E i t r n i t t g WJmAY,MAY». 108& AVBRAUB DAILY OKRCtTLATlON THE WEATHfl» tor Uw Moalh el April, IflSfl Poreeoal et U. S. Weathm WELCOME GROUP QlflSH VODLD NOT TAKE Horttord TO CASH VETERANS Manchester TO CONFER TONIGHT LQOKI LOOKl LOOKl Fbri Quality 5,846 laoraoriag < airf Mighitr ' '^Twenty-thrM of th« dapartmcnt Date' Book OFnCE UNTIL JULY 1ST HBbor of lha AodR fiattrljfB tfr tt tng warmer toolght fonewed by slwwera r of the Cbanoe Vouglit com' BONDS IN HARTFORD TO BE ENLARGED rtou of OIrealalleiis. Wetoeeday. v u v , eight of whom were ON TAXATION SUITS - Iltoeheeter, Journeyed by bua fur- TealgM RUBBER MANCHESTER - A OTY OF VHXAGE (HARM diA ed by Perrett A Qleimey o f thla H ay 3S.—^Annual raootiagi of T. If AppolBtfld Befort That He M. C. A r tdwn to New York city on Batur- . Would Await Completion of HEELS (attached) VOL, LV., NO. 203. (Oaaolfled AdvertMng on Pag* U.) May Get Interim Receipts at Thla Week Work of Chamber’s Hospi­ 2 5 MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1936. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENI d ^ . Ih ey vlalted the .^ lo grounds May 37.—^Yotmg Republican club’s Ralf-Tear to Keep Reports Selectmen, Asseseort, Board ______ Ear Ladlea — Genta and ChUdnnm to see the New York Giants play "Family Night" at Masonic Temple. -Right. EXPEBT WOKKBtANBBIP! BEST LEATHERSSATHER8 USED! the Phillies, made several other P. 0. Here and Checks Coming Bvrata tal Committee Grows by of Relief, Town Connsel atOM and arrived home at 3:80 a. June B.—^Trl-Danco, Moaonle Tem- Rewed W ith Ita]y*g Iron Ring: Is. Sunday. pla. Bbotad the. appointment o f Thom­ SAM YULTES WiD Be Forwarded. Also outdoor MUsIoal Festival by Leaps and Bonnds. as J, Qulah os pootmoatar at Mon- to Talk Compromise. SHOE REPAIR SEBVIOB LEGION SUSPECTED PRESS TAX BILL "April Showera,” a thrse^t eem- public schools chonit of 800 voteea at cheater be preoentad and. epnflrmed m Main Stroot Mancheeter My will be presented by the Ep* Educational Square; by tba Senate during the month of FEAR SEVENTEEN DEAl trorth League of the South Hethod- “1710 Hartford post office, which June 6.—^American Legion dance The ChqmlMr of Oomtneree hoe- June, Mr. Quleh will not take o r e r Plans to compromise the requests FOR CONGRESS’ tst church Monday evening, June 8. at Rainbow In Bolton. has been designated by Postmaster- pltality committee, which now eon- the poatmasterablp of the Manches­ of seven taxpayers for lower prop­ OF BOMBING, FIRES She cast which is composed of General Farley os one of the six dis­ Jtme 8.—“April Showers", 8-act Blste of eight members with Rav. |<sague members. Is rehearsing un- comedy by Epworth League, South ter poatofflea until July 1. erty tax oaseoaments will be dia- FREE! FREE! EN D N m W EEK flsr the direction of Mrs. T. B. Keb' bursing offices of the veterans bo­ Methodist church. EsrI E. Story of the South Method­ This would mean that Frank B. ouBsed during a meeting tonight In IN N. J. FOREST FIRE; ler. nus bonds, will probably be the most June 13. — Townsend Day Rally ist church os chairman, will be en­ Orocker, the present postmaster, the Municipal btiUdlng attended by _ 10 CHICKENS central for the local veterans who here. larged In the near future because the would be In charge of the office Two to Five Lucky Persons. Drawings Friday BY DETROIT POUCE The Hartford County Federation the Selectmen, aasesaora, town coun- June 15-30.—Manchester Veter­ preaept committee cannot keep until that date. The reason for this of Itamocratic Women will bold its will receive cash for their bonds aft­ ael and memberi o f the Board of Night. No strings attached. Just clip the Plan to Exact Reaxon for er they have been received from the ans’ Association Carnival, Old Golf decision Is the experience that Mr. rtgular monthly meeting at the Y. lots. pace With the rapid flow of new Qulah has bod In the office o f post­ Relief. Coupon and send it in. Hundreds of Yohmteers If. C. A Wednesday evening. May Treasury In June. resldenta Into Manchester. The Day Shift Stays Away Under plans announced by Post­ June 17.—Trade school graduation master In the past By waiting Tboea who have startad Superior Snrpinses; Conzens At­ tT at 8 o’clock. The county chair­ past two mootha has brought a re­ Twenty-fiTe Warrants Issoed master-General Farley, Connecticut exercises at night until July 1 to assume the office It Court action for lower taxao, mVia POPULAR MARKET FEW MUNICIPAL CCC W orkers Battle man, Mrs. T. B. Brosnan, was elect­ markably large number of new­ ex-service men who are entitled to June 18.—Lawn festival at South will make It possible for Postmaster amount on which they ore oaaeased. S55 Main Street Rnbfnow Building ed at the biennial convention held Methodlat church. comers to town and the committee Crocker to have his return for the ore: Against Monbers of Hack tacks F. D. R. Ideas As the bonus, and who wfsh to cash baa been extremely active in Its At Middletown Plant Name e^e • • • aa» ••• • e-e e.e « • • e • • e.a e.e • • • last month, and the other officers them Immediately upon receipt, will Juno 19.—Barnard school gradua­ aecnnd quarter of the year completed B. B. Hilliard company, 8498,169; Flames on Three Froot^] for the county will be elected at this tion In afternoon. work of welcoming and assisting and only one check of the office Hartford Qaa company, 8345,933; the UNITS HARD HIT take their bonds to the Manchester them as far aa possible. coming meeting. June 22-27. — American Legion’s wouiq be required to have the re­ Rogers Paper Manufacturing com­ Address • • • eta e«« e eie • • « •** osas« ata • • • m * Hooded Secret Order As Advanced at Wrong Time. postm uter who will issue an in­ It le the purpose of the hospital­ Middletown, May 36.— (A P )—Thai, The mayor said up to 33 offleara Five Men Knovm Dead; terim receipt to the veteran. Bonds annual carnival at Dougherty’s lot. ports of the office for the year’s pany, 8287,764; Savings Bank of The Misses Anna and Ina Chap­ Juno 22.—High School Class Day. ity committee to contact all new quarterly report turned In. This Rockville, 864,798; C, R. Burr and BY c o m RULE day shift at toe Middletown plant of would be made available for strike will be forwarded to Hartford for residents and make them feel that Probe Is Continoed. Washington, May 36.— (A P )—A toe Remington Rand, Inc., stayed duty. man, former residents of this town cashing. Checks will be mailed to Manche.iter Green school graduation would rive Mr. Crocker opportunity Company, 863,131; iSlra. Suaan B. Search for Other Bodies^: who have conducted a vacation In evening. Manchester Is Interested In having to check up bla reports for the first Gammons, 829,105; Gammons-Hjol- plan to force certain eorporationi away from their Jobe today In obe­ The mass picketing was carried the local veterans. them locate here. The committee dience to a sympathy strike vote boarding house at Walnut Beach in June 23.—HoUiater school gradua­ six months of the year and would man company, 831,553. to state In writing Juat why they on several himdrad yards from toa M st years, are now located at identification of local veterans at tion in afternoon, Bucklai.d school at has been signally successful In its not mak^ -It necessary for t,wo re­ Tbs total amount of the current Detroit, May 26.— (AP) — The Bankrapt Law’s Voidiiig token at a mass meeting o f union plant. In which toe office force and efforts thus far and reported highly are building up surpluses was under Hampton Beach in New Hampshire. the local post office Is necessary, ac­ night ports to go In for the second quar­ grand list which Is subject to revl- “war of extermination" on the Black workers. foremen were working os usual. New Gretna, N. J,. cording . to Information received eatlsfactory results at a recent study today by the Senate finance The day and night forces number Francis P. Fenton, union organis­ Juna 24.—-Graduation exsrclses at ter. Blon Is 81,810,463. Entertainment— Dance Legion brought 25 warrants charg­ (A P )—Seventeen or more men wei^., from Washington. If the veteran Is meeting. In the majority of In­ Comes After Many Had committee as leaders sought to approximately 1,100 workers. er of Boston, came to Middletown Members o f the Epworth League Manchester High school. When Mr. Qulah was succeeded by missing today oa toe worst fhreil; c f the South Methodist church who personally known to Postmaster July 4.—Annua] fireworks display stances, families are moving to Man­ ing kidnaping and felonious assault speed the revenue bill to the Senate Picketing waa begun and more for a conference with workers’ rep- Frank B. Crocker, witnesses are chester because the town Is acces­ Oliver F. Toop sb postmaster the floor. than a dozen police officers mingled fire tn years rolled acrooa the Soul are planning to attend the annual at Old Golf lota by American Le­ commission of Mr. Toop came In the HILLSTOWN GRANGE In Jackson today against members Refinanced Under Influ­ reaentatives but had nothing to say. banquet of the League tonight are not necessary. If not, one or two gion. sible to places of employment and Ths itatement of corporation pur­ with a large crowd In front of the Jersey coastal plain, leaving a month of April.
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