Rim Club. Page October 30 2001

The D. E. haw group i a pecialized inve tment and D. E. Shaw & Co. will be holding an information session on

technology development firm founded by a former Columbia Tuesday, October 30 at 7 PM in Room 4-231.

Univer ity computer science professor. It was created to apply Broker-dealer activities of the D. E. Shaw group are conducted in the United States quantitative and computational techniques to the ecurities through D. E. Shaw Securities, 1.1.G., D. E. Shaw Investments, L.P., or D. E. Shaw bu ine s. Today the group encompasse a number of closely Valence,L.P., which are registered as broker-dealers with the United States Securities related entities with more than US $2 billion in aggregate and Exchange Commission and are members of the National Association of capital, but the core of our bu iness remains the same: the Securities Dealers, Inc. Investment advisory activities are conducted through system and algorithms that move hundreds of billions of D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P. and D. E. Shaw & Co., 1.1. C. Technology venture activities are dollar a year, and the extraordinarily smart programmers conducted through D. E. Shaw Development, 1.L.c. and system architect who build them.

The D. E. haw group does not discriminate, in matters of hiring or promotion, A you might expect in a firm largely run by computer scien- on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, military service ti t , we do things a bit differently from the rest of the Street. eligibility, veteran status, exual orientation, marital status, disability, or any other We wear jeans and neaker. We value technology over bureau- protected class. cracy. And we see to it that good idea get implemented. October 30 2001 THE TE H Page 9 small-company big-company environment impact

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CJohnson & Johnson 2001. An Equal Opportunity Employer. SMALl·COMPANY ENVIRONMENT/BIG·COMPANY IMPACT is a service mark of Johnson & Johnson. Page 10 October 30 2001 THE ARTS 'Anything Goes' Competent Acting Overshadows Poor Production By Amy L. Meadows orne conte t. O'Connor was in her element STAFF WRITER during the fir t act before she sheds her famous Presented by MIT Mu ical Theatre Guild inger per ona for the romantic intere t of ir Music and Lyric by Cole Porter. Evelyn (Todd Radford G). Directed by Kri tin Hughes. ember of the ensemble, howe er, did not Produced by Jen Berk '01. exude the arne confidence as the main charac- Mu ic Directed by Stephen Marc Beaudoin. ter . They eemed both uncomfortable with tarring Rogue 'hindler, Todd Radford G, their lines and uncomfortable on the stage. For Tanis 0 'Connor '02, Jamez Kirtley '94, and . instance, Reno' "Angel ' her backup ingers, Kat Allen '03. ould barely be heard over the orche tra, even when they were accompanied by Marlow. This number of factor make the u ical wa al 0 exemplified in many of the dance . Theatre Guild production of Any- numbers with the whole chorus. In turn, I felt thing Goe fun and arnu ing: confident uncomfortable just watching them dance. Sure- A and able lead a tors a great score and ly, either more practice or different versions of an engaging plot. Unfortunately, for all of its the dances for different cast members could

FARNS/oVORTHIBLALOCK PHOTOGRAPHY compelling a pects, the production al 0 had a have alleviated this problem, as more training in' Boston Ballet principal dancers April Ball and Simon Ball in "Celts." number of flaws. While watching Anything projection could have alleviated the fir t. BALLET REVIEW Goe , I could only think that the play could Many of the details of the production were have been in a whole different league with only either not sufficiently addressed or neglected more careful attention to detail econds before stepping off a boat Boston Ballet GoesModern et for England with his boss on board, Billy (Rogue Shindler) sees a woman who he immediately falls in 10 e with, 'From Distant Shores Show Features Three Flavors Hope (Kat Allen '03), only to learn that she i to be married once the boat of odern Dance reaches England. He decides to aban- By Bence Olveczky choreography to the audience. don hi work and follow his heart on STAFF WRITER But if "Ginastera' wa a slight disappoint- board the cruise. ship. Thus, the action "From Di tant Shores" ment, the econd part of the program, "Jardi is set in motion; throw in some gang- Wang Theatre Tancat" (Clo ed Garden), was a riveting revela- sters an overbearing mother, and a few October 25,2001 - ovember 04,2001 tion. Choreographed by paniard acho Duato, nightclub singers, and you have got the pi ce displayed a ynergy between music Anything Goes. he Bo ton dance cene took a erious and movement rarely experienced. The dancers, Rogue Shindler showed an enor- hit last season when Dance Umbrella, surrounded on tage by winding sticks, directed mous versatility in his performance of a visionary organization dedicated to their movement toward the earth-colored floor, Billy, the stock trader who keeps find- T bringing the best of modern dance to evoking images of hard working peasants. The ing himself in trouble on the ship. Boston, lost it funding. The void has yet to dynamic flow of slow, fluid movements perfect- From endearing con man to love-struck be filled, but in 'From Distant hore 'the ly captured the e ence of the melancholy Mal- hero, Shindler expressed a number of Boston Ballet is giving dance fan orne oint- lorcan folk 'song on which the choreography different personalities but remained the ment for their ailments by crapping it trade- was ba ed. All six dancers were excellent but a glue that held the disparate elements of mark co tume and prop filled extravaganza for duet between Gianni Di arco and Adriana the plot together. Kat Allen '03 played a triptych of modern baJ1et that is at once sim- uarez was particularly poignant. Billy's romantic interest, and although ple, beautiful and beguiling. It is a testimony to acho Duato's talent Hope was fickle and unpredictable, she In a time of flag waving and anthem that "Jardi Tancat" was his first ever choreog- remained, largely, a one-dimensional singing, it's refre bing to see the Bo ton Ballet raphy, and we can only hope that Boston Bal- character. WAN YUSOF WAN MORSHIDJ-THE TECH going abroad to find inspirational glue for it let under its new director Mikko issinen will Jamez Kirtley '94 played an excel- Billy and Hope, played by Rogue Shindler and evening of dance. The fir t piece, ' Ginastera,' howca e more of his work in the future. lent Moonface Martin, public enemy Katherine Allen '03, sing a duet in Anything Goes, was named after the Argentinean compo er Lila York' "Celts" was a hit when it pre- number 13. Although Kirtley had only produced by the Musical Theater Guild in La Sala whose string quartet inspired Dutch choreogra- miered here in 1996, and it present revival, as a supporting role, he was as important de Puerto Rico last weekend. pher Rudi van Dantzig to create a ballet how- the third and la t installment of "From Distant to the playas anyone of the lead ca ing the prowes and precision of hi male hores " yet again captures the imagination of actors. Easily the actor with the best comic tim- altogether. While the set was cleverly designed dancer . It i a technically challenging piece the audience. York' choreography is an ener- ing and instinct, Kirtley made the play more to function as main lounge, deck, and cabin, it with complicated classical movements often gized and tylized ver ion of Irish folkdance enjoyable than it would have otherwise been. was stark. Mainly painted in white, gray, and performed in unison. nd it i made even et to the pounding rhythms of Celtic music. Caitlin Marlow '03 took the role of Bonnie, black, it compared terribly with the lively, col- more difficult by the fact that Gina tera' Thi joyful and spectacular work may lack Moonface's partner-in-crime. Marlow exuded orful play. The lighting also rarely deviated tring quartet lacks the rhythm that would aid the subtlety and poetry of the preceding confidence and poise and made the most of a from a scheme of floodlights and spotlights; the dancers in ynchronizing their movements. pieces but it makes up for it in sheer energy mall role. there were no colors or interesting variations adly, in Bo ton Ballet' rendition of van and vi aciou ness. Although Celts" is mainly Also radiating confidence onstage, Tanis that could have helped alleviate the barrenness Dantzig's piece, the eight male dancer fall an ensemble piece, there are many impressive O'Connor's nightclub singer Reno seemed to of the set. short of the mar and on opening night they and explosive olos executed by, among oth- be at fir t a mere plot device, but later blos- In this light, the main characters far and were often dancing out-of- ync, creating an ers a remarkable Paul Thrussel. The piece omed into an essential piece of the puzzle of away stole the show. Unfortunately, the produc- aesthetic di onance that detracted from an certainly knocks the socks off Irish dance relationships. As a nightclub singer, Reno is tion had many glaring holes that needed to otherwi e dazzling choreography. Ironically inspired shows like "Riverdance," and it solely responsible for many of the musical num- have been patched long before it was shown it was the graceful and precise female dancers makes for a fitting ending to an evening that is bers in Anything Goes ("Take Me Back to Man- publicly; the most frustrating part was that who aved the piece, succes fully tran lating a tribute to the rich diversity - cultural and hattan," "Anything Goes," etc.) because they many such flaws easily could have been reme- some of the magic in Dantzig' neo-classical otherwise - in modern dance. would make little sense without her to provide died with only a little more effort. FILM REVIEW *** down, a young boy lying in bed senses some- stances involving a sinister coworker allow a children everywhere, including little Boo. thing in the room. Old shirts become tentacles, child to pass into the Monstropolis, chaos As usual, Pixar pushes the limits of 3D his imagination play with his senses, until ensues. Sully grows close to the little girl he graphics with their newest arrival. Goodman's finally a huge beast appears from under the bed names Boo, and Mike insists that they return. character is covered in blue hair with purple Manslers, Inc and leaps towards the boy. The child screams her to the room she came from. They fall into a spots, and the fur is completely realistic in its and the monster reel from the noise, confused. conspiracy that could destroy the scare collec- movements and reactions to the environment. Pixar Fulfills Expectations The tentacled creature jump back slips and tion industry and. threaten the lives of human One of the best technical shots I have ever seen fall onto jacks strewn on the depicts Sully falling into a snow In Latest CGl-Based Film floor. The lights go up, and we bank and his snow-covered fur By Daniel S. Robey di cover that this is a training blows in the wind as flakes drift ASSOCIATE ARTS EDITOR facility for new monsters. from the sky. Another more Directed by Peter Doctor and David Silverman Monstropolis is a huge city humorous use of Pixar's techni- Written by Dan Gel",on and Andrew Stanton on the "other ide of the do et. ' cal skill lies in the fluctuating Starring Billy Crystal, John Goodman Strange and magical creature skin tones of a monster that can RatedPG go about their daily routine shifts colors like a . most without interacting with In addition, great comedians , 'GOOdnight mom." humans. One company, Mon- bring life to the well-animated sters, Inc, powers all of Mons- characters. John Goodman is 'Goodnight, dear.' tropoli . This colos al business endearing as Sully, giving him a converts the screams of children teddy bear-like quality. Billy cro s the world, these words are echoed into energy, keeping the city Crystal is the perfect Mike, fussy night after night, and as the bedroom door clo - well lit and functioning. and constantly worrying. The e and a lull fall over the darkened room chil- Workers at Monster, Inc. evil chameleon Randall is played dren everywhere know that in the darkne are trained to care, and no by Steve Buscemi and there is monsters lurk. What they don't know i that for one doe it better than J. P. even a cameo by John Ratzen- the e monster ,it' just a way to make a living. ullivan (John Goodman, berger (Cliff from Cheers) as the

Monster. r Inc, the newe t movie from Pixar, known to all as ull y and his abominable snowman. is a beautifully rendered film that i both charm- partner ike Wazow ki (Billy Pixar and Disney deliver a ing and entertaining. An all-star ca t provide Cry tal). U ing closet door carefree, enjoyable movie in the voice for beguiling character that win the the monster can pa into the Monsters, Inc. Subtle and well-

imagination and the heart. human world to collect the DIS 'EY/PlXAR crafted jokes provide a back- The mo ie opens with a cene much like creams of young children. Mike Wazowski (Billy Crystal) and James P. Sullivan (John Goodman) in drop for a light-hearted story the cla ic bedroom cene. A the light go When questionable circum- Monsters, Inc. that leaves viewers satisfied. October 0 2001 THE ARTS THE TECH Page 11

The MIT Symphony Orchestra performs 4'Miraculous Mandarin" by Bela Bartok during a concert at Boston Symphony Hall's open house. The per- formance was MITSO's first ever at symphony hall. The group also performed Stravinsky's 4'Fireworks" and Martucci's "Nottumo." Page 12 THE ARTS o tober 30,2001

pie and died from thre fatal blow : a PE FOR CE REVIEW large ro k ver the head a elf- inflicted gun hot wound and Julie ndrew inging 'The TheRaging Chinchilla Show ound Of usic.' In " ntifreeze," an audience member po i- Help hel! r3' :elaugh·ng OU~ el e to death! tioned two actors. Differ- ent actor too turn By Suki Dorfman ill come. three-headed Buddha answered que - pau ing the cene, tak- tion , with each Roadkillian h ad peaking a word at ing the place of an actor, Roadkill Buffet a time. Pair con i ting of a do tor and her patient, and beginning again with Little Kresge Theater oul mate and a rich girl and her butler con- the current poses and plot Friday, October 26, 001 tru ted par llel torie working from over- idea . The cene morphed from lapping line. college girl frantically tried kids tealing the cookies from the he Raging Chinchilla claimed its newe t victim . An to do her laundry while 0 other tudent cookie jar, through the child' entire audience in Little Kre ge u cumbed to prevented her by u ing e erything from a girlfriend, through the parent , . uncontrollable laughter caused by the antic of new MIT law again t laundry to changed through the 60 s through marijua- T MIT' impro troupe, Roadkill Buffet la t Friday laws of phy ic. nother trio had two na and back again to the cookie jar night. player peaking only from line in the to finish. The theater rocked with tearful s in the how, Who e Line is it Anyway?, Roadkill per- ript of two random plays. laughs. form impro i ational comedy. Ea h how i un cripted Two debater left the theater, only to Mid-show the back row of the theater requiring the Roadkillians" to create hilariou Iy witty return after the audience had determined enthusia tically did a wave. Often the cene without planning. The audience member cream out their topic mad-lib tyle: hould v e brink audience laughed so hard that the how theme ideas and the e actor take one and go. ithout the wooly population? Other player acted pau ed, waiting for us to calm down. killed actors, the re ult will usually be long pause and little out the topi word by word a if play- The finale was a nightmare ... liter- fun. However, Roadkillian have ill. ing charade , while the debater ally. n audience volunteer recalled hi day The. troupe opened the e ening with a story. one of the talked atched, and deci- to the troupe. The actor then announced RoadkiHian kne it, 0 the audience provided a beginning phered the hidden topic. "Roadkill Buffet' Your Day As ightmare," a hellish and an end. One by one, player filled in the gap with pon- fter the struggle to how tory of evil profes ors, repellent tudents, and awful taunts taneously crafted sentences. By the end a trange and funny "population' without from an unfini hed problem et. tale of an e cited three-year old, his/her parent, and 'hun- peaking, one actor To make their kits work, the players have to cooperate. dred of twi ty pa age through the mountains unfolded responded to an earlier ug- They need to be able to take lines from the audience or other concluding with the tatement," orne people annoy the hell ge ted noun, "And you thought 'kumquat' would have been Roadkillians and immediately have an interesting reply. out of me. ' It wa odd, creative, and just a beginning. hard!" There i no time for hesitation. RoadkiII practices pontane- We aw an expert in "quantum muffins" and her fran Ia- Roadkill Buffet performed a new opera, The Death of ity weekly to improve their improv. tor on a pa try talk show. It is hard to get into the quantum Someone in a non en e language. The arne expert transla- In all Roadkill create a rollicking good time without a muffin busines , they told u , because once you know where tor who brought u quantum muffins told us what the actors cript, and "The Raging Chinchilla Show" was no exception. your shop will be, you can never know how fast the bu ine were inging and doing. omeone won the battle, ate apple The Roadkillians have wonderful timing, wit, and humor.

RESTAURANT REVIEW The Counci I for the Arts at MIT Offers Asmara Ethiopian Cusine FREE TICKETS EthiapianRestaurantfor Groups and Under $15 FOR By VeenaThomas merely a paste used to add heat. Indeed, the red pepper STAFF WRITER sauce added extraordinary flavor and complexity to the Asmara dish. The spiciness produced by the paste seemed to fill MIT STUDE TS 39 Massachusetts Ave. the mouth rather than just bum the tongue. The lamb (617) 864- 447 was very tender, though it tended to have pieces of bone in it. While initially I was skeptical of the jute rriving at Asmara, an Ethiopian restaurant plant in the dish, as jute is commonly used to make The Boston about 20 minutes away from campus, shortly rope, my fears proved unfounded as I didn't even before p.m. on a recent Friday night, I was notice it. The alit' cha fitfit ($11.95), a beef stew, was A startled to find the entire restaurant empty, save prepared without the Berbere red pepper paste. Since it Philharmonic for the owners. I almost heeded the old adage that an was more watery than the lamb stew, tom-up pieces of empty restaurant is never a good sign, but finally decid- injera had been added to the dish to sop up the gravy Thursday ovember 15, 2001 ed that after trekking out to Central Square, I might as and allow it to sit on top of the injera without running. well eat there anyway. I was certainly glad that I did. Though it was very good also, it lacked the distinctive 7:30pm smara is an unassuming restaurant, easily passed red pepper flavor that I preferred. Sanders Theater, Harvard Square by without a second glance, which is probably why the Though the portions initiaIly looked small, the owner seated us by the window in full view of pedes- injera tends to be filling, as one consumes a lot of it trians strolling by on the sidewalk. The modest decor over the course of the meal, We couldn't quite finish Program: consi ts of African handicrafts adorning the walls. The everything. Still, we decided to sample the hazelnut setup is certainly intriguing, far from a typical restau- ice cream for dessert. The ice cream was excellent, rant. People are seated at one of several round wicker studded with pieces of hazelnut and topped with three Johann Sebastian Bach tables, about two feet across, each resembling an over- raspberries. More icy than creamy, it was reminiscent turned basket topped with a very shallow basket. Two of a sorbet. Overall, it was a nice finish to a good Cantata No/ 150 sturdy coffee tables flank each main table to provide a meal. However.T wish I had known the cost ($6.95) (Nach dir, Herr, ver/anget mich) stable place for drinks. before ordering it, as it was certainly overpriced. The owner was attentive (probably because we W ithin thirty minutes of our arrival at the restau- with Margaret O'Keefe, soprano were the only ones there), recommending dishes to us rant, it had filled to capacity. Would-be diners soon and the ew England Conservatory at our request and explaining a little about the cuisine. lined the entrance and spilled out onto the sidewalk. Ethiopian stews, caJled wot, can be prepared one of Yet our server seemed in no hurry to give us the bill-- Chamber Singers, two ways. A "key _wot" incorporates a red pepper we had to ask for it. The owners expect people to do Simon Carrington, Director berbere paste, while the "alit'cha wot" does not. Stews more than just eat; patrons should relax, enjoy good are served communal-style on large pieces of bread food, and catch up with their friends or family. Still, it called injera, which is tom up and used to scoop up the looked like there were only two or three people waiting Alban Berg food. Utensils are provided only by request at Asmara. on the entire restaurant, and the lack of prompt service Rather than each per on ordering separately, each may frustrate some. " Seven Early Songs party order di hes for the entire table. Asmara isn't really a first-date type restaurant; shar- with Margaret O'Keefe, soprano The waitress brought out a large plate topped with ing a communal meal on one plate, eating with your overlapping pieces of injera almost a foot in diameter. hands, and bumping knees around a small table makes On top of the injera sat two steel dishes filled with for an intimate dining experience. It's the type of restau- Johannes Brahms tew, which she promptly emptied directly onto the rant to which you would bring your family or friends so Symphony No.4 in E minor/ Op. 98 bread. Eating the injera was an experience in itself. close they've become family. I liked the restaurant" so While it could have been simply a vehicle for cooping much I decided to bring my parents there for lunch when up the stews, I enjoyed eating it on its own also. they came up for Family Weekend. My mom proudly Lighter than a pancake the sour-salty bread was remi- told the waiter, "My daughter was just here last night. Benjamin Zander, conductor, niscent of Indian dosa. The beegeeh mloukhiya She's writing up a review of your restaurant for the offers a brief pre-concert talk before 12.95 , Iamb with red pepper sauce and pieces of jute paper," thus blowing my cover. (Thanks, Mom.) plant, was thick enough to sit atop the injera without Perhaps that's why the food was even better the each piece is performed running. When questioned about the red pepper sauce, second time around. I didn't know the beegeeh the owner had explained that it was more for taste than mloukhiya could be enhanced, but somehow it was an improvement over the previous night. In addition, we Pick up tickets at the ordered the fluy tibsy-liya tibs ($ II. 75), tenderloin tips in a special sauce that the owner informed us was fla- MIT Office of the Arts, vored with 23 different herbs. Between the many herbs and the red pepper paste, this dish was even Building E15-205, more complex and delicious than the lamb. The alit'cha ahmilt ( 11.95) a vegetable tew was good Monday-F riday though nondescript. My parents liked Asmara as much a I did. My rec- during regular business hours ommendations: bring your family or a good friend, order a key wot each, kip des eft and have a relax- ing unique meal at under $15 per per on. I often find One ticket per MIT student 10 my elf dreaming of the lamb stew and tenderloin tips with injera while tudying; this re taurant i definitely not to be mi ed. October 30 2001 THE ARTS THE TECH Page 13 CONCERT REVIEW An Evening of Giants: Mahle!; Barenboim; and the CSO Chicago Symphony Orchestra Graces Symphony Hall with a Memorable Mahter« 'Seventh'

By Jeremy Baskin to the workout that the bras ection get , he ASSOCIATE ARTS EDITOR bring back theme in different ections. Chicago tymphony Orchestra You'd think that with all of Mahler' Symphony Hall empha i on the French hom that the cellos Wednesday, October 24,2001 - in trument with a similar range as the hom - wouldn't get the melody a much oston's classical mu ic comm.unity but that i n't the case. And it s a good thing was given a treat last Wednesday, a too, since the C 0 cello ection ounded Daniel Barenbo im brought the marvelou , with ten player ounding like 15 B Chicago Symphony Orchestra or 20. The mu ical doubt that the violins (C 0) into Beantown for the latest install- e pres ed in the fluctuating between major ment of the FleetBoston Celebrity erie. and minor chord wa pulled off excellently Though we Bostonians can boa t about host- as well. ing one of the so-called "Big Five" orche - A scherzo followed, with the opening tras, those "who know" know that a world of notes in the timpani and the lower string - difference eparates Chicago's orchestra from an ominously repeated ascending minor sec- our BSO; furthermore, the Chicago Sympho- ond - sounding remarkably similar to the ny is arguably at its best when it plays the famous pa sage from the score to the movie symphonies of Gu tav Mahler. Jaws. Perhaps John Williams got hi inspira- Their Boston performance featured tion from Mahler, the ultimate' programmatic Mahler's Seventh Symphony, a monumental composer. five-movement work that exceeds 80 min- An aside on the nature of cherzo in utes and fills an entire program all by it elf, symphonies is in order here. It is interesting independent of an encore. to compare the scherzos in the seventh sym- This is often referred to as being the least phonies of two great masters, Beethoven and popular of Mahler's symphonies, but such Mahler. While the scherzo of Beethoven's descriptions should be taken with a grain of Seventh Symphony essentially invented the salt. First, it is fair to say that all of Mahler's genre - full of intensity and rhythmic drive, symphonies are very popular with the con- rhythmic instability reigns in the scherzo of cert-going public, compared to other works Mahler's Seventh symphony. that today's orchestras play. Second, the The most peaceful movement of the sym- complexity and amount of strife heard in the phony followed, called "Nachtmusik." As if Seventh Symphony exceeds that heard in 90 orchestral instruments don't offer enough most of his other symphonies. That the Sev- diversity for Mahler, he felt compelled to enth is less listenable than other Mahler call on the guitar and the mandolin to pro- symphonies doesn't relegate it to any lower vide the mood for this movement. Two status. And finally, even the supposed runt beautifully played solos were heard, and the of Mahler's litter is still a giant compared to contrast between them couldn't have been most other works. more striking. The percussive mandolin The performance began with a somewhat introduced the theme of the movement, pompous solo by the tenor horn, an obscure marked "Andante amoroso," (walking in a brass instrument 'which sounds like an loving manner), and the violin - played so extremely dilated French horn and looks like mellifluously by concertmaster Robert Chen it came straight out of the movie, "Honey, I - presented an equally beautiful offering shrunk the tuba." As the 22-minute move- later on in the movement. ment continued from one theme to another All the repose in the world offered by the - with very few attempts on the part of the fourth movement is not enough for the composer to link the themes together - it insanity of the final movement, a rondo, cso became apparent that Mahler's prime goal is marked "Allegro Ordinario." There is noth- Daniel Barenboim leads the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in last Wednesday's concert. simply to get distracted. The orchestra and ing ordinary about this movement, though, audience both start at "point A" and finish at with new musical ideas being literally The bold but pristine sound of the CSO troops warranted an encore, and one was "point B," but the beauty is that the path of plopped on top of others. Mahler shows no brass section opened the movement with a provided: the prelude to the third act of least resistance is not taken. allegiance to a key or rhythmic pattern; in fanfare, which the program notes claimed Wagner's Die Mei ter inger, in order to The highly programmatic nature of other words, this rondo is a Frankenstein of was taken from the prelude to the first act of offer a connection to the theme that Mahler Mahler's music is evoked in the second a movement,' with 15 or so little unrelated Wagner's Die Meistersinger. As the move- borrowed from Wagner for the aforemen- movement as well, with snare drums and musical ideas stitched together. Put another ment progressed, -or rather regressed, into an tioned fifth movement of his Seventh Sym- intentionally out-of-rhythm orchestral bells way, Mahler has cooked up a vegetable stir- infernal cacophony, the audience could not phony. In addition to the heavenly strings aiming to sound not simply like their own fry, only with some cottage cheese, choco- help but be impressed with the orchestra's and yet again another beautiful cello section instruments but perhaps an army and cow- late chips, and gravel thrown in for good ability to move so well with the abrupt solo, this work featured a brass chorale, bells, respectively. measure. It's not that he doesn't shove changes that the mu ic offered. which the CSO brass - 85 minutes of Mahler makes great use of the large tonality in our faces - which he does - it's Four curtain calls' worth of applause and Mahler later - nailed as if it were nothing orchestra his music calls for, too; in addition simply that he doesn't ever let us take a bite. cheers directed towards Barenboim and his more than a walk. in the park.

MUSIC REVIEW how-off scratching of some of the most overused amples ever. The remaining several track are more traightforward excursions. one of Breaking Boundaries? these pushes any boundary or brings any sort of sound into the mix that might be con- Herbie Forges Ahead in No Particular Direction sidered futuristic. and Virtu- al Hornets are delightful, subtle tracks with By Amandeep Loomba Copperfield; it's the musical equivalent of ear-pleasing' turn on "The Essence." Han- a light amount of electronic augmentation, STAFF WRlTER balloon poodle. cock's solos are still dazzling and unique but that s not what we re looking for Herbie. 0 the buzz was around that Herbie Well, Hancock does have a few surpris- affairs. It's just that they don't belong here, You promised u the future and for some Hancock was fmally putting togeth- ing doves in his hat. in the "future" that Hancock is pursuing. A reason I didn t imagine any live drummers er a new album that would push the A variety of sub-genres falling under lyrical piano solo laid over tweaky, edgy in the future. 5frontiers of jazz yet again. This "electronica" make up the album's distinct drum and bas comes off sounding like the This is the album where Hancock himself time, the man who was responsible (along tracks. Hancock and a fleet of rotating tech- way you looked when you stood up for is on the cover wearing some trendy translu- with Stevie Wonder) for making the no-drones pump out the trip-hop, turntab- yourself and tried to get your Planet oj the cent-white windbreaker you'd expect to see clavinet appear on the cheap Casio synthe- lism, synth-augmented Ewoks pencil case back on the dude who just pun a crazy trance set sizer your parents bought you in 1989, "classic jazz" and drum from the fourth grade and can't seem to stop his eyeballs from would now set his sights on what is known and bass that spread bully Johnny "The Big twitching. Let's be honest we re paying to in the year 2001 as electronica. A vague across 11 tracks. Head" Bighead. ee Herbie break boundaries and bring elec- term, to say the least, and Hancock rises to ow, I suspected The standout track tronic music to the stuffy world of jazz the occasion with a rather vague album, that all of these styles is easily the opener. An purists (though honestly I'd pay to see the Future 2 Future. would come to Han- engagingly mystical man hum the bas line from "Chameleon" Hancock is more of a magician than a cock someday, but the tune helmed by Carl while washing his hands in the men's room). musician. He is a remarkably talented one I feared most was Craig finds a perfect The man has done everything from tradition- pianist, with a serious knack for lyrical play- ".' There balance between the al jazz to funk to old-school (new school at ing (check out the Quintet's are more no-talent drum techno auteur and the the time of course) hip-hop to early-90's ), a passion for exploration and and bass acts out there jazz great. Craig' jazz-rap to Gershwin covers to the theme experimentation (he was an engineering stu- than three-card monty experience both as a song from Fat Albert. dent), and a dirty urge to make music so dealers in ew York classic techno experi- Don't get me wrong "Rockit" wa a funky it would embarrass your parents more City. The style was one menter and his work great (revolutionary, perhaps) tune and even than that time grandpa showed up to church that got mined quickly with the jazzy Inner- inspired my five minute obsession with drunk. and hasn't urpa ed its reputation of being zone Orchestra come through here. His and being a break dancer . Hancock was really on But every time a magician rises and ays, the recycling of tired beats with a few Hancock' re pective talent are ubdued in to omething when he relea ed the album "For my next trick ... " I am filled with an notable exceptions. Would Hancack fall fantastic tribal and pseudo-tribal oices the Future Shock in 1983, but it didn't age well. inescapable dread. I dread that in the process prey to the idea of laying piano and synth overall effects of which are to pook the hell When Hancock calls hi new album Future of cutting women in half or being set on fire solos over weary beats and calling it the out of you. 2 Future I expect a look inside his cry tal or being ubmerged in water, something will wave of the future? The required DJ track, 'This is Rob ball at what s coming down the line for u go horribly wrong. adly he pushe weak beat as far as wift" featuring DJ Rob wift is olely an all to hear. Unfortunately for this time Future 2 Future is not a bloody and hewn they can possibly go. The vocal definitely athletic excursion into turntablism, with around, in his quest for the future, Herbie lovely a sistant or an asphy iated David add to the tracks e pecially Chaka Khan's Herbie dropping funky organ line under eems to have been left behind. TBEARTS October 30 2001 USIC REVIEW VIDEO GAME PREVIEW CubeClub Incubus Returns Hal/Metal, Half Pap Album Marks Dawn ofNew Style The GarneCube's Spectacular Showcase By Sandra Chung ice to Know You e emplifies the overall ASSOCIATE ARTS EDITOR character of the entire album leaping between By Tenell R. Bennett and Ja.unaane Jeffries n ornine View Incubus ripens and metal and the band's newer more mature mellow , holding onto it funk-metal ound, i h You Were Here' perches further 'intendo G~Cube howcase origins while exploring and integrat- along the musical continuum between metal 2 5 Third St., Cambridge (corn r Brd/Binn ~ ing new patience and thought into its and pop. The radio ingJe capture a moment Thur. day, Friday, and Saturday, on r pertoire. The ne album empha ize the and a feeling, with thoughtful drum work bell- 6-12 pm Each igh: band cohe ivene and maturity with ong like guitar line and evocative lyrics. that draw the listener into a deep mu ical well. , arning" and ' 11 a.m." are al 0 ingle he holiday eason i rapidly approaching, and the video game world i bracing for a It i ro k with an ocean influence beer that material. 'Warning is a highlight of the howdown of geometric proportions the intendo Gamecube and th Microsoft sometime ta tes like wine. album, with its mysterious implicity and X-Box square off on the global and local tage. In mid- ovember, the two compa- The guitar work i ometime crunchy and cat hines . onorous pattern of guitar chords T nies will aIm t imultaneously commence their challenge of Sony's PlayStation 2. distorted, sometime acoustic and ringing, and and vocal harmonies emphasize sparseness And if you've been paying attention t certain hameles, ly narcis i tic, irregularly often 0 good it bleed . Lead inger Brandon and lea e the potlight to the purposefuf lyrics: appearing omi trip you're already familiar with the preliminary howdown Boyd voice is in it be t incarnation; lean "When will we learn when will we change / between intendo and icro oft thi aturday. While the Theta PSX event boa t the trong, and lightly vulnerable. DJ Kilmore s Ju t in time to see it all come down / Tho e covet d X-Box a it trophy intendo. itself ha landed in Cambridge, howcasing its spinning adds just the right amount of picy left standing will make millions / Writing GameCube in grand party style and offering one to a lucky raffle winner. We got a funk. books on ways it should have been." The chance to i it the ' CubeClub ' and g t the inside coop. Incubus is far from old yet the talented band equally catchy "11 a.rn." showcases Boyd's It indeed an extra agant event, an impre ive presentation of intendo s future seem to be aging well, consi tently producing voice. trings and acou tic guitar add layers to lineup. In addition, the event featured conte t prize pitchmen, and - shan we say high-quality and musically evolving albums. what sounds like a funkish, deep version of a - 'provocative" p ke models from b th intendo and CubeClub ponsor Maxim Like mo t maturing bands, that proce s involves soft Staind number. magazine. Energetic techno mu ic set the tone for thi new brand of hip, wank video transitioning from metal to pop/rock. Yes, 'Echo". and "Aqueous Transmission" share game promotional , who e loud, brilliant atmosphere contrasted considerably to the Incubu ha oftened a delightful, oriental una uming exterior of the Boiler & Tank Company building where it all took place. up. 0, Incubu is not flavor. "Aqueous," as Crowds of fanatics gathered at the start of aturday' e ent to enter. They all enjoyed morphing into Third its name implies, is a the game them elve , and at time elu tered together to witne s orne exciting Eye Blind. They eem Fans of the "old"Incubus song of sheer elegance moment from uch games as Super Sma h Bros. Melee and Wavekace: Blue Storm. to be taking inspiration need not worry and liquid nature. An o what exa tly is all the fuss about? The GameCube is intendo's entry into the next- from Pink Floyd's The that the oriental guitar tiptoes gen wars. It a 12 -bit y tem that' about 5 3/4 inches wide and plays 1.5 gigabytes DVD- Wall, an enormous original metal sound alongside the silky based games. It bas an ample 4 1 MHz proce I, ufficient to limit slowdown (I saw only comp liment in the stream of strings on top one or two instanc .'Like the intendo 64 it has 4 controller slot and features an impres- mu ic world, isgone for good. of which Boyd's vocals sivelyergonomic controller. The standard peripheral has a funky button layout, but fits well Fans of. the 'old' meander: "I'm floating and contains an analog stick that' reliable, even for a game as crazy as Super Monkey Ball. Incubus need not worry down a river / Oars am Ho ier, a product tester in attendance at CubeClub, said that the CubeClub promo- that the original metal freed from their homes tion has been very succe sful and is indicative of the GameCube's future prosperity. 700,000 sound i gone for good. 'Blood on the Ground," long ago / Lying face up on the floor / Of my units have already arrived for launch, and he say that over 1.1 million are projected to be 'Circles' "Have You Ever," and "Under My vessel." Pan flute note flutter like butterfly installed by the Christmas holiday. With a price tag of$200 doUars solid third-party support, Umbrella," are all threads that continue from wings on an ethereal breeze of percussion. and 14 title planned for launch, such as Luigi's Mansion, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: the past with their head-bopping beats, lyrical "Aqueous" is disarmingly lovely, a surprise on Rouge Lead r and NHL Hitz, Hosier said that GameCube "appears to stack up very well ebbs and explosion , and glossy pinning. an album by a California funk rock band with a with the competing ystems' already in the marketplace. Other notable planned hardware 'Have You Ever' and "Under My Umbrella" metal background. features include the aveBird portable joystick and compatibility with intendo's Game integrate electronic effects into spacey intros Incubus albums differ somewhat from Boy Advance. and weird atmospheric bridges that distinguish Incubus live. Studio production tames the funk- the pieces from typical mosh material. rock energy that launches their supercharged uper mash Bro . Melee Fans of the earlier Incubus single "Drive" stage performances. Consequently, the album Exhibiting the arne tyle of gameplay as its 64 predeces or, Melee features some" will perk their ears up at "Mexico," another all- belongs to the slower numbers, which take the new initially playable character, including the dam el (peach), the beast (Bowser), and a acoustic barebones number. "Mexico" is made cake as far as intelligent design and compelling ho t of ecret one. till a wild party game, intendo has also sought to improve its one- from just a cello, an acoustic guitar, and Boyd's qualities go. Few metal bands are capable of player experience with" dventure Mode:' in which you travel through lush 3D back- bleeding voice. This number, like "Drive, , is producing albums like Morning View, or rare grounds ... in old- chool ario tyle - Goombas included. stunning live, with lead guitarist Mike Einziger pieces like "Aqueous," Incubus lives in an and Boyd giving a raw, emoting, audience-still- angry, sad, polluted world, but seeks to capture uper onke BaD ing performance. the beauty of the sunrise. Courtesy of ega this cute and wild excursion is among the simplest games ever and yet potentially one of the hardest. You are one of four monkeys inside a giant ball and FILM REVIEW* an you have to do is travel simple mazes to make it to the goal. However, maneuvering a giant ball from the inside i n't quite 0 easy. Several play modes await you, including race mode, battle mode, and target practice. Its on-edge, fast-paced garneplay will defi- nitely make a monkey out of you. Jack the Ripper is Back

Pikmin intendo' Pikmin is a very low-key adventure/strategy game that manages to be very In 'From Hell' satisfying. You control a spaceman on a distant planet who has to gather ant-like crea- ture called Pikmin and have them perform various tasks, gathering yet more Pikmin. The more of them gathered before sundown, the higher your bonus, adding elements of skill So Good, It Gets One Star and trategy to this surprising pleasant excursion. By Nicholas Sidelnik guts, but it appears as if the makeup and special STAFF WRiTER effects crews were having a field day. At least Eternal Darkness Directed by Albert and Allen Hughes the filming style of the movie was interesting at While this does sport some considerably good graphics and lighting effects, this game Written by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell certain points. The film was run through a green turns out to be merely a much darker version of Luigi's Mansion. At first glance, it also Starring Johnny Depp, Heather Graham, filter and the frame speed increased to create a plays quite similarly to Resident Evil, and appears to follow the same gruesome horror Ian Holm surreal effect that was very effective. A mysteri- formula of haunted hallways and slowly moving zombies. In any case, mtendo shows Rated R ous character in a top hat holding a dissection that it can get dark, vicious, and downright nasty. kit and walking towards the screen in a pos- rom Hell explores the exploits of Jack the sessed manner was certainly frightening. NB Courtside 2002 - Ripper in an overly gory manner. The From Hell unveils a ridiculous plot to Left Field Productions, a intendo second party, is putting together what has a chance film is set in the repulsive streets of 1888 explain the identity of Jack the Ripper and his to be tbe best basketball game on the market. Even though it was nowhere near complete, F London, where prostitution and poverty motivation for killing, which rises to the highest the player animations were very clean, and most of the players were recognizable by just run rampant. The streets of West chapel are home levels of the monarchy. The conspiracy theory looking at them. With a 3D crowd and good in-game sound, NBA Courtside 2002 could to a multitude of knife wielding citizens/suspects. that unfolds is so ridiculous and so farfetched, it challenge the Sega 2K series for the best basketball game on the market. But the number of people who call Westchapel becomes almost comical. Everything you ever their home decreases every night, as five prosti- knew about the royal family is locked into the Madden NFL 2002 tutes are violently and ritualistically murdered tower of London in this movie. The film runs This game is pretty mucb what has come to be expected from John Madden Football, and mutilated. The young and troubled Inspector though the gauntlet of conspiracy components. a great football simulation. Compared to it's PS2 counterpart, the graphics are a little Frederick Abberline (Depp) is called in to inves- Secret societies, illegitimate children, corrupt cleaner, but the game as a whole isn't very different from the PS2 or the soon to be tigate the grisly murders on the streets of leaders, you name it, this movie has it all. released version. Westchapel. Abberline's prophetic visions, stim- Some members of the cast in From Hell are ulated by drug addiction, identify future victims, poorly cast. Depp fits into the dark streets of WaveRace: Blue Storm but he is unable to find them in time to save their London rather nicely, very reminiscent of his Anyone who played fbi game on the 64 will be very familiar with it. Besides amaz- lives. One of his visions is of Mary Kelly role in Sleepy Hollow. His dark complexion ing looking water and other graphical upgrades, turbo boosts and many different weather (Heather Graham), to whom Abberline quickly and mysterious habits match the dark and mys- patterns have been added. The phy ics of the jetskis and waves are probably the most becomes romantically attached terious crimes that he solves. However, Heather realistic in the history of gaming. The storyline of From Hell contains a series Graham does not have the right appearance for of clashing stories. There is the slasher aspect, the rough streets of 1888 London. Her pretty with disgusting murders and senseless- violence face doesn't fit the impoverished Jife of a prosti- and then there is the love story between Abber- tute; her beautiful appearance clashes with her line and Kelly. These belong in separate movies circumstances and behavior. This is, after all, altogether. The love story is hardly appropriate; the same actress that played Felicity Shagwell Kelly lose her best friends and pends little in Austin Powers 2. Her makeup in the film is Spring Break ii a au! Paradi e Island Cancun and more than a minute or two grieving before out of touch with the times as well. An island of Depp appears to push the story along. And if a perfect hair and blush always seem to appear on Jamaica from $459. Air, Hotel, Tran fers, Parties and love story exists in this movie it needs to be bet- Mary Kelly no matter what the circumstances. ter devdoped. The bloody bodies piling up left From Hell is a movie for people trying to ore! Organize mall gr9uP- earn FREE trips plus and right eem to distract too much from the meet their media violence quota. It makes a commission! Call1-800-GET-SUN-l love tory's screen time. poor attempt at a love story, and ends up clash- The movie is tactless in its depictions of the ing with the prominent thread of violence in the murders. Nauseating scenes of throats being movie. The plot pushes a farfetched scenario to sliced on a 4O-foot movie screen are not very explain Jack the Ripper, and the cast gives a entertaining. A horror:film can have blood and marginal performance. October 30 2001 H Page 15 Committee Suggests PE Refonn, New Full-Time Post By Jeffrey Greenbaum recreational facilities. "We would like to help people ports to effectively implement the members of the athletic department STAFF REPORTER develop a lifetime program for fit- suggested changes to the informal evaluates the athletics program at The Athletic Department trate- Plan ugge t PE reform nes " Royer said. recreational programs, intermural MIT. Last year, Former Chancellor gic Planning Committee recently ccording to the strategic plan, In addition, the committee rec- ports and club sports. . Lawrence S. Bacow '72 "told the released a report recommending that 'more education must occur regard- ommended that the Physical Educa- Currently, the department has Visiting ommittee that this would the Athletics Department revi e its ing nutrition, ba ic fitne princi- tion Department create classe that director that work full-time for be a good time for a report," Royer phy ical education requirement and ples, and tre s management." To are le traditional and more r ere- intercollegiate athletics and for said. Bacow "wanted the committee improve recreational services to this end the committee ugge ted ational in natur . Royer said the phy ieal education but not for club to think about what could be promote long-term health. that the Phy ical Education depart- addition of such cla e would make ports, intramural sports, or informal improved. ' In the report s mo t recent draft, ment offer greater flexibility in the more student want to fulfill the recreation. "On a campus this size, In September 2000, the Institute dated eptember 2001, the commit- fulfillment of it requirement and phy ical education requirement, that is 0 recreational intensive, we formed a nineteen-member commit- tee concluded that graduate students that the department work with MIT rather than feeling that they are think that this [deci ion) makes tee to begin drafting the report. The staff members, and recreational Medical to add greater breadth to its forced to complete it. ample class- ense ...becau e we do not have any- committee proceeded to conduct users, "feel that the Athletics Depart- program. es include skateboarding, rock one who is a [full-time] advocate for open forums with varsity athletics, ment neglects their needs in shadow To reward undergraduate stu- climbing, in-line hockey, kayaking, recreational sports" Royer aid. club participant, informal recre- of the intercollegiate programs." dents who regularly participate in pinning and fly fi hing. Royer aid that the Director of ational user coaches, and graduate The draft of the plan recom- unorganized recreational activitie , Finally the committee recom- Recreational port will be respon- students. mended that the Athletics Depart- the committee ugge ts that the mended that the Athletics Depart- sible for issues pertaining to athlet- The draft of the report will ment add a "wellness component" Physical Education Department ment add a 'wellness component" ics facilitie and budgeting. In remain online until ovember 16 at and an independent study option to offer an independent study 'option to the physical education require- order to en ure that every team has which point the draft' writer will the physical education requirement. to receive points towards the physi- ment. The draft of the plan sugge ts acces to the facility of its choice, revise the report with the communi- "I would like MIT to create the cal education requirement. Royer that MIT Medical create clas e in Royer said that the 'Director will ty's feedback. The committee will physical education program of the said she would like to see a pro- topic such as leadership develop- look at de igning a rotational ched- then present its final draft to the future," said Candace L. Royer, Ath- gram in which a tudent works With ment, nutrition, eating di orders, ule for the athletic facilitie .' He Central Administration .. letics Department Head and Chair of a profes ional to plan and carry out relationship skills, and mental will also explore ideas on fundrais- Issues of funding will be handled the Strategic Planning Committee. a personal exercise program. The health initiative. ing for club ports, intramural by the department administration. The committee also recorn- professional would help the student ports, and recreational activities. "We have a lot of people who have mended that the Athletics Depart- de ign an appropriate workout ew full-time po t recommended been generous to us, and we think ment hire a full-time Director of schedule, but would not necessarily The committee recommended Report ba ed on feedback that a lot more people would be if Recreational sports to oversee club supervise the student on a day-to- that the Athletics Department hire a Every two years, a visiting com- they understood what our needs sports,' intramural sports, and day basis. full-time Director of Recreational mittee, composed of alumni and are," Royer aid. Full Extent of Water Damage Not Known Fire, from Page 1 to Ruth T. Davis, Manager of Communications for the Depart- photographic lighting being placed ment of Facilities, the Institute is too close to a student project, still trying to assess the damages. Facilities Manager for the School "The department of facilities of Architecture and Planning custodians were working through James R. Harrington wrote in an e- the night to ready the offices and mail to members of the depart- labs," Davis said. ments of Architecture (Course IV) "There was migration of water and Urban Studies and Planning into both 5-414 proper and the sur- (Course XI). rounding corridors," Harrington The assignment called for stu- wrote. The damage in 5-414, an dents to "construct a wall that architecture studio, was minimal. engaged the body," said Assistant Hans-Michael Foeldeak, a gradu- Professor J. Meejin Yoon, instruc- ate student in that studio, said that tor for the class. He described the most students' work was not on the project that caught fire as "curtain- floor. like, made of soft fabric." Water fell down to the base- Students working in architec- ment below the small dome. Pro- ture studios adjacent to Lobby 7 fessor James D. Bruce SeD '64, evacuated the building when the Vice President for Information alarm sounded. Nearby students Systems, said, "Water cascaded did not know the cause of the fire; down the Building 5 telephone ·and some did not rule out the idea of a network shaft through the closets terrorist attack. David B. McLean and caused extensive damage." G said, "We really didn't know The full extent of the damage for what it was, we just saw smoke. IS is not known. Everyone just cleared out." Water flows into third floor lab Water damage exceeds fire damage The lab that incurred the highest Reports- of the incident stated level of water' damage is likely the that one overhead sprinkler went Vortical Flow Research Lab in off and was able to quench the fire room 5-303. George V. Papaioan- in a short amount of time. Howev- nou G , a research assistant in the er, the sprinkler continued to spray lab, said that "water came crashing water. down on a monitor. Some books Water fell from the overhang and tapes were damaged a well." above the entrance at 77 Massachu- A significant volume of water setts Avenue onto the steps leading fell on some of the lab's computers into the lobby of Building 7. as well, but, "somehow, miracu- Due to the .feeding system used lously, the computers survived," by the Institute, shutting off the Papaioannou said. The full extent flow of water to the sprinklers js of the damage in the VFRL ha not difficult. At least two water mains been determined. feed each sprinkler. Mahoney said The amount of water in build- that multiple water feeds makes it ings 7 and 5 posed a potential elec- difficult to tamper with the sprin- trical danger. Campus police offi- kler system. cers turned students away from the After the sprinklers were turned building, explaining that electrical NATHAN COLLINS-THE TECH off, up to two inches of water problems could cause people to get A fire broke out Sunday on the fourth floor of building 7 when a tungsten lamp ignited an art project. remained in some labs. According hurt. Although the fire only set off s'prinklers in the immediate area, water flooded much of buildings 5 and 7. Would you like to use professional quality photography equipment? • Join the Photography Department at The Tech • No experience necessary • We'll teach you how to shoot Film & Digital Capabilities . Take 'Assignments for News I Concerts I Sports I Plays (and get in for free) Photo Meetings, Sundays at 6prn [email protected] Page 16 THE TECH October 30, 200 1 Key to a Company's As e 5 Success: Teamwork By Michael Parduhn Point pre entation? Wrong wrong am or m. and wrong. It all comes down to the Thi i the econd in a serie of team. You could ha e killer technolo- Tax question ? Call TeleTax toll-free for recorded article that deal with i sue related gy the perfect VC, and the mo t to tarting a new business. attracti e pre entation, but if you information on about 150 tax topic 24 hours a day. What i don't ha e a good team, you will fail. What component make up a the mo t ______Column' important great founding team? A et of people factor in a who are realistic and honest, work ompany' ucce ? Is it the technol- well together and ha e a pas ion for ogy? Perhap it' getting smart doing something great. A team made money from the right . enture Capi- up of' A ' people who will hire the talist? Or having a beautiful Power- right individuals to make the compa- ny a ucce . A team that VCs can ee has the right stuff to make it work, ince this is one of the first INNOVATORS WANTED! thing that mo t VCs look at. Invention impiemen stton Doe thi mean that the founding elcome to 100 emorial Dri e partm nt . - ...... team of a start-up needs to have its Located only on block away from th ~ entire executive taff in place at their MIT endall quar R d Line tation our :c: fir t meeting? o. But the team needs community i ju t minute a a from to be realistic and honest. They need o to be honest with the other founders Downtown Bo ton Harvard quare and the about their vision for where the com- Ba k Bay. Our building ha a ide range of ~ pany is going and what role they ...... apartment to choo e from with cenic ie of ...J ...... want to play. If everyone has a differ- ent vision and these different visions the Charle River and the Bo ton kyline. 11of « o o are not discussed, you will run into our apartment ha e high - peed internet ac e ~ problems right from the beginning. ampl 10 t pace and either balconie or c- The founding team members also patio w need to be realistic about where they will fit in at this new company and If you re intere ted in i iting feel free to call u :i interdisciplinary creativity intellectual Q engineering teamwork modeling des i9 n property that their roles will change with time. at 617- 64-3450 to hedule an appointment. The start-up probably doesn't need, CO TECHNOLOGY brainstorming prototyping three CTOs or two CEOs. or does the start-up need a CEO who doesn't have the skills and abilities needed to successfully run the company. A new company that has a CEO who knows that someone with more experience and know-how should be brought in at the right time, and who is willing to take on different roles in the grow- , ing company when that time comes, is a great asset. A team with the right chemistry will make it through difficult times, while lesser teams will crumble under the pressure. The founders of a com- pany may be spending a lot of time together over the next few years, so they will want to make sure that they get along. Also, they will need to try to look ahead and determine how they will work together under the stressful situations that will come. Lastly, they need to make sure the group has a sense of humor. Spend- ing a lot of time with a dreary group isn't very much fun. The founders also need a balance of passion and experience. All pas- sion with no ability will just create a lot of heat with no product. All expe- rience with no passion creates a com- pany that, if it survives, moves like a sloth. A balance between these two aspects is needed to make a success- ful company. Many new startups con- tain a founding team with great tech ... ni cal ability. These startups can succeed if they realize their technical focus and bring on people with the experience and business skills needed to start a successful company. A team , that has all the bases covered has a great chance in succeeding. The founding team should also be made up of "A" people, because as the saying goes, "A" people hire "A" people and "B" people hire "c" peo- ple. At the initial formation of the company, it is key to have a group in place that is going to grow a compa- ny made up of "A" people, so that the company can succeed. Some of these fundamentals may seem obvious, but they are often glossed over or even. ignored. Ulti- mately, the founders need to ask themselves the following: "Are these the people I want to spend the next 5-10 years working with?' "Are we all trying. to achieve the same goal?" "Will these people be able to grow the company to achieve this goal?" And the hardest question of an: "Am I right for this company?" If you answer these que tions honestly and come up with ye , ye ,yes and yes, then you are on your way towards forming a great company! Parduhn is a graduate student in the Alfred P. Sloan School of Man- agement, and serve as the lead orga- nizer for the $50K entrepreneur. hip competition. October 30 2001 THE TECH Page 17 RSIT Making Plans RSIT, from Page 1 tion sch dule i avail ble at . 'Things like convocation and w 1- come activitie have pretty much !Fe in olved in plannin fi ed dates, and things like topic The R IT ha received much and speakers are mildly well set" input from the Interfraternity Coun- Cain said. 'Unless we come up cil during d velopment to make cer- with a compelling rea on to tain their intere t and efforts are change our plans, this is what it not tunted by new policy. Initially, will be." the IFC' tudent repre entative was The goal for R IT i to draft an Andres Sawicki 02, who was re idential orientation chedule by joined by F ILG advi ers Kathleen ovember 15, and proceed to edit it Baxter and David . Rogers. if neces ary. 'By then, we want [to I think next year will go very have] a time table for a residence well" awicki aid. "We did a good selection process, and part of that is job coordinating with other groups Orientation," Cain said. ' till, there like Dormcon and the faculty. I is time to receive input and get oth- think that cooperation will lead to ers involved in the decision mak- successful recruitment.' ing." Sawicki ha been ucceeded by Summer programs, uch as the the lFC' s new recruitment chair, pre-orientation programs and Inter- Joshua . Yardley '04. phase, will not be affected by the The R IT also received input changes to the orientation schedule. from the Panhellenic A sociation, , In fact, this will be the :fir t year in currently still part of the IFe. WA TED! Department of which Project Interphase and the Other a pects of Orientation SPRING BREAKERS!! International Student programs will 2002 will be tackled by a student Sun Coast Vacations wants to send you M IT FACILITIES not come into conflict with each committee that will organize the on Spring Break to Mexico, the CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION UPDATE other," said Young. events in the coming spring and Bahamas, or Jamaica FOR FREE! To The current draft of the Orienta- summer. find out how, call )-888-777-4642 or MEDIA LAB EXTENSION: Demolition of Buildings E10 and E20 e-mail salssuncoastvaca· will begin the first week of November. This work may generate some noise, odor, dust, and vibration. MEMORIAL DRIVE: Construction activity associated with the installation of traffic signals has begun at two locations intersecting Memorial Drive, at Wadsworth Street and Endicott Street. Construction will continue through December. On-street parking will be restricted during this time. LOBBY 7 RESTORATION: Interior scaffolding will remain in place, as installation of the· glass blocks for the new skylight has been completed. SIMMONS HAll: Continuing placement of concrete may generate noise and affect vehicular traffic. Two-way traffic in front of the project continues in narrowed lanes. ZESIGER SPORTS & FITNESS CENTER: An increase in the use of movable cranes and the delivery of concrete may result in congestion of accesses to the Johnson Athletic Center and Kresge Auditorium. Pedestrian and vehicular traffic may be affected. VASSAR STREET UTILITIES: Underground utility work, progressing across Amherst Alley, is expected to take 2-3 weeks. The sidewalk leading to the Johnson Athletic Facility will be closed during the installation of a fire protection line. Pedestrian traffic will be rerouted to the north side of Vassar Street. Excavation begins behind NW30 and progresses eastward to NW14, to install hot water piping. Access to the rear of these buildings will be severely restricted. For information on MIT's building program, see This information provided by the MIT Department of FacUities

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ing remark , Piu . Uzamere II '04, a councillor from ext Hou e, ked Redwine hether MIT i con- idering an honor code uch a tho e used by John Hopkin ni- ersity and the alifornia Institute of Technology. Redwine aid that hile thi i a po ibility, he did not ee it fitting MIT cuJture. 'Any honor code that doe not include the requirement to report transgre ion by other in the end i not mu h of an honor code, ' Red- wine aid. He thought uch a policy would not ark well at IT but added that the administration had not yet ruled out any option . In the end I don't really e pect that an thing apocalyptic will ROY ESAKJ-THE TECH come out of it in term of Dean Robert Randolph discusses academic integrity at the Under- BRIAN HEMOND-THE TECH change " Redwine said. graduate Association meeting on Monday night. Cze-Chao Tam '02 fires the ball into the goal for her sec- ikki . John on '04, a council- on re idence selection materials for ance, parking, and maintenance. ond point against Worchester Polytechnic Institute in last lor from Burton-Conner, aid that 2002, uch as ummer mailings, However, "logistically, no one real- Wednesday's quarterfinal match. The Engineers battled orne of the MIT pirit would be until the new dorm is re olved. ly wanted to undertake it," Dev- WPI 0 a 2-1 victory, but were defeated by Springfield in the 10 t with an honor code. We have 'They really do not know at this ereaux said. "It kind of became a semlfinal round. The M T women finished third in the NEW- thi ort of we will beat the In ti- point,' Devereaux aid. little impractical." MAC conference. tute' attitude," John on aid. "There weren't enough people UA abandons van plans that were willing to put in enough Dorm dela affects RIO planning Devereaux also discussed the time," Devereaux: said. While Redwine's isit was the UA's abandoned plans for "activity However, she also said that stu- uniqueIon opportunity main focus, Devereaux also dis- vans", which were originally pro- dent groups who would potentially cus ed everal key i ue at Mon- posed in the spring of 2000. The VA use the vans did not show signifi- day s meeting. he announced that allocated $41 000 from the uninvest- cant interest in the proposal. "We immons Hall is currently ten to fif- ed reserve to purchase two new 15- just didn't hear this huge need for $ teen days behind scheduJe, and that passenger vans for use by student it," Devereaux: said. a deci ion on whether or not stu- activity groups, especially those With plans for a van on hold, flexible hours, minimal earn UIJ to Devereaux: said that the Finan- time commitment $600 per month dents will be able to move in for the involved in community service. VA tart of the semester is due within The Council formed a "Van cial Board would be allocating more Ifyou're male, in college or have a college degree, and are interested in a job where ou can ear up to SSOOpermonth the next few weeks. Steering Committee" to handle funds than usual to cover transporta- on your own schedule, call 617-497-8646 for information The VA cannot begin working logistical concerns such as insur- tion costs for student groups. on our anonymous sperm donor program. Onlyin this unique job can you eam extra income and help infernle couples realize their dream of becoming parents.

2002eBusiness Awards Nomination Opens

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MIT Sloan Check out these deals: eBusiness TH London $195- Paris $259- Awards Brussels $265- Milan $265-

Meet Of Beat otler applies only to Identical' 'nerary and is based on avallablity. student airfares require the ISIC, mc or IYTC card. The meet Of ~ off@! expires Oct 31" 2001. Other r~ctions apply. Fares above are round trip and Non-Refundable. No changes,:::::: ~=:~~p::~::aa~:: ~ed~~r;ob~~~~I~.~ ~r~~na~~bove are CSTl10080llG-50 I UBII601-445-452-OO1-OOO1 617 -225-2555 MIT Student Center Room W20-024 Go to the website, Nominate companies, & Win a weekly ruffle' Octob r 30 2001 THE T en Page 19 High Turnout, Miscommunication Prevent Some From Getting Food

Infinite, from Page 1 the buffet went on a deci ion tion. Kachani e timat d that the wait- w made to do e down table one- ing time for food was 20 to 30 min- WIt." )'OIl buy product. made from ~lod maltrla1l. ON lllE,n AllLINGTON HEIGHTS BUS R _ reqdlnq \:«po worldng To lind OUI mo re call HIOO-<:AU·tDF ~ IN AllLINGTON HEIGHTS it was po sible to feed nearly every- by-one. I kno that at orne time ute during the bu ie t times, and "__ o~ EJMOlOOIoufiE*'''

one because ramark initiall we realized we were running out of a eraged about 10 to 15 minute . 1... __ .... ~1 ... !!I1w::i!. .. 1 __ - ..., -- ~ ~ -.: :'lIIO': ~ accounted for extremely generou certain product. We decided to Volunteer al 0 attempted to portions of food. have le buffet with more food' keep people from entering the buffet This space donated by The Tech Each buffet table wa run by a Emery aid. from any location other than Build- group of 5 to 8 workers who en ured In total, MIT diner consumed ing 13, or 7.0 erall,225 olun- AMERICA'S FUTURE that enough food wa available and three quarter of a ton of fried teer helped out with the buffet. brought in replacements when need- chicken, 770 pounds of roast beef ed. In some cases, food was moved and 6 000 jerk chicken wing . ' Peo- Buffet ucce ful, leader a between tables to en ure that every ple particularly liked the jerk chick- Dean for tudent Life Larry G. table had a good as ortment, en,' Emery aid. . Benedict called the buffet an unbe- At orne point food supplie ran lievable ucce s. "I look forward to low at particular locations, but sup- Planning aid ucces doing it every four years' be aid. plies were quickly replenished. Emery attributed the buffet's , One of the thing we talk about "There were points at which [the success to the planning by the tu- i building community. This i one volunteers] told people that there dent organizers. of the things that make you feel would be no food, but 2 or 3 min- "If you had been at the last one, part of the place. It make you feel utes later there was more food,' this was a huge succe s. Thi wa good about the place. We would Kachani said. "Even those people managed so much better," she said. definitely upport it in the future' who came and didn't find food, they 'The event wa a succe because he aid. still had dessert and drinks- in Kil- they set up the flow and becau e of G C president Dilan eneviratne lian and entertainment." the number of volunteers: said that the buffet helped to bring Although most of the food was The organizers attempted to cre- people together. "I saw a lot of fac- prepared in advance, Aramark pur- ate a one-directional flow in the cor- ulty who were hanging out with stu- chased extra fried chicken in ca e ridor, which reduced congestion and dent from their research group,' he more food was needed. "We contin- decreased waiting time. When one said. "A significant number of staff ued making fried chicken through- buffet was particularly crowded, peo- and administrators showed up. On a out the day," Emery said. . ple were redirected to another sta- Saturday, that's amazing." UNITED STATES NAVY EF-TUV-TUV-oPER-oPER DEF-TUV-TUV-OPER-OPER DEF-TUV-TUV-OPER-oPER DEF-TUV-TUV-oPER-OPE SERVING AMERICA TwICE EF-TUV-TUV-oPER-oPER DEF-TUV-TUV-oPER-OPER DEF-TUV-TUV-OPER-oPER DEF-TUV-TUV-OPER-OPE 1-800-USA-NA vy WW~ EF-TUV-TUV-oPER-oPER DEF-TUV-TUV-oPER-OPER DEF-TUV-TUV-OPER-QPER DEF-TUV-TUV-OPER-OPE Trils space donated by The I ech Athena Minicourse Instructors

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Athena i a registered trademar of the Mas achusetts In titute of Technology. Page 20 October 0 2001

STA 'LEY HU-THE TECH STANLEY HU-THE TECH For the first time ever, the women's cross country team won the NEW- Imitating the controversial antics of the US 4x:100m relay team in the 2000 MAC Championships at Franklin Park last Saturday. The team scored 59 Olympics, he men's cross country team celebrates winning their fourth consecutive points, defeating runner-up Wheaton College by 20 points. This year's EW AC Championships. The Engineers finished 1-2-3-8-9 in the race to score 23 performance was a stunning turnaround from last year's 7th place, 165- points, 45 fe er than unner-up Coast Guard. point finish.

Dan Griffrth '05 fights a Clark Universi- ty player for the ball in MIT Soccer's 2-1 victory on Sat- urday.

AMYL. WONG V.K. Raman (flute), Tara Anand (violin), K. Ramesh (mridangam), and Vidhy Raman (tampu- ra) perfonn a variety of South Indian classical pieces at last Sunday's MITHAS concert in the Wong Auditorium.

MIT iCampus

Call for Student Proposals, Winter-Spring 2002

Since 1999, iCampus, the MIT-Microsoft Alliance for research in technology- enhanced education, has awarded half a million dollars to projects proposed and carried out by MIT undergraduates and graduate students.

- iCampus student projects are ambitious, innovative efforts - designed and carried out by MIT students - that demonstrate the use of information technology- to enhance MIT education, improve the quality of MIT student life, or make an impact on the world at large.

Preliminary proposals for student projects that will begin in spring semester 2002 are due on ovember 12, 2001:

For proposal criteria and information on submitting proposal , see the iCampus web site at httpt/

Questions? Send email to [email protected].