westoncivicsociety.org.uk 2020 Old Town Quarry, South Road, BS23 2LS Summer No 144 General enquiries 01934 251487 Due to the corona virus lockdown we were unable to hold our normal AGM in April and it looks increasingly unlikely we will be able to do so in the near future. If restrictions do permit it we will hold the AGM as advertised below, but if they do not, similar to many organisations in the same situation, the Civic Society will hold a ‘virtual’ AGM using the Zoom software on the same date and at the same time. Nominations for Executive Committee members, and motions to be put to the AGM, should be submitted by latest August 31st 2020 by post to the Secretary, Weston -super-Mare Civic Society, Flat A, 6 Ellenborough Crescent, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XL, or scanned by e-mail to
[email protected] Each nomination must state the position to be filled – Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary or ordinary Executive Committee member and include signatures of a proposer, seconder and the signed agreement of the nominated person. Motions should similarly have both a proposer and seconder with signatures. If you wish to attend the Zoom AGM please e-mail th
[email protected] by latest September 27 2020 and we will send you the link and instructions how to join by return. Annual General Meeting Weston Museum or Zoom 1 Nomination form for Officers and/or Executive Committee Members To reach the Secretary (address above) st by 31 August 2020 post or e-mail I propose ______________________ (name in caps) as ________________________ Signed ______________________________ I second _______________________ (name in caps) as________________________ Signed ______________________________ Signature of person proposed indicating consent ____________________________ Dated ____________ Membership Renewal Membership is due for renewal and to make life a little easier we would prefer members to renew by direct debit.