The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus Zhc Notre Dame Alumnus (Ed. note: The following paragraphs, re printed from "Fortune" magazine are presented for general information.) Vol. 28. No. 4 luly-August, 1950 A Parable of Our Times James E. Armstrong. '25. Editor or John P. Bums. '34. Managing Editor $676 for "The Creative Ones" John N. Cackley. Ir.. '37. Associate Editor This magazine is published bi-monthly by the University of Notre HOW TO MAKE $676 BY GIVING AWAY $15,000 Dame, Notre Dame. Ind. Entered as second class matter Oct 1, 1939. at the Postoffice, Notre Dame, Ind., under the act of Aug. 24, 1912. Since tax credit is given for the full pres ent value of stock transferred to education al institutions, the net cost to the donor is greatly reduced if he makes his contribu Table of Contents tion in appreciated stock. He thereby elim LOBUND INSTITUTE DEDICATION 3 inates the 25 per cent capital gains tax and LAETARE MEDAL PRESENTATION 4 liberates cash income from taxation. DEGREES AWARDED TO 750 GRADS 5 Take the case of a man with $100,000 of DEANS REVIEW ND PROGRESS 6 taxable income who owns stock that has CLUB PRESIDENTS' COUNCIL 9 increased in value from $10 to $100 a share. 1950 FOOTBALL ROSTER 11 If he transfers 150 shares of stock (worth ALUMNI CLUBS 14 $15,000) to an educational institution, he THE OLD CROU'D 21 pays no capital gains tax, and his taxable ALUMNI CLASSES 22 income is reduced to $85,000.