Friday, OctoberNEWS 26, 2001 Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • 1

Economic downturn causes Tech volleyball serves up a win TECHNIQUE lack of employer turnout at over Clemson after their ACC “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” recent career fair. loss to second-place Duke. ONLINE FOCUS page 13 SPORTS page 32 Serving Georgia Tech since 1911 • Volume 87, Issue 13 • 32 pages Opinions␣ 6 · Focus␣ 13 · Entertainment␣ 19 · Comics␣ 26 · Sports␣ 32

Team Buzz set Anthrax scare evacuates Skiles for Sat. launch By Nasir Barday dling the situation. “The mail Tech’s annual community Senior Staff Writer was opened in one of [LCC’s] service day, Team Buzz, kicks administrative office areas and off this Saturday at 8 a.m. at Part of the Skiles Building was well-contained within that the Campanile. Participants was evacuated last Wednesday office area, but that office area will serve the Atlanta when an employee within the and those on that hallway were community in a variety of school of Literature, Commu- evacuated,” said Vickery. locations throughout the city nications and Culture noticed “There was nothing threat- and return for a post-service an “unidentified powder on her ening or suspicious about the celebration at 1:30 p.m. at clothing,” said Jack Vickery, letters, which were normal busi- Peter’s Parking Deck. Chief of the Georgia Tech Po- ness correspondence,” said Vick- This year is the fourth for lice Department. ery. Team Buzz, which usually The LCC employee’s call to “The unidentified powder draws 2,000 participants. the Georgia Tech Police Depart- could have possibly come from ment prompted a hazardous ma- the gloves the employee had been terials response, which has been wearing.” ‘RockToberfest’ in place for three years, said Bob But in light of recent anthrax Harty, Executive Director of In- scares from around the nation, tomorrow night stitute Communications and the Institute took no chances. SR71 will play a free, Public Affairs. “In situations like this, it is al- campus-wide concert According to Harty, the emer- ways better to be safe than sor- tomorrow night near the gency plan is usually activated ry,” said Harty. Campanile and Skiles with a call to Georgia Tech Po- Georgia Tech has issued new walkway area. The event, lice. “That’s the most common guidelines for employees receiv- which is sponsored by the place people call when some- ing mail. Plastic gloves are now Interfraternity Council and thing happens,” said Harty. available to university workers a number of other campus “When the plan is activated, all and student assistants who deal organizations, will begin with information about the situation with mail, though they are not an opening band at 9:00. All channels through myself, Gail required. Since the initial an- Tech students may attend. DiSabatino [Dean of Students], thrax mailings were reported in and Jack Vickery.” Florida the campus police de- Among other steps, the plan partment has responded to a to- Clocks ‘fall’ called for contact of the Haz- tal of five calls related to suspicious ardous Materials Unit of the mail. Three of the calls involved back Sunday Atlanta Fire Department, which mail that the receiving depart- handled the affected pieces of ments felt uncomfortable open- Daylight savings time mail for delivery to the FBI, where ing. An officer from GTPD begins Sunday morning. Students are reminded to set the samples were tested. removed these letters and opened By Andrew Saulters / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Vickery indicated that extra Atlanta officials emerge from Skiles Wednesday after responding to the report of their clocks back one hour precaution was taken in han- See Anthrax, page 2 an unidentified powder. The powder may have been cornstarch from latex gloves. on Sunday morning at 2 a.m.

State hiring freeze Students attack Maryland band members By Ty Gailey edly abused Maryland band nity houses,” said Alford. member had taken the man to extended to faculty Staff Writer members and left them with dam- At least three people tried to the ground. Two or three more By Sriram Narasimhan aged instruments and uniforms “disrupt the band” by walking men approached the band, and Contributing Writer Members of the University and a bad taste in their mouths through the middle of their group the situation deteriorated into of Maryland Marching Band and about Georgia Tech. alleges Alford. At one point Al- somewhat of a dog pile,” said Recognizing signs of a troubled econo- University of Maryland Admin- In a statement to Georgia ford’s attempt to calm down one Alford. my and its impact on Georgia’s budget, istrators filed formal complaints Tech Police, Maryland trombone angry Tech fan resulted in a scuf- Another altercation occurred Governor Roy Barnes imposed a limiting with Georgia Tech administra- player Ronald Alford, who was fle. along Fowler Street when more hiring freeze on all state-funded agencies tors and the campus police con- on the front line of the forma- “He was gesturing wildly, so unidentified Tech fans attempted last May, including the University System cerning the behavior of Tech tion, says harassment came from I assumed he was trying to start to walk through the middle of of Georgia, of which Tech is a member. fans following the October 11 all around. a fight. Keeping my voice level I the band’s formation. Senior One of the conditions of the freeze allowed football game. Maryland band “I saw at least two cars driv- said ‘calm down sir,’” said Al- marcher Dustin Doyle’s attempt for a number of state and non-state-funded members found themselves on a ing erratically in the path of the ford. to restrain a man escalated into positions within the Institute to be filled hazardous march from Bobby band. Many people shouted ob- The man shoved Alford, caus- a brawl. normally, while all others could only be Dodd Stadium to their buses on scenities from their car windows, ing him to drop his glasses. “By filled after an extensive application pro- Fourth Street. Tech fans alleg- from the street, and from frater- the time I turned around, a band See Band, page 2 cess. Earlier this month, however, the State Office of Planning and Budget (OPD) ex- Rules change leaves students, teams stranded panded the conditions of this freeze to only allow positions funded by non-state re- By Tony Kluemper a decision was made by the DOAS sources, temporary and student positions Assistant News Editor to only cover Institute employ- to be filled under normal business proce- ees with the states liability in- dures. All other vacancies which were orig- Almost every Tech student surance. “I was attending a DOAS inally exempt from the hiring freeze, has at one time or another been conference during the week of including instructional faculty, Public Safety transported using the 15 pas- October 3 and the decision was Officers, Facilities, Operations and Main- senger vans that student organi- officially announced at that con- tenance personnel and hourly positions, zations from ORGT to the ference,” said Everett. are now subject to the same appeal and Student Center Programs Board The problem that many stu- application process if a particular depart- use on a regular basis. However dent organizations now face is ment wishes to fill them. at a Department of Administra- that they often depend on stu- “The common sense thing is that all of tive Services (DOAS) conference dent volunteers to drive the vans. the individual institutions and other places held earlier this month an an- However, these drivers would look to these same kinds of strategies as a nouncement was made that has no longer be covered, and there- solution to a downturn in the economy. greatly affected the usage of these fore they are no longer allowed vans by campus organizations. to drive the Institute vans. By Scott King / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS See Freeze, page 4 According to Georgia Tech Student organizations that used to rely on the rental of Tech vans Risk Manager Freddie Everett, See Vans, page 5 for transportation will need alternatives under a new set of rules. 2 • Friday, October 26, 2001 • Technique NEWS

be considered a potential hazard,” Anthrax from page 1 said Vickery. “It is important for us all to be vigilant and take common- them in safer conditions. Two en- sense precautions.” velopes arrived without return ad- “None of us live or work in a dresses, one of which was labeled sterile environment,” Vickery con- with block printing similar to that tinued. “The guidelines provided of the other anthrax mailings. Each to the public and the emergency case turned out to be normal mail. response protocols are intended to Vickery noted that no threats or help make that assessment when other unusual circumstances have folks are unable to make that judg- occurred at Tech. ment for themselves, and each inci- “Given current events, under- dent has to be evaluated [in the standably, the unknown will at times context] of specific circumstances.”

Band from page 1 surd considering we had similar prob- lems when we went to Georgia Tech “I stepped up and politely moved two years ago,” said Hoffman. In him to the side of the street safely fact, only one police officer was able away from the group. The student to respond to the scene according resisted and began to struggle with to Graduate Band Assistant Brett me. Smelling the alcohol coming Taylor, who claims he was also hit from the student, I held him firmly in the face with a strap. with the intention to let the band “There was one police officer in pass safely,” said Doyle. the area directing traffic and offered After Doyle claims he let the man assistance once we had loaded the go, the man began to further taunt buses. She helped Dr. Sparks and the band. “He struggled free and one of the drum majors attempt to attempted again to cut across the locate the stolen trumpet,” said Tay- band saying ‘This is my street, I can lor. cross it wherever I want and when I But according to GTPD Chief want!’ I then firmly held him in a Jack Vickery, the security presence bear hug. After the band passed the at games is very strong totaling over man supposedly got up off the ground 60 officers. “Pretty much around and repeatedly hit Doyle in the face the stadium you’ve got almost an with “a strap of some sort.” officer on every corner. Not only do Doyle had expected this type of you have the police officers, you behavior from Tech fans and tried have the unarmed security force in- to organize the band for maximum side the stadium controlling access defensive posture. and monitoring things. “I prepared the students before The resources are there to man- leaving the stadium. I advised them age the crowd that exists, but can to put their chin-straps on their hats you put enough police officers or tightly, to move the females of the security personnel at any place to group towards the inside of the pa- keep somebody from acting out, rade formation, and to keep the group the answer is no that’s just not pos- together as close as possible while sible.” Vickery says that the GTPD marching back is taking the mat- to the buses,” ter very serious- said Alford. ly and officers are Further “It was a very conducting an down Fowler intensive inves- Street, band disconcerting feeling tigation. members allege to see this huge dog Geor- that angry Tech gia Tech admin- fans threw bot- charging at us in the istrators are also tles and cans in middle of the night.” very concerned their direction. A over the behav- mean black dog Jason Hoffman ior of Tech fans. was also used as Maryland trumpet player The school has a vehicle for ha- apologized to the rassment of the University of band according to senior trumpet Maryland concerning the treatment player Jason Hoffman. of its marching band and agreed to “As we passed this house, they pay for any damages according to sent their huge black dog charging Vice President of Student Affairs down the hill at the band. While it Lee Wilcox. Wilcox is currently look- did not come closer than 10 feet ing into possible disciplinary action from us, it was a very disconcerting against any Tech students who were feeling to see this huge dog charg- involved. ing at us in the middle of the night,” “We’re taking it seriously. There said Hoffman in his statement to is a formal investigation underway. GTPD. Hoffman says another fight Actually both the Dean of Students broke out when the band finally office and the police department made it back to the buses. are looking into what happened to “As we broke formation, [one understand it. Once those investi- student] continued to taunt mem- gations are completed, we’ll decide bers of the band. He specifically what if anything needs to be done targeted Ron Alford and I saw them from there,” said Wilcox. exchange comments,” said Hoffman. Wilcox says this type of alterca- Hoffman said that when Ron Al- tion is very unusual for a Tech foot- ford turned around, the Tech fan ball game and that there was no pushed him down a hill. Hoffman’s trouble for the NC State band after ankle was sprained in the resulting the game when the band dispersed altercation and Tech fans managed and went back to their buses. Wil- to get away with a Maryland trum- cox says the Maryland band may pet. Hoffman says he does not know have been safer had they taken the when he’ll be able to march again. recommended side route to their One band member was hit in the buses instead of marching and play- jaw. Another band member’s gums ing in parade formation. were cut and his cape ripped off. “A member of our band, the as- “Overall, I find the whole situa- sistant director I believe, routinely tion disheartening. We went down meets visiting bands where they park to Georgia to cheer on our team on Fourth Street and encourages and were assaulted. Neither Mary- them to use a path that goes up to land nor Georgia Tech gave us any the library and down Bobby Dodd escort through this hostile environ- Way rather than through and along ment. This lack of protection is ab- Peters parking deck,” said Wilcox. NEWS Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • 3 Council Clippings Senate and House Senators reject House experiments ‘Big Gay Out’ bill with accountability By Jody Shaw By Jody Shaw News Editor News Editor

The Graduate Student Senate meeting The members of the Undergraduate ended in record time, as the Senators flew House experienced the effects of the Voter through their agenda and adjourned at 11:30 Accountability Act for the first time. They a.m. after starting a mere 25 minutes earli- also revised their bylaws to change the pur- er. In that short span of time, GSS man- pose of a committee and passed a number aged to table four bills, withdraw one, fail of allocation bills. one and pass two appointing Graduate stu- Scott Fletcher, Chair of the Legislative dents to positions. Communications Committee, announced The only spending bills considered was the policy his committee developed for re- a proposed allocation to the Gay and Lesbi- cording votes prior to the start of old busi- an Alliance (GALA) to pay for their “Big ness, and the experimental policy was used Gay Out” party in honor of National Coming throughout the night. Out Day. The party took place last Satur- After the debate on each bill, each repre- day at Under the Couch, which concerned sentative recorded his or her vote on an a number of senators. By June Zhang / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS index card. The Sergeant-at-Arms Normer Both the GSS and the Undergraduate Members of the Graduate Student Senate choose to reject a retroactive bill that Adams then collected the cards, and Execu- House of Representative traditionally refuse would have provided funding for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance’s “Big Gay Out.” tive Vice President Nate Watson announced to fund events retroactively; the bodies usually the results after Adams tabulated them. There argue that once a group has already paid for were no hand votes throughout the meet- an event it does not make sense for SGA to ing. reimburse them for their expenses. Other Bills Considered Though Watson noted that the card Vice President of Finance Dave May- collection only added five minutes to the bury noted that the committee not only cut Undergraduate House of Representatives: meeting’s length, a number of representa- a number of items from the bill that were Joint Allocation to Gala; Author: Michael Handelman—Failed. tives expressed frustration with the system previously included in GALA’s budget pro- Allocation to Environmental Forum; Author: Dusty Riddle—Passed. and felt as though it slowed the pace of the posal to SGA, but JFC also recommended Joint Allocation to Roller Hockey Club; Author: Andrew Keen—Postponed. meeting. Watson acknowledged the kinks that the bill be failed in its entirety based on Joint Allocation to the AIAA; Author: Brian George—Withdrawn. remaining in the system. The LCC will be the retroactivity. He mentioned, however, Joint Allocation to Buckhead Gymnastics Center; Author: Chris Webb— working on a revised procedure for the next that because of fall break the Senate did not Tabled. meeting. meet last week, and had it met, the bill Appointment of Joint Finance Committee Members (Justin Cotton and Despite the slowdown, the Representa- would not be retroactive. Danielle Dees); Author: Chris Kavanaugh—Passed. tives conducted a fair amount of business. ECE Senator Leandro Barajas discounted They approved an amendment to the By- the notion that fall break should be consid- Graduate Student Senate: laws to change the name of the Cultural ered to excuse GALA’s failure to request Joint Appointment to Campus Organization Chair (Daniel Lane); Author: Affairs committee to Community Affairs. the bill earlier. The majority of the Sena- Trey Childress—Passed. In allocation bills, the most heavily dis- tors agreed with Barajas, however, and the Joint Allocation to Roller Hockey Club; Author: Courtney Collins—Post cussed item was a bill authored by Senior bill failed 7-13-8. poned. Representative Craig Tommasello to pro- Before failing the GALA bill, the Senate Joint Allocation to the AIAA; Author: Joseph Jeong—Withdrawn. vide $600 to the Panhellenic Council to approved the appointments of Chemistry Joint Allocation to GT Men’s Soccer Club; Author: Jennifer Jordan—Tabled. pay for a haunted house for area elementary Senator Juliana Gheura and ECE Senator Joint Allocation to Buckhead Gymnastics Center; Author: Roy Furbank— school students. The bill was passed after Shantanu Kangude. Tabled. extended debate. 4 • Friday, October 26, 2001 • Technique NEWS

from the OPB through an electron- Viewing the situation at a differ- Technique Online Voice Your Opinion! Freeze from page 1 ic appeal process so that those va- ent angle, non-state dollars, which cancies can be exempted from the are still exempted from the freeze, Last issue’s poll garnered 115 responses to the question: Had the Governor not imposed it, modified conditions of the hiring continue to be strong alternatives “What do you think of the Homecoming shirt? ” [Georgia Tech] may have decided freeze. for an institution highly regarded that this is what it wanted to do. It’s Since early October, the OHR for its ability to obtain donations. not really unusual, and it’s a com- has been given approval for the hir- “It’s most common for research mon thing to look at,” said Chuck ing of two instructional faculty mem- faculty to be paid out of non-state Donbaugh, Associate Vice President bers this year. One will serve in the funds and contracts, although any of the Office of Human Resources School of History, Technology and department can have them,” said (OHR). Science (HTS) and the other in the James Rolen, the OHR Director of When the temporary hiring freeze department of architecture. Compensation. was signed in May, the rate of hir- President Wayne Clough has re- There was no written agreement ing at Tech was already in its annual quested that job requisitions such made regarding how long the limit- low, so the school was not affected as these only be filed if given ‘high- ed hiring freeze would be in effect, that much in terms of finding ad- est priority,’ which according to a primarily due to economic uncer- ministrators and other higher-paid memorandum sent by the OHR, is tainty both in May and after Sep- positions. The expansion of the freeze defined as “those vacancies that are tember 11 when the expansion of this month, however, came at the mission critical and, if not filled, the hiring freeze was imposed. peak of the hiring season and “hurt would negatively impact classroom “The terrorist attacks may have the school substantially,” accord- instruction and/or institute reve- confirmed in the Governor’s mind ing to Donbough. nues.” that we’re closer to a recession than The obstacle that any depart- Departments are expected to use we thought we were, but the [hiring This week’s poll is about Anthrax. Are your worried? Are you scared ment currently faces, with the ex- their own discretion when deciding freeze expansion] wasn’t an after- to open your mail? Visit ception of those that do not receive whether a particular vacancy merits thought. They were strategizing for state funds, is acquiring approval the highest priority. quite some time,” said Donbough. NEWS Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • 5

the conference. However, accord- an official campus outing, the Insti- Vans from page 1 ing to Everett no official decision tute does not cover that and there- Atlanta Mayoral Race Debate at Tech was made until the first week of fore that is under the drivers own “In the past they’ve been able to October. “To my knowledge there personal liability insurance,” said cover non-employee drivers and stu- had been no official document is- Hammock. “But that can be as- dent drivers under what is called a sued to anyone in the state regard- suming more liability than it is real- permissive or authorized driver part ing this change,” said Everett. ly reasonable to ask a student to of the liability coverage but that has “It was officially announced at assume.” been eliminated,” said Everett. “At the conference I attended, and un- President of ORGT Robert this point, only employees of the til you hear something officially it Raines agreed with Hammock and Institute would be covered by our may or may not be true. felt that carpooling would compli- liability.” “We had no prior official knowl- cate the organization of the trips. This decision has affected a great edge that this was the case and all “So now we’re going to have to rely number of student organizations over the school officials were a little up- on carpooling which is logistically the past few weeks from SAC to the set about that because we then had more complicated and it kind of Tech bowling team. According to to come back and drop that on our places an additional burden on the Associate Director of the Student school without much notice.” volunteer drivers,” said Raines. Center Sally Hammock, there are Now that the decision has been Another possible solution that many programs within the Student made, the task facing many student many student organizations and pro- Center that have already been af- grams have started looking at is put- fected. ting more students on their payroll “I was told about the decision by as drivers. According to Stanphill, our operations director at about 3:00 “The only other SAC has been looking at this as the on a Friday afternoon and we were option... would be to best issue since he was notified of supposed to have two vans pulling the decision. “We are trying to fig- out with our bowling team at 5:00 have students driving ure out a way that we can get stu- that same day,” said Hammock. “Un- their own cars and dents back behind the wheel,” said fortunately the team was not al- Stanphill. “The way we feel we can By Ian Clark / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS lowed to use the vans.” taking people.” do this is to make them employees Rob Pitts’ representative and mayoral candidate Gloria Bromell- Over the past few weeks, there Katie Nicolatos as van drivers.” Tinubu discussed issues, along with candidate Shirley Franklin (not has been some discussion that this Student Center President “In our [SAC] case, the sports pictured), at Tech last week. The election takes place November 6. is primarily a Board of Regents de- clubs, which are the biggest users, cision and only affects Georgia uni- would have to have a student to go versities, however Everett wants through the driver safety course and “There are a number of student or- tion to the problem,” said Raines. students to know that this is not the organizations is to find a way to become a certified van driver and ganizations that are not on our pay- “Otherwise the State of Georgia has case. “It wasn’t a Board of Regents keep their programs running effec- then the club would have to employ roll and therefore they can’t drive a done nothing but create another set decision. As you may or may not tively. Many organizations from them to be their van driver. Then vehicle so they have to have some- of red-tape for us to go through and know, Georgia Tech is self-insured ORGT to the SAC Advisory Board they become an employee which is one, either faculty or staff to drive so I think we need to work with the for general liability by the Georgia have held meeting to determine what covered by the insurance.” the vehicle for them,” said Her- state to come to a better solution.” Department of Administrative Ser- steps to take in the past few weeks. Everett agreed that if a student rington. The point Raines makes is not vices, which insures all state depart- According to Student Center Pro- were employed by the Institute by Herrington does offer a possible lost on the administration. In fact, ments, and it was their decision,” grams Board President Katie Nico- the organization he is driving for solution to this problem. “I think Everett has mentioned a volunteer said Everett. latos, one option she sees is to have the insurance would cover the lia- we may have to identify some driv- driving program that could solve In fact, Director of Recreational students carpool using their own bility. Students would have to be ers who would be trained to specif- the problems of the decision if the Sports Butch Stanphill went as far cars. “Really the only other option employees of the Institute in order ically drive for student organizations program is approved by the state. as to say that the Board of Regents in terms of providing alternate trans- to drive the vans. “The bottom line and the Student Center Programs However, the program is still only would most likely help Tech find a portation would be to have students is that only employees are now cov- Board and then put them on pay- in the planning stages. solution to the problem. “I think driving their own cars and taking ered, that does not exempt student roll so that they could be covered,” “We are now looking at a volun- the Board of Regents would really other people with them, which would employees,” said Everett. “It’s when said Herrington. teer program for student volunteer be on our side to try to find a way in affect cause a lot more liability you are a mere volunteer an a non- At the same time, some organi- drivers in the future and we are hope- for students to drive because they issues if people are taking their own state or Institute employee that the zations feel by hiring students for ful that such a program is accepted realize that institutes throughout the vehicles,” said Nicolatos. liability will not cover you.” the sole purpose of drivers is just and approved by the state,” said state depend on student drivers,” However, Hammock feels that However, according to Associ- creating loopholes around the deci- Everett. “We will then be able to said Stanphill. this could possibly put too much ate Director of the Student Center sion. “Hopefully we won’t end up have volunteer student drivers in a Another rumor circulating is that liability on the individual student Kim Harrington, this only works just hiring people just so that they structured program and students will many other universities knew about drivers. “If you ask a student to use for student organizations, which have can drive the vans, which means be able to continue to drive Insti- the decision weeks in advance of his or her car to transport people to a payroll within the Institution. that there should be a better solu- tute vehicles.” page 6

Quote of the week: “I would have made a good Pope.” OPINIONS —Richard M. Nixon Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001

OUR VIEWS Consensus Opinion Don’t hurt Terps As they were marching back to their bus, members of the Editorial Board: University of Maryland Marching Band were attacked by Georgia Tech students after the Terps defeated the Jackets in Matthew Bryan, Editor-in-Chief overtime. Jody Shaw, News Editor Actions like this one do not reflect well on the Tech com- Mary DeCamp, Opinions Editor Emily Cavender, Focus Editor munity as a whole. Although it is hard to accept a team’s loss, Andrew Santelli, Entertainment Editor especially for the second time in a row at home in overtime, Derek Haynes, Sports Editor there is no excuse to try to harm or scare members of the Daniel Uhlig, Photography Editor Jamie Schulz, Advertising Manager opposing team’s community simply because they happen to Matt Flagg, Online Editor be passing through a particular part of campus. As young Jennifer LaHatte, Managing Editor adults, Tech students should behave responsibly and mature- ly no matter what prior events have taken place or how their team fares in any game. It should be noted, however, that Tech administration recommends that all visiting schools’ bands take a route that includes walking up Bobby Dodd Way and behind the library back to their busses. After this particular game, Maryland’s band voluntarily took a different route, which included walk- ing down Fowler Street. This was clearly not a smart decision on the part of the band; they should have heeded the advice of Tech administrators. Also, instead of simply walking back to the bus, the band remained in marching formation playing their instruments. While they had every right to continue to play, they should have been aware that this was liable to upset Tech students. Although the Maryland band could have potentially avoid- Former LCC profs unsupported ed this altercation by making smarter decisions, the fact re- As a former assistant professor Perhaps Dr. Kolker does not regard vice. By her own reading, however, in the School of LCC, I applaud the departure of eight junior faculty Dean Rosser acknowledges, “mar- mains that Tech students instigated this dispute, and this the Technique for having the cour- members in a single year (and his ginal qualifications in any [of the paints a poor image of Georgia Tech and its student body. age to publish a politically sensitive first as chair) as a crisis because it first four] might be compensated This incident was mentioned in the Atlanta Journal-Consti- article and editorial in the issue of represents comparative success rel- by strength in [service].” Yet in sev- October 5. The reporting was bal- ative to the last department over eral meetings with Dean Rosser dur- tution, the Washington Post, and on ESPN’s website. Tech anced, providing multiple views which he presided—the Department ing the 1999-2000 academic year, does not need this kind of negative publicity. Students should from the administration as well as of Radio, Film, and Television at it was made abundantly clear to the make smarter choices and think through situations before several current and former faculty the University of Maryland—which junior faculty that no degree of ser- members. Balance aside, several state- was actually dissolved during his vice could compensate for what the blindly acting in fits of anger and irrationality. ments about the unprecedented di- tenure. But Dr. Kolker’s are not the Institute perceived as underachieve- aspora of LCC junior faculty have only problematic statements to be ment in creativity (i.e. published compelled me to respond. found in the article. research). As reported by the Technique, In her interpretation of Institute In terms of the fourth research Anthrax everywhere eight assistant professors have elected requirements for tenure, Dean Rosser requirement—creativity—it should Last Wednesday there was an anthrax scare in Skiles. A staff to depart from LCC over the past rightly emphasizes the primacy of be said that since 1995 LCC junior year. The [consensus] editorial made the first four requirements—suffi- faculty have won four prestigious member opening mail in the LCC Department noticed white clear that the Tech community must cient time in grade, a doctorate, fellowships from the National En- powder on her gloves while opening some mail. She immedi- discount the preposterous observa- effective teaching, and creativity— dowment for the Humanities, were ately notified authorities and what followed was an efficient tion by LCC chair, Dr. Robert Kolk- and the secondary importance of er, that such “turnover is normal.” institutional and departmental ser- See LCC, page 8 and swift investigation into the situation. Although the white substance turned out to be talcum powder, officials were ready and well-prepared to handle this potentially dangerous situa- tion. As an internationally recognized Institute in the middle of one of America’s largest cities, Tech and the members of its community need to be cautious and on the look out for any suspicious activity, especially during this time of international conflict. This particular situation was dealt with in a very professional and effective way, which shows that Tech offi- cials take the issue of anthrax seriously and are willing and able to deal with any potentially harmful situations. This incident was responded to quickly, kept isolated and well-controlled and resolved in a very efficient way. This shows that the Tech community can put good plans into action if the need arises. However unlikely a real anthrax breakout may seem, it is good to know that Tech is prepared to handle whatever may come along in the safest way possible.

Consensus editorials reflect the majority opinion of the Editorial

Board of The Technique, but not necessarily the opinions By Matt Norris / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS of individual editors. OPINIONS Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • 7 Individual actions reflect poorly on Tech as a whole TECHNIQUE “The South’s Liveliest College Two weeks ago, Tech’s football ber of referees being assaulted, and Newspaper” team had an appearance on the na- “That evening ended with some conjures up the word “hooligan.” Established in 1911 tional stage with the Thursday night damaged instruments for A hooligan is a crazy fan, usually matchup against the red-hot Mary- in European soccer, who likes to get Editor-in-Chief land Terrapins on ESPN. This was Maryland and a damaged drunk and get rowdy cheering on Matthew Bryan an opportunity for the team to shine, reputation for Georgia Tech.” their favorite team. Hooligans of- • • • but as we all know the Jackets lost in ten cause serious structural damage News overtime that night in another heart- Andrew Santelli to stadiums, and many a broken Jody Shaw, Editor breaker at Bobby Dodd. Entertainment Editor bone has come at the hands of these Tony Kluemper, Assistant Editor Daniel Amick, Nasir Barday, Ty Gailey, While Tech fans lamented the “supporters.” Sriram Narasimhan loss and most students were disap- Many analysts see hooligans as Opinions pointed, life pretty much went on thing like this just should never hap- other schools’ fans. We know that just a part of the game, but I see Mary DeCamp, Editor as usual following the game. pen. this is not the case, but what we them as a threat to sports as they Jen Hinkel, Matt Norris As the stadium emptied, the A few broken instruments and a know has very little to do with how infringe upon the purity of compe- Focus Maryland marching band did what couple of students falling down may things appear. tition. Emily Cavender, Editor Jill Adams, Jon Kaye, Sriram Narasimhan, they do after every away game. They not seem like a big deal to some, but We have something great going These Tech students were foot- Jeff Parker, Kimberly Rieck, Benjamin marched themselves back to their when it makes headlines in the At- for us here at Tech. Along with a ball hooligans, and they made the Small bus for the trip home to College lanta Journal-Constitution, merits first-class technological education rest of us who could move on with Entertainment Park. What a handful of Tech fans mention on, and is dis- we get to experience all the joys of our lives look bad in front of the Andrew Santelli, Editor Alan Back, Kit FitzSimons, Chuks Ibeji, did that night was unusual. They cussed in the Washington Post, it’s a major conference Division I athlet- entire country. Jon Kaye, Jennifer Schur, Chris Webb decided to take out their aggression big deal for those students involved, ics. An incident like this says we’re What is so difficult about the concepts of sportsmanship and fair Sports on the Terrapin band. the Tech football program, all its not mature enough to handle the Derek Haynes, Editor At the night’s end, the result was fans, and the Institute as a whole. privileges we’ve got, and that’s wrong. play? Derick Stanger, Assistant Editor some damaged instruments for Mary- Everyone is affected in one way or This is college, and we should Earlier this fall we saw students John Rafferty, David Rottman land and a damaged reputation for another. know better. rushing the Athletic Association tick- Production Georgia Tech. Is this the kind of image we want Sportsmanship in athletics must et window to buy tickets to the since- Jamie Schulz, Adversting Mgr. What these fans did was totally Tech fans to have in the eyes of the not be limited to those on the field. rescheduled game with Florida State, Photography unacceptable. country? I know I don’t want that When we travel to away games, when resulting in chaos and even some Daniel Uhlig, Editor Wade Burch, Darkroom Mgr. Sports, especially college sports, to happen. Tech has one of the best Tech alumni the world over gather injury in another incidence of Tech Alisa Hawkins, Assistant.Editor should be about the fun in compe- game-day atmospheres in the na- to watch the Jackets play, or even students going overboard about foot- Eric Aufderhaar, Danielle Bradley, Ian Clark, Kimberly Hinkley, Katie Graybeal, tition and the merits of sportsman- tion, and part of it is the enthusiasm when we show up by the thousands ball. Now innocent band members Rob Hill, John Jewell, Scott King, Scott were attacked? What’s going on here? Meuleners, Brian Oxford, Andrew ship. I think it’s wonderful that the of the fans. What these fans did for a home game, our community is Saulters, June Zhang, David Ziskind student body here is enthusiastic tarnished that reputation. showing that we care about being We all need to realize that while about Tech football. I’ve tried to never be someone from Georgia Tech. football is fun and we have got some- Online Matt Flagg, Editor It’s one of our great traditions to concerned with how a situation The students who went after thing great to care about, we’ve al- stand for the length of the game and “looks,” rather more on what it re- Maryland band members set us back ways got to keep the idea of fair play Managing Editor cheer on the Yellow Jackets on fall ally is. However, this case requires by showing that they don’t care about in mind. It’s okay to be disappoint- Jennifer LaHatte afternoons and evenings, and it’s a attention to that appearance, as now being from Georgia Tech and that ed about a Tech loss, but going after • • • shame that the actions of a few drag fans across the coun- sportsmanship may be lost here. the opposing team’s band? Come Board of Student our school’s good name through try will think that the supporters of This incident is akin to the par- on now. Publications Dr. Carole E. Moore, Chair the mud. The Tech community is Georgia Tech athletics are also sup- ents scuffling during their children’s We’ve got bigger fish to fry these RoseMary Wells, Publications Mgr. above this kind of behavior; some- porters of aggression taken out on youth sports games, the high num- days. Billiee Pendleton-Parker, Adviser

Advertising and Accounting Nancy Bowen, Business Mgr. Paradoxes existing in art forms shape our views Marcus Kwok, Accounts Mgr. Donna Sammander, Advertising Mgr. Last night my roommates and I and paradox is perfectly expressed • • • were talking and got on the subject “Oftentimes a person’s in M.C. Escher’s drawing of the Copyright Notice of art and how it impacts our every- expression becomes our own two hands painting themselves. This Copyright © 2001, Matthew Bryan, day lives. piece shows how art is intertwined Editor, and by the Board of Student because of the way or form in Publications. The Technique is an official We started to ponder whose emo- in itself. publication of the Georgia Tech Board of tions are behind the art by which which it is presented.” Another prevalent form of art in Student Publications. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any manner we are influenced and who in turn which there are existing paradoxes without written permission from the inspired the artists. Alisa Hawkins is photography, which, as you could Editor or from the Board of Student Assistant Photography Editor Publications. The ideas expressed herein The main question that came probably imagine, is one of my very are those of the editor or the individual up in our discussion was “Does art favorite subjects and one that I con- authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Student affect life or does life affect art?” It’s sider to be fascinating. Publications, the students, staff, or faculty like the famous chicken and the egg around us and not actually impact occuring. With each passing day Many times on the Technique of Georgia Tech, or the University System kind of question and it is a paradox the people that it covers. and another news story about an- photography staff, we view the work of Georgia. of sorts. However, many times it forms new thrax our fear has escalated to the of other photographers that may Advertising Information Every day we are, to a large de- stories out of the commotion that it point where we are creating our own spark ideas in our own brains. This Information and rate cards can be found gree, influenced by the images that creates like a self-perpetuating sce- news stories. might preempt us to express some- on our World Wide Web site at surround us. Oftentimes a person’s nario. In theory, the media should re- thing in our photography that was The deadline for reserving ad space and expression becomes our own be- The recent anthrax media cov- port what is going on in the world not originally there but that we are submitting ad copy is noon on Friday, one week prior to publication. There are no cause of the way or form in which it erage is a perfect example of this. in an unbiased manner so that we inspired to add once we have viewed exceptions to this policy. For rate is presented. At a time when our country is can get all the facts involved in any each other’s work. information, call our offices at (404) 894- 2830, Monday through Friday from 10 We get crazy ideas from movies very susceptible to rumor and hys- issue and make our own decisions When our work is then viewed a.m. to 5 p.m. Advertising space cannot be and publicity even when we are not teria, the media has chosen to run based on having received all of those by the original photographer the reserved over the phone. TheTechnique office is located in room 137 of the aware that we are being affected; numerous stories in most publica- facts. But many times that is not same effect might be carried on to Student Services Building, 353 Ferst this is an art form better known as tions concerning anthrax scares what really happens, especially when them and in essence they have been Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0290. Questions regarding advertising billing persuasive advertisement. around the United States. the media is reporting on stories inspired by their original idea. This should be directed to Marcus Kwok at (404) 894-9187, or RoseMary Wells at In the same manner, the artists Granted, it is a very serious is- that are of great importance and might be confusing, but that is what (404) 894-2830. who created the images were also sue, but the media has done a poor deal with heated controversy and paradoxes are all about. affected by another person’s thought job of keeping it in perspective and conflict. It is important to note that not Letter Submission Policy while living their own lives. has actually made people believe It is very difficult to create any only are other people inspired by The Technique welcomes all letters to the that anthrax is much more wide- form of expression, media or art, editor and will print letters on a timely And thus the circle of influence the work of artists, but often the and space-available basis. Letters should be begins. spread than it actually is. that does not have an underlying artists themselves are also greatly hand-delivered, mailed to Georgia Tech Campus Mail Code 0290, or e-mailed to So where does it end? We at Tech like to think that we biased viewpoint or opinion. affected by the works that they pro- [email protected]. Letters Who actually inspires whom? are not susceptible to this type of Since any form of expression is duce. should be addressed to Matthew Bryan, Editor. All letters must be signed and must The media is an interesting ex- influence, but it hits home when we the creation of a particular artist, it If this were not the case, the art- include a campus box number or other ample because it is actually a para- see people searching through Skiles will then inherently have some sort ists would most likely not continue valid mailing address for verification purposes. Letters should not exceed 350 dox that loops around itself. with white suits on. of opinion pertaining to the views on with that respective line of work. words and should be submitted by 8 a.m. Some would argue that movies, We have let the presence of the of that specific artist, which may or It is the self-inspiration that they Wednesday in order to be printed in the following Friday’s issue. Any letters not media and TV are not really art, but media influence the way that we may not be immediately obvious to are seeking. meeting these criteria or not considered by I disagree. They are a form of a live our lives and think about our the viewer. This is an even closer-knit para- the Editorial Board of the Technique to be of valid intent will not be printed. Editors person’s expression. While not paint- surroundings at Tech. Therefore, It is hard to determine if people dox, where only the artist and his reserves the right to edit for style, content, ed with paint, they are instead cre- other people’s ideas and notions have are more influenced by the media work are involved. and length. Only one submission per ated with words, actors and cameras; changed the way we think, and the or if the media is more influenced The next time you view a piece person will be printed each term. this is very much like the art of media coverage of the events occur- by people. This takes us back to the of artwork, think about the expres- Contacting Us photography. ing in other people’s lives has affect- chicken and the egg reference. sion that the artist uses and the mes- [email protected] Many times the media creates ed us. In essence, the people should sage he or she is trying to get across [email protected] stories from the stories that it pro- We have become more suspi- shape the media, but every once and where he or she might have [email protected] duces. cous and afraid that we might actu- and a while the media ends up shap- come up with that idea. Online In theory, the media is supposed ally contract anthrax when there is ing itself. You might just find you are look- to portray the events that happen an extremely remote chance of this This type of self-perpetuation ing at a paradox. 8 • Friday, October 26, 2001 • Technique OPINIONS

in computer-assisted instruction. I Techs and the City: The symbols all around us LCC from page 6 do not consider it immodest to re- gard this partial list as indicative of By Jen Hinkel of the they may become, do not have widely published in leading academic junior faculty “strength in the fifth Columnist country, meanings set in stone. Each thing journals, were invited speakers at [tenure requirement].” Americans we give meaning to and each sym- national and international confer- My colleagues and I engaged in I lost my high school class ring now look bol we create can have its mean- ences, and had book contracts in this level of program building be- on Monday. Still, I’m hoping that to scientists ing altered and revised. Much as hand from prominent academic cause we believed that Tech deserved it will appear in the SAC lost and at the the public images of corporations presses. This is a research record of innovative humanities offerings com- found or under a pile of laundry. CDC to and politicians shift with the tide, which we were all proud and which mensurate with those of its princi- Thankfully, it’s insured. I can get offer pro- people have the power not only has earned us, ironically, prominent pal competition—MIT, Cal Tech, another one, engraved with the tection, to create new symbols, but also employment opportunities at other and Carnegie Mellon—and we were words “Mount Saint Joseph Acad- knowledge, and security. to change what they represent. colleges and universities as well as driven by that ambitious vision. emy” and set with an amethyst, Curiously, these symbols may As we see world culture chang- within industry. As individuals and as a commu- but a new one won’t be the sym- represent us, but they do not say ing, our symbols are caught in As for the first three tenure re- nity, we committed ourselves to serv- bol that was blessed at a ring mass, who we really are. Beyond Coke the midst of many discussions. quirements—sufficient time in ing the Institute and student body turned by 98 members of the class and an Olympic history, Atlan- Already the home of many grade, a doctorate, and effective teach- at the relative expense of our re- of ’98, and worn with pride as I ta’s cultural richness much more American symbols, Atlanta is al- ing—there was no question about search program (I write “relative” remember Philadelphia. The things accurately depicts greater Ameri- most a symbol in itself. The sig- our credentials. With regard to teach- because all of us were active and that become symbols cease to be can ideals. nificance that we give to our school ing, I should underline that LCC’s productive scholars). We did not merely objects; their value becomes No matter how delicious Coca- and city in a national and global student evaluations are typically blindly temper our research record something different altogether. Cola products taste, the only con- scope has great influence on the among the highest in the Institute. but, as it turns out, naively, with the Symbols abound, and our nection they have to freedom is image others see. We should not Indeed, over the past five years, LCC’s expectation (instilled by more than school and city have their own the meaning we give them. I think allow a singular characterization junior faculty have being awarded one senior administrator) that our symbolic objects and organizations. of Coke as a beverage, but abroad, but instead bring attention to the E. Roe Stamps award for out- service would be recognized. Un- We have the Tech tower, the Cam- many see it as an American prod- what we truly value: things such standing undergraduate teaching no fortunately—and this is the princi- panile, and as we move outwards uct invading their country and as human diversity, a commit- fewer than three times. Two win- pal point—we discovered that there from campus, the city has Coca- culture. ment to established traditions, ners of that award are no longer was little interest in either the cur- Cola, CNN, and Olympic rings These icons attain meaning rich culture, and a striving for faculty members. More the pity for rent Dean or LCC chair’s offices to from 1996. Over time, their mean- only when people actively give excellence, whether academic or Tech’s student body. tell or support our story to the Insti- ings change. Once, my ring stood them prominence. Coke is just a economic. As the Technique article stressed, tute’s tenure review committees. for the unity of the graduating drink. CNN is just a TV station. If we do not take on the re- the junior faculty has been largely Sadly, almost from the begin- class of 1998. Now, it represents a Tech Tower is just a building, sponsibility of maintaining the responsible for the intensive pro- ning of the 2000-2001 academic solid educational foundation, the and Buzz is just a guy in a bee suit. symbols we have and creating gram building that has occurred in year, an overwhelming majority of groundwork of my character, and However, these things become new ones that truly represent us, LCC and the Institute over the past LCC faculty concluded that the a treasured place in my memory. powerful when we endow them the power of the symbols will be half decade. A short list of the ad- question that we should be asking Likewise, the symbols around with meanings to bear to the world. lost. Even more sadly, the lost ministrative responsibilities taken ourselves was not “Will we get ten- us change. Atlanta landmarks such Therefore, we have a responsibil- symbols may be transformed into on by recently departed faculty during ure?” but rather, “Why would we as Coca-Cola, CNN, and the CDC ity to bestow true meanings upon something they do not represent, that period should give a sense of want tenure at an institution that no longer symbolize merely At- the things we deem symbolic. given false meanings and used in the level of service this constituted: could disregard our (distinguished) lanta, but instead represent the Abroad, America is symbol- ways that do not further the sym- coordinator of STAC (a program service to it so cavalierly?” The dis- nation at large. Terrorists attacked ized in Coke, McDonald’s, Gap bols’ original causes. that saw a four-fold increase in the turbingly high number of voluntar- a Coca-Cola bottling plant in In- blue jeans, and even in Ford trucks. With the ability to create a number of majors), co-director of ily exiting junior faculty should tell dia, and now Coke represents How is Atlanta, and Tech, sym- symbol comes accountability for GVU, coordinator of the Brittain you how we answered that ques- American capitalism more than bolized to the outside world— doing it well. We need to find Fellows Program, director of the tion. ever. CNN embodies United States with remnants of Olympic glory more positive symbols that aban- Performance Technology Research news organizations as Anthrax or economic successes? With the don shallow affiliation and have Lab, administrator of the under- Daryl Ogden threatens media companies along Shaft or with academic excellence? deep, evocative meanings for our graduate writing program, and ad- Assistant Professor, 1996-2001 the East Coast. From all corners Symbols, however pervasive community. ministrator of the Al West program [email protected] OPINIONS Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • 9 Stop Tech’s Question of the week sewage smell “What was your favorite part of Homecoming Week?” Georgia Tech has been branded into my familial history, having ac- cepted my father, my uncle, my brother and now myself. I accepted my admission to Tech last May; my summer was spent pondering the magnificence of my future colle- giate life. I had painted in my head the most vivid of pictures, telling my children about the great life at Georgia Tech in the same way my family had done for me. I came to Georgia Tech this fall— Buzz Nick Schutz Jim Gruen Jen Ward a capricious youth ready for the good times ahead. But on the first day of CS Senior CS Sophomore IE Senior school I was stricken by something unexpected. It was an unwanted force “Homecoming? I was “Choking on the “Being on the bottom that has forever molded my jaded Around programming 2200 fumes behind my of the pyramid of the view of my first year at college—the smell of raw sewage. Over the past 3 all weekend.” fraternity’s wreck.” egg toss.” months, I’ve been conditioned to fear the outside atmosphere. The Campus noxious odor is all-encompassing; I smell it as I walk to class, visit my friends, or take a scenic jog around campus. My friends from other schools visit occasionally, but in- stead of feeling joy for having re- vived great memories, I’m filled with anxiety for the moment that the inevitable question comes: ‘Why does your school smell like a sewer, Pete?’ There’s no need to raise aware- ness for this cause because I’m sure Feature and Photos by that the majority of you are already Scott Meulners aware: this school stinks. If we don’t rid the school of this smell now, let Margaret Watts Janice Fung Bill Florkowski us rid this school of the sewage smell ME Junior ARCH Junior MSE Sophomore soon, for the sake of our children— the future of Georgia Tech. “The Wreck Parade.” “Mock Rock.” “Anything I can get disqualified from.” Pete Kriengsiri [email protected] pageFOCUS 13 Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • 13 A jazzman for the modern age Tech’s newest fan favorite celebrates the birthdays of Action packed Kelley Rhino, smallest player on the FOCUS greats and John Coltrane at Emory on team at 5’7”, has become a fan favorite with his Sunday, and continues to reinvent his approach to lightening speed and aggressive style. David Rottman Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 making music after 40 years. Page 21 profiles one of the ACC’s top return men. Page 30

Bebad,be Economic slump disheartens grads very,verybad Students question the usefulness of career fairs. Hiring freezes and a stunted ByKimberlyRieck ContributingWriter economy force students to look elsewhere for lucrative employment opportunities. Althoughsomeofusthinkthat By Sriram Narasimhan we’retoocoolortoooldtoenjoy Contributing Writer thefreakishdelightsofHallow- een,manycollegestudentstwit- Just a year ago, it was a thriving market- terinanticipationatthethought place where the student was the successful merchant of his own skills; the company, the ofthatonedayayearthaten- eager buyer. In the world of economics, even couragesrecklessabandon—inthe a short span of a year can teach the job appli- mostghoulishfashionpossible. cant that good times last for only so long. Whetheryou’readress-up- The annual student-run career fair that and-bag-some-candyorpee- was held at the Coliseum on September 10th your-pants-at-the-haunted-house and 11th may have coincided with the terror- kindaperson,thereareaGoodn’ ist attacks on the US, but as far as companies PlentyarrayofeventsinAtlanta were concerned, the economy was already worsening, prompting them to limit the op- andthesurroundingareatokeep portunities granted for interviews, and in some youuplateontheonelovingly extreme cases, refusing to hire from Georgia curseddayoftheyear. Tech altogether. This fact led many students So,forgetaboutthatthermo to question the usefulness of the fairs, espe- testThursdaymorningandpar- cially in times when they are most needed. takeoftheweirdandwretched The statistics from past career fairs are withamacabrecostume(oryour staggering. Three years ago, forty companies favoriteHarryPottercharacter) were on a waiting list to be represented at the career fair. That number had increased to andadaringpartyatthatguy’s By John Jewell / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS sixty the next year, and by 2000, it had risen houseyoumeetthroughafriend In light of the recently weakened economy, many recruiters are dropping out of college to nearly 100. But events over the next twelve career fairs. Tech students struggle to find employment through hiring freezes and layoffs. ofafriendthatyoudon’treally months eliminated any such waiting list. Al- knowbutyou’rejustgladthat though a number of technology and automo- did not actually go through the entire hiring job applicants found this year that companies youdon’thavetocleanupthe bile corporations cancelled their appointments process. “Many students don’t find the career also refused to accept resumes altogether, and messafterthefestivitiesend. to come to the fair, there were a number that, fair official. The whole school goes, but a simply referred them to services such as Justtomakesureyoudon’t upon speaking to the Career Fair Commit- good eighty percent don’t take it seriously,” and bombastheuninvitedguestat tee, agreed to come but refused to grant inter- said Archana Gupta, who served as treasurer There still remains, however, foreseeable on the Career Fair Committee. One student, theshindigoftheyear,payat- views unless confronted by someone with an benefits to attending the career fair as well as exceptional resume. for example, had already gotten a co-op posi- posting on these online services. “The stu- tentionandfindoutwhatrocks In addition, a number of students who tion but went to the career fair simply to dents don’t realize that it does help because if andwhatrotsasfarascostume went to past career fairs felt that recruiters collect the free gimmicks. “Only a few are they have the resume, the company that has it etiquetteisconcerned. were more aggressive, using gimmicks such really motivated or desperate for the job. I on Monstertrak will recognize the name,” Fortherecord,the Matrixis as free toys to demonstrate the increased en- saw a good percentage that put the career fair said Robert Espinosa, Career Fair Commit- deadandnoyoudon’tlookgood ergy level and excitement at the time. “It on the side and put more focus on graduate tee Chair. inthatskintightTrinityoutfit. wasn’t as easy. Last year, we had people phys- school,” said Gupta. Still, in lieu of recent events, there will Also,theScreammaskthatev- ically grab you to talk. This year, you had to Although the career fair is still considered always be a small handful of students who do, eryoneseemssopartialtoois make more effort,” said Jonathan Morrisey, by most students to be a worthwhile starting in fact, take the career fair seriously and go unimaginativeandunimpressive. who graduates in May. “It wasn’t as fun an point, most of the recruitment process is only through the entire hiring process. “In this atmosphere…it was somber.” handled by Career Services, which also advis- bad economy, they just don’t want to miss See Halloween, page 18 There was also a decline in enthusiasm by es the committee on approvals and other any small chance that comes their way,” said the students this past year, many of whom budgeting matters. Furthermore, potential Gupta. Are traditional female stereotypes extinct at Georgia Tech? Although often unintentional, sexist stereotypes are still quite common at Tech. As women battle for equal footing in traditionally male dominated fields, archaic notions of femininity are broken and sexual equality is slowly obtained. By Jill Adams force, illustrate that females at Tech still that women most overcome in order to Contributing Writer face a belittling association between wom- achieve equality within the engineering field. en secretarial work. Despite the conception The engineering field is often thought of as Male and female students at Tech con- that women entering the field of engineer- a physically as well intellectually challeng- stantly struggle to deal with sexist stereo- ing are aggressively recruited by employers ing profession, unfeminine and aggressive types. This is not to say that women face a looking to balance their internal workforce in nature—characteristics that would not barrage of disparaging remarks upon enter- ratio, BLS cites that women in engineering appeal to a woman. Not so as the women at ing engineering classrooms nor that men go make $9,204 less per year than their male Tech have clearly demonstrated. out of their way to ensure the male-domi- counterparts. While proofreading my Tech applica- nance of the engineering profession. In- Sexual stereotypes at Tech typically fall tion, my mother turned to me and said, stead, these stereotypes subtly manifest under three categories. Regrettably, these “Why do you want to be an ME? It’s such a themselves into everyday conversations and stigma’s are exemplified by the advertising dirty profession. And you’d have to keep actions, and will continue to harmfully pa- industry’s persistently unrealistic image of a your nails short.” Thankfully, she is mov- rade about undetected. women. ing away from associating mechanical engi- Even before a woman personally experi- The housekeeper stereotype, in conjunc- neers with mechanics. ences some form of sexual discrimination at tion with the secretarial role women have The final stigma deals not with vanity Tech, confirming the existence of these stig- traditionally played in the workforce, pro- but with the “sex-object stereotype.” This mas even at a highly progressive Institute, duces a false perception that woman seek is perhaps the most disgracing stereotype, industry statistics introduce women to the out “light-duty,” or menial work. Even at defined as the scrutiny of women in terms true scope of their minority status within Tech, many women have fallen victim to a of her sex and not her intellect. The most the engineering field. secretarial typecasts. Women at Tech con- obvious example of this phenomenon oc- According to the Bureau of Labor Statis- stantly battle the unconscious assumption curs when males make either phallic refer- tics (BLS), 11 percent of the engineering that they enroll in the College of Engineer- ences or sexually degrading remarks to workforce is female. These figures, com- ing to become high-tech secretaries. women. Although most often these com- By Rob Hill / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS pared with the 77 percent of females in the The second stereotype, that of the “in- ments are made in jest, men don’t realize Women’s Awareness Month has become administrative workforce and a staggering herent daintiness” of the female gender, is popular at Tech attracting both men and 99 percent of females in the secretarial work- not overtly offensive, but is still a hurdle See Women, page 14 women alike interested is sex education. 14 • Friday, October 26, 2001 • Technique FOCUS

Women from page 13

The importance of revitalizing the inner city that they are demoralizing and of- fending to women. The less overt form of “sex-ob- ject”-ism, is the notion that females attend Tech looking for a husband. Women are not looking for a man as much as a competent lab partner. By Benjamin Small local government programs study ing develop American business. dated buildings and worn out in- Respecting women as meaningful Columnist minority-owned businesses and at- Clearly there is social interest frastructures. It is about condi- contributions to the professional tempt to promote them in order in the growth of inner-city busi- tions that deprive individuals of world is greatly lacking. Atlanta is a bustling metropo- to decrease the “racial disparity” nesses. Professor Boston distrib- the capacity to fulfill their human The notion that women come lis occupied by nearly 3.5 million that exists between American com- utes surveys and analyzes financial potential.” to Tech with the hopes of landing a people, more than 40 percent of panies. The programs may involve reports in order to follow the eco- The state of individual small man is perfectly squashed by both whom belong to a minority eth- low-interest loans for small start- nomic trends of minority-owned business can be a good indication empiricism and statistics. As Shirl- nicity. Clearly our city is diverse, ups or tax breaks for renting com- enterprises. of social development. “The core ey Clements said, GT 1956, “…this which is cool, and it’s the place of mercial space in the inner city, for Suggestions can then be made element of revitalizing inner cities is such a tough school [that] the economists to analyze the finan- example. There are many incen- to government offices on how to is the restoration of human po- girls who come here for a lark don’t cial and social implications of our tives that state, local and federal progressively modify fiscal and tential.” These analyses provide a last long enough to get married.” diversity. governments can provide to en- monetary policy in order to im- more global assessment of our so- And, women today are welcoming Professor Thomas D. Boston courage growth of businesses. prove the economy as a whole— ciety. the Tech standard for academic vigor of the School of Economics stud- The Clinton Presidential Ad- which tax break or loan programs Of course, certain political by achieving even higher marks than ies minority-owned business de- ministration was extremely inter- would most effectively enhance changes can inhibit the progress men. According to the InGEAR velopment and inner-city economic ested in promoting business the particular market sector. When of economic development. Our Report on the Status of Women at revitalization. The analysis of these development for minorities. executed effectively, the economy current Republican Administra- Georgia Tech, the overall GPA for companies and their relation to The President’s Initiative on is diversified and strengthened. tion, according to professor Bos- women at Tech and women in the the rest of the economy is extremely Race was a progressive program This is good. We all benefit ton, is not as bad as many would College of Engineering was 0.06 useful and can be used to make interested in doing just that. Pro- from a strong and well-diversified have expected. It is not as proac- grade points higher than that of men. decisions about financial and mon- fessor Boston has even taught a macroeconomy. Inner-city busi- tive as the previous Administra- Women outperformed men by 0.21 etary policies. course where students had the op- nesses contribute substantially to tion, but it luckily is not points in the Ivan Allen College, Atlanta is perhaps the best case portunity to be involved with some employing people and to improv- counteractive either. and by 0.17 points in the College of study in the nation for analyzing of the statistics and case study re- ing the financial robustness of the If you’re interested in what Computing. these issues with the fastest rate of search for the executive initiative. local economy. Atlanta, especial- makes businesses successful, espe- Most women at Tech, however, growth for black-owned businesses. (Now wouldn’t that be cool? Do- ly, benefits from its diversity of cially minority-owned or inner- accept the workforce trends and ste- Blacks in this city own 35,000 ing research for the President in business ownership and entrepre- city ones, please contact reotypical reactions of peers as wel- individual enterprises, and that one of your classes.) neurship. [email protected]. come challenges. Yet after being number is doubling every five years. Furthermore, he has also had Analysts also extrapolate the data You might just be able to contrib- forced to take the meeting minutes This amazing growth rate is the opportunity to serve as a se- they acquire to general statements ute to the future of our country’s for the 10th lab group in a row, or primarily due to the programs that nior economist for the Joint Eco- about the state of society. As pro- economic development. disrespectfully put on the spot be- the City government has imple- nomic Committee of the U.S. fessor Boston has written, “Revi- cause of a crude and embarrassing mented to support developing Congress and has testified about talizing inner cities is one of the Professor Boston has edited an remark, women grow frustrated with - minority-owned urban business- the state of the economy. The U.S. nation’s most challenging prob- anthology of pieces discussing urban these long archaic stereotypes. A wo- es. Atlanta is particularly support- Small Business Administration is lems. The failure to meet this chal- poverty and economic development man’s anxiety as a result of negativ ive of minority businesses; also concerned with the develop- lenge has led to an enormous waste entitled The Inner City (Transac- treatment by her male counterpart - consequently becoming the en- ment of minority-owned business- in human and economic resourc- tion Publishers, 1998). He donated is entirely needless, and it is per trepreneurial “black mecca.” es. In other words, everyone in es. The distress of the inner city is a copy to the Technique during his ectly within our power as thoughtful Numerous federal, state and Washington is interested in help- not fundamentally about dilapi- interview. intelligent and rational creatures to eradicate oppressive stereotypes. FOCUS Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • 15 Operate in style: Tech students take Linux to the limit By Jon Kaye make a large piece of software I wrote on an Staff Writer x86 laptop run on an iPAQ handheld. For developers, Linux is a common substrate; Citing a growing dissatis- most Linux applications can run on any Linux- faction with Microsoft products compatible platform, and there are a lot of and a desire for change, many them out there,” commented Hall. students at Tech have made the In addition to its portability, Linux also switch to Linux, a free, UNIX- comes in varied distributions to meet the like operating system. Tracing needs of its users. While there are scores of its humble roots back to 1991, esoteric specialty distributions out there, four when Linus Torvalds, a Finnish computer really stand out as popular choices. By and scientist decided that he needed a version of large, Linux users at Tech stick with Slack- UNIX that would work on his 386, Linux has ware, Red Hat, Debian, or Mandrake. Gen- since exploded into a complete revolution in erally speaking, there is no best distribution, modern computing. While just a few years as they each offer specific features that com- ago, Linux was seen as a hobby OS, only for puter users would favor. Nonetheless, argu- the true geek, it is now a highly viable alterna- ments over which distro is superior is one of tive to Windows and MacOS. the most polarizing debates in Linux culture. One of the fundamental things that sets Those who use Slackware argue that its Linux apart from other popular systems is uncomplicated system of package manage- that it is completely free. As CS senior, Moshe ment is one of its best features. Unlike the Jacobson noted, “it is free, both as in beer, other three distros, Slackware has no depen- and as in speech.” In other words, one can dency checking, so a Slackware user can in- install Linux on his or her computer without stall any package (collection of software and any need to pay licensing fees or to even buy its associated documentation) without the By Jon Kaye / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS the CD; in fact, disc images are commonly Students who favor Linux agree that the operating system offers a higher degree of flexibility computer complaining that other software is available on the Internet, so that anyone with than Windows or MacOS. The configurable graphical user interface is easy to personalize. necessary. While many see this as a great a CD burner can have Linux install discs. benefit to Slackware, others would prefer that Regarding Jacobson’s comment about free running for 253 days without a reboot. “The tems, which offer a comparatively limited the system do some dependency checking to speech, Linux is open-source, which means only reason I shut it down was because I had ability to modify the GUI. ensure that all of the necessary files are prop- that anyone has the opportunity to view and to move. Try that with a Windows machine,” One of the things that is allowing Linux to erly installed. Furthermore, Slackware users modify the source code. said Forrester. grow in popularity is that it operates on a argue that it is a superior distribution because While Linux fans at Tech all have their In addition to the popular belief that Linux wide array of hardware. As third-year CS it offers a great deal of configurability. As own reasons for switching from their previ- is more stabile than its commercial counter- major, John Hall puts it, Linux “provides a Forrester notes, “It’s simple, which helps new- ous operating system, the prevailing reasons parts, students who favor the free alternative level playing field between the different com- bies and gurus alike.” However, this com- for Linux use are its reliability and config- agree that Linux offers a higher degree of puter systems. I run Linux on a PowerPC plete freedom with configuration can be a bit urability as compared to the mainstream al- flexibility than Windows or MacOS. Specif- notebook, an x86 notebook, a dual processor challenging for some. He cautions that he ternatives. Commenting on this issue, Junior ically, Hyder commented on the highly con- x86, a Compaq iPAQ, and of course the “wouldn’t advise Slackware to someone new ME major, Jarrod Hyder noted that he uses figurable graphical user interface. He noted College of Computing’s lab computers.” The to Linux unless they are ready to learn and get Linux “because of its superb stability, securi- that “instead of just changing a few icons, the ability to port Linux to platforms other than into the nuts and bolts of things.” ty, and flexibility.” Sharing Hyder’s views on user can change how different windows be- Intel has made it a popular choice for those Red Hat, on the other hand, offers a com- Linux’s stability, fifth year ISyE, Daniel For- have [and] where menus should go.” This who work in multiple computing environ- rester observed that he once had a system differs from the commercial operating sys- ments. “It took only minor modifications to See Linux, page 17 16 • Friday, October 26, 2001 • Technique FOCUS TechUp Close Seeing is believing email: [email protected] Last week’s Tech Up Close: Dean Griffin’s pocket

By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FOCUS Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • 17

same package management system Linux from page 15 as Red Hat, so installing software is comparatively simple. While many HHalloweenFun pletely different design philosophy find Mandrake to be the easiest to 2001 from Slackware. First off, it uses use, that very simplicity is what both- strong dependency checking, so Junkman’s Daughter Dr. Evil’s ers some; Mandrake was designed Costume when a user tries to install a pack- Little Five Points is full of cos- Triple Terror to be configured through a GUI age, the system will object if other Shops tumes and the neighborhood’s larg- Haunted Houses in 3D menu system, and some adminis- A few places where you can go est store is a great place to start. A one-stop-shop for Halloween trators would rather manually edit configuration files than use a menu. to get your masquerade on 464 Moreland Ave NE, Atlanta thrills. Pick out a pumpkin then (404) 577-3188 scare yourself silly with three 3D “The only reason I While Linux does offer a com- haunted houses and a 3D maze. pletely new computing experience Atlanta Costume shut it down was that may seem unfamiliar at first, a The creme de la creme of cos- Party City Buckhead Oct 1-Oct 31. Hundreds of costumes on the Call (404) 634-009 for more details. because I had to large support network is available tume shops. If money’s no ob- both on and off campus. John Hall ject, you’ll be the most authentic cheap. Consider this chain store move. Try that with a for the little devils and angels. 99X Festive Ale notes that new users should “expect character at the party. Windows machine.” a bit of an initial learning curve,” 2089 Monroe Dr NE, Atlanta 3655 Roswell Rd NE, Atlanta The treat? A great time. The trick? (404) 233-3600 You’re actually doing a good deed, yet he further asserts that “after a (404) 874-7511 Daniel Forrester while, you won’t want to use any Oct 27 ISyE Senior Richard’s Variety Store 6pm-10pm General Admission. other OS.” Hall suggests that new A Costume Ball users begin by learning the utilities Where the crowd plays dress up. This five-and-dime is the real deal. @ Lenox Square Mall, Atlanta Pick out a ghoulish get-up and $25 ($20 for 99X Freeloaders) necessary for their day to day com- 3101 Roswell Rd NE, Marietta necessary software is not installed grab laundry detergent in one trip. ␣␣ puter use before learning advanced (770) 565-5558 first. Nonetheless, finding appro- 2347 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta Freaker’s Ball administration techniques will aid priate packages for Red Hat is gen- (404) 237-1412 Rehab headlines the Masquerade’s in the beginning. Costumes, Etc... erally easy, because it is an extremely annual Halloween party. Linux users at Tech are in good Sell your soul to the devil for this popular distribution. Also, Red Hat 8pm Saturday, Oct. 27 company. The Linux Users Group Buckhead store: Costume shop- Haunted differs from Slackware in that it ships @ Masquerade, Atlanta (LUG@GT) meets every Wednes- ping doesn’t get much better. with a number of features to allow Happenings ␣␣ day night at 7pm in Room 359 of 318 Pharr Rd NE, Atlanta the user easy menu configuration. Spiralween 2001 the Student Center. Jacobson, an (404) 239-9422 Places where you can scare your As Hall notes, “Red Hat is widely Costumes and dancing are not active member of the group, notes pants off this Halloween supported, and has excellent out- optional at this Halloween scene. that each week, a presentation is of-the-box hardware support, so I 9pm-3am Saturday, Oct. 27 given on a subject that would be Netherworld Haunted House selected it when I needed a working @ Dekalb Atlanta Center, Atlanta helpful in regular Linux use. Willingly submit yourself to rav- Linux installation on my laptop im- $30-$60. While Linux may take a little enous, flesh hungry zombies just mediately.” Call (404) 355-6949 for details. practice to truly appreciate, it does for the fun of it. Like Red Hat, Debian uses a provide a quite powerful alterna- Oct 1-Nov 4. system of dependency checking, yet A Tour of Southern Ghosts Sun-Thu 7pm-11pm, Fri, Sat, Debian packages take a different It begs the question: Are South- Halloween 7pm-12am format than Red Hat ones. Accord- ern ghosts more hospitable than “[With Mandrake] @ GA Antique Ctr & Mkt, Norcross ing to Debian’s web site, benefits their Northern counterparts? $13. Both houses $20 include easy installation, easy up- you get a good 7pm-9:30pm Wednesday, Oct. 24 grades, and a bug tracking system. @ Stone Mountain Park working install with a Nightmare Haunted House Furthermore, Debian offers a utili- $8 adults, $5 children. Cemeteries, crypts and deadly dun- ty called Apt, which allows quick few clicks and...the Call (770) 521-0228 for details. Eddie’s Trick & Novelty Shop geons: These are a few of my fa- installation of new software. installer allows for fine Magic tricks and off-color gags vorite dreams. Lastly, there is Mandrake. Man- that parents love to hate. Oct 4-31, 7pm Halloween Hayrides and Storytelling␣ drake’s main appeal is that it is the tuned control.” 70 S Park Sq NE, Marietta $13 per person, $22 for both attractions. The ghosts of millions of blades of easiest distro for a new user. As Adam Adam Wosotowsky (770) 428-4314 dead grass come back to haunt you. Wosotowsky, a 2000 CS graduate, CS Graduate Star 94 Halloween Bash Red Top Mountain, Cartersville notes, “Mandrake has the best in- Holiday Costume Don’t RIP this Halloween week- Friday, Oct. 26, Saturday, Oct. 27 stall out there.” He observes that Rent or buy your disguise from a end; party in Midtown with the Call (770) 975-0055 for details. “you can get a good working install tive to the popular commercial op- store that lives for Halloween. folks from Star 94. with a few clicks, and if you want erating systems that can be used for 1772 Tullie Cir NE, Atlanta 7pm Sunday, Oct. 28 Listings from more control, the installer allows normal daily use. In fact, this article (404) 321-0049 @ Riviera Club, Atlanta, $15 for very fine tuned control over what was written using AbiWord on a gets installed.” Mandrake uses the Red Hat machine. 18 • Friday, October 26, 2001 • Technique FOCUS

can always count on the four million clubs Tricks from page 13 in Buckhead to be hosting a gala. If you’re in the mood to be scared by Oh yeah, and the movie sucked. something other than your latest CS test Patriotic themes are totally in, so think grade then venture to the Netherworld again about breaking out that toga and Haunted House, one of the largest and sporting a torch as Ol’ Lady Liberty. Noth- scariest horrorfests around. ing like the protection of civil liberties to If you’re not in the mood to drive or snag you a Snickers bar. pay lots of money for gas, check out the But what if you can’t find any parties special performances going on at Under to go to, what do you do now? You don’t the Couch on Halloween night. Oh yeah, want to be stuck in your dorm eating and Towers throws down some serious ramen noodles and watching the special frightfest too, so give it up for East Cam- Halloween episode of Dawson’s Creek. Af- pus Halloween spirit. ter all, you’re in college, and you owe it to Yet even the brightest of us Techies can yourself to go out on the one day of the go overboard so just remember to be safe. year where it’s okay to dress slutty. Lucky Alcoholic comas and roofies are not cool for you, you’re in exciting Hotlanta. so check your consumption on both the Hop on MARTA in your righteous witch’s brew and the Skittles. Oh yeah, costume (you’ll blend in perfectly with all and take care of your friends too. Be wild, By Katie Graybeal / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS the other freaks), and head over to the be safe, be careful and beware this Hal- Halloween costumes leaned more towards the gruesome this year as horror flicks such as ‘Scream’ Freaker’s Ball or Spiralween 2001. You loween season. gained in popularity. Patriotic costumes like the Statue of Liberty were also highly sought after.

Miss us? ENTERTAINMENTpage 19 Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • 19

Herbie: Jazz Legend Football around the ACC The Technique’s Alan Back recently The level of the conference’s ENTERTAINMENT sat down with Herbie Hancock, football play has increased over the who was in town for the Emory years in the conference, rivaling Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 Jazz Festival. Page 21 that of basketball. Page 32 ‘Atomic’ theory for Lit’s third success The band takes a disc filled with the kind of pop/rock music they used to attract an initial following and injected some newfound enthusiasm and energy to achieve success both critically and with their many fans. By Jennifer Schur with quick guitar rifts and heavy Lit’s latest album plays like a Contributing Writer bass alongside songs that me- work that has discovered its com- lodically flow because of the ac- fort zone: Lit has found their Band: Lit companiment of a small string sound but continues to challenge Album: Atomic section (heard in “Happy in the the bounds traditionally reserved Label: Dirty Martini/RCA for the punk/rock/pop genres. Genre: Pop/Rock “Addicted” pounds out lyrics that Rating: yyyy sarcastically quip, “I’m so ad- “We just naturally dicted to you, but you’re such a The opening chords of Lit’s dick to me.” “She Comes” slows new album, entitled Atomic, carry write poppy songs Atomic down with a distinctly with their reverberations enor- that have a heavy Beatles-esque flare while “The mous promise that the ensuing Last Time Again,” which was collection of tracks will be a set feel because that’s featured in this summer’s smash of solid hits. Their catchy beats what we grew up hit movie American Pie 2, ex- and quirky lyrics sustain an al- plodes with a mighty Metallica- bum that is best listened to in a on: heavy metal ish edge. A.Jay Popoff, Lit’s lead lighthearted mood. Atomic will and pop music.” singer, describes the song as a do no healing to the soul; but kind of sequel to “My Own Worst it’s safe to say that it’s not an Jeremy Popoff Enemy,” which was Lit’s first album riddled with sophomor- Guitarist, Lit commercial success and earned ic angst. Instead, says Lit gui- a spate of honors. “Lyrically, it’s tarist Jeremy Popoff, “We just kind of [about] the morning af- naturally write poppy songs that Meantime”). This blend is rem- ter. Wishing you wouldn’t have have a heavy feel because that’s iniscent of Green Day’s last al- done that and saying this is the what we grew up on: heavy met- bum, Warning, and also follows last time- again.” By Chapman Baehler / DIRTY MARTINI RECORDS (RCA) al and pop music.” in the musical footsteps of Third Members of Lit from left: Allen Shellenberger, A.Jay Popoff, Jeremy Popoff, and Atomic features tracks filled Eye Blind. See Lit, page 23 Kevin Baldes. Bush makes travels to ‘Golden State’ New Thirteen Ghosts remake and returns uninspiring disc of tunes disappoints as Halloween fare By Chris Webb me want to join a rock band. The music Contributing Writer isn’t bad, it’s just uninspiring. While “The By Chuks Ibeji ries Wings) finds himself the The object of the game be- People That We Love” has already reached Staff Writer heir of a majestic home that comes to scare you with cam- Band: Bush the top ten in Billboard’s Modern Rock was left to him by his late era tricks and unimaginative Album: Golden State chart, don’t expect the success of previous MPAA Rating: R uncle. At first, the house is a convention. Label: Atlantic Records hits like “Machinehead” or “Swallowed”. Studio: Dark Castle Enter- blessing. Upon realizing that It’s in this respect that 13 Genre: Rock Only Bush’s already strong following in tainment he would never have to wor- Ghosts is somewhat of an un- Rating: yy 1/2 the US will allow this to crack platinum Starring: Tony Shalhoub, ry about money again, Arthur derachiever. You see, half way status. Matthew Lillard, Embeth and his family are ready to through the movie, the true Is rock merely pounding drums and While noticeably better than previous Davidtz, Shannon Elizabeth start their new lives of pros- nature of the house gets re- Director: Steve Beck perity. The only problem is vealed. At this point, the movie loud guitar strumming? Bush , the lyrics offer little emo- yy Bush certainly appears to think so on tion that grips me. Cryptic messages such Rating: 1/2 that the house comes with gets injected with a much- their new album Golden State. If you ex- as “We need solutions we need to call this supernatural baggage. Let’s needed burst of life. And all pect to hear excellent guitar solos on this home – a brain megaphone – she makes Halloween is almost here. just say that Arthur’s uncle of a sudden 13 Ghosts is album, don’t hold your breath. Beyond a me see God – I’m out on a line” from the Trick-or-treaters will be out was somewhat of a collector. equipped with a terrific few intro chords, the pieces are all play- song “Solution” convey the grim imagery in force. Linus will be wait- Soon, of course, things premise. able by my brother- and he’s never touched of another British rock group: Radiohead, ing for the Great Pumpkin to begin to go awry. And stuff But you can probably tell a guitar. yet the music isn’t to par. Just when the arise from the pumpkin patch. starts to go bump in the night. See Ghosts, page 23 It’s one thing if you’re the Sex Pistols lyrics are the prettiest on the seventh track, None of these activities may and you don’t know how to play an in- “Inflatable”, ’s vocals strain be of interest to you. Perhaps strument, it’s another when you are the to hold a note and almost crack. you just like to snuggle up to latest version of arena rock. creepiest movie you can find. Well, as of late there cer- This album offers nothing that makes See Bush, page 25 tainly hasn’t been a shortage of horror movies. The late 90s saw the return of teen- age-slasher flick. And for the most part, it was a swell ride. Most of us loved the Scream trilogy. And no one will real- ly complain about the other gems that were sprinkled about, like The Faculty. But too many I still know’s and Valentine’s seem to have slashed and gutted the genre. So it’s almost refreshing that 13 Ghosts, which opens Friday, is more conventional in its methods of terror. There are no slashers out for revenge. There are no teenagers; well at least none of any conse- quence. It’s basically your By Dennis Morris / ATLANTIC RECORDS run-of-the-mill ghost movie. Bush band members (from left) Nigel Pulsford, Robin Goodridge, Gavin Rossdale and Arthur (Tony Shalhoub, Dave Parsons have put together an album entitled Golden State that disapoints best-known for his role as the By Alan Markfield / COLUMBIA PICTURES relative to their previously successful recordings that gave them their large fan base. Italian immigrant taxi driver Matthew Lillard stars in Warner Bros. and Columbia Pictures’ Antonio on the television se- remake of the William Castle horror film ‘13 Ghosts.’ 20 • Friday, October 26, 2001 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT ...0101010 1010101010101010...... Two Bits The Live List: Howdy folks. By now, you have after 2:00 p.m. aren’t accounted for These are the people who would 10/26 to 11/2 probably come to think of the Two- until the end of the next business be most critical of the next group of CJ’S LANDING (270 Buckhead Ave.) 11/1—Freedy Johnston Bits Man as the most cutting-edge day. “Hey, I deposited $327,000 people who are aggravating at banks, (404) 237-7657 11/2—Pierce Pettis, Leigh Hilger member of the Technique staff. In on Friday afternoon, and all week- the ones who want to cash their every walk of my life, I experience end, the ATM said that I only had paychecks without actually having 10/26—Tentilfour, Six Against Seven, Next MASQUERADE (695 North Ave.) technology to the fullest, except for $1.27 in my account.” The cus- an account. Rather than paying the Big Something (404) 577-2007 one area. Yes folks, I still write checks tomer service rep will naturally pose requisite four bucks a month to 10/27—9 From 10, Rev 7, Fusebox when I want to pay a bill. Sure, I the obvious query, “Uh sir, what maintain a checking account, these 11/1—Cocked Eddie, Phungus Amungus 10/26—The Senators, Kickstand, IDD realize that there are other, more ti,me did you deposit your check?” people feel as though the sock un- 11/2—Jeniphoria, Jetset 10/27—Rehab, F8 advanced methods of getting your The incredulous moron will subse- der their mattress will suffice for 10/31—Elocia, Salome’s Wish, The Last Dance COTTON CLUB (152 Luckie St.) 11/1—Taj Motel Trio, Ignition dough from point A to point B, but quently exclaim, “I deposited it at their cash exchange needs. (404) 688-1193 the simple fact is that checks are still 3:30, so it should be here. I deposit- Well, if you’ve never had the ROXY (3110 Roswell Rd.) the most widely accepted form of ed it on Friday, and it still hasn’t pleasure of walking into a bank at 10/26—The Strokes,. Moldy Peaches (404) 233-7699 arbitrary-precision monetary transfer showed up today. What kind of 12:30 p.m. on a Friday, let me tell 10/27—Judybats, John Faye Power Trip, Chris unit, and I like them! bank do you people run here?” The you that it is about as much fun as Hills & the Forward Thinkers 10/31—DMCB Okay, big whooptie doo. Why customer service rep will try in vain sitting on a packed city bus beside 10/28—Boy Hits Car 11/1—John Mayall & the Blues Breakers, should the TwoBits Man actually to show why the dude’s cash won’t someone with a bad case of the flu. 10/29—Lucky Boy’s Confusion, The Riddlin Joe Bonamassa waste your time with this piece of appear until after the bank closes, These folks who consider themselves Kids, The Helgas self-revelation? That’s a no-brain- too good for a checking account 10/30—Hey Mercedes, New End Original SMITH’S OLDE BAR (1580 Piedmont Ave.) 10/31—Bob Schneider, Ike Reilly (404) 875-1522 er; he wants to introduce his plan to end up backing up the line severely. 11/2—Soup, Dezeray’s Hammer revolutionize the banking industry. I deposited it on As the teller goes through the ritual 10/26—Left Front Tire, S.M.O., IPS You see, as I got ready to pay my of fingerprinting and questioning DARK HORSE TAVERN (816 N. Highland Ave.) 10/27—The Goodies, Cadillac Jones, MasterCard bill today, I realized Friday, and it still each accountless client, the crowd (404) 873-3607 Universal Overdose that I had used my last check. With hasn’t showed up starts to furiously tremble. For peo- 10/26—Supafuzz, Exit 8, Dead Tight 5 10/28—Lori Carson, Molly Bancroft my eye set on the prize, I went to a ple like this, I suggest that banks 10/27—The Accusations, Tilden’s Faith, 10/29—Matt Nathanson, Royal 7, Deuce certain, very busy bank within walk- today. What kind of offer a fourth line called the “I would Nothing Simple 10/31—Sasquatch, Ludowici, Left Foot Down ing distance of Tech that shall re- bank do you people rather be an inconsiderate jackass 10/31—9 From 10, Fusebox, Falling Up 11/1—Big Ass Truck, Tonohoney main nameless, to order another 300 than subvert to The Man line.” I 11/1—Midnight Caravan, Scott Little, Ed 11/2—Supermatic, Hanging Francis, The Yard run here? Zachary of those classy checks featuring the think that this sort of customer spe- 11/2—Gruvinhi, Jad, Big Jack Pneumatic STAR BAR (437 Moreland Ave.) old dude from Monopoly. You know cialization would really show peo- (404) 681-9018 who I mean, the one with the flaw- ple that the banking industry cares ECHO LOUNGE (551 Flat Shoals Rd.) lessly spherical head. but it will just be a waste of his time. about its customers. (404) 681-3600 10/26—Cave Catt Sammy, Hangdogs Well, the problem with that cer- For people like this incredulous I suppose that the reason I write 10/27—Amy Pike, The Bluejays tain bank goes like this: They only moron, I propose that banks start a this is because I am a caring Two 10/26—The Changelings, Sunday Munich, 10/31—Southern Culture on the Skids have two lines. They have the teller third line called the “I spent my Bits Man, here to serve the Institute Diana Obscura line that most people use for depos- entire senior year of high school community with laughter. I just want 10/27—Spectremen, Breakaways, The UNDER THE COUCH (Couch Bldg.) Neglected, Counter Attack, Dave Barbe, (404) 206-0985 its and withdrawals, and they have smoking in the boy’s room during everyone to lead happy and conve- Good Friday Experiment the customer service line for all oth- my first period econ class line.” I nient lives. After all, when someone 10/28—The Beltones, Terminus City, Roughage 10/27—Examination of The..., Swinging Disco er transactions. While people should figure that all banks could benefit proposed that the Administration 10/31—Gargantua, Drill Team, The King’s Godfathers of Soul, Floor, Cynosure, see the obvious flaw in lumping scads from a special line dedicated to twit- mount a catapult on the roof of Pills, Hillbilly Werewolf & the Pitts Dissention of people with dissimilar transac- terheads who fail to understand con- Tech Tower to safely carry off-cam- 11/2—STB, Matty & Mossy 10/31—Miller’s Tale, Sick Speed, Beorscipe tions into the customer service line, cepts that we should have learned pus residents without parking pass- I suppose it takes a cynical colum- by high school graduation. es home, that was me. EDDIE’S ATTIC (515-B N. McDonough St.) VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (1099 Euclid Ave.) nist to point out the duh-factor here. Sure, you must see the clear ad- When someone championed the (404) 377-4976 (404) 521-1786 The simple fact is that in that line, vantage in offering a special line for freshmen telling them that “Look 10/26—Jan Smith & the Acoustic Group, 10/26—Emerald Rose, Andy M. Stewart & there are always those five people people who slow the progress of the to your left. Look to your right.” is Gareth Hornsby, Screen Door Gerry O’Beirne who ask stupid questions and back normal-people line, yet these peo- just a myth, that was me. You see 10/27—Matthew Kahler, Sally Barris 10/27—Superchunk, The Glands up the twenty of us who want to ple are the very ones who think that folks, I care about strangers stand- 10/28—Maria Gabriela, Staci Bence & Nicki 10/28—Jane Siberry reorder checks. they are right. They see everyone ing in line at the bank just as I care Sutherland, Jazz-O-Rama 10/29—Femi Kuti, Julie Dexter, DJ Kent For example, if you’re a banking else in the world as an inferior spe- for my fellow Tech student. So un- 10/30—Daniel Jacobs, Greg West, 10/31—Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe regular, you’ve probably seen that cies, so the banking industry needs til next week, I am your friendly Matthew Smith 11/2—Ancient Harmony, Moonshine Still, guy in line on Monday who can’t to react to accommodate their wishes TwoBits Man reminding you that a 10/31—Jason Blackwell Ghost Trane comprehend that objects deposited as well. penny saved is a half hour wasted. ENTERTAINMENT Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • 21 40 years, 10 fast fingers, one loose at the keys By Alan Back of everyone who had MTV. But it pioneer] Dizzy Gillespie. He did at Senior Staff Writer and his other recordings from the the beginning, but later on he had 1980s also put him a few years ahead his own sound and his own quality. “Watermelon Man.” “Canta- of the curve in terms of blending Some trumpeters sounded like they loupe Island.” “Maiden Voyage.” dance and hip-hop influences with grew out of Miles; some sounded “Chameleon.” “Rockit.” You know jazz and funk. like they grew out of Dizzy.” these tunes—maybe not by name, Those who know him only from Hancock is currently on a two- but you know them. They have one his acoustic recordings are in for a week tour with saxophonist Micha- thing in common: a composer who surprise if they pick up his new album el Brecker and trumpeter Roy never shies away from checking out , which was released Hargrove, to celebrate the birth- new in music. on September 25. Combining days of Davis and John Coltrane. And if you watched MTV dur- elements of underground, techno, The two performers had radically ing its early years, you know his club jazz, spoken word, R&B, and a different styles—Davis was lyrical name and face as well. Both belong few other surprises, the disc will and eloquent, Coltrane rugged and to Herbie Hancock. never be mistaken for a “classic” of dense—but they threw each other Back up through the past four the old genre—and that suits into sharp relief during their work decades of jazz history and your Hancock just fine. together. chances of running across Hancock’s After Hancock finishes this tour name are very good. He learned at the end of the month, he heads to classical piano as a child in Chica- Europe for a string of dates to sup- go, performing Mozart concertos “I try to keep an open port the new album. (A U.S. tour is at the age of 11, but began to play tentatively scheduled for next spring.) jazz in high school. When he reached enough palette that I Such a change of scenery—from college, he pursued a double major can select whatever I stripped-down sets to a stage show in music and electrical engineer- with plenty of bells and whistles— ing—both of which would serve want to from it. That is easier than it might seem, at least him well down the line. palette is available for for him. It was in the early 1960s that he “I try to keep an open enough got his first breaks; both kinds of music palette that I can select whatever I invited him into his band, and he [jazz and electronic].” want to from it. That palette is avail- started recording for the legendary able for both kinds of music. It’s Blue Note label as well. Next to Herbie Hancock, like classical music; the aesthetics Courtesy of Isobel Allen-Floyd / SHORE FIRE MEDIA come calling was Miles Davis, who on musical versatility there is different from those for jazz, Herbie Hancock has left his share of marks on the jazz/pop landscape was starting to explore jazz/rock or for a setting of Japanese music. over the past 40 years. He celebrates the legacy of former bandmate and blends (“fusion”) and the use of elec- It’s not like I have different pal- fusion innovator Miles Davis with a Sunday show at Emory University. tronic textures. ettes—this one is for jazz, that one After five years in Davis’ band, “When you say ‘classic jazz,’ there is for the electronic stuff.” poll victories. Recent albums (in- admitted. “It happened when I did Hancock entered the 1970s with a might be a tendency for people to Being able to adapt has its unex- cluding a collaboration with Short- Headhunters, for example. People few new ideas to try out. What he think that it’s a direct offshoot of pected perks as well; the Headhunters er) that switch easily into and out of who had been listening to my ended up with was a new group, the bebop, which has really been at the reunited for a string of shows in the mainstream. And five MTV Vid- straight-ahead jazz before were Headhunters, and a 1973 album by core of the majority of jazz. People 1998. Who were their tour mates? eo Music Awards and one of those wondering, ‘What was that?’ And the same name that turned the jazz like Bird [Charlie Parker]—but there The Dave Matthews Band. It may Grammys for “Rockit.” some people liked it and some didn’t. and pop worlds on their collective were different approaches from that. seem like an unusual pairing, but Anybody still doubt Hancock’s The same thing happened when I ear. Even after the outfit broke up There was an avant-garde move- considering the fact that the man in versatility? did Future Shock and ‘Rockit.’” at the end of the decade, he kept ment; this is more an offshoot of charge has won his share of acclaim His willingness to explore has Future 2 Future is one answer to revising and overhauling his approach that period of jazz, rather than what from both jazz and pop critics, it helped bring jazz into places it might the question of where music could to jazz and pop. most people conceive as classic.” starts to make a little more sense. not otherwise go—funk and fusion go in the 21st century. Hancock One of the most memorable prod- Saxophonist and Think about it. Eight Grammy on Headhunters, hip-hop on Future and producer (who ucts of that reinvention has been drummer Jack DeJohnette, both of awards, counting three for his 1998 Shock, African rhythms on 1995’s worked with himon Future Shock) “Rockit,” from the 1983 album whom turn in fine guest appearanc- album Gershwin’s World (a salute to . Have fans of old- looked back at past albums and re- Future Shock. The video for that es on Future 2 Future, stand well the work of George Gershwin). An school Hancock been surprised by alized that few of them had vocal single put his face (and a houseful of outside that mainstream. “It’s like Oscar for his score to the 1986 film these efforts? dancing robots) in the living room this: Miles didn’t sound like [bop Round Midnight. A long list of jazz “Sure, it’s happened,” he See Hancock, page 25 22 • Friday, October 26, 2001 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT

Since the plot doesn’t create a Onward and Crossword Circle-ympics DOWN Ghosts from page 19 creepy atmosphere, director Steve 1. Take out, to an editor Beck resorts to using jerky camera 12345 678 91011 2. Company that’s always calling where I’m going with this. The movements to fake one. This tech- 3. Naked movie instead remains humdrum. nique nearly works once or twice. 12 13 14 15 4. & 5. General of Chinese Chicken Part of it has to do with bad acting. But the movie never really scares. It 16 17 18 Most of it has to do with catering to may gross you out here and there. 6. 13 ACROSS, as an 34 DOWN the usual clichés. But that’s it. 19 20 21 (abbr) Rapper Rah Digga (in her fea- 13 Ghosts does have its bright 7. Author Roald ture film debut, though she appeared spots—most notably, the house it- 22 23 24 8. Was rude while talking, perhaps 9. Turner of “Madame X” in MTV’s Hip Hopera: Carmen) is self. The designers did a spectacu- 25 26 27 28 29 30 cast as Maggie, a family nanny who lar job. And ironically, the best 10. What 27 DOWN is on is supposed to provide some comic performance comes from Matthew 31 32 33 34 35 11. Paramedics (abbr) relief as she gets caught up in the Lillard, who gained teen slasher- 14. “______just crazy?” (3 wds) terrifying journey. Most of her lines film experience starring in the first 36 37 38 39 17. Truth 18. “______trouble.” (2 wds) are cheesy one-liners and miss the Scream. He was absolutely hilari- 40 41 42 43 mark. The rest of the cast is made ous in this movie. Compared to 22. You can jam it or get jam from it up basically of cardboard cutouts him, the rest of the cast was dead. 44 45 23. Famous hallucinogen (abbr) that do nothing but venture down No pun intended. 24. Attempt dark hallways alone while the mu- So in the end, you have an inter- 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 25. Number of things (abbr) 26. Roi’s law sic plays eerily. They also “split up esting back-story, but no follow- 53 54 55 56 so they can cover more ground”. through. Not that it’s a terrible 27. Real estate word Geez. You’d think that studios would movie. But I’d recommend dig- 57 58 59 28. Clip’s contents start casting sheep instead of people ging that old copy of your favorite 29. Aztec temple, today for this sort of thing. horror movie and watching that. 60 61 62 30. She married your Pops 34. Non-profit grp. 35. Narcolepsy cause, perhaps (abbr) I literally didn’t pick my guitar up Lit from page 19 By Kit FitzSimons 31. Spoken like a true bovine 37. AKA dalton (abbr) for three months because we were Staff Writer 32. Wholely, to Jose 38. Sober A.Jay’s voice in the band is joined running ragged for two solid years. 33. Mythological ornithological sight 39. Get to come back on Jeopardy by the strumming of his brother Everybody just needed to unplug [Editor’s note: This puzzle is re- 36. “Shop _____ you…” 41. Slushy with a polar spokesbear Jeremy’s guitar, Kevin Baldes play- and recharge their batteries. But printed from the September 29, 37. French friend 42. Not together ing bass, and Allen Shellenberger once we got the wheels turning it 2000 edition of the Technique.] 38. Fairy tale shorty 43. College course abbr. for musi- on drums. The playing lineup for was like, ‘Wow! This is rad!’ Now ACROSS 40. 54 DOWN’s reasons for taking cal movement this ‘fantastic four’ has remained we’ve got this record that we’re so 1. Politely use a napkin on (2 wds) up baseball? (2 wds) 46. Popular papal name the same for twelve years, since their proud of,” said guitarist Jeremy 6. Ore-_____ 44. Computer’s brain 47. XIX x III debut release Tripping the Light Fan- Popoff. 9. English Market? (abbr) 45. Author Rand 48. Prince of “Rinkitink in Oz” tastic on their own record label, Dirty The time off is evident in the 12. Bob of breakfast fame 46. Request 49. The base of all cultures? Martini. band’s refreshed sounds and refor- 13. Summit-holding grp. 48. Magneto portrayer 50. Rapper-gone-actor (2 wds) Atomic is similar to Lit’s sopho- mulated stage show. Lit is busily 15. Goal 50. Believer suffix 51. ______-Q more album, A Place in the Sun, in promoting Atomic with hopes of 16. 54 DOWN’s head? (4 wds) 53. Alias for 54 DOWN’s final prod- 52. Russian office of yesteryear its foot-tapping, intriguing songs, achieving their previously high lev- 19. Organic chemistry suffix uct? (3 wds) 53. Fen-Phen banner (abbr) but is different enough that the al- el of success. They will be perform- 20. Every one 57. License violation (abbr) 54. Board in charge of this cross- bum beckons its listeners back for ing on CBS’s Late Late Show with 21. “Walk like ______” (2 wds) 58. Roman hamper find word? (abbr) further exploration of the band’s Craig Kilborn on October 31, and 22. “Waterfalls” group 59. Talk show host Gibbons 55. Those guys, in Nice ‘new-and-improved’ sounds. have already launched an ambitious 24. “I didn’t need to hear that!” 60. “______was saying…” (2 wds) 56. SAT prep text writers (abbr) The foursome toured relentless- national tour. It would be definite- (abbr) 61. Auto ly in support of A Place in the Sun, ly worth your while to check out 25. 54 DOWN’s added pentagram? 62. Pan, for one The answers can be found on page performing over 286 shows world- one of Lit’s live performances and (2 wds) XX. Sorry if you can’t get it right. wide. “Then we had to take a break. their new album Atomic; your ears ENTERTAINMENT Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • 23

Some elder statesmen of jazz have Describing himself as a human technology to address those?” he Hancock from page 21 become so firmly entrenched in their being first and a musician second, asked. One of the foundation’s key Bush from page 19 styles of playing that they sound he looks for ways to apply his talent projects is BAYCAT, a center for parts. Instead of only calling on sing- like dinosaurs when pitched against toward issues that matter both pro- technology and the arts that will be A few notable songs exist to give ers, they chose to work in spoken younger stars. Hancock, though, does fessionally and personally. He serves built in the San Francisco Bay area. this latest Bush release two and a word (“”) and quotes his best to keep himself open to new on the board of trustees for the The- Everyone runs into less-than-ideal half stars. The punk inspired tracks from Buddhist texts (“Wisdom”). styles and other points of view—an lonius Monk Institute of Jazz, a pro- circumstances now and then; deal- “My Engine Is With You” and “Rea- One of the guiding principles approach refined gram designed ing with them in a positive manner sons” send a spike through the al- behind this music, he stated, is that through practic- to give promis- is the big challenge. “I want to pro- bum to liven up an otherwise people are constantly immersed in ing Buddhism for ing young play- mote what I believe to be a better monotonous sound. But, when so sound: traffic, machinery, birds, air- almost half his “It’s just scratched the ers a chance to way of looking at those situations, much punk is about destroying com- planes, even the weather. Much of life. surface. This is the learn from the which is to try to figure out how to mercial rock does Bush honestly stand this is the result of accelerated de- “The mean- masters. In ad- turn them into something construc- up? After years of being called rip- velopments in technology—so why ing of life, of my beginning of new dition, he fre- tive rather than destructive…so you offs at least they can claim that they’ve not do the same with a recording? role, where do I approaches that I quently leads can use that circumstance as a spring- never succumbed to placing a DJ “It’s the sound of today, except fit? In a way, it college master- board for your own growth.” on a track. nobody’s doing it! Everybody’s try- gets shaken up so intend to explore.” classes, such as Wherever the future and Han- If you are a devoted Bush fan, ing to sound like yesterday. What’s I can examine Herbie Hancock, the one at Em- cock’s personal growth may take you’re probably going to be happy wrong with today? Are we trying to them during this on his new CD Future 2 Future ory on Sunday him, his listeners can be sure of one with Golden State. It is a decent say yesterday was better? In many practice of Bud- afternoon be- thing: expect the unexpected, and rock record, but the only reason ways, it was, but it’s our responsi- dhism,” he re- fore that night’s then some. that it will achieve any popularity bility to make today and tomorrow flected. “There’s show. or critical acclaim is the reputation better than yesterday.” a tendency for most people to look The Rhythm of Life Foundation, Herbie Hancock will be performing preceding the band and Rossdale. He continued, “To me, it’s just at things from one perspective. I which Hancock set up in 1996, is with Michael Brecker and Roy Har- If I were at the music store, I’d walk scratched the surface. This is the believe there’s an infinite number dedicated to finding ways to use grove at Glenn Memorial Auditori- right by this one and pick up some beginning of new approaches that I of ways to look at them…What that technology to address pressing social um (Emory campus) on October 28. real punk like the Sex Pistols’ “Nev- intend to explore, and I hope others takes is a creative search for those issues. “That’s not a normal way He will also conduct a master class er Mind the Bollocks.” intend to. You don’t just want to perspectives, and getting outside the that people look at it; they see it that afternoon at Emory’s Perform- hear the same thing all the time. If box that keeps you looking at things primarily in terms of business and ing Arts Studio. Call (404) 727-5050 Bush’s Golden State is available now you want to do that, be my guest.” in only one way.” office machines…Why not use for more information on both events. in record stores everywhere. 28 • Friday, October 26, 2001 • Technique SPORTS Former Tech fullback moves from the gridiron to the office By John Rafferty Wilder describes his playing time the “most courageous” football player Contributing Writer at Tech as the highlight of his school in the ACC. Besides the torn ante- career, and was amazed by the sup- rior cruciate ligament he suffered in Former Tech Fullback Ed Wilder, port shown by Tech fans early on, his right knee as a senior in high once known for blocking for Charles especially when Tech showed up at school, he tore his meniscus in the Wiley and Joe Burns, has graduated the Carquest Bowl (currently the same knee in May of 1999. In Feb- with a Management degree and a Orlando Tangerine Bowl) in droves ruary 2000, he underwent surgery certificate in finance. Now he’s put- in 1997. Wilder also loved the sup- to repair debridement and ACL ther- ting his book smarts into practice as port shown by his “extended fami- mal shrinkage in his knee. Despite a member of the Salomon Smith ly” of Tech fans and alumni when having three knee surgeries in 10 Barney staff, as he helps Metro At- they sent his mother inspirational months, the Washington, Ga. na- lantans choose where to invest their letters while she was sick in the hos- tive missed only one game from retirement funds as well as plan- pital. His greatest highlight from October 1999 to the Peach Bowl ning their estates. his playing days on the Yellow Jack- loss against LSU. While choosing to become a stu- ets was participating in all three wins After graduation, Wilder’s sheep- dent-athlete at Tech, Wilder want- against Georgia, and knowing that skin in management opened doors ed a coach who would stick with the last time Tech swept the Bull- for “Big Ed,” as he left Tech with him and a degree that meant some- dogs in three consecutive years was three different job offers at banking thing if he wasn’t meant to play during the reign of Bobby Dodd. companies. He received two offers football on Sundays. His mother Last November’s game, a 27-15 vic- from firms in New York, but ac- also warned him that if he chose tory, left a “magical feeling” in his cepted one with Salomon Smith Georgia, she’d attend all his classes heart. Barney, since it allows him to stay with him. Since George O’Leary Wilder was a fan favorite during in Atlanta and build stronger rela- didn’t rescind his scholarship offer his days in the White and Gold, not tionships with alumni and their By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS when he injured his knee in high as much for his play on the field but friends. It also allows him to stay Ed Wilder, former Tech fullback and Georgia native, walks on to the field school, Ed knew that the Flats was his effort off of it. He won the Brian closer to home, and closer to the during the 2000 media day. Wilder recently spoke at the “Lunch Brunch” the place to wear the pads. Piccolo award last season, given to school he loves. And loves him back. where he talked about his career at Tech and his current job in Atlanta. SPORTS Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • 29 Intramural Notebook Beyond the White and Gold with Jack. B. Nimble Adam’s take on Tech’s homecoming game FIJI-rific: champs again By Derek Haynes the ground after a fight; he flailed sense . I won’t bring Eve bearfish I’m back after a two week hiatus. formulate a compound to neutral- Sports Editor around like the fish I grabbed out of watching again. I spent that time relaxing at my ize the Lambda Chi attack in the the water because I’m sure he beachfront condo while my mis- school championship. Last week at the Homecom- wouldn’t be happy being wet all the 4:45 p.m.—I shouldn’t have spo- tress Sylvia served me strawberry Man that was good. ing Game I happened to run time. They are a lot more active ken my previous thoughts to Eve daiquiris and fresh fruit. Hope your Wiffleball, my personal favorite across one of the world’s great than the fish though; they seem to out loud. She wants to leave. She fall break was as relaxing as mine. sport, was TKE’s specialty this in- legends—Adam. Yes, Adam from keep moving after the flailing. says it is boring. She says I don’t Ha, I doubt it. tramural season. They upended Pike the acclaimed story of Adam and like her. I do like her. A lot has happened while I’ve 9-6 in the championship contest. Eve and the Garden of Eden. I 4:34 p.m.—Their behavior contin- been gone. Congrats to TKE. decided to print his journal en- ues to perplex me (note to self: An- 5:01 p.m.—A while ago there FIJI has claimed yet another flag In B-League wiffleball, Towers tries of his first football game in other good word.). They seem to was a pause in the fighting. I’ve football school championship - they claimed the crown with a 8-4 victo- my space. clutch a brown head or piece of never seen fighting like that. I sent the Crackhead Armadillos to ry over Choppers. Freshman win- dung. It appears to me that they wonder if both sides have given rehab after a 29-6 victory. But hey, ning the crown? Break up this squad 3:30 p.m.—The creatures are don’t want to give it up; yet some- up; it seems like they weren’t this is about me. Let’s take a look at for next league’s A League. I’m think- very unique. I don’t know what times they hurl the object at each really getting anywhere. They just my picks. ing this squad could establish a four- to call them. While they seem to other. moved back and forth. If so, it My pick for A-League Indepen- year reign of terror. resemble myself, they have enor- seems these creatures can rea- dent was dead wrong—yeah I’m The school championship for mous heads and large bodies. son. Do they have more in com- talking about Backfield in Motion. Ultimate was a fantastic game, too They might be of the bear fami- mon with my form? The Crackhead Armidillos breezed bad a loser had to be declared. Well, ly. I have not seen any of these in They seem to clutch a through the playoffs, beating Just too bad for the Powerpuff Girls at the wild though. This, however, 5:25 p.m.—No, they must not Another Team 19-0 in the first round least. The Girls lost to Lambda Chi is my first time venturing south. brown head or piece have that much in common with and dominating Backfield in Mo- Alpha 8-7 in the final. But hey, I would like to set some bear of dung... sometimes myself. They have resumed their tion 26-7 in the championship. great season, Girls! traps so I can study these crea- fighting. Now, the one team I wonder how this team cele- In A-League Fraternity Ultimate tures more in-depth. they hurl the object doesn’t want the head or dung. brated after the game. Frisbee, the championship game was at each other. He launched the headdung at I fared better in my A-League played in the semifinals between 3:47 p.m.—These creatures are the opposing team. This is very playoff predictions. FIJI also domi- Beta and Lambda Chi. Lambda Chi most definitely bears. They re- confusing behavior. nated the playoffs outscoring their barely pulled out the victory, win- mind me of the large bears I saw opponents 53-6. The Phi Gam’s ning 7-6. This game will be shown fighting in the woods just last 4:39 p.m.—Two species of bearfish 5:40 p.m.—I have begun to ques- blew out Beta 26-6 in the champi- on ESPN Classic for years. Sig Ep week. They seem to fight in a seem to be present. One is the color tion what these two are fighting onship game. Is FIJI the most dom- was like a smooth asphalt road on very mysterious fashion; one plays of clouds and the sun, the other the for. Is it for mating rights? There inant team in fraternity flag football Lambda Chi’s route to the champi- the “aggressor” (note to self: I color of the curious liquid that emerg- are a lot of bearfish out there so it in Georgia Tech history? onship as Lambda Chi beat the squad like this word. Will use this word es from my skin whenever I feel must not be for just one other I don’t know. Someone look it 10-1 in the final. again) while another plays the pain. There doesn’t seem to be a bearfish. Do they dislike the other up. The A-League Independent tour- “unaggressor” (note to self: whole lot of differences between the bearfish just because of their col- In the B-League, my underdog ney finale was also a yawner with Doesn’t sound very good. Need two groups. or? It does seem peculiar (not to pick of AE Pie made it to the cham- the Powerpuff Girls beating the not- to find a better word). The un- self: Another keeper) that like pionship game but was destroyed so Viscious Skies 11-1 in the cham- aggressor runs almost straight at 4:44 p.m.—Eve is really being a colors don’t hit each other. by the Playboys 31-0. Do the ‘Boys pionship game. the aggressor, but often tries to pain. She constantly keeps asking deserve congratulations, or should In the Should-Have-Been-In-A- run away. me for something. She keeps asking 6:05 p.m.—Eve blamed me for they be harassed for not playing in League Championship, otherwise me what’s going on. She keeps ask- the apple thing again. I can’t put A-League? known as the B-League final, the 4:04 p.m.—I will call them ing me to explain their behavior. up with this. On the sand courts, nobody CoC Fun Police won an 8-4 match bearfish. I saw one crumble to She offers analysis that doesn’t make cleaned up like Lambda Chi Alpha. over Ruffnex. Ruffnex, did you get The Four Chemists were unable to beat by a bunch of CS dorks? ! 30 • Friday, October 26, 2001 • Technique SPORTS Tech’s most exciting player? It might be 5’7” Kelley Rhino Rhino, who averages 10.5 yards-per-punt return, reminds many of the Falcons’ small and speedy Tim Dwight By David Rottman ica as a defensive Contributing Writer back from 1972 to 1974. His un- questions with Tough. It’s the word that in- cle Danny Rhi- stantly comes to mind when talking no followed up 10 about Kelley Rhino, the Georgia by lettering in Tech punt return specialist. Rhino 1974 and start- kelley rhino looks tough—and plays tougher. ing as cornerback What is your dream job? This hard-nosed style of play has in 1975 and What is your dream job? made Rhino a fan favorite. 1976. Playing in the NFL America loves the underdog. And Rhino’s All- Rhino fits that description. What American father Who is your favorite he lacks in size, speed, and flash, he coached him professional athlete? makes up for in pure heart. throughout his or Tim Dwight Rhino’s toughness, pedigree, and life. That con- intelligence on the field, has made stant coaching What do you do in your free him one of the most exciting punt- has resulted in time? returners in the ACC. Rhino is cur- Rhino becoming Hang out with my friends; rently averaging 10.5 a smarter player. watch movies yards-per-return this season. Rhi- Randy Rhino to no, who held off several Jackets for this day coaches What is your favorite movie? punt return duties including star Rhino to help Braveheart wide receiver Kelly Campbell and him to be a bet- upstart wideout Jonathan Smith, ter player. Who’s style of play do you has done a good job for a first-year Rhino’s hard- try to emulate? punt returner. nosed and excit- No one really Kelley Rhino is an Atlanta area ing style of play native. Born in Marietta, Rhino has made him a What is your favorite book? moved to Sandy Springs when he fan favorite, es- The Left Behind series was eight. Rhino played high school pecially with the football at Marist School in Smyr- students. Chants By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS What is your favorite band? na. of “Rhino, Rhi- Punt Returner and backup cornerback Kelley Rhino looks for yardage against Syracuse in Jimmy Buffet Rhino’s toughness on the field no” ring the Kickoff Classic. Rhino, a Marist High graduate, has become a fan favorite because he comes from the years of competi- throughout Bob- rarely calls for fair catches and is usually in on several tackles a game on special teams. What NFL team to you guys tion with his older brother. by Dodd stadi- play like? “He never let up when we were um each time he is back to return a for those players. I know I do.” not forgotten how he got to Geor- I don’t really know playing,” said Rhino. “He always punt. Rhino cites his ambition as the gia Tech. Rhino credits his faith as used to beat me up out there.” “I really get a thrill when people reason Tech fans have taken such a the main factor in him getting the Which historical figure Rhino has a very impressive ped- are just chanting my name,” said liking to him. opportunity to play football at Bobby would you meet? igree at Tech as well. His grandfa- Rhino. “It’s a great feeling.” “Balancing school with football Dodd. Jesus Christ ther Chappell Rhino lettered in Rhino, as to why the fans have is tough. Football is pretty much a “My strength comes from the football from 1950 through 1952. taken such a liking to him, added, full-time job.” Said Rhino. “But it’s ‘Big Man Upstairs’,” said Rhino. “I Favorite food? His father Randy Rhino is Tech’s “I am an overachiever like Doug all worth it.” know that I would not be here right only three-time first-team All-Amer- Flutie and Tim Dwight. People cheer With all his success, Rhino has now without my faith.” Garlic Bread SPORTS Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • 31

ACC Analysis from page 32 No. 23 UNC vs. No. 21 Virginia Coaches I’m still not convinced Al Groh Tech’s offensive playcalling has been uninspired at best. is a great head coach. I think he can The absence of Ralph Friedgen has made the Tech coach defense really well, but I don’t offense predictable and sometimes ineffective. Head know if he is head coaching materi- Coach John Bunting has inspired his team to overachieve al. I’m going to wait and see if he and regroup after an 0-3 start. can turn things around in Charlot- tesville. Give him a season or two and he won’t have any more excus- The Tarheels are led into action by and Darian Durant this week and could cause flashbacks of es if UVA doesn’t turn things around. Woody Dantzler for the Tech defense and fans. However, I don’t see them qualifying for a switching throughout the game could cause bowl this year, not with having sev- some loss of momentum for UNC. en games to make it. Runningbacks Wake Forest André Williams along with Ronald Curry have emerged as They qualified for a bowl and UNC’s rushing threat. They have proven that they can run beat Arizona State into the ground both up the middle and to the outside. Meanwhile Joe not too long ago, that counts for Burns and company have become fumble prone and cost something right? I guess not in this Tech the Maryland game. season. They beat Duke; then again, Wide Receiver so could some high school teams. North Carolina’s receiving corp are better than their stats show. With quarterbacks that sometime focus more on Conclusions the run than the pass, it is hard for wideouts such as Sam In the end, I see three ACC teams Aiken to record catches. Tech’s young receivers have shown that they can play alongside Kelly Campbell. By Scott Meuleners / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS in the Top 25 before the bowl games. NC State’s Terrance Chapman hits Tech’s George Godsey after he The two guaranteed Maryland and Offensive Line attempts a pass. Tech’s offense struggled to protect the senior in the FSU. The third team: Tech. If they Both the UNC and Tech Line have young athletes that are contest. Tech has not moved the ball well after the departure of Friedgen. win out, they might be Top 15. If developing into quality players. UNC’s line is anchored by they win every game but lose to Adam Metts, a potential All-ACC player. Tech is led by EVEN Maryland surprise me. Tech fans will hope FSU, they’ll barely hang onto a Top Chris Brown after an exodus of talent last season. Aside from FSU, I really don’t they end up 8-4, but they might be 25 spot. Another possibility for the Defensive Line see them losing the way they are one of the better 9-3 teams come third spot: UNC. If they win out, UNC has arguably the best defensive end in the nation in playing. Two reasons I pick FSU bowl selection time. Bunting has they’ll be in the Top 25. Because of Julius Peppers. He prevents runningbacks from heading over Maryland: it’s late in the sea- done an excellent job with this team poll inertia and how low they start- his way, making the opponents rushing game one-dimen- son and it’s in Tallahassee. Other- and they’ve yet to pick up any bad ed in the preseason, I don’t see them sional. He harasses quarterbacks enough to affect the wise, I see it as a much closer game. losses. The Thursday night game in in the Top 25 if they lose to Tech, passing game. The Terps have already convinced Atlanta is shaping up to be another although they might break in with a Linebackers most people that this is not a fluke classic. convincing bowl win. The final pos- The area of most concern is the Jackets linebacking squad. or just some team riding on pure sible third team: Clemson. They Fullback Ross Mitchell will no longer replace Daryl Smith as adrenaline infused by a new coach. NC State still have a chance. If they prove me he returns for Thursday’s game. Outside linebacker Recar- They have genuine talent. Bruce Things aren’t falling their way wrong and beat FSU and Mary- do Wimbush is questionable and Ather Brown is out for the Perry is a guaranteed All-Confer- like they did last year. They’re a land, then they’ll be in the top 25, season. If Wimbush plays, they control UNC. ence member and possibly an All- mediocre team and it’s starting to although that would probably knock Defensive Backs American if Maryland continues to show now. They are going to have either Maryland or FSU out of the Safties Chris Young and Jeremy Muyres have proven to impress in the national spotlight. to really improve to qualify for a top 25. I think the likelihood of come through for big time plays. Last week Young re- bowl. They played Tech tough, but UNC or Tech being in the top-25 turned a fumble for a and Muyres intercepted North Carolina the Jackets missed several opportu- is much higher than Clemson. a NC State pass ending any hope for a comeback. Their defense looks good— damn nities to blow the game open. If Despite the parity in the confer- Special Teams good. Their loss to Maryland doesn’t they want to qualify for a bowl, they ence, this is a rather good year for Luke Manget is the best kicker in the nation from the nine- look bad and their other two losses will have to at least beat Virginia, the ACC in general. Five teams are yard line. Recently once he gets to that ten yard line the are to top 10 teams. Their romps which might not be too hard for a more or less assured of a bowl spot ball becomes defective. He has had no problems kicking over FSU and UNC speak for them- good team. Unfortunately, they’re and a possible sixth. The ACC might the ball out of the endzone on kickoffs and should return selves. If they beat Tech, it won’t not a good team. also have three top-25 teams again. back to his early season form. Forecast The only way either team wins is if they play a complete game. Tech has not played for 60 minutes this season. North Carolina has crushing wins over Clemson and Flor- ida State and is a team on the rise. The only hope for Tech is the unpredictably of the ACC; their time may be due. We say no. Heels 24, Tech 17. 32 • Friday, October 26, 2001 • Technique pageSPORTS 32

Overtime? Matching up Tech-UNC SPORTS The ‘Nique’s Derick Stanger isn’t happy The Tech-UNC matchup will be a crucial with the state of overtime in football. What game in deciding the fate of the teams’ bowl neeeds to be changed? Next Week futures. We preview the contest. Page 31 Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001

game VIII - Nov. Buzz 1 by UNC at Tech the UNC going numbers up, Tech 29, 52 going down It’s safe to say that neither team Career sacks and tackles for a loss by saw themselves in this situation in senior Jacket lineman Greg Gath- mid-September. Flashback to Sep- ers, breaking and tying the Georgia tember 8. Tech had just given Navy Tech records previously held by their worst loss in their storied his- former All-American Coleman Ru- tory; North Carolina had just lost dolph who had 28.5 sacks and 51 U-M’s Bruce Perry GT’s George Godsey UNC’s Julius Peppers their third straight after a 44-14 loss tackles for a loss. to Texas. Now, Tech faces the possibility of falling out of the top 25 with a Photo Illustration By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS loss and North Carolina moves closer 9 The ACC has been as unpredictable as the media and fans thought at the beginning of the season. Maryland, to a realistic shot at the ACC title which lured Coach Ralph Friedgen from Georgia Tech, has been the surprise of the ACC with a 7-0 record. with a win. Yes, this being a Tech Number of years Florida State has team that many thought had a shot won the ACC title; every year since at a national title. Yes, this a North joining the ACC in 1992. The streak Carolina team that had gone 3-7 in will end this week if Maryland de- No longer a one-team race its previous 10 games dating back feats them at Doak Campbell Sta- to the 2000 season. Thursday’s game dium. With an FSU squad that has appeared human, several teams bid for the title on ESPN could be the turning point By Joseph Jeong Duke fix its sloppiness, they aren’t going for each team. Staff Writer When Tech played at Duke on to beat North Carolina, which has While Tech has been upset in their homecoming, Duke’s first bas- best defense in the ACC. Tech will every loss, a loss to North Carolina 5 The college football season be- ketball practice was sold out. They’ve get punished badly for any mistakes would not be considered an upset. Field goals missed out of seven by gins to head into the stretch drive been waiting for basketball season made on offense by their stellar de- “The way they’re playing, they’re Jacket kicker Luke Manget in last this week. The ACC hasn’t been to start since week one. fense. Two weeks ago, I was look- a top-15 team, definitely,” said Clem- week’s win over NC State, one of this wide open since 1998 when ing ahead to UGA and FSU, but son Coach Tommy Bowden after which was blocked. The accurate Florida State and Tech finished the Florida State now I am afraid of UNC. Tech fans his squad was demoralized last week point after kicker has become streaky season in a tie for first place. Here’s I don’t know who put any ACC should be satisfied if the Jackets win by the Tar Heels in a 38-3 home when it comes to field goals. a team-by-team look at the ACC team besides Maryland ahead of FSU one out of three against UGA, UNC, loss. and some of my picks for the ACC’s in the rankings. They’re still FSU and FSU. Call it an anti-woofing UNC has the second-best de- final Top 25 teams: and they seem to have all their tough (intentionally speaking lowly of your fense in the ACC behind Tech, but games at home (well except for Clem- team to achieve the opposite effect), their defense has performed extreme- .095 Clemson son, if you consider them a top 15 but this team hasn’t shown they can ly well against ACC offensive pow- The Tigers remind me a lot of team, I don’t). I don’t see Maryland execute well on offense. Does Tech erhouses. Tech spiker’s hitting percentage in Tech’s team two years ago with an slipping twice for FSU to win the have the talent to win all three? Sure. their loss to Duke, now second in exciting, high-octane offense and a title outright, but I don’t see them Are they playing like they can? No, The point by point matchup for the the ACC. This was their worst hit- high school defense. Case in point: getting beat again except against unless they cut down on the turn- UNC game is located on page 31. ting percentage of the season. They they let a pretty bad NC State team Florida, which means Maryland overs and improve the redzone of- No. 23 UNC at No. 21 GT were led in the loss by Maja Pachale score 37 on them. I don’t see the might sneak past FSU for the BCS fense (Tech might have one of the who had a .000 hitting percentage. Tigers beating FSU, and unless their berth even if they lose to the Semi- best outside-the-redzone offenses, Who: No. 23 UNC (5-3, 4-1 ACC) defense improves, I see Maryland noles. BCS opponents will have a but the team collapses the moment vs. No. 21 Georgia Tech (5-2, 2-2

ACC) ○○○○○○ beating them at College Park. Their field day with that. Tech cross the opponent’s 20 yard ○○○○○○○○○○○

When: Thursday, Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m. ○○○○○○ game against South Carolina will line). One game of sluggish offense ○○○○○○○○○○○ football also be tough. Tech fans want this Georgia Tech can be written off as a bad day, but Where: Bobby Dodd Stadium

(46,000) ○○○○○○ team to win the rest of their games I’m not going to be bitter about when your offense hasn’t been click- ○○○○○○○○○○○

TV/Radio: ESPN/ AM 790 ○○○○○○ forecast so the loss to Clemson doesn’t look the two overtime losses. If this team ing the way it should in week six or ○○○○○○○○○○○ Oklahoma vs. Nebraska so bad, but I don’t think it’s going ends up 9-3 or better, I’ll be amazed. seven, you’re in trouble. Last Meeting: Tech 42, UNC 28,

Sept. 30, 2000 ○○○○○○ to happen. I say they pick up three 8-4 is what Tech fans should be ○○○○○○○○○○○

Ohio State vs. Penn State Series: Tech leads 17-16-3 ○○○○○○ more losses and end up 6-5. praying for. If Tech’s offense doesn’t See ACC Analysis, page 31 ○○○○○○○○○○○ Notre Dame vs. Boston College Virginia vs. NC State Maryland vs. Florida State Volleyball falls to third after loss to Duke Auburn vs. Arkansas By Derek Haynes us. Our middle attack was very strong UCLA vs. Stanford Sports Editor tonight, which was a major plus for South Carolina vs. Tennessee our offense.” Florida vs. Georgia The volleyball squad squeaked The Jackets (13-5, 8-3 ACC) past the Clemson Tigers in four continued their struggles against the Vanderbilt vs. Duke games Tuesday but didn’t have the elite of the ACC Saturday in Durham, Submit your picks at: same success on the road Saturday NC against Duke. against Duke. Lynnette Moster, a freshman Against the Tigers, Alexandra outside hitter from Indiana, had a Preiss and Kyleen Bell were a two- career-high 20 kills but it wasn’t person wrecking crew. The pair com- enough as Tech (12-5, 8-3 ACC) on bined for 41 of the Rambling Wreck’s fell in four games, 25-30, 24-30, 78 against the Tigers. Preiss set her 30-28, 28-30. The loss dropped Tech career-high in kills with 25. The to third place in the conference while deck pair had just three hitting errors in Duke (16-2, 8-2 ACC) took sole Event Date the match and combined for a .447 possession of second place. SW vs. Rice 26 hitting percentage. The Blue Devils were able to TW at Regionals 26 Head Coach Shelton Collier was take advantage of a struggling Tech TM at ITA Regionals 26 pleased with Tech’s tough, four- attack. Tech hit a season low 0.095, SW vs. North Florida 27 game, 30-18, 28-30, 30-34, 30-27, well below their average of 0.23. VB at Florida A&M, 2 p.m. 27 victory over the Tigers (6-13, 2-9 Two of the Jackets’ top players, Maja VB at Florida State, 1 p.m. 28 ACC). Pachale, and Kele Eveland, strug- FB vs. North Carolina, 7:30 p.m. 1 “So many times road wins are gled in the loss. Pachele had 12 kills, By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS simply survive, get a win, and get but also had 12 errors. Alexandra Preiss has been one of the strongest players of late for the FB - Football VB - Volleyball TM - Men’s Tennis out of town,” said Collier. “This The squad heads to Tallahassee, volleyball squad. Preiss teamed with senior Kyleen Bell for 41 of Tech’s TW - Women’s Tennis SW - Women’s Swimming was another hard working win for Fla. Saturday to take on FAMU. 78 kills in a road win over the Clemson Tigers Tuesday in South Carolina. HC1 • Friday, October 26, 2001 • Technique NEWS

Homecoming Event Results Kavanaugh, Dolgetta win top honors By Daniel Amick Overall Winners Contributing Writer Fraternities Sororities First: Pi Kappa Phi First: Phi Mu Homecoming Week culminat- Second: Theta Xi Second: Alpha Gamma Delta ed Satu n v rday with the naming Third: Delta Chi Third: Alpha Xi Delta of this year’s Mr. and Ms. Georgia Tech. These prestigious honors went to Chris Kavanaugh and Melissa Event Winners Dolgetta. Mini 500 Reck—Classic Car “Way beyond surprise,” said Sororities Sororities Dolgetta, when asked to describe First: Chi Omega Tau First: Alpha Gamma Delta her emotions upon winning. “I Second: Alpha Gamma Delta Second: Alpha Delta Pi turned to my father and said ‘This Third: Phi Mu Third: Phi Mu is so weird.’ ” Fraternities Fraternities “They called my name, and it First: Beta Theta Pi First: Lambda Chi Alpha was the longest it had ever taken Second: Theta Xi Second: Theta Xi [me] to realize that they were talk- Third: Phi Kappa Tau Third: Phi Kappa Theta ing about me,” said Kavanaugh. “I Non-Greek Male Non-Greek think I shed a tear.” First: NROTC First: Band Club Kavanaugh is a law-school-bound Second: Fitten Fools Industrial Engineering major and Third: WCF Reck—Fixed Body Undergraduate Student Body Pres- Non-Greek Female Sororities ident. Dolgetta is a junior Manage- First: Band Chicks First: Phi Mu ment major deeply involved with a Second: BSU Second: Alpha Delta Gamma variety of extracurricular activities, Third: Team Buzz Fraternities including Executive Roundtable, First: Theta Xi Techwood Tutorial, and the GT Display Contest Second: Delta Sigma Phi Italian-American Club. By Scott Meuleners / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Chris Kavanaugh and Melissa Dolgetta react after being named Mr. and Sororities Third: Phi Kappa Tau Any student organization can Chris Kavanaugh and Melissa Dolgetta react after being named Mr. and Ms. Georgia Tech during halftime of the Homecoming game. First: Phi Mu Non-Greek make nominations for Mr. or Ms. Ms. Georgia Tech during halftime of the Homecoming game. Second: Alpha Xi Delta First: NROTC Georgia Tech, though fraternities Third: Alpha Chi Omega and sororities make the majority of were to speak to incoming fresh- the group.” Fraternities Reck—Contraption nominations. Alpha Xi Delta so- man, what would you say?” and Both Kavanaugh and Dolgetta First: Pi Kappa Phi First: Kappa Sigma rority nominated Kavanaugh, while “What would you want your legacy were humble and modest about be- Second: Kappa Sigma Second: Tau Kappa Epsilon Phi Mu sorority nominated Dolgetta. to be?” Ten male and ten female ing named Mr. and Ms. Georgia Third: Theta Xi Third: Delta Chi The rigorous selection process is semifinalists emerged from this ini- Tech. not a beauty pageant or popularity tial stage. Next, the entire student “All of the finalists combined Ugly Man on Campus Mock Rock contest. Three components make body voted for their favorite semifi- represent a Mr. Georgia Tech bet- Sororities Sororities up the process, each counting for nalist. The final determining factor ter than any one person could. No First: Alpha Gamma Delta First: Phi Mu one-third of the final ranking. was overall GPA. The top five male one person could fill the shoes of a Second: Phi Mu Second: Zeta Tau Alpha First, each nominee submitted and female candidates went out onto Mr. Georgia Tech,” said Kavanaugh. Third: Alpha Xi Delta Third: Alpha Xi Delta an application that included a list of the field Saturday, where the final “In my mind, you can’t pick just Fraternities Fraternities honors, awards, activities, and ca- recipients were announced. one Ms. Georgia Tech because there First: Kappa Sigma First: Delta Chi reer aspirations. Then, a committee “The five [male] finalists cov- are so many who contribute to its Second: Delta Sigma Phi Second: Theta Xi composed of faculty and adminis- ered the whole gambit of activities greatness,” said Dogetta. Third: Pi Kappa Phi Third: Delta Sigma Phi trators interviewed each candidate, [at Georgia Tech],” said Kavanaugh. “If I could divide the award into asking questions such as, “If you “It was an honor to be a part of 5 parts, I would.” NEWS Technique • Friday, October 26, 2001 • HC2 game VII upclose (homecoming): No. 25 Tech 27, NC State 17 said it Jackets sloppy in 27-17 win over Wolfpack they Kicker Luke Manget misses 5 FGs, offense fails (again) to move ball in enemy territory “I thought there were a lot of low kicks. One kick By Derek Haynes Senior tightend Russell Matvay Sports Editor and Godsey roommate missed a hit the kid in the armpits.” block on the play; inexcusable for a Against Clemson, it was the de- veteran player like Matvay. Head Coach George O’Leary fense that let Tech down. Against The personal highlight of the Maryland, it was the inability of the game came just five minutes into Tech offense to hang on to the foot- the contest when Junior defensive “I turned to [Manget] and ball. Against N.C. State, it was the end Greg Gathers brought down said can you make this special teams. Luckily for Luke Wolfpack quarterback Philip Riv- Manget and the rest of the special ers for his 29th sack of his career, a kick and he said yes. I teams squad, the mistakes made Sat- Tech record. Gathers broke the mark said well lets go get it urday didn’t amount to another loss. of Coleman Rudolph, who record- then. But I was going to Manget had his worse day in a ed 28.5 sacks in his all-American send him out anyway. If Tech uniform as he connected on career. only 2-7 field goals. Two of the “Those guys who were ahead of he would have said no I kicks were blocked, but Rambling me went on to have good careers in would have been really Wreck Head Coach George O’Leary the NFL,” said Gathers. “It feels disappointed.” was not quick to give credit to the good to be mentioned along side Wolfpack special teams. those guys.” “I thought there were a lot of So what went right? The defense Head Coach George O’Leary low kicks. One kick hit the kid in struggled early but had a very solid the armpits,” said O’Leary. game. The wide receivers spread out Manget did end on a high note - the field well against the Wolfpack, “We just had that nasty he connected on a 50 yarder with whose backup defensive backs were taste in our mouths from 7:42 left to give Tech the final 27- all freshmen. Tailback Joe Burns two overtimes and we 17 victory margin. rebounded after his mistake-filled didn’t want to feel that The seven field goals the Lou performance against Maryland, rush- Gronza Award candidate attempt- ing for 134 yards. The offense did again.” ed were a school record. Manget, not repeat the turnover debacle seen who had made 10-12 field goal at- against the Terps; a Burns fumble Cornerback Marvious Hester tempts and a Tech record career late in the fourth quarter was the field goal percentage of .750 (33- only blemish. 44), did not lose the confidence of Like in Tech’s 13-7 victory over “I took a couple [hits] in O’Leary. Syracuse, O’Leary was happy to es- By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS the face and those don’t "I don't have anybody better than cape with a win. Tech wideout Kerry Watkins looks to gain ground after a reception feel too good but you play him,” said O’Leary. Most teams don't "Nothing's easy for us," said against North Carolina State. The junior out of LaPlace, La. caught 3 have anybody better than him." O'Leary in the post-game press con- passes for 54 yards in the 27-17 homecoming victory over the Wolfpack this game and you ex- While the most glaring mistakes ference. "The defense hung in there . pect to be tough and if were seen in the special teams play, and gave us a chance. This was a Homecoming Fact File quarterback George Godsey sus- good ACC win that came at a good Passing: N.C. State—Philip Rivers 20-30-2-223, Olin Hannum 0-2-0-0. you’re going to take the tained too many hits. The Tech time." Georgia Tech-George Godsey 24-39-0-256 hits you’re also going to Rushing: N.C. State—Ray Robinson 12-45, Dovonte Edwards 1-11, Olin offense rides the success of Godsey; Starting outside linebacker Re- Hannum 2-7, Bryan Peterson 2-7, Cotra Jackson 1-minus 4, Philip Rivers give a few here and there. backup Andy Hall has very little cardo Wimbrush left the game late 7-minus 11, TM 1-minus 14. Georgia Tech—Joe Burns 34-114, Kelly I certainly wasn’t giving

game experience. Godsey, who was in the second quarter after sprain- Campbell 1-16, Sidney Ford 1-3, George Godsey 7-minus 9.

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ sharp completing 24-39 passes for ing his right ankle. His status for Receiving: N.C. State—Willie Wright 5-36, Ray Robinson 4-48, Bryan any, but I was telling some 256 yards and a pair of touchdown Thursday evening’s game against Peterson 3-39, Jerricho Cotchery 2-25, Troy Graham 2-11, Dovonte Edwards people to go after them.” passes, had his chin stitched up af- North Carolina is uncertain. How- 2-7, Jeremy Mebane 1-55, Cotra Jackson 1-2. Georgia Tech—Kelly Campbell ter the game because of a cheap hit ever, starting linebacker Daryl Smith 8-93, Joe Burns 5-38, Jonathan Smith 4-16, Kerry Watkins 3-54, Sean

Gregory 2-27, Russell Matvay 1-16, Will Glover 1-12. Quarterback George Godsey

○○○○○○○○○○○○ from a pair of NC State defenders. is expected to return. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○