Battle Extremists All Through Night
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,v* ' p, 11- -A m ,'.5fV • »Tf * "^“■ 4 1 Wn THE WEATHER gVBT PRESS RUN V ; ’ • AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULAXIOX Fore«««t br V. 8.- Wcatkfr BsMaa, OF THE EVENING HERALD X N ew H a v e a . fur the mouth of March, 1927 Fair and warmer t<mli^t; Wed* 4,996 i^esdajr local ahowem^ PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLL, NO. 164. Oaaaifted Advertising on Page 10. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1927. (TWELVE PAGES) ' ’ns NEWMINiaPAL D .S . CABINET ’.o N, Y, To Perris Flight HAS THE LAST WORD BUILDING GIVEN PUZZLED YET Petitions are coming from qround the world, to Gov. Alvin Easy, Bennett Asserts T. Fuller of Massachusetts (left) <that he spare (the lives of BATTLE EXTREMISTS Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. Sacco (above) and OVER TO BOARD OVER CHINA Vanzetti are pictured in the insets. ‘After Flying Over North The Rainbow \ ______ ALL THROUGH NIGHT Selectmen Formally Accept Pole, This Trip Will Not If Nationalists’ Answer Is MEETS COMRADES Over 200 Anested In Shang Structure For Town; Side Be So Awfully Hazard Unsatisfactory What Shall BEHEADS 5,000 hai and 3,000 Rifles of walks, Sewers and Lights ous,” He Says. O WeDo?Istheihestionto Chinese General Punishes Sol diers Who Deserted to the Reds Captured— Guerilla Make Problem. Be Settled Today. Cantonese. By JAMES L. KILGALIJBN. '" " ’ 'Si' London, April 12.— General Warfare Rages w City; I. S. Staff Con’cspondent. I Washington, April 12.— The per Sun Chuan Fang, who fled to The Board of Selectmen, acting >^■5.II c ; YORK plexing question of what “ meas the North of Nanking, Is now as town agents, last night formally (Copyright, 1027, by I. N. S.) returning as a victor, and has Nanking and Pukow < --------- ures” Yvill be taken by the United accepted the new Municipal build- /<S met with 5,000 of his former New York, April 12.— ‘T flew' States and other foreign powers In troops who deserted to the ing from the building committee, over.the North Pole with Command r Bombed By Planes. j China to enforce the demands Cantonese. Sun Chuan Fang, Col.~ ■ IVilliam........ C.“ Cheney, chairman or Byrd and, after that experience. made upon the Nationalists— In according to a report received of the building committe, told the I’m not figuring our New York-to- the event the Nationalists’ response here, had these former adher Parls nonstop flight will be so to the powers’ note Is unsatisfac members of the Board of Select ents assembled and addressed Shanghai, April 12.— Nationalist awfully hazardous. It will not be tory— occupied the attention of them, stating he was glad to men that the building was com an easy undertaking, to bo sure, buti administration officials today. controlled China is in a state of plete, had been inspected by the "meet old comrades’ and’ then ferment today, according to re I am confident it will be accom This is the "600-mile rainbow at China was again the most Im public and all payments had been plished— and within a comparative portant subject before the Cabinet ordered them all beheaded. whose foot lies the $25,000 Orteig Another report received here ports reaching here. made. ly short time.” at its regular Tuesday meeting. prize for the first New *York-to- states that Sun Chuan Fang With serious fighting in Shan Frank Farley, architect of the inIn a qumuquiet auuand modestmuucoi, manner ( p„_._ __ p„_!„ York flieht Although the powers’ note con building, was present and approved Floyd Bennett, probably the most Paris or I arls to Mew Yorx nignt. cluded with a warning that “ un has granted his troops right ghai during the night between the of what Mr. Cheney said. He also resourceful air pilot in the world. less the Nationalist authorities to three d^ys’ looting in Yang- Nationalist troops and guerilla chow in lieu of pay, telling commended the buildin,? commit made these statements today In an airplane will fly to Paris this year demonstrate to the satisfaction of gunmen of the Extremist factions tee, the Selectmen. Building In exclusive interview with Interna and that, in about ten years, people the Interested governments their Yangchow citizens that they resulting in a number of casualties, spector Elliott and the general tional News Service in which he dls- j will be riding back and forth across intention to comply promptly with failed to give him a reception word came today that there Is In contractors. Peck McWilliams com cussed plans for a non-stop trans the ocean with as little compunction these terms, the said governments when he passed through their ternal dissension between the Na pany, for their spirit of coopera- i Atlantic filght to take place next as they do today from London to will find themselves compelled to town In flight although they tionalist left and right wings else tlon. ! month in the monoplane “ America,” Paris. take such measures as they con welcomed the Nationalists where. Col. Cheney believed that thanks navigated by Commander Richard The distance from New York to sider appropriate.” There exist no with open arms and now they Martial Law were due the architect, Mr. Farley E. Byrd, U. S. N., leader of last Paris is 3,600 miles. Right now agreements between the powers must pay for their “ lack of Martial law Is reported to have for his good work, and he also year’s North Pole expedition, with there is sort of a “ race” between upon a course of action, it was courtesy.” been declared in Amoy with Na complimented George H. W'addell Bennett again as his pilot. the commanders of several special stated authoritatively here. for his work in shaping up the tionalist troops under right wing Better Chances. ly built planes to see who will be Up to Individuals leaders making many arrests original plans so that the town “ I’d rather fly over the ocean In the absence of a joint agree would have a building sufficiently the first to negotiate the flight. among the Extremists. anytime than over the Pole,” said Hop Off Next Month ment or policy, the. belief prevails CUT 4 ROADS Iar,ge to care for its needs for many Nanking reports state that Na Bennett, smiling. “ If you (:ome Commander Byrd and Bennett In Washington that the powers will years. down your chances are better.” tionalists there are engaging in probably will hop off next month. be left free to take such “ meas Pay Elliott for Work Bennett, a slender, athletic man ures” as they individually deem ap looting anc' the city is in a high Upon the suggestion of Mr. Far with steely blue eyes, predicted propriate. FROM TRUNK state of excitement, due to the pos (Continued on Page 2) ley the selectmen voted to pay that the “ America” or some other In the. case of the British govern sibility of a northern attack. North Building Inspector Edward C. El ment, such measures would be con ern planes continue to bomb Nan- liott Jr., the sum of $875 as his siderably more drastic than the kow and Pukow intermittently. salary as Inspector of Work. Mr. COOLIDGE TOSSES OUT LINE SYSTEM Raids made by the Nationalist THE FIRST BASEB.ALL American government would care Elliott was appointed inspector and to follow. Britain has hinted at a troops against Extremists in Shan agreed to work for whatever sum Find Man Dead naval blockade of the treaty ports, ghai last night resulted in the ar the selectmen felt the job was Washington, April 12.— Presi and reprisals in the tvay of gunfire State Legislature Also Cuts rest of 200 prominent Communists worth. He devoted considerable dent Coolldge leads the hosts of upon Chinese cities. It is doubt and the caiture of 3,000 rifles and time to it, and, according to Mr. fandom into action today. ed in any event whether the United two machine-guns. Farley, was admirably suited to The first ball of the 1927 InGlobeHoIlow States or the other powers would Other Appropriations at Ihe job. Mr. Farley said that if season will be chucked out of care to go as far as that. 3I.\Y LOSE XAXKIXG. another man had been hired to do the Presidential box to open the Administration officials are ex Shanghai, April 12.— Chinese the Inspection work it would have series between the Senators and Earl Bellucci, 27 years old, was ceedingly hopeful that no “ meas Session— Other Matters Nationalists today Yvere making cost the town three times the Red Sox. found dead in the pond at Globe ures” will be necessary. They anti frantic efforts to strengthen their amount being paid Mr. Elliott. Mrs. Ooolidge will accompany cipate a general compliance by the position, with every indication that With the payment of the salary Hollow shortly after noon today. Discussed. \ the President and there will be Nationalists ' with the foreign de they are fearful of losing Nanking of $875 to Mr. Elliott the building many high government officials Police believe that the young man mands— an apology, punishment of and with the loss of Shanghai to the stands completed at a total cost scattered through the boxes. those,responsible for the murders Hartford, Conn., April 12.— northerners even within the realm slightly over the amount appro committed suicide. of foreigners. Indemnity fop damage Four home town road projects of possibilities. priated by the town for this work. Bellucci had been engaged to a caused, ahd-Apledge against repeti- "While the northern troops are The voters appropriated $190,000 girl In New Jersey. He went Jtherd tion oi the Nanking incident were defeated in the Lo^er House pounding the Nationalists on the ■for the-eoBetwetien-of-^- the-mew to visit last Yveek and the engage The American government con of the State Legislature today northern banks of the Yangtze, the Municipal building and It was done LEAGUE DISAGREES siders the demands “ studiously when the roads, rivers and bridges Nationalists have had dlfflcultie.s for just a slight sum more than ment was broken, the girl return moderate” under the circumstances.