THE CAMPUS of ALLEGHENY COLLEGE the Hammond Organ Is Set for a Good Work Out
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'40 MOCK CONVENTION ISSUE CAMPAIGN BRIEFS THE CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE The Hammond organ is set for a good work out. Jim. Fox and Ed We- ber will alternate at the console and Vol. LVIII., No. 23 MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA MAY 7, 1940 will turn on plenty of heat, we are pro- mised . Congressman "Lew Rogers" of Erie, sends regrets from Washington that he cannot be with us tonight, however, he sends his best wishes for a most successful convention . Convention Ready The Meadville high school band, with snoppy uniforms and everything, ANNIVERSARY WILLKIE STOCK will be on hand to give out with lots MOCK CONVENTION of peppy music for all to keep step to FUND NEARING GOES UP: DEWEY in the parade . COMPLETION FALLS IN POLL UNDERWAY AT 4; Republican big-wigs from the local Campaigners Now Working Gains Attributed to Power of headquarters and surrounding terri- PARADE FEATURED tory will be at the opening session to- The Pittsburgh District; Propaganda; Taft Also Shows Loss. night to listen in to the frenzied ora- Two New Trustees Elected KEYNOTER tory and power •politiics on display ROBERT J. CORBETT when the platform comes up for ac- Subscriptions totalling $7.15,803.95 The power of propaganda ceptance . have been made to the Allegheny Col- was ably demonstrated in the KEYNOTER AT FIRST lege 125th Anniversary Fund, it was resu lts f last Friday's chapel announced yesterday at the spring SESSION TONIGHT 'William Irvine, another Allegheny poll, for significant gains were alumnus, will be on the campus during meeting of the college board of trus- Allegheny's shown in the Wendell Willkie first Mock Re- 'the convention. He is secretary to tees. publican National convention presidential wing, while losses Congressman Corbett, the keynote More than 3,700 alumni and friends gets underway this afternoon speaker have signed pledges since the cam- were marked in others. at 4 P. M., when delegates paign was launched last September, Willkie gained greatly in favor, at A surprise in the nature of Republi- according to the report, and approxi- gather at Arter hall to form the expense of other candidates. His can Victory Chorus (?) will be unveil- mately $210,000 of the total subscrib- the convention parade. Three total vote constituted 13 percent of ed at tonight's gathering. ed has already been paid in cash and months of intensive prepara- the entire poll, in contrast to a total securities. tion under the guidance of Mr. Another musical treat in store for The community of Meadville 'has of four per cent in the earlier poll of Paul H. Giddens culminates in oration-weary delegates will be the ac- pledged better than $230,000 toward April 5. cordian playing of Don. Walp, VB year its special quota of $250,000. this three-day wave of oratory old student of St. Bri.gid's School. The The report was made by the Hon. This gain was attributed to a flood and coalition forming to select local "boy wonder", Master Walp, will Frank P. Miller of Meadville, who of propaganda issued from Willkie candidates for the presidency play the Twelfth Street Rag, and also takes the place of the late George W. headquarters, together with a person- the Russian Rag .. and vice-presidency of the Olmsted as chairman of the finance al campaign conducted by hard-work- committee. United States. ing boosters. A beautiful, -new Buick convertible The intensive phase of Allegheny's '1 Congressman Robert J. Corbett of club car will contain the convention $9.00,000 campaign for 'increased end Dewey Loss. Allegheny county, tonight's 'keynote officials and the Meadville mayor in dovernent and scholarship funds, imH Percentage figures show that Candi- Rep. Robert Corbett speaker, will be guest of honor at a the parade. Mayor" Fred Whipple, proved dormitory facilities and pay date Dewey received 48 per cent of dinner at the Phi Kappa Psi house James Gettemy, Charles Miller, and went of bonded debt will culminate in the total vote; however in the earlier this evening proceeding the conven- William Stubbs will be the occupants. mid-summer. The canvass is now poll he received' 52 per cent. This loss Keynoter Corbett tion session. The ear was loaned by the Meadville proceeding in the general vicinity of of four per cent was the greatest loss Prominent Republicans from this Buick company . Pittsburgh, it was announced, and cam- suffered by any Republican candidate. Fulfills Prophecy district as guests at the dinnel• will paign representatives will begin work Taft lost in favor, as did Bruce Bar- include Mayor Fred Whipple, Ray Artist Mike Alexatos, '43, painted in Pittsburgh proper within a few ton. Gannett, Vandenberg, and Jam,es Made in CoOention Smock, chairman of the Crawford the state delegation banners carried in days. chalked up gains, while Bridges and County Republican committee; Robert the parade. Betty Spring, '40, also Both President William 'Pearson LaFollette, remained the same. "December 3—Corbett _wins the Bates, Republican state committee- painted many of the posters and ban- Tolley and Dr. J. Wesley Miller, cam- Wakefield Oration contest. At this man, Frank P. Miller, delegate to the ners displayed by the delegations . In the Democratic division, Cordell paign director, expressed confidenice Hull raised in popularity. from 34 rate he'll be in Congress someday." Republican national convention in that with the continued cooperation of Philadelphia, and Judge 0. Clare Kent, Meadville merchants willingly loan- per cent to 50 per cent. Garner and This casual prophecy, •found in the alumni and friends, the goal would be McNutt each lost 5 per cent, while Crawford county Court of Common ed many flags and banners which de- subscribed lby the close of the cam- 1926 issue of the Kaldron and intend- Jackson lost two percent. Roosevelt Pleas. corate the gym. They came through paign. ed as a joke at the time has since been and Farley remained the same in per- Congressman Corbett will ibe accom- in a big way and deserve the thanks Two new general trustees, both centage figures—Roosevelt with 18 per fulfilled, for Robert J. Corbett, '27, panied by his secretary William Ir- of the entire college . prominent Pittsburghers, were elected cent and Farley with two per cent. who will give the principle address vine, also an ex-Allegheny student. at yesterday's meeting. They are: for the coming Mock convention is Faculty guests at the dinner will Mr. McTaye Richardson, leader of Robert J. Dodds of the law firm of Friday's poll was a follow-up to the Richardson. Jubilee Singers, has for poll of April 5. In the earlier voting now a member of the House of Repre- include President William P. Tolley Reed, Smith, Shaw and McClay, and and convention director Paul H. Gid- years directed the choir at the local St. Theodore F. Smith, president of the 315 students participated—whereas 284 sen tat i ves. John's Baptist church. He is a Na- cast their votes in 'the latter poll. dens, Student guests will be Howard Oliver Iron and Steel Company. The The prominent alumnus seems to be G. -Gibbs, '41, A.U.C. president, and tional Gospel Singer and a member of The Allegheny Institute of Opinion, latter is an Allegheny alumnus of the an exponent of the theory that extra- James Gettemy, '41, convention chair- the National Gospel Song Writer's As- sponsored by the History and Political class of 1915. curricular activities in college •have a man. sociation. He is an accomplishedsing- Science club in conjunction with The great influence on a student's future (continued on page 4) er himself . Campus, was in charge of 'both polls. career, for the took advantage of every BAND TO LEAD phase of forensic activity—he became The choices of the students as to REPUBLICAN CHAIRMAN Allegheny Trustee Frank P. Miller, PARADE TODAY their personal candidate for the presi- varsity debater during his sophomore delegate to the National convention in dency are listed in order of preference: year, he won the Wakefield contest Philadelphia this summer writes, "I The Mock Republican convention Thomas E. Dewey, Arthur H. Vanden- during both his junior and senior am fully expecting that what I learn will be ocicially opened by a political berg, Wendell H. Willkie, Robert Taft, years, represented Allegheny at the from your mock convention will be parade this afternoon. Frank Gannett, Arthur H. James, Rob- Inter-collegiate Oratorical contest, In just the right preparation I need for Students are requested to be in front ert LaFollette, Styles Bridges, Henry which he won second honors; he was the main event in Philadelphia." . of Arter hall at four o'clook and to Lodge, Glenn Frank, and Herbert president of the oratorical association .line' up by state delegations in alpha- Hoover. and he assisted teaching history class- Editor of the Westminster college i betical order. Each delegate is asked es during his last year. Another face- newspaper, Paul Horn, is expected here ` to see William Stubbs, '42, chairman STATE CHAIRMAN tious reference to Corbett in the Kal- today to view our mock convention. of the parade, for position in the line dron was this statement, "Corbett He was permanent chairman for the and then face west. It will begin at elected speaker of the .Philo-Franklin convention held last week at the New 4:15. forum; writes home for money so he Wilmington school. The Pennsylvania National guard can live as befits his high position." I will lead the parade, followed by the Among the various subjects 'he spoke Colleges in this section are watching 50,plece Meadville hig hschool band.