Albuquerque Citizen, 10-28-1907 Citizen Pub
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-28-1907 Albuquerque Citizen, 10-28-1907 Citizen Pub. Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Citizen Pub. Co.. "Albuquerque Citizen, 10-28-1907." (1907). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN ARRIVALS 'Ik WEATHER FORECAST V1 No 17 45 p. m. Ho. 4 5. 50 p. m. renter. Colo., Oct. 28 Fair tonight Nw. 712. 5 p. m. p. m. CITIZEN and Tb stfay. No. ALBUaUETOHE 87.55 No. 9 i.Ss u. m. WE GETT THE NEWS FIRST" '2G1 VOLUME 22. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO. MONDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 28. 1907. NUMBER RUSSIAN GENERAL IS FIFi APJPIFRQ U e; SECRETARY TAFT PARTY WALL STREETS NERVES Jlm I HinnuiLiiu ui a i R no MHT QRP1UT TO WflPDV RTfl rMTPrP 5 VlMl finiMW m IN AUTOMOBILE UliUil ullU I uy if if j nnioio HAD Rqoqcxxxxxxxxxxxxjccw biAioio nHd ;vy WRECK 1J - ninnrnmm m m i vay Mules Collide With Late Reports Show Conditions Assassin Fired From Second I llUUkW machine and Distin- Much Brighter All Along Story Window and guished Visitors The Line of Eluded (Authorities Middle West and West Has No Are Upset. Finance. For Many Hours Need to Worry Over New YorK Banking BANKS ARE ALL TERRORISTS ARE Troubles. CHAFFEUR DECAMPS . n CRIME AFTER NARROW ESCAPE IN G000 we - GHARGEDJVITH FOREMOST MEN ARE mmsmb nstltutlons of Oklahoma City Dead Officer Was First in Com- OF None Is Injured But Mrs. Tall Is Obey Governor's Request to Sus-pend-O- ne mand of Prison of the Inter- Badly Frightened-Assistan- ce Small Concern In ior and This Is Given . Secured With Great Diff- Good Crops Commanding High Kansas City Liquidates As Reason For icultyReckless Driv- Prices and Factorlej Unable to Of Own Accord. His Death. ing Cause. Fill Orders Are a Stable Oct. 28. The financial St. Petersburg, Oct. 28.- - -- Aa the Foundation For the 28. Secretary New York, Raguio. P. I., Oct. encour result of assassination of Gen- - Taft and wife and Generals Wood situation continues to show the Country at Large. and Bits?. of the United States army agement. There was strone- - evidence eral MaxlmofTsuy, St. Petersburg ia had a narrow escape from a team of Improvement at noon. In a wild heat of excitement. The There Is no need to worry over the of runaway mulea last night while engagements now total 112,- - assassination occurred this morning; automobiling. Gold banking trouble in New York. 000,000 already securing : and took place in broad day light. Panic? The word ts a meaningless The machine was run into ana and the carcecrow to the people of this partly upset and the occupants spill- of this amount of money has exerted i The shot waa fired from a second country today a fleeting whlsp of ed. The chauffeur, who was running helpful Influence. mmmim story window in one Of the most dissipated the instant the his machine at a terrible speed, public yet mist that frightened nar- Many orders have been received places of the city, at a sun's rays of Albuquerque prosperity was so badly at the late hour today had tnnnhpd it. row escape of his distinguished pas from abroad for American securities the assassin In special telegram today the sengers that he fled into a nearby and this will agument specie Impor eluded capture. The general waa di- frtfom.tar men of affairs in the na- - jungle and was Drought paca wun rector of the department of the pris- lief that the areat difficulty. tation. on of the Interior. The fact that he not prove There were no failures In New was first responsible officer in financial difficulties In the east will That the accident did , the ..., uithnnr nnriooahlc effect I fatal to bo me of the party was mlr York today up till 1 o'clock. Pres CONSTITUTION FOR NEW U. this department Is supposed to be Ir. ih of the country. The pith aculous. The mules were running sure on banks is distinctly abating. S. SENATOR FORAKER WILL ATTACK TEXAS the reason why he waa selected for ., .i,i ,,,,..,, in that tho houn-- I at a terrific speed In an opposite dl assassination. Terrorists are thought farms and I rection to that which the automobile to be responsible for the crime. steady whir of the factory wheels was going, Instead of taking to the OKLAHOMA BANKS the runaways were CIXNsK DOOHS OX OIlDKI! STATE GIVEN TO WATER-PIER- have built a Gibraltar iounaauun 01 road side, when the FAVORS CE OIL nrosnerltv that will take a greater seen coming the chauffeur drove Oklahoma City, Okla., Oct. 28. SUE earthquake than Wall street's money straight down the road toward the Every bank in this city is closed to UIICLE SAI.1 BUYS t to it. on rushing animals until they were shake dlsturD so collision could not be day on orders of Acting Gov. Charles The telegrams from these, nation near that a " T STATEHOOD follow averted. FUson and it Is said that the or allv r.roirtinent business men party were No Need of Anxkrty, Says; DavU 11. Two members of the der will be In effect for the rest of $5;000,000 GOLD ', bruised and Mrs. Taft was so badly Bankers of the city are Frauds. to given the week. Rt. Ixuls. Mo., Oct. 28. In my frightened that she had be hi exs!on at the Chamber of Com luriimvenL there is no reason for fl a stimulent at the nearest stopping merce. Statehood Proclamation Will Reasons Given In Speech In Attorneys For Corporation nancial anxiety In this country. With nlace. which was reached with some Order astounded bankers as there II good crops commanding high prices difficulty on account of the disap had been no uneasiness felt here, Be Issued On Novem- Senate During Session and an unsatisfied foreign demand, pearance of the machinist. and all local banks are considered . will Take Action Im- of trade should be great-i- v of strong financial condition. me the balance ber 16. Next. , In iin nnr fnvor. With mines annual people of the city and the rural di 1904. mediately. ly producing an Increased output of a w hole is financially i ne trlcw have iplenty of money. Keeness of Competition MaKes precious ores and. Immigration to the srrent farmlne district of the mlddl 1Viitz Takes lfocautloii. oi a milU.i'i a jtir, aud le west Is oat of debt, has money in tne Mr. FUson issued a iirou'ljwa-- 1 ROOSEVELT M JETS ' Up ' tint undeveloped resources, there crops In closing, banks- - of the terrrtoyi ' OHIO SENATORS WILL tDENT V . "Trice Go Three and bank and abundant still tlon FOR ACTION " country week, " ; in no reason whv .the should hand. With this condition in mind for one on demand of bankers. FKANTZ CORDIALLY. SUPPORT One Centsi not be prosperous and the people there should be no doubt of the abil- Action was taken because banks SEPERATE BILL i AS YET UNDISCOVERED half happy. It Is essential, however, that ity of the whole country to absorb of Kansas City and St. Louis refus roniidence should prevail, as no the financial difficulties In New York, ed to forward cash to banks of tne M country can and no business Wsahlngton, D. C. Oct. 28. Pres Oc- advance resulting from the enormous decrease southwest. ldent procla In a letter dated, Cincinnati, Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 28. At London, Oct. 28. The United survive without It. In selling price of seeurtles. There It is said that a consultation of Roosevelt will issue his 23, States cabbaged all the bar cold of- the tober 1907, from United States , DAVID II. FRANCIS present situation bankers of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and mation admitting Oklahoma to state tomey General Davidson Saturday on tod-ay- Is nothing in the hood on eaturday, 18. Senator J. B. Foraker, and received fered the markets .here Capitalist, Former Secretary of the to indicate more than a depression In northern Texas took place this morn- November received notice from Judge Head of paying the juicy price of $19.60. , The which Crelgh-to- Interior and Governor of Missouri. the business of the country, wnicn, ing over the telephone and that all constitution under the by his brother, U. S. Marshal n Sherman, one of the lawyers for the which is three aud onehalf cents 1'oiiinUitloii Solid, Says high pressure un to act in aeeoraance new atate will 'begin the management M. any quotation. BtisincHt cnmlnar after the have decided Foraker of this city, lost Sat- Waters-Pierc- e company, higher than previous IliirrliiLan. der which we have been running, will with the order Issued by Acting Gov. of Its own affairs waa formally plac urday, is the following statement: Oil that he The amount secured will aggregate .New York, Oct. 2 8. The founda- wholesome Filson In Oklahoma. Clo-in- is for ed in the presidents hands tnis "1 you would file a motion in the United $5,000,000. be nothing more than morning 11 by send herewith a copy of tion of our business enterprises la and beneficial to all of our commer purpose of protecting banks In case at o'clock Governor the speech 1 made In the senate Jan- .States circuit court of appeals at The United States pushed the bid- sound, and the fair treatment of such clal Institutions.