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Human' Jaspects of Aaonsí F*Oshv ÍK\ Tke Pilrns Ana /Movéis ÍK\ É^ of the 1980S and 1990S

Human' Jaspects of Aaonsí F*Oshv ÍK\ Tke Pilrns Ana /Movéis ÍK\ É^ of the 1980S and 1990S


Sara MarHn .Alegre

-Human than "Human' jAspects of AAonsí F*osHv ÍK\ tke Pilrns ana /Movéis ÍK\ é^ of the 1980s and 1990s

Dirigida per: Dr.

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xxxiii •Human tKcm •Human'..

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XXXIV (1979-1995)1

Abyss, 7776.1989,20th Century Fox, USA. Dir . Prod Gate Anne Hurti. Sa James Cameron. Ph Michael Salomon. Ed Joel Goodman. Mus Alan Silvestri. Prod Des Lesley Diltey. Cast Ed Harris, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, , Leo Burmester, Todd Graff, Wmberiey ScotL The crew of the underwater oil rig Deepcore are forced to collaborate with a group of military SEALS to try to recover a nuclear missile lost in the enigmatic sinking of the US submarine Montana. High tension develops between the rig's , Ljndsey, the crew led by her ex-husband Bud, and the military team led by Lt. Coffey, which is complicated by their meeting a colony of angelic extraterrestrials that have set out to save humankind from its self-imposed nuclear threat. Oscars: 1989, Best ; Nominations: Best Cinematography, Art Direction, Sound.

AddamsFamSy, The. 1991, Paramount USA Dir Bany Sonnerrfield. Prod . Scr Larry Wilson, Caroline Thompson, Larry Wilson (based on cartoon characters created by Charles Addams). Ph Owen Roizman. Ed Dede Allen, Jim Miller. Prod Des Richard MacOonató. Mus . Cast Anjefica Huston, Raul Julia, Caret Struycken, Christopher Uoyd, Judith Malina, , Jimmy Workman. A family of freaks who live in a gothic mansion in American suburbia are visited by a man who claims to be the husband Gomez's lost brother, Fester. This man and his possessive mother actually want to rob the family of their treasure. The plot deals with how the different members of the family test the claimant and with how all the attempts of the couple to steal the money are frustrated. As it turns out, the man claiming to be Fester is indeed Gomez's lost brother in the end he returns to the family and his false mother is unmasked. Oscars: 1991, Nomination: Best Costume Design

Addams Fancy's Values. 1993, Paramount, USA. Dir . Prod Scott Rudin. Sa Paul Rudnick (based on cartoon characters created by Charles Addams). Ph Don Peterman. Ed Arthur Schmidt, Jim Miller. Prod Des Ken Levy. Cast , Raul Julia, Christopher Uoyd, Joan Cusack, Christina Ricci, Carol , Jimmy Workman, Carel Sbuycken. A nanny is hired to take care of the Addams newly born baby, Pubert. She is a pretty, young woman who soon seduces Uncle Fester and becomes his wife. Fester ignores

'Dir = director; Prod = producer; Scr » ; Ph = director of photography; Ed = editing; Prod Des = art director or production designer; Mus = music. Information about the film crews is taken from Elley (1991,1994) and the films' credits; that about the Oscars, from Elley (ibid.), Bergan and Puller (1992) and De Cominges et al. (1992,1993,1994, 1995,1996).

XXXV -Humcrn tKarv -Human'

that she ¡s a very well-known 'black widow1 and that she is planning to turn him into her next victim. To her increasing desperation, all her plans go wrong and she has to put with Fester's love for her as much as with his family. When she decides to do away with all of them, only baby Pubert can solve the situation. Oscars: 1993, Nomination: Best Art Direction.

Alien: The Eighth Passenger. 1979,20th Century Fox - Brandywine, UK. Dir Prod Gordon Carroll, David Güter, . Scr Dan O'Bannon. Ph Derek Vanlint Ed Terry Rawfings. Prod Des Michael Seymour. Mus . Cast Sigoumey Weaver, Tom Skerritt, , Harry Dean Stanton, , Ian Holm. The crew of the cargo spaceship Nostramo investigate a distress call that has interrupted their voyage home. When one of the astronauts touches one of the eggs found in the planet where the call comes from, a strange creature attaches itself to his face. Taken on board, this man, Kane, soon breeds a monstrous creature which rips its way out of his stomach. Within 24 hours the creature has grown to its adult size to stalk and kill the crew one by one. Only Lt. Ellen Ripley survives the massacre after killing the creature. Oscars: 1979, Best Visual Effects; Nomination: Best Art Direction.

Aliens. 1986,20th Century Fox- Brandywine, USA. Dir James Cameron. Prod . Sa James Cameron. Ph Adrian BkJdte. Ed . Prod Des Peter Lament Mus James Homer. Cast Sigoumey Weaver, Carrie Henn, Michael Biehn, , Paid Reiser, Janette Goldstein. After 57 years drifting asleep in space Ellen Ripley is rescued and blackmailed by the Company to return to the planet where the alien was found, now a mining colony. Contact with the planet has been lost and the Company suspects that an alien may be responsible. Ripley agrees reluctantly and what she and a marine crew find in the planet is a huge colony of the creatures and a single survivor, 9-year-old Newt. Eventually Ripley discovers the alien queen that is breeding the monsters and destroys her. Oscars: 1986, Best Visual Effects, Sound Effects Editing; Nominations: Best Actress (Sigoumey Weaver), Art Direction, Editing, Original Music Score, Sound.

Aßen3.1992, Brandywine, UK, Dir . Prod Gordon Carroll, David Giter, Walter Hill. Scr David Gfler, Walter Hill and Larry Ferguson. Ph Atex Thompson. Ed Terry Rawfings. Prod Des . Mus . Cast Sigoumey Weaver, Chartes Dance, Paul McGann, Brian Glover, Ralph Brown, Danny Webb, Lance Henriksen. Escaping from the infested colony Ripley crash-lands in Fiorina, a small planet used as a penitentiary for dangerous male criminals. One of the aliens disembarks on the planet together with Ripley and she and the men must overcome their differences to fight together for survival. To her horror, Ripley eventually discovers that she carries an alien queen in her body and, once the adult monster has been killed, she decides to sacrifice herself rather than hand over the queen to the Company that covets her. Oscars: 1992, Nomination: Best Visual Effects.

Altered States. 1980, Warner, USA. Dir . Prod Howard Gottfried. Scr (based on his own novel). Ph . Ed Eric Jenkins. Prod Des Richard MacDonald. Mus John Corigfiano. Cast , , Bob Balaban, Charles Haid. Dr. Jessup is doing research on the state in which schizophrenic patients seem to reach a kind of primal communion with all things living. Offered a potion by a Mexican tribe, Jessup starts experimenting with his own body, putting aside his marriage and his family. Regressing first to a primitive state, Jessup disregards his wife's plea and runs a final experiment that literally turns him into the monster of his own id. He can only save himself and his wife if he accepts that his love for her matters more than his work. Oscars: 1980, Nomination: Best Original Score, Sound

American Werewolf in London, An, 1981, UnrversalA-ycanthrope, USA. Dir . Prod George Folsey Jr. Scr John Landis. Ph Robert Paynter. Ed Malcolm Campbell. Prod Des Leslie Dfltey. Mus Bmer Bernstein. Cast David Naughton, , Griffin Dunne, John Woodvine, Brian Glover, Frank Qz. Jack and David, two American backpackers travelling in England, are attacked by a monstrous wolf after being denied shelter in a small village. Jack dies and David, befriended by pretty nurse Alex, soon becomes a werewolf, stalking and killing an increasing number of victims. The dead friend and these victims appear as decaying bodies to haunt the werewolf and try to him to his death, which will free them. Not even Alex's love can save David from his strange death in Britain. Oscars: 1981, Best Make-Up.

Angel Heart. 1987, Caroteo/W¡nkat-Union, USA. Dir . Prod Alan Marshall, Eliot Kastner. Sa Alan Parker (based on the novel by William Hjortsberg FaKng Angel). Ph Michael Seresin. Ed Gerry Hambfing. Prod Des Brian Morris. Mus Trevor Jones. Cast Mickey Rourke, , Charlotte Rampfing, Lisa Bonet Harry Angel, a NY private detective, is hired by the enigmatic Lou Cypher to track Johnny Favourite, a famous crooner who has failed to honour a contract with Cypher. As Angel finds out more about missing Johnny, those he comes in contact with die mysteriously. When Angel meets Epiphany Proudfoot, Johnny's own daughter and the priestess of a voodoo cult, he realizes that Johnny and himself may be somehow linked. Cypher (Lucifer) tells a horrified Angel the truth: his was taken by Favourite in an attempt to escape the Faustian pact made with Lucifer. Now he is to pay and spend eternity in hell for his crimes.

Apocalypse Now. 1979, , USA. Dir Francis Ford . Prod . Sor Francis Coppola, John Milfius (based on the by Joseph Conrad, "Heart of Darkness", uncredrted). Ph VTttorio Storaro. Ed Barry Maltón. Prod Des . Mus Carmine Coppola Cast Marion Brando, , Robert Duvall, Dennis Hopper, . Captain Willard is dispatched by the US Army to find and kill Col. Kurtz, who has deserted his post in Vietnam and founded a private kingdom in the Cambodian jungle. The more Willard becomes familiar with the details of Kurtz's brilliant career, the more he sympathises with the man, despite the atrocities he knows are being committed in his domain. When both finally meet, Kurtz hints to Willard that he is awaiting death and so his mission is accomplished. Tempted for a moment to become Kurtz's successor, Willard escapes back to Vietnam, carrying with him Kurtz's memories. Oscars: 1979, Best Cinematography, Sound; Nominations: Best Picture, Director, Supporting Actor (Robert Duvall), Screenplay, Art Direction, Editing.

Attack of the 50 R Woman. 1994, Araba Fums / HBO Pictures/ Warner Bros. TV, USA. Dir Christopher Guest Prod Debra Hill. Scr Joseph Dougherty (based on the screenplay by Mark Hanna tor the original 1958 film). Ph RusseH Carpenter. Ed Harry Keramidas. Prod Des Joseph T. Garrity. Mus Nicholas Pike. Cast , Daniel Baldwin, Wdfiam Windom, Cristi Conaway,

XXXVII . -Human iKan -H uman

Paul Benedict Nancy Archer is an unhappy but patient young woman, married to the unfaithful, sexist Harry. She is the daughter of a powerful local tycoon who shamelessly mistreats her. One night, after catching Harry with his mistress Honey, Nancy runs to the desert where she sees by an alien spaceship. A ray shot from the ship turns Nancy into a giantess, who grows also into a mature woman determined to keep her husband to herself at all costs. When she finally gets him in her grasp, her alien friends reappear.

Awfully Big Adventure, An. 1995, PortrnarWVdfhound through 20th Century-Fox, UK Dir Mite Newell. Prod Hillary Heath, Philip Hinchdiffe. Scr Charles Wood (based on the novel by ). Ph Dick Pope. Ed Jon Gregory. Prod Des Mark Geraghty. Mus Richard Hartley. Cast , Alan Rickman, Georgina Cates, Prunella Scales. Stella is a 16-year-old newcomer in a repertoire company. There she falls hopelessly in love with Meredith, the director, unaware of his reputation as a corrupter of young men. An actor called O'Hara, with a reputation as a womaniser and an old feud with Meredith, enters the company and he soon seduces Stella, finding to his consternation that she is his own daughter by an aspiring actress he abandoned. Appalled by his discovery he suffers a mortal accident, while Stella still remains ignorant of the situation.

Basic Instinct. 1992, Cardco/Canal Plus, USA. Dir . Prod Alan Marshall. Sa Joe Eszierhas. Ed Frank J. Urtoste. Ph Jan de Bont Prod Des . Mus Jerry Goldsmith. Cast , , Jeanne Triptehom, , Denis Amdt, Leflani Sarede, . Best-selling writer Catherine Trammell is suspected of having killed her boyfriend. Nick, the policeman in charge of the case, discovers that Catherine's life and work mirror each other and that he is the subject of Catherine's new novel, which closely resembles the case he is investigating. All indicates that Catherine is the killer but when evidence points at his ex-girlfriend, psychologist Lisa, Nick is only too ready to believe in Lisa's guilt. The possibility that Catherine has plotted his life as well as her work is beyond Nick. Oscars: 1992, Nominations: Best Editing, Original Score.

Batman. 1989, Guber-Peters/Wamer, USA. Dir . Prod Jon Peters, Peter Guber. Scr Sam Hamm, Warren Skaaren (based on the comics characters created by Bob Kane). Ph Roger Pratt Ed Ray Lovejoy. Prod Des Anton Fürst Mus Danny Elfrnan, . Cast , , , Robert Wohl, Pat Hingte, Billy Dee Williams. Dull multimillionaire Bruce Wayne leads an exciting double life as hero . When a severely deformed crook who has self-styled himself as the Joker attempts to take Gotham City by storm, and to seduce Wayne's girlfriend, photographer Vicki Vale, into the bargain, Batman foils his plans. Forced to confront the Joker, Wayne realizes that this criminal is the same one who killed his parents when he was a child, leaving him not only an orphan but also disturbed enough as to need to become Batman. Oscars: 1989, Best Art Direction.

Batman Returns. 1992, Warner, USA. Dir Tim Burton. Prod Denise Di Novi, Tim Burton. Scr Daniel Waters (based on the comics characters created by Bob Kane). Ed Chris Lebenzon. Ph Stephan Czapsky. Prod Des . Mus Danny Elfman. Cast Michael Keaton, , Danny de Vito, .

XXXVIII T-i I »nog

Batman fights the freakish Penguin - allied with the corrupt Max Schreck to turn Gotham City into their particular dominion - and Catwoman, Schreck's secretary turned into a werecat when he kills her. As she embarks in her crusade to exact revenge from Schreck and to disarm Batman, he falls in love with Setina Kyle - the Catwoman herself. Once the Penguin's plans have been foiled by Batman and despite him and the Catwoman's having unmasked each other, she decides to go, not before killing Max Schreck. Oscars: 1992, Nominations: Best Make-Up, Visual Effects.

Batman Forever, 1995, Warner, USA. Dir . Prod Tim Burton, Peter MacGreggor-Scott. Sa Lee Batchter, Jane Scott Batchter, Akjva GokJsman (based on the comics characters created by Bob Kane). Ph Stephen Goldblatt. Ed Dennis Virkter. Prod Des Barbara üng. Mus Elliot Goldenthal. Cast Val Kilmer, Chris O'Dormeil, , Jim Carrey, Nichole Kidman. Batman makes a new enemy when he antagonises a mad inventor on his own payroll, Edward E. Nygma, whose device to capture TV viewer's minds millionaire Bruce Wayne will not mass produce. Nygma, refashioned as The Riddler, joins forces with another of Batman's enemies, Harvey Two-Faced. When both kill the parents of a young acrobat, Batman finds an unexpected ally in young self-styled Robin. On the other hand, Batman also becomes the love object of Dr. Chase Meridian, a psychoanalyst his later ego Bruce Wayne is in love with.

Beautyandthe Beasf. 1991, Studios/Silver Screen Partners IV, USA. Dir Gary Trousdate, Kirk Wise. Prod Don Hahn. Ser Linda Wolverton. Ed John Camochan. Prod Des Brian McEntee. Mus . Songs Alan Menken and Howard Ashman. Bella's father, an inventor, is imprisoned by the Beast as he enters his castle for shelter. He can only be released if Bella agrees to take his place, which she does. The Beast, who is actually a prince under a powerful spell, must overcome his obvious social shortcomings to make Bella love him, as her love is his only hope of ever regaining his human shape. The courtship goes well until Bella's suitor Gaston, an insufferable boaster of the worst kind, decides to rescue Bella's from the castle and kill the Beast. The Beast eventually kills Gaston and reverts to his original body. Oscars: 1991, Best Song, Original Score; Nominations: Best Picture, Song, Sound.

Black Widow. 1987, ManVAmericenVArnerican Entertainment, USA. Dir Bob Rafelson. Prod Harold Schneider. Scr Ronald Bass. Ph Conrad L HaH. Ed . Prod Des . Mus Michael Small. Cast Debra Winger, Theresa Russell, Sami Frey, Dennis Hopper, Nicol Williamson. Alexandra, an agent of the Justice Department suspects that the recent deaths of a number of wealthy middle-aged men might be linked. All these men died shortly after marrying a young, beautiful woman and the agent suspects that this woman might be the same in all the cases. She starts then tracking under cover the alleged 'black widow*, Catherine, but when they meet a complex relationship of love and envy develops between them. The 'black widow1 of changing identity manipulates the killing of her last husband, so that Alexandra is blamed for it, but she is finally unmasked.

Blade Runner. 1982, Wamer/Ladd, USA. Dir Ridley Scott. Prod Michael Deetey. Scr David Peoples and (based on the novel by Philip K Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?). Ph Jordan Cronenweth. Ed Marsha Nakashima Prod Des Lawrence G. Paul. Mus . Cast Harrison Ford, , Joana Cassidy, Daryl Hannah, , Sean Young.

XXXIX -Human tKcm •Human'

'Blade runner' Rick Deckard ¡s on a new assignment to 'retire' six Nexus-6 replicants that have entered Earth illegally, after riots on another planet. To help him spot the replicants, Deckard is introduced to Rachael, a replicant produced by the Tyrell Corporation, who is unaware that she is not human. Deckard tells her the truth and they start a troubled relationship, made the more difficult by his retiring the replicants. When Deckard faces the dying replicant leader Roy, who saves his life, he sees that he must save Rachael. NB: The version known as The Director's Cut released in 1992 suggests that Deckard himself is a replicant. Oscars: 1982, Nominations: Best Art Direction, Visual Effects.

Bram Stokefc Dracula. 1992, /Osiris Frims. USA. C»r Francis Ford Coppola Prod Francis Fond Coppola, Fred Fuchs, Charles Mulhevfll. Scr James V. Hart (based on the novel by Bram Stoker). Ph . Ed Nicholas C. Smith, Glenn ScantJebury, Anne GoursauM. Mus Wojäech Kilar. Cast Gary OWman, , , , Sadie Frost, Gary Elwes. 's fiancée commits suicide wrongly believing he has died in the battle field. Maddened by the loss and the impossibility of burying her in consecrated ground, he abjures God and is damned, becoming then a vampire. Centuries later, he realizes that his guest Jonathan Barker's fiancée, Mina, is his lost love reborn and he plots his way to meet her in Britain. Leaving a trail of deaths behind him, Dracula returns to his native land where Mina is given the choice of staying with him or saving his immortal soul. She chooses to kill him, thus saving his soul. Oscars: 1992, Best Sound Effects Editing, Costume Design, Make-Up; Nomination: Art Direction.

B/azf. 1985, Embassy International Pictures, UK Dir Terry Giuiam. Prod Amon Mflchan. Scr , , Chartes McKeown (based on the novel by George Orwell, 1984, uncredited). Ph Roger Pratt Ed Julian Doyte. Mus Michael Kamen. Prod Des . Cast Jonathan Pryce, Robert de Niro, Michael Pafin, Kim Greist, Katherine Helmond, Ian Holm. Sam Lowry works for the incompetent Ministry of Information in an Orwellian future. Asked to clear up the unfortunate arrest and execution of family man Buttle instead of rebel Tuttle, Sam finds that a world of torture is concealed beneath the Ministry's facade. He endlessly daydreams about a female lorry driver, Jill, who is desperately trying to lodge a complaint against Buttle's death, and about hero Tuttle, but the heroic Sam of his dreams ends up in the hands of torturer Jack, not too ready to give up his dreams of freedom. Oscars: 1985, Nominations: Best Original Screenplay, Art Direction.

Bride, The. 1985, Columbia-Delphi III/ Cdgems, USA. Dir Frank Roddam. Prod Victor Drai. Scr Lloyd Fonvielte. Ph Stephen H. Burum. Ed Michael Ellis. Prod Des Michael Seymour. Mus . Cast Jennifer Beate, , , Clancy Brwon, David Rappaport Dr. Frankesntein builds a female mate for his monster, but seeing the beauty of the new woman, whom he calls Eve, he decides to keep her for himself. The monster runs away and finds companionship in a midget who works in a circus, where he is also employed. Meanwhile, Eve, unaware of who she is or of the male monster's existence, is educated to become a respectable lady. However, her growing suspicions of Frankenstein's lustful intentions are proven right when he tries to rape her. The monster appears in the nick of time to save her and kill their maker. xl T- ¡ 1mog r

Candyman. 1932, Lauren Rims/Polygram Filmed Entertainment Propaganda FÉns, USA. Dir Bernard Rose. Prod Steve Goiin, Sigurjon Stghtvasson, Alan Poul. Sa Bernard Rose (based on the short story by "The Forbidden"). Ed Dan Rae. Ph Anthony B. Richmond. Mus . Cast , Tony Todd, Xander Berkeley, Kasi Lemmons, Vanessa Williams. Helen is a PhD student of anthropology doing research on urban legends. She is told about the legend of a 19th century black painter murdered when he fell in love with a white woman. This man's ghost, sporting a hook and appearing in a run-down area of the city, seems to be responsible for a number of recent deaths. When Helen invokes him, he comes back from death to find his lost love in her. The 'Candyman' forces then Helen to go to him by kidnapping a baby; she tries to resist his call and though she rescues the child, her soul goes to him.

Cape Fear. 1991, Universal Ambfin Ent/ Cappa Films/ Tribeca Prod, USA. Dir . Prod Barbara de Fina. Ser Wesley Stick (based on the novel by John D. MacDonakJ The Executioner and the screenplay by James R. Webb for the 1961 screen adaptation). Ph . Ed Thelma Schoonrnaker. Prod Des . Mus Bernard Hermann. Cast Robert de Miro, Nick Note, , Juliette Lewis, , . After serving a sentence for a very violent rape, Max Cady decides to seek revenge on Sam, the lawyer who, according to Cady, did not do enough to secure him a shorter conviction. Cady starts harassing Sam's wife, Leigh, and their teenage daughter, Danny, never trespassing the limits of the law he now knows so well. Sam, increasingly desperate, starts recurring to illegal methods to stop Cady but all of them fail, until the family must face Cady together in the middle of a storm in isolated Cape Fear. There they kill him after a fierce battle and start a new life together. Oscars: 1991, Nominations: Best Actor (Robert De Niro), Supporting Actress (Juliette Lewis).

Cat People. 1982, RKO-Universal, USA. Dir Paul Schrader. Prod Charles Fries. Scr Alan Ormsby. Ph John Bailey. Ed Bud Smith. Prod Des Edward Richardson. Mus , David Bowie. Cast Nastassjia Kinski, Malcolm McDowell, John Heard, Annette OToote, Ruby Dee, Ed Begtey Jr. Irina is reunited in New Orleans with her long lost brother, ignoring that he transforms at night into the black panther that is terrorising the city. He tempts her into an incestuous relationship to become another of his kind but she resists him, having fallen in love with a zoo curator. Although his brother warns her that she will become a panther if she engages in sex with this man, she cannot repress her instincts and lets nature take its course.

Cement Garden, The. 1994, Neue Constantin Film Produktion Gmbh / Laurentic "Cement Garden" & Torii Productions. GER-FRA. Dir Andrew Birkin. Prod Bee Gilbert, Ene Vanaveski. Scr Andrew Birkin (based on the novel by Ian McEwan). Ph Stephen Bteckman. Ed Toby Tremtett Prod Des Bernd Lepel. Mus Edward Shearmur. Cast , Andrew Robertson, Sinead Cusack, Alice Courtald, Ned Birkin. Julie, 17, and her siblings Jack, 15, Sue, 10 and Tom, 7 are orphaned when their mother dies at home soon after the death of their father. Trying to avoid the dispersal of the family that the state's interference would cause, the children encase the mother's body in cement and leave it in the cellar. They slowly adapt to their new life, with Julie and Jack eventually beginning an incestuous relationship that is discovered by Julie's rich boyfriend, Derek. Angered because of this and because he feels he has . -Human iKcm -Human'...

not been trusted, Derek reports them to the police.

CitízenX, 1995, USA-Canada. Dir Chris Gerolmo. Prod Timothy Marx Scr Chirs Gerolmo (based on the book by Robert Culten). Ph Robert Fraisse. Cast Stephen Rea, , Max von Sydow, Jeffrey DeMunn, John Wood, Joss Ackiand. More than fifty murders were committed near the town of Rostov in Russia between 1982 and 1990. Viktor Bukarov, the forensics expert in charge of examining the first bodies found, was promoted and commissioned with the task of finding the murderer. Bukarov's work was constantly hindered by the resistance of the communist authorities' to acknowledging the existence of a serial killer in the USSR. It was not until the beginning of Gorbachev's presidency that Bukarov received adequate help from a military officer and an expert in psychiatry to locate and arrest Andrei Chikatilo, an ordinary man who was proven to be the 'Rostov' butcher.

Cocoon, 1985,20th Century-Fox/Zannuck-Brown, USA. Dir . Prod Richard D. Zanuck, . Scr Tom Benedeck (based on the novel by David Saperstein). Ph Don Peterman. Ed Daniel Hantey, Michael J. Hill. Prod Des Jack T. Hoffis. Mus James Homer. Cast , Wlíford Brimtey, Hume Cronyn, Brian Deheney, Tahnee Welch, Steve Gutenberg. Four mysterious visitors arrive in Florida and hire the services of a charter boat skipper to retrieve from the bottom of the sea what appear to be giant oyster shells. The leader of the visitors places then the shells in a swimming pool but, accidentally, a small group of retired people find that swimming in this pool gives them back the energy of youth. As the skipper discovers that the visitors are luminous beings covered by a suit of human flesh, the elderly group realise that their energy comes from the bodies of the aliens within the shells, who are now dying. The aliens then disclose the truth. Oscars: 1985, Best Supporting Actor (Don Ameche), Visual Effects.

Comfort of Strangers, The. 1990, Erre/Sovereign/Reteitalia, USA/ITA. Dir Paul Schrader. Prod Angelo Rizzdi. Scr Harold Prrter (based on the novel by Ian McEwan). Ph . Ed Bill Pankow. Prod Des Mus: Angelo Badalamentí. Cast Christopher Walken, Rupert Everett, Natasha Richardson, . Mary and Colin are a British unmarried couple on holiday in Venice, trying to rekindle their relationship. One night they meet an Italian, Robert, who insists on taking them to his home to meet his Canadian wife Caroline. Little by little Mary and Colin are trapped by the couple and by Robert's odd stories about his bullying, sexist father. Mary senses imminent danger when Caroline discloses her sadomasochistic relationship with Robert. Mary realizes then that both are after Colin, but she cannot prevent his terrible death, which takes place before her very eyes.

Company of Wolves, The. 1984, Palace, UK. Dir . Prod Chris Brown, Stephen WooHey. Scr Neil Jordan, Angela Carter (based on her own short story). Ph Bryan Lofus. Ed Rodney Holland. Prod Des Anton Fürst Mus George Fenton. Cast , David Warner, Stephen Rea, Tusse Silberg, Sarah Patterson, Graham Crowden. Rosaleen dreams of a forest in which she lives with her family in a fairy-tale past time. In her dreams the forest is inhabited by wolves who kill her sister and who feature in all the gruesome stories that her granny tells her, such as the one about the woman who married a werewolf. On the way to her granny's, sporting a red shawl, Rosaleen is approached by a young huntsman who challenges her to a race to her xlii T- i Imoc; »»a

granny's. When she arrives, granny is gone but when her new friend reveals his true nature, Rosaleen decides to join him.

Criminal Law, 1988, Hemdate/Northwood, USA. Dir Martin Campbell. Prod Robert McLean, Hilary Heath. Sa Mark Kasdan. Ph Philip Meheux Ed Christopher Wimble. Prod Des Curtis SchneH. Mus Jerry Goldsmith. Cast Gary Oklman, Kevin Bacon, Karen Young, Tess Harper, Joe Don Baker. Ben Chase, a lawyer, manages to free his wealthy client, Martin Thiel from prison, despite evidence that strongly suggests that Martin is the serial killer who has recently tortured and killed a number of young women. When another victim is found, Ben realizes that Martin is guilty but he finds himself under the obligation of having to save Martin from prison once more. Martin discloses then his dark secret - he kills women who have had abortions in order to avenge the foetuses aborted in his mother's clinic. Ben is forced to choose between killing Martin or defending him again.

Crow, The. 1994, Entertainment Media Investment Group, USA. Dir Atex Proyas. Prod Edward R. Pressman, Jeff Most Sa David J. Schow, John Shirley (based on the comics characters created by James O'Barr). Ph Darius Wdski. Ed Don Hoenig, Scott Smith. Prod Des Alex McDowell. Mus Graeme Reveli. Cast , Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davies, Sophia Shinas. Rock musician Eric and Shelly are to be married on Halloween. On the eve, a gang attacks them at home: he is killed and she is beaten up and gang-raped, dying later. One year later Eric comes back from death to avenge her, aided by the crow that should have taken his soul to heaven. He makes up his face as a sinister clown and sets out to kill one by one the members of the gang. Once his mission is accomplished, Shelley's ghost leads Eric to his place of definitive rest.

Darkman. 1990, Universal/Darkrnan, USA. Dir . Prod Robert Tapert Sa Chuck Pfarrer. Sam, Ivan Raimi. Daniel, Joshua Goldin. Ph Bill Pope. Ed Bud Smith, Scott Smith, David Stiven. Prod Des Randy Ser. Mus Danny Elfman. Cast üam Neeson, Frances McDormand, Colin Friels, Larry , Nelson Mashita. Peyton Westlake is a scientist working on the production of synthetic skin. His girlfriend, attorney Julie Hastings, gets hold of a document proving that tycoon Strack is using bribes and his alliance to gangster Durant to secure riverside land he wants to develop. Durant viciously attacks Peyton, who is not aware that the papers are in his lab. Badly burnt and virtually skinless, Peyton uses a series of synthetic masks to carry out his revenge. When Julie still offers her love to him, Peyton rejects hen he is now a monster who must live alone.

Dead Ringers. 1988, Mantie Clinic II. CAN. Dir David Cronenberg. Prod David Cronenberg, Marc Boyman. Sa David Cronenberg, Norman Snider. Ph Peter SuschHzky. Ed Ronald Sanders. Prod Des Carol Spier. Mus . Cast Jeremy Irons, Geneviève Bujold, Heidi von Paiteske, Barbara Gordon, Shirley Douglas. Bev and Eili Mantle are twin brothers and reputed gynaecologists. Elli, the more mature of the pair, seduces women he passes onto his shy brother Bev, without their victims' being aware of their game. One of them is actress Claire Niveau, an infertile woman whose unusual triple womb attracts EIN first. Bev falls desperately in love with her and though she comes to terms with her humiliation and encourages their relationship, Bev cannot do without his brother's tutelage and, so, he ends up destroying himself and Elli.

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Dead Zone, The. 1983, , USA. Dir David Cronenberg. Prod Debra HHI. Scr Jeffrey Boam (based on the novel by ). Ph Mark Irwin. Ed Ronald Sanders. Prod Des Carol Spier. Mus Michael Kamen. Cast Christopher Walken, Brooke Adams, Tom Skerritt, Herbert Lorn, , Martin Sheen. Johnny suffers a car crash that leaves him in a coma for years. When he regains consciousness he realizes that he has now psychic powers to foresee the future and to know the past of people with a simple touch, though these powers seem to be causing a 'dead zone* to grow in his brain. When he meets Greg Stillson, the ambitious candidate for the US Presidency and feels that he will cause a nuclear holocaust, Johnny tries to kill him before the dead zone eliminates Johnny himself. Though Johnny fails and is killed, Stillson's career is over.

Death and the Maiden. 1995, Capitol Fdms/ Channel Four/ Flach FHms, FRA-UK. Dir Roman Polanksi. Prod Thorn Mount, Josh Kramer. Scr Rafael Ygtesias, Ariel Dorfman (based on his own , La muerte y la doncella). Ph Tonino Del Cotíi. Ed hierve de Luze. Prod Des . Mus Wojäech Wlar. Cast Sigoumey Weaver, Ben Kingstey, Stuart Wilson. Paulina Escobar thinks that she recognises in the voice of the stranger that has taken her husband Gerardo back home on a stormy night, the voice of the man who tortured her during the dictatorship when she was a student. She did not reveal then the name of the university resistance leader, her own lover, who is now her husband and also the man in charge of the commission to clarify the deaths under the dictatorship. When to Gerardo's horror, Paulina captures the stranger, Dr. Miranda, the trio spend an agonizing night until she forces a confession out of Miranda. Despite the confession, Paulina cannot recover her peace of mind.

Death Becomes Her. 1992, , USA. Dir . Prod Robert Zemeckis, Steve Starkey. Scr Martin Donovan, Martin Koepp. Ph Dean Cundey. Ed Arthur Schmidt Prod Des . Mus Alan Silvestri. Cast , Gotóie Hawn, , , Ian Ogirvy. Madeline, a famous actress, marries plastic surgeon Ernest Melville, snatching him from writer Helen Sharp. Seven years later, Mad and Ernest's luck is down, while Hel reappears in their lives still miraculously young. Jealous Mad contacts a mysterious woman, who makes her drink an elixir of youth, the same one that Hel has apparently consumed. Both stay young and pretty, but seemingly, also dead and it need of constant repair. When Ernest can no longer endure maintaining their bodies, mutual dependence is their only hope. Oscars: 1992, Best Visual Effects.

DemoBtion Man. 1993, Silver Pictures/Warner, USA. Dir Marco Brambilla. Prod , Michael Levy, Howard Kazanjian. Scr Daniel Waters, Robert Reanau, Peter M. Lenkov. Ph Atex Thomson. Ed Stuart Baird. Prod Des David L Snyder. Mus Elliot Goktenthal. Cast , , Sandra Buflock, Nigel Hawthorne, Benjamin BratL Police officer John Spartan is condemned to a cryogenic sleep of 35 years for killing a high number of innocents in a blast during his chase of arch-criminal Simon Phoenix, who receives the same sentence. When Spartan is awaken to help the police chase Phoenix, who has escaped, he finds himself in a Huxleyan future in which life is safe and peaceful but also dull. Guided by policewoman Lenina Huxley and opposing tyrant Raymond Cocteau, Spartan captures Phoenix again, discovering in the chase that not all is well in paradise.

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Dracula. 1979, Universal, USA. Dir . Prod . Scr W.D. Richter (based on the play by Hamilton Deane and John L Bakterston). Ph Gilbert Taylor. Ed John Bloom. Prod Des Peter Murton. Mus . Cast Frank Langella, , Kate Neuigan, Donald Pteasance, Trevor Eve, Jan Francis. Mina Van Helsing, a friend of Lucy Seward's, is seduced by a stranger who follows the footsteps of the giant wolf reported to have escaped from a wrecked ship. She dies and, despite the advise of her fiancé Jonathan Harker and her father Dr. Seward, Lucy gets closer to the newly arrived Count Dracula. Called to attend his daughter's funeral, Van Helsing discovers that she has become a vampire, which he stakes. He realizes that Lucy is following the same course. Yet in the struggle, Dracula and Lucy prove to be stronger than their persecutors and Van Helsing is killed.

Dune. 1984, De Laurentiis, USA. Dir . Prod Raffaelia De Laurentiis. Scr David Lynch (based on the novel by Frank Herbert). Ph Freddie Francis. Ed Anthony Gibbs. Prod Des Anthony Masters. Mus Toto, Marty Patch, Brian Eno. Cast Kyle MacLachian, , Brad Douriff, Sian Philips, Sean Young, Sting, Virginia Madsen. Paul Atreides is to become the warrior saviour of Dune. Dune is a planet coveted by the Harkonnen emperor because of its abundance in a spice of enigmatic origin, but also beset by terrifying giant worms. When the emperor invades Dune, Paul and his witch mother escape to the desert. There he trains the natives to become his own army and learns as well that the worms are the sources of the coveted spice. Paul eventually defeats the evil envoy of the emperor and liberates Dune from his hold. Oscars: 1984, Nomination: Best Sound.

Edwaid Sdssorhands. 1990,20th Century Fox, USA. Dir Tim Burton. Prod Denise DeNovi, Tim Burton. Scr Caroline Thompson. Ph Stephan Czapsky. Ed Richard Halsey. Prod Des Bo Welsh. Mus Danny Elfrnan. Cast , Winona Ryder, Diarme Wiest, Anthony Michael HaH, Alan ArWn, , . Peg is an Avon saleslady who one day ventures into the gothic mansion crowning the hill of the sunny suburb where she lives. There she finds Edward, an odd-looking young man, who sports a bunch of shears instead of hands, as the Inventor, who made him, died before finishing him. Peg adopts Edward and though his integration within the suburban life seems at first easy, Edward is soon harassed by the demands the others put on him. Events soon lead to tragedy and, after killing a man, Edward decides to go back to his original isolation. Oscars: 1990, Nomination: Best Make-Up.

Elephant Man, The. 1980, Paramount/Brookfilms, USA. Dir David Lynch. Prod Jonathan Sanger. Scr Christopher de Vore, Eric Bergen, David Lynch (based on Sir Christopher Treves' 77» Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences and Ashley Montagu's 77» Elephant Man: A Study in Dignity). Ph Freddie Francis. Ed Arme V. Coates. Prod Des . Mus John Morris. Cast John Hurt, Anthony Hopkins, , John Giekjud, . John Merrick, bom with a disease that has severely malformed his bones, is rescued from his exploitative exhibitor by Dr. Frederick Treves, and is put under his care in a hospital. Far from being mentally impaired, Merrick is found to be a sensitive man who has greatly suffered. Thanks to Treves, Merrick is introduced to London's society and achieves a certain level of normality, interrupted by his abduction by his former master to be exploited again. Free once more, Merrick sees this normality is too fragile and lets himself die. . -Human tKcm "Human'...

Oscars: 1980, Nominations: Best Picture, Director, Actor (John Hurt), Adapted Screenplay, Costume Design, Art Direction, Editing, Original Score.

Enemy Mine. 1985, Kings Road/20th Century Fox, USA. Dir . Prod Stephen Friedman. Scr Edward Khmara. Ph Tont Imi. Ed Hannes Nikel. Prod Des Roff Zehetbauer. Mus Maurice Jarre. Cast Dennis Quaid, Lou Gösset Jr, Brion James, Richard Marcus, Carolyn McCormick, Bumper Robinson. Combat Davidge crash-lands in a deserted planet together with his enemy, the Drac Jeriba. To increase their chances of survival, Drac and human must leam to live together. When Jeriba, a hermaphrodite, dies in childbirth, Davidge becomes baby Zammis's foster father, a bond which leads him to kill humans in his defence. Suspected of being a double agent by the humans, Davidge is more successful in establishing trust between him and the Dracs, setting up a basic communication between the two races.

E.T.: The Extraterrestrial. 1982, Universal, USA. Dir . Prod Stephen Spielberg. Scr . Ph Allen Davtau. Ed Carol utfleton. Prod Des James D. Bisseil. Mus John Williams. Cast Dee Wallace, Henry Thomas, Peter Coyote, Robert MacNaughton, Drew Banymore, KG. Martel. A young boy comes across an extraterrestrial stranded in the back yard of his suburban home. Mutually scared at first, boy and alien come to terms with each other's monstrosity. The boy takes the alien first as a pet and later as a friend, letting his elder brother and his younger sister into the secret. When a government agency finds out that an alien has landed on Earth, they persecute and capture it. But when the boy sees that the alien is dying, he abducts it and arranges its safe passage back home. Oscars: 1982, Best Sound, Original Score, Sound Effects Editing, Visual Effects; Nominations: Best Picture, Director, Original Screenplay, Cinematography, Editing.

Fatal Attraction. 1987, Paramount, USA. Dir Adrian Lyne. Prod Stanley R. Jaffe, . Scr James Dearden. Ph Howard Atheron. Ed Michael Kahn, Peter E Berger. Prod Des Mel Bourne. Mus Maurice Jarre. Cast Michael Douglas, , Anne Archer, Fred Gwyne, Mike Nussbaum, Stuart Pankin. Alex Forrest begins an affair with a married man she meets at her workplace. The man has just simply taken the chance one weekend when his wife is away, but for Alex the affair means much more. When she sees that he will not pay her any attention, she threatens suicide and later claims to be pregnant by him. Following him and his family to their new house, she kidnaps the man's little daughter and ends viciously attacking him and his wife in their home. The couple kill her in self-defence. NB: another version distributed on video in 1992 ends with Alex committing suicide using a knife with the man's fingerprints on it, thus securing his being sent to jail. Oscars: 1987, Nominations: Best Picture, Director, Actress (Glenn Close), Supporting Actress (Anne Archer), Adapted Screenplay, Editing.

fírestarter. 1984, De Laurentäs, USA. D'r Mark Lester. Prod Frank Capra Jr. Scr (based on the novel by Stephen King). Ph Giuseppe Ruzolini. Ed David Rawlins. Prod Des Giorgio Postiglione. Mus Tangerine Dream. Cast Drew Barrymore, David Keith, George C. Scott, Martin Sheen, Moses Gum. Charlie is gifted with the power to start fires at will, which is why she and her father Andy are persecuted by a secret government agency, The Shop. Charlie's pyrokinesis is actually a mutation resulting from a secret experiment run by The Shop in which Andy was used as guinea pig. Eventually, The Shop dispatches the brutal Rainbird to xlvi capture Charlie. He succeeds and, pretending that he is just a monster like her, he wins the girl's trust. She collaborates with The Shop but when they still fail to release Andy, both seek a way out. When father and daughter meet, he tells her who Rainbird really is. Rainbird kills Andy and then she uses her power to kill him and destroy The Shop.

Flatiiners. 1990, Stonebridge/Columbia, USA. Dir Joel Schumacher. Prod Michael Douglas, Rick Bieber. Scr Peter Fdardi. Ph Jan de Boni Ed Robert Brown. Prod Des Eugenio Zanetfi. Mus . Cast Kiefer Sutherland, , Kevin Bacon, William Baldwin, Giver Platt, Kimberiey Scott A group of medicine students - four men and a woman - have discovered a method of experiencing death for a short time, coming back to life undamaged. Each tries the experiment but are subsequently plagued by ghosts from their past: one by the boy whose death was caused by his bullying, another by the black little girl he mocked at school, the woman by her dead drug-addict father. Release from the ghosts and the end of the experiment come when they face their guilt and accept it. Oscars: 1990, Nomination: Best Sound Effects Editing.

Ry, The. 1986, Brooksfilms, USA. Dir David Cronenberg. Prod Stuart Cornfield. Scr Chartes Edward Pogue, David Cronenberg. Ph Mark Irwin. Ed Ronald Sanders. Prod Des Carol Spier. Mus Howard Snore. Cast Jeff Goldblum, , John Getz, Joy Booshel, Les Carlson. Scientist Seth Brundle, working on teletransportation, convinces journalist Ronnie to write a book about his experiments and their collaboration soon leads to love. Feeling jealous and a failure, one night Seth teletransports himself. A fly intrudes in his telepod' and its DMA gets mixed with Brundle's in the process. Ronnie, who is expecting Seth's baby, witnesses the horrific metamorphosis of Seth into a hybrid of the fly and himself. He prevents her from aborting their baby, yet finally begs a mercy killing from her. Despite her fears for her child, and her love for Seth, she kills him. Oscars: 1986, Best Make-Up.

Ftyll, The. 1989, Brooksfilm, USA. Dir . Prod Steven-Chartes Jaffa. Scr Mick Garrís, Jim Wheat, Ken Wheat Frank Darabont Ph Robin Vtdgeon. Ed Sean Barton. Prod Des Michael S. Borton. Mus . Cast Eric Stolz, Daphne Zuniga, Lee Richardson, John Getz, Anne-Marie Lee. Seth Brundle's son Martin is bom as his mother dies. The boy is told that a rare syndrome affects him, and is kept virtually prisoner by Bartok, owner of the corporation that employed Brundle. When Martin reaches maturity, Bartok asks him to complete his father's work, for his scientists have failed. Martin suceeds but when he metamorphoses into a monster, and sees that his father1 Bartok only wants to exploit him, he takes revenge. Helped by his girlfriend, the monstrous Martin is reborn as a normal man by stealing undamaged genes from Bartok who becomes thus his 'father* and a monster.

Frankenstein. 1992, Turner Pictures IncJ Fox, USA. Dir David Wickes. Scr David Wickes (based on the novel by Mary SheHey). Ph Jack Conroy. Ed John Groover. Prod Des William Alexander. Mus John Cameron. Cast Patrick Bergin, Randy Quaid, Lambert Wilson, Fiona Gillies, John Mis. Frankenstein is a young university professor. He is fashioning a man in his own image, but an accident causes the unfinished creature to escape. When creature and creator eventually meet, thanks to the bond that unites them as if they were twins, the creature demands a mate. Victor's fiancée volunteers to be the model for the female,

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but seeing that she cannot endure the painful process, Victor aborts the creation. The monster seeks revenge and both meet in the Arctic where Frankenstein sees that only death can free both of them.

Fiankenst&'n Unbound. 1990, M-G-M / United Artists, USA. Dir Roger Gorman. Prod Roger Gorman, Tom Mount, Kabi Jaeger. Scr Roger Gorman (based on the novel by Brian Aldiss). Ph Armando Nannuzzi, Michael Scott. Ed Jay Casskiy. Prod Des Enrico Tovagfieri. Mus Carl Davis. Cast John Hurt, Raul Julia, Bridget Fonda, Nick Brimble, Jason Patrick. Joseph Buchanan, a 21st century scientist, appears in 1817 Switzerland thanks to a time warp. When he meets Frankenstein and his monster, but also Mary Shelley and her husband, he sees that he has a mission: warning Mary about her novel, making love to her, and destroying Victor's creations, including the new female monster made out of Elizabeth's remains he helps to make. When he and the male creature enter another time warp leading to a sordid future caused by Joseph's experiments, his mission to kill the monsters is accomplished.

Ffeddy'sDead: The Final Nightmare, 1991, Newune, USA. Dir Rachel Talalay. Prod , Aaron Warner. Scr Michael DeLucca. Ph Dedan Quirm. Ed Janice Hampton. Prod Des C.J. Strawn. Mus Brian May. Cast , Lisa Zane, Shon Greenblatt, Lezfie Deane, Ricky Dean Logan, Yaphet Koto. An amnesiac teen, John, arrives at the youth shelter run by psyhcologist Maggie, who helps him retrace his footsteps to Elm Street in Springwood, Ohio, a strange town without children or teenagers. Three other youngsters run away from the rehab centre and land on Elm Street: Carlos, whose mother caused his deafness, Tracy, an abused giri and Spenser, a video-addict who hates his father. One by one, Freddy dispatches the boys, though the giris offer more resistance. Maggie turns out to be Freddy's own daughter, only her courageous confrontation with her monstrous father can kill Freddy for good.

Fright Night. 1985, Columbia/ Tristar Films, USA. Dir . Prod Herb Jaffe. Sa Tom Holland. Ph Jan Kiessen. Ed Ken Beyda Prod Des John de Cuir Jr. Mus Brad Fiedel. Cast Chris Sarandon, William Ragsdale, Amanda Bearse, Jonathan Stark, Dorothy Fielding, Roddy McDowafl. Charlie suspects that his new neighbour Jerry Dandridge is a vampire. His virginal girlfriend Amy and his friend Brewster naively believe that Charlie can be cured of his delusion by Mr Vincent, a TV actor starring in the old-fashioned series Fright Night, where he appears as a skilled vampire hunter. Mr. Vincent, who does not even believe in vampires, finds out that Charlie is, unfortunately, right about Dandridge, who has meanwhile turned Amy and Brewster into vampires. He and Charlie must then face and defeat Jerry in order to rescue Amy.

Good Son, The. 1993, Fox, USA. Dir Joseph Reuben. Prod Ex Daniel Rogosin, Ezra Swerdlow. Scr Ian McEwan. Ph John Undtey. Ed George Bowers. Prod Des Bill Groom, Mary Anne Page. Mus Ebner Berstein. Cast , , Wanda Crewson, David Morse, Daniel Hugh Kelly. After his mother's death, 9-year-old Mark spends the winter with his uncle's family. Mark is appalled when he discovers that his apparently affable cousin Henry (also 9) has murdered a younger brother. When Henry tries to kill his own sister Connie, Mark tells his aunt Susan the truth, but this only makes matters worse as he is not believed. Henry's bullying of Mark culminates when he tries to kill Susan herself, whom Mark has come to regard as his own mother. During the attack an accident forces Susan to xlviii T- ï Imog fa

choose between Henry and Mark and, finally aware of the truth, she lets Henry die.

Gothic. 1986, Virgin, UK. Dir Ken Russell. Prod Penny Corke. Scr Stephen Volk. Ph Mike Southon. Ed Michael Bradshell. Prod Des Christopher Hobbs. Mus Thomas Dolby. Cast Gabriel Byrne, Julian Sands, Natasha Richardson, Myriam Cyr, Timothy Spall, Andreas Wisniewski. Shelley, Mary Godwin and Claire Clairmont visit Lord Byron at Villa Diodatti. Together with Byron's doctor Polidori, one night they put in common all their psychic energies to unleash a demonic force that traps them into their own individual nightmares. Mary, haunted by the death of her children, suffers not only a nightmare, in which she sees Frankenstein and his monster but also foresees the deaths of those around her. Once her nocturnal ordeal is over, the following morning she's ready to begin her tale.

Gremlins. 1984, AmblirV Warner, USA. Dir . Prod Michael Finnen. Scr Chris Columbus. Ph John Hara Ed Tina Hirsch. Prod Des James H. Spencer. Mus Jerry Goldsmith. Cast Zach Galligan, Hoyt Axton, Frances Lee McCain, Phoebe Cates, Polly Holiday. A father acquires for his son a curious furry, cuddly creature as a Christmas present. The enigmatic Chinaman who sells the lovely pet, warns its new owner that the Mogwai must not be exposed to sunshine, fed after midninght or get wet, without explaining why. When, inevitably, several accidents of this kind affect the little animal, this spawns a high number of evil , veritable maniacs that throw the life of the family and of the whole suburb into complete chaos until they can be eliminated.

Hand that Rocks the CraoJe, The. 1992, Interscope Communications Prod/ Nomura Babcock & Brown, USA. Dir . Prod David Madden. Scr Amanda Silver. Ph Robert Elsewit Ed John F. Link. Mus Graeme ReveH. Cast Annabella Sciorra, Rebecca de Momay, Matt McCoy, Ernie Hudson, , Madeleine Zima. A reputed gynaecologist destroys his career when he sexually abuses a pregnant client, Claire. When he commits suicide, his also pregnant wife Peyton miscarries; maddened by grief, she plans an elaborate revenge on the woman who brought about her misery. She installs herself in Claire's home as the newly born baby's nanny, usurping little by little the mother's place in the family. However, a friend she kills and the mentally retarded gardener see through her just in time for the sickly mother to stop her. In their confrontation Claire is forced to kill Peyton.

Heaven and Earth. 1993, Ixtlan/ New Regency/Todd-AO/TAE/ Le CanaH-, Alcor Rims, USA. Dir . Prod Oliver Stone, Arnold Mfchan, Robert Wine, A. Wtman Ho. Scr Oliver Stone (based on the two volume autobiography When Heaven and Earth Changed Places by Le Ly Hayslip with Jay Wurts and Chid of War, Woman of Peace by Le Ly Hayslip with James Hayslip). Ph Robert Richardson. Ed David Brenner, Sally Menke. Mus Kitaro. Prod Des Victor Kempster. Cast Hiep Thi Le, Tommy Lee Jones, , Haing S Ngor, Debbie Reynolds. Le Ly, a Vietnamese peasant, suffers the horrors of war on the two sides: first a Viet Cong fighter, she is tortured by the government only to find that her comrades accuse her of treason and sentence her to death. After being raped instead of executed, she flees to Saigon, surviving as a black marketeer until she meets Steve, an American military man she marries. Life in America brings fresh horrors: Steve cannot escape his past as an undercover CIA killer and commits suicide. Alone, Le Ly nonetheless succeeds and plans her return to Vietnam. -Humcm tK«n -Human'

Heavenly Creatures. 1994, Wingnut/ Fontana through Miramax, New Zealand. Dir . Prod Jim Booth. Scr Frances Walsh, Peter Jackson. Ph Alun Bdlinger. Ed Jamie Selkirk. Prod Des . Mus Peter Dasent Cast Melanie Lynskey, , Sarah Peirse, Diana Kent, Clive Merrison. Pauline Reiper, a sulky 15-year-old schoolgirl, is charmed by lively British teenager Juliet Huime, recently arrived in New Zealand. Pauline and Juliet enter a passionate friendship despite their class differences (Juliet is upper-middle class, Pauline working-class) based on their sharing of an imaginary land they fantasise about. Their parents eventually decide that their friendship is becoming too close for their liking and decide to separate them. Pauline blames her mother Honora for this and both giris kill her. Oscars: 1994, Nomination: Best Original Screenplay.

Hellraiser. 1987, Rim Futures, UK. Dir Clive Barker. Prod Christopher Figgis. Scr Clive Barker (based on his own novella, The HeUbound Heart). Ph Robin Vidgeon. Ed Richard Marden. Prod Des Mike Buchanan. Mus Christopher Young. Cast Andrew Robinson, Claire Higgins, Ashtey Laurence, Sean Chapman. Intent on going beyond this world's pleasures, Frank is given a taste of hellish enjoyment by the demonic Cenobites that ends in his bodily dismemberment, though his soul survives intact. Hiding in his brother Rory's house, Frank convinces his sister-in-law and former lover, Julia - still in love with Frank - to pick up men whose bodies he uses to rebuild his own. Yet Rory's daughter Kirsty not only finds Frank but also manages to invoke the Cenobites to take possession again of Frank. Only she survives him.

Hellraiser II: Hellhound, 1988, /Cinemarque Enterteinment/ Ftfrn Futures, UK. Dir Tony Randel. Prod Christopher Figg. Scr Peter Atkins (story by Clive Barker). Ph Robin Vidgeon. Ed Richard Marden. Prod Des Michael Buchanan. Mus Christopher Young. Cast Claire Higgins, Ashley Laurence, Imogen Boorman, Kenneth Cranham, William Hope. Kirsty is a patient of psychiatrist Dr. Channard, who pretends not to believe her account of the raising of the Cenobites. Yet he wishes to become one and so he raises Kirsty's stepmother, Julia, back from death. The couple use a young patient (Tiffany) to invoke the Cenobites, and the three of them, and Kisrty, are sucked into hell. There Channard finally becomes a Cénobite but when Kirsty's compasión restores their human forms to the original Cenobites only Tiffany's closing of the Cénobite box can free the girls and destroy Channard and Julia.

HeUfaiserlll: Hell on Earth, 1992, Fifth Avenue, USA. Dir Anthony Hickox Prod Lawrence Mortoff. Scr Peter Atkins. Ph Gerry Livery. Ed Christopher Cibelli, James D.R. Hickox Prod Des Steve Hardie. Mus Randy Miller, Christopher Young. Cast Terry FarreH, , Paula Marshall, Kevin Bernhardt, Ashley Laurence. TV reporter Joey witnesses a mysterious death. Her investigation leads to a 'goth' club, The Boiler Room. Its owner, Monroe, has bought an enigmatic column where , the Cénobite leader is encased; when the demon awakes Monroe must sacrifice victims to him. Joey is visited in dreams by the human part of Pinhead, a British W.W.I military officer called Spencer. When Pinhead starts his rampage, turning those he kills into monsters, Joey is asked by Spencer to save him by killing Pinhead, as she finally does.

Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer. 1989, Maljack, USA. Dir John McNaughton. Prod John McNaughton, Usa Dedmond, Steve A. Jones. Scr Richard Fire, John McNaughton. Ph Charlie Lieberman. Ed Bena Maganini. Prod Des Rick Paul. Mus John McNaughton, Ken Hale, Steven A. Jones. Cast Michael Rooker, Tracy Arnold, Tom Towles. After a period in jail, where he has met Ottis, Henry resumes killing with Ottis as his assistant. Henry chooses his victims at random, following each time a different method, so that the police cannot find a pattern. Ottis's apprenticeship culminates in the horrific killing of a family Henry and him videotape and often watch. Ottis's sister Becky joins the duo, and although she tries to humanise Henry, he allows Ottis to rape her. Becky and Henry run away together after killing Ottis, but she's to become just another of Henry's victims.

Hidden, The. 1987, / Heron Com. Ina / Mega Entertainment Meltzer, USA. Dir Jack Sholder. Prod Robert Shaves, Gerald T. Olson, Michael Mtetzer. Scr Bob Hunt Ph Jacques Haitkin. Ed Michael N. Knue. Prod Des C.J. Strawn, Mick Strawn. Mus, Michael Convertirlo. Cast Kyle MacLachlan, Michael Nouri, , Clarence Felder, , Ed O'Ross. Two extraterrestrials chase each other on Earth, occupying dying bodies they later abandon. The good one takes the body of an FBI agent in order to make his search easier, helped by policeman Thomas . When the evil one takes the body of a candidate to the US Presidency, the angelic one kills him, although he cannot do anything to save Beck's life. Having lost his family to the evil alien, the angelic alien decides to occupy Beck's body and to take his place as husband and father.

Howling, The. 1980, Avco/ Embassy Pictures Group/ International Pictures Group, USA. Dir Joe Dante. Prod Daniel H. Blatt Scr John Saytes, Terence Winkless (based on the novel by Gary Brandner). Ph John Hará Ed , Joe Dante. Prod Des Michael Finnek, Jack Conrad. Mus Pino Donaggio. Cast Dee Wallace, , , Christopher Stone, Belinda Balaski. Karen White, a TV star reporter, is attacked by 'Eddie', a killer who has approached her for his fifteen minutes of fame. Badly affected by the attack she is sent with husband Bill to Dr. Wagner's colony to rest. She soon sees that 'Eddie' is a member of the group of werewolves lead by Wagner, which Bill joins as well. Karen is rescued by a fellow journalist who suspects Wagner, but her return to TV to report the destruction of the group is halted by her transformation into a werewolf before the cameras.

Hunger, The. 1983, Richard Shepherd, M-G-M, United Artists, USA. Dir Tony Scott Prod Richard Shepherd. Scr Ivan Davis, Michael Thomas (based on the novel by WhitJey Strieber). Ph Stephen Gddblatt. Ed Pamela Bower. Prod Des Brian Morris. Mus Michael Rubini, Denny Jaeger. Cast , David Bowie, , Cliff De Young, Beth Ethters. Miriam is a sophisticated, immortal vampire happily living with her lover John, another vampire. When John starts showing signs of accelerated ageing he tries to contact doctor Sarah Roberts, an authority in the field of geriatrics. Sarah neglects John's case but to make amends she traces him to Miriam's house. There she is seduced by Miriam, who has meanwhile stored the undead John in the attic together with her many previous lovers. Now herself a vampire, Sarah lets Miriam's undead lovers take revenge on their cruel mistress and finally die in peace.

Innocent, The. 1993, Island World, UK-GER. Dir . Prod Norma Heyman, Chris Sievemich, Wieland Schufe-Keil. Scr Ian McEwan (based on his own novel). Ph Dietrich Lohmann. Ed Richard Manden. Prod Des . Mus Gerald Gouriet Cast Campbell Scott, Anthony Hopkins, Isabella Rossellini, Ronald -Humcrn

Nrtschke, Hart Bochner Leonard Mamham, a young British expert in electronics, is sent to in the to help the Americans tap the Russian phone lines, reached thanks to a tunnel. On his engagement night to Maria, a German secretary, they are attacked by jealous Otto, Maria's ex-husband. In the struggle she kills him and to hide their crime they cut the body into pieces and hide it away in the tunnel, just before the Russians discover it. Only Col. Glass's protection can help them, the price being Maria's marriage to Glass.

Innocent Blood. 1992, Warner, USA. Dir John Lands. Prod Lee Rich, Leslie Betzbery. Scr Michael Wdk. Ph Mac Alhberg. Ed Dale Beldin. Prod Des Richard Sawyer. Mus Ira Newborn. Cast Anne Parillaud, Robert Loggia, Anthony LaPaglia, Chazz Palmirrteri. Marie is a pretty vampire who only feeds on 'bad guys', especially Italian. She always kills her victims but Mafia cappo Sal Macelli survives her and becomes a vampire. He finds that there are many advantages in his new state and sets out to convert all his 'family' to vampirism. Only Marie, with the help of policeman Genaro who is chasing her, can stop Macelli and his clan. Soon Marie and Genaro fall in love and, though Marie decides to die after eliminating Macelli, Genaro asks her to stay with him regardless of her predatory habits.

Interview with the Vampire. 1994, Gefren Pictures, USA. Dir Neil Jordan. Prod Stephen WooBey, David Gefren. Scr Ann Rfce (based on her own novel) and Neil Jordan (uncredited). Ph Philippe Roussetot Ed Mick Audstey. Des Prod Dante Ferretb". Mus Elliot GoWenthal. Cast , , Kirsten Dunsten, Antonio Banderas, Stephen Rea, Christian Slater. Louis, desperate after the death of his wife, craves for death that comes to him from classy vampire Lestat. Life with Lestat is enriched with the arrival of Claudia, a child both have turned into a vampire. Yet, angered because she cannot grow up, Claudia tries to kill Lestat. The couple flee to Paris where Armand and his group of vampires punish Claudia with death for her crime. A horrified Louis destroys all the other vampires, unaware that he is to meet once again Lestat back in America. Oscars: 1994, Nomination: Best Original Score, Best Art Direction.

Johnny Handsome. 1989, Carolco/Guber-Peters, USA. Dir Water Hill. Prod . Scr Ken Friedman (based on novel by John Godey, The Three Worlds of Johnny Handsome). Ph Matthew F. Leonetti. Ed Freeman Davtes. Prod Des Gene Rudolf. Mus Ry Cooder. Cast Mickey Rourke, EHen Barkin, Lance Henriksen, Elizabeth McGovem, , . Johnny, a man bom with a severely disfigured faced, is convicted for an armed robbery as his accomplices, Sunny and Rafe, have set him up. In prison, a plastic surgeon turns him into a handsome man, expecting that the change of identity will rehabilitate him, despite the scepticism of the police officer in charge of Johnny's case. As soon as he is out of prison, Johnny's plans for revenge become his priority and disregarding Donna's love, he sets out to confront Sunny and Rafe, with disastrous results for all.

Junior. 1994, Northern Lights, USA. Dir Ivan Reitman. Prod Ivan Reftman. Scr Kevin Wade, Chris Conrad. Ph Adam Greenberg. Ed Wendy Greene Bnamont Mus James Newton Hoeard. Cast , Danny de Vito, , Pamela Reed. Larry, a gynaecologist, has discovered a new wonder drug that will prevent lii T~ i Imo g ra

spontaneous miscarriages in difficult pregnancies. Since he lacks a legal permit to test his drug, he asks a colleague, Alex, to help him. Together they fertilise one of Dr. Reddin's frozen eggs - which she is to use for an experiment - with Alex's sperm, though Dr. Reddin is not informed. Then Larry implants the fertilised egg into Alex's abdomen, where the embryo develops normally. Alex's pregancy angers Dr. Reddin but when their daughter Junior is bom, she accepts her, and forms a family with Alex.

Jurassic Park. 1993, Amblin/ Universal, USA. Dir Steven Spielberg. Prod Kathleen Kennedy, Gerard R. Molen. Ser David Koeppe and Michael Crichton (based on the novel by Michael Crichton). Ph Dean Cundey. Ed Michael Kahn. Mus John Williams. Cast , Laura Dem, Jeff Goldblum, , Ariana Richards. Tycoon John Hammond invites a group formed by palaeontologist Dr. Grant, paloebotanist Elly, mathematician Dr. Malcolm and grandchildren Lex and Tim to try out the pleasures of his Jurassic Park, a theme park featuring live dinosaurs created from prehistoric DNA. As Malcolm predicts, safety in the park soon fails and, as the members of the group ward off or succumb to the vicious attacks of the beasts, it becomes clear that the dinosaurs are unexpectedly reproducing. In the end, the humans must leave the island to the dinosaurs and escape. Oscars: 1993, Best Sound, Sound Editing, Visual Effects.

Kafiforria. 1993, Polygram/ Propaganda Rims, USA. Dir Dominic Sena. Prod Steve Golin, Aristides McGanry, Sigurjon Sightvasson. Scr Tim Metcatfe. Ph . Prod Des Michael White. Ed Martin Hunter. Mus Carter Bumwell. Cast Brad Pitt, David Duchovny, Michelle Forbes, Juliette Lewis. Brian Kessler is a Pittsburgh journalist working on a book about psychopaths together with his photographer girlfriend Carrie. The couple intend to travel to to improve their professional chances and to photograph the scenes of the crimes Brian is writing about on the way. To share expenses they put an ad and are contacted by Early Grace and his girlfriend Adele. The journey soon becomes a nightmare, for Early is a psychopath who ends killing Adele and raping Carrie before forcing Brian to kill him.

LawnmowerMan, The. 1992, Allied Vision/ Lane Pringte Products/ Fuji Eight Co. Ltd, USA. Dir Brett Leonard. Prod Gimel Everett, Milton Subotski. Scr Brett Leonard, Gimel Everett (from a short story by Stephen King, uncredrted). Ed . Ph Russell Carpenter. Prod Des Alex McDowell. Mus Dan Wyman. Cast Jeff Fahey, Pierce Brosnan, Jenny Wright, Geoffrey Lewis. Jobe, whose mental age is 5, is employed as a gardener by Dr. Angelo. With a combination of drugs and virtual reality programmes, Dr. Larry Angelo turns Jobe into a mental superman, after the disastrous results of his experiments involving the hyperstimulation of chimps' brains for military uses. When Jobe's intelligence goes beyond anything Angelo had imagined, he tries to stop him. Yet, by then, Jobe, grown into a megalomaniac with desires of revenge, has already become the new virtual god of cyberspace.

Legend. 1985, Legend/ 20th Century-Fox UK Dir Ridley Scott. Prod Amon Milchan. Scr William Hjortsberg. Ph Alex Thomson. Ed Terry Rawlings. Prod Des Assheton Gorton. Mus Jerry Goldsmith. Cast Tom Cruise, , , David Bennent, Alice Playten. Princess Lily disrupts the order of the universe when she approaches the unicorns that her beloved Jack, a peasant boy, shows her in the forest. Tamed by her virginal beauty, the unicorns become an easy prey to Darkness's servants and are robbed of

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their power. Lily is then taken to hell to become Darkness's bride, while winter sets in the forest. Guided by elves, Jack follows her to Darkness's lair to rescue her, not before she frees the unicorns. With Darkness's defeat, harmony is regained. Oscars: 1986, Nomination: Best Make-Up.

Léon. 1995, Gaumont/ Les Films du Dauphin, FRA. Dir . Prod Claude Besson. Scr Luc Besson. Ph Thierry Arbogast Ed Silvie Landra. Prod Des Bernard Grenet Mus Eric Serra. Cast Jean Reno, Nathalie Portman, Gary Oldman, DanyAiello, Peter Appel. 12-year-old Matilda's family is exterminated by the vicious DEA agent Stansford and she is only saved because she pretends to live next door to her own flat. The tenant of this flat is Léon, a hitman, who reluctantly saves her from death but who learns eventually to love and protect her. On the run from Stansford, the pair have time to leam from each other (she how to use a gun, he how to read) before their enemy finally comers them. In order to avenge Matilda's family, Léon kills himself and Stansford.

Ufeforce. 1985, Canon/Gdan-Gbbus, UK. Dir Tobe Hooper, Prod Menahem Golan, Yoram Globus. Scr Dan O'Bannon and Don Jakoby (based on the novel by Colin Wilson, The Space Vampires). Ph Aten Hume. Ed John Grover. Prod Des John Graysmark, Mus Henri Mandni. Cast Matilda May, Steven Railsback, Peter Firth, Patrick Stewart, Frank Fmtey. Three humanoid aliens are taken to Earth after killing the crew of space shuttle Churchill, except for Col. Calson. They escape and the only woman reveals herself as a shape-shifter who draws the life force of her victims with a kiss. Calson and Col. Cain chase her in her different bodies as vampirism becomes a plague decimating London. Calson confesses to his love for the woman, who, as it turns out, has come to fetch him, since he is one of their species. Cain realizes that the plague will stop when she takes Calson to her own planet and helps her.

Love at First Bite, 1979, American International, USA. Dir Stan Dragoti. Prod Joel Freeman. Scr Robert Kaufman. Ph Edward Rosson. Ed Mort Fallick, Allan Jacobs. Prod Des Serge Krizman. Mus Charles Bernstein. Cast , Susan Saint James, Richard Benjamin, Dick Shawn, Arte Johnson. Count Dracula is evicted from his Roumanian castle by the communist government, who are to give the Count's residence to a famed athlete. The Count travels then to New York, where he meets and falls in love with Cindy, a fashion model who turns out to be the reincarnation of the Count's lost love. However, the Count faces strong competition for Cindy's sexual favours, not only because she is very promiscuous but because his boyfriend is a descendant of Dracula's enemy, Van Helsing. Yet, Cindy chooses in the end to become a vampire and enjoy her new life with Dracula.

Making Mr. Right. 1987, Barry & Enright, , USA. Dir . Prod Mike Wise, Joel Tuber. Scr Floyd Byars, Laurie Frank. Ph . Ed . Prod Des Jack Blackman. Mus Chaz Jankel. Cast John Malkovich, Ann Magnuson, Ben Masters, Gtenne Headtey, . Career woman Frankie is to develop an advertising campaign for Ulysses, an android identical to Dr. Peters of Chemtec, who has designed him for work in space exploration. Frankie's task is to teach Ulysses the social graces that will make him popular, thus securing the funding for the project. However, the naive android quickly leams to fall in love with Frankie and to find the idea of his mission in space unbearable. A desperate Dr. Peters decides to trade places with his creation, allowing liv the couple to enjoy love.

Manhunter. 1986, De Laurentiis/ Roth, USA. Dir . Prod Richard Roth. Sa Michael Mann (based on the novel by , Red Dragon), Ph Dante Spinotfi. Ed Dav Hoeni. Prod Des Mel Bourne. Mus The Reds, Michael Rubini. Cast William L Petersen, Kim Greist, , Brian Cox, Dennis Farina, Tom Noonan. Former FBI agent Will Graham is summoned by his ex-boss Jack Crawford to help find out the identity of an enigmatic, brutal serial killer of families. Graham's reputation is based on his capture of Dr. Hannibal Lecter, the notorious cannibal whose help Crawford suggests might be used. Instead of helping, Lecter leads the killer to Graham in revenge; he is then forced to confront the killer to defend his own family.

Man without a Face, The. 1993, Icon/ Majestic Rims, USA. Dir . Prod Bruce Davey. Scr Malcolm MacRury (based on the novel by Isabelle Holland). Ph Donald M. McAlpine. Ed Tony Gibbs. Prod Des Barbara Dunphy. Mus James Homer. Cast Mel Gibson, Nick Stahl, Margaret Whitton, Fay Masterson, Geoffrey Lewis. 14-year-old Chuck asks Justin, an ex-teacher whose disfigured face keeps him isolated, to tutor him. He is to pass the entrance exam to a selective boarding school that will let him escape his unbearable life with his mother and sisters. Justin is reluctant at first, but he and Chuck eventually develop a close relationship which becomes tainted when it is revealed that Justin went to jail for sexually abusing the boy killed in the car crash that disfigured him. Chuck ascertains that Justin is innocent but others ruin their friendship.

MaryReilly. 1995, Columbia Tristar, UK. Dir . Prod Ned Tañen, Nancy Graham Tañen, Norma Heyman. Sa (based on the novel by Valerie Martin). Ph Philippe RoussetoL Ed Leslye Walker. Prod Des Stuart Craig. Mus George Fenton. Cast Julia Roberts, John Malkovich, Glenn Close, Michael Gambon, George Cote. Mary Reilly is a servant in Dr Jekylls1 grim house. Mary falls in love with Jekyll, observing from a distance his suspicious assistant, Mr. Hyde. Jekyll shows certain sympathy for Mary when he finds out that the scars in her hands were caused by her father's abuse, but he does not hesitate to use her to cover Jekyll's awful crimes. Although Mary still does not suspect who Hyde is, she is troubled by the growing attraction she feels for him. Jekyll finally tells Mary the truth before he drinks a poison that brings back Hyde but also kills him. Mary lies down by his side, letting herself be found with him as a sign of her devotion.

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. 1994, American Zoetrope/ Sony, USA. Dir Kenneth Brannagh. Prod Francis Ford Coppola, James V. Hart, John Veiten. Sa Stephen Lady, Frank Darabont (based on the novel by Mary Shelley). Ph Roger Platt Ed Andrew Marcus. Prod Des Tim Harvey. Mus Patrick Doyle. Cast , Robert de Niro, Helena Bonham-Carter, Tom Hulee, John Cleese, Aidan Quinn, Ian Holm. experiments with the reanimation of body parts, tutored by Prof. Waldman. Ironically, his great opportunity comes when Waldman's death allows Victor to graft his master's brain onto the body of the criminal who killed him. When the new monster, however, kills Victor's bride on their wedding night, Victor does not hesitate to remake her but, claimed by both monster and master, she chooses death. Creature and creator embark on a chase that leads the latter to death and the former to suicide. Oscars: 1994, Nomination: Best Make-Up.

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Mask, The. 1994, New Une Productions/ Dark Horse Entertainment, USA. Dir Charles Russell. Prod Bob Engelmen. Scr . Ph John Leonetti. Ed Arthur Cobum. Prod Des Craig Steams. Mus Randy Elman. Cast Jim Carrey, Cameron Diaz, Peter Riegert, Peter Greene, Amy Yasbeck, Richard Jeni. Dull bank clerk Stanley Ipkiss becomes his mischievous alter ego thanks to a mask. With his new identity Ipkiss can foil the plans of the gangsters who try to rob the bank where he works and seduce the dream girl who is being used by them. When the mask eventually falls into the hands of Ipkiss' enemies, he is saved and the bad guys defeated thanks to his girl and his dog's courage. As she seems to prefer the unmasked Ipkiss, he tosses the mask back to the river it came from, but his dog is ready to be its new owner. Oscars: 1994, Nomination: Best Visual Effects.

Memoirs of an Invisible Man. 1992, Warner/ Cornelius Productions, USA. Dir . Prod Bruce Brodner, Dan Kolsrud. Scr Robert Collector, Dana Olsen, (based on the novel by H.F. Saint). Ph William A. Fraker. Ed Marion Rothman. Mus . Cast Chevy Chase, Daryl Hannah, Sam Neill, Michael McKean, Stephen Tobolowsky. Nick Holloway - a dull, inefficient executive - causes an accident at Magnascope Laboratories that leaves him invisible. The power-hungry CIA agent Jenkins is on his track, as he thinks that Nick will be invaluable as a spy. He forces Nick to face the dilemma of either becoming a media freak or handing control on his body over to mad Jenkins. Only his understanding girlfriend Alice can help Nick to develop a new strategy for survival, evade Jenkins and start a new life and a family with her, remaining still invisible.

Misery. 1990, Castle Rock/ Nelson, USA. Dir Rob Reiner. Prod Andrew Scheinman, Rob Reiner. Scr William Goldman (based on the novel by Stephen King). Ph Barry Sonnenfeld. Ed Robert Leighton. Prod Des Norman Garwood. Mus Marc Shaiman. Cast Kathy Bates, , Frances Stemhagen, Richard Fansworth, . Best-selling novelist Paul Sheldon, author of the popular and romantic Misery series, suffers a car accident. The madwoman who saves him from death, Annie Wilkes, is, unfortunately for Paul, also his number one fan. When she discovers that Misery is dead, she burns Paul's new literary novel, tortures him by withdrawing his medication, and breaks his legs, not before forcing him to write a new Misery novel. In the end, her prisoner decides to confront her and kill her. Once free, Paul publishes his last Misery novel and rewrites the one Annie burnt. Oscars: 1990, Best Actress (Kathy Bates).

Mister Frost. 1990, Hugo/AAA/OMM, FRA-UK. Dir Philippe Setbon. Prod Xavier Gelin. Scr Philippe Setbon, Brad Lynch. Ph Dominique Berenguier. Ed Ray Lovejoy. Prod Des Max Barto. Cast Jeff Goldblum, Alan Bates, Kathy Baker, Roland Girand, Daniel Gelin. While investigating the disappearance of two men a policeman meets Mr. Frost who calmly declares that his garden is strewn with the bodies of the two men and other 20 victims. Taken to a psychiatric hospital, Mr. Frost claims to be the Devil himself and challenges the sceptical female psychologist in charge of his case to believe him: she, Mr. Frost foresees, will eventually kill him when she is persuaded that he's the Devil. Convinced by Frost's evident implication in the horrid death of a boy, she indeed kills him.

Ivi Musk Box, The. 1989, Carolco, USA. Dir Constantin Costa-Gavras. Prod . Ser . Ph Patrick Blossier. Ed Joete Van Effenterre. Prod Des Jeannine Claudia Opperwall. Mus Philippe Sarde. Cast Jessica Lange, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Frederick Forrest, Lukas Haas, Cheryl Lynn Bruce. The father of Anne Talbot, a Chicago lawyer, is accused of having committed war crimes in Hungary as a Nazi officer during W.W. II. Convinced of his innocence and angered by the American media's supposition that he is indeed guilty, Anne defends him in the extradition proceedings, engaging in his aid even the help of her powerful father-in-law. However, when some photographs sent to her in a music box prove her father's guilt, Anne decides to let him face the charges on his own. Oscars: 1989, Nomination: Best Actress (Jessica Lange).

My Left Foot. 1989, Granada, UK. Dir . Prod Noel Pearson. Scr Shane Connaughton, Jim Sheridan (based on the autobiography by Christy Brown). Ph Jack Conroy. Ed J. Patrick Duffner. Prod Des Austen Spriggs. Mus . Cast Daniel Day-Lewis, Ray McAnally, Brenda Flicker, Ruth McCabe, Fiona Shaw. Although Christy Brown suffered from cerebral palsy from birth, his courageous mother rejected the doctors' opinion that Brown would remain a vegetable all his life. Thanks to her determination and the family's love Brown would slowly overcome his disability and the family's limited means become not only literate but, eventually, a painter and writer. The film focuses as well on Brown's emotional attachment to his therapist and to the pretty nurse who finally accepts the challenge of loving him. Oscars: 1989, Best Actor (Daniel Day-Lewis), Best Supporting Actress (); Nominations: Best Picture, Director, Adapted Screenplay.

Naked Lunch, The. 1991, CAN-UK. Dir David Cronenberg. Prod . Scr David Cronenberg (based on the novel by William Burroughs). Ph Peter Suschteky. Ed Ron Sanders. Prod Des Carol Spier. Mus Howard Shore, Omette Coteman. Cast Peter Welter, , Ian Holm, Julian Sands, Roy Scheider. 1953. New York. Bill Lee is a bug exterminator, married to Joan, who is addicted to bug powder. The eccentric Dr Benway prescribes a cure with centipede narcotics for Joan but, before it can be tried out, Bill accidentally shoots Joan dead. On the run, he meets several people in interzone, among which are a mugwump - an alien - and the decadent Tom and Joan Frost. Bill enters then into a nightmarish world ruled by his typewriter, a talking insect which enslaves him into writing The Naked Lunch.

Natural Bom Killers. 1994, Ixlan/ New Regency/ Warner, USA. Dir Oliver Stone. Prod Jane Hamsher, Don Murphy, Clayton Townsend. Scr (uncredited), David Veloz, Richard RutowsW, Oliver Stone. Ph Robert Richardson. Ed , Brian Berdan. Prod Des Victor Kemspter. Mus Budd Carr (exec. prod.). Cast Woody Hanrelson, Juliette Lewis, Robert Downey Jr., Tommy Lee Jones, Rodney Langenfield. Mickey and Mallory Knox are in love and on the run from the police having committed a series of killings, beginning with the murder of her parents. By the time they are captured by a vicious police agent, who is himself a killer, the couple have become a national celebrity. When reality show host Wayne Gale convinces the prison's warden to let him interview Mickey, the latter takes his chance to escape with Mallory, taking Gale as a human shield, and giving him finally not an exclusive interview but death.

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Nightmare before Christmas, The. 1993, , USA. Dir Henry Selick. Prod Tim Burton, Denise di Novi. Ser Caroline Thompson and Michael McDowell (based on characters and story by Tim Burton). Ph Peter Kozachik. Ed Stan Webb. Mus Danny Elfrnan. Jack Skellington, a leading citizen of Halloweentown, is tired of the routine of inventing more forms of scaring people. A walk in the forest leads him unexpectedly to the lovely Christmastown and, impressed by the colourful Christmas preparations, he decides to take over Santa Claus's role. With the help of three monstrous Halloweentown children, he kidnaps Santa Claus and involves the whole town in the first horrific Christmas. Only Marie, a rag doll who secretly loves Jack, sees the approaching disaster. Oscars: 1993, Nomination: Best Visual Effects.

Nightmare on Bm Street. 1984, New Line / Media Home/ Smart Egg, USA. Dir . Prod Robert Shaye. Scr Wes Craven. Ph Jacques HartkJn. Ed Rick Shaine. Prod Des Greg Fonseca. Mus Charles Berstein. Cast , Ronee Blakely, , Amanda Wyss, Johnny Depp, Robert Englund. The adults of a quiet American suburb hide a terrible secret from their children: they burned to death Freddy Kruger, who had killed many children but walked free out of prison. When teenage Nancy's friend Tina is sadistically killed, she realizes she and her friends are trapped in a collective nightmare orchestrated by Freddy. The problem is that not even her police officer father believes her, and feeling betrayed, when Freddy has done away with friend Rod and her boyfriend, she sets out to fight him in her dreams.

1984.1984, Virgin Film/ Umbrella -RosenWum Rims, UK. Dir Michael Radford. Prod Simon Perry. Scr Michael Radford (based on the novel by George Orwell). Ph . Ed Tom Priesity. Prod Des Allan Cameron. Mus Eurythmies and Dominic MukJowey. Cast John Hurt, Richard Burton, Suzanna Hamilton, Cyril Cusack. Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Information tampering with historical documents as Big Brother wills. He longs for some privacy, which he achieves in his relationship with fellow worker Julia. Having heard of the rebel Goldstein and his book, Winston is glad to be approached by O'Brien, who seems to oppose the government. When Julia and him are arrested, Winston discovers that O'Brien is the mastermind behind Goldstein's book and a merciless torturer who forces him to betray Julia and love the Big Brother.

Not without my Daughter. 1991, Pathe/ Ufland, USA. Dir Brian Gilbert Prod Harry J. Ufland, Mary Jane Ufland. Scr David W. Rintels (based on the autobiography by Betty Mahmoody with William Hoffer). Ph Peter Hannan. Ed Terry Rawlings. Prod Des Anthony Pratt. Mus Jerry Goldsmith. Cast Sally Field, Alfred Molina, Sheila Rosenthal, Rosahn Seth, Sarah Badel. An American woman, Betty Mahmoody, married to an Iranian doctor of long residence in the USA, travels with him and their daughter Mahtob to Iran to meet his family in the middle of Khomeini's reign. Once there, he announces they are to remain in Iran indefinitely, and a horrified Betty finds herself trapped without a passport and having to endure his abuse and those of his family. Desperate to take Mahtob away, Betty contacts an underground Iranian network; they smuggles both out of Iran via the dangerous Turkish border.

Predator. 1987,20th Century Fox/ Amercent/ American Entertainment, USA. Dir John McTieman. Prod Lawrence Gordon, Joel Srver, John Davis. Sa Jim Thomas, John iviii T- i I mog r

Thomas. Ph Donald McAlpine. Ed John F. Link, Mark Herfrich. Prod Des John Vallone. Mus Alan Silvestri. Cast Arnold Schwarzenegger, , Elpidia Carrillo, Bill Duke, . A special rescue team lead by Dutch is sent to find a helicopter missing in an area of the Central American jungle controlled by the hostile guerrilla. Joined there by CIA man Dillon, they attack a guerrilla camp, taking a local girl as a prisoner. Once in the heart of the jungle, Dutch is angry to find out that he is actually helping to cover a botched CIA operation, but this problem is minor compared to the death of his men, taken, one by one, by an invisible enemy that the giri describes as a demon. Dismissing her, only Dutch is left to defeat the alien . Oscars: 1987, Nomination: Best Visual Effects.

Predator2.1990,20th Century Fox, USA. D'r Stephen Hopkins. Prod Lawrence Gordon, Joel Silver, John Davis. Scr Jim Thomas, John Thomas. Ph Peter Levy. Ed Mark Goldblatt. Prod Des Lawrence G. Paull. Mus Alan Silvestri. Cast Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Ruben Blades, Maria Conchita Alonso, Kevin . An alien predator lands in 1997 LA, a city devastated by the constant warfare between the police and the gangs of drug dealers. Black police officer Harrigan sets out to find out who is causing the gruesome killings the gangs are blaming onto each other, and also killing his team. What he finds is a creature that kills for the sake of collecting trophies. Disregarding the threats of the FBI who want to capture and study the alien, he tracks it to its urban lair, only to find a group of aliens which arrived in Earth long before us. He kills the predator but the other predators indicate that they might eventually return to Earth.

Prospero's Books. 1991, Allarts/ Cinea/ Camera/ Penta, UK-FRA. Dir Peter Greenaway. Prod Kees Kasander. Sa Peter Greenaway (based on the play by , ). Ph Sacha Viemy. Ed Marina Bodbyl. Prod Des Ben Van Os, Jan Roetfs. Mus Michael Nyman. Cast John Giekjud, Michael Clark, Michel Blanc, Roland Jopheson, Isabelle Pasco. A visually stunning adaptation of The Tempest, Prospero's Books adds to Shakespeare's play a Prospero who is himself writing his own story and who is heard throughout the film giving his own voice to all the characters. Having caused a storm with the help of Ariel - represented by a child, a boy and a man - Prospero confronts his disloyal brother, as his daughter Miranda falls in love with Ferdinand and the treacherous Caliban - in this case a beautiful mute dancer - plots the overturn of Prospero's island kingdom.

Robocop. 1987, Davison/ Orion, USA. Dir Paul Verhoeven. Prod Ame Schmidt Scr . Ph Jost Vacano. Ed Frank J. Drioste. Prod Des William Sande«. Mus Basil Potedouris. Cast Peter Welter, , Ronny Cox, Kurtwood Smith. The police has been sold to Omni Consumer Products, who have developed the ideal, cost-effective policeman: the Robocop. Yet, when the machine malfunctions, OCR replaces it with an alternative Robocop: Alex Murphy - a policeman just killed by the gangster Bodiker - whose brain is inserted into a metal body. The new Robocop has no memory of Murphy's life, but policewoman Louise helps him to remember enough to kill Bodiker and unmask the link between crime and OCP. Oscars: 1987, Special Award for Sound Effects Editing; Nominations: Best Editing, Sound.

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Robocop 2.1990, Orion, USA. Dir . Prod Jon Davidson. Scr , Wallon Green. Ph Mark Irwin. Ed William Anderson. Prod Des Peter Jamison. Mus . Cast Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herily, Belinda Bauer, Tom Noonan, Gabriel Damon. The new drug Nuke has greatly empowered drug baron Cain and his gang. The only threat to their safety is Robocop, whom they capture and dismantle. OOP are developing the new R-2 and so have little interest in rebuilding R-1, which is reprogrammed, but is seemingly useless. The psychologist programming the new R-2 kills Cain when he is under arrest and has his brain grafted onto the R-2, which is then fed with Nuke. R-1, having regained his human identity, fights him and the OCP plans.

Robocop 3.1992, Orion Pictures, USA. Dir . Prod Patrick Cowtey. Scr Fred Dekker, Frank Miller. Ph Gary Kibbe. Ed Bert LovitL Prod Des Hilda Stark. Mus Basil Poledouris. Cast Robert Burke, Nancy Allen, Remy Ryan, CCH Pounder, Rip Tom, Mako. OCP is now owned by a major Japanese corporation run by the tycoon Kanemitsu. The plans to develop the new Delta City go ahead with the forcible eviction of the impoverished tenants of Old Detroit centre, many of whom are killed. Among the victims are the parents of an American-Japanese little girl, a computer wizard who teams with a tough female resistance leader and a female engineer fired by OCP for disagreeing with the misuse of the Robocop. Together with Robocop himself they foil OCR's plans and earn Kanemitsu's trust.

Rowing in the Wind. 1988, Ditirambo Rims SA, Spain. Dir Gonzalo Suárez. Prod Andrés Vicente Gómez. Scr Gonzalo Suárez, Ed José Salcedo. Ph Carlos Suárez. Prod Des José Lacoste. Mus Alejandro Massó. Cast Hugh Grant, Uz Mdnnemey, Valentine Pelka, Elizabeth Hurley, José Luis Gómez. From 1816, when she meets Byron in Villa Diodatti to her death, Mary Shelley is chased by the monster she created in Frankenstein, a creature who announces the deaths of her beloved husband, children and friends. Doubting whether she is not herself death, Mary is in an agony of guilt that leaves her powerless to prevent the deaths. After Byron, his daughter Allegra, Mary's children William and Clara and her husband Shelley have all died, Mary prepares to meet death and her monster, assuming her monstrous motherhood.

Schindter's LJst. 1993, , USA. Dir Steven Spielberg. Prod Steven Spielberg, Gerard R. Molen, Branko Lustig. Scr (based on the novel by Thomas Keneally, SchincHer's Ark). Ph Jamusz Kaminski. Ed Michael Kahn. Mus John Williams. Cast Uam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Rennes, Caroline Goodall, Jonathan Sagalte. Oskar Schindler successfully runs a factory in Nazi-occupied Cracow, staffed by Jewish prisoners, but when he witnesses the massacre in the Jewish ghetto saving Jewish lives becomes his obsession. With plenty of money and tact he manoeuvres Nazi commander Amon Goeth, who runs a work camp where he commits all kinds of atrocities, into letting him buy the lives of 1,100 Jews for his factory. Schindler's strong determination leads him even to rescue his women from Auschwitz. Once they are all together, he and his Jews survive Goeth's fall and the war. Oscars: 1993, Best Picture, Director, Screenplay Adaptation, Cinematography, , Original Score, Art Direction; Nominations: Best Actor (), Supporting Actor (), Costume Design, Sound, Make-Up. T-i I »nog l'a pKy

Serial Mom. 1994, , USA. Dir . Prod John Redler, Mark Tavlov. Scr John Waters. Ph Robert M. Stevens. Ed Jane Hampton, Erica Muggins. Mus Basil Poladouris. Cast Kathleen Turner, , Ricki Lake, Matthew LJIard, Mary Jo CatietL Beverly Sutphin is the perfect wife of a dentist and the wonderful mother of Chip and Misty in suburban Baltimore. What her family does not suspect is that she is also a serial killer, and that her victims are those who annoy her or her family for the least expected reason. Once her activities become known, Beverly becomes a media star, though she never stops killing. When she is arrested and taken to court, she defends herself and proves her total innocence, even though all know she is guilty.

Seven, 1995, New Line Cinema, USA. Dir David Fmcher. Prod Annold Kopelson, Phyllis Cariyle. Scr . Ph Darius Khondij. Ed Richard Francis Bruce. Prod Des . Mus Howard Shore. Cast Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, , Gwyneth Paltrow, John C. McGinley. Young policeman David Mills is the new partner of an experienced detective about to retire. Together they must and arrest a serial killer who is perpetrating bizarre crimes, apparently following the list of the seven deadly sins. Eventually Mills and his companion find out that the psychopath is a certain John Doe and, though he escapes, they find in his apartment abundant evidence to satisfy them that he is their man. Unexpectedly, Doe turns himself in and makes a deal with Mills that will provide the evidence necessary to convict him. As K turns out, Doe has killed Mills' pregnant wife and challenges Mills to kill him or turn to justice, as he should. Mills chooses to kill him.

She-Devil.1989, SeidelmarV Brett Productions, USA. Dir Susan Sektelman. Prod G. Mac Brown, Jonathan Brett, Susan Seidelman. Scr Barry Strugatz, Mark R. Bums (based on the novel by Fay WekJon, The LJfe and Loves of a She-Devil}. Ph . Ed Craig McKay. Prod Des . Mus Howard Shore. Cast Meryl Streep, Roseanne Banr, Jr., A. Martinez, Sylvia Miles, Fat, graceless housewife Ruth is abandoned by her accountant husband Bob for the pretty and successful romance writer Mary Fisher. Tired of always losing, Ruth sets out to change her life, beginning by dumping her children on Bob's lap and slowly climbing to the top as a businesswoman, while she poisons the lives of Bob and Mary. When she makes Mary believe that Bob has embezzled her money, he ends in prison and Mary herself starts a new ambitious, literary career, leaving Bob all to Ruth's care.

Shining, The. 1980, Warner, USA. Dir . Prod Stanley Kubrick. Scr Stanley Kubrick, Diane Johnson (based on the novel by Stephen King). Ph John Aloott. Ed Ray Lovejoy. Prod Des Roy Walker. Mus Bartok. Cast Jack Nicholson, , Danny Uoyd, Scatman Crothers, Barry Nelson, . Jack Torrance gets a job as a caretaker in the once glamorous Overtook Hotel, where his predecessor murdered his wife and children. The cook Halloran notices that Jack's son, Danny, has the 'shining', an ability to see the past and to communicate telepathically. Once the family - Jack, Wendy, Danny - are snowbound and alone, Jack degenerates quickly, perhaps taken by the ghost of his predecessor or by his own failures, threatening to kill Wendy and Danny. Only the boy can stop him.

Short Circuit, 1986, Tri-Star/PSO, USA. Dir John Badham. Prod David Foster, Lawrence Turman. Scr S.S. Wilson, Brent Maddock. Ph

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Nick McLean. Ed Frank Morris. Prod Des Dianne Wager. Mus . Cast Ally Sheedy, Steve Guttenberg, Rsher Stevens, Austin Pendleton, G.W. Baitey. Robot No. 5, one of a batch of ten created by young Dr. Newton Crosby for the Defence Department, shortcircuits and becomes an autonomous thinker. No. 5 escapes Nova's high-tech compound where he has been created and meets a young woman, Stephanie. She protects him from the authorities' and Nova's greedy hands but when No.5 is located by Crosby himself she must convince him that No. 5 does not deserve being turned into an unfeeling tool again.

Silence of the Lambs, The. 1991, Orion/ Strong Heart, USA Dir . Prod Edward Saxon, Kenneth Utt, Ron Bozman. Scr (based on the novel by Thomas Harris, The Silence of the Innocent). Ph Tak Fujimoto. Ed Craig McKay. Prod Des Kristi Zea Mus Howard Shore. Cast Anthony Hopkins, , Scott Glenn, Ted Levine, Brooke Smith, Diane Baker. FBI trainee Clarice Starling is sent by her supervisor Jack Crawford to meet the cannibal killer Hannibal Lecter in prison. He expects her to engage teeter's help, as he is a psychiatrist, in the hunt of another serial killer, in this case of women. Lecter respects Clarice's ambition and unexpectedly decides to lead her to Jame Gumb, the killer, a frustrated transsexual. While she traces Gumb and faces him alone, Lecter escapes. In the end, Clarice kills Gumb and earns her honours with Lecter and Crawford's blessings. Oscars: 1991, Best Picture, Director, Screenplay Adaptation, Best Actor (Anthony Hopkins), Best Actress (Jodie Foster); Nominations: Best Editing, Sound.

Single White Female. 1992, Columbia, USA. Dir Barbet Schroeder. Prod Barbet Scnroeder. Scr Don Roos (based on the novel by John Lutz, SWF Seeks Same). Ph Luciano Tovoli. Ed Lee Percy. Prod Des Milena Cañonero. Mus Howard Shore. Cast , Bridget Fonda, Steven Weber. Ally takes a new flatmate, Heddie, when she spurns her unfaithful boyfriend. The newcomer is worried that the boyfriend's eventual return would leave her homeless, but, when Ally reassures her that this will not happen, friendship flourishes between them. However, Heddie seems too obsessed by copying her flatmate's lifestyle for Ally's liking. When Ally forgives her boyfriend and takes him back to her flat, Heddie's true, dangerous nature surfaces. First to fall is the boyfriend himself; later Ally finds out that Heddie is obsessed by the death of her twin sister in childhood, and is forced to kill her in self-defence.

Species. 1995, Metro<3ddwyn-Mayer, USA. Dir Roger Donaldson. Prod Frank Mancuso Jr. Scr Dennis Feldman. Ph Andrezj Bartowak. Ed Conrad Buff. Prod Des John Muto. Mus Christopher Young. Cast Natasha Henstridge, Ben KJngstey, Michael Madsen, Michael Molina, Forest Whitaker. Sil is bom in a lab out of the fusion of human and extraterrestrial DNA. Her body matures in just a few days. When the scientist who has created her decides to eliminate her, she runs away. Sil enters then the last phase of growth and desperately needs a man to impregnate her. The authorities assemble a team of experts to chase her and prevent her from killing more men. In the end, she conceives a child by one of the men in the team, becomes a horrific monster and gives birth to a no less monstrous son. Both are killed, not before her genetic legacy passes onto another species, rats.

Splash!. 1984, Touchstone, USA. Dir Ron Howard. Prod . Scr , , . Ph bcii Don Peterman. Ed Daniel P. Hanley. Prod Des Jack T. Collis. Mus Lee Holdridge. Cast Tom Hanks, Daryl Hannah, John Candy, Eugene Levy, Dody Goodman, Shecky Green. A mermaid who once saved the life of a drowning boy takes a human form in order to find him in New York. The boy is now a grown-up man expecting love to relieve the dullness of his lonely life. When he meets the lovely but bizarre stranger who calls herself Madison, he thinks that happiness has finally arrived as she corresponds his love. When a journalist working for a tabloid unmasks Madison's true nature, she is forced to return to the sea. The young man chooses to follow her and starts a new, underwater life. Oscars: 1984, Nomination: Best Original Screenplay.

Starman. 1984, Columbia/ Delphi II, USA. Dir John Carpenter. Prod Larry J Franco. Scr Bruce A. Evans, Raynold Gideon. Ph Donald M. Morgan. Ed Marion Rothman. Prod Des Daniel Lomino. Mus Jack Nitzche. Cast Jeff Bridges, Karen Allen, Chartes Martin Smith, , Robert Phaten, Tony Edwards. A stranded alien takes the shape of Jenny Hayden's dead husband Scott before her horrified eyes. The false Scott and Jenny embark on a dangerous journey towards the meeting point where his team will collect him, followed by a government agency that wants to capture him. Although she is at first appalled by the alien's possession of Scott's body, she comes to terms with this odd resurrection; to thank her for her trust the alien makes Jenny pregnant with the child Scott could not give her and then leaves Earth. Oscars: 1984, Nomination: Best Actor (Jeff Bridges).

Terminator, The. 1984, Hemdate, USA. Dir James Cameron. Prod Gate Anne Hurd. Scr James Cameron, Gate Anne Hurd. Ph Adam Greenberg. Ed Mark Goldblatt. Prod Des George Costello. Mus Brad Redel. Cast Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Michael Btehn, Paul Winfield, Rick Rossovioh. Sarah Connor, a waitress, meets Kyle Reese who claims to have been sent from the future by her own still unborn son John to protect her. John is to be the leader that will defeat the machines in a future war they will declare against mankind; Kyle's mission is to destroy the terminator (a robot with a flesh coating) sent by the machines to kill her. As the killing machine stalks Sarah and Kyle, he admits that love for her legendary future figure pushed him toward the past to meet her. They conceive John and destroy the terminator, though Kyle dies.

TerrrinatorZ Judgement Day, 1991, Pacific Western/ Ughstorm Entertainment, USA. Dir James Cameron. Prod James Cameron, Mario Kassar, Gate Anne Hurd. Scr James Cameron, William Wisher. Ph Adam Greenberg. Ed Conrad Buff, Mark Goldblatt, Richard A. Harris. Prod Des Joseph Nemec III. Mus Brad Redel. Cast Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furiong, Robert Patrick. Sarah Connor is in a psychiatric hospital and her son with foster parents. John, 10, is approached by a modified terminator he himself has sent from the future as protection from the more lethal T-2000. Together they free Sarah and, on the run from the T-2000, trace the engineer who will develop the microchip on which the machines will base their new order. He is killed by the police and the T-2000 terminated by the T-1. Yet despite John's plea, the T-1 destroys itself leaving Sarah and John are at last together though alone. Oscars: 1991, Best Sound, Visual Effects, Sound Effects Editing, Make-Up; Nominations: Best Cinematography, Editing. -Humcm tkcm -Hwmcm'...

Thing, The. 1982, Universal/Turman-Foster, USA. Dir John Carpenter. Prod David Foster, Lawrence Turman. Scr Bill Lancaster (based on the short story by John Campbell, "Who Goes There?1). Ph Dean Cundey. Ed Todd Ramsay. Prod Des John J. Uoyd. Mus . Cast , A. Wildford Brimtey, T.K. Carter, , An extraterrestrial that can replicate human bodies infests an American scientific base in Antarctica. Almost maddened because they cannot spot the alien until it is too late, the men die one by one, without a chance of establishing communication with the outside world. While the attempts to stop the creature poison the atmosphere among the team, they can do nothing but bum the remains of those who die. In the end, only two are left, leader MacReady and Nauls, and one of them is the alien that will infect the world.

Total Recall, 1990, Caroteo, USA Dir Paul Verhoeven. Prod Buzz Fertshans, Ronald Shusett. Sa Ronald Shusett, Dan O'Bannon, Gary Oldman (based on the short story by Philip K. Dick, 'We can Remember It for you Wholesale"). Ph Jost Vocano. Ed Frank J. Urioste. Prod Des William Sandel. Mus Jerry Goldsmith. Cast Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rachel Ticotin, Sharon Stone, Ronny Cox, Michael Ironside, Marsha Bell. A construction worker is plagued by strange nightmares about Mars, though he has never been there. A visit to a travel agency specialised in mental travel makes him see that he has been reprogrammed to forget his stay in Mars. Back to Mars he is met by his estranged girlfriend, who puts him in touch with the new leader, mutant baby Kuato. However, when he seems to have regained a firm hold on his memories the man who runs the monopolistic company that owns Mars shows him that he was his own agent and not a rebel as he thinks. Oscars: 1990, Special Achievement Award for Visual Effects; Nomination: Best Sound.

Unforgiven. 1992, Warner/ Malpaso, USA. Dir . Prod Clint Eastwood. Scr David W. Peoples. Ph Jack N. Green. Ed Joel Cox Prod Des Henry Bumstead. Mus Lenny Niehaus. Cast Clint Eastwood, , Morgan Freeman, , Jaimz Woolvett, Richard Harris. Bill Munny is a retired gunman turned pig farmer after his marriage to his now deceased wife, Rebecca. One day he is offered the chance to earn some money by the Schofield Kid' who needs his help in order to claim the reward put up by a group of prostitutes. One of them has been mutilated by a local bully and Sheriff Little Bill Daggett is not too keen on punishing the man. Munny accepts and having to fight first Daggett and then the prostitute's attacker he reaps his reward and sets off west with his children, to start a new life. Oscars: 1992, Best Picture, Director, Supporting Actor (Gene Hackman), Editing; Nominations: Best Actor (Clint Eastwood), Original Screenplay, Cinematography, Art Direction, Sound.

Universal Soldier, 1992, Carolco/lndieProd, USA. Dir . Prod Allen Shapiro, Carig Baumgarten, Joel B. Michaels. Scr Brichard Rothstein, Christopher Leitch, . Ph Karl Walter Undenlaub. Ed Michael J. Duthie. Prod Des Holger Gross. Mus Christopher Franke. Cast Jean-Claude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, , Ed O'Ross, Jerry Orbach. A vicious American platoon leader and his subordinate kill each other in Vietnam when the latter prevents the former from killing a group of defenceless peasants. 25 years later, both re-emerge as part of the secret Universal Soldier project, their

Ixiv bodies having been reconverted into cyborg organisms and their memories having been wiped out. When Veronica, a journalist, discovers the UniSol project, the undead ex-private, Luc, suddenly recovers part of his memories. He and Veronica embark on a journey towards his birthplace as they are chased by the maddened ex-sargeant.

Wes Craven's Afew Nightmare, 1994, New Line Cinema, USA. Dir Wes Craven. Prod Marianne Maddalena. Scr Wes Craven. Ph Mark Irwin. Ed Patrick Lussier. Prod Des Cynthia Charrette. Mus J. Peter Robinson. Robert Englund, Heather Langenkamp, Miko Hughes, John Saxon, David Newson. 'Heather Langenkamp1, who played Nancy In the original Nightmare on Elm Street directed by Wes Craven, is offered the leading role in the new Nightmare Craven is scripting. Now married and the mother of a 5-year-old boy, Dylan, she is reluctant to act in horror films that are not suitable for children. But when nightmares about Freddy start plaguing her, her husband is killed and her son seems to have been possessed by Freddy, she accepts playing Nancy once more to save herself and her son, and defeat Freddy in real life.

Witches of Eastwick, The. 1987, Warner, USA. Dir George Miller. Prod Neil Canton, Jon Peters, Peter Guber. Scr Michael Cristofer (based on the novel by John Updike). Ph . Ed Richard Francis Bruce, Hubert de la Buoilleire. Prod Des Polly Ratt. Mus John WHIiams. Cast Jack Nicholson, , Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer, Veronica Cartwright Sukie (a journalist), Jane (a music teacher) and Alexandra (a sculptress) are divorced and waiting for love to flourish again. When the eccentric Darryl Van Hom moves into the small town where they live, each falls for him and he charms them into accepting that he loves the three of them. This arrangement survives local gossip, but it does not survive the woman's realisation that Van Hom is the devil himself. Finding that the three of them are pregnant by him, the witches join their forces and exorcise Van Hom, keeping his sons to themselves. Oscars: 1987, Nominations: Best Original Score, Sound.

Wolf. 1994, , USA. Dir . Prod . Scr , . Ph Joseph Rotunno. Ed Sam USteen. Prod Des Bo Welsh. Mus Ennio Morricone. Cast Jack Nicholson, Michelle Pfeiffer, James Spader, Kate Neiligan, Christopher Rummer. Will Randall is bitten by a wolf on a lonely road. The bite gives his body and mind a new : he fights his boss' plans to 'kick him upstairs', gives his disloyal protégé Stuart his comeuppance and overcomes his wife's betrayal. His boss's daughter, the misfit, beautiful Laura makes Will's life seem brighter, but when he realizes that he is the murderous werewolf reported in the media love seems not enough. Stuart, himself turned a werewolf by Will, fights to possess Laura, but she has the last word, as she turns out to be the wolf that Will.

Wotfen. 1981, Orion, USA. Dir Michael Wadteigh. Prod Rupert Hteig. Scr Michael Wadleigh, David Eyre (based on the novel by Whffley Strieber). Ph Garry Fisher. Ed Chris Lebenzon, Dennis Dolan, Martin Barm, Marshall M. Borden. Prod Des Mus James Homer. Cast , Diane Venora, Edward James Olmos, Gregory Hiñes, Tom Noonan. A policeman investigating a series of grisly murders suspects a member of the Indian community living in New York. Instead of confirming his suspicions, his contact with the Indians opens for him a world of inconceivable horror there is no Indian ritualistic '}Aofe. -Humcm tHcm -Human'..,

criminal, but a race of monstrous wolves - the wolfen - which are the embodiment of the ancient Indians deprived of their lands. They have come back to protect their hunting territory, threatened by a real estate mogul, and he cannot stop them.

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Abbot and Cost&llo Meet Frankenstein, 1948, Universal, USA. Dir Charles T. Barton. Prod Robert Arthur. Scr Robert Lees, Frederic I. Rinaldo, John Grant Ph Charles Van Enger. Ed Frank Gross. Mus Frank Skinner. Cast Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Lon Chaney, Beta Lugosi, Glenn Strange.

Attack of the 50 Ft Woman, 1958, Allied Artists, USA. Dir Nathan Hertz. Prod Bernard Woolner. Scr Mark Hanna. Ph Jacques R. Marquette. Ed Edward Mann. Mus . Cast Allison Hayes, William Hudson, Yvette Vickers, Roy Gordon, George Douglas.

Bad Taste. 1987, Wingnut Rims, N. ZEA. Dir Peter Jackson. Prod Peter Jackson. Scr Peter Jackson, Ken Hammon, Tony Hiles. Ph Peter Jackson. Ed Peter Jackson, Jamie Selkirk. Prod Des Caroline Girdlestone. Mus Michelle Saullion. Cast Terry Potter, Peter O'Heme, Craig Smith, Mike Minett, Peter Jackson.

Belle et la Bete, La. 1946, André Paulvé / Disäna, FRA. Dir Jean Cocteau. Prod André Paulvé. Scr Jean Cocteau (based on the fairy tale by Madame Leprince de Beaumont). Ph Henri Atekan. Ed Claude Iberia. Prod Des Christian Berard. Mus Georges Auric. Cast Josette day, Jean Marais, Mila Parély, Nane Germon, Michel Audair, Raoul Marco, Marcel André.

BodySnatchers. 1993, Warner, USA. Dir Abel Ferrara. Prod Kimbertey Brent, Michael Jaffe, Robert H. Soto. Sa Raymond Cistheri, , Stuart Gordon, Dennis Paoli, Nicholas St John. Ph Bojan Bazdli. Ed Anthony Redman. Prod Des Peter Jameson. Mus . Cast Gabrielte Anwar, , Forest Whitaker, G. Elvis Philips, Reilly Murphy.

Boys nom Brazil, 1978, Producer Cirde/ 20th Century-Fox, USA. Dir Franklin J. Schaffner. Prod Martin Richards, Stanley GToote. Scr (based on the novel by ). Ph Henri Decae. Ed Robert E Swink. Prod Des Gil Parrando. Mus Jerry Goldsmith. Cast Gregory Peck, Laurence Olivier, , , Denholm Elliot Oscars: 1978, Nominations: Best Actor (Laurence Olivier), Editing, Original Score.

Bride of Frankenstein, The. 1935, Universal, USA. Dir James Whale. Prod Carl Laemmle Jr. Scr William Huribut, John L Bakterston. Ph John Mescall. Ed Ted Kent Prod Des Chartes D. Hall. Mus . Cast , Colin dive, Elsa Lanchester, Valerie Hobson, Ernest Thesiger, O.P. Heggie. Oscars: 1935, Nomination: Best Sound.

Brood, The. 1979, New World, CAN. Dir David Cronenberg. Prod Claude Heroux. Sa David Cronenberg. Ph Mark Irwin. Ed Alan 'This list includes the films made between 1920 and 1995 mentioned in the dissertation. The films corresponding to the period under discussion in Ms dissertation (1979 - 1996) are either not so relevant lor the subject or have been only considered very briefly.

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Collins. Prod Des Carol Spier. Mus Howard Shore. Cast , Samantha Eggar, Art Hindle, Cindy Hinds.

CabinettdesDr. CaHgari, Das. 1919, Decía, GER. Dir Robert VViene. Prod Erich Pommer. Ser Carl Mayer, Hans Janowfe. Ph Willy Hameister. Prod Des Walter Roehrig, Walter Reimann, Herman Warm. Cast Werner Kraus, Conrad Veidt, Lil Dagover, Friedrich Feher.

Candyman 2: Farewell to the Flesh. 1995, Gramercy Pictures, Polygram, Propaganda, USA. Dir Bill Condon. Prod Clive Barker, Gregg Renberg, Steve Golin, Anna C. Miller, Sigurjon Sightvasson. Scr CHve Barker, Mark Kruger, Rand Ravich. Ph Tobias A. Schlesster. Ed Virginia Kate. Prod Des Barry Robinson. Mus Philip Glass. Cast Tony Todd, Kelly Rowan, William O'Leary, Bill Nunn.

Cape Fear. 1962, Universal / Melville Talbot Dir J.Lee Thompson. Prod Sy BarttetL Scr James R. Webb (based on the novel by John D. MacDonald, The Executioners). Ph Samuel Leavitt. Ed Georeg Tomasini. Prod Des Alexander Golfeen, Robert Boyle. Mus . Cast Gregory Peck, Robert Mitchum, Polly Bergen, Lori Martin, .

Carrie, 1976, United Artists, USA. Dir Brian de Palma. Prod Paul Monash. Scr Lawrence D. Cohen (based on the novel by Stepen King). Ph Mario Tosi. Ed Paul Hirsch. Prod Des William Kennedy, Jack Fish. Mus Pino Donaggio Jr. Cast , Piper Laurie, Amy Irving, William Katt, Nancy Alten, John Travolta. Oscars: 1976, Nominations: Best Actress (Sissy Spacek), Supporting Actress (Piper Laurie).

Cat People. 1942, RKO, USA. Dir Jacques Tomeur. Prod Val Newton. Scr DeWitt Bodeen. Ph Nicholas Musuraca Ed Mark Robson. Prod Des Albert S. D'Agostino, Walter E. Keller. Mus Roy Webb. Cast Simone Simon, Kent Smith, Tom Cortway, Jane Randolph, Jack Holt

Cité des Enfants Perdus, La. 1994. FRA. Dir Jean-Pierre Jeunet Prod Marc Caro, Bias Querejeta, Claude Ossard. Ser Guilles Adrien, Jean-Pierre Jeunet Marc Caro. Ph Darius Kohndji. Ed Hervé Schneid. Prod Des Daniel Szuster. Mus Angelo Badalamenti. Cast Ron Periman, Judith Vrttet, Daniel Emiltork, Dominique Pinon, Mireille Moste.

Child's Play. 1988, United Artists, USA. Dir Tom Holland. Prod David Kirschner. Scr Don Manäni, John Lafia, Tom Holland. Ph Bill Butter. Ed Edward Warschilka, Roy. E. Peterson. Prod Des Daniel A. Lomino. Mus . Cast Catherine Hicks, Chris Sarandon, Alex Vincent, Brad Douriff.

Ctose Encounters of the Third Kind, 1977, Columbia, USA. Dir Steven Spielberg. Prod Julia Phillips, Michael Phillips. Scr Steven Spielberg. Ph Vilmos Zsigmond, Douglas Slocombe, John Alonzo, Laszlo Kovacs. Ed Michael Kahn. Prod Des , Dan Lamino. Mus John Williams. Cast Richard Dreytuss, Francois Truffaut, Teri Garr, Meunda Dillon, Gary Guffey, Bob Balaban.

Creature from the Black Lagoon, 1954, Universal, USA. Dir . Prod William Alland. Scr Harry Essex, Arthur Ross. Ph William E. Snyder. Ed Ted

bcvii "Human tKan -Human'...

J. Kent Mus Joseph Geherson. Cast Richard Carlson, Julie Adams, Richard Dening, Antonio Moreno, Nestor Paiva.

Cronos. 1992, Springall/Nossbaumer, MEX. Dir . Prod Alejandro Springall, Bernard Nossbaumer. Ser Guillermo del Toro. Ph . Ed Paul O'Bryan, Raul Davalos. Prod Des Tolita Rgueroa. Mus Javier Alvarez. Cast Federico Luppi, Ron Periman, Claudio Brook, Margarita Isabel, Aurora Gris.

Curse of the Demon, 1957, RKO, USA. Dir Jacques Tomeur. Prod Val Lewton. Ser Charles Bennett and Hal E. Chester (based on the short story by M.R. James, "Casting the Runes"). Ph Ted Scaiffe. Mus Clifton Parker. Cast , Niall McGinnis, Peggy Cummins, Athlene Seyter, Reginald Beckwith.

Curse of Frankenstein, The. 1957, Hammer, UK. Dir . Prod Anthony Hinds. Sor . Ph Jack Asher. Ed James Needs. Prod Des Ted Marshall. Mus Leonard Safeedo. Cast Peter Gushing, , Hazel Court, Robert Urquahart, Valerie Gaunt

Cyborg. 1987, Golan-Globus, USA. Dir Albert Pyun. Prod Menahem Golan, Yoram Globus. Ser Kitty Chalmers. Ph Philip Alan Waters. Prod Des Douglas Leonard. Mus Kevin Bassinson. Cast Jean-Claude Van Damme, Deborah Richter, Dayte Haddon, Vincent Klyne, Alex Daniels, Rolf Multer.

Day the Earth Stood SO!. 1951,20th-century Fox, USA. Dir . Prod Julian Blaustein. Ser Edmund H. North. Ph Leo Tover. Ed William Reynolds. Prod Des Lyle Wheeler, Addison Hehr. Mus Bernard Herrmann. Cast Michael Rennie, , Hugh Marlowe, , Bill Gray.

Dracula. 1931, Universal, USA. Dir . Prod, Carl Laemmle Jr. Sa Garrett Fort, Dudley Murphy (based on the play by Hamilton Deane and John L Balderston, inspired by Bram Stoker's novel). Ph Kart Freund. Ed Milton Carruth. Prod Des Charles D.Hall. Cast , Helen Chandler, Davis Manners, Dwight Frye, Edwrad van Sfoane.

Dracula. 1958, Hammer, UK. Dir Terence Fisher. Prod Anthony Hinds. Scr Jimmy Sangster. Ph Jack Asher. Ed James Needs, Bill Lenny. Prod Des Bernard Robinson. Mus . Cast Peter Gushing, Christopher Lee, Melissa Stribling, Micahel Gough, .

Dr. JekyllandMr. Hyde. 1920, Fanmous Players, Lasky, USA. Dir John S. Robertson. Prod Addph Zuckor. Scr Clara Beranger. Ph Roy B. Overbaugh. Cast John Bam/more, Cecil Ctovelly, J. Malcolm Dunn, Brandon Hurst, Nrta Naldi.

Dr. JekyllandMr. Hyde. 1932, Paramount USA. Dir . Prod Rouben Mamoulian. Scr Samuel Hoffenstein, Percy Heath (based on the novella by R.L Stevenson). Ph Karl Struss. Cast , Miriam Hopkins, Rose Hobart, Holmes Herbert, Edgar Norton. Oscars: 1931/32 Best Actor Fredric March; Nominations: Best Adaptation, Cinematography.

Dr. JekyllandMr. Hyde. 1941, MettKBoldwyn-Mayer, USA. Dir Victor Fleming. Prod Victor Saville. Scr John Lee Mahin. Ph Joseph Ruttenberg. Ed Harold F.

Ixviii Kress. Prod Des , Daniel B. Catchcart Mus Franz Waxman. Cast Spencer Tracy, , , Ian Hunter, .

Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde. 1971, Hammer, UK. Dir Roy Ward Baker. Prod Albert Fennell, Brian Clemens. Scr Brian Clemens. Ph Norman Warick. Ed James Needs. Prod Des Robert Jones. Mus David Whrtaker. Cast Ralph Bates, Martine Besvwck, Gerald Sim, Lewis Fiander, Dorothy Alison.

Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde. 1995, Savoy, USA. Dir David Price. Prod Robert Shapiro, Jerry Leider. Scr Tim John, Oliver Butcher, William Davies, William Osborne. Ph Tom Priestly. Ed Tony Lombardo. Mus Marl MacKenzie. Cast Tim Daly, Sean Young, Lysette Anthony, Harvey Fierstein, Stephen Tobdowski.

Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, 1964, Columbia/Hawk, UK Dir Stanley Kubrick. Prod Stanley Kubrick. Scr Stanley Kubrick, , Peter George (based on the novel Red Alert by Peter George). Ph Gilbert Taylor. Ed . Prod Des . Mus . Cast , George C. Scott, , Keenan Wynn, . Oscars: 1964, Nominations: Best Picture, Director, Actor (Peter Sellers), Adapted Screenplay.

Duel. 1971, Universal, USA. Dir Steven Spielberg. Prod George Eckstein. Scr . Ph Jack A. Marta. Ed Frank Morriss. Prod Des Robert S. Smith. Mus . Cast , Jacqueline Scott, Eddie Firestone, Lou Frizzell, Gene Dynarski.

Ed Wood. 1994, Buena Vista, USA. Dir Tim Burton. Prod Tim Burton, Denise di Novi. Scr Scott Alexander, Larry Karszewski (based on the book by Rudolph Gray, Nightmare of Ecstasy: The Lire and Art of Edward D. Wood Jr.). Ph . Ed Chris Lebanzon. Prod Des Tom Duffield. Mus Howard Shore. Cast Johhny Depp, , , , Bill Murray.

Erasemead, 1977, AFI/Lynch, USA. Dir David Lynch. Prod David Lynch. Scr David Lynch. Ph Fred Elms. Ed David Lynch. Prod Des David Lynch. Mus Fats Waller. Cast Jack Nance, Charlotte Stewart, Jeanne Bates, Judith Anna Roberts.

Evil Dead, The. 1983, Renaissance, USA. Dir Sam Rami. Prod Robert Taper. Sa Sam Rami. Ph Tim Phflo. Ed Edna Ruth Paul. Mus Joseph Lo Duca. Cast Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Betsy Barker, Hal Delcrich, Sarah York.

Exordst, The. 1973. Warner, USA. Dir . Prod . Scr William Peter Blatty (based on his own novel). Ph Owen Roizman, Billy Williams. Ed Jordan Leondopoutos. Prod Des Bill Maltey. Mus Jack Nrtzche. Cast , , Jason Miller, Max Von Sydow, Lee J. Cobb. Oscars: 1973, Best Adapted Screenplay, Sound; Nominations: Best Picture, Director, Actress (Ellen Burstyn), Supporting Actress (Linda Blair), Supporting Actor (Jason Miller), Cinematography, Art Direction, Editing. '}Aore. -Human tkcm -Human'...

Fearless Vamping Killers (UK: Dance of the Vampires or PardonMe, but your Teeth are in my Neck). 1967, Metno-GokJwyn-Mayer, Cadre, Rlmways, UK. Dir . Prod Gene Gutowski. Scr Gerard Brach, Roman Polanski. Ph Douglas Slocombe. Ed Alastair Mdntyre. Prod Des Wilfrid Shingleton. Mus Christopher Comeda. Cast Roman Polanski, Jack MacGowran, Sharon late, Atfie Bass, Jessie Robbins.

Fly, The. 1958,20th Centurey Fox, USA. Dir Kurt Neumann. Prod Kurt Neumann. Sa James Clavell. Ph Karl Struss. Ed Merrill G. White. Prod Des Lyle R. Wheeler, Theobald Holsoppte. Mus Paul Sawtell. Cast AI Hedison, Patricia Owens, Vincet Price, Herbert Marshall, Kathleen Freeman.

Forbidden Planet. 1956, M-G-M, USA. Dir Fred McLeod Witeox Prod Nicholas Nayfack. Sa Ciryl Hume. Ph George J. Folsey. Ed Ferris Webster. Prod Des Cedric Gibbons, Arthur Lonergan. Mus Louis Barran, Bebe Barran. Cast , Anne Francis, , Warren Stevens, .

Frankenstein. 1931, Universal, USA.. Dir James Whale. Prod Laemmle Jr. Sa John L Bakterston, Garrett Fort, Francis Edward Faragoh (based on the play by Peggy Webbling, inspired by Mary Shelley's novel). Ph Arthur Edeson. Ed Clarence Koteter. Prod Des Charles D. Hal Mus David Broekman. Cast Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles, Boris Karioff, Edward Van Sloane, Dwight Frye.

Freaks. 1932, M-G-M, USA. Dir Tod Browning. Prod Tod Browning. Sa Willis Golbeck, Leon Gordon, AI Boasberg (based on the short story "" by Tod Robbins, uncredrted). Ph Merritt B. Gerstad. Ed Basil Wrangell. Prod Des Cedric Gibbons. Cast Wallace Ford, Leila Hyams, Olga Badanova, Roscoe Ates, Harry Eartes.

Friday the Thirteenth, 1980, Cunningham, USA. Dir Sean Cunningham. Prod Sean S. Cunningham. Sa Victor Miller. Ph Barry Abrams. Ed Bill Freda. Prod Des Virginia Reíd. Mus Harry Manfredini. Cast Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King, Harry Crosby, Laurie Bartram.

Gofem, The. 1920, GER. Dir , Cari Boese. Sa Paul Wegener, Henrik Gateen. Ph Kart Freund. Cast Paul Wegener, Albert Steinruck, .

Haunted Summer. 1988, USA. Dir Ivan Passer. Sa Lewis John Cariino, Anne Edwards. Ph . Ed Richard Relds, Cesare rfAmk». Prod Des Steven Grimes. Mus Christopher Young. Cast Philip Anglim, Eric Stolz, Laura Dem, Peter Beriing, Don Hodson, Alice Krige.

Halloween, 1978, , USA. Dir John Carpenter. Prod Debra Hill. Sa John Carpenter. Ph Dean Cundey. Ed Tomy Wallace, Chartes Bumstein. Prod Des Tommy Wallace. Mus John Carpenter. Cast Donald Pteasance, , Nancy Loomis, P.J. Soles, Charles Cyphers.

House of Usher (UK: The Fall of the House of Usher). 1960, American International/ Alta Vista, USA. DY Roger Gorman. Prod Roger Gorman. Sa Richard Matheson. Ph Floyd Crosby. Ed Anthony Carras. Prod Des Daniel Haller. Mus Les Baxter. Cast Vincent Price, Mark Damon, Myma Fahey, Harry Ellerbe.

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Hunchback of Notre Dame, The. 1923. Universal / Super-Jewel, USA. Dir Wallace Worsley. Scr Edward T. Lowe, Perley Poore Sheehan (based on the novel by ). Ph Robert Newhard, Tony Komman. Prod Des E.E. Sheely, Sydney Ullman, Steohen Goosson. Cast Lon Chaney, Ernest Torrence, Patsy Ruth Milter, Norman Kerry, Kate Lester.

Innocents, The. 1961,20th Century-Fox, USA. Dir . Prod Jack Clayton. Scr William Archibald, Truman Capote (based on the novella by 'The Turn of the Screw"). Ph Freddie Francis. Ed James Clark. Prod Des Wilfrid Shingleton. Mus Georges Auric. Cast , Michael Redgrave, Peter Wyngarde, Megs Jenkins, Martin Stephens, Pamela Franklin.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers. 1956, Allied Artists, USA. Dir Don Siegel. Prod Walter Wanger. Scr Daniel Mainwaring (based on the novel by Jack Rnney). Ph Ellsworth Fredricks. Ed Robert S. Eisen. Prod Des . Mus Dragon. Cast Kevin McCarthy, Dana Wynter, Larry Gates, King Donovan, Carolyn Jones.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 1978, United Artists, USA. Dir Philip Kauffman. Prod Robert H. Solo. Scr W.D. Richter (based on the novel by Jack Rnney and the 1956 film by Don Siegel). Ph Michael Chapman. Ed Douglas Stewart Prod Des Charles Rosen. Mus Danny Zeilin. Cast Donald Sutherland, Brooke Adams, , Veronica Cartwright, Jeff GoldWum, Kevin McCarthy.

Invisible Man, The. 1933, Universal, USA. Dir James Whate. Prod Cart Laemmte Jr. Ser R.C. Sheriff (based on the novel by H.G. Wells). Ph Arthur Edeson, John Mescall. Ed Maurice Pivar, Ted J. Kent Prod Des. Charles D. Hall. Cast , , Henry Travers, William Garrigan, Una O'Connor, Holmes Herbert

Island of Lost Souls. 1933, Paramount, USA. Dir Erie C. Kenton. Scr Waldemar Young, Philip Wylie (based on the novel by H.G. Wells, The Island of Dr. Moreau, uncredited). Ph Kari Struss. Cast Chartes Laughton, Bela Lugosi, Richard Arten, Leila Hyams, Kathleen Burke.

It Came from Outer Space. 1953, Universal, USA. Dir Jack Arnold. Prod William Alland. Scr Harry Essex Ph Clifford Stine. Ed Paul Weatherwax Prod Des Bernard Herzbum, Robert Boyle. Mus Joseph Gershenson. Cast Richard Carlson, Barbara Rush, Chartes Drake, Russell Johnson, Kathleen Hughes. ffsAßve. 1974, Larco, USA. Dir Larry Cohen. Prod Larry Cohen. Scr Larry Cohen. Ph Fenton Hamilton. Ed . Mus Bernard Herrmann. Cast John Ryan, Sharon Farrell, Andrew Duggan, Guy Stockwell, James Dixon. ft! The Terror from Beyond Space. 1958, Vogue, USA. Dir Edward L Cahn. Prod Robert E. Kent Scr Jerome Bixby. Ph Kenneth Peach Sr. Ed Grant Whytock. Prod Des William Glasgow. Mus Paul Sawtell, Bert Shefter. Cast Marshall Thompson, Shawn Smith, Kim Spalding, Anne Doran, Richard Bennedid, Ray Corrigan.

Jacob's Ladder. 1990, Cardco, USA. Dir Adrian Lyne. Prod Alan Marshall. Scr Bruce Joel Rubin. Ph Jeffrey L Kimball. Ed Tom Rolf, Humcm'.

Peter Amundsun, B.J. Sears. Prod Des Brian Morris. Mus Maurice Jarre. Cast Tim Robtóns, Danny AieBfo, Elizabeth Pena, Matt Craven, Macauley Caulkin.

Jason and the Aigonauts. 1963, Columbia, UK. Dir Don Chaffey. Prod Charles H. Schneer. Scr Jan Read, Bevertey Cross. Ph Wilkie Cooper. Ed Maurice Rootes. Prod Des Geoflirey Drake. Cast Todd Armstrong, Nancy Kovack, Gary Raymond, Laurence Naismith, Niafl McGinnis, Douglas Wilmer.

Jaws, 1975, Universal, USA. Dir Steven Spielberg. Prod Richard D. Zanuck, David Brown. Scr Carl Gotflieb, Peter Benchtey (based on his own novel). Ph Bill Butler. Ed Vema Fields. Prod Des Joseph Alves Jr. Mus John Williams. Cast Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfus, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton. Oscars: 1975, Best Sound, Original Score, Editing; Nomination: Best Picture.

Johnny Mnemonic. 1995, Cineviston/ Alliance Communication/ TriStar, USA. Dir Robert Longo. Prod Don Carmody. Scr William Gibson (based on his own short story). Ph François Protat Ed Ronald Sanders. Prod Des Nito Rodin-Janeiro. Mus Brad Redel. Cast Keanu Reeves, Dina Meyer, Dolph Lundgren, Ice-T, Takeshi Kitaro.

King Kong. 1933, RKO, USA. Dir Emest B. Shoedshack, Merian C. Cooper. Prod Emest B. Shoedshack, Merian C. Cooper. Scr James Creelman, Ruth Rose, Merian C. Cooper. Ph Edward Undon, Vemon L Walker, J.O.Taytor. Ed Ted Cheeseman. Prod Des Carroll dark, AI Herman. Cast , Robert Armstrong, Bruce Cabot, Frank Reicher, Sam Hardy.

King Kong. 1976, Paramount USA. Dir John Guiltermin. Prod Dino de Laurentiis. Scr Lorenzo Semple Jr. Ph Richard E Wine. Ed Ralph E Winters. Prod Des Archie J. Bacon, David A. Constable, Robert Gundlach. Mus . Cast Jeff Bridges, Jessica Lange, John Rudolph, Rene Auberjonois, Julius Harris.

Last Seduction, The. 1994, ITC, USA. Dir John Dahl. Prod Jomathan Shestack. Sa Steve Baranrck. Ph Jeffrey Jur. Ed Eric L Season. Prod Des Linda Peart. Mus Joseph VrtareHi. Cast Unda Firentino, Bill Pullman, J.T. Walsh, , Bill Nunn.

Matinee. 1993, Universal/ RenfiekJ, USA. Dir Joe Dante. Prod Michael Finnen. Sa Charlie Haas. Ph John Hora. Ed Marshall Harvey Prod D^Steven Legier Mus Jerry Goldsmith. Cast Johhn Goodman, Cathy Moriarty, Simon Fenton,OmnKa!z,LJsaJakub.

Metropolis. 1927, UFA, GER. rïr· ^ ""^ von Harbou- P»1 «W Freund- Anther RHau. Prod Ket ri Vollbrecht Cast Gustev Ffofi Abel,??£Ä Rudolf Wem-Rogge^ , TheodorSSl?e Loos. <*. Brig«** Helm, Alfred

Mummy, "The. 1933, Universal, USA.

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Night of the Hunter. 1955, Gregory/ United Artists, USA. Dir . Prod Paul Gregory. Scr James Agee O^ased on the novel by David Grubb). Ph Stanley Cortez. Ed Robert Golden. Prod Des Hilyard Brown. Mus Walter Schurnann. Cast Robert Mitehum, , , Billy Chapin, .

Night ofthe Living Dead, 1968, Image Ten, USA. Dir George Romero. Prod Russ^l Streiner, Karl Hardman. Scr John A. Russo, George Romero. Ph George Romero. Cast Judith O'Dea, Russell Streiner, Duane Jones, Keith Wayne.

Nosferatu - Ene Syrrphortíe des Grauens. 1922, Parana, GER. Dr F.W. Mumau. Scr Henrik Gateen. Ph Frte Arno Wagner. Cast Max Schreck, Alexander Granach, Karl Schnell, Ruth LanshofL

Nutty Professor, The. 1963, Pararrxxjnt/Lewis, USA. Dir . Prod Emest D. Glucksman. Sa Jerry L^wis, Bill Richmond. Ph W. Wallace Kelley. Ed John Woodcock. Prod Des , Walter Tyler. Cast Jeny Lewis, Stella Stevens, Del Moore, Kathleen Freeman, HowaixJ Morris.

Omega Man, The. 1971, Warner, USA. Dir Boris Segal. Prod Walter Seltzer. Scr John William Carrington, Joyce H. Carrington (based on the novella by Richard Matheson, / am Legend). Ph Russell Metty. Ed William Ziegler. Prod Des Arthur Loel, Walter M. SImonds. Cast Chariton Heston, Anthony Zertse, Rosalind Cash, Paul Kosto, Lincoln Kilpatrick.

Omen, The. 1976,20th Century-Fox, USA. or Ridiard Donner. Prod Han/ey Bernhard. Scr David Setzer. Ph Gilbert Ta^^. Ed Stuart Baird. Prod Des Cramen DHIon. Mus Jerry Goldsmith. Cast Gregory Peck, , Harvey Stephens, DavM Warn«-, Billie Whitelaw. Oscars: 1976, Best Original Score; Nominations: Best Song.

Otfjer, The. 1972,20thCentury-Fox, USA. Dir Robert Mulligan. Prod Robert Mulligan. Scr TOTI Tr^n (based on his own nov^. Ph Robert L Surtees. Ed Fdmar Blangsted, O. Nicholas Brown. Prod Des Albert Brenner. Mus Jeny Goldsmith. Cast Uta Hagen, , Chris Udvamol^, Martin Udvamoky, Norma Connolly. fîSGÉfc Heights. 1990, Morgan Creek, USA. Dir John Schelsinger. Prod Scott Rudin, William Sackheim. Scr Daniel Pyne. Ph Dennis E. Jones. Ed Mart« Warner. Prod Des Nal Spisak. Mus . Cast , Mdanie Griffith, Michael Keaton, Mako, Lauri Metcalf, Nabu McCarthy.

Peeing Tom, 1960, Anglo Amalgamated/Powell, UK. Dr Michaä Powell. Prod Midia^ Powell. SCT Leo Maries. Ph Otto Heiter. Ed Noreen Ackland. Prod Des . Mus Brian Essdale. Cast Cari Boehm, Moira Shearer, Anna Masey, Majdne Audtey. SWriey Ann FiekJ.

Phantom ofthe Opera, The. 1925, Universal, USA. Dir Rupert Julian. Prod Raymond Schrock, Bliot J. Clawson, Tom Reed. Scr uncredited (based on the novel by ). Ph Virgil Milter. Ed Maurice Rvar. Prod Des Chartes D. Hall. Cast Lon Chaney, Mary Philtwn, Norman Kenry, Arthur Edmund Canewe, Gibson Gowland.

Ix?cii¡ -Humcm them •Huma KV'...

Phantom of the Opera. 1930, Universal, USA. Dir Rupert Julian, Edward Sedwick, Ernst Laemmte. Scr Bliot J. Clawson, Frank McCormack, Tom Reed. Ph Charles van Enger. Ed Gilmore Walker. Prod Des Chrales D. Hall, Ben Carre. Cast Lon Chaney, Mary Philbin, Norman Kerry, Snitz Edwards, Arthur Edmund Carew.

Phantom of the Opera. 1943, Universal, USA. Dir Arthur Lubin. Prod George Waggner. Scr Eric Taylor, Samuel Hoffinstein. Ph Hal Mohr. Prod Des Alexander Golfeen, John B. Goodman. Mus Edward Ward. Cast Nelson Eddy, Susanna Foster, Claude Rains, Jane Farrar, Hume Cronyn. Oscars: 1943, Best Colour Photography, Best Colour Art Direction; Nominations: Best Scoring of a Musical Picture, Best Sound.

Phantom of the Opera. 1962, Hammer, UK. Dir Terence Fisher. Prod Anthony Hinds. Scr John Elder. Ph Arthur Grant Ed James Needs, Alfred Cox Prod Des Bernard Robinson, Don Mingaye. Mus Edwain Astiey. Cast Herbert Lorn, Heather Sears, Thortey Walters, Micheal Gough, Edward de Souza.

Phantom of the Opera. 1989,21st Century, USA. Dir Dwight H. Little. Prod . Scr Duke Sandefur. Ph Etemer Ragalyi. Ed Charles Borsntan. Prod Des Trvada Bertalan. Mus Misha Segal. Cast Robert Englund, Jill Schoeten, Atex Hyde-White, , Stephanie Lawrence.

Phantom of the Paradise. 1974, Pressman-Williams/ 20th Century-Fox, USA. Dir Brian De Palma. Prod Edward R. Pressman. Scr Brian De Palma. Ph larry Pizer. Ed Paul Hirsch. Prod Des . Mus Paul Williams. Cast Paul Williams, William Rnney, Jessica Harper, Goerge Memmali, Gerrit Graham. Oscars: 1974, Nomination: Best Adapted Score.

Poltergeist. 1982, M-G-M, United Artists, USA. Dir Tobe Hooper. Prod Steven Spielberg, Frank Marshall. Scr Steven Spielberg, Mark Victor, Michael Grais. Ph Matthew F. Leoneffi. Ed Michael Kahn. Prod Des James H. Spencer. Mus Jerry Goldsmith. Cast JoBeth Williams, Craig T. Nelson, Beatrice Straight, Dominique Dunne, Oliver Robins, Heather O'Rourke

Psycho, 1960, Paramount USA. Dir . Prod Alfred Hitchcock. Scr (based on the novel by ). Ph John L Russell. Ed . Prod Des Joseph HurUey, Joseph Qatworthy. Mus Bernard Herrmann. Cast Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, , , Martin Balsam. Oscars: 1960, Nominations: Best Director, Supporting Actress (Janet Leigh), B&W Cinematography, B&W Art Direction.

Rocky Horror Picture Show, 1975, Whrte/20th Century Fox, USA. Dir Jim Sharman. Prod Michael White. Scr Jim Sharman, Richard O'Brien. Ph Peter Suschteky. Prod Des Brian Thomson. Mus Richard Hartley. Cast Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, Richard O'Brien, Jonathan Adams, Nell Campbell.

Rosemary's Baby. 1968, Paramount USA. Dir Roman Polanski. Prod William Castle. Scr Roman Polanski (based on the novel by Ira Levin). Ph William Fraker. Ed Sam O'Steen. Prod Des Mus Christopher Komeda. Cast , John Cassavettes, , Sidney Blackner, Maurice Evans, .

Ixxiv Oscars: 1968, Best Supporting Actress (Ruth Gordon); Nomination: Best Adapted Screenplay.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture. 1979, Paramount USA. Dir Robert Wise. Prod . Scr Harold Livingstone. Ph Richard H. Wine. Ed Todd Ramsay. Prod Des Harold Michelson. Mus Jerry Goldsmith. Cast , Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, , Persis Khambatta.

StarWars. 1977,20th Century-Fox, USA. Dir . Prod Gary Kurtz. Scr George Lucas. Ph Gilbert Taylor. Ed Paul Hirsch, Marcia Lucas, . Prod Des John Barry. Mus John Williams. Cast , Harrison Ford, , Peter Gushing, . Oscars: 1977, Best Art Direction, Sound, Original Score, Editing, Costume Design, Visual Effects, Special Acheivement Award for Best Sound Effects; Nominations: Best Picture, Supporting Actor (Alec Guinness), Original Screenplay.

Taxi Driver. 1976, Columbia, USA. Dir Martin Scorsese. Prod Michael Phillips, Julia Phillips. Scr Paul Schrader. Ph Michael Chapman. Ed Marcia Lucas, Tom Rolf, MeMn Shapiro. Prod Des Charles Rosen. Mus Bernard Herrmann. Cast Robert de Niro, Cybill Shepherd, Peter Boyle, Harvey Kertel, Jodie Foster.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The. 1974. Vortex/Henkel/Hooper, USA. Dir Tobe Hooper. Prod Tobe Hooper. Scr Tobe Hooper, Kim Henkel. Ph Daniel Pearl, Tobe Hooper. Ed Sallye Richardson, Larry Carroll. Prod Des Robert A. Bums. Mus Tobe Hooper, Wayne Bell. Cast Marilyn Bums, Allen Danziger, Paul A. Partain, William Vail, Teri McMinn, Gunnar Hansen.

Them! 1954, Warner, USA. Dir Gordon Douglas. Prod David Weisbart. Scr Ted Shederman. Ph Sid Hickox Ed Thomas Reilly. Prod Des Stanley Fleischer. Mus Bronislau Kaper. Cast James Whitmore, Edmund Gween, Joan Weldon, James Amess, Onslow Stevens, Sean McClory.

Thing (from Another World), The. 1951, Winchester/RKO, USA. Dir . Prod Howard Hughes. Scr Charles Lederer (based on the short story by J. Campbell "Who Goes There?1). Ph Russell Harten. Ed Roland Gross. Prod Des Albert S. D'Agostino, John J. Hughes. Mus Dimitri Tramkin. Cast Margaret Sheridan, Kenneth Tobey, Robert Comthwaite, Douglas Spencer, Dewey Martin.

Tron. 1982, Walt Disney, USA. Dir Steven Usberger. Prod Donald Kushner. Scr Steven Lisberger. Ph Bruce Logan. Ed Jeff Gourson. Prod Des Edward Mitzner. Mus Wendy Garios. Cast Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxteitner, David Warner, Cindy Morgan, Barnard Hughes.

2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968, M-G-M, UK Dir Stanley Kubrick. Prod Stanley Kubrick. Scr Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke. Ph , Ed Ray Lovejoy. Prod Des Tony Masters, Harry Lange, . Cast Keir Dultea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester, Daniel Richter, Douglas Rain, Leonard Rossiter.

UnlawfulEnoy.1992, Largo, USA. Dir Jonathan Kaplan. Prod Chartes Gordon. Sa Lewis Cofick. Ph Jamie Anderson. Ed Curtiss Clayton. Prod Des Lawrence G. Paull. Mus James Homer. Cast Kurt Russell, Ray Liotia, -Humcm tKan -Human'

Madeleine Stowe, Roger E. Mosley, Ken Lemer.

Village of the Damned. 1960, Metro-GddwyrvMayer, USA. Dir Wolf Rilla. Prod Ronald Kinnoch. Scr Stirling Siliphant, George Barclay, Wctf Rilla (based on the novel by John Wyndham). Ph Geoffrey Fa'rthfull. Ed Gordon Hales. Prod Des Ivan King. Mus Ron Goodwin. Cast , , Micahel Gwynn, Laurence Naismith, John Phillips.

Village of the Damned. 1995, Alphaville, Universal Pictures, USA. Dir John Carpneter. Prod Sandy King, Michael Preger. Scr David Himmelstein, Steven Siebert (uncredfted) (based on the novel by John Wyndham). Ph Garry B. Kibbe. Ed Edward S. Warschilka Jr. Prod Des Roger Maus. Mus John Carpenter, Dave Davies. Cast Christopher Reeves, Kirstey Alley, Michael Paré, Linda Kozlowski, Mark Hammill.

Werewolf of London. 1935, Universal, USA. Dir Stuart Walker. Prod Stanley Bergerman, Robert Harris, Carl Laemmle Jr. Scr John Colton, Robert Harris. Ph Charles J. Stumar. Ed Russell F. Schoengarth. Prod Des Albert S. D'Agostino. Mus Karl Hajos. Cast Henty Hull, Werner Holland, Valerie Hobson, Lester Matthews, Lawrence Grant

White Zombie. 1932, Halperin, USA. Dir Victor Halperin. Prod Victor Halperin. Scr Gamett Weston. Ph Arthur Martinelli. Cast Bela Lugosi, Madge Bellamy, Joseph Cawthom.

Young Frankenstein. 1974,20th Century-Fox, USA. Dir . Prod Michael Gruskoff. Scr Gene Wilder, Mel Brooks. Ph Gerald Hirschfield. Ed John Howard. Prod Des Dale Hennessy. Mus John Morris. Cast Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle, Marty Feldman, Madeline Kahn, Gene Hackman.

OiKei* Rims .A^enfioned - Bom on 4th July, 1989, Oliver Stone, USA. -Casablanca, 1942, Michael Curtiz, USA. - Crash, 1995, David Cronenberg, CAN. - Cutthroat Island, 1995, Renny Hariin, USA. - Dangerous Liaisons, 1988, Stephen Frears, USA. -DeadMan Walking, 1995, , USA. -Empire of the Sun, 1987, Steven Spieleberg, USA. - Eye for an Eye, 1995, John Schtesinger, USA. -FirstBlood, 1982, Ted Kotcheff, USA. - Fried Green Tomatoes, 1991, Jon Avnet, USA. -Home Alone, 1990, Chris Columbus, USA. -Hook, 1991, Steven Spielberg, USA. -Intolerance, 1916, D. W Griffith, USA. -Last Dance, 1995, , USA. -Lasf Wave, The. 1977, , AUS. -Lethal Weapon, 1987, , USA. -Lion King, The. 1994, Roger Aliens, RobMinkoff, USA. - M. Butterfly. 1993, David Cronenberg, USA.

1This list includes the films mentioned in this dissertation that have no direct relation or only a minor relation with the monster.

Ixxvi T- i Imog fa

- Mad Max. 1979, George Miller, AUS. - Modem Times. 1936, Charles Chaplin, USA. - Mostro, II. 1994, Roberto Benigni, ITA. - Mrs. Doubtfire. 1993, Chris Columbus, USA. -Platoon. 1986, Oliver Stone, USA. - . 1981 , Steven Spielberg, USA. - Rebecca. 1940, Alfred Hitchcock, USA. - Sense and Sensibility. 1995, , UK. - Spellbound. 1945, Alfred Hitchcock, USA. - Toy Story. 1995, , USA. - Twelve Monkeys. 1995, Terry Gilliam, USA. - Werewolf of . 1973, Milton Moses, USA. - Willow. 1988, Ron Howard, USA. - Wings of Desire. 1987, Win Wenders, GER.

TV SeHes -Final Cut, The. 1995, BBC, USA. Dir Paul Seed. Prod Ken Riddington. Sa , Michael Dobbs (based on Dobbs' own novel). Ph Jim Fryan, Ian Punter. Ed Dave King. Prod Des Ken Ledsham. Mus Jim Parker. Cast , Isla Blair, Dianne Reicher, Paul Freeman, Alison Peebles. - House of Ca/tfc.1990, BBC, UK. Dir Paul Seed. Prod Ken Riddington. Scr Andrew Davies, Michael Dobbs (based on Dobbs' own novel). Ph Jim Fryan, Ian Punter. Ed Howard Billingham. Prod Des Ken Ledsham. Mus Jim Parker. Cast Ian Richardson, Susannah Harker, Miles Anderson, David Lyon, Malcolm Tiemey, Nicholas Selby. - Life and Loves of a She-Devil, The. 1990, BBC / Arts and Entertainment Network / Seven Network , UK. Dir Philip Seville. Prod Sally Head. Scr Ted Whrtehead (based on the novel by Fay Wekton). Ph Pete Thomas. Mus Peter Filleul. CastJuli e T. Wallace, Patricia Hodge, . - To Play the King. 1994, BBC, UK. Dir Paul Seed. Prod Ken Riddington. Sa Andrew Davies, Michael Dobbs (based on Dobbs' own novel). Ph Jim Fryan, Ian Punter. Ed Dave King. Prod Des Ken Ledsham. Mus Jim Parker. Cast Ian Richardson, Michael Kitchen, Krtty Aldridge, Dianne Retener, Colin Jeavons. »* Television - Addams Family, The. 1964 - 1966. Created by Pictures for ABC, USA. - Gargoyles. 1994. Created by Frank Paur for Buena Vista Television, USA. - Munsters, The. 1964- 1966. Created by Joseph Connelly and Bob MosherforCBS, USA. - StarTrek. 1966 - 1969. Created by Gene Roddenberry for NBC, USA. - Twilight Zone, The. 1959 - 1964. Created by Rod Selling for CBS, USA. - X-Files, The. 1 994 - . Created by Chris Carter for Fox Broadcasting, USA. Document«•ones - Nightmares of Nature. 1995, Zebra Rims for BBC in association with National Geographic, UK. Prod Richard Matthews. Researchers Tim Matin, Jan Castle. Ed William Ennals, Susanne Parker. Ph Richard Gannidrff, Richard Matthews, Mark Payne-Gill, Bruce Reitherman, Rodger Jackman, Simon Wagen, John Waters. Mus The Insects. Graphic Des 42:2 Video Graphics. Narrator Tim Piggot-Smrth. - The Making of firam Stoker's Dracüb. 1992, Columbia, USA. Dir Jeff Werner. Prod Jeff Werner, Kincaid Jones, Kenneth Fuchs. Sa Kincaid Jones. Ph Dan Yarussi. Ed Greet Rees. •Human tKan -Human'... s in ffoe Work of-


i« Fïlms

RICK BAKER H 97II 1974, Ifs Alive, Larry Cohen. Design of the mutant baby. 1976, King Kong, John Guillermin. Design of the giant ape, with animatronics by ; design of the make-up for an ape played by Baker himself. 1977, Star Wars, George Lucas. Design with of a number of monstrous aliens for the bar scene. 1981, TTje Howling, Joe Dante. Design of the werewolf completed by Rob Bottin. 1981, , John Irvin. Design of a female ghost. 1981, An American Werewolf in London, John Landis. Design of the werewolf and the transformation scene ^Academy Award). 1982, Videodrome, David Cronenberg. Collaboration with Dick Smith and Steve Johnson. 1984, Greystoke. Hugh Hudson. Design of a group of gorillas. 1984, Starman, John Carpenter. Design of the alien's metamorphosis from baby to adult man in collaboration with Dick Smith. 1985, Cocoon, Ron Howard. Collaboration as consultant. 1987, Harry and the Hendersons, William Dear. Design of a' big foot yetti' ^Academy Award). 1988, , . Design of a group of gorillas. 1990, Gremlins 2, Joe Dante. Design of a diversified group of gremlins, with more than one hundred variations on Chris Walas' original creature. 1994, Wolf, Mike Nichols. Design of a pack of animatronic wolves and the make-up for the transformation scenes. 1995, Ed Wood, Tim Burton. Design of the make-up for Martin Landau in the role of Bela Lugosi (Academy Award).

'Summarised from Salisbury and Hedgecock (1994) and other sources. In brackets after each artisfs name is the date when they began their careers. "Human tKcm -Humcm*...

ROB BOTTINf 1977) 1981, The Howling, Joe Dante. Design of a werewolf completed from 's designs. 1982, The Thing, John Carpenter. Design of a shape-shifting alien. 1983, Twilight Zone: The Movie, Joe Dante. Design of a horrific version of Tex Aver/s cartoons. 1985, Legend, Ridley Scott. Design of the devil Darkness, the witch Meg and several elves, fairies and gnomes. 1987, The Witches of Eastwick, George Miller. Design of the make-up for the witches and the devil. 1987, Robocop. Paul Verhoeven. Design of the armoured cyborg. 1990, Total Recall, Paul Verhoeven. Design of a group of mutants, especially of Baby Kuato {Academy Award). 1992, Basic Instinct, Paul Verhoeven. Design of the special effects in Catherine Trammell's killings. 1993, Toys, . Design of the toy factory.

STEVE JOHNSON (1977) 1984, , Ivan Reitman. Design of the monstrous, funny ghosts. 1985, Fright Night, Tom Holland. Design of the make-up for the vampires and of the metamorphosis from wolf to boy. 1986, Poltergeist 2, Brian Gibson. Construction of the Vomit creature' from H.G. Giger's designs. 1988, A Nightmare on Elm Street IV: The Dreammaster, Renny Harlin. Design of the nightmares. 1989, , James Cameron. Design of the angelic water aliens. 1992, Innocent Blood, John Landis. Design of the female vampire with changing eyes. 1992, , Tim Burton. Collaboration with .

DICK SMITH (1959) 1973, The Exorcist, Francis Ford Coppola. Design of the make-up for the possessed twelve-year-old Regan and for the ageing priest played by Max von Sydow. 1976, Taxi Driver, Martin Scorsese. Design of the make-up for the first psycho Vietnam vet. 1977, The Sentinel, Michael Winner. Design of the gory effects caused by the underground monster. 1978, The Deer Hunter. Michael Omino. 1980, Altered States, Ken Russell. Design of the first transformation scene using latex foam. 1981, , David Cronenberg. Design of the famous exploding head effect. 1983, The Hunger, Tony Scott. Design of the make-up for the ageing vampires. 1984, Amadeus, Milos Forman. Design of the old-age make-up for Salieri. (Academy •Award). .Appendix "1 : .Landmarks in tKe Work of Special Effects

1984, Starman, John Carpenter. Design of the transformation of the alien into an adult man in collaboration with Rick Baker. 1992, . Robert Zemeckis. Design of the make-up for the elastic bodies of the surgery-addict women, Hel and Mad. 1992, Forever Young, Steve Milner. Design of ageing make-up for Mel Gibson.

STAN WINSTON (1972) 1972, Blacula, William Crain. Design of make-up for the first black Dracula. 1981, The Entity, Sydney Furie. Design of the make-up effects for the rape scenes by an invisible entity and design of the visualisation of the monster. 1984, The Terminator, James Cameron. Making of the endoskeleton for the cyborg from Cameron's design. 1986, /Viens. James Cameron. Making of the queen alien and alien warriors from H.R. Giger 's and Cameron's designs (Academy Award). ] 987, Predator, John Tiernan. Design of the predatory alien. ! 988, Alien Nation, Graham Baker. Design of the make-up for the aliens. 1989, Leviathan. George Pan Cosmatos. Design of the underwater monster. 1990, . Tim Burton. Design of the make-up for the boy with scissor hands, based on Burton's sketches. 1991, Terminator 2. James Cameron. Design of the quicksilver terminator T-1000 (Academy Award). 1992, Batman Returns. Tim Burton. Design of the make-up for the Penguin. 1993, Jurassic Park. Steven Spielberg. Design of the live-action animatronic dinosaurs (Academy Award). J 994, Interview with the Vampire. Neil Jordan. Design of the make-up for the vampires. -Human tKan -Human'

Best A^ak

Best Visual 1979 --19951

1979 Visual Effects: H.R. Giger, Carlo Rambaldi, Brian Johnson, NickAJlder, DenysAyling for Alien.

198O Special .Achievement .Award fot- Visual Effects: Brian Johnson, , , for .

1981 Make-up (new category): Rick Baker for An American Werewolf in London. Visual Effects: Richard Edlund, , Bruce Nicholson, for Raiders of the Lost Ark.

1982 Make-up: Jointly awarded to the make-up team for Quest for Fire. Visual effects: Carlo Rambaldi, Dennis Muren and Kenneth F. Smith for £ T.

1983 M¿»l

'From Bergan and Fuller (1992) and De Corninges et al. (1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996). The category Special Effects was established as early as 1939 to be replaced in 1963 by two new categories - Special Visual Effects and Special Sound Effects. From 1971 until 1979 both categories were rather erratically awarded under the heading 'Special Achievement.' From I979 onwards both have appeared steadily in each edition. They were joined in 1981 by the new award for Best Achievement in Make-up that, with the only exception of 1983, has always been awarded. Stan Winston is the only person to have won two Oscars in the same edition for Best Make-up and Best Visual Effects for the film The Terminator2.

XXXII ¿Appendix "1 ! .Landmarks ir\ tKe Wot*k of Special Effects .Artists

1984 Make-up: Dick Smith and Paul Le Blanc forAmadeus. Visual effects: Dennis Muren, Michael McAlister, Lome Peterson and Gerse Gibbs for and the Temple of Doom.

1985 Make-up: and Zoltan EIek for Mask. Visual Effects: Ken Ralston, Ralph McQuarrie, Scott Parrar and David Berry for Cocoon.

1986 Make-up: Chris Walas and Stephen Dupuis for The Fly. Visual Effects: , Stan Winston, John Richardson and Suzanne Berson for Aliens.

1987 Make-up: Rick Baker for Harry and the Hendersons. Visual Effects: Dennis Muren, William George, Harry Jessup and Kenneth Smith for .

1988 Make-up: , Steve La Porte and Robert Short for Beetiejuice. Visual Effects: Ken Ralston, Richard Williams, Edward Jones and George Gibbs for ?

1989 Make-up: Mario Rochetti, Lynn Barberand Kevin Havey for . Visual Effects: John Bruno, Dennis Muren, and Dennis Skotak for The Abyss.

1990 Make-up: John Caglione Jr and for Dick Tracy. Visual Effects: The 20th C Fox team headed by Rob Bottin for Total Recall.

1991 Make-up: Stan Winston and Jeff Dawns for The Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Visual effects: Stan Winston, Dennis Muren, Robert Skotak and Jr for The Terminator 2: Judgement Day. . •Humem tKcm -Human'...

1992 Make-up: , Michèle Burke, Matthew W. Mungle for Bram Stoker's Dracula. Visual Effects: Ken Ralston, , Doug Smythe, Tom Woodruff for Death Becomes Her.

1993 /vW

1994 MaUe-up: Rick Baker, Ve Neil and for Ed Wood. Visual Effects: Ken Ralston, , and Allen Hall for .

1995 MaUe-up: Peter Frampton, and Louis Boswell for Braveheart Visual Effects: Scott E. Anderson, Charles Gibson, Neu Scanlan and John Cox for Babe.


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