~ The Weather On The Inside ContiDlled mild w.,. wiUJ. _uloDaI .bowen. tram Other eou.q. Sancla,. coWer -.nil ..... Pav- I alble IDOW. Rlab 1Oday. Former UN l)eleqcne Speaks 50; low. 30. Rlfb Frlcta7 • . Pd9. S 41; low, n. Iowa Prepares for MlDDetIOta • at • • • paqe 4 Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto - Five Centa Outsiders Called NATO Naval Command, I • To Aid In CI,eanup WASHINGTON (JP) - Attorney To Go To An America'n' General McGrath said Friday Bills fo, letty as - nilht he will use "outside attor­ neys" as special assistants in a England To Get drive to sweep wrongdoers out of Balm Denied for Cows' .Sore Feel the federal government. • Tots Swell LITTLETON, COLO. (JP) - Damages for mental sufferi ng cannot In his flrst public comment on be claimed because your cows hove sore feet, District Judge Harold J . Davies l"Uled Thur'day. 1 Million Tons the ' task to wh ich Presidllnt Tru­ Gleen and Ado Pog chatged their neighbor, W. H. Lane, built a man has assigned him. McGrath Polio Fund "spite" rence along hiS ploperty, callsing them to drive their dairy said the outside attorneys will be herd over a longer route to pasture, resulting I n loss of mHk produc­ Of u.s: Steel selected on a basis or merit and tion, sore feei fOl' the cows ond mental ongulsh ror the owners. qualification "without any parti­ A one-dollar* *blll *doesn't last Judge Davies threw out the mental anguish charge on which they WASHINGTON (JP) - Prime san consideration." long any more when It comes to asked $15,000 damages. ' Minister Winston Churchill Friday yielded to the appointment of an Asserting that each such ap­ buying groceries or clothing 0\' fuel, but to an 8 or 10-year-old American as supreme Allied nava t pointee will "be given broad and child it's stili a lot of money. Harrison Spangler commander In Atlantic wa ters, but unfettered authority," McGrath That's why Mrs. Betty Young, Truce Negotiators won a promise of a mJllion tons of ljIid they will be used to "super­ Cednr Rapids polio patient at Silent on Rumors scarce U.S. steel for Britain. vise and coordinate the program." University bospitals since August, The steel will be exchanged for 1950, especially treasures two let­ Still Deadlocked Britlsh tin and aluminum. badly Na~ Under AdvlsemeDi He's QuiHing Job ters she received last week. MUNSAN, Korea (SATUR- needed In America's rearmament "Under advisement," he said, Mrs. Young has started a cam­ DES MOINES (JP)- Harrison E. DAY) (JP) - Korean armistice program. "are the names of several promi­ paign to collect autographed dollar Spangler, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Re­ talks droned on Friday with Churchill's acceptance of an nent lawyers for appointments as bills for the March of Dimes fund publican national committeeman, monotonous review of past argu­ American to head the North At­ lantic treaty naval forces camc as special as sistant to the. altorney to be used In the ligM against answered fresh reports in Des ments-and still deadlocked. The Reds petulantly called U.S. Allie something of a surprise concession nera polio. Both letters were addressed Moines Friday that he will not &f !." to Bills for Betty, Polio Ward, seck reelection by saying only: "running dogs." during his farewell conference McGrath was designated by Mr. University hospitals, Iowa City. "No com men!." NiW sessions of the subcom­ wllh President Truman at the White House. Truman a week ago liS the man to The first, from a Dubuque lad, Spangler was in San Francisco mittees on truce supervision and prisoner exchange were slaterl at Loc-Ieal Cbolce direct the cleo nlng out of any of­ read: attending a joint meeting at the Navy quarters sait! the most Panmunjom tor II a.m., today (8 ficiol misconduct. 'l'he P:resident's Dear Mrs. YOaq: national committee with Pacific logical choice as the new "sea­ p.m. CST, Friday.) action followed a series a! dismis­ I am aendlDr TOU mT $1.00 u I coast GOP leaders. He has been a going Eisenhower" would be Adm. had PoU. In 19 .. aIUl was at Iowa committee member since 1932 and As a side issue, the Communists sals ot Internal revenue o!tiicals Lynde D. McCormick, now com­ Clly &eo and wa.nt &0 help you In i~ n former national chairman. continued to harp about an al­ mander ot the U.S. Atlantic fleet. in connection with alleged tax your tlrh~ to recover. I am 10 Reports in Des Moines said he leged Allied bombing of the Kae­ A navy spokesman said an offi­ frauds and the Ii ring of Asst. Atty. yean old. is xpected to announce before song restricted zone Thursday. cial announcement could not be Gen. T. Larqar Caudle for "out­ DewaJa WhelaD next summer's Reppblican nalioo- They said they would produce made until cel"taln formalities "plenty" ot soldiers who saw a ,ide activities" which the White .221 Bt.YODt 01 convention that he will not be have been completed. A Ndrth Liberty rirl wrote: a candidate for reelection. He is plane drop a bomb. Admiral McCormick served in House sold were incompatible with Dear Mra. YOUD&': reported to have told .1 number at United Nations investilcators bolh the Atlantic and Paciric dur­ his office: . I am a little rtrl • :tean old and (liend~ that he does not intend tailed Friday to tind a single civ­ ing Worid War 11. Presldell* Dllleardll Plan r &11\ aelU1lDr .. '1." to your BUI!! to be a candidate nnd will so 00- ilian witness. Lt. Col. Howard S. Joint Communique The President discarded a pre­ lor BeUy fllD4. I am lOlDr to tell nOUDC'e at the appropnate time. Levie, acting seniol' Liaison orticpr, Friday's agreement was an­ olller ehlldJ'eD at my lehool 8 0 said the absence ot any witness nounced in a joint communique viously considered plan to set up Mentioned as pos ible cnndi­ Ulel • rIve to Iitht Ule dlleue. Idates to succeed him. whether he left the inquiry up in the air. by Presi-dent Truman and Chur­ a speels 1 bipartisan commission Both sides refused to budge on chill. Yo .... ver)' &ruJ, seeks reelection or not, are Robe~t Agreement on the North Atlan­ tor the work. Instead. he ga.ve the Carole Alben. K. Goodwin, Republican state the key issues blocking truce. job to McGrath, as the govern­ Children from St. Patrick's Families Evacuated from Flood Area tIc T"eaty organization command Chairman; Allen Whitfield. Des wos reached last year, but was ment's chief law enforcement of­ school in Iowa City swelled Mrs. Moin attorney and campaign LEGIONNAIRES AND OTRER volunt.een Friday carried refugees Crom a nOoded area of suburban MIGs *Evade * *Fire held up because of Churchill's op­ ficer. Young's lund by $14 with $2 from manager for Gov. William S. Reseda, near Los Anc-eles, Into an emerC"eney sbelt.e r. ~Iore than ZOO famlll were evaeua.ted from the position. British leaders had The atto~ney general also dis­ one grade and $1 from each of Beardsl y in 1950; Jim Schr:lmm, dlsLrict as hJrh wa&en Invaded thelr bomes durinc- a disastrous storm that hit southern CalifornIa. In Brief Air Duel balked lit the selectlon of an Am­ closed, a ,deparlmeri tal orde/: di­ the other 12 grades. So tar she Burlington, fanner finance chair­ has received more than $160 trom ------ ------ erican, contending that Britain's tk~ • to· all U.S. prosecutors man Cor Republican state head­ SEOUL. Korea (SATURDAY) traditional " Rule Britannia" nav­ persons throughout. the couhtry. Ihrhll'!\\lut Pte co ntry s uggesttili 2,900 Gambling Dev;ce$ quarters and Fre_d Gllber.t, ~tate (IP) - U.S, Sabres and about 120 al Ilre9t1ie -painted to the appoint­ ~ inore lJIorOugh Investigation and Center, former member a! the Russian-built MIG jets exchanged ment ot a Briton. fuiLer II"'of ,rand jut)' facilities Seized in Kentucky Raids state highway commission. brief firing passes over northwest Friday's communique indicated iii "cues ot aUelect official m!scon­ Senate Group Voles Korea Friday, but there wcre no that Britain's naval control \\(iIl d\lc\, ttaud and bribery." LOUISVILLE, KY. (JP) - Fast­ damage reports. be extended somewhat from her moving FBI agents and local of­ French Tax Clips The U.'S. fifth ail' force ex­ Immediate coastal waters to , Pr~&e of Shortages ficers seized more than 2,900 plained, "The Reds didn't wani to deeper wa ter. fight." gambling machines valued at near­ U.S. Military Funds The announcement sllid it Will Capt. ta~[ence Paul On the snow-drifted battlefronl planned "to extend the United In Government Grain muddy surface Willers, Los Au- ly $800,000 in a surpt\se slate­ WASHINGTON (JP) - A con­ LOS ANGELES (JP) - Hundred ~ the mercury dropped to zero. Kingdom's home command to the Wf.SHINGTON (JP) - A full of persons fled their homes and geles heallh of ricer George Uhl wide roundup Friday. gressional committee rcported Fri­ Shivering Allied infantrymen re­ 100 fathom line," that \\1 to wh~te Is Killed in Korea investigation of shortages in the entire communities faced a seL'ious Twenty-three persons were ar­ day that the French government pulsed three light Communist he water is 600 feet deep. agriculture department's grain advised parents to keep children gets about one dollar in taxes out probing aUacks in the rugged sanitation hazard from flood wat­ from playing in water. rested in the continulf\g Kentucky The 100 fathom curve extends storalle program was voted Fri­ of every five dollars apP"opria ted eastern sector.
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