Page Two THE REDWOOD GAZETTE, REDWOOD FALLS, MINNESOTA Thursday, April 25, 1910 The Redwood Gazette THE NEXT.FlltS T FAMILY? Established September 25, 1869 Sons} _ Issued weekly, on Thursday, by The Redwood Caiette Publishing Co., Inc. Senator Bridges Has 3 SCOTT SCHOEN, Editor Kdclieri Kotwesi Tae Gazette is a member of the Associated Pr*«s The Asseciated Press is exclusively entitled, to the John, Age 7, Mimics Speeches for it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also His use reproduction of all news dispatches credited to the local news published herein. This is another in a series of he signed up to work in the uni- Two years later, at 38, he was articles barns Senate, just when Entered as Class Matter the Postoffice at Redwood Fallt, Minnesota. weekly describing the versity’s dairy at 15 cents elected to the Second at family lives of possible presiden- an hour. That meant getting up at all but two states in the Union, Five Quick Tricks Subscription price |2 per year. Outside $2.50. tial candidates. 4:30 a. m. in those Maine winter his own included, slid into the 1. For an unusual accompaniment for salads or soups, make these landslide. By SIGRID ARNE mornings, bundling into warm Roosevelt ’36 quick “Parker House Rolls.” With a cookie cutter or a sharp knife FALLS, MINNESOTA; THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1940 clothes, and rushing through the In the Senate he’s kept up a REDWOOD (JP) Feature Service Writer cut ovals from slides of bread. Brush with melted butter. Washington—lt was a bitter cold air into the steamy constant sniping at the . Fold set of part way placid, old cows, long gone to barns. The cows helped. The Jumped into the headlines by de- over like a Parker House roll. With a sharp knife, cut tHE REAL UPPER CfctJST OF speech “CUSSED BY MANY, READ BY ALL” their rest, that helped set the feet young Bridges warmed his frOst- manding, and getting, an investi- along the fold, cutting just deep enough so the roll will hold iis and against the TVA. Worked up that makers—presidents and would-be presidents is the slogan of a weekly newspaper in good of of New Hamp- bitten nose ears gation of shape. Bake in a moderately hot oven with the electric cows’ warm sides as he milked, storm by himself with the aid of thermostat —hire speech-writers (ghost wTiters) and old feuding Kentucky. Wish we’d a thot shire toward the Senate, and now set at 375°, until golden brown. a path that might lead to the k He Held Four Jobs his office staff. helpful sugges- a’it. on into reac- tufn them loose after a few White House. ' In classes he studied the latest That wrote him the 2. For tasty, individual meat loaves, line muffin cups with strips that Tom tionary column here. In the minds tions. It has been estimated Bridges had to earn his wa# ideas about agriculture. Then he of bacon. Pack with your favorite meat loaf mixture, and bake in Dewey’s speeches him $3,000 each —it’s IT ISN’T STRAWBERRY SEASON through the University of Maina rushed through a series of jobs of some Republicans it also put cost him. in the bumptious column. a moderate oven with the electric thermostat set at 350°, for 50-60 too early to whether they’re good invest- yet, so no doubt this one was shipped in: One His people were farm folk will that had to do with farming. tell lived on the land their family He became county agent for Young Senators are supposed to minutes. ments. little strawberry said to another little straw- do the work and let their elders took up 12 generations back when Hancock county, Maine. Then the 3. Left-over sandwiches need not be discarded. Brush then Governors aren’t quite in the upper- berry, “Gee, Ma’s in a jam.” the colonial soldiers spark-plug behind a New Hamp- take the credit. But not Bridges. returned They story with melted butter and saute to a golden brown each side, crust but keynoters at national conventions, •4. • • fi'om the Revolution. shire farm bureau. Then he ran tell a about that. He on with That /arm produced an old- a mutual auto liability insurance was his high school class’s vale- the electric switch turned to Medium. These butter-toasted sand- a Governor Stassen is to fill in RECOGNISING THAT APRON strings dictorian. Wrote a speech for the role'which fashioned living. But nothing fan- organization for farmers. He be- wiches make a delicious lunch or supper dish. June, definitely can rely on ghost writers, may be the life line of the 1940 campaign, cy like college educations. The a member of New Hamp- big night. And passed it around. came vegetables, without the upkeep, if they desire. Mrs. Frank took the stump m ner boy Styles had practically shire’s public service commission. It got hot criticisms. So the elders 4. To re-heat place them irt the broiler pan of your rim combined write a good husband’s behajf the family farm from the time In 1934 he became governor at in the family to modem electric range while you are broiling steaks or chops. The He will have help, of course, but this week. The nation had him another. The night of gradua- o he was 9 and his father died. So 36. delicious meat juices help to flavor the vegetables. you many of his friends are quit sure that his one bachelor president, but probably will tion they sat and listened to him Or if are convention address will be a Stassen manu- never have another. give the first speech. having a top-of-the-stove meal, place the vegetables in a wire strain- script—if not a Stassen masterpiece. There’s a New England-ish ei. Fill a small saucepan about y 4 full of hot water and place the lacking inspira- thing to remember aboilt that strainer containing the vegetables over the hot water. Turn switch Certainly he is not in MINNESOTA MAY-LOSE ONE OF TVA investigation. TVA is a gov- tion. Pew realize more fully tnan the gov- its nine seats in the lower house of congress ernment attempt to cut electric to High until the water steams vigorously. Then turn to Low, and ernor, what questions the GOP candidate because other states have gained in popula- Jliitle £am rates. So in the minds of New continue cooking until the vegetables are heated thorough. anyone attacks answer during the campaign tion more rapidly during the last decade. Deal zealots who 5. The neatest trick of all is the automatic timer clock oh mod- will have to McWfi hands of the it is in the utilities. ahd what pressure he will be subjected to The North Star state has rarely seen the Bridges attacked it. ern electric ranges. With it to turn the oven switch on and off for when, and if, he is elected. time when it couldn't spare some member But back in New Hampshire he you, you can put your evening meal into the oven before you leave the favorit- But when he read that the We hereby protest had just the other sort of billing. the house'for afternoon of shopping or bridge. . Closer to the common people than some of its delegation wiinou* jeopardizing the bowling alleys were being built, an Set the timer to ism shown those in high places. He’d cut utility rates when he earlier generations of Republicans, Stassen slate of me nation. he had copy turn the switch on and off at any specified time, and come back at The Governor of Minnesota has he knew a of the was governor. He was even de- realizes that many new deal reforms are state automobile license nuipber paper for the middle of April, clared too radical when he was dinner time to find your meal cooked to a turn, and ready to serve. popular with voters. With adjustments—- THE NATIONAL RESTAURANT As- h r rs: ' : v ‘1939. appointed to the state’s public which the administration has ceen miser- sociation deduces that general business is And the mayor of Redwdod I —f—f— service commission. Redwood Light & Company Falls holds city dog license num- Concerning the ignominious de- that he Falls PoWer ably slow in making—most of the program better because there are more pencil marks He’s proud of the fact ber 1. feat suffered by Aune’s team at broke a “Little Steel” strike in is here to stay and any candidate wno fails cn the table cloths these days. More busi- —t—t— The hands of Lauterbach’s bowl- Ohio by looking into the strikers’ He remembered Woodring’s governor. He convinced his home suspic- to recognize the fact is doomed to defeat, ness for the laundries and lead pencil men, Moreover, we view with ers Friday night, Lally Schmid attempts to keep mail out of the kindness. When it looked as if folks that tourists could be an in- appears be as sure as the budget is out of balance. anyway. ion what to an un- says it was extra fierce on ac- plants. On the other hand, he Woodring were having trouble in dustry. So now the state planning fair trade practice on the part of count just before the well aware match, says, “I don’t know why a worker his department, it was Bridges, board has a sports season program The governor is that there H. KronOveter, Mint cafe ! prop. Aune’s had their pictures taken doesn’t join a union when he’s too the Republican, who aired the sit- that makes the cash registers ring are many varieties of ideals within the SEVERAL THOUSAND KANSAS City He has registered his dog as holding a pennant lettered, far removed from the big boss to uation and went to Woodring’s merrily in the snow covered New party, as many as there are opinions. Pro- women led the drive to clean up the city at “Oscar,” a name borne by Hank’s “CHAMPS.” talk to him.” defense. Hampshire hills. competitor the street. bably by now a political job- the election. Minneapolis women across Well, that’s what he says. He’s been one of the critics of Rest Of The Family he can tell recent —l—t good when he in tne cor- might example -t-t- the NLRB. Just to get am- Bridges’ three sons are a whole seeker sets foot office well copy the of their Mis- Here’s Gene Charlebois trying Certain Civic and Commerce munition for his arguments he department in themselves. Right Love's Labor Lost ridor. He knows the mine owners' solution souri sisters.—Red Lake Falis Gazette. to get out of being head of a com- association members were burned piled a friend into his car one day now the nicest thing about their Baltimore (/P) A brewery 4 of national problems doesn't dovetail with mittee: quote I shouldn’t be chair- when Coleman hung out one of and drove to Ohio to listen in, father’s campaign is the fact that labored long to produce a super 1 man. I’m too good a worker, un- the old-time welcome flags for superb ale. a views expressed at harm Bureau meetings; ONE REASON WHY PEOPLE unannounced, to an NLRB hear- movie men keep showing up at SO OF- quote. the high school musicians Satur- ing. home. The boys pose patiently But complaints of “too cloudy” J and that bankers have opinions conflicting ten fa:! to recognize opportunity when she —t—t— day. (And it ain’t ’cause he had He’s proud of his pay-as-you- and then demand expert advice and “a funny taste” poured in with those of labor leaders. knocks, is that so oiten«siie is wearing over- Better late than never, we al- a new one.) go record as a New Hampshire on the movie machine they’ve ac- when it was marketed. ways say—and saying, -present Somewhere between those who Would alls. —Blooming Pairie Times. so| So directors of aforesaid C and governor. Immediately set about quired. It makes them some The trouble, said the brewer the following sidelight on Life in C blitzkrieged him Monday noon. balancing the state budget. Cut pumpkins in their neighborhood. masters, is that people teday just “salvage” the new deal and those who would ©•• © © superlative Redwood Falls: r . Smoke was pretty thick in the expenditures. Then slapped on Styles, Jr., 17, is the movie ex- don’t know a ale when “scrap” it, the governor’s speech might OUR IDEA OF A COMPLETE WASTE Don Whittet' bought a Sun from small hotel dining room occupied new One on beer, and pert. David, 10, and John, have they taste it. two taxes: 7, halted, pussyfoot platitudes a end. of is study a carrier boy a few weeks back, by 14 or so of the mentors. When heirs. That is, collateral interests. David goes So sales were and the with to dull time the of international law. one on collateral ale saved for banquets appre- Minnesotans all parties Anybody expert field In it he saw a picture of a shofe they asked Coleman to do some- your pephew would have to pay for stamps. John, for an unex- of But of have who becomes an in that storm a year ago. thing about it, he sent a ciative gourmets. hopes governor ao more automatically prize man a state tax on what you left him, plained reason, is collecting but- that the will than wins the for knowing the Then he.saw that Barney Lavip around to remove the storm win- but your son wouldn’t. tons. make a speech. As the keynoter, his talk most that isn’t so.—Miftneota Mascot. had been arrested. ’ dow. Bridges never brought his fami- Bridges flies some weekends Spuds Come Into Own Then he saw a picture of the Whereupon, each and every one ly down here because he has three with his pockets bulging for the is expected to point the way. He can, by ' As War Food discussion, spring primary class. >• VT‘ 3f including Martin Ehlers, young sd'ns in school. The family boys. His secretary shops for him. frank influence greatly the THE KANSAS CITY BOARD OF EDU- Then he read someone’s predic- who’s a great big boy crawl- London—(/P) Although virtu- now, stayed in their little white wood- When he’s out campaigning he ally every family in England has course of the convention. Perhaps as a can- cation has ordered all copies of “Grapes of tion that work on the new Rod-, ed out the window to the street mailing post 1 en home outside Concord. Mrs. has a rule of cards beeri eatmg potatoes every day didate for the nomination at some later na- Wrath” removed from the shelves of the wood Falls postoffice would start and walked off, leaving Coleman Bridges died in ’3B, and that was to the boys from every town in shortly. holding for at least two centuries, the tional convention, he can refer back to the public library and all branches. It seems the check. a terrific blow to Bridges, which he stops. British Potato Marketing Board gave in 1940. strange if There*s a little story about it. John, unconsciously, is his fa- has just discovered that lot of sound advice he somewhat that Kansas City cart’t by telephone a stand “Grapes of Wrafh” He learned that she ther’s current dc-flater. John -people don’t know how they when it stood was dying. He couldn’t get there- gives a campaign speech with a should be cooked. PROPOSING A SHORTCUT FROM Pendergast so long.—Stillwater News. fast enough. So, Republican that full repertoire of his father’s ges- So the Government Stationery east of Windom to Morton (via Springfield) he is, he called Democrat Harry tures. The Senator listens and Office has published a recipe book which would cut out Windom, Sanborn, Red- IN A TOPSY-TURVY WORLD, THE Woodring, secretary of war, for a learns, he says, with a grin. describing 80 different ways of Qlanced plane. Woodring, family man The four Bridges men—from preparing potatoes fer the table. only wood Falls, the Springfield Advance-Press course for this country to pursue is himself, scurried up a plane. But father, 42, to John, 7—spend their "Soups, salads, savouries and says, “The purpose of a highway system is first of all to be strong enough so that its Bridges arrived just 10 minutes play hours out of doors—hunting, even cakes are included,” the to provide good roads over the shortest rights will be respected and to deal fairly too late to say good-bye to his swimming, fishing and skiing. Stationery Office proudly an- was part possible routes. Any arrangement com- With all. Being strong doesn’t only 5 YEARS AGO year, taking in 110 new members. wife. That of Bridges’ role as nounced. that mean an Plans a and pels to go of their when adequate sea and to establish crime bur- —Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gold motorists out way land, air force, but also eau radio station in Redwood Falls their youngest daughters return- a ihort route is available is not in the pub- that we should be strong agriculturally, in- were announced.—Fire destroyed ed from spending the winter in interest.” the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Florida. Mr. Gold reported that lic dustrially and financially.—Morris Tribune. ° If roads were built solely for through Christensen in Brookville town- Miami, a city bf 20,000 was hav- money} tocuU travelers, they ship.—Small grain fields through- ing a building boom and there 7/ouwanti/ou/i ivottk-ifau would follow those lines on IF MILK—THE BEST DRINK-FOOD out the county sprouted after a was some danger of over-building the map which as kids we knew as parallels in the world—was advertised like beer two-day rain. Governor Olson which would have disastrous and iheridians. However road builders re- there’d have to be two or three million more vetoed the omnibus tax bill which effects.—W, P. Rice planned to cognized contained a sales tax feature.— build the splendid new home on and the legislature accepted the cows in Minnesota to supply the demand. Carl Jackson, 34, of Wabasso suf- the Herman Hillman farm south theory that most of the traffic is “going The dairy producers have not yet learned fered a skull fracture when a of Redwocd Falls.—William Bentz places” locally and made every elfort to con- there is sucn a thing as advertising. When horse kicked him.—Richard Cook was assisting Math Eichten in the was relieved of his duties as Red- hardware store and postoffice at THE LONGEST OF THE nect nearby following or if they ever things’ll LOT do, towns White a general boom around the Wanda.—There was a special sale cow wood count ERA administrator direction. The idea has never been general- yard and the best beverage in the world and L. S. Tyler was elevated to of senior class pennants and cu- ‘the very longest of all lowest-priced cars! ly condemned by the persons who supply other than water, will be making people area administrator of Renville shions in class colors at the Music mOst of the cash for the roads. healthier, andjhappier.— Fairmont Sentinel. and McLeod counties.—Five acres Store. —I. N. Bopes purchased 36 of land near the home acres of land opposite the Red- • • • • •T• • • county was set aside for relief gardens.—The wood eouniy home. —Prank Smith NIGHT, YOUTH, THE THRILL OF commercial and Liens clubs met of Renville shot a wolf near North speed over a fine highway, a curve, another ONCE A LAW IS PASSED PROVID- to promote establishment of an Redwood. —Sadie Blume, Loretta car insane ,asylum in Redwood Falls. Kirwin, Rose Altnow and Alma similarly loaded—and crash. Eleven ING federal funds for any group of citizens spent Olivia. youths —Manager Frank Baldwin an- Ziemer Sunday at killed, two others in the hospital. it proceeds to become a political football. nounced the first practice of Red- Erie Henze acted as their chauf- It happened last Sunday at Slayton—- Future aspiring candidates, with no merit wood Falls’ Western Minnesota lur.—The two tennis courts on the was the topic of conversation throughout of statesmanship to commend them, seek Baseball league -nine. August west side of the river were in .ex- to Klause Clements cellent shape. Charles Girbe, the state for part of the second day, win the necessary by of planned to main- votes promising big- leave for Russia to visit relatives. Hans Jenson, B. Shanley and ly because it snuffed out so many young ger pensions, mote relief and larger special The Wabasso Gun club received William Andrie of LiMcan pur- legisla- lives in one “noise like an explosion.” The bounties. The practice is the bane of a dem- a charter from the National Rifle chased cars.—The state same of deaths association. F. W. Rohlik was ture legalized 10 round boxing number in three or four ac- ocracy and the refuge of the politicians.— contests under supervision of the would president. Stella Sutten and cidents have caused no special com- Heron Lake News. George Gibson of Morton were state athletic commission.—G. A- ment outside the immediate area, would • • • % married. Schildknecht, L. Sommers, W. C. have been more rapidly forgotten THE <: $ « Bissonette and Perry NeiSon at- locally, SITUATION T&E AREA CON- tended a besball game at Fair- except by grief-stricken by A 10 YEARS AGO , , v parents, brothers trolled TV finds Itself in, with refer- The American Legion sponsor- fax.—Friends of Mr. and Mrs. \and sisters. ence to loss of taxes fVo'm the private elec- ed the appearance of the WLS John Sundine of Delhi gave a \*• * • tric companies absorbed by the government Showboat troupe of radio stars in party in celebration of their \ THE owned outfit, Redwood Falls.— Mabel Muetzel, birthdays, a day apart.—Herman MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DE- has brought considerable at- Mildred Willcox, Edna Russell Werder sold the lake shore pro- partment is joining in the Clean-Up, tention by legislators and tax experts of the and Lcrria Clements were typing perty just west of his home to A. Henry Amberg , campaign by declaring war on signs and bill- country to the necessity of working out some entrants in a district commercial A. Carkhuff. contest here. A mystery was shipped a carlcad of fat hogs from boards built on the right-of-way, contrary plan tor the taxation of municipal utility cylinder created when unknown persons North Redwood. vacuum to state law. This summer’s tourists will plants, in order that the tax may be transmis^ burden drove into Pat Corcoran’s farm * * # to move the geari. see more of the state than glimpses between fairly and equitably distributed. Figures nine miles southwest of Redwood specimens of outdoor advertising. shown by privately owned Falls and pushed a burning 1925 50 YEARS AGO the electric con- a new » • * Buick roadster ever a 40 bluff in- Lamberton purchased means comfort. . . . means • cerns, for instance, indicate more than attracting Siie that to the Redwood river.—Wally Al- read grader which was ## of luxury appearance and of ride. . . . Size THE QFFfCE WINCHELL HAS IT 15 cents Of every dollar collected for electric brecht, 4, son of a former Mor- large crowds. Preparations for £ means value. .. . And size supremacy quite straight a popular gan boy appeared with Gloria Decoration day services were be- it" In that young legisla- service is paid ior taxes of various kinds—- the field of lowest-priced tor who has stuck to a and public Swanson in her first all-talking ing made by E. D. Freeh, S. W- motor cirs middle-of-the-road when ownership steps in and pictyre, “The Trespasser,’’—-Four Rays, William P. Tenney, E. P. belongs to Chevrolet for ’4O! course iff politics fOr three terms with con- fakes over such properties, immediately this nundred baby chicks and 300 bu- Byram and trank Kenney of the It’s the longest siderable merit is goftyg to take a conserva- tax revenue must be absorbed in some other shels of. oats were burned- in a John S. Marsh post.—CX B. Tur- mg gf *0 of all lowest-priced carr -¦ a large Jim tive stahd with the beh edicts, come June. direction, under laws now in effect in many brooder house at the Robert ret! put in second cistern i* -measuring 181 stream!! rted inches from Stewart Marie Lar- at his house with a view, to irri- i/W* ? • • • states. the front of its sparkling “Royal (.Tipper” Some of the more alert states have and Lawrence E.v Swanson, gating his lawn and garden.— sen grille to the rear of its torpedo-taHored PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT IS long since recognized this fact, and manager .• of „the Mpntgomeryr Jones, the restaurant man, paper- m% •M I SAID have tak- Fisher to be planning a non-political tour of a great en steps to impose taxation on municipal Ward store. hePe, Were rriarriecL iti ed and painted his headquarters Jrf||f iW.J Body! Minneapolis.—After a fire at the fee cream season.—Fred puv part of the nation this When a plants, which alter is only pro- foOf for feet summer. all the fair the Wiiii^mJackson: home’, Chief Dickmbyer of Sherman bought 40 ydur money's worth this spring. ./.. president can make a “non-political” tour, cedure. In one county in this state a city J. M. Corbett warned, that persons acres there for sll an acre.—Ed- feet the biggest selling car in America— it will also be possible for him to an municipal electric plant owns a parking neat the fire hall when itor Smith of the Lambertcn for ’4O good to wear big power young Chevrolet Be yourself, top dam outside the siren- sounded would be forc- chronicled the arrival of a and “informal” hat. the city, but pays no taxes on —A elevator was go- eye it—try it—buy it—today! • • ed to* visit Judge. Everett.—Mrs. editor. large • • such property. If tlie power plant were Carl Byram,' Dorothy and Helen:, ing up at* Sanborn and O. D. WITHOUT COACHING, ANY GRADE privately owned it would pay a worth while Eva Peavey, Mrs. Ida CaTrum Wells - was enlarging his store school youngster can tell you the robin tax which would help towns, and Mrs. Kep. Byram hiked dowh there. —The Citizens bank of Red- is the School dis- Redwood Falls’ showed re- agaw official sign of spring. ope tricts and townships of to North and’had dmndr wood Statement first r the But -must the couhty. As it is cafe.—Ray of $112,275. —Grant Mar- "CHEYROLETS at Kelly’s P. Chase, sources LEADER SALES ... 8 OUT THE nave a lawn to know that when the first only the Residents of the cify having *the state auditor, J. R. Keefe and tin was driving a new gig.—Ole IN OF LAST V YEARS shows up, slimmer is hot far be- municipal plant benefit by this extempt George A. Barnes were speakers Knudson had the foundations of dandelion 'tax Lag- plan. The taxation of municipally owned at the Milroy community cele- his house at Delhi laid, Con hind. bration. erstrom doing the carpenter work. BSize • • b *. $ \ b utility plants is one that should bfe given s= —Quite a number of fish were Holmberg GIVE A WOMAN TWO SUNNY DAYS some study by the legislature, to the end 25 YEARS AGO being caught in the Redwood, Chevrolet Co. North Redwood.— Wil- in a row ready to of keeping The Redwood Falls Fresbyter- river at ftedwood Palls, Minn. Miilard Holmberg and she is start house- revenues that are lost under tne ian Kinman setting .cleaning.—Detroit present plant.—Minnesota church, with Rev. William Jo- liam was out Lakes Tribune. State Review. busch as minister, had a banner trees in the. park at Morgan.