~ The Weather On The Inside ContiDlled mild w.,. wiUJ. _uloDaI .bowen. tram Other eou.q. . . . Sancla,. coWer -.nil ...... Pav- I alble IDOW. Rlab 1Oday. Former UN l)eleqcne Speaks 50; low. 30. Rlfb Frlcta7 • . . . Pd9. S 41; low, n. Iowa Prepares for MlDDetIOta • at • • • paqe 4 Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto - Five Centa

Outsiders Called NATO Naval Command, I • To Aid In CI,eanup WASHINGTON (JP) - Attorney To Go To An America'n' General McGrath said Friday Bills fo, letty as - nilht he will use "outside attor­ neys" as special assistants in a England To Get drive to sweep wrongdoers out of Balm Denied for Cows' .Sore Feel the federal government. • Tots Swell LITTLETON, COLO. (JP) - Damages for mental sufferi ng cannot In his flrst public comment on be claimed because your cows hove sore feet, District Judge Harold J . Davies l"Uled Thur'day. 1 Million Tons the ' task to wh ich Presidllnt Tru­ Gleen and Ado Pog chatged their neighbor, W. H. Lane, built a man has assigned him. McGrath Polio Fund "spite" rence along hiS ploperty, callsing them to drive their dairy said the outside attorneys will be herd over a longer route to pasture, resulting I n loss of mHk produc­ Of u.s: Steel selected on a basis or merit and tion, sore feei fOl' the cows ond mental ongulsh ror the owners. qualification "without any parti­ A -dollar* *blll *doesn't last Judge Davies threw out the mental anguish charge on which they WASHINGTON (JP) - Prime san consideration." long any more when It comes to asked $15,000 damages. ' Minister Winston Churchill Friday yielded to the appointment of an Asserting that each such ap­ buying groceries or clothing 0\' fuel, but to an 8 or 10-year-old American as supreme Allied nava t pointee will "be given broad and child it's stili a lot of money. Harrison Spangler commander In Atlantic wa ters, but unfettered authority," McGrath That's why Mrs. Betty Young, Truce Negotiators won a promise of a mJllion tons of ljIid they will be used to "super­ Cednr Rapids polio patient at Silent on Rumors scarce U.S. steel for Britain. vise and coordinate the program." University bospitals since August, The steel will be exchanged for 1950, especially treasures two let­ Still Deadlocked Britlsh tin and aluminum. badly Na~ Under AdvlsemeDi He's QuiHing Job ters she received last week. MUNSAN, Korea (SATUR- needed In America's rearmament "Under advisement," he said, Mrs. Young has started a cam­ DES MOINES (JP)- Harrison E. DAY) (JP) - Korean armistice program. "are the names of several promi­ paign to collect autographed dollar Spangler, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Re­ talks droned on Friday with Churchill's acceptance of an nent lawyers for appointments as bills for the March of Dimes fund publican national committeeman, monotonous review of past argu­ American to head the North At­ lantic treaty naval forces camc as special as sistant to the. altorney to be used In the ligM against answered fresh reports in Des ments-and still deadlocked. The Reds petulantly called U.S. Allie something of a surprise concession nera polio. Both letters were addressed Moines Friday that he will not &f !." to Bills for Betty, Polio Ward, seck reelection by saying only: "running dogs." during his farewell conference McGrath was designated by Mr. University hospitals, Iowa City. "No com men!." NiW sessions of the subcom­ wllh President Truman at the White House. Truman a week ago liS the man to The first, from a Dubuque lad, Spangler was in San Francisco mittees on truce supervision and prisoner exchange were slaterl at Loc-Ieal Cbolce direct the cleo nlng out of any of­ read: attending a joint meeting at the Navy quarters sait! the most Panmunjom tor II a.m., today (8 ficiol misconduct. 'l'he P:resident's Dear Mrs. YOaq: national committee with Pacific logical choice as the new "sea­ p.m. CST, Friday.) action followed a series a! dismis­ I am aendlDr TOU mT $1.00 u I coast GOP leaders. He has been a going Eisenhower" would be Adm. had PoU. In 19 .. aIUl was at Iowa committee member since 1932 and As a side issue, the Communists sals ot Internal revenue o!tiicals Lynde D. McCormick, now com­ Clly &eo and wa.nt &0 help you In i~ n former national chairman. continued to harp about an al­ mander ot the U.S. Atlantic fleet. in connection with alleged tax your tlrh~ to recover. I am 10 Reports in Des Moines said he leged Allied bombing of the Kae­ A navy spokesman said an offi­ frauds and the Ii ring of Asst. Atty. yean old. is xpected to announce before song restricted zone Thursday. cial announcement could not be Gen. T. Larqar Caudle for "out­ DewaJa WhelaD next summer's Reppblican nalioo- They said they would produce made until cel"taln formalities "plenty" ot soldiers who saw a ,ide activities" which the White .221 Bt.YODt 01 convention that he will not be have been completed. A Ndrth Liberty rirl wrote: a candidate for reelection. He is plane drop a bomb. Admiral McCormick served in House sold were incompatible with Dear Mra. YOUD&': reported to have told .1 number at United Nations investilcators bolh the Atlantic and Paciric dur­ his office: . I am a little rtrl • :tean old and (liend~ that he does not intend tailed Friday to tind a single civ­ ing Worid War 11. Presldell* Dllleardll Plan r &11\ aelU1lDr .. '1." to your BUI!! to be a candidate nnd will so 00- ilian witness. Lt. Col. Howard S. Joint Communique The President discarded a pre­ lor BeUy fllD4. I am lOlDr to tell nOUDC'e at the appropnate time. Levie, acting seniol' Liaison orticpr, Friday's agreement was an­ olller ehlldJ'eD at my lehool 8 0 said the absence ot any witness nounced in a joint communique viously considered plan to set up Mentioned as pos ible cnndi­ Ulel • rIve to Iitht Ule dlleue. Idates to succeed him. whether he left the inquiry up in the air. by Presi-dent Truman and Chur­ a speels 1 bipartisan commission Both sides refused to budge on chill. Yo .... ver)' &ruJ, seeks reelection or not, are Robe~t Agreement on the North Atlan­ tor the work. Instead. he ga.ve the Carole Alben. K. Goodwin, Republican state the key issues blocking truce. job to McGrath, as the govern­ Children from St. Patrick's Families Evacuated from Flood Area tIc T"eaty organization command Chairman; Allen Whitfield. Des wos reached last year, but was ment's chief law enforcement of­ school in Iowa City swelled Mrs. Moin attorney and campaign LEGIONNAIRES AND OTRER volunt.een Friday carried refugees Crom a nOoded area of suburban MIGs *Evade * *Fire held up because of Churchill's op­ ficer. Young's lund by $14 with $2 from manager for Gov. William S. Reseda, near Los Anc-eles, Into an emerC"eney sbelt.e r. ~Iore than ZOO famlll were evaeua.ted from the position. British leaders had The atto~ney general also dis­ one grade and $1 from each of Beardsl y in 1950; Jim Schr:lmm, dlsLrict as hJrh wa&en Invaded thelr bomes durinc- a disastrous storm that hit southern CalifornIa. In Brief Air Duel balked lit the selectlon of an Am­ closed, a ,deparlmeri tal orde/: di­ the other 12 grades. So tar she Burlington, fanner finance chair­ has received more than $160 trom ------erican, contending that Britain's tk~ • to· all U.S. prosecutors man Cor Republican state head­ SEOUL. Korea (SATURDAY) traditional " Rule Britannia" nav­ persons throughout. the couhtry. Ihrhll'!\\lut Pte co ntry s uggesttili 2,900 Gambling Dev;ce$ quarters and Fre_d Gllber.t, ~tate (IP) - U.S, Sabres and about 120 al Ilre9t1ie -painted to the appoint­ ~ inore lJIorOugh Investigation and Center, former member a! the Russian-built MIG jets exchanged ment ot a Briton. fuiLer II"'of ,rand jut)' facilities Seized in Kentucky Raids state highway commission. brief firing passes over northwest Friday's communique indicated iii "cues ot aUelect official m!scon­ Senate Group Voles Korea Friday, but there wcre no that Britain's naval control \\(iIl d\lc\, ttaud and bribery." LOUISVILLE, KY. (JP) - Fast­ damage reports. be extended somewhat from her moving FBI agents and local of­ French Tax Clips The U.'S. fifth ail' force ex­ Immediate coastal waters to , Pr~&e of Shortages ficers seized more than 2,900 plained, "The Reds didn't wani to deeper wa ter. fight." gambling machines valued at near­ U.S. Military Funds The announcement sllid it Will Capt. ta~[ence Paul On the snow-drifted battlefronl planned "to extend the United In Government Grain muddy surface Willers, Los Au- ly $800,000 in a surpt\se slate­ WASHINGTON (JP) - A con­ LOS ANGELES (JP) - Hundred ~ the mercury dropped to zero. Kingdom's home command to the Wf.SHINGTON (JP) - A full of persons fled their homes and geles heallh of ricer George Uhl wide roundup Friday. gressional committee rcported Fri­ Shivering Allied infantrymen re­ 100 fathom line," that \\1 to wh~te Is Killed in Korea investigation of shortages in the entire communities faced a seL'ious Twenty-three persons were ar­ day that the French government pulsed three light Communist he water is 600 feet deep. agriculture department's grain advised parents to keep children gets about one dollar in taxes out probing aUacks in the rugged sanitation hazard from flood wat­ from playing in water. rested in the continulf\g Kentucky The 100 fathom curve extends storalle program was voted Fri­ of every five dollars apP"opria ted eastern sector. , 30 miles ort the southWest ers Friday in sodden southern raids, the FBI announced. The tram day by the senate agriculture com­ California. No water main breaks were re­ for United States military con­ The eighth army communique tip ot Ireland to more thon 200 mittee. The coast guard and army com­ ported, however, and water W3S driv_xtendcd into bordering struction in France. reported "no significant activity" miles oft other points in the Bri­ It acti!d after hearing that short­ bined with civilian agencies to still safe lor drinking. As a pre­ states. Two arrests were made in The committee is a special on the western and central !ronts. tish Isles. caution, the municipal water de­ ages In Texas alone amount to evacuate scores of famlties Cram Indiana and one in Ohio, the FBI hou.-N.J.) In return, Britain wiU sell the Brannan estimated that the to­ said the Presici~t. made that com­ U.S. 55.100.000 pounds of alumi­ With sewage being released in tal of unexplained shortages now ment while they chatted at the num, badly needed in America's under Investigation will run be­ White House Friday. The con­ rearmament program. and 20,000 tween five and seven mlilion dol­ gressman is one of those trying long tons ~f ti n. lars. Car Owners Must to persuade Mr. Truman to seek A long ton equals 2,240 pounds .C~pt. Lawrenc~ PQul another term. compared to the more commonly . 1942 SUI Graduate CapcicUY Aucilenclt Encores - Register by Feb~ J Some politicians believe that known ton of 2,000 pounds. one ot the factors influencing Mr. ' ..--- County Treasurer Lumlr J ansa The ,body 'of Capt. Lawrence E. Arrau Demonstrates Friday again warned Johnson Truman's declsion will be the in­ Palll, first ·Iowa City soldier to county automobile owners that creasing criticism of his adminis­ tration on grounds corruption. be kIlled In the Korean war, Is their vehicles must be registered ot by Feb. 1 or penalties will be im­ Sieminski said he told the Pres­ en route from San Francisco for Musical Showmanship ident "I hoped he would run posed. tuneral services in IOwa City ac­ 87 NORMA SEXTON again, and of my admiration of ~ipi ,to ,word received :tram Claudio A r r a u convincingly He said that only a,bout 6,650 him as my leader." He quoted rtlatives, demonstrated his understanding ot cars have been registered so f3r MI" . Truman as replying: capt. Paul was killed in a plane the mU$ic he played at the tlrst while the total number in the "From precinct captain to Pres­ trash while with the 62nd troop of the: university concert series at county is estimated to be be­ ident, I have served the people to Clrrl~r dlvision . .in Taejon, Kor­ the Iowa Union Friday night and tween Jl ,000 and 13,000. License the best of my ability and I'm a ea, .Jan. 14, 1951. brought sincere applause trom a plates and registration papers lobbyist tor the people. I never ~e was born Oct. 4, /1 921, the capacity audience. have been on sale since Dec. J. quit a tight or ran away from IOl\ of ,Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. A line showman, as well as After Jan. 31 , a penaity on li_ anything." "'\II, do Iowa ave., and was tech.nician, his outstanding number cense pl ates will accrue at the Mr. Truman had repeatedly Jraduited trom high school here. of the evening . was Beethoven's rate of five percent per month, told h is news conlerences he has "'ul attended SUI where he re­ "Sonata in F MiI\Or." As Beeth­ with a minimum penalty of $J, made his decision about 1952 but ~ved his B.A. degree in political oven Is complete in his range Jansa said. is not ready to announce it. Sen. ldIenee in 1942 and was on the lrom the majestic and powerful Jansa also pointed out that the Hubert Humphrey (D·Minn.), footbaU team. to the liiht and gay, 50 ls Arra u treasurer's office will be open h owever, said after a White House Ife was the youngest men\'ber in his presentation. during noon hours from Jan. 25 visi t Monday that the Pre<>ident Al'l8u', demeanor reflected the of ROTC to ever- be commls to the en(l of the month to ac­ hasn't m ade up his mind finally. moods of his music-from andante trom the university's commodate latecomers. He added l\ontd through prestlssimo. The artist's , IIIlIt. He had been stationed In that the otfice will be open all 36,750 Draftees personality was as much a part day Saturday, Jan. 26. lapan where he flew C-1I4 tran­ o! the evening's performance as Iport planes to Korea. the music. To Go to Marines PlUl was a member cif St. Other numbers Included on the ll...,,&; ch urch. tirst half of the program were Senate Committee Invites WASHINGTON (JP) - The mar­ rurterel arrangements are pend­ "Rondo Capr'iccio.o" and I'Song Criticism of McDonald ines have Increased their draft re­ Ina the arrival of a brother. Col. Without Warde in G MaJor," by quirements for the first six months 140 F. Paul, who 11 flying from at this year, requesting 36 ,750 Mendelssohn and. "V~lations on WASHINGTON (JP) - A sen­ men. OIVE UP SEA.CR FOR CREW Parts ·where he Is stationed with a Theme ot Pagan in I. BOok II," by ate !>anking subcommittee Friday This was reported Friday by SEATTLE (If') The col\st lIlIAn BrahlllJ. invited the public - if it has Gen. Lemuel C. Shepherd Jr., guard anounced Friday that Jt His wlte, MareeU. R. Paul of Followinl the Intermlulon, he "solid" evidence - to speak out Tacoma, Wash., arrived in Iowa played. "J>our Ie Piano," which il­ in the disputed nomination of commandant of the marine corps, has abandoned Its search tor sur­ City yesterday. Major John How­ Il,Istrated an In!llght of Debussy. Harry A. McDonald of the recon­ during testimony before the house vivors of the freighter Pennsyl­ fU, 1\ member ot the SQuadron Tble was followed by "The Maid­ struction finance corporation . armed servjces committee. vania which disappearea in the • , whlc~ Capt. Paul served. will en' and the Nilhun.&le" from "We are not taking a public He said dralt officials had been North Pacific nine days a&o. T~e asked to provide that number of cutter Yocona was ordered from ~ the military eS(lQft when the "qo1es~as" by GranadQ~. opinion poll," said Senator Douglas lAP "·'re,".'. ) ~, ' II brought from San Fran- . Th~ .audlence responded enthus· CD-Ill.), the group's informal EGYPTIAN DANCER SAMlA GAMAL perlormed Friday nlfht d a Miami Beach nlrht club, making men through June 30. A total 01 the sellrch area. It was the last lastically . to hi. lut number, "EI spokesman, seeking to head olf her lint clancbla' appearance In America. Jler Tex;a n hUibaDd, Sheppard Klnr, who turned Moslem to 31.359 marines were dratted dur- "esse] conducting an actlye hunt ~ funeral will be a 'fully mil- pelele,': .tao by Granadoa. Arrau any deluge of letters expressing marr,. her. wat.ehed from a rla.rslde Cable. The nil bt do wu packed - but DO& &0 the walla, II S.mla ing the last six months of 1951, he 'for !be 45 or 411 crewmen and the liar)-, ".honor . aervice.. . return~ for two eacores. simply personal views. brolllh& her OdeQ&a1 c1aIlee &0 the vaoa&1ou .poL .aid. . • 'j,800 ton mercnab t vesael. PAGE TWO _ Ttp: D 1852 --.. -- - - e d ; t ~ 0 r ; a I 5

1n every group of human beings, regardless shehcs, who will mi s just one? of size, there are invariabl a few who bring re­ But the situation is worse than that. Dur· striction upon the others. illg the past two weeks more than 30 texts have As a result ot a student poll . a~ P.urdue university, tbe Purdue .x. Dr. Amiya ( ponent concluded "that the youth of America believe In some commu­ The classic example wa during tb war. ~di appeared" from the Shambaugh heritage li­ lacJlIn author nistic, socialistic and fascistJc principles, perhaps without even be1Dc ~re Thursday Man servicemen found th cheapest and often brary. The e are the books used in the core aware of it." . and Western d, the most direct route to their home from a c.'Imp courses. The survey, conducted iby the Purdue opinion panel of the dlvl: ~ closer to or vice versa was to hitch·hike. lIumber of other books have had pages slon 01 educational reference, asked 3,000 students It they a8lMd .eP*t derisive I Then news stories began to appear about and, in orne ('IIses, cha pters slashed and stolen. with certain statements paraphrased from the Bill of Rights, the C\lm. 10 le.r uS a pal :not~ists being robbed or killed by hitch-hiking p until now there have been very few re­ munist Manilesto of Marx, and other sources. The statementS w.e C\I.kravarty, servIcemen. so designed that their origins could not easily be identified, the lx­ strictions governing tIle use of books in the li­ ponent said. tbe Iodi,n delt After a few of these incident the public brary. The Exponent, in a front page news story, said one of the most ~lIUlIl assemb took action. )'1auy states pas ed Jaws prohibiting IIowe\'er, if the situation doc not iOlpro\'e "startling results" was that 49 per cent of the students believe W. AJDtfic:an Und( any hitch-hiking. - that is, if books continue to be stolen or dam­ masses of people are incapable of determining what is and is no! good stJI.Ite Cb3 m bel Thousands of servicem n were forced to pay aged - then a new system involying stricter reg­ for themselves - "a massive rejection of the theory Of democratic DIe lecture government." ~eir way home, or more important, tak trans­ ulations t'(lUld very po sibl be instigated. in mem The student newspaper said "many students agreed with some fiT portation which was slower or less ~irect. . blndra Bose, f ( Hee I1tly a group of students from Wis­ of the communisUc prinCiples of Marx." Along this line, 62 per ctIl\ It appears that a imilar situation is arising consin remarked that they were amazed to find thought that our mOdern society Is moved chiefly' by the desire 10 at S- I. so man books at the students' disposal here. profit. Fifty-eight per cent believe that most history Is the story Of The new library, which is one of the finest They were surprised to learn that the library is the tight for power between different classes: master and slave, land­ owner and tenant, management and labor. lea have in the country, and which ha more books openly open 93 hours a week. Fifteen of the poB items were paraphrased statemenl$ Irom the around they accessable to the students than any other library We have an enviable iluation her - and BllI of Rights. The Exponent said, "Some Interesting results revealed world through in the Big Ten, is the point of concern. it will rcmain enyiable if we do not violate the were the following: • dealln, with lany studenjs have begun cramming for ~tanding regulations. "Only 45 per cent polled pelieve that newspapers should be al­ lowed to print anything they want except military secrets. lalllll.,1es and their finals. Some of these tudents find the\' So, to those who "borrowed" the books, we "A third of the students think the government should prohibit oWD lands. are farther behind in th ir studies than they ha~l suggest th t the I how them 'elyes to be college some people from making public speeches. thought. students, not high school kids. They can. prob· "Fifty-eight per cent agree that police may be justified in glVinl a So, after an cyening at the librnry doing ably smuggle them in as easil), as they smuggled man the 'third degree' to make him talk. outside reading, they decide that they bad bet· them out. "A third would deny citlzens the right to circulate petitions in some cases." , ter take the text book along with them. fter There 7,000 of liS that will appreciate Concludes the Exponent: "The poll reveals tha~ although American all - with more than half a million books OLl tlw youth realizes the value of the Bill of Rights as a whole, they actu~ly disagree with many or the fundamental liberties defined In It. It seems evident that our students are absorbing some of the principles of the nondemocratic groups which they think they oppose .... The paper, in the same news story, said, "Proper education is the The .Dal~ lowal1 best means of Insti1Ung the principles of democracy in our youth. Thl. is pointed out by the fact that more freshmen agreed with nondc/llo. SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1952 cratic principles than did seniors." OaUy lewan. £.UorJal .Ulcu are In F'rtd ~I . '-'owfUllI, Pubiliber YALE PubUJ h d dIlly e,u:"pl Sunday Ind tbe basement 0' I.,t Hall. norl. Monday and lo,al holidaYI b Slud~nt rulr.net. Dj\ILY IOWAN EUITOBJ L STAFf A dormitory request to serve "setups" at college dances at Yale ,ublloRUonJ. lne .• 126 low. Avt .• Iowa Editor Jamel MocNaJr CIty. Iowa. EnlA!red .. """ond dllSl mall Manaslna Editor Hobert Duncan university has b!!en vetoed by the Undergraduate Affairs comml~ matlA!r 01 tho !*ItoWc ••1 lowo CII)·. Call 8·21 ~ 1 If , •• do nol reul.o N('w, Editor Arlu Wainer The opponents of the resolution pointed out that the colleges were al· under tho let of oon,re of M.rch 2 ,-.1' 1:>'11,. Jowln by '1 •• m. Make, •• d Au·t. News Editor Marvin Braverm n 117• . Jlu"lee ,.. ,Ivell on all urvlee erro,. A 'L Newa Edllor Gene RAUenlPuler ready allowed \0 serve alcoholic punch. They also telt that for the rtp.rlt'd b, 11 :30 • . In. The 0&n1 I.wan CII), Editor Tom Klecka elre.l.tlon dcpar'lmf'ot. in lb. rear of A .. ·t. CII), Editor J ack Jordan colleges to serve soft drinks would indicate university sanction 01 010 J ..rnoll m bulldln" Uubuque .nd SPOrta Editor Jack Squire Jo wa IU.• I o,en frem .. a.m. ,. II I.m. Women's Editor Norn'o Sexton ha rd Uq uor. ,.. ,d f .. om I , .m . '0 G ,.m. dally. Satur. Editorial Anlltanl J im March Those In favor argued that the university has already allow" I,iii---"'; day hour,; t •. m . to ,o.! No,," . Chief Photo,rapher Cnl FOOler MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AP Wirephoto Technlcl.n J oy My ton. Today Is Anni'versary Of Robert .E I•. Lee's .Birth students to have liquor in their rooms. They suggested that the "double The As.oclol d Pre.. I enllll.d ex­ cll.l&lvely to Ihe u... for republlcaUon standard" worked a~ainst the succ:ess of the college plan. SubJtcrfptJon rate.s-by c.rrl~r tn Iowa I)AILY IOWAN BUSINE8 TAFt' By H. D. CRAWFORD scnt to captuI'c Brown. of the nation's greatest internal at IU the locil newo prlnkd I" thll Bu.lnea Manaaer John CrUltnbcrry new.tpaptr a, well 81 aU AI' new, City. 20 ctnta weekly or ,7 per year In Central Press Correspondent President Llpcoln offered Lee dl.patchu. advance. .Ix mOlllhl $3.55: thr•• Als·l. Bu.ln.,.. Mano,er Calvin Lambert struggle indicate that the North's OHIO STATE monlh., lI.to. By mal i In Iowa. ".50 Nallonal Adv. 1I1ana,er Ed Hunllnll tbe command of the Army of the ultimate victory was due in large per year; aJx monlh.. ~ '_ DO: lhree Cia .•Ined Adv. Mir. Robert Arne. Washington - Robert E. Lee United States on April 18, 1861 , a A 27-year-old French war bride who laught French pa~t tim~ , from no.n IG mid. mon Lh •• $200; All other mill .ub~rlp .. part to superior numbers of men Ill,... I.e t ••• rl new. lkocm.. wemen'. tlonl 110.00 per year; II" month., $3.50: UIIILY IOWAN CIIICULATION STAt'F was born on Jan. 19, 1807, nCllr few days after first shots were kept house and cared for a 5-year-old sQn became the fltst O~io ,_,e lIt:m., er a .. ".uneem.,"" to The three monllla. $3.00. Circulation Mana,or /lobert He.. the Potomac river at Stratford, V'I. fired at Fort Sumter. Lee's de­ and far greater economic re­ State university graduate with a perCect four-point ~cademic ratLn~ ------~------.----~----~------When you look back 145 years t» cision to turn down this opportun- sources. The South had depended That was the record compiled by Jacqueline Snedlker, who"W8i ity required courage and firm con­ graduated this month at thc close of the fall quarter. that happy event in the home M viction. on military help from Europe, but WSUI PROGRAM "Light Horse Harry" Lee, War of this never arrived. And that is not the only record of which Mrs. Snediker can bout of'licial daily Independence hero, you realize that "I declined the oCfer he made to 4 Year Strunle She started teaching at OSU before she enrolled as a freshman. A allhough Robert E. Lee turned me to take command of tile army The South was able to carryon high school course at Columbus coupled with private tutoring enabled CALENDAR down President Abraham Lincoln's that was to be brought into the the struggle through four years, hel' to meet Ohio State's qualifications for teaching French. ir.vitation to lead the Army ot the field," Lee explained, "stating as Saturda1, January ''', lD~! however, due to excellent leader­ Mrs. Snediker started teaching in the tal! of 1946 when her hus· BULLETIN Mornlnll Chapel United States and became a Con- candidly as I couid, that though ship of Gen. Robert E. Lce. band, John E. Snediker, of Akron, enrolled in school. They were mar. New. Ie/ierate general who was defeated, opposed to secession and deprecat­ UNIVERSITY CALENDAR 8.30 Saturday Serenade Arter Lee surrendered to Grant ried in Paris in 1946 while John was awaiting his discharge. Tli! 8:00 Or ntullo,," his military prowess and personal ing war, I could take no part in at Appomattox Court House in DNIVDSITY CALENDAR Uems _re scheduled ~ . CM/tIol kho. integrity have made him one of 'an invasion of the southerJI stlltes." French woman, who became a naturalized American c1tl~en I~ lesu, 9:45 Slars on Par.d~ April, 186:5, Grllnt wrote that he bl lIle Pno.fdent'. office. Old Call1kli plans to continue teaching and work toward a graduate de~ee. 10,00 Adventure II Your K<>rltal our most highly respected Ameri- Lee promptly resigned his com­ "Celt like anything ratber than re­ 1() :15 Bonjour Mndames mission as colonel in the. cavelry. Mrs. SnedJker explained that her son, Jon, went to nursery acbblll ' SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1952 VOL. XXVUJ, NO. 'l'G 10 :30 S.fely Speak. cans. joicing at the downfall of a foe 10 :45 Health Chlta Lee'.s Home Would Do the Same who had fought so Jong and yal­ in the morning while she attended and taught classes. She cared for S ..'urda,., Jan. 19 (All Meetings in Shambaugh Lect. 11 :00 Newl him in the afternoon, at the same time doing housework. E¥enl~ ~!!!!~~~~ 11 :16 Music You think ot Lee when you visit Years later, in 1869, the year iantly." 8:00 p.m. - Basketball: Mlnne- Hm. - Library) 11 '30 Recttal Hall Duiy of CItizen were devoted to studying and grading papers. iota, here. 9:30 a.m. - "Global Responsi- 13:00 Rhythm Rambles Washington today and lilt your before he died, Lee reflected on 12 :30 New. eyes to the white-columned man­ his turn-down of Lincoln's invita­ "I think it is the duly of evel'y The Ohio State Lantern says the perfect academic rating was al­ 9:30 p.m. - Post-Ballgame bliitics of the Scholar," Dr. E. F. 12 :45 U.S. Navy Band citizen in the present condition of most attained last year when Lee Van Gossick, an air -force majot, Open House Party, Iowa Union. D'Arms, Associate Director, the 1:00 Musical Ch.ta sion across the Potomac on a hill tion and the resignation of his 2:00 New. ill Arllngton cemetery. You recall commission in these words: "I the country," Lee said following was graduated from the college of engineering with a 3.99. SWlda,., Jan. 20 Humanities Diylslon, The Rocke- ~ : 15 Operatic MaLinee could have taken no other course the defeat of his Confederate 8:00 p.m. - Iowa Mountaineers reller Foundation. . :00 Tea Time Melodlel that this stately Arlington house 5:00 Slorl.1 and Stuff was Lee's horne (or many years­ without dishonor, and if it were cause, "to do alJ in his power to CHICAGO , . program, "Florida HoUday," Mac- 10:30 a.m. - "The Study of 5:30 ,New. aid In the restoration of peace and bride Aud. an, as Focus ot Liberal Educa- 5:.5 SpOr'" from his marriage to Mrs. George all to be done over again, r should After being under pressure from its national oU\ce 't>ecau'i>e \\ 't.\\ 8:00 Dinner Hour Washington's great granddaughter act in precisely the same manner." harmony and in 'no way to oppose Monday, Jan. U tion," Dr. Hayward Kenlsto:1, 6 :55 New. planned to }lledge a Jewish student, the University of Chicago chapi6 following his graduation from the polic.y of the sta te or general 5:00 p.m. _ Phi Beta Kappa Professor, Romance Lanuages, 7:00 London Forum During early months of the war, of Sigma Chi fraternity has voted unofficially to disband. . 1:30 Tex Beneke Orchestra West Point until he joined the Lee and his abhfstaff commanders government directed to that ob­ Inltlation, Senate Chamber, O. C. University or Michigan. 1:45 Tip orr Tun"" Confederate cause at the outbreak ject." Sigma Chi alumni had threatened to sell the fraternity hO\l!ll! it 6:15 p.m. - Phi Beta Kappa 2:00 p.m. - "The Contlnuation 7:55 B.sketball Games like Gens. Thomas (Stonewa II) 8:30 Campu. Shop of the Civil War. Jackson and James Longstreet, Grant's magnanimity at Appo­ the Jewish student were pledged. Then the iratemity's n\).\\oo\).\ ol1i(ll Dinner, RIYer Room, Iowa Memor- of a University Librllry to Teach­ 8:45 New. RoundUp You think ot him too, when yOU mattox· in letting Confederate sol­ put the chapter on probation tor failing to SUbmit its -pledge tJst III lal Union. Speaker: Dean John W. In8 and Research," President Han­ 10:00 S[GN OPF appeared to be invincible. They travet southward [rom the na­ outsmarted their Union opponents diers take their horses home to an alumni group. Ashton, Indiana University. cher, Dean E. T. Peterson, Dr. R. Monda,.. Jan •• rT : 1. Ittl:' plant spring crops, and Lee's be­ 8:00 Morning Chapel tional capitol on highways named on numerous occasions. The student government and Interfraternity council at the un{. 7:30 p.m. _ University New- E. Ellsworth, Dr. John Briggs. roic stature and integrity both in 8:15 New. in honor of the great Confederate Momentous victories were on versity are supportlhg the chDpter's action. Robert Stti:r.\!.r) 'dealt of comers Bridie and Cllnasta, Iowa 8:00 p.m. - "The Student and 8:30 Gr.ek·Roma" Llteratur. (Cia ..• victory and defeat form high Union. His Reading," Dr. Stanley Par- rooml general. the record of the proud Army uf students, declared, "The university will not sit Qn the sld~l!rtef U 9:20 New. Proved Ability Virginia that marched into Penn­ marks on the better side of Ameri­ 8:00 p.m. _ A.A.U.P. Meeting, gellis, Librarian, The Newberry 8:30 Baker'. DOlen can character. this proves to be a matter of discrimination." House Chamber, O. C. Library. 10:00 The Bookshelf Lec proved his militarY ability sylvania in the summer ot 1863. 10:15 Here'. An Idea and the turning point of the Civil Tueeda)' , Jan. 2Z Saturday. Jan. 26 10:30 LJ¥lcn '" Learll - AtomIc Ellcray during the Mexican war, in whieh 2:00 P.m. - The UnJversity L:brary DedicatIon PrOKram 10 :45 Nov.llme he served as an enginecr officer war was Lee's defeat by Gen. 11 :00 News George Meade's Union forces at Club, Parmer Bridge, Iowa Union. (All Meetings in the Library) 11 :15 MUllc Box under Gen. Winfield Scott. He rose Gettysburg. GENERAL NOTICES II :30 Let Thero Be Light from captain to colonel, and dis· GENERAL NOTICES should be depOtllted with Ute eU, edJtor of Tbe DaUy Iowan in ~hfl neWllrotDlII 7:30 p.m. - Hick Hawks Square ry) 11:45 Que!L Star When Gen. U. S. Grant took East hall Notices must be lubmItted by 2 p.m. the day preeedlJlJ lint publication; Ute,. wUl NOT " Dancing, Women's Gym. 9:30 a.m. - Seminar: Human 12 :00 Rhy thm Rambl •• tinguished himself in campaigns command of the Army of the Po­ Weclneeda" JaD. %3 Relations Area Flics Problems - 12 :30 New. at Vera Cruz, Contreras, Cerro accepted by phone, and must be TYPED OR LEGIBLY WRITTEN and SIGNED b, a respo... lb1e ,.r- 12 :45 Meet Our Guest tomac, Lee faced tougher opposi. son. , ' 8:00 p.m. University Symphony Fourtb Floor. 1:00 Musical Chata Gordo, Churubusco and Chapul­ tion. It was Grant who, after six Concert, Iowa Union. 9:30 a.m. - Seminar. Library 2:00 Newl tepee. 2:10 18th Century MUllc I ClalSroonu days of persistent fighting at THE FUND FOR THE AD­ THt: DEPAR'D[ENT OF Pill,,· THE NATIONAL IK:~ ThllJ'Sday. Jan. 24 Architecture and Building Plan- Llsten &: Learn - Let'l Travel Genera I Scott admi ttcd tha this Spottsyivania in the spring of Foundation, recently cr8l1~ ,iii 8:00 p.m. - Meeting, Iowa 50- ning - Shambaugh Lee!. Rr. ~~fs New. "success was largely due to the ·:ancement of Education is oUer­ osophy, the graduate college and 3:30 Men Behind tb. Melody 1864, said, " I . .. propose to fight ing Faculty Fellowships, approxl­ the Humanities society wl11 pre­ the U. S. congress, has'" ciety of Archeological lost. ot 10:30 a.m. - Seminar: Special 4:00 Iowa Wesle;\"liln Collc,e skill, yalor and undaunted courage it out on this line it it takes all available predoctoral anC\.JICII1dIt America, Lecture by Prol. Henry Collections and Rare Books - 4:30 Te. Time 1I1olodJes of Robert E. Lee." Scott predicted :nately 250 in number, in the ac­ 5:00 ChJJdren·. Hour summer." ademic year 1952-53, to able teach­ sent Prof. Hermann Weln, Uni­ toral gradUate fellowshl~ that Lee, "if opportunity offered Jii'ie C. Montgomery, Shambaugh Lec- Special Collections Rm. 5:30 News yersl ty of Goettingen, edi tor of biological, engineering, ma\!\~ ture Room, Library. 2:00 p.m. - Seminar: Library 5:.5 SPOrl. .. . would show himself the fore­ Grant Paid lIea.,dly ers throughout tPe country who 8:00 KSUl SIGN ON Grant paid heavily COl' bis ulti­ wish to broaden their qualifica­ "Philosopbia Natura1is," speaking t1.:al, medical and physlcll 'jCIeIIo 8:00 p.m. - Humanities SOCiety, Implications of General Educa­ 6:00 DInner Hour most captain of his time." ees. Applications 6:55 News mate victory. In his early 1864 tions for teaching their respective on "The Philosophy of Existential­ and~deta1l~ft!" Dr. Herman Wein, University of tion Programs --Shambaugh Her- John Brown's March formation may be obtlll.l\ed • 7:00 Ask the SeienU.1s campaign frQm the Rapidan to the fields as part of a program ot ism and Rilke" at 8 p.m. Thurs­ Ooettingen, Germany, Senate Itage Library. 7:25 Buketball Game liberal education. Application the SUI graduate colleif 0 • Chamber, O. C. 3:00 p.m. - Seminar: Micro- 8:00 The Jaz& Scene When John BIIJwn m:lrched on James river, for example, Grant's day, Jan. 24, in ~he senate ~ham­ 9:45 New. Roundup Harper's Ferry in October, 1859, loss of 54,926 men was nearly as forms may be obtained from the room 4, .-" • Ubrar, Dedication ProJram Shambaugh Lecture Room. XSUI rROGRAM war between whites and blacks, time the Union advance began. Old Capito\' The deadline for sub­ ATTENTION GRADUAl " baf..... Gata l!e7oDd ~ mission of aDplication blanks Is (p.. Uon reprdlD, 1CIIeII .... 8.t.,.. , the war department selected Col­ Historic perspective of 90 years LILLY RESEARCH LABORA· seniors: Graduation ,. a,nY)o~~ I _ ....,..U ... III lIle .rflee or th. PresldeDt, 01. Ca,lIel.) 6:00 Basketball - Monmouth. [II. B Jan. 19, 1952. tories are offering postdoctoral !quad vs. Iowa Jr. Var.tty onel Lee to command the force on those stirring and blOOd, events men Is may now Ile ptc~ed .1ilI ------.~----~~----~-, fellowships ,In the natural sciences Campus stores on" preseftt.\OD~ , APPLICATIONS ARE NOW - biochemistry, biophysics, bot­ "ecelpt. ' ,,!: .' bel ng accepted for the pOSitions of any, organic chemistry, physics, " editor and business manager of physiology and zoology. Informa­ hun on the fellowships may be paY$lc COL"~QUW~ ' ~ Letters To The Editor lhe new campus magazine. Appli­ be ·at 4:10 p.m. Jan. 21 l~ ~ cants may be of any classification obtained At the Graduate office in (...... n .,e ,.,,'\let .. •..... t.. .,_ much as a raised eyebrow. He Old Capitol. 301 Physics build In,. fJilldi.' hoi •• I. Le... ,. t. ... 1.1t.,. All 1•• - Important. We think it is regret­ Iowa sets the nation a shining bers of people who either could in the university. A cumulative Cole, of the SUI depa~m~j+", ...... d 1•• 1...... rI'''' .1,_ confided in me that he has been table that the Iowa athletic example by firing her coach, hir- not or would not examine the grade point of 2.0 is required. Ap­ physic". wiU speak. " ...._,.,,. •••• •••, ...... •.. ".....-4, "1 •. LeUeu ..."...... ""-. doing this for years. Why hasn't board apparently succumbed to ing a higher salaried one, abd situation objectively . plications should contain informa­ PH. D. GERMAN READING ... _ ...., .f n. »011, I ....: •• this deplorable situation come to this outside pressure and couid continuing to underpay her ta- In closing, we hope that Raff tion about the candidates' exper­ examination 'will be given on fMerY' &1>. t. .IIUI... rI, •• .'11 .r Ugh t sooner? not make their own objective de­ will liS, ience In publications, along with Tuesday, Jan. 22,' from 4 6 p.m. LUTHt:RAN 8'fUDSN'J At' ...... W. ..n.. ' Ie... ,. .. llalle. culty. All we need now, to com- choose to stay with for to ...... 0,...... _ I suggest that all interested cision. plete the picture, is a cribbing the Iowa athletic department regular personal data. Appllca­ In room 104 SchaeIfer hall_ Please nual banquet is to be hel~ M &1>_ .f day ,1ft 6:30 p.m. at the ...... _rtl, ",,_ •• parties meet at Whet's at high It seems traditional at Iowa for scandal. sorely needs good men. We also tlions. will be accepted in the registel in roonl 101 Schaetter rtmj". no. DIll, 1._.. , theran church wi\h ~ev, . qtod' every coach to leave the job under Another aspect of the coa~hing wish new HeAd Coach Eyashevsld journalism office, room NI, East hall by noon, Monday, Jan. 21. . noon on Saturday oyer a bottle Forell, Gustayull TO THE EDITOR: fire. We wonder it someonc with change that should be mentioned and his staff tbe best of luck, but hall, until 5 p.m., Jan. 21. Adolph~ cOu. of Pepsi and we'll have a few as speaker. Make advance ~ 'rhree rahs and a tiger for the rousing choruses of "Rally 'Round "influence" will ever consider Is the fact that some unscruplt- in the same breath we wondpr , THE STUDENT CHRISTIAN STUDENTS ~EGISTERED IN council will meet at 2:30 p.m. Sun­ tration by phoning 8-0aaO; :"': crusading Iowan! And to you, the Flag.'1 I'll bri ng the smoklOs. that a losing slceak might be due lous sportswriters seem to hay. how long it will be before un­ ,'"'~~ Mr. Jim Crusader, for your, work Mike McMichacl, C4 to factors entirely out of the been instrumental in the firing o~ scrupuious newsmen or tradition­ the progr.am of foreign studies day at the Lutheran Student as­ , --- . on this thrilling expose, a bouquet Mason ctty coach's conlcol. Raff. The supreme responsibility mad alumni will be out after who expect to receive the certif­ soci~tion house, t22 E. Chureh st. DEAD,L1NS FOR LOAN of dahlias. Having risked nine of (Dale of birth For instance, we have the of the newspaperman is the pre- blood again and our "feariess" icate bt this program by the end Rev. G. }'orell, Rellglon-In-Llfe pllcations. Studen\J the best yean of your life (what Aug. 24 , 1929) smallest enrollment of any BiB sentation of true facl$. The privi- athletic board will, after an "ob­ of this semester should cQntact speaker, will talk. ply' lor loana trom a way 10 beat the draft) by buy­ Ten scbool, a noticeable lack 01 lege 01 freedom of the press in jecijve analysis of the situation" Prof. Funke immediately to have \01.'11 committee mUll' their records of foreign studies ALL ~CA MEMBERS AND ing beer as a minor, I for one school spirit at games and yarlous America carries this responsibility decide to change eoaches nga~n. appllcatlo~s on fUe n TO THE EDITOR: checked: Otfice hours, daily 9:30 say, you're tearless, Sonny. All, other influences upon the football along with it. We hope it will be a long, long all men intt'rested In the YMCA of student affairs not and 11:30 in 106 Schaeffer halL program In\flted to a membe!"­ reckless youth! We're sorry to see tha t the picture. Tbey certainly can't be Yet, a few Iowa sportswriters time and that lowa'·s tradition for are the Monday noon each t, too, would like to become a athletic board didn't see fit to discounted! ship, m~tlng at 1:15 p.m. Satur­ cedin, the re,ular deliberately twisted facts- and firing coaches will be broken at PH. D. FRENCH BEADING EX­ day UI the YMCA office, Iowa part of tbis war against sin and accept the ad vice offered in The Perhap's if the money spent in printed rumor for fact in their at- last. djl y meet! n, 0 t the 'lml.nation will be given FrIday, uriion. tee. Applicatfons conuption. Why, just today Daily Iowan's excellent front hiring R 'new coach could be put tempt to get Raft fired. Even in Connie Hastings, A2 Jan. 18, 1952, from 3 to 5 p.m. In atter Monday noon (while conducting a personal sur­ page editorial entitled "Let's keep intD the scholastic side of the Uni­ signed COIUI1UlS, where they were R.R.3 room 321 A, Schaeffer ball. Only THI FOREIGN LANGUAGE sleJeTed un loah vey) an underaged friend of mine our heads; let', keep Rattl" verslty, we would attri:Ct a larger free to express their peraonal op­ til th" Gwen Yentex, A2 tboie wUl bo accepted for the test achievement tcsts (toldilll of meetin. hel~ OJ! t~e (who wishes for obvious reasons We think that the ideas e ..,,­ enrollment and thus better foot­ inions, they twisted facts to 223 Fairview who have algned the" sheet POSted 'poken .. will be IiYen on Friday, the wielt fc>UoWiq. to remain anonymous) walked pressed in this editorial minored ball material. In any cue, the ·'bac.k up" their oplnlo.... Marilyn Neuzil, A2' outsJde room 307 8H by Tuesday Jart. H, troln 4 to 8 p.m, For par. nouncement does hot into one of the old respectable the views of many students, but money would not be wasted. To those of us wbo knew the 1178 E. Court eyentng, Jan. 15 1952. The next ticuUri (rooms, etc.) see bulletin tlllnt of app~ltlon8 ' business concerns and bought a eyldently the alums and their In these days WQen d'e*mPhasis (ncts, lhe fallacies were eYldent, Jane Condon, A2 examlhatlon wiii t.e oUefed at boards -of foreign lanfUARe de­ trom the deanl, P;n:~~:~~ pack of ~igarettes withou t so bankbooks were fonsidered m~re is the keyword of college athletics, but they influenced l1'e.t num- 437 S.Dodce- . tile. end of thl..second semester.. _ P;lrtments ·ll\ -Ichaettet- ball, f\lnd for etner,enoy Tn DAILY IOWAN, 8ATUaPAY, .J~ . 11, 1'5:& - HGE TUREK GraduQte Receives County Group Talks and Sisters' Rolate Moines JC Awara Of local fluoridation; Korea doesn't have the only ro­ to get out, sO many of the big Dr. Amiya Chak:ravarty, noted tation pl;1D for its veterans. brothers take their charges on James B. Morris, chosen by th'! Colored People, the state and No Adion by SUI Indian author and educator, said Twenty-nine SUI students, who walks, or sledding wnen there's Des Moines Junior Chamber at county bar associations, the Junior bert Thursday night that Eastern devote time weekly as a compan­ snow. Even taking thern to the Commerce as "Young Man of the Chamber of Commerce, and Kappa The Jonnson County Dental 50- ion to individual children at the show or downtown has nelped Alpha Psi, professional law fra­ and Western democracies "need to Year," holds several SUI deiTees. c:iety committee held a mectinB divi~ school lor severely handicapped morale a lot," Ray said. The lawyer received his B.A. ternity. tome closer together in order to children, ha,'e taken on new There are 29 big brothers and in polilica I science in 1941 and During World War II he Thursday night to discuss the Priitt derisive forces that threaten brothers and sisters as other chil­ sisters at the school now, and a his M.A. in 1946. He was graduated served as captain in army intelJl­ proposed fluoridation of Iowa to tear us apatt." dren enroll in the school. lull list or substitutes. from the college at law in 1949 gence. City's public water supply. The SUI students are: Morris is ma.rrled and has a C\!aknvarty, former advisor to New children enrolling in the with a J.D. degree, which re­ As yet SU1 officials have done school are replacing chUdren who Robert Allen. A4. Mtmphll~ Tt!'on.; Quires a grade point of 70 or bet­ child. no research concerning the matter the Indian delegation of tile UN William 1... ker. AI. Ctdar lbpld : Rol>­ Ob.,.br"""~lIn,. A ~r ~ either advance turther in their ert I. Rapid.: ter. and have made no plans for Itlltrll assembly, spak on " Indo- Ho~·t lI ...t. AI. Ft 00<1,.: Rod lI1'"eomb training program or graduate. AI . Bell. Plain e; John Way: Ardeth uI know Brad very well," said uniting with the city In the pro­ AJDtrlcan Understanding" in the fax well. Nl. DH Molnel; Jame Orr, A3 Dean Mason Ladd, head of the The new children find that along Burlln&\on : Anlonette Blanken. NI. Applications Open posal, should it meet with public ltnate cl)amber of Old Capitol. with books and pencils, they get a Sheldon colieg of law. "He was a.good stu­ approval. SUI and city water big brother or sister. Sy Dabhan; Stewart C,..,.,ketl: Barbara dent and showed a lot of ability plants are separate units. the lecture was the thi I'd to be Moore. G, FI05StnOOr. Ill.: Oltl1da Berry· lor both orLice practice and trial Each big brother or sister se hill. NI. BuUalo Cent.r; Tho[11" leade. For Highway Patrol This project is also being con­ Ji-,n in memory of P ro!. Sud­ A~. Cedar RapldJ: Mary Lohr: Marilin ",ark. He was very well liked by lects activities for their "ward" I....,lunann; Beverly Ah,..nd., NI. Oaa: Application blanks lor entry to sidered by other cities ill tOW3. .Ilinc!ra Bose, former SU I instruc­ tit both faculty and students and en­ that will best the child's handi­ WUma Waller. AI. ClUlrl .. City: Louis the Iowa highway patrol recruit The addition of fluorides to the cap. With the superVISion of Fiulerald. G. Da\·tnporl ; ".tar;)' Lou gaged in many law school activ­ tor. Patterlon, Nt. ",. Dod.se. training school are now available water supply is said to cut down David Ray, assistant to the di­ Ities. The law school is highly Cha kravarty stressed the fact Helen Korth. At. Chlca.o: Rod Chrll­ at atl 01 the patrol's 13 distriCt the amount of tooth decay. rector of the school, a social pro­ tensen. A3. WOden ; Walter 1'Ilrke. A~. honored by his bleh recognition lI:~w York city; ~rrrlJ YOUlt_, A2. What ottlces and at headquarters in the Studies in areas where the tbal because both India and Amer­ &ram for new stUdents has been Cheerj Jeanne Flou, Nt, Vi. OOd$e; San­ in Des Moines." Ita have transcontinental back­ dra Lames; Mary Oillberl': Joy Hoffman, Last spring Morris was appoint­ new state office building in Des chemicals have been added 'how­ planned. N1 . Waterloo; Delores Horn, Nt. Ft. Moines. ,"ouod th ey arc able to serve the 'Card games and monoply, have DOd,e. ed assistant in the Des Moines cd a noticeable reduction in de­ county attorney's oUice. He Is a Men applying must be between cay at ehildren's teeth, and it is lI'orld th rough their experience in proved to be good for some of 5 feet 10 inches and 6 feet 2 A. Chakravc;Jrty the chlldrell. It helps their morale member oC the National Associa­ for this purpose that the dental dealing with many cultures, Fonner UN Delegate tion lor the Advancement 01 incnes tall and between 22 cornmHtee hopes the proposal will lancuaaes and religions in their Dill Fined S300 and 32 years of age, a citizen of be accepted in Iowa City. William F. Murphy the United States, a resident at Explanation of the procedures own lands. Iowa for at least two years prior Testimony Complete Graduated frol1l SUI involved in this plan will be "America and Asia have to County Schools In Co~mty Court to application and have a high Iowa City Parking given to county medical ,roups, kno.l" each othcr as human units Funeral services for William F. school education or Its equivalent. Receive State Aid In Breakiri Trials Candidates tor tne patrol school the water company, and other or­ with cultural values that tral!S­ For Drunken Driving ~urphy, 96, prominent Iowa City Income Drops Despite ganiUltJons In the city. lawyep and justice of the peat-e, will be chosen after the applica­ ,teJjd mere expedience," he said. General state aid amounting t.> Testimony was completed Fri­ Glenn Dill, Iowa City, was fined tion have been screened, S. N. Dr. Jackson H. Roe, cornmitlee CbakravartY invited ' students $139,437.73 has been received by day afternoon in the district court $300 Friday in district court on will be held at 9 a.m. today at Jespersen, patrol chier, said. Dur­ chairman, said that at a ;>ub lfc and scholars from the Unltcd County School Superintendent trial of Clyde Lester Jones, 19- a charge at operating a motor ve­ St. Patrick'S church. Murphy died Additional Meters Ing the four-week training course, meeting an expert will provide t hi horne at tl3 S. Johnson Sutes to visit India, not only as Frank J. Snider to be distributed year-old Scanton, Ark., youth hecle while intoxicat d. Several new parking meters each man will receive $100, food more explanatory material and to Johnson county's 68 schuol dis­ charged with breaking and enlel'­ On the recommendation of Thursday afternoon. answer questions. A~fricans but as artists, schol­ were installed in Iowa City last and quarters. tricts, it was announced Friday. ing. County Atty. William L. Meardon, He was born Jan. 26, 1856 in year, but the city collected $8,347.- Salaries of highway patrolnwn Dr. Robet·t E. Leigh ton, assts­ al'$,and th inkers so that the "great The general aid is given eat'h District Judge Harold D. Evans Dill's sentence to three months In Monmouth. Ill.. and grew up on 65 less from all meters than in range frpm $245 to $275 a month tant professor and acting head of civilization of America can be year- to all Iowa schools out of excused the jury about 4 p.m. and the county jail was suspended and a tatlll near North Liberty. In 1950. with unltorms provided. State preventive dentistry, is also a humanly a{ld adequately repre­ money appropriated by the Slate ordered them to report today at he was parOled to his attOrney. 1880 1\1' received his degree in law Meters took $64,396.35 from law also provides a retlremenl member of the county dental sented in the east." legislature. It Is designed t.> help 10 a.m. Closing arguments will be His driver's license wa revoked (rom the sur college of law. motorists' pockets in 1951. That system. committee. the various school districts in de­ heard this morning and it is ex­ Ior 60 days. 'America should not be al- Murphy served as county audi­ C1gure was revealed Friday by After assignment to the palrol, lraying the costs of school op(!ra­ pected the case will be given to the Dlll appeared before District Mrs. Edith Frederickson, ~ecre­ a new officer must complete a O'le 10 ed to appear only in the con­ tor for two terms beglnninjt in tion. jury sometime -before noon. Judge Harold D. Evans and plead­ 1889. He later became justice n! lary to City Manager Peter F. year probationary period. Aft>!!' ed gulily to the grand jury indict­ eeRt of giga ntism with tremendous A total of $ 159,185.16 had been Jones has entered a plea of in­ the peace, an office which he held Roan. thot, he cannot be discharged ex­ Iowa City C of ~ . ment that was handed down Dec. technological and military powers, requested by districts in the nocent by reason of insanity to until 1951. In 1919 Murphy served The previous year's total wa cept for cause. bu as a home of humane culture county, including Iowa City, but the charge of breaking into. the 8. as city attorney. $72,717, according to Mrs. Fred­ Budget Is $17,805 this was pro-rated due to a limited Nail Molars, Inc. building last Judge Evllns said Friday that .n9 aland or gracious and diverse He was a senior member .,t the erickson's records. appropriation. Snider saiel $58,- Sept. 15. He was indicted by the by agreement of council at both She said the only rea SOil she SUI Oil Paintings A budget at $17,805 tor 1952 'creative activity," Chakravarty Johnson County Bar association 111.48 of the money would go t~. grand jUry Dec. 8. sides, the CD e of James Beeler could think of to explain the de­ was a pproved by the board ot .~\d. Iowa City schools. Testimony was heard Friday wiU be continued to the February and St. Patrick's church. crease was that a number o[ Honored in Exhibit directors at the Iowa City Cham­ frorn Jones' parents and psychia­ term of district court. Active In many occupations, meters were blocked aU lor sev­ ber of Comrnerce at a speciul trist from SUI psychopathic hos­ Beeler's trial was scheduled to Mur'p~ operated a rug making eral months during store remodel­ The works at two SUI pro­ meeting Frtday. pital where young Jones under­ begin Monday. He is chanted with and cleanln, service in Iowa City. ing a nd street repairs. tessors, a graduate student, and The chamb~r's budget fol' 1951 went examination. manslaughter and drunken driv­ He owned a livery stable and 1'11- Police Chief Ed Ruppert said a (orlTler student 8re among those wl\$ $17,700. This year's budget ing. According to a Ilrand jury tered rnany horses in races state law determines the lise of included in the 147th annual ex­ is the highest tor any year e"cept Valentine portrail. Special indictrnfnt, Beeler's car was in­ throughout the mldwst. At one parking meter funds. IIp said 75 hibition of oil painting and sClIlp­ 19.9, whell tho chamber appro­ volved last September in an ac­ tUI'e held in the Pennsylvania priat~ $6,000 alone lor a new Aromatic lime he le8~ed a gold mine In per cent must be used to facilitate Why not qive your piCture to your cident on highway 261 in Which Colorlldo. off-strep.t parking in thl! city and Acaderny ot Fine Arts. he~c\quarters. Walter John Smith was Icllled. loved one for Valentine's Day?? Murphy is survived by three the other 25 per cent goes for Profs. Humbert Albrizlo and Somo ot tne major allocations HIOKORY children, Mrs. A. J. Shaw; Poca­ personnel pay and meter LIPke,·p. Stuart Edie, at the SUI art de­ include: retail trades activities, Receive A Beautiful 8x 10 Pipe Humphrey to Enter hontas; Dr. Frank F. Murphy, Tha t means oft-street parkin, partment; Robert M. Brod~rson , ~ I ,500; community advertising, Los Angeles, and Dr. Mary E. lots in Iowa City were allocated G, West Haven, Conn.; and Mis $1,000; agriculture promolion~, MIXTURE Minnesota Primary Barbara Lekberg, wbo recpived $750; a new descriptive booklet Portrait for only 1 dollar an~ this ad Murphy, connected with Hunter 48,277.01 in 1951, and personnel WASHINGTON UP) - Senator collel/e, New York, N. Y. A sister, and upkeep took care or the other her M.A. degree In 1948, were for iowa City, $700, and the boy's This offer i8 qoo~ for onI!' 4 ciays - Humphrey (D-Minn.), declaring r,1iss Bertilla Murphy, 903 E. Col­ $16,092.34. among those honored. state basketball tournament, $60. I Lb. he was acting at President Tru­ lejlO ~t.. nine grandchildren and -~---- JANUARY 21 -22-23-24 Tin $1.35 man's request, greed Friday to 19, .Creat-grandChildren also sur- enter the March 18 Minnesota "Ive. Pocket Size ...... 1Sc presidential primary as a "favor­ • t~e l'osary was recitt'd at thc WARNER-MEDLIN STUDIOS Ite son" candidate. McGovern funCIal home Frida:; "I! Presldcnt Trurnan is a pandi­ evening. date, our (Minnesota) delegation tiOURS: 1 ~ p.m. -8 p.m. 1l ~ So. Dubuque st. J C)hn~o'tl county district court MMl,1. will cast its vote for ]>resident wn\ be recessed tram 9 to 10 a.m. • Truman," he said. today in memory of Murphy, Ride Wanted ----- Judge Harold D . Evans announced. " 4 -r-R-A-y-,t-L-IN-O- '- CUI expen.... next trip LONELY ? Ha"e PeD-p.a. Iweel'n ••rI,. One day ...... 8e per word with rider. '1 Want Ad ma, "'" a.. 1.1 wife or husband . Writ. (or (r~ lIlt of Th ree d aYI ...... 1..e" per wor d . xpen .... Yo. Dial tlt l. Uneoln.ell,lble", Neb.The Uneoln pub. Box 1111, Five days ...... I5e per word Music Clnd RCldio ---::-----:---::--:---- -rrU Washington Gets 6 Ten days ...... 2Oc per w ord A)?Ol1me nt for Rent MAG/eo One month ...... S ge per w ord MAss.AG£ Minimum char'e 50e RADIO repalrln,. JACKS ON'S SLEC SM .... LL furnished apartment •. Couple or More GOP Delegates TRIC': AND mP'l' _5 boy •. 815 N. Dod,• . at' CLASSIF IED DISPLAY MABEL'S RADIO Repair. Plok -up and delivery. 3 ROOM furnllh~d--~------apartment. Private BEAUTY SA.N FRANCISCO (JP)-A com­ One insertion ...... SOc per Inch Woodburn Sound Serv~ . 8..015 1.· bqlh. Student mon and wife. iM28 . SAI.ON- mittee voted Friday to give the Five Insertions per month, Typinq SMALL apartmenl. Dial 6383 . --'Tb - - state at Washington six additional per insertion ...... 88c per inch _____-=. ..I._.. _=~ ____ _ MAlee delegates at the Republican na­ Ten insertions per month, TYPING. C.II 1-1383. Help Wanted WRINKLES tional convention in Chicago, but per Insertion ...... 80c per inch ::-T-:-:Y~P:::TN:::G~.-Ctl~I:-1:::' 110:-::-•.------VANISH WANTtD - 10 make Ice erelm. Reich, turned down New York's request Daily insertions during month, TYPING . 1-2IOG. Cafe. tor tour. per insertion ...... 70c per inch RESPONSIBLE lemal. help 10 lpend Brla, A4.,f'rlt.a~Ment.l t. EFFICIENT TypIng Service . Call 1-1100. rna 1 of about to houn per ,.,eek In Th.e bonus to WaShington, Til e n . Jl T I ._an a ...... e.. or'Jee FountaIn - Candy department. GLbb. awa rded beca use the sta te re­ lIaum ent n. 1I . r pta.". TH~IS and ,eneral typln.. mtmeo- Df\l8 Co. '."t ,rapttln,. Notary Publle. Ma,., V. _-=-___ ~------.....,.-_ placed a Democratic governor in Gum.. 601 Iowa state Bank. DIal .. GIRL for 'Ill department. Jacklon·. 1948 with GOP's Governor Lang­ or 2327. Electrle and Ollt. lie, will increase the number at CALL 4191 trlc ahd Gi ll. Work Wuote! . ,

1ntedanc New Va Autry to Rugged Visitors Threat Wier Teac:hes IEm How -- To Iowa Win Streak GrappiersOpen TodaYr B), JACK SQUIRE ...... Otber matches have been wiih provide the Monday night op_ DaJly JOWllD Sport. Editor Untested Hawkeyes Wheaton college, which Wiscon­ tion for the Hawks. have JUIl1J1t1 Probable Lineups sin beat, 27-3, and a 19-9 loss to orf to a fast slart in the BiR "­ The field house will be bulging 10"" .os. !IIINNB80TA Iowa State. race with a 15-11 win over Wi. aloin too1ght with another 15,000 TIl... ,""" [I.~) ~ Il.... CI·I) To Face Wisconsin The Badgers will be led by Cap­ consin at Bloomington., plus crowd tor the fifth chapter ::;::.~.(~~*' ~ ~:I:I.l·i:~,' u of Iowa's exciting 1952 basketball CU,... (I... Q 1II11OeU (' .~J JIM tain Don Ryan. who will wrestle ...---iiiiiiiii-----iiiiiiii~ 1 tory. G r ...e 01-11 Q lI..... 1 (I.,) By COOKE at 157 pounds against the Hawi{- Ayerlrt Btt1r"'h: I ••a, 1.3 I / ~ i MI •• e" eyes. Ryan has a record of 24 DANCELAND Party of the second part tor ...... ~/~· Towa's untested wrestling squad will grapple the Wisconsin Bad­ straigbt dual ",eet wins, including .WEST P~ 17 jewels. DeslJII of IflICC!ul. mod­ GlAN·CARLO ERAL :SIZE"S. ern cbarm. 14k nfl tural or white I. Fuiks -PLUS­ MENOTIl 'S lold·lIlIed cue. BUGS BUNNY ]etceler and Optometrist • Color Cartoon ..'" r I Others from $49.50 up., 220 Woshil1{!./on "FaIr ,aired Hare'" MARiE POWERS. ~ .lth leo Coleman SPECIAL and IntrOducing "AMIRICA'S 8INGING ( , 801"&" ANNA MARIA ALBERGHETII ~.I ...rd by - LATI NEWS- loport Film 0151, lbU1lnl Co,p.llllon