
Neurosurg Focus 25 (6):E11, 2008

Spontaneous encephaloceles of the

Jo s h u a J. Wi n d , M.D., An t h o n y J. Ca p u t y , M.D., a n d Fa b i o Ro b e r t i , M.D. Department of Neurological Surgery, George Washington University, Washington, DC

Encephaloceles are pathological herniations of parenchyma through congenital or acquired osseus-dural defects of the base or cranial vault. Although encephaloceles are known as rare conditions, several surgical re- ports and clinical series focusing on spontaneous encephaloceles of the temporal lobe may be found in the otological, maxillofacial, radiological, and neurosurgical literature. A variety of symptoms such as occult or symptomatic CSF fistulas, recurrent meningitis, middle effusions or infections, , and medically intractable epilepsy have been described in patients harboring spontaneous encephaloceles of middle cranial origin. Both open procedures and endoscopic techniques have been advocated for the treatment of such conditions. The authors discuss the pathogenesis, diagnostic assessment, and therapeutic management of spontaneous temporal lobe encepha- loceles. Although diagnosis and treatment may differ on a case-by-case basis, review of the available literature sug- gests that spontaneous encephaloceles of middle origin are a more common pathology than previously believed. In particular, spontaneous cases of posteroinferior encephaloceles involving the tegmen tympani and the have been very well described in the medical literature. (DOI: 10.3171/FOC.2008.25.12.E11)

Ke y Wo r d s • CSF fistula • • neurofibromatosis Type 1 • temporal lobe encephalocele

r a n i a l encephaloceles are rare conditions, with a pending on the anatomical location, patient age at pre- reported overall incidence of approximately 1 in sentation, and associated pathological conditions of these 35,000 people.25 Although the majority of cases lesions, they may present along with signs of occult or Care associated with an initiating process (such as a trau- symptomatic CSF fistulas, recurrent meningitis, middle ma, neoplasm, inflammatory condition, or previous sur- ear effusions, otitis, conductive hearing loss, or medi- gical procedure), these circumstances may also be absent, cally intractable epilepsy. thus leading to the less common diagnosis of spontane- ous encephaloceles of idiopathic origin.25,26,56 Encephalo- celes are reportedly most common in the anterior cranial Classification fossa, but they occur in the middle cranial fossa as well. Sphenoidal encephaloceles may involve either the Temporal lobe encephaloceles are defined as pathologi- body or the greater wing of the sphenoid .11,47 Defects cal herniations of brain parenchyma through involving the vertical portion of the greater sphenoid ala and bone and involve the middle cranial fossa or the lat- may allow protrusion of cerebral matter into the posterior erotemporal cranial vault. Sphenoidal, temporal, and pa- orbital region, leading to the onset of slowly progressive, rietal form the osseous boundaries of the middle pulsating proptosis (sphenoorbital or posterior orbital en- cranial fossa. An anatomical classification of spontaneous cephalocele). This condition has been described to more temporal encephaloceles based on site of origin has been commonly affect young women (female to male ratio of previously proposed by Wilkins and Radtke in 1993.56 5:3)7,51 and patients suffering from NF1.30 Orbital osseous Several operative reports and surgical case series regard- dysplasia with hypoplasia of both greater and lesser sphe- ing the treatment of these conditions may be found in the noid wings, deformity of the lateral aspect of the sphe- otological, maxillofacial, radiological, and neurosurgical noid body, and/or enlargement of the superior orbital fis- literature.14,57 We present a multidisciplinary review on sure may occur in patients with NF1. In this uncommon the topic and discuss the diagnosis and management of clinical subtype of NF1 (cranioorbital-temporal neuro- temporal lobe encephaloceles (Table 1). fibromatosis), orbital neurofibromas are associated with Spontaneous temporal lobe encephaloceles are de- sphenoorbital encephaloceles and pulsating exophthal- fined as brain herniations of middle cranial fossa origin mos.60 Encephaloceles protruding into the infratemporal not associated with traumatic, neoplastic, inflammatory, fossa or , or toward the lateral wall or iatrogenic conditions. These lesions may become clini- of the nasopharynx (anteroinferior or transalar encepha- cally manifest during either childhood or adulthood. De- loceles) are commonly associated with deficits involving the horizontal portion of the greater sphenoidal wing, lat- Abbreviation used in this paper: NF1 = neurofibromatosis erally to the cranial base foramina of the sphenoidal bone Type 1. ( and rotundum).11,15,21,28,36,47,49,50,55 Such en-

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Roberti cephaloceles may either remain clinically occult until Table 1: Classification of temporal lobe encephaloceles adulthood, and then present with nonspecific symptoms,47 or constitute the pathological substrate of a cohort of pa- temporal encephaloceles tients without mesial sclerosis who suffer from medically lateral (defect involves the //cranial vault) refractory temporal lobe epilepsy.11,15,28,42,44 anteroinferior/transalar (defect involves the anteroinferior portion Osseous defects located in the anteromedial portion of the middle fossa) of the middle cranial fossa, or more medially in the region posteroinferior (defect involves the tegmen tympani) of the sphenoidal wing foramina, could lead to the genesis sphenoidal encephaloceles of encephaloceles protruding into the or its lateral recess (anteromedial or lateral sphenoidal encepha- sphenoorbital/posterior-orbital (defect involves the sphenoid wing) loceles). 2,3,5,6,9,10,12,25–27,33,37,40,41,52,54,58 Patients harboring this anteromedial (defect involves the anteromedial portion of the type of lesion classically present during adulthood with middle fossa) signs and symptoms of CSF rhinorrhea, the subclinical courses of which may lead to recurrent episodes of men- 13,23,24 with bilateral deficits described in 20% of the specimens ingitis and delayed diagnosis. Herniations of tempo- 1,22 ral lobe parenchyma and/or meninges may also involve examined by Kapur et al. Idiopathic meningoencepha- loceles of the middle ear occur most frequently around the posterior temporalis bone at the level of the tegmen 4 32 tympani (posteroinferior or aural encephaloceles). Al- the seventh decade of life, and Moreano and associates though the tegmen tympani remains the more common in an anatomical study involving 1000 human temporal location for encephaloceles,16,31,46,53 lesions bones observed an inverse relationship between thinning involving the mastoid cavity as well as the petrous apex of the temporal bone around the carotid artery and age of have been described in the literature.34,35,45 Although mid- the dissected anatomical specimen. A thin bone covering dle ear effusions, recurrent ear infections, and progressive was observed in 17.3% of temporal bones in specimens hearing loss are the most common findings at presenta- 40 years old or older, whereas such thinning was present tion, cases of medically refractory temporal lobe epilepsy in only 8.3% of younger specimens. have also been reported in association with posteroinfe- Small bone perforations involving the floor of the rior encephaloceles.31,46,57 middle cranial fossa (the so-called “pit-holes”) also con- stitute known natural variations of the temporal bone anatomy.38 Nevertheless, the occurrence of these osseous Pathogenesis defects alone does not appear to be sufficient to promote Poorly understood congenital and embryological fac- the development of a pathological herniation, as the inci- dence of meningoceles is far less than the reported occur- tors are believed to be involved in the pathogenesis of 17 spontaneous encephaloceles of the temporal lobe, and rence of such bone dehiscences. Progressive dural and few theories have been postulated to explain the location osseous thinning secondary to changes in CSF pressure and idiopathic nature of such lesions.11,15,28 With the ex- could also be involved in the genesis of spontaneous en- cephaloceles and low-normal pressure fistulas in adults, ception of its base and the medial portion centered on the 23,24 (which ossifies following a cartilagi- as previously described in the literature. Many factors nous stage beginning 8 weeks after conception), the great such as early developmental disorders, osseous anatomi- ala of the sphenoid ossifies in membranes, fusing with the cal variations, aging and bone remodeling, erosive arach- body and the small ala at the end of the 1st year of life.43 noid granulations, and low-grade inflammation have all Up to 19 ossification centers appear to be involved in this been proposed as factors in the pathogenesis of sponta- ossification process during a normal embryological life.11 neous temporal encephaloceles, but the mechanisms in- A developmental problem occurring at an early embryo- volved in the formation of these meningoencephalocele 19 logical stage could therefore lead to the formation of a herniations remain controversial. nonossified membranous ala, thus favoring the formation 11,28 of spontaneous encephaloceles at this level. The in- Diagnosis complete development and fusion of the medial aspect of the may also lead to the formation of a Prompt clinical diagnosis and correct neuroradiologi- persistent lateral craniopharyngeal , known as the cal localization of the site of the fistula/herniation are keys Sternberg canal. This rare cranial base abnormality may for successful treatment of symptomatic temporal lobe en- then act as the site of origin for congenital encephaloceles cephaloceles. In the presence of a CSF leak any diagnostic protruding into the lateral recess of the sphenoid sinus.8 delay may reasonably increase the risk of bacterial men- As for the temporal bone, the presence of small areas of ingitis, with a reported incidence of CSF infection that dehiscence or bone thinning on and around the tegmen varies from 9 to 50%.18 Recurrent episodes of clinical or tympani is not an uncommon anatomical finding. This subclinical meningitis may also occur, provided that the occurrence is, in fact, very well known by neurootolo- natural course of a reactive inflammatory response does gists and skull base surgeons who are familiar with the not always lead to the spontaneous healing of a fistulous surgical anatomy of the middle cranial fossa.16 Multiple tract. Cases that manifest with CSF rhinorrhea may be areas of bone dehiscence of the tegmen tympani and confirmed by assessing both the levels of glucose and con- petromastoid region have been found in up to 34% of dis- tents of asialo-transferrin (beta-2 transferrin) in the nasal sected temporal bones in postmortem anatomical studies, discharge. In patients with normal serum glucose levels,

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/29/21 12:55 PM UTC Spontaneous encephaloceles of the temporal lobe a concentration of glucose > 30 mg/dl in the collected Surgical Treatment sample is considered suspicious for a CSF leak. Dextrose sticks, although easy to use and readily available, have a Definitive surgical repair of spontaneous encephalo- low specificity for detecting CSF in the nasal discharge. celes of the temporal lobe is warranted in cases of per- The presence of substances that reduce lacrimal and na- sistent or recurrent symptoms. In general the appropriate sal secretions may lead to a false positive result of this surgical treatment should be selected and tailored accord- test even in the presence of low concentrations of glucose. ing to presenting symptoms, location of the lesion, and presence and type of the CSF leak, as well as the gen- Therefore, in cases in which nasal discharges can be col- eral medical condition and expectations of the patient. In lected, the measurement of beta-2 transferrin remains the cases of active CSF fistulas, all of the appropriate medi- first-line test for the diagnosis of a CSF fistula. This poly- cal management should be started while completing the peptide involved in ferrous Fe transport may be detected neuroradiological workup. Bed rest with head elevation, only in the CSF, aqueous humor, and perilymph, and its as well as general precautions to avoid increases in intra­ discovery in a nasal discharge has high specificity and cranial pressure, is commonly recommended in such cas- sensitivity for the confirmation of a clinically suspected es. Also, placement of an indwelling lumbar catheter for CSF leak. continuous or intermittent CSF drainage may serve the 3 Once the diagnosis of a CSF leak has been made, an purposes of minimizing the leak at the site of herniation, accurate radiological localization of the site of the fistula allowing for the preoperative or intraoperative injection should be obtained. Localization of such areas may some- of fluorescein dye, and decreasing the CSF pressure after times be challenging, and this is particularly true in cases definitive surgical repair. of nontraumatic and/or intermittently active CSF leaks. The ideal operative approach should allow full ex- High-resolution CT scans have a low sensitivity for the posure and visualization of the encephalocele and its diagnosis of osseous-dural defects and associated rhinor- surgical reduction/amputation, as well as definitive re- rhea. Nevertheless, we found the indirect and 3D infor- pair of the associated osseous-dural defect. Open surgi- mation provided by this noninvasive modality to be very cal repairs has been the classic approach to treatment of useful in both preoperative planning and in the selection symptomatic encephaloceles in the past. Anteromedial, of a tailored surgical approach for definitive repair. Better anteroinferior, and posteroinferior encephaloceles can accuracy may be obtained using cisternal injection of wa- be treated using either intracranial or extracranial routes. ter-soluble contrast medium and its subsequent radiologi- For open intracranial access, frontotemporal or temporal cal visualization at the level of the osseous-dural defect craniotomies (with the optional addition of a zygomatic (CT cisternography). Although this modality has a good osteotomy or zygomaplasty) can be performed to reach sensitivity for the diagnosis of active leaks (80–85%), and repair lesions involving either the temporal or sphe- intermittent or inactive fistulas are usually associated noidal component of the middle cranial fossa as well as with a high incidence of false negative results and low the lateral extension of the sphenoid sinus (lateral sphe- 18 sensitivity. Magnetic resonance imaging with cisternog- noidal recess).9,26 Once the area of herniation has been raphy or constructive interference in steady-state proto- located, usually by means of an extradural dissection, cols is commonly used in the diagnosis of CSF fistulas, the final repair may be performed intradurally, extradur- and preliminary results suggest that these flow-sensitive ally, or by combining the two routes. When possible, we MR imaging studies may have an important role in the prefer to reduce/amputate the encephalocele extradurally, evaluation of CSF leaks involving the skull base.29 Such repairing any osseous defect before considering the addi- examinations provide the advantages of noninvasiveness, tion of an intradural exposure, so as to confine any non- excellent anatomical details, and the absence of ionizing sterile sinus cavity before entering the arachnoidal plane. radiation, and their sensitivity in the identification of the Although performing a duraplasty with a directly sutured site of fistulas has been reported to be as high as 100%, fascial autograft (or any allograft of choice) would be ide- even in patients with inactive fistulas.18 We believe that al in these situations, such a possibility is hardly allowed, an MR imaging evaluation should also be performed in if not precluded, by the anatomical location of the vast all cases of spontaneous CSF leaks to rule out associ- majority of temporal encephaloceles. ated or predisposing conditions such as hydrocephalus or After the herniated parenchyma has been amputated destructive skull-base neoplasms. At our institution we and hemostasis achieved, the osseous defect may be re- routinely obtain flow-sensitive MR imaging sequences in paired using fat, local muscle, fascia, calvarial graft, bone conjunction with 3D CT in all patients with a clinical or chips, or some combination of these.26,59 When dealing suspected diagnosis of a CSF fistula. Radionuclide cis- with anteroinferior or posteroinferior lesions, a vascu- ternography with the use of intranasal pledgets has been larized flap of temporoparietal pericranium can also be used in the past to confirm the diagnosis of intermittent harvested to cover the osseous repair and act as an on- or slow CSF leaks.39 Although the information provided lay graft over the area of dural deficiency (see Illustrative by this invasive study may be useful in cases in which Case). We prefer to avoid splitting the a discharge cannot be collected (such as low volume or during the repair to minimize the risks of postoperative drainage through the rhinopharynx), its sensitivity for the muscular atrophy and related cosmetic issues. Extracra- identification of sites of fistulas remains low, and espe- nial procedures such as transfacial approaches, LeFort cially in cases of uncooperative patients, the information osteotomies, and midfacial degloving techniques have provided can be misleading.18 also been used for the repair of anteromedial and antero-

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Fig. 1. Coronal preoperative CT scan (left) and T2-weighted MR image (right) show the osseous defect located lateral to the foramen rotundum on the right, and the associated anteroinferior encephalocele. inferior encephaloceles.20,33,41 Although these procedures anatomy, equipment, surgical techniques, and manage- offer the benefit of avoiding consequences directly relat- ment of related complications. Specific approaches are ed to brain manipulation (such as seizure, contusion, or dictated by presenting symptoms and the exact location postoperative brain edema), the possibility of a thorough of the encephalocele, with the addition of the careful pre- exploration of the middle cranial fossa may be limited operative evaluation of the patient’s individual sinus anat- when using these routes, thus restricting their usefulness omy. Within the middle cranial fossa, the anteromedial in cases of unclear preoperative localization of the area encephaloceles have been the lesions most commonly involved by the dural defect. approached using endoscopic techniques, mainly due to Frontotemporal extradural approaches, with or with- their proximity to easily accessible sinus routes. These out posterior orbital osteotomy and/or orbital cranio- encephaloceles may be repaired via either an endoscopic plasty, may be used to repair sphenoorbital encephalo­ transnasal transsphenoidal or transethmoidal route.6,25,40,52 celes, whereas lateral temporal encephaloceles are usually Although the surgical anatomy for a direct transsphenoi- treated with a standard frontotemporal or temporal cran- dal approach is familiar to the majority of surgeons, this iotomy centered over the osseous-dural defect.14 approach may not always provide complete visualization Posteroinferior encephaloceles involving the tegmen of the lateral recess of the sphenoid sinus, often the site of tympani can also be treated using a partial mastoidectomy, the defect. For endoscopic access to this area, a transmax- with or without the addition of a subtemporal approach illary transpterygoid approach has also been advocated. for a combined intracranial-extracranial repair.31,48,59 Such In this case, following a standard endonasal sphenoeth- an extradural transpetrosal route allows the combination moidectomy, the posterior wall of the maxillary sinus is of both encephalocele repair and surgical toilette of the removed, allowing entrance into the pterygopalatine fos- mastoid, also avoiding the need for brain manipulation. sa. The lateral recess of the sphenoid sinus is then entered Failure to seal both the dural defect and open air cells via direct drilling of the pterygoid process.3 during this procedure may lead to recurrent episodes of In conclusion, a wide array of surgical techniques, indolent CSF leaks through the posterior (via the such as a combination of open intracranial and extracra- middle ear and ); therefore, an endoscopic nial as well as endoscopic approaches, is now available to examination of the oral cavity should be performed in the otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons for the treatment of early postoperative period in dubious cases. symptomatic temporal lobe encephaloceles. A thorough With the advent of endoscopic approaches to the understanding of the anatomy of any individual bone- skull base, the surgical armamentarium for treating basal dural defect as well as a meticulous preoperative workup encephaloceles has greatly expanded. These procedures may allow surgeons to provide successful individualized carry the benefit of minimizing brain manipulation while surgical planning, tailoring the appropriate management also avoiding the need for cutaneous incisions. On the on a case-by-case basis. other hand, definitive dural reconstruction during endo- scopic approaches (using onlay/inlay techniques and/or Case Illustration vascularized flaps) may sometimes be challenging. Al- though often described as minimally invasive techniques, This 61-year-old woman presented to our institution the extent of anatomical dissection that is sometimes with clinical symptoms consistent with meningitis. Her required to expose and repair certain osseous-dural de- medical history showed recurrent episodes of sponta- fects by means of endoscopic techniques should not be neous rhinorrhea and her neuroradiological workup re- minimized. Therefore, before considering such routes, vealed the presence of a middle fossa osseous dehiscence surgeons should become familiar with sinus endoscopic associated with a lateral temporosphenoidal encepha-

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Fig. 2. Intraoperative photograph showing the bone-dural dehis- cence lateral to V2 after amputation of the encephalocele.

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6 Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 25 / December 2008

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