Republika Makedonija Dr`aven zavod za statistika Republic of Macedonia State Statistical Office


CONSTRUCTION IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA, 2004 - 2008 , oktomvri 2009 636 Skopje, October 2009 Izdava~: DR@AVEN ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKA NA REPUBLIKA MAKEDONIJA, ul. "Dame Gruev" br.4, Skopje


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Person responsible: Blagica Novkovska M.Sc., Director


CIP - Katalogizacija vo publikacija Nacionalna i univerzitetska biblioteka "Sv. Kliment Ohridski", Skopje

31:69(497.7)"2004/08" 69(497.7)"2004/08"(083.41)

GRADE@NI[TVOTO vo Republika Makedonija vo 2004-2008 = Construction in the Republic of Macedonia in 2004-2008. - Skopje : Dr`aven zavod za statistika na Republika Makedonija = Skopje : State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia, 2009. - 31 str. : tabeli ; 29 sm. - (Statisti~ki pregled / Dr`aven zavod za statistika na Republika Makedonija. Inudstrija i energija = Statistical review / State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia, ISSN 0580-454X Industry and energy, ISSN 1857-5234); (636)

Tekst naporedno na mak. i angl. jazik

ISBN 978-9989-197-73-4

a) Grade`ni{tvo - Makedonija - 2004-2008 - Statistika COBISS.MK-ID 79775498 PREDGOVOR

Vo soglasnost so svojata praksa, Dr`avniot zavod za statistika go objavuva ovoj Statisti~ki pregled za sostojbata vo grade`ni{tvoto vo Republika Makedonija. Za periodot od 2004 do 2008 godina, opfatena e sostojbata na stanbenata izgradba i toa: izgradeni, nezavr{eni i urnati stanovi. Za 2007 i 2008 godina, prezentirana e sostojbata na izgradba na site vidovi objekti vo Republika Makedonija, vrednosta na tie objekti, koli~inata na potro{eniot grade`en i pogonski materijal pri izgradbata na objektite i vkupnata vrednost na izvr{enite i dogovorenite grade`ni raboti vo stranstvo. Podatocite koi se obraboteni vo ovoj Statisti~ki pregled se dobieni vrz osnova na redovnite istra`uvawa od oblasta na grade`nata statistika, a od 1999 godina se primenuva novata Nomenklatura na grade`ni objekti i grade`ni raboti koja{to vo delot za grade`ni objekti e izrabotena vrz osnova na Klasifikacijata na vidovite grade`ni objekti (Classification of Types of Constructions) vo izdanie na Eurostat, avgust 1997 godina, a vo delot za grade`ni raboti, vrz osnova na evropskata Statisti~ka klasifikacija na proizvodi spored aktivnosta (Statistical Classifications of Products by Activity) vo izdanie na Eurostat od 1996 godina. Nomenklaturata e izrabotena vo Oddelenieto za grade`na i komunalna statistika pri Dr`avniot zavod za statistika, vo mart 1999 godina. Tabelite vo ovoj Statisti~ki pregled koi ja opfa}aat izgradbata na stanovite i izvr{uvaweto na grade`nite raboti po vidovi na gradba, se pretstaveni na nivo na op{tini i statisti~ki regioni, spored Nomenklaturata na teritorijalni edinici za statistika (NTES) za Republika Makedonija, usvoena vo 2007 godina. Statisti~kiot pregled proizleze kako rezultat na sogleduvawata na potrebite na korisnicite i smetame deka }e gi zadovoli nivnite barawa i potrebi od podatoci. Zaradi sporedlivost na podatocite, a i zaradi barawata na ovie podatoci od stranstvo, podatocite se prezentirani na makedonski i na angliski jazik.

Skopje, oktomvri 2009 godina Rakovoditel na sektor Mirjana Bo{wak


According the practice, the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia is publishing this Statistical Review for the condition in the construction sector in the Republic of Macedonia. For the period of 2004 to 2008, the condition in building dwellings is covered for: completed, unfinished and demolished dwellings. For the period of 2007 and 2008, the condition of building of all kinds of constructions in the Republic of Macedonia is presented, the value of those constructions, the amount of spent building and power materials during the building of constructions and total value of completed and contracted construction works abroad. The data that are processed in this Statistical Review are obtained from the surveys in construction statistics, and since 1999, the new "Nomenclature for Constructions and Construction Works" is in use. The Nomenclature is based on the "Classification of Types of Constructions" from Eurostat, August 1997 (for the part ofconstructions ), and the "Statistical Classification of Products by Activity" from Eurostat, 1996 (for construction works). The Nomenclature is prepared by the Division for construction at the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia, in the March 1999 issue. The tables in this Statistical Review that cover the residential dwellings building and performing building activities by type of construction, are presented on municipal level and on level of statistical regions, according the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics for the Republic of Macedonia (NTES), adopted in 2007. The Statistical Review is a result of increased user’s needs and we consider that it will satisfy their requirements and needs. Because of data comparison and foreign data needs the Review is prepared both on Macedonian and English language.

Skopje, October 2009 Head of Sector Mirjana Bosnjak SODR@INA

Predgovor...... 3 Definicii i metodolo{ki objasnuvawa...... 5 Op{tini vo Republika Makedonija...... 10 Izgradeni stanovi, 2008...... 11 Grade`ni objekti i izvr{eni grade`ni raboti...... 12 Prose~ni ceni na stanovi za koi e dogovorena izgradba od delovnite subjekti od oblasta na grade`nata dejnost...... 17 Urnati stanovi spored vidot na sopstvenosta i godinata na izgradba...... 17 Izgradeni stanovi ...... 18 Nezavr{eni stanovi...... 18 Broj na izgradeni stanovi, vkupno i spored brojot na sobite...... 19 Vkupno izvr{eni grade`ni raboti po vidovi objekti...... 22 Koli~estvo i vrednost na potro{eniot grade`en i pogonski materijal na delovnite subjekti od oblasta na grade`ni{tvoto...... 25 Vrednost na dogovorenite i izvr{enite grade`ni raboti vo stranstvo vo periodot I-XII 2008 godina ...... 30


Preface ...... 3 Definitions and methodological explanations ...... 7 Municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia...... 10 Completed residential dwellings, 2008 ...... 11 Constructions and completed construction works ...... 12 Average prices of residential dwellings under construction contracted by business entities from construction activity...... 17 Demolished residential dwellings according to type of ownership and year of construction...... 17 Completed residential dwellings ...... 18 Unfinished residential dwellings...... 18 Number of completed dwellings,total and according the number off rooms ...... 19 Completed construction works by type of construction...... 22 Quantity and value of building and power materials spent by business entities from the construction area...... 25 Value of contracted and completed constuction works abroad in the period of I-XII 2008 ...... 30


Tabelite obraboteni vo ovoj Statisti~ki pregled glavno sodr`at dve grupi na podatoci: podatoci za grade`nite objekti i podatoci za grade`nite raboti. Grade`en objekt e sekoja odvoena, samostojna funkcionalna celina (podzemna, nadzemna i vodogradba), ~ija namena e odnapred odredena i e trajno locirana na odredena teritorija. Spored vidot, grade`nite objekti, kako del od grade`nata dejnost, se delat na: - objekti od visokogradba - objekti od niskogradba - objekti od hidrogradba Visokogradbata se zanimava so izgradba na objekti koi so svojot pogolem del se nao|aat nad povr{inata na zemjata, odnosno odat vo visina. Vo ovaa grupa spa|aat site stanbeni i delovni zgradi, odnosno site zgradi koi se javuvaat kako pridru`ni objekti na objektite od niskogradbata i hidrogradbata (stani~ni zgradi, aerodromski zgradi, zgradi na trafostanici, pristani{ta, silosi itn.). Niskogradbata se zanimava so izgradba na objekti koi{to prete`no, odnosno so svojot glaven del se nao|aat na povr{inata na zemjata ili vo zemjata. Vo ovaa grupa spa|aat objektite od tipot na pati{ta, `elezni~ki prugi, mostovi, tuneli itn. Hidrogradbata e nasoka na grade`nata tehnika koja{to najmnogu obrabotuva objekti {to se vrzani so vodata i nejzinoto iskoristuvawe. Vo ovaa grupa spa|aat: brani, nasipi, meliorativni sistemi, kapta`ni gradbi itn. Vo ovoj Statisti~ki pregled, a spored Nomenklaturata na grade`nite objekti i grade`nite raboti, objektite od hidrogradbata se vklu~eni vo grupata na objekti od niskogradbata. Zgradite, kako elementi na visokogradbata, a i spored Nomenklaturata, se klasificirani vo dve grupi: stanbeni i nestanbeni. Objektite koi se elementi na niskogradbata, spored Nomenklaturata, glavno se klasificirani spored in`enerskata konstrukcija odredena so namenata na objektot. Grade`nite raboti se delat na: - novogradba - dogradba - rekonstrukcija - sanacija - adaptacija - golemi popravki - redovno odr`uvawe Novogradba Novogradba pretstavuva izgradba na nov objekt na teren kade {to prethodno ne postoel drug objekt ili postoel, no e urnat. Novogradba za pati{ta ili `elezni~ki prugi se smeta toga{ koga kompletno }e se izgradi dolniot i gorniot stroj so celosno iscrtuvawe na nova trasa ili so delumno koristewe na starata trasa pri {to vo celost se menuva dolniot stroj. Dogradba i nadgradba Dogradba i nadgradba e grade`na rabota {to se izvr{uva na grade`niot objekt so cel da se zgolemi postoe~kata povr{ina na objektot, pri {to pro{iruvaweto se vr{i po horizontalna i po vertikalna osnova, kako na primer, potpolno nov stan ili deloven prostor, prodol`uvawe na ulici, plinski, kanalizaciski, vodovodni i drugi cevovodi ili komunikaciski vodovi i sl. Ovde ne se opfa}aat pro{iruvawata na postoe~kite objekti, kako na primer, dogradba na sobi ili delovni prostorii, pro{iruvawe na pati{ta ili drugi pro{iruvawa so koi obi~no se zgolemuva kapacitetot na objektite. Rekonstrukcija Rekonstrukcija na objektite vo visokogradba se grade`ni raboti kade {to najmalku edna prostorija vo zgradata vo potpolnost se obnovuva, so cel da se podobrat uslovite za koristewe na najmalku eden stan od zgradata ili nekoj drug objekt kaj visokogradbata koristej}i gi glavnite delovi od konstruktivniot sistem iako vnatre{nite pregradni yidovi se potpolno neupotreblivi poradi starost i drugi pri~ini. Kaj objektite od niskogradbata (pati{ta, `elezni~ki prugi i sl.), so rekonstrukcijata se zgolemuva nivnata propustna mo} i kapacitetot, kako na primer, pro{iruvawata na ulici poradi pogolema propustna mo}, zamena na postoe~kite cevovodi i vodovi so cevki koi imaat pogolem kapacitet i sl.

Statistical review 5 Sanacija Sanacijata e grade`na rabota {to se izvr{uva na grade`niot objekt so cel da se podobri negovata iskoristenost, pri {to se vr{at pomali intervencii na fasadata, pokrivot, vnatre{nosta na objektot i sl., a so {to se poka~uva i vrednosta na objektot. Adaptacija Adaptacija e grade`na rabota kade {to postoe~kiot prostor vo zgradata (na pr. tavanskiot ili podrumskiot prostor koj dotoga{ ne bil ureden za `iveewe ili za delovni celi, kako gara`i, prostorija vo koja se vr{i nekoja proizvodna ili uslu`na dejnost) se prenamenuva vo eden ili pove}e stanovi ili postoe~kiot deloven prostor se prilagoduva za drugi delovni celi. Promenata se odviva vo vnatre{nosta na objektot, a zna~i pretvorawe na stanbeniot prostor vo nestanben i obratno {to vo statistikata se odnesuva na promenata na stanbeniot fond (porast ili opa|awe na brojot na stanovite). Ovde se opfa}aat pro{iruvawata na postoe~kite objekti, kako na primer, dogradba na sobi ili na del od delovni prostorii. Golemi popravki Grade`ni raboti {to se vr{at na grade`niot objekt pri {to se obnovuvaat nekoi elementi na objektot bez da se vr{i promena na vnatre{nosta na objektot ili na negoviot konstruktiven sistem ili namena. Redovno odr`uvawe Preventivni intervencii na objektot so cel da se podobri negovata vlo{ena sostojba. So ovaa grade`na rabota ne se vr{at nikakvi drugi promeni osven normalizacija na funkciite {to se odvivaat vo stanot ili objektot pri {to se poka~uva i negovata vrednost. Edinici merki Goleminata na grade`nite objekti i grade`nite raboti koi se zavr{eni ili se vo izgradba, se dadeni vo soodvetni edinici merki ili vrednosni podatoci, odnosno vo denari. Stanovite, osven po broj, se dadeni i spored nivnata povr{ina (vo m2), koja{to, spored Metodolo{koto upatstvo za grade`nata statistika koja se vodi vo Dr`avniot zavod za statistika, pretstavuva zbir na povr{inite na site sobi i pomo{ni prostorii vo stanot mereni od vnatre{nata strana na yidovite, zna~i, ~istata stanbena povr{ina, kako i 75% od povr{inata na lo|iite, 50% od povr{inata na pokrienite terasi i 25% od povr{inata na otvorenite terasi. Vo tabelata Koli~estvo i vrednost na potro{eniot grade`en i pogonski materijal na delovnite subjekti od oblasta na grade`ni{tvoto, grade`nite materijali se pretstaveni vo razli~ni, odnosno soodvetni edinici merki kako: par~iwa, m2, m3, toni, kg, itn. Vrednost na objektite Vrednosta na objektite ja vklu~uva vrednosta na izvr{enite grade`ni raboti i potro{eniot grade`en i pogonski materijal, odnosno vgradeniot grade`en i zanaet~iski materijal {to e potro{en vo tekot na celata godina, kako i gotovite konstrukcii bez ogled na toa dali vgradeniot materijal e kupen za objektot koj treba da se gradi ili e prethodno upotreben za gradba na drug objekt, a so demonta`a povtorno e staven vo upotreba. Ovie vrednosti se pribiraat od godi{nite izve{tai. Pri izvr{uvawe na grade`nite raboti na objektite od strana na delovnite subjekti, se zema vrednosta od godi{nata presmetkovna Situacija. Pokraj ovaa vrednost, se zema i vrednosta na zanaet~iskite i instalaterskite raboti koja se iska`uva posebno. Dokolku ne e vospostavena Situacija, treba da se izvr{i procena na ovaa vrednost vrz osnova na knigovodstvenata dokumentacija (fakturi, isplatni listi i drugo). Za objektot za koj delovniot subjekt go podnesuva Izve{tajot i kade {to delovniot subjekt izveduval samo del od rabotite kako {to e slu~aj kaj stanbenite zgradi vo individualna sopstvenost, se iska`uva samo vrednosta za koja vo tekot na godinata delovniot subjekt sostavil Situacija. Vo vrednosta na tro{ocite ne se vklu~uvaat tro{ocite za nabavka na grade`noto zemji{te, komunalnoto opremuvawe, raseluvaweto, proektiraweto i sli~no, kako i tro{ocite za oprema (na primer, vo hotelite, tro{ocite za oprema na restoranite, hotelskite sobi i drugo). Dokolku objektot e zavr{en vo izve{tajnata godina, vo vrednosta se vklu~uva i podatokot za vrednosta na zanaet~iskite raboti od po~etokot do krajot na gradeweto. Vrednosta na izvr{enite grade`ni raboti kaj objekti gradeni od strana na individualni sopstvenici opfa}a: - vrednost na celokupniot grade`en i zanaet~iski materijal {to e potro{en vo tekot na godinata; - vkupna suma platena na rabotnicite za nivnata rabota na gradewe na zgradata kako i procenetata vrednost na rabotata koja im ja dal sopstvenikot na objektot; - tro{oci za prevoz na materijalot vo koj se vklu~uvaat i procenetite tro{oci za prevoz dokolku prevozot go izvr{il samiot sopstvenik; - vrednost na rabotite {to gi izvr{il izveduva~ot, t.e delovniot subjekt dokolku u~estvuval vo izgradbata na zgradata.

6 Statisti~ki pregled Za podatokot za vrednosta na objektite gradeni od individualni sopstvenici va`at istite objasnuvawa kako i za objektite gradeni od strana na delovnite subjekti, so taa razlika {to kaj ova pra{awe se dava celokupnata vrednost na zgradata od po~etokot do krajot na gradeweto. Kako odgovor na ova pra{awe mo`e da se koristi podatokot za vrednosta {to ja utvrdile dano~nite organi kako dano~na osnova vo slu~aj koga ne postoi dokumentacija za utvrduvawe na vkupnata vrednost. Dokolku grubite grade`ni raboti gi izveduval deloven subjekt od grade`nata dejnost, vrednosta na tie raboti se vklu~uva vo vkupnata vrednost. Vid na stanot Stan e grade`no povrzana celina nameneta za `iveewe {to se sostoi od edna ili pove}e sobi i pomo{ni prostorii (kujna, pretsobje, bawa, klozet, ostava i sli~no). Stanot treba da ima poseben pristap od ulicata ili direktno preku dvorot ili terenot ili pristap preku zaedni~kiot prostor vo zgradata (skali, pasa`, galerija itn.), a mo`e da ima eden ili pove}e vlezovi. Stanovite se delat na: - garsonieri i ednosobni: Garsonierata e stan koj se sostoi od edna soba, bawa i pretsobje i so ili bez t.n. ~ajna kujna. Ednosobniot stan se sostoi od edna soba, kujna i pomo{ni prostorii ili edna soba bez kujna, no so drugi pomo{ni prostorii. Vo ovaa podelba se vbrojuvaat i posebnite sobi, odnosno stanovite koi se sostojat samo od edna soba bez pomo{ni prostorii. - dvosobni; - trisobni; - ~etirisobni; - pettosobni - {estosobni - sedmosobni - osmosobni i pove}esobni. Dvosobnite, trisobnite, ~etirisobnite itn. stanovi se sostojat od dve, tri, ~etiri, pet itn. sobi i kompletno ili delumno - pomo{ni prostorii.


The tables presented in this Statistical Review contain mainly two data groups: data for constructions and data for construction works. Construction is any separated, freestanding functional integrity (subterranean, on the ground and waterworks), whose purpose is determined in advance and it is located in determined area. According to the type, constructions as a part of construction activity, are classified into: - Buildings - Civil engineering works - Waterworks Buildings are dealing with building of constructions which are mainly on the surface of the earth and above, and that are built in high. In this group included are all residential and business buildings, namely all the buildings that are associate units to the constructions from civil engineering works and waterworks (terminal buildings, airport buildings, transformer stations, harbor terminals, silos etc.). Civil engineering works are dealing with building of constructions that are mainly located on the surface of the earth or under the earth. In this group included are constructions such as: roads, railways, bridges, tunnels etc. Waterworks constructions are part of construction technique where constructions connected with water and its exploitation are respected. In this group included are: dams, dikes, land cultivation systems, drainage works etc. In this Statistical Review, and according to the "Nomenclature of construction and construction works", the waterworks constructions are included in the group of civil engineering works. Building units as part of buildings and according to the Nomenclature, are classified into two groups: residential and non-residential buildings.

Statistical review 7 Constructions that are part of civil engineering works, and according to the Nomenclature, are classified mainly by engineering construction determined by the usage of the construction. Construction works are classified into: - Building of new constructions - Outhouse and attachments - Reconstruction - Recovery - Adaptation - Capital repairs - Current maintenance works Building of new constructions Activity of building new construction on the terrain where no construction before existed, or there was a construction but it has been demolished. For the roads and railway lines a new construction is defined when a completely new trace is defined with new upper and lower layer, or partly the old trace is used with building completely new lower layer. Outhouse and attachment Construction work that is performed on the existing construction for a purpose the surface area of the objects to be extended, whether horizontally or vertically, for example extension of completely new dwelling or business facility, than extension of roads, pipe lines and other types of lines. Here are not included extensions of the existing objects like building of attached rooms or extensions of the roads and lines with whom the passing capacity of the objects is increased. Reconstruction Construction work which is performed on the construction with purpose of improving the condition of the usage of one dwelling in the building at least, or in some other construction from the building group using the main supporting parts from the construction system, although the dividing walls are out of use because of being old or other reasons. For the civil engineering works (roads, railways, lines etc) it means their extension for reasons of increasing the passing capacity, than replacement with new ones who have broader capacity etc. Recovery Construction work which is performed on the construction with purpose of improving its utilization with performing some interventions on the front side of building, roof or interior etc. These interventions are increasing the value of the construction. Adaptation Construction work which is performed on the construction for changing the usage of construction or one of its parts that wasn't designed for living (like cellars, basements, garages or some business facility). The change is performed in the interior of the construction, and it means change from residential to non-residential area and otherwise. These changes, in statistics, contribute to the change of dwelling stock (increasing or decreasing of the number of dwellings). Here are included extensions of the existing objects like building of attached rooms or part of business facilities. Capital repairs Construction work that is performed on the construction by changing some elements in the interior of the construction, but without changing the constructive system or the usage of the construction. Current maintenance works Preventive intervention on the construction in purpose to improve its worsted condition. With this construction work are not performed other changes, except normalization of the functions in the dwelling or construction, which means also increasing of it's value. Measurement units The constructions and construction works which are finished or they are still performing, are presented in corresponding measurement units or value data (in denars). The dwellings, besides by number, are presented also by surface area (in m2), which according to the Methodological manual for construction statistics maintained in the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia, presents a sum of the surface area of all rooms and auxiliaries in the dwelling, measured between the inside surface of the walls. Namely, it means the net surface area of the apartment, also and 75% of the loggia surface area, 50% of the roofed terraces surface area and 25% of the open terraces surface area. In the table for "Quantity amount of building and power materials spent by business entities in the field of construction", construction materials are presented in different, corresponding measurement units as: pieces, m2, m3, ton, kg, etc.

8 Statisti~ki pregled Value of the constructions The value of the constructions includes the value of completed construction works and spent building and power materials, namely, the built in building and manufacturing materials spent during the whole year, and also the finished constructions regardless if the built in material is bought for the object that should be build, or it was previously used for another object and now is used again. These values are obtained from the annual report. . When the building activities are performed by business enterprises, then the value has been taken from annual balance sheet, so called Situation. Besides this value, also is taken the value of manufacturing building and installation works, which has to be presented separately. If there is no Situation established an estimation of this value should be done based on the accounting documentation. For the construction for which the business enterprise submits the Report and where the enterprise performed only part of the construction works, which is case for the buildings in private property, then only the value for which the business entity made up a Situation during the year is presented. In this value are not included the costs for land purchasing, communal supply, moving out, project designing etc. and also the costs for the equipment (for example for the hotels the costs for restaurants and hotel rooms equipment). If the construction is finished in the reporting year, then the value of manufacturing works from the beginning to the end of the construction work has to be included. The value for the completed construction works on the construction built by private owners covers: a) Value of all building and handcraft materials that are spent during the year; b) Total sum paid to the workers for their construction work on the building, and also the estimated value of the work that the owner gave them. c) Material transport expenditures where the estimated expenditures for the transport if owner itself performs it are included; d) The value of the works performed by business enterprise if it participated in the construction works. For the value of objects built by private owners the same explanations applies as for the objects built by business enterprises, with only difference that on this question the whole value of the object from the beginning to the end of the building is given. As an answer of this question the data for the value determined by tax authorities could be given in case where no documentation for calculation of the total value exists. If the rough construction works are done by the business construction enterprises then the value of these works is included in the total value. Type of residential dwelling The dwelling is constructively connected integrity intended for habitation, which consists of one or more rooms and auxiliaries (kitchen, lobby, bathroom, toilet, store etc.). The dwelling should have separated access from the street or directly from the yard or terrain or access trough common space in the building (stairs, passage, gallery etc.), and also it could have one or more entrances. Type of residential dwellings: - Efficiency flats and one-room dwellings. The efficiency flat is a dwelling of one room, bathroom and lobby and it is with or without kitchenette. One-room dwelling is a dwelling of one room, kitchen and auxiliaries or one room without kitchen but with other auxiliaries. In this division also the separated rooms are included, namely the dwellings that are composed of just one room without auxiliaries. - Two-room dwellings. - Three-room dwellings. - Four-room dwellings. - Five-room dwellings - Six-room dwellings - Seven-room dwellings - Eight and more room dwellings. Two-room, three-room, four-room etc are the dwellings of two, three, four and etc rooms and partly or completely with auxiliaries.

Statistical review 9 10 Statisti~ki pregled Statistical review 11 GRADE@NI OBJEKTI I IZVR[ENI GRADE@NI RABOTI1) CONSTRUCTIONS AND COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION WORKS1) Vrednost na izvr{eni Vkupen broj na g r a d e ` n i r a b o t i grade`ni objekti Indeks (vo iljadi denari) Indeks [ifra Vidovi objekti Types of constructions Total number of I n d e x Value of completed I n d e x Code i r a b o t i and construction works constructions 2 0 0 8 / 2 0 0 7 c o n s t r u c t i o n w o r k s 2 0 0 8 / 2 0 0 7 (in thousand denars) 2007 2008 2007 2008 Vkupno 599 850 141.9 4 426 248 7 346 716 166.0 Total

1 Visokogradba 58 51 87.9 849 154 1 073 039 126.4 Buildings

11 Stanbeni zgradi 22 10 45.5 185 557 186 950 100.8 Residential buildings

111 Zgradi so eden stan ------One-dwelling buildings

1110 Zgradi so eden stan ------One-dwelling buildings

112 Zgradi so dva i 21 10 47.6 185 556 186 950 100.8 Two and more dwelling pove}e stana buildings 1121 Zgradi so dva stana ------Two-dwelling buldings

1122 Zgradi so tri i 21 10 47.6 185 556 186 950 100.8 Three and more dwelling pove}e stana buildings 113 Stanovi na zaednici 1 - - 1 - - Residences for communities 1130 Stanovi na zaednici 1 - - 1 - - Residences for communities 12 Nestanbeni zgradi 36 41 113.9 663 597 886 089 133.5 Non-residential buildings 121 Hoteli i sli~ni ------Hotels and similar zgradi buildings 1211 Hotelski zgradi ------Hotel buildings

1212 Drugi zgradi so ------Other short-stay smestuvali{ta za accommodation buildings kratok prestoj 122 Delovni zgradi 5 4 80.0 39 163 156 213 398.9 Office buldings

1220 Delovni zgradi 5 4 80.0 39 163 156 213 398.9 Office buldings

123 Zgradi vo trgovijata 2 - - 90 884 - - Wholesale and retail na golemo i na malo trade buildings 1230 Zgradi vo trgovijata na 2 - - 90 884 - - Wholesale and retail trade golemo i na malo buildings 124 Zgradi za soobra}aj i 1 1 100.0 12 775 446 3.5 Traffic and drugi komunikacii communication buildings 1241 Zgradi za komunikacii, 1 - - 12 775 - - Communication buildings, stani~ni zgradi, stations, terminals and terminali i zgradi na associated buildings zdru`enija 1242 Gara`ni zgradi - 1 - - 446 - Garage buildings

125 Industriski zgradi i 5 3 60.0 103 253 76 106 73.7 Industrial buildings and skladi{ta warehouses 1251 Industriski zgradi 3 3 100.0 81 753 76 106 93.1 Industrial buildings and warehouses 1252 Rezervoari, silosi i 2 - - 21 500 - - R e s e r v o i r s , s i l o s skladi{ta and warehouses 126 Zgradi za razonoda 10 24 240.0 262 024 536 079 204.6 Public entertainment, na publika, za education, hospital or obrazovanie, industrial care buildings bolnici ili zgradi za institucionalna gri`a 1261 Zgradi za razonoda na 2 4 200.0 8 147 115 997 1 423.8 Public entertainment, publika education. 1262 Muzei i biblioteki - 3 - - 69 055 - Museums and libraries

12 Statisti~ki pregled GRADE@NI OBJEKTI I IZVR[ENI GRADE@NI RABOTI1) CONSTRUCTIONS AND COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION WORKS1) Vrednost na izvr{eni Vkupen broj na g r a d e ` n i r a b o t i grade`ni objekti Indeks (vo iljadi denari) Indeks [ifra Vidovi objekti Types of constructions Total number of I n d e x Value of completed I n d e x Code i r a b o t i and construction works constructions 2 0 0 8 / 2 0 0 7 c o n s t r u c t i o n w o r k s 2 0 0 8 / 2 0 0 7 (in thousand denars) 2007 2008 2007 2008 1263 U~ili{ta, univerziteti 6 6 100.0 93 920 82 314 87.6 Schools, universities and i zgradi za research buldings istra`uva~ki centri 1264 Bolni~ki zgradi 1 - - 122 753 - - Hospital or institutional i zgradi za care buildings institucionalna gri`a 1265 Sportski sali 1 11 1 100.0 37 204 268 713 722.3 Sports halls

127 Drugi nestanbeni 13 9 69.2 155 498 117 245 75.4 Other non-residential zgradi buildings 1271 Nestanbeni zgradi na - 2 - - 6 076 - Non-residential farm farmi buildings 1272 Zgradi za bogoslu`bi 3 2 66.7 4 413 9 681 219.4 Buildings used as places i drugi religiozni of worship and for aktivnosti religious activities 1273 Istoriski zgradi ili 2 1 50.0 2 126 78 878 3 710.2 Historical buildings spomenici pod za{tita or monuments under protection 1274 Drugi zgradi i 8 4 50.0 148 959 22 610 15.2 Other buildings not objekti, prethodno elsewhere classified neklasificirani 2 Niskogradba 232 250 107.8 2 242 562 2 873 786 128.1 Civil engineering works

21 Transportna 123 136 110.6 1 092 982 2 024 261 185.2 Transport ifrastruktura infrastructures 211 Avtopati, ulici 72 108 150.0 303 795 1 412 386 464.9 Highways, streets and i soobra}ajnici roads 2111 Avtopati 1 5 500.0 - 875 749 - Highways

2112 Ulici i pati{ta 71 103 145.1 303 795 536 637 176.6 Streets and roads

212 @elezni~ki prugi 2 1 50.0 1 2 647 264 700.0 Railways

2121 @elezni~ki prugi na 1 - - 1 - - Long-distance railways golemi dale~ini 2122 Urbani `eleznici 1 1 100.0 - 2 647 - Urban railways

213 Aerodromski pisti ------Airfield runways

2130 Aerodromski pisti ------Airfield runways

214 Mostovi, nadvoznici, 30 8 26.7 513 403 99 093 19.3 Bridges, elevated tuneli i podzemni highways, tunnels and `eleznici subways 2141 Mostovi i nadvoznici 25 8 32.0 513 398 99 093 19.3 Bridges and elevated highways 2142 Tuneli i podzemni 5 - - 5 - - Tunnels and subways `eleznici 215 Pristani{ta, vodni 19 19 100.0 275 783 510 135 185.0 Harbours, waterways, tekovi, brani i dams and other drugi hidrograde`ni waterworks objekti 2151 Pristani{ta i drugi 1 1 100.0 1 31 710 3 171 000.0 Harbours and other hidrograde`ni objekti navigable canals 2152 Brani 16 17 106.3 233 934 465 176 198.8 Dams

2153 Akvadukti, irigacioni 2 1 50.0 41 848 13 249 31.7 Aqueducts, irrigation and sistemi i objekti za cultivation waterworks zajaknuvawe 22 Cevovodi, vodovi i 65 94 144.6 325 224 479 346 147.4 Pipelines, elektri~ni vodovi communication and electricity lines

Statistical review 13 GRADE@NI OBJEKTI I IZVR[ENI GRADE@NI RABOTI1) CONSTRUCTIONS AND COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION WORKS1) Vrednost na izvr{eni Vkupen broj na g r a d e ` n i r a b o t i grade`ni objekti Indeks (vo iljadi denari) Indeks [ifra Vidovi objekti Types of constructions Total number of I n d e x Value of completed I n d e x Code i r a b o t i and construction works constructions 2 0 0 8 / 2 0 0 7 c o n s t r u c t i o n w o r k s 2 0 0 8 / 2 0 0 7 (in thousand denars) 2007 2008 2007 2008 221 Cevovodi na golemi 39 59 151.3 247 607 315 960 127.6 Long-distance pipelines, dale~ini, vodovi i communication and elektri~ni vodovi electricity lines 2211 Cevovodi za gas i 3 3 100.0 48 335 4 558 9.4 Long-distance oil and gas te~ni goriva, na golemi pipelines dale~ini 2212 Vodovodi na golemi 30 50 166.7 131 278 203 802 155.2 Long-distance water dale~ini pipelines 2213 Telekomunikaciski 1 2 200.0 7 500 1 755 23.4 Long-distance linii na golemi telecommunication lines dale~ini 2214 Elektri~ni vodovi na 5 4 80.0 60 494 105 845 175.0 Long-distance electricity golemi dale~ini lines 222 Lokalni cevovodi i 26 35 134.6 77 617 163 386 210.5 Local pipelines and kabli cables 2221 Lokalni linii za 1 - - 6 938 - - Local gas supply pipelines snabduvawe so gas 2222 Lokalni linii za 2 - - 19 253 - - Local water supply snabduvawe so voda pipelines 2223 Lokalni cevovodi za 22 35 159.1 51 285 163 386 318.6 Local waste water otpadna voda pipelines 2224 Lokalni elektri~ni 1 - - 141 - - Local electricity and i telekomunikaciski telecommunication vodovi cabels 23 K o m p l e k s n i 11 5 45.5 641 966 76 423 11.9 Complex construction konstrukcii vo on industrial sites industrijata 230 K o m p l e k s n i 11 5 45.5 641 966 76 423 11.9 Complex construction konstrukcii vo on industrial sites industrijata 2301 Objekti na rudnici ili 10 5 50.0 640 322 76 423 11.9 Constructions for mining iskopi or extraction 2302 Objekti za energetski ------Power plant constructions postrojki 2304 Postrojki za te{ka 1 - - 1 644 - - Heavy industry industrija constructions 24 Drugi objekti od 33 15 45.5 182 390 293 756 161.1 Other civil engineering niskogradbata works 241 Objekti za sport i 14 8 57.1 18 876 288 638 1 529.1 Sport and recreation rekreacija constructions 2411 Sportski tereni 4 2 50.0 4 610 237 151 5 144.3 Sports grounds

2412 Drugi objekti za sport i 10 6 60.0 14 266 51 487 360.9 Other sport and recreation rekreacija constructions 242 Drugi objekti od 19 7 36.8 163 514 5 118 3.1 Other civil engineering niskogradbata, works not elsewhere prethodno classified neklasificirani 2420 Drugi objekti od 19 7 36.8 163 514 5 118 3.1 Other civil engineering niskogradbata, works not elsewhere prethodno classified neklasificirani 4 Grade`ni raboti i 309 549 177.7 1 334 532 3 399 891 254.8 Construction works and uslugi services 41 Rekonstrukcija, 35 141 402.9 264 500 612 730 231.7 Reconstruction, sanacija, adaptacija, recovery, adaptation, golemi popravki i capital repairs and redovno odr`uvawe current maintenance on na objektite od buildings visokogradbata

14 Statisti~ki pregled GRADE@NI OBJEKTI I IZVR[ENI GRADE@NI RABOTI1) CONSTRUCTIONS AND COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION WORKS1) Vrednost na izvr{eni Vkupen broj na g r a d e ` n i r a b o t i grade`ni objekti Indeks (vo iljadi denari) Indeks [ifra Vidovi objekti Types of constructions Total number of I n d e x Value of completed I n d e x Code i r a b o t i and construction works constructions 2 0 0 8 / 2 0 0 7 c o n s t r u c t i o n w o r k s 2 0 0 8 / 2 0 0 7 (in thousand denars) 2007 2008 2007 2008 4111 Zgradi so eden stan 2 2 100.0 142 217 31 953 22.5 One-dwelling buildings

4112 Zgradi so dva i 1 4 400.0 2 984 162 5.4 Two and more dwelling pove}e stana buildings 4113 Stanovi na zaednici ------Residences for communities 4121 Hoteli i sli~ni zgradi 1 - - 22 688 - - Hotels and similar buildings 4122 Delovni zgradi 7 44 628.6 36 319 178 750 492.2 Office buildings

4123 Zgradi vo trgovijata na 2 - - 8 300 - - Wholesale and retail golemo i malo trade buildings 4124 Zgradi za soobra}aj i - 2 - - 851 - Traffic and drugi komunikacii communication buildings 4125 Industriski zgradi i 1 1 100.0 350 987 282.0 Industrial buildings and skladi{ta warehouses 4126 Zgradi za razonoda 16 50 312.5 40 437 146 775 363.0 Public entertainment, na publika, za education, hospital or obrazovanie, bolnici industrial care buildings ili zgradi za institucionalna gri`a 4127 Drugi nestanbeni zgradi 5 38 760.0 11 205 253 252 2 260.2 Other non-residential buildings 42 Rekonstrukcija, 224 382 170.5 951 257 2 391 626 251.4 Reconstruction, sanacija, adaptacija, recovery, adaptation, golemi popravki i capital repairs and redovno odr`uvawe current maintenance on n a o b j e k t i t e o d civil engineering works niskogradbata 4211 Avtopati, ulici 187 283 151.3 366 633 2 069 317 564.4 Highways, streets and i soobra}ajnici roads 4212 @elezni~ki prugi ------Airfield runways

4213 Aerodromski pisti ------Airfield runways

4214 Mostovi, nadvoznici, 2 5 250.0 120 062 10 853 9.0 Bridges,elevated tuneli i podzemni highways, tunnels and `eleznici subways 4215 Pristani{ta, vodni 6 6 100.0 318 870 35 607 11.2 Harbours, waterways, tekovi, brani i drugi dams and other hidrograde`ni objekti waterworks 4221 Cevovodi na golemi 3 31 1 033.3 1 854 108 164 5 834.1 Long-distance pipelines, dale~ini, vodovi i communication and elektri~ni vodovi electricity lines 4222 Lokalni cevovodi 11 23 209.1 81 077 75 061 92.6 Local pipelines and i kabli cables 4230 Kompleksni ------Complex constructions on konstrukcii vo industrial sites industrijata 4241 Objekti za sport i 3 12 400.0 5 522 14 755 267.2 Sport and recreation rekreacija constructions 4242 Drugi objekti od 12 22 183.3 57 239 77 869 136.0 Other civil engineering n i s k o g r a b a t a , p r e t h o d n o works, not elsewhere neklasificirani classified 45 Grade`ni raboti 50 26 52.0 118 775 395 535 333.0 Construction work

4511 Urivawe na postoe~ki 8 7 87.5 28 038 190 630 679.9 Demolishing of existing objekti i otstranuvawe objects and removing of na iskopanata zemja burried soil 4512 Probni dup~ewa ------Test drilling work

Statistical review 15 GRADE@NI OBJEKTI I IZVR[ENI GRADE@NI RABOTI1) CONSTRUCTIONS AND COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION WORKS1) Vrednost na izvr{eni Vkupen broj na g r a d e ` n i r a b o t i grade`ni objekti Indeks (vo iljadi denari) Indeks [ifra Vidovi objekti Types of constructions Total number of I n d e x Value of completed I n d e x Code i r a b o t i and construction works constructions 2 0 0 8 / 2 0 0 7 c o n s t r u c t i o n w o r k s 2 0 0 8 / 2 0 0 7 (in thousand denars) 2007 2008 2007 2008 4523 Bojadisuvawe 1 1 100.0 3 215 2 129 66.2 Painting

4524 Grade`ni raboti ------Construction work by izvr{uvani so bager digger 4525 Drugi grade`ni raboti 8 7 87.5 20 774 158 134 761.2 Other construction work koi vklu~uvaat posebni involving special trades zanaet~iski raboti 4531 Instalirawe na kabli 9 - - 4 180 - - Installation work of za elektri~na energija electrical wiring and fittings 4532 Izolaterski raboti 1 - - 490 - - Insulation work

4533 Vodoinstalaterski 1 - - 6 341 - - Plumbing works raboti 4534 Drugi instalaterski ------Other building insulation raboti vo zgradite work 4541 Malterisuvawe 8 1 12.5 6 376 624 9.8 Plastering work

4542 Stolarski raboti ------Joinery installation work

4543 Parketarski raboti i 1 1 100.0 882 904 102.5 Floor and wall covering oblo`uvawe na podovi work i yidovi 4544 Molero- farbarski i 2 1 50.0 2 136 604 28.3 Painting and glazing work zastakluva~ki raboti 4545 Drugi zavr{ni raboti ------Other building completion na zgradite work 4550 Uslugi za iznajmuvawe ------Renting services of na oprema za izgradba construction or demolition ili za urivawe na equipment objekti 4560 Grade`ni raboti, 11 8 72.7 46 343 42 510 91.7 Construction work not prethodno neopfateni elsewhere covered

1) Objekti vo dr`avna, zadru`na i me{ovita sopstvenost

1) State (public), cooperative and mixed property of the objects


Indeks 2007 2008 I n d e x 2008/2007 Vkupno cena po 1 m2 45 485 55 556 122.1 Total price by m2

Tro{oci za nabavka, podgotovka i komunalno 8 223 9 109 110.8 Expenditure for purchasing, preparation and public opremuvawe na grade`noto zemji{te equipment of the site Tro{oci za gradewe 34 629 43 865 126.7 Expenditure for building

Drugi tro{oci 2 633 2 582 98.1 Other expenditures

URNATI STANOVI SPORED VIDOT NA SOPSTVENOSTA I GODINATA NA IZGRADBA DEMOLISHED RESIDENTAL DWELLINGS ACCORDING TO THE TYPE OF OWNERSHIP AND YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION Godina na izgradba na stanovite Year when the dwellings were built building Indeks Vkupno do posle Index Total 1 9 0 0 1901- 1919- 1946- 1961- 1976- 1991- 2005 2 0 0 8 = 1 0 0 until 1918 1945 1960 1975 1990 2005 after 1900 2005 2004 85.4 Vkupno 70 - - 4 - 1 26 39 Total

Individualni 70 - - 4 - 1 26 39 Private

Ostanati oblici ------Other types of na sopstvenost1) ownership1) 2005 14.6 Vkupno 12 - - 10 - - 2 - Total

Individualni 12 - - 10 - - 2 - Private

Ostanati oblici ------Other types of na sopstvenost1) ownership1) 2006 107.3 Vkupno 88 4 - 28 18 35 2 1 Total

Individualni 88 4 - 28 18 35 2 1 Private

Ostanati oblici ------Other types of na sopstvenost1) ownership1) 2007 41.5 Vkupno 34 - - 4 2 22 1 1 4 Total

Individualni 34 - - 4 2 22 1 1 4 Private

Ostanati oblici ------Other types of na sopstvenost1) ownership1) 2008 100.0 Vkupno 82 - - 4 3 39 19 9 8 Total

Individualni 82 - - 4 3 39 19 9 8 Private

Ostanati oblici ------Other types of na sopstvenost1) ownership1)

1) Dr`avna, javna, zadru`na i me{ovita 1) State, public, cooperative and mixed

Statistical review 17 IZGRADENI STANOVI COMPLETED RESIDENTAL DWELLINGS Vidovi na stanovi Type of residential dwellings garsonieri i pet i Indeks vkupno dvosobni trisobni ~etirisobni ednosobni pove}esobni Index efficiency flats 2008=100 two-room three-room four-room five and more total and one-room dwellings dwellings dwellings room dwellings dwellings 2004 6 431 650 2 147 1 946 980 708 125.0

2005 5 010 499 1 871 1 442 728 470 97.4

2006 6 493 647 1 831 2 350 970 695 126.2

2007 5 820 587 1 808 1 606 1 024 795 113.1

2008 5 144 647 1 763 1 466 654 614 100.0

NEZAVR[ENI STANOVI UNFINISHED RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS Stanovi vo individualna Stanovi vo ostanati oblici Vkupno sopstvenost na sopstvenost 1) Residential dwellings under private Residential dwellings under other Total ownership types of ownership 1) Indeks p o v r { i n a p o v r { i n a p o v r { i n a Index broj na stanovi broj na stanovi broj na stanovi (vo m2) (vo m2) (vo m2) 2008=100 number of number of number of s u r f a c e s u r f a c e s u r f a c e residential residential residential (in m2) (in m2) (in m2) dwellings dwellings dwellings 2004 6 999 534 115 6 115 475 416 884 58 699 143.0

2005 7 381 573 420 6 358 511 530 1 023 61 890 150.8

2006 6 374 482 549 5 489 425 098 885 57 451 130.3

2007 5 160 410 905 4 538 371 491 622 39 414 105.5

2008 4 893 406 538 4 744 399 053 149 7 485 100.0

1) Dr`avna, javna, zadru`na i me{ovita 1) State, public, cooperative and mixed

18 Statisti~ki pregled BROJ NA IZGRADENI STANOVI, VKUPNO I SPORED BROJOT NA SOBITE NUMBER OF COMPLETED DWELLIGS, TOTAL AND ACCORDING THE NUMBER OF ROOMS S t a n o v i s p o r e d b r o j o t n a s o b i t e Korisna Dwellings by number of rooms Broj na povr{ina 2

stanovi vo m NTES nivo 4 NUTS level 4 Op{tini Municipalities Number of Usefull rooms rooms rooms NUTS level 3 NTES nivo 3 1 room 4 rooms 6 2 rooms 5 rooms 7 3 dwellings floor area, 1- sobni 2- sobni

3 - sobni 4 - sobni 5 - sobni 6 - sobni 7 - sobni

2 Statistical regions

Statisti~ki region m 8 or more rooms 8 - i pove}esobni 8 - i pove}esobni Vkupno 5 144 405 223 647 1 763 1 466 654 311 112 64 127

Vardarski 175 13 830 22 36 78 30 7 - 2 - Vardar Veles 34 2 191 6 7 15 6 - - - - Veles Gradsko 8 887 2 1 2 3 - - - - Gradsko Demir Kapija 11 742 5 3 3 - - - - - Demir Kapija Kavadarci 49 4 159 2 6 23 11 5 - 2 - Kavadartsi Lozovo ------Lozovo Negotino 52 4 537 5 4 32 9 2 - - - Negotino Rosoman ------Rosoman Sveti Nikole 21 1 314 2 15 3 1 - - - - Sveti Nikole ^a{ka ------Chashka Isto~en 316 22 740 42 124 110 35 3 1 1 - East Berovo 12 732 4 2 3 1 - 1 1 - Berovo Vinica 86 6 716 5 64 15 2 - - - - Vinitsa Del~evo 38 2 865 3 7 19 9 - - - - Delchevo Zrnovci 8 604 - 2 5 1 - - - - Zrnovtsi Karbinci ------Karbintsi Ko~ani 85 5 364 21 32 29 3 - - - - Kochani Makedonska 5 395 - - 3 2 - - - - Makedonska Kamenica Kamenitsa Peh~evo 8 478 4 3 1 - - - - - Pehchevo Probi{tip 24 1 866 - 2 13 9 - - - - Probishtip Чe{inovo - 14 1 060 - 1 12 1 - - - - Cheshinovo Oble{evo Obleshevo [tip 36 2 660 5 11 10 7 3 - - - Shtip Jugozapaden 865 60 207 94 338 296 114 18 5 - - South - West Vev~ani 3 214 - 1 1 1 - - - - Vevchani Vrane{tica 9 656 - 3 6 - - - - - Vranechtica Debar 3 321 - - 3 - - - - - Debar Debarca ------Debarca Drugovo ------Drugovo Zajas 40 3 220 - 22 10 8 - - - - Zajas Ki~evo 46 4 125 8 7 22 8 1 - - - Kichevo Makedonski 10 616 - 2 8 - - - - - Makedonski Brod Brod Oslomej 2 228 - - 1 - 1 - - - Oslomej 567 37 873 66 235 168 77 16 5 - - Ohrid Plasnica ------Plasnitsa Struga 185 12 954 20 68 77 20 - - - - Struga Centar @upa ------Centar Zhupa

Statistical review 19 BROJ NA IZGRADENI STANOVI, VKUPNO I SPORED BROJOT NA SOBITE NUMBER OF COMPLETED DWELLIGS, TOTAL AND ACCORDING THE NUMBER OF ROOMS S t a n o v i s p o r e d b r o j o t n a s o b i t e Korisna Dwellings by number of rooms Broj na povr{ina 2

stanovi vo m NTES nivo 4 NUTS level 4 Op{tini Municipalities Number of Usefull rooms rooms rooms NUTS level 3 NTES nivo 3 1 room 4 rooms 6 2 rooms 5 rooms 7 3 dwellings floor area, 1- sobni 2- sobni

3 - sobni 4 - sobni 5 - sobni 6 - sobni 7 - sobni

2 Statistical regions

Statisti~ki region m 8 or more rooms 8 - i pove}esobni 8 - i pove}esobni Jugoisto~en 355 31 151 25 114 134 56 24 1 - 1 South - East Bogdanci 4 467 - - 3 - - 1 - - Bogdantsi Bosilovo 13 1 215 - 7 6 - - - - - Bosilovo Valandovo 7 958 - - 3 - 4 - - - Valandovo Vasilevo 26 2 856 - 20 5 1 - - - - Vasilevo Gevgelija 55 5 805 1 5 14 21 14 - - - Gevgelija Dojran 14 1 139 3 11 ------Dojran Kon~e ------Konche Novo Selo 40 4 014 6 21 9 4 - - - - Novo Selo Radovi{ 43 3 461 8 16 19 - - - - - Radovish Strumica 153 11 236 7 34 75 30 6 - - 1 Strumitsa Pelagoniski 167 12 093 11 53 70 22 8 2 1 - Pelagonija 72 5 344 1 10 51 7 1 1 1 - Bitola Demir Hisar 42 2 312 5 34 3 - - - - - Demir Hisar Dolneni ------Dolneni Krivoga{tani ------Krivogastani Kru{evo ------Krushevo Mogila ------Mogila Novaci ------Novatsi Prilep 37 2 985 1 8 14 9 4 1 - - Prilep Resen 16 1 452 4 1 2 6 3 - - - Resen Polo{ki 1 064 109 355 45 212 301 239 138 55 33 41 Polog Bogoviwe 184 20 451 3 37 39 43 28 12 13 9 Bogovinje Brvenica 38 3 885 2 2 14 15 5 - - - Brvenitsa Vrap~i{te 57 9 369 1 2 7 10 5 16 7 9 Vrapchishte Gostivar 175 17 662 2 8 65 65 30 5 - - Gostivar @elino 26 6 692 - - - 1 3 5 6 11 Zelino Jegunovce 6 545 2 1 - 3 - - - - Jegunovtse Mavrovo i 32 3 174 8 1 10 5 2 3 1 2 Mavrovo& Rostu{a Rostusha Tearce 73 10 665 2 1 7 10 25 12 6 10 Teartse Tetovo 473 36 912 25 160 159 87 40 2 - - Tetovo Severoisto~en 239 17 578 32 186 20 1 - - - - North - East Kratovo 32 1 553 16 11 4 1 - - - - Kratovo Kriva Palanka 14 856 5 4 5 - - - - - Kriva Palanka 179 14 074 11 168 ------Kumanovo Lipkovo ------Lipkovo Rankovce 14 1 095 - 3 11 - - - - - Rankovtse Staro ------Staro Nagori~ane Nagorichane

20 Statisti~ki pregled BROJ NA IZGRADENI STANOVI, VKUPNO I SPORED BROJOT NA SOBITE NUMBER OF COMPLETED DWELLIGS, TOTAL AND ACCORDING THE NUMBER OF ROOMS S t a n o v i s p o r e d b r o j o t n a s o b i t e Korisna Dwellings by number of rooms Broj na povr{ina 2

stanovi vo m NTES nivo 4 NUTS level 4 Op{tini Municipalities Number of Usefull rooms rooms rooms NUTS level 3 NTES nivo 3 1 room 4 rooms 6 2 rooms 5 rooms 7 3 dwellings floor area, 1- sobni 2- sobni

3 - sobni 4 - sobni 5 - sobni 6 - sobni 7 - sobni

2 Statistical regions

Statisti~ki region m 8 or more rooms 8 - i pove}esobni 8 - i pove}esobni Skopski 1 963 138 269 376 700 457 157 113 48 27 85 Skopje Aerodrom 6 518 - 2 2 - 1 1 - - Aerodrom Ara~inovo ------Arachinovo Butel 84 7 724 4 10 27 17 15 5 1 5 Butel Gazi Baba 131 12 171 8 21 36 25 17 7 3 14 Gazi Baba \or~e Petrov 188 13 778 20 64 69 16 11 4 1 3 Gjorche Petrov Zelenikovo 1 48 - 1 ------Zelenikovo Ilinden 79 6 285 4 23 23 16 7 3 1 2 Ilinden Karpo{ 208 19 499 24 58 52 16 11 7 6 34 Karposh Kisela Voda 559 28 234 171 273 104 3 5 1 2 - Kisela Voda Petrovec 8 866 - 1 2 1 2 - - 2 Petrovets Saraj 46 5 080 2 6 11 9 6 1 1 10 Saraj Sopi{te 172 13 937 28 46 37 18 15 11 8 9 Sopishte Studeni~ani 22 1 991 1 2 8 4 5 - 1 1 Studenichani Centar 288 16 122 93 128 37 17 6 4 2 1 Centar Чair 122 7 651 13 60 42 2 5 - - - Chair Чu~er - 41 3 719 7 5 5 8 7 4 1 4 Chucher - Sandevo Sandevo [uto Orizari 8 646 1 - 2 5 - - - - Shuto Orizari


Vidovi objekti / Type of the construction

Total Vkupno industrial sites vo industrijata stanbeni zgradi grade`ni raboti construction works and electricity lines residential buildings nestanbeni zgradi elektri~ni vodovi cevovodi, vodovi i transport infrastructure non-residential buildings complex constructions on capital repairs and current kompleksni konstrukcii pipe lines, communications rekonstrukcija, sanacija, other civil engineering works transportna infrastruktura adaptacija, golemi popravki i drugi objekti od niskogradbata redovno odr`uvawe na objektite reconstruction, recovery, adaptation, reconstruction, recovery, maintenance works on constructions

Vkupno 23 702 630 11 377 794 4 938 889 2 147 823 537 873 83 588 336 839 3 706 406 573 418 Total Vardarski 1 254 914 253 295 371 039 56 441 27 403 1 414 6 594 490 573 48 155 Vardar Veles 466 601 47 411 99 581 11 306 8 842 - - 260 841 38 620 Veles Gradsko 73 268 7 204 24 614 3 485 2 508 - - 29 704 5 753 Gradsko Demir 163 203 11 144 18 933 - - - - 133 126 - Demir Kapija Kapija Kavadarci 299 462 92 760 131 004 34 728 4 365 1 414 - 33 065 2 126 Kavadartsi Lozovo 1 680 1 680 ------Lozovo Negotino 135 856 71 661 33 259 6 922 - - 473 21 885 1 656 Negotino Rosoman 25 454 - 25 191 - - - - 263 - Rosoman Sveti 74 140 21 435 34 457 - 7 899 - - 10 349 - Sveti Nikole Nikole ^a{ka 15 250 - 4 000 - 3 789 - 6 121 1 340 - Chashka Isto~en 1 190 914 317 533 305 384 373 821 96 393 - 301 95 768 1 714 East Berovo 16 238 11 335 3 455 - 725 - - 366 357 Berovo Vinica 104 979 48 996 43 316 1 443 - - - 11 224 - Vinitsa Del~evo 57 497 50 656 6 120 10 - - - 711 - Delchevo Zrnovci 4 560 4 560 ------Zrnovtsi Karbinci 17 933 2 100 15 074 - - - - 759 - Karbintsi Ko~ani 146 914 111 277 14 130 5 202 181 - - 16 124 - Kochani Makedonska 8 370 2 590 1 750 - - - - 4 030 - Makedonska Kamenica Kamenitsa Peh~evo 20 213 3 845 16 368 ------Pehchevo Probi{tip 389 257 8 812 4 964 351 172 2 244 - - 22 065 - Probishtip Чe{inovo - 29 478 12 890 16 588 ------Cheshinovo Oble{evo Obleshevo [tip 395 475 60 472 183 619 15 994 93 243 - 301 40 489 1 357 Shtip Jugozapaden 2 224 424 1 493 360 127 813 52 341 49 557 1 074 1 057 487 349 11 873 South - West Vev~ani 8 415 7 208 1 207 ------Vevchani Vrane{tica 16 171 10 497 2 250 - - - - 3 424 - Vraneshtica Debar 305 513 40 640 15 531 18 178 - 1 074 - 230 090 - Debar Debarca 15 018 - - 12 063 - - - 2 955 - Debarca Drugovo 893 800 - - - - - 93 - Drugovo Zajas 99 026 98 710 316 ------Zajas Ki~evo 189 426 178 135 2 210 - - - - 7 125 1 956 Kichevo Makedonski 30 478 7 980 17 300 - - - - 5 198 - Makedonski Brod Brod Oslomej 41 835 11 464 - - 2 231 - - 28 140 - Oslomej Ohrid 967 102 683 278 76 950 5 038 38 954 - 1 057 151 908 9 917 Ohrid Plasnica 1 800 1 800 ------Plasnitsa Struga 548 747 452 848 12 049 17 062 8 372 - - 58 416 - Struga Centar ------Centar @upa Zhupa


Vidovi objekti / Type of the construction

Total Vkupno industrial sites vo industrijata stanbeni zgradi grade`ni raboti construction works and electricity lines residential buildings nestanbeni zgradi elektri~ni vodovi cevovodi, vodovi i transport infrastructure non-residential buildings complex constructions on capital repairs and current kompleksni konstrukcii pipe lines, communications rekonstrukcija, sanacija, other civil engineering works transportna infrastruktura adaptacija, golemi popravki i drugi objekti od niskogradbata redovno odr`uvawe na objektite reconstruction, recovery, adaptation, reconstruction, recovery, maintenance works on constructions

Jugoisto~en 1 914 045 921 423 422 076 119 491 33 717 - 15 147 384 790 17 401 South - East

Bogdanci 14 151 5 569 2 700 - 2 179 - - 3 703 - Bogdantsi

Bosilovo 75 185 48 830 16 989 - - - - 9 366 - Bosilovo

Valandovo 86 849 30 300 38 150 3 216 1 345 - - 9 876 3 962 Valandovo

Vasilevo 161 602 123 218 34 540 1 033 181 - - 2 630 - Vasilevo

Gevgelija 441 619 158 942 70 966 73 633 20 462 - 15 147 102 469 - Gevgelija

Dojran 40 474 19 699 1 449 - - - - 19 326 - Dojran

Novo Selo 217 778 150 903 32 530 2 261 7 031 - - 24 153 900 Novo Selo

Kon~e ------Konche

Radovi{ 108 524 63 300 16 700 17 775 181 - - 8 923 1 645 Radovish

Strumica 767 863 320 662 208 052 21 573 2 338 - - 204 344 10 894 Strumitsa

Pelagoniski 2 568 806 595 706 257 164 160 263 18 797 51 506 11 835 1 355 087 118 448 Pelagonija

Bitola 892 182 379 107 139 155 60 092 12 473 5 900 11 835 165 455 118 165 Bitola

Demir Hisar 91 132 68 831 21 572 - 12 - - 717 - Demir Hisar

Dolneni 3 717 1 500 - - - 2 204 - 13 - Dolneni

Krivo- 6 636 4 000 200 - - - - 2 436 - Krivogastani ga{tani Kru{evo 24 721 8 911 16 15 547 247 - - - - Krushevo

Mogila 3 054 ------3 054 - Mogila

Novaci 57 629 - 6 076 - 2 209 42 374 - 6 970 - Novatsi

Prilep 1 367 424 83 692 53 660 52 914 2 538 1 028 - 1 173 592 - Prilep

Resen 122 311 49 665 36 485 31 710 1 318 - - 2 850 283 Resen

Polo{ki 5 017 519 3 813 848 1 042 561 7 239 12 825 220 2 840 105 104 32 882 Polog

Bogoviwe 811 339 661 263 149 066 - 1 010 - - - - Bogovinje

Brvenica 168 712 142 425 21 437 - 959 - - 3 891 - Brvenitsa

Vrap~i{te 617 861 352 511 265 350 ------Vrapchishte

Gostivar 881 752 736 630 79 685 - - - - 63 187 2 250 Gostivar

@elino 267 470 173 520 87 310 - 6 640 - - - - Zelino

Jegunovce 108 534 35 680 71 960 - 652 220 - 22 - Jegunovtse

Mavrovo i 94 394 93 697 - - - - - 697 - Mavrovo& Rostu{a Rostusha Tearce 449 771 370 867 78 831 - - - - 73 - Teartse

Tetovo 1 617 686 1 247 255 288 922 7 239 3 564 - 2 840 37 234 30 632 Tetovo


Vidovi objekti / Type of the construction

Total Vkupno industrial sites vo industrijata stanbeni zgradi grade`ni raboti construction works and electricity lines residential buildings nestanbeni zgradi elektri~ni vodovi cevovodi, vodovi i transport infrastructure non-residential buildings complex constructions on capital repairs and current kompleksni konstrukcii pipe lines, communications rekonstrukcija, sanacija, other civil engineering works transportna infrastruktura adaptacija, golemi popravki i drugi objekti od niskogradbata redovno odr`uvawe na objektite reconstruction, recovery, adaptation, reconstruction, recovery, maintenance works on constructions

Severo- 691 192 277 720 125 680 34 492 126 447 - 242 126 611 - North - East isto~en Kratovo 132 975 19 595 2 425 10 108 494 - - 2 451 - Kratovo

Kriva 36 883 25 671 6 442 - - - - 4 770 - Kriva Palanka Palanka Kumanovo 485 225 215 570 108 113 32 518 17 847 - 242 110 935 - Kumanovo

Lipkovo 11 171 - 5 200 1 964 106 - - 3 901 - Lipkovo

Rankovce 24 244 16 884 3 500 - - - - 3 860 - Rankovtse

Staro 694 ------694 - Staro Nagori~ane Nagorichane Skopski 8 840 816 3 704 909 2 287 172 1 343 735 172 734 29 374 298 823 661 124 342 945 Skopje

Aerodrom 202 378 75 776 13 843 35 992 979 - - 33 445 42 343 Aerodrom

Ara~inovo 17 489 - - 6 699 - - - 10 790 - Arachinovo

Butel 634 253 215 824 346 877 - 2 351 - - 69 201 - Butel

Gazi Baba 1 026 688 326 036 186 842 143 415 32 647 27 922 5 987 252 386 51 453 Gazi Baba

\or~e 495 443 352 237 81 781 14 495 572 - 2 268 44 090 - Gjorche Petrov Petrov Zelenikovo 12 301 3 919 8 382 ------Zelenikovo

Ilinden 692 221 152 457 208 262 133 881 76 113 211 36 492 9 773 75 032 Ilinden

Karpo{ 1 014 742 608 671 335 382 30 002 1 520 825 - 36 488 1 854 Karposh

Kisela Voda 832 840 685 917 73 267 32 167 13 000 - - 25 730 2 759 Kisela Voda

Petrovec 29 027 15 959 3 690 - 47 - - 9 331 - Petrovets

Saraj 360 114 95 352 131 400 125 773 2 152 - - 5 437 - Saraj

Sopi{te 312 542 264 773 3 124 15 298 - - - 145 29 202 Sopishte

Studeni~ani 43 343 39 427 969 - 2 934 - - 13 - Studenichani

Centar 1 960 480 563 278 825 391 10 189 9 357 - 254 076 159 219 138 970 Centar

Чair 1 013 537 198 715 12 148 795 824 442 - - 5 076 1 332 Chair

Чu~er - 141 805 80 642 38 238 - 22 509 416 - - - Chucher - Sandevo Sandevo [uto 51 613 25 926 17 576 - 8 111 - - - - Shuto Orizari Orizari

24 Statisti~ki pregled KOLI^ESTVO I VREDNOST NA POTRO[ENIOT GRADE@EN I POGONSKI MATERIJAL NA DELOVNITE SUBJEKTI OD OBLASTA NA GRADE@NI[TVOTO QUANTITY AND VALUE OF BUILDING AND POWER MATERIALS SPENT BY BUSINESS ENTITIES FROM THE CONSTRUCTIONS AREA 2007 2008 I n d e k s V r e d n o s t V r e d n o s t Index Edinica Koli~ina (vo iljadi Koli~ina (vo iljadi Measure- merka denari) denari) 2008 ment unit V a l u e V a l u e ------Quantity (in '000 Quantity (in '000 2007 denars) denars) VKUPNO 3 376 555 4 849 180 143.6 TOTAL

01 ELEMENTI ZA YIDAWE 80 839 364 223 450.6 01 CONSTRUCTION ELEMENTS Polna tula iljadi 613 8 452 1 472 14 248 168.6 thousand Common brick par~iwa pieces [upliva tula iljadi 852 12 953 359 10 246 79.1 thousand Perforated brick par~iwa pieces Polna fasadna tula iljadi 261 3 608 1 157 17 774 492.6 thousand Facing common brick par~iwa pieces [uplivi blokovi iljadi 2 418 29 714 15 136 308 635 1 038.7 thousand Perforated block bricks (vrz baza na glina) par~iwa pieces (on clay base) Fasadni blokovi iljadi 150 1 680 7 124 7.4 thousand Facing blick bricks par~iwa pieces Tula i blokovi iljadi 591 11 247 178 4 080 36.3 thousand Bricks and block bricks (vrz baza na cement, {laka par~iwa pieces (on the base of cement, i zgura) slag and dross) Tula i blokovi od iljadi 1 398 13 185 2 421 9 116 69.1 thousand Bricks and block bricks of d r u g i m a t e r i j a l i par~iwa pieces other materials (keramzit, siporeks i drugo) 02 ELEMENTI ZA TAVANI 4 827 48 759 1 010.1 02 ELEMENTS FOR I SVODOVI CEILINGS AND ARCHS Monta blokovi iljadi 334 3 997 1 764 47 701 1 193.4 thousand Mounting block bricks par~iwa pieces Polumonta`ni i monta`ni iljadi 16 830 9 782 94.2 thousand Semimounting and gredi za svodovi metri metres m o u n t i n g b e a m s a n d a r c h s (elementi od glina) (clay elements) Blokovi za iljadi - - 2 276 - thousand Block bricks for ceilings and t a v a n i i s v o d o v i par~iwa pieces archs (on cement base) (vrz baza na cement) 03 PREFABRIKUVANI 14 370 34 854 242.5 03 REINFORCED ELEMENTI I GOTOVI ELEMENTS KONSTRUKCII AND FINISHED CONSTRUCTION SHEETS Lesni grade`ni plo~i za m2 182 155 - - - m2 Light building sheets for izra-botka na nadvore{ni external walls yidovi Plo~i za oblo`uvawe na m2 3 346 901 5 187 3 011 334.2 m2 Sheets for walls covering yidovi Lesni grade`ni plo~i za m2 487 184 1 770 221 120.1 m2 Light building sheets for attics izra-botka na plafoni i and ceilings tavani Lesni grade`ni plo~i za m2 3 651 340 1 308 341 100.3 m2 Light building sheets for izolacija isolation Gipseni plo~i od site m2 26 683 5 451 29 706 7 010 128.6 m2 Plaster sheets of all kinds vidovi Paneli za yidovi m2 889 348 1 910 4 989 1 433.6 m2 Black-boards for walls

^eli~ni konstrukcii za toni - - 84 4 646 - tons Steel building materials for mostovi bridges Drugi ~eli~ni konstrukcii toni 155 4 776 103 5 273 110.4 tons Other steel building materials za site vidovi pokrivi, for all kinds of roof coatings, stolbovi, ramki i skeliwa pillars, frames and scaffolds Grade`ni konstrukcii i toni 32 475 620 4 871 1 025.5 tons Building constructions and prefabrikuvani elementi prefabricated elements for za niskogradbata civil engineering works Grade`ni konstrukcii i toni - - - - - tons Building constructions and prefabrikuvani elementi prefabricated elements for za viskogradbata buildings egineering works

Statistical review 25 KOLI^ESTVO I VREDNOST NA POTRO[ENIOT GRADE@EN I POGONSKI MATERIJAL NA DELOVNITE SUBJEKTI OD OBLASTA NA GRADE@NI[TVOTO QUANTITY AND VALUE OF BUILDING AND POWER MATERIALS SPENT BY BUSINESS ENTITIES FROM THE CONSTRUCTIONS AREA 2007 2008 I n d e k s V r e d n o s t V r e d n o s t Index Edinica Koli~ina (vo iljadi Koli~ina (vo iljadi Measure- merka denari) denari) 2008 ment unit V a l u e V a l u e ------Quantity (in '000 Quantity (in '000 2007 denars) denars) D r v e n i k o n s t r u k c i i m3 135 1 740 1 340 4 492 258.2 m3 Wooden building materials (gotovi konstrukcii na (completed constructions of pokrivi) roofs) 04 MATERIJAL ZA 782 922 821 233 104.9 04 BOUNDING VRZUVAWE MATERIALS Negasena var toni 306 1 913 170 822 43.0 tons Lime stone

Hidratantna var toni 208 1 075 536 2 495 232.1 tons Hidratante lime

Pe~en gips toni 1 751 62 913 268 2 028 3.2 tons Backed plaster

Portland cement toni 48 058 361 953 52 757 290 772 80.3 tons Portland cement

Drugi vidovi cement toni 23 618 120 610 34 000 184 791 153.2 tons Other types of cement

Plastificiran toni 743 9 099 475 5 053 55.5 tons Plasticated bounding material m a t e r i j a l z a v r z u v a w e (biomal, dalmal i sl.) Cementen malter od site m3 1 039 11 119 1 671 6 379 57.4 m3 Cement mortar of all kinds vidovi Sve` beton m3 69 229 214 240 99 586 328 893 153.5 m3 Fresh concrete

05 AGREGATI I 297 931 423 131 142.0 05 AGGREGATE AND PROFILIRAN MATERIJAL PROFILED STONE OD KAMEN MATERIALS Profiliran materijal od m3 2 503 10 017 846 4 449 44.4 m3 Profiled stone material, kamen, trotoaren kamen, pavement stone, sidewalk kolo-brani, kameni kocki stone cubes and other i drugo Kr{en tehni~ki kamen i m3 579 2 211 44 385 17 540 793.3 m3 Non-processed technical mermer od site vidovi stone and marble of all kinds Melen kamen i kamena m3 80 642 43 516 194 897 83 155 191.1 m3 Milled stone sitne` Agregati za beton m3 183 777 150 169 1 043 626 179 827 119.7 m3 Aggregates for concrete

^akal m3 94 960 24 876 80 219 18 811 75.6 m3 Shingles

Pesok m3 128 619 57 592 209 681 76 172 132.3 m3 Sand

Teraco - granuli m3 31 150 9 550 84 926 43 177 452.1 m3 Gravel

06 MATERIJAL 492 651 793 538 161.1 06 MATERIALS FOR ZA ARMIRAWE I REINFORCEMENT PRICVRSTUVAWE AND FIXING OF REINFORCEMENT Betonski ~elik toni 10 687 381 189 11 557 454 718 119.3 tons Reinforcement

Crna i pocinkuvana `ica toni 53 2 473 171 8 022 324.4 tons Black and zinked wire

Drugi te{ki, sredni i lesni toni 774 26 429 3 566 156 599 592.5 tons Other hard, semi-hard and profili od `elezo light iron profiles Razni elementi za armiran toni 1 959 75 163 3 722 160 777 213.9 tons Various elements for beton (armaturni mre`i, reinforced concrete yidni platna, mre`i, (reinforcement nets, wall re{et-kasti nosa~i od `ica sheets, nets, railing wire i drugo) carrier and other) Klinci kg 159 470 7 397 225 633 13 422 181.5 kg Nails

07 DRVENA GRA\A 92 962 109 704 118.0 07 WOODEN BUILDING MATERIALS Gra|a od iglolisni drvja m3 4 836 51 827 5 294 51 555 99.5 m3 Wooden building materials (bi~ena, pilana) o f c o n i f e r o u s t r e e s (lashed, processed etc.)

26 Statisti~ki pregled KOLI^ESTVO I VREDNOST NA POTRO[ENIOT GRADE@EN I POGONSKI MATERIJAL NA DELOVNITE SUBJEKTI OD OBLASTA NA GRADE@NI[TVOTO QUANTITY AND VALUE OF BUILDING AND POWER MATERIALS SPENT BY BUSINESS ENTITIES FROM THE CONSTRUCTIONS AREA 2007 2008 I n d e k s V r e d n o s t V r e d n o s t Index Edinica Koli~ina (vo iljadi Koli~ina (vo iljadi Measure- merka denari) denari) 2008 ment unit V a l u e V a l u e ------Quantity (in '000 Quantity (in '000 2007 denars) denars) Gra|a od iglolisni drvja m3 427 5 809 484 6 590 113.4 m3 Coniferous building materials - obla - round Gra|a od listopadni drvja m3 718 9 063 1 266 14 570 160.8 m3 Wooden building materials (bi~ena, pilana) o f n o n - c o n i f e r o u s t r e e s (lashed, processed etc.) Gra|a od listopadni drvja m3 269 2 531 625 2 525 99.8 m3 Non-coniferous building - obla materials - round Pragovi od site vidovi par~iwa - - 490 142 - pieces All types of railway sleepers Plo~i za oplata m3 711 23 732 1 496 33 724 142.1 m3 Black-boards for work form Jamska gra|a m3 - - 51 598 - m3 Building materials for ditch 08 IZOLACIONEN 246 726 413 013 167.4 08 ISOLATING MATERIJAL I PREMAZI MATERIALS AND COATING MATERIALS Pokrivni lepenki od site rolni 1 991 1 179 8 688 4 112 348.8 rolls Roof coating materials of all vidovi kinds Bitumen, bitumit, toni 10 947 192 307 20 367 373 180 194.1 tons Bituminous jute, tape, bitumenska juta, lenta, emulsion and othetrs roof masa, emulzija i drugo isolation materials Drugi izolacioni toni 382 46 602 146 6 883 14.8 tons Other isolation materials materijali (mineral wool and other (staklena volna, mineralna isolation wool materials) volna i sl.) Boi (od site vidovi), kg 33 961 6 638 171 857 28 838 434.4 kg All kinds of paints, varnish, lakovi, emajli, firnajs, enamel and similar products rastvoruva~i i drugo 09 MATERIJAL ZA 11 895 21 502 180.8 09 MATERIALS FOR POKRIVI ROOF - COVERING Branovidni i ramni m2 3 570 310 16 5 1.6 m2 Wave and flat asbestos roof materijali od salonit i covering materials azbest Keramidi ramni (biber), iljadi 270 6 688 446 8 243 123.3 thousand Wave and flat tiles branovidni i falcuvani par~iwa pieces Drugi materijali za pokrivi m2 7 272 4 897 49 769 13 254 270.7 m2 Other roofing materials (betonski keramidi, plo~i (concrete tiles, plastic plates od plasti~ni masi i drugo) and other) 10 MATERIJAL ZA 39 931 86 538 216.7 10 MATERIALS FOR PODOVI I OBLO@UVAWE WALLS AND FLOORS NA YIDOVI COVERING Kerami~ki plo~ki m2 30 447 14 992 58 023 47 394 316.1 m2 Tile ceramic for walls, floors (yidni, podni i fasadni) and frontsides Kamen i mermerni plo~i za m2 4 103 4 762 8 084 15 774 331.2 m2 Stone and marble sheets for oblo`uvawe covering Plo~i od melen kamen i m2 2 751 1 041 372 175 16.8 m2 Sheets of milled stone and mermer marble Teraco - plo~i m2 1 208 528 96 90 17.0 m2 Gravel plates [per, panel, lesonit i m2 1 160 1 149 2 598 3 415 297.2 m2 Flywood and other wooden drugi plo~i vrz baza na sheets and plates drvo Parket (bukov, dabov i m2 12 695 9 106 14 405 10 701 117.5 m2 Parquet (beech wood, oaken drugo) and other) Lameliran parket m2 13 252 6 915 14 406 7 903 114.3 m2 Other type of parquet Tavanski i yidni oblogi, m2 1 161 1 095 1 102 1 036 94.6 m2 Ceilings and walls covering brodski pod, lamperii i materials, parquet and other drugo Plo~i od plasti~ni masi za m2 3 360 343 250 50 14.6 m2 Plastic sheets for walls yidovi

Statistical review 27 KOLI^ESTVO I VREDNOST NA POTRO[ENIOT GRADE@EN I POGONSKI MATERIJAL NA DELOVNITE SUBJEKTI OD OBLASTA NA GRADE@NI[TVOTO QUANTITY AND VALUE OF BUILDING AND POWER MATERIALS SPENT BY BUSINESS ENTITIES FROM THE CONSTRUCTIONS AREA 2007 2008 I n d e k s V r e d n o s t V r e d n o s t Index Edinica Koli~ina (vo iljadi Koli~ina (vo iljadi Measure- merka denari) denari) 2008 ment unit V a l u e V a l u e ------Quantity (in '000 Quantity (in '000 2007 denars) denars) 11 MATERIJAL ZA 100 263 130 778 130.4 11 INSTALLATION INSTALACII ZA VODA, MATERIALS FOR WATER, KANALIZACIJA, GREEWE, SYSTEM OF SEWAGE VENTILACIJA, ZA AND HEATING SANITARNI UREDI Bezrabni cevki kg 16 033 1 635 14 683 5 181 316.9 kg Non-edged pipes

Rabni cevki kg 48 630 4 505 35 426 5 621 124.8 kg Edged pipes

Lieni cevki i fazonski kg 213 666 8 835 93 535 10 843 122.7 kg Founded pipes and other delovi parts Plasti~ni cevki od site kg 113 806 30 820 66 168 25 958 84.2 kg All types of plastic pipes vidovi Olovni cevki toni 6 346 6 524 151.4 tons Lead pipes

Kanalizacioni cevki od toni 10 477 2 39 8.2 tons Ceramic pipes for system of keramika sewage Fitinzi i prirabnici toni 165 22 020 178 17 630 80.1 tons Pipes' accessories

Azbestno-cementni cevki toni 264 1 448 313 1 648 113.8 tons Asbestos-cement pipes

Betonski cevki od site toni 6 591 13 552 8 789 31 951 235.8 tons Concrete pipes of all kinds vidovi Sanitarna keramika toni 1 137 34 6 363 4 644.5 tons Bathroom and toilet ceramic equipment Sanitarna oprema od lim i toni - - 2 93 - tons Bathroom and toilet leano `elezo equipment of tin and founded iron Sanitarna oprema od toni 4 304 2 262 86.2 tons Bathroom and toilet plasti~ni masi equipment of plastic materials Radijatori od site vidovi m2 7 478 16 184 9 915 24 665 152.4 m2 Radiators of all kinds

12 MATERIJAL ZA 15 140 210 555 1 390.7 12 INSTALLATION INSTALACII NA JAKA I MATERIAL FOR SPURT SLABA STRUJA Bakarni ja`iwa i `ici kg 2 831 541 156 603 166 119 30 705.9 kg Copper cables and wires

@ica od aluminium i kg - - 4 206 664 - kg Aluminium and aluminium legura na aluminiumot alloy wires Ja`iwa od aluminium i kg 32 350 4 755 - - - kg Aluminium and aluminium – aluminium ferum iron cables Izolirani provodnici toni 4 230 2 75 32.6 tons Isolated conductor (PVC so masa, guma i sl.) (PVC, rubber and other) Kabli od site vidovi toni 144 7 781 734 41 512 533.5 tons All types of cables

Instalacionen materijal iljadi 1 333 2 185 163.9 thousand Installation materials (prekinuva~i, kutii za denari denars ( switch, plug boxes, light utika~i, grla za elektri~ni additions and other) svetilki i sl.) Elektroizolatori od site toni 6 500 - - - tons Electroisolators of all kinds vidovi 13 DRUG MATERIJAL 578 364 656 857 113.6 13 OTHER MATERIALS I ELEMENTI ZA AND ELEMENTS FOR VGRADUVAWE BUILDING IN Crn lim kg 8 444 043 321 279 6 052 951 249 436 77.6 kg Black tin

Pocinkuvan i cink lim kg 258 834 14 598 143 249 8 782 60.2 kg Zink tin

Aluminiumski lim kg 208 999 7 256 218 437 10 190 140.4 kg Aluminium sheets

Termoizolaciono staklo iljadi - - 3 1 934 - thousand Glass for thermal isolation m2 m2

28 Statisti~ki pregled KOLI^ESTVO I VREDNOST NA POTRO[ENIOT GRADE@EN I POGONSKI MATERIJAL NA DELOVNITE SUBJEKTI OD OBLASTA NA GRADE@NI[TVOTO QUANTITY AND VALUE OF BUILDING AND POWER MATERIALS SPENT BY BUSINESS ENTITIES FROM THE CONSTRUCTIONS AREA 2007 2008 I n d e k s V r e d n o s t V r e d n o s t Index Edinica Koli~ina (vo iljadi Koli~ina (vo iljadi Measure- merka denari) denari) 2008 ment unit V a l u e V a l u e ------Quantity (in '000 Quantity (in '000 2007 denars) denars) Drugi vidovi ramno staklo iljadi 10 4 235 8 2 820 66.6 thousand Other types of flat glass m2 m2 Kontrukcii na oboeni toni 17 2 382 125 3 694 155.1 tons Constructions on coloured metali: prozorci, vrati, metals, windows, doors, roletni i sl. venetian blinds and other Grade`ni metalni toni - - 22 31 - tons M e t a l b u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l s elementi (limeni cevki i (tin pipes and chimney,jambs oxaci, ~eli~ni prozorci, and other) vrati, `aluzini) Vrati i prozorci od drvo par~iwa 1 962 8 461 757 8 363 98.8 pieces Doors and windows of all od site vidovi kinds of wood Vgraden mebel i roletni iljadi - 75 - 75 100.0 thousand Furniture which is builded in denari denars and venetian blind Drug materijal za iljadi - 95 072 - 71 055 74.7 thousand Other material for building in vgraduvawe denari denars Drug nespomnat materijal iljadi - 125 006 - 300 477 240.4 thousand Other not mentioned material (za remont i odr`uvawe denari denars (for repair and maintenance na ma{i-ni i vozila, of machines and vehicles, kancelariski materijal i office material and other) drugo) 14 POTRO[ENO iljadi 617 734 734 495 118.9 thousand SPENT POWER POGONSKO GORIVO denari denars MATERIAL


Dogovoreni raboti Izvr{eni raboti Dr`ava vo koja se Contracted works Completed works izveduvaat grade`nite State where construction I - XII 2008 I - XII 2008 activities are performed raboti I - XII 2007 I - XII 2008 ------I - XII 2007 I - XII 2008 ------I - XII 2007 I - XII 2007 Vkupno 5 279 175 4 894 632 92.7 4 462 716 2 751 286 61.7 Total

Rusija 747 969 732 258 97.9 702 237 196 699 28.0 Russia

Ukraina 2 183 607 1 219 310 55.8 2 183 607 893 280 40.9 Ukraine

Kosovo - 361 384 - - 246 036 - Kosovo

Srbija 806 831 159 927 19.8 569 548 58 448 10.3 Serbia

Bugarija 84 436 525 259 622.1 80 837 215 695 266.8 Bulgaria

Hrvatska 741 240 1 231 144 166.1 741 240 876 520 118.3 Croatia

Crna Gora 71 542 23 535 32.9 72 046 23 535 32.7 Monte Negro

Albanija 643 550 636 347 98.9 113 201 235 605 208.1 Albania

Ungarija - 135 - - 135 - Hungary

Slova~ka - 371 - - 371 - Slovakia

Al`ir - 4 895 - - 4 895 - Algeria

[vajcarija - 67 - - 67 - Switzerland

Vrednost na izvr{eni grade`ni raboti Value of completed construction works

vo milioni denari in milion denars

Ukraina Ukraine Hrvatska Croatia Kosovo Kosovo Albanija Albania

Bugarija Bulgaria Rusija Russia Srbija Serbia Crna Gora Monte Negro Al`ir Algeria

Slova~ka Slovakia Ungarija I - XII 2008 Hungary I - XII 2007 {vajcarija Switzerland

0 500 000 1 000 000 1 500 000 2 000 000 2 500 000

30 Statisti~ki pregled Redakciona komisija:

Mira Todorova (pretsedatel) Verka Panova - Grozdanovska (zamenik na pretsedatelot) Mirjana Bo{wak Slavka Atanasova Lidija Kralevska Dijana Krstevska (sekretar)

Editorial board:

Mira Todorova (president) Verka Panova - Grozdanovska (Vice president) Mirjana Boshnjak Slavka Atanasova Lidija Kralevska Dijana Krstevska (secretary)

Lektor: Jasmina \or|ieva Proofreader: Jasmina Gjorgieva

Tehni~ki urednik: Quben Ilievski Technical Editor: Ljuben Ilievski

Statisti~ki pregled: Industrija i energija

Grade`ni{tvo vo Republika Makedonija, 2004-2008 - ISBN 978-9989-197-73-4

Statistical review: Industry and energy

Construction in the Republic of Macedonia, 2004-2008 - ISBN 978-9989-197-73-4

Tira`/Number of copies printed: 60

Stranici/Pages: 31

Pe~ateno vo Pe~atnicata na Slu`bata za op{ti i zaedni~ki raboti pri Vladata na Republika Makedonija

Printed In Printing House at General Administration Services at the Government of the Republic of Macedonia