Folia Morphol. Vol. 65, No. 4, pp. 396–399 Copyright © 2006 Via Medica C A S E R E P O R T ISSN 0015–5659

An atypical position of the ovale

J. Skrzat1, J. Walocha1, R. Środek1, A. Niżankowska2

1Department of , Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland 2Department of Orthodontics, Institute of , Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland

[Received 19 April 2006; Revised 3 August 2006; Accepted 3 August 2006]

Visual inspection of a dry adult revealed absence of a typical fora- men ovale on the left side of the cranial . The region of the was covered by an osseous lamina, which was continuous with the lateral ptery- goid plate and thus formed a wall of an apparent , which opened on the lateral side of the pterygoid . This canal is referred to as an oval canal (canalis ovalis), instead of the foramen ovale. It runs superiorly, medially from the infratemporal , and opens into the middle . The altered osseous of this basicranial region may affect the course of the neu- rovascular structures which pass through the foramen ovale. As a consequence, clinical symptoms could occur, including paresthesiae of the inner aspect of the cheek and compression and neuralgia of the mandibular or its branches.

Key words: foramen ovale, oval canal (canalis ovalis), sphenoid

INTRODUCTION ute a case description of this anomaly. The aim of The contains numerous foramina this study is to present an anatomical variant of the and fissures, which accommodate several vessels and unilaterally altered topography and morphology of . One of these is the foramen ovale, which the foramen ovale in a human skull. serves as a passage for the , acces- sory meningeal and the lesser petrosal nerve. MATERIAL AND METHODS Normally the foramen ovale is located in the greater During visual inspection of the cranial collection wing of the sphenoid bone, posterior and lateral to housed in the Department of Anatomy of the Jagiello- the [9, 13]. Occasionally, the fo- nian University in Cracow a skull was found with an ramen ovale can be covered by the bony laminae or atypical position of the foramen ovale. The date and bridges, which result from of the liga- origin of the skull are unknown. However, its morpho- ments that are stretched between the lateral ptery- logical appearance allows it to be attributed to a Euro- goid process and the sphenoid spine [2, 5, 10]. Not pean population and moderately expressed cranial only is the foramen ovale important in functional traits rule out a prehistoric origin. The skull was there- cranial anatomy, but it also has a practical signifi- fore regarded as a contemporary specimen. It is well cance in , as it enables access to the preserved, with no noticeable deformities. The marked . Thus knowledge of its position is muscular bone attachments, strongly developed tem- clinically important in the event of anaesthesia of poral lines, large mastoid processes and prominent the mandibular nerve. supercilliary ridges are characteristically male. Information on the morphological variants of the A routine anatomical and morphometric study foramen ovale in is somewhat sparse in lit- was performed on the skull to assess the atypical erature, and therefore we have decided to contrib- character of the locally changed morphology within

Address for correspondence: Dr. J. Skrzat, Department of Anatomy, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 12, 31–034 Cracow, Poland, tel: +48 12 422 95 11, fax: +48 12 422 95 11, e-mail: [email protected]

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Figure 1. Basicranium of the examined skull; rfo — right foramen Figure 3. Magnification of the inferior view of the foramen de- ovale, lfo — left foramen ovale (covered by the bony lamina forming scribed. The black arrow indicates the lateral compartment (oval the medial wall of the apparent oval canal (canalis ovalis). canal; (canalis ovalis) and the white arrow indicates the medial compartment of the apparent foramen ovale; fs — foramen spi- nosum, lp — lateral pterygoid. the region of the left foramen ovale and the neigh- graphic counterpart to the foramen ovale proper. bouring osseous structures. Measurements of the size The lumen of the medial compartment lay in the of the foramen under investigation were performed plane of the basicranium. It ran nearly perpendic- using a sliding digital calliper. ular to the oval canal (canalis ovalis) (lateral com- partment) and opened in the . RESULTS The medial compartment was bounded laterally Visual inspection of the cranial base revealed by the inconstant bony lamina, which should be an atypical left foramen ovale, whereas the right regarded as the pterygoalar bar. The osseous rim, foramen ovale was well visible and normally de- part of the greater sphenoid wing, limited the rest veloped (Figs. 1, 2). In this case the normal site of of this compartment (Fig. 3). a singular foramen ovale was divided by the bony The lateral portion contained a much larger fo- lamina into two compartments, a medial (lesser) ramen. This was located close to the root of the and a lateral, which was considerably larger. It pterygoid process, within the medial part of the in- appeared that the medial compartment constitut- fratemporal surface of the greater wing of the sphe- ed a foramen, which could be regarded as a topo- noid bone (Fig. 4). This foramen was continued

Figure 2. Lateral view of the skull investigated with removed Figure 4. Close-up view of the left . The black . The arrow indicates the outlet from the canal as arrow indicates the outlet from the apparent foramen ovale (ca- a substitute for the typical foramen ovale. nal); te — , zy — , lp — lateral pterygoid, cp — condylar process. 397 Folia Morphol., 2006, Vol. 65, No. 4

with a canal that passed upwards, medially, and not inclined to the view that in this case the bony finally opened into the middle cranial fossa. The bar divides the foramen ovale into two separate canal can be referred to as the oval canal (canalis parts. A small elliptical foramen, which is visible ovalis) and in this case should be regarded as a on the medial aspect of the pterygoalar bar, should substitute for a typical foramen ovale because of be regarded as a distinct entity and different from its considerable size (it provided enough space for that present on the lateral aspect of the right ptery- passage of the mandibular nerve) and communi- goid process. cation with the middle cranial fossa. The opening In rare cases ossification of the pterygospinous of the canal was elliptical in shape and its size was may also produce a bony bridge (the lam- measured as 6.8 mm × 4.4 mm. However, its diam- ina pterygospinosae) that extends in the vicinity of eter fell within the normal range of variation of the foramen ovale. The bridge may run over the fo- the foramen ovale (min: 5 mm × 2 mm, max: 8 ramen ovale medially or laterally to its rim [11]. How- mm × 7 mm), as cited in literature [1, 3]. ever, in such cases the foramen ovale is preserved as Hence the lateral pterygoid process is pierced by a singular whole and occupies a normal position in three small accessory foramina. These appeared to the basicranium (posterior to the root of the ptery- be located at the fusion between the posterior edge goid process). In our case the foramen ovale has not of the lateral pterygoid plate and a bony plate, which kept its typical position, as its opening lateral- constitutes the wall of the canalis ovalis. These fo- ly instead of vertically. ramina are arranged in a row along the outlet from Krmpotić-Nemanić et al. [8] described an open- the aforementioned canal (Fig. 4). ing in front and medial to the foramen ovale, which leads to an oblique canal directed towards the fossa DISCUSSION pterygoidea. The canal was up to 2.3 mm long and The skull investigated shows altered anatomy opened near the root of the pterygoid process. They of the sphenoid bone because of atypical organisa- termed this opening the “foramen ovale accessori- tion of the foramen ovale. The region of the basic- um”, and it was found in 48 of 124 anatomical spec- ranium, which is normally pierced by the foramen imens. Accessory foramina were also observed in the ovale, was occluded in our case by a bony lamina skull investigated by us, but they accompanied the rising from the medial aspect of the lateral ptery- outlet from the so-called oval canal (canalis ovalis) goid plate. This atypical basicranial morphology can instead of a typical foramen ovale. be attributed to variation in the pterygoid process An atypical position of the foramen ovale and and ossification of the that are stretched neighbouring osseous structures could influence the between components of the sphenoid bone. Dur- anatomical organisation of the nerves that run ing development the foramen ovale is located within through this opening. Thus the main trunk of the a membranous bone derived from a medial ptery- mandibular nerve was redirected more laterally and goid process. A lateral extension of the membra- its divisions ( and ) nous bone, followed by its ossification, may pro- had to cross the extended lateral pterygoid plate. duce a bony plate (the pterygoalar bar) on the mar- Because of the abnormal course it would be possi- gin of the foramen [4]. ble for the nerves to become entrapped or com- The pterygoalar bar extends as a bony lamina pressed between osseous structures and muscles, from the root of lateral pterygoid lamina to the great- causing neuralgia. er wing of the sphenoid bone. It may lie along the The oval canal (canalis ovalis) divided into two lateral or medial margin of the foramen ovale or compartments by extension of the lateral lamina of cross the lumen of the foramen ovale [12]. Although the pterygoid process, as here observed, is the pterygoalar bar exists in some , the fora- a great rarity. Each of these compartments appeared men ovale usually occupies its typical position. In to transmit part of a mandibular division of the this study we observed a peculiar relationship be- trigeminal nerve. The question remains as to how tween these two structures, as the pterygoalar bar they could pass through the canal. The medial com- extended behind the whole atypical foramen ovale, partment could contain the lingual nerve, buccal which pierces the lateral pterygoid process. In the nerve and the nerve to the medial pterygoid mus- inferior view this foramen is located laterally both cle, while the nervus spinosus had to run through to the lateral pterygoid process and its bony cau- the , as this existed in the skull dal extension, the pterygoalar bar. Therefore we are studied.

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