Emotıonal and Functıonal Attıtudes of Natıve Speakers Towards Gagauz As

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Emotıonal and Functıonal Attıtudes of Natıve Speakers Towards Gagauz As Hacettepe University School of Social Sciences Department of English Linguistics EMOTIONAL AND FUNCTIONAL ATTITUDES OF NATIVE SPEAKERS TOWARDS GAGAUZ AS AN ENDANGERED LANGUAGE Gülin DAĞDEVĠREN KIRMIZI PhD Dissertation Ankara, 2015 EMOTIONAL AND FUNCTIONAL ATTITUDES OF NATIVE SPEAKERS TOWARDS GAGAUZ AS AN ENDANGERED LANGUAGE Gülin DAĞDEVĠREN KIRMIZI Hacettepe University School of Social Sciences Department of English Linguistics PhD Dissertation Ankara, 2015 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Based on the fieldwork of an endangered language in a different geography and culture, this dissertation has been one of the most significant academic challenges I have ever had to face. It is a pleasure to thank those who made this thesis possible. First of all, I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my supervisor Professor Doctor Nalân BÜYÜKKANTARCIOĞLU, who encouraged me to study endangered languages. Her wisdom, knowledge and commitment to the highest standards inspired and motivated me. Without her guidance and persistent help this dissertation would not have been possible. I would like to show my gratitude to my committee member Professor Doctor Firdevs KARAHAN, who introduced me to Linguistics. Luckily, I have found a chance to be her student again and get her valuable feedbacks. I would also like to thank my committee member Professor Doctor IĢıl ÖZYILDIRIM. Her valuable comments and guidance helped me to improve the study. I would also like to extend my greatest thanks to committee members Professor Doctor YeĢim AKSAN and Asssociate Professor Dr. Emine YARAR. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to Eren SUNA who helped me in the development of the scale and their analysis. I also thank Nurbanu BURSA for providing me detailed analysis. I would like to show my gratitude to Todur ZANET. He has made available his support in a number of ways. His deep love to his country, language and invaluable contributions to the independence of Gagauz people have motivated me to focus on this topic. I would like to thank Beytullah SAĞBAN, who guided me during fieldwork with interest and enthusiasm. His advanced level Russian made communication easier in the area. I would like to thank Sonea BURGUJU and Yulika CEAVDARĠ who shared their experiences on the Gagauz language and helped me to the meet various Gagauz people. I would like to show my gratitude to Adem ZÜNGÜR who contributed to the Russian version of the attitude scale and questionnaire. iv I would also like to thank Abdurrahman ÖZCAN and Abdulkadir BAġARAN, who provided me the opportunity to meet Gagauz students whose attitudes gave important insights as to the endangerment of the Gagauz language. Last but not the least, Fatma DAĞDEVĠREN and Osman DAĞDEVĠREN, my parents, who have always supported, encouraged and believed in me in all my endeavors. Their unconditional love and financial support provided the impetus for the writing of this thesis. Özkan KIRMIZI, my husband, without whom this effort would have been worth nothing. His support during fieldwork has made things easier for me. His love and constant patience have kept me motivated. v ÖZET Bu çalıĢma temel olarak dil tutumları tehlikedeki diller bağlamında incelemektedir. Tehlike altındaki bir dil olan Gagauzca duygusal ve iĢlevsel tutumlar açısından incelenmiĢtir. Bu amaçla Gagauz konuĢucuların Gagauzca ve Rusçaya karĢı olan tutumları araĢtırılmıĢtır. KonuĢucu tutumlarından ayrı olarak, günlük hayattaki dil kullanımları da bu araĢtırmada incelenmiĢtir. Bu çalıĢmada kiĢisel bilgi formu ve tutum anketinden oluĢan basılı bir anket kullanılmıĢtır. KiĢisel bilgi formu katılımcıların belli bağlamlardaki dil kullanımları, dil yeterlik seviyeleri, aile üyelerinin dil hâkimiyetleri gibi konulardan oluĢan 19 maddeyi içermektedir. Veri toplama aracının ikinci bölümü Gagauzca ve Rusçayı duygusal ve iĢlevsel tutumlar açısından karĢılaĢtırmak için düzenlenmiĢ 22 maddeden oluĢan bir tutum ölçeğini içermektedir. Ölçek ve form iki dilde de hazırlanmıĢtır. Veri toplama süreci 2014 yılının Ocak ayında gerçekleĢtirilmiĢtir. Anket Gagauzya Özerk bölgesinde yaĢayan 137 katılımcıya uygulanmıĢtır Sonuçlar göstermiĢtir ki katılımcıların duygusal tutumları Gagauzca için daha yüksek iken, iĢlevsel tutumlar açısından Rusçaya karĢı daha olumlu tutumları vardır. Bu çalıĢmanın yaĢ, cinsiyet ve yerleĢim yerinin dil tutumları ve kullanımları üzerindeki rolü de incelediği düĢünüldüğünde görülmektedir ki yaĢ ve yerleĢim yeri etkilidir. Özellikle genç yaĢ grubundaki katılımcıların Rusçaya karĢı daha olumlu tutumları olduğu görülmektedir. Ayrıca köylerde yaĢayan katılımcıların Gagauzcaya karĢı daha olumlu tutumlara sahip oldukları bulunmuĢtur. Benzer Ģekilde dil kullanımlarının da bu dillere karĢı olan tutumlarla paralel olduğu görülmüĢtür. Son olarak bu çalıĢma tehlikedeki diller üzerine giderek artan araĢtırmalara duygusal ve iĢlevsel tutumlar arasındaki iliĢkiyi araĢtırarak katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamıĢtır. Anahtar sözcükler: duygusal tutumlar, iĢlevsel tutumlar, tehlike altındaki diller, Gagauzca, kimlik. vi ABSTRACT This study mainly investigated the language attitudes in the context of endangered languages. The Gagauz language, an endangered language, was investigated on the basis of emotional and functional attitudes. To this end, the attitudes of the Gagauz speakers towards the Gagauz and the Russian languages were explored. Apart from the speaker attitudes, the language uses in daily life practices were also investigated in this study. The data collection instrument adopted in this study is a paper-and-pencil questionnaire which included a personal information form and an attitude scale. The personal information form is composed of 19 items which investigates topics such as language uses in certain context, language proficiency levels, language competencies of the family members etc. The second part of the data collection instrument includes a 22- item attitude scale designed to compare the Gagauz and the Russian languages on the basis of emotional and functional attitudes. The scale and form are prepared in two languages. The data were collected in January 2014. The questionnaires were administered to 137 participants living in the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia. The results show that the participants have more positive emotional attitudes towards the Gagauz language, while they have more positive functional attitudes towards the Russian language. Considering that this study also investigates the role of age, gender and the place of residence on the language attitudes and uses, it is seen that generally the age and the place of residence were effective. Specifically, participants of young age group have more positive attitudes towards the Russian language. Additionally, the participants living in villages were found to have more positive attitudes towards the Gagauz language. Similarly, the language uses of the speakers are in parallel with their attitudes towards these languages. Finally, this study aimed to contribute to the growing area of research on language endangerment by exploring the relationship between the emotional and functional attitudes. Keywords: emotional attitudes, functional attitudes, endangered languages, the Gagauz language, identity. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS KABUL VE ONAY …………………..………….………………….……….…………i BĠLDĠRĠM………………………………………..……………………………………..ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………….……………………………………..iii ÖZET ……………………………………………..…………………………..…………v ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ vii ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................................... xi TABLE INDEX .......................................................................................................................... xii FIGURES INDEX ................................................................................................................... xxiv CHAPTER 1 THE PRELIMINARIES ......................................................................................... 1 1.1. LANGUAGE ENDANGERMENT AROUND THE WORLD: FACTS AND FIGURES .................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2. A BRIEF LOOK AT THE FACTORS LEADING TO LANGUAGE ENDANGERMENT ............................................................................................................... 10 CHAPTER 2 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 19 2.1. INTRODUCING THE STUDY ....................................................................................... 19 2.1.1. Reasons for the Research: The Need.................................................................... 19 2.1.2. The Problem, Purpose, Research Questions and Hypotheses .............................. 23 2.1.3. Boundaries of the Research .................................................................................. 27 2.2. INTRODUCING THE GAGAUZ LANGUAGE, HISTORY AND THE PRESENT STATE .................................................................................................................................... 28 2.2.1. On the Linguistic Features of the Gagauz Language ........................................... 28 Phonology ..............................................................................................
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    006 006 006 DeweyiDecimaliClassification006 006 [.35 **Natural language processing Class here computational linguistics See Manual at 006.35 vs. 410.285 *Use notation 019 from Table 1 as modified at 004.019 400 DeweyiDecimaliClassification 400 400 DeweyiDecimali400Classification Language 400 [400 [400 *‡Language Class here interdisciplinary works on language and literature For literature, see 800; for rhetoric, see 808. For the language of a specific discipline or subject, see the discipline or subject, plus notation 014 from Table 1, e.g., language of science 501.4 (Option A: To give local emphasis or a shorter number to a specific language, class in 410, where full instructions appear (Option B: To give local emphasis or a shorter number to a specific language, place before 420 through use of a letter or other symbol. Full instructions appear under 420–490) 400 DeweyiDecimali400Classification Language 400 SUMMARY [401–409 Standard subdivisions and bilingualism [410 Linguistics [420 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) [430 German and related languages [440 French and related Romance languages [450 Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican [460 Spanish, Portuguese, Galician [470 Latin and related Italic languages [480 Classical Greek and related Hellenic languages [490 Other languages 401 DeweyiDecimali401Classification Language 401 [401 *‡Philosophy and theory See Manual at 401 vs. 121.68, 149.94, 410.1 401 DeweyiDecimali401Classification Language 401 [.3 *‡International languages Class here universal languages; general
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