on the West. Tracy and McBrtde, the Cevene of "The Rosary" will be shown. GARRICK."The Han Bal-j troupe, and the UBual house features. Special Saturday matinees at the ' RESIGNATION IS ACCEPTED. Sunday at 3 and 8:15 this week's bill Blncoln begin at 2 p.m. with The President has accepted the cony." headed by Elsie Janis will be the performances from that hourcontinuousrestgnation by Maj. Paul K. The attraction at the offering.until closing* at 11 p.m. c infantry, ofManheijter,his iments commigsion as an officer of the FLORSHEIM SHOE Amust Theater next week,Shubert-Garrickbeginning Army. Sunday night, will be Frank BELASCO.Gertrude Hoffman. American. of Emll Gertrude FINANCIAL. m ii.I New played by the violins, and the production Nyitray'sSmithson's Hoffman, one of the Sunday, Cecil De DeMille's "Male | York Symphony. on the movements of the elephants.ponderouscomedy-drama, "The Man Interpretative dancers, willgreatesthead Female"; Monday, , and Walter Damrosch, dean of to the bass viols, was Intrusted with Cyrlll Scott the featuredBalcony,"the Shubert bill, at the Belasco in "The Wall Flower"; Tuesday, Doris "WH Y N O T ? conductors, scored a veritableAmerican true to life, and yet was truly player. next week, beginning withTheaterthe May, in "The Understudy"; You ran earn from 12 to lS^v- on yonr amazirigrly the author of "The matinee Raving* by purelinaing our gilt-cdee no*ea. triumph both for himself and his melodiously beautiful. Quite the gem Emil Nyitray, Sunday. Norma Talmadge, in "ByWednesday.Right secured was familiar Man on the Balcony," is the author The Hoffman revue of Jane b.r second trust* on l)i*trirt real of the collection the production, Purchase"; Thursday. Novak, estate, from $T>b.OO and in company of distinguished artists which was most also of "My Lady Friends" and "The while featuring a number of beautiful in "The Snowshoe Friday. up. E«jual "Swan," artistically who is Trail"; aafety to firt»t trust securities. because they afternoon at the New yesterdayplayed as a cello solo and met with Little Typhoon. Cyril Scott, special numbers by the star, Betty Compson, in "The Bonded carry our unconditional guarantee and enthusiasm from the audience. featured in this comedy-drama, was terpsichorean specialtiesintroducesin Woman." i backed by our combined and Theater, when he directedPresidentthe special of capital New York Symphony Orchestra :n a Rene Pollain conducted the orchstra last seen in the Shubert production which a score of pretty girls, all 1 over $120,000.00. Investigate,surplusat program of surpassing interest, in the performance of the "Carnaval." of the "In the Night Watch" at the by the principal, are seen. trainedMiss any rate. from the classics of Bach torangingthe This closed the first of the series of Century Theater, New York. Ottola Hoffman's* program will include a Apollo. District litumu n H. Investments modern descriptive music of Camille five concerts to be given by the MonmLk lanJInir in miniature "Chauve Souris" Russian Sunday and Monday, Alice Terry Realty Saint-Saens. during the current seasonorchestraWashington girl, the daughter of number, the rhythmic .version of and Bewfs Stone, in Rex Ingram's an the A. Her mother a classical "The Prisoner Exchange, Inc. Quite unusual feature of under the management of T. Arthur Capt. Otto Nesmith. Chopins "Spring Song." of Zenda"; Tuesday and 034 New York \venue WAV, was the appearance of Mr.occasionSmith, Inc., the others being was the( well known actress, Blanche adaptation of Sousa's "Stars and Wednesday, Norma Talmadge. with Phone M 1050 Damrosch in a dual role, that of for November 14, Decemberscheduled12, Vaughn, the star of'The Still Alarm" Stripes" march, the dance "Appache" Conway Tearle. in "The Eternal _____ pianist as well as conductor. But January 16 and February 20. and other fnays. and an original specialty touching Thursday, Irene Castle, in Flame"; that fact, interest notwithstanding "The Man on the Balcony" is divided upon the movie stars. "Slim Shoulders," and comedy. "Fresh to Loan largely in the presentation ofcenteredthe into a and three acts. The While dancing is the dominant thing Fish"; Friday. Dalton, in Money T_T tm..*!' a vr i n prologue Dorothy aleeured fir*: uatt with comedy of the poker Gang,'' in "One Terrible Day." j month low voices, in which the slightest flawviolinwill direct them in his "High School will have the leading roles, deck," by Herman Timberg and our 7/c notes. surprisingly a Robert Lowe, Graham Valsey. Guy J. Marks, Carl Francis would have marred performance, Cadet March." and others in the cast. A featuring Clarence Elite. with both displaying a virtuosity of The concert will be given D'Ennery as "the Joker" and Bessie Bain, A limited amount now on hand. evening Broadway mounting is promisea, ^ the most refined type. It would be over to the Shriners. since John Owen. Bobby lienys, Pearl Crisp and Laura Sunday, Wynham Standing, in "The difficult to too much in of a the direction of Cecil under as "the four will Isle of say praise Philip is a Shriner, holding Wash- of "Turn to the Right" Pecardy Queens." Doubt"; Monday. Constance \ LiVi the accompaniment to this number ington membership in Almas Temple. The story of be seen for the first time in popular Talmadge, in "Good-night, Paul"; Chas. D. Sager, about the regeneration by the orchestra, which, while giving Tickets are on sale at T. Arthur revolves Christian vaudeville at the Cosmos Theater Tuesday, Rodolph Valentino, in "The 923 Fifteenth St. N.W. adequate support when necessary, an erring boy through the next week without any advance in Wonderful Gas- Smith's, Inc., and the theater. mother. Chance"; Wednesday, n was most effective because of its Influence of his old-fashioned prices. Metropolitan critics have ton Glass, in "The Song of Life";' Mb: 36. unobtrusiveness. tpraised it for its beauty and unique Thursday, Katherine MacDonald. in The program opened with the Irene Castle B. F. KEITH'S.The Cansinos. novelty. "The Woman's Side"; Friday. Wallace Ill . .1 Brahms No. 2, in D Tuesday. Five other of the Cosmos in "Symphony One of the most striking and The Cansinos. famous Spanish acts, Reid, "The Dictator"; and Saturday. of which the third movement,Minor," headliners at B. standard, including "30 I'ink Toes," Norma Talmadge. in "De Luxe Annie." I IDrnTV nnun nmrrr 1 was features on the of Irene dancers, will be the UDLIM1 liULMJ TRILLS allegretto gracioso, 'especially program original Keith's Theater next week, Walter Kaufman and Kelly and delightful. The real novelty came in Castle's "Dances and Fashions ot F. Wise, will be supplemented with the For ?IOO Rondx Today the number of the Monday matinee. They concluding which will at the and commencingJose. big first-run photoplay picturing Liberty. FlrM in the rendition of Saint-Saens*program.1923," be staged Elisa, Eduardo, Angel compriseHerbert Rawlinson, in "Confidence," Sunday and Yalen- 41/** " new in "A Fantasia Monday, Rodolph Second S»r».<><» "Be Oa rnaval des Animauv a crand President Theater Tuesday They will appear a film farce, the Urban Movie Chats tin,. in CnnJ".J under the direction of Mrs. of Third 4,4*.. l>i.4n zoological fantasy, for two pianos afternoon, eight numbers, portraying land the International News. Tom in Barnes of New ' Kate Wilson-Greene, is her "But- the dances of old Castile. Espanola" Weekly Moore, "Mr. Fourth -IJ/4h hs.o-l and orchestra, heard for the first time will be York"; Wednesday. Culien Landis, in in Washington. Mr. Damrosch and terfly Dance," which is brought Edna Aug and company "Watch Your Step"; Thursday. Clara Victory KHJ.74 his from a triumph at direct in "Day Dreams," a new STRAND."Dance Evolutions." j NO DEDUCTIONS MADE nephew, Leopold Damrosch * presented Kimball Young, in "The Worldly! presided at the first and secondMarines. in the Bois de Boulogne.Armenonvilleone-act comedy. Miss Aug won fame For next week, beginning Sunday. Madonna"; Helene fiords Bought in Ail Denominations. Miss Castle will be assisted by the in musical comedy of the early Friday, Chadwick, ! pianos, respectively., in this suite, tor Manager Sparrow at the Strand in "The GloriouS Fool"; and Saturday, LIBERTY BOM) EXCHANGE which consisted of "The March of the Moscow artists. Russian dancers de Russell days and is notable Theater announces M. Golden's Charles in "Alias luxe. In addition she will exhibit of "slaveys." BurtDlllian Hay, Julius Caesar." J « »> . .1 a* Mru tTVr. ti r>>i r'nmpdians in Portia, the gymnast and the human Impersonation"; Tuesday, "Lying;! The reproduction of such nature j Wilson-Greene's concert bureau, 13th modeling novelty. t&p; Armstrong and Tyson. in Truth"; Wednesday. Ldgar Jones, in; sounds as the cackle of the hens, and G streets northwest. i Others will be Wells, Virginia and "Bright Days"; Fred Weber and "Lonesome Corners"; Thursday,! $Vi% Money in an amusing ventriloqualcompany."Through the Storm"; Friday. Wm. S. idea, "At the Stage Door," and Tudor Hart, in "The Whistle"; and Saturday, Money to loan on fr'» Cameron and Johnny O'Connor, William l^arnurn, in "Shackles of "Apostles of Humor." Gold." J mortgages in Washington The photoplay offering will i Mary Miles Minter, in her latestfeature at 5y27o. Store Hours: Paramount production, "The Heart Olympic. Specialist." a story of heart Sunday and Monday. Gioria Swan- ] 1 T est, drama and thrills. inter! son, in "Her Gilded Ca^e." and Bob- [ by Vernor. in "A Hickory Hick"; Wm. H. Saunders & Tuesday, Mary Miles Minter. in "Til- j GAYETY."Radio Girls." 'J The JLIurns L,anj 17 lie." and , in "My Wife's | Emma and Bob.bv Wilson promise j rteiations wecinesaay. Jonn Barry- f| Company, sburgh with "The Radio Girls," at the Gayety more, in The Lotus Eater;" Thursday. I |l 1433 K Street Open. Theater all next week, a line or Wanda Hawley. in "Bobbed Hair."-1 dancing seldom seen upon the stage. and Bobby Vernon, in *"Tis the an n Including: speed, "jazz" and grace. Friday. Anita Stewart, in "Rose i|4 , Rach is a rn«mV.r-i» -ader the Sea." and Monkey comedy, "A " Furniture chorus of dancing girls that Small Town Hero": Jack Coirlpany. - -large Saturday, | | I Sim Williams has picked for his Holt, In "While Satan and Vccount Sleeps." II* show. In another number, led by Paul Farrott, in "Soak the Sheik.' fyQxiaiity\ a Arlone the chorus girls j Financial House B i L Gives guaranty of "Quality. That Endun;s" upon every suite Johnson, f ttElC execute a dance drill of intricate 11 | mazes and steps. Savoy. Seeks Permanent aml sing,e piece of furniture it sells, 5ayWeekly | Heading the organization are Billy Sunday and Monday. Norma Tal- 1 Gilbert. comedian: Alice Carmen, madge, with Conway Tearle. in "The j prima donna: Arlone Johnson, Eternal Flame"; Tuesday and Wed- Local . 1 \\!Rossible. 'The Siren Call," and Paul Parrot, in j York investment house. "Shiver and Shake": Friday. Irene' in v.e'l securer; investments Photoplays. Castle. in "Slim Shoulders," and com- with simrir.v -pccializing edy. 'Fresh Paint": Saturday. Alice p-ofitalde rights Lake. in "Kisses." and comedy, and other unusually attr -rtive Bates Post 'A Ring-Tail Romance." selling features. local perr.-ine"* METROPOLITAN.Guy reprcsen'atives for \Y. -hivat Curtains | in "The Masquerader." York. i also Maryland and Virginia. Guy Bates Post, one of the noted Sunday and Monday. "The Fast | Opportunity to make a pleasant, actors of the American stage, will Mail," and Paul Parrott. in "Shiver profitable ami permanent rtieres 1 make his Washington screen debut and Shake"; Tuesday and Wednesday. Commission basis.connection. gt Crandall's Metropolitan Theater Valentino. and Nita I next in Richard Walton Tully's Rodolph I Write week, fully. I First of Naldi. in Blood stnd Sand"; Thursday, j _iL version for National 9x12 Axminster screen Jack Holt, in 'While Satan Sleeps." j ry j| his successful stage play. "The and comedy, "Fresh Paint"; Friday. A.-Mress il Mr. Post, as oh the stage,Masquerader."Jane Novak and Roy Stewart, in Rugs, Special Jd appears in the dual roles of John "The Snowshoe Trail." and comedy. j BOX 348-T. Star Office. Chilcote, M. P., and ^John Loder. "A Ring-Tail Romance": Sa'urdav. i newspaper man. Through the expert Bert Lytell. in "Sherlock Brown.'* and IL utilization of double-exposure Snushine comedy. "Puppy Love." '5 I developed to its highestphotography. state, the picture surpasses previous CAD C AI r $37-75 enwrm HI niai line;. The production is ah unusually r \j*\ ohll artistic of 0. C. CHILDREN ADMITTED elaborate and example In Whole or in Part ss 9x12 Wool g§J modern stagecraft. TO SAFETY 'ESSAY TEST s, Wilton Rugs jjj RIALTO.Wesley Barry, "Rags to $10,000 Special |g Riches." National Competition Inaugurated ]FIRST MORTGAGE NOTES "Wesley Barry. the screen's by Highway Education Board 7c/c Interest will be in his freckled-face, pictured Impresses Rules for Observance. Three yws. S^tm-d on now bu*ine«.< '5 latest Harry Rapf production, "Rags p1roj»eriy worth ti than twiee amount of Participation »of the District public i«!ian. For jiartirulars address I».»x olI-U. Star to Riches," at Moore's Rialto ffice. ^ znz ^ $27.7 $79.75 next week, beginning Sunday.TheaterThe school children in the second national 1 f$i&7 is an of the stage contest of the J picture adaptation safety essay highway play. Niles Welch and Ruth Renick education board was authorized yes- Tapestry Portieres, all colors I cast. llllfo $7.75 are in the large terday by Supt. of Schools Frank \V. Massive Overstuffed L Room S LllLC Portieres, all colors Ballon. Such a contest, the superin- iving Tapestry $4.75 Reid in "The tendent believes, will impress on the i Cities Service Co. Chenille Port all colors. PALACE.Wallace children the need of observing safety- | i here is grace and beauty in this suite that even the ahove faithful reproduction cannot portray, it ieres, $9.75 H first rules. \ /"*1- *111 Ik Ghost Efi a Armchair and Ea? ^nair, wun arms ane ivlarshall Breaker.". "In order that there may be uni- 6% Cumulative comprises Long Davenport, Wing-back »y puiow spring Scotch Lace (Curtains -$2.95 m comes to the screen of formity in the preparation :* : 131 construction. Upholstered in Baker's cut velottr. I/iew's Palace Theater next Sunday essays, it is expected that every es- Preferred Stock Lace Curtain s I afternoon as the star of "The Ghost say submitted shall be written in the $4.75 ' Breaker," the attraction for the full classroom under the direction of the Irish Point Cijrtains $6.95 week. He is supported by Lila Lee teacher." said a statement sent to Present Yield Over 8 2 r\ §| and a cast that includes Walter Hiers, the school officers by Dr. Ballou. J. F. MacDonald, 75 Irish Point Ciirtains ... Arthur Carewe, "The teacher will send the three best Net of Cities Service $8.95 Hi Snitz Edwards. earnings * Frances Raymond and essays from her class to the principal ll.Z5 by Alfred Green from the play by send the three best essays from her during the last 12 Paul Dickey. It is a romantic drama building to the supervising principal improvement that teems with spooks, demons and by December 13. The supervising months. Net earnings for thrills. * genuine principal will send the three best es- August, 1922. were $982,207, as Priscilla A new Dan Mason comedy. "Pop says from his division to the super- Sewin;g Tuttle's Movie Queen"; the Pathe intendent by December 20. compared with $o85.598 in News, Topics of the Day and an "The essays should be judged by 1921. overture will be added orchestralcommittees of teachers under the August. attractions. of the supervising: principals.directionJ 011 i Cabinet All lessons submitted by the teach-j uiviaenas me reierrea $239| ers will be sent througrh regular Stock were earned 2.36 times COLUMBIA."When Knighthood channels to the sui>erintendent by-j in the year ended August 31, Mahogany Finish Was in Flower." December 12." . 1922. Cosmopolitan's photoplay in of "When Knighthood Wasproduction OF ASSAULT. Cities Service Co. has an- Flower," with in the ACCUSED stellar role, will begin its second Orney J. Riley, twenty-seven years nounced a plan lor $10,000,000 week as the attraction at Loew's old, a motion picture operator, and reduction in its bonded debt, Theater Sunday afternoon.ColumbiaAubrey Freeman, seventeen years old, Robert G. Vignola directed it from were jointly indicted yesterday by due to the Company's $5.75 Reed and the jury on a charge of the scenario by Luther grand financial Joseph Urban designed thfe gorgeous assault on a nine-year-oldattempted position. improved costumes and backgrounds. Forrest girl who was employed about the j Stanley, Lyn Harding, Theresa theater where Riley also worked. Circular on Reguest Conover, Pedro de Cordoba, MaxwellRuth Shepley, Ernest Glendinning. Johnny Dooley and William Kent are in the cast. Make Your Home Thomas W, Brahany "When Knighthood Was in Flower" is the romance of an English princess & Company Mahoeanv a and a resourceful knight who staked ATTRACTIVE i Investment Securities Davenport all for love, Qefled kings, courts and the traditions of centuries, even Have It Painted by Us 510-11 Evans death itself. Let us tell you how little it will cost, j Building TalDie 1 Washington, D. C. CBAJTDALL'S.Charles in * Kay R. K. >lnin «1K# A beautiful oiE furnititre and Deuce of Ferguson, j ; "SELLERS" Cabinet piece practi- fjj "The Spades." Paint Dept.. 1114 9th St. Ph. X. £490-9491. ;ind Charles Ray's latest production | cal. Highly polished well made. Very H for First National, "The Deuce of The Best Servant in Youi' Home. adapted from Charles E. !MOVING, PACKING & STORAGE |§§ at Spades." "The special this price. Van Loan's story of Weight of YOUNG ALLEN TBANSS'KK AND RTOUAGK CO., will be the LOOKING 517 F ST. N.W. the Last Straw," KEEP the first id. i? ic v n. at Crandall's attractionthree II B * VM nuvw Long-distance liauliug. Weekly trip* hetito»rn days of next week, beginning tooj.*» ,v>« rashirgton anrl N»w York Main 5G37. 26* ^ 75 1 afternoon. The story concerns Edwards' Olive Tablets. # xJ Sunday a,young cook from a Boston ^ who goes west to grow upbeanerywith The secret of keeping young is to feel Jj $36-75 the country, but he is unable to do this you must watch your young.to dodge his former profession. Harry bowels.there's no need of Pollard in "865 Days" will be a liver and supplemental attraction. Wednesday having a sallow complexion.dark rings | and Thursday Irene Castle will be under your eyes.pimples.a bilious pictured in "Slim Shoulders," with look in your face.dull eyes with no Chair "The Sleuth" as the added comedy, lursery last two of the week sparkle. Your1 doctor will tell you and the days Fin. S. W. Clara Kimball Toung will be seen ninety per cent of all sickness comes ^S20VoS-9 in "The Hands of Nara," by Richard from inactive bowels and liver. § with Joe Rock in EPARATE ROOMS, $1,^ Washburn Child, Dr. Edwards, a well known physician Local and Long Distance MOVING, "His Wedding Daxe." Bly Careful Men. Stale* Reasonable. in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com- PACKING B7 EXPERTS. Goods Insured pound mixed with olive oil to act on |>000 whils in our loair-distanoa vans. Prisoner of " LINCOLN."The the liver and bowels, wbicb be gave to SPECIAL"RATES Zenda." his patients for years. To N. Y. City. Dayton and Columbus. Ohio. The first four days of next week, Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub- 1&ED BALL TRANSIT CO. beginning Sunday afternoon. Rex stitute for calomel, are in their National Household Morers. Ingram's film version of Anthony gentle 4 Woodward Bid;. Phone Main 2162. Hope's famous story of love and action, yet always effective. They bring Branch Offices in All Principal Cities "The Prisoner of Zenda,"adventure,about that natural buoyancy which all cnjtAN. OUT MDKK KllK FIKNITbRl be shown at the Lincoln. It the liver * nd pianos. Estimate cheerfully uiYen. Con* gJIs1 IS, will should enjoy by toning up and anient location. WESCITLER'S, 920 Pa. are. features Alice Terry. Lewis Stone, the of it.w. Phone Main 12^2. 8tuart Holmes and Robert Edeson. clearing system impurities. Edwards' are UNITED STATER STORAGE CO. Thursday of next week and through Dr. Olive Tablets known MOVING. PACKING, SHIPPING. i | ...i Saturday First National's production by their olive color. 15e and 30c. 1>HONBS: ML 4229. V. 2423. ttftBPROOP.

: , ,.. hh js! V'.> , An < j'haii» i.. i.n'i h