LOYALISTS CRUSH COUP Philippine Rebels Eppeared to Have Little Support

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LOYALISTS CRUSH COUP Philippine Rebels Eppeared to Have Little Support anrhrfitrrManchester — A City ol Village Charm Hrralft Saturday. Aug. 29.1987 LOYALISTS CRUSH COUP Philippine rebels eppeared to have little support MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Loyal troops backed by helicopter gunships and low-level bombing seized strongholds of mutineers Friday to crush the bloodiest coup attempt yet against President Corazon Aquino. Her only son was wounded. On Saturday morning, 500 rebel troops surrendered at Camp Aguinaldo, the military headquarters that was the scene of the heaviest fighting, themilitary said. On Friday night, it said other 402 rebels had been captured. Gen. Fidel V. Ramos, the military chief of staff, had told his subordinates Friday morning that only about 800 troops had taken part in the mutiny. It was not known how many still might be holding out. Ramos had said "mopping up operations” were under way aiid he expected full order to be restored in Manila by Saturday. ' The uprising centered in Manila but the commander of paramilitary national police in Cebu City, 350 miles southeast, backed the rebels, putting the mayor and provincial governor under house arrest. Military and hospital sources said at least 25 people had been killed and 275 wounded, including Benigno Aquino III. Mrs. Aquino, 54. said her 27:year-oId son was seriously hurt and three companions were killed when gunfire riddled their car near the presidential palace early Friday. The mutiny began at 1 a.m. Friday with attacks on the Malacanang presidential palace compound and other targets. The rebels did not appear to have widespread, popular support. When one group was chased away from the tall transmitter tower of government-run Channel 4 television station, hundreds of people poured into the streets, cheering the loyal defenders and shouting, “Cory! Cory! “ the nickname of the popular president. Still, when three frightened rebels appeared from hiding in shrubbry near the tower, a few FE8T TO FE8T — Anne Flint, president of the Greater Manchester H m M photo by Pinto in the crowd shielded them and helped them escape, and no one tried to stop them. Chamber of Commerce, digs Into a peach shortcake, compliments of Those killed during the uprising included the Eighth Utilities District. Eighth District firefighters delivered the two news photographers — a New Zealander goodwill shortcake to Flint during the downtown Feast Fast, just after and a Filipino — and numerous civilians caught in cross-fire. the district’s Peach Festival began. Stories and more pictures on pages President Reagan expressed “unqualified” 4 and 5. Please tarn to page 3 Merrill 8potted in Coventry Governor frustrated by escape, too ... page 2 Need money? Herald columnist gives it away on Thursday! SNAFU by Bnie* BMn'« Police say Merrill was seen Loyal Philippine troops outside Fowler’s In Coventry thwart attempt at coup COVENTRY — Somera prison are keeping an eye the area around governor said. escapee Frederick R. Merrill was Fowler’s Market. Residents are Merrill, described by O’Neill as Continued from page 1 spotted outside Fowler’s Market on also being advised to lock their “ apparently a very clever individ­ a national police camp seized by mutineers. Route 44 Friday afternoon, police doors. ual.” has escaped from three other Ramos called on Honasan to surrender said. U S. support for Mrs. Aquino in the gravest No details of the Coventry inci­ correctional facilities before. because “ the cause he espoused is a lost Merrill. 40, who was reported crisis of her 10 months in office. cause.” Military officials said the colonel fled dent were available late Friday Asked if the inddent would She ordered Ramos, who has put down nnlsslng from the Connecticut Cor­ night. Camp Aguinaldo before government forces aggravate mattersasthestatetries several other coup attempts against her, to rectional Institution, had been Meanwhile. Gov. William A. attacked. to answer protests from residents "terminate this mutiny immediately” and awaiting trial on several charges in O’Neill said Friday he was as of Suffield and Newtown, where The military said 462 rebels were captured. connection with the beating and said no concessions would be given “ these Ramos told subordinate commanders earlier frustrated as anyone eise that new correctional facilities are traitors." sexual assault of a South Windsor Merriil had not yet been captured. planned; O’Neill said: “ It certainly that about 800 troops took part in the mutiny, woman in March. Helicopter gunships and small propeller- But, he told reporters, “ when you doesn’t help the situation.” which would mean hundreds still were at driven bombers attacked the rebel-held Camp large. He had also been questioned in look at the number of persons who “ However, I still think it’s safe to connection with the March murder are confined versus those that Aguinaldo and the assault was led by elite Troops commanded by Brig. Gen. Edgardo (live) around one of those facili­ army units. m of n-year-old Manchester resident ' escap e, the p ercen ta ge is ties,” the governor said. Abenina in Cebu City flew the Philippine flag Bernice Martin, but Manchester Military officials said the rebel leader. Col insignificant.’’ He said security at Somers was upside down at their garrisons, a sign of p o li(» have been unable to link him Gregorio Honasan, fled in a helicopter. “ If they find the individual, and I being improved at the time of sympathy for the mutineers. They took over I have a 'one-hour photo* graphic i to that crime. Honasan was security chief for Gen. Juan certainly hope they do, I hope they Merrill’s escape “ and that is going government offlees in the nation’s second- Coventry police said that officers would find how he got out," the to continue.” Ponre Enrile. now a senator, until Mrs. largest metropolitan area and confiscated Aquino fired Enrile as defense minster last weapons from private security guards. November after an earlier attempted coup, Ramos announced late Friday that he would Enrile and Honasan played leading roles in fire Abenina. In Cebu City, Abenina expressed coBuectiert Weather Mufcler victim s dead a week the civilian-military uprising that drove sympathy for some rebel goals and frustration President Ferdinand E. Marcos into exile over what he called callousness toward Central, eastern interior, southwest interior: aoudy HAMDEN (AP) — Two men may Feb. 26, 1006. Enrilealsowasdefenseminister soldiers by civilian officials of the Aquino &turday with a chance of light rain. High 65 to 70. have bMn dead for almost a week under Marcos, but changed sides. government. Winds north around 10 mph. Chance of rain SO percent before thrir bound, decomposed T Marcos, who was president for 20 years, Whenever troops kill Communist guerrillas Mostly cloudy Saturday night. Low in the middle 50s bodies, stabbed in the chest and said he had nothing to do with Friday’s “ soldiers and policemen are accused of Partly sunny Sunday. High in the middle 70s. their throats slashed, were disco­ rebellion. He and his wife Imelda now live in violating human rights.” he said, adding that Hawaii. • West coastal, east coastal: Dreary Saturday with a vered in a condominium in Hamden more than 40 of his men were killed by • chance of Hght rain. High around 70. Winds becoming on Friday, authorities said. Presidential spokesman Marlin Fitzwater Communist rebels this year but “ nooneraised north lOtoISmph. Chance of rain 40 percent. Rp<vmiiin. Police said the victims were the said in Washington that the White House had a finger.” ’The Communist rebellion began in partly cloudy Saturday night. Low around 60. Partly owner o f the unit, Fred Harris. 59, no evidence of any Marcos involvement in the 1969 and continues. sunny Sunday. High 70 to 79. and his son, Greg Harris, 23. attempted coup. Maj. Gen. Donald Snyder. U.S. commander . Northwest hills: Cloudy Saturday with occasional “ At this time, the indication we After a long day of fighting, government at Clark Air Base, urged the 40,000-member ram likely. High in the middle 60s. Winds north around have is the possible cause of death forces regained control of the half-dozen U.S. military community to use caution until 10 mph. Chance of rain 50 percent. Mostly cloudy could be ... a stab wound to the chest installations seized by the rebels. They conditions are normal. He temporarily ^tu rday ngith. Low in the middle SOs. Partly urniy area and laceration of the throat of included four television stations, partofanair banned travel by U.S. military personnel and Sunday. High around 70. both victims.” said police Cmdr. base and the headquarters of the armed forces Robert Nolan. general staff at Camp Aguinaldo in suburban dependents to and from Manila and between the six American bases here. The bodies of both men were Quezon City. positively identified by the state Ramos said "mopping up operations" were ’The State Department advised American medical examiner’s office in Far­ under way and he expected full order to be civilians living in Manila to stay at home. lottery Winiiers AP photo mington, police said. restored in Manila by Saturday. Ramos has ’The heaviest fighting occurred around Police Chief John Ambrogio said put down several other coup attempts against Camp Aguinaldo military headquarters, the elder Harris also had a Mrs. Aquino. Mutinous soldiers lie face down after they were captured Connecticut daily Friday: 516. Play Four: 0754. AP photo which was damaged by fire during an assault by forces loyal to President Corazon Aquino Friday In Connecticut “ Lotto” Friday: 1, t, 4, 94, H , SO. daughter, but her whereabouts He said loyal troops were sent to San by marines and men of the elite Scout Ranger were unknown. Members of the Hamden Police and the Connecticut Fernando.
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