Life and Writings of Juán De Valdés, Otherwise Valdesso, Spanish

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Life and Writings of Juán De Valdés, Otherwise Valdesso, Spanish fS" '"%IIMiiiK'i«a?..;?L.l!"3" "e VaWes 3 1924 029 olln 228 370 DATE DUE DECQjpg Cornell University Library ^^,^4^€^^/ The original of tliis book is in tlie Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. LIFE AND WEITINGS OP JUAN DE VALDES. LONDON PHIKTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO. NEW-STREET SQUARE LIFE AND WEITINGS OF JUAN DE YALDES, SPAl^ISH EEFOEMER IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY, BY BENJAMIN B?^'^FFEN. WITH ^ 'translation from tfte Italian OF HIS BY JOHN T. BETTS. TAUJESIO HISPANTTS SCarPTORE SUPEKBIAT ORBIS. Daniel Rogers. NON 'MoBTruBA.~&iulia Oomaga's Motto, p. 112. ^ LONDON: BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY. 1865. ix [_T/te Hghf of Tramlation and npprodiiHiov reserved^ *®6cse JWeUitatfons \xitxt UEStpeB to txtxtt tn tje goul t^E lobe ana fear of C&oii; anti tSeg ougfit to 6e realr, not in tfic Surrg of iustness, ftut in rettwmtnt; in fragments, get smtessiklB ; tje reaUer laging tjbem at once astfte loSen fie is foearg.' ANSELM. /]^36f;f .^^^^- "'^ I T!.3 "^^ Pre:i:lonc White Library PREFACE The book entitled The Hundred and Ten Considera- tions OF SiSNiOK John Valdesso, printed at Oxford in 1638, 4to., has become scarce. It is shut up in libraries, and should a stray copy come abroad, it is rarely to be obtained by him who seeks for it. This is not so much because the work is sought for by many, and largely known; for the principles it teaches are almost as much in advance of the present times as they were in the days of the 'sainted George Herbert' and Nicholas Ferrar, who first published it in English. In their day it was perhaps read as much for their sakes as for the Author's. It was thought that a book sanctioned by their approval must be good ; and down to the present time there has not been a reader of their interesting bio- graphy who has not been arrested by the name of John Valdesso, whom they did so much love. Of him, how- ever, George Herbert and Nicholas Ferrar knew nothing more with any certainty than what was put on the- title- page of the ' Considerations.' In the pages of their own biography he appears as a mythic personage, surrounded by a nimbus of mingled light and obscurity. The fertile fancy, however, of Isaac Walton was brought into exercise in his Life of George Herbert, to sketch the mysterious — vi PREFACE. person who, it was dimly apprehended, had exercised a surprising influence in Italy about the period of the Ee- formation. It pourtrayed John Valdesso, a Spaniard, as a grave, pensive old mystic, who so wrought upon the superstitious bias of Charles V. that he resolved to withdraw with his adviser from the world of public life. Of this, Isaac Walton supplies the following imaginative account : ' This John Valdesso was for his learning and virtue much valued and loved by the great Emperor Charles V., whom Valdesso had followed as a Cavalier all the time of his long and dangerous wars ; and when Valdesso grew old and weary of the world, he took a fair opportunity to declare to the Emperor that his reso- lution was to decline his Majesty's service and betake himself to a quiet and contemplative life, because there ought to be a time between fighting and dying. The Emperor had himself, for the same or other reasons, taken the like resolution; but Grod and himself only knew them, and he desires Valdesso to consider well of what he had said, but keep his purpose within his own breast, till they two had another opportunity of a friendly discourse, which Valdesso promised. In the meantime the Emperor appoints privately a day for him and Valdesso to receive the sacrament publicly, and appointed an eloquent friar to preach a sermon on contempt of the world, and of the happiness and benefit of a quiet and contemplative life, which the friar did most affection- ately. After which sermon the Emperor declared openly: That the preacher had begot in him a resolution to lay down his dignities, to forsake the world, and to betake himself to a more monastic life. And he pretended he had persuaded John Valdesso to do the like ; but this is most certain, that after the Emperor had called his son Philip out of England, and resigned to him all his king- doms, that then the Emperor and John Valdesso did per- — PHEFAOE. Vil form their resolution. This account,' he goes on to say, ' I received from a friend that had it from the mouth of Mr. Ferrar ; and the reader may note that in this retire- ment John Valdesso writ his CX. Considerations and many other treatises of worth, which want a second Mr. Ferrar to procure and translate them.' The whole of this story is a pure fiction, which it is the ungracious duty of Truth to negative, though the lively imagination of Isaac Walton has adorned it with his own graceful colouring of romance. If it be now my part, by unsought necessity, to destroy his pleasant episode about Jufin de Valdes—this ' John Valdesso,' as he calls him—and the Emperor, it is agreeable to me to be able to supply its place by another episode in his life more true and graceful,—more graceful because more true, that of his acquaintance with Griulia Gronzaga, Duchess of Trajetto and Countess of Fondi; for whom he prepared his ]\ISS., and who took her part in the conception and production of at least one of them.* And if so little was truly known of this John Valdesso by his English translator, the Spaniards, his countrymen, who had seen him with their bodily eyes a century earlier, were scarcely wiser, for they viewed in him not one but two persons ; and if some few of them escaped this illusion, and could have told us something about him with accuracy, the fires of the Inquisition dried up the iak of their pens with terror. As in Spain, so in Italy, where he lived and died at last, it was the same. Authors, who one after another record his name, all moved to curiosity about it, yet possessiag little except this one book, can tell us scarcely more than his countrymen have done. His name, cast out by the bigots of his own nation, banned in Italy, and rejected amongst the dogmatic Switzers, found at length, a hundred years later, a quiet asylum in England, * The Alfabeto Chiistiano. yiii PREFACE. therefore, the Ark of freedom. It appears incumbent, ' of him whom George upon us to unveil the true efBgies ' and Herbert and Nicholas Ferrar yearned to know, whom anxious a number of more recent writers have been to pourtray, yet could not. Having now obtained a larger number of his books than it had been the good fortune of others previously to possess, I have been enabled, by comparing the style and thoughts of one with another, to determine the author- ship of those which were at first anonymous, and also to ascertain from his own words many of the circumstances of his life that had been but dimly apprehended before. In order to lighten the labour of others who may be inclined to carry on their researches in this direction to a greater length than myself, I have been careful to mark the successive stages of progress by references placed at the foot of the page. And as a limited number of copies of the Author's works have recently been reprinted, and those not intended for public sale, in a series entitled Reformistas antiguos Espanoles, if these sources of in- formation are not readily to be obtained, they are now to be found at least in several of our public libraries by those who may be inclined to study them. For the advantage of the general reader, I have thought it well to extend the extracts from them to a length that, but for this rea- son, might seem disproportionate to the shortness of the narrative, and these I hope will not be found in them- selves tedious or uninstructive. For the particular view given in the Introductory chapter of Spanish national affairs during the early part of the sixteenth century, and of the policy of what we call the ' Country party,' or ' Commons,' comparing it to that dis- tinguished by the same term in the contest for freedom in our own country in the times of Charles the First and PREFACE. ix Cromwell, I am indebted to gleanings from the Epistles of Pedro Martir de Angleria, in the Spanish Appendix to the Ziento i diez Gonsideraziones por Juan de Valdes. Londres, 1863. This Appendix, containing also the cor- respondence of Erasmus with the brothers Valdes, trans- lated into Spanish, and other very valuable information respecting them, occupies 255 pages, with an Index to it. Many notices about Valdes, the erroneous as well as the true, scattered over the pages of various writers, Dr. Edward Boehmer of Halle has, with his truly G-erman characteristic of industrious research, collected in the notes to an elaborate Appendix to his reprinted edition of 1550 of ' Le Cento e died divine Considerazioni di Giovanni Valdesso. Halle in Sassonia, I860.' The Appendix is entitled ' Cenni Biografici sui Fratelli Giovanni e Alfonso di Valdesso, 1861,'—127 pages. Of this volume 306 copies were printed—only 200 of them for sale. It is to be regretted that Dr. Boehmer did not supply an Index to his valuable Appendix.
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