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Mexicoindians Armtod^End Their^Diines Evangelist To

Mexicoindians Armtod^End Their^Diines Evangelist To

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ISBT PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILE CIRCULATION OF TUB EVENING HERALD for tbo month of Jnnoi 1926> 4,837 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1926. VOL. XLIV., NO. 256. CUuMifled Advertising on Page 0 <5> * POPE BANS PROTESTANTS In the Midst of Florida Hurricane AT GENERAL AUDIENCES EVANGELIST TO London, . July 30.— Mayfair '■ + - ♦ : MEXICOINDIANS Rome, July 30.— Regulations women are nothing if not meti- forbidding the admission of culqus. Protestants to general audiences FACE INQUIRY Bare legs have again come ARMTOD^END with the Pope were put in effect Into fashion. Colored powders today by Vatican officials, as the to the gown are used on result of the incident yesterday the bare legs and a thin line is when a British Protestant re­ ASTO^MRY painted down the back of the THEIR^DIINES fused to kneel during an audi­ leg to simulte the seam of the ence, as the Pope passed. stocking. Fifty Protestants were today Decides to Appoint Special denied audiences with the Pope, Aimee McPherson Is Sub­ Crisis in Conflict of Chnrch despite the fact that many of Deputy Attorney-General; them had been sponsored by the poenaed to Confront Wit­ TIG WOMAN’ WILL and State Due at Ifid- American College. Bergen Fights Release of nesses from Carmel Who ‘STICK TO TRUTH’ night When Clergy ESTATES MELT IN Prisoner on BaO. . t Abandon Edifices. May Identify Her. Jane Gibson Declares She Is Trenton, N, J., July 80.— Got* BANKRUPTS’ COURT , July 30.— Aimee Hurricane gales were lashing the photographer as w cll as the palm trees when this picture of Miami's ernor Moore today decided that a Mexico City, July 30. Mexico Semple McPherson has been sub­ tropical storm was made. The blast drove huge w aves over the Venetian Causeway between Miami and special deputy attorney-general was at a high pitch of tension to­ poenaed to appear before the coun­ Ready to Testify in Hall- Miami Beach, making passage Impossible. shall be appointed to prosecute Mrs. day as the climax in the controver­ ty grand jury next Tuesday and 'be Frances Stevens Hall, charged with sy between the government and the Creditors Get $730,800, Ref­ confronted by witnesses who say Mills Murder. the murder of her husband. Rev, Catholic church approached. she strongly resembles the woman MAY MAN, WIFE Edward W. Hall, and Mrs. Eleanor Today Catholic dignitaries and erees, Trustees, Etc. Get who was with a man identified as Mills, in 1922. ordinary priests are holding mass­ INDia NINEIY SPOON IN AUTO? HUMAN In an exclusive statemont to Kenneth G. Ormlston, Angelus es at intervals of thirty minutes John A. Moroso, noted author, Mrs. State Senator Alexander Simp­ during the day. At midnight the Over Million in Conn. Temple radio operator, in a cottage Cleveland Judge Can't Decide Jane Gibson, fo-called "pig wom­ son of Jersey City has been sug­ churches will be abandoned by the at Carrael-by-the-Sea. WONT TESTIFY an" of the Hall-Mills murder mys­ gested for the post, and is expect­ clergv and turned over to lay com­ IN SLAUGHTER Case Off-Hand So Reserves The issuance of the subpoena tery, today reiterated the charges ed to receive the appointment. mittees. providing the government New Haven, July 30.— Connecti­ followed an announcement by Dis­ His Ruling. of her amazing account of the does not place municipal commit­ cut's 458 bankruptcies in the fiscal trict Attorney Asa Keyes that he tragedy. Jane Gibson sticks to her tees in charge of them. BYDmRUN A O l ^ MATE story that she saw Mrs. Hall and a Somerville, N. J,, July 86.— At­ will re-open the McPherson case Cleveland, July 30.— Muni­ The Mexican Federation of La­ year ending July 1, presented total man at the scene of the torneys for Mrs. Frances Stevenl investigation before tne grand jury cipal Judge Tom Green has Hall, In Jail here charged with the bor is preparing to respond to this liabilities of $7,491,374.65 and for the purpose of having the jury murder. action by the Catholics by ordering under advisement the cases of first degree murdars of her hus­ their estates yielded $967,981.21, decide if Mrs. McPherson commit­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Macki 22 band, tho Rev. Edward Wheeler a total suspension of traffic from ted perjury when she told her story Husband Accused of Setting By JANE GIBSON. daylight Sunday until two in the according to the annual report filed 31 Arrested, 60 and Trio of and 23 years old. respectively, Hall, and his pretty choir singer, under oath of having been kidnap­ which Involves the momentous Mrs. Eleanor Mills, today made ap­ afternoon—merely as a demonstra­ today by C. E, Pickett, clerk of the ped and held prisoner for ransom. New Brunswick, N. J., July 30. tion of the power of organized la­ court here. question of whether man and Fire to Her Clothes; Wife plication for her release on bail. Claims Case Solve

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to be expressed you must have the Pearl does the best clowning and, The Privy Council Committee exact type. And we felt 'that In for the eyes, there Is Katherine CHANNEL ISLES AGAIN found that tho cost of the contribu­ tion would Involve the imposition the Dreiser story wo must have the Ray, “ the most beautiful figure,” Norma Terry, the Hoffman girls, ad of taxation amounting to nearly exact type.” REFUSED TO BE TAXED $15 per head in Jersey and nearly At any rate the search required lib. $10 per head in Guernsey, compar­ Tomorrow - Last Day more than two months, exhausted ed with 137 per head in Britain. Broadway, and spread across the THIS MAIN STREET IS ELEVAT­ country where Miss Hopkins was ED London.— A critical decision is understood to have been taken by spotted. the Jersey-Channel Islands - State SUICIDES IN She began her career In musical Mineola, Mo.— Mineola’s Main Street is to be an elevated road­ •' Committee which has been examin­ comedy going later to the legitimate ing the demand of the British stage. Her one appearance in ser­ way, eight feet above the floor AVERAGE TWELVE A DAY line of the stores that front on It. Home Department for a contribu­ ious drama was “ Puppets,” while tion to Imperial funds in respect of she has had light comedy parts in According to new state high­ way plans, a “ fill” is to be made the cost of the World War of $600- Budapest.— Unable to stop the MARLOW’S "High Tide” and "The Home Town- '000 annually for the next 100 increasing number of suicides in ers.” to shorten a grade that Is famous • * • among motorists. Nearly a mil­ -years. [ , which now averages lion dollars is being spent by the The report of the committee is i twelve dally, by law the Hungarian THE NEW SHOW. to be published almost immediate­ government has established first “ Americana” has no connection state fh hard-surfacing the road through the Mineola district. ~ ly. Briefly, it will be found to re- aid stations throughout the city of with the ironic and biting para­ ;peat only the previously rejected Budapest. The stations are open graphs collected about the nation Mineola is note$ for its salt springs, its scenery and the fact -offer of a single final payment of and in charge of a nurse day and by H. L. Mencken for his monthly .$1,500,000 without prejudice to Anniversary Sale that Isaac Van. Bibber, adopted night. publication. Such satire of the son of Daniel Boone, built a tav­ the liability of the Jersey State. Special facilities for saving heath as may be found in this new­ ern at Mineola which for a cen­ A propfosal that Jersey should have been established along the est music revue is applied with the tury was famous. pay $2,500,000 in respect of war Danube in both Buda and Pest. A The supreme bargain event ends Sat­ padded slap-stick in good natured pensions already paid by the Brit­ river nolic® boat p'trol has — urday night. Hundreds of extraordinary hands. Richard Herndon, who pre­ SWAN’S NIGHT OUT ish government, and be respon­ started and ambulances are kept sents it at his own theater, has had sible in future for its own pen­ all of the bridges, since it ' values — radical reductions from our the courage to give ideas the head­ London.— The police of London sions administration and the main- from them that mos* of the would- line position with the result that have all sorts of odd characters to ■^tenance on the Militia, was ad­ suicides throw themselves into everyday low. prices. Merchandise o f de­ this revue carries along smartly handle, but the “ Bobby” who vanced by a group of local legisla­ the Danube. and gaily, becoming quite the most bumped into a waddling swan in tors, blit this compromise was al- pendable quality — everyday needs — at informal of any professionally blackest midnight ,in High street. ;’so refused by the State Committee. substantial savings. given productions. Godaiming, claims the most unu­ The majority of the members of J. P. McAvoy, the Chicago comic, sual experience. The astonished the committee contend that the an- TYPEWRITERS supplied most of the adroit fun, official guided the “ old bird” hack \clent privilege of the Jersey State Take advantage of this annual event which reaches a sophisticated apex to its home in the river Wey. What ■free It from all monetary claims All makes. Sold, rented, ex­ ‘and that tho only sovereign power in “ Rollo and His Pa," in which the bird said to the policeman is changed and overhauled. — Come tomorrow and make real worth­ an old-fashioned father seeks to not considered evidence. to which ^hey are subject is the Inform his offspring on the "facts King, although the Committee of Special Discounts to Students. while savings. of life." The “ star spangled" BOLL WEEVILS H.IFPY ■the Privy Council of England scenery and costumes of John -which investigated the position on Held are important factors and Washington.— Millions of boll •the spot in the Islands ruled that the British Parliament has unques- there is a quiet comic, Charles But- weevils are preparing an on­ terworth, of whom much will be slaught on America’s cotton. De- f^tionably the right and the legal heard on Broadway some day. It’s •power to Impose financial legisla- Kemp’s Music House parment of Agriculture experi­ ‘.tlon upon the Islands with or with­ a show to put on your New York ments show that the infestation of out their consent. ‘list it your prefer musing ideas to cotton fields will be heavy in the Telephone 821. Advertise in The Evening Herald-It Pays lavishness. Mlsslssippl.Valley region, but light • • • in Texas and the extreme east. “A Night in Paris" (second edition) It is the Broadway fashion to MILLIONS BY ELEVATORS change revues in mid-season, what­ ever the admonition about horses in New York.— More than ten mil­ streams. And so Shuberts step lion passengers are carried every out a newly costumed— if any — night and day on New York’s and generally altered version of greatest rapid transit system, its their naughty but nice Parisian re­ thousands of elevators. These run vue. There is little danger of the on a 100 per cent grade and carry chorus girls suffering from the heat more people than all the sub­ and it has been made to order for ways, elevated and street car lines, the “ good old summer time.” Jack taxicabs and railroads in the city. Mid Summer Producers of Theodore Dreiser’s play, “ An American Tragedy,’* re­ jected a thousand New York blon de candidates for the flapper role of “ Sondra” In favor of Miriam H opklns, whom they found In Chi­ cago. Clearance Sale New York, July 30.— The blonde a hunt was started for a blonde to preferred by Horace Llveright for play Lorelei in “ Gentlemen Prefer the role of Sondra in the dramatic Blondes.” It ended when June FRADIN’S version of Dreiser’s “ An American Walker donned a blonde wig. Tragedy” has turned out to be Miss Brunet Army Turns Out. This Midsummer Sale Is Proving Up Miriam Hopkins, a more or less ob­ “ Immediately an army of brunet scure young actress now appearing actresses secured blonde wigs and in Chicago. came marching to the office," Live- And thus ends one of the most right continues. “ We saw a total To All Expectations important and hectic theatrical of 270 brunets. The amusing searches of many seasons. thing was that I seemed to recog­ Silk Dresses It is the conspicuous event of . this season of the year looked forward to by hundreds o t And thus, also, the accident of nize some jf .the faces, but-couldn’t people in this vicinity for the reason that they h ave confidence in this house and know from deal­ facial and physical construction figure out whether the heat was ings which they have had with us that our promises are always fulfilled. They always find what catapults this pretty girl, who start­ affecting me or not. ed with the “ Little Jesse James” “ I have no objection to brunets we advertise plainly marked right on our floors. This event is made doubly prominent this time chorus, into one of the outstanding playing blonde parts, but I am con­ because we are ofl^ering reduced prices coupled with easy payments on our Profit Sharing Club roles of the coming show season. vinced that there are blonde per­ « » » Plan. We are pion^rs in this as we were in the Two Weeks Vacation Closing Plan which will be sonalities and brunet personalities. $3.98 put into effect a ^ ^ ’ jfcis year starting August 14 th. Liveright, who turned from his when subtle characterizations are publishing routine last season long In the meantime we hope you will take advantage of our offerings—we can save you good enough to redress Hamlet in plus- money, j-v fours, had determined to cast the Of Figured and Striped Dreiser story with people who “ ab-} tolutely looked the part." Tub Silk.in flared and tail­ That Was the First Jolt. ALEXANDER This, in Itself, is a novelty almost as startling as the appearance of ored styles. Fast colors, Shakespeare in tweeds. Broad­ JARVIS, JR. way is accustomed to having its easily laundered, ideal for actors and actresses make up for Sand their parts, rather than having the parts agree with the players. Thus Gravel hot weather wear. Katherine Cornell, who bears not the slightest physical resemblance Stone to the Arlen conception of Iris March, has successfully played a Loam and Grading Regular and extra sizes. season in “ The Green Hat.” The! same is true of many other produc­ M oving tions. Discovery of someone to play and Trucking New Bathing Roberta, the pathetic and tragic victim of accumulating circum­ stances in "An American Tragedy,” was comparatively easy. Liveright and Louis Cline, his All Kinds of ^ Millinery Suits assistant, spotted Katherine-Wilson, who plays the “ mean ^ster” in Cemetery Grading Felt and Velvet Satin at greatly reduced prices. “ Love ’Em and Leave ’Em.” And combinations in the new 100% pure heavy wool 8 Piece Dining Suite Group $139.50 several names at once came to mind large shapes. suits in all popular colors. as prospects for the role of the (Easy pajrments on our Profit Sharing Club Plan) young bellhop. 416 Center Street Special, up. Special This is but one of the many bargains in our Dining Room section. Suite consists of oblong But the blonde and flapper Son­ dra? All New York was combed. South Manchester $2.98 $2.89 table, 60-inch buffet and set of chairs. Constructed of genuine walnut combined with other hard Something like 1000 blondes pass­ woods, very beautifully finished in French Huguenot. You will like it when you see it. Our regu­ ed in review. Just about that time Tel. 341 lar price on this suite is $175. You can buy it during our clearance sale for $139.50 and have 12 months to pay for it.

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New Victor Record Hits Special for delivers VALENCIA BYE BYE BLACKBIRD W eek - end this new k • . •■• 'vX. .->■ No. 20007 No. 20044 Mattress Also the Following Numbers your home. / / In My Gondola— Fox Trot No. 20010 / I’d Climb the Highest Mountain No. 20038 Valentine— Fox Trot No. 20066 All Columbia Records At Peace With the World— Organ No. 20075 now In stock, 10” or 12", value from 75c to $1.50, Get A Few New Records For Sunday. marked at one price, IBc. All Pure Bridge Lamps Cash and Carry, none on approval. . Cotton Felted $6.95 Special Sale of V ictor Records ($1.00 weekly on our All Edison Records now 29c each 4 for $1 In stock, value up to $2.00, Sale Price Profit Sharing Club Plan.) now marked 29c to close, Here is one of the out­ standing values from our cash only. Bram ba(Ji Other Specials For Saturday Only 16.75 lamp department. Has silk ■We have a splendid, as­ shade and polychrome base, sortment to select from. fully equipped with Masda Kodaks bulb. A regular $12.50 The world’s best small value now offered for 96.00 Sheet Music Player Rolls grand piano, known the Brownies on easy payments. world over. Not a cheap Aerolux 4 Any 2 For $1. Film s A layer felt mattress covered with the morning glory All Floor Lamps, Bridge grand, but finest quality at Develop­ Powh Screens ticking, has roll edges and straps on side for easy handling. Lamps, Table Lamps and a low price. Results of For $1, Regular $22.50 value, now selling for $16.75 ($1.00 weekly Boudoir Lamps now offered New Stock * ($1.00 weekly on our on our Profit Sharing Club Plan). Our bedding department at reduced prices for Cash' ing and or Easy Payments. Latest Hits Profit Sharing Club Plan.) has many other values that w ll interest you. Printing All have been reduced for Guest Sets « final clean-up for the sea­ Consists of watec..J^g, S son. They make the porch glasses and tray in amber, much more comfortable— at G. t KEITH FURNITURE CO., Inc blue and green. Very sDe- our reduced prices you can clal at 70c. (Cash and KEMPS MUSIC HOUSE afford the best shade made. COR. MAIN AND SCHOOL STREETS - SO. MANCHESTER, OT. Carry.) Piano Tuning. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, 3TJLT 80, 192§. ^ “ / « r o s FOUB countriea as follows: Orest Brltaiiii A man from Hartford made an HOW’S THAT. N. C. C i n CELEBRATES present, 62,468, new, 91,11; Ger­ evening call on a resident of HlllS- ^1 — EARTH’S TREMORS NEW QUOTAS MAY many, present, 50,129; new, 22,« town recently and the checker Authorf Director, Actor 018; France, present 3,878, new, board was brought out and the The installment salesman 'Was! FIRST WHITE BIRTH 2,868; Austria, present, 090, new, two were soon lost to the world in visiting the railroad shops. "This CHANGE COURSE 1,840; Denmark, present, 2,781, that game of checkers. The crow­ man you fellows call ‘Slim’ John­ TRACED TO TILTING new, 1,092; Italy, present, 8,888, ing of the Hillstown’s roosters All Are Von Stroheim Elizabeth City, N. C.—Eyes of son wants a suit of clothes on tlm*- new, .5,878; Norwal, present, 6,463, caused them to look up from the payments. Is he honest?” two nations will turn momentarily new, 2,433; Poland, Jjresent, 8,872, game and they were astonished to “Mister,” answered the foreman,; AFTER GLACIAL AGE upon this little North Carolina OF IMMIGRATION new, 4,509; Russia, present, 1,792, see the clock registering 4 a. m., his product as this super-critical. town, August 18, In the midst of “Slim is one of the squarest men in Hollywood, July 29.—There are new, 4,00%; Sweden, present, 9,661, daylight saving time. the roundhouse.’’-^ o o d Hardwarej« three Erich von Stroheims, all com­ Erich. Stroheim the actor rehears­ the Dare County, Virginia, celebra­ new, .3,707. pactly embodied In the bronzed, es every scene his writing self pre­ tion commemorating the birth of . The governmental committee now shaven-headed, cynical - minded sents, rehearses it for dramatic America’s first-native-born and the Federal Departments Are engaged In framinOi the quotas un­ screen realist whom a poll of the worth, for “timing,” for the feel of Report on the St Laurence Lost Colony. der the new law is understood to foremost critics has just placed at it. On the day that thousands of be finding the task of applying It the head of the best film directors. If it doesn’t meet his rigid re­ Earthquake, Fehmary 28, persons from over the country ar­ Busy Preparing Figures difficult, on the basis of census bu­ The three Erichs never quite quirements it’s discarded ruthless­ rive here to take in the gigantic reau information. merge—Stroheim the writer of ly. And this rehearsing is done, as celebration that will take place on from Census Data. ' While President Coolidge is di­ ^ Speciak drama, Stroheim the actor, and a few of his intimates relate, with 1925, Made hy Depart­ Roanoke Island, Sir Esme Howard, rected to proclaim the new quotas Stroheim the director, Ofter they all the fervor that goes into the British Ambassador to the Uniteh next year, he Is left the alternative are positively at war with one an­ final product. States, will bake the principal ad­ of declaring the information at other. ment of Interior. dress. Washington, —Great Britain and Look! „ F<»; Look! When Stroheim the writer se­ In “The Merry Widow," 2,800 hand is insufficient, and postponing Sir Esme will be taken directly northern Ireland may furnish sixty the decree from year to year. cludes himself to prepare a script, scenes were thus given the to Roanoke Island to old Fort Ral­ per cent of the annual immigration Saturday the other two of him are apt to test before the script was put to Washington, July 30.—The St. eigh on the Coast Guard cutter to the United States if new quotas shrug an uncomplimentary shoul­ camera for its 10-reel length. Lawrence earthquake that disturb­ Apache. are proclaimed next April 1 by der, or even to stick out a derisive Stroheim always hides out for ed New Englanders on February The celebration will take place President Coolidge as directed by tongue. It’s no easy task for the his pre-producliori agony. In pre­ 28, 1925, was caused indirectly by on the site of the old Fort Raleigh, the immigration law. ADDISON White Sailor Men’s Scout scrivener to pass muster with the paring “The Wedding March,” in the tilting of the rock beds of the where the first English settlement This prospect has brought so which he returns to the screen as affected area following the glacial in America was made in 1854. This many protests of discrimination Mrs. Burton Bell and son Braln- actor, under his own direction, he period, according to a statement is now the property of the Roanoke that a committee of the state, labor ard and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pot­ Pants Shoes spent many weeks prowling along issued on July 27 by the Depart­ Colony Memorial Association, a and commerce departments now ter and daughter of Glastonbury, a lonely California beach courting ment of the Interior, based upon a little band of patriots who have engaged in preparing the new quo­ are spending a week’s vacation in tlie screen muse. The idea wouldn’t scientific investigation conducted worked since 1890 to preserve the tas will endeavor to complete a Alstead, N. H. crystallize. Sd he forsook the beach report to the President in time to A esldent of Glastonbury was $1.69 by Arthur Keith of the Geological memory of the Roanoke settlement. amused in watching a small Hart­ $1.19 for the mountains. The association has marked the permit congressional action next “Von” is geographical minded. Survey. ford boy on Market street. F- MEN’S KHAKI PANTS The theory, said the statement, site of the fortress, and by yearly winter. picked up a discarded bottle in MEN’S Place has a great influence upon is that under the weight of the celebrations have kepttalive inter­ Sharp changes from the present KHAKI SHIRTS ideation. And high peaks are par­ great ice sheet which lay upon the system of allotting the coveted front of a barb'- shop and took a ticularly stimulating. est which will culminate this year long smell of the liquid. There 95c country thousands of feet thick, in .one of the most widely heralded visas are provided under the immi­ was a teaspoonful or so in the bot­ He Got It. the Northeastern States were de­ celebrations of its kind in history. gration act. At the outset the to­ tom of the bottle. 89c MEN’S OVERALLS It took him almost two days to pressed or tilted toward the north President Coolidge has written a tal number of immigrants permit­ He held the bottle above his reach a solitary peak after he had and that since the retreat of the letter to be read on August 18, ted to enter the country is reduced Lead and poured some of the liquid SWEAT SHIRTS deserted the beach. Then when Ice they have nearly recovered when Sir Esme Howard will speak. from 164,667 to 150,000 a year. in his badly soiled hand and an- 89c near the top, sweaty with the climb their former attitude. The recov­ Governor McLean, of North Caro­ Quotas Based on Census. nolnted his hair. The bottle was 98c ATHLETIC he yelled to his sole companion, ery is not yet complete, however, lina, Ex-Governor Morrison, and Quotas now are based on two per labled “bay rum.” UNDERWEAR “I’ve got it!” Perched upon the for the tilting has continued with­ Bishops Cheshire, Darst, Horner, cent of the foreign-born people of One farmer says that last BALBRIGGAN crags like an eagle he brooded the in historic times. This postglacial and Penick, the four Episcopal any nationality as shown by the nights rain has divided his tobacco UNION SUITS drama. tilting, it is stated further, is bishops of North Carolina, are ex­ census of 1890. , UndSr the "na­ field by a gully three fedt deep. 39c Stroheim’s mind is a night- clearly of the order of magnitude pected to attend the celebration. tional origins” provision effective blooming one. Occasionally, when to be associated with the produc­ Congressman Warren’s bill pro­ next year the 150,000 permits to 69c BATHING SUITS pressed for time, he attempts to tion of earthquakes. viding for the erection of a marker enter the United States will be write in the daytime, but invariab­ The St. Lawrence earthquake to commemorate the birth of Vir­ based on the proportionate strength BALBRIGGAN ly he tears up such day product was but one, though the most se­ ginia Dare, has been passed and of the various nationalities in the UNDERWEAR 95c when the shades of night fall. In vere, of a group or series of trem­ it is believed that it will be erect­ United States as shown by the 1920 MEN’S WORK SHIRTS the dark hours come his hunches, ors that disturbed a great area in ed in the near future under the su­ census. his facility, and the approval of the northeastern United States and pervision of Secretary of War Since a large proportion of the 39c Composite photogra]>h of the three his judgment. Canada between July, 1924, and Davis. people of the country are of ^ It- 59c Erichs von Stroheim. After the film is completed Stro­ Ma^ch, 1926. “Aside from the tes­ ish ancestry, a distinct gain in xhe UNDERWEAR heim the playwright gets back at timony of the sensitive seismo­ number of immigrants from Great S a fe B. V. D. STYLE MEN’S WORK PANTS actor, or for these two to convince graph,” the statement says, “the BOO YANKEES, BRITISH the director, as they have had to his other two critical selves. “Ter­ AT FRENCH SEA RESORT Britain and north Ireland — the M ilk rible!” is his usual comment to the St. Lawrence quake was noted by Nice, France, July 30.—Anti- Irish Free State having a separate do in the c^se of “Greed,” “The the human senses in an area of D ie t $1.99 Merry Widow,” and “The Wedding other selves, uttered with a sort of foreign feeling which had been quota—^is expected. 44c thumb-to-nose mockery which com­ about a million square miles, ex­ Protests are being made. Some For Infants, March,” which is now in produc­ tending from the northeastern tip thought to have subsided, broke Men’s Socks tion. ports precisely with his pungent in­ out again when a French crowd experts declaring that under the Invalids.1 Men’s Broadcloth dividuality and bespeaks his never of the province of Quebec west to booed and hissed British and new law 90,000 of the 150,0,00 im­ The Aged Constant Rehearsal. Chicago, a distance of 1,500 miles Shirts All Colors No man in films agonizes so over requited passion for perfection. American bathers at a beach here migrants each year will be British. and from Sudbury, Ontario, to today. Would Change Quotas. and Sizes South Carolina, a distance of 1200 Under one computation made the All Colors and Sizes Baxter, William Powell and George miles. As the northern border of Some of the Frenchmen threw % «i'Shinkfa^ Bancroft are the featured players. stones at the bathers but none was "national origins” provision would AILEEN PRINGLE, STAR, this region is the tract along the injured. change quotas of the principal Rich milk, combirp'^ For the added attarction we St. Lawrence that was most vio­ choice grains, reduceu , • • », .x / | 99c 6c pr. have The Famous Ko-Ko song lently shaken, it can be assumed nourishing, yet sn casii- .lat | AT THE STATE TODAY reel “Sailing.” Don’t miss the that a similarly large uninhabited ii- is used, h«mcnf., oy \ vtES, I wonderful production Sunday and area to the north was affected and Monday, “The Wanderer.” ■1 aiUng or well.* An upbuQdlng diet for Today and tomorrow the State as the Boston region at the sea­ infants, invalids, nursing mothers. Con­ theatre presents another double shore was rocked almost as severe­ venient, light Nourishment, when faint Workingman^s Store feature bill. The first feature ly as any other part of New Eng­ or hungry. Taken hot, upon retiring, it MISS ORCUTT TO TRY land. probably a great area be­ 893 MAIN STREET. Alleen Pringle in “One Year to neath the Atlantic Ocean wm induces 8 0 und,refieshing sleep. Instant­ Live.”- BE.ITING MISS COLLETT TODAY ly prepared at home—no cooking. “One year to Live.” M. C. Le­ shaken also—in other word*, th* vee’s First National production New London, July 30.—Maureen shocks extended over an area of at the State theatre is a story deal­ Orcutt, New York University miss, some 2,000,000 square miles.” TWENTY-TWO FIFTY, INC. ing with a girl who is told that will attempt to “take” Glenna she has only one year to live and Collett, National champion, today. proceeds to live it as recklessly as They meet in the finals of the BULGARIA PASSES BILL TO 139 Asylum St., Corner Trumbull she knows how. The expected Griswold golf cup tourney at the Hartford. thing would be that the essential Shenecossett Country club. If the HELP AMERICAN SCHOOLS and most poignant parts of that Metropolitan and New Jersey one year are left to the imagina­ champion succeeds in beating tion. Miss Collett she will have accom­ Sofia.—The Bulgarian National No such thing in “One Year to plished one of the outstanding Assembly has passed a bill granting Live.” ■ Director Cummings has re­ feats of the season. to American . colleges in Bulgaria tained every portion of the John The National champion threw three-thousand cubic metres of Hunter story which newspaper re­ down the “defi” to all comers yes­ lumber for rebuilding purposes. porters wolld refer to as “stark terday by playing in her rarest Answering a protest made by a realism.” golfing form. It was the form deputy that the government helps Aileen Pringle, as Elsie Ducha- which brought Glenna the United alien schools and not Bulgarian in­ nier, is shown debating with her­ States title and was powerful stitutions Premier Lyaptcheft said: Store self whether she shall die without enough to overwhelm Mrs. F. E. *T do not care whether they be To having her high and fast fling at Dubois. Westchester-Biltmore club alien or not. What I do know is Closed Call Us life. When she finally decides champion by a score of five and that they are good Anglo-Saxon in­ what she does decide, the camera four. Wed. Without trails her. stitutions and are helping our best When Antonio Moreno, in the citizens.” A fter­ Charge role of Tom Kendrick, refu'kes to FOUR DIE IN FRENCH WRECK accept the love of Lolette, a cele­ The noons Call brated Parisian dancer played by Paris, July 30.—Four persons Until Rosemary Theby, it is shown why. were killed and ten injured when McGovern Granite Co. 1500 The fact that she loves Brunei, in­ the mall train from Mulhouse to CEMETERY MEMORIALS Sept. 1st terpreted by Joseph Kilgour, is Paris jumped the track at Nolsy- ^ Represented by conveyed delicately of course, but Le-Sec today. No foreigners O. W. HARTBNSTBIN without mincing words. were among the casualties. 47 Renton St. Telephone 1621 Let him who wants pure and Hartford, Conn. unadulterated description and co­ herence in his entertainment look to “One eYar to Live” as a bril­ liant example. In it is embodied frankness of expression. Have Your Watch Put In Good For the second feartire a Wil­ liam DeMille production, “The Shape For Your Vacation SATURDAY Runaway.” To dispel whatever doubts may When you are away on your vacation you want your lie in the minds of Manchester cit­ watch to keep good time. If it is not working well, izens, Manager Jack Sanson of the bring it here and we will clean and repair it. State theatre,'wishes it known that “The Runaway,” William de Mine’s Paramount production F. E. BRAY Women’s Coats which arrives today and tomorrow, refers to a girl—and not a horse. JEWELER “The Runaway” is the tale of a » ^elwitz Block, cor. Main and Pearl Sts., So. Manchester. young actress who runs away be­ cause she is afraid she will be sus­ pected of having committed anoth­ A t Trem endous Reductions er’s crime. Clara Bow, Warner Why Patronize Sales ? COATS SUITABLE FOR EARLY BATHING SUITS Saturday Is The Last Day FALL WEAR. Men’s pure worsted suits, A store'when emphasizing a semi-annual clearing fine and two-piece, blues and sale on men’s suits usually offers nothing but left-overs COATS SUITABLE FOR colors, and odd lots, at prices equivalent to all year round PRESENT WEAR. Of Our July Clearance Sale one price. This no-sale arrangement conducted here introduces $5. to you almost daily new shipments, finer tailoring and Formerly $29.95 to $59.50. the newest styles at one price. • This group consists of STRAW HATS coats fashioned of im­ All Our Hats ported and domestic Suits For Men plaids, tweeds and fine $ 1 0 7 5 $1.75 wool twills.. Smartly Take your pick from all our and Young Men fashioned with self ma­ f2.95 to $4 hats, good range of terial or summer fur. dzes. $1.00 ea. NO NO MORE LESS $22.50 Formerly $39.75 to $69.50.* Knickers Buy one for $1.00 and get another for Linens and soft woolens. Suiximen Clothes High grade coats of fine twills, imported $3i0 to $6.95 Ic *ni6 Best Fabrics mixtures, plaids and The Best Styles $2500 novelty fabrics. Broken Snappy Golf Hose Some with 2 Pants $10 range of sizes from 16 to / 50 1-2. $liO Flannel Trousers THE LADIES’ SHOP and Knickers $3.00 Up Women’s Coats—Third Floor. S jnngtoii Slwp 635 Main Street So. Manchester At the Center. HI' *•' ■ '• ‘ t i. >"


^ e E n r


_ F r e e 2> E U V E R Y

'll <1 'A 'l'

? iS 1 ji A

A Living Room O utf it Sensation! \Vf r” *: .nrnd this offer as one of the Out. landing Values of This Sale. An out.standing value in Living Room Furni­ ture. This outfit is luxuriously upholstered / 'I in a beautiful velour—and a variety of de­ signs. An outfit that is worthy of the most prominent position in your home. The s '>a- cious Davenport, the Wing Chair and the Dresser This h.andsome, well-made oak Club Chair comprise this wond- rful offer. A Dresser, with large mirror, la a most unusual value A 4 A beautiful Floor riven Re- „ ,hi. .p.o.1 low 4-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite A 1-1 duced to this si:: Price 81 Weekly A big saving in bedroom furniture—It has stjde and quality—will The beautiful furnish the bedroom harmoniously and conveniently. It is exceptionally polvdirome well made having dovetailed drawers and nicely finished interiors. The Floor I.amp with silk Flinde beautiful walnut combined with other cabinet woods, is handsomely civen FHKl'2 will! nil mir- grained, with a rich, dull-rubbed finish. The full-si/o ( • /oliable bow- rh.ises over foot Bed, the large Dresser, Full Vanity and Bachelor’s Wardrobe—all ?100. Only $1.01) Weekly one Inmn to a 4 pieces, at this special An., price. $1.50 Weekly customer.

Special! Esd Outfit End Table ' !!Pr Vi INu This handsome mahogany finish Bed, Spring, Mattress End Table Is remarkably low priced during our ^ ^ 0 This remarkable offer Includes a full size white August Sale. This is aik 1 a real bargain att|/X«ewa^ enamel bed with 2 in. continuous posts and leavy flllers at less than whole.sale price—a Na­ $1 W eekly tional spring with reinforced edge—and our com­ fortable and durable "Esse-V mattress in 1 or 2 'h d r TO parts. Special,

h -

$1.00 Weekly

»- Breakfast Set A special August Sale offer­ ing! This beautiful decorated Breakfast Set—Uie Table and Full-Size Range Extraordinary 9-Piece Dining Room Value four chairs—all B-pieces, Is very We believe this to bo the great­ useful In the apartment or small est range value ever offered In Hartford. It is well made, easy to home. Special at only, use, a Joy In any kitchen, and a There is no better offering than this handsome 9-piece Dining Room wonderful value, all set up. Includ­ ing smoke pipe, ready to use, at Suite at any price. Note the beautiful appearance and the inviting appeal it this special price. has—each piece an example of good workmanship. Well built and well de­ .75 signed of Walnut, combined with other fine cabinet woods, 9 pieces, all beau­

tiful as well as useful—striking buffet, oblong extension table, semi-closed $1.00 Weekly china cabinet, one arm chair and five s ide chairs. Special August Sale Price $1.00 Weekly fl.OO W eekly \ One of America’s Greatest Furmture Stores Slashing Redactions During Our . OUR EASY CREDIT TERMS . Are Offered Without Extra Charge August Sale! C l n n WEEKLY PAYMENTS ON C 7 K A A d l . U U PURCHASES UP TO © I O s U v Every suite, outfit and odd piece has been greatly reduced dJO [-fk WEEKLY PAYMENTS ON ^ O A A A A In price during our AUGUST FURNITURE SALE. It is reason- PURCHASES UP TO «Da UU»UU able to believe that Herrup’s unusual values, courteous, friendly e r n WEEKLY PAYMENTS ON ttR A A A A service and specially easy credit terms will make this sale • 0 O . 9 U PURCHASES UP TO w u U U .U lF huge success. Read the amazing values offered—Just a few of (51 O K A WEEKLY PAYMENTS ON (P i A A A A A the hundreds on our floors. 0 1 a * 9 U p u r c h a s e s UP to O l y U U v s v U Monthly COME INI BUY NOWl SAVEl US to 15,000 for credit. Cor. Main and Morgan Sts. Open Saturdays Evenmgs b ' .J k 1 . /- ■■ MANCHBSrraR BVBNINQ HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 80, 1926. >AGBBTX

♦ Sketches by Redner, Synopsis by Braucher POE’S STORIES: The Murders in the Rue Morgue (4) f Change in Rates yi. j-mriririT rri" i‘-*r* «>**o****^o**o*o<**o«^*>*>*»*»^>**^*^^**^**^*****^**'*^**^^ For Herald Classified Advertising On and after June 1, 1026, the following rates for Classified Advertising will be in effect: All For Sale, To Rent, Lost, Found and similar advertising on Classified Page: First insertion, 10 cents a line (6 words to line). Minimum Charge 30 Cents. Repeat insertions (running every day), 5 cents a lin6 THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH WITH COPY. vAa additional charge of 25 cents will be made for tents charged and billed. Dupin explainei When Dupin had been at the house in the Rue While Dupin and hie friend were awaiting the arrival people of several natldn- j of the person whom Dupin had faid would prove to have Morgue he had found the way the murderer escaped. alitlee had heard the one Both windows seemed nailed from the inside, but TO RENT Sad a hand^n the murdere, the young analyst disclosed gruff voice and each had ' Then hVtold of finding Dupin had found that the head of one nail had broken Barred the remarkable yet simple processes by which he had believed it that of a "for- a tuft of hair clenched In TTOR SALE — Chicken., _ , TO RENT—Several flve and six off In being driven In, which allowed the sash to move Rocks Pullets and Broilers. Price room modern rents in two family arrived at his solution of the murder. He began dis­ eigner. None ’ could the hand of Mile. L’Es- feasonable. W. G. Hugheo. Nelson houses. Apply Edward J. Roll, 865 cussing the voices neighbors had heard as they dashed up and down. Dupin then told of finding a treJHs >«ork Pl*ce. rear 139 North Main street. Main street. Tel. 6G0. make out any words. p an aye. It teemed to be , .r*» jL. ..vj,'.*. V. |( Continued) u p stairs.______- V the hair of an animal! ^_^_outside_that_jjdh^ FOR SALE—Puppies. Inquire U TO RENT—4 roohi tenements on 23 Charier Oak street.______and 25 Eldrldge street. Inquire at 216 Oak street after 5:30. Telephone 1376, FOR SALE—Three slightly used tobacco wagons, price reasonable, FOR REN'-—Tenement on Bralnard Official terms If desired. Apply to Lunt Jlll- street, near Main. All modern Im­ Bon Company, Allen Place, Phone provements. Apply Albert Harrison, Champions Both—and Graceful On^s, What? ANDOVE 727. ______corner Myrtle and Linden streets or the janitor of Johnson Block. FOR SALE—50 thousand winter 'S Mrs. Lewis Phelps and Mrs. cabbage plants 22.00 a thousand, 40o FOR RENT--Four room tenement. Fitzgerald visited In Wlllimantic V V k hundred, celery plants X6c. per dos- Improvements, ready July 15th., Cot­ en. M.OO per hundred. Station No. 22. tage street. Apply E. J. Holl's office. Thursday morning. Burnside Avenue Greenhouse, East Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Hartford.______FOR RENT—Single room. Johnson Philadelphia are spending two Block. Main street. Aaron Johnson. 62 weeks with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. REAL ESTATE Linden street. Whitcomb. FOR RENT—Three room tenement, Mrs. F. A. Sackett and grand­ FOR SALE—West Side—Single five on Bralnard street, gas. lights, water room strictly modern Including steam etc. Aaron Johnson, 62 Lindan street. daughter Miss Laura Spero, were heat, a bargain at 25.000. small callers in Wlllimantic Tuesday. amount of cash. t\ allace D. Robb, FOR RENT—Four room flat on Edward Yoemans came home 85J Main street. ______first floor, with all Improvements and garage, new house, at 168 Oak street, from the Hartford hospital Tues­ FOR SALE—Blssell street. Pour also three room flat, with garage tn- day where he has been for the past family, strictly modern Including gas. quire 164 Oak street. Tel. 616-5. nine weeks. Mr. Yoemans stood Income 21056. Price for Qu'ck sale, $8700, with 21,000 caslu Wallace D. FOR RENT—Five room flat In good the trip comfortably. Robb. 853 Main street. condition. Convenient to mills and Recent callers at the home of A. trolley, at 33 Cooper street. Apply at E. Frink were Mr. and Mrs. E. H. FOR SALE—East Center. Manches­ Home Bank and Trust Company. ter Green—Six room single strictly Frink ^fld Hugh Davis of South modern with 2 car garage a bargain TO RENT—Centennial apartments, Manchester and Miss Agnes Fin­ for quick sale. Wallace D. Robb. 853 four rooms, steam heated, front negan of Rutland, Vermont. Main street. apartment. Janitor service, gas range, A. E. Frink spent Wednesday In refrigerator and In-a-door bed fur­ FOR SALE—Hemlock street—Two nished. Call Manchester Con.s'ruc- Hartford and Manchester. family ten room strictly modern In­ tlon Co„ 2100 or telephone 782-2. Miss Alice Yoemans is visiting cluding 2 car garage and extra build­ ing lot. Price $7,000 for all. Wallace TO RENT--Farm In Andover, near in Essex. D. Robb, 853 Main street. ______state road. Telephci . 1776. Wra. The Rev. J. H. F'^’yerald of Bay Kanehl. 159 Center street. Path, N. Y, arrived In town late FOR SALE—A bargain—Two fami­ Thursday night. He and hls moth­ ly ten room on School street, strictly FOR UENT—Three room apart­ modern including furnace heat. Price ment in Purnell Building, large rooms er, ^Mrs. Helen Fitzgerald of this for quick sale $6503 with $600 cash. all conveniences, reasonable rent. Ap­ town, will spend the remainder of Wallace D. Robb, 853 Main street. ply to G. E. Keith. In care of Keith the season at their summer home Furniture Co. FOR SALE—An elegant home, most in Hebron. desirable location, modern Improve­ TO RENT—Several small rents at The annual Grange picnic has ments. a real bargain. Please call or $20 per month. Apply to Ednard J. Beauty—grace—here they are personified In Olive Filer (left) of the Illinois A. C., junior national diving been Indefinitely postponed. phone for further Information. W. F. Holl, Orford Bldg. TeL 660. Lewis, 11 Vine street. Tel. 1322-2. champion, and Helen J.Ieany of New York, senior champion, ready for practice at Philadelphia. They 11 At a recent meeting of the Ec­ FOR RENT—One room in Odd clesiastical society it was voted to FOR SALE—Cambridge street, nice Fellows Bjllding. Inquire of Pack­ compete in the National A. A. U. swimming meet at the Sesqui-Csntennial Exposition. move the parsonage to a lot beside large flat, 12 rooms, has steam heat, ard's Pharmacy. oak floors, two car garage, and lot is what was formerly the Rlnghoffer Whenever a picture of George Washington Is hung in a'government officj 200 feet deep. A real home and in­ FOR RENT—Two large front i/fflce loaded dice. He is discovered and the cast of "The Wanderer" also home, now owned by Judge Yoe­ hereafter, at home or abroad. It will be this one. It has just been vestment, Price Is right. For fur^ep rooms. In Purnell Building, singly or humiliated. Breaking through the includes suc'i prominent players mans and to build a large public particulars see Arthur A, Knofla Uel. together. Apply to G. E. Keith, In PRODIGAL SON as Holmes Hcibert, George Rlgas, library on the corner where the acknowledged by the govbrnment. Standing proudly beside the etching 782-2, 875 Main street. _____ care of Keith Furniture Company. drunken crowd, he goes to Tisha whom he finds in the arms of who shap38 up as a new screen parsonage now stands. Work of Is Henri Lefort, who made It. « FOR SALE—Washington street— TO RENT—Midland apartnienis. PARABLE Film ed Pharis. He reproaches her bit­ "find,” and .Snitz Edwards. Here removing the building will com­ beautiful six room home, fireplace, re­ three rooms, steam heated, janitor is truly the wonder-picture of the mence very soon. ception hall, plenty of closets, wash­ service, refrigerator, gas range fur­ terly and leaves her. PLAYGROUND NOTES he started at the East Side on room. large living room, oak floors nished. rent 238 per month. C.all But the lure of the charmer Is year. Mrs. Albert Shlppe of Atwood- Tuesday afternoon at the same and trim. 2 car garage. Small amount Manchesier Construction Co^ 2100, vllle Is visiting her daughter, Mrs, “The Wanderer,” a Raoul too strong and he returns to her, Track competitions which will time. cash. Terms. Arthur A. Knofla. TeL or telephone 782-2. Tisha demands a proof of his love Thomas Lewis. 782-2, 875 Main. ______W'alsh Production for Para­ last for the whole summer are be­ FOR BENT—Five-room tenement and tells him he must renounce his JUMOR CHAUTAtQUA NOTES, ing conducted at the West Side by VALENTINO RAYS hIS FOR SALE—Just oft Main street, on Oursni street, modern, rent J '5 mount at the State Sunday^ God of Israel and sacrifice to Gilbert Wright, instructor at the CHALLENGE IS IGNORED, new six room bungalow, 2 car garage per moiilh. Call Manchester con­ Isbtar, the pagan goddess. (By News Reporter In cellar, oak floors and trim, fire­ struction Co., 2100, or tel iPhone COLUMBIA playground there. Entries are be­ Chicago, July 00.—Rudolph Val­ place. silver light fixtures. Make mo 782-2. 8'i5 Main street, over .Uar.rbes- The parabl’3 of the prodigal son, At first he revolts. Then he Etiiina Strickland.) ing accepted from both East Side entino was here today awaiting ac­ an offer. Call Arthur A. Knofla, TeL ter Plumbli g and Supply store. most famous of all Bible stories, yields and makes oblation to the The Law and Order Commission­ tion on hls challenge, Issued t

9 U£B (g p !!e S NATURE 1 By AUSTIN H. CLARK Smithsonian Institntion. Perhaps the commonest of all our giant moths Is the polyphemus. TTTIV This is a very handsome moth, usually five or six inches across the cair wings, most commonly dull tawny yellow with a large black and blue spot In the middle of each hind wing. There is a transparent spot on the fore wings and another in the lU im illllL JilLL outer part of the black and blue spot on the hind wings. Frequent­ ly the wings are reddish, and they may vary all the way from cream color to olive or blackish brown, but dull yellowish is the usual die Sale Closes! Extraordinary Final Values! shade. In the north this moth Is seen only in June and July, but in the south it appears earlier, and It also 'A /' ----- reappears In autumn. In the cen­ tral portion of its range It Is com­ u mon in the spring, but rare in You Deduct It Yourself autumn. Mistaken for Bat. Under electric lights you often find the crushed remains of this handsome moth, and It sometimes 0 flutters at your windows trying to get in and reach the light. But you seldom see it unless you hunt for It. On the wing It is so large that most people take It for a bat. r/ : The caterpillar, which Is a bright translucent green with a brown head, is more than three Inches long, though comparatively chunky. It feeds on many different kinds of trees. It is a prodigious eater. It has to be, because the moth cannot ■res eat at all and lives entirely on the food material stored up within its body when It was a caterpillar. Delivers $1 C Delivers Although very large and such great eaters, these caterpillars are This Group ^ This Group not suflQclently abundant to be troublesome; but under exceptional Denim Three charming pieces in Tudor style, An advance fall design arrives in time to be included conditions they may become de­ developed in two-tone walnut veneer, structive. B oudoir —an interesting Jacobean period adaptation, buffet, Spins Silk. joined with other fine woods. Dresser, oblong table, five side chairs and host chair covered When fully grown the caterpillar Chair double bow-end bed and chest of in tapestry (china cabinet and server extra); solid spins a very dense and tough co­ $24.50 — 20% drawers, (full vanity extra, not mahogany drawer bottoms; buffet side compart­ ; coon, ovoid in shape, between two off shown). Attrac­ 3 Pieces ments have locks. You will 8 Pieces $19.«0 tively finished and appreciate this final July dependably . built.j value when you see it. $225 TiitY op A final July value. From Original Price Tags —20% off. * Table $159.75—20% offn27.80 180.00 $24.50 — 20% WALNUT TEA WAGON-rrSpecial $16,50| off LIBERAL TERMS $19,60 LIBERAL TERMS ^

/ ♦ 5-Piece; Polyphemus Moth. leaves. In the autumn with the ( i Windsor iS leaves the cocoons fall to the ground .and you sometimes see Group^ them on the sidewalks even in our cities. Occasionally a caterpillar, more timid than his fellows, runs a thin band of silk up the stem of one or both leaves and fastens the cocoon more or less securely to the branch. Various attempts have been made to utilize the silk from these cocoons, and, indeed, the polyphe­ 1 mus is often called the American 111' silk-worm moth.

TWO RICH HARVESTS IX H.\WAII Ill 11, Honolulu.— Hawaii’s sugar plan­ tations will produce approximately 739,000 tons of raw sugar during vr:- the 1926 season, according to re­ cent rredicticos f tine sugar ic encies. All of the piedictiou.s are classed as ‘cn ir-■ val ive.” Thu figures cl.>se'.y follow the estimate made by the pineapple canners a few weeks ago in which it was announced that the terri­ tory’s “ second industry” would l'» equal the 1925 crop. For the small apartment, a living The pineapple interests announc- Mcny a living room needs a nounced that the pack would have room-dining room group consistingyF an estimated valuation of between high piece like a secretary desk to of a gateleg table and four charming $34,000,000 .and $35,000,000 in­ Delivers volving the packing of nearly 9,- give a sense of dignity. Consider Windsor chairs. A final July value—/| 000,000 cases. this final July value in brown ma­ This Group 5 pieces—$52.75—20% off, . Thus, sugar and pineapples in Remarkable value for the small living room, or for the Hawaii produce an annual crop hogany veneer, combined with hpniemaker who- desires two pieces, 'to which can be ’ aAded. valued at more than $100,000,000, an occasional', chair. Davenport and club chair covered' in other fine woods, $79.50—20% off, heavy Jacquard; loose spring-filled cushions,' deea spring 2 pieces LIBERAL backs. Besides,,a variety of occasional chairs f r ^ wJileh ‘‘No Lily” to ijjake. selection. Davenport and club chair. Final July 1.60 TERMS value $ y 4.50—20% off. *42.20 *63.60 WING CHAIR (not shown) $45.00—20% off. $36.00 LIBERAL TERMS LIBERAL TERMS

E xtra i onnlehed Windaor drop* A day bed in denim, for the Indi­ Final Restful, roomy rffd- vidual-looking living room. Coil leaf table, paint it accordine fiber rocker flnlahed to your taete and ■ homt in walnut with loose Plan now for your fall refurnishing, and start with Three-door Seldlns- R eductions ■prink Puahlon; polor- spring construction throughout— a Halt ilde ioer; white, needs. Final July value ful eretonne; padded new floor coverings— 9x12 heavy Axmlnsters in all-over odorleeii onamel-Ilned; ice back. Final ,Tnly value, final July value— $67.50— 2 0 % off. oAiiacIty 9Q lb», Final •I0,7»— 20% off, 117,89—80% Off, effects, Final July value $42.50— 20% Off. July value— $46,50—20% On off, 13.88 34.00 $54.00 $37,20 $8.60 Bedding $ $ LIBERAL TERMS LIBERAL TERMS LIBERAL TERMS LIBERAL TERMS LIBERAL TERMS LIBERAL TERMS

Old Customers Pay No Extra Charge No Mohey Down For Time Payments Free Storage for Later Delivery Profit'Sharing Bondi Do Not Apply H A R T M R D '5 "8ur*— I'm BO Illy/' Raid Col, Nod LlADIIld faRNITORB STORR Trumbull Near Pratt P,r, Croon (abovo), foderal prohlbl* Trumbull Near Asylum tlofl ehtof for northorn California and Novada, whon aokod If it >^oro truo that he had drunk a largo >AY DURING jjjL V AND AUGUST fluanttty of the liquor hlo raldero ooliod. Accordingly ho hao bean auapondod, and U, B. Dlotrlct Attor* Bojr Ooorgo Katflold (below) will fiWHOt tbo fftota to a grand Jury* ■$ I ■■ ■■ m

''V. r " - *• ' • • /'T / I?''- / MANCH^TO^SWW HERALD, IHIDAY, JULY 80, IW C r AGE EIGHT 9 has been granted jiermission to Im­ bad had any opportiiBlty td| ex- AaticlteBtrr port a subject of Great Britain ex­ preae himself at all on'the ^bjM t. TOLLAND empt from the contract labor law. But in a confab between one ^ ex­ Mr. and Mrs. Wescott and two Cprnins Upralb It appears that the Californian, traordinarily prolific < f worAs as Childs and one so extraordinarily sons of Malden, Mass, and Mrs. i PUBU8HBU BT said to be In ailing health, and Grace Sage of have steadily losing his sight for a num­ chary of them as CooUdge it is an been entertained recently at the THE SEMI-ANNUAL SALE THO HERALD PRINTINO CO. rounded by BIwood 8. Bln ber of years, desires the'constant excellent bet that the President home of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Bird. Oot. 1. tiSl assistance of someone when at­ never got any further than “ How do John Darling of Newington, Every Evening Except Sundeya and you do?" and "Good by." Conn., is a guest at the home of bis BelldayA tempting to walk, as well as some­ daughter, Mrs. Emery Clough and OF QUALITY REFRIGERATORS Entered at the Post Oflice at Man* one who will attend to bis personal family of Stafford road. obaster ae Second Claaa Mall Matter. needs and act as companion. In Mrs. Harrison Wilson and family, 80BSCRIPTI0N RATES: By Mall ON alz dollara a year: aixty cento a an affldaTit he stated that efforts to Mrs. Alice Bradley of Manchester month (or ahorter perloda. and Mr. William Wheelock and By carrier, eighteen centf a weoli. obtain the serrides of such a per­ children of Rockville, are guests of Single copies, throe centa son in this country proved unsuc­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Newman. SPECIAL ADVERT181NO REPRE­ SENTATIVE: Hsmilton-De Llsaer. cessful and that while traveling in Mrs. Atwood who was a gilest of Iiio, 16 West 48d Street. New York Europe he met this British sub­ Miss Margaret Morris was called to and <13 North Michigan Avenua Gloucester, Mass., Wednesday after­ Chicago. ject, who was satisfactory in every New York, July 30,— Random noon on account of the sudden. Ill­ The Manchester Evening Herald la r on sale In New York City at Schultz s way. notes from an afternoon’s ramble ness of her mother. News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd The American consul in Paris about Manhattan: Mrs. Samuel Simpson entertained EX3 Street and .42nd Street entrance o( questioned the legality of issuing Baby boa constrictors on sale at at bridge, Wednesday afternoon in Grand Central Station. a leading department store...... honor of her daughter Mrs. Sum­ "International News Service has the a vise to the Britisher because of exclusive rights to use tor republics- Window sign announces: "Special ner Simpson, who Is a guest from the interference of the contract,, tion in any (orm all news dispatches shipment of two crates” : . . . The New York City. J3! credited to It or not otherwise credit­ price is $1.95----- Quite reasonable. ed In tills paper. It la also exclusively labor law, but the Review Board- Miss Helen Baker went Sunday E3 entitled to use for republicatlon all now holds that labor of the like it seems to me, for a b o a .. . . But to New Haven where she will be the local or undated dews published who buys them?. . . . "They really entertained at the home of Mr. and kind, unemployed, cannot be found beraln." make fine pets," smiles the suave Mrs. Robert Hawkins for two in this country, so that the per­ salesman. "They rid your place of W6uks« FRIDAY. JULY 30, 1926. son’s admission is not in conflict mice or rats. In Africa they use Mrs. Ellen Colson of Holyoke, with the law. them to keep away all pests” ...... Mass., is a guest of her niece, Mrs. Ah, but where are you going to put I. Tllden Jewett and Mr. Jewett. THE PICK-UP. I Very naturally, many Americans a boa in a two-room apartment The local Christian Endeayor The terrible experience of a Har,t- ruling an, opening with kitchenette?...... meeting was held at the parsonage ford girl— of two Hartford girls for for a similar plea to be entered in at the usual hour Sunday ev«nlng. behalf of particular varieties of Speaking of Manhattan’s big de­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawkins of that matter— resulting from an au­ partment stores, many of -them keep contract labor which they have al­ New Haven were Sunday guests of Leonard Cleanable Refriger­ tomobile "pick-up” at Atlantic a “ carfare” fund for shoppers whd Mrs. Clara Baker and fr.mily Leonard Polar King Re­ ways supposed they were prevented ator, similar to sketch above, City, is just one more instance add­ lose their purses or spend more A;i those who are to contribute frigerator, sketched above, ed to an appalling list of such trag­ by law from importing. than they Intended.. . . .A young to tLe Christmas b"x to be sejit to with four doors—front icer It would be ridiculous to suppose lady of my acquaintance started | Miss Clara Dyer who la a mission­ three door front icer type with type. Capacity 140 lbs. of ice. edies that have become public. not on "bargain Monday” ana lost 4 shelves and white enamelTin- that there were no persons in this' ary in China can leave thei- gifts All items listed s jject to prior sale. White porcelain lining. Reg­ /' How many thousands more there her purse.. . . She lives on Long with the superintendent of the Sun­ ing. Capacity 100 lbs. ice. country open to employment as Act quickly! ular $108.00 ...... are which never become generally Island, and distractedly wondered day school, Mrs. Myron Sparrow or Regular $36.50 known can only be guessed at. companions to a blind invalid, any how she would be able to get car­ bring the gilts to ilia church not ig, sketched at cen- more than that there are no glass fare___ Finally, Iq dismay, she ex­ later than August si the box will Leonard Polar The girlhood and young woman­ ter above, capaci 75 lbs., $ wire $ 86. workers or weavers or machinists plained her troubles to the floor­ have to be sent that month to bo $29. hood of the United States is paying walker of the store.. . . He imme­ assured of reaching there by Christ­ shelvM, front ice ^type. open to employment. The Review a terrific toll for its adventuresome­ diately sent her upstairs to a cer­ mas. Regular $45.00 .. $36. ness in accepting the advances of Board must, then, have taken the tain department...... ~ Mrs. Uairy Bartlett is a guc-st nf <>r-i Only a few questions wpre asked strangers with nothing further in position that the employer has the her sister. Mrs. Stryker and faiu.’ y. 30 lb. Leonard Polar King, top icer right to insist that there is no .... She was advanced 60 cents in Maine. with one wire shelf, white enamel lining. mind than a spin in a good looking and went upon her w a y .. . . . The available labor if there happens to Mrs. Arthur Morganson of Tol­ car. young lady in charge of this depart­ land avenue, who is severely afflict­ Regular 9 *>0 It isn't worth the risk. It isn’t be none that in every minute detail ment tells me this happbus many ed with rheumatism has gone away $14.98 ...... e p l i i a M l / meets with his requirements or his times a day___ Almost Ipvarlably worth a tiny fraction of the risk. for treatment and the children are Apartment Leonard Polar lUng Re­ own peculiar ideas as to his re­ the money is returned, . . . She says staying with Mrs. Morganson’s par­ It isn’t as if the men with auto­ she can pick out the "panhandlers” frigerator, icing from front with food quirements. ent’s, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luhrsen. mobiles who prowl about towns, Miss Lillian Olary and her mother compartment below. Capacity 75 lbs., On that basis a glass manufac­ Most Ne\. York hotels en\I»ioy ex­ cities and vacation resorts, inviting Mrs. M. E. Olary of Milford, Conn., white enamel lining, 2 i O Q 9 C! the companionship of girls, were, turer might very well claim that he perts whose business it ls‘ to know are guests at the Steele House. has (he right to import Bohemian an honest face and, likewise, a dis­ L. Ernest Hall has gone to Sears- shelves. Reg. $29.00 . on the average, ordinary men. They honest o n e .. . . Strangers,ask that glass workers because he wants to port, Maine, where he will be the Leonard Cleanable Refriger­ Leonard Polar King Refrigerator are not. In the great majority of checks be cashed: some'in payment guest of Mr. and Mrs. William T. make Bohemian glass, or a textile I*’ cases they are unscrupulous, utterly of bills, others seeking chknge.. . . Anderson. While there will go to ator with white porcelain lin­ with white porcelain lining, capacity 100 immoral fellows. More than like­ mill owner might insist on the le­ It is not good business to turn them Aroostok county and view the pota­ ing, 4 shelves as sketched lbs., 4 shelves, front C tO Leonard Polar King Re­ down: but it is worse business to ly they are habitual lawbreakers— gality of bringing in Belgian hand to country as this time the immense above. Three door front icer icer type. Reg. $53.50 frigerator, top icer type as weavers on contract to make Bel­ ta*e worthless ch e c k s .... For acreage will be in bloom. type. Capacity 100 lbs. ice. sketched. Capacity 30 pounds bootleggers, fakirs, hangers on at years hotels were the victims of all The Tolland Grange No. Si, P. of 75 lb. Leonard Cleanable with French gian-woven linens. Regular $81.00 ...... of ice. With wire shelf and best to the edge of respectability. sorts - of sharpers ...... Times H. will furnish half the program gray porcelain lining, front icer type It’s a perilous, bad game, this We may be quite mistaken, but change. . . . Hotel Williams, for in­ and Bolton Grange half at the Leonard removable drain pipe. stance, cashed $6,000,0004n checks with 3 shelves. Q business of the automobile pickup. this ruling of the Board of Review Coventry Grange meeting next $64.50 Regular $13.75 ...... looks like the setting up of a theory annually for guests of the McAl^in Thursday evening. Regular $60.00 ...... v ' t O* There is only one safe way for any .... Only two-thirds of one per that would knock the contract labor MUs Thelma Price is reported on girl to play it, no matter- how con­ cent of the checks cashed are bad the sick list. Leonard Cleanable with 4 shelves, $ 11. fident she may be in her ability to law endwise if it were to receive and of this amount 80 per cent Little Mary Agnes Pratt who has French gray porcelain lining, front icer take care of herself. That way Is general application. eventually is collected. been staying with her grandmother. type. Capacity 100 lbs. Williams, who scans the faces of | ^ ' * 5 Charie's H. Danlers has returu- to leave it alone— absolutely, at all Regular $70.00 ...... "LINCOLN.” more than 100,000 persons per : Windsor Conn, times and under every circum­ year, tells me that the most hon«fl»t Mrs. Henry Birdseye who was The Chautauqua system arises to x 75 lb. Baldwin Refrigerator with stance. people generally act most suspi­ victim of a stroke some time ago white porcelain lining. 3 door, front quite new heights when it carries ciously. . . .They hesitate to ask for remains in about the same condi­ into regions otherwise debarred the favor and, hence, flglt nervous­ tion. , ' ■ icer t y ^ With 3 shelves. SUGAR. from such culture of the theater ly about.... The "slickers” are in­ Mrs. Charles Talcotf who has Regular $55.00 ...... • To an agricultural population variably the suavest in approach. .. been ill for several months is re­ the “ Abraham Lincoln” of Drink- Confidence men learn to look a vic­ 100 lb. Baldwin Refrigerator, front ecnsiderably harried by the de­ ported to be Blowiy improving. water and Prank McGlynn. tim straight In the eye,... The Mrs. Steven Klrmi has been en­ icer type with 4 shelves. White porce­ pressed state of the cigar-tobacco A tentful of people in Manches­ slickest of old time money getting tertaining a guest from Rockville. lain lining. C a fl market, the unexpected and appar­ ter last evening dotfbtless got more games, he rentes, was VrOYke^ by a Preston MeacUam spent Sunday pair posing as honeymooaers. . . . Regular $68.50 ...... ently authoritative opinion that the of the true inwardness of the Civil with friends at Groton, Conn. Leonard Polar Kin^ Re­ sugar beet may advantageously be — QILBER’T SWAN. John Maback has severed his Other models, not sketched or de­ war, of the character of Lincoln, of connection with the Fuller Brush frigerator with 75 lb. ice ca­ raised on Connecticut’s tobacco scribed, also reduced. the Institution of war itself and of Co., of Hartford and owing to the pacity: three door, front icer lands will undoubtefly be received half a dozen other aspects of civil­ CAUFORNU SMITHS recent death of his brother Michael type as sketched; 3 shelves; Leonard Polar King Re­ with the keenest interest. That ization than they had ever accu­ will reclde at home with his par­ white enamel lining. Semi- the United States department of ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mahack frigerator, top icer with two mulated concerning these things in SET MORE RECORDS and assist with the farm work. Annual Sale Special agriculture is, in a way, responsi­ all their lives before. There would wire shelves, as sketched. ble for this revelation, will of White enamel lining, remov­ be exceptions of course, but that $29.75 :ourse add to the measure of cred- guess can be allowed to stand, for Sacramento.— T'ne populods and able drain pipe. Capacity 70 ance with which it Is accepted, for the average at least. celebrated Smith family, whose an- lbs. of ice. Regular $33.00 . . . reatral line is represented in virtu- long ago the farm folk of the coun- This is extremely worth while WAPPING :ry learned to realize not only the plly every hamlet of the atatc. to­ business. It quite naturally sug­ day was awarded two more blue $26.50 lisinterestedness but the wisdom Homer Lane, Sr., of Pleasant gests further undertakings in this ribboua in competitions*with other Valley is confined to his home^wlth of that invaluable branch of the direction. Having taken a very well known household groups. an attack of the grip. j Not content with the distinction government. i long step up from a somewhat The postponed meeting of Wap- of being Cslifornia’s largest clan, ping Grange No. 30, P. of H., will '“here is, aside from the scienti- I kindergartenlsh plane, it is to be the Smiths enrolled en mMse . for I. 'd purely agricultural aspect be held in the school hall on next i hoped that Chautauqua will keep Dan Cupid’a sweepstakes last year Tuesday evening. August 3. and find smashed martial records of the at j proposition, just one ele­ I on climbing. Not, of course, be- will be Ladies’ night with the same ment that any intending sugar Johnsons, Brownh and other rival committee In charge. ! yond the especial achievement of factions in convincing fashion. ‘aisers in these parts might do well About 150 people enjoyed the LI i "Abraham Lincoln,” for It might Births Lead FlelfV lawn party at the home-of Mr. and lo bear in mind from the start. j strive a long, long time and achieve Then, clinching their . claim to Mrs. John A. Collins, last Tuesday Cugtr beets are a "political” crop. majority rule, the man.v' Mr. and I nothing more Important than this, evening. It was an ideal plgce, an / nd if central Connecticut farmers Mrs. Smiths entered in Dr. Stork’s ideal night and with the ^Junior 1.4'*’ but beyond the pleasant but rather annual birth record qlaaaio and led ultimately decide to shift from to­ Salvation Army band, the colored infantile grade of some of its past the field by a wide margin. singers, games and all the other bacco to sugar it ought to be with L. E. Ross, chief of the state ambitions. attractions, .everyone seemed hap­ their eyes open to the fact that their bureau of vital statistlqs. yrho ,ha? py. Leonard Cleanable with just completed the compilation of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burnham prosperity will always bo more or WATER SYSTEMS. averages for Galifornia’a six lead­ Leonard Cleanable Refriger­ Alaska Cork Lined Refrigerator with French gray porcelain lining less directly dependent on the pro­ who have been visiting Air. nnd Forty years ago the city of ing famlllea, declared that keeping Mrs. William Thresher at the shore ator with French gray porce­ white porcelain lining, as sketched; a and exterior. Exterior trim­ tection of the tariff. Bridgeport couldn’t see its way tab in the Smith rivals any of the returned to their home here on med with aluminum. Capacity famous labors of Hercules. The lain lining. Three door, front three ooor, front icer with three wire Because of its direct and clearly clear "at this time” to take over Wednesday evening. 75 lbs. As sketched. Regu­ Johnsons, Browna and othor rival Hr. and Mrs. John A. Collins and leer type with three wire shelves. Capacity 75 lbs. Regular apparent bearing on the most im­ the properties of the Bridgeport and Wilson family group rank their eon Leslie M. Collins, motor­ shelves as shown. Capacity $75.00 ...... - ...... lar $120.00 ...... mediate of all domestic questions— Hydraulic Company and become next in order in statlitleal Import ed to Boston, Marblehead and Sa­ 60 lbs. Regular $41.50 ...... the prices of staple foods— the owner of its own water eystem. ance, asserted Ross. lem, Maes., over the week-end. $96. A total of 666 daughters of the Miss Marion J. Hills, daughter of $56. Democratic party for years past has Now Jthe community, Including Us Smith household discarded the used the tariff on sugar as a target, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur C. Hills, re­ $41.50 Integral suburbs of Stratford and family name during 16S6 by rea- turned from a week's atay^ at the and in the event of any future con­ Fairfield, Is called on to stand a kon of trips to the mai^rlage altar. Junior Short Course at * Storrs, Johnson Girls Second.. trol of the government by that boost of no less than half a million Conn., on Thursday morulng, ■WA.TKINS BROTHERS, In c . The Johnson girls came in a where she, with her room-mate. party one of its first acts, no doubt, dollars a year In its water rates. close second with- 481 weddings, would be to slash that tariff as a Miss Ruby Wadhams, of Hartford, A large part of this is for water for and the Browns furnished'886 of received the blue ribbon and a gift, sheer gesture for effect. Nobody the state's brides tor the year. as 8 first prise tor the neatest kept lire protection. Then followed the Jones family SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. looks for any such control as the Another and genarally much lass with 859 brides, ths Williams clan room of all the girls who attandod the short course throughout the Immediate prospect, of course, but progresslvs Connsotloui city, Nsw with 888 and the Wllspni with state of Oonneotlcut. what might happen six or ten years London, has owned Its own watsr 205. In birthf tlis Smiths nga^n led Mr. and Mrs. Chester Grant, hence nobody can tell. Miss Finis Grant and Master Doug­ system for many years. It aot new native soul and daughters. Sugar beets are n long way from only gets Us fl^s protection water las Grant, have been spending their being the only profitable crop, vacation at Black Point. without cost but the system earns, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Osar aside from tobacco, that can be at rsaeonabla charges to household­ have as thslr guest Miss Dorothy raised on the fertile Connecticut ers, a very considerable annual pro­ Bhsari, from Sufflsld, Mass. plantations. Possibly It might be fit which is appllsd to tha laneral Miss Marjorie Felt, daughter of The Blmpleit way to learn the Mr. and Mrs. William Fait, is the Oharlestoa le to catch the itch. worth while to consider whether expenses of the city and hslps, of lal guest of her aunt. Miss Winifred r a n s some of them might not be less sus­ course, to keep down the tax rats. Smith of Hartford. The poor man liai all the luck. ceptible to affect by the vagaries This is the feast day of BU Oer- Mrs. Wilbur G. Kills and Mrs. He doesn’t have to tour luropS. of politics. TALK. manuB, sportsman, high in the Ward 8. Grant of Manchester and SIMS lavsrtl piople from South Windsor The young man who knows mora ranks of ths Roman army, who. Matrimony is the peak of Rlok- upon rsealving a blshoprlff, adoptad itrsot, attended a demonitration at ard'a (career ae a fight Mromoter. PRECEDENT. about svsrythlng than anybody slsa a life of humble penagoe. Rooky Kill last Wodnoeday, given SAYS by Mile Ina Linderman, of a fruit A decision has been quietly made in tha Unltad States, having vlsltsd First colonial Isglslatlvf assam- WashiBSton's dope probe should Prsstdant Coolidga at Whlta Pinas bly held at Jamsstowp, Va„ 1(10,' jar oompany. She deqionstrated by the Immigration fiolrd of Re­ canning ohioken and vogetablei. A tako iB the CoBfrsssloBal Raoord. When you're feelln' kinda seek a friend to cry to, bpt so often camp, comas out with a public an­ In Japan today, the annlvereaty you're outgueeied, for the friend new of the Labor Department from of the death of Emperor Melji is fine dinner was served at noon in grouchy, in' a frown's upon your nouncement that thera is no possi­ the ohapel. In the atteroon Dr. Even though Paddock holds 87 fios, and appearance hints to who'i w ill will tr> to i whtoh we shall like enough hear being observed. Last of tha thrae- spring records he's engaksd. nwUGHT grouch, 'oeuee he'i a py|it. slottohy, an’ of pep there's not a more at a later date, when some­ ble doubt that Mr. CooUdge will be day Peruvian independence celebra­ Warren of the State Health depart­ ment delivered a lecture, illustrat­ traos, you are playin' with a hsb- When you are always complain- body tor business reasons seeks to a throe-times President. tion. Hurried Chioafo bandits got only ed by illdes, on Child Hy­ If 8 woman have Iona h***** j* 1‘, that, in truth, Is for from sound ing and are good at finding faulU That young man, of course, is $0,000, missing a oass of boose. stop and think --what arc yon take advantage of a precedent es­ In olden days, when' traveling giene. a glory to her, for her halt;; le S” *® for Urhsn you're a crab, dig nablt, Richard Washburn Childs. His Mrs. Charles Geer and Mrs. Rose people never want you 'round. gaining? Why not put a ludden tablished with so little flourish of from Newoaitle-on-Tyne to Oarliile A new cigar will be named her for a covering.— ! Cor. llilo. opinion would be worth mors if a judge of Aesise had to be accom­ Elmore of East Hartford, left last When you're limply bubb'ling hilt to the sorry elds of liTlBi?, trumpets that it has escaped the Wednesday to visit their brother, "Ford,” 10 perhaps it baokflrei. That’i the wlier thing to <•.' 'oause there were the slightest^chanoe panied by the sheriff with a reti­ ...... S Make fall# hair, and thatch your over with the troubles of ths day. attention even of the press agen­ Walter Sugden, at Hyannls, Gape When you're lUtlng, not in clover, when ohier'i the thing yqu re giv­ nue of 800 men to prerteot him Your luck may be bad, but a New poor thin roofs with burthens of cies. that in the course of their Cod, Moss. They expwt to be gone but Itt Ikit the other way, you may ing. folk are nlwayi ieektag yo«* from being captured for ransom by Jersey couple bai ten dauthtsri. the dead.— Shakeipeate* By that declsipn a Callfornlaa conversations jPrsildtnt Coolldss bands of Bootsmsa. about a week, / 0

, V;, »sk-} 'VTV V V , -,•- > .i^-J,. , . ^ . i .r. MANCflE^ilER EVENING HERALP, ^v*^*/lfWI,l«2«. .” Cop^s Night Stick Britm Speech The Grumble Seat To Shell Shocked'Wltr Veteran S/ou7 Motion Pictures ' « ! Lawrence, Mass.— Life is once ly and early'One morning the war j veteran -fell inta a sound sleep. agj^ia worth living to George, Hay* Patrolman Henry Roche, making^ Yes, They Were in 1878! den Gibhs; World War veteran. bis rounds, diseoTered him there. I Hor Gibbs, shell-shocked, deaf la belief that Gibbs was just a j and dunab for nine years, has re­ "tramp,” the officer entered the building, played a flashlight on U liS C M tlS covered both hearing and speech. sififbseplb And the manner in which he re­ the sleeping veteran, and tapped covered his lost senses is described the, soles of hlS'shoes with a night- S iU M G T o by medical men as an almost un­ sticlc. BeSFtoF US precedented "miracle.” Gibbs leaped to his feet, start­ Gibbs at the age of 19, enlisted led. He identified himself to the, BoT— in the famous Princess Pat Can­ patrolman and the latter walked adian Regiment. He went over­ to the door, opened it and went out. As the patrolman passed ' / seas with his comrades and was wounded in the terifflc fighting at through the door it slamnied shut. Neufchatelle. Removed to a field Gibbs heard the noise. He sat hospital he was found to be suffer­ down for a' minute and said, re­ ing from shell-shock and ten body ferring to the officer, "Damn wounds. Physicians worked in him” •V*- vain to restore his lost senses. D'iovef- that he could both lO A few days ago Gibbs appeared bear and speak was too much for the shattered nerves of the veter­ .V' in Lawrence and secured a position a-, a watchman'^for Herrick Aiken, an and he cried hi"'self to sleep gurding a buildlnc that was being with joy. moved from Pine Street to Chest­ Four brothers and a sistef of Gibbs were Wiled during the This series of pictures, taken nearly half a century ago. was the grandfather of the modem cinema. nut street. f'ghting at Armentiers. The flight of the deer was recorded by a battery of separate came ras. But life in the building was lone When the thread broke, its Palo Alto. Calif., July 30.— track. The mechanism of a clock the final test at Havana in 1900 set off the shutters in rapid suc­ movement in tightening closed an You who have marveled at the de­ electrical current which automati­ which proved that yellow lever is tail of physical motion revealed by cession. Later, in order to have TO GIVE PENSION transmitted by infected. mosqui­ the camera "snap” at the precise cally released the shutter. the slow motion camera are just Thus he had a series of 24 pic­ toes. 48 years behind the times. moment the sulky and horse were The Secretary of War was direc­ opposite the lenses, a wire was at-, tures taken within 23 feet, the sum The first slow motion pictures total being a complete picture FOR FEVER TEST ted by an A6t of Congress on July © were made on the Palo Alto stock tached to each shutter and stretch­ 3 of this year, the department ed through a groove across the story of a horse (and later, other farm, in July, 1878! — / stated, to pay to' the former sol­ track. The wheels crossed each animals) trotting and running and Senator Leland Stanford, who of acrobats doing various stunts. dier the‘ sum o f ' $100 per month later founded the university bear­ wire, thus depressing it and snap­ in "special recognition of the eml-, ping the shutter. Total time elapsed counted lesr ing his son’s name, had the "mo­ than a second. Special Recognition Accord­ nent service, which he rendered, tion pictures” taken to settle a Science had its hold on the sen­ the suffering endured, and perma­ ator and his next development, af­ Photographs taken ''' *bp <’xper- wager of $25,000, a bet based pri­ iments were lost until recently be­ nent disabilities contracted by him marily on his love and intimate ter the first experiments had prov­ ed Former Prniate Clyde in the interest of humanity and ed his point conclusively, gave cause of supp^'^sions of O’-' book knowledge of horses. in which they were published science as a volunteer subject in The senator had stated publicly him what he called "a perfect mov­ the study of yellow lever ill Cuba ing picture” of Occident, one of his nearly a half century ago at the West as Volunteer. that a horse in trotting at ^ome behest of a photographer who al­ in 1900.” r'-ige of the motion Vad all, four famous trotters. He Increased ^ the number of leged infringement of a copy­ The service was rendered in con­ feet clear from the ground. A right. nection with the i” ‘ -” 8ive study friend disputed the truth of the cameras to 24 and decreased the Washington, July 30.— The De­ space between each to 12 inches. Ideas developed during these ex­ which was mfide at the time by sertion and the wager resulted. periments were later incorporated partment of War announced on Major Walter Racd into the caus­ Senator Stanford had his men Threads stretched across the track met the moving animal at _tSie into the moving picture cameras of July 27 that Clyde L. West, form­ es of yellow fever, and as a result place a series of 12 cameras 21 o f' which he proved that iv " was shoulders. today. er private in the Medical Corps of Inches apart alongside his running transmitted by infected mosqui­ Along the Iowa line a quick state line. Later it la brought tf the Army, is to' receive $100 a its regula,r owner -on the Minnesota month for the part he played In toes. MINNESOTA C i n STARTS | change still is used. When the offi­ cers arrive the still is across the side. Find Desert Realism in LEPROSY PATIENTS Husband Says She Kissed Grange AFTER BOOTLEGiXRS

Austin, Minn.— A clean up of^ Filming ^Barbara Worth^ CURED OF DISEASE bootleggers was started here by city and county authorities. Hot Tom orrow - - Last Day weather has brought a recurrence' of booze vending and every corner Barbara Worth, Nev., July 30.— < Louisiana Institution Reports of the county is being searched. Here in the Black Rock desert, an ancient lake bed haunted by mir­ age, and remote from the small 4 Released, 62 Admitted towns of a sparsely settled region, Henry King is filming Harold Bell and 25 Absconded. Wright’s "The Winning of Barba­ USED MARLOW’S ra Worth” for Samuel Goldwyn, undn* cinditions approximating those described by the author. Washington. July 30.— In the Mitigated by excellent camp or­ past year three patients who had suffered from leprosy were paroled CARS ganization, the conditions faced by the movie company nevertheless from the lenrcsarinm maintained are arduous enough to demand by the United States Public Health 1924 Overland Sedan. much of that self-discipline, pa­ Service at Candlle. La., as no long­ 1923 Overland Touring. tience. will and courage which er considered a menace to public Wright ascribed to the reclama­ health. It is stated in a report to 1924 Chevrolet Roadster. tion pioneers of his romance. the Health Service from hosnital 1921 Ford Sedan. The supreme bargain event ends Sat­ Intense heat. Parching sand officials, which was announced on ptprms. The depressive effect of July 27. A fourth patient was dis-^ 1922 Dort Coupe, new paint. urday night. Hundreds of extraordinary the alkali desolation. The inevita­ charged from the hospital, said 1917 Ford Touring. ble monotony of hard routine in the report, because it was deter­ values — radical reductions from our such a movie outpost as this. All mined that he was not suffering 1920 Ford Coupe. from leprosy. i everyday low prices. Merchandise of de­ these during many weeks of film­ These cars are all in good ing present a very real test of cal­ The report also disclosed that pendable quality — everyday needs — at iber foif the 400 people now here. ^ / during the 12-month period from condition. Sim at 120 June, 1925, to June of this year Guaranteed. substantial savings. Blasted by sand, sweating under there were 62 lepers admitted to a sun that rises to 120 degrees and the institution, while 25 had ab­ watching a file of actors depicting sconded. Thirteen of the abscond­ Take advantage of this annual event the fearful flight of homesteaders ers, however, leturned for readmis­ —Come tomorrow and make real worth­ from a deluge (as Wright describ­ sion to the hospital. Since the Pub­ ed it), I speculated how many sen­ lic Health Service assumed opera­ Pickett Motor Sales while savings. timental readers of "Barbara tion of the leprosarium, which for­ merly was known as the Louisiana Worth,” lamenting perhaps their A ^ 22-24 Maple Street Leper'Home, about 400 patients A, Phone 2017. own prosaic life, would pay the have been hospitalized, says the price of discomfort for similar ro- report. <■ mauce. There were 29 fatalities occur­ Routine awakens the camp at ring to patients in the institution 4:30, with breakfast at 5:30. An 'Vilma Banky, ivho keeps cool ev­ en on desert location. as a result of their infections dur­ hour later the cameras are grind­ ing the past year, which is estimat­ ing. They continue until sunset. ed at the rate of about 112 per Man and beast become gray with ploding in now for wash-up and a rush to the mess shack and quick thousand. alkali dust. retirement to the sleeping tents. Hospital authorities are continu­ A Worthwhile Qlvv v t o Lips chap. Eyes squint painful­ The very elements which make the ing to use chaulmoogra oil to a ly at the crystalline . Warm­ filming and acting difficult have large extent at the institution, with I . r iT ■ I I ' l e ii ish water scarcely slakes the also put a fine stamp of realism a view to checking the ravages of thirst. Children whimper. Wom­ leprosy. Definite improvement has Sale of O llll to upon the picture as thus far made. This is Mrs. Charles A. Taylor of Los Angeles, whose hu.sband has sued en in calicos and sunbonnets sigh. The setting for "Barbara Worth” followed in a sufficient number of Nevada cowboys, used to this her for divorce, charging, among other things, that she perched in the has had plenty of its own drama cases at the hospital, says .the re­ land, ride their parts in the picture port, to encourage the patients in lap of Red Grange and kissed him. Taylor added that he blamed Grange <>* and tragic episode. Five miles u then look laconically on while the continuation of the treatment. not at all, as the famous football star didn’t, have a chance to dodga. Hollywood tenderfeet fume and from camp, out on the dry lake Fancy shirts in this season’s fret. Ronald Colman, as “ Wil­ bed, stands a buggy, and beside it Mrs. Taylor denies the charges. lard Holmes,” the hero, is Imper- the skeleton of a horse. most desirable patterns, neck­ turable, and nothing flusters the Here, an old prospector, driving composure of the blond 'Vilma 50 miles for supplies, was recently Banky, who enacts "Barbara.” caught in a rain storm. He died, VICTOR band and collar attached styles. Stamp of Realism bogged down in the cement-like Far out on the flat the wind dev­ mud, in trying to ride his second Prices cut like this: ils muster their dust spirals for a horse to safety. The desert has Grand Cleah-Up | other skeletons, too. RECORDS charge upon the camp. Weird mi­ Up the canyons across the lake rages display their lying promise Regular 75c each. of water. And the naked Harle­ bed live certain Piute Indians, $3.00 Shirts n ow ...... $2.15 quin Mountains stick out tanhtlng whose guns are notched for white Now 29c. o f Usod Ciars | tongues at the tolling movie folk. men slain. And in the movie camp, working as extra players, 4 For $1. $2.50 Shirts n o w ...... $1.75 are members of two factions in an We have a few Used Cars in excellent condition | old sheepmen’s war for ..precious waterholes— the feud held in abey­ which must be tunied into cash, p u r prkes on them | $2.25 Shirts n o w ...... $1.50 ance now. Kemps aie very low. If you want a good.cair it jviU.pay you to | look these over. | $2.00 Shirt? now — . — $1.40 > i Terms and Trades Considered. ‘ E $1.75 Shirts n o w ...... '. .$1.25 i. l$foo)? 1924 Buick Touring, 5-pass., perfect. ; | $1.65 Shirts n o w ...... $1.20 1924 Buick Touring, 5-pass., perfect...... a Good Used Cars 1924 Buick Touring, 7-pass., perfect. | TTir, . nn fre tS it ' t Cjivh Pricc5 1922 Buick Sedan, 5-pass., perfect. In Guaranteed First Class Mechanical Condition. 1925 Ford Sedan, perfect. /virroMOBiK. Summer Sweaters T .I R k CO.' 1925 Ford Coiipe—^like n e w ...... *...... $350 1924 Ford Sedan. ! ' • ■ . . 301 Trumbull Street 1924 Ford T ouring...... $150 1921 Hudson Touring. ‘ ‘ Just the thing for vacation wear. Take one along — you’ll Hartford, Conn. 1921 Ford S edan ...... $100 1923 Hudson Touring. y v•.m need it. Local Agent Wanted. 1921 Lexington Touring. • , 1920 Liberty Touring ...... $100 Medium and light weight, all worsted, fancy and plain colors 1919 Nash Touring. a! ‘ 1922 Chevrolet T ouring...... $100 1921 Franklin. ^ 1924 Overland 4 S edan ...... $275 Telephone 1652. 1922 Ford Coupe. A 4. $5 t o $8 Special Low Prices — Low Down Payments — Bal­ ance 12 Months. o ;------. • George S. Patten G. M. A. C. Easy Payment Plan. Capitol Bui^ Co. GLENNEY’S Contractor and Builder / Crawford Auto J. M. Shearer. ) > Next Door to Woolworth’s. ■ - - - » -I.. Jobbing Promptly Done Cor. East Center and Walker Sts. So. Manchester a TeL 1600. 285 Main Street^/ TeL 1600. 1 . ” 5| M UoUlaier at. — Maocbesler, Ct. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUHiiHuiiiiliiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiniik

. S ’. 'ii.- •M" W liANCHEBTEft; f •,- ■:•' .••■♦'■ .*-^ ■'w'-r *;■. ^ ! PAGETBII !'■*:>■ • YAHRSTAI^IlllRD Rigney barely Misses Crock Springfield Nine To NGUSH DAHSEL. Duke Loop Ploy C.B.A.A. Tomorrow MAY UFT TENNIS /i ■' :p vt (By BILLY EVANS.) chances at:'sbdrt' for on© fiftemoo# is Just about a record (9r d ^ t Mana(6r John L. ■ Jenney an- tomorrow. He received a tryout TIH E FROM WILLS Trim B r < ^ — Senators Twenty-four chances in one aft­ play. - nonnced today that Cheney Broth­ with, the Hartford Eastern League ernoon at ehortstop! ers baseball nine will take on-the this season. Beat White Sox in 11th, Such was the busy day “ Topper” Six in Bow. crack Diamond Match Company of The Springfield team has won Rigney ot Boston put in on July One of the peculiar features of Springfield tomorrow afternoon at feven games and lost three. It Is Kitty Godfree to Compete in 15 in a double- Rigney’s performance in the second the West Side playgrounds In a tied with the Mllton-Bradley Com­ Tigers I n ^ s , Too. header^ with game of the double-header was big pany lor first place In the Triple A whirlwind finish. return engagement. Cleveland.* Recently the Bay State outfit Baseball League In Springfield. Forest Hills Toomey for In the second In the seventh and eighth in­ Manager Jenney anounced that o nings he retired six successive bat­ trounced the Silk CUy aggregation YAN S^ 10, JSROWNS 7 game the former leverely In Springfield. The score Guido Glorgettl, who yesterday Detroit Tyger star ters, Rigney to First Baseman was 10 to 0. Springfield scored joined the parental ranks, will be National Champioiifliip. St. touls; July SO.— The rapidly who has added Todt. Rigney’s busy afternoon empha­ the choice lor mound duty for oncoming Yanks ejxtended their much strength to five runs In the fifth and sizes the Importance of- high-class more In the eighth Inning. O Con- Cheney Brothers. Glorgettl’s latest winning streal( to eight games the Red Sox, all BY ART CARLSON work at . Unquestionably ttor, who held the locals helpless, achievement was to pitch Company through the gei^erpslty of St. Louis but equaled two it is the most erecting position in will appear on the mound for the G to' the championship of the 169th Johnny Bull, the rotund chleftan fielders who ednU^ted five sterl­ American League Infantry while at Nlantlc. of Great Britain, has sent quite a the infield. Diamond Match Company again ing errors. records that have few handy women tennis, players New Toyk stood for more Three or four clubs in the to this country of recent years in AB. R. H. PO. A. E. than a score American League have suffered se­ quest of the national championship Combs, cf I 1 2 4 0 1 of years. verely this year because of erratic RGHT SITUATION without much success. Koenig, ss,...... 5 2 1 1 3 0 In the opening game Rigney work at the all-important position. SCENERY CHANGE This has been true for one good O eh rig^Ib...... i 2 3 13 0 0 Of the new breaking Ruth; If ... prepared himself for what was to reason: the Brownes, the Mallorys Paschal, rf follow by handling four putouts In this year, the play of Billy Hun- and the Willses have been too for­ Lsszeri, 2b and five assists, several of, them be­ nefield of Chicago has been the BETTERS PLAYERS WATIS ON PHELAN midable. Dugan.- 3b . most impressive. Sevcreid, c ing of a difficult nature. This year, however, a different Thomas, p In the final half of the twin-bill I know of a number of big tale may be unfolded. Prom the Shawkey,-p Rigney did his stuff by taking care league clubs that have their scouts English domain there looms in Jones, p ... of four putouts and 11 assists. His doing intensive work on promising Evans Cites Cause of Bill Colonel Has Gone to Cnmp, bright, gigantic letters the name 38 10 14 27 12 2 sensational fielding aided greatly players for the position of short­ of Kitty McKane Godfree. Jjoutn in putting ov<-r Pitcher Heimach’s stop. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Kitty McKane Godfree (known ... 3 2 2 3 3 1 first win in a Boston uniform. But Insists His Conscience in social fiestas as Mrs. L. A. God­ MeliUo; 2b Weak at Short. Jacobson and Rice, rf .. ...512100 free) is coming to America to play ...522900 Aside from inferior pitching, the Sfcsler. i ■ . ...321101 Close to Becordt in several tournaments this sum­ WllHams, If In handling 15 chances in a slump of the champion Washing­ Will Be His Guide. Miller, cf ...... 4 1 2 0 2 .Miller as Proof of State­ mer. Her main oi'jectlve, howev­ McManus, 3b ...... S nine-inning game. Rigney came ton club this year can be traced to er will be the national jamboree Hargrave, c ...... 1 within two of equaling the Ameri­ shortstop play, or better, perhaps, £l Forest Hills iu August, Schang, c can League record. Back in 1902 lack of it. ment. New York, July 30.- -The heavy- Gerber, ss Early in the year Roger Peckin- 'V^angilder, Bobby Wallace of the St. Louis welght fight situation remains in Davis, p Browns took care of 17. paugh, one of the greatest short­ status quo. 51, Nevres, p The major league record of stops the game ever has known, It remains so until the gallant Durst, X _ „ was handicapped by bad underpin­ (By BILLY EV.4NS.) Bennett, xx ...... 1‘ 0 0 0 0 0 chances accepted by a shortstop is One Hundred and Sixty-fifth Infan­ 19, made by Danny Richardson of ning. A change of scenery often works try, the "Glorious Sixty-Ninth” that 37 7 9 27 11 5 the Washington club, then a mem­ This forced Manager Harris to was, breaks camp in Peekskill and Score by innings; ber of the circuit. fall back on the rookie, "Buddy” wonders for a ball player.______Col. John J. Phelan returns to New New York ...... 002 701 000—10 St. Louis ...... 001 030 201— 7 It happened in the second game of Myer. Filling Pecklnpaugh’s shoes ’■ I have In mind the ' experiences York. If any change has been on the spur of the moment is a of Bill Jacobson of the Boston Red a double-header on June 20, 1892. worked of late it Is one of favor­ 'SL SENATORS 7, WHITE SOX 8 Taking care of 11 assists falls rather big task and Myer found It Sox and "Bing” Miller of the St. able nature, for Gene Tunney, chal­ / Me. ecoosHT • so. He had trouble hitting his TUe pighT cne short of tfie American League Louis Browns. lenger for the world’s heavyweight Chicago, July 30.— Five double record made by Kid ^Iberfeld, then stride. Ev' Recently these championship, visited Col. Phelan cSSaB 8AOC1& U4& yWNCVOTY plays and a four-run rally In the playing with Detroit, It is a pecu­ Then Peck got back into the two players fig­ yesterday, eleventh Inning gave the Senators liar coincidence that this feat also game for a short time, only to suf­ ured In trades Tunney and Col. Phelan were , (By Joe TViUIanu) dlglously of his money, energy and a well-earned victory over the came in the second game of a dou­ fer more injuries that again forced that won for closeted for more than three-quai'- White Sox. The score was 7 to 3. him out of the lineup. themselves regu­ Chicago, July' ‘ao.-riYou may influence, of whlph be has plenty ble-header staged Sept. 2, 1901. ters of an hour. They talked of on all three counts. And he did WoslilDKton The major league record for as­ Failure to make double plays by lar berths in the want to hear something about the AB. R. H. PO. A. many things, but a veil shrouds so largely because of his boundless sists Is 14, made by Tommy Corco­ a scant margin is the difference outfield. Before most of what passed between them. man who promoted' this town’s McNeely. If ...... 6 2 3 2 0 enthusiasm for the sport. '' , Harris, 2b ...... 5 2 0 4 4 ran of the Cincinnati club on Aug. between victory and defeat In that they had Social Coll. first legalized boxing contest in ...... 5 0 3 2 0 many a ball game. It is in this fea­ been warming the more than 25 years; the man wko Mullen has been an incurable Rice, rt ... 7, 1903. Col. Phelan characterized the Myer. ss ...... »■ 0 3 6 b While Rigney fell just shy of the ture of play that most recruit bench as the re­ is mainly responsible for the come­ boxing nut ever since the day Eddie Goslln, cf ...... 5 0 1 4 visit of Tunney as strictly social. McGoorty, old-time middleweight, ...... 4 1 0 11 1 American League marks, his 24 shortstops falter. sult of batting He said their chat was strictly so­ back of the sport here; the man Judge, lb . came into his life back in 1906 Bluege, 3b ...... 6 1 2 0 2 slumps. cial. Col. Phelan took no actlorf whom mid-westerner* consider is a Ruel. c ...... 4 0 2 5 0 Connie Mack’s Jacobson nor will he take action for a fort­ greater promotional genius than when he (Mullen) was an umpire Stewart, x ...... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A. Must you rowdies ALWAYS desire to add night. 'Then the One Hundred and Tex Rickard. In the Wlsconsln-Illlnols league. Tate, c ...... 0 Howard Ehmke of the Bos­ All during the game Mullen was Crowder, p ...... 4 0 0 1 0 fight? Sixty-Fifth will come marching His name Is Japie% Code Austin , .u J. Harris, xx ...... 1 0 1 0 0 ton Red Sox to his team, was re­ Mullen, he Is 4? yea^ old, Irhb as -xazed vicious y by a certain leather- ...... 0 0 0 0 0 home again and its brave command­ Marbcrry, p Q. What is the best thing to do sponsible for Jacobson and Miller er will be ready to discuss licenses Paddy’s pig, g!f»y m eagle lunged Individual inIn the hi«ach«r«.bleachers, taking on a now lease of life as far After the game Mullen set out to 44 7 16 33 14 after slicing seven balls out of and-fighters. Col, Phelan said, dynamic as the3r«mgke.'*eih- ChleoKo as batting was concerned. discover who the heckler was. It AB. R. H. PO,A. bounds off the flret tee? however, that If Tunney establish­ The day I m'pLhim h«'wa% sitting A. Give the caddy your auto­ ed his eligibility he will receive a in his office in> West Randefiph developed to be McGoorty, who was Mostll. cf ...... 5 0 1 3 0 Add .Much Strength. then Just starting as a fighter. Hunnefleld, ss ...... 3 0 0 0 h matic and tell him to blaze away, Boston, willing to part with license. That’s a laugh. Tunney street in bis shirt sleeves eating a Collins, 2b ...... 5 0 3 4 2 * « * is eligible to receive a license, as fisli sandwich and talking into the Somehow or other, what had all Sheely, lb ...... 4 0 0 17 0 Ehmke, insisted that Connie Mack the promissory ear-marks of an Im­ Falk. If ...... 5 0 1 2 0 l2y JOE WILLIAM? Q. How did the dead stymie make some tlral for Jacobson of all the world knows. •‘KiOjr" UofffiW* mouthpiece o f telepbQfid that 0 Col. Phelan made a significant pending fist fight did not occur. Harris, rf ...... 3 2 1 1 originate? et. Louis, so that he could be In­ seemed never to be idle. : Kamin, 3b 0 0 2 5 A, This Is a long story, II statement, which seers and sooth­ In that specific get-together “Who, Bill Swift Irom'Aurora? The two grinned broadly, shook Schalk, c ...... 4 0 0 3 4 ADVICE TO THE GOLF-LORN. cluded in the deal. Manager Fohl seems that there were two Irishmen sayers interpreted in many ways. Helen Wills will bs defending her Sure, I remember you. You want hands, and the upshot of the meet­ Blankenship, p ----- t 1 0 u 0 of the Red Sox has always been title for the third tnne with the ing was McGoorty came to Chicago Lyons, p ...... 2 o i l 3 and they were attending a scienti­ Discussing his friends on the State me to hold one of ,my beit 12.20; 0 0 0 Q. Do you think there Is a goodi strong for Jacobson. hope of making li'>r lecord read with Mullen, who turned him over Morchart, x ...... 0 0 fic debate on the home life of tbs Mack sent "Bing” Miller to St. Athletic commission. Col. Phelan seats for you? ' It'll be here for •P— - - ■ future in amateur golf? | (cur straight crowns to Marty Forklns. In less than a 34 3 7 33 19 stuffed mango when suddenly a can­ Louis in exchai.ge for Jacobson and said: you." A, Yes, but be careful not to Many critics are of the Opinion year McGoorty was one of the Score by innings; non roared down by the river then turned ever Pitchers Harrlss My Friends. The Duke of the Wei^t back 000 010 04 accept any checks. "Chairman James A. Farley is Kitty McKane Godfree wil Ireturn game’s great middleweigbts. Wnshington ...... n o e e e front. There was consternation and Helmach in addition to Jacob­ to munching bibAaqdvlcbo ’ After Chicago ...... 010 ZOO 000 90 everywhere. That is to say ther* my friend, but George E. Brower is to her native England with the a moment or so he explained he had He Started in 1020. Q. Is concentration essential to son for Ehmke. American laurel wreath tucked in­ was consternation PRACTICALLY Sines Joining their new clubs, also my friend. Any man, to be made a habit of tgking care fit all Mullen didn't , begin promoting INDIANS 8, ATHLETICS 2 success In golf? my friend, has to be 100 per cent, side her luggage (or wherevei they untiri920. He went to Aurora, A, Not 1 early so much as con­ everywhere, No one 1* foolish both Jacobson and Miller have ticket requests personally ’ hiek in enough to believe that the roar of starred at the bat, added much all right. Brower is all of that. keep such things). the days when be wae, promoting an "800 town," matched Pal Moore The made It versation. William Muldoon is my friend, I wou'id not be surprised at with Jimmy Kelly, and ballyhoobd three straight over the Athletics, one cannon down by any one river (strength to their respective teams such n liaprenlng. For Mrs. -'oa- little shows in the helf^boriA# Vil­ front is going to cause consterntalon and sent their swat marks well "But remember one thing in con­ the card into a $5^00 gate. A Barbee, a rookie fielder for the Q. Do you lose a stroke If you ont free, fresh from her sensational lages. .1' , ' ,' Athletics, tripled In hi* first time EVERYWHERE. It simply 1* not over the prized .300 figure. nection with this heavyweight situ­ "I Intend to toe? year later he built his own area at ation; I know the duties of the triumphs at Wimbledon where she Aurora, paid $15,000 for It, and at bat scoring two before him, but A. No, but you are liable to losej being done my dear,sar, and tbsthe copped the singles championship he added, ‘/'XIiq#,© feftowi toade quicker Be.ft In Years. license committee. I know the paid off all the cost in five weeks his effort was futile, ear if the chairman of the y o u concede------the point the and, paired with her hubby, also my little shows ga ofrvt., whsn a ClevelniKl an The Boston Red Sox, by the way, law, and I need no advice, I will with fight profits. When that sea­ greens committee sees you. we can get around to this stymie walked off with the mixed doubles $2,000 Investment, wai a lot of AB, R. H. PO. A, E_. now boast the best team that the deal with the situation as I see It. son closed his books showed a net 4 0 1 1 0 matter, which may be any year crown, stands out as a most threat­ money, I feel that they are en­ •llclirodt. If . city of culture has had since Harry I will be dictated by my conscience. titled to the same.kjh^ of service I gain of $26,000. lamieson. If . 0 0 0 0 0 ' Q, Is It true that constant prac­ now, No man can bring power to bear on ening menace In the coming carni­ Hpurgeon, Zl 4 0 0 1 2 • * S Frazee busted up a winning com­ at these bigger sihowil," ^ I The Duke was never a fighter 0 tice will make any golf player a me, I will act ns I see fit, I have val. Hpoaker, cf , 3 2 1 6 Q, Is it true Harry Vardon bination by ptddllng a lot of his They Were Wdrftt Ikhtef I himself but there are few better Burns, lb ... 3 1 2 5 n champion, always been fair. I have not Ill taking the singles she swept smokes all the time be is pitying stars to New York, The Duke of the Lob^l then turn­ i judges of fighters in the land. It I, Howoll, ss 4 0 3 7 2 A, This 1* debatable. It 1* changed overnight.” through one ot the classiest fields Hutnma, rt , 4 0 1 0 1 golf? In Shaner, Flagstead and Jacob­ ed to his .business asioOiate, Harry 1 was he who discovered Mandell, 0 1 6 2 known, however that constant prac­ son, Boston has the best outfield There were nianv who professed ever entered In the historic clas- h. Mowetl. c , 3 A, Well he ha* had tom* slc— a real International tourney, Hockstatder, and reqnesiea requested mmhim id to and It was he who gave Mandell his liUtzke, 3I> . 2 0 0 1 3 tice has made an angel out of many since that peerless combination of to think that Col. Phelan would be first fight. This was three years Buckeye, p , 1 0 0 1 0 a bum cornetist. mighty hot round*. She defeated the Spanish tar, Lilli pick out the best $2.ai0, teat he had 0 . 0 0 Lewis, Speaker and Hooper held dominated cntlrelr by the wishes ago at Bast Chicago, There was Miller, p ,,, 0 0 • * « of Jim Farley. The fact that Col. de Alverez, in the finals after the left and put it >wayway.ibfi.f^JJm 'Mgd- Lee, s ...... 1 0 0 0 0 iioNg BUSY sway, den, (The Ironyy of 'w'thjb ji w’as that no opponent for one Mike Eulo, a Q. What is the easiest stroke in Flagstead has developed Into one Phelan will act according to his Bonorlta had made a great early On Tuesday evening th# son* will the $2.20 seatil^were tkW'.Vbllhpest preliminary participant. 29 1 ~9 27 To golf? of the best center-fielders in the own thoughts augurs well for the round showing. PktlaSsIphlii entertain the All Kensington .lam The British lass, who has ap­ and consequently the .worst seats The Duke singled out Mandell AB. R, H, PO, A. B, A. The one you forgot to count, game. Ho does everything well and fight. sitting in one of the back rows, • • • at the West Side diamond. The visi­ Is a hustler. He’s a big* favorite In peared In America before, seems available for thh cbamplbnahifi fight Dykes, 2b ... tors have won 12, loet 2 and tied to be at the very peak of her game between Rocky Kansas and Sammy "Put that kid in there and you'll Hnl'j, 3b .... Q, Is it good Judgment to use a Boston. Welsh. If one, that with the Sons last Tues­ ATTKN'nON ACES, She easily ranks as England’s Mandell.) start your show with a one-round putter in a sand trap? Jacobson plays the difficult sun knockout,” he suggested to the pro­ Hlmmons. cf A. Yet, but it's always bad day there. On Wednesday the local) field In rlgnt rfter the manner of premier racquet wlelder and Is Illinois admits that >IulUn did Biirbee, rf ,. will go to Rockville to play th) moters. I’orklns, c ,, judgment to get In a sand trap to Harry Hooper while Shaner in left The Aces will hold an important probably the third greatest wom­ more to bring hozlnf baolt to a le­ third game of the series with th< practice tonight at 6:30 in pre­ an player In the world. galized status tbgh any. other in­ They did, Mandell stopped Fox, c ...... begin with, is a great prospect. Galloway, ss e e • all town team of that place, Eacb paration for their game Sunday IKtty McKane Godfree Is one of dividual in the stater he gaYs pro- Eulo In less than two minutes. Hauser, lb . Q, What 1* good for a hook? team has won one. If the Son* get BoaM Good Infield, against the Rerablers of Hartford. the few performers claiming a vic­ Grove, p .,, the field for Friday night they will The following are requested to at­ / When I first saw Shaner In tory over Helen Wills, Kitty 33 2 8 24 it 0 A. A worm. bring the All Rockville, team to ths whipped Helen in 1924 In both the • • e spring training at New Orleans, he tend practice' Score by innings. , West Side and will stags a band P. Klecha, Wiley, 8. Anderson. Wlghtman cup and the Wimbledon TIGHT RACE GOING Cleveland ...... 000 100 020—3 Q. Is the Garden grip better impressed me most favorably. A ON IN OLD CIRCUIT. Philadelphia ...... 200 000 000—2 concert for the benefit of Sam few weeks later he suffered a brok­ J, Folay, E.' Dowd, Wlngler, Wog- rratehes. W atcli^;rhi: than the overlapping grip and why? man, ‘Werner, Cole, Angelo and J, Last year Helen defeated the A. This 1* debatable. It is Kotsch and Dick Edgar, two men en leg that kept him out of the Speaking of tight races, take TIGERS e, RED SOX 8 who were Injured in game* thli game the greater part of the first Garrlty. British girl In the Wlghtman com­ Scofi^bokrd known, no matter what kind of a petition but only after a terrific a glance at the going on In the grip you use the bottles will create season. ' helf of the season. Detroit, July 30.— Wingfield The Robert Geer team of New struggle. As I recall It Miss Wills National League, The other day a buldglng, euspiclous appearance Shaner still favors his leg and Is pitched hltles* ball for five in­ London will be the guest* of th* not yet right. However, he has won the first set 6-1. YESTERDA|jK«|9 but 53 points separated the nings for the Red Sox in vain, 'The anyway. ^ ^ Trains Caddies (she wasn’t married then) the locals here on the following Sun­ proved that he can field and throw leading from Tigers, snugly entrenched behind day, This combination gave the and for a big fellow Is fast. At the second by the same score with Hel­ Eastei^> ‘ '' Q. In a mixed twosome is It the sixth-place Giants, or, if a one-run lead, winning six to five. Sons the worst beating -f the sea­ bat Is where he has been most Im­ en taking the decisive set 9-7, it customary for the man to swing All games po$tpon^;, rain. ' you prefer. Just four and a half Boeton son, winning by 17 to 7. pressive. , „ going to deuce three times. National jDeague AB. R. H. pp. A. first or the lady? iimtiiMiit r Outside of Suzanne Lenglen, games. At the same time thei Flagstead, In addition, Boston has finally All games poffiponeu, train. - Kitty McKane Godfree is the only Yankee^ boasted even a bigger Haney, 3b brought together an infield that American iLeague margin over Phlladelphlrf, the Jacobson, If compares very favorably with most one to have won the Wimbledon Rosenthal, rf title In the last eight seasons. She Detroit 6, Boston 5. runnerup In the American cir­ of the major league clubs. Cleveland 3, phlUfislphU i. , Todt, lb ... President Bob Quinn and Man­ did it twice, both times, It is true, cuit. Regan, 2b b-’cause Suzanne developed one of Washington 7; Chicago 8 (Ilf). Herrera, ss ager Lee Fohl certainly seem well New York 1(), St. Louis 7, Gaston, c on the way to better days. her temperamental streaks and Wlltse, p HOW TO SWIM withdrew during the tournament Providence at New Haven. Wingfield, Todt Great Player. THE STANDINGS National Leagne Rigney, x During the gallend days of the In 1923 Miss McKane paired St. Louis at New York. 33 by Lillian Cannon with Mrs. B. C. Coveil, took down Eosteni htdfnfi Chicago at Brooklyn. Detroit Boston Red Sox, one player lias AB. R. H. PO. A. gone serenely on his way, doing his la wonshrdlucmfwypshrdlucmfwyp Wl L. PC. Pittsburgh at Philadelphia, .647 Blue, lb .... 4 work in the best possible manner, the national doubles crown and a Providence 6 f 85,' Cincinnati at Boston. 3 .615 Manush, cf . yet never quite receiving the credit year ago with Jack Hawkes of Bridgeport ...... 69’ 37. American League Wlngo, If ... 3 .661 4 due him. Australia won the mixed doubles. New Haven .... 65 -43: N*w York at St. Louis. Heilmann, rt Springfield ...... 61 48 .643 •Gehrlnger, 2b 4 I mean Flrst- But, as mentioned, an English in­ Philadelphia at Cleveland Burke,...... 3b S baseman Phil vader has met but little success in Fl&rtford • • •'* * • 49 51 .490 Boston at Detroit. Tavener, as ...... 2 Todt. The bril­ national singles play. Albany ...... 44 53 .454 Washington at Chicago. Woodall, • c ...... 4 liant guardian of This year, though. Miss Godfree Waterbury .,.,. 88 , 69 .392 Stoner, p ...... “ the Initial sack is out to halt the long string of Pittsfield...... 27 65 .293 30 6 6 27 9 1 (or the Boston victories hung up by Helen Wills. National Leofne LEADING LEAGUE HITTERS W. L. PC. Boston 002 003 000-5 Red Sox makes And, playing at the top of her De?ro"t lOO 320 OOx-e no fuss over his game, plus the fact the Ameri­ Pltsburgh ...... 54 89 .581 National League work and has can champion may not be her for­ Cincinnati ....«'66 ^ 43 .566 Hargrave, R e d s ...... 382 none of the grand ...... mer self due to recent illness, it St, Louis ...... ,44* .542 L. Bell, Cardinals ,357 TRIPLE PLAY HEROES I. stand mannerisms . J 1 wouldn’t startle the net fraternity Chicago ...... 60 '4.8 .621 Bressler, Reds ...... 356 that often win fa- a great deal were the dashing lit­ Brooklyn .....i 4? 49 ..600 Traynor, Pirates ...... 363 WEAR TRIBE SUITS vor. Todt. tle lady from old England’s shores New York 46, 48 .489 Grantham, Pirates .349 A master work­ to lonrney homeward with the title Philadelphia . . . 87 '. 56 .393 Leader a year ago today: Horns­ Cleveland, July 30. — With man, he makes plays look easy, that has been pretty much usurped Boston ...... 87 ,57 .394 by, Cardinals, .398. the addition this season of that a less clever man would turn by the Hotchkiss-Browne-Mallory- American LeaSfie American League Ernie Padgett, formerly xOf the .. into hard chances and much ap­ Wllls quartet during the last 17 W. L. PC. Potherglll, Tigers ...... 409 Boston Braves, Cleveland ha* plause. CHARLES A. GORDON seasons. New Y o r k ...... 64 84 .^53 Ruth, Yankees...... 874 had four triple-play heroes on The Boston Inflelders alone CUveland ...... ♦6 '44 .656 Manush, Tigers ...... 365 its payroll at various times. The know his true worth. He Is a won­ This fellow has a rather different Philadelphia .... <61 #7 .520 SJeusel,'^Yankees .365 others Were Neal Ball, Bill CLEVELAND FINALLY LILLIAN DEMONSTRATES THE OVERHAND STROKE. der at digging up the low ones or sort of a job— he’s a teacher in a Detroit ...... 52 48 .620 Burns, Indians ...... 364 Wam$>y and George Bums. pulling down the wild heaves. DEFEATS COVELESKIE Washington 4 8 _ ',46 .610 Leader a year ago today: Speak­ Ball and Wamby made their for the.fpll.ik:cte t o$ the ftrqlce and Todt is a fine ball player, the training school for caddies. The From the side overhand stroke it 9 Chicago ...... • . , ijB .605 er, Indians, .404. unassisted three-ply killings thef«["ii(.*:£'iilDiifinm b(:4oiit 4et|on real nucleus of the new Red Sox school Is an innovation by the Cleveland has finally broken Should be simple to develop the St. Louis ...... 4^. .418 while cavorting In Cleveland overhand stroke. CirfA ‘hi to « 7olt team, who deserves far more praise Westchester County Golf Associa­ the jinx Stanley Coveleskie of .809 PITCHBR BREAKS THUMB. uniforms. Burns made his while too veftlMt n moriiiMiit while the than has been given him. Boston ^^8^ 6.T In this stroke the left hand goes tion with the thought of solving the Washington held over the In­ with the Boston Red Sox apd through the same movements as the arm is out of the water, the idea Blankenship, the White Sox Padgett as a member of the Bos­ FECK TO YANKS AGAIN? big problem of acquainting the dians for the last two years. right, with the body rolling a little being merely to clear the arm np to pitcher, may be out of the game ton Braves. the shoulder. The rollinf motion Roger Pecklnpaugh, last year’s bag-toters with their work. Under Speaker and his boys beat their farther to the right when the arm i for some time, having suffered a Wamby’s was the most spec­ makes this possible withont brint< most valuable player, bay be a old teammate at Washington EasteM ’ goes over and into the air. the expert tutelage of Gordon each I broken. thumb when he knocked tacular, coming. In the 1920 ing the arm too high up orer the Yankee again. The Senators are the other day. It took an uphill Hartford at ■j!-: A feature of this stroke Is th^t full-fledged caddie will receive his Bridgeport afr'Plttsfiel down 8 liner off the bat of Short­ world series with Brooklyn. asking waiver) on him and Miller fight to do it, however. I the hand nushes the water baolt shoulder, ■ ‘, sheepskin. Albany at Watarttfirli^* ’ stop Myers of the Senators. Huggins, lor cue, is claiming him. , j: * t -

Dl. ;g.. , 1*^ . ' • . V N - FAGB E!LEVBI|^ MANCHESTEiR EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY Sd, 1926. t. \ under construction. Road closed, some delay i^ere shovel is work­ route 12, Is under construction In East Lyme, route 1, on the Post detours. 3, is utider constructloto In Wind­ Wllllmantlc, Putnam road, routes ro^d the Golden Spur Bridge Is Cromwell, Rover road, route 10, detour. / ing. a and 101, is under construction In towns of Norwich and Montvllle, East Windsor, Broad Brook;®!- Windsor Locks, Bridge Is jiader ham, open to traffic. but open tp traffic. Moulders un­ .being reconstructed. Detour posted. Is finished but shoulders are un­ Wllllmantlc. Hartford road, Chaplin. Concrete pavement-being Norwich, Groton roadfi rotue 32, completed. llngton (no. rente number) Is un­ construction. Temporary bridge in­ laid. Two sections of one-way^^ traf­ completed. ’ der construction. Open for one-way stalled. No delay to traffic. route 8> section of concrete pave­ Norwich, Wllllmantlc road, route section on cut-off at Submarine East Hampton, road" between CONDITION OF ment just west of Wllllmantlc be­ fic, regulated by telephone. Base is under construction. No de­ four comers and the lake is open traffic. Farmington, Scott Swamp road Norwich, Putnam road, route 12, 32, Is under construction In Frank­ Rdcky Hill, Dividend road (no Is under construction, some delay ing reconstructed and widened. lin. Concrete pavement being plac­ tours. for traffic. . Traffic may pass, but extreme cau­ grade crossing being eliminated In , Hallville road, route 179, . in VernOn and Tolland, Tolland route number) Is under construc­ for steam shovel work. Open to STATE ROADS tion should be exercised in passing Plainfield. Short detour. ed. Section of one-way . traffic reg­ Turnpike (no route number) Is tion but is open to traffic. There is travel but is rather rough. Norwich, New London road. ulated by telephone. .Preston, grading is belBg'.done. No FRIDAY, JULY 80, 1926. the steam shovel.

Road conditions and detours In the State of Connecticut made nec­ essary by highway construction and repairs, announced by the State Highway Department as of July 28th, is as follows: Canaan, South Canaan - Lime Outstanding Event 6f Our August, Sale! Rock road, route 134, Is under con­ struction, Detour on South Canaan end. Hartland, East Hartland Moun­ tain road, route 133, Is under con­ struction. Present road open for ^PLAUT’S third ANNUAl; travel. Sharon, Sharon-Amenla road, shoulders uncompleted. Open for travel. Torrington. Torrlngton - Goshen road, route 123, shoulder uncom­ RANGE pleted. Open fer travel. Waterbury, Watertown, Water- bury, Watertown, Thomaston road, Stovi^ Pip^'ahd routes 334 and 350, shoulder un­ completed. Open for travel. Stove Pipe and and Glass Caster Rests Saybrook, Winthrop road, route Glass Caster Rests 175, one-half mile of grading and —CLUB free With Each Range pavement: road rough, but pass­ Free With Each Range .“PREMIER” able. Guilford, Sachem’s Head road, no route number, trolley tracks being relaid; open to traffic. Bethel, Newtown road, state aid, An Event Which Has Become an Institution in New England-TEnrollNow! road and bridge construction un­ der wav. No letours necessary. New Milford, Gaylordsville bridge, route 134, work on the new NLY once each year the manufacturers per­ bridge and approaches are under mit us to offer their price-restricted ranges way. No detours necessary. Washington, grade crossing eli­ Oat reduced prices and on special terms— mination, state aid, bridge surface during our great August Sale, the time when our under construction. No detours Annual Five Dollar Range Club is op>en to inem- necessary. bership. That time is now and it opens a rehiark- Norwalk, Danbury road, route 126, grading and concrete con­ able opportunity to good housekeepers every­ struction under way. Detour for where. The initiation fee is but $5.00 and you not northerl.v traffic over Belden Hill only get the range of your selection at a saving as posted. offered only to club members, but also a wonder­ Greenwich, Boston Post Road, ful 14-piece set of genuine Glasbake Oven Ware route 1, concrete road is under construction, at Byram bridge. approved by Good Housekeeping Instituic. free of Some delay tc traffic. charge. Ever3’’body is clifrihle to jo’’n. but mem- Fairfield Center, Boston Post bersWp is limited. Enroll now before member- Road, route 1. concrete road !s un­ ihip is filled. der construction. Detour for west­ bound traffic. Mill Plain road to Bronson road. Westport, Boston Post road, route 1. Concrete road is under The .Celebrarcd construction at Compo Inn Curve. Slight delay to traffic. Westport and Fairfield, Boston 'i Post Road, route 1. Grading under contract from Blacksmith Shop to Rang; Round House. No delay to traffic. Quaker Westport, Wilton road Is under construction. No delay to traffic. Bridgeport and T r u ni b u 1 li At Special Club Prices Bridgeport - Trumbull road Is un­ \ der construction. Best route The name Quaker is far too well known to require in­ through Beardsley Park. West Haven and Milford, route troduction to any New England housewife who knows Includes All Pieces Shown 337, Oyster River bridge on the and wants fine things. For forty years the best of Shore Road Is under construction. New England skill, workmanship and materials have Guaranteed Glasbake Oven Ware Temporary bridge provided. combined to make this famous range the finest '•nd West Haven. Milford and Orange. most satisfactory that men and money can pi" ' '?e. FREE WITH EVERY RANGE! Milford Turnpike, route 1, Is under construction. Temporary bridge It is but natural that this famous range would be of­ Every woman who Joins the J5.00 Range Club will receive, free provided. , fered in Hartford only at Plaut’s where fine th r r i me of charge, a complete set of 14 pieces of genuine OPTIC GLAS- Naugatuck, Rubber avenue Is the standard of excellence. BAKE WARE approved by Good Housekeeping Institute and under construction. No delay to known everywhere for Its convenience and work-saving quali­ traffic. ,, Waterbury and Cheshire, Che- ties in baking and servlijg. The set Is as shown above and In- shlre-Waterbury road, route 323, eludes casserole with cover, oblong bread pan, oblong ut llty Is under construction. Slight delay A Cen'iiilcte Line p.t tray, bean pot and cover, two round pie plates and six custard to traffic. w.,.,!!. cups. FREE with each club membership. Middletown, Durham, Mlddle- Savings You'll Appreciat<; town-Durham road, route 112, Is PREMIER under construction. One-way traf­ fic past green concrete. Best route The Famous for through traffic from Middle- Combination town to Durham Is through Middle- QUAKER A Rare OPPORTUNITY! held. , „ _ This beautiful range offers a Old Saybrook, route 1, R. R. choice of to suit the crossing elimination Is under con­ This Nationally Known PREMIER weather—either gas or coal. struction. No delay to traffic. Auto Range In the popular 30-Inch size Branford. Stony Creek road Is ' at a Special CLUB Price! with elevated gas oven and under construction. No delay to broiler—coal oven In body. A splendid range at a very Washable baked-ln enamel traffic. * ,ic from top to bottona. In Avon, Simsbury road, route 116, low price. Wonderful Quak­ ' T © Is closed to truffle and detour has er quality In every single de­ 1 •e.et* black enamel, It Is priced tail—an efficient cooker and p been posted. baker with oven thermome­ Bloomfield, route 10, road closed ter and full 18-lnch oven. f • ■ to traffic, detours posted. Full nickel trim. Special Glastonbury, Hartford-New Lon­ August Sals Price, only $ don road, route 17, resurfacing c 149.50 concrete road, one-way traffic for Gray Porcelain 2O0Q-5® a short distance during the day. E nam el ...... ^ O v Thomaston, route 350, resurfac­ ing of concrete road from Thomas­ $54.50 ton to Watertown. One-way traffic for a short distance during the day. PREMIER Wllllmantlc, Putnam road, route QUAKER E (.lo not hesitate to say that this is the most remarkab*e value ' Grand Combination ia a Inch grade range ever offered in New England—an extra Venus Burns coal, gas or wood W spcciar feature of our August Sale and Annual $5.00 Range with equal efficiency. Sep­ Club. E.xactly a s shown above, sc ientifically constructed to give arate coal and gas otens— $ gas oven and broiler are 112.50 elevgted, BcautlfuUv fln- maximum cooking heat with minimum —and unconditionally lihed throughout In washa­ guaranteed. Large six-hole cooking top, two warning shelves and Another Premier at a saving ble enamel. Priced, in which will appeal to those baked-ln black enamel. large oven fitted with accurate thermometer to insure proper bak­ who want a range of large size with greater than the ing. A splendid stove at a saving wMch is really more than ex­ usual cooking facilities. Large In every detail—an traordinary. unusually quick and efficient $ qooker. Priced without gas w 137.50 oven as shown. GrayPorro. $ 1 9 8 50 lain En.nmcl SPECIAL! V Premier '‘B” Quaker Social Crackled SPECIALLY PRICED Green SPECIALLY PRICED Another August Sale Special and a range value which cannot be duplicated In size, Water Sets quality and workmanship anywhere at such a saving. $ Exactly as Illustrated—genu­ 69.50 ine Premier quality In every detail, epeclally priced at A fins St CVS of geoerous size and largo capacity. Has double mantel shelf for l i i i keeping food warm before serving. Large oven with No Phone, Mall or accurate thennometer makes C. 0. D. Orders. $ baking easy and certain. 49.50 Finest of materials and eon- ■tructlon — a remarkable value.


Branch, May Ster*v & Cotnpaiiy, World’s Largest Home Furnishers Old Customers Miss Martha Page, shown here, . 1 is being called the Venus of Lom­ If You Haven’t An Account, HARTFORD. Pay No Money JDown bard College, at Galesburg, 111. The HARTp)RD. 173-183 Asylum Street Charming co-ed was recently ad­ Open One. judged 100 per cent, perfect, physl- tally, by college physicians. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, TOLY 80, 1928, £J^GB TWELVE FEATURE ARTICLES LATEST FASHION ABOUT INTERESTING WOMEN h i n t s b y f o r e m o s t AUTHORITIES THE HERALD’S HOME PAGE

ETHEL— Lnitafions ways wanting to b« forgiven.” “Not forgiven, exactly,” he said a lltUe sharply. “ Not until I’ve sinned, at least. I want to ask you this— " 1 do you think I’d have come out and INfflWlOH I'^'lt- told you about kissing Dorothy Francis If I had thought It was . cj^lliCEPtS^T FOPM OF- b e g in h e r e t o d a y something to he ashamed of?” FLMTEPY'— ' JOHN and FAY MILEURN “I don’t jtnfw,” she answered-' bar a home of their own shortly dully. “Sometimes I don’t know after their baby yirl is tKwn and what to think of you at all.” the advertising agency in which He grinned, like a schoolboy who John is partner and copy writer has been caught at some prank, and lands a new contract. Fay again felt the Impulse to mother John, in love with his wife, him, and relented. bat a romantio individaal, is fas­ • • • cinated on meeting NELL But that night as he lay beside -THEIP OR.ME, of whom PAT FORBES, her he was forced to confess to him­ a friend of his, hints that she self that he had not been as honest is having tronbie with her hns- with her as he had pretended to be. band. “Confound It, though,” be thought, NOEL and VEKA BOYD, a “how can I tell her about Eleanor young married couple, give a and the other things if she feels party and Vera shows an inter­ this way about Dorothy? She’d have est in John which he doesn't re- a fit If I told her I had kissed Elea­ tam, bat which arouses Fay’s nor Mason.” Jealonsy. Noel Boyd later boasts . He thought of something that Fay of an arrangement with Vera had said to him just before going to whereby each leaves the other to do as be pleases. “ Suppose,” she had aaked, “ I had Fay, with the baby, visits her fallen In with an old flame , when I parents in Washington, and was back home, and I had kissed during her absence John runs him. How would you feel about It?” -lUEllP around with Pat Forbes, whose And looking at her seriously he WL IMITATE- wild tendencies have aroused had answered. In all honesty: “It manheP the suspicions of his wife. would be all right. Fay. If you did THElP CJLOm P- OF pMokine^ Word begins to go around that such a thing I’d know It would have- John is being indiscreet. to be all right.” NATHANIEL GRAHAM, his Ho felt that he understood some­ partner, takes him to task for it, thing of Fay’s attitude. She was so honest and above board that he knew and John resents it. S % > ^ John carries on a short but ho could trust her Implicitly. But violent Uirtation with ELEA­ he knew, also, that Fay was never NOR MASON, and drops her. quite sure about him, and It was that P.VUL DAVIDSON, a lawyer that was troubling her. -AHD BEH and amateur actor, finds himself Sleep was long In coming to his involved with a girl named troubled mind. He felt that by telling ^ WONDEP WHY RITA JOHNS and asks John to Fay nothing of his other escapades MEN A P E ^ break it up. John reluctantly he would bo doing the squarer “ T H E lP agrees, and is successful, but he thing. It would be so hard for her PATAMAO 'Apoirr _ - learns from her something of to understand and It would make the vindictiveness of thwarted her so unhappy . - • ___ .ETHEL^ women, for she lies about him to m m 9 ¥ Davidson and only a sense of Judith was taking her afternoon '■!«« sonnet; SIC. humor saves the two friends nap the next day when Mrs. Blod­ t—ran from becoming enemies. gett decided'to call. Fay, observing Fay returns, and John, al­ “John, were you really drunk? You know 1 think that’s her from the window as she walked though a little worried about disgusting.” stiffly across the street, had a fleet­ - how she is going to take it, de­ ing Impulse to hide herself upstairs cides to tell her about some of after a pause, “I’ve got a sort of con. with you—I hope you give me credit and not answer the doorbell. But his actions while she was away. fession to make to you.” for that. 1 kissed her goodby." her better judgment prevailed-. In­ NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY Fay looked at him quickly. In He rather expected an outburst stead, she answered Mrs. Blodgett’s Good Natuhe at this, but Fay was silent: and, THE BEAUTY DOCTOR (The names and altaations la thia some alarm, but saw a queer little ring and offered the ” sour-faoed old e k n d atory are Uctltioos.) smile playing over his Ups. looking closely dt her, he saw that prune.” as John termed her, a choir. she was crying. BY NINON. CHAPTER XXXIII “ What now?” she asked, with When her visitor departed a half mock severity. And then, as If some­ "Come now,” he said, feeling terri­ hour later Fay had all she could - a t noticed that he seemed a little thing suddenly had occurred to her, bly sorry for her. “don’t take It that do to keep from Insulting her. F preoccupied during dinner and “ Have you been misbehaving In my wa^. Fay. It really was nothing.” "The nerve of her!” Fay thought. Good Ileall asked him what was worrying absence?” He went over to her and put hie “ Coming In my own house to tell B Y DR. HUGH S. GUMMING Even the pain of sunburn< as him. arms around her and tried to kiss "I was out with another woman," me a thing like that!” Her face Surgeon General, United States comparatively trivial as it may her, but she turned her head away •■Nothing,” John told her, and John said, smilingly melodramatic flamed. She felt suddenly as If she Public Health Service seem, Is a warning against too forced a cheerful smile. ‘‘Just busy, “ An old flame of mine." from him. were fighting a battle against Im­ sudden and prolonged exposure of 1 guess.” He was watching her parrowly, “ What’s the matter, Fay? If I’d mense odds and nowhere was there Pain may be defined as a pecul­ the skin to strong sunlight. ‘‘How are things coming along at and he noticed an expression of dis­ known It would hurt you, I wouldn’t a dependable ally. iar, a particular sensation occur­ the office, dear? You know, you have done It for worlds." ring in an animal body. Sudduth approval—or something akin to It— “John,” she complained bitterly to SLOW AND EASY. never told mo much about the bust flit across her features. ” l was-so happy just a little while the white kitchen walls as . she says “ Pain is a mental state, an ness in your letters.” But her question was composed ago.” she sobbed with a little catch moved about preparing dinner, why element of consciousness, due to All puddings that should be He shrugged. "About as well as enough. “ Yes? Who was It? In her voice, "and now you’ve spoiled can’t you be careful? Why are there the perceptioa of an injury to the smooth and creamy such as tapio­ you could expect, I guess. We’ve got “ Dorothy Francis. You’ve heard It all. It meant so much to come such busy-bodlee as that hateful old bod^ or the sensual feelings.” ca. bread, rice and corn-starch pud­ another artist to give Briggs a lift." me speak of ^er. Used to know her back to you. and now you tell me—” hen?” It gives rise to hunger, satiety, ding, should be bakea very slowly. •‘And Nat Graham? How is he In the old days at school, and now she couldn't go on. John came bustling home to din­ nausea, thirst, physical or mental Too rapid cooking produces that uninviting curd and whey product. these days?” she’s a leading lady in musical com­ Thlb was terribly disarming, John ner, full of enthusiasm over some depression or exhilaration. It also John frowned. *‘I don't know edy.” thought—far worse than being quar­ copy he had written that day, but produces the feeling of fatigue what‘3 getting the matter with Nat. “ Oh, John,” Fay said with some reled with. Fay quickly quenched It. BRIGHTEN UP. Doggone It, he seems to get sourer and exhaustion. Impatience. “ Won’t you ever learn?” •’Let me explain," he said. “ It will •‘What’s this 1 hear,” she asked When the woodwork does not re every day. I sometimes think Nat For Preservation “ Learn? What do you mean?" He take a lot of understanding on your him, “ about you coming home dis­ quire cleaning, but looks dull or Is miscast as an advertising man. Its opposite is pleasure which Is was Instantly on the defensive. He part to get me right on this, but I gracefully drunk with another man?” faded, polish it with turpentine Not that he Isn’t a good one—but he also a mental state and represents knew he wa.s on the wrong side of think you’re capable of doing It. He eyed her queerly. “ Old Lady and oil. would fit In much better, 1 believe, a natural tendency of our e'nergies the argument but, he thought, nbt Kissing Dorothy Francis, Fay Blodgett’s been here again, hasn’t as a censor of public morals, or an to seek that which brings satisfac­ wholly wrong. wasn't cheating. You know Dot was she?” SCRATCH E.VSILY. agitator for the suppression of Despite her firm Intentions to be tion. Both pain and pleasure are Always keep your table silver In He went on hurriedly to explain. a college sweetheart of mine—you've smoking, drinking and kindred severe with him, Fay had to laugh. special sensations provided by na­ a compartment where It does not “ Look here now, Fay, It was bus­ had youthful sweethearts yourself, vices.” But she quickly recovered. ture for the preservation of the In­ iness—strictly business. She wants haven't you?—and somehow—oh, mix with steel knives or kitchen “ John, you mustn’t talk that way “John,” she asked, "were you dividual and the race. to get on the dramatic stage and hang it, I can’t say what 1 want to utensils, as silver Is very easily about Nat Graham. After all, you really drunk? You know I think Many interesting facts are dis­ what she wanted from me was some say at all. You remember how lonely scratched. are partners, you know.” Ruth Andrea Illustrating mouth e.\ercise. closed when we begin to interpret publicity ideas.” we were both at Christmas, don’t that’s disgusting.” “ I know It, all right,” he remarked you? How we seemed to long for the “ Drunk? No. There’s' a difference pain. In general, there are two tersely, and Fay said, “ What’s the “ How often did you see her?” old carefree days of childhood that between being dead drunk and being CONDITION— Drooping corners of the mouth and sagging cheeks. classes of pain. One is spoken o^ matter? You haven’t quarreled or “ Oh, about two or three times. We can’t return? Well, seeing Dorothy hilarious. Pat Forbes and 1 had as objective, being caused by ob­ had dinner together one night.” anything, have you?” was Just like bringing back the old been drinking some of Paul David­ DIAGNOSIS— A discouraged state of mind is apt to manifest Itself- vious injury, disease or deranged “ And danced, 1 suppose." Fay “ No.” carefree student days. And It was son’s very excellent Holland gin. in this way, so one of the most important measures of correcaon is to function. “ Oh, 1 think you’ve Just begun to put In. melancholy. Fay, melancholy os the When we got home 1 paused on the The other Is subjective, having A void “ Why, yes, we danced, but mainly get on each other's nerves a little. devil. That’s why 1 kissed her front lawn long enough to Impress force yourself to take a pleasanter outlook on matters generally^ Gentle no perceptible organic basis for its we discussed the thing that was on That’s to be expected. You mustn’t That’s all the liistiflcatlon 1 have for Pat with the virtues of that par­ molding and massage ’will strengthen the muscles. presence. Due consideration must her mind. be too harsh with Nat.” j it. but somehow It was just like ticular brand." always be given to the mental P oorly John looked at her for a long time, “ Well, was It necessary to take shaking her hand, for all that there In spite of herself. Fay again TREATMENT— With the thumbs stationed just below the ears work her out to a public dining place?” state, to the degree of health of a peculiar expression on his face. was behind It.” found herself laughing, end John upward and out with your finger tips bringing up the corners of your the sufferer and to the physical Finally, “ Fay," he said, “it’s pe­ “ Wouldn’t you rather I did that,” He took her face In his hands and .-suddenly exr-Jdedf culiar, Isn’t it, the perverse streak ho countered, “ than meet her at mouth, lifting them gently. Take the precaution to dip the massaging findings. Balanced gently but firmly pulled her head “ Damn Old Lady Blodgett!” he The pains' of indfeestlons are that runs through us?” some private rendezvous? It Isn’t fingers in a nourishing cream that will build up the tissues. Afterwards around to face him. Then he kissed cried, smacking his fist on the table. caused by. the use ot improper food -“Why, what do you mean?” as If we had anything to hide, Fay.” “ What did, she tell you? Ten to one, her on the lips, kissed the tears from go over the face with ice wrapped in a cloth. Smile as much as you can and the practice of hurried eating. “ Well, here you are defending Nat She exclaimed “ Ohl” as if she were she exaggel-ated it." Graham. Not so long ago It was you completely out of patience with him, her eyes. __ this is most effective in lifting the muscles. Occasionally such pains 'are fore­ Breakfasts “ Come, Fay,” he said, “ can’t you But Fay, eyeing him a little wist­ that was knocking him and I was and turned her face away. bodings of more serious maladies. understand?” fully, said, “John, do be careful— 1 doing the defending. What do you Ho was a llttlo appalled at a Nature Protests “ It Isn’t understanding you want,” please. I’m afraid, John, afraid.” suppose It Is—a sort of chivalry in realization of the difficulty of his W hen proper food habits fall .to she answered him with some bitter­ “ Afraid of what?” he asked, Start the day with QuakerOats us. or a plain love of argument?” job, but there was a stubborn hon­ alarmed at her tone. But she did not relieve such pains promptly, skil­ Fay laughed. “ I’m In no mood to esty In him that impelled him to ness. “ Xou’re always asking me to She’s Heiress to $75,000,000 led examination and treatment are —food that “stands by” you, overlook this and disregard that as answer, philosophize over It.” go on. (To Be Continued) necessary. Self drugging affords 'You know. Fay,” John began “ Look here, Fay, I’m being square being of no consequence. You’re al­ only temporary relief, and may F you feel tired, Imngry, “ fidgety,’^ hours before lunch, don’t jump ... lead to serious consequences. I Headaches are often protests to the conclusion of poor health. against over-indulgence In food Thousands have unenergotic m o ^ I wondered If It were possible for a home Is the greatest thing In the and drink. In some cases . they ings because they start the day with wrong breakfasts. girl to carve out her own way. After Home Page Editorials world. may indicate a grave and serious all my fine ambitions and plans, Women do tire of domestic rou­ condition— for example— brain tu­ T o feel right, you must have t well-balanced, complete breakfast was I going to be just ke ^11 the tine! They must, or should, have mor, optic nerve disease, perni­ ration. At most other meals—lunch rest of my sex and settle down and Knowing What an outlet, other activities of one cious anemia and other diseases. kind or another to round out their and dinner—you get it But break­ marry after all? fast is a botsied meal, often badly Was it going to be Jerry, just be- ‘ Really Counts lives and to furnish the variety which makes routine bearable. chosen- cause I did not know what else to by Olive Roberts Barton. Thus Quaker Oats, contaming do wiili myself? Though I knew The woman’s club, whether It be civic, cultural, religious or charit­ 16% protein, food’s great tissue o ? GIRL o f JOMY Jerry was worth loving, that little Any Girl Can able, Is probably the greatest pow­ builder, 58% carbohydrate, its great M.\RRI.1iGE AS LAST RESORT speech of Mamie’s still kept bob­ er for good, next to the churchy In energy element, plus all-important bing up In my mind. And measured It was Interesting to read of the recent national convention of the the country. B e P retty vitamines and the “bulk” that makes Joan and I were so busy getting by it, I was sure that I did not Federation of Woman’s Clubs at But the greatest thing of all is laxatives seldom needed, is the di»* Lela ready for the hospital that really love him. Atlantic City. the home, and it was the greatest A new Idnd of face powder is here tetic urge of the world today. It seemed no time at all before the Mamie had said to me while talk­ Don’t deny yourself the natural! The speaker who won the day tribute that womanhood could pay Made by a new French Process—stays ambulance came shrieking up to the ing of Buddy Tremaine, “ We don’t to womanhood, the ovation given stimulation this rich fobd offers you. and the hearts of the thousands of on until you take it off. Pores and lines door. know why we love anyone. We the woman from the west when Ciet Quaker Oats today. Grocer* After the first burst of grief and don’t know why we love this man women who listened to her was a do not show. Not affected by perspira­ have two kinds: Quick Quakei^ small person from the west, who she spoke of home. horror Lela seemed apathetic; She and do not love that man. We don't tion. Gives life and beauty to your which cooks in 3 to 5 n m n t^ and put herself absolutely in our hands. know when love will come, neither got up and gave a simple talk on Quaker Oats. the “simple life,” and home. complexion almost unbelieveable. It is “ I’ll have to go with her to the do we know when It will go. But She told of her husband’s work hospital,” said Joan to me. there 1s one fact we never mistake, called MELLO-GLO. You will love it. — he is an engineer on one of the “ Of course,” I answered, “ and I’ll we know when we are in love.” H a u s d w ld ^ J. W. Hale Co., So. Manchester. new tunnels through the moun­ Quaker Oats come along a little while afterward Because I had doubts I knew that tains— of how they lived In a small when I have put the place in as splendid as Jerry was, I did not V Suggestions mining town, of how quiet and order.” love him well enough to marry him. peaceful God’s Country was out FOLD IT WIDE. After they had left I suddenly And If I did not do that, what there. She spoke of the greatness of Table linen should be Ironed In felt physically weak. I grew fright­ was I going to do? I could hardly the land, the mountains, the sun­ a thickness until It is absolutely ened. I wondered if I were going to go back to the Morton Department sets! And she told' ot their home.' dry, then it may be folded and faint. I felt greatly depressed, but Store Bven If I wished. At this Then she read a simple, sweet pressed. It Is advantageous to have why I should he I could not explain moment I hoped I would never see poem she had written about her as few folds in a cloth as possible to myself. With that startling truth, anyone connected with it again. mother. Glaciiolus which is almost always stranger I wondered if any other girl had The convention captured her. MIGHT SPILL, than fiction, providence had enter­ mulled over a problem as I was She had to give the speech over In waiting upon the table, never Several Varieties of this popular flower .are now ed, and Ignoring our plans had mulling over one now. If I married and over again at various meet­ pile one dish upon another. It is taken all of us and treating us like Gerald Hathaway, Jr., I would ings. She found herself suddenly unattractive to behold, and often in bloom at our gardens. pawns had settled everything. never want for anything. He was great. The Interest of the matter results in accidents. Everything now was going on rich, good looking, and as far as I lies not with her particularly, for We cordially invite flower lovers to inspect our Bplendidly. We really had nothing knew, very much In love with me. I simplicity is the secret of real USE COLD PLATE. many varieties. more to fear. Joan would in j few liked to be with him, what more did greatness, but in the fact that Remember that dishes on which days be of age and her stepfather, any restless heart desire? these clubwomen, many of whom salad and dessert—or any cold according to the terms of the will, had hurried through their work food— are to be served should be would have to turn her money over TOMORRbW: Jerry Makes A and family cares and boarded chilled beforehand In the ice box. to her. She would probably go to Mistake. ' trains to seek something different, Nothing Ts less tempting than Europe, ht least I would advise her had heard their own stories. salad served on a warm plate. Miss Edna White was a business man’s secretary In Vancouver, B. C., Woodland Gardens to do BO. And I? Well, after the GETS STAIN FIRST. And hearing it, had they yawn­ Unbothered by any dreams of wealth. Then, the other day, an almost BerieB o f thrills I had been having If possible, always remove stains ed and nudged each other and said, THE NOSE KNOWS. forgotten uncle, Ames Rubideaux, died, and left her heiress to his estate Flowers and Bulbs For Sale in Season. . t could hardly see anything that from cotton garments before they “We didn't come for this!” Teacher— Can anyone tell me of 2300 acres in Pima county, Arizona. • The land contains some of the F, A. l^ickerson. 236 Woodland did not look monotonous ahead of are laundered, as washing sets the No, they recognized with quick how Iron was discovered? richest gold mines Jn the state, and their value is estimated at upwards stain and makes it difficult to eli- perception that it was the greatest William: 1 beard my dad say of 375,000,000. So now Miss '^hlte Is forming a 16,000,000 company 2 WQBde^ U this were end. mlnatoi thing on the program becauae they smelt It.— America’s Humor. to develop the property.

' u : J

M tv ■' ' ’. .


The Stage’s Richest


VALUES THAT SURPASS ALL i f i ’ 1 i!t:! ih'M Previous Furniture Standards! l l over town the news Is travellnfi; of the wonder values > in K.4NE’S Greatest August SALE. People who come *• t A B only to look remain to buy. There is so much more for the - #<•, » A money here that anyone can realize it. Our enormous buying Lorraine Manvllle Gould, who married Jay Gould, comedian, while • / power permits greater return for every dollar you spend. This they were playinK together on Broadway, has inherited $8,776,473 of the is not “ just another sale" of old, ordinary furniture. Every $22,179,049 estate ieft by her father, Thomas Franklyn Manvllle, the piece is beautiful, good in style and fine in taste. Most arc “ Asbestos King." As a result she is the world's richest aetpess. accurate duplicates of hijThev-priced suites. For the sake of your pocketbook, investigate KANE’3 values before buying r.nyv/hci'c else, 1 7 . S . Plans To Beautify Graves Liberal Credit Terms Of Our War Dead In Europe S pecial low p rices go hnnd In Iinnd with ip c c la l low torins la ililH (.I'catciit ot Sales. At KANE'S you rcccivo CHl'-BI I wliboiit red tape, long waiting or cinbarmsslng questions. A small deposit dellvcwi your lelectlon, and yon can pay By WILLIAM S, XEAL. teries. Growth of trees and shrubs the rent In weekly or monthly paynicntB you will never is to be fostered. niEt>. GoodB held K'rco until wanted. Washington.— American World Congress h.ir. thus appropriated War dead in Europe will sleep In about $500,000 thus far for the cemeteries of great architectural cemeteries, and It is estimated that Wonderful Values In beauty, under plans evolved by the $2,500,000 to $3,000,000 will be Battlefields Monument Commission needed to complete the present of which General John J. Pershing plans. TAF'EpRyilRUGS Is chairman. While the irnlted Slates has pro­ Every monument and memorial ceeded slowly in the permanent erected In tho cemetery zones will care and enhancement of foreign be submitted to artists for ap­ cemeteries, the Battlefields Monu­ proval. Already many suggested ment Commission promises that memorials have been disapproved. ultimately NO more beautiful Save at Least $75 on This Renidrkable Return of General Pershing from cemeteries \\111 be found. The Europe Is expected to be followed British have already spent about by tho formulation of a final pro­ $50,000,000 on 1,000 cemeterlos In gram Involving the exiiendlture of Franco and ether countries, and several millions of dollars, to be German and Italian cemeteries also 9-Piece JACQUARD LIVING presented to the ne.xt Congress for will be permanently maintained In France. approval. A new living room typical ot our greatest August Sale, upholstered In beautiful Jacquard, Tliree great commemorative The eight American cemeteries abroad are at Suresnos, Fre-en- monuments, costing, about $1,000,- in several patterns and with high-priced spring construction. Arm chair, wing chair, and Tnrdenals, Bony, Belleau, Thlau- 000, are proi)08ed for tho zones of roomy sofa, mahogany finished end table, choice cf dnvenport table or occasional Maimineont ni(W In rieli greatest American operation dur­ court. Romagno - sous - Montfau- *129 'I’llY, In many colorful pattern**, diitilJcatlim ing the war— tho Meuse-Argonne con, France; Waereghem, Belgium, floor lamp, two fralhed pictures, tabic, scarf, all complete, 9 pieces. At the August ^aia lilKhcxt-prlced design**, Sl*


»' 9-Pc. Walnut Dining Room A wondeiTul value you will wont.to see. Just received on our floors—a remarkable example of ELIZABETHAN A Wardrobe Sensation ' 3-Pc. Velour Living Room Style. Large Buffet and China Cabinet with decorated vnii can buv a Wardrobe of this panels— Octagon Extension Table, Large Host Chair and r ' ’ rnmifitv m only $13.95 you know you Such uncommon values are fnrr'^a^three such niaLfve

E Side Chairs In leather or tapestry upholstering. Very S S S ' “ " i i onl^l8S?^‘T^hirarVln'itS covered in richly finished In WALNUT. An ' AUGUST BALE for everything • you a ^ ^ ^ VELOUR and have old MAHOGANY finished f ...... SI Weekly $1.50 Weekly wear. Keeps clothes V I ^ Regularly $100. AUGUST SALE Price ...... FBAT'URE at ...... ' clean and In press— % X % J ^ F ^ ^ SALE , Tenna priced •.>.:• • *^v» • • • * * Coxwell Chairs ^ Porcelain '• $ 2 9 . 5 0 Top Table Easy Terms With Bridge Lamp MAHOGANY Cox- well Chair, special­ $ A . 9 5 ly designed -for greatest comfort. Reversible J A C- QUARD cushion, very thick and A iturdy table, built to eUnd pounding and wear; soft. Polychrome II white enameled ba«.e throughout—with hard- 1092 MAIN ST. BRIDGE LAMP baked PORCELAIN top. Special drawer for Included at $29.60. HAKTCORO. Open Sat. Evenings. ' ''> '4 III cooking utensllf, knives, fork8,^eto. 4 *s V See that cat? See Its color? Paul Cameron Seddicum, U. S. con­ bT sular official, and his bride smiled as It crossed their path in front of Bt. James’ church, Bristol, England; thereby presaging good fortune and m Ions and happy life for the newlyweds. Seddicum married MIbb Iris A fliM i of Sir . MANCHESTfiR EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 80, 1828. PAGE FOURTEEN GAS BUGGIES or HEM AND AMY—A Willing Victim By Frank Beck SENSE AND nonsense THAT MAN ALEC SMART IS MY STARS, ADOLPH \ FOR U WHATS T H i USE OF WORRYING f PANSY!! YAAS! YAAS I DIS IS . OH. STUPID- \ WHY DON'Y YOU SIT DOWN ? EITHER WE GET IT OR WE ►VJLL YOU ADOLPH GLOBS HIMSELF' , TRE MONEyV Margaret, our little neighbor girl WORSE t h a n a w o m a n TO JXOOLPM (3LOB5, DO BUSINESS WITH. I'VE MA0E_ STOP THAT WALKIN'AROUND DONT. /F DO, ALL RIGHT. SPEAKING -■ YAAS - WHO?- THE MONEY' u had just been told that Mrs. ------, — OH, MR. ALEC SMART-- HE MEANS t h e g a s HIM MY OFFER. FOR WHY DONY LIKE A CAGED BEAST AND IF WE DONT, THEN ITS SOUTH down the street, was very 111 and ARE YOU p . m a g n a t e HE TALK BUSINESS ? WHY ALL MUMBLING TO YOURSELF. AMERICA FOR US. WHAT5 SO -OH-YAAS-YAAS,MR. ALEC- had a new baby girl. She said; TERRIBLE ABOUT THAT? MAYBE - VAS IT IS?— VILL I READY MIT "Oh, pshaw, I wish my mamma VHO IS COMPETING D TH IS DILLY-OALLINESS ? IF WE ALL LAST NIGHT IT WAS WITH A RIVAL, AINTT TO GET IT, \>/HY NOT SAY THE SAME THING! I/P WE'LL MEET HANSEL HAASENPFEFFER, COME OVER!?--YAH.YAH. OER CASH, would get real sick so I could have ------VAS 1ST TALK THE GIDDY GAS CO, SO? THEN WE /o OOWNHeARTGO- MAV8C idea?" loCEKJjBor iAiHT THEY'J COCHROACH6S ROACH CET OVER T H fR e ? A PUZZLE A DAY "So we can raise our own police­ TO ta k e m e men." Ct>CKROACH65. OV6ft T>I6R€- The Investor made $810 on his lot. The Quickest way to obtain Shes: Why do rabbits have this answer Is to consider the side­ shiny noses? 9 walk blocks. A strip of one-yard Hes: Because their powder, puffs V square blocks would Increase his are on the other end. plot to a square one yard greater in size, containing 61 square yards. Biology teachef— We will now Divide 61 ns nearly ns possible in name some of the lower species of even halves (30 and 31), 30 yards animals, starting with Jimmy Off- is the size of the plot. 31 yards of nut." the plot plus the sidewalk. (30x 30 equals 900; 31x31 equals 961; This is the time of the year when 961 minus 900 equals 61.) (30 green apples find their place in the yards equals 90 feet; 90x90 equals son. 8100; 10 cents x 8100 equals $810.00.) Family Bed— For Sale— Brass A I*iizzle a Day: bed, $36.50. Slightly married.— Advt. in Vancouver (B. C.) Prov­ ince.

"John, you seem fond of going • ■rtp,»rlghr. I* J.. I'm b .v , 1r to the pictures lately. What's the The Candy Makers by Swan reason?" SALESMAN SAM "It's such a relief, dear, to see women opening their mouths with­ out hearing th*m!”

"Hello!" said the Chestnut to the Robin. "What are you?” ‘T'm a little bird," said the Rob­ The head of the dress shop was a in. "What are you?” fiend for economy. And any cut­ ‘T’m a little burred, too," said ter found with a heap of scraps in the Chestnut. ■ii.- his waste basket was sure to be blamed for it. No one dreaded The radio—and the padlock — these outbursts of temper more are converting us into a liome-lov- than the oldest cutter. So W'hen ing people. he was asked to cut a pattern for the child’s blouse, shown above, ho "Are caterpillars good to eat?" took a rectangular piece of paper asked little Tommy at the dinner and cut it into four equal parts. table. These he refitted together and care­ “Xo,” said his father; “what fully pinned on the material to be makes you ask a question like that I cut. forming the desired pattern. while we are eating?” \ (jan you discover how he accom­ "You had one on your lettuce, plished this result? but it's gone now,” replied Tommy. T.

COMPENSATION No doubt whenever Adam got ^ ZkoV-w C 19268T NCA tmvKC. mc^me peeved at Eve, he often called her "You can take your finger off a "spare rib!" He Hopes To Be the Only One L eft! by Blosser that leak now, father." FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS "Thank Heaven! Is the plumber Chemistry professor — "What AFTEPTM'EMD of here at last?" .... ' POP,\JJ)LLVOU / CBCTAIWLV^VHAAT can you tell me about nitratesV’ ■ )s it; t a g ? Tji: \morlo, vwmat vj'll • "No, the house is on fire.”— Tit- Student— ‘'Well-er-they’re a lot QOlCk AAi' ASK pop— ' 'TBVl. Bits, London. eoD Do VWiTU A L U m ' cheaper than day rates.” ME ACVMA.VS SAID VMMEM C A K E S •WAT'U'L BE 1 bJANTA 2 LEPT lAi TR' The garment that covers the AAiVTMIAiS^TDASK • , ~ ^ LITTLE JOE most territory at the seashore is a AIM' b a k e r y ? ? -y '' '■ coat of tan. OM e.TlM 6S ITI>0€.SM’T "What foh you scratch yo haid, Pa y To d r o p a Rastus?” "Coz I got 'rithniatic bugs.” “Why you say 'rithmatic bugs?" "Coz doy add to mah misery, subtract from mah pleasure, divide my attention and multiply like de dickens.”

Any art school will tell you that the sooner a girl begins to paint the sooner she can draw men. I

The truly poor are those who must buy cheaper cuts of beef In order to afford nice stockings. J A man wTio has a catty wife WASHINGTON TUBBS U The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains by Fontaine Fox usually leads a dog’s life! Didja ever notice that the .hap­ by Crajie piest guys are the busiest? r

TINTED CUT-UPS 'Re a l l y O T , r l '• T r o C Cut Out the Pieces, Paste Them Together Correctly, Color the

Sketch, and Fill In the Allssing Word. By HAL COCHRAN

■•a (:

TTirn n i— A^- J i l s DU- 1 1

1 \ -V* u :-v.

V in e r i 7 M P 6KIPPCR M AS OMe o f HI6 6ot> r ATTACK^ His legs are short; his body fat. iovucsre^RS c ^ r t a iHlY do His nose is pink and very flat. In mud he lives; T A K ^ AOVAMTACC or SirvATtOfim • 7.V) . c i w t n m tk sniyicc we. ---W* ' This------who gives ■-■JVM- 4 MANCHESli» EVENING HERAED, ITODAT, JULY SO, iteS. PA^SB nFEBErt

1 Pierce Arrow . 29% 28 28 furnished the most. Important requisite In the form of barnyard Rep Ir & Steel 58% 58% 58% MICHIGANJUMK R eading...... 97% 97% 97% MANCHESTER IS manure, now lacking In the soil. LOCAL STOCKS Ch R Isl & Pac 57% 55% 56% Sugar beets are a ready mone^ South Pacific .107% 105% 105% crop, Mr. Grunwald said, and the So. Railway .119 117% 118% INTERESTED IN only one which the farmer can h & n m iiim (Pnrnfslied |17 rntnam A Oo^ % grow with advance knowledge of HALES SELF-SERVE St. P a u l...... 10% 10% 10 6 Central Row. Hartford, Conn.) Studebaker .. 56% 54% 56 the price It will bring when mar­ Bid Ask Union Pacific .155% 153% 155% BEET RAISING keted. Goes from Eighth to Third Aetna Cas. & Sur. .. .740 760 U S Rubber .. 60% 59% 59% Although Mr. Grunwald did not Aetna Life ...... 665 680 U S S teel-----149% 146% 148 specify what capital stood ready, as Place as Aato Bosiness Automobile...... — 310 Westin’house . 70% 69 69 lie guaranteed, to build an exten­ G P?a C C PY Conn. G eneral...... 1700 1740 West. Union .145 145 145 sive sugar factory in Coiwiectlcut, Hartford F ire ...... 520 530 Plan Proposed by Expert It was assumed that he had lu Abroad Increases. IT TO WAIT DM ’TouiiaK^rn Htfd. Steam Boiler . .675 700 mind the Great Eastern Sugar National Fire ...... 745 760 Company, which he has already in­ Phoenix...... 570 580 DURANT CLEANS UP Would Help Tobacco Men terested in a project to erect a Travelers...... 1185 1200 sugar factory on Long Isiand next Washington, July 30.— With year. Under his encouragement, ex­ New York in the lead as an export­ Pnblic Utility Stocks. and Merchants Here. tensive Long Irdand acreage has ing state, Michigan’s leap from Conn. Power Co...... 300 315 $ 1 ,5 0 0 ^ IN DAY been converte.i to sugar beet culti­ eighth to third rank, was the fea­ Conn. LP 7% pfd. ..109 112 Manchester’s Public Pantry ture of a review of the country’s Htfd. E. L. com...... 293 298 vation and,the laboratory tests o! A plan whereby sugar beets can sugar beets grown there over a pe­ foreign trade for the first three Htfd. Gas com...... 66 68 Motor Wizard Befieved to riod of years shows the sugar con­ months of 1926, .issued today by So. N. E. Tel. Co. ..152 156 be raised at a profit on land aban­ tent and purity of those beets to be the Department of Commerce. So. N. E. T. Co. rights 7 8 Have Made 20 Milfion in doned because of low prices on to­ higher than those raised in any Texas, which led the United Manafactarlng Stocks. bacco has been advanced by a not­ other part of the United States. States for the same period of 19^5 Our Policy! Am. H ardware...... 81 83 ed agricultural engineer who has U. S. Importer. dropped into second place owing 1 • American Silver .... 25 — the Last Year. been watching the Connecticut Val­ The sugar plant proposed to be to a slump in cotton prices and ex­ Acme Wire com...... 12 17 ley for some months. The plan has built in Connecticut “would not ports, while "Made in Michigan” It has always been the policy of our store to sell the highest quality merchandise Blgelow-Htfd. pfd. ..100 been arrived at after extensive cost the OonEectlciiC farmers a automobiles placed that state as at»the lowest possible price. However, in order to fit the pocketbooks of all our cus­ Blgelow-Htfd. com. .. — 87 study of conditions here and after cent,” Mr. Grunwaiil said. He add­ among the important , factors in New York, July 30.—One of the tomers, we carry three grades of canned goods—standard, fancy and choice. While Bristol B rass...... — 10 the result of actual growing tests ed that the interests he had in American foreign trade. of course, standard is not as good as the fiiiicy or choice quaMtios, never-the-Iess it is Collins Co...... 150 160 most romantic chapters in the his­ had been made. It Is of such im­ r.ilnd stood willing to take the Foreign trade for the quarter Colt Fire A rm s...... 28 29 tory of American finance is unfold­ portance that United States Secre­ larmers’ sugar beet crops f. o. b. at amounted to $1,098,839,000, a de­ fully guaranteed. Eagle Lock ...... 95 100 ed today as the Wall Street tickers tary of Agriculture William F. Jar- the nearest railroad station, and cline of $151,000,930 from the Fafnlr Bearing...... 85 95 tap out the sensational rise in the dine came to Hartford yesterday to pay the freight charges from the/e year before. Nearly four-fifths of Full’r Br’sh Class A A 52 stock of the General Motors Cor­ confer with State Commissioner of to the sugar factory, which would the total loss fell on Texas exports. Sunbeam Fancy Hart & Cooley...... 170 190 poration, a huge enterprise organ­ Agriculture Philo T. Platt and be advantageously located. Gains in the second quarter, which Hale’s Fancy Creamery Tub Butter Int. Sll. pfd...... 104 lOS ized and nurtured through the tor­ Kurt Grunwald, the engineer who has not yet been analyzed by Golden Bantam L’nders Frary & Clark 87 89 turous periods of market fiuctua- suggested the experiments. States, cut the fiscal year decrease 39c pound. Jewell Belting pfd. .. 80 tions by William C. Durant, wizard Tests Satisfactory. in trade to $110,523,000. Corn New Brit. Mach, pfd.107 of the automotive Industry. Mr. Grunwald said that the soil TELLS WHERE SMITH Exports from leading states fol­ Niles Bt. Pd. N. Stock 19 21 Durant made and lost two for­ and laboratory tests made In the low: New York, $195,510,000, de­ 19c can North & J u d d ...... 24 26 tunes in General Motors shares. In state, some of them In the imme­ crease of $79,871,000; Texas, J R Montgomery pfd. — 90 the last 24 hours, he has realized diate vicinity of Manchester, have MONEY CAME FROM $128,873,000, decrease of $120,- Armour’s Star Hams J R Montgomery com. — 8 5 profits estimated at f l ,500,000 on been so satisfactory that he would 957,000; Michigan, $71,765,000, Peck. Stow & Wilcox 2 2 24 the rise of the stock. In one year, guarantee to build a plant increase of $18,323,000; Pennsyl­ W h o le...... 42c lb. Russell Mfg. Co...... 50 60 according to his friends, Durant costing a million and a half dollars Insnll and Clement Stude-| vania, $65,515,000, decrease of H a lf...... 43c lb. Fresh Bordeau Stanley Works com. . 81 83 has made $20,000,000. if the farmers would agree to fur­ $15,763,000. Smyth Mfg. Co...... 375 400 Lost $100,000,000. nish annually the crop from 5,000 Michigan’s showing was attribu­ Swift’s Boned and Rolled Ham, 43c lb. Walnut Meats Torrington ...... 5“^ 0” Durant was president of the Gen­ acres planted to sugar beets. hacker Were Men Moore ted chiefly to heavier exports of Underwood ...... S'* eral Motors Corporation in 1921, What this vould mean to Man­ automotive products which made Half pound 33c Union Mfg. Co...... 25 30 when the big break came. It was chester can easily be Imagined. up $54,133,000 of the total. Ma­ Whitlock Coil Pipe .. — 25 said at the time that he was forced Even with the organization helping Tried to Cover Up. chinery shipments showed import­ U. S. Envelope pfd. .106 110 out of ofiice by powerful influences along the smaller tobacco men in ant increases. Ronds. and "went to the wall,” losing selling their product the organiza­ Htfd. Elec. Lgt. 7's .258 263 $100,000,000 and owing money. tion does not help them outside of After revealing an expenditure Autocrat Coffee East. Conn. Pow. 5’s .9 9 Friends backed him with $7,000,- tobacco. If they are told to cut of $955,032 in the recent Illinois BRIDGEPORT BEER ON Conn. L. P. 5lA’s . . .108% 109% 000. With this he made a new down on their acreage and they do senatorial primary and uncovering 52c lb. -Conn. L & P 7’s . . . .114 116 start, organizing Durant Motors, so that may keep them from loos­ charges of corruption and terror­ B’dpt. Hyd. 5’s ...... 104% 106 Inc., and in 1924 reached the point ing on tobacco but it does not help ism at the polls, the Senate slush WAY TO N. y. SEIZED when another Durant fortune was them to utilize the abandoned fund committee today closed the in the making and well ahead. acres. Early In the spring there His faith in General Motors Cor­ was talk of raising truck but few first phase of the Illinois Inquiry Stamford, July 30.—Five thou­ New York Stocks poration unshaken, he invested and did so because they feared that and recessed until next Tuesday. sand gallons of beer are in the Sunbeam Tomato traded in the shares of that com­ others would follow suit and the The final session was featured hands of the police here following market in this vicinity would be by the re-appeaarnce of Allen F. the seizure last night of three Catchup pany. In May, 1925, General Mo­ Moore, manager for Frank T. MALT High Low 2 P. M. tors dropped from 78 to 68. Later, glutted with the result that they trucks. Three drivers are being (3) Rings, Light and Dark with H ops-----69c can would have to throw their product Smith, victor in. the primary. held. The men told police that 19c pint bottle At. Gulf, W. I. 40% 40% 40% it reached 149 and continued to Moore gave the committee a new (3) Rings, Light and Dark Hops Flavored, 79c can Am Sugar Rsf. 70% 68% t)9 % rise. In March. 1926, the stock away. This sugar beet scheme with they had obtained the beer in the promise of a factory to take list of contributors to his chief’s Am Tel & Tel.142 141% 141% dropped to 113 but picked up again. campaign fund, whose gifts total­ Bridgeport and were on their way Anaconda . . ■. 50 49% 49% Today it is quoted at 194. care of everything they raise and to New York to dispose of it. The Since the first part of 1925, Dur­ at fair prices opens up great possi­ led $50,600. This was the list Am Smelting .133% 131% 132 which Moore shrouded in secrecy men gave their names as Clifford Am Loc . . . . .104% 103% 103% ant’s profits are reported to have bilities. Curth, of Brooklyn, Howard Pow­ Hale’s Guaran­ Our SiiTiurban Trade. and refused to give the commit­ Am Car F’dry.100% 99% 99% reached $25,000,000. tee on his earlier appearance as a ers and Joseph Powers, brothers, x)f Ohio Blue Tip Atchison . . . .138% 136% 136% Manchester’s business draws the Bronx, New York City. teed Grade ‘‘A” 98 from the suburbs more than the witness. B & O ...... 99% 97% Congressman Ira C. Copley of Eggs Beth Steel ‘B’ 47 46 46 MORE TOBACCO IN average person realizes. The cut­ TO SE.YRCH CANALS FOR Chill Copper . 34% 34 34% ting down of tobacco acreage hurt Aurora, 111., millionaire head of ALICE CORBETT’S BODY 6 for 25c 42c dozen Cons. Gas N Y.106% 104% 106 business here, so the news of the several public utility corporations, Holyoke, Mass., July 30.—Sys­ Col. Fuel Iron 45% 44% 44% STOCK THAN IN 1925 new plan is of vital interest here. topned the list with a $25,000 do­ tematic search in the canals for the Chea & Ohio .164 163“% 164 Mr. Grunwald said after the con­ nation, made in installments of body of Miss Alice M. Corbett, Cruc Steel . . . 76% 75% 76% ference yesterday that the average $10,000 and $15.00''. This made Sml.h College junior, who myster­ Can. Pacific . .164 163% 164 Slight Excess in Stocjis of Leaf sugar yield per acre in this state a total of 1162.500 that Smith, iously vanished last November, Elmwood Erie . , ...... 34% 33% 33% Over Those of July 1 of Last should be about two and a quarter chairman of the Illinois commerce was begun here today. As • soon Republic Sweet Pure Pack Chicken-in-Jelly Erie 1st .. . . . 44 43 43 Year. tons. He said a ton of beets would commission, received from contrl- as the rain ceases draining of the Gen Asphalt . 68% 68% 68% yield about 300 pounds of sugar ’"itors interested in public utlli- canals will begin. There has been Mixed Pickles Fancy Sliced fles. His latest gift, one of $125,- 89c Gen Elec . . . . 90% 89% 89% Washington, July 30.—Manufac­ and that it would be possible to a belief that the girl’s body may 10 1-2 oz. Jar. Gen Mot. .. . .194% 186% 190 turers and dealers held 1,868,296,- harvest about 15 tons of beets an 000, came from Safnuel InsuII, the have floated down the Connecticut Qt. Mason jar, Dried Beef Great No, Pfd. 73% 72% 73% 582 pounds of leaf tobacco on July acre in this section. e'pcfrical king of the mid-west. and passed through the head 29c 7 oz. jar 29c Solid chicken — no 111. Central . .123% 123% 123% 1, compared with , 1,847,224,526 on Acrciifre Available, The second largest contributor gates at the dam here into the ca­ waste. ______Kennecott Cop 56% 56% 56% the same date in 1925, and 2,040,- About 12,000 acres of land In on the net list was Clement Rtude- nal system. Manufacturing plants Inspira Cop , . 25% 25 25% 067,402 pounds on April 1, 1926, the Connectlcat Valley, most of it baker, an official of- the -motor- using the system are shut down, Louis & Nash.134 132 134 the Census Bureau announced to­ in Connecticut has been withdrawn corporation of that name, who permitting the canals to be drain­ Lehigh Valley 90 90 90 day. The amount of untemmed on from tobacco cultivation this year gave $20,000, It was a desire to ed. Strictly Fresh Eggs . ,51c doz. Motor Wheel . 23% 23 23 day. The amount of unstemmed on owing to the bad market situation protect these two men from publi­ Norfolk West ,156% 153% 154% while the stemmed amounted to caused by tobacco overproduction. city, It was said, that prompted POLICE CHIEF, MERCHANT Natl. Xead , ,159 % 156% 156% 144,085,063 pounds. Onion-growing has been substitut­ Moore to guard, their Identity on .lAILKB IN RUM RUN NINO North Pacific . 73% 72% 73% ed on some Massachusetts planta­ his first appeawnca at a witness, Buffalo, N, y., July 30,—Frank N Y Central ,133 130 131 tions, and this Industry was profit­ X. Kinsey, former chief of police N y. N H & H 46% 45% 45»/, able last year owing to failure of LKVfATHAN PAHBKNGKIW. of North Tonawanda, N, Y,, and Pennsylvania . 54% 54% 54% the Texas onion crop, As a result, NOT SHIP, OFFKNDKRH. Special Price Summer Drinks By The Case HEBRON however, much Western land, es­ William A, Gillespie, prominent Washington, July 30,—Disclos­ merchant of that city, were sen­ All Brande. The meeting of the Ladles’ Aid pecially in Iowa, has been given ures that passengers cnrrldd liquor over to onion-raising nnd present aboard the Leviathan and used It tenced to two years In Atlanta peni­ Society of the First Congregational tentiary and fined $5,000 each hy church, held Thursday afteirnoon indications are that the onion mar­ openly In the dining room will lead ket will he oversupplied this year. to a general tightening up of re­ U, 8, Judge Hazel today when found at the homo of Mrs, W, 0, Seyms guilty of facilitating the smuggling was very well attended. Sewing Most of the Connecticut land with­ strictions on oil ships flying the Cookie Dept. drawn from tobacco raising Is American flag, of liquor In violation of the traftlc was completed for the fair which is either idle this year or devoted to The Leviathan Inquiry was stori­ net on Dec, 18, 1026, 60 VABIETIE8-ASSOBTED AS YOU WISH~ I' to ho given Friday evening at the general agriculture purposes, ed after charyos were made that hall In conjunction with the must Tho sugar beet crop is the only liquor was sold on the liner hy , MAINE HOTEL RUIINN ALWAYS FRESH ^ ^ ^ cal comedy "The Church Fair," important crop in this country that stewards, The investigators found 1 Houth Harpswell, Me,, July 30— SPECIAL ! FIO BARS...... - ...... - " ■ ;...... pound* for -90 Benjamin Bissoll Is the guest in has no surplus, Mr, Grunwald said, no support for such charges but 1 Fire early today destroyed the Deliclou*. froih from tho oven with pure f\g fllllnf. Now York City of tho Rev, Harold and the feeding of Its by-products did disco” . that In some cases 'Ocean View hotel, Fifty guests Ilonfrew, curate of St. Ignatius' like beet tops, pulp snd molasses to passengers, bringing liquor aboard, fled, leaving mosf of their belong- church. dairy cattle, livestock and poultry. had used It In the dining room, logs, Mrs, Charles Palmer has raturn- Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ed to her homo In Columbia after spending a few days as tha guest Watcrmelonfl, 2S to 30 lb. average. 63c ea. Honeydow Mclona .43c oa. of Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Smith, Cantaloupe! ...... 3 for 23c 1 go- Real Style Word was received lately from Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Robinson who are motoring to California of their California Valencia Orangoo. *j*J; gibbigo ^ • • • • • • • v ;;; ' To^hoiid In Footwear arrival at Grand Canyon, Arls. There will be no lervioe at tha T aroa lice ...... 59c doz. Froih Lima Bftns...... 19o quart Congregational church on Sunday. Amonfit wall'drMiod women, Wendell and Winthrop Vlner of v.n.r •’•'-“'M ir ...... itylo in ihooi now menns senilblo Cromwoll ara spending tho summer fit tnd comfort m well ai smArt- in town as tho guests of their BCM of Appcarencc. grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. L. M. B rc A d More thought li given to the Lord, pbyciogl requIrtnioniA of the foot. Several of tho itudanti at St. Dliorlmintting woman conNldor Peter's school were able to attend good hcAlth And foot freedom ai a public lecture given at Columbia Important ai faihlon, AREAL “Is Here” University early in tho week by Dr, 6 Comfort and itylo are nicely Alexander Haggerty Krappe on MALES combined in (ho French folklore. Dr, Krappe has GUARANTEE ! boon a membar of Bt, Peter's facuh THOUSANDS ty for two sessions. If this loaf is 'ANTILEVER Tho farm formerly owned by tho r, r. of Connecticut house­ late Clayton A. Lord has boon sold not the best SHOE to Ernost (llardano of Manchostor. wives have adopted this great HEALTH MARKET Its comfort comes from being loaf you ever arcfully deiigned nnd built to MUM, MENItY (iRAWT loaf for their tables — and Jarmonizc with the foot. DIBS IN WAPPING. boughtatany ,Tho flexible nreh, roomy toe, Mrs, Martha Grant, widow of tho they have^made a fortunate Naturally most emphasis is placed on the quality of tho mug heel nnd instep and other fen- late Honry Grant, of Wapping, died price, return turen we will bo glad to demon- yesterday afternoon at 2:30. Mrs, ■ choice. Try a loaf today. meats we offer—our quantity buying enables us to give you Itrate. Grant has been seriously 111 for the the loaf and Combined with thli, the linen are past 10 weeks with heart dlieaie. get'your choice cuts at low prices. aa attractive and pleating ai those She was 79 years of age last No­ of Nature In the graceful foot It- vember, money r r s T H E Fresh Native Broilers, lb. 49c Prime Rib Roast Beef, aelf. Mri. Grant was well known In lb. 28c and 84c The quality Is high grade. the Wapping section, and had a I— . back host of friends. She wai of a retir­ FLAVOR FrlcaseeFowl...... lb. 40c ing disposition. Her husband died Boston Roll Roast of Beef, three months ago. Tender Shoulder Lamb Chops, lb. 32c She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Alice Smith, of Wapping, with lb. 85c Shoulder Roast Beef. .lb. 24c whom Mrs. Grant made her hojne. Interment eorvlces will be hejd Lean Lamb Stew ...... lb. 15c Lean Pot Roast...... lb. 22c Sunday afternoon. The funeral will LARGEi be held at her late homo at 2:30, loaf/ Tender Small Leg Lamb, Fresh Beef Liver ...... lb. 18c daylight eavlng time. Burial will be 2 lbs. for 25c i/et us show you how well the in the Wapping cemetery. Rev. I Ux'j'ot. lb. 39c Dantllever will look and feel on Truman H. Woodward will offi­ Native Calves’ Liver . .lb. 50c your foot. Extra careful fitting ciate. Forequarter Lamb .. .lb. 25c from a good range of sizes and Fresh Made Sausage Meat, widths. DRUNK, KILLS HUSBAND Boneless Veal R oast.lb. 85c WITH HER BARB HANDS lb. 25c Chicago, July 30.—Herman Hell- Shouldef Veal R o a st... lb. 28c mann, 60, was strangled to death by Fresh Lean Ground Hamburg . Th e his wife, Bertha, 48, mother of two Fresh Shoulders ....a.lb. 27c lb. 18c children, after a night of drinking moonshine whiskey. Fresh Pork Roast r

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 192«. p a g e SIXTBaW ^ wdl^ifcii^ w ii^ iw 11^<

;.v Advantage Where Where To Go For The WHER Your Houisehold Best Meats, Fruits Budget May Be And Spent To Best Vegetables

pavement caused the accident. Garden,” where Jenny Lind oang Charles J. Feeney, of 65 Wads­ Seminary, who assisted In the re­ on maps of Palestine as Klrjath and Lafayette was received, and a TWO AUTOS COLLIDE; worth street, was driving south on search work. Sepher, has nothing whatever to station through which 8,000,000 Main street in his Chevrolet tour­ EXPLORERS FIND Dr, Kyle, who will return to the commend it, except that It Is a con­ immigrants passed— ing car and was about to turn United States soon, was aided In venient place for travelers to visit. Gotham Spruces Up Its They’ll ha-\j to “do” the Aquar­ ONE MAN INJURED around in front of Metter’a Smoke his explorations by the American ‘ The Item In the Identification of Shop. A Dodge sedan operated by Tell Belt Mirsim as Klrjath Sep­ ium all over again. COMPLETE STORY School of Oriental Research at Hartford Driver Arrested; the Hartford man was following Jerusalem. His letter tells of her that Is most Interesting to the Dean Of Attractions closely and crashed Into Feeney’s the finding of great quantities of public Is that the two wetls, the Slippery Pavement Given as car. The rear end of the Chevrolet ancient pottery and the discovery 'upper soring and the nether Reason for Accident. was badly damaged and one of the OF PALESTINE cf quaint gates and an Ingenious spring’ mnatloned In Jo-ihua I BOLTON wheels broken completely off. The water supply system in the ancient (15; 13-19) are here and unmistak­ One person was slightly Injured Hartford man’s auto had a bent city of the Canaanites and Israel­ able. Their age coi. only be rick -j V and two automobiles were damaged fender and a broken headlight. ites. oned by m.-'lenlums Six successive In a collision In front of Matter’s Bakst escaped uninjured but Expedition to Old Lands Dig Fenced City of Jndah. curbs have been put around these The Ladles’ Society of the Bol­ Smoke Shop on Main street early Feeney was not so fortunate. He “The site selected as that of the wells, each In turn worn into deep ton Congregational church will last evening. The driver of one of sustained a torn llgameni In his lefl ancient ‘fenced city,’ Klrjath Sep- grooves by the running of the present Saturday evening, July 31 ropes in drawing water; these the automobiles, Nathan Bakst, of knee and a bruised chest. Up Evidence of Early her, proved beyond cavil to be at 7:30, standard time, a comedy 127 Worcester street, Hartford, was Feeney Is well known about Man­ that greatest ‘fenced city of Ju­ grooves In hard limestone are entitled “Patsy.” dah,’ and the last to fall before the sometimes three or four inches arrested on a charge of reckless chester. His business Is landscape The cast of characters Is as fol­ driving. It was said that slippery gardening. History There. ‘whole army’ of Joshua,” the letter deep. lows: T0CiL6S. Beautiful Pottery. Patsy, the Irish Maid “There are eleven points, re­ “But whsrt makes this place so ...... Jeanette Sumner iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiin quirements Indeed, which the iden­ interesting even when identified? st. Louts.—The most complete Nlta Farrell, the Brlde-to-Be unbroken history of civilization in tification of this city at any place It was a typical ‘fenced city' of the ...... Arlene Finlay must meet, five archaeological and old Canaanites and of the Israel­ Ruth Fielding, Bob’s Sister Palestine revealed by any city of six topographical. Tell Beit Mlrsim, the land yet uncovered—a history ites—and in such a complete state ...... Tina Gagliardone I Our Special Blue Plate I the site selected as Klrjath Sepher, of preservation that is possible to Phyllis Edwards and Beatrice Ed­ that reached before 200 B. C. satisfies completely each one of see, bv clearing away the rulmish, was unearthed by explorers last these eleven requirements and wards, twins April and May, according to an oxacil: what the .vails a;.'.r. llie ...... Louise Phelps I Dinners On Sunday | Interesting letter just received there Is no other ruin that satis­ gateway were like...... Ruth Jones here from Dr. M. G. Kyle, presi­ factorily meets even one of these •'.n. 0 city crowns a conical, hsc- Miss Lucretia Lane, Nita's aunt dent of the Xenia Theological eleven. Daherjeh, the place marked Inled 1 ill that seen'? as if it had ...... Elizabeth Daly 1 Are Very Popular | been dropped down in the mids. Hilda Williams, an insurance of a valley. The wall sloping in New York’s famous Aquarium, this—with scaffolding up for recon- agent ...... Betty Rose the lower part and with peipoiidic- structlon work. Mary and Helen McGurk will en­ ular parapet, still stands about setsocststMocwoocwtscstXjecsxsoexjotsotsotso^^ To the piscatorial collections an i tertain between the acts with ath­ thirty feet high, though tUa para­ like to see the A(^uarlum?” asks letic dancing. The play will be Chicken Dinner $1.00 I pet has been almost wholly thrown the New Yorker. assortment of aquatic birds will be added—penguins, pelicans, gulls followed by a dance, music being down; so that w'ith the parapet the “Naw, I saw that nine years ago,” f-'.rnished by Paramount orchestra. whole wall must have been be­ responds the second or third-time and the like. Other Dinners 60c | PUON tween forty and fifty feet in visitor to the metropolis. Finally, as a new attraction, height.” ______But the routine of seeing the there’s “Big Ben,” the 200-pound BUSINESS MEN’S LUNCH | Aquarium, first concern of newcom- black grouper, brought to the LIVELY 'QUAKE VISITS Served 11:30 A. M. to 2 P. M. | eis to New York, must be done, all Aquarium from Florida not long QUIET ISLE OP JERSEY b e g a r ia n b a n d its over again by some millions of the ago. Club Breakfast, 6:30 to 8:30 A. M. = GOOD THINGS TO EAT ___ blase. It will be some time in the fall or St. Heller, July 30.—Severe Dinner, 5 to 8 P. M. 5 winter before reconstruction is com­ earthquakes today shook the Isle For a new Aquarium soon is to AFTERNOON TEA, 2:30 U 4:30 P. M. = TERRORIZE BALKANS present Itself down on the outer rim pleted. of Jersey. Buildings in St. Heller Three Phones Call 2000 of Battery Park, Manhattan’s jump­ Then the countless New York rocked to and,fro for several sec­ Our bakery products include everything in the finest = ing off place. visitors who “already have seen onds. Many chimneys tumbled A COMBINATIOX SPECIAL Sofia.—During the last few down. No casualties were re­ cakes, pastry, cookies, bread, rolls and specialties. ^ weeks the southern portion of the It will be new In appearance ,at it’’— 2 1-4 pounds Royal Lunch Crackers—packed in airtight The blase who already have ported. Dobruja region has been terror­ least. Too much history mantles the The earthquake was the most se­ boxes—one box for 29c—with each purchase of a pound of ized by the Incursions of Bulgar­ present great, round-house-like heard the colorful history . of .its long years as a federal fort, “Casf.s vere ever experienced In Jersey. N. B. C. Cookies at the regular price. ian bands, whose operations have structure for it to be done away been the subject of numerous dip­ with. So it will be given a $225,000 CAMPBELL’S TOMATO S O U P ...... 3 cms 25c lomatic exchanges between the disguise. WARANOKE HOTE - BAKERY | CORN FLAKES ...... pkg. Roumanian and Bulgarian Govern- Over its dingy walls, worn and iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin SHREDDED WHEAT ...... blackened by almost a century and “ "h^e^'Roumanian authorities claim a quarter of service In one capacity AND RESTAURANT . 1 PINEHURST HAMBURG ...... 25c lb. to have now established the fact or another, a gray cement covering Ground fresh from Pinehurst Quality Beef.______that these bands are under the will be placed. I BUFFALO MARKET J. J. Williams, Prop. So. Manchester Lmmand of the notorious Bulgar­ To provide more room for the i Phone 456. 1071 Main Street. Phone 456. = Main Street ia^ outlaw, Basil Teodoroff, and myraid finny exhibits it houses, a his girl ally, Eva Maneva, known third story will be built. i Frank Papa, formerly of the New York Market, Fresh Pinehurst Meats account of her valor and cruel­ TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiii Tender Fowl for Fricassee. ty as the “White Terror of the Chuck R oast...... 20c lb. Fresh Killed Broilers. ^°Maneva, who is said to be of Shoulder Steak .... 20c lb. Five and one-half pound Roasting Chickens. extraordinary beauty is the daugh­ SPECIAL Round S te a k ...... 25c lb. Tender Chuck Pot Roasts— ter of a priest of Slshtova. on the AtC.H.Tryon^s Danube, where she attended the Top Cut Boneless, 25c-29c lb. girl’s High School. She ^ecame In^ Service-Quality-Low Prices Bottom Cut, 35c-39c lb. fatuated with stories of Sanitary Market Sous of the robber leader Teodor- Lamb PINEHURST QUALITY CORNED BEEP nft and when she saw him once in Ribs, 12c lb. Solid Pieces, 18c-25c lb. Slshtova she immediately fell in Tei. 441 Meats Daisy Hams—-Honey Comb Tripe—Legs of Lamb. from hom. TELEPHONE 442. Sirloin Steak ...... 35c lb. Fruit Saturday Specials We will have some nice Shoulders of Lean Lamb, .chool, Roupd Steak ...... 35c ib. Special—Bartlett Pears, 3 1-2 to 6 1-2 lbs. each, which we will bone and roll at, z 25c doz. fo'fwl'.h rh e ‘ " .r n m c S a . n . l r Top Round Steak .. 30c lb. FRESH KILLED BROILERS from 29c to 31c lb. iVnow two-hundred strong, SPECIALS FOR SATURD.AY— Yellow Georgia Peaches, FRESH KILLED CHICKENS TO ROAST—3 to 4 lbs. Srd^. dlvTdrd'Tn.o thr« d..a^h- AND FREE DELIVERY TO Porterhouse Steak,. 45c lb. 39c 4 qt. basket each ...... 62c ib, HERE ARE A COUPLE OP GOOD FRUIT SPECIALS YOUR HOME. Rib R o a s t...... 2.5c-35c lb. Special for Tomorrow ! FRESH KILLED FOW L...... 43clb. Take Advantage of Them. chine-guns Boston Rolled Roast, Watermelons .... 35c each SMALL LEGS SPRING LAM B...... 42c Ib. 50 Ripe Watermelons a t ...... JJc each ' b J' day they remain hidden In 20c-2.3c ib. California Grapes . ,15c lb. BONELESS ROAST OP LAMB...... 55®m * 25 Ripe Watermelons a t ...... each Groceries 75c for 6 Ib. basket BONELESS VEAL ROAST...... ’55® 15 Ripe Watermelons a t ...... ■ • • - BDc each forth to attack and PORK P lu m s...... 15c doz, FRESH PORK TO ROAST...... 55®‘55® !S* T venr Teodoroff Rhtl Better order early. These melons will sell like hot Ifiges. -- the South PRIME RIB ROAST B E E F ...... 30c-85c lb. Rib and Roast Pork, 25c Ib. FULL LINE OF cakes. SerbianManeva border, and fnin a fightt^gn with Fancy Potatoes,'80o peck. BONELESS ROLLED ROAST OP B E E P ...... 35c lb. California P ea rs...... 33c doz. Sweet Corn, aOc doseii. Pork Chops ...... 25e lb FRESH VEGETABLES. BONELESS POT ROAST B E E F ...... 25c-30clb. - S ' l ; . AUn'ou.h .he Peaches, large basket, 03c. EXTRA LARGE YELLOW PEACHES Native Tomntoee, UOo lb. Tliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiimiiiiiiiiiiimmiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim No. 8 B askets...... 42c each a pounds White Doatts, Udo. OUR FRESH GROUND HAMBURG STEAK No. 4 B askets...... B9c each managed to eicapo acroii the bor- a iraunds Whole Rice, UOc. 20c Pound. Shredded Wheat, lie pkg. der. Thone service until nine tonight. The wlrei are Helm nice Flakes, 18c. SPECIAL INDULGENCE. Yellow Dantnm Sweet Com, 18c less congested between 6 and 8. will you please ’phone can. a rolls Toilet Paper, 1000 sheots, Saturday Specials in Delicatessen your order then if it Is convenient—and delivery will be The privilege of the Portlunoula SMITH’S GROCERY made very early Saturday morning. 95c. Indulgence le granted to all Premier Ketchup, large, 98c bot­ FUDGE LAYER CAKES ...... 1®,® •f®*' ohurohee and public chapale In the tle. 2 NORTH SCHOOL STREET MANCHESTER FUDGE CUP CAKES ,,,, ...i...... 36o doz. dloceie of Connecticut from noon 0 bare Klrkman'i Soap, 9Sc, GREEN APPLE P IE S ...... 35c each on Sunday until midnight on Mon­ Premier Salad Dressing, large, Market News day, or from Saturday, August 7 at BLUEBERRY PIES .... i . < • 35c eech noon until midnight, Sunday, Au­ aoe. BAKED BEA N S...... 13c lb., 2 Ibi, 25c Mr. Powell has Just brought In a limited quantity of 9 pounds Sweet Potatoes, 9He, gust I, according to the choice of 8 cans Dutch Cleanser, 9Sc. Prims Rib Roast of Bssf ...... 2Se-32e-35e Ib. BROWN BREAD i,..... i...... 13® loaf hli ’’almost leedleie^’ Hot House Tomatoes. the reipecttve paitore of the We win have a few Southern TomatoH to sell at lOo churchei. This will occur at St. Lsgg of L am b...... 43e lb. Jamee’a church this week-end. lb., 2 Ibi. 19c. Pot Roast 11111) 1. i25c-80c*35c lb. The Yellow Peaches advertised above are Just so All Catholics who vlalt these Meats Extra Special churches during th^ ipeeltled time Lamb to S te w ...... ,15c Ib. good that we purchased a very large quantity of them. may gain a plenary Indulgence at Native Fowl, 4To Ib. Try Pinehurst Hamburg at 25o pound—or each visit, one for themselves and Pork to Roast, 8So Ih. Roasts of V ssl...... 30e-36e lb. $ Pinehurit Round Ground at 40e Ib. | the remainder for the louli In pur­ Legs of Lamb, 40c Ih. Stuffed and Roasted gatory, provided they go to confei- nib Tgunb Chops, 4f)c Ih. Lean Ribs of Corned B e e f...... 12e lb. elon, receive communion and pray Lamb Patties, II for 9nc. Sirloin Flanks—Briskets—Lean P ieces...... 26c Ib, for the Intention of the Pope dur­ nib Roast Beef, 85o lb. ing the visit. Pot Roast, 9So lb. Chickens $1.65 each Chicken Spread, 48o lb. INDIVIDUAL FRESH PEACH PIES X/uxnry Loaf, 4So lb. ( Smoked Shoulder, 90e lb. 10c sach. A FULL LINE OF ROAST MEATS, RELISHES, ETC. The Central Cash Market PhilUps Groceries ORDER YOUR CHICKEN EARLY. 649 Main Straat Fru it Gold Medal F lou r...... 11.43 1-8 bbl. sack Tcl. 2236. Ordari Taktn and DtUvarad. Ttl. 2286. South Muichsstsr Stors. Cookie Dept OwiUloupWi 9 for 9So. W heatles...... 3 pkgs. for 25e Bananai, lOe lb. MIXED COOKIES—Plain or F ancy...... 25c lb. Special Item Watormoloni, 08o eaeb. Large cans Premier Sliced Pineapple...... 36e GOLDEN FLAK ES...... 2 for 5e FSaobofl, lOo quart. Largo bMket Peachoo, fiSe, Dromedary Grapefruit...... 30e can Delicious with Jam or used as shortcakes. Heavy Steer Beef SEA FOAM ...... 30c lb. W eek California Orangoo, SOo and 69c Heinz Baked B ean s...... 2 cans 25e Prime Rib Roaati ...... S2e>85e«88e lb. doien. Children’s special. Boncleii Pot R oasts...... 25e-28e-82e lb. SUGAR .... 10 lbs. 59c Blneberrlaa, 89o quart. P. & G. S oap ...... 10 bars 49e Fancy Chuck Roaita ...... 25ek28c-80e lb. Bartlett Fean, 40o doien. Fine gnnulntcd. % Fancy Steaks of All Kinds. SHREDDED WHEAT Fruits and Fresh Vegetables Genuine Spring Lamb L e g s...... 42elb. NICE RIPE WATERMELONS...... 65c each. Spring Lamb C hops...... 50elb...... 3 for 25c Vegetables FANCY ELBERTA PEACHES...... 4 q t basket 55e Native Broiling Chickens ...... 60c Ib. Fresh stock. NICE BARTLETT P E A R S...... 30c doz. Native Fowl ...... 45e lb. Fotatoei, 80o peck. Lean Smoked Shoulders ...... 27c lb. POTATOES ...... 39c Ououinbwi, Bo each. Fruits and Vegetables Native Tomntoea, ISo lb. Light Tender Pork. 15 ll». per pecl^ 8 bunchee Garrota, 9Bo. Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Peaches, Pears, Melons, BUTTER ...... 39c lb. 8 bunchee Beete, 25c. ^ Native Milk Fed Veal. Watermelons, Apples. 2 Bottles Ketchup ...... 25e. Vollesr Farm. Sweet Com, 8Bo doien. Head Lettuce, 19o heed. Manchester Public Market 3 Packages Kellogg’s Corn F lakes...... 25c LARD ...... 2 lbs. 35c Celery, 90o bunch. Lettuce, Beets, Carrots, Cabbage, Cucumbers, To­ 6 Rolls Toilet P aper...... 25c ‘ Cut Crom tub. Cabbage, lOo bead. Full Line of Fruits and Vegetables. 8 quarti String Beane, 95c, matoes, Summer Squash, Peppers, etc. A. Podrove, Prop. ,,, Pl»opf JJ, Where There’s Life There’s a 8 qoerte Peae, 95o. PhliUpe Store. P e i^ re, 9Bo lb.

t V-. FAGE SEVENTEEN TOwoflgft’filR JJVWmc sERAtiy, Friday; JOTT 80,1920.


Timely Pickings .WHER Tips From For Manchester’s Prudent Choicest Housekeepers M arkets

lal t i I 1. Second Hungarlafi Rhapsody c. E Lucevan Le Stelle “ La Road of the Loving Heart WGHB ( 266) Clearwater, Fla. KHJ *(405) Los Angeles— Va- ...... Liszt Tosca” ...... Puccini ...... Stickles — Organ; vocalists. rlety. 6:30— News Items, Baseball Scores Martin A. Topper, Operatic Tenor Robert A. Mercer, Baritone WCAU (278) Philadelphia—^-Or­ KPO (428) San Francisco — ^Va­ WfiC and Review, Agricultural, Po­ George Thompson, Accompanist 9:30— WTIC’s Mail Bag. chestra. riety. ^ ^ lice ahd Road Reports. 8:45— String Quartet 9:45— The “ Debutants” Period Travelers Insnrance Cp.i 10:00— News Items and Weather WSM (283) Nashville— Muslaal WQJ (447) Chicago— Orchestra e;45— “ The Newspapers In the a. Prelude, Op. 28, No. 4 Hartford. Conn. Report. WAHG (316) Richmond Hill, N. (4 hours). „ , , 467. Safety Field”— ...... Chopin Y.— Entertainers. WOC (484) Davenport— Musical. Theodore C. Wallen b. Gabotte from “ Paris and CNRA (322) Moncton, N. B.— WEAF (492) New York — Or- 7:00— Piano Recital— Helena” ...... Gluck Program for Saturday cll68tr&e a. Serenade ...... Chaminade c. Intermezzo from “Cavaller- 12:00 Noon— News, Weather. Studio program. Program for Friday 6 P. M. ers Recreation Grounds. lightweight, drew with Billy Wal- WGHP (270) Detroit— Chil­ Concert: scores. KNX (337) Los Angeles— Cour­ 8; 30— Ofceratic Selections a. The Great Adventure WWJ (353) Detroit— Concert...... Strauss Fletcher j lade, of Cleveland, ten rounds^ WRNY (375) New York— Sports; dren’s Hall Hour. ( WEAF (492) New York— An- tesy program. a. Che geli da Manina “ La WCAU (278) Philadelphia— Va- f. Grandmama ...... Langor i glo-Persians. To WTAG (268), WTAM (389) Cleveland — Or­ Goheme” ...... Puccini b. I Heard You Singing Coates i John Patrick Sullivan, Irish welter^ commerce; musical. g. The Herd Girl’s Dream • c. The Tavern Song weikht, defeated Harry Gaba, of WGY (3793 Schenectady— Din­ risty. WJAR (306), WGR (319), WWJ chestra...... Labltsky b. Ridi Pagllacci “H Pagliac- WSM (283) Nashville— Concert. KHJ (405) Los Angeles— News d. Samoan Love Song: The I New York, six rounds. ner pro'j.am. (363), WDAF (3fi6), WTAM h. Liebestraum ...... Liszt c(” ...... Leoncavalle WGN (303) Chicago— Musical. items; variety. ; WMAQ (447) Chicago— Organ; WAHG (316) Richmond Hill, N. (389), WCCO (416), WCAE (461) WCAP (469), WEEI (476), WOC WCCO (416) St. Paul-Minneap- club program. y.— Vocal. WEAF (492) New Tfork— Or­ (484), WOO (508), KSD (545). olis— Dance program. WBZ (333) Springfieldfi Mass.— KPO (428) San Francisco— Stu­ chestra; vocal. Vocal and instrumental. WHO (526) Des Moines— Vocal WCX (517) Detroit— Orchestra. WJJD (370) Mooseheart, 111.— and Instrumental. dio. WNYC (526) New York-t-Vio- WBAP (476) Ft. Worth— Or­ WNYC (526) New York— Varie­ Music by children. ty. WTAM (389) Cleveland— Or­ linist. . chestra concert. 7 P. M. 10 P. M. KGW (491) Portland— Concert. chestra. 12 p. m. WBAL (246) Baltimore— Or­ WLIT (395) Philadelphia— Mu- WRVA (256) Ricnmond, Va.— WADC (258) Akron, O.— Dance chestra; organ. sIcrI* Dance music. WRVA (256) Richmond, Va.— WOS (441) Jefferson City, Mo. and radio review (3 hours). WADC (258) Akron, 0.— Dance WGHP (270) Detroit— Orches­ Dinner music. — Market hour. music. WGHP (270) DetroltVarlety. WMAQ (447) ^ Chicago— Vocal; WGHP (270) Detroit— Enter­ tra. CNRV (291) Vancouver, B. C.— no WCAU (278) Philadelphia— There trio. tainers. Orchestra. WJZ (455) New York— Serena- WGN (303) Chicago— Sam n’ Studio. WGN (303) Chicago— Variety; Henry: musical. KNX (337) Los Angeles— Cour­ Paul Ash’s orchestra. *^^WCAE (461) Pittsburgh— Stu­ WAHG (316) Richmond Hill, N. tesy program. KPO (428) Portland— Orches­ WLS (345) Chicago— Variety. dio. . . . Y.— Variety. WDAF (366) Kansas City— WCAP (469) Washington—Va- KNX (337) Los Angeles— Fea­ tra; book review. “ School of the Air” ; organ. risty. ture program. 1 a. m. WLIT (395) Philadelphia — WEAF (492') New York— Or­ KFAB (341) Lincoln, Neb.— Va­ KNX (337) Los Angeles— Or­ Studio program: entertainer^. chestra. To WGR (319), WEEI riety. chestra. ■ WCCO (416) Stl Paul-Mlnnoap- (476), WOO (508); players; vocal WJJD (370) Mooseheart, 111. — WDAF (366) Kansas City— olls— Concert. and instrumental. Musical. Frolic. , - WQJ (447) Chicago— Orchestra. WCX (517) Detroit— Musical. WTAM (389) Cleveland— Studio KHJ (405) Los Angeles— Or­ .... j(bout A & P values. Only the very WCAE (461) Pittsburgh— Stu­ 0 P. M. program. chestra. dio. WBBM (226) Chicago— Har­ WCAP (469) Washington— Band best of its kind is offered to you in our stores mony time. concert. WBAL (246) Baltimore— Or­ illllllllllllllllllllllilllllillllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllilUllilHlIlllllililMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' WEAF (492), New York— Musi­ ESTABLISHED 185» and always at a fair price chestra. cal. WMBB (250) Chicago— Orches­ WJR (517) Detroit— Symphony orchestra. tra and soloists. |py2i®SS^S| i “ The store that holds faith with the people.** = pound When Downtown You Will I Corner Main and Maple Streets. Telephone 2006. | Butter I P. KELLEY, Prop. | Find it Very Convenient Have you ever taken particular note of the manner in which we keep our foodstuffs? AU Mr home made Potatoes 15 pounds to Call at Our Bakery food products are kept under glas& The Ash cakes, pickles and relishes of all kinds m addition to being under glass are also iced—^likewise the meats. All An exceptionally low price for this m ost popular breakfast forkll Its location is very close to Main street, and whether fhe pastry or cake, rolls, bread, etc., are kept in sMitaiy one is walking or driving it is only a matter of minutes case, screened and glassed so that flies, dirt Md other pkg to come down here. We feel sure that you will feel fully things of like nature CANNOT rea^ the fwd we sell sdded Wheat repaid by the quality of the bakery products you pur­ you. In addition to that no one handles the food except ourselves—but everything is in ^lain sight. chase here. FuU m ilk cheese ^thoroughly aged and ripened Try Our Bread - Pastry ^ Cakes - Cookies - Coffee Cakes, HOME AlADB SPECIALS Etc., for Delicious Food Products. D a ily - Cheese WHITE OR COLORED Shrimp Salad Vegetable Salad Potato Salad For making cooling drinks and tempting icing§ ‘ Country Club Salad 1/2 » Chicken Salad tin BLUE RIBBON BAKERY Cold Slaw Baker’s Cocoa Baked Beans Best Bakery Products Sold. Macaroni and Cheese Select^ potatoes and boneless codfish-just fry and serve! It^an Style Spaghetti A. W. JOHNSON — 0. F. VIERTEL Proprietors. Horae Made Crullers Hot Home Made Biscuits Evei^ Evening at 5 O’clock. 56-58 Cottage Street Phones 2197, 2150 and 2144 Friday— Fish Cakes t South Manchester. Codfish Cakes . S a tu rd a y - FuU count boxea—an opportunity to stock up at a low price Roast Chicken Chicken Pies i Chop Suey. Matches D (H J^ e\ i P?ED ___ 6 pice* Boston Brown Bread It has pleased more people Other Home Cooked Specials Not Mentioned.

than any other Malt ever Full line of Imported and Domestic Canned Fish. Large assortment of Imported Jams and Jellies. Large assortment of Imported and Domestic offered for sale BLUE PETER Ballantine’s Large assortment of Pickles, Olives, Onions and Relishes. . « , o Mayonnaise — Russian Dressing — Sandwich THREERINGS Sorc&ds Mazola Oil Full line of Cooked and Smoked Meats including our MALT & HOPS own Baked Ham. Mueller’s Macaroni Potato Chips In bulk — Pretzels. Many Flavors— Health Wafers — Imported and Domestic Health Underwood’s Deviled Ham Dark Bread. Light Cinnamon and Sugar Rusks. Yellow Peas — Brown Bieans — Saygm . Dark Hop-flavored Grandmother’s Light Hop- Made from finest materials and with an 7 ' flavored added touch of skill that makes it stand. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC BByERAGBS Special Dark apart from all other loaves l a r g s Special Dark and Manhattan and Martini Cocktails — Apricotelle — loSf Creme De Menthe — Grenadine — Benedictine — Knip- RAISIN BREAD Hop-flavored. mel — Military Punch — Vermouth — Chartres. THURSDAYS large loaf A For Best Results Insist on Three Rings Box Hops. Do not take any other. Therr.. A A *s. nP wNi*., - ^ “,ibhUshed weekly containt many ^ recipes ^ and helpful household hints. For Sale Everywhere Heavy Cream — Strictly ^Presh Eggs — Brown’a Batter. STANDARD PAPER CO. T D iE SOLE DISTRIBUTORS Store open every evening mitfl 9 P. M., and all day 40>42 Blarket Street H artford, Conn. I Thnrs^y. •iJm '-V' ,r'^' •■C'

■ -V

FRIDAY, JULY 80, 192«.

f AGE EIGHTEEN entertainment a n d d a n c e Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Johnson BOLTON HALL and daughter Ellen- and son El­ about town mer of Clinton street, returned SATURDAY EVENING last night from a trip to C l ^ - July 81, at 8:80. land. Ohio. They were accom­ Dayli^t Saving Tln»e. Bnlghet Lodge, No. 42, I. 0. G. panied on their return trip with Paramount Orchestra. ON SALE TOMORROW T. will meet In Orange hall to­ their son Herbert, who has been In Admission . • • • morrow evening Instead ot next California for a few months. Saturday. All membere are urg­ ed to be present. A daughter was born yester^y at the Memorial hospital to Mr. Mrs. John Collins of 28 Maple Mrs. Margaret Brown of Arch street was taken to the Manchester and Mrs. Alvin Hunt of 80 Spruce 1,000 Beautiful Fresh Cut Gladiolus street and daughters Greta and Memorial hospital yesterday morn­ street, "Jack” Hunt, as he is Bessie accompanied by her ing for treatment. commonly known, Mrs. Lottie Wright of Orchard employed at the Manchester ftreet, left today for Essex, On pTumbing & supply Company and Jarlo, Ca-nada. They expect to Arthur Leduc of 37 Woodland vas well known In local sporting rtop at Niagara Falls and will be street was pleasantly circles. away over two weeks. last night by 18 of his friends, the 6 For 50c occaaion being his twenty-second Little Dorothy Wagner who la In % The Beethoven Glee cU»b of the birthday. An enjoyable evening the local hospital with tftanua con- Rwedish Lutheran church will re was spent playing games, and re­ tlnues to hold her own In her fight J^me rehearsals on^ Monday night freshments were served. Mr. Le- for life. The child Is the daughter A d oz«vof there *or«eou. cut flower, will make every home after a two months vacation. of Mr, and Mrs. Max Wagner of About Six Vat Hies Including duc’s friends remembered him with more cheerful and attractive over the week-end. Suiprise moth­ ^l,V .r.al . m b« held « the a ruby ring. Hartford Road, Wilbrink (pale pink) Halley (salmon pink) church fit 8 *o clock. er, sister or friend with a lovely bouquet that is sure to be appre­ Miss Mary Kelley, of North Lily White (pure white) E. J. Schyler (deep rose) School street, today entered 8t. ciated. These gladiolas will keep four or five days. Francis hospital In Hartford for treatment. For the past two months, M l» Kelley has been 111 EVERYONE APPRECIATES A GIFT OP FLOWERS suffering from a ,ervous break­ down, She Is well known at the Ncrth End and for som-j time had been employed as a saleswoman in ON SALE MAINJFLWR ENTRANCE Bublnow’s store at the South End.

The members of Hose Co, No. 2 No Telephone Orders. No Dehveries. of the north end fire department will hold their annual outing to­ morrow and Sunday at Keene, N. To Complete Your Vacation Wardrobe H, The firemen will leave early I tomorrow afternoon and plan tol reach Keene some time In the eve­ Smart New Hats Our August Sale of ning, It is a run of about 110 $3.95 to $5.95 miles up there. Members of the V- committee are to go to Keene to-1 Cool Voile Dresses You will enjoy selecting a hat from morrow morning and will arrange for the entertainment and accom­ For Sultry Days our new stock. You will find the pop­ modations of those who will follow. ular tailored felts in all the desired Fine Fur Coats Has The party will return SCnday eve-j shades, and also the more dressy hats nlng. — black velvets with colored facings The Howitzer company will hold $2S8 or combined with moire. Its first drill since the Nlantlc en­ Wonderful Savings campment tonight at 7,80 at the lo-l cal armory. An Inspection of alll You would expect to pay at least $5.00 for this type of equipment will be made and It Is Important that all members report. dress. The most dainty voile frocks in the desired summer Mrs, Howard I. Taylor Is spend­ shades— peach, salmon, Alice, tangerine, maize and Nile.. For Y ou ing a week's vacation at Greenport, White collars finished with drawn work. Add one or two White Flannel Coats Long Island. of these cool dresses to your vacation wardrobe. $15.00 and $19.95 Mias Lillian Thompson of 76 CHOICE OF THE ADVANCED STYLES FOR WIN- Florence street was winner of a I The well-dressed shore lot at Old Lyme, Conn, re­ t e r with a broader scope for selection than later, and cently. SPECIAL TOMORROW woman simply must best of all, at prices very much less than we could offer The Manchester Memorial hospi­ have a white fiannel them then. Think that over. tal continues to do a "rushing business.” There are now fony- coat. There are tail­ elght patients In the wards. 'The $1.98 Wash Frocks hospital comes under the fifty-bed ' AS MEMBERS OF THE SYNDICATE TRADING ored coats with class. CO., we, with the other houses, had selection of the en- For the Beach- at Mrs. Mary Walsh and daughter, patch pockets and tir^ Fur Market and manufacturers tell us that from Edith of Pleaasnt street are leav­ $5.98 BATHING SUITS ■ y • • • • • • ing this week Saturday for a also a few coats fur pi*esent indications at,the pHces we own these furs they In this group you will find all wool bath- week's vacation with relatives at ■ing suits Incfiiding the well known Annette Ocean Beach. $1.49 trimmed. Special to­ would be glad to buy them back at wholesale rates y Kellemian and Sacony suits. November 1st, unless all signs fail. Buy now. You 11 Edward J. Frederick who hai| or with striped borders, fancy checks and House, porch and afternoon dresses in ging­ morrow at 10% off. 1 recently returned from Florida, a few suits with white tops and navy hams, prints and broadcloths. In this lot, you save. left today for a visit of two months trunks. Colors: black, navy, red, royal, I In Canada. will find a great many different styles in plain purple and green. colors, or fioral, check, and striped patterns. A ALL THE FOLLOWING FURS REPRESENTED: The Misses Helen Berggren of $2.98 M id $3.98 b a t h in g SUITS . . $1.98 I Linden street and Dorothy and Es­ good range of colors. Sizes 36-46. Persian Lamb, Beaver, Caracul, Pony, Nutria, Jap Mink, ther Noren of Mlddletleld street Plain colors or with stripes. Navy, black, grey, red, palmetto and tan. Sizes Hudson Seal, Northern Seal, Musicrat, Marmink, Silver I are spending a week In South Hampton, R. I. 36-42. Raincoats - Slickers Muskrat, Raccoon, Civet Cat and Squirrel. The finest MADAME BAKER $2.98 CHILDREN’S BATHING SUITS .. August 1st Is $2.98 of Pelts, best workmanship, latest models. JOBERT IS DISCHARGED Friendship I)ay— Scientific Palmist If you are planning to go to the accessories Send all of your friends a Will be with us each day FROM THE HOSPITAL from nine until twelve and shore, you simply must have a slicker OUR SALE PRICES CANNOT BE DUPLICATED. card. We have a nice as­ —which has replaced the cretonne Bathing Caps...... and 7.5c sortment of cards at 10c, from two until five until As you will quickly see upon examination of the Coats beach coat. Colors: red, gieen and Another patient after a ten- Bathing Belts...... 15c and 2.5c. further notice. offered. Personal inspection will show you the wondei- weeUs’ confinement, was discharg­ Water W ings...... blue. Sizes 16 to 44. ed from the Memorial hospital last ful values offered at our sale prices. A deposit of One night. He was Maurice Jobert, „8, Play Balls ...... of 187 Maple street. Herman A. Parking Space Quarter the Purchase Price and we will hold all coats in Muske. of 15D School street, an­ our storage vault, until November 1st, Free of Charge. other patient who had been m me Helen Wills Visor Plenty of parking hospital just as long, was discharg­ yt Goods charged will be i«endered on bill of November 1st, ed earlier In the day. Caps, 25c. space—Main, Gak and Jobert, who Is a corporal In Maple Streets and our if desired. Company G, C. N. G., the hospital since May 29. two days Very popular for mo­ own parking space in after Muske was admitted. Joheri, like Muske. received his injury toring, sports and gen­ SOUTH- ’MR NCHESTER ■ CPAW • rear of building. while riding on a motorcycle vlth sidecar attachment. Jobert was eral outdoor wear. driving out of the driveway In front of Jack’s Filling Station near the Center when his Machine was struck by a Ford automobile com­ Misses’ and Children’s ing up Main street. Jobert sustained a badly frac­ tured right ankle. OBITUARY IS U. S. DRY? Pumps and Oxfords SALVATION ARMY BAND YOU DOUBT IT? , TO JOURNEY TO VERNON. T H E N R E A D TH IS I MRS. AGNES RIOT. The local Salvation Army band Mrs Ague® Rich, aged 72, w ill^o to Vernon Center next Sun­ Vemoii Center, died at her home The king of the fish stories Is here and even Ldu Stone of Wln- day Cvening and take part in a ser­ Thursday morning Any 2 For vice at the Congregational church. niness She was the wife of At sted in his palmiest days could not $1. The service will be under the aus­ ired E. Rich. The funeral will equal it. pices of the Christian Endeavor and be held Sunday afternoon at the D. D. Austin, who manufactures Saturday Only. will be held on the lawn outside of Vernon Center church and burial cigars in his store on Main street, the church. The local ^and will in the Vernon Center cemetery. _ was sitting there during a dull eive a concert ot music and singing, Mrs. Rich was born in South hour ruminating on the frailty of which will be quite an attraction Windsor seventy-three years ago human nature and what to do about it when he was startled to see com­ Conveniences for the Center as this will be the today. The Pied Piper line offers footwear of extra fine first time the band has given a con­ ing through his door, a monster cert there on Sunday evening, and crawfish of the variety used by fish­ quality and exceptionally good styles. You will like ermen In this section for bait. for the Vacationist considerable Interest has been »nS8 GRACE E. HARWOOD. them. aroused in the community and "Good evening," said Mr. Austin, Miss Grace E. Harwood, aged 64 recovering from his surprise. “ And SUNDAY DINNER there Is no doubt but a good crowd an instructor for m an/years in the what brings you here?” at the Travelers Cheques Patent Strap Pumps, Oxfords and Barefoot Sandals. will be on hand to listen to the Rockville High school and well band There will also be some No answer. known by many local people, died Evidently the crustacean was not and Letters of Credit short addresses made by members in Springfield Wednesday evening of the band. The service will com­ In a talkative mood. mence at 7 o’clock daylight saving following a long Illness. “ However,” said Mr, Austin, "we Hotel Sheridan Bass Moccasin Oxfords * The funeral will be held tomor­ can give him a home for the night.” Safe Deposit for Silverware time. ______row afternoon at 2.30 from the He did so. home of Miss °*Har- Joe McKinney happened along Turkey, Duck or Chicken and other valuables Park street, with whom Miss ±iar J Just about this time. Joe is a with all the fixings, $1. •wood made her home. Burial fisherman. Mr. Austin saw win he in Stafford Springs, her where the crawfish could have a V 12 M. to 2:30 P. M. Used Cars birthplace. good warm bed for the night so he \ -v-- Also a la Carte Service. Manchester Trust Co. 1926 Hudson Brougham Dem called Joe in. Joe was going fish­ ing the next day to Bolton. CARD OP THANKS South Manchester, Conn. onstrator. MANCHESTER "Here is a crawfish that came In to pay me a visit tonight, Joe,” We wish to thank all our friends 1926 Essex Six Demonstrator. . n r ^ r s b o r . lor the k odnoso Member American Bankets’ Association. said Mr. Austin, “ and I will give 1925 Hudson Coach. a u t o t o p . CO. him— or her, to you on the condi­ and syinpaiiiy shown, and toi the for sport qnd camp wear, Men’s, Boys’, Ladies’ and many be.'iiitllul flora,, irlbutes in tion that you bring back a good Misses’ sizes. 1^23 Hudson Coach. S e rpccnt death ant bereayen.eut 1X6 Oak S t PhoB* 1818-3 sized bass.” of our ttloved wife and daugh.ei, 1923 Hudson, Winter top, $200. Joe did. He put the animal, or 1919 Buick Coupe, $75. Slip Covers fish, on the hook the next day and ^^^^ominiok Saidella and family, pulled out n bass weighing two and Patrick Litter and fami.y. Cars in good condition. one half pounds. Auto Tops 'Re-coyered. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cole of Carpets and Upholstery. Oakland street are on an automo­ Miss Doris McCollum ot Pearl Arthur L. Hultman Manchester Rex Wiuter Enclosures. bile trip through the New England street Is spending the ■ waek In states, New York State and Cana- A d v e r t ni The Herald— rlt N e x t door to Manchestor Trust Co. . CeOnloids for Curtains. Holyoke, Mass, with Mist. Joee- Hudson-Essex Co. phina ^ ith w ick .' ,127 Sprues'Sti^t Silk Curtains. > • . V . .

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