The Doctrine of Justification in the Theology of Juan De Valdes (1500
; J1JAN DE Vj.,ums THE DOCTHINE OE' J'US~L'I}!'ICATrION IN THE 2~tTEOLOGY OF JUAN DE VALDES (1500'il -1541) By ".' A ThE~sis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in Partial l:'uJ.t~ilment o:f the Hequirements i'or the Df3gree Master of Arts in He:ligion McMaster University Septernbe:r' 1970 TtU~STER OF ARfJ:S (1970) MeMA8fJ:EH UNIVEHSITY (He1igion) Hamilton, OntarioQ TITL1:; : Jh.§!_ P2c_!J...:i1)(~ ?:f:' ;!u~ti:r:~ic~tio!:!: i~: the Theology of Juan de Valdes (15007-1541) .----~ .... - -- -.-~--...... -- - ...... -~--- .. _--- .... _-- AUTHOR: Domingo R~ Helaclon, B.A., ~h.L., S.T~B. tUniv. of sto. Tomas) SUPERV1S0R~ Dr4 John .f{~ lJeyer NUMBER OE' PAGES: v, 106 SCOPE andCON~eEN':r:::;: A historico·~·do ctr inal analysis 01 the do e,·· trine of justification in the theology of Juan de ,. Valdes, a Spanisb, l-(e:e() of the s ixt eenth Centu- ry. ~he present study is an attempt to investi gate the rich historical and cultural background out of which Valaes came and to delineate the va- e.n.d cture oJ':' . stI'D his thought on Just.1,fic:ati::m. Ill, the lengthy bi.ogrDpbical account of' '1a1- ",if.:' ;1"1'1-i ('a't·o -Lh,.., )"1' ... "l"r'I"'0 OI~' '''l' C' ('es.l /'\, ~. ~ ,..!.8'"1,..,'11 C'.J. __ .. ..l,.)..1.'.... ~-, tic. 11.<;;:7. Lt. ts.·L····ll; .. -"~C) _V~J 1.1. '.~ ear·· ly life in Spain, his education at the Univ~rsity of Alcala and his literory activity during the last rI"},C 1,.GCB("C ',r~', V'11CJ.
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