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Syria Sends in More Troops to Impose Peace in Lebanon

Syria Sends in More Troops to Impose Peace in Lebanon

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BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) - men — and that they had linked up valley this morning." a Phafangist toward Zahle "alter disarming Thousands of Syrian troops with another force of 6,000 to 10,000 spokesman said. • (Palestinian) commandos and spea^eaded by 200 tanks invaded Syrian army and Palestinian Libera­ "They have warned both sides to U'bane.se nationalist fighters in their east central Lebanon today in Syrian tion Army troops sent in several evacuate their combat positions. The area " President Afez Assad's second opera­ weeks ago. Lebanese (rightist) forces had no The Syrian move today came in tion in 24 hours to impose peace on Another force of .2.000 men and 60 military choice They agreed to re.sponse to f.'hristian appeals to Lebanon. tanks entered northeastern Lebanon evacuate their strategic positions so Kobeyat and Andkeet from being Palestinian and Christian Monday and smashed through a lef­ that Syrian forces could, take them overrun by a four-day leftist siege. spokesmen reported the troops began tist blockade to the villages of over," the spokesman said. Reports reaching Beirut late Mon­ disarming warring Moslem and Andkeet and Kobeyat, 31 miles Fighting in Beirut tapered off in day said the Syrians had arranged a Palestinian guerrillas whose battles northeast of Tripoli. Christians there the wake of the new Syrian interven­ cease-fire around the two towns and with Christian Phalangists have had appealed for help against the tion although rightists again shelled that the cease-fire had taken effect blocked all efforts to end the 14- four-day siege. Beirut airport during the night, with only "scattered violations " month-old civil war. Today's massive invasion force causing some runway damage. Lebanese sources believed the Today's invasion coincided with pushed foward the besieged Christian Casualties over the past 24 hours Russians were displeased about the the arrival in Beirut of Soviet city df J^hle 18 miles west of the were put at 114 dead and 262 Syrian iptervention in Lebanon, Premier Alexei Kosygin. Diplomatic Syrian border and 30 miles east of wounded. fearing like the Palestinians, that the sources said Kosygin was displeased ^ iru t. iThe new force seized rival A statement issued by the F’alesti- guerrillas would come under Syrian about the invasion but that the 3 a m. rightist and leftists positions in the nian news agency WAFA said the tutelage. move to increase Syrian influence in Bekaa Valley in the first Syrian con­ Syrians began pushing west across Western diplomatic sources said Lebanon was carried out before his frontation with the Palestinian the Bekaa valley shortly after 3 a m. they believed the timing of the Syrian plane arrived in Damascus. guerrillas. and fanned out into scattered intervention was partly related to Moslem and Christian sources said "Massive numbers of Syrian troops positions across the flat, fertile Kosygin's visit "It would be more the latest invasion was made by up to accompanied by 200 tanks and ar­ farmland. difficult for the Syrians to send in two full regiments — 2,000 to 4,000 mored vehicles entered the Bekka It said another force moved bn troops during or after the visit than . before it. " one diplomat said The new Syrian incursion — the Today’s primaries just a warmup third this year — did not alter the military balance decisively, but in­ creased the number of Syrian regular for next week’s big showdown troops within la?banon's borders to at least 8.000 Carter remained optimistic about Political ob.servers said it served By CLAY F. RICHARDS favored in Rhode Island: South to indicate to all parties in the con­ I niled Pre!m Inlerniilionul Dakota was a tossup; arid Montana, his charices as he campaigned Sun­ day and Monday in Rhode Island and flict that Syria has no intention of President Ford and Ronald Reagan which holds only a beauty contest acceding to leftist demands to were expected to break 'even in with no delegate election, was made a stop also in South Dakota on his way to California. withdraw its troops today's Montana, Rhode Island and expected to go for Reagan. There was no immediate leftist South Dakota primaries, while two As of today. Ford held an edge in He called Rhode Island a key state but said "there's no cause lor con­ response to the Syrian move, but the Western liberals fought to beat front­ delegates of 794 to 640 for Reagan, right-wing Phalangist party issued a cern. I running Democrat Jimmy Carter in with 1,130 needed to nominate. statement saying the door should be the three states. Carter has won 17 primaries and is “ I have a good chance to win Rhode Island, " Carter said "I would left open "to any foreign initiative For candidates in both parties, the far ahead with 885 of the 1,505 that desires to assist us in a practical .three primaries were just a warmup delegates needed to win the be disappointed and surprised if we should lose here..." way in the political and moral for next week's showdown in Ohio, Derrtocratic nomination. Udall was spheres ' New Jersey and California where second with 301. one-third of the delegates needed to win the Republican and Democratic nominations will be elected. Several thousand watch parade Since there are only 56 Democratic Parade color guard delegates at stake today. Carter still The American Legion Post color guard marches up Main St. past will be the big front-runner, but he the Mary Cheney Library during the Memorial Day Parade Mon­ could suffe'f' psychologically if Barry calls for vigilance liberals Frank Church and Morris day morning. (Herald photo by Barlow) Udall beat him in two or all three of the contests. Church is assured of winning Montana, and was pressing in Memorial Day address Carter in Rhode Island, while Udall people during the Fifties became stood a chance of winning his first Several thousand people watched ceremony, moved back to Center the M em orial Day Parade in Park where it passed a reviewing another cause for conflict when primary in South Dakota. attempts were made to exercise and Carter has lost five of the last nine Manchester Monday morning under stand and disbanded. Several hundred people remained enforce these rights in the Sixties... News summary elections — three to Church and two bright skies and in warm weather. in the sunlit park during ceremonies. "Thirdly, in the recent past we to California Gov. Edmund G. Brown The traditional parade began at State Sen. David Barry of have seen a challenge -to our Jr. Bennet Junior High School, moved up ComplM from United Proti fnlornatfonaf Manchester delivered the day's ad­ governmental institutions like none Reagan and Ford have virtually ig­ Main St. and E. Center St. to Munro since the Civil War. We have nored the three states. Ford was Park, paused there for a brief dress. to die now that the lines at gas- Barry noted recent traumas in observed corruption at the highest State America. He said we survived them levels of government. . FAIRFIELD - First Select­ oline stations have dis­ appeared. The Senate will end and now must work to preserve the "Why do I mention these recent man John J. Sullivan has democracy for which so many national problems on Memorial Day? denied his city is violating a its Memorial Day recess Wednesday. Restaurant ordinance Manchester men died. He urged Because a lot of good people died federal contract regarding the citizens to be vigilant and to vote. believing in our form of government use of its beaches by the public. BANNOCK, Ohio - Rep. Excerpts from the senator's ad­ with all its faults. Wayne Hays, D-Ohio,'’his voice hearing tonight at 8 dress follow: "Over two hundred Manchester h Ar TFORD - S ta te breaking, talked to his con­ residents have given their lives over auditors have criticized. Head­ stituents about the old swim­ By SOL R, COHEN The Manchester Health Depart­ "Since 1965, when I last spoke here the years in defense of this govern­ master Ben E. Hoffmeyer of ming hole and his war buddies, on the occasion of another Memorial Herald Reporrr ment already has conducted three ment. the American School for the not sex scandals and con­ comment sessions on the proposed Day, our country has suffered a "And so today I ask you to have Deaf for accepting a post on gressional probes. His recep­ Public hearings on a variety of restaurant licensing ordinance and series of traumas perhaps as severe faith in America and Its institutions, the board of directors of a firm tion at a Memorial Day speech proposed actions plus public com­ has learned that the greatest objec­ as any in her history. to be vigilant and to be critical but doing business with the school. in his Belmont County ment on a variety of agenda items is tion to it is the requirement (within "A brutal war In Asia sharply not be cynical, to evaluate and judge hometown Monday was warm expected to consume the greater part two years of adoption) that each divided our people and disaffected a all aspects of your government and to NORWICH - Connecticut and his constituents appeared of the meeting the Manchester Board facility must supply separate large portion of our society... participate if only to express an In­ has replaced mattresses used to be supportive, forgiving and of Directors will conduct tonight. It restroom facilities for males and "And when it was over, there was formed opinion. But most of all to de­ in prisons as a result of friendly. will begin at 8 p.m. in the Municipal females. no taste of triumph or prize of vic­ mand integrity and competence in Norwich Bulletin disclosures Building Hearing Room. The directors are proposing a 15 tory. There were no parade or the management of this country, this about the potential high WASHINGTON - Sen. The board meets twice each month per cent hike in water rates — exact­ welcome home celebrations for the state and this community we love. flamability of the previous George McGovern, D-S. D.,. — on the first Tuesday, as tonight, to ly half the increase proposed by brave people who returned... mattresses. Monday fired two of his Senate conduct hearings; and on the second Town Manager Robert Weiss. In "The second trauma involves the "The people we remember today staff aides for "becoming Tuesday, to take action on agenda Order to soften the impact of the hike long struggle for racial equality in have done their duty. Now it is time Regional publlcally involved” in a items. in water rates, the board is proposing this country. The legal rights given a to do ours. reported movement among Hearings tonight will be on a that sewer charges be pegged at 115 Firms in the Northeast got 41 Democrats to sidetrack Jimmy proposed ordinance for licensing and per cent of water rates. They now are per cent less In NASA funding Carter's campaign for the par­ regulating restaurants and take-out at 120 per cent. By virtue of the than states in the Sunbelt ty's presidential nomination. food services; on a new fee schedule change, when water rates go up 15 during the three most active Carter had an active role in an for water and sewer charges; on the per cent, sewer charges will go up years of the space program, attempt to stop McGovern's proposed construction of sanitary about 10.2 per cent. Rep. Michael J. Harrington, D- nomination four years ago. sewers in the east end of Linwood One of the agenda items which Is Mass., has reported from his Dr.; on assessments for sanitary expected to be referred for more Washington, D. C., office. sewers already installed in the west ‘■i.! TULSA — Driving rains sent study involves a request from South end of Linwood Dr.; on assessments Windsor, That town, which is floods raging through nearly 2,-. for sanitary sewers already installed BOSTON — An underground 000 homes Tulsa, causing exploring alternative ways for dis­ on the north side of E. Middle Tpke., antibusing group, the "South almost $12 million in damage posing of its solid waste, has asked Boston Defense League,” may from Plaza Dr. to Linwood Rd.; and and claiming two lives Sunday Manchester for permission to dump be responsible for a window- on four proposed additional ap- night. Gov. David Boren has South Windsor refuse in the OlcottSt. smashing spree in the city's propriaion6, all to be financed by requested federal disaster disposal area — for a period of up to a downtown business district and equivalent receipts or grants. assistance for the city. year. a $75,000 fire at the Boston Tea Party Museum over the weekend. Final comment session National International The lines at the gasoline SANTO DOMINGO, draws one supporter Dominican Republic — Spanish pumps were gone but the lines Only one person appeared during other things. The issue of toilet of holiday motorists on the King Juan Carlos, the first Spanish head of state to visit the first hour of the last of three facilities has been the main subject highways were back — and as a public comment sessions this mor­ of the other comment sessions. Many result, the Memorial Day traf­ the Western Hemisphere, came to ^ e New World this ning on the proposed restaurant or­ small restaurant owners have said fic toll edged past ^the dinance. weekend”^to retrace the there Would be a hardship if they preholiday estimate of 400 to David Lea^n, assistant manager footsteps of Christopher were forced to comply with the more than 411. of Bonanza on Spencer St. called the Columbus. He arrived here requirements. proposal "extremely logical, self- Monday and will leave for About 20 persons attended the WASHINGTON - The House explanatory, and contains only things Washington this afternoon for a three sessions that were monitored was to decide today whether that make common sense.” by health department officials. ,, the Federal Energy Ad­ four.-day Bicentennial visit to the United States. The proposal calls for a $50 two- A public hearing will be held ministration should be allowed year license fee, and separate male tonight at 8 by the Board of Directors and female toilet facilities, among in the hearing room at the Town Hall. State Sen. David Barry PAGE TWO - MAWCHE8TER EVENING HEHALD. MlllclWlUf. CMm- Tuw., Ju m 1, 1876 Cash, goods said stolen w e - p a g e t h r e e

Weekend caiei reported by store receipts bad already been Pinehurst Grocery, 302 Main St., Manchetter Police Included thefta of deposited and he didn’t have any police said. The burglary, through a good! worth more than 16,500 and tbe money. Tbe robber then demanded store window, was discovered Mon­ attempted holdup of a Wett Hartford the store keys, but Arnold complied day momhig. 0 » K E N man at Burr Comers Shopping P lau. by handing over his car keys instead. Goods taken from tbe Channing Dr. STAMPS The thefts included 62,600 in cash At that point, a car approached and apartment, reported to police Satur­ and stereo equipment from tbe Hart­ the robber Jumped in. The car sped day, included stereo equipment, golf ford Road Cafe, $2,000 worth of away toward 1-86, Arnold said. clubs and clothing. Police said entry cigarettes from the Pinehurst Police, using Arnold’s description of was gained through a sliding glass Grocery, $1,860 in goods from a the car, learned it had been reported door. Channlng Or. apartment, and stolen earlier Saturday from an East The robbery of $60 from robbery of $60 from a Manchester Hartford parking lot. ’The vehicle Manchester resident Wlllrose man. was found early Sunday morning, Labelle occurred late Saturday night, Scott Arnold of West Hartford, an abandoned In East Hartford. police said. Labeile told police he had Sigr ‘ MANCHESTER employe of the A & P store at Burr ’The burglary into tbe Hartford been assaulted and beaten by two or Comers, was the victim of tbe holdup Road Cafe at 382 Hartford Rd. was three young men, who stole his attempt, which occurred at about discovered Sunday morning. Cafe wallet. The incident occurred on DOUBLE STAMPS WED. 11.50 p.m. Saturday. owners said a door had been pried Main St., police said,. Labelle was open, a $1,600 stereo system was mis­ treated for his injuries at NotResponsible For Typographical Errors Arnold told police he had locked sing from the cafe, and $1,000 in cash Manchester Memorial Hospital. the store and was going to his car receipts was missing from a base­ Other breaks reported to police when he was approached by a young ment hiding place. ^ over the long weekend include cases ;i 4USDA CHOICE man wearing a stocking mask. The at homes on Avery St., ’Thompson CABinTION lamiEs Snow Crop youth, brandishing a small revolver, Four hundred cartons of cigarettes Rd., Green Rd. and Main St. Among _ H .».C 0 T Sweet Llfo demanded Arnold’s money. valued at abojit $2,000 were the only the missing items are liquor, cash, CRISCO CRISCO Arnold told the robber that the items taken in the burglary at jewelry and a BB gun. INSTANT TODDLERS ORANGE VEGHABLES SIRLOIN CWWaieaMM OIL SH0RTNIN6 JUICE TlOTIwMramA** ^rMMa---lailaAlA WnOIM IVAflMaA lAMTVMI Boys injured in crash of stolen motorcycle MILK CraamConi 24-b s . dVERMTES 3-lb . 6*01. Z0-l|t. 12e t ie*ttx. A 14-year-old Manchester boy, not Manchester Police said the boys was apprehended later. Identified because of his age, was were taken to the hospital at about Police said Initial investigation of listed in satisfactory condition today 5:30 a.m., after they were seen the case has shown that the motorcy­ $ 1 2 9 cle involved in the crash on S^BB at Manchester Memorial Hospital, walking on Keeney St. near 1-84. A suffering Injuries from an apparent passing motorist reported seeing the Manchester Rd., Glastonbury, had 6 9 « ,.lb. 4 / n motorcycle crash in Glastonbury boys, one of whom was covered with been stolen from a Manchester ad­ 9 5 « Saturday. blood. dress during the night. When police arrived in the vicinity, Police said investigation is con­ A ^ o n d 14-year-old boy, also in­ the boys ran into the woods. The tinuing and it is expected that the volved in the early morning crash, more seriously hurt boy came out of boys will be referred to Juvenile Moser Farms Moser Farms was treated at the hospital and Court. the woods a short time later and was Fairbanks honored at testimonial L o w F a t LUX released. taken to the hospital. The other boy Theodore L. (Ted) Fairbanks, the first and only superintendent of buildings and grounds for ORANGE Rar About town the Manchester Ekiard of Education, was honored at a testimonial attended by friends and CHOCOLATE POPSICLES co-workers at the Army and Navy Club. Alan Thomas, school board chairman, left, 12 Pack presents a plaque to Fairbanks in recognition of his 20 years of service to the schools. MILK DRINK SOAP Hal Turkington will smorgasbord on Sunday Robbins Room of the Committee will meet Sharing in the award presentation Is Mrs. Fairbanks. (Herald photo by Larson) speak to Manchester from 5 to 7 p.m. at the church. The flower com­ Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Rotary Club tonight at Grange hall at 205 Olcott mittee will meet tonight at 45 N. School St. Manchester Country Club. St. For reservations call 7 in the church library. f i C | < His topic will be on the 646-2268 or 649-4754. 8 9 ^ work of Shrlners and their The Bicentennial Parade w W gal. V w f 4pack children’s hospitals, and he Manchester WATES will gal. will show a film entitled meet tonight at the Italian- HALL FOR RENT American Club on Eldridge For parties, showers, receptions, "Rlcki,” the story of a Vine Ripe Washington State Red Delicious St. Weighing-in will be meetings. Complete kitchen Iceberg boy’s first visit to the facilities. Large enclosed parking hospital. from 7 to 8. lot. Inquire: Lithuanian Hall CABLE TV. USOACHQIGE APPLES JESSO Hose Co. 3 volunteers of Britannia Chapter, a TOMATOES 24 QOLWAY STREET LEHUCE the Town Fire Department Daughters of the British BOTTOM ROUND BEEF CUT WAX OR 6REEN Empire, will meet MANCHESTER will have a drill and CtJI baforaSP.M. meeting tonight at 6:30 at Thursday at 11:30 a.m. at Phone643j0618o^^ ROAST 3 hds^ $ 1 $ 1 the Lawton Rd. firehouse. the home of Mrs. William 1 0 - 9 9 ‘ REAMS Scott, 42 Virginia Rd. Introduces I S . I Manchttlir Evtnlng Harild Manchester Grange will Pink & White Publlahed every evening except conduct a public 'The diaconate of Center Sundays and holidays. Entered at Congregational Church will Ihe Manchester. Conn., Post Office CARROTS meet tonight at 7:30 in the as Second Class Mall Matter. CANTALOUPES CMPEFRUIT Suggested Carrier Rates lb. 8/nWITH COUPON m Payable in Advance “Home Box Office" ENDS TUESDAY Single c o p y ...... 15f CHARLIt BItONSON W e e k ly...... 60 ( $ IN One m o n th ...... 13.90 Three months ...... $11.70 BEEF 3 9 « 6 / 8 9 ' CAMPBELL’S Six m o n th s ...... $23.40 “ BREAMEART PASS” One y e a r...... $46.60 Mall Rates Upon Request USDA CHOICE BACK RUMP FRESH GROUND BEEF JAMIS CAAN Subscribers who fall to receive ■ ■ ■ S H O R T R I B S IPORK& BEANS IN their newspaper before 5:30 p.m. THiriui WITH Turn m m should telephone the circulation OVEN ROAST .lb. *1.49 CHUCK .9 9 ' department. 647*9946. "ROLLERBALL"... “GRIZZLEr. USDA CHOICE BOTTOM ROUND SMITHFIELD STEAK ROAST *1.49 BACON ,*,.,*1 .4 9 lb. USDA CHOICE BOTTOM ROUND SELECT pwr 41 ru n W BiBiidHI Mntw B O L A N D ilk STEAKS .lb. *1.59 BEEF LIVER ,,4 9 ' AM Open 24 Houn Dally TURKEY FOR OncaiCY SERVICE O I L C O . III FROtiN SHIHILDER *1.19 SUNSWEET E S T . 1 9 3 5 DRUMSTICKS or WINGS ,,39 ' SWIFT - WATER ADDED 1-84 EXIT S3-SILVER LANE-ROBERTS ST. ’ U M B C H O P S PRUNI JUICE FU EL OIL * ' * *1.39 H U T IN S O I U • EAST HARTFORD • 24HR. TEL. INFO. 568-8810 CHUCK STEAK .lb. DAISY ROLL ,,*1.69 AUTOMATIC DELIVERY ,« FREE LIGHTED PARKING* Wi Honor MASTER CHAHOE . Our representatives will be in your USDA CHOICE BEEF NEPCO BEEF oiLSURNia a 24 HOUR SERVICE LONDON DROIL *1.39 HUTINS INSTALUTION iVES, neighborhood to personally explain and KNOCKWURST ,,*1.39 646-6320 jncKmaiouoH FlULl Ut LONOUACRE 643-SI 38 MOUl $16 Center 8t Manchetter 369 CBnttr 81. answer any questions you may have about Ib. FRANKS ...... i ...... lb.J 9 ' 50 FREEHir-* Manchatitr SCont DiUy 2 M iM,::: Coni. Daily itOO 4:30 woiAnojOok; 7:00 f:$0 H.B.O. FLORAL M0N.-TUES. "WE mum CAPITAL FASM8 BSAHD "THEBADNEV^ FIUI KRAFT ALL FLAVORS JIF 99< MISSOURI pd waxsl They will also Invite you and your family TOIIIT TISSUE ...4 9 ' RREAHS" QI-AD __ OAR-O-QUE SAUCE ....2 /8 9 ' IA 6I1II91 fOUOW SUSNSIDf Uf.NS to try our NEW HBO SERVICE in your f: iTTTijiTTTTT^^^^eE^E® MON. ■ TUEST^"* Cent Dally $:10 4 4 0 GEORGIA PACIFIC 9" . . PEANUT BUTTER i^B J i M 11J XA m I 7:10 94 0 Illy 2:11 TRASH RAGS , . . , *1.89 aa« / _ ...... saw 7 i l M i iiiiiaaiiii AvrTaiSrAHi-iiir home at a Special Introductory Savings. PUTES ,...,69' aNIAK PRIvilW _J£^UCKO^JUTBjFOMAN^F^^ CHARI.lt IRONION WHITE POTATOES ,...5 / *l “BREAKHEART UQUID / „ „ *1.19 PASS" SWEET LIFE PQ e7:$0 • 1:1$ OOUBLB raATURE PEARS .2 9 o z . 49' Yvtrri MiMiiux “FREUIE AND Halves TIDE...... „..*2.39 TOMMY Lll JONH T H E l U r DELI LA ROSA -AUCiDoutnun c a b l e TV’S HBO FOR YOU iM PORTSD ‘ JACKSON COUNTY HW ANTIMW IPO) 69' KRAFT IMITATION JAIL‘ ILLIN BURYirITYN eOlED ELOOWS 2 Ibt. ^ CASCADE „^*1.49 js:$J*7: M > 0:0$ M0N.-TUE8. 89* LY80L TUB A TILE KEEBLER CHOCOLATE FUDGE . - HIM| | R M • • V a • a « a • a wib. PUMP . 1 7 o z . 79 ' MAYONNAISE DUTCH FAMILY SANDWICH „„6 9 ' W FIRST RUN MOVIES - uncut. unwnt.d, without commercials. CONTADINA rVietotIc • LIVE SPORTS - No commercials, not on network TV. ^ TWSCUITS

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Only IS mlnuUi from ManchoBior • L*: INSTANT • ^ Greater Hartford CATV, Inc. W s m m CUT q r e e n 295-9358 5 LBS. V REAMS 1.02^ po tatm s ' 801 Parker St. •Manchester S • J on 2 Pkga. 0 9 EMirsSrowiiarsvy lUNcnoNoeiovTUtau QQe l ) Maxwell House Lady Scott c Dw 4 A 9 t % « t M AnjotO Lcii. copMsenarr aa«M § 8 / » l MATSKAS FAMaV • INMKlSmS COFFEE BATNTISSUE Be: 49* aMaTimJw.1 _ __ aMaThnijiMi ? ^ tMiTlnJiMl One Cm p m ft, Om Cm p m F i r iM a y 6 4 6 -6 4 0 0 Dm c « w ie Nr FM PAPE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HEJIALD. Manchtiter, Conn.. Tuet- June I, 1W6 Closer look at the man with no warts iHanrti^BtFr Herald vaunted their goodness. WASHINGTON - For some And on page 139 be Uats “A fault; I Manch«t«’,- A city of VIHao# Charm don't know how to compromise on Now it may be argued that no months now I have had a feeling of ^ Ray Cromley J politician, writing after one cam­ Foundad Oct. 1, 1881 unease about Jimmy Carter. But any principle I believe is right...^' paign and while readying himself for MtmMr. AvdW aurMW c< MculMlon M«nb«. UniMO PrtM Inlwnitlonil nothing 1 could put my finger on. Then be adds “But maybe this is a In the past few days I have read.a time on matters of principle, for an another, is about be modrat. Publlthad by tb« ManchMtar Publishing Co., Harald Squarsr He confesses that perhaps in his absence of compromise.” But Jimmy Carter claims to be a Msnchsstsr, Conn. 06040. Tsisphono (203) 643-2711. biography by the man himself, and I student days at the Naval Academy, now know what gave rise to my un­ From his young manhood on, by his different kind of politician, guided by he didn't always do his best. tenets of a faith which puts down the RsymonU pT noMmon. EUNor-PutHitlwt HtrokI t. Turkington. Managing Editor ease. Nowhere In Its 154 pages could I own account, Carter was engag^ at But he immediately cancels that all times, waking or sleeping, with parading of goodness and which ' find an admission of a single fault. admission by noting he was in the top the pursuit of excellence and the honors the honest confession of fault. ^Opinion Well, maybe three but listen: 7 per cent of his class. righting of wrongs. And Carter's very protestations of The weather for the Memorial Day I met Jane and her husband Jim Carter's other confessions are goodness and rectitude raise weekend was great but the weekend many years ago when I was covering always phrased in words that picture questions in our mind. nevertheless left me with a deep stories in St. Thomas and St. Croix him' unusually devoted to his beliefs. On page 63 of his book he mentions feeling of sadness. for Travel East Magazine. He admits to having made 300,000 that in Norfolk as an ensign, his The death of Martha Mitchell, who They were a delightful couple, very Miss Huldah A. Butler political visits for himself in three salary was 3300 a month “out of I considered a personal friend, eager to show off their beautiful months while niaking 140 visits to which we paid $100 for rent, 304 for curbed the more joyful activities beach front facility. "Our paradise,” How COULD I FORGET A families to witness for God in 14 my food and the ship, and 375 for a usually enjdyed on long weekends. she called It. an outstanding educator years. What stands out, of course, is war bond. That left 371 for all other I first met Martha several years The couple had met when Jim was CLASSMAT£fl| t that it is highly unusual for a man in expenses in a month's time." ago when fw a s covering the New in the service, and had fallen in love Miss Huldah Anne Butler has 1914 to 1962 — Miss Butler has public life to spend that amount of That paints a pretty picture of York Couture Business Council's with the- island during a visit many g l o w s BT t patriotism — a fourth of his salary years ago. given much to the Manchester been more than just a teacher (HOIMOi time in individual witnessing in addi­ fashion presentations at the Plaza tion to the nuuiy duties of a regular for a war bond. But it left his wife lit­ Hotel in New York. She popped in The Pineapple Beach Hotel, public school system. and an adfhinistrator; she has church goer. tle to live on, especially with a son during one of the showings, I snapped perhaps one of the most luxurious in It could be that she was the been, an inspiration to the lear­ Somehow, this Jimmy Carter was . coming. One wonders. her picture, (the one below) and she St. Thomas, was an effort of their first teacher in the system to ning process. always right, even though some One wonders, too, at the feeling ask ^ me to send it to her. love for the island and its people. through the book that in his cam­ It.was a lot of hard work, but a work with the exceptional Her activities in the wrongs in society did not occur to A few weeks later, I mailed it off to him as wrongs in his earlier years. It paigning and political activity as her and since that time our labor of love. I was disheartened to child; she did that in 1914 in the Manchester community 13 9 3 was simply that he'd given these governor, Jimmy Carter believes friendship blossomed. I covered the hear they had been divorced recent­ "opportunity room” at Bar­ brought her into more contact &Q T matters no thought. strongly and vigorously that those fashion shows in ly: they seemed to have so much in nard Junior High on Vine St., with those pupils as a Sunday During the past several decades as - who fight him, and who disagree twice yearly, in January and in June, common. strongly with those causes and Ironically enough, she died, the now a part of Bennet Junior School teacher, a a newsman. I've met, read about and and each time Martha would either studied a good many remarkable programs he favors, are not in honest leave a note at my hotel that she had result of a bullet wound reportedly High. choreographer, a teacher of nien, some powerful and famous, disagreement, but motivated by previous commitments or that she inflicted by one of three burglars she She supervised a "game aesthetic dancing, pottery­ some not well known but great all the goals not as idealistic as his. Carter could meet me for lunch at the Plaza. was pursuing, as she chased them room” at Barnard before there making, and playground super­ same. Ail had w arts but their does not come right out and say it, She was, Insplte of her out- from her beloved hotel. but I came away from his book with Fate plays strange tricks. was an East Side Recreation visor. greatness outshone their faults. spokeness, a soft, sparkling woman, The greatest men and women I met the clear feeling that he is separating who in our conversations lent herself Granipa's night We appiaud the Board of Center. over the years, Helen Keller, Will the “righteous” from the “less to interest in home, fashions, and Monday was Grandpa's 77th She experimented with Education decision to name Rogers, Albert Einstein, were hum­ righteous.” travel. We rarely discussed politics; birthday, so I invited him out to group reading for children the new wing at Nathan Hale ble, aware of their own weaknesses All this disturbs me. But perhaps it she seemed at ease just to talk on a dinner Friday night at a nice, quiet is because I am so used to sinners the Huldah A. Butler Wing. and what they owed to others. None woman-to-woman basis. restaurant. before the idea was widely like myself. Always attractively dressed and accepted. We herald the school board’s Well, he and our other guests had a very fhshion conscious, Martha was a sumptous dinner and listened to nice One of her great thrills was continued practice of honoring delightful, witty woman. For over music and Grandpa seemed seven years, I looked forward to our being the first nonspecialist dedicated people while they s ' ^ delighted. are still with us; when they can luncheons and was deeply disap­ I thought sure about 10 p.m. he'd In­ chosen chairman of the pointed if she was in Washington or McKinney Photo iisten to a community tell sist on going home, but all of a Connecticut All-State Reading had another engagement. In either sudden he out-paced his pacemaker Conference. them they have served it well; case, she always left a note with the and said, 'T d love to have a dance Mrs. Victor J. Zoschak Jr. During her nearly 48 years in an appreciation that should not Almanac hotel offme telling me of her change tonight.” of plans or that she would be late. the public schooi system — go unnoticed. Well, off we headed for an area Qiattini with her was always a restaurant which has a five-piece highlight m my hectic week in New orchestra and glided the time away Nancy Chaffee Forde of Mrs. Michael Eremita of By United Press International In 1964, the U.S. Supreme Court York viewing fashions from 8 a.m. fill 1 a.m. Manchester and Lt. (j.g.) Vic­ Willimantic was matron of Today is Tuesday, June 1, the 153rd banned prayers and Bible teaching in till after 4 each day. We have a few favorite numbers tor John Zoschak Jr. of honor Bridesmaids were day of 1976 with 213 to follow. public schools.' Perhaps my deepest regret is that like "Blueberry Hill" and “Oh, My Milton, Fla. were married Miss Ann Bodurtha of The moon is approaching its first In 1973, Premier George for a woman who \yas so vivacious, Papa” and while we danced to one of May 29 at St. Mary's Church Willimantic, Miss Ellen quarter. Papadopoulos abolished the Greek so full of life, with a rather devil- them, he whispered "Thanks Tudge” in Manchester. Russell of Topsfield, Mass., Regulating The morning stars are Mercury, monarchy and proclaimed the coun­ may-care attitude, that when she (that's his nickname for me) and The bride is the daughter of Miss Lee Ann Jilek of Venus and Jupiter. try a republic with himself as presi­ finally crossed over the bar, she then he gave me a gentle squeeze and Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. B e lle v ille , 111., th e The evening stars are Mars and dent. was all alone. added, "I hope 1 can spend a few Forde of 224 Main St. The bridegroom's cousin. the regulators Saturn. In 1975, President Ford and Egyp­ New York will never be quite the more years with you." bridegroom is the son of Mr. Gregory J. Zoschak of Those bom on this date are under tian President Anwar Sadat opened same. Rest well, Martha. I hope so, too, Papa. and Mrs. Victor J. Zoschak Peoria, 111., was his brother's Open forum the sign of Gemini. talks in Salzburg, Austria, and Ford ‘Our Paradise’ Happy days Sr. of Peoria, ill. best man. Ushers were English poet John Masefield was praised Sadat for creating oppor­ The Rev. Stephen Jacobson Richard H. Forde of Chicago, Federal regulation — tunities for peace In the Middle Blast. The untimely death of Jane "A little work, a little play, to keep of St. Mary's Church per­ 111., the bride's brother; Lt. billion. The government’s mul­ born June 1,1878. This is singer Pat Pepperdine, owner and manager of overregulation, that is — has us going— and so, good-day.” George formed the double-ring (j.g.) Keith Toney of St. Boone's 42nd birthday. the PineappTe Beach Hotel in St. titudinous agencies — SEC, A thought for the day: Poet John Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier ceremony. Ronald Rothermel Louis. Mo., and Lt, (j.g.) been blamed for everything Waddell School gift acknowledged On this day in history: Thomas, V.l. brought another note of FTC, CAB, EPA, etc. — con­ Masefield said, “ Bitter it is, indeed, (1834-1896) of Manchester was organist. Michael Hardie of Milton, from inflation to ennervation, In 1812, President James Madison sadness. stitute "a complex, alphabet warned Congress that war with in human fate, when life's supreme The bride, given in Fla. from high costs of shipping or I say a little astonished) that a group soup” whose effect is tepid at To the editor: Great Britain was imminent. It temptation comes too late.” marriage by her parents, airline travel to low levels of The following letter Is one received fo students actually, cared about wore a gown of white chif- best and at worst fuels infla­ started 17 days later. industrial productivity or a short while ago from Donna them and their happiness. For some, fonette re-embroidered with A reception was held at The tion, stifles competition and Carpenter, ‘ a young woman from seeing your interest was an added in­ Alencon lace and seed pearls Colony in Talcottville, after television entertainment. produces mountains of Manchester who has been teaching in spiration for them to take a more ac­ and designed with fitted which the couple left for Earle B. Barnes, executive Bolivia for almost three years. tive part in changing their situation. Disney World and Florida. paperwork and red tape. bodice. Queen Ann neckline. vice president of Dow In late March, sixth grade class at The hope of the world in solving its Bishop sleeves with lace They will reside in Milton, Percy, together with Assis­ many problems lies in working Chemical Company, charges Waddell School, spent a Saturday cuffs, high-rise waistline with Fla. tant Majority Leader Robert morning conducting a “Games Fair” together, sharing our love, and facing flowing skirt and watteau Mrs. Zoschak was that "the business community Today’s thought Byrd, D-W.Va., has introduced the proceeds of which were to go to our problems together. You have train. Her finger tip veil of graduated from Connecticut has long been guilty of losing the people in Los Barreros, Bolivia. started down a road to help make the College in New London on the Regulatory Reform Act of imported silk illusion was at­ its freedom by the cowardly After meeting Miss Carpenter (when world a better place to live in a very tached to a lace and seed May 30. Lt. Zoschak is serving 1976. Briefly, the bill would she was on a visit in Feburary) and direct and personal way. With youth act of compromise when they Did you know? that God has a plan for your life! pearl Juliet cap. She carried a in the U.S. Coast Guard and is require the President to sub­ seeing slides of the people and living, who think and feel as you do, I see cascade of white sweetheart presently attending flight knew a (regulatory) bill was much hope not only for the future of mit to Congress by March 31 of conditions in the village of Los roses, stephanotis and white school at Whiting Field, totally onerous from the begin- Barreros, the children felt they our country but also for the future of Do you feel that you've got Him to share His plan with you. Over carnations. Milton, Fla, each year, from 1977 through ning.” He calls for wanted to do something to help the world. everything under control, and your and over (more than 300 times in the 1981, comprehensive plans for directly. It took three weeks to All I can say is thank you for being Bible), God tells us not to be afraid. businessmen to be more plan for your life is unfolding as you reforming regulation in gather prizes from local merchants the fine people that you are and thank anticipated? Or, are there times He wants us to prosper and be aggressive in defending and for the children and some you for having chosen to share with healthy — in our emotions, in our specific areas of the economy. when you begin to suspect that there themselves against unrealistic parents to make the games. us, for it has helped us to grow. I just might be sorneming missing? bodies, in our relationships. He College notes No later than September 15 of offers life with a capital “L.” or unnecessary federal regula­ The children worked hard to make hope that you will continue to care Or, is the bottom dropping out, and the event successful. They made a and share in meaningful ways such each year, the appropriate con­ suddenly you know there is Why not ask Him to show you His tion. total of 3219.06. After costs were as this contribution you have made. tral Connecticut State gressional committees would something missing? plan for your life? David J. Larsson of But when does federal deducted, we were able to send a But most of all thank you for sharing Manchester, a Bowdoin College, is exhibiting her be mandated either to report check of 3200 to Miss Carpenter. Thfs yourselves. works at the summer art regulatipn become unrealistic The God who created you has a Mrs. George W. Webb College senior who out the President’s original letter of thanks was so touching and Sincerely, exhibit sponsored by the or unnecessary? Equally as perfect plan for your life, and He is South United Methodist directed the music for two proposals or their own com­ sincere that our principal. Maxwell Donna Carpenter and the patiently waiting for you to allow student musicals, has been New Britain Chamber of strong sentiments have been Morrison, suggested we submit it to Village of Los Barreros Church prehensive reform bills. awarded Bowdoin's Commerce. voiced on the other side. The Manchester Herald. We were all Abraham Goldberg Prize. First prize winner in For example, a plan to Without this kind of dis­ deeply moved by it and hope that you Larsson, a graduate of printmaking at the spring ciplinary approach, says Per­ can also appreciate its meaning. — reduce the Interstate Manchester High' School, is c e se student art exhibit. Ms. Cusano's Sixth Grade class. the-'son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ferreira is displaying Commerce Commission’s con­ cy, "tenacious special in­ terests among the regulators John A. Larsson of 114 objective and abstract in­ trol over the nation’s transpor­ Dear Ms. Cusano and Students: Bolton St. ked and uninked works. tation would "plunge the and regulated alike, and in the This past Wednesday as I headed ^ Reflections The late Martha Mitchel, at right, wife of the former Atty. The exhibit will be open into Santa Cruz from my village to trucking industry into-chaotic Congress will effectively General John N. Mitchell, chats with an unidentified fashion Katalin Ferreira of 15 through June 25 at the stymie efforts at truly com­ pick up the first certified letter that Hal Turkington Tanglewood Lane, Bolton, . Chamber's new offices,127 rate wars and drastically I've ever received, I was excited editor during the New York Couture Business Council’s fashion prehensive reform.” showings at the Plaza Hotel in 1968. (Herald photo by Ryder) a senior art major at Cen­ Main St., New Britain. reduce the number of firms in and curious as to what it m i^ t be. Managing Editor the business,” warns Lee R. When I opened it and read the very Yesterdays nice letter that accompanied the Sollenbarger, chairman of the check, I was truly overwhelmed — so STRAWBERRIES American Trucking Associa­ overwhelmed that I'm not sure I can find the words to express to you all tion. If you want to keep a volunteer There were some complaints from sometimes developed Irom debates Insure twe PICK YOUR OWN 25-years ago what very special meaning tjiils has “Airline deregulation will fjreman happy, keep him busy. the neighborhood, and the SMFD to arguments before a decision was !l The new proposed school budget to me and my village. They kept them busy in the old commissioners had to insist upon a lead to chaos and higher costs for 1951-52 of 31,388,535 calls for an reached. , and S3VG On occasion I have received money South Manchester Fire Department. “lights out” policy at 10 o'clock. And if it was wrong....! Increase of 3242,249 over the current If you're a two-car family. rather than improving the from different people and Volunteer Bremen had lots of drills It was more fun to watch rather It was better than bocci ball. budget of 31,146,286. Nationwide can save you FOR '76 existing system,” says Charles organizations, but never have I been down at the old fire tower on Hart­ than play the games. Imagine trying ★ ★ ★ A so touched as I am with this very money on your auto ford Rd. They had blackboard to outwit these volunteer firemen: On the second floor of the firehouse C. Tillinghast Jr., chairman 10 years ago special gift. 1 have worked with insurance. Additional lib­ FORMALS, sessions in the firehouses; they had Hippo Correntl, Banjo Galli, Dorn there was a pool table and a ping and president of TWA. Clifford Edwards of Rockville is many students of all ages and never first aid classes: they met once a eralized benefits are avail­ Gentilcore, Pete Aceto, Paul (Jorren- pong table. Both got a lot of use. able to those who qualify. named valedictorian of the Class of have I seen a group that shows such a month for a business meeting. WITH These two industries, ti, Benny Pagani, Ding Farr, Ernie Ping pong often was doubles, and Call a Nationwide agent for BERRT PATCH 1966 at Manchester Community true concern for others and takes an They planned Ladies Nights, stag however, seem to be excep­ College. Pohl, Snitz Mordavsky, Dutch Fogar­ the rules were not always the same. complete details.' active part to demonstrate this con­ parties, had dinners In the fir^buses ty, Eddie Pagani, Mike Suhie, SPIRIT! FARMS Roland R. Wilson is installed as At one time they had a line about 10 tions to the current anti- cern. I look at you and rejoice that at the holidays, and they' sought George McCaughey? commander ofthe VFW Post, and feet distance from the table at each OAKLAND RD. - RT. 30 regulatory mood shared by there are people like yourselves who means for raising money/for such McCaughey? How did he ever get Mrs. George Edwards is installed as end, and you had to play from behind WAPPING SECTION SO. WINDSOR most businessmen as well as help make this world such a beatiful projects as the Midget Football in there? that line. president of the VFW Auxiliary. place to live. League in cooperation with police. Well, he was the police represen­ ★ ★ ★ the general public. According Through my experiences I have Open daily 8-8 or till picked out Sure, you can usually find a card tative: he was also one of the top The firehouse is still there, but Lat Palm Beach* Formala put it to Sen. Charles Percy, found that one of the greatest joys is all together tor you. Take the Free Containers game at the firehouse like gin, dogs of the Police-Firemen Associa­ HoSe Co. 3 Is not; 'that company Is regulatory reform is one of the Dateline 1776 sharing unselfishly with others. Now I rumiere, setback or cribbage. Hose striking Savile Row. with trend- For updated picking conditions and , tion. now at Lawton Rd. In the Manchester setung rope shoulder, deep am sure that you, too, have felt this Co. 1 had a bowling alley at the Pine hours call 24 hr. Information Phone critical issues confronting the By llnilcd l’re»» Inlernalionul The strategy those teams would Green area. Volunteer firemen meet side vents, one button styling same joy of sharing — not only St. firehouse. and rounded peak lapel. Spark 94th Congress, and although CHARLESTON, S. C., June 1 - devise was something else. The court there. STAN 644-8339. among yousselves through growing But Hose Co. 3 at Spruce and was set up on the south side of the It with a ruined shirt and Sorry, no youngsters under 14 please. South Carolina President Rutledge Reflections today takes us back B Y 8 IE W IC Z contrasting floral vest and tie not as glamorous as some received word that a fleet of 50 or closer by working together but also Florence Sts? firehouse. You started play there, through sharing your love and con­ about 25 years. Thb South 357 CMit«r 8t. It s a great com bination other issues, in many respects more vessels was anchored six Croquet. but if your opponent declded^to available lor a nicely moderate cern with us. Manchester Fire Department voted 649-2191 THESE SPECIAL GOOD ALL WEEK - TOES. - it is far more important and its leagues north of Sullivan's Island, the Man, and what croquet games they “send” you after he had rapped you, in November 1956 to consolidate with price. first news of the British expedition We have not decided yet in exactly did have! You got to the firehouse your next shot might be from the NATIONWIDE consequences for the nation ■\vhat way we will use the money, for the Town Fire Department which I SAT. JUNE 1 THRU 5 - GOOD ONLY WITH A $5 under Gen. Henry Clinton and Adm. early if you wanted to either get in front lawn of Nathan Hale School or are likely to be greater. it is always best to give due con­ was, at that time, only a “paper” I INSURANCE PURCHASE IN THE STORE - NOT INCLUDING Peter Parker, At Wilmington, N.C., the game or find a decent seat from the big lot next door. department. fx It on your 8KM REGAL MEN'G GHQP sideration and planning to use it to its CQ«Micricuri la n efir wt««oir co « a tiif .H(H8 aroaa Excessive regulation, says Gen. Charles Lee discovert the which to watch. There were many summit con­ Faces have changed at the 4alionwi

Police report State gas tax goes up a cent fBanrljpatpr E upnin^ M e ral Diggins wins 500 HARTFORD (UPI) - The sUte’s Grasso. In a prepared statement, he Two young men were of peace. Police said the two gasoline tax rises to from 10 to 11 said she has set "a two-year-record SOUTH WINDSOR (UPI) - in contrast to the Memorial Day arrested by Manchester Police were arrested in connection cents a gallon today, which gives for increased taxes and fees.” Joseph Diggins of East Hartford was classic Indianapolis 500, which he Monday afternoon after an in­ with a reported fight early Sun­ Connecticut the highest rate In the Stevens also reminded motorists one of the lesser known Memorial brands as wasteful. cident in which a car driving on day morning. Court date is nation, according to Rep. Gerald F. that they missed the gas hike for Area news Day auto race winners. MacArthur noted the 471-mile race the Martin School ballfield June 21, Stevens, R-Milfprd. Memorial Day, but face increased I Andover EMingion Hebron Sout^i Windsor He got $600 and the lO-gallon-hat was "a lot closer to 500 miles than nearly struck two pedestrians. • Allison J. Crowe, 16, of The hike is intended to raise $14 toll fees on the Wilbur Cross and Bolton Coventry East Harllord Tolland Vernon prize for winning Charies what Indy did.” ’The Indianapolis Robert Philbrick, 17, of 147 Kent, charged Saturday after­ million. Mcritt Parkways before the July 4th MacArthur’s 10-gailon 500, actually a race was halted because of rain after E. Center St. was charged with noon with fourth-degree The state House minority leader weekend Both are occasions lor 471-mile race to Vermont and back in 255 miles. trespassing on public lands and larceny (shoplifting) at King’s used the occasion of the tax hike to heavy auto travel. which gas mileage, not speed, The second most economical car Daniel F. Arenas, 18, of 18 Department Store, Manchester launch another attack on Gov. Ella T. counted. was a 1969 Fiat Spider driven by Buckingham St. was charged Shopping Parkade. Court date His 1971 Renault, averaging 45 South Windsor High School senior^, with third-degree criminal is June 14. miles an hour, made the trip on an Stephen Roder, which sped along at mischief. Both are scheduled • Charles W. Bodo, 50, of 444 Fund goal topped average of 53.82 miles per gallon. 42.5 miles an hour and got 52.9 miles to appear in court June 14. Center St., charged on a MacArthur, of Tolland, sponsored per gallon. Police said Philbrick was the warrant With non-support. the race to dramatize fuel efficiency driver of the car which tore up Court date is June 14. Bolton Charlotte Ferguson, Joan Dixon, grass at the school ballfield • Jeffrey K. Pouliot, 18, of The American Cancer Drive fund Barbara Smith, Ginny Barry,.Shirley and almost hit the two people 142 Broad St., charged Sunday raising drive in Bolton topped its goal Potter and Barbara Nicholson. at 4 p ^ . When the pedestrians morning with breach of peace, of $1,200, said Mr. and Mrs. John Businesses solicitors were Paul shouted at the driver, a a ftu a disturbance at a Main Sheets, cochairmen. Brown, Sam Teller, Ed Delsignore, Emergencies stop passenger identified as Arenas St.% vem. Court date is June To date $1,300 has been collected Ed Zakowski and Phillip Daly. got out of his car and struck the 2 1 . and money is still coming in. Alison Boisoneau was in charge of hood of a Rockville man’s car, • David P. Giovann, 20, of Area captains for door-to-door special events. Memorial Day parade police said. 127A Downey Dr., charged ear­ solicitation were Pat Dooley, Dot In the past year, the cancer fund ly today with driving while un­ Franz, Jackie Cassidy, Judy Miner, aided nearly 15 families in Bolton der the influence of liquor, on through counseling. East Hartford Sandy Russell, Helen Smith, 'The town’s fire fighters and rescue Other arrests made or sum­ Downey Or. Court date is June The town’s emergency vehicle men were also called Monday mor­ monses issued by Manchester 15. scattered Memorial Day parade ning to the Connecticut River to aid Police included: • Several motorists, issued marchers Monday morning in order in the search for a Hartford boy who • William K. Mahoney, 16, of summonses over the weekend Pageant is Wednesday to answer an alarm. had fallen in the river and drowned 63 Bissell St., charged Monday for a variety of traffic Soon after the parade reformed, just south of the Founders Bridge. night with breach of peace, violations, most of them in­ Andover Carter’s Grade 4 class. the fire department's rescue vehicle, Also aiding in the search for Clif­ volving stop signs and red The school’s new piano will be after a disturbance at Main and Our Country Tls Of Thee will be which was in the parade itself, pulled ford Gallagher, 11, were the Tolland l i g h t s . ____ dedicated in memory of Mrs. Percy School Sts. Court date is June presented Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at out of the line of march to answer a County Divers Association, and fire Cook. 21. Police said there were just the Andover Elementary School up­ call. fighters from Manchester, South A painting depicting • Rafael D. Trujillo, 18, of 86 half a dozen accidents in per level parking lot. The rescue vehicle was heading up Windsor and other area towns. Rochamteau’s march through An­ Bissell St., charged with Manchester, over the Memorial Every student will be in the the parade line to Hillside St. where a The strong river current and dover will be presented to the school. breach of peace and third- Day Weekend. All resulted in Bicentennial program. spectator had fallen victim' to heat murky waters frustrated the search Uncle Sam is expected to attend. degree criminal mischief, and minor damages to the vehicjps A handmade flag will be prostration. for the boy’s body. Rain date is June 3. Dale F. Judd, 20, of 43 Wood- and no injuries were reported, presented to the school by Linda bridge St., charged with breach police said. Soccer practice tonight Bloodmobile volunteers Bolton to get training program VERNON made following the Investigation of a 10, home against Somers; June 15, May 13 burglary at the U. S. Soccer practice for all boys in the home against Manchester; June 17, George W. Jacques, 33, of 19 Mid­ A joint training program for by the blood center nursing SibHam Envelope Co., W. Main St., Hnu) nniha uiaro mnrlo soccer program is home against Mansfield; June 22 at dle Butcher Rd., Ellington, was blood program volunteers from Umh please, Rockville. H O W quuis were maae tonight and Thursday at 6:30 at Enfield; June 24, home against staff. arrested Saturday on a warrant the Manchester and Nathan 2 cans Jacques is accused of taking office Mrs. Joel Hoffman of 58 Notch Rd„ Bolton shows her son David High School’s field. Lebanon; June 29, home against En­ At these meetings, new issued by Common Pleas Court Hale Branches of the Red procedures will be explained per customer charging him with third-degree equipment valued at about $200. He how colonials made quilts during Colonial Days held at the iJ t V u X field. (Herald photo by Pinto) ^ l j S 9 Cross will be Wednesday from and new equipment burglary, third-degree larceny and was released on a $500 non-surety The home field is at BHS. All home 3 lb. bond for appearance in Common Bolton Elementary School. (Herald photo by Pinto) open the season next Tuesday, June 8 games begin at 6 p.m. 9:15 a.m. to noon at Concordia demonstrated. Mrs. Sweet said Great value (or third-degree criminal mischief. in Lebanon. Lutheran Church, 40 Pitkin St. it is imperative that all blood­ can Vernon Police said the arrest was Pleas Court 19, Rockville, June 23. Ray Lima of 25 Llynwood Dr. is the Gets governor's plaque your budget The rest of the schedule is: June team’s coach. Blood banking has become a mobile volunteers attend and Marianne Freschlin shows her plaque proudly which she complex scientific field, and all be certified in their particular received from Gov. Grasso. Marianne, a Unit B student at blood banks throughout the area of service. Nepco or Armour Star Zip Top c«nn*o Rockville ^ Manchester Green School, was a state winner in the United United States must be licensed Anyone interested in working Council to meet tonight Hospital notes ' States Environmental Protection Agency’s Elementary Educa­ by the Food and Drug Ad­ on the bloodmobile program is Sprenkel to get sendoff tion Ecology Poem and Poster Program. Others whose entries ministration, said Mrs. Elaine invited. Volunteers are needed. Vernon M. Sweet, director of thd The Manchester Red Cross Eresh Southern the former county home; the April of Transportation-Bolton Rd.-I-86 Discharged Friday: John Aberle, were submitted as best in their classes were Tracy Mozzer, A public hearing is tonight at 7:30 expenditure and revenue reports; the widening project. Mountain St.. Rockville; Alex Manchester Red Cross office. office will try to arrange South Windsor in South Windsor who have worked Tanya Gambala and Michael Moses. A certificate was awarded in the Memorial Building to consider Housing Code Inspector’s monthly Under new business the council Caravella,„Jlartl Dr., Vernon; Bonnie with Terry over the years to wish Certification courses are transportation for those who Former Mayor John Egan will a resolution of the Town Council to report; a summary of the regional will discuss: The proposed sale of McMillan, Griffin Rd., South Windsor; him well in his new position in Ames, to Unit B for its participation in the program. being planned and conducted need it. Mrs. Norma MarchesanI and daughter, serve as toastmaster for “A Night 9 appropriate $30,000 to the public meeting held in May. land in the Vernon Industrial Park; a (Iowa) and to thank him for his com e a d i e s ' l Hartford Tpke., Rockville. With Terry,” a testimonial dinner to works account from the Town Aid The council will also review: a resolution empowering the mayor to tributions to the town,” said Admitted Saturday: Mary Ellen honor Terry Sprenkel, the town’s Funds. letter from the League of Women receive federal and state monies;.a Burnham. £hicojne. Spring St., Rockville; Robert manager for the past 14 years. Immediately following the hearing Voters concerning the resource sur­ resoiution appropriating funds for A reception will begin at 6:30 p.m. Dzat, Anthony Rd., Tolland; Jeffery The dinner will be June 18 at About town a special town meeting will be con­ vey the league made; a letter from the Bicenntenial Commission; a Grous, Mountain St., Rockville; Sabas- followed by dinner at 7:45 p.m. and ducted to act on the appropriation. request for some budget transfers; Fiano’s Restaurant in Bolton. Tumblers the Commission on Human R i^ts tian Lombardo, Old Post Rd., Tolland; dancing until 2 a.m. to the music of During the regular meeting of the and Opportunities on the town’s Af­ giving its authorization to ap­ Christine Mealy. Dogwood Lane, South Dexter Burnham, chairman of the Johnny Prytko. JUN E RBfU C SALE event, said ticket sales are going council Town Attorney Martin Burke firmative Action Program; and a propriate funds from the Capital and Windsor; Mary Ellen Morlarty, Tracy Tickets are available from com­ Zion Evangelical Mix or Match well, will discuss the request of the letter from the Board of Education Non-recurring Fund for construction Dr., Vernon; Joseph Mulvey, Terrace mittee members. Lutheran Church will have Tolland County Agricultural Center concerning a work-study grant. of a cuivert on Regan Rd; settlement Dr., Rockville. “This is the opportunity for people an adult Bible study Deluxe Heavy Bottom Glass to have the town turn over to it a of a tax lien; a proposed ordinance Discharged Saturday: Charles Bass, -t Wednesday at 10 a.m. at sportswear novoltiQS 12 ounce beverage / 6'/^ ounce beverage / 5 ounce juice glass small parcel of land it feels it right­ Sewer user charge concerning prohibiting loitering in a Mile Hill Rd.. Tolland; Beth Belanger, the church. fully owns. Brandy Hill Rd., Vernon; Barbara Blais, Select from the largest assortment i unbleached m uslin Councilman Peter Humphry will public place; and a request for a tax Lake Rd., Tolland; Colleen of sportswear fabrics anywhere! ^ The matter has been under discus­ bring the council up-to-date on the refund. Coolbrith, Hany Lane, Vernon; Mark Geriatrics talks begin The study group of North , sion for more than a year. TAC of­ sewer user charge for out-of-town Following the council meeting the Dickey, Union St., Rockville; Teresa United Methodist Church Great for everything from ethnic , Polyesters, Acetates, Cottons & blends★ btoutes to curtains 100% cotton, ficials feel the parcel was meant to users to which the town of Ellington council will reconvene as the Sewer DeMauro, Oak St., Rockville; Robert South Windsor Manchester Community College's will meet tonight at 7;30 at be included in a deed filed in 1957. has strongly objected. Authority to: Discuss the extension Ingersoll, Brian Rd., South Windsor; geriatrics program. the church. ^^achlne wash 38 " wide The South Windsor Community Machine wash - Tumble dry ^ The council will also hear reports The council will be asked to of sewers on Jonathan Dr and Haylin Medos Palshaw, Pinney St., Ellington; I$t1xioon If Service Council will present a Besides lecturing in the state, regularly ,69 A YARD on; The proposal of the VFW to lease authorize Mayor Thomas Benoit to Dr. and also sewer assessment Patricia Ward, High Manor Park, Ver­ Dickstein is also consultant to a Jehovah’s Witnesses will 45” wide Stop 4 Shop non; Brian Werne, Glenn Dr., Tolland. program on geriatrics beginning 1 lb. package sign an easement for the Department adjustments. number of hospitals and nursing have a theocratic school 1 pound can Births Saturday: A daughter to Mr. and tonight at 7:30 p.m. at St. Peter’s and service meeting sliced Mrs. Bruce Smith, Linden Place, Church on Sand Hill Rd. ' homes here and in Rhode Island. 271 Orp. R«g or Eltc. Ptrk M ^ 260| The program is open to the public. tonight at 7:30 at Kingdom Coodfwe* JwnelSji j,#*^ 1 l a I o»« ph| Good J Set cutl^ner Rockville; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Guest speaker for the program is Hall. Joseph Niewinski, Orchard St., Howard Dickstein, current coor­ A question and answer period will Home tour is Sept. 19 Rockville. follow the talk and refreshments will 'YARD dinator and instructor for the Admitted Sunday: Joan Rider, be served. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church will have a service With this coupon and a $7 SO purchaM. g With (hit coupon and a $7 50 purchtM. Coventry The Nathan Hale Homestead and V/eaving and quilting will be shown Prospect St., Rockville; Linda Scott, E. of Holy Communion the Coventry Historical Building on at the Coventry Historical Building. Main St., Rockville. The Coventry Beautification Com­ Discharged Sunday: Mrs. Dianne Wednesday at 10 a.m. at South St. are also on the tour. A former teacher at the brick ls^lairge( 5 Ib.si mittee has scheduled its "Tour of Berry and son. Vernwood Dr., Vernon; The one room brick school nouse on school will speak at the school. the church. Homes, Old and New” for Sunday, Joseph Mulvey, Terrace Dr., Rockville; Grant forms committee 1 Dozen Stop & Shop Sept. 19 from noon to 6 p.m. Merrow Rd. and the Caprilands Herb Refreshments will be at both the Mary Peril, Franklin St., Rockville; summer prints 'n solids Manchester Grange will U.S. Grade "A’ Presale tickets are lower and can Farm run by Adelma Simmons on First and Second Congregational Theresa Riddle, White St.. Rockville. ' 5 pound bag mat for the town Bicentennial issue. meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. ^262 Silver St. are included also. Churches. Birth Sunday; A son to Mr. and Mrs. Hebron HUGE SELECTION OF BETTER FABRICS! be bought from Arlene Paquette, The committees will meet in July at Grange Hall. GoodTwfl Jun«|$jt J«nt$ L, (T S- With this coupon With iN s coupon of American Red Cross will be this mobile nurses at the First Federal Gun Club will meet at 7:30 Mrs. Armand Affricano of Folly week. Community room at 9:30 a.m. This fS tonight at Holmes Funeral Lane; Mr. and Mrs. George Dolleris SavelS' ^i| Save4\ lio>4l Vernon al 6 al The qualifications are as Ml.Nelio and M L(. fare» Soelel> for W L Pet GB follows: Applicant must be Saving** al Sl.TboniUA at llie ^ame Phila. 30 11 .732 — eighteen years of age, must be & Son doubles champs iioiir. I’llts 25 19 568 6>i a resident of the Town of An­ B D PEARL leHlerday, Paul IMarido and .New York 24 24 500 9'« dover, If foreign born must be Jim H lane hard of >!(!1 \IN s I iti;i; I L'L2 ITI manciikstkr dead against Boston at Fenway Park. Greg Lareau combined to win the No. 1 singles player on the MaMnaeliimelln J(. nlant al Hid Admission of Electors track coach at Bennet and Jack Holik w L Pet GB group of young people at Whiton Memorial Library. Dispiayed on the table are some of the Manager has injected Class M Division doubles title while topped Mai McLaughlin (,ruRA. Plueido weni one for three is the MHS varsity football mentor. — new life into the Yanks and the and llluehanl doubled an a pineh* Cin 28 17 622 many corn husk dolls she has made. Mrs. Lupoletti is a member of the auxiliary of the Armstrong and Frost are assigned to junior teammate Mark Briggs made ,5"*' LA 28 19 596 overall team speed is a thing of beau­ it to the finals only to be upended Ruotolo of hitler. 1 Nathan Hale Fife and Drum Corps, whose members give various coloniai type the high school Blanchette to Bennet San Diego ty to watch as thousands saw at Visgilio and Lareau advanced Ibgli Inok home the laurels Moriarty*H dropped their fir«t 24 21 533 4 and Holik to Illing...Rich Evans Houston 27 demonstrations to schoois and Community groups. (Herald photo by Pinto) Fenway last night and millions more through the semifinals with a hard- j* ® ''iotory. ".Mark didn t •*iart lai*! ueek Hliile it n ill In* tin 21 438 8'i copped the Spring Sizzler stock car San Fran 18 70 via teevee...As the broadcasting fought three-set victory over Brook badly, he just ran into a super opener tonight. 375 Ii<> feature race at Stafford Speedway Atlanta team of Warner Wolf, Bob Decker Baxter and Ray Buckman of New hitting winners, Red- 16 30 348 12'i yesterday before 7,000 fans. Geoff and never umpired a Milford High. Scores were 7-5, 4-6. 6- '’i®™ noted Masons to begin observance i \ game one statement made last night Bodine and Jtay Hendricks followed 1 Briggs and the Visgilio-Lareau Homer record heeds a little clarification concerning Evans hom'e...Little Don Davidson, tandem qualified for the State Open St Louis at Montreal 2. fired by the , has TOKYO (UI’Ii — Former major ppd a half swing. The plate umpire needs The Eagle duo dropped the first Meet June 11-12 at Yale University in leaguer Clarence .lones posted a help on occcasion on this particular hooked on with the as five games in the finals against Chris New Haven. This was the first year New York 13-1. Pittsburgh publicity director...Charlie Duggan Japanese protcssional 2-2 of 150th anniversary tonight type pitch because he could be Johnston and Bill Redlund of Far- the scholastic tennis tournament was record for foreign players .Monday blocked out. It's the hardest pitch for won the 6'A mile road race in Granby mington High before coming back to divided into divisions, Chicago 71. Phila 5-4 ) with John Vitale second. Both are when he slammed the 2()6th homer ol San Diego 10, Atlanta 7 Manchester Lodge of Masons will form. Both groups are directed'by the Old State House in Hartford at a plate ump to call. Thus, if there is take the next four. But the Far- The girls' tournament begins play ills career, in Japan open ilS^lSOth anniversary celebra­ James W. McKay, organist of the any question, with a four-man um­ expected to take part in the mington pan; took the 10th game and Wednesday at Hall High in West Cincinnati 4. Houston 2 7:30 p.m., followed by a tour for Manchester Relays June 26-27...Jeff The ,34-year-

PAOIB TEW^ MANCHE8TKII gW flKQ HBBALD. MMdmU>. Ooim.. Tut.'. Jum 1. M MN?HKSIER..EVENiNG H ^A L D ,^^ Conn , Tuej.. June 1. 1976 - PAGE ELEVEN f LeaQue ^Nicklaus wiiis Linie ^Leaders-^ . , . Leagu Tee to green on hoUday weekend ] BrUxU bootcrs trium ph - •• .. ______. __ * • ...... w-i m. . rrnufHcrowd nf of M 38,096, ftOA whirh which In. in­ _i _ ...... Batting the accolades c INTERNATIONAL Ellington Ridge -M ary Kearney 46-18-28; BEST 12 - Class A —John Kristof-Hilda NEW NAVEN close a gash in his left cluded Secretary of State , as it did against National League i Winning a slugfest. Kickers —71, 76. Kristof 65, Harry Atherton- knee. Lula o( Brazil was BACK NINE-A-Steve -D ick Smith 444-40, Serge (U P I)-G il, Roberto, Henry Kissinger. The fans E^ngland at Yankee Dairy Queen remained un­ CROSS - A —Steve TaiP Agnes Atherton 66, Elnar sent off at the end of the DUBLIN, Ohio (UPI) — Roger Maltbie won the 340,000 Tantille 36-2-34; B - Erich Sartori 42-2-40, Len Hor­ and . Mark down stadium last Friday, fell AB H Pet beaten with a 24-19 duke tillo 73; B -M ilt Stein 80, Lorentzen-Evelyn had come to watch an first half for striking an op­ first-place money, but Jack Nicklaus won the accolades Kellner 39-6-33, Tern vath 42-2-40, Steve Matava apart in the second half McBride, $t.L 114 41 .360 over the Lawyers at Leber A1 Kemp 80, Walt Farley L orentzen 66, M arsh these names; you'll exhibition of the best in ponent and Italy's Roberto for the inaugural 3200,000 Memorial Tournament at Mulr- Schiller 39-5-34; C - Will 43-3-40; Class B —Pete Crawford, St.L 121 43 .336 Field. Brian Galligan had a 80, Rhodes Farmham 80; C Warren-Marilyn Warren hear a lot more of soccer — the teams have Bettega and Franco Causio fieid Village. Reberto 37-7-30, Dave Foster 47-7-40, Dick Bar- won five of 10 world cups Play today Griffey, Cln 162 56 .346 Nicklaus designed and Don Bles, who finished homer and single, Steve —Bill Meagher 80, Ron 67, Ed Shaw-Janet Shaw 67, them between now and followed him to the Prentiss 40-7-33; D— Walt ningham 44-5-39, Mike between them — but in­ Rose, Cin 182 62. .341 built the par-72, 7,07^yard third and won 314,200, was Shrider four hits and Jeff Clisham 82; D —Harry Lomba 48-7-41, Bill Skinner Bill Green-Lynn Prior 67, showers in the second half Manchester High's girls' Davenport 42-16-32, John the 1978 World Cup stead they saw a display softball team has a State Foster, Cin 159 34 .340 course and came up with even more lavish In his Chmielewski four bingles Weinstein 83 , Dick 48-7-41, Dick SchotU 48-7- Ted Plodzik-Eileen Plodzik soccer finals. . the Johnston, Phi 105 35 .333 praise of the tournament. for 7-0 Dairy Queen. Jim Monacella 43-1.1-32; McNamara 86; Net —A 67 off bad temper, petulance Italian defender who Tournament test today at the idea of having the tour­ Kickers — 71,73; G o ^ t to 41, C.D. McCarthy 48-7-41, All three scored — Gil Rader, SD 133 44 .331 “I don't think going up Florence and Gary Hurley -Steve Tantillo 73-3-70; B Be s t 16 - a - Ted and bad sportmanship. started the rough stuff ear­ 3:15 at Fitzgerald Field nament honor past golfing pin — Ed Keating 8-feet, 8- Bob Genovesl 47-8 -41; twice — Monday as Brazil Boone, Phil 113 37 .327 the 18th at the Masters was each had two hits and -W alt Farley 80-11-89, Backiel 60-7-53, John Wilks Instead of kicking the ly in the match, and against Stamford High greats. inches. Gass C —John Mattem 48- came from behind to Parker, Pit 110 36 .327 as impressive as here,” Laurent Jean homered and Erich Kellner 80-11-69; C 63-7-56; B - Bob Jones 67- ball, players on both sides Brazil's Orlando received The Indians were ranked This year the late Bobby CROSS - A—Steve Tan- 9-39, Herm Dvorak 49-9-40, defeat Italy 4-1 to win the Milner, NY 107 35 .327 Jones was honored and said Bies. “Boy, it was sin g le d fo r th e 1-5 -B ill Meagher 80-12-68, 14-53, Wes Day 65-12-53, kicked each other. cautions from referee Ruiz ninth in the Class L Divi­ tillo 76, Jeff Sanborn 79; B Malcolm LaFrancis 49-8- American Bicentennial Fabio Capelio, who put next year it will be Walter really impressive coming Lawyers. Ron Gisham 82-13-69; D Bill Skinner 67-13-54, Ber- Barreto of Uruguay sion with an 11-4 record — John Harrigan 78; C — 41, Frank'Roberts 53-12-41; soccer cup. Italy ahead with a headed American League Hagen. in there.” —Jack Channin 86-22-64, nie Banavige 68-12-56, Ray Brazil's goals came in while Stamford comes in NATIONAL Will Roberto 78, Tony Closest to pin —John Brazil has not yet found a goal after only 65 seconds, AB H Pet A gallery of about 20,000 . Maltbie, who birdied the Harry Fogel 94-24-70, Dick Gordon 68-11-57, Pete Teets the 28th, 53rd, 71sl and 72nd ranked 24th with an 8-6 Two seven-run frames Roberto 80; D — John Mattem 5-feet, 6-inches; true successor to Pele, now was carried from the field Le Flpre, Det 144 55 .382 circled the amphitheater- 18th hole to defeat Irwin in McNamara 86-16-70. 69-12-57, Barbara Davis 68- minutes. ledger The winner plays powered Nichols Tire to a Monacella 83, Ray Jansen Low gross —Serge Sartori with the New York and needed 10 stitches to Wednesday Lynn, Bos 121 42 .347 type 18th green and the playoff, sald^ it was BETTER NINE - A 11-57; C - Fred Tracy 69- 17-4 verdict over the 85. 72; Blind bogey —Charlie 19-50, Herm Dvorak 69-18- Cosmos, but in these three Brett, KC 171 59 .345 cheered Nicklaus as he ‘‘just a great tournament." —Robby Davidson 36-3-33; Whelan 100. Medics at Buckley Field. FLAG TOURNEY - 1. 51, Nels Shenning 77-25-52, young men it has three Bostock, Min 123 42 .341 finished his final round He got a four-over-par 76 B —Russ Ferrigno 39-6-33, SWEEPS - Class A Todd Sloan, Dean Cook and ' John Monacello, 2. Will Frank Roberts 78-23-54; world class players. Carty, Qe 143 48 .336 Sunday, even though he and Irwin carded a 3- Hugh Clark 39-6-33, Walter —Gross—Bill King 69; Net Mike Dion each had a pair Roberto, 3. Tony Roberto. low gross - Ted Backiel 70; Add the experience and Patek, KC 130 43 .331 was out of contention for under-par 69 to set up the Farley 39-6-33 , Erich -Serge Sartori 72-4-68, Try The Fastest Growing of safeties and George CRIERS - A -Jerry blind bogey - Jack midfield skill of Roberto McRae, KC 159 51 .321 the title. playoff. Kellner 39S-33; C -B ill Steve Matava 75-5-70; Hanlon homered and Salad 67-7-60; B -B o b McCallum 103. Rivelino and you can ap­ Sport In American Today — Dent, Chi 150 48 .320 Hale Irwin, who lost to Meagher 37-6-31, Bill Class B —Gross —Bill singled for Nichols. Brad Zalman 67-11-56, Robert PRO SWEEPS-A Gross preciate why manager Beianger, Bai 146 46 .315 Maltbie on the fourth hole Marsh 39-8-31; D —Harry Ogden 79; Net —Dave Parliman and William Robinson 68-10-58, Erich — Ted Backiel 70, Woody Oswaldo Brandao is happy Hargrove, Tx 146 46 .315 of a playoff, praised Fogel 43-12-31, Mike Taub F raser 78-10-68, Pete Masse each had two hits Kellner 69-11-58, Babe Clark 73; net - Carroll Mad­ with the way his team per­ Nicklaus and the tourna­ 44-12-32, Don Wiley 46-14- Taylor 83-14-69; Gass C Home Runs and Rich Ardian belted a Salad 67-9-58, Paul dox 74-0^, Sher Ferguson formed in the United ment highly. 32, Harry Weinstein 40-8- —Gross —Dick Hassett 90; National League; roundtripper for the Peracchio 67-9-58; C—Will States. Softball 32, Jack Channin 43-11-32; Net -E d Shaw 87-15-72. 73-4-69; B — Dave Fraser Kingman, NY 17; Schmidt, ‘‘Ja c k has m ade a ^ Medics. The winners pulled Roberto 66-13-53, Tony 77, Frank Butkus 82. Bill "Brandao has done a Kickers —80, 74. BEST 15-Class A -Jim ARCHERY magnificent effort here,” off a tripleplay. Roberto 55, D —John tremendous job in Phil 15; Monday, Chi 10; TWO BALL BEST Ogden 72; Wes Day 79-12- said Irwin, the former U.S. Monacello 71-21-50, Paul M oriarty 55-7-48, Tom rebuilding our side since Archery Is Fun For The Whole Family, Foste, Cin 9; Cey, LA and BALL - Walter Krefetz- 67, Bemie Banavige Smith, St. L 8. Open champion, who Masley 83-32-51. Zemke 57-8-49; Class B our defeat in West Ger­ STATE LEAGUE Jack Channin 28-29-57, Paul 81-12-69; C - Ed Shaw 86, Target or Hunting Stylal collected 322,800 for his -John Wilson 57-13-44, Vic many in 1974. and I think (UPI Photo) American League; Splitting two Illing baseball FRONT NINE - A Masley-Bill Marsh 31-29-60, Bob Lachapelle 88-18-70. second-place finish. —Dave McGonigle 38-3-35, Daley 64-12-52, Frank our young players have Yastrzemski, Bos, Hen­ Fitzgerald Field With Steve Pyka's Russ Ferrigno-Dick Hanks EVEN HOLELS - A - Jerry Salad 39-4-35; B Lipinski 62-10-52, Dan now got enough experience Carl Wallenda perform^^U specialty at Veteran Stadium drick, Clev, Otis, KC, Ford, "We play in a lot of first VRogner's, bowing 15-3 and pitching and hitting 28-33-61, Lester Baum-Al Agnes Romayko 4310-33, SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY LESSONS- —Bob Zaiman 39-6-33, Babe Morline 66-14-52; Gass C for us to do well in Argen­ Minn and Burroughs, Tex 8. time tournaments and for a winning 15-8 against Kane showing the way, Illing Kemp 30-32-62. Edna Hilinski 47-9-38; B - 1 Hour 01 Intlrucllon And Rtcrtallonal Salad 38-5-33, Paul —Paul Boris 76-24-52, Joe tina in two years time."’ first time tournament none Construction of Seymour. Junior High's baseball NET - A —Rene Moser Bundi Tyler 47-13-34, Karen Shooting. Reg. Value $8.00 : P^i^ie fans were treated to 600 foot walk 150 feet above playing field Runs Batted In Peracchio 38-5-33, John Rogers 70-17-53; Low gross Rivelino said. came even come close to In the opener, Dave team thumped Kosciusko 85-16S9; B -E llie Wineze Parciak 48-13-35, Cora OFF SEASON SPECIAL National League; Foster, Harrigan 37-4-33; C—Tony —Jim Moriarty 72; Blind Brazil's defense was this one. If they didn’t Viara had two hits for the of Enfield. 7-4, at the 97-29S9; C -E llie Marsh Anderson 47-12-35, Jen Includes uee of equipment; a Cin 42; TClngman, NY 38; Roberto 38-7-31, Irv Ert- bogey —Tom Wall 77. suspect, as it usually is. but change a thing it would Packers. Bob Kowalski Rams' field. Pyka 10fta‘U>74 Schotta 48-13-35' For Ra»«fvallon» Call 6460443. Schmidt,. Phil 37; Monday, man 40-7-33, Tom SWEEPS - Gross with luck and some inept have to be one of the great had three safeties and Rich homered and singled twice BLIND N IN E-A -Rene FOUR BALI. - Barra, Chi and Winfield, SD 33. M cCusker 39-6-33; D —Erwin Kennedy 75, Net Italian finishing, it held tournaments we play in. Riordan and Kent Smith to lead a seven-hit attack Moser 85-16S9; B -E llie Parciak, Hunt, Carnella 84- American League; —John Monacello 40-11-29, -Tom Wall 77-8-69. firm Monday. But it is going to get better. each had a . pair in the while striking out eight. Wineze 48-15-33; C -E llie MIXED SCOTCH 26-58, Hillinski-LaPolt, Indoor Archery Range Burroughs, Tex 37; Munson, Gino Evangelista 40-10-30. Brazil's four goals, all HALL’S ARROW I don’t know how, but it nightcap Riordan and Dave White contributed a Marsh 55-17-38, Mary Shea, Anderson 90-29-61, NY 35; Rudi, Oak 32; GROSS - A -Rene BALL - Gross -B ill King- Hours: Mon.-FrI. 1 to 10 p.m.; Saturday 10 s.m. to 6 p.m. will.” Smith each homered. Kearney 56-18-38; Better Perry Schotta, Crockett, text-book gems, saved the Medich will take victory Chambliss, NY 31; Otis, KC double for 4-5 Illing. Joan King 72, Stan Hilinski- 291 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE, MANCHESTER Moser 81; B —Claire Nine —A —Wendy Ehrlich Freeman 90-26-164. day for the Yale Bowl 30. Keating 92; C —Irm a Edna Hilinski 79; Net 37-5-32, B -E llie Wineze NEW YORK (UPI) in from reserve in- shutout with two out in cond to provide the Podolny 104, Ellie Marsh 48-15-33, Doris Beller 46-13- — It wasn’t as fielders Mike Phillips the ninth inning when margin of victory off 104; Flag winners — Pitching wjuic. jHtsssmwe.: 33, Gail Sokolov 48-15-33; C satisfying as beating and Wayne Garrett to catcher Ron Hodges Rebecca Rubin, 2, Rene Met starter and loser -E llie Marsh 50-17-33; Most Victories y Moser, 3. Ellie Marsh. the New York back the five-hit hit a home run. Bob Apodaca. Scholastic standings Kickers —79, 78. National League; -Jones CRIERS - A —Rene Yankees but George pitching of Jon ‘Tve had good stuff SCOTCH BALL - Back Phillips, subbing for SD 10-2; Lonborg, Phil 8-0; Moser 68-16-52; B —Rebec­ Matlack in posting a every time out this Nine —Gross —Fred "Doc” Medich wiil Hough, LA 6-0; Koosman, ca Rubin 80-27-53; C—Ellie injured shortstop Bud Meurant-Gloria Meurant take the victory just 13-2 victory in the year,” said Medich, NY, Christenson, Phil and Baaehall Marsh 89-34-55. Harrelson, lofted a St. Paul 7 5 9 9 42; Net —Fred-G loria the same. opener. who evened his record Rooker, Pitt 6-1; Fryman, CCIL BACK NINE - A -R ene Aquinas 6 6 8 10 Meurant 30 W, Saul Rubin- at 4-4. ‘Tve only hurt sacrifice fly in the se­ Mil 6-2; Montefusco, SF 6-3. W L Moser 41-8-33; B —Claire Medich, who toiled “If it were the South Catholic 5 7 8 10 Barbara Richmond 32, cond inning of the first American League; Slaton, C o n ^ 15 3 Keating 47-13-34, Gail for the Yankees at Yankees it would be myself once in a Mil 7-1; Tanana, Cal 7-3; EAST CATHOLIC 5 7 8 10 John Harrigan-Lil Hunter game and then chased Fermi 12 6 Sokolov 49-15-34, Rebecca Shea Stadium last different because I game, when I didn’t St. Bernard 5 7 6 12 32; Front Nine —Gross Tiant, Bos 6-3; Palmer, Wethersfield 12 6 Rubin 48-14-34; C —Irma Jerry Reuss, now 5-4, Balt, Hunter, NY and NWest Catholic 4 8 9 9 —Joel Sokolov-Mona Kemp year before being have a lot of friends on field a grounder and it Windham 11 7 Podolny 51-16-35; Front with a two-run single Torrez, Oak 6-5. 38, Frank Vignati-Diane dealt to Pittsburgh that ball club,’’ cost me four runs. I MANCHESTER 10 8 COC Nine —A —Rene Moser 40- in a six-run fourth in­ Kearns 38; Net —Joel during the off-season, explained Medich. don’t think anybody Enfield 8-32; B —Rebecca Rubin 9 9 W L Sokolov-Mona Kemp 28V4, ning. Penney 7 11 45-14-31; C -E llie Marsh tossed a five-hitter at "But against the Mets likes to be a .500 Cromwell 15 3 Frank Vignati-Diane Simsbury 51-17-34; Closest to pin the in it’s almost another pitcher but it could be Garrett, playing se­ National League; Seaver, 6 12 COVENTRY 14 4 Kearns 32, Bill Peck-Doris ball game. But I like worse.” NY 70; Richard, Hou 57; East Hartford 5 13 B. Academy 11 7 —Marci Masley 10-feet, 3- his return to Shea cond in place of Hall inches; Kickers—77, 71. Beller 33W, Jeff Sanborn- Monday to give the coming back to New Dave Parker lashed Montefusco, SF 56; Niekro, 3 15 Rocky Hill 10 8 Judy Tartaglia 33Vk. sidelined Felix Millan, Atl 54; Lolich, NY 52. Vinal Tech 10 8 .NET - A —Brian Smith Pirates a 2-1 victory York. It’s a good place a run-scoring single to singled home two runs American League; Portland 10 8 74-9-65, Robby Davidson 72- over New York and a and a good time to see get Pittsburgh on the in the fourth inning Tanana, Cal 94; Ryan, Cal HCC East Hampton 8 10 5-67; B —Irv Ertman 78-14- Country Club split of a all my old friends.” board in the first and and one more against 85; Blyleven, Minn 73; O'all BOLTON 7 11 64, Frank Vignati 83-13 70, ,36-HOLE FOUR BALL . Medich struck out Duffy Dyer clouted his Hunter, NY 57; Gossage, w 1 w 1 CHENEY TECH 4 14 Russ Ferrigno 81-11-70; C - Net —Bill King-Larry reliever Ramon Her­ Chi 56. Xayier 10 2 13 5 RHAM 1 17 —John Cagianello 83-20-63, Gazza-Rudy Pierro-Bill The Mets got a com­ eight and walked two second home run of nandez in a five-run Tom Heslin 85-20-65; D Masi 110, Bill Ogden-Dick bined six runs batted but lost his bid for a the season in the se- fifth. —Alan Pasternack 88-24-64. Schotta-Paul Hunt-Stan BLIND NINE - A -A1 Prachniak 112, Ed Wilkos- Kemp 35-5-30; B -P e te Bill Skinner-Bob Naktenis 39-7-32, Irv Ert­ Lachapelle-Bert Brown man 39-7-32; C —John 113, Steve Matava-Joe Cagianello 38-10-28, Frank Mazanec-Vic Nadaskay- Atlanta plays poorly Local We Custom Sheldon 38-8-30; D -S al Dick McMahon 113, Dave Musco 43-12-31; Better Fraser-Marsh Warren- softbalb Nine —A —Lou Scinta 32-4- Herm Dvorak-George 28, A1 Kemp 35-5-30, Robby Smith 114, Ted Backiel-Ed and fans to benefit T().MGHT'S GAMES Print Davidson 33-3-30; B —Ed Ansaldi-John Mattern- Vinner's vs. Fuller's, Corcoran 37-6-31, Dick Ralph Frank 116, Bill NEW YORK (UPI) Angeles, 7-1, in 12 innings, leading the Phils to their 6:30 —Fitzgerald James 38-6-32, Dave Pren­ Moran-Jack Moffat-Bob — Ted Turner, the in the other National second-game triumph. Printing vs. Crockett, tiss 39-7-32, Irv Ertman 39- Jones-Fred Tracey 116; Atlanta Braves’ flam­ League games. St. Louis at ReiU 4, AHlrua 2 7:30 —Fitzgerald 7-32; C —John Cagianello Gross —Woody Gark-Bill Montreal was rained out. hit his Lynrii s. Hogner's, Anything... 38- 10-28, Paul GuillmetteSander-Pete Taylor-Sonny boyant sportsman- 8:45 —Fitzgerald owner, is so eager for CiiliH 7-1, Pliillieit .5-4 ninth homer following a 39- 9-30; D —Alan Paster­Monaco 140, Sher Run-scoring singles by walk to and a SB.M vs. Glass, 6:15 CHOOSE FROM nack 43-12-31, Sal Musco 43- Ferguson-Bert Carlson-Eld a winner that he’s Mick Kelleher and winning triple by as the —Itulierlsun 12-31; Kickers-78, 71. Shaw-Alex Eigner 141, Len willing to let the fans pitcher Rick Reuschel Reds scored three runs in Gus's vs. Crispino's, NET - A —Doris Beller Horvath-John Wilson-Carl watch now and pay the fifth inning. Pat Darcy 7:30 —Robertson TANK-TOPS 96-25-71; B -E llie Wineze Engberg-Charlie Whelan later. went five innings to win his Vito's vs. Holiday 108-29-79; C -E llie Marsh 143; Second Day —Net National Lanes, 8:45 -Robertson 108-34-74; C riers - A —Frank Klernan-Bert Heartbroken when the second game while J. R. (iiinver vs. 72s, 6:15 W-BERRYS —Marci Masley 74-21-53; B Davis-Neil Conklin-Joe San Diego Padres rallied Richard was the loser. .League, —Nebo —Mona Kemp 89-28-61; C Lynch 57, Gross —Bill for a 10-7 victory over the Giuiils 7, Duilgers 1 Relliveaii vs. Turn- —Mary Kearney 82-35-47. Giguere-Wes Day-Savin Braves Monday night. IFOOTBALL LOOKS Bobby Murcer doubled in [like, 6:15 -N ike BETTER NINE - A Zavarella-Jack Baker 69; Turner announced over the gave the Cubs a 3-1 lead in two runs and Ken Reitz Mott's vs. Sportsman, -M arci Masley 43-11-32; B public address system at Closest to pin —Pete Mails the seventh and they added singled in two more as the 7:30 -.Nike TEE SHIItTS —Mona Kemp 50-14-36; C 4-feet, 2-inches. Atlanta Stadium that the three more in the eighth of Giants scored six runs in I'elepbone vs. Dean, 2,994 fans all would be ad­ the first game. Reuschel the 12th inning for their 6:15 —Keeney SHORT & LONG SLEEVE mitted free to Tuesday's picked up his fifth win and victory at Los Angeles. Cut \s. Moriarty, 7:30 game with their rainchecs. Dodger relief ace Mike Steve Carlton suffered his -N e b o too! "They will continue to second loss. Marshall was the victim of I.... pards vs. Bobcats, BOYS SIZES get in free as long as the pitched a six-hitter and hit the rally, yielding six hits 6:1.5 —Cbeney Tech “The Largest Selection Of Braves continue on their his first NL homer in and all six runs. losing streak,” Turner Tee Shirts East of the Rlverl" At CBT, loan interest rates are down. And Jet Banking Service is up. emphasized. "This offer is good until they win a OVER 25 COLORS & STYLES IN If you need to borrow, there are more reasons to borrow from CBT game.” , than any other bank. The Braves, who earlier STOCKI lost 13 games in a row, suf­ Low rates. Flie cost of money at CB T is down. Which means right now fered their fourth straight TEDTRUDON Navy, Yallow, Red, Gray, White, Blue Heather, This is the is one of the best times to take advantage of our low hank rates to buy the things loss Monday night when White-Navy Trim, White-Red Trim, Brown, etc. season for you need. the Padres scored six runs Y f VOLKSWAGEN^O^^^^/f White, Black, Green, Gold, Light Blue Lettera In in the eighth inning. The Stock... BLACK Fast response. Jet Banking means you can have your loan the same day Padres trailed, 7-4, going 6 4 6 - 1 7 1 2 Route 83. Tolland Turnpike, Talcottville 6 4 9 - 2 8 3 8 you apply for it. Just come in before noon and you can have cash in hand by 3 o’ckx k, into the eighth but reliever PRICES STARTING AT CARPENTER ANTS Adrian Devine walked 74 AUDI FOX In addition to being Easy way to repay. At CB’F, there’s no need to use a payment Ixiok if you Jerry Turner and Merv 2-Ooor, 4 speed, brown, 1974 AUDI FOX unsightly and unsanitary. don’t want to. Jet Banking can give you automatic deductions from yoi,r checking 1972 V.W. Black Ants excavate Rettenmund and shortstop excellent condition. 4-Door, standard, sun account. Of course, if you make payments in person', our Jet De|Josit Box will get Marty Perez let a routine roof, AM-FM. extensive galleries In wooi grounder go through for an to serve as nesting places you out of the bank fast. error that enabled a run to <4195 BEETLE and may cause extensive score, 72 VW BEETLE (EmpI quipped *4295 damage to your home. More places to get a loan. With 84 oflices all around the State, you’re not •ports cer) far from a low cost CBT loan right now. Ted Kubiak’s single and Green. AM Radio, 197B DASHER you’ve Luis Melendez' sacrifice Air Conditioning STATION WAGON changed fly produced two mo're Must be teen to be ap­ Red, air, AU-FM runs and then Dave Win­ » a i 9 5 preciated. Loaded with w rv e THE CONNECTICUT BANK field homered deep into the 74 AOOl loots many extras. *4595 changed left field stands. Rick REBAL Call AND TRUST COMPANY 2-Ooor, auto., power BLISS Folkers, who pitched the steering, air, sliver MEN’S SHOP 71 VW BEHLE ior a Pinenlive Hointeimnce prognm • last two innings, received metallic. Only 14,000 Automatic, Orange 'The Complete Men's Store' credit for the victory while miles. lyiax Leon was the loser. i r s OUR 36th...LErs CELEBRATE.. Philadelphia defeated *479S <2395 *1095 It's banking the way you want it. Chicago, 4-1, after a 7-5 1975 VW BEETLE 71 VW TRI.CITY PLAZA. VERNON 649-9240 defeat, Cincinnati beat 1975 VW BEETLE NS MAIN tTeter. MANCHCeTM louAi oefonniiHn ujiKN ' Yellow, 4-speed, 4-Speed, blue, AM radio, Sunroof Beetle, orange, MONDAY Hvu aATUROAY S:M la S:SO MONDAY thru FRIDAY 10:00 lo 0:00 Houston, 4-2, New York SATURDAY 10:00 lo S:30 MUM OfONTVMOAfi tOMI rMSTAUOS low mileage low, low mileage 4-3pd., AM radio. THUntOAV t:S0 to tM routed Pittsburgh, 13-2, • 3 1 9 5 IBUSS EXTERMINATOR COMPANlI and then bokved, 2-1, and > 3 2 9 5 • WE ACCEPT MASTER CHAROE AND SANK AMERICARD • The Oldest & Largest In Conn. San Francisco whipped Los *1995 1 -'.'..• .'.^• K • -■-~-iiHW^/7-' fTi7T'S?*^^T

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. bUnefiester. Conn T u e^Ju n e 1, 1976 - I'AGK THIRTEEN PAQ8 TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mancheiter, Conn., Tutt., June 1. IWt 'M H? . ------

INDEX Halp Wantad It Homaa For Sato. S3 Homan For Snia 23 Homaa For Sato 33 Nonett CLERK-TYPIST, ObItuariM Officials seek cause 1 - Loel’entf Pound BOLTON -131,100- AttracUve t — PereoneH experienced, with shorthand five-room Ranch, family B — AnnounoementB skills for a small busy office. room, fireplace, paneling, FOR SALE 4 —> Enlertelnmont Part-time in Manchester aluminum siding. Hutchins — J room Colonial: 4 bedrooms, 2 car garage, large John H. Noyes of garage-barn fire 5 — Auctions area. 646-4048. Agency. $46-3166. August B. Kamm Mrs. Charles R. Blakeslee lot, good locallon, thowa wall 834,800 TOLLAND — John H. Nwes, 7S, of PINANCIAk Hemtb VERNON — August B. Kamm, 78, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Blakeslee, 59, of • — Bonds-SlocNs-Morl0aoos HELP WANTED - full time SOUTH WINDSOR - Large --9 room Colonial: 5 bedrooms, I'A baths, IWng. <3 Indian Dr., died Sunday while The garage-barn was considered a • — Porsonoi Loons of 21 Court St. died Sunday at 66 Helalne Rd. died Sunday at home. Manchester Police and Eighth CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING dishwasher for days, apply in seven room Split on treed lot. dining, kitchan, sun parlor, closad-ln rear porch, vacationing in Derby,Vt. He was the totai loss. No cars were in the struc­ 0 — Insijfsnco person only, Tacorral, 246 fancsd rear yard, clean and neat 141,500 Rockville General Hospital. He was She was the wife of Charles R. District fire officials are still in­ Call owner. 289-5153. owner of the Midway Package Store the husband of Mrs. Esther Gustaf­ vestigating a Sunday morning fire ture at the time, but there was a IMPLOVMINT Broad Street. Manchester. B lak^ee. } - Hoip wsntod GRACIOUS Four oedroom — NEW 7 room RaiKh: 3 badroomt, llvirrg, dinirtg, in Tolland. He was the husband of son Kamm. which destroyed a barn-garage at 670 motorcycle in the lower level, of­ 4 — BusiAoss Opportuntuos kitchan and lamlty room with flraptaca and large patio Mrs. Lillian P. Noyes. M rr Blakeslee was bom in Hart­ 5 - Situstion Wamsd PHONE 643-2711 WANTED for bouse cleaning Colonial, center hall, formal Mr. Kamm was bom March 21, N. Main St. ficials said. and ironing, two or three dining room, living room with deck. Aluminum atqrm a tcraana, walk-oul batamanL ford and was employed as a legal 2 car gtraaa. 355,500 Noyes was a member of Fayette 1898 in Glastonbury and had lived in Fire fighters said the fire, reported Fire fighters said a variety of IDUCATION FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD times weekly. Own transpor- fireplace, new kitchen with Lodge of Masons In Ellington, the secretary at Howard, Cohn, Sprague 1 — Privsto Instructions Rockville for five years. He had lived at 4:53 a.m.^ appeared to be of flammable liquids stored inside the ■ — ScFtooif-Cisssss Ution. Call 6498296 microwave oven, trash com­ and FitzGerald of Hartford. 9 — instrucuont Wsntod pactor. etc. paneled rec room, OTHER NEW HOMES BEING BUILT IN Scottish Rites bodies of Masonry, the for many years in Rhode Island suspicious origin. garage fueled the fire, creating a TOWN OF MANCHESTER Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Sphinx Tem­ Other survivors are her mother, RIAL IBTATI EXPERIENCED legal beautifullv treed lot 646.1189 MANCHESTER AND BOLTON. where he was a flower distributor. liie blaze raged for half an hour un­ fast-burning, intense blaze. secretary, with excellent ple, and Sphinx Omar Shrine Gub. Mrs. Mary M. Jackson of East Hart­ ■ — Homos lor SsHi AOVERnSINR ADVERTISING ______I______Other survivors are 3 sons, Donald Forts Mercer (N.J.) and til it was brought under control by No one was hurt during the fire, of­ I — Lots-Lsnd for Ssis skills for Willimantic law of­ CALL... ford; two sons, Bruce C. Blakeslee ■ — invostmoni Proporty LEGAL DEADLINE CIRCA 1825 Colonial, on Bom In Bamston, Que., Can., he Kamm of Enfield, Ronald Kamm of Mifflin (Pa.), erected to guard fire fighters. Officials said a rapid ficials said, but one occupant of the RATES fice. Salary negotiable. Reply and Jay W. Blakeslee, both at home; the Delaware River approach I — BusinoM Proporty to Box 0. M an^ester Herald. beautifully treed and lived In the Manchester area for alarm response allowed a successful nearby house, an elderly woman, was f — Assort Propohy 12 00 noon iNo day bofoia Norwich and Jam es Kamm of and a brother, Warren M. Jackson of to Philadelphia, playra vital NOTICE shrubbed lot. 2-car bam gar­ many years. He operated the Midway taken to Manchester Memorial 1 -* Rool Eststo Wontod 1 day . tO« word par day pubitesuoo age. two patios, three PETERMAN REALTY & BUILDING Danielson; 5 daughters, Justine Holland, Mass. rotes In the Philadelphia cam­ effort to protect a large house just 15 Bunlnau Opportunity 14 Package Store on Hartford Turnpike MItC. BERVICIB The Planning an? Zoning 3 daya . .Sa arerd par day Daadlina for Saturday and fireplaces 24' formal living Kamm of Pompano Beach, Fla., paign of 1777. They forced feet from the garage. Hospital for observation. Monday ta 12 00 Noon Friday. for IS years. The.funeral is Wednesday at 11 I — Sooncos Offorod Commission will hold public e daya ..la md pat.day room, excellent location Mrs. Doris Barnette of Altamonte British commander-in-chief Sir Fire fighters leaving the Eighth Z — Psinlmg-Psporing to daya ..7a o ^ p a r ^ SMALL ENGINE Service 649-9404 644-8659 Other survivors are two a.m. at Watkins Funeral Home, 142 ) — BuiidHig-Contrscring hearings on June 7, 1976 at Asking 359.900 Keith Real Springs^ Fla., Mrs. Marjorie Descor- William Howe to approach District station at Main and Hilliard Other fire calls in the Manchester tS ararda. tZ.oO mkWnutrf Corporation expanding dealer E. Center St., with the Rev. Onden I — Roofing-Siding 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal PLEASE READ network. No experience Estate. 646^126 , 649-1922 daughters, Mrs. Gail DeGray of cy of Bennington, Vt., and Mrs. Mary Philadelphia by the' longer Sts. on the first apparatus said they area: \ — Hostmg-Plumbtng Happy Ada .:.|a.1tincd Westfield, Mass, and Mrs. Pearl Stairs officiating. Burial will be in Chesapeake Bay route rather \ — Flooring Building to hear and consider YOUR AD necessary. Complete training SOUTH W1ND.SOR ■ Seven SIXTEEN ACRES - PluB DeCicco and Mrs. Beverly Giordano, could see large clouds of smoke Manchester r — Movmg-Trucking-Stofsgs program. 3500 investment SIX ROOM Ranch home, with East Cemetery. than the direct river approach. the following: Claaarttod adi art lakan ovar room Split, owner anxious restored antique Colonial in Christman of Springfield, Mass.; and Sunday, 7:32 a.m. — Porch fire at 107 \ — Ssrvicos Wsmsd required to start your own attached garage, two full both of Enfield; a brother, Harry A. There are no calling hours. It then became difficult for him rising from the N. Main St. address. ZONING REGULATION tha phona aa a convanianca Price reduced by 33,000 Hall .Manchester Fifteen roomB, three brothers, Walter Noyes of West Russell St. (Toym) business. Ideal for retired or baths, aluminum sided, Kamm of Wethersfield, and 38 The family suggests thaf’h'iends to return U> the Hudson Valley The two-level frame garage was MIBC. FOR SALE AMENDMENTS Tha Harald la raaponaitHa for ere lot Extra large rooms, three lull baths, nine Suffleld, Douglas Noyes of Williman- Sunday, 9:26 p.m. — Grass fire at I — Articios for Sslo only ona incorracl insartion and part time. Details on request. fireplace, full cellar for work grandchildren and 26 great­ in time to support the British fully engulfed by flames as the ap­ \ — Buiidmg Suppiios ARTITLE I Section 2 Don't miss this buy Century fireplaces., other features too wishing to do so may make memorial than only to tna »ua of tha Mr. Barker. ESCA Field or storage. 100x200' lotAiery tic, and Harry Noyes of West Manchester H l^ School. (Town) I — Psts -Birds* Doga Definitions 21. Jackston-Avante, 646-1316 numerous to mention 3130,- grandchildren. gifts to the American Cancer Socie­ arm y paratus arrived, and the first efforts original inaartion. Errors which Training Division Box 619. dean. 342,900 Keith Real Willington. Canada, The World Almanac Monday, 12:30 p.m. — Mutual aid call I — LivostocN Add: 000 Phihknck Agency, Graveside services will be ty, 237 E: Center St., Manchester. were directed toward the nearby \ — Bosts A Accoasonoa do not lataan tha vaiua of lha Wading River, New York. Estate. 646-4126. 649-1922 The funeral is Wednesday at a 11 notes. to rescue attempt at Connecticut River, I — Sporting Qooda . HOTEL advartiaamant wiN not ba cor- MANCHt:STER ■ NEWER 2- Realtors. 646-4200 Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Ellington house, a large Victorian-type frame 11792. family, luxurious living with a.m. at the White-Gibson-Small East Hartford. (Town) ' — Gordon Producia A commercial building or ractad Dy an additional inaar­ MANCHESTER • West Side. Center Cemetery, Ellington, with the structure. i — Antiquos tion income, 7-5, three bedrooms, MANCHESTER - Deluxe - Monday, 4:05 p.ni. — Dumpster fire at I — Wsntod Buy groups of buildings originally MANCHESTER Like new 5-5 duplex baths, Funeral Home, 65 Elm St. Rockville, Rev. Robert L. LaCounte of One engine pumper and the Eighth 10 - Variety 3-zone heat, three baths, air- Upper Oak Street, live plus with the Rev. Robert H. Wellner of­ Purnell Parking Lot. (Towp) designed and built (or the pur­ Store - Good lo c a tio n , oak floors, carpeting, Rockville Baptist Church officiating. District’s rescue truck were us^ to Monday. 9:42 p.m. — Dumpster fire at RENTALS conditioning, dining room All rec room, lour plus one un­ ficiating. Burial will be at North ' » Rooms for Ront pose of providing sleeping ac- profitable small business. Call appliaiices. Priced lor quick appliances Huge floor to finished. excellent condition, Friends may call at the Ladd Martha Mitchell rites set up a "water curtain” to protect 277 W. Middle Tpke. (Eighth District) I — Apsrtmonia for Roni commodations for hire, KEEP SMILING listing broker (or further sale Hayes Corp 646-0131 Cemetery, Tolland. — Homos for Ront ceiling stone fireplace, with custom built, aluminum Funeral Home, 19 Ellington Ave., the house, officials said. Two other Monday, 10:35 p.m. — Smoke investiga­ primarily used by transients details B W Realty. 647-1419. heatolatcr m 35 x12' shag siding, storms, two fireplaces, Friends may call at the funeral > — Buamoas for Ront KEEP HAPPY B(A,T0N ■ By owner. Luxury Vernon today from 2 to 4 p.m. engines, arriving within two minutes, tion at 93 Carpenter Rd. (Town) — Rsoon Proporty for Roni who 'are lodged with or carpeted family room, wet two furnaces, 2-car garage home from 7 to 9 tonight. — Wsntod to Ront and beautiful custom built bar. intercom system, 1/irge garden Bv owner, 849- were used to bring water to douse the South Windsor i — Mi k . for Ront without meals. A Masonic service will be con­ to be in Arkansas Raised Ranch, with cathedral separate furnaces All brick 1337 garage fire. Monday, 1:21 p.m. — Mutual aid call to MOTEL □ NOTICES ceiling, lield.stone fireplace, ducted at 8 p.m. Mrs. Mark Peterson AUTOMOTIVE "and aluminum 2 rar garage Fire fighters laid more than 2,000 rescue attempt at Connecticut River, — Auloo for Sslo A hotel designed to accom- huge sunken bathtub, with Mrs. Beatrice C. Peterson, 72, of 62 But as Watergate unfolded, she » Trucks for Ssio with automatic door openers IMPECCABLE is the word to NEW YORK (UPI) - Martha feet of hose to bring water to the East Hartford. rnodate the travelling public, many extras. Priced in the Attached workshop Excellent describe this seven room Hortmn Rd. died Friday night at soured on the Washington scene. I — Hosvy Equipmont for Ssio Loti and Found 1 $60's. For more information Mitchell, the Arkansas girl who Tolland County — Motorcycioi-Bicyclos usually with large areas (or National Weather Forecast condition throughout Located home featuring a 17 x23' first Manchester Memorial Hospital after scene. More than 40 fire fighters 30.00 call. 646-5329 became one of the more colorful and Mrs. Mitchell was married Sunday, 7:30 p.m. — Grass fire at Rts. 6 — Csmpors-Trsilora-Mobilo the parking of automobiles. LOST - vicinity Rachel Road in nice neighhorhood on quiet floor family room with being stricken at home. She was the responded to the alarm. Homos ROOMING HOUSE controversial figures of Nixon's previously, to Clyde Jennings, whom Si 44A and Bolton Center Rd., Bolton. I — Aulomotivs Ssrvico or greater Manchester, male, street Onlv 33.300 down for fireplace, four bedrooms, wife of Mark Peterson. The blaze was declared under con­ A house or other building MANCHESTER ■ Huge 2- qualified buyer Dubaldo- fireplaced living room, cen­ Washington but died destitute and she met in 1946. She had a son, Jay, Monday, 11:53 p.m. — Brush fire on — Autos for Ront-Lssas all black castrated cat, family, 6-5, on busy street Gerard Lacroix The funeral was this morning. trol at 5:19 a.m. and the last men and which has been converted so answers to Meeko. Call 649- Lesperance Agency. 646-0505 tral vac system, garage, treed alone, will be burled in her hometown from that marriage. Camp Meeting Rd., Bolton. Also B-zonc lot, excellent lot 346.5(K) Phiibnck Agency. Gerard Lacroix, 61, of 272 Main St., Burial was in St. James Cemetery. appartus left the scene at 6:31 a.m. that various rooms within the 5417. potential (or business use was found dead in his home Sunday. of Pine Bluff, Ark. house or building are made MANCHE.STER - 1-arge seven Realtors. 646-4200 The Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main Priced to sell Paul W room aluminum sided Cape, Police ruled his death a suicide. Mrs. Mitchell, estranged wife of MCC separate and private residen­ Dougan, Realtor, 643-4535 St., was in charge of arrangements. former Attorney General 'John Pomonnin three or (our bedrooms, two Police said they were called to his The family suggests that friends About town Seaplane trouble tial units with separate or • Atf 9AAMC9SCO baths, finished family room, Bsllon-COUNTRV COLONIAL Mitchell, died Monday. She was 57. communal washing and unU«f conitrucUot). Woodad Bdl- home about 3:30 p.m. by a friend of wishing to may make memorial gifts NEW LONDON (U PI)- calendar WANTED - Car pool - 7-3:30 M»nchMttr swimming pool with patio. llAB, IS mlnulBB to HorMofd. Mrs. S. Ray West of Pine Bluff, a The Staten Island firm is I cooking facilities, and leased T)w h bodioonn. i w botho. loun- the victim, who discovered the body p.m. Lenox Street area to k NEW LI8TIN0 Convenient location 335,900 to the Manchester Sheltered close friend of Mrs. Mitchell, said Efforts by two firms to also having trouble with or rented to unrelated persons t o t A86Mt| Amedy Really, 875-6283 dry room, lamlly room wllh lying on a mattress in the living The Parents Advisory Town Fire Department Manchester Community Pratt <1 Whitney Aircraft. lirtplico, living room, dining Workshop. launch seaplane service to city permits. for dwelling purposes. room. services Thurday will be led by Rev. Board of Delmont Day will meet tonight at 7 at the College offers this calen­ Call 647-1926. Full itifd durmrriMj Cupe. S‘, room, kllcrion. Mrs. Peterson was born Aug. 11, Richard Dodds and Rev. W. L. Block Island have run into RENTING OF ROOMS room,, (wo twin tired bt^ruomt MANCHESTEH - Deluxe Iwo- Call k.t. SNTOU. Lacroix apparently shot himself Care Center will meet Holmes Funeral Home, 400 dar of events in the interest Willi etlra lame riowu. Iireplai rd lamily, 6-6 Duplex, separate Gonorol Contraefor 1903, in Lmza, Poland, and lived in trouble with the Coast Drowning victim The sharing of an owner- living room, encltned rear porch, sometime Friday or Saturday, accor­ McColgan at the First Presbyterian Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Main St., to pay their of the community. Ail the heating system, big lot. con­ Manchester 50 years. Church in Pine Bluff, with burial in Guard and the Army Corps occupied domicile with un­ one-car taragr 134,500 fall ding to police. home of Mrs. Donald respects to the late EAST HADDAM (UPI) MCC sponsored activities related non-family persons for Arthur or Suranne Shorts. 040-3Z33 venient location 337.900 Paul She was a member of the Bellwood Cemetery. of Engineers. Both groups □ FINANCIAL W Dougan. Realtor. 643-4535. He was a veteran of World War II William Sherman who was — A New London man listed below are open to the lodging purposes. Where the MA.NCHESTER - New homes, Manchester Association for the Help Calhoun to discuss public claimed seaplane landings J. WATHM KACN (». all homes with slate foyer, The Campbell Funeral Home drowned in the Connecticut '1Z23*' R w llo n MLS and served as a flight engineer with of Retarded Citizens (MAHRC) and school enrollment. a member. might interfere with public and many are free of zoning allows the renting of family room with fireplace "handling the New York end” said it River when a line attached rooms the relationship of Bondn-Stockn-Uortgagon 8 Manchattw Offleo S4 r - t 110 MANCHE.STER - Near the Army Air Force In the Central the Manchester Senior Citizens. She marine traffic on the charge. E 2 3 " SiswMMi Glastonbury, price reduced and wood paneling, beamed had no immediate information as to householder and renter shall ------unwIAIMttOKXASI* Burma and China offenses. was a communicant of St. Bridget Thames River. Air to a sinking boat on which In addition to publicizing MONEY AVAILABLE - more than 310.000 on this targe ceiling, oak flooring, vinyl when the body would be flown to have a connotation of host and siding. 2 car garage, amesite He leaves his wife, Mrs. Helen Church. St. Mary’s Episcopal Goodspeed of East Had- he was standing snapped, events and activities in­ Business ventures, operating For period ending 7 a m , Wednesday. June 2. During Tuesday nine room, five bedroom Bidwell Lacroix of Manchester. Arkansas. Church Guild will have its sending the boat down in 20 guest, and shall not have a capital, etc. Connors, Sarr. night, showers and-or rain is expected In the Pacific Northwest 350,000. CHOICE Raised Colonial Oversized 2-car gar­ driveway Full landscaping Other survivors are a son, Mark A. dam and Commadore dividually the college Ranch on wooded lot on Broad Seven room Raised Ranch, Watkins Funeral Home, 142 E. Mrs. Mitchell, who never lost her annual picnic Thursday at Manchester Chapter of feet of water. State police connotation of landlord and te­ Meade Associates. 11 and from the mid Gulf coast, northeastward through the age. 3 4 acre lot Must be Peterson of Vernon; a daughter, Seaplane Service of Staten hopes that the calendar nant. The room or rooms oc­ and Woodland Six rooms up. seen Priced to sell now In the 347.900. Eight room Colonlai, 2 Center St., is in charge of funeral soft Southern drawl even while 11:30 a.m. in the parish Parents Without Partners, said they believed Jessie will serve as a reminder of O ^ w ^ Ave., West tjart- Tennessee valley and into the mid Atlantic stales and portions one down, two baths, poren, 1/2 baths. 354.900. Nutmeg Sylvia A. Peterson of Manchester; Island, N.Y., planned to cupied by the renter shall not fort, Conn. 08119, 2^-3801. Northeast. Mostly fair elsewhere Minimum readings in- 70 s R. Zimmer. J D. Real arrangements which are Incomplete. delivering verbal punchek at the hall. This will be the last Inc. is sponsoriM dancing W. Pressley, 52, could not garages ail in excellent condi­ Estate Company, 646-1980 or Colonial, over 2,000 square three grandchildren and several begin service this summer. all that is available at be furnished with separate ...... elude: (approximate maximum temperatures in parenthesisi Nixon administration during the meeting until September. lessons every Wednesday swim. Manchester Community tion. Owner triinsferred. T. J. 646-3778 feet, eight rooms, 2 1/2 baths. nieces and nephews. Watergate scandals, died of a rare cooking facilities. Atlanta 63 ( 77). Boston 50 ( 62), Chicago 55 ( 67). Cleveland 59 Crocked, Realtors, 643-1577. 356,900 Nutmeg Homes. 646- night from 8 to 10 at the College. APARTMENTS □ EMPLOYMENT strain of bone marrow cancer, multi­ (61), Dallas 64 ( 84l, Denver 51 (85l, Duluth 50 ( 68). Houston 68 2321 or 643-9177 Thomas AIhru Members of the Hose and American Legion Post in The MCC staff looks Change the definition to: ple myeloma. SHADES (85). Jacksonville 65 ( 84), Kansas City 60 ( 74), Little Rock 61 340,000 PLUS A "cream puff" CHENEY ESTATE! Warren G. Case Sr. Thomas "Robert" Albro, 73, of St. Ladder Co. No. 4 of the South Glastonbury. forward to seeing you on A building containing more Halp Wantad 13 of a Rolling Park Cape Six EXCELLENT six room Cape, Death came less than 24 hours (84), Los Angeles 59 (72), Miami 77 ( 87). Minneapolis 56 ( 741, Fourteen room epecloui Petersburg, Fla., formerly of campus and at the various than 2 separate dwelling units New Orleans 74 (85), New York 60 ( 85). Phoenix 66 (101), San rooms, in ail, plus a lot affor­ three bedrooms, formal SOUTH WINDSOR - Warren G. PHONE FROM home to ser­ ding the maximum of privacy. end grecloue Colonlel on dining room, fireplace, 2-(ull Manchester, died May 24 in St. after she was admitted to a hospital. PUM, TEXRHIED or FIWCY events. Call 646-2137 for designed and built in accor­ Francisco 51 1651, Seattle 49 161), St Louis 56 ( 74),Washington Case Sr., 64, of 877 Pleasant Valley Only her physician. Dr. Klaus dance with the Apartments vice our customers in the T, J. Crocked. Realtors, 643- almoit three park Ilka baths, carpeting, detached Petersburg. He was the husband of FREE further information on any Manchester area, flexible 67 (72). Rd. died Sunday at his home. He was Mayer, was at her side. Despite INSTMIATION regulations in effect at the 1577. acratl An authentic garage, private tree shaded the husband of Mrs. Grace Snell Mrs. Mary Albro, $ 9 « s of the activities. hours, super earnings. 249- Chaney Ettata with (our yard Walk to Buckley School phone calls from administrators and up MEAIUIUIW time of construction. 7773. 331,500 - NEAT renovated 340.500. Keith Real Estate, Case. Mr, Albro was born in Norwich and ESTIMATU GROUP DWELLINGS llraplacee, parquet her doctor that she was “very grave­ Cape of six rooms, big porch flooring, afx hadrdbma, 646-4126. 649-1922. He was a former co-owner and lived in Manchester before moving to BUY60RM0RE3 Tuesday, June I Add to the definition: INSURANCE AGENCY in the ly ill," neither her husband nor their WE SELL: across rear, aluminum siding, operator of the H. Warren Case and Florida seven years ago when he GETl FREE Credit course classes "Designed and built in ac­ Vernon Circle area looking for ■Imoal unballavabla hard MOUNTAIN ROAD - Im­ daughter, Marty, 14, came to her WOVEN WOODS vacant. T. J. Crocketl. Sons farm in South Windsor, and a retired from Pratt and Whitney Divi­ start — June intersession. cordance with the Group p^art tim e c le rk ty p ist. Realtors, 643-1577. carved woodwork. maculate seven room ^ IR . on bedside. "SHOP WHERE PORCH SHADES Complalaly modern former partner of the Case and Blinn sion of United Technologies Corp., \ Dwelling regulations in effect Experience in life insurance WE NEED BOYS & GIRLS a treed half acre lot. Two-car Mayer told a news conference Mrs. QVAUTV COSTS DRAPERIES preferred. Typing and kitchan. Could not begin Oil Co. for 12 years. East Hartford. Wednesday, June 2 at the time of construction." 12 to 14 Year Olds MANCHESTER - Extra nice, garage, and beautiful family Mitchell was despondent toward the ■VENETIAN BLINDS ARTICLE II Section 9.01.05 machine transcription. A 5-4, Two family. New furnace. to ba replaced for llatad room, priced to sell quickly. Mr. Case was born Dec. 20,1911, in Other survivors are a daughter, Commencement, Clarke must. Send resume to Box M. end. He said she "felt cheated out of y i f B f S SHUTTERS change to: to canvass for the Ideal for young couple Asking price of $85,000.00 T J. Crockett, Realtor. 6943- South Windsor and lived there for 23 Mrs. Marcia Krafjack of Vernon; Arena. Manchester High Manchester Herald. 1577 life. She wanted a career of her Hotel, Motel, with not less 338,900 Warren E Howland years after having lived in five sisters, Mrs. Rose Potter of School, 8 p.m.. Speaker, MANCHESTER Realtors. 643-1106 BELFIORE AGENCY own." WINDOW W ORLD State ^ n . Audrey Beck. than 16 rentable sleeping ac­ PART-TIME, RN or LPN. MANCHESTER -immaculate Manchester. Windham, Mrs. Betty Himes and ROUTE 83 4 WEST RD., ELLINGTON commodations. Realtors Mrs. Midge Stew art, both of The doctor said her last words to Laurel Manor. Call 649-4519. EVENING HERALD MANCHESTER ■ Aluminum Cape, in Bowers School are*. He was a retired boiler fireman for him before she lapsed into un­ 871-1794 Naxt to Slovo A Tomt ARTICLE II Section 14 sided, three bedroom Cape, 9 47-1413 Six rooms, plus large base­ Willimantic, Mrs. Helen Fagan of Friday, June 4 Trinity College in Hartford where he consciousness were, “I have to go to HOURS; Mon, thru SoL 9.-00-8:00; Fri. ill 9 P.M. Add "Rooming Houses" as SALES POSITION - Straight Mon., Tuea., Wed. 5-8 P.M. set on a lovely treed lot. ment rec room Lovely Coventry, R.I., and Mrs. Susan Duplicate Bridge Open commissions, leads furnished landscaped lot Call Arthur or w ork^ for five years. the hospital. I’m sick. I really feel a prohibited use. Delete CALL 647-9946, 3-9 P.M. Fireplaced living room, MANCHESTER • New 5 1,2 McCarthy of Springfield, Mass.; and - FREE - and Novice, 7:45 p.m.. "Overnight Cabins" as a to home owners. Call 242-5402. remodeled kitchen and rec Suzanne Shorts. 646-3233. J. He.was a charter member of the awful." SHOP AT HOME SERVICE room L Ranch, two baths, three grandchildren. Main Campus, Student prohibited use. room. Mid 30's. Zinsser Agen­ fireplace, custom kitchen, Watson Reach Company, Manchester Lodge of Elks, a In recent months, Mrs. Mitchell CALlSn IT94 NO 09LIQAT)ON DOG GROOMER - Part time. cy, 646-1511 Manchester Office, 647-9139. The National Cremation Society of Center. • ZONING MAP REVISION C brick front Established member of the executive board of the had received chemotherapy Experienced only-must be St. Petersburg was in charge of B D ZONE able to finish all breeds - residential neighborhood, low Wapping Grange, a former member treatments and had been “doing .MANCHESTER - Executive 40's Hayes Corporation, 646- of the Gilbert and Sullivan Workshop arrangements. COMPLETE 6M HAVE YOU AN Saturday, June S For the purpose of clarifica­ references required. NEW HOMES quite well" at home, where she was tion the east and west limits TEMPORARY POSITIONS home, prestigious area. 0131 .SIX NFW IIO.VIKS NKARING Fupei Duplicate Bridge Open. 1 Sheriifanne Kennels, Hebron. COMPLETION ON EAST of Manchester, and .a former EVENT SCHEDULED of the C B D Zone are defined Panoramic western view. Mrs. Leo Leary attended by two nurses, Mayer said. p.m.. Main Campus, Stu­ 228-9089. SOUTH WINDSOR - Seven ELDRIOOE STREET OFF member of the Art McKay Band of THAT CALLS FDR OPEN Two acre lot Four bedrooms, Atm'MN COVENTRY - Mrs. Lila Cates But, he said, during the weekend REPAIRS dent Center. as follows: two fireplaces, 2 1/2 baths, room Cape on wooded lot of Manchester. >. FDDD? DENTAL ASSISTANT- Leary, 67, of 9 Valley View Dr., "there were complications from her East Limit: priced below replacement four acres with 186' of fron­ T.J. CBOCKEn Mr. Case was a member of the I may be a wedding, a Excellent training opportuni­ Delivering samples in the Manchester Mansfield, formerly of Coventry, disease.” • COLLISION West street line of Johnson value. Paul W Dougan, tage on Governor's Highway. R**llor 643-1577 Wesley Memorial Methodist Church anquet or just an informal Terrace, East lot line of 44-46 ty for industrious person in died Friday in Pittsburgh, Pa. She Mayer said he had notified her hus­ busy Manchester dental prac­ area. Call John Brennan in the Cir­ Realtor, 643-4535. Call Edmund Gorman, Agen­ of East Hartford. • MECHANICAL ct-togelber of a society, About town Bissell Street, East lot line of cy, 646-4040 was the wife of Leo T. Leary Sr, band by telephone of his estranged lodge or some friendly group. tice. Varied duties with public culation Department, 647-9946. Other survivors are two sons, Dr. 43-45 Birch Street, West Street contact involve chair side MANCHESTER ■ Two- The funeral was today. Burial was wife’s condition and that Mitchell WE SERVICE ALL GENERAL MOTORS Are Prepared to BY OWNER - North Coven­ MANCHESTER - Charming Warren G. Case Jr. of Moorestown, line of Cottage Street, East lot assisting and oral hygiene in­ bedroom, possiblity of three, in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Coventry. was "very'upset and concerned.” CARS AND TRUCKS Serve You to Kour MANCHESTER HERALD try. Six room split-level, seven room older Colonial In N.J., and Lawrence D. Case of San The Greater Hartford line 46-46 Maple St., East lot struction, four day week, centrally located, completely fine area. Situated on well The Potter Funeral Home, 456 He declined to disclose Mitchell’s Oanufna Ptrt$ Complel, SatUfaelion line of 45-47 Eldridge Street, seeking maturity, poise, prior 16 Brainard Placa remodeled 335,^. Century fireplace. walMo-wall carpet, Juan Capistrano, Calif.; his mother, Home Economics Club will dishwasher, large corner lot, shrubbed corner lot. Jackson St., Willimantic, was in whereabouts. Our catering service is set up East lot line of 48 Eldridge work experience. Salary 21. Jackston-Avante, 646-1316, Mrs. Henrietta Squires Case of South Factorf Tralnad Maehanica install officers and nicely landscaped. 340.900 Fireplaced living room, three charee of arrangements. According to friends, Mrs. Mitchell to be flexible enough to ac* Street, East lot line of negotiable. Send resume to bedrooms. 1 1 2 baths, eat-in Windsor; two brothers, Beaton A. 24-HOUR SERVICE celebrate its 50th anniver­ EAST HARTFORD - Just Call 742-9006. MrV. Leary was born in Haverhill, was "spoiled rotten” in the best comfnodate any size 47/49/51/53 School Street. Manchester Herald Box J. kitchen. Must be seen to be Case of South Windsor and Neil S. CALL 646-6464 gathering. Why not call us and sary Wednesday with a listed, excellent starter home, appreciated Priced in the Mass., and lived in Mansfield seven Southern tradition during her Pine West Limit: five room Ranch, one car gar­ BRA.ND NEW spacious seven Case of East Hartford; two sisters, talk over the details? spring international West lot lines of 12/14 Myr­ MEDICAL SECRETARY - 40 s B/W Really, 647-1419. years aftr having moved from Coven­ Bluff girlhood. She easily made New Wanted to work in Rockville age, many extras. 331,900. room Ranch. Ideal floor plan, Mrs. Eunice Blinn of South Windsor potiuck at 6:30 p.m. at the tle Street, west lot line of 732 WANTED - Window cleaner. kitchen adjoins family room try. York and Washington high society as Carter Chevrolet Garden Grove Caterers. Inc. Specialist’s office. About 37 SfluaUon Wantad 15 Century 21, Jackston-Avante,'. MANCHESTER - 5-5, and Mrs. Patria Forbes of Columbia, home of Mrs. Marie Main Street extended to north hours per week. Send resume Must be experienced ^nd 646-1316. with fireplace. Sliding glass She worked for the Coventry Police the wife of one of the most powerful 1229 MAIN ST. • MANCHESTER j reliable. Call 649-5334. door to good sized deck off aluminum sided Duplex, with and six grandchildren. IDNE 649-5313 649-S314 Schauster of 351 Porter St., lot line of 14 Gorman Place, and references to Box R. FORMER TEACHER wants separate heating systems, Department for 18 years. She also figures in the Nixon administration. club president. Taffy Hand west lot lines of 750, 770/772, Manchester, Herald. to babysit children in own COVENTRY • Northfield family room, professionally The funeral will be Wednesday at 2 landscaped Extras! .355,500. excellent investment or live managed the Coventry Grammar 800, 806/810/818, and 822/828 AVON Make Good Money home. Buckley School area of Green area, newer seven p.m. at Wesley Memorial Methodist will give a cake decorating selling Call Peterman Realty and In. Priced in the 30's. B/W School cafeteria for eight years. Main Street, west lot line of EXPERIENCED legal _ popular fragrances, Manchester Call Mrs. Levin, room Executive Ranch, Church. Burial will be private. demonstration. Guests are make-up, low-priced daily- Building Company. 649-9404 or Realty. 647-1419. She was formerly a treasurer of In Mcmoriam ^ 11/13 Park Street, east lot line secretary, full time, 646-8192. cathedral ceiling, all There are no calling hours. welcome especially former need products. All appliances stay. 2-car garage. 644-8659 the Community Center in Mansfield, In loving memory of our mother, I It’s Always The of 986 Main Street, and the shorthand and typing skills. EAST HARTFORD - this at­ club members. Members Reply Box CC, Manchester guaranteed. I'll show you how. Nlany extras. Century 21, The Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Josephine Salvatore, who passed away west lot line of 942/968/974 tractive seven room split and was a former treasurer of the June I, 1971. should be prepared to sign Herald. 18 or over? Call today for Jackston-Avante, 646-1316, BOLTON - Ranch with first Main St., Manchester, is in charge of i Right Time Main Street, west lot lines of details: 523-9401. floor family room with built- level, sits on a lovely corner Coventry Midget Football League. n EDUCATION lot. Fireplaced living room, arrangements. This day do we remember, up for the delivery of 1041/1043 to 1115/1119 Main ins. (ieldstone fireplace, three Other survivors are two daughters, I RNs and LPNs needed for 3-11 EAST HARTFORD - Newly three bedrooms, two full The family suggests that friends A loving thought we give, In The "Meals on Wheels. Street. SECRETARY - Temporary listed; immaculate eight room bedrooms, dining room, walk­ Mrs. Florice E. Church and Mrs. For one no longer with us, and 11-7 shifts, full and part- baths, family room, low 40'i. wishing to may make memorial gifts A copy of this notice has time positions available. summer employment, diver­ 18 Raised Ranch, (our bedrooms, out basement, garage, large Margaret Palmer, both of Coventry; But in our hearts still Uvea. I WANT ADS Privata Inatructlona private lot. 349,900 Philbrick B/W Realty, 647-14109. to the Wesley Memorial Meth^ist been filed in the Town Clerk’s Excellent benefits and sified duties, require good 1 I '2 baths, desirable location. a son, Leo T. Leary Jr., of Columbia; Sadly missed, typing skills and figure ap­ Agency, Realtors 646-4200. Church Building Fund, or the I CALL ANY TIME office and may be inspected working conditions. Please MATH TUTORING - Sign up Asking 349.900. Century 21, TWO FAMILY, 5-5, East two brothers, Alfred Cates of Maine, Domenica and About town ^ p ly in person. Meadows titude. Please apply in person now lor private tutoring, Jackston-Avantc., 646-1316. American Cancer Society. Dominick Camposeo during office hours. CAPE - Seven rooms, Center Street (or sale bv i 643-2711 Convalescent Home, 333 Meadows Convalescent grades 4-8, by teacher, owner. Must be seen. Call 646- and Frank Cates of British Columbia, Planning and Center. 333 Bidwell Street, featuring 17'x23' first floor Canada, and eight grandchildren. ASK FOR CONNIE Zoning Commission Bidwell Street. Manchester. specialized in ath education. MANCHESTER - Ten room family room, two fireplaces, 2209. .Manchester Manchester. 36.00,45 minutes. Call 647-1239 Ranch on large lot, three - live Alfred Sieffert, four bedrooms, central vac, Top scorers in the PART TIME - Receptionist - after 5. bedrooms, first floor family MANCHESTER - Seven room Chairman BOOKKEEPER Wanted - garage, treed lot. 346.500. Manchester Senior Citizens /'"m ature, for physicians office, room with fireplace, two Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Colonial, vinyl siding, Ronald Gates, afternoons alternate Satur­ part time, must be fully baths, double garage, 351,900. fireplaced living room, formal C o u q l ^ t a Pinocljle Group game May 27 experienced in all phases of 646-4200 CLARKE INSURANCE at theArmy and Navy Qub are Secretary days. References required. n REAL ESTATE Amedy Really, 875-6283. dining room, large eat-in Dated this 1st day of June, Send resum e to Box K. bookkeeping. Call Ernestine Donnelly, 641, Vin­ Manchester, 643-9557. BRICK DUPLEX - living kitchen, three bedrooms, 1976. Manchester Herald. family room, all recently AGENCY F o L i i n q S t o r . . . cent Borello, 617, Richard Homes For Sato 23 MANCHESTER room, kitchen, formal dining Colbert. 589, Paul Schuetz, NEW room, three bedrooms, rec redecorated. Lots of extras. WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAYS 587, Mary J. Thrall, 585, Hans 326,500, ATTRACTIVE 5 room room, 2-car garage, excellent 341.900. Owner 649-4274. Court of Probate AnnounewnMts 3 Announcsmsntt TWO FAMILY^ condition, 351,900. Philbrick FOR THE SUMMER Fredericksen, 583, Frances District of Andover Ranch, fireplace, baseboard Fike, 576, Gladys Seelert, 574, NOTICE TO CREDITORS heating, stove, refrigerator. Agency. Realtors, 646-4200. THRU LABOR DAY KSXAJK OF NELLIE B SIEMKO Hutchins Agency 646-3166. 6.6 Manchaalar Archie Houghtaling. 565, l*uniuant to an order of Hon ViIdU Tired of paying rant with MANCHESTER - Quality OUR 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE George Last, 562. Vinkels, Judge, all claims must be nothing to thoai lor 117 LARGE FAMLY presented to the fiduciarjf nam ^ PUBLIC NOTICE SANTINA DRIVE - Five room built, eleven room Ranch, WILL BE AVAILABLE The group sponsors a game below on or before September 1, 1976 expandable Ranch, fireplace, Buy Ihlt cuitom built two large living room with OR each Thursday at 9:45 a.m. at or be barred by taw 1ne fiduciary is: breezeway, garage, large family and let tha rant fireplace, (our bedrooms, first Have A Sate and Happy Summerl the Army and Navy Club. Play Gary Siemko floor family room. Iwo balhs, IN-LAW SITUATKM 12-C Oxford Street All charltabis and non-profit organizations wishing treed lot. HuTchins Agency, halp pay your mortgage. Raised Ranch featuring trust is open to all senior citizens. Manchester, Conn 06040 6466166. large rec room with fireplace, Each floor oflara three to have thoir Public Announcaments publiahod free game room, office. I6'x32’ five bedrooms, three full Vernon large badroomt, living Linde. Star and. T^iamonds For over one hundred years, generations have put their pool, bathhouse, garage,large baths, fireplaced living 'The winners in the Vernon In this spaco are urged to contact Joe JUST LISTED - Charming room, country kitchan, Magnificent as the morning and evening stars . radiant trust in us...because we still feel that the warmth, the eight room older Colonial, treed lot. 358.500. Philbrick room, formal dining room, Senior Citizens Pinochle Club McCavanagh, Ganoral Manager of Regal Mufflers family room, ovarilzad Unde stars fired with brilliant diamonds. Designed In the strength and the sincerity that is shared is the basis of our Court of Probate of Manchestor. Space will be alloted on a first four bedrooms, large dining Agency, Realtors, 646-4200 kitchen with bullt-ina. settings that best grace your hand or the hand of the one tournament May 27 at the District of Andover room, lovely fireplaced living two car garage. Large Florida room off GREETING CARDS you love. every relationship. come, first served basis. • OHADUATION • ANNIVERSANV Senior Citizens Center, Park NOTICE TO CREDITORS room, two batns, covered Amaniflaa Include GARRISON Colonial on kitchen. Hardwood floors Pi., Rockville, are Ruth Cor­ HASTATE OF BYRON F. NICHOLS aluminum aiding, atorm • FATHEirSOAT Ihjrsuant to an order of Hon Vaidia* patio, two-car garage, close to beautiful wopded lot, large with wall-to-wall carpeting Take Your Choice of Many Styles bin, 668, Sophie Bogdan, 641, Vinkeis, Judge, all claims must be shopping and bus. 342,900. windows and doors, all family room with fireplace, • aiFTWIIAFARIIBONTOO presente

PACE FOURBtol - MANCHEgraa^ EVBNINQ HEIUUjhtoMwitw. Cona- Tuei.. June VITO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn_, Tues , June 1, 1976 - PAGE FIFTEEN Answer to Previous Puzzle Biblical Spots Artfetof for i t f o 41 Aportmonto For Boot 33 4\utoa For Solo $1 Autos fo r Solo 31 Charl** M. Schultz ACROSS 6 Meaculine BUSINESS & SERVICE 14 SUPER 8 sound films, color MANCHESTER - AvalUble 1 BibMcal rtver nickname and black and white. Car-- July 1st. Three bedroom Dear Abby 7 BibHcal 7 Betiini opera mountain 8 Ouido’a high SHOUITHIS ^ toons, comedy, westerns, and duplex In newer two-family 6IVE 'l« TWE OL' / what's THE OL' ^ I don't K'NOu)..,/T ^ 11 Fly ' r>ote eUYSQMTMNE horror. Used approximately home. Spacious living room 12 'Combirtod the 9 Wager AAEMORiAL DAY PITCH' V^EMORlAL PAY Pitch ij ^JUST SOUNDED 6000.', six times. Cost $M., price with dining area. Fully By Abigail Van Buren rtsources 10 Harem room SPECIAL,CHAKllE $250. Call 846-5580 after 5 p.m. carpeted. Includes 14 Excited 12 Bibticai region NtOlUN' T appliances. Heat not included. OUR FORD AMNUTCMCN ARC interest in 13 Mouthlike FREE GIFT! Attention $2N per month. No pets. 15 List of errors openings (print.) 17 As well ta mothers. Ston by between the Security deposit and DEAR ABBY: I am a mown woman (in fact I'm married 16 Meadow 16 Mount Sinai, hours of II) a.m.-12 noon, references required. 847-9936 and btve children), and I have a couple of queeUona I am 17 Bibticai probably 28 FKh of salmon panicle DIRECTORY 45 Church aecuori Wednesday, June 2,1978, wish or 649-2003. FMCG ashamed to ask anyone else but you because they might country 20 Individual family us Happy Father's Day and 16 Emitted light 22 Paatm word 32 Partial 46 Noun suffix think I'm a moron. 34 That girl 47 Town (Cornish Sorrloo* Ottofod 31 Sorvfeoo Ottorod 31 Polntlng-Paporfng 33 Rooflnii-Sldlng-Chlmnof 34 receive a free gift, com­ 30 LOCUST STREET • Second 21 Writer. Sholem 23 Pacldng cate floor, four room apartment, W hat is the difference between a mule, a jackass and a -----(1660^ 24 Sereglk) 37 German prefiiO pliments of The Lion’s Den, FIGHTEKS donkey? Also, does a rooster have a male organ? 1957) 25 City in prtfident 46 Cut vnth an ex EXPERIENCED energetic WILL TILL your garden for $7 UNEMPLOYED Roofer will heaM, security, | 220. 84^ PAPER HANGING Expert. unique and unusual gifts for 25 Large anekes Coioredo (1871-1925) 49 High card lundynun, lavnii, painlii ^ h o u r . Call anytime, 742- Install roof or gutters (or low 2428, 9-5. EVIE IN DES MOINES Your average paper, In men. 503 East Middle Turn­ 29 Time period 26 Nerve (comb 38 Round numbar 50 The Dead — — electrical. No lob average room , $25. Mr. discount price. Call Ken at 30 Safe form) 40 Live piece of 51 Buildirtg too' amall. Free eiUnnaut. Rlchman, 646-3864. 649-2456. pike at the Green. MANCHESTER • Attractively DEAR EVIE; An asa la simply a donkey. A jackass Is a 31 Grinding tooth 27 Lind coal addition . Call 64M316. PROFESSIONAL Lawn ••••••••#••••••••••••••••• paneled, (our roonia, itove, MALE donkey. A mule Is the offspring of a male ass and a 33 Small bag meesurei 43 Charged 52 Abstract being Mickey Finn — Morris Welee mowing, fertilizing, trim­ BIDWELL Home Improve refrigerator, carpeting, female mare. 34 Legislative ___ ag - Dogo-BIrdi-Pott 43 body r r r r r r 7 1 • iT GARDEN evenly tilled with ming, planting. Call Interior -' exterior painting. ment Co. Expert Installation references. No pets. $175. 848- In cases where the SHE-sss mates with a stallion horse, Troy tiller. Reaaonable. Call 35 Before Greenwood Lawn -Care, 643- Quality professional -work at of aluminum siding, gutters PRIVATE riding Instructions, 3167, 228-3540. the offspring Is known as a "hinny" (which U a "horse" on 36 Town In (1 IT IT George. 64»-7846. 8364. and trims. Roofing installa AND I JUST c a n t MfCfcer... reasonable prices. Free es­ English and Western, ^.00 me). The mule la always sterile, but the hinny is capable of Galilee 14 15 OO IT. -yOUR FATHER A ff€ YOU timates. 643-9321. tion and repairs. 6494495,875- per hour, call 633-5571, FOUR ROOM apartment, two reproducing. 39 Rocket pari WILL HAVE TO RETURN SAYING HARDWORKING team (or 41 Vegetables CHAIN SAWS • sharpened up 9109. anytime.- bedrooms with garage. i 9 » p o m Concerning roostera;. Yea, a rooster does have a male 16 li FROM SWITZERLAND t h a t t h is yard care, spring cleaning, to 100 drive links, overnight WILLIS SCHULTZ. Quality ■4------Security, no pets. Call SIS- 42 Bearing AND FACE THE IS JUST AAmUMall organ, but it ia ao small it is practically Invisible. I suppose 44 Elected ones II ■ 2 1 22 23 w CHARGES. ANOTHCR painting, other odd Jobs. Call service $2.50. Manchester interior and exterior, painting HORACE Tetij) clothes line posts. Call 742- Bullding-Conirocling 33 cleaned with electric cutters, made very reasonable, work 7598. by professionals. McKinney small child. Absolutely no PARTING takes your advice. aranteed, call anytime, 649- LABRADOR Retrievers - Bros. Sewage Disposal Com Black, eleven weeks old, per­ pets. Referencess security. 319 Main St. FOOLISH IN MARYLAND 16. NEWTON H. Smith Si Sons - $200 per month. Available Good V8. very good player S GARDENS TILLED with Remodeling, repairing, ad­ pany, 643-5308. manent shots and worm^, FORD 643-2145 rear-end roto-tiller (or as lit­ July 1st. Call 643-0863. DEAR FOOLISH: It's strange that when a person haa a DRESSMAKING, hems and ditions, rec rooms, porches excellent pedigree. 646-6784. •O'.. tle as $15. per 1,000 square and roofing. No job too small. NO JOB too small, toilet physical problem he goes to a physician and is glad to pay alterations done in my home. feet. 646651IL repairs, plugged drains, ir Reasonable. Call 64M19. Call 649-3144. Soats-Accessor/as 45 him for what he knows, but when he has a legal problem, be heart, cash his ace of kitchen faucets replaced, resents paying a legal fee. NORTH diamonds and get to dummy DRIVEWAYS SEALED - *Q 62 y-TM CARPENTRY - Repairs, repaired, rec rooms, 1974 ALCORT - Force 5 - A competent lawyer Is worth every dime he charges. with the four of diamonds to **-0 « 5->i STUMP REMOVAL - Spring Free estimates, very bathroom remodeling, heat CARHAGE HOUSE VQ1093 special, 20" stump $15. Also remodeling, additions, gar­ yellow and white, with trailer, Wonted to Rent 57 Motorcycleo-BIcycleo 54 «KJ42 score his ninth trick with the reasonable. Call 649-5729. modernization, etc. Free es­ excellent condition, $950 or special on all sizes. Call 742- ages, roofing, call David APARTMENTS DEAR ABBY: OPEN BOOK IN MICHIGAN said her * 7 5 last heart. Captain Easy — Crooks and Lawrenc* 9M7. Patria, 644-1796. timates gladly given. M & M best offer. 646-1616. Eaat Canter SI. FACULTY WOMAN seeks one 1973 BULTACO Alpina, fan­ sex-life was fanUstic, but she found out that her husband Jim: "Well thought out. All MASONRY - Bricks, blocks, Plumbing St Heating, 649-2871. Under construction, two or two rooms with kitchen tastic bush bike, excellent had been blabbing about it to all the men at work. he needed was a 3-2 diamond concrete, steps, sidewalks, WEST EAST A S BK-PIN-UP aUEEW. LITA HAMWORr, ...oisruRBiwe news is bewg WES ROBBINS carpentry 1968 , 20 HORSEPOWER Mer­ spacious townhouse privileges for September condition. Give yourself a You said: "Tell him you know he’s been talking, and if he break and he didn't need to IF YOU COULP S E E WHAT II S PONE HM OVBI 30 TEAM and patios. Reasonable rates. BOTTI HEATING and Plum­ * 1 0 6 2 *KJ7 BEGINS TO PUNIC HER FAMOUS LE SS EECEIUEO ftACKSTAGEl TO M ISS KALBFUSS-. BELIEVE ME, remodeling specialist. Ad­ cury. Electric starter, two term. Call 1-423-8804 or write chance to show your stuff. worry about the king of Qaorg* H. QrlHIng, Ine. Call 8754973 after 6. bing - All heating and plum­ apartments. Center (oyer, doesn't keep his big mouth shut, he's not going to have VK7S2 W AII4 IN M c K E E 'S M IKACLB FO RM U LA OW TU,., YOU WOULDN'T A SIc; y ditions, rec rooms, dormers, props. Good condition. 742- Box DD, Manchester Herald. Make me ah offer. It Is worth spades. However, it is obvious okav, so bing repairs plus remodeling. §352; aafter 5:30 p.m. large living room, formal anything to talk about.” «96 * 10 6 5 built-ins, bathrooms, your while. Call 646-5389. *Q664 that he wasn't a very good THE LATEST DRAMRELOS NEED CHEAP Labor? Call 64^8641. dining room, first floor! Abby, withholding sex as a form of punishment is the *JII2 BATCH Of the kitchens, 649-3446. $ hgnd full ol cish it bolter player." Average 50x10' driveway 14' FIBERGLASS boat, 35 h.p. powder room. Step-saving| worst thing a wife can do! SOUTH ID) formula TUKW& sealed, $20 plus materials. dun I (ors|e hi8 of ibrff. SEARS - Free Spirit, 3-speed, Oswald: "A very good OUT TO BE BATRA CELLARS LEON CIESZYNSKI builder - FRANK SCOTELLA Plum­ Johnson motor, electric start, kitchen with dinette. Two! ladies 26" bicycle. $65. Call I hope that you will reconsider and come up’with a better * A9S4 Average lawn mowed, $5. bing - repairs and remodeling. trailer. Needs miner repair. large bedrooms upstairs, answer. player would have led the POTENT! ISW'T Bk Uhm Sorvica new homes custom built, 647-1382. »J THAT 6 0 0 0 House painting, any odd job, remodeled, additions, rec Vanities and hot water $400. firm. 649-2781. each with its own bath. VOICE OF EXPERIENCE ♦ AQ73 seven of diamonds to the jack BuUdozar same low rates. Call 646-6868. 'first. Then he would cash his rooms, garages, kitchens heaters. Prompt service on Loads of closets, full base­ □ AUTOMOTIVE MOTORCYCLE Insurance - «AK62 • Scraanad Loam li emergencies. 643-7024. ace of diamonds the next time Qraval remodeled, bath tile, cement Antlquoo 48 ment. Central air- Lowest rates available. "Sun­ DEAR VOICE: You (and many others) misunderstood North-South vulnerahle YARD - Building Maintenance work. Steps, dormers. my reply. I did not recommend that the wife withhold sex in. If one opponent showed out a Stona - Also painting, driveway conditioning, attractive Autoo For Bole 61 ny Day" coverage. Exclusive Residential or commercial. The nime ol the game it Want WANTED Antique furniture, NETRA Agent. Clarke Agen­ from her husband to punish him. 1 meant that if she knows he would not be able to get a Fill sealing, etc. Reasonable grounds. Private. For three diamond entries to dum­ Call 649-4291. Adi...lhe number to call is 643- glass, pewter, oil paintings, or cy, 643-1126. that her husband is taking about their mattress acrobatics, West North East SoBth a Procaaaad Qraval rates. Two years experience. more Information call NEED CAR? Credit bad? my, but he would still have Tracey, 649-4813. 2711. other antique items. R. Bankrupt? Repossessed? she's apt to become inhibited and turned off. And soon there I « ANDOVER 742-7888 TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY Harrison, 643-8709. WARREN E. MOTORCYCLE Insurance - will be nothing to talk about. Pau IV Pau 2 N T. (our diamond tricks and have Honest Douglas accepts been able to try the spades by Carpentry and general con­ lowest down, smallest Specializing in low cost Pass 3N.T. Pau Pass LAWN MOWING - anytime In tracting. Residential and Flooring 36 leading low to dummy's the vicinity of Charter Oak ANTIQUES Wanted - HOWLAND payments. Douglas Motors, coverage for over 10 years. Pau Alley Oop — Dave Graue commercial. Whether it be a American furniture, oriental Raallora 643-1108 345 Main. Binding authority. Crockett Opening lend - 4 * queen." Street. Call between 5 and small repair job, ,a custom E-Z FLOOR Cleaners - Rugs 9:00 p.m. 649-6479. FLOOR Sanding - Refinishing rugs, paintings, pewter. Wind­ Agency, Inc,, 643-1577. built home or anything in floors like new, no waxing Astro-graph and carpets vacuumed and sor chairs, crocks, jugs, WE PAY $15 for complete By Oswald Si Jim ea Jacoby YtXIR MIRTOK SCAKEOY YEAH, BUT I THINK I ...BLTT ILL NEED shampoora, doors washed and between, call 646-1-1379. (specializing in older floors) weathervanes. primitives. 1974 YAMAHA, excellent con­ THAT DUDE OFF MONA! WATCH TH' KNOW HOW MXl UP HERS Pointing-Ptptring 32 Homes for Rent 54 junk cars. Call Jqey, Tolland By BERNICE BEDE 080L Oswald: "I watched a good waxed. Reasonable rates. Cali Ceilings and inside painting Ron Dionne, 643-1691. Auto Body, 528-1990. dition, 3,000 m iles. Two HE'S OECIOED T'KEEP J OTHER ONE, WECANOET WITH ME John Verfaille, 646-5750, 872- player make three notrump. A Wisconsin reader wants to HIS DISTANCE.' CXX>\ HE'S RID OF HIM, 646-0518. HOUSE PAINTING - QuaUt helmets. $650. Call 649-8807 IN ORDER 2222. EIGHT ROOM Older For Tuesday, Jurte 1,1676 He won the club lead and know what the proper opening COMIN' UP ON ZAK... TOO rr/ work, reasonable prlc '^1 Flooring 36 FURNITURE - Rugs, pain­ PARTS Department now open after 4:30 p.m. Colonial. Fireplaces. Large played the jack of hearts. It bid is with: HER BLIND SIDE! MR. . TWO HANDYMEN will rake, for estimate. 64^1800. tings, pewter, dolls, crocks, Saturdays. Complete line of ARIC8 (March 21-April 19) If SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) fertilize, lime, general lawn lamps, etc. Now accepting lawn, parking area. 1973 HONDA, CL350, 2600 w as allowed to bold, *ABSwAKS7«A5*A965 OOP.' Appliances. No children, pets. Chrysler parts. Chorches you put your mind to it today Don't dodge tough issues to­ work, mow lawns seasonal. consignments, for June auc­ miles. New battery and tune- you have the ability to take whereupon he led his queen of With 19 hlgh rl967 VOLKSWAGEN Bug, VA SILLY VSOfXD PRESIDENTIAL Village furnished, screened-in porch, stereo tape deck, am/fm FELINE' YOU apartments, near churches sundeck, private beach, float, dock. Great fishing. radio, good tires, paint. Do w n h e r e u n t il i and shopping area, no pets. Engine needs work. ^00 or Please call M6-2623. Conveniently located In Lakes best offer. Call 646-7306. m e d ic a l s c i e n c e Region area. $175. weekly. \ Can Cromwell, 635-0457 after THREE ROOM heated, fur­ 1972 DATSUN, must sell, best V nished apartment. Private en­ 4:30 p.m. 8382 ADVANCES ENOUGH offer. Excellent condition. On* Sit* trances. No childrenn No pets. New tires. Call 643-5526. To ONpReEXE M E . | References. Security deposit. VACATION RENTAL- West­ Every wardrobe should WDNPER\i 643-4860. brook, Conn., new five-room 1974 PINTO - Excellent condi­ have one Caftan . . . it's HE'S \ Ranch in quiet area, three easy to sew and wear! .'a !' C WINTHROP tion, four-speed, $2,000. Call WORRIED* By DICK CAVALLI FOUR ROOMS. Cellar, attic. bedrooms, fireplace, fully 646-5951. No. 8382 with Photo- K m Aeq u' Residential, central carpeted, short walk to Guide is in One Size. As Prohibited, children, private beach and tennis shown, 3H yards 54-inch; WHEN HE (5575 RINQ- 1968 VOLKSWAGEN Bug, short version, 2H yards. Short Ribs — Frank Hill pets. Parking. Security. courts. $150 per week. Call excellent condition. Asking AROUNP THE Utilities extra. $150. 649-9158. 742-9408 after 6 p.m. Available $750. Call 647-9684. Patternt availabU only COLLAFS, HE CiOESNV June-September.' m tizei thown, OPENINS UP A MINIATURE FORTUNATELY, HE , FOOL AROUND/ TO ORDIR. iMitf 7S« ftr *m R pat- GOU= COURSE WAS ' " ^ o FORD Mustang - 1966, V-8, ttrs, plNi 2K fer PiDNT OPEN A 4 1/2 ROOM knotty pine cot­ three-speed, good body, new RaaRliRf. A CAPITAL IDEA.BOLPH 0OWLIN& ALLEY RENTAL OFFICE tage overlooking (Joventry IL L. I lY r DAMTO ENTERPRISES muffler system, 55,000 miles, "CHeATERS NEVER PROSPER'* Lake, $750 entire summer. $450. Call 649-8653. SUI BUHNITT Urge verlety ol ApirtraenU and 644-2811 after 5 p.m. MwKtiMter tvoning Herald McNufkl8ya8..Uc. 5-31 Townhouiei througbout •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11M Ave. ol AmorloM Manchefter. 1966 PEUGOT, 403 sedan, Now York, N.Y. 100M onipa opM df/fy Wanted to ftani 57 5-31 "SKake it up - shake it up! ” S§t fO*J, GufKftr n'.j*' asking $75. 1968 Volkswagen 646-1021 Bug, asking $75. Five Prlat Naait, MRraii wilfe liR ■ J COUPLE with three girls Volkswagen radial tires, four CODE, ttyla Niwlar m i tua. 240 N«w Statu Road would like to rent three used, one new. Asking $60. The Spring & Summer '76 5-51 MANCHESTER bedroom Duplex. Keeney Large water bed, bedding and BASIC FASHION con­ tains a Bonus Coupon! tJVlAUJ School area preferred. heater $130. Call 643-4977. Ask References. 649-7660. for Sandy. Price.. .11.25 a copy. i