1977 Activities

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1977 Activities ,DOCOMENT 14S(ME -vm 170 19. St.027 ' -- TITLE Aeronalitics and Space Report of tive President: 1977 e Activities. ' It4STITUTION .. Natipnal AWronautics and Space-Mministratiorc, A Wash-ingtOn, P.C. PUB DATE 78_ NOTE 96p.; photograpbs., and parts of appendices'may be igp marginally legible , AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing,. Office, 4ash.ingtOn, D.C. 20402 (Stock Ntmher 1 033-000-00737-0; $2.75) i , EDRS'-PRICE MF01/PC04 'Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS . *AerospaceiTectmology; Communication Satellites; *-Fedval Gd'vernment;FederalPrograms; LunAr . 'Research;Science Education; *ScientificResearch; Space; *Space Sciencq; *Technology , . 4 ABSTRAC'T The national programs in aeronautics andspace made steady progress in 1977 toward their long-termobjctives. In . aeronautics the goals were impro!ed perforMance,energy efficiency; and safety in aircraft. Inspace thegoals were: (1) bet+er remote sensing systems to, generate,more sophisticatedinformation aboUt .the Earth's environment; (2) cost-effective, versatile space . transportation; and (3) undetstanding the origins andprocescses of :Earth,arth the solar_(syStem,, and the Universe. Aeronautic research made real gains toward developihgtechnologies that would enable future transport aircraft to reduce fuel Consumption,by,up to 50,% along with lower noise a',Tid emiesion.61evers.The United States' attempted' 26 launches intospace in 1,977; 24.of'them put 29 ['satellite§ into orbit.(Author/BB) \. 4 . a' .********************(*****ic***********'1***********4!******4*********-. * - Reproductions supplied by,EDRS are -the best that can be MA gn, * .!.., * *- ' . -, frcm the ,original document. #31c****.********It************###4**********M4c**1##########***#*#J ge***** . - r .. 1 DEPARTM,ENT OFHEALTH EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN -REPRO. bUCEIS. EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN. ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS- SSATE0-0 NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENTVFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY P 1.4 , Aeronautics and Space Report of the Piesident 1977 Activities T. ' °mulles and Space Report- the President 1 '7 Activittes 40 National Aeronautics and Space fAdminis /moon Washington. D.C. 20546 4 , .1 Table of .Contentg . , image 40,,,Immary a ti,S and VI. Departrne4 of the InterThr 66 Space Acail mes o'977 IntroFluction 1)1; In troctuc...on Earcfi. Resources ObServation 2cimmunic:1, Sivstems Program: 66 :Earth s 9 ?vu_. anal' Cartographic Iniorm.1- -"pace Scien:, _ 5 -:on Center 67 ransr,.rta': _ 7 '._-,nitoring the Environnient 11 kesearch 68 tik):;a. -7 CI lila' Ilt ICS .isid Space International, Activi,_:cs 69 VII. =nem of Transpor -)1) 70 13 -Itrocitiction 70 ;'"*. 'Os., if ath 3 Safety 70 icier r it Traffic Control and spa. t ion Navigation 72 .na T -T Resenrci Support _ 'VI' . cc;it!: _ _ °.1,111`17:7 hitt r.t. '--r/na 11 IcaRese.i.(:1,d Appendixes . - III. DP-Da=1,er o Ty, 1,'.71se _ A-1 ,)acecraft Record I:1 anuction _ Record of. Space Laun rtivitie, .3 ,,:essful in Attaining Eara .'.;.frar LILL JQ . or Beyond e,tts11ii. v,,' N ra A-3 T- .J.S. Launchings-1' 76 IV. Den7 gent 9 .gip: lications/Satellites, 19- 1977 82 '9 Spact .9' B-2..' -Launched S ientific Paylo Other es Ai Satellites-- :kid Spaa 54 .973 ' -77 84 Spac' -;vities 56 13-3 #1.4.7Launrited pace PrObes, 1 Spar .,v :r Research_ 57 077 . DatProgra: History o- ted States and Aer-,1,AttitAl (.4.: 1. 39 Mann, . S ace Flights. V. Deoartm- d F 50 unch Vehicles 8S . Intr...nwt U.S. Sp i iXies of the U.S. Govern- Spac . \Aclear Space A. Powei so ment 3. Space BudgetE dget Program .= 03 89 Space Disp Wasi.es .63 E- Pace A. Budget 90 Satellite o, 64 AeronautiBudget, 90 ttt .. ,,... ,./. Aerospace Events of 1977. ,./ ...: / -.1-1ie United States in 1977 conducted the . successful approach and landin,,tesis of the Space Shuttle . u , Orbiter, neared completiop 'of the Shiatle facilities .at the Kennedy. Sracei%Cente, made operational use of data from the network of environmental'satellites, and continued work'to'iilprove m i l itary aviation. JOn%October211/42, 1977,, Enterprise, thSpace Shuttle's Orbiter No. 1(above) ,separated from its 747 carrier' aircff and befkan its 5-minute glide to t first landing ott a concrete runway This wag the last of five approach -landing flights conducted iii 1977 t/NASA's Dryden FlightResearch nter at Edwards, California. Thellivflights confierned theOrbiter's ability to descend through the,'atmosphe e and makean airplane-like landint. In preparation for die orbitalfli ttests. scheduled, for 1979, the Shutt fa- cilities at Kennedy Space, Cenr -in Florida neared ampletion. These Octo- ber photos show (below, lef )Launch Complex 39' being reworked from its Apollo' launch configur low i< its Shuttle configuration.and(below, right)the Orbiter landing facilit,y'(at lop) and tow road hading to the pair of rectangular buildi 'where Orbiters will be refurbished after flight. t. .00 III I I I I N. IV Environmental. i o p: vide- data used-- fog castinz and rerc:::-..5 left, er-nat,]ed infrirc u, Goes sattI.t shows acro Nortr 'America o 19.1977 :t-dense,: precipitation ijs iNer ICC.0 IlpSyl- Indee,d, ' losing ;Fin ston flout. J14.49. ation is he tweerthe April :le Sierra Nevac... Ntountail Le: Tod 1977 (right. Thi,rat: :naz um the Noaa weather sal e acz-_ ..te'warn, ing .TIC severe is West ern s:.:..ts during t f '7. 75= - In 1977, the Department- of Defense con- ducted,flight tests of the Navy's Tomahawk cruise missile (right) and deployed increas- ing numbers of the new F-16 fighter aircraft (below) to the fleet's aircraft carriers. A Stinitnary of-United States Aeronautics and Spitee. Actin hies in 1977. Introduction, Opt---at:-al Sp, Ins . pi --ratio1 telecomunications proe-ranis in aeronatitical space, Sat(.it telsat) inc eased.r,its s sin1977 toward long- inereSe . ines in 1977, 'bri (71 reron_autics the goal im- tot, t ' .,.e apability was a aug- I eneky efficiency,ii-safety nen:cc .u:. F ,.'"11 20, 1971, of another n fir :1 .space the goals wcr better Inte:sa ICI. :nto sychronous orbit to date :en 1\ -tems to, generate mot sophis- se. :c i .:lin regio .1 :for :.tout the Earth's envit ment; -tla Satelfite MA RISAT) -con- fet II -er,a1iLcspace transpormti,.,.nand sortirn :d c'ieutial seiceJ the Indian .71 ..t.TSt. the(ffiginS and processe,o .the ,Oeedit it id& -...; To its seryi c ii-- the Atlantic s\ stem, and the Universe .-:- . am. : ac ; : -co?inercial ship! and in all research_ made real gain.,toward three of-: sforor; U.S. Navy. M number of .mologies that would enabi . future U.S. shi equipA with M AT terminals par- -iftto reduce fuelconsuml..ionby- tripled th,("0 the *orlfleet doirbiedCon- 'it along with idwer noise and emis-- , stant c,, ,,.tNk. 1 ;le homoffice .aket: ship de- ...ar.w . ployme.- utielt rm.- --e cost-e i ective and speeds de? State' attempted 26 launches intO 1 livery-,.. roods. I' tC(.1 24 o: them put 29 satellites into. 11 . -y Cott t.nrc:t.ions tellit . The three ')it. A.s ihited 15 satellites, iij 14 launches 2 mall 1e, .-.q ..reet ormilitaly com- tirw-nes I:: t. and -- third place'd a satellite into mur.ttion ..\byate iteare (1.) lightcapacity lipt:-,-.. '1 of s' tchronous orbit. DoD )rbited won, ,.'ide pdiv-i-o-:)oint. communication, (2) rhod- ' s - -to . .11 10launches, I? withanother crate-capa'cityst., \Iceto mobile users, and(3) :ii :w..: for -1)oD by NASA. Of the NASA total, command and ,--mtro] d5rOmunication for strategic- ily 474:er . .' -,SA launches; Costs of launching the fOree!-. inainder -.were reimbursed by governmental; in- Fo-Itelfirst or these needs, in 1977 the Defense rnationa,..:11;;.i commercial customers. The N7 A Cor tticationsSatellite Program(DSCS)/had lit.inches included a,,, high-energy astronomy stel.., . out -erational spacecraft:two DSCS.. satellites re, two p.ane-..try satellites heading toward Jupiter, 'Taut, ..-A in May 177 and.deploYeemei the At- .rid a-_--adiati -n-counting satelJite focused on the !anti --idv,-.!st Pacific, a DSCS experimental-satel- nagnetciplicr_. , . lite.: -.cliett.in December 1973 and riow- overgthe This :napter will summarize highlights of the Indi; )cean, and NATO.IIIB on loan for tem- -ear, arranged topically. \rather than by agency. porar. .e over the easternPacific. Fqur more tibsequent chapters will)be devoted to the aero- '1)SC satellites were scheduled for- launCh in lautics and space Activities of the six Federal agen- 1978 develop/lent continued of the improved ieS sitthe largest programs-in those areas,q as DSCS imodel\ . ietermi7,--d by their budgets. ''' . The :ri'derate-capJ1 tcity requirement will be met A. , bythei:etSate iteCommunications. Service Communications (FIJS.- -T-( OM)- for contacting mobile units of the Nay- id AitForce..The first satellite is sche21.,--, Communications satellites were thefirst spac9) tiled for inch early in 1928. :.: is --,stems t :. demoystrate commercial feasibilityand .The .tegic command .and control iystern. are st and fastest growing seg.:Merit -of, now pro-.- .ied by transponders on- several satellites, It s-.--.,ace develc. r ent. nendirre.-velopmgrit.of a-strategic satellite system. 1 PyuP t Corn rn er(tl llites.,At the 1-4, eFT-,: bons in tke. .mosphere and water .: on 9 7 three do r,- conunt nications ,atei its land st.1 I:te. lute s stems were Are: iat .er....increasing;ascii . 1 operation_ utf the ; and innaksi, and pro. nt the environint gigahertz) L t Ihis year the Fetiera Con1:-...u.nications Con u,7ion authorized Sat.;;1( .entorying and.1107. Bust: Systems to d. o and (light -test sate oiler:.- rt 1..andsatEA II the .1,2- .

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    CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, MISSILE ASSEMBLY HAER FL-8-B BUILDING AE HAER FL-8-B (John F. Kennedy Space Center, Hanger AE) Cape Canaveral Brevard County Florida PHOTOGRAPHS WRITTEN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE DATA HISTORIC AMERICAN ENGINEERING RECORD SOUTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior 100 Alabama St. NW Atlanta, GA 30303 HISTORIC AMERICAN ENGINEERING RECORD CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, MISSILE ASSEMBLY BUILDING AE (Hangar AE) HAER NO. FL-8-B Location: Hangar Road, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), Industrial Area, Brevard County, Florida. USGS Cape Canaveral, Florida, Quadrangle. Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinates: E 540610 N 3151547, Zone 17, NAD 1983. Date of Construction: 1959 Present Owner: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Present Use: Home to NASA’s Launch Services Program (LSP) and the Launch Vehicle Data Center (LVDC). The LVDC allows engineers to monitor telemetry data during unmanned rocket launches. Significance: Missile Assembly Building AE, commonly called Hangar AE, is nationally significant as the telemetry station for NASA KSC’s unmanned Expendable Launch Vehicle (ELV) program. Since 1961, the building has been the principal facility for monitoring telemetry communications data during ELV launches and until 1995 it processed scientifically significant ELV satellite payloads. Still in operation, Hangar AE is essential to the continuing mission and success of NASA’s unmanned rocket launch program at KSC. It is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under Criterion A in the area of Space Exploration as Kennedy Space Center’s (KSC) original Mission Control Center for its program of unmanned launch missions and under Criterion C as a contributing resource in the CCAFS Industrial Area Historic District.
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