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SCHALLER's Those of Two Former Ecorse Council- for To&Y, Took Toe Fouowlng Stand: to Ths North

E i t r n i t t g WJmAY,MAY». 108& AVBRAUB DAILY OKRCtTLATlON THE WEATHfl» tor Uw Moalh el April, IflSfl Poreeoal et U. S. Weathm WELCOME GROUP QlflSH VODLD NOT TAKE Horttord TO CASH VETERANS Manchester TO CONFER TONIGHT LQOKI LOOKl LOOKl Fbri Quality 5,846 laoraoriag < airf Mighitr ' '^Twenty-thrM of th« dapartmcnt Date' Book OFnCE UNTIL JULY 1ST HBbor of lha AodR fiattrljfB tfr tt tng warmer toolght fonewed by slwwera r of the Cbanoe Vouglit com' BONDS IN HARTFORD TO BE ENLARGED rtou of OIrealalleiis. Wetoeeday. v u v , eight of whom were ON TAXATION SUITS - Iltoeheeter, Journeyed by bua fur- TealgM RUBBER MANCHESTER - A OTY OF VHXAGE (HARM diA ed by Perrett A Qleimey o f thla H ay 3S.—^Annual raootiag i of T. If AppolBtfld Befort That He M. C. A r tdwn to on Batur- . Would Await Completion of HEELS (attached) VOL, LV., NO. 203. (Oaaolfled AdvertMng on Pag* U.) May Get Interim Receipts at Thla Week Work of Chamber’s Hospi­ 2 5 MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1936. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENI d ^ . Ih ey vlalted the .^ lo grounds May 37.—^Yotmg Republican club’s Ralf-Tear to Keep Reports Selectmen, Asseseort, Board ______Ear Ladlea — Genta and ChUdnnm to see the New York Giants play "Family Night" at Masonic Temple. -Right. EXPEBT WOKKBtANBBIP! BEST LEATHERSSATHER8 USED! the Phillies, made several other P. 0. Here and Checks Coming Bvrata tal Committee Grows by of Relief, Town Connsel atOM and arrived home at 3:80 a. June B.—^Trl-Danco, Moaonle Tem- Rewed W ith Ita]y*g Iron Ring: Is. Sunday. pla. Bbotad the. appointment o f Thom­ SAM YULTES WiD Be Forwarded. Also outdoor MUsIoal Festival by Leaps and Bonnds. as J, Qulah os pootmoatar at Mon- to Talk Compromise. SHOE REPAIR SEBVIOB LEGION SUSPECTED PRESS TAX BILL "April Showera,” a thrse^t eem- public schools chonit of 800 voteea at cheater be preoentad and. epnflrmed m Main Stroot Mancheeter My will be presented by the Ep* Educational Square; by tba Senate during the month of FEAR SEVENTEEN DEAl trorth League of the South Hethod- “1710 Hartford post office, which June 6.—^American Legion dance The ChqmlMr of Oomtneree hoe- June, Mr. Quleh will not take o r e r Plans to compromise the requests FOR CONGRESS’ tst church Monday evening, June 8. at Rainbow In Bolton. has been designated by Postmaster- pltality committee, which now eon- the poatmasterablp of the Manches­ of seven taxpayers for lower prop­ OF BOMBING, FIRES She cast which is composed of General Farley os one of the six dis­ Jtme 8.—“April Showers", 8-act Blste of eight members with Rav. |

with a party at the paroonage, and preoentod them orltfa a large booket OFFER i:ASB FOR BEST lEGION PREPARES Bible Readings THIS MONTH MARKS Overnight A. P. of fruit, and candy, also a covered NEXT LEGION DANCE Gertrude Ederle, Channel glaii-and-chrome candy dioh. The DAILY RADIO PROGRAM News avaoing was spent in games and STATE TREE nCTDRES Tnesday, May : TOWN ANNIVERSARY merriment, and refreahmenta of TO HELP AUXILIARY Swimmer, to Write Book FORCONVEimON Bead St. Luke 10:60-87 fruit-punch and oookiea were serv­ .TUESDAY, MAY M (Caatral and Kutera StAndard Tim*) New Haven — Ths second com­ ed by the vialtors. (Dai/UoM Saving Time One Hour Later) Seek to Find Most Beantifnl Scek to Create Market by In- Which now of these three, thlnk- On Thuraday, May. 28 the Men’s N*t«i An procntmi to k«y «nd b«oto oholni or fronpo thoroof spool- est thon, was neighbor unto him pany, Governor’s Foot Guard, pass­ New York, May 28.— (API- seems like something that hap­ flod: *o*«t to eoMt (e. to o«) dootfnatlon Includoo aU avaUablo atatlons. Roadside Tree; Competition troducinK German' W o^ ed In review before Brig. Gen, Social Club have been invited to at­ (The following questions and <|iSlectriflcation cooperatlvts, that fell among the thieves? And General Aasembly Set Man­ tend the meeting of ths Tolland Proceeds o f Farty at Rain* Gertrude Ederle, who swam the pened in a dream. atatlono roiorvo right to ohango program* without provlouo notloos P. M. to Close On Sept. 1. Heater — Burns Steady 21 :ec Named to Stimo- he said. Be that shewed mercy on James A. H og n rty In honor of the EMglUh Channel ten yaara ago and "Sometimei one ot the girls at NBC-WEAP (RED) NETWORK Cant. Eaat. answers have been prepared to power districts, municipal veteran officers 86 years of con­ Men’s Club, at the Tolland Federat­ Hours. Illustrate the procedure In ob­ him. Then said Jeans unto him, Oo, ed church. Rev. Henry B. Roblnaon who has bean in retirement for the swimming club says, It wasn’t •ASIC — Battt woaf wlw wool wtlo 4t6(^. 6166—Proto* Radio Now*—oaat Which la the moot beautiful road­ systems, and non-profit and do thou likewise. chester Apart from East tinuous service In the Connecticut three years because o f an injured wtaa Eyw whlo wfbr wro 4:16— 8tl6—Aloxandor Coro*, VioMniat taining loans under the 3410,- are available In others. hte Interest in the Com­ National Guard and Federal mili­ will apeak on Texas, hli native bow Inn June 6 to Go To­ worth it. was it, Gert7 .But I’d 4:46— 6:4V-R*nfr*w of ttio Mounted side tree In Connecticut 7 Any ama­ back, has turned author. never say that. —wgy^wbM'trcao - —*‘“n*trcao wtam wwj woo'*waal: Midi Large areas In Connecticut may 000,000 rural electrification Q. Where can we buy the tary units. state. kod wmaaLwen wen who wo$wow wdaf 6:06— IXN>—Mabolio Jonnlngo* Talk teur photographer who la a resident go back to the use of wood for , program, recently enacted.) Today we pray for "gentleness,” On Tuesday afternoon. May 26 She sat down today H t a while "I’ll never forget riding jp from MIOWSaT-wwood wiro 6:16— 6:16—Tha Mualeal Toast —ba- o f the atate will have a chanoe to A. Officials say It can be ing Session. better translated as kindliness. It Hartford in May 1823. New Haven—The resignation ot wards Rehabilitation. m etol-topp^ kitchen table in her NORTHWetT A CANADIAN — wtmj ale: E. Monoak Enoombto—mldwoat according to a stqtcment by Edgar from the cheapest source, the pupils of toe Center school will the Battery In the car with Grover 8:16— 6:66—Kate Smith’s Song TImo teat his judgment and zklll. Through L. Heermance of the Ctonnectlcut Is ths gift of always being ready Prof. Percey F. Smith, bead of the ’’den," where she keeps all the tro- Whalen when I got back, and want­ wlba k«tp wobo wday kfyr erct cfcf Washington, May 28.— (A P )— private or public. REA Sbeffisld sclsntlflc school, was an­ present several plays and on oper­ 80UTH wrvawptf wwno wavo wjax 6:46— 6:46—Boako Carter** Commant the generoalty o f one o f its oStcera, Forest and Park Association. Eu­ without any selflsb motive to put etta In the town ball at 1:30 o’clock. jibles of that day when she battled ing to bug everybody. That crowd wfla-waun wlod worn wmo wob wapl 6tOC^— 7:0C^L*fy Dan, Minatrat Man the Qonnecttcut Foreot and Park 1. How can a farmer who wants the right to refuse a loan nounced by Yale unlverMty. Prof. : V - 7:66—Kan Murray Show—to o rope has, developed a new type of r Dwplta the wsnn weather, a food our go^-w lll Into helpful action to­ Manchester celebrates Its one Parents and friends are Invited. The fourth of the Increasingly pop­ :be channel tides, snd wrote the waa something you couldn't buy for wjdz womb kvoo wky wfaa wbap ktnro 6 6 Association has joined with the Fed­ electricity start going about It? thinks ratea are too high. ward men, wherever needed. We see Smith has been Identified with the first lines of a book aljout her swim­ woal ktbo ktho wsoc wtar wlo wcoe 7:06— 6H)6—Walter O'Koofa—o to cat wood-burning stove, which Is now In A. Write to Morris L. Cooke, ru­ Q. Will REA pay for expeiisee -Mtendance of merobeni wai preaent hundred and thirteenth birthday university since 1888. He said he On Sunday morning a union me­ ular Legion dances will be held at 810,000,000. wfbo 7:60— 6:60—Frod Waring Show—to * erated Garden Club In sponaoring a general use In Germany, Sweden and Instances of this every day. When ming career. 6:0V- dM>—Mary Plekford’a Partita ral . electrification administration, organising cooperatlveaT A. this month. In May, 1823 the Con­ wished to retire at the end of the morial Bcrvlce waa held at the Con­ the RSIhbow Inn, Bolton, on Satur­ She picked up a photograph ot MOUNTAIN^koa kdyl kgfr kxhl 6 photographic competition. The ob­ other countries. It works by a dis- ■^at the monthly meeting of Oilworth- there Is a fire, how willingly people gregational church. Rev. John She has been working on the out­ the crowd that welcomed bier and PACIFIC^kn k|^ komo kbqKpo kgu 6:36— 6:86—Tho March of Time-to • ject Is to wider intereat in the Wimhlngton, D. C., for an applica­ sonable" expenses may be --especially the poor— take their necticut General Assembly set apart present academic year. day evening. June 6. The proceeds Cont. Bait. 6:46— 6:46—Willard Roblaon Orchot. tillatlon process, and ha.s an effi­ tion blank. Comell Poet. American Legion,'* at Pearce, pastor of the Methodist line for' five months, her only other said, "Look at those people. —baale: Marimba Sand*—midwest roadside trees of the state and their ciency nearly three times that ot tha of loons. Including attorneys’ ..the Armory laat night unfortunate neighbors Into their a separate town that port of New Haven—Floy Wayans, 17, church, was ths speaker, hts topic of the dance will be turned over to occupations being sewing—she Wouldn’t it give you heart fuUure?” 8:30— 4:S(^Manhattan Quardtmon 6:16—10:16—Bob Crosby A Orohaatra preservation. A flrat prize of 325 Q. Does tho rural electrification but no aalaries for promoters, own homes. How willingly good men Ansonla negro, was absolved from 4:00— 6:00—Flying Tim* Skit: Nowo ordinary wood atove. Once filled. It A apecial committee to etlmulate 'East Hartford which had formerly being "Universal Peace." Rev. the Auxiliary treasury, which, due makes all her own clothes—driving Also in her "den,”' on the second 4ti6— 6:16—Wookly Hymnal Singing 6:60—10:66—Laroy Smith Orohaatra— will be awarded; second prize 315; administration make loana to Indi­ -Will there be enough i jjlnteroat In the atate convention waa stop and help you out of trouble — blame In connection with the fatal baale; P. Maatars Oreh«—midwest tnirna for 24 hours without further been called Orford Parish. Henry E. Robinson gave a brief to a rather extensive rehabilitation her car, with a board to support floor of the Edcrles' two-story gray 4:30— 6tS(^ProM>Radro Nowa Porlod 10:06—11:06—Frank Oallay Orch—ba* third prize 310; with ten honorable aCtcntlon. Another advantage la viduals? A. No, but it will advise Co electrify all the farms now .^ p o in te d . Thia committee la head- even to change a tire. Our Lord al­ stabbing on April 6 ot William ■ermonette for the children. Eigh­ program this year, la sadly de­ 4:35— 6:36—BaMball, Ford Bond — her back, snd a ewlm once a week. stucco house in the Bronx are sou­ woaf: To Bo Announeod^cbaln alo: Aba l^man Orch—midwest mentions. The competition closes that low-grade cordwood, for which you how to organise your nclghbora out electricity? A No. On Vied by Oacar Anderson aa chairman, ways smiled and praised such acts. The special act ot the legislature Preskowlch, 18, also of Ansonla. teen members of the Girl Scout pleted. She sleeps on a board at rdgbt. 10:66—11:36—Daneing Muslo Orohaatra into a cooporatlvo.„j»r_,..non-proflt- basis of present costs, officials He prized the kindness of men and Preskowlcb died three days after venirs of her amateur swimming 4:46— 6:46—Billy A Botty—weat only 11:06’—12*)6—Organ, Ore., Noeturna—w September 1. -Three prints may be there Is now pract,lcally no market, '^and Includes Donald Hemingway, which made Manchester a town fol­ troop attended the service in a body. A joint committee from both or­ “My biggest ambition Is just to 6:00— 6:00—Amoo *n* Andy^oaat only entered by any one person. They maklng corporation eligible for the 3410,000,000 avallabls dui women, and built many a parable lows: the stabbing which occurred during days when she set 29 world records can bo used. The first notice of this ' Edward Cole, Ernest Linders, Har- The Ladits Missionary Aasocla- ganizations has been chosen to-toke regain my former health and be —and her typewriter. 6:16—Bdwin C. Hill’* Comment, NBC-WJZ (BLUE) NETWORK may be either orig;inals or enlarge­ loana. — the next 10 yeara will provide c £ ' on It. "Resolved by this aasembly, 'That a scuffie brought on by four youths, tlon will bold their moLthly meeUng 6:30— 6:30—Songo by Frod Huftmlth BASIC — East: wji wbi^wbsa wbal stove in the United States was an Void Olda, Andrew Torrance. charge of the dance, and the com­ human," said Miss Ederle, who is "I hope my book will be more of 8:45— 6:40—You A Your Qovornmont ments, not less than 6 by 7 inches, article by Professor Ralph C. Bryant Q. Docs the government donate rent for 1,000,000 of the 6.000, Four special membership teams the Parish of Orford, In the 'Town of among them the victim, who terror­ In the Congregational church vestry mittee has already contracted with 6:00— 7:00—Loo Roioman’a Orehottra wham kdka wgar wxys wlw wayr wmal ized Wsyons with a live snake, 29. She said she might like to get a flnancial success than my channel will: Mid: weky wonr. wis kwk koll on mounts not less J ^ i 11x14 Irene Dunne and Allan Jones play the leading roles In the romantic of the Yale School of Forestry, In any of the money T A. No, all loans farms now without It. REA ' __ ' Of four men each were also ap- When Dr, W. Cosby Bell of the East Hartford, with all the In­ on Wednesday afternoon. Those the Knights of Rhythm doncs bond 4:30.. 7:30—Wayno King Waltz Prog. wren wmaq kao Inches. On the back of each print habitants residing within the limits Norwalk—Edward D. Hlhckicy, 4. married some day, but had hindered swim,” said Miss EMerle. "By the 7 . ^ 6:00—Th* Voleo of th* Poopfo musical drama "Show Boat" coming to the State theater next Thurs­ the Februaiy number of the associa­ must be repaired at 2.75 Interest, have 350.000,000 the flrat year ia e ■’ pointed. Team No. 1, Charles Wl- Virginia Seminary lay dying, he coming are asked to bring a basket to again furnish the music.' This her romantic prospects by "usually MIDWEST—wmt wood wire should be the owner's name anp ad­ , during each of the next sent this message to his students: of the Parish of Orford, be, and the non of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hi / k - time I. got all my representatlv| 7 :3 ^ 6:30—Ed Wynn, Qraham^to o NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmJ day, Friday and Saturday. tion's magazine, “Connecticut Wood­ amortized over a 20 to 25-year 34 000.000 gren, captain, Robert Hathaway, lunch. orchestra has made a tremendous going swimming with lier dates, 6:00— 6:00—Ed Dowling Rovu* -to 0 dress, with the location of the tree period. nine yeara. "Tell the Imys that I’ve grown surer same Is hereby. Incorporated Into a Icy, drowned In approximately three and managers paid there wa 6:30—- ...... 6:30—Roy..... Campbell’*^ ‘ ll’o RcRoyalleto wlba ketp webo wday kfyr erct cfcf lands’’. A great deal of Interest William Kennedy, Andrew Torrance. The choir will bold their monthly hit with the crowd at each dance and swimming away from them.’ much left for me." SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wle wJax and date when, the picture was Q. How many families must there Q. What can I. do to pet monogr ’Team No, 2, Donald Hemingway, of Ood every year of my life, and district and separata town, by the feet of water while wading In dttne social on Friday evening. The 8:46— 6:46-T*lk by R:. Hartley, Jr, wfla-waun wlod warn wmo wab wapl was aroused. Enquiries came In Nagy’s pond almost In front of his and have been re-engaged at popular 'I doubt if I'll ever have another She believes the book will be preY 9:00”*10:00—Clem _____:hy, MeCarthy, gporto— iporti taken. The committee of judges from all parts of Connecticut, and be in a cooperative? A. In gen­ to wire my house and InstaU stee- * chairman, Harold Olds, Natale Oar- I’ve never b<«n so sure as I am right name of Manchester’ and tbs In­ weekly practice will be at the home aaat: Amoo 'n* Andy^weat repeatropi wjdx wamb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpo chased by Mr. DeCleco of South mother. request. day as great as the day of the chan­ ty good, "for back in Public School woal ktba ktha waoe wave wfbe will consist of an artist, a forestry WllUngton. other sections of the United States eral, the minimum is 100 for a 30- tric appliances and plumbing fix­ "rone, Victor Bronke, John Mahoney. now. I'm so glad to And that habitants aforesaid, and their suc­ of Miss Grace Wood on Monday Ticketa may be purchased from 6:16—10:16—Nano Rodrigo Oreheatra MOUNTAIN—koa klo kflr kchl expert and a photographer. Prints haven’t the least shadow of shrink­ cessors forever, residing within said Hartford—Dr. Wilton' E.. Britton, nel swim," she said rather wist­ 69 and Public School 94, I got atong 0:30—10:30—Newel Earl Hinee Orehe*. W miNGTON When Miss Helen Rolllton arrived and Canada. The new stove prom­ mile line. tures? R. REA will loan your c o ­ 'Team No. 8, Earl W right captain, evening. any member of the committee, in 6:40—10:46—Jaaee Crawford at Organ PACIFIC—kgo kfad koz xeca kjr should be mailed to Mrs. John A. ing or uncertainty. I’ve been preach limits, shall have and enjoy all the entomologist at the Conneoticut The two rccentl.v formed boys fully. "When I read the clippings,. well in composition.” Conte Baste home from the Virgin Islands a ises to open up a new market for Q. How much electricity must I operative enough to wire the bouaao. Reuben McCann, William Stevenson, agricultural station In New Haven, blocks of two or more or by calling 10:00—11:00—Henry Buaee A Oreheetra Iforri, 71 tnwood Road, Bridgeport, promise to use a month? A. The electric home and farm author­ Ing and teaching these things nil powers, privileges, and Immunities clubs, the Friendly Indians, for boys 10:30—11:30—Xavier Cugat Oreheetra 2:3V . 8:3V-Sonla Eason's Contralto Rev. Horace B. Sloat preached at week ago she fouhd her well entirely cordwood, thinnings and wood waste, - Carl Pricss, Mark Holmes. Team warned that the State will be visited 3360, 7700 or .1337. Reserva­ from whom further details may be •Eventually the .rural electrification ity, also financed by the RFC, -No. 4, Edward Quish, ehalrman, m.v life, and I’m so Interested to find enjoyed by other towns In this state, from 9 to 11 yiurs of age, and the CBS^WABC NETWORK 2:4V- 8:46—Tho Magle Voleo—N. T. dry. A man from Longmeadow Is it will benefit both the farmer with sometime during the flrat two weeks tions for tables will close promptly 3:06— 4:06—Masting Housa, Dramatis secured. both churches from the subject drilling It deeper. Miss Rollinson Is hla wood-lot, and the householder administration expects each farm to discount notes for the other sqti FrancU Bray, Russell Pitkin, Wll- that all we’ve iMwn Itellevlng and with the right of. sending one reprs- Pioneers, for boys from 12 to 16. i-y and classmate of Trinity college, BASIC—Eaeti wabo wade woko wcao of Juno by a brood of strange In­ on Thursday evening, June 4, 4:36—Tha Singing Lady — eaat "The Church a Family.” At Me­ taking her meals with Miss Frances who will secure a cheaper fuel. The use 100 kilowatts a month (about ment after your buy them fr _ .’ Ham Quish, Oscar Anderson. hoping Is so. I’ve always thought so sentativc to the general assembly of will meet oo Thursday and Tuesday The committee from the Post is Hartford. waab wnao Wfr wkbw wkre whk wjr 3:46— 4:46—Orphan Annia—eaat only and now that I’m right up against this state. sects known to science as the afternoons, respectively, at 4 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Neff and Deaths Last Night wdro wcau wjae wean wfbl wepd wjav; 4*X^ 6:06—Nawsi Minute Man Quarte morial church In South WllUngton, Mersereau. Marketing committee of the associa­ half the average for both city and your dealer or other agency. Latetr, - The three losing teams will play headed by W. Henry Weir, chair­ Mldweet: wbbra wfbm kmbo kmoz It, I know, I nan see now that death Debts Pro Rated ieriodical cicada and commonly, but o’clock at the Congregational par­ two sons of Bristol were week-end 4:16— 6:16—Stamps—wja wba*wbta Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. JOnes of tion has made arrangements with an farm families) but this much will REA may make loons for fixture* host to the winning team. ncorrcctly called the "seventeen man; Reuben McCann, Robert Dew­ whaa kfab krnt 4:30— 6:36"*Prasa-Radlo Naws — ba­ BOLTON Charles Todd sang a solo "How Is Just the smallest thing—Just an "And said new town shall pay Its f sonage. Club work such as sports, guests of relatives. EAST—wbne wpg wbp wbeo wlbs wfea ste; Th* Singing Lady—mldw. rpL Beautiful Upon the Mountaini.” At West Hartford were Sunday guests importing house In New York to im­ not bo required at the beginning. and appUances, too. IneJdent. There’s no real break. Ood year locust.” ey, I-awrence Moonan, Russell Pit­ San Francisco — Mrs,, Winifred wore wlco efrb eluto wlbz wmaa wear 4:66— 6:36—Frank and Flo—wja only of Miss Frances Mersereau of Wll­ port a quantity of these stoves from Farmers are expected at least to Q. How many forma now hav* just proportion of all debts now due study, hand-craft etc. arc engaged kin, Ernest Morse, Charles Tucker, Miss Hattie Jewett and Mrs. the W llU n ^ n Hill church Miss Is THERE, and llfn—and all that East Hartford— Eugene T. Mc- Inez Babcock of Rockville were Sweet Bonflis, 73, veteran li'e'wispaper DIXIE—wfBt wefa wbro wqam wdod 4:46— 8:46—Lowolt Thomaa — oaat; An entertainment and dance will Ungton Hill. Miss Bessie Terhune of Germany for experimental use, Fur­ luie several electrical appliances in electricity? A. About 800,000 b*- OPEN OLD LYME ART from or existing against said town In with the object of creating Chria- Carl Priess. Walter Olson, Fred woman who wrote under the names klra wree wlao wwl wtoo krld ktrb Orphan Annie—repeat to mldweet E2ale Layton and Miss Blanche really counts In life—goes on!” Ilvane, yale student from Jackson­ tian Citizenship. Sunday guests of Tolland friends. ktsa waco koma wdbo wbt wdae wblg 8:0V— 6:0l^Easy Aeaa, Skit— cat be given by the 4-1 • club of birch Tolland was a visitor Friday. ther particulars may bo secured addition to household consumption. sides the 40,000 being provtdsd fiw of East HartfoH counting upon the ville, Fla., was granted a continu­ Woodhouse. For the Auxiliary, Mrs. of Annie Laurie and Winifred Black. Mt.. at the Highland Par!' Com­ Becker rendered the duet "Alone." Miss Ellzabet i Briggs Is serious­ The ladles' reading club met Mon­ wdbj wwva wmbp weja wmbr wala 8:16— 6:16—Songs with Tony Rusaall " Louis Bennett of Willlngton Hill Memorial Day services will be from the Connecticut Forest and A. Can I get any help In organis­ by the 312,00,000 REA loaned in th* Ust of 1823, and shall be enUtled to ance until Thursday in East Hart­ Ida Woodhouse, chairman; Mrs. Hot Springs, Ark. — Harry E. ktui keko wcoa wdno wnox kwkh 6:36— 6:3(^Lum A Abnar—east only munity House May 27 at 8:30 p. m„ Park Association, 215 Chiirchi street. ‘ SHOW SUNDAY, JUNE 14 their just proportion of any town ly 111 at her home on Manning Hill. day aftemon at the home of Mrs. MIDWEST—wgl wmbd wlsn wibw Irfh 6:46—"6:46—To Bo Announced has purchased a gasoline station In held at 10 o'clock in the morning on ing a cooperative? A. Yes. when past 12 months. ford Police Court. Hs Is charged Grace Pitkin, Mrs. Ethel Q ui^, Mrs. Turner, 46. Oklahoma City oil man (D. S. T.) the common at WllUngton Hilt. Cor­ New Haven. ACCIDENTS JUST DON’T property; and In future said new Miss Catherine White returned on Lydia Wlgrcn. George V. Smith at Wllltagton Hill. wemk wkbn wcco webt keej wnz woo 6:06— 7:06—Th* Crime Clues Mystery Washington. R. I., and will leave the applicant furnishes REA with with criminal negligence In connec­ Sunday to her duties at the Middle­ who financed the last around-th- wowo 6:36- 7:S6-**Waleoma Vallay” iariat The Birch Mt. School Handlers,, poral Henry Toberman Poet of Staf­ a Hat of farmers who wont electri­ town shall support all the poor of Mr. and Mrr. Charles Broadbent MOUNTAIN—IcTor kls koh town the middle of this week. Mr. More than 125,000 horssa tion with the death several weeks sex hospital Middletown, after world flight of Wiley Post. 7:06— 6:06—Ban Barnlo and tha Lada club will give a play "Snow White ford Springs, Veterans of Foreign DRAW. city, REA will send field agents to .Water Color Exhibit, First of said town whose ordinary residence ego of Francis J. O'Connor. O'Con­ have had as recent guests Mr. and COAST—kh) kotn kfro kol kfpy krl 7:6IV* 6:36—Aba Lyman Maiodlana Bennett came here several yeara ■laugbtered for fodd under fi HAPPEN. THEY’RE CAUSED spending a month’s vacation at her Mrs. J. E. Broadbent ot Wcstfleld, Oklahoma City — Dorset Carter, kfbk km) kwg kem kdb kgmb kgb 7:4V- 6:4V—Barry MaKInlay’a Songs and the Seven Dwarfs", while the ago from Goodyear, being In poor Wars will attend. The band will help organise a cooperative. Five meat inspection every year, Three to Be Held lliere This has been In said Parish of Orford, nor, an East Hartford resident, was 8:00— 6:06—NBC^S StHng Symphony play and there will be singing. Spe­ whether said persons now reside In home on Ripley Hill. Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Sr„ 62, retired oil man and builder Cent. Eeet. garden and sewing club wLl follow health, but la much improved. St. Paul—A large crowd watched states specifically authorised rural of this meat is exported. Season; Entries Ciose June (> Injured fatally by on automobile Mrs. LeRoy Brown and two sons 6:66—10:06—Nowai Daneing Oronastra cial exercises will take place in the Town of iM t Hartford or not, TOLLAND Baxter and family of Webster, cf the Oklahoma Central railway, 6:46— 4:46—Wilderneea Road, Serial *: 60 —If'10:30— - Ruby . .. Ntwman - Orehattri the program. Refreshments will be Guests of Leon O. Woodworth. Neo Farmer, 23. stand off three In a recent Interview H. P. alleged to have been operated by of Newington spent the week-end front of the soldiers' monument to provided, at the time they left said Mcllvane...... Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haw­ which was later sold to the Santa 4:00— S:0(^Beney Vanuta Seng Prog. lOiOO— 11:00— S h a n d o r w ith H la V io lin sold. A collection will be taken. Sunday, at "Bonnie View" were Mr. other men In a 30 minute rough and Old Lyme, May 26.—The Water Hobart. General Manager of Gulf's irpr Fe railway. 4:1V- 5:16—Parade of Youth — eaat; 10:00— 11:06— n a n n y W a aka Orohaatra the unknown soldier. The school town they resided within said Parish with her mother, Mrs. William L. thorn, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Haw­ A banquet waa served to about and Mrs. Merritt Usher and Mr. and tumble fight at a downtown Inter­ Color show, flrat ot the three exhlbl I.ubrlcatlng Sales Dep rtment used Higgins. iirday night in honor o f Miss Ger­ Organ—Dtzlo; Talk on Stare—woat 10:30— 11 iSO— Dancing Muslo Orohoitra children will march in line l o the tions annuity given by the Lyme a report of the Pennsylvania De­ of f^ord,' and In case the two thorn of Hazardvllle, Conn. 12J people Saturday evening at the Mrs. Charles Woodworth of South section. The action slowed and Miss Catherine McKnIght of New trude Von Deck, at the home of her hall by the Grange In honor of their WIiltngton, Mrs. Lucy Usher of Tol­ WllUngton Hill cemetery and place soihcbody called the police. Farm­ Art Association and guest artists, partment ot Revenue to substan towns do not agree as to dividing Haven was with her parents, Mr. A business meeting of the Young potted plants on soldiers’ graves, the property of said town, or the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Von 50th anniversary. Past mem’uers land and Dr. and Mri. Thomas er surrendered. ^ will open to the public In the Old tl.kte hts belief that many accidents and Mrs. Wallace McKnIght over People's society of the Connecticut 10:30—March o f Time. headed by the band. The graves will division of the poor, or os to the SOUTH COVENTRY Deck of Tolland. There were fifty were preaent from Manchester, Keegan and son Thomas, Jr., of The other three men—Walter D(- Lyme, Conn., galleries Sunday, June are caused by Improper lubrication Sunday, present She received many beau­ Valley Presbytery was held at the 10:45— Willard Robison’s orchestra. also have a flag placed there earlier 14, and continue through July S. or by the lack of liib cation. In amount of debts, ths county court Tolland Federated church Saturday 11:00— Sport Review. Cromwell, Hartford, Andover and Wllllmantle. ncen, Truman A. Pringle and Harry tiful gifts. The outstanding events by the committee which Is comprised Spcelman—sold they saw Farmer The opening will be preceded on analyzing this leport, Mr. Hobart for the County of Hartford are On Saturday afternoon and eve­ afternoon. The young people's so­ WTIC li:0 5 —Newa Service. Hebron. The tables were decorated Mrs. Agnes Woodworth. Mrs. Ken­ on William R. McBee, chairman, of the evening were a mock wed­ y o fa Loon ,Ximvelera Broadcaating Service. neth Robertson and Mias Helen Rol- take a leather jacket from Pringle’s Saturday afternoon by an Invita­ said, "Out of 80,488 notor vehicles hereby authorised and empowered to ning 21 members of Troop 1, Girl ciety of Tolland church served the 11:15— Bob Crosby’s Orchestra. in gold and green. The menu con­ Charles Lyon, Charles Wochomurka make such division or appointment, ding, a drum quartet and dancing. Hartford, Conn. sisted o f grapefruit Cocktail, mash­ Ilnson attended service Sunday ear and were trying to capture him. tional reCfptlon-tea and preview. Involved In acclden*- ever 90 per­ Scouts of South Coventry, attended Recreation Center Those who took part in ths mock supper. As far away as Granite / i b u H ^ n f Tomorroiv’s Frogran, and Charles Safranek. There will The display will be the twelfth of giving reasonable notice to the the Spring Rally of the Lons Scout was represented at the meeting. 60,000 W. 1040 R. C. m .8 6L A. M. ed potato, creamed chicken patties, morning at Grace Eplacopal church m i n i cent were appr.rently In good con­ wedding were; bride, Mrs. Sybilla be Ice cream for the children. The BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME. Its kind In Lyms group annals. In dition. The condition of drivers In parties concerned. Troops of Eastern Connecticut, held Items of Interest The Tolland Community Men's (Eaatem Daylight Ttme.) 8:00 News Service. peas, rolls, coffee. Ice cream and in Stafford fr in g e . aum of 350 waa' voted by th\ town ‘The collectors of the town of Jones of Talcottvllle, Conn; groom, Clifford Woodworth and Louie addition to water colors a variety of approximately 40 percent of the ac‘ on the Campus of the Connecticut Mrs. Ralph Von Deck of Manches­ club will bold their May meeting at 8:15— Shoppers Special. cake. A birthday cake with 60 for Memorial Day expenses. East Hartford are hereby authorized State College at Storrs, In charge 8* eonplata 1* out Bennett motored to Woodstock Sun­ Lincoln, Neb.—George Osborne, media will be shown Including pas­ cldents was apparently normal. ter; minister, Mias Charlotte Rich­ the Federated Church social rooms 9:00— Dear Columbia. candlea added to the attraction of tels, etebinga. drypoints, wood cuts, to oollsct all taxes already laid. In of the Storrs Troop. About two Tuesday you can ohooso (ho plan dial' Toeaday, May 26 the decorations. The candies were day afternoon where they vialted the 31. went to the. State penitentiary " T h e H n e r From these factr. the conclusion ards of Quarryidlle; best man, Miss Thursday evening. Rev. Robinson 4:00—^Women’a Radio Review. 9:30— Rlchar;! Maxwell. lithographs and monoprints. tbs same manner as If this bill had hundred Girl .Scouts were in attend­ The Model Airplane Club will of South Coventry Is to be the guest •**15*^ yo* b*it Amonnta.Mp blown out by the State Overseer, latter's relatives. John McAdam, Inventor of mac­ grade school to learn reading and may be drawn Uiat accidents In­ not been passed. Margaret Marklcy of Manchester, lo $300. No aacuritp et an* 4:30— Gene Am old’a Ranch Boyz. 9:48— Epsom Derby. A novelty dance waa held by the writing. George is serving a one The association receiving commit­ volve machines which have some ance from various towns In the dis­ meet In the club room.s at 7 :30. speaker. Charles Adams and cut by Miss adamized roads, had to pay from First Meeting ,lune 16 trict During the horseshoe forma­ The women’s swimming clu8.scs and the maid ot honor Miss Maud doriara raquirad loi aalarlad 4:45—Blue Room E>;boea—Joaepb 10:15— Departure of 8. S. Queen D. A. Sokol, Saturday night at the his own pocket for the first roads year sentence for forging an “X " tee asks that all work be delivered mechanical Imperfection, even A play "Snow Drop ana the Sev­ Mary. Adelta Loomis wh,. has been a mem­ U. the Old Ljnne galleries on Satur­ tion, badges were awarded the fol­ will meet as-follows: 7 to 7:45, Be­ Von Deck of Tolland. The drum •mployat Blume, director. Cxecboslovaktsn aoclety bungalow thus paved, because the public signature to a check In Otoe county though they may appear to be In "Ths flrat town meeting In said quartet consisted ot Robert, Halph, en Dwarfs" will be given by the pu­ l0:38— Newa Service. ber 40 years. A aho:t idress of day, June 6. The hanging commit­ ntw town shall be holdsn at the lowing South Coventry scouts; Sec­ ginners; 7:45 to 8:30, Intermediate. 6:00— American Medical Aaaocla- with music by Al DeClcco’s Rev­ had no faith In the Idea. laat September, TEA perfect condition." Emil and John Von Deck. After pils of the River school on Tuesday Tha rata al intaiaii ehatgad t« 10:45—Oxark Melodlea. welcome waa given by the Worthy tee numbers Wilson Irvine, William meeting housa In ths Parish of Or­ ond Class, Charlotte Brookes; pro­ thraa <3l pat eanL par month. tlon. , elers. ’ M o.y persons who iu:i. driving Wednesday the entertainment refreshments evening. May 26 at 7:30 o'clock, d. 11:00—The Goldbergs. Master Henry Massey. Willlsm Al- S. Robinson, Luclen Abrams. Elinor ford on tbs sixteenth day of June ficiency badges, health winners, The women’s afternoon bowling B. t. The public are Invited. Of thirty-aiaa (36|(36J pat cant, pat • 8:30—"Dick Tracy.” vord of Manchester was the only About 80 members of tha woman’s what they consider to be safe cars were served. Miss Von Deck Is to 11:15—Hartford Tuberculosis and aocietlea of the church went to New Lathrop Sears and WInSeld Scott next, at 9 o’clock In ths forenoon, Ruth Champlln, Nellie Wolfe; will start at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Hamlin had as Sunday annum on unpaid ameunt el 6:46— Rhythm of the Day, Rudy charter member that was able to Clime. ore raolly chauffeuring vehicles that and Georgs Cheney, Esq., shall bo artists. Iris Squires, Ruth Clark; The men’s swimming classes will be married to EMward J. Markly loan. Martin, Director. Public Health society. Haven, Saturday, and were enter­ are accidents haxa'ds. The lack of Home Makers, Ruth Champlln, of Manchester June 16 at Amenia, guests relatives from Springfield, 11:30—Treasure House. be out. He was presented with a tained by Mrs. Charles Vickery. A ft­ moderator thereof, who shall warn meet as follows; 7:00 to 7:46, Ufe Mass. 8:00—^Wrlghtvllle Clarion. gift by the toast master David proper lubrication, or Improper sold meeting by posting a warning Eleanor Haddad, Helen Flaherty, Saving; 7:46 to 8:80, Non-Bwlm- New York. IDEAL FINANCINO ' 6:16—A. B. McGlnley on Sports. 12:00—Merrymakers. er a sumptuoua lunch of roost veal lubrication, causes concealed parts Margaret Nye: First Aid, Nellie M ill Grace Clough haa returned “P. M. Toomey. A basket of fruit was and pilau, mustard pickles, jelly, on tbs publle rign-post In said new men. ASSOCIATION. Ine. 6:30—News. given to Mrs. FraiJc Loomis, a char­ GILEAD ot tbs stsering .mechanism, shaekis tosvD and such other place or places Wolfe, Iris Squires, Ruth Clark. A public setback party will be to htr home in Stafford road after Activities of the dressmaking In­ 6:46—Rublnoff and Virginia Rae. 12:15—Musical Reveries. ice cream, cake and coffee, a num bolts, drag llniu, and wheel spindles Elolse Schweyer, Ruth Champlln, several months aa guest of her 831 Main ttreat * . . * ' 12:35—Mary MarUn. ter member who Is ill at her home. her of missionary guests spoke as be may think proper, at least six held at the West Side Rec on Cedar dustry In France were drastically OVKH W. r« GRANT feTOflV . 7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy. A past master’s jewel was present­ The Ladles Aid m ths Ollead Osn- to become so worn that a sudden days before sold flrsf meeting. And Eleanor Haddad, Helen Flaherty, street. Play will start at 8 o’clock. brother and family at Flushing, CurtaUed by the decline of tourist phiifia rsai. 12:45—The Ad-Uner. briefly and a pleasant social hour Margaret Nye. Following group 7:15—Edwin C. HUl. ed to the Worthy Master Henry grsgatlonal church will meat at the turn or bump In the road may oil subsequent meetings shall be , Thursday Long Island, and friends at Ithaca, trade in 1934. 7:80—Fred Hufsmltb. 1:10—Produce Market Report waa enjo)red by aU. The pilau was 20000 SOGONY DEALERS ANNOUNCE singing and games, and the supper Massey by the State Overseer, horns o f Mrs. E. E. Foote, Wednes­ cause them .tp.onap. When such on holden at or near sold meeting­ The women’s swimming classes New York. 7:46—“Hold the Press.” 1:15—Sleepy HaU’s Orchestra. an especial treat and M n. Vickery day afternoon. May 27. hour, pictures were shown by Mr. Charles Adams. A bouquet of yel­ event occurs, tbs driver Is left to house in Orford; and the officers of will meet as follows: 7:00 to 7:45, The primary and Intermediate 8:00—Leo Relsman's orchestra. 1:80—News Service. got the recipe In India when abe Ifr. and Mrs. Asa W. Ellis spent Manter. of bird life, and of activities low roses was given to Miss Adella bring back to control a vehicle that said town chosen at sold flrat meet­ Advanced; 7:45 to 8:30, Life Saving. grader of the HlclU Memorial school 8:80—^Wayne King’s orchestra. 1:45— Tpm, Dick and Harry. was a mloslonary thsre. It Is very the week-end and Monday at ths at Camp Alice Merritt. The session Loomis, and a bouquet of assorted rich and is composed of rice, raisins, threatens to Involve itself, as well ing shall bold their offices until Friday are to present plays on Thursday 9:00—Vox Pop Interviews. 2:00—Dorsey anu DaUey. home of their son-in-law and daugh­ as others. In a serious accident others ore legally chosen and sworn closed with a camp fire and The girls’ afternoon swimming evening. May 28th. The. program 2:15—Happy Hollow. flowers to Mrs. Charles Adams of nuts, much butter and other ingredi­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Toung in light service, each troop having 9:80— £ki W ynn— "Gulliver,- The Groton. The program consisted of a ents. Mrs. Vickery bos conducted Do your part to reduce accidents In their stead.” class will meet at 3:48. will begin promptly at 8 o'clock, Traveler." 2:30—Afternoon Recess. New York. brought a log for the camp Are. The The women’s plunge period will be d. s. t. vocal solo by Myron Lee, a piano the mission study class in Wllllng- In Manchester. If your car has not 10:00—Eddie Dowling with Benny 3:00—BasebaU Game; Red Sox va. Mrs. Bertha Hubbard, Mrs. Bessie South Coventry group were trans­ held from 7 to 9 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoyt Hayden solo by Helen Fre„erickson, a read­ ton for ten yean. been lubricated re ie.v^l.. perhaps Goodman's orchestra. New York Yankees. Stone, Hart E. Buell and Rev. Berl ported by Lathams bus and were Saturday had as Sunday gussts Mrs. Hayden’s ing by Adelia Loomis, a solo by A number of people attended, the you, too, ore unknowingly driving accompanied by Captain Margaret 10:30—Roy Campbell’s Royalists. Lewis were recent callers at the an unsafe car. Piny saf's— Lubricate BARBER SHOPS CLOSE Both-Recreation buildings will be brother and family of New Jerjoy DOESN’T THIS FRESH Mrs. George Whippert, a renewal f recital presented by the pupils* of home of Mrs. Helen White In He­ Jacobson and Lieutenant Florence closed all day Memorial Day. 1010:46— “Unemployment" —Repre- old acquaintances was enjoyed by Mrs. Ada N. Merrifleld at Wlpdliam for Safety! Syphers. and week-end guests their son Hen bron. sentaUve Fred A. Hartley, Jr., the past members. William Alvord High school, Friday night Arnold AU DAY SATURDAY On Friday evening twenty-live of N. J. Woodworth of South WllUngton re­ Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellogg White KILI.A3I F.^HILV PLANS gave interesting remarks .lertsln- . and children, Beatrice and Ellen, members of the choir and friends 11:01— ^News. Baseball Scores and ceived a certificate for completing REUNION ON JXnfE 7 surprised Rev. and Mrs. Robinson BOND BREAD TASTE Ing to the organisation of the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish and News. Orange. flrat and aecond grade piano. Aleck White attended the funeral 11:16— Polish Dance orchestra. RADIO X"’’ The WllUngton town bail team Will Not Observe Mid-Week The Ladles society wU. meet at The Klllam (Kllhsm) Family As­ Tomorrow’s Program won its third straight game o f the services o f Mrs. Myron Qllbert In sociation will hold Its annual re­ (Eastern Standard Time.) the hall Thuraday afternoon at 2 p. Somers, Sunday afternoon. Half Holiday and Will Open A. M. jrear, defeating the Manchester team union on the "Old Farm," Endlcott Buy On Our Divided m., (D. S. T.) Mrs. John Mas.~ey and Until 9 Friday Night. GOOD, DADDY? 6 to 6, Sunday afternoon on the Mrs. E. E. Foots was a recent vis­ street. Mass., Sunday, June 7, from 6:30— Blue Grass Roy. Miss Adella Loomis will act ,a itor at the home of Mrs. Lester 7i00—Morning Watch—Ben Haw­ New York, May 26.— (AP)—The hostesses. home groundo. The WllUngton boyi 10 a. m. to 5 p. ro. All Klllarns re­ bad fifteen hits from the offering! Hurlbutt In Columbia. gardless ot the present name are thorne. Dionnes' birthday broadcast on Mrs. Helen Aston a High school Mr. and Mrs. Louis Twining of All barber shops In Manchester Payment Plan 8:00—ftews. Thursday afternoon is to be an aU- of Grant The feature of the game cordially Invited. Arrangements are must close on Saturday this week os instructor at Woodcliff, N. J., was . Hartford, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Post 8:16— G<>od Morning Melodies. network affair. Coming via the Was the relief pitching of Ashley being made to hold the 1037 reunion It Is a holiday. As a result of this a recent guest of her brother, R. and the bitting of Woodworth and Of Sliver Lane and Earle Post «ind In Wenbam, Mass., It being the 8 :30— Cheerio. Canadian Radio Commisrion, it 'not non. Wallace, of Bast Hartford rule all the shops at the south and, KA IVIRY SUNDAY only will Include WEAF-NBC but Kneelond Jones. Oonnora. Saturday afternoon the 300th anniversary of Austin Klllam which close on Wednesday, will be 0;00— Radio Bazaar. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Griswold / spent Sunday at the home of their ^ THp N r* 10:00— Food News. CBS aa well. WllUngton team will play the fast and his wife Alice, coming to Salem, opened as usual Wednesday after­ are enroute to California, where Simsbury A. C The game will be 'mother, Mrs. A. H. Post. Moss., In ’ 137. Ckll4r«« > X3U m It H|!f 10:48— Malden Voyage of the S. 8. There will be a half-hour on the noon and the shops at.the north end, air for this, the girls second anni­ they will spend five weeks. While held on the Holman Hall athletic Mr. and Mrs. Albert GUbert 'f Officers of the association are; 2 fl*N fe Umd0r i Tim} Queen Mary. which close on ’Ttursday afUmoon versary including talks by Dr. Allan there they expect to call on Mrs. field in South WllUngton and wlU Long Island aid Mrs. Edward Miller Franklin W. Klllam, president. Box- Lv. ||»nfB9* ------9MAM. 1J:30— The Mystery Chef. will be opened on that afternoon. On Dafoe, J. A. Valin, chairman of the Everett Keith, formally of Bolton. atari at 3 o’clock. .Of Milford spent Sunday evenlM ford, Mass.; James W. Klllam, Ice- LVe MBMbwMV t.i* A.M. 10:45— ^Merry Melodies. Friday night oil shops will remain DsiBems it * —)—■—ww- u.tl AM. commissioner administering the The twenty tame pigeons of Louis and Monday at the home of Hart £ resident, Reading, Mass.; T. Perlsy 11:00— Sweethearts of the Air with Buell. open until 9 o'cloo!;. The barhsrt R i r a t t n i r a There are 209 rooms In Buck- Bennett which were a pretty sight :il.am, treasurer, O xford, Mass.; Apdy Sanella. five's affairs, and David Croll, min­ A drama "The Folks Neat Door,' g have been looking up their calendars Lf. »m tm (iMth Nttl—) ------t .l O t .U . ister of public welfare. Ingham Palace. on WllUngton HIU, have been pur- Horace W. Klllam. historian, Leo­ and And that it Is the second time 11:16— Pete Mack’s Moonsikers. GASOUNE layed by the Burrett Orange of tM i — It ta tralp* tadlMtod m u U m The glrla themselves are expected minster. Mass.; and Herbert A. Kel- 11:30—Aeolian Trio—Herbert An^ 'armlngton, will be given under the this year that ths shops had to close ittU— Tkli* OCBn* to have a part In the "show", S lum, secretary, Freeport, Long Is­ derson. Director. auspices of the Gilead Ladies Aid on a Saturday bemuse of a legal scheduled for 6:30. land, N. Y. 11:48— The Voice of Experience. . St the Ollead Hall, Thursday svs' holiday. f m n s a a s s B n Tuning In tonight: . alng. May 28 at 8:80 o’clock, d. s. t 12:00—Malden Voyage of the S. S. Talks—WJZ-NBC, 6:15 — Cong. Miss Lovlna Foote, teacher at the Queen Mary. W. G. Andrews, N. Y. (R), "Look­ -Durham High school, spent the 12:18— Honeyboy and Sassafras. ing to the Campaign": WEAF-NBC, week-end at the home ot her par 12:30 —Merry Madcap- - Norman 6:46— You and Your Government. ants, Mr. and Mrs. -Robert Foote. Cloutier, director; with Bob John Dickinson, "The Delegation of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Strong ot Ellis. Power” : WEAF-NBC, 9:45—Rep. RUu-tford were Sunday callers at the A TIP FOR MEMORIAL DAY 1:00— News and Weather. Fred A. Harley, Jr„ N. J. (R ), "Un- home of Mrs. E. E. Foote. 1:15—HU Tunes employmenL” Mrs. Jules Rebllllard and son. 1:20— Market Report. WEAF-NBC—S^Vox Pop; 8:30— .Jules, of New Britain, spent the No Matter Where You G o - Diamond engagement 1:25— Laura Gaudet, Pianist. Ed Wynn; 9—Eddie Dowling revue; week-end at the home of Mr. and No Matter What You Do— ring and wedding ring 1:30—Maurice,, SpltMny's “orches­ 11—Henry Busse orchestra. . ?lfrs. Mrs. Wlnthrop Porter. (B a A s In white or natural » 11.95 tra, WABC-CBS—6:30— Kate Smith; Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Fogll and LOOK YOUR BESTI ■ w a s gold. Also platinum 2:00— Guy Hedlund and Company. 9:30— Ken Murray: 8 — Walter v^aughtera spent Sunday In Walling- seta. 2:80—Rosa Lee, soprano. O’Keefe; 8:30—Waring’a Pennsyl­ . ford at the home, of Mrs. Fogil'i —and weH help yon look 1:45— Rhythm of the Day—Rudy vanians; 9—Mary PIckford party. ,;-,parents. Hr. and’ Mrs. Albert Dorau MarUn, directoi. WJZ-NBC — 7 — (M me Clues; your best with this money 7:30—Welcome Valley; 8—Ben Ber- Mrs. Bessie Stone accompanied saving special for this week Wedding In white or natural 3:00—“Forever Young.” I her daughter. Miss Mildred, of Hart- gold. Also platinum. P COURSE it tastes good. Bond Bread is 3:16—Ma Perkins. nie; 9—NBC String Symphony; 11— ' ford, and spent the week-end In 3:30—Vic and Sade. Presidential poAlbilitles. ' Hampton the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Women’s White Skirts— and np O made as thousands of housewives told 3:45—The O’Neilla. What to expect Wednesday: ' Bugene Oarrow. Ehigliab Derby from Epsom Miss Ruth Kinney of New Haven Men’s White Flannels— the "Fact-finders” they wanted bread— Downs—WEAF-NBC and WABC- was a recent caller at the home of CLEANED AND PRESSED CBS, 8:45 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniel Way. Called For and DsUvesed — FRESHER! Bond Bakers make Bond fresher Departure of Queen Mary on Miss Edith Ellis of Hartford spent SPECIAL —deliver it to your food store at the last maiden voyage— WEIAF-NBC 9:15 the week-end at her home here. WDRC and 11 a. m., and 6 a. m., WABC- The Ambitious Workers will meet Wm, A. minute possible—guarantee it fresh. Buy Hartford^ Uoan. ISSO CBS 9:16 and 10:15 a. m., WJZ-NBC 40< 10. ,ot the home of Mrs. Betty Hardy a loaf today. Your money back if you don’t (Bssten DayUght Ttane) . ‘niursday afternoon. May 28, at 4 Women's White Coats— Roffexs* WEAF-NBC—1:80 p. m. — Chi­ o'clock. agree Bond Is the freshest, finest tasting cago Association of Commerce Mr. and Mrs, Albert Wyllls of Plain White Dresses— 34>Piece Toeaday, hlay 26 luneheon, Chaa. F. Kettering and fsnehsater were callers Saturday 2-Piece Tailored Linen Suits—and bread you ever bought. 5:00—Jimmy Farrell. Ralph Budd; 3:45 — Henry Wick­ t the home of Mrs. A. H. Post. Men’s 2-Piece Linen Suits— — Silver Set 5:15— Billy Mills oreheatra. ham Steed from London, "The 5:45— News Service. Crisis ot Peace”; 4:45 Don Pedro New Mobilgas Globe Identifies Finest Gasoline Socony Ever Made Hr. and Mrs. Fred Harris ot Barvioa for eight. nchester, Thomas Bentley of Bol- CLEANED AND PRESSED 6:00—^Terry and Ted. orchestra. WABC-CBS-—2—Arrival- **We have a new g^asoline in our pumps today- Stataileaa atoel blade 6:15—News of Youth. in New York o f Polish motor ship, is even outaelling our previous gasoline, which f’tOD and William Seyms o f Colches- Colled For and DeUvorod knlvea, lateot M t- 6:30—^BaU scores with Roland Batory; 8— Robert Schmlto c o n ^ tor were recent callers at the home tema, with tanuah. w ill you try a t a n k (u ir was a 3 to 1 favorite with motorists here! ’ f.of Mr. and Mrs. Charles FlJh. Winters. ^ cert pianist; 5:85—Wheeler Sam­ proof chest, com- mons, “Development o f (Jhaln Socony dealers have been amazed at the pub­ Mrs. C. J. Fogll. Mrs. Floyd Fogll 65c pioto . . . 6:40—News Service. Tiy the new Mobilgas... feel its extra power, ^ 4MDd daughter, Patricia, Mrs. Lillian 6:46—Renfrew o f the Mounted. Stores." WJZ-NBC — 1:80 — Par- lic’s re fu s e to that invitation! ^Klimey, and Earl Dowd were vlsl- 7:00—^MaybeUe Jennings— Com­ ents-Teachers program; 2:16 — test it for its extra mileage. Stop at the Sign of ALWAYS StroIIen Matinee; 4:15—Men of the in Hartford Friday oftamooa. DIAL 7100 mentator. W e knew o u r r^ ru lar custom ers would try the the Flying Red Horse. Standard Oil of New York John Way of West Hartford spent ' $ 1 2 . 0 0 7:15—Kreuger Mtudcal Toast West quarteL Ob aoooimt ot the extra ears givaa white ganiiwifs QUARANTKD *ay at the Wellesway form. 7:30—Kate Smith. Some Wednesday Short Waves: new Mobilgas. But records prove that'Mobilgas TPA 3 Faria, 2:80—Theater Na- —D ivision o f Socony-Vacuum O il Company, Inc. . Ida Heck spent the week-end I*****® •"•y •* y««TI have your ..Value to 7:45-rBoake Jarter. 'pINSO mikesa big diflintace oo wulidsjr.toa ganBOBta la time. tiooal; RNE, Mooeow,' 4—Russoin ; her home In Union. 8:00—Lazy Dan the Minstrel Man. It gives rich, livciy sods in buiieK wucr. Aad Mr. and Mrs. William Porter and pure Hlatory; DJD, Berlin, 6:30—Short­ 037, bow those chick sods JMi out diitl *'*0**’** 8:30—Laugh with Ken Murray. wave Amateurs’ Hour, and 8:80, of Bast Qlostonbury NOW 9:00—Camel Caravan—Csdk Lome come 4 or } sbsdes srhittr without a bk of hatd I on friends In town, Saturday. lig h t Music; 2RO, Rome—6— Amer­ sctnbbiaf, Ciacfam last 2 oc ) rimes loagtt. Orchestra, Ted Huslng and ica’s Hour; 08P, GSD, 08C, Lon­ Beri Lewis of Hartford and Matthew W lor Walter O'Keefe. Kecommeoded by msket* of 3) erxsbcts. Hubbard of New York U.SXLEANERS & DYERS JEWELER don, 6:40, Derby Stokes, and 7 Approved by Good Housekeeping Insritnae. . nt the week-end at the home of 839 Main Street . 9:80—Fred Waring'a Pennsylvan­ Queen Mary (repeats); W2XAF, Near Montgomery Ward’s 999 Main St, Near Maple S t So. Manchester ians. Schenectady, 7 — Latin-Anierican SOCONY B. Buell. STOP AT DEALERS 10:00—Metropt^tan Players. oonoart > t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD.^ HANCilE&n*J!3t* CONN., TUESDAY, MAY t6,198S.. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. MAY 2«. 198«.

street to tbe Center, east on the Leora Hibbard, womui's secretary; from San Francisco where he had er dainty sort of parson, thinks you can't stop gaabling,” the “Here, Prank-^Whittle On This A. While" south aide of Center street to Spruce Michael Swikla a>id s'raok Sheldon, worked In the county aseeaaor’s of­ there are too rrumy members ct the staU governments or'the federal MAKSHAL ISSUES street, counter marcb west on the T YEAR A SUCCESS boy's work; Karl Berst, desk secre­ DETECTIVES SOLVE fice under the name of Sen DalUng. Pastor Refuses to P r e a ] Communist party who smell strong­ government will not eventually HEALTH-DIET ADVICE north side of Center street to the tary; Hugh Greet. Fre<* Sweet, Tbe reason for hla assumed names, come to providing great totteriee By MR. FRANK McCUY ' West Center street entrance of Cen­ bowling alley manages. Decision be eald, was to "make It more diffi­ ly of garlic and do not take many ter Park. All units bearing the Na­ relative to the operations of the or­ cult for my in-lawe to find me.” , fUBLUHl;D BT THE that wlU not only give the players ttn—ttoee a tegarfl to Ueonfe and (Met P A I ^ E ORDERS IN ALL ACTIVITIES MYSTERY DEPOSrrS A Memorial Day Set^ taHAZ«D PRXKTINU COMPANY. Ine. baths. tional Colors will send them Imme­ ganisation during the year were Dalberg told police tbat before It BUaell 6m «t At oU events, If the Socialist a better run for thde money than will he sdewerad by Ur. MMley wbe ooa diately with two color guards to re­ mode by the business committee living In San Francisco the past 10 MftOoh««icr. Conn. they get from the Illegal games but be eddieism in oorr ol IMe peper. Bn- port to the Chief of Staff. Unlti years he bad worked-In S t Louis, 'Northboro, Mom.. May 30.—( AP)VchMge him. Two right manages to set up business u consisting of R. K. Anderson, chair­ —Rev. John 8. Clark,' aelf-etyled TBOMAt FBROU80N the proflta from which will go a eloee etamped, oetf-oddrooeed envelope may send their standards or banners man, (Charles Loomis, George Glen- Denver and Now York a ty . preached at the Memorial Oononi Manaror a party untainted by any element of ter reply. Major Le Venw Holmes Aih to the head of tbe line or carry them Secretary Reports En^usi* Man Explains Why He Pnt . 'T tried to UVe on 835 or 880 a Pacifist, will leave this town July 1, but said the Interest In Pae—- FouBdod October 1. long way toward meeting the ever ncy, John Hackett, Harold Norton headed for his old home at Brattle- communlam. It would seem to be at the bead of their own unit as ai Mrs. Maude Shearer. month, always with the idea tn mind cently has reached such a poM FublUhtd BTtry Bvenlnv Bxoept highly probable that before long It increasing coats of government they chOose. There wtll be no Amer­ of some day giving what I bad boro. Vt.. firmly believing that he he could not do It again. ^ lays and Holldaya. Entered at the THE' AFTEB-CFFECTTS OF 4you help me settle the lunch prob­ Doonces Plans for Satur­ asm in Every Branch and County Work $27,000 in 22 Banks in a can never occupy a pulpit again. may discover itself lo possession of THE 'FLU' ican flags carried by marching saved to my daughter", he said. . Office at Manchester. Conn., as lem? I like to eat a heav> meal at delegations except by school chil­ Henry Hadley Smith, St Secre­ DaDierg was foimd by detectives Rev. Mr. cnark resigned rather end Class Mall Matter. a considerable volume of protest CONFESSION WITNESSES noom but when 1 do It I am dull apd tary of the Y. M C. A. described In a imall apartment to wbicb be than preach a aermon at a Memorial i Influenaa or, as It Is popularly day Morning Program. dren. All National Colors will be Cadi Balance on Hand. Week. 0UMCHIPTION RATE8 vote which now has no place to go. When a Negro who had been a Slug^h for three hours afterward. bassed between National Guard the work of the National Council of was allowed to return after telling service Sunday under tbe auspices i - n r Ob s Tsar, by Mall ...... 16.00 Disguise it as the old line politi­ Itnown, tbs ’Flu, Is notorious for My work la of the mental type ard units. the Y. M. C. A. and told of the part hla story at police headquarters. of a group of veterans and patriotic Per Month, by Mall ...... $ .60 circus roustabout made to the Chi­ leaving the patient in a weak, ener­ played by Individual Y. M. C. A.'s organlaattona because he feared the Btnvla Copy ...... 1 .01 cians may endeavor to, there are a I thought maybe I was eating more Major LeVerne Holmes, Marshal 5. When the head of marching The Manchester Y. M. C. A. made Ixw Angeles, May 26.—(AP) — A l>sllTsred one year ...... 19.00 cago police a detailed confession of vated state. While the acute attacx than I needed, an t tak> little exer­ column reaches the entrance to Cen­ on the Council. A report of the service would tend to “glorify war.” great many people who take but the murder of Mrs. Ulllon Guild In itself may last for 8 days to 3 cise. Therefore, I tried doing wltb- of the MembrialUay parade today ter Park the parade will bait and a real advance along all lines 'ot rural program ot the Y. W. C. A. father's solicitude for his daughter POLICE CAPTAIN DIES. "I preaume my vtewe will prevent MEMBER o r THE ASSOCIATED scant stock in either of the major weeks, the reoovery is frequenuy Issued his general orders for the pa­ endeavor during the year 1935, ac­ county organization was given by and hts desire to throw relatives oft me lecuring another paetorate,” PRESS a T. W. C A. hotel In that city the c t any lunch at all, and while this each unit will form In line of com­ cording to the annua.’ report of Hartford, May 36.—(AP) — A The Associated Press la exclusively parties but who hate the ugliness, very slow and the patient may feel enables me to think clearly, still I panies on the north side of Center Miss Vera McCracken of Uie Hart­ his trail was accepted by police to­ said Rev. Mr. aark , a Oongrega- twllco did a pretty smart thing. miserable for 3 months afterwards, rade to be held In connection with Secretarj David Hamlton read at heart attack caused the death of tional minister for S3 yeara "and If entitled to the use for republtcatlon the bitterness, the cruelty and the am conscious of the fact that I am the Memorial oliservances to be held street facing south while the Grand ford V. W. C. A. Miss McCracken day as the explanation for Bruno uf all news dispatches credited to It After obtaining the confeoslon and or even longer. hangry.” Array passes In review. The Grand the' annual mectliut held Inst night. said that work In the rural districts Dalberg's mysterious deposits of Captain Charles F. Koenig, 63, of that bs so 1 will enter another Held.” or not otherwise credited In this warped and twisted phlloeophles of having It put Into writing, the de­ In some ways. Influenza may be in Center Park on Saturday morn­ Army will proceed to the bead ot Secretary Hamilton reported that is an important factor in giving the city police department. His Ha said neither bis wife nor hla paper and also the local news pub* communlcni—and who. it la to be Answer; The use of a heavy lunch 52,394 persona had participated In 827,000 In Los Angeles banks. The body was found yesterday afternoon llsned herein. tectives called In a whole flock of compared to a war, for the strug­ will ordinarily slow up mental work ing. The various units participat­ the column. They will be followed the young members reliance upoa ca.se of the phantom of finance — five children nor townspeople con­ All riahta of republlcatlons of suspected, have steered clear of the gle Itself comes ic a defluite end and by the rest of the automobile sec­ all "Y” activities, tnddors and out­ their own abilities, enabling them the man who lost week trudged In his apartment where- be lived curred hla views. But that could not spMlal Aspatehes herein are also re- well known and responsibla citizens for the first hour afterward. In a ing In the parade will assemble at doors during the year past, and that alone. Socialist party because they knew la then foUowed by a long drawn-1 8*^*, of experiments It waa found 9:15 a. m., d. s. L, In front of the tion. to accomplish many things, which from bank to bank, extracting bills senrsd. to wltneas the signing of the docu­ Following In the order named will the organization closed Iti books on they otherwise wuuld be denied. from two suit cases and handing that plenty of the SoclaUsts were out period of recovery. Certainly, that a heavy lunch In the middle of Army an*d Navy club, ifriB and For­ May 1, last, i/tih a balance of Full service client of N E A Serv- ment by the criminal. the patient recovering from the ’Flu the day decreases the work output be the Spanish-War veterans, world Rev. Elmer Thienv,, Hartford them to puzzled tellers'— ended HARTFORD BUIUIDB. lee, Ino. of the communistic type. The evidence of those witnesses, (nay finiV that It takes a long time in those doing brain work because est street for assignment to posi­ war veterans, auxiliary groups, 1856.61 on hand. Tbe totai Income County Y. M. C. A. secretary, em­ last night when detectives found RUMMAGE SALE tions hi the parade. The parade will for the year was 87.605,77, R. K. I Publisher's Rspresentattve; The Freed from that stigma, it would In case the Negro should later do to get back on his feet the digestive organs require on scouts, school children, junior sons phasized the Importance of teach­ "Donald Berg.” Hartford. May 26.—(AP) — The Vacant Store In Cheney Block •Inllut Mathews Special Aseney~*New Many of you who are conscious start at 9:80 a. m„ going north on of veterans grroups, all entering the Anderron, chairman of the finance That was the name Dalberg used be little surprising If the Socialists what has been done many times be­ abundance of blood to handle the committee reported. ing spiritual and character values body of Frederick B. Schulte, about Thursday, May 28 York, Chicago. Detroit and Doslon- t.. * you are not feeling just right, meal, which deprives the brain Main street to the Center, then east park at the entrance west of the po­ along with the other work of the when he opChed accounts In 32 05, was found hanging In hla room of the right, properly so organized, fore—repudiate the confession on the are now below par because of the on East Center street to Spnice lice station. Following Is the pa­ At the business mseting of the banks. Starting At 9 A. M. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF the blood needed for mental sled street, countermarching west on His group, the following directors were oi-ganizatlon and Its young people. yesterday. Medical Examiner Ausploea OIRCULATIO.VB. before meny years were to become allegation that he had been Intimi­ after-eff'ita of an attack of the ness. I suggest that you try usiT rade formation: This phase of the work was otten He could not understand why po­ Henry N. Costello said It waa a case a really considerable factor In the dated and coerced Into signing It— ’Flu which ycu had some time ago. north side of East Center street to 1. Platoon of Police. reelected for th- ensuing three neglected, he said, but lesults al- lice, who feared he hod met with of suicide. Am.>Legten Auxiliary. The Herald Printing Company. Inc. a lunch instead of omlttliiC Center park. Marshal and Staff; years: R. K. Anderson, E. A. Lydall, foul play, should have seai;cbed so vassumes no nnanclal renponslblMty American political picture. Aa might not, perhaps, be utterly con­ You may, seemingly, hs'-e recover­ Iimch altogether. Try using a large Divisional Aides we; were far-reacl.Ing when con­ for typocraphlcal errors appearing In ed only to develop those symptoms Board of Selectmen. C. R. Burr, Harok' Norton, Mark anxiously for him when be disap­ they have been, under the label of clusive proof that there bed been no salad with a serving of cottage Salvation Army Band. ^ Holmes, Robert M. Held. Dr. Le­ sidered and Included In the pro­ advertisements in the Manchester which are charoctertatic of the com­ chce-;c, or try using milk and fresh Ths following divisional aides gram. peared last Wednesday, his funds Evsninr Herald. hAborltes, for a good while In Intimidation; but It would certainly mon complications of Influenza. bave been a p p lie d by Marsha] 3. Company K, 169th Inf., C. N. G. Verne Holmes, Harlowe Willis and safely deposited. fruit. If you enjoy cooked vege- Holmes: Bert Moseley. YD Veterans Massed colors of all organizations. Miss Grace Robertson. Thomas Bentley, princlp: I of the He employed his extraordinary TUESDAY. MAY 26 Great Britain. go a long way with any jury or Perhaps you have all but forgotten U,.U'S, men a vegetable plate woulij Hollister street school, thanked the Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted that you bad the ’Flu.and the symp­ Association; Arthur McCann, Army Howitzer Company, 189th Inf., C. Greatest Activity methods to baffle relatives who court—much further than the un­ be permissible. You will find that and Navy club; WllUara Leggett, N. C. Activities in \rhlcb the greatesi board of directors for allowing the were trying to get his money, Dal­ supported testimony of the police toms which you are now experic- this plan of eating lightly at lunch 3. Girl Scouts Band. use of the "Y” gym for games, the CAUSE AND EFFECT HARD TO UNDERSTAND ing y.' .iiay miatakenly ascribe to Veterans of Foreign Wars; Charles number p( persons partlclp>.ted dur­ berg said. • '■ themselves. time will allow you to get the good Wlgren, American Legion; Claries Girl Scouts. ing the past year, according to the banquet room for a teacher’s party "I saved the money by living very This There are aoinewhere In the the onset of some entirely new dis­ from that hour of work Immediate­ Metnke. Spanish War Veterans; Wil­ Boy Scouts. and for the formation of a social frugally", Dalberg said. "I never without opportunity at this writ­ This Chicago oasa should be a ease. I find that these symptoms report of the secretary, were, gym­ club at the ""Y" in which many nalghborhood of 35 million adult ing to read the-text of the Supreme ly following lunch with less of a bur Loveland, Sons of Veterans; Salvation Army Scouts. nasium, 11,327; bowling alleys vrith made very high salaries, working good tip to police departments are extremely disturbi ig to the mental let-down. This Is a practi­ (Seorge Park, British War Veterans: 4. Nathan Hale Junior Lodge, L. Hollister street school pupils took most of the time as a bookkeeper, malea In the population of the Unit­ Court's opinion on the Municipal patient because be so seldom at­ 13,600 persons and playground with part. COOLERATQl ed Statea. If there are, aa ie said everywhere lo these coses of signed cal, simple suggestion, but one Edward Copeland, Disabled. Ameri­ O. L. Drum and Bugle Corps. 12,367 persons en g '-'d during the stenographer or In other "clerical Bankruptcy Act, Invalidated yeater- confession. Four or five responsi­ tributes them to the attack of In­ which produces noticeable results. can Veterans; Mrs. Freda Moore School children. work. to have been aencrted by a putative fluenza and so easily mistak i them past outdoor season. A total of 16,- RAT BITES BOY. day, and depending on the brief ble and disinterested witnesses tes­ (Names of Correepondents Oon- house. Array and Navy Auxiliary; Sons of the American Legion. 200 persons used the services of the • Hla wife, Frieda, died last June, leader of the organization, three press summary from which It os being due to a serious disorder. Mrs. Gertrude Buchanan, V. F. W, Ctol. F. W. Cheney Camp, No. 14, boys’ rooms and social rooms dur­ he continued, and his 12-year-oId million memben of the eo-called tifying that they saw the prisoner- The principal complicstion re­ Auxiliary; Mrs. Lydia Wlgren, Le­ S. O. U. V. Lynn, Mass., May 36.—(AP) —A daughter, Eugenie, lives In New appears that the court bases its de- a lldcntial) ing the ye' rat climbed Into bed of 10-year old Black I.erlon, the natural deduction sign the confession without any in- sulting from Influenza k a chronic Question; Miu. Kuth J. asks: "la gion AuxUtary; Mrs. Henrietta 5. Manchester Pipe Band. Miss Leora Hibbari), woman’s York City with her grandparents, dalon on on Intrusion upon ■tatso' Indlcatlon that he was doing so un bronchitis, marked by a persistent E3nks. British War Veterans AuxU- Anderson-Shea Aiudllary, V. F. W. Joseph Krepllck early today, bit tbe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Welzs. would be that nearly one~out of there any \/.'y i can secure c.me DHworth-Cornell Auxiliary,-Amer­ secretary, reported that A^'dlnnera boy's finger and than led tbree po­ rights, one wonders what, conceiv­ der duress would usually put such cough. Usually, the patient com- Information without having my lary; Mias Sadie Copeland, D. A. V. were served and 83 times refresh­ "I did not want to get married every ten grown up men In the ably, might happen to the existing plaiins of the cough and also com­ name published in the paper?” AuxHlair; Mrs. Inez Batson, U. S. ican Legion. licemen a chase around the house again”, said tbe rolld-mannsred, be­ a documsnt "on Ice," whereas. In plains of feelinT p o ijc k . too many magazines to mention, to chores arc over. They favor the be<)ome normal when given a chance Hrt. (Sertrude Buchanan, V. F. W. layman to comprehend. A munici­ tees of bankrupt railroads to In­ club for Its lack of formality ... anfl heart may become irregu'ar and to eliminate properly. The thin per­ lust for power over the defenceless. get hla jokes to jell with current pound or race. Hj tails to eliminate Auxiliary. HOLIDA Y pality is a corporate body with, we Boston—Police—not Ih* fire de­ vestigate the causes of bankruptcy events. Besides I'm eoarried and for the fact that they are not son will gain shortly after the elim­ Mrs. Lydia M. Wlgren, American ■ One may wonder to what degree and report whether there were greeted with the pomp and clrcum properly and feels toxic anu slug­ gather from the opinion, the same partment-viewed with alarm today grounds for suits by security hold­ have a year-old child. So night life ination Is Improved and after be se­ Legion Auxiliary. a number of highly respectable peo­ the rising tendency ot night club­ Is our. I get a greater kick out of stance accorded to celebrities in up­ gish. He may noilce that the stom­ cures three or four natural Inteatl- Mrs. Henrietta Blnlcs, British War PERMANENT right to eompromise Its Indebted­ ers against oirectors or the man- staying at home and playing with town caravansaries. ach Is not doing its work as it nal eliminations dally. Freeing tl.a ple, who never In the world would going folk to m lit^ e their head­ agsment should. Usually, the patient will Veterans Auxiliary. coimtenance murder and floggings, ness through bankruptcy as any quarters for a bright spot. toe baby." Elizabeth Bergner was a regular system from the accumulated poison Miss Sadie Copeland, D. A. V. other corporation; at least that Ths provision was put over de­ Which, if you were to delve into customer when she was here and she search In vain for the cause of such gives the organs a chance to assimi­ Auxiliary. Make have unconsciously contributed to The impoalng structure often spite oppoeltinn of Chairman Jesse symptoms and .vlli fall to realize BUDGET would s^m to be the deduction misleads merrymakers who are sur­ the matter deeply at all, is the pic­ arrived In a blue sweater and alack late and digest food so much better Mrs. Inez Batson, Spanish War the boosting of the Black Legion Jones of RFC. skirt. Nobody minded. Alfred Lunt, that they may be properly blamed from the court's belief that the prised, after'entering, not to find an ture of the typical, wedded . Broad- that the patient begins to get the Auxiliary. Your by raising the cry of "Communism!” To datj, although numerous wa>ite. Lynn Fontanne, Ruth Gordon, Alex­ on the attack uf Influenza, i,ow all good from his food and add flash. Kenneth Wlgren, Sons of Ameri- statea should handle municipal orchestra and a cocktail bar. So cnarges have been made against but forgot' n. DEPARTMENT at every move or declaration for tbs officers are eonsldering erection ander Woolloott, Peggy Hwklns If exercise is taken at the same time esD Legion. This department Is )>ecomlng more bankruptcies tbsmselvea. managsments of roads now In re­ Gypsy Rose Recites Joyce, Phil Baker and the Grand The point I sdsL to 'inpress upon the thin patient will gain good, firm, 4. Organizations participating In Appoint* human rights. Creating a spectre of an electric sign to let folki know ceivership, only one federal dlstriet popular each week with Increasing Yet apparently It Ie all right for where they are.: Somewhere In the past. I once Duchess Marie arrive regularly and you la that these symptoms may muscular tissue and the l)ody >e- the Memorial Day parade will form patrons. of destructive radicalism may have judge has acted—Judge Charles 8. mentioned the Intellectual pursuits are received like ordinary customers. prove disturbing when you do not comes more rounded and pleasing. on Main street and Hartford Road m ent the United Statea government to Davis of St. Louis, In the case of the of Gypsy Rose Lee, queen of the Their names are never distributed understand that they arc the after­ The overweight patient will lose heading north, with the leading ele­ seemed to them to be a ptarlotln 8TRANGE MIXTIRF- Cotton Belt road. Shampoo and Finger Wave, 50c duty. But whatever the membership take over the adjudication of all strip tease danoera on the Forty- to the press, as having patronized effects of the ’Flu. It will be very some of the extra pounds and Hard, ments opposite the junction of Main Now other corporate bankniptelec but all Thera ore several conspicuous second Street burlesque runways. the place, because the management easy for you to consider them as normal tissue takes the p^ce of ths and Forest streets. The elements Marcel ...... 35c o< the Black Legion wj may well be­ New York—Strangenese was tbs Instances of omission to act, aay wrong to do so In the case of muni­ virtue of a consignment of new ani­ That was when Gypsy Rose began to Is accustomed to entertaining the due to the onset of an ejitlrely new flabby fat. will be in position by 9:15 a. m. and lieve that a large part of It Is due critics, citing Judge Thomas H. dabble In painting, writing and dra­ cognosentl. Consequently, there Is disorder. will report their arrival to the Chief cipalities. mals today for the New York Zoo­ Wllkerson of Chicago, for Instance, to the poison of red-fear. so sedu- logical Society from Trinidad, to matic acting, while she was not art­ nothing unusual about It. of Staff at corner of Main and For­ It Is a little dIflIcuU to under­ who has both the St. Paul and fully removing her costume for the In recent years, the formerly est streets. The parade will start FRENCH BEAUTY SHOPPE ■ously manufactured In this country wit: Rock Island railroads within his QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS prosperous toy Industry of Oer- 43 Pearl Street Phone 8058 stand. One pink-enouted golden anteatcr. customers. Every Flsb — His Day (Lunch for Mental Worker) promptly at 9:30 a. m., d. s. t. The during the last decade. jurisdiction. since then, the strip tease dancer You may gather some notions of many bos suffered a severe de- line of march will be north on Main One twittery paradise tansgsr. Question: Harold Y. writes: "Can Cline. Four vampire bats. has achieved a career aa a dainty New York smart set’s culinary SOCIALIST SPLIT LOTTERIES, PROFITS Al May Shun Ooaventlon dlseuse. I said Dainty dlseuse, my tastes from Gaelic Dlnty Moore's ob­ Reports from New York that ex- pretties. Don't be alarmed. It Is servation that tbs fastest going dish It looks very much as though the In four sweepstakes lotteries ON THI' Oor.' AI Smith a'lll avoid the Demo­ U3t contagloua. Lately, Gypsy Rose in his Broadway restaurant In cratic tutUonol convention and allow has been enlisted In . various pro- gefuelte fish. cleavage In the ranks of the Ameri­ within i year the IrUh Free State an alternate to ait In his place with MANCHESTER can Soclallat party was complete has taken out of the United States POLITICAL the Tammany delegates, although CHAMBER OF COMMERCE unconfirmed, art readily credited In and that before long If not Imme­ and retained for the support of Its chorus of hissing from all parts Clean Up • Paint Up • Plant Up - Fix Up Campaign We Have Talked About Safe diately the right wing faction and hospitals a sum reported authori­ front Woshlngtoo. of ths hall. Politicians do not see anything WAPPING In Co-operation With the Selectmen and Town Officers the left wing faction would bo com­ tatively to be considerably more Al could do at ex­ The German film waa the only than seven million dollars. Ameri­ one which a’ss not applauded at pletely and permanent!” separated, cept accentuate by hts presence the end. OFFICIAL INSPECTION REPORT BLANK constituting distinct and antagon cans have bought sweepstakes tick­ hla Isolatloo In the face of a con­ The directors of the Wapplng FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN Deposit Boxes In Our Vault— IstJe parties. ets to the tune of neariy nineteen vention almost unanimously sup­ Cemetery Association will bold their porting Roosevelt, to whom he la Smedley BuUcr'e Pound next meeting at the Sadd Memorial NOTE: This report should be filled out checking the Items For a long time the Socialist par­ million dollars and have received or In case anyone ever wonders Library ne-vt week Monday evening, accomplished and turned In at school by the pupil. If you have hlttarly opposed. what became of Gen. Smedley But­ ty has been made up of two diS' are about to received In prlzce a Voting alone among the Tam June 1, at eight o’clock to make ar­ no child attending school, please fill in and ^ve to a neighbor­ many delegates against the prost ler, famous battler of the marine rangements about cleaning up the ing child so he can obtain tbs credit. Now Do You Have An Idea Of What No down payment—^no contract—try Unct groups—and how they have little less than twelve million. corps— plot of ground which they bought managed to get along together as Of course this seven million dot dent, be might easily tempt s Last winter Butler wrote a se- from Clarence W. Johnson a year We have cleaned up our: long as they have is a mystery, for lara that has gone to the support large mass of delegates to ridicule. riee of anti-milltarlst articles for ago. We bave planted: And Al knows sa wtll os any In- the magazine Common Sense. You Get For Your Money? in their alms they are as far apart of the Irish hospitals ts only a flea- alder here that oontrolling polltl- Miss Ruth A. Nevers, oldest Back y ard ...... A flower b o x ...... an electric water heater on our os the poles. The rightists, repre­ bite compared to the margin be­ Now he lectures against war and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Front law n...... A flower garden.... ctans In the party are all set to on behalf of prohibition, predicting Basement ...... sented at Cleveland by such men tween the sums that the people of rig the talleriee for s booing party Nevers was married to Albion J. A vegetable garden Following is a deacription of the varions sized eteel boxes which yon can rent for a In ease be plans to attack the New that In 35 years there will be anoth­ Hood of Goshen last Thursday, &lay Automobile...... A rock garden ...... as Mayor Jasper McLevy of Bridge­ this country hand over to American er and permanent proh|bltion 21. A ttic ...... Shrubbery ...... Deal from the platform or the con­ amendment. year at a time. They are your personal property for the year—only YOU, have access port, are people who believe in such profeaalonal gamblers and what the vention floor. Mrs. Susie Briggs and son, Laur­ Porch : ...... Trees ...... liberal rental purchase plan things as government -.ontrol of the gamblers band back to them. The In a speech at a church in Wash­ ence Briggs who have been spend­ O arage...... Grass plots...... to them after they are locked behind the individual box doors in the vault ington the other night, he urged ing a vkeek with relatives and Vacant lot •, ...... ou, too, can enjoy tbe advantages ot this modem way ot bsating water. They have a heater that requires no attention — never has to be turned on great natural monopolies such ,os income of the gamblers of the Nwa Job for Early T I drys to seek one objective at a time friends In Bingham, Maine, returned To enable you tb test It without risk — we make thia unusual offer. or off — never has to be cleaned — and will last indefinitely. the coal, oil and Iron resourc^ of country—many of them can only Stephen Early, Rooaovolt'a publi­ and suggested that they begin with n Friday, to their home here. We have painted our: Y city oocrotary, to expected by the We bave cleaned up mos­ For $3.00 Per Yew—A steel bo? 22 inches long, 5 inches wide and A unique feature of on aleetrle zrater heater U tbat 85% or more of tbe the imtlOD, In government opera­ bo called gamblers by a aovere end ot the year to join the long pro­ oampaigna against drunken drivers. The Federated Sunday School H ouse...... You may have an electric water heater installed without any down payment “Make It practical,” he sai(l "No­ will bold their monthly social next quito breeding places sueb as: or time contract. If you don't jUro It, you can have it removed on a day’s currant required con be purchased between 11 p. m. and 7 a. m. Most people tion of the essential public utilities, straining of the term since they cession of White Houae secretaries body believes In drunken drivers. Thursday evening. May 28, and It Porch...... 2 inches deep. use little or no current during these hours. Yet an etectric pozrer plant must in government currercy and bank­ are mere racketeers—must run In­ who have marched Into the ranks of Empty tin cans ...... Screens ...... notice. If you do like It, you con have all rontal payments apply towards the Don't talk about prohibition; talk will be a lawn social, If the weather Old palls...... purchase price. operate continuously. This makes it possible to offer a epecial rate for night ing, even in some Instances, like the private Industry. permits, and it will be held on the Fence ...... water heating of only Ic a kilowatt hour — 76^ less than the average rate. to the hundreds of millions. Early, according to report, will about human Uvea. It won't be poe- Stagnant water . . . v'.T...... Garage ...... British Labor party. In national One can very easily understand slble to get another prohibition Federated church lawn. Mrs. Ellen For $5.00 Per Year—A steel box 22 inches long, 5 inches wide and We will give a definite figure — In advance — for maximum operating eoeta join- up with a large motion pic­ F. Sharp will have charge of the S a g ^ g eaves troughs...... I Here is how on electrie water heater gives you this bargain rate. About the uwxershlp of certain k.y Industries, the position of the very numerous ture concern. amendment right away.” 3 inches deep. on the night rate. For example, tbe cost to operate a 60 gallon heater time you drop off to sleep, an electric clock turns tbe heater on. Aa soon as |snt FicksI yotmg {^ple'a games, and have Miscellaneous: (enough for an average family of three) cannot exceed 83.80 a month for ths entire tank of water Is fully heated, a thermoetat cuts tbe heater off. but sriio also believe In privaL own- and sincere people who, in the face charge of tbp small children's We bave: normal night use — and Is usually less. ' ership of property, the continuation of such facts as we all know exist, By ASSOCIATED PRESS Hisses fer Hitler C.AUFORNIA NOCTURNE. games. The women’s doss will serve Cnotbes cleaned...... When you awake your day’s supply of hot zrater U ready. Mra. June l^ckel of lo~a. the Adolf Hitler wo* thoroughly htaa- Rejnoved rubblsb piles...... Rugs cleaned...... For $10.00 Per Year—A steel box 22 inches long, 11 incites wide of private hnsinesa under a definite never for a moment entertain the the refreshments. Removed dead trees and Etectric heaters are now suppljrlng hot water In a elqver. Inexpensive way- UemocraUc "grass tramper" of 1931 ed the other night by part of a Ban Diego—^The pajama-nlght- . Mrs. In e s^ . Files who has been Ashes removed ...... Their fortunate users are buying electricity while they elecp and getting a * Special Ni$rht Rate Is Only measure of regulation, the mainten­ thought of compromising with theii expects to tramp more mlddlewest- Washington audience which Includ­ ■pending a week with her daughter ■tumps . . : ...... Milk bottles collected and de-' and 3 inches deep. ------. _ ehirt dispute la slated for seEUe-leFt Trimmed trees and shrubs,.. very epecial rate, They bave piping hot zrater 34 hours a day. They i ance of the Individual life of the cit­ cunscienccs and consenting to legal­ em sod In l'd36. She won the LUe ed a large number of government ment at the exposition next week. and family In New York City, re­ Uvered to milkman (num­ from diaagreeable odors, loot and dirt. One Cent Per Kilowatt Hour izen. 'I'he leftists, represented by four years sgo because of her actlw officials and members of (Congress. turned to her borne here last Sun­ Repaired the fence...... ber of) ...... ize lottery gambling as a state nr A "sleeping garment derby”—a Repaired porches and steps.. and led by Nurman Tbomaa, are Ity In stumping all parts of the farm The Resettlement Administration clock-winding, lamp extinguishing, day. Junk and papers disposed For $25.00 Per Year—A steel box 22 inches long, 11 inches wide national government-owned monop­ belt for Roosevelt. and the Muaeuni of Modern Art Repaired screens...... of complete Marxists, whose theories cat-putUng-out dash of 99 yards— James Wllliama waa the- leader ot Don’t Wait Another Day To Modernize Yonr Home With An EHectric W aterHeatw- oly. It seems to such people to She waa a farmer before she was Film Library—of which Mrs. John srill be judged by a committee, of the Young Peoples Association Swept walks...... Destroyed insect pests...... and 10 inches deep. of a oo-operatlve •s.-mmonwealth are be absolutely Unthinkable that the drafted as assistant director of the D. RoeksfsOtr, Jr.- Is vlcs-prasldsnt married women. mseting last Sunday evening and Call Your Local Plumber or far more extreme -than any that government should obtain revenue women's division of hsr party, so —presMtsd a motion picture abow Bald P. Qtlbey Bowkar, head of the subset was “Ow Attlto^ To- Watch for th« Notice When a Town Track Will Call have been put mto effect In Russia In any such way. could talk farm problsms with au­ of governmental "documentary one faetloa: "Nlilitahtrts bectow on wards Other Races.” For Yonr Rubbish thority. She was a professional films" In a large hotel ballroom. a man the dignity of a Roman Sena­ and who seek the •uclinction of cap­ But nobody seems to know how AT LAST! "We are happy to have helped in the Manchester Oean-Up singer, so her voice carried wqll to The fllms were British, German, tor." Campaign." italism at one swoop. They are, to stop .illegal gambling or to care the rear of the trn t She Is a breesy, Russian, French and, sa a ellinax. Retorted B. H. Rathbun. leader of In other words, ccnimunlsU and to undertake to do so. Gambling unaffected, witty woman, a stirring movls produced by ths the Pajama clan: "We shall see Columbus, Miss.—In 1898 Oolum- Pupil’s nam e...... The Manchester Electric Company nothing else. Why they, should goes on, and the proflta go to law­ so even ths man folk Hka to hsar RA Itself, ealtod "The Plow That whaf wa shall see.** bu' women presented boxes of hsr. Broke tbs Plalna” “goodlts" to departing Spanieh- The Manchester Trust Co. ' want to operate as a party outside breakers or out of the country alto­ Now that four yaors havs passed Ths German film showed Nasi American war votuntssn. Ths Address ...... * TTSM ainSi pimhm n n the Communist party tt la not atto- gether. It la difficult to believe she knows much mors than ths farm youth In tralaiag and was graet- John Uoo^i mentloasd by women hava just bssn formally Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. gethsr assy to understand—unless S ch ool...... '...... that In the fullness of time there sector of the New Deal. She wlU go ed In silence until Hitler appoared toriaas as tbs real founder ot thaniMd by John A.- Holmes, fr., of Put the e t ^ p of Manchester, Conn., on yonr bnsineee by paying through this bank. i^peiliaps It may bs that Mr. Thomas. will not arrive a change of eentt- back to tramping grass shortly, and on the setaeB to make a ^>eech. American stage, was a barber Rlrr'tngbam. Ala., life president ot Parent or Guardian...... ; ...... ; htmsslf a cultivated and rath- She .von't stop until tbs tisettem First tbers was seattsrsd. applaute, when not fulfilling hla dutiss as tb n.*th Infantry Reuuion Associa- ment on this subject or that, since Is OTsr. which quickly suhsMsd midsr a setor-moasger. Uon. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN- TUESDAY, MAY 26,1686. ■ y MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 26.198S. PA G ! I has confessed he fired tha shots BBOSBOENCT DOOtOBS that killed Poole after becoming Physicians who will respond to FEW MUNICIPAL lr k «] at the delay of his companions ATCHENEYS26YRS., emergency calls tomorrow are $100 PRIZE TONIGHT Nr Y r Stocks in bringing a rope Intended for s Dr. Edwin C. Higgins, 4fi48 and ^ G l a h c p o u s ArvrN TiiPF SIX HEN ARE DROWNED FALLS FROM BICYCLE, Local Stocks "necktie party." Dr. Moore, 4S6T. BOY SCOUT NEWS Nation’s Spelling Shari Today Dean said ‘T m very re­ TO SELL INSURANCE -at r ______. by Jean Seivwright , UNITS HARD HIT morseful. It's a funny thing, but 1 AT STATE THEATER O 1936 NEA Service, Inc. WHEN TESSELS COLLIDE FRACTURES n s LEG ' romlshed by F. B. Shaw, Inn. Adams Exp , ...... 11 never bad a feeling that 1 wanted to Troop f ■^ 76 Pearl St, Hartford Air Reduo ...... 60 The moeting opened punotually kill anybody that I cut remember." BEOtN HERB TODAY Set to Toss Dipthoi WIlUam R. filartJn, Alaska Jun ...... 1344 Under Oluslon to pay until ha knew what waa reputation I That's what everyone One Ship Sinks in North Sea; at 7:16 with the regular opening Wnrren Schafer, 15. of Cam- Allegheny ...... ------2% BY COURT RULE A60DTTUW N Q A IL EVERETT,' winner of the cxercleea. Isxal Representative Concerning his enrollment with Victor Bronke, American Le­ Two Fme FQm F e^ es at coming to him...,BO you aoe wa'ra •aye. And now that we've eettled 14 Rescued b y Other Ship in tition Is Circolated^o CaO Allied Chein ...... 193 . Jeha 8. Eatiw oocteme deeiga prize, bridge Street, Accidentally the black robed society. Dean said: Mr. and Mrs. Urbano Osano, of oalebratlng on Tound UoneyT' that, let's begin to get acquainted An Instruction pariod ot. First WaahingtoB, May 26.— (A P ) weiiated4 k* . Of atmoit 900,000 j Asked Am C a n ...... 12944 (Oontlnued From Page One) ooBiee to New York to find work. Crash. Hart Last Evening. Bid " I was under an Illusion. I didn't 155 Oak street, entertained for the with each other.” Aid was held with Aaaletant Boout- Warming up-00 a few double dip.' chlldroK botWMii tlw of : cap. Nat. Bk. and Tr. 17 20 Am ComI Alco ...... 2274 gion Exeendve Joins Met­ aalTe parente are both dead. She master Thompson tn oharge. The JIO. ecial Ses»on On Voting have any Idea what I was getting past week-end their daughter and Local Playhonse in Addi­ In spite of Derek’s remonstrances The Tvottar brought the food- and ttondon. May 26— (A P )—Six men Warren, IS-year-oId eon of Mr. thonga, 17 boys and girls from all (flonn. River Bk...... 450 — Am Home Prod ...... 39V4 He recalled that Detroit and • Into when 1 joined up two years ago. has epept the poet three yean at scoutmaster explained to two re­ granddaughter, Mrs. Donald Smith MISS CRANSTON'S fashionable —for he felt a taxi waa a necessity, hovered about the becoming solici­ parts of the Nation plunged Into a Dally newspapers ars . First Nat Bank...... 100 — Am Rad St S -...... 1974 number oi Florida cities had been After I got in I had to stick, al­ not a luxury according to the pres­ were reported mlselng and probably cruits the fundamentals o. Scout­ and Mrs. Alliert E. Schaefor of 48 ropolitan Agency Here. and Barbara, of Concord, N. H., tude while Derek and Gail ex­ great word battle today—tha 12th the contest. Tha srtnner Htfd. Conn. Trust ... 65 70 Am Smelt ...... 7744 much interested In passage of the though It was against my princi­ tion to Award. oohool lor girls — due to Miss ent state of his ftnancoo-rT'tbey drowned today after the ateam ing. Cambridge street, is a patient at the ^tinestion. legislation, which he said provided while Mr. Smith was attending a Oraastea's generosity and friend- changed many a oonfidenee. annual National Spelling Bee. celve $500 out of a total of Htfd. NaL Bk. and Tr. 2574 2774 Am Tel and Tel ...... 16474 ples.” went downtown In the subway, "So your mother's home waa to trawler Picador tank three minutea A game period waa held In which Memorial hospital _tod«y, suffering prise money. Am Tob B ...... 924i that holders of 51' per cent of the in­ conference of Interstate unemploy­ ahlp for Oau’s mother. '"Although 14-year-old Bruoa Ack Phoenta St Bk and Tr 240 Efflnger In Ms statement dis­ ment compensation officials at walking the short block to Ivan's. Arizona?" Derek remarked, after colliding with the tanker Sao we played thres gamea. Thay ware from a leg fracture. While rldliig Am Wat Wks ...... 2174 debtedness of a municipality or oth­ claimed any knowledge of the kill­ victor Bronke, cf 87 Brookfield Patrons of the State theater will Armed with a letter from The three rooms In the basement Salvador In the North Sea. erman, of Peoria, HL, oUmbed the A prise of $800 wUl be g lr __ a1 town me«tlng for pub- Insurance Stocks Washington, D. C., and Atlantic Larne, a olgareL ‘T v e always wanted to ping-pong, played on the floor, a his bicycle around the walks near contest stage an odde-on favorite— runnei^up, and $100 to toa 97 103 Anaconda ...... 3374 er political subdivision could obtain ing of Poole, a young W PA worker, street, for the past 26 years employ­ have for the weekly Bank Night Gall goea to his offloe and o f the old brownstone house were Thle report, received by the own- t Ascuaslon of the ndvlMbiUty of Aetna Casualty...... a ty , N. J. -Is told he Is out ot town. DEREK go there and paint, but now that I've shoe game, played in the dark, and Manchester High school last night because ho finished third last year— place hMder. Other awards 53 56 Armour, 111...... 5 Federal court consideration for a and said the organization "deplores ed in the (jheney mills, has joined flim jard, besides the $100 weekly crowded, but Derek and Gall were era of the San Salvador, added that shortly before-? o'clock he skidded Arina Fire ...... refinancing plan and that the court the Metropolitan Insurance Com­ HARGREAVES, an artist, over- got a start at portraita I don’t sup­ an indoor baseball game. the youth word jugglers nervoutiy downward from $75 to tSO ea propiiatlng an additional >6,0001 33 35 Atchison ...... 7274 anything of this nature." award, "The V'ltneas (3hatr” with seated at a small table In the glas­ pose I'll take up landscape work the 14 other members of the Pica­ and was thrown to the sidewalk. Aetna L if e ...... might approve it If the holders of pany in the Manchester office. Mr. The young people of the Naza- bean this ooDversatlon snd offen The troop tvlU hold a hike on Me­ eyed a combatant from Long-Island. the laiR eight places. ^ the highway department and ol | Automobile ...... 38'.4 8774 Auburn...... 2974 Rabbi Leo M. Franklin of De­ Ann Harding and aa an extra fea­ sed-in room which had been added again except for my own enjoy­ dor’s crow had been rescued by the morial Day at 1:00. A ll boys who Rnssell Stevenson, scoutmaster of 75 per-cent of the bonds agreed. Bronke was born on the West Side rene church will meet this evening to help GaU. He advises! her to San Salvador. "Just look at his name,” said one, mlttlng the sale of liquor on Sun- J Conn. General ...... 44 H 4674 Aviation Corp ...... 544 troit. called the order a “new form ture, "Gentle Julia” starring de­ at the rear. Part of the glaei roof ment." are going meet at the Masonic Tem­ Troop 6. Boy Scouts, who was noti­ The contest la being held Balt and Ohio ,., ...... 18 ^ —As an example of the situation in of Paganism," afid added “any'man of town and attended the Manches­ at ,7:30 at the home of John Ellison mure Jane Withers. The pictures go to MADAME UZETTE'S shop Lloyds earlier stated It waa In­ ‘‘you've got to be a speller to leom new National museum. Hartford F ir e ...... 73 75 in Dobsonvillc. Those plknning to bod been removed and brigdit-hued ‘T ve never been there, although ple. Please bring yOur own supper fied of the accident by Scouts on It." »y is requested in a pellUon to the j Bendix ...... 27>.4 several places where readjustments' whom religion, under whatsoever ter schools and entered the yarn continue tomorrow. to apply for a Job. a'smlnga formed a celling, for now formed 20 men were mlaalng. Both •lactmen being circulated this aft-; Hartford Steam Boiler 7274 74 74 go are requested to be at the church Dad and I covered lota of the states, and be' prepared to peas at least their way to attend a meeting at the Beth Steel ...... 5144 already had been approved, Joe H. name means anything, must despise iitorage department of Cheney Beginning Thursday and running Gail arrlvea there Jnst after that, summer was within hall, this the tanker and the tra^Vler were ot The name le—Trygve Tholfsen. National F ir e ...... 71 73 at,,7:16 p. m. where transportation temperamental Madame Lizetto has but It’s New York for me now!" one test. If you want to go avrim- South Methodist churcli, saw that The wofda are being seleoted from REiNOABNATION OF Jnoon. I Borden ...... 28 Schneider, an Arkansas Federal and do all he humanly can to wipe Brothers. Upon the death of Bert until Saturday night will be "Show room would become an outdoor din­ British registry. the boy had seriously injured his leg RENa:! ■ A vote on the two Issues wUl bej Phoenix Fire ...... 8674 8875 Gould, foreman of that department, will be provided. leaiiied her designer has gone to Gall stopped abruptly. Were her mlng bring your bathing suit. a specially prepared spelling book 12 Can Pac ....,, ...... 1244 bankruptcy referee, said about 12 it out, root and branch." Boat" with Irene Dunne fmd an sJl- ing room. The tanker waa damaged badly He applied first aid Immediately and OANUTBr- en during an all day polling] Rossla Insurance . . .. 1374 Mr. Bronke assumed charge and has Bollywood. GaU gets the job and eyea deceiving her or was that The troop was diamtased at 9:16 Into which Its author. Professor Travelers ...... 553 668 Case (J. I.) ...... 169 levee and drainage districts either Probe Continued atar cast. Gail looked around eagerly, her really LuoUle Travers coming to about the stem In the collision with ted by ‘ the Scouts, had young lesday, June S. The Selectmen ! had refunded or were in the process While county authorities continu­ been employed In that capacity for A ll members of the Fellowcraft goea to work next morning. On the the steam trawler and proceeded to with the closing txardsea. Frederick S. Breed, of tha Univer­ Public Utility Stocks Cerro De Pasco ...... 5444 bright eyes noting the preeteely their table, gorgeously gowned as Schaefer removed to Dr. Lundberg'e Chicago—What annoyed Sked in the petition to have the ' ...... 57 U of refunding under the Invalidated ed their investigation here, addi­ the past 18 years. club of Manchester lodge of Masons way to the shop after loach she eo- the River Tyne with her forepeak Notaa sity o f Chicago, has crammed 2,000 James I ^ i s k told tha poUca^^ Conn. Lt. and Pow. .. 64 68 Ches and Ohio .. trimmed orange trass In their green usual to accentuate her brunet office and the latter ordered hla re­ ision meeting Tuesday night, Chrysler ...... 9574 law and expressed belief that com­ tional Inquiries proceeded at , are asked to meet at the Masonic ‘ oonnten DICK SEARLES whose flooded. A rather unfortunate, accident of the moat dlfftoult tongue twlatars tha noise of the Chicago, Btn Conn. P o w e r...... 49'4 5174 Temple at 7:16 sharp tomorrow M ARr wooden stands, the rough, ' hand- beauty. moval to the Memorial hospital, In the language. 2. Coca C o la ...... 94 7i pleted rcfundlng.s Would stand up Pontiac and Jackson, called centers “ QUEEN D IS P U Y Bister, ROSEMARY, was Gall's woven linen tableclotha and the The collision occurred In a dense prevtcus to the meeting to Scout where It waa found that both bones ton and Quincy railroad tiitins j .. _illc only 20 signers to a petition Htfd. Elec, Lt...... 69 71 of Black Legion activity by the In­ night. The club members will then roommate at school,. The Searles' "Hello, Oall’’, Lucille exclaimed In fog. Warren Schaffer marred the eve­ The book—a sort of verbal Cham­ Col. carbon ...... 119 because they bore approval of about peaaant ware on the tables. Her honeyed tones. Then, turning to of the leg were fractured. ing his house while he waa ( . a meeting at which a vote is Hartford Gas ...... 43 47 90 per cent of the bondholders. vestigators, while In Lansing, the go to Jack Trotter’s cottage at Col­ arc very wealthy. Dick tries to ning. Scout Schaffer proved him­ ber of Horrors—contains a wide sleep. So. New Eng. Tel. .. 140 144 ■ Col Gas and Elec ...... lO'A IN W ATKINS WINDOW toes tapped the floor Impatiently In Derek, she said, ‘Tan’t this the fa­ ken. the town charter requires 100 ...... 1674 Several Cases Pending state capital. Attorney General umbia lake for their meeting.' make a date with Gall, hot she post­ T'lP steam trawler Picador. lost self a real trooper and came through assortment of ‘‘Ible" and able" end­ Manufacturing Stocks Coml Solv ...... harmony with the wild muele of tbq mous artiet, Derek Hargreaves? LEWIS Fl'NERAL HELD lAtoat he did, said tha poUct,"' Jliatures to make it mandatory for Cons Edison ...... 32J.4 The cases of several drainage dis­ David H. Crowley, conferred with pones It. Russian peaoont oreheatra. In the disaster on the North Sea, with flying colors, ings and a choice picking of ''al” and dash out and firs two ehota at i* ^jUpeclal meeting for discussion Acme Wire ...... 38(4 4174 The American Legion auxiliary Back at the ohop Madame LIs- Won't you come and join us at our had a gross tonnage of 424. She 'le " brain benders. Cons Oil ...... 12 tricts which sought relief under the Oscar G. Olandcr, state commission­ Uble?" Durham. N. H.. May 28.— (A P )— comotive with hla pistoL Am Hardware ...... 29 31 er of public seffety, to add the force will Imid a rummage sale In the Special Exhibit of Beautyrest ette senda for some sketches Gall "What a gorgeous plaoel" she ax- ivas built In 1988 and was registered To make sure that the speller Cont Can ...... 7474 law in Eastern .Misourl were pend­ elslmed eoftly, as though afraid of (To Be Oonttaoed) STEAL UGHTN1NG RODS. Simple funeral and memorial eerv- What such futile aetieo ,.Vith Willard B. Kogers, stormy Arrow H and H, com. 41 43 77 of the state authority to the drive vacant store In the Cheney block Mattresses Similar to Those has made. out of the English port of Hull by hears the correct pronunciation, 2 Com Prod ...... ing in court. brettitlng the spell woven about her. Icce were planned for today for Dr. ruled Judge Thomas A. Oresii,-i IkK rel of local politics promising to Billings and Spencer. 1 A t Brooklyn Village, 0 „ a Cleve­ which all Investigating agencies starting at nine o'clock Thursday On Big Liner Are Shown. N03V GO ON W ITH THE STORY’ the Hull Northern Fishing Oom- Professor H. F. Harding, of George Bristol Brass ...... 69 Del Lack and West ...... 1644 " I thought It m igh t. appeal to North Grafton, Mass., May 26.— Edward Morgan Lewie, 63. presi­ 30 days In jail and a $25 flaa^ Im pose the appropriation and Select- 61 land suburb, the municipal counsel, have said Is designed to "extermin­ mi«"nlng. Anyone having any arti­ CHAPTER •Vnt panv. Ltd. Washington University and Dr. H. Collins Co...... 120 130 Du P o n t...... 14274 you. It's very popular Just now. Do (A P )—Thieves, Rockwood Nichols, dent of the Unlverelty of Now a.vsault with a gun. . fman Mathias Spiess, David Cham- Byron Kuth, ,sald the decision was ate” the secret vigilante society. cles to be called for are asked to In Connecticut with the maiden The San Salvador, damaged In E. Warner, of HIne Junior High Colt's Pat. Firearms. Elec and M u s ---- ...... 674 notify Mrs. Lydia Wigren, Mrs. Dejectedly Gall flung herself on you like the music ?" DEMOCRATS OF STATE reported to police, have struck llampshlrp. I and Sherwood G. Bowers de- 42 >4 4474 ...... 3574 "regrettable" but added "we will No Federal .Angle Voyage of the new Cunard- White the collision, has a gross temnage of school, Washington, are acting as Eagle Lock ...... 2574 27'4 Elec Auto Lite ... Ethel Quish or Mrs. Ida Woodhouse. bar bad when she entered her room. ‘T love It, snd the ooetumes of 5,808. She was bulTt In 1934 and Is where llghtnlnig didn't. Only-:daae frlanda and memhera -.Ing their Willingness to meet Gen Elec ...... 3674 find some way out, but 1 don’t know Reports that the Federal govern­ Star liner "Queen Mary" Watkins How quickly her rosy dreams bad 'pronouncars". lUoa growara o f Xiuaoo, jt. Sogers in debSLe, the posaibil .y Fafnir Bearings...... 85 95 ment might enter the investigation Brothers have prepared a special tha orchestra — typically moujlk, registered out of London b y the He told .'Olios coppsr lightning of the family wero Invited to attend One mistake and the speller la out ntae Islands, have iatricata Gray Tel Pay Station 18 20 Gen F ood s...... 3844 what It .wlU be. The village, with a Four applications for membership been shattered! Only this morning aren't they?" A T T U R M O N T DINNER Eagle Oil and Shipping, Ltd. rods valued at $850, had been stol­ tha funeral servU'*s at 11 a. m. (E. I the special session has aroused a ...... 6274 population of 7,000, was to have a were denied at Washington by J. window display for Beautyrest Mat­ she had started off, thrilled at the except when the contest narrows terraesa consisting of levs! i Hart and Cooley . . . . 140 Gen M otors...... In Campbell Council were 'received tresses. Every deluxe cabin In the "Yes, but they say the leader and en from hie uno,.-:upled farm house p . T.), all college activities were down to tvro, and then if both miss _irge amount of interest. Gillette . . . ---- - ...... 1544 hearing next month on a petition Edgar Hoover, head of the Federal prospect o f working at Madame’s on mountainaldea. These ara?]S ^ A s far as could be determined to- Landers, Frary A Clk. 38 <4 4074 Bureau of Investigation. He said no at the meeting of the council held new Queen of the seas is equipped one or two of the others are really Rumors Following Walerbury More than 5.000,000 men and and barn. Police aald the thieves suspended and the student body the word, each Is given a try at a constructed as to provida M Mann A Bow. Class A 7 9 Gold Dust ...... 1544 listing $1,119,000 In bonds .and $65,- last night. The campaign for mem­ She'd maka a name for herself and members of the old Russian nobil­ women are deaf enough to need must have worked many hours to prepared a general me.norlal eerv- the petition was the first ever ...... 73 000 in notes as Ilablitttes "Federal angle” had been brought to with these famous springs and mat­ new one. land where the rice plants 14 i — Hershey ...... It wouldn't be long till she would be ity." Affair Say a CroBa Boom mechanical aids to hearing. do.. Class B ...... 2 bers which was started lost year Is tresses, and Watkins are using this complete the job. Ice for 8:30 p. m. gMeulated in the history of the town Hudson Motors ...... 1644 New York state had enacted ho the bureau’s attention. ncogntzed in the world of fashion. The 17 eonteetanta hava ellnd- he flooded. “ New Brit. Mch., com. 1774 10>^ again to be renewed and at the special window display and Herald "Oh, how interesting! Hava you Waa Launched. ■ior a discussion meeting. Int Harv ...... 86 enabling statute. A t Jackson, Mich.,' Prosecutor Now she thought bitterly of those do., pfd...... 95 — Owen Dudley said developments next meeting a large number of ap­ newspaper advertisements to tie In ever spoken to them?” OaU’s am­ North and Ju dd...... 33 35 Int N ic k ...... 4644 Two North Carolina towns had plications la expected. with the sailing. . dreams. Why had Madame deliber­ ber eyes glowed as she turned again Int Tel and Tel ...... 14 sought to scale down interest on were Imminent In a '“John Doe” in­ ately declared she wanted designs Waterhury, OoHii., May le.— (A P ) Peck, Stow A Wilcox. 5>/4 774 quiry into charges that Paul Every, ■ I' Following the meeting last night The window, which was decorated In the direction of the musicians. Johns Manvllle ...... 95 bonded debt under the law—Benson suitable for older womes, when —Democratic leaders In Connecti­ Russell Mfg. Co...... 35 state prison guard, was beaten so a roast beef dinner was served. by James Pascoe, shows three hugh "No! I ’ve said 'Hello' occasional­ 'iUtADE OF PLANES ScovlII Mfg. Co...... 32 34 Kenencott ...... 3774 and Rowland. Assistant Director smoke stacks In the background, OaU’s Instructions hsd been to pre­ ly when the leader hae passed my severely that he died six weeks lat­ ! cut hoped today the "harmony'' Standard Screw ...... 120 130 Lehigh Val Coal ...... 244 W. E. Easterling of the North Caro­ % ¥ Winners at the progressive whist colored like those of the Queen pare youthful models? Surely Miss table at close range. Well, how Lehigh Val Rd ...... 1074 lina Local Government Commission er. when he attempted to withdraw ' - " ' l l Carolle wouldn’t have changed the dinner In honor o f David B. Flta- Stanley W o rk s...... 3974 4174 from the Black Legion. given last night at the Home Club Mary. Shlfi pennants are caught to about ordering dinner now?" Derek Loew’s ...... 4744 said he did not know what course Instructions. Miss Carolle had been offered her one of the menus that GeriUd of New Haven served Its TO CIRCLE STATE Torrlngton ...... 95 97 Dudley said testimony of witness­ by Women of the Moose included the celling of the window and are Union Mfg...... Lorlllard ...... 2274 would have to be taken now. brought to the front with cords. entbustastic about Oall'a work. the waiter bad placed on the table. purpose. Co 11 ...... 43 es Indicated that virtually every Mrs. Lillian Blanchard and James U S Envelope, com... — 100 Mont W a r d ...... Sontenac, a small coal mining Luggage that shows the labels of Something waa wrong though — "While they’ve lots of Russian Approximately 100 of the leading ...... 34 »4 prison guard had been approached Roberts, first; Mrs. M. J, Burke and do., pfd...... 120 1.30 Nat Blsc ...... town, was the only Kansas munici­ European travel, life preservers, and very wrong. And this waa only dishes, they also serve honest-to- members of the party attendeo the by Black Legion recruiting agents. Henry Vaillant, second and Mrs. Gall's first day at the shop! This Is the G m R a n g t — - Veeder Root ...... 81 83 Nat Cash Reg ...... 2374 pality to resort to the law. The Irri­ May Roberts and Theodore Miller, ropes give a nautical background goodness American food, too, if event last night and emokeJ the o ...... 2374 "Apparently the Legion consider­ Victor Bronke Perhaps Madame has resented the [T Celebrate Date When Whitlock Coll Pipe .. _ 3 Nat Dalrv ...... gation district of Imperial County, consolation. . A t the close of the for the three Beautyrest Mattresses you’d rather have that” peace pipe with Lieut. Oov„ and r u x r ...... 2974 ed the guards a fertile field becau.se fact that Gall had returned late a 1836 Q u ality D L J. B. Wllllama Co, ... 42 62 Nat Distill ...... (jal., had closed a $15,000,000 bond He has been active In Legion cir­ games sarrtfwlches, cake and coffee which arc displayed. In addition, a Mayor Fran'nV Hayes rervlng as N Y Central ...... 3544 refunding deal and officials express­ they are accustomed to the use of cles, having been one of the first beautiful colored and framed paint­ after lunch; though, If she had Quickly Oatl glanced at the list host First Aviation Laws in Na­ Miscellaneous firearms," Dudley said. were served. ModaL automatic top and Chapman Valve ...... NY NH and H ...... 374 ed the opinion a disapproving 10 Commanders of Dllworth-Comell ing of the Queen Mary, loaned to looked at the time cards, she would before her. Then, raising her eunny Reports which eseped out In the 19% 21% Among the membership require­ have seen that Gail had not been Conn. Invest. Mgt. .. North Amer ...... 2674 per cent of the bondholders could Post, No. 102, American Legion of Watkins Brothers by the BrlUsh- head—for she bad taken off her smoke— the dinner waa privata and oven lighting. Insulated 2'4 3 'i ments contained In Black Legion lit­ one even an hour. Then her Elec Steam Sterilizing Packard ...... 1044 force assessments to fulfill the orig­ this town and more recently ihc Amerlcan Club, Is shown, together small green hat—she said, "Won’t only tboae Invited ty Mayor Hayes tion W ere Passed. 1% 2% erature seized In Jackson were pos­ lioughts flew back to Dick. She Jacobs Co., F. L. ... 16 18 Penn ...... 3074 inal obligations. post adjutant for ten years. Recent­ with a sectional view of the Interior you pleaee order for me? There were allowed to enter—indicated ovens and Astogril broiler, Saqborn Map ...... 97 — Phlla Rdg C and I ...... 274 WlU Keep Trying session of a pistol, and willingness ly he was elected Hartford District PRESS TAX BILL of the ship and this week's news gliked him. He was a good com- Isn’t a thing In the world I can’t that all of the sp uers strongly Sparta Foundry...... Phil Pete ...... 4074 New Jersey’s only district seeking to use It on orders from superior of­ Commander, which office he now clippings about the sailing of this •panlon. Never having had a brother eat for 3rou see I knocked around oven temperature control /Hartford, May 26— (A P I—A twin 2574 27'4 of her otvn. Gall bad looked upon urged the renomlnsUon of Gov. W il­ .Sylvanla Indus...... 25 27 Pub Scrv N J ...... 44 7i such relief was North Bergen town­ ficers. holds. newest and largest sbip-afloaL with Dad so much when I was a kid bur L. Cross for anothei term. I'TH^p Junior powered Boeing, es- Radio ...... 1074 ship and this case was pending. Two Guards Suspended Dyehouse friends of Mr. Bronke his aa one ever since Rosemary had I learned to eat everything." and condiment set Taylor-Colqultt ...... 3574 37>i FOR CONGRESS’ Invited her to spend a summer va­ The Croas boom la said to have ...... 4074 Warden Harry Jackson, of the Btinrted by tl\ree National Guard Utah-Idaho Sug. Com. 3'A Reading ...... •Nebraska villages, Ralston and gave him a testimonial party at the “ Well, that’s easy. How about a been fired by Toastmaster Hayes 474 State prison of Southern Michigan, cation at their home the year Gall’s KVijanes, will soar over the state Sun- New York Bank and Ins. Storks Rem Rjind ...... 1944 Spencer, had obtained majority ap­ home of Tony Agostinelll on Glen- SIX PERSONS DIE nice steak and vegetables and then and seconded by . Mayor Thomas J. Rey Tob B ...... 53 Vj has suspended two guards, Ray wood street, Friday night and pre- father had died. ay. June 7, droning out Connectl- Bank of New York .. 495 606 provals from bondholders on read­ some Russian dessert, with all the Bpellaoy of Hartford, with t : Safeway Stores ...... 3144 justment plans. Ernest, described by Jie prosecutor .sented him with a pen and pencil END N E H WEEK Of course they we*e older now, fixings — salad, coffee, and so on?" ut's pride in being the first state In Bankers Trust ...... 65 87 others at tha dinner chiming In. Chase ...... 37 30 Schcniey D ls ...... 4344 E. E. McAdams, executive secre­ as an officer of the Legion, and Dice set. ' IN QUEBEC CRASH Gail was 19 and Dick was 33 — "Lovqjyl’’ exclaimed Gall, and going Into hla father’s office In the Although the oinne: honored ^ e nation to pass avatlon laws, Chemical ...... 53 66 Scars Roebuck ...... 7174 tary of the League of Texas Munici­ Hawley. (Oontinned From Page One) once more her eyea roved around j^ifianylng state offitlals of 26 years Shell U n ion ...... 1644 In 1' lint, Mich., Prosecutor An­ fall. Well, the g irl' who married FitzGerald, who will be elected LAST Central Hanover . . . . 109 111 palities, said the Electra and-Cam­ (Oontinned from Page One) tpe room. What a lot of Interesting Democratic National committeeman ^ jio , men who helped to stimulate Socony Vac ...... 12'4 drew J. Transue said the Black Le­ Leaders v/ere concerned oirer the hla would have a good time, and looking people! Would the ever be­ Continental ...... 1714 10 eron county water districts were never a single worry about making for Connecticut at the party’s con­ Twlder interest and wider knowledge Com Exchange ...... 50t4 Oil- South Pac . . . : .•...... 3244 the only Texas subdivisions that gion was strongly entrenched In NATHAN B. RICHARDS slow progress the tax bill and the long with them, ehe wondered. Then, ^ aviation during its Infancy, the A General Airways pilot, Gath ends meet. clave at Philadelphia next month, First National ...... 1800 1015 South Rwy ...... 1544 had used the law. Officials of the Genesee county with 2,000 members, $1,425,000,000 relief appropriation Edwards, searching for the missing looking across at Derek, ehe realized CALL! 'iBlght will commemorate the signing St Brands ...... 16'4 and declared he had Information for next year wer making toward Gail rose from the bed. Things that he waa gazing Intently at her. lU purpose, as announoed, waa to Guaranty Trust ...... 285 200 water districts said they would con- BACK FROM FISHING TRIP ship, found the over-turned wreck­ hadn't come quite to such a stage restore harmony and heal any the Nutmeg State’s aviation laws Irving ...... 1414 16' St Gas and El ...... 644 tlt.ue their efforts for refunding of that it was "organized for murder the Senate floor. However, Chair­ "Aren’t you going to tell me about -the first such laws In America age about half a mile from Chl- with her that she would grasp the wounds that m l;ht have resulted Manhattan ...... 27 20 St Oil Cal ______...... 3844 $802,000 of indebtedness. and Intimidation." He said a Grand man Harrison (D., Miss.), of the fi­ bougamau Lake, about ido miles your iklrmlih with Madame?" be _nd, so far as can be ascertained, St Oil N J ...... 5844 Jury investigation was under con­ nance committee hoped to get the first chance to mek security — aaked, his eyes twinkling. from the conflict In the recent State Manufact. T ru st...... 4514 471- Manager of Manchester Lum­ northeast of this mining town and marry a man whom she did not the first in the world. National City Bank.. 33 35 Tex Corp ...... 3374 sideration. tax bill out late today or tomorrow, "Ob, but that sounds so paltry In convention between several leaders. Piloted by Bernard L. Whelan, 250 miles northwest of Quebec. love. Then she laughed softly. She New York ...... 118 120 Timken Roller Bca ...... 6274 LEGION SUSPECTED In Battle Creek, Police Chief ber Company Brings Back while an appropriations sub-com­ The passengers were understood to a crowd like this. I don’t want to ;vlce president of the United Alr- Trans America ...... 1244 Hugh Gordon said be bad .received Eleven Trout. mittee was in the final stages of dis­ knew suddenly what was wrong. bore you." .israft Corporation, Invited guests for Public ...... 3014 41 li have been returning to Rouyn, Que­ She was hungry! Things would Title ...... 0 10 i- Union Carbide ...... 83'4 a report that at least one man was cussion on the relief bill. bec, a mining center 60 m l^ from “Nothing you say will ever bore LAST the Boeing Include; Mathew H. Union Pac ...... 12144 threatened with violence because he If both go to the floor this week, look different after she had eaten CURB QUOTATIONS ^Bogers, of Bridgeport, secretary ot Insurance OF BOMBING, ARSON Nathan B. Richards, manager of here, after an inspection tour of dinner. roe”, Derek answered gallantly, and American (Newark) . 14 16 Unit Aircraft ...... 2244 refused to complete his Initiation In­ the Manchester Lumber company re­ leaders hope to be able to adjourn northern mining properties. All oc­ Gall knew there was more stgnifl- :atate In 1911 and under whom the Unit Corp ...... 674 to the Black Legion. Congress at che end of next week. Pulling off her frock, she opened ■Hiara were administered; John H. American Reserve ... 2714 20 li turned this morning from a fishing cupants of the plane were killed. canee to hie reply than appeared on By ASSOCIATED PRESS Unit Gas I m p ___ ...... 15'., BY DETROIT POLICE An attempted slaying at Lansing, Senator Couzens (R., Mich.), The dead; her wardrobe trunk (she hadn’t un­ the surface. Eight of Norwalk, attorney general American S u rety___ 5314 65>i trip to Grand Lake Stream, Maine, packed It, for the future still seem­ Ark Nat Gas ...... American.. 8 0 U S Ind A l e ...... 3774 Mich., on May 10, was under inves­ having enjoyed one of the best sea­ member of the Senate finance com­ W. H. Clarke, General Airways Immediately she told him about Asad Gas and Else A CALL! ' the time of passage; Frederick ...... 30 ed rather uncertain) and selected a Excess ...... 714 9 U S Rubber...... tigation by state police. sons In years. He brought back 11 mittee, was urging that any action pilot, veteran filer and aviation her work at Madame’s, quickly skip­ Am Sup P o w ...... , Scott, Plymouth, who was speak- U S Steel ...... (ContlnuPd from Page One) lovely green dress of featherweight of the House In 1911; the present Fid. and Deposit . . . . 02 07 ...... 5844 Denunciation of the Black Legion, lake trout averaging In weight four on taxing undistributed profits of pioneer In the northern mining coun­ ping over the real reason she had Cent States El ...... t West U n ion ...... 7944 corporations be deferred for a year try of Quebec Province. wool. Then, as she started to run dge of Superior Court, Edwin S. Great Am erican...... 2714 291 statement from V. F. Effingor of whose literature described It aa . n pounds each. The largest trout the water for her bath, the tele­ been late at noon. "Now that's the cat Serv ...... Halifax ...... 2114 231 West El and Mfg ...... 11444 organization for the defense of or two pending detailed study. George Millhan, mechanic. history of my first working day. Do Clt Serv., pfd ...... tomas. of Columbia, who was then ...... 80 Lima, Ohio, wlio had been sought weighed a little more than 6 pounds. phone tinkled Insistently. iilMcutlve secretary to Governor Hanover ...... 30 41 Woolworth ...... Protestantism, came from the De­ Because of the high wind the first In a radio speech last night he Four passengers, three of them you thjnk I ’ll ever have another?" Elec Bond and Share Elec Bond and Share (Curb).. 1944 for questioning by Prosecutor Dun­ unidentified and the fourth reported Gall hastened to pick up the re­ 'Alineon E. Baldwin, and other state Home Ins...... 3614 371 can C. McCrca, that the Black Le­ troit Methodist Preachers Associa­ day after arriving at the Grand described the original administra­ ceiver. It muet be Dick — but as "Another? Why, Madame won’t Ford Limited ...... tion program for a stiff levy on un­ from Rouyn to be Leo Springer, .fifftclats. Home Fire Security.. 5 6 gion and more than 6,000,000 mcm- tion. "W e deny their right to speak Lake Stream, the party motored she answered the call a sudden lot you go. I've been bearing some Nlag Hud P o w ...... iv The laws were sponsored by Gov- Mass. Bonding ...... 43 46 or act for anybody; we denounce down to the "Quoddy” tide-water distributed profits as the "moat prominent mining man and head of things about her, and her former Penn Road ...... l)ers throughout the United States Ceres Elxplorations, Limited. thrill of happiness rose In her heart. ;fitBor Baldwin, who had previously National Liberty . . . . 914 10* and that it had no Intention of try­ them; they have no part or place in project at Eastport, where they carelessly drawn and undeveloped Derek’s voice came over the wire. designer who's on his way to Holly- Segal Lock ...... North River ...... 26'4 281 STATE’S MANUFACTURERS American society." of any proposal 1 have ever seen, Were Prospectors wood. You may not enjoy your LAST I a member ot the American Bar ing to take over the government. spent the day. ‘Tonight,’’ she repeated, and her Unit Gas ...... ciatlon, attempted to have that Prov. Wash...... 41 43 The resolution referred to the (js- and especially Is such a plan at this The other three passengers were surroundings much at Llzette’a. but Aspirations ot obtaining a gov­ Mr. Richards and party left many understood to be prospectors taken syea were shining... ."to celebrate Unit Lt and Pow A fiatlon recommend such a code Pref - Accident . 20 22 ARE ABSENT AT PARLEY glon as "hooded gangsters," and of the fish caught on the trip at the time unwise. . . . . But I don't know yet If I ’ve when you leave you'll have soma Util Pow and Lt .... Seaboard Surety .. .. 21 23 ernmental dlctator.-ihip were attrib­ " ’Why do I say unwise? It Is be­ aboard the plane at Father Lake ' uniform adoption by the several uted to the order by Harry Colburn, called upon authorities to "use legal camp and gave others away to made good! Madame... .all righ t... |:^tea. Feeling that it was prema- Security Ins...... 36 38 cause the country as a whole is now and Presqu'lle to join Springer's in­ chief investigator for the Wayne means to suppress and extirpate friends in that section of the Pine in half an hour... .yea... .delight­ F^ure- the association took no fur- Springfield Fire & Ma. 130 135 (Continued from Page One) this monstrous perfidlty.” gettlhg out of the worst economic spection party. county (Detroit) prosecuting attor­ Tree state. Aviators were inclined to attri­ ed,” and shs replaced the receiver [ ther action until some time later. Sun L if e ...... 400 460 depression in the history of the na­ gently In its cradle. CALL! Part of the two day program'’to U. S. F. and G...... 14 16 ney’s office. tion. There are hundreds of thou­ bute the crash to Sunday’s adverse J t held June 6 and 7, the Boeing Westchester ...... 34 36 volvement due to the maintenance "W e’re absolutely not trying to sands of corporations, mostly sm; 11, flying conditions, but government ] wltb her escorts will leave Rentsch- by Connecticut concerns of branch take over the government," Efflnger FEAR SEVENTEEN DEAD and General Airways officials hast­ Shs danced across the bathroom. SOCIALISTS D E U Y who have been required through the ened to the scene for an Inquiry’. Derak Hugreaves waa coming to tler Field, Bast Hartford, at 2 p. m. plants, warehouses, sales offices, re­ rpald. Denying there was any con­ long years of depression to use up POPULAR MARKET Capt. A. Roy Brown, president of taka her to dinner. She was in and pRunday. circle Hartford, fiy over pair departments and other estab­ nection bet :en the Ku Klux Klan IN N. J. FOREST FIRES wha.tever surplus had accrued in 866 Main 8tra«t Rublnow Bulldlns London, land at Groton Air- TOWNSEND AIDES lishments In other States of the and the Black Legion, Efflnger said PLATFORM DEBATE General Airways, a famous flier on out of the bathtub In almost no earlier years. his own account, left Toronto by time at all She brushed her red- —, Shopping Center for Thrifty Pooplel pass over the Essex Airport, union. * "the Black Legion will go right "Some have gone Into debt and rer New Haven and land In the "The board reviewed the Federal ahead promoting the best Interests (Oontinned from Page One) train for Timagami, there to change goid curls till every solitary hair (Oontinned From Page One) some have had their capital materi. to a plane for the journey to the ■aamed like a th re^ of burnlebed . City, circle Bridgeport, then to ALSO IGNORE CALL Act, the possibility of amendment, of America and American citizens ally impaired and It therefore seems ny, land In Meriden, spend 16 and the constitutional questions In despite the unfortunate affair in lellng the first in a march toward scene of the disaster between Cbi- gold. She outlined the delicate In his formal speech of accept­ obvious that an opportunity mudt bougamau Lake and Senneterre. of her lips with a rosy UpsUck, pecial es in the Silver City and re- volved. It took into consideration Detroit." the sea. Wednesday Specials! S (Continued From Page One) ance, Thomas assailed the Roosevelt be given to accrue earliings'to take An Inspector from the Civil Avia­ dusted her cheeks with powder, and __I to the East Hartford field. the probability of the Introduction Efflnger In statements by Investi­ Earlier today the fira fighters care of the losses in previous years Other plans for the celebration of such legislation at a special or at gators here had been called "west­ administration as having failed and tion branch of the Department of touched the pink lobes of her dainty thought they hao won their battle and to restors any Impairment In National Defense arranged to leave I tentative. Commissioner Morris tee still at odds over whether Dr. the regular session of the Connecti­ ern commander," ol the Black Le­ predicted the Republican party when they made a ;.jt stand in ears with a dsllcate, fragrant per­ ifaloMaBe O tm -B m l CamtrmI their capital.**^ Ottawa by plane to investigate the fume.' Then ebe clipped Into her today however, that a dinner Tqwnsehd should be tried before the cut General Assembly. It reiterated gion, in charge of Michigan, Ohio would have "nothing positive to front of Tuckerton, 16 mile:, from d be held at the Hotel Bond In the conditional policy of the aasocl- offer.” He said there was some merit In crash. elothei and perched a smart little STEAKS! STEAKS! bar of the House or the whole mat­ and Indiana. where the fire started, and saved the taxing undistributed corporate earn' pringtime "It Is a great thing we dare to Other planes were expected to fiy hat on her eunny hair. S ford, June 8, to culminate the ter turned over to a Federal court. atton which has guided all past ac­ A resolution adopted by the De­ town. Fire apparatus came from as CHOIOR OUT rvance and make further plans tion that all proposed legislations do," Thomas told the" convention ings but Insisted that "this Is not Into the Chibougamau Lake region Glancing In the mirror, ehe Present Situation. troit hlcthodist Preachers’ Associa­ far as Atlantic City, twenty miles the time.” _ le eend Connecticut forward In avia- must be well and painstakingly con­ banquet last night. "W e oppose from Rouyn, carrying a coroner and whispered softly to herself,' "You've As the matter now stands, the tion yesterday called upon the au­ distant. A sub-committee headed by Sena­ other officials. Sen more than ever before. sidered and constructive In Its ob­ thorities to “use every legal means the massed resources of Republican done your beet, chile!’’ She felt doctor has challenged the commit­ On Three Fronts tor King (D., Utah), decided to Little Information extraordinarily happy. tee to arrest him uid hall him be­ ject of application. to suppress and extirpate" the captains of industry, tha political power and the public purse in jtos- Before that the hydra-headed fire open bearings today on a proposal The pilot who located the tyreck- Again the telephone Unlcled to 2 3 c * 2 3 - ale fore the House, while James R. Sul­ Decide to Stay Away Black Legion, which It calleQ a S session of the Democrats, facing had eaten uway on three fronts and to put an excise tax of half-a-cent a age brought back the first definite Inform her that Derek wae down- TAKE FINALS livan, committee counsel, has chal­ "After mature deliberation on all “ monstrous perfidy." all but otie had been believed defi­ potmd on sugar. King seUd he un­ word of the disaster last night. He of these points, as Well as other The raids In the Detroit downriver them with the might of a great etalre. Picking up her handbag. lenged the doctor to return and nitely put under control, rhat one. derstood “some Michigan people” said the broken plane was lying on Gall walked along the corridor to ^ COUNTRY BOLL - testify. points, and after a canvas, It was district were conducted by Harry faith, of a logical analysis of the Bmmdr Condlmtma See diseases of our time and a sure phil­ moving southward toward New Tvould object to the tax. Its back, but declined to give fur­ the elevator, t r ^ g to still the Ends Saturday at noon . . . IN FIRST AID WORK The latest in an exchange of de­ finally voted that thought had hot Colburn on Information supplied by ther Information imtil the airways osophy for building the co-opera­ Gretna, was the one which turned Refiresentative Crawford (R., eeetatic beating of bar heart, try­ lb nunciatory statements was Issued sufficiently crystallized and uncer­ a member of the secret society. on Tuckerton., Mich.), announced opposition to officials arrived. The informant whose name was tive Commonwealth In which Is our ing to wear a oaaual look, to make BUTTER last night by Dr. Townsend. It tainties sufficiently defined to per­ The fire swept through a triangu­ such a tax on the ground that "sug­ The deaths in the disaster were herself feel that this date waa of 1 ^ 1 bt of Manchester’s policemen said: mit of any association appearance at withheld, charged the hooded band hope." FEW weeks ago this range sold lor $124iN). On Monday afternoon in the hearing room lar area of more than 80 square ar is a poor man’s food.” the first In the years o f flying to no cpedal Importance. A the bearing on May 26. was responsible for the' bombing of Claiming "the New Deal has not A GREAT VALUE 1 WEDNESDAY SPECIAL! ■T don’t wonder that Speaker miles of scrub pines. An easing of the proposed taxes and from the gold mining country. There waa admiratioii In the Police Court took their final Bjrrns doesn't want this matter Chairman Henry 8. Beers presided the home of William W. 'Voisine, worked," Thomas said "there la not Pilot Clarke, who left a widow CHOICE CUT y TVr-; ■ ■ . W iinatlon. They recently com- Eight men were taken to hospi­ on corporations In receivership was Derek's blue eyes aa he took Gall'a FRESH OR SMOKED It w ill again sell for $124.00. . • . But right now — today — and heard on the fioor of the House, But as representatlT^s of retail mer­ Ecorse village president. a single economist or social suialyst and a child, had been flylng-ln that a Works Progress admlnls- Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea or repute who dares to affirm that tals, where their condition was de­ voted late yesterday by the Senate outstretched hand. "Well, hero you CHUCK ROASTS we challenge him and the represen­ chants, labor organizations and committee. It decided that In sUch area for eight years. ai’e!” he aaid. "Once more let roe m course in first aid. other groups gave their views on six said that the Informant related that there are now in operation political scribed as “fair.” "He was the first pilot to explore SHOULDERS BEST OLTSt r - S*. >P ise who achieve passing marks tatives for a bearing and If It Is cases the 7 per cent undistributed offer my congratulations." np untii noon Saturfiay. the price is granted we will prove to Congress leadlng'quesUons. “police officials and politicians" at­ and economic forces to make new More than 500 youthc from five the northern mining district by Ubt papers will receive tended a meeting at which the war unlikely or the danger of fresh CCXI camps and at least 250 volun­ profits tax should apply only to ao "But I told you I didn't know If all the way from Wash- and the American people that the The commission seeks public much of the income as Is available, plane," Stuart Graham, Inspector they were In order. Madame acted •4Mug.ll Smoki l m BruUsr opinion on these questions: bombing of 'Vlolsine’s bouse was economic catastrophe remote." teer firemen from a dozen depaft- for the Civil Aviation branch of the 1 7 c lb. qnalifying them to admin- BeU committee has been guilty of after meeting demands of creditors, so queerly today. I don't know gross and cruel abuse of power." Is It advisable for the State to discuss^. Citing the phrase, "Roosevelt or ments joined the regular forest Department of National Defense 1 7 « to the Injured. 'Volslhe himself charged that Reaction," the standard bearer of wardens in the flghL for distribution In dividends. what my fate may be tomorrow!” Asserting that Sullivan had adopt an unemployment compensa­ said at Montreal. "Oh, I don't think you need to 7 ” • 8 9 * » lies for the graduation exer- members of a secret night riding Fresh Home Hafie bave not yet been determined. cbiuged that the Townsend organ­ tion law this year? the dominant Leftist Socialist party Fickle winds turned backfires in­ "Weather conditions never both­ worry. Besides, we can always SUGAR CURED organization was responsible for the asked: to new menaces, sent the main fire ered him. He braved the worst ot PURE ization Is (Communistic, the ataU- I f ao, should the law set up a have another celebration If need be. ment said this was npt so. It'said "pooled fund plan”, or a "company bombing. "There was a big gang "TVhat does that phrase mean to swinging off on a new tack. storms, whether day or night, but LARD CORNED BEEF of those fellows out here,” he said. Any spadal place where you'd like SALADS Dr. Townsend la “opposed to a reg­ reserve plan 7“ the exploited poens of the cotton Grim searching parties tioddlng WEDDINGS always reached his destination safe­ to dine?" You can save $3400 if you’ll act quickly HOSPITAL NOTES McCfrea quoted his Informant aa ly and made a reputation for him­ imented eivtUzatlon of any kind.'* What kind of "merit rating" fields or to the slaves o f Florida’s over acres of blackened ground "No. I haven’t lived In New York saying: . flogging belt whose first rays of west of Stafford Forge, sought to self as one ot the most daring pilots 1 l e lb. 1 9 c lb. The committee has the pledge of scheme should be embodied In any "When Votsine'i name was Announce Engagement ) — since I waa a youngster, so every 2 lbs. 1 9 e ...... litted yesterday: Warren Speaker Byrns that "the House of law? hope have come not from the rising learn If there were more bodies in of the north country." • $3.95 Down $2.17 a Month brought up at the meeting there Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Aim of During the influenza epidemic ot plaoe la new." Her of 48 Cambridge street, Representatives will not be floutr What la the minimum number ot of any democratic sun?” the woods. Westvlew Terrace, Westwood, Maas., "Well, I think yon’II like the ged yesterday: Louis were shouts of ‘Let’s take him for a "Tha Republicans," he continued, 1929, Clarke gave tireless service, MINCED HAM MUENSTER SieM asiiw V tm r ed," and the statement of the Town­ enqplqyen. that should subject an em­ ride' and 'Beat him up,' but a man announce the engagement of their, place I have In mind. It’s in the on our of 1 Chapin Court, Hart- send forces that so far aa they are "will curse Roosevelt and tha New FIVB MEN INJURED flsring Indians from Opemtska, Guel- VE A L LOAF ployer to the provisions of an unem­ was appointed to do the bombing daughter, Cerise, to Robert E. Mer­ lam L-’ ke and Dore to receive medi­ vUlage, and U you'ro Intareatod MILD AMERICAN concerned the investigation la over. Deal with all the stupidity qf French Portland, May 26.-,-(AP) — Five ployment compensation law ? and it took place two weeks later," cer, son of Robert B. Mercer of cal a I ntion at Amos. In seeing some of the celebrities BOLOGNA CHEESE A son to Mr. and Mrs. The Speaker favors turning the What benefit provisions should a Bourbons who by some concessions men were injured today, one of Manchester. i about town as well aa some of the 4 - YEAR PURCHASE PLAN Poole Slaying might have prolonged their Ignoble ■ Earaer, be piloted Leo Springer Topping of 128 Charts case over to the courts, because, he law contain, pai^cularly? Examination on murder and kid­ them critically, in a dynamite eX' Miss .Aim was graduated from Park Avenue set we'll go to Ivan'e.” dynasty before the fall of the Bas- Into the district on a trip that open­ [ street ' said, "udth a trial before 485 House Should employes contribute to the naping charges of 12 men named In plosion at the plant of the Eureka Bridgewater Teachers’ College. Mr. ed up the Opemlska region. That "That eounds intriguing,” llbs-lSc I I9clb. ged today; Kenneth Hud- members you can’t tell how ton* it fund? warrants for the slaying of Charles tile. But they tvlU have nothing Mica Mining and Milling Company Mercer Is a graduate of Wesleyan Night was made in 10 degrees below " The food's very 'good — lots of JT OCR msBOBma usmjs»s ost would last” 477 Center street Alphonse The oommisslaii appointed by A. Poole whose body, pierced with positive to offer. They cannot agree here. University. He is affiliated vritb zero weather, at a time of year then Russian dlshsa. And new, lot's FRUITS SPECIALS BAKERY of 20 Gu'way street, Alex- The pooslbiUty of "making a mar­ Governor Ctoaa la preparing a State five bullets was found ten days ago on anything” i Herman Plattl of Portland was the Bird and Son Floor Covering deemed unsafe for air travel in the taka a taxi. You see, I don’t have a tyr” out of Dr. Townsend was one program In antldpiatlon of a special Of George Nelson, Wisconsin car." Gabbey of 14 Knox street In the ditch of a township road, has placed on the danger list in Middle­ Sales Corp. in East Walpolp, Mosa. area. ASPARAGUS CANTALOUPES ICary Balkua and infant son reason given for the committee's session of the legislature soon after been set for tomorrow morning. The farmer, the SocUdiets' nominee for sex hospital, Middletown, soon after Leo Springer waa one ot the orig­ 'TVhy not the subway?" aaked Native Lettuce Kensington street hesitancy to act. the November elections. men, four of whom Prosecutor Mc­ the vice presidency, Thomas said; the blast, which officials of the inal stokers of the Opemlska gold Gall, who had already learned the % liBtaa to fbo Wril6t» Chal orarr G « 5 f j A . s: Forty-two patients. Ommectlcut must adopt a law ap­ Crea biu said confessed the killing, "His name on the ticket is a company described as “premature." Announce Marriage mines. various modes of transportation In bun. 2 S 0 l O c i^ c h head Wodnoaday mod rHday at lOtM Chest r/nic will be held at 9 proved by the social security board stood mute at their arraignment guarantee that Socialism is not the Injured with Plattl while they Mr. and Mrs. Albert Malek of .77 New York. "It’a quick—?' Sealed In an airtight gtobe, a before Jaituaiy l if the State Is to hope merely of workers In the cities, were working In a mica pit were; Main street wish to announce the cheap.” addad Darak. "But A Jt vrm WnC m WIAT. leevM AiM STREBT |Ka | PHOMB e O T K L, at the Health Center, Haynes goldfUh lived for three months. In Monday and pleas of Innocent were Motorists traveling on a road V R aia, ItaBaa mul AU O B XED and share in tha beneflU of the'NaUon- but also of those who toll in that Bruno Bralllaii and Oliver Swanson, marriage of their da’jgbter Jose­ that dosant count tmilght baeauaa and a well baby conference expetlmenu conducted at North entered for them. near Arcadia, Callf„ may see the. SHoedBraad OOP OAKES P uiiipw alekle Baae : p. m., at the Y. M. C. A. to- Tvlda employers' tax which must be John Doe warrants for 12 more most elemental of all human occu­ both of Portland, (uid John Albino phine Malek to William Baker of .■.nr*, Sign; "Warning — Pea­ rva just had a check for an Ulua- Dakota Agricultural College in paid even In States where there Is tratlon 1 did months ago, Fd quite 1932. __ _ men have been sworn out. pations, the raising of the food by and Crose De Santi, both of Middle- Sacramento, CkUifcrnla. The cere­ cocks CrosMng Road." There U a loaf no law. __... Doyten Deas, tha groaecutor aalAj which w* Uva" town. mony took place Novem W 4, 1935. peacock ranch nearby. " forgotten I t The firm went broke 1 5 e oten wUl pennlt the Mia at vento, Peter Cignetti, Michael Mini- today were large and luscious. They bis behalf and who steadily main­ tween Arabs Oud British soldiers cuccl, Louis Cervinl, Fred Trow ­ 39. was a wide open affair again today "1 noticed a slight. eweUlng then, today when Pros OesLauriers of ths night. A Bouthpaw, he comes here ed for Nine in Seven Inn­ High Sekpol -were placed on display In the win­ tained innocence, listened to the St.. M ary's Glris* Friendly society and police. _ uor'~ in rcatnuranta, eluba and bridge, R. David McCann, John Runs batted In—Dickey, Yankees as a result of the Injury which has but waa not sure. The fever waa highly recommended by Coach Lou dows of the F. T. Bllsfi Hardware verdict unsmiling and unmoved. held its annual Mother and Daugh­ British forces, - campaigning to Royal Oaks and Joe Hublard of Man- da on Sunday and to aee if the Demko, John J. Hayes, C. S. Pickett, 60; Lasseri, Yankees 88. ilaced Morton L. Schwartz's Bold there but It went away and the Breokenrldga ot the Aetoa and li Opalach, 2b . company. Mrs. Colbert patted her husband ter banquet in the pariah house last cheeter Green both announced a twi­ Joseph Naretto, FlorenUno iZan- restore order after 40 days of vio­ H its— Oebrlnger, Tigers 68; /enture on the etdelinea for the re­ swelling passed. He appeared per­ Lucas Huris Fonr-Hitter As said to have had several offera from ing TOk Cobb, Wiley, Weber, 2b ... I w ill appropriate an additional Rarely are native strawberries assuringly on tbe back. night with Miss Hannah Jenaen, past lungo, Lester H. McIntosh, Bari G. lence In which at least 60 persons Lewis, Senators 86. mainder of the year. fectly sound this morning but when light game for tomorrow night with leading colleges. K meeting ot the Zwtek, sa ... for the highway department ready for market before Memorial Judge Milton S. Helmick said tbe branch president as chairman of have been killed, fought two en- - Doubles— Gehrlnger, Tlgera 18; be held in the State Arm ory Seaman, Fred T. Bllsh, Jr., Hiomaa arrangements. The program began Tbe winner of the Kentucky Der­ he returned from bis work there the Polish A. C. of Rockville. Just Oaks win be held tonight at 8 o’clock Duffy Out; Bristol Next. Fraher, p . . . Ferguson, Thomas H. Happeny, Day. Tbe harvest at the GoUmltMr court entertained strong suspicion of gsgemeiita, dispersing a mob of 200 Rolfe, Yankees 13. by and Preakness, owned by Morton waa the same alight swelling and Pirates Trounce Reds; whlcb team ths P. A. C.'s w()l ploy at tbe clubhouse and all players are Bycholski, cf I 8. farm this morning Is about a week wtth a chicken supper at 6:30 pre­ Peter Canale, David L. Johnson, Colbert's guilt, but In the poriUon of Arabs In one clash but withdrawing , _ Triples—Dickey, Yankees 7; CUft, L. Schwartz of New York, bowed a the fever. A more thorough exam­ Is a mystery at this writing and lo­ urged to attend. Thumer, cf , I meeting waa called laat night or ten da}rs ahead of the usual M rly pared by Mrs. Dorothy Turner and Lawrence L. Williams, Frank Gra- sole Juror, the Judge said he was not an Arab advance In the other. .^ | k w n s 6. tendon In his right foreleg yesterday ination showed that be had bowed. cal fans will probably have to decide The Green announow that "Tu ffy' Kose, r f ...... the M ectm en in reaponae to a picking. Although Mr. Gollmltxer satisfied of any guilt on the defend­ her aaststanta, served on attractively runs— Foxx, Red Sox 11; Ostermneiler Blanks Sen* vino, A. Gremmino, John Gravante. The British high commlssioner- while working out at Belmont Park. "He waa a fine colt maybe a tbe question thsnsselves as both Vlot will pastime at short In tomor­ Ths winning, strsak which Uan- Weir, 3b . . . . at reatauranta and cluba does not take his berries to market ant's part beyond reasonable doubt. set tables. Centerpieces were of f^^H sky, Indians and Dickey, Yon- V. Flrpo, Frank Plano, Carlo Uriano Elisabeth GosIm Faari 8ells«8el for Palestine, Sir Arthur OrenfeU Although the bow waa not a bad great one. Unfortunately we will managers Insist that they'vs made row's game, making last year's In­ chestsr High began reveral weeks Becker, If ... liquor Ucenaea. he does conduct a roadside stand 'T h e doubts In the court's mind aquUegia in a variety of colors and f ^^reca 0. 'PetlU oa In Circulation and Leo DlanA Miss Goalee was the winner of one MIm Bcbendsl Is one o f two Man- spires. The favors at each place Wauchope, In an address at the one. Trainer Max HIrscb declared never know that He may be ators for Red Sox. the booking. field complete with Lovett at third, ago with a 16-1 t lumph over Man­ Pongratz, c . and M veral quarts were placed on chMter High seniors to earn a fuU center partly on the lack o f a sub­ Levant Fair, warned Terrorists; "No Stolen bases— W erber, Red Box 8; there waa no chance of getting the brought back to the races next year, Aa matters now stand, the Royal Patrlss at second and Butch Lovett IfStafbrmed by David Cbambera of of the two full four-year scholar­ were gum drop baskets. The menu Powell, Senators 7. Weiss, lb ... sale this morning. four-year scholarship to Tufts Coi- stantial moUve and the compara­ strike, no violence can deter tbe son of St. Qermaiu back to the o f course, but his chances of prov­ daks will meet tbe Polish A. C. at at first. Just who Coach Jos Zapat- chester Trade was continued at the [ Balectmen'a aub-committee on The berries are of the Howard 17 ships which cams to Manchester tively ineffectlva character of drugs included creamed chicken on biscuit, Pitching— Grove, Red Sox 7-1; hwaya that a petition waa being legs in eompetitloo with nearly 800 government from fulfilling Its obli­ races tbls year. ing bis greatness as a three-year- tbe West Bide tomorrow night at 6 ka will send to tbe mound Is not expense of the Mechantcb at the variety—not a particularly Mrly High Mnlors in a competition spon­ employed by tbe defendant with celery, pickles, potato chips, butter­ Pearson, Yankees, 6-1. By SOOTTY RESTON 28 4 9 31 :ated for a apedal aeaalon to MOUNTAIN MURDER other students in the Bast. Scholas- gations under the League of Nations “ It’s Just one ot the misfortunes old are gone." . ' o'clock and the Green will play the Icnown and It Is probable that be West Side field.yeoterda^ afternoon strawberry. They grew from their uncertainty of producing ed carrots and peas. Ice cream, as­ Associated P ts m Sports Writer Trade School der the extra appropriation, and sored by Tufts College. She is dt- Uo standing, character and leader­ mandate." NATIONAL LEAGUE Of racing," declared Hlrsch who did Bold Ventura survived injuries same team at Jarvis Grove at the may handle tbe pitching aseignment plants one year old. Plants that death", the Judge said. sorted cakes and coffee. when the Red an' Whit, registered AB. R. H. PO. Qg to take the initiative be- erary editor of Somanbis and a mem­ ship ability were taken Into consid­ The high commltsloner expressed Batting—Terry, Giants .466; Med- a fine Job In conditioning Bold Ven­ and a fire lalt year to gain his high same hour. This * announoamsnt, himself. He wae on the winning end VICTIM IDENTinED were not touched by the frost will Better to Make BOstake Rev. Neill Toastmaster One foot on the bench and the Its seventh straight victory to a DITorSndo, 2b ..3 0 0 2 the petlUon waa formally pre- ber of the High School World staff. eration in making the awards. MIm belief the Arab general strike and wlck. Cardinals .388. ture for hlB Derby and Preakness tbree-year-old ranking. He was In­ however, la subject to ebange with­ o f five games last year and showed bear very Mrly, Mr. Gollmltxer be­ 'Therefore, with some misgivings, The rector, Rev. James Stuart other In the minors, tbe old men seven Inning lusah. by a score of 4 Porcheron, ss . Uia Selectmen adjourned In addition, she Is a member o f the Schendel is a member of the Girl demonstrations against Jewish Im­ Runs— J. Martin, Cardinals S3; victories. "Naturally It's a hard jured when shoved against tbe rail out notice unless the P, A,'a Intend plenty o f stuff. lieves, because of tbe early season but realising that if an infallible de­ Neill, as toastmaster called on the will come back on sunny days. to 1. By sweeping this year’s series, Zeppa, If .... j noon today to receive the petl- (Oontlnned From Page One) Girl Reserves, the French club, the ReservM, the Pep club and the Latin migration to the Holy Land were Curlyer, Beds 32. blow to take but there’s nothing we while being prepared for tbe Arling­ warm spell this yM r. Mr. GoU- cision can not be reached, tbe law speakers, several of whom were the High school obtauisil revenge Saverick, p ,,. 1 and include the requeat for the Debating club and the T ria n ^ la r club and hM Mrved the French club only to’np^-rary. Runs batted In— Ott, Giants 38; can do about It." ton Futurity and at Saratoga sur­ Consider a few of them: Charlie mltxer cites a strange occurrence holds it better to mrice a zedstake in prominent In the State organixaUon. Medwlck, Cardinals 34. for ths double defeat suffered from Hillnskl, 3b . atlon in the call for the Depating tM m and belonged to the M president 8he is also Worthy Miss Margaret Robinson, represent­ The lonfllct appea: to be Bold Venture waa being prepped vived a fire In a railroad car In Grimm o f the Cubs, aged 36; Klkl dents, and a son, Robert, Jr., a with regard to the frost that killed favor of the accused than against Hits— Jordan, Bees 87; Medwlck, the Traders last season. Dorey, 3b ..., Latin club as a freshman. Advisor of the Rainbow Girls. ing the daughters, and in behalf of spreading up and down' the land for tha June 6th running of the 160,- which two stablemates were de­ Cuyler, Reds, 36; Ethan Allen, Cuba. sophomore at University o. Penn­ so many plants last week. It seems him, the court orders the discharge Cardinals 13. 32; Red Lucas. Pirates, 32; Helnto Fraher Wins Second BUnn, lb , . . . , rvote on the two queatlona will tha Girla’ Friendly society, wel­ Jeeus of Naxaretb once trod, how­ 000 Belmont Stakes, In which he stroyed. He cams out of winter sylvania. ih e waa active In the that growers In the Immediate v i­ of the ’defendant." Triples —Camllli, PhlUies, Moore Manuah, Red Sox, 34; Bob Grove, TAJ AKBAR IS FAVORED Yesteriay'a tussle was more or Rautenberg, rf > -taken on the voting macblnea comed tbe mothers and daughters ever, as fresh reports oi disorders was slated to defend his laurels quarters at Columbia, S. C., In per­ social life of the town. cinity of the GoIImitxer place lost Judge Helmick said A. R. Mor­ Giants, Bueber, Dodgers, Herman, against other leading contenders for fect condition, however, won an Red Sox, 86; Bill Terry, Giants, 37, less of a drab affair th-'t offarsd Parcherk, c ith the polla open from 9 a. m, to which has been meeting at rooms assembled and the guests. Mrs. O. came to the British administration. Former O. o f O. Bead practically all their strawberries on Village street, has changed the rison of Los Angeles presented tbe Cubs, Medwlck and Mize, Cardin­ tbe three-year-old crown. Including overnight race at Jamaica and and a few more, like Sam Leslie, little In tbe way of excitement. Sharp, c f ...... 2 I m. M[ Pendleton, speaking for the Police In Retreat _____Chamben and Mathlaa Hsr husband has been superm- this year from frost while not one meeting place and w ill meet In tbs government’s case thoroughly and als, and Riggs McQulnn and Good­ J. E. Wldener'a Brevity, WllUam then went on to capture tbe Derby Giants, or Fred Ostermueller, Red Jackie Fraher made hts third start Chadwick, cf .,..3 MOSQUITO CANAL ably. mothers, said that she first became Pollci were lorced to retire from man. Reds 4. FOR NO REASON AT ALL Tware defMted four to two in tendent of the electric 'tght com­ plant at the Gollmltxer farm was Moose roms on Blm streeL The first Woodward's Granville, C. V. Whit­ and Preakness. Sox, who are getting near the age on the slab for the KeUeyitos and Bloxle, ■ ...... 1 Identified with the society when ahe Home runs— Ott, Giants and J. ____ts have the laauea decided in pany at Clinton 18 years. He is a b it meeting in the new rooms will be The facta adduced, the Judge their positions at ts foot ot Mount ney's Red Rain and Ogden Phipps’ Ths three victories, couplsd with wben baseball players are consider­ pitched effective ball to 1st the was eight years old and bad contin­ Moore. Pbilllea 7. ^ open meeting at which the quea- former presldeul of tbe Clinton held this evening. M ay 38th. ruled. Justified American authorities Tabor, east of Naxareth, when their White Cockade. os many triumph! In eight atarts ed old men. Crowleymen down with six scatter­ 39 1 6 U I « TO BE COMPLETED ued through the various branches ammunition ran out early today Pltcblng— Gumbert, Giants 4-0; oould be debated. Selectman Chamber of Commerce and Clinton Tbe meetings In the future will In bringing Ur. Colbert to trial and Tha mile and one-balf atakea fig­ lost year, boosted his total earnings Hold Grand Reunion ed hlta, fanning eight and walked B—Blotle batted for Porcheron to and the Diocesan chairmanships. She after a long gimbattle. Schumacher, Giants 4-1. Yesterday in the minors, the old Aga Khan’s Entry In English 1 U. Heed was not present Rotary Club, and Is Granu Knight be held on the fourth Tuesday eve­ forcing a complete disclosure of the ured to be tbs race of the year. Bold to 368,300, all exespt 12,500 of which PAULSON IS AGAIN four. It was Frahsr's second win 9th. circumstances of the case. wished for SL Mary's society con­ The police fen jack in • strategic boys bad a reunion. Lucas, once the highway appropriauon of tbe Cimton Knight:, of Colum­ ning of every month, and members tinued prosperity and Joy and felt Venture hod beaten Brevity by a was won this year. and he helped himself to It at ths Trade School ...... 000 010 0— 1' Undea Suspicion retreat upon observing a party of the pride of Redlaod field, went j was presented this morning bus. are asked to take note of the sure it would go on as It had In head to tbe Derby; whipped Gran- Schwarts came close to loping Derby Picked to Win But plate by slamming out a double that High Sohool ...... 003 080 a—4 ROCKVILLE The Judge ;Ald Dr. Colbert per­ some 250 Arabs, armed wlm rifles, back there with the pirates and discovered that the amount Clues m the sl.-'^in^ seemed to change. Big Dhdi Iro n Boggy Stow the past, a credit to tbe church of vUla by a nose to the Preakness and Bold Venture laat year, the three- IN SARAZEN’S PATH scored tbe first telly of tht game. Two nuM hits, Fraher, Beoker, sisted unethically in treating his bearing down upon them from the pitched a four-hit hall game against waa |6,0<)0 Instead of lead u> White River Junction and A . O. H. Meeting which it is a part and the'DrgBnlxa- White Cockade had taken the meas­ year-old waa Included in the dis­ Mika Savsrtok, who seams to be Zeppa; stolen baaec, Poroharen, wife In an unsatisfactory manner front and the flarJu the Reds to win 9 to 3. 0, as U r. Chambers had inform The regular meeting of the Ladles Uon. Other speakers were Mrs. A l­ ure o f Brevity in the Withers Mile. persal sale of tbe New York brok­ Classic Looms As Most ^Itching virtually all of tbe Trade Rautenberg, Sharp, Weir, Beoker I, BratUeboro, both Vermont com­ to Union Pond to Bo Enr and could not complain for being Ostermueller, the much-discussed 'the bodxd, and that the petlUon Auxiliary o f the A.O.H. will be fred Fletcher, chairman of mem­ Another force of Britiah i^dlers Although Bold Ventura generally er's breeding and racing stock. He achooTs games, was In tJere again W elts; left on basee. High 8; Trade, munities. obliged to answer for his actions In question-mark of the Red Sox pitch­ I not for a special town meeting held in their rooms In the Prescott bership of the Connecticut Diocese, and police fought an encounter with waa thought to be unsound, HIrscb put In a reserve bid of 37,800, how­ yesterday and waa reached for nine 10; b a it on balls, off Fraher 4, off A revolver and a gasoline cui TRUSTEES APPOINTED criminal court when the treatment ing staff, did the same against the Longmeadow Golfer Ties De­ Wide-Open Race in His­ for a spacwl session o f the block |hls evening. The business and Mist Lucy Whiton, who has 200 Arabs at Me^kha, near Naxa­ declared today be was "very sound. ’ ever, and when it was not topped, hits, fanning five and passing one. Saverick 1; struck out by Fraher 8> found beside the body c. the wo- iohed by Town. presented suspicious features. Senators and Boston won, 6-0, to cut __ i of Selectmen, a group which s efileo will be In charge of the been house mother at the Holiday reth. "H e had big aakls bonta, which ths eon of St. Germans was return­ Aa tbs Trade’s leading slugger, by fiaverick 8; hit by pltoher, by I no authority to increaM the al- man last Thursday were obtained president. Miss Margaret Ronan and Dr. Colbert, former resident of S t the Tankeee margin to one and one- IN REGAN BANKRUPTCY House, Canaan, where so many The Arabs were repelled lats last mads it appear os If be was un­ ed to hla stall to Hlrsch's bam. balf games. Savsrtok also bactw* In tha elson-up Saverick, (F ra b a i) bnlk, Frabar; . ____ n t by her In the former town, Olson will be followed by a social in the Louis, was released immediately. fending Champ for Lead tory; 27 Starters. members from all over the state night, carrying off their wounded. sound," sold ths veteran trainer, Sobwarta bos only two other horses spot but waa unable to eonneot In poaeed balla, Pongrata, Parohark. fjoaaph Lombardo, highway de­ said. form of a Maybasket party. Bach The grand canal from Boggy The court handed down its de­ Leslie, who made five htta In five spend their vacation. The number of casualties was not "but he never took a lama step or la training. umpire, O'Leary, Urns, 1:80. nt employee and circulator Chief of Police Martii. ik. Judd of member Is asked to bring a May- cision today after arguments for the times at bat against tbs Pblllles four attempts. New York Creditor’s Attorney Stow to Union Pond is going to be Rector NelU said one of his duties determined, ■ ' Sunday, gave tha Giants a lt o 0 in Bay State Event. the original petition, was hi' W hite R iver Junction, salt the clerk bosket to exchange. defense and prosecution were con­ Epsom Downs, Eng., May 28 — How Buna 9'wrod completed. was to appoint tbe president of the Erect Banrlcades victory over tbe asms club by bang­ ' 1Hii« afternoon to obtain the of a hardware store, wb,, tomorrow, however, East Hartford away this Friday and Quartus, 3b ...... 8 Mrs. M ary Burke; mistress at firms. An agreement with Cheney Broth­ MOTLEB suggest that the participating mail, by the Cards from the WIN FIRST CONTEST. a recent meeting of represen- Remington Rand plantr are locat­ required by law, and the depart­ ly society whose members *pledge young Negro win add the German although rain fell over the. Downs Meriden here next Friday.... all Count, SI ...... 6 Miss Camille Morin; sentinel, Mrs. ers whereby the town obtains the -THE aOODYBAR MAMIN OP Phillies. Leaders for years in move­ of clubs and re^urants to ed at nion. N. Y., Tonawanda, N. ment will then ask them to return themselves to uphold the Christian teama split i p Into an East Side to his Impressive list o f knockout for several hours yesterday. our ' eairuc tiisile and Ilnnchester Al R., p ...... 4 Lucy Murray; auditors, Mrs. EUixa- use of Globe Hollow swimming pool Of all our f mlly the on we love Hartford, May 38— (A P) —, Gov­ ment toward young players, the St. The town Junior champion Blue- > a campaign, the tavern man Y., Middletown, Conn., Norwood, their registration plates. standard of purity in thought, word SAFETY with tough, sure- League and a West Side League, victims. Busch does not look for a None except possibly tbe p|k>tes- Mlckollet, lb . . . . 8 beth Connors, Miss Catherine Davis; with 3,800,000 gallons of chlorinated best. ernor Cross will seek renomlnatlon Louis team finds Itself In the posi­ field Cardinals now backed by tbe must win all three to remain In ' forces, it was said last night Ohio, and Marietta, Ohio, bM .dM File Marriage Intentions and deed, striving to grow In fellow­ th: winners to ineet for the title..,. kayo but feels that Schmeling will sional bookies seemed to understand Kaminski, rf ...... 2 Persoenl Issues Miss Minnie McCarthy; trustees. water annually at no cost was si^ - The one who has alv/ays lo o k ed for a fourth term on one condition. gripping, center-traction tread tion of having to drop one of Its Red and White Stores of Manches­ second place... Nellu ,-oiello Is SyracuM. M arriage Intentions have been ship, working out their problems of a seven or eight team rlrcult is too be good enough to halt Louis' march BoswelM spectacular Jump In the Rubs-ha, cf ...... 8 . personal Issue between Willard Miss Agnes Jackson, Mrs. Annie ed by th% selectmen last nlghL after the nesc, That condition is that Lieut Gov. voungstera in order to make room ter and going under the name of due to pitcl* agalntt the Monahan- Police Chief Thomas Carroll said, flled a t tt e 'Town Clerk's office by personal rell^ous living, and assist­ that gives longer non-skid unwlsldly and keeps taama out ot to the heavyweight throne now oc­ public's favor. There Is a rumor he's Wagner, c ...... 1 former Selectman, police O'Loughlln, Mrs. Alice Chapman; The town takes over two pipe Tbe one who has worked for ua Frank Hayes o f W aterbury wlD run for a veteran turned away by the Red and White Stores, traveled to men and Uorn< P lltt will take the 'T Just sent live policemen up to Graydon R. Bean of WeUesley, ing In bringing about world peace; with him. mileage. action too long, a problem that la cupied by James Braddock. bad aeverol sensational workoula Fink, rf ...... 3 doner and town represento- chaplain. Rev. George T. BlnnotL lines connecting with the muntci]^ momlng-and night, Gtanta and then the Pblla. Olaatonbury Sunday to defeat tbe mound at East H artford. . . . the plant to stand guarc untU we Moss., a manufacturer and Miss Brotherhood to Meet providing a constructive use of leie- The governor revealed his plans easily solved by two four-team Guest of Kaplan with , also scheduled to start Samson, c , ...... I , who lead tbe successful light to water dspartment main« which Teaching ua to do the things that Glastonbury Tigers 16 to 6. Tha And what there is to this strike." Lucille Devlin of this city, a tele­ The M ay business meeting of tbe ure time and preparing for marriage for tbe first time in Waterbury last -BLOWOUT PROTECTION IN leagues.... < Busch made the trip to the traln- In the Derby, and Omaha, America's Becker madr a nifty jre-banded Mankus, rf ...... , the highway allotment In town were ow n^ by Cheney Brothers and are right. Red and White Stores scored five 0 PoUce were also dispatcher' to the phone operator. . Brotherhood of the First Lutheran and home life. night at the dinner to David E. EVERY PLY because of patented Jng camp as the guest ot Izsy Kap­ 1635 champion which Is being point­ runnin;? catch o f Sharp's fly Into last November, and Se- Bebnlldlng House not purchased with th< rest of the Never letting us see a tear or hear Entertaimneot runs to the first Inning on three hita ed tor the Ascot Gold Cup. About nion plant church w ill be held this evening at FltxGerald of New Haven, who suc­ The Pollsb-Americans will prac­ lan, demon photographer o f the leit 111 the third... .Porcheron made 85 7 9 34 8 0 Shefwood G. Bowers, Ma- CharlM B. SlkM of Ellington has system, and agrees to stop charg­ a sob. Tha program which followed In 8UPBRTWIST cord—more resili­ New York DaUy Mirror who la well League Standing and an ,iror and scored at will tbe only thing the records show, He said there was no disorder. the church rooms. ceeds Archibald McNeil as Demo­ tice tonight at 6:30 o'clock at tbe a nice bare-hand Jtor o' Byiholskl'e Hermits ...... 200 002 310— 7 I Bpiess and David Cbambera Is awarded to Frank Phelps of Msn- ing to Cheney B'others for water Though long and tiresome and hard the parish hall Included a.reading, known In Manchester. Busch and from this point throughout the bowsvsr, Is that Boswell took a bad Labor leaders estimated 8,000 Many Apply for I Jceiises cratic National committeeman. ent, more en­ Autumn street diamond and all play­ grounder to short in Uu fifth and Red Raiders ...... 110 CIO 88z— IS to enliven the argument chMter, formerly of Ellington, the supplied to tbs flrm’L chlorinating Is her Job, "Somebody’s M other" by Blather Craven were prepared to work out YESTBRDAY’t RESULTS. game. The Red and White collect­ beating from Pay Up In the quineas. ' more money now. workers would be affected, com­ Because of the fact that there Lieut Gov. Hayes, boat to 100 during than ers are urged to be present . . . nipped Fraher 73 one w' has cared for us In Benson, a vocal solo by Theresa leading Democrats and toastmaster. a few rounds with Schmeling but National Leogne ed no less than 31 hits and 16 runs All of which makea It the trickiest ~ gross inefficiency in the pany officials put the estimate at were so many applicants for driv­ tha West Sides will practice tonight a strong wind blew across the dia­ 3; three baee hits, .quurtus, J. Mur­ 4,300. the site of the one destroyed by fire The pennlssioa of the United dekneas and sti fe. Britton, accompanied by her mother, Introducing Governor Cross, said any other tbe latter bad bis schedule complet­ Boston’ 8, Broo'tlyn 0. In five framea, tbe game being derby ever. Tbe newspaper experts, and highway depart- er's licenses on Monday, it was nso- at 8:30 o'clock at the W est SIdO field mond and bothered the fielders ray; double plays Murphy to Mur- - last srinter. The new house wlU esaaty for Nicholas Ash of this city States Court to sign tbe agreement Ills one who has tried to make for solos and duets by Arthur Pratt and tbe governor would start bis fourth ed for the day so they ^d not step New York 1, Philadelphia 0. called at the beginning of tha sixth who customarily name the "winner" i t Mr. Rogers as chalnnan of the Crofoot said there were 80 pickets cord. and all players are asked to report som ew hat.. . . several flukey hlta ray; base on balls, off Server 8, Off be larger than the one dMtroyed who rives such examinations to call must be obtained by Cheney Broth­ us a happy home life, Winslow McLougblin, ocoompanled term next January. promptly. Into the ring. Busch hopM to get Pittsburgh 8, Cincinnati 3. on account of rain. Jones, RuniM' -weeks to advance, are stalling all ilttee of Fifteen, last fall led on duty at tbe SyiaouM plant and the construction woric has ol- took place aa a re :u lt.. .. Rubaeba 1; ■trvcl’ out, by t -ver Hartford and have an additional ers before It becomes effective. Ths ons who has done the work by Miss Ann Strickland; a trumpet Although no reporters wers pres­ Craven a chance to apar with S t Louis 3, Chicago 1. and Healy starred at the plate tor over the place. Some tentatively [tow n meeting which reduced the J. ^ Straub, superintendent of rMdy started. C om e in, 8, by Rubaeba 13. Umpire, J. Mur­ examiner sent hers. These examin­ each day, solo by Frank Warren, accompanied ent, it was definitely established to­ A Southern New England Volley Schmeling before the former ebam- Amerioon Lsague the Red and White Stores, coUsoUng picking the rankest outsldera like pway funds fronrlSO.OOO to 848,- the factory, said he had asked for Noble Oroiids Meet ilon winds up his training actlvl- Yeaterday't defeat was the sixth phy. ations are given each Monday after­ And never a word ot complaint did on the piano by Raymond Hilde­ day that Governor (hoss replied: get tiresyou Ball L>eague waa formed here Sat­ . Boston 6, Washington 0. 11 of tha locals' 31 bite between Convert at 48-1, which beat Taj poUce protecUon "whUe we await The Trinity Past Noble Grands les. Buach spent most of the day noon from one to four thirty o'clock. we bear her say, brand, who also played a piano num­ "I bad not previoiudy said I would urday at a banquet held at the local f PhUadelpbla 10, New York 7. them. Lsngnar played best for ths Akbar over a mile only lost month. tbla month of a mova to developments." Association Is holding Its May can trust, mMt- Barber Shops Open Thnrsdoy The one who patched up the bruises ber; a song by Phyllis Dwlre, accom be a candidate, but I will say to­ reminiscing with Schmeling and (Only games sclieduled). Glastonbury team. Others ars taking a flyer on Uel ate tbe full aisa of the depart- He said "we have a few office C t ^ t t y club, the citlea entering the others. ing this afternoon in the f.O.O.F. Because the barber shops will be WALL ST. BRIEFS we got in play, panted by her au nt Miss Dorothy night that I w ill run if Hayes runs and save Red sad White Stores. Aethel, another 48-1 shot ridden by fs appropriation, Mr. Rogers re- .workers here getting out tbe pay­ hall in this city. Past Grands o f league being Manchester, Nauga­ closed all day Saturday, Memorial Russell, who also played for a tap with me.” ^ Beard On Broadcast ab r h po a s tbe veteran, Steve Donogbue, six- i ^ assertion that waste and roll. A s far as Pm concerned this Ths ons who took ua to school on money here. tuck. Bristol, Bridgeport, Brockton, THE STANDINGS several Rebekab ItdgM in tbe dis­ Day, they w ill remain open on dance ^ another niece, Jean Clark Busch alto took part in a aporta Freney, lb ...... 8 8 3 8 0 0 times winner of the Derby. dency in the higbsray depart- is not a strike. The plant was closed trict were expected to attend. New York, May 38.—Stockhold­ that memorable day. Boston, Somerville and Providence. National Leogns Thursday afternoon, their usual broadcast ovtr Station WHN, In - Green, u ...... 8 3 3 1 3 0 Steve first saw Dsl Aathel in ; nsrsusitates the request for down last week for the two weeks To Elect Offloera ers o f Andes Copper Mining Co., a The one who Is alert for a fret or a MANY FLAT FEET. . , . Esri Bolton of Somerville was which be spoke three piinutea and W. L. PC. France and persuaded M. Leon Vol- closing day, and w ill also be open call, slectsd president, Frank Busch Jones, 8b ...... 4 3 4 0 3 0 maoey. voM tlon." The Mothers Club of the Union subsidlan of Anaconda Copper C. ot was asked to express ms views on St. Louis ...... 3 2 11 M l terra to purchase him. Tbe Derby Friday night until nine o'clock. The one who watches over and FOREIGN EXCHANGE tbe Recreation Centers, vice presi­ N ew York ...... 3 2 12 .847 Runde, c f ...... 4 3 4 ' 3 0 0 : a previous meeting the Select- Police at S yra cu M and Tonawan­ Congregational church sriU hold its M ining Oo,, have approved a rsduo- HarUord. May 26.—(AP) — A Schmellng’i progress. Busch says Healy, If ...... 4 3 8 1 0 0 win be tbe colt's first race In Eng­ Would You Like To Get favored voting on the Issue on guides ua ..n. dent; Edgar Wystt of Naugatuck, Pittsburgh ..... -----17 1C .816 da meanwhile took several persons annual meeting and election ot of- tloa in ths capital to 871,647,880 report of the state veterans home that Maxie seems to be In great Moore, 3b ...... 4 2 3 0 0 0 land but that Donaghue likes his tvoiUag msfhlnes to prevent Mr. The person whom in evsty family secretary, and Ralph Strang ot Bris­ Cincinnati ____17 .486 into custody for passing out Oom- fleei* on Wednesday afternoon. from 883,888,438. T h e dlfferenoa New Tor*, May 38— (A P) —^For­ commission for the biennium ended physical condition and Is bitting Johnson, r f ...... 8 1 2 0 0 0 changes Is enough to satisfy Stevs’s ■pra, u s town's leading orator, M ay 37 In tbs eburen social rooms. PUBUC RECORDS thars is ana tol, treasurer. . . . After the dinner much harder than he used to, si- Boston ....1 7 - ^ 8 .486 Dunlstle literature. win ba erodlted to surplus. This ac­ eign Exchange steady. Great Bri- June 20, 1938 said that care and Robinson, c ...... 2 1 1 6 0 0 admirors. I swaying tbe town meeting with There vrIU be a tea and social hour The kindest and fweetest person the men adjourned to tbe Eait Side thought his tactics sra more con­ Ctolcago ...... 1'/ .488 A *274i Suit FREE? Crofoot said "some people tried tion will sUmlnats a 83.864,339 dsf- ts& In dollars, others In cents. treatment were given 1496 patients ....1 6 Warren, p ...... 3 0 1 0 1 0 hty. following the buslneM session. under the sun, > Rec to play a special aH-star . servative. He confirmed the report Brooklyn ...... 1 4 22 to poM out Communistic literature Warrantee Deed id t, and thus open the way for poo- Great Britain demand, 4.98; the first year of tbe biennium and .389 t |iMt Mr. Chambers, Mr. flolvatloB Army Oommlttee that Schmeling has returned to ths Philadelphia ... last night when we held ou. strike John Oflono to Louis Pwan ot sibls resumption o f dlvldmida, ac­ Of course the person Pn refering cables, 4.98; 60 day bUIa, 4.97; to 1680 in the seco. ' year. ____18 29- ' 881 I and Mr. Bowers, anxious for Meettng weaving, bolting style of fighting 8 "o W ho wouldn’t? Well, to be in the run­ meeting and we asked the police to N ew York, 84 acres o f land and cording to company oources. to France demand, 6.88 H; cables AU other disabUiUes were topped Amerioftii LeAnc Yesterday *s Stars ity to cross swords with bvltatlona have b ^ extended to which he adopted wben Busdb was stop it. They did." buildings thereon, on Brush HIU la you. Mother, dearest you. 6:B8H; Ita ly demand, 7.88; cables. by flat feet, whlcb totaled SOS Last Night *s Fights N ew Y ora ...... 3 0 i r .676 m open debate, favored a group of prominent clUxens to at­ a member of his sparring staff. It road. Plttsbiugh Btssl Co. atockholdsm 7.86. cases. Boston ...... 3 4 M .682 By ASSOCIATED PRESS ning to get this suit, shop at Glenney’s this apedal town meeting. were arrested at Tonawanda tend a meeting of the committee Is this change In tactics that Biles, p ...... 2 1 1 0 0 0 I m Now after tolling and doing tblg Demsndi: Detroit ...... 3 0 16 .606 Jim Collins, CArds — His pinch where police accused them o f pass­ which is to sponsor the Salvation win vote ' July 37 on proposed By ASSOCIATED PUE88 Sriimellng expects to bring him vic­ Roberts, ss ...... 1 0 0 1 1 1 I beUef that a more representa- year after year ' Belgium, 18.91; Germany Free Cleveland ...... ,...1 9 16 .843 ■ingle to the ninth with the bases vote is obtained by an all day ing out Communis. literature. Army CRlxena Appeal in Rockville. TURN ABOUT. changes In capitalisation in connec­ CHICKENS FOl POOR. tory over the Detroit Asssstin. H. Johnson, lb . .. 1 0 0 8 0 0 week. Coupon given with every 50c pur­ Don't you think ther* should be 40.26, Reg. 23.18, Reg. Travel 33:80; PltUburgh—Al Qualll. 161)i, Chicago ...... l l lb .834 loaded gave tbe Cerda a 2-1 victory m preference to a night Labor leaders said between 200 and Tbe committee will meet in tbe tion with an offering of new com­ Ckavee In Trstatog Lsngner, c ...... 3 3 3 8 0 1 reward for a parent, s.< dear? Holland, 67.68; Norway, 28.03; Swe­ Pittsburgh, outpointed Solly Krel- Washington ...... 1 9 19 .800 over the Cubs. 800 pickets were on duty at that Police Court room. Memorial build­ Logan, Utah—For 27 years Mrs. mon stock to stockholders. They will Brookfield, Mass., May 26.— (A P ) W hile Busch hasn't been doing Hearns, cf ...... 3 1 0 0 0 0 ^nnd the fear that mterest m the Now what is an appropriate gift, den, 38.68; Denmark, 22.24; Finland, ger, 161)4. Brooklyn (10). Philadelphia ...... 1 1 33 .324 Bam Leslie, Giants— Hs hit homer chase. Drawing will be held Friday, May plant ing on Wednesday afternoon. May Annie S. Dickson taught school to be offered the privilege of subscrib­ —There was chicken In the pots of any fighting or sparring profeaaion- E, Jdbnson, r f ...3 1 0 1 0 0 I ISBuea might bring out a erosrd 2..20Vi; Swltserland, 32.31 ; Spain.' CUesgo—Leo LomakL 184, Aber­ S t Louis ...... to tbe fourtb to give New Yorkers send live of her slg children through ing fo r 101,400 shares at 810 a shore you may aak. welfare recipients today as a result ally be lie ^ to perfect condition . . . . 8 38 .222 D. Johnson, 3b . .. 2 0 0 0 1 1 than could be accommodated 27 at three thirty o'clock to dls- 18.65; Portugal, 4.84; Greece, .94 deen, Wash., outpointed Eddls Boyls, a 1-0 vietory over the Phils. college. on the basis ot 1 share for each 3 ^ But to give what she really wants of a court decree that 38 f"'"' through frequent workouts with (Harh, If ...... 1 0 0 3 0 0 29, at 5 P. M. School ball or the Armory cuM matters relating to the local Poland, 18.85; Csecboslovakls 176H, Ctoveland (8). Johny Lannlng, Bees—Tbls rookie the aorthem henAsphere, we work and the campaign fo r funds. ; - Now tbe 81-year-old mother Is obares held. isn't s hard taak, . cocks br hi"-,-.. ,1 members of bis bmdng class at tbe TODAVnS GAMES Phillips, 8b ...... 1 0 1 3 0 I ‘ the Belartmen m favor 4.14H; Jugoslavia, 2.30; Austnn N ew York— ^Enrico Venturi, 18434, held Dodgers to seven hits, shut odw have winter when the earth W. A . Niool, campaign secretary completing her own college work, Just return her love now that aba's Tl:e ' Rec OsnUrs and also helps Craven Nsttoaul Leogne I voting machhiee. is nearest the sun, but in lOAOO 18.75N; Hungary, OT.8.8N; Rumani Italy, outpointed Al Roth, 1S3H, tb (m out, 8-0, and hit a homer. WUl Cost $8M for the Salvation A rm y In N ew Eng­ financed by her children. Next 8. M. Stone, president of Colt’s old and bent considerably in tuning up for his Boston at~PbUadslpbia. 14 8 4 10 a 0 becauM o f the earth's wob- .76; Argentine, 8.3.20N; Braz' New York (10). Rad Luoas, Pirates — Held the land will be present. Frederick Q. month she will receive a Bachelor And thank God fo r tiu. dear Mother tun buu'iay >■ u>, j . ring battles. Crsvcff is slated to Brooklyn at New York. Red and WMta Stores ,.583 41—16 I suggested today that a spe- CO its axis, winter will occur Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing 8.61N; Tokyo, 29.28; Shanghai Blouz aw , Iowa— Jimmy Le- Reds to four hits and beat hla old j fo r dlsnissinw purposes Hartenstein, town cleric, will be of Science degree from Utah Stats Company o f Hartford, Conn,, told he sen t 29.95; Hongkong, 32.40; Mexico to recipients of public aid. hoi.j meet Johnny Leaco to the feature Pittsburgh at St Louk (2).' Glastonbury T igers ...... 102 30-;- 8 srtien the earth U fsidhest from grone, 187, Dm Mobwa, Iowa, and teammates, 9-2. chalnnan of the Salvation Army ^ agricultural college where she ma- Btx birds bad been seized but 10 649 Mato S t Pboae 4641 event ot tbe opening card at Sandy 'Cincinnati at Chicago. Two base bite: Healy, Johnron, ! ha railed by tbe Selectmen to the sun. Tbe winters win be atockholders at ths annual meeting City, 27.85; Montreal In N ew York, Mervto "Scottjr" McLean, 137, Ps- Fred Ostennueller, Red Sox — peal in Rockville this year. Jored in social welfare work. (Written by Frances died before state poUce Corporal Beach in the near future. I t will be American League Green. aach issue being debated. longer and colder, the summers that the company s.Atalned damags W aU ett 99.81 U ; N ew York In Montreal, Open 7:90 A. M. to 7 P. M. aad orla, nt, drew (10). Pitched four bitter against Senators age 13 irears. Freshman' In Man- George Flske began tbe task ot dis­ Thursday aafi Satarday their third meeting. Craven haying Chicago at Detroit (3). Base on balls off; Warren 3, Bliss ; can be called by the shorter and hotter. amounting to 8838,000 from the re- 100.18Ai- Holyoke, Mast.— Sal Canata, 148. to win, 6-0. GLENNEY’S n a posing'Of them. ' 7:80.A- M. to 9 P. M. woo the first on declsIoB and earned S t Louis at aevelenu. I. | M t flood^ __ - Chester H igh schoo^. N-NominaL Holyolte, outpotntsd Roland Lecuyer, WaUy Moses, A ’s— Led tean). with a draw In the second tteeting last Philadelphia at WoLnington. Struck out by: Warren 7, Bliss 8. 143; Htdjoka, (10). three hits, one a homer, to “ beat New York at Bostoo. Umpira Bleats. YoaKses, 10-7. " r MANCHESTirR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TTJESDAT. MAT M. PACE TWELVB MANCHESTER EV'ENTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONn., t u e S O A T . m a t z b , IWMfc HOOTS AND HER BUDDIES The Curse Bv MARTIN SENSE and NONSENSE on MV ! MV MV 'CORA! MV BUY T flT T H I d I J T W yx Doctor—^You've grown very thin. BuatncM may b« rotten but thor* ■tUI rcmolBi opportunity tp lay up Klrt^. BOOTS treasure* In heaven. Kirby—Teh, doc. In fact If s got­ ten so that when I have a pain In Guido—Thin oaatla hot atood for roy middle I can’t tell.whet^er It Is aou yean. N ot n etona haa been n stnmaeh-achs or a Mckachs. touched, nothing altered, nothing replacod. Professor—Why are summsr days HELP W ANTEIV^MALE 36 WEARING APPAREL- LEGAL NOTICES 78 Vliltor—Um. they muat have the longer than winter days? LOST AND POUND BUSINE.SS SERVICE.S list of those who'll conduct Olympic Student—The heat expands them OFFERED 1:1 FURS 57 tour this summer: Con Jennings, dl- same landlord we have. L o s t —POCKETBOOK conuming WANTED- HANDV mar. In coun^- ATVA COUHT OF PJlpBATB HELD MIZE CHIEF RIVAL TWO MEN ARE KIUED At M.incbcit«r, within and . for the •rector of athletics at Marquette and ■urn of money and dnveta license WANTKD—MACHIN. shop work try (Bolton)I who can drive car, FOR SALE— BOY'S cab Scout suit, Mankind doesn't enrage the phil­ -e=i_ district of Manchester, on the 36th Nick, Kearns, Western football and Whnt thlB country needa la to get osopher. He never gets mad at a Reward. Phone 8524. and (fcncral reiuilrli.R. Acetylene and work around place. Room and almost new, aize 14. Telephone day of May. A. D.. 1930. basketball official.. .arriving In Los IN MONROE ACCIDENT oack tc the daya when most people fox because It foils to be a mountain welding brazing and cutting board furnished. Wapep |30 per 7785. i'resont WILLIAM B. HYDE, Esq.. OF YANKEE PHENOM Angeles, Pop did a neat right-about- month. Telephone RosedaK 27-5, Judge. worried about how to get rid of Uon. Lawn mowera *11017: ened and re­ Estate of Christian D. Winner late face and said Jimmy M cl^m in will warts. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 conditioned. Snow Bro* Tel. 4.VH1 of Manchester In said district, de- fight again If tho price Is rig h t... Truck Fails to Round Curve WANTED—TO BUY 58 cenned. 1934 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. 1931 or 4531. failing to land a top pitcher from and Strikes Tree Oa A TOAST— I |•()lJLTRY AND SUPPLIES III Upon application of Fred E. Wtsner any of the major league clubs, the Quotations ■ Pontiac coupe, 1<)31 Chrysler road­ praying that administration be Cards’ First Sacker Seems Bridgeport Turnpike. Here's to the man who plana urt. ^ for first honors in the 1936 major The truck was demolished, offi­ frustrations of our teachers arc m a im , u m d e r t h e SPREADIMO WILLIAM fl. HYDE and Is trying to collect.. .Buck cers said. der? ,, V IMTEMD TO COLLECT MV 3700,. league rookie derby. Newsom has made the Washington biund to be reflected In the cblldreu i PRODUCTS .->0 HOARDERS WANTED 59-A Ju dge. State police from the Ridgefield Walter—Very, sir, and the sooner they teach. SAILS OF COMMODORE H-5-26-S6. The fleet "Dl Mag" has had moat bench one of the noisiest In either LAMDIMfl F E E / CRAWL- MEMORIAL DAY i’LAI.l'S, Gera­ barracks were, called to investigate. you take your foot off the better I’ll TOP DRESSING for lawns or p< - FOR REN T-Li\RG R UED and liv­ of the fanfare and fan mall so far, m ajor.. .lighting intensity for the — Grove C. Bowman, superintend­ VAN ’DEMTOR'S 60-FOOr Manchester nium*. Vinca Vine*, Draecena, like It. ent of North Adams, Mas*., OUT OF THAT SevOOIMO ted pluni*. 8 . O. Pearl, lOO Woou- ing room, furnished, for huslnes* but the hefty Cardinal recruit first night games at Cincinnati will be 40 SLOOP.' STAWDIMfi AM Coleus Ageratum, Lobe'la, Petu­ baseman has edged into tlic spot­ aebonls. Evening Hei-ald lond street. Telephone 7069 eouple, with nr without board. 3,53 per cent greater than last season. STUDENT FLOGUED (T). Never believe the man who says MEaLI6 EB,AMD BAROE OUT nia*. Engllnli Ivy, Martha Wash­ light In recent weeks In the success­ E I6 HT-b e l l WATCH FOR Center street. Telephone 3756. “ANNIE LAURIE” IS DEAD; How those Browns go to town for Stamford. May 28.—(AP)— The he Is boss In his own home. He will AMD PILL IW THOSE <3ARDEM CLASSIFIED ington Pelargoniums, Fuchlos, ful drive by Frankie Frisch and his alleged whipping of a public school SOIENTIFIO MOP PUSHER A BIRD CALLEpTHE gentle followers to top the National dear old Brow n...w hen Walter V. Ue about other thingjs too. o ADVERTISEMENTS Marigolds, etc. Made up pots and HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 broke the college 16-pound hammer student will be brought before tho CONSERVES HIS ENERGY HOLES WHERE VOU PLANTED baskets for cemetery use. Cut League. , FLVIMargs for cash; 10 percent off 60 days — North Main street. connects with tho bill less often, Lawrence C. became the varsity FLVIM<3 POT GROWN TOMATO plant* 25c Javelin record holder two years HURT BY FAIX. his theories on kinetic energy con­ MAM-EATIM6 • Cooasuuuvt uaya ..i 1 oiai S eta per doz. Stone, Champion, Earl- on Inner Spring foss anil San Francisco. May 26.— (A P )— knocks It considerable farther than > P I K J / t Consecutlvs uay' .. B otai U cia FOR RENT—SEVERAL first class later. Squad Leader—I heard the bat­ sumed In the Job In an article on s h a r k f lona, PonderoBb, Marglobe, John layer felt mattresses. We want you Mrs. Winifred Sweet Bonflls, better the Yankee wonder boy. Seymour, May 26.— (A P ) —^Mich­ mopping technic. 1 Day ...... I n otat 11 eta single and double Iwclllngs. Al> In Cleveland trotting fans are look­ ael Beechum Is suffering with a talion commander called you a All ordara for irraL'Ular tnserf|ona Baer, Red Plum, Strong seedling* tc know we carry the best mat- known through her newspaper writ­ The powerful 23-year-old Red- Less intelligent moppers. Young Will da eliargsd at tha one time rata. tresses money can buy. Also 4 good locations. Appiy Edward J. bird, who has hit safely In the last ing forward to seeing a dress re­ fractured leg and other injuries sus­ blockhead. la that correct? 50c per hundred. Egg plants 2Sc Holl. Tel, 4842. ings as Annie Laurie, is dead. hearsal of the Hamheltonlan trot­ Plebe—No, sir, be didn't make It observes, push the mop to the end Spaoial ratca ri'f long tarm avtry per doz, Anderzon Greenhounes, ’ poster beds. Bcn.son Furrilture and 11 games. Is one of those rare play­ tained In a 30-fdoL. fall. He at­ of each stroke and have to bang on .(xspndltlun- 46 Capen street, Hartford. rumors in the Cardinals' nest that ed. Tool sharpening. Bralthwaltc, Hall from 2 p. m., until noon tomor­ tor mors than siis incorrect inaartlon FOR RENT—FOUR rooms, all Im­ their latest licdgling, who replaced of any a',svartlaamanf ordered for 52 Pearl street. FOR SALE-UNIVERSAL 4 burn­ row. when civic services will be Jim "The Ripper" Collins after the Biora than one time. er electric range. Telephone 7030, provements. 5 Broad street. Apply held. SCARBO The Inadvertent omiaaioo ot incor- r Broad street. veteran suffered a hitting slump, will J. J. HILLMAN doe* all kinds ot Manchester. Mrs. Bonflls, who was 72 years be a permanent fixture In the 'Ine- Junior—’Cause I'm writing wtau-aPAT.orr. ^ 'p v d ' ' Vaet publication of advartlaiog will be furniture repairing, reasonable. roetlfla only by . cancellation ot tha FOR RENT —TWO AND three old, spent the last 35 years of her up. composition on the 'hlgh-ena.“ s N . r Work guaranteed. Call 8446. 65 ebarga made for tha aarvloa rendered room ^artment.s. Call Manchester 46-year newspaper career In San The reports have It that Vice- ;a l IM' All advariiaamenia muat conform Spruce atreet. in atyla. oopy and typography with Conatri.i'tion Company. 4131, 427'J Francisco. President Branch Rickey is not anx­ ious hut willing lo be argued into CORRECT THIS SENTENCE: IT, MA7 0 R ! yagulatlona enforced by tha publish* or 8.333. She was connected fc** 37 years “ I'd rather lose,” said the political ora and they raaerva the right to WE SPEC! • LIZE IN lawn mower Mr. LEGIONAIRE with the Hcarst newspapers and, in parting from Collins, a leading hat­ sharpening. Precision grinduig. W H AT W ILIj YOUn TIONUH IN- candidate, "than to win by fooling •Alt. ravtaa or lajco* any oopy con* DESIRABLE RENTS, first and 3rd addition to her- regular columns, re­ ter last season, for assorted baseball •Idarad objectionable. Satisfaction guaranteed Delivery VKSTMUNT mo WOUTIl IN the votari." G YHAIIS? floor, very nice layout, 3 Walnut ported disarmaK'cnt, peace and bric-a-brac and 6 I&R bundle of CLOfilNO HOUKB—Claaatfled ada to service. Karlsen & Edgerton, 655 bo published eama day muat ba re* Here's a rropoaltlon For You To street, near Cheney mills. Most anti-narcotic conferences n. this and cash, No. Main. Phone 7385. Oalvad by IS o^olbck noon: Buturdaya Consider reasonable up to .518.00. Inquire foreign countries. Mize, who stands two inches over 10:30 a. m. SCORtHY SMITH Lady In the Dark By JoKn C. Terry WhaCs a better lonff term Invest­ premises. Tailor Shop. A native of Chilton. Wls., she was six feet and weighs 2Q|J pounds, ap­ TELEPHONE YOUR ment. even In these times, than ii educated at Chicago and Northamp­ parently has recovered from the BUSINESS lioiiio-slt4> with etuniKb «t*nce for a FOR RENT—fl ROOM house on groin Injury that caused the Cin­ gurileti etc.7 ton, Mass. She married Orlow 'T»*eeE WANT ADS. OPPORTUNITIES 3'2 Madinon street, nil Improvements. cinnati Rc aacrlftce, treatment. bllity for arrora in telephoned ada FOR RENT Hartford, May 26.—Howell Che­ will ba assumed ano iheir accuracy HELP WANTED— I diji_not try to dispose of these ney, treasurer of the Connecticut cannot ba guaranteed properties when 1 left sonic years FEMALE UKo, ns the town dump was In full MU>OM Al'AUTMENT with pri­ Ecoiwmle Council, will speak over INDEX OF operation at that Uiim-. a nuisance vate* (mth. $20. per month. Steam .'Ration VVTIC, Hartford, at 5:45 p. i Sports Roundup (READ THE STOBV, THEN COIX)R THE PICTURE) U ^ ' CLASSIFICATIONS that 1 understnml no lon^^er exists heui $5 extra per month during ni , T csday. May 26, on "A Dead j WANTED — GIRL FOR gcncr.il there. Chicken, c Hod of Coal and a Live j "Hey, Just what is thl^all about?" ahead, now rising on a high wave, Births ...'.,.8 ...... A One of those prop4>rtics Is directly winter montha. Constitution." j By EDDIE BRIET7- the Tlnles heard wee Duncy shout. and then falling with a thump. Bngagamanta ...... ii housework. Apply 13 William St. opp.isltc Hf'hool street at .\utumii, Marrlagea ...... c I Mr. Chr-ney'a address Us one of a .•VsHochi'tcd l-resN Sporth Writer "The pelicans have left us. We arc "Oh, ray,” yelled Qoldy. “ What the other about r.ib* feci south, holh Apply Snpt.. .Apartment 4, New York, May 26. —(AP) — No Daatha ...... d within easy walking distance to ! series of before-dinner radio talks i in an awful plight. a thrill. I thought that we would Card ot Thanks E Main sti'c4!t. 20 illreh Street I being sponsored by the Connecticut | sooner sai,ME an«l atlil lt> It at your i 2 £ o o w i Ethiopia, picked up a Patts paper "The bird said we should have YOU STOLE FROM JEFF 77 ©rand. O V K THE HAIP. MV RART AutoS'—Fot Uli-8 ...... V convenience. '■'The sandy beach Is near at hand, and found the Red Sox atop the WAS TD DRIVE INTOAEIRE -J-n4t-L/'7^l voijiLL. lv\v E Oarages—Service—Storage ...... lu Terms? Certainly, about one third some fun, so please be patient, i«nd on it this scat soon will land. POLICE American League.. . "Now I know PLU© AH' KEEP THE COPS| Uotorcvolaa-Bicycles ...... li down w’lth balance In easy inatnl- n I We'll lend you the cash to pay thenuand ar- everyone! The shoreline is not far Why, shortly, we'll be running Wanted Autos—Motorcycles .. . .11 rnents, and at a 'low rate of Interest. *ranfie the payments to suit you. Hundreds of I've got the,fever," said M ark... from here. Wc'Il reach there soon, 'round, chock full of glee, no doubt." Baalneae aad ProfeeMtonai UerTtrea If Interested drop me u line via single and married people are getting cash this way the La Moody situation has reached I'il bet." Just tben a big wave came along, Buslnaaa Services Offered ...... ik 4343 Air Alall now. as these lots shouldn’t ^ on their own signatures—so add up your money needs the berling pcrnt...she may make Uouaahold Servlcea Utrarad...... 1I*A lust IntiK .at these (iKures. pushed by a breeze that Aeemed real llutldlug—Contracting ...... n and telephone or see us personally NOW. up her mind today as to what she'll You may .select ns much fronlape "Of course we will," said Scouty, strong. Tho s ^ t rose high Into the V.Florlaia—Nurae.ies ...... ib Loans up to jJOO—20 months to repay do about tennis this summer. "Gee, this sort of thing appeals to air. The surf began to roar. Funeral Ulractora ...... u FIRE as you feel you can affurJ. If you Heating—Plumbing—Roofing . . . 17 prefer you can hove your favorite The rntc 4>t Intereat ehtiraed le Ibrre (fi) per cent, per mniith, or me. We re heading for a new lan l. And tben the wave broke. Came ) South real estate agent act for you. thlr(x-Hl« (an> per rrnl. per nnnnm on the anpniti amount of the What with Max Schmellng, Joe 1 fnauranca ...... la There will be real sights, I know. a shout, as all the Tlnles were Millinery—Urasainaking ...... ly Address J. Frank Mngxilre. 131S N. l4inn. 'I'lir eo«l of ii $100. loan for ten month* In ailLfU) only, rrhen Louis, Prlmo Camera and Leroy "The waves are kicking up a dumped out. The next thing that Irll Moving—Trucking—S.uragc . . . . lo Highland Ave,, Hollywood, Calif. nrini'lfinl I* reimltl In ten eqiinl tit4»nthlj Inatnllmenta of ten dul- 4321 Inr* eneh n* nareed. Haynes poinding away on fresh row, but we will ride along, some­ the youngsters knew, they landed Public Passenger Service ...... tO-A beef dally, there Is an acute short­ Painting—Papering ...... 11 North how, as long aa we hang on. One on the shore. Protaaelonal Services ...... 33 Room 2 state Thcnter Bldp;. age of heavyweight sparring part­ of th-» big birds told us so.” Repairing ...... tl 753 Main St. Tel. 3430 PERSONAL ners around New Y ork .. .and at 525 For quite a while no word was (The Tlnles find a funny looking Tallorli^—Dyeing—Cleaning 3« Read The Herald Advs. a day and board, too. . . add to tho Toilet w ods and Service ...... Sb 5432 FINANCE COMPANY said. The seat they sat In rode shack In the next story). Wanted—Bustnasa Sa. vlea ...... 1 | ■Cdacallomal Cburata and C'Ahaea ...... 31 AMBULANCE Private tnatruction ...... 38 illYRA NORTH, SPEC IAL NURSE Duty Calls Myra By THOMPSON AND COLL ...... (Doiigan) Uuslcjl—Ur.m.tlr ...... au w it h WALF WI3 MEN NEATLY TEAPPEP IN COME, MISS NORTH-1 Im -ANOTMEE M<3MEMT, MYRA i s BUSY CARIN(j FOR. T H E SE UBAMIAN D O S S PIOHT /who WAS \ THERE WASN'T N0NE-\ SPEAK UP, YOU MUG./ W.nt.d^IrtitructtoD ...... so THE TUNNEL, W VSTER D ESPEeATELY WE MUST FIND THE INJURED OF BOTH SIDES, SCARCELY HEED­ WELL-TOO WELL, IT SEEMS -• THE THIRD /JUST ME 'N' SHORTY. WHO ©OT THE OTHER 56SO PE lYE S TWE REST O F HIS MEN SAFE PLACE.' I PODNERT/THEN SHORTY PLUGGEOjSHAREO' THAT MONEY?, Hood.—Stook.~MnrtBH.«a Ii ING THE BULLET5 THAT WHIZ FROM EVERY DIRECTION SOMEONE MUST HAVE BuilQ.tt Opportunltl.a ...... It ( Holloran) AGAINST THE SUPERIOR UB4NIAN REVEALED OUR. PLANS (//<• Money to Loan ...... is FO RCE S ^ llrip and ..Itaatloaa Halp Wanted—F'eniale ...... |b 3060 V Ualp Wanted—Mala ...... it a dalaamen Wanted ...... tS>A (Quish) Help Wan'ed — Male or Pamala.. II A(an.a tVaniad ...... h -a SItnallona Warned—Famala .. . Ii 4340 diluftlon. Wanted—Male ...... la Employment Aienclee ...... |u Uar •iork—l*ela—Ponllry—Vekirire HOSPITAL l>o»a—BIrda—Pole ...... 41 Live Btocic—VehlcJee ...... 41 Poultry and SupplUe ...... 41 Wanted - Pete — Poultry—Stock 44 5131 Pot Sale—Mteecllaaeoua Artlolee tot Sole ...... 41 Boats- and Acceeaorlee ...... 40 WATER DEPT. Building Malarlale ...... 47 Ularaonde-Watches—Jewelry .. 41 Electrical Appllancaa—Radio .. 41 w r j Eual and F.ad ...... \ »M MCA tUVtCt. IMC. TMITOV YEARY& 5 TD0 SOON Okrdtp — Parm—Dairy Product. 10 (A fter 6 P. M.) a— I...... I ______Ibnachold Oooda ...... n Mkehlncry and Tcola ...... it Musical InttrumcMa ...... is 7868 Very Considerate, Indeed Bv"Snia!l w in . u d Stora Bkidipm.nt ot VLLEY OOP g ^ U la At tha 8’ ora...... |t N o Slights To Dinny, Please By HAMLIN 'VjOlTNIN(S> MfZS. MSL COICKl ANy-\C?«,X OOUV KWOtO> / t/T/CNHftT A PR6.TTV TfxJgf-f ^ OH. HOCO Nice o r VOU TO TAKE CARE Of* THING’ fr o m a SAPeTTV PiaJ Tls /T'f'V Nittcy I/V5k'i/Ll^ dItcDt tolHAT* KIND ot*/i*v/ir •«-> -ru e ^ .Wantad—To Boy ...... n MANCHESTER h? SURELY LIKE TO jvOULL KNOW, PRETTY I ©edieve, -Vd T H e »T COHILE TUeV ARE ACOPf/l Mkowa Baaa«—Bo