Broadcasting Dec 17

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Broadcasting Dec 17 The Fifth Estate Broadcasting Dec 17 Z11ti£ iv SGb1 2Z1 F.002í SVS-ltlY 4P/AGIv kfh 49£21 is Most Recent Telecasts: MON & SIMON IS THE #1 CTION SERIES AND BEATS LL SITCOMS T00! 0 WONDER IT'S LREADY SOLD IN MORE AN 40 MARKETS! MCANTom 10 NATPE INTV Fairmont Hotel Century Plaza 23rd Floor Hotel In The Tower SIMON & SIMON The Action Series With The Light Touch! MCA" rr/ C 1984 UNIVERSAL CITY STUDIOS INC. ALL. RIGHTSR N ., .. :: ..,.. .,.... ... ... w DOWT11SK:! .w.r+F.RiJV... It's an outrageous, unpredictable, first run, weekly, half -hour music series from the creator of Puffin' On The Hits! You Gotta See It To Believe It: Advertiser from -Supported Programming MUN The- 1p, For more information, call (212) 605 -2786 8 A Chris Bearde Production Psodt NATPE INTV Fairmont Hotel Century Plaza 23rd Floor t ß984 UNIVERSAL CITY STUDIOS INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Hotel In The Tower ON- C:olERA HOST: JOHN FORSYTHE We're Back -And We're Almost First Run q* JOHN FORSYTHE'S WORLD OF SURVIVAL 221 AWARD WINNING COLOR HALF -HOURS The world's most popular and most successful wildlife adventure serie, -at a price you can survive on. A SURVIVAL ANGLIA LTD. PRODUCTION NOTE Since these programs are primarily designed to further understanding of the RKOVPICTURE natural sciences. they are properly identi- fiable as Instructiona for FCC logging Vol. 107 No. 25 CBroadcasting Dec 17 Breakthrough for 12- 12 -12: 25% cap; UHF, minority discounts Agribroadcasting: big business down on the farm Fannon becomes president of NAPTS DEAL ON 12-12 -12 o Congressional and FCC parties contributes to stations' revenue harvests. come to agreement on television portion of PAGES 47 -62. multiple ownership rules: a 25% cap on group ownership with discounts for UHF and minority ON TO THE FCC 0 Commission to launch inquiry interests. PAGE 35. and rulemaking on international satellite competitors to Intelsat. PAGE 68. RADIO FALLOUT 0 Broker predictions indicate that 0 Barris returns to there is no land rush for radio stations after FCC BACK IN THE GAME Chuck shows after four -year absence. lifted multiple ownership rules. PAGE 36. producing game PAGE 80. IN CHARGE 0 Peter Fannon chosen as new UP 0 Group W Productions launches president of National Association of Public PM WAKE $1.2- million campaign to boost PM Magazine Television Stations. PAGE 37. through advertising, promotion and production help. PAGE 80. SPLIT DECISION 0 Eleven- member appeals court splits 6 -5 on Evans and Novak libel case. Judges NEW GROUP o CBS forms CBS Productions, wrestle with sorting differences between fact and consolidating theatrical films and worldwide opinion. PAGE 38. divisions. PAGE 82. PRICES D HIGH Too few and too costly decoders ABC ALLY o Media Access Project asks FCC to force NBC out of teletext market. PAGE ao. dismiss CIAs fairness doctrine complaint against ABC. PAGE 92. TAKING STOCK 0 Paine Webber media conference features speakers discussing 1985 advertising WIRELESS IN WASHINGTON D Group begins predictions, future of broadcasting and cable. multichannel MDS service in nation's capital using PAGE 41. ITFS frequencies. PAGE 96. FERTILE FIELD O Keeping the agricultural NEW NUMBERS 0 Arbitron is developing new ratings community informed is an important service of book for radio. PAGE 100. the Fifth Estate, and the stations serving those areas have kept farm broadcasting a growing THROUGH THE RANKS 0 John Goddard, president concern. In this Special Report, BROADCASTING and CEO of Viacom Cable, grew up with hands - examines the role of the farm broadcaster and on experience in the medium. It has proved more looks at the agricultural advertising that than just a passing fancy. PAGE 127. INDEX TO DEPARTMENTS Business 96 Datebook 18 In Brief 128 Programing 80 Business Briefly 10 Editorials 130 Journalism 72 Riding Gain 94 Cablecastings 28 Fates & Fortunes 124 Law & Regulation 68 Stock Index 97 Changing Hands 101 Fifth Estater 127 Monday Memo 16 Telecestinga 86 Closed Circuit 7 For the Record 108 Open Mike 26 Broadcasting (ISSN 0007 -2028) is published 51 Mondays a year (combined issue at yearend) by Broadcasting Publications Inc., 1735 DeSales Street. NW Washington, D.C. 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D C., and additional offices. Single issue $2 except special issues $3.50 (50th Anniversary issue $10). Subscriptions, U.S. and possessions: one year $60, two years $115, three years $160. Canadian and other international subscribers add $20 per year. U.S. and possessions $170 yearly for special delivery, $100 for first -class. Subscriber's occupation required. Annually: Broadcasting O Cablecasring Yearbook $80. Across the Dial $6.95. Microfilm of 8roadrasring is available from University Microfilms. 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor. Mich. 48106 (35mm, full year $55). Microfiche of Broadcasring is available from Bell & Howell, Micro Photo Division. Old Mansfield Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 ($37/yr). Postmaster please send address corrections to Broadcasting, 1735 DeSales St_ N.W. Washington, D C. 20036. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Almi Television 73 o American Airlines Priority Parcel Service Fourth Cover D American Chiropractic Assn. 111 o American Council of Life Insurance and Health Insurance Association of America 95 o American Farm Bureau Federation 600 Antonelli Media Training Center 14 0 Associated Press Broadcast Services 1013 Blackburn & Co., Inc. 1000 Blair Entertainment 24 -25 o Blair Television 61 o BMI 790 BrightStar 990 Chapman Associates 1030 Chicago, The University of 72 0 Classified Ads 114 -123 0 Columbia Pictures Television 48 -49 0 Continental Electronics 82 0 Eastman Kodak Co., Motion Picture & Audiovisual Markets Div. 75 o Embassy Telecommunications 27, 29, 31, 32 -33 0 Encore Programs 22 0 Evergreen Programs, Inc. 34 o Gammon & Ninowski Media Investments, Inc. 102 o Frank Gari Productions 87 o General Motors 91 0 Golden West Television 83 0 The Samuel Goldwyn Co. 15 0 Grandy & Berkson Media Brokers 107 0 Group W Productions 55 0 The Ted Hepburn Co. 104, 106 o Howard University 94 0 Katz Front Cover o Katz Radio Group 53 o Katz Television 51 0 King World 11, 17 0 Ladenburg, Thalman & Co., Inc. 1080 Le Parc Hotel 920 Lorimar 66 -67, 71 o The Mahlman Co. 101 o MCATV Second Cover /3, 6, 19, 20 -21, 22, 43, 44-450 Media General Broadcast Services, Inc. 89 0 Mobil 85 0 Paine Webber, Inc. 1090 Paramount Television Domestic Distribution 12 -13, 69 o Primetime Entertainment, Inc. 81 o Professional Cards 113 o RCA Americom 64 -65 o Republic Pictures Corp. 76 -77 0 RKO Pictures 4 0 Services Directory 112 o Smith Barney. Harris Upham & Co., Inc. 105 o SONY Broadcast 56 -570 Standard Rate & Data Service, Inc. 93 O Howard E. Stark 98 0 D.L. Taffner /Ltd. 88 0 D.L. Taffner Syndication 78 0 Telepictures Corp. 8 -9 o The Tobacco Institute 72 0 20th Century Fox Television 63 o WCCO Radio 58 0 WGN Radio 46 0 WNYC FM 74 o Worldvision Enterprises, Inc. 34 0 World Wide Bingo, Inc. 26 ILLS REALlY COOKIN.. AND THE 0/EN'S SuLL HOF! tdow in 85 markets! NELL CARTER STARRING IN GIMME A BREAK An Alan Landsburg Production NATPE INTV Fairmont Hotel Century Plaza 23rd Floor Hotel In The Tower 01984 UNIVERSAL CITY » IS INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED :ClosedmCi= cuiL-] released fall 1984 RADAR 30 (see page still alive, according to sources close to Standing pat 94), Nicholas Schiavone, vice president, USCI. Doug Ruhe, co-owner of UPI who radio research, NBC, said AQH AM had figured in ill -fated USCI- FCC may weather budget cuts anticipated Comsat listenership for Monday- Sunday, 6 a.m. to deal, is reportedly still interested, but for federal agencies better than most. midnight, remained stable throughout wants someone else with deep pockets to Office of Management and Budget, 1984, averaging 4.9% of total 12 -plus jump in with him. however, last week advised commission population in quarter-hour listening. In not to expect more in fiscal 1986, previous years AQH has declined by beginning next October, than $93.6 million average of 0.4 at each 24 -week Up in air it's operating on currently. measurement. Schiavone analyzed two 24- Network radio coverage of United States week survey components of RADAR Football League games in 1985 remains network radio rating of Signs of wear 30- service unsettled. ABC Radio, which had Westfield, N.J. -based Statistical Research exclusive national rights for USFL's first CBS's returning prime time regular series Inc. RADAR comprises 48 weeks of two years of play -1983 and 1984 -for are outperforming returning series on other continuous measurements. $1.25 million, hasn't closed door on two networks this season, but it is NBC's USFL, but chances look slim that there returning series that are showing least would be coverage next year. ratings erosion from last year. Of 35 Prime time temperance returning prime time series that were on Caucus for Producers, Writers and networks' schedules last Down, not out season, only five Directors is updating its two-year -old white in season -to -date averages have improved paper on gratuitous use of alcohol on Chances are slim, but better than their ratings performance over television programs to include new nonexistent, that Intelsat board of comparable period year ago: Family Ties information. Caucus says that since paper governors at its meeting, now under way (NBC), up 21.6%; Cheers (NBC), up went out, producers have started to at Intelsat headquarters in Washington, will 9.3 %; St. Elsewhere (NBC), up 5.6 %; eliminate unecessary consumption of approve as drafted secretariat's proposed Dynasty up 20/20 (ABC), 5.5 %; (ABC), alcohol on prime time shows.
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