1939 to 1945 Diary of Worle in World War II Day to day factual journal

© Raye Green 2013 www.worlehistorysociety.net

This is a day to day diary of everything I have been able to discover about events in Worle from 1939 to VJ Day, against the background of the second World War. It is designed to be added to by anyone who has more information and I hope it will form the skeleton for 2 books: Worle at War, The Home Front (1939 to 1941) and Worle at War, In Pursuit of Peace. (1942 to 1945)

Research for this diary has come from as many sources as I could gain

access to. Events in Worle are set against a national and international

backdrop. Of course, this will never really be complete, each time we think we have come to the end, something new emerges.

The two local newspapers in print at the time provide a very valuable

backdrop to events and feelings. Each paper has its own strengths and weaknesses. The Gazette uses a relaxed style and pictures, whereas the Mercury is more serious and carries greater detail. They complement

each other. As the war goes on, paper and staff shortages occasionally prevents publication.

Official records, kept at the Records Office in have been used to check facts and to add new information.

The minutes of Worle Cricket Club, provided by Johnnie Tucker and the Brownies Log Book, loaned by Nora Jefferies have added a focussed perspective. Parish records and minutes of meetings of Parochial Church council members have also been used.

I have been lucky enough to be given some private diaries kept at the time, one written by an ARP warden and one by a housewife. Charles Reeves has contributed a written memoir of the night in 1942 when his

grandfather, Charles Drury died in the bombing.

Copies of all the written reports from the time are kept in 9 files and are available for research. Please phone Raye on 516773 to arrange a visit.

Several people have contributed anecdotal evidence of the experiences they recall and of family memories, which confirm the written evidence.

I hope the diary will be used to jog memories and that you will add anything I have unwittingly omitted.

2 Raye Green


1939 Pages 4 to 30

1940 Pages 31 to 61

1941 Pages 62 to 87

1942 Pages 88 to 110

1943 Pages 111 to 129

1944 Pages 130 to 148

1945 Pages 149 to 161




January 39

Sunday 1st Monday 2nd Parish Social in Church Hall Golden Lion Pensioners Supper for elderly gentlemen of the parish. Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Methodist Sunday School annual treat First Worle Brownies held meetings at Church Hall every Wednesday 5.30 p.m. to 7.00 until the hall was needed for the war effort and the Brownie Pack found space as and where possible. Roosevelt asks Congress for $522 million for defence. Thursday 5th Children’s party and film show in Church Hall. Friday 6th Mercury: revision of bus fares between Weston and Worle. Saturday 7th Evacuation plans reported in Gazette. Weston to be local ‘Reception Area’ for evacuees. P.C. Baker transferred from Worle to North Curry.

Sunday 8th Monday 9th Whist Drive in Church Hall – 11 tables Tuesday 10th Schools reopened after Christmas break, one paper gives date as Monday 8th Neville Chamberlain and Lord Halifax visit Benito Mussolini in Wednesday 11th Annie Brooks’ 80th birthday celebrations Thursday 12th Ward Concert, Milton and Worle ward, Winter Gardens. Friday 13th Accommodation needed for potential evacuees. Saturday 14th Weston Harriers hunt meeting at Editorials in Gazette and Mercury about need for volunteers to carry out a survey of possible billets for unfortunate evacuated children.

Sunday 15th Methodist Church anniversary celebrations Monday 16th Hampden Road to be inspected for access to new housing. Public notice issued that road is to be made up by the council. Tuesday 17th Methodist Rally and ‘Fireside hour’ Wednesday 18th Methodist ‘Bright Hour’ candlelight supper Louis Armstrong recorded ‘Jeepers Creepers’ 5

Thursday 19th Milton and Worle Ward Concert in Winter Gardens. [papers disagree about date] Friday 20th Bird Society meeting at Golden Lion. Saturday 21st WOBs dance at Church Hall. Don Mario’s Novelty Band . Match result: WOBs 4, Stradling 1.

Sunday 22nd Monday 23rd Roofing started on new school in Spring Hill Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th ‘Cheerful Duck’ living in Church Rd on Councillor Criddle’s allotment. The duck seems to have moved in and liked it, so stayed. Thursday 26th Mr A. Lane, blacksmith, Coronation Road is home from hospital. Servers’ and Choir Boys’ Social at Church Hall. Spanish Civil War: Nationalists take Barcelona. Friday 27th P.C. Hansford took up duties today. Death of Ernest Jones, Fairfield House. Saturday 28th Report of death of Rev. Charles Vallance Cook, brother of Eric Vallance Cook who later became vicar of St. Martins. A.R.P. progress report in Gazette said there were 54 Air Raid Wardens in Weston-super-Mare district.

Sunday 29th Monday 30th Hitler said: "Europe cannot find peace until the Jewish question has been solved. ...’ Tuesday 31st


February 39

Wednesday 1st Brownies 5.30 p.m. Church Hall. Thursday 2nd Hungary joins the AntiKomintern Pact, originally agreed between Germany and Japan in 1936. Friday 3rd Death of Francis Ellen Price of Coronation Road. Saturday 4th Ian Orr-Ewing addresses a men-only supper party at New Inn: plea for national service volunteers. WOB draw with Blagdon in cup match. Campaign for a branch library in Worle in papers. Road ‘improvements’ underway in High Street by the Rows Gardens , Coronation Road. [Please notice the spelling of ‘Rows’]

Sunday 5th Monday 6th Town Council obtain loan for £475 for land to build homes for the working classes in Ebdon Rd. Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs Roper of Rd. Tuesday 7th Death of Mrs. Hopkins, Road reported. Wednesday 8th Mrs Mary Gamble, of the Peace Pledge Union addressed a meeting in Milton Baptist Church. Thursday 9th Funeral of Mr. Boroughs, Church Road. Meeting in Church Hall to discuss evacuation scheme. Friday 10th Ladies’ Working Party Whist Drive in Church Hall. Frederick Bartlett arrested by P.C. Hansford for swearing loudly in Ebdon Road at 11.15 p.m. Saturday 11th Gazette and Mercury report Orr-Ewing speech. Ivy Lodge Nursing Home will stop maternity work in July. Mrs Baber, the owner is to retire. Report that St. Martin’s bell ringers attended Bath and Wells annual ringers meeting.

Sunday 12th St. Martin’s services: 8.00 a.m., 10.00 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Whist Drive for Churchyard Extension fund. Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th Friday 17th


Saturday 18th Mercury reports the War Memorial clock is erratic. Odd striking pattern! Often did not strike and was five minutes late. The vicar reported to have a chill and was worried about the Tithe Act affecting finances of St. Martin’s, which was now responsible for the Chancel. 60,000 gas masks reportedly on the way. [Gazette] To be distributed when they have been ‘made up’.

Sunday 19th Methodist Church Branch of the Christian Endeavour Union services: 11.00 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. in Lawrence Rd. Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Working Party Whist Drive Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Annual Parochial meeting of Worle Parish Church, 8. p.m. Friday 24th Worle Old Boys’ dance at the Church Hall. 140 attended. Saturday 25th Rev . May thinks good size congregations herald a move back to God. Marriage of Frank Lovell to Violet Binding reported in Mercury as ‘Wedded across the Water’. Major Kenny appointed as new Chief ARP Warden. Worle Old Boys 4, 1.

Sunday 26th Methodist Church temperance meeting. Monday 27th Britain and France recognize General Franco’s government in Spain. Tuesday 28th


March 39

Wednesday 1st New sewer for Coronation Rd completed. Road opened. Church Rd was being resurfaced and a slice taken off the Council House gardens opposite bottom of Hawthorn Hill where there was previously an ‘S bend’. Thursday 2nd School leaving age to rise to 15 years. More children for new school. Friday 3rd Saturday 4th New Secondary School in Spring Hill progresses. Picture of the building work, and article in Mercury. Fred Bartlett tells court that police can’t catch anyone else so they pick on him! Fined £1. WOB at home to 3.15 p.m. Reserves away to Wedmore. Coach from Skids at 2.30. New Boy Scout Troop mooted. New, young fir trees planted in Vicarage garden.

Sunday 5th Monday 6th Orr-Ewing defends government policy of removing causes of war. Town Hall full. Tuesday 7th Air Raid Sirens, sited on roof of Imperial Laundry, tested. North East winds hampered test around the town, but not in Worle. Wednesday 8th Borough Council meeting agreed to underground telegraph lines in High Street and Coronation Road. Thursday 9th Friday 10th Saturday 11th Scout Troop formed in Worle. E. H. Raike [Ginger] was Scout master. Meeting held at ‘Sunnyside’, Bisdie’s house. National Service Office [12 Bristol Rd] enrolled volunteers. Gazette concerned about road safety in Spring Hill and the need for a Branch Library. Death of W. H. Scriven, Hill Road. Funeral of Ada Simmonds, 2 Church Road.

Sunday 12th Mothering Sunday special service at St. Martin’s. Methodist service conducted by the younger generation. Frank Gosden born, but not in Worle. Monday 13th Fifty boys attended the inaugural meeting of Scout Troop held at the Council School [Infants’ School?]


Tuesday 14th Twelve Worle candidates presented for Confirmation at St. Paul’s Church by Bishop of Taunton. Wednesday 15th Hitler made triumphal entry into Prague. Members enrolled at Girl Guides’ meeting by Miss K. Lewis. Thursday 16th Friday 17th Saturday 18th Arguments in newspapers about whether or not Spring Hill could be defined as busy, in terms of traffic. If they only knew! Report of smell from the road works in Coronation Road. Lamb killed by trespassing dog on Mr. Criddle’s land.

Sunday 19th Monday 20th U.S. recalled its ambassador from in protest against the dismembering of . Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Horticultural Society meeting: sound financial position. Friday 24th Church Hall theatre licence renewed by Justices. Saturday 25th Reports that workmen have left road works incomplete. Plans for 102nd anniversary of Methodist Chapel. Horticultural Society meeting widely reported.

Sunday 26th Monday 27th Funeral of Harry Garland, Vicar’s Warden. Tuesday 28th Hitler denounces Germany’s non-aggression pact with Poland. Deaths of James Fisher and Walter Huish reported. Wednesday 29th Death of Harry Garland of Colbridge House. Thursday 30th Friday 31st Britain and France pledge to support Poland in the event of any attack on Polish independence.


April 39

Saturday 1st Mercury reports deaths of 3 locals last week. Long report of funeral of Henry Garland

Sunday 2nd Palm Sunday services in local Churches Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Brownies. 5.30 p.m. Church Hall Thursday 6th Friday 7th Good Friday. Special anniversary service at Methodist Chapel. Rev. A. R. Bates giving the address. St Martin’s choir sang Stainer’s ‘Crucifixion’. D.G. Jones, [tenor], Mr. Smart, [bass] Saturday 8th

Sunday 9th Easter Sunday communion services Monday 10th Bank Holiday: Gala Dance in Church Hall Recreation ground WOBs v. St. Paul’s 2.30 kick off Accident at level crossing of W.C. and P light railway Tuesday 11th Air Raid Wardens meeting addressed by Major Kenny Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Friday 14th Vestry and Parochial Church Council meeting appointed Alfred Tripp, dairyman of High Street, Worle as Vicar’s Warden. Saturday 15th Mercury reports everyone is to be fitted for gas masks Children’s concert in Church Hall at Easter raised £8/14/- for churchyard extension fund. Homing Society expect to be called upon by R.A.F. for use of carrier pigeons in the event of war. Three children from Worle Church School passed first part of Scholarship exams. Death in Somerton of Capt. William Watkeys, R.N.R. formerly of Worle. Estate: £8,636/5/1d

Sunday 16th British Summer Time. Stalin signed British/French/Russian anti-Nazi pact. Monday 17th Tuesday 18th Meeting in Messrs Parker’s Rooms, Hill Road, to appoint an emergency chief ARP warden for Worle. G. D. Waite, School House, Church Road was elected. 11

Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Half day closing, as always on Thursdays Friday 21st Worle Old Boys end of season dance at Church Hall Saturday 22nd War Memorial clock still on G.M.T. Swans nesting on pond abutting G.W.R. line on Worle Moor. Pavement completed on south side of Church Road. G.D. Waite appeals for more volunteer ARP wardens. Worle Old Boys ‘Go down with a bump’. Gazette

Sunday 23rd Monday 24th Beach Lawns recruitment rally for National Service. Reported in Gazette on Saturday 29th Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th Brownies. 5.30 Church Hall Thursday 27th Military Training Act passed. Men aged 20 and 21 must undertake 6 months military training. Friday 28th Hitler renounces the German-Polish non-aggression pact. Saturday 29th 11 new ARP wardens enrolled following appeal. Worle had 23 in total. They will meet in Mr. Parker’s Rooms in Hill Road. Road widening at Spring Hill corner almost complete. New wall built and paving laid. WOB Dance so popular that a decision was made to hold another on May 5th. William Phillips of High Street fractured shoulder blade in a fall.

Sunday 30th Usual services at Church and Chapel.


May 39

Monday 1st Worle Old Boys 3 Winscombe 0. Raining. Tuesday 2nd Barrel organ playing in High Street every Tuesday morning for the summer. War Memorial clock stopped at 5.35 again. Wednesday 3rd WOBs 4 away to St. Cuthbert’s [Wells] 4. Thursday 4th Child stuck in new sewage pipes in Coronation Road had to be pulled out backwards. ARP meeting: now have 28 Worle Wardens. Methodist Christian Endeavour ‘social’ meeting. Friday 5th WOBs end of season dance at Church Hall – again Saturday 6th Mercury’s Worle column recalls Turnpike Road. Rev. May’s letter in Church Magazine: tribute to Harry Garland. Schedule for Flower Show published: 50 pages. Worle Homing Society first race of season [pigeons].

Sunday 7th Methodists’ ramble followed by supper in schoolroom. Monday 8th Spain leaves League of Nations. Tuesday 9th Magistrates heard case for Hampden Rd changes at Weston Police Court . Jumble Sale: Ladies Working Party, Church Hall 2 p.m. Wednesday 10th Monthly meeting of Works and General Purposes Committee discussed the widening of Worle High Street. Thursday 11th Sad death of Mrs. Edith Cook, at 28, shortly after the birth of her second child. Friday 12th D. Price and Ken Lane, both of Coronation Road, touring Denmark with YMCA football club. Saturday 13th A. R. P., St. John Ambulance Brigade, Fire Brigade and Decontamination Squad hold a practice ‘black out’ at 0.30. Worle now has 28 ARPs – enough says Head Warden. Objections to Hampden Road developments. Gazette article ‘ARP Started at Wrong End’. Cricket Club’s first match of season and team list in Mercury.

Sunday 14th Mrs Mary Diamond of Tintern Villas, Worle slipped on banana skin in Alfred St. and dislocated her shoulder. Monday 15th Death of Bessie Hannah Jones, Fairfield House. Burial of Mrs. Edith Cook of Coronation Road 13

Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Thursday 18th Funeral of Mrs. Jessie Jones, Fairfield House. Worle Cricket Club beat Wadham Street . Friday 19th Saturday 20th WOBs outing to Bristol for players, wives and friends. Worle contributed to Weston district nursing association. Tamworth pigeon race attended by Worle Club

Sunday 21st ARP exercises: practice ‘bombing’ of . Monday 22nd Germany and Italy sign the ‘Pact of Steel’. Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Annual sports for Worle Schools held on Recreation ground Thursday 25th Worle Cricket Club match against WOBs. Cricket Club won – just as well, as it was a cricket match!! Friday 26th Saturday 27th Gazette published a picture taken from a plane of the ARP exercises carried out on 21st. Demolition of old houses on corner of High Street and Ebdon Road in progress to improve the blind corner. Worle’s ARP wardens have had individual training and are moving on to collective training every fortnight. WOBs outing to Hippodrome reported as a success. Full results of Schools’ Sports Day in Gazette.

Sunday 28th Whit Sunday. Wonderful sunny weather for weekend. Monday 29th Bank Holiday. Worle Cricket Club away to Bath. Tuesday 30th ‘Buffalo Bill’ circus coach toured the village. Wednesday 31st


June 39 Thursday 1st Friday 2nd Death of Alexander Fuszard of 22 Hill Road, aged 51. Saturday 3rd Mercury report of death of Annie Monier Williams [Mona] of ‘The Lodge’ High St. Comic football match on Whit Monday on the recreation ground in aid of St. John Ambulance. Tom Pemberthy injured and ambulance had to be called! Worle C.C. beat Huntspill by 8 runs.

Sunday 4th Methodist Chapel Sunday School Anniversary at morning and evening services. Audrey Milliner at the organ. Special gathering for young people in the afternoon. ‘St Louis’ ship carrying Jewish refugees denied entry to United States. Monday 5th C. Of E. School weather statistics show a record 83o in the shade today. Short plays presented in the Methodist Schoolroom by children. Tuesday 6th Methodist ‘Bright Hour’ outing for 40 ladies to Downside Abbey. Wednesday 7th Bring and Buy in aid of Guides and Brownies at ‘Sunnyside’, Church Road 5.30 p.m. raised £10/11/-. Thursday 8th Cricket: Worle Thursday XI beat G. P. O. Friday 9th Litter of 20 piglets born at Laurel Farm, Station Rd. Lupin in garden at ‘Glenview’, High St. has one blue bloom among several pink ones. Saturday 10th Wedmore C.C. visited Worle, but lost by 56 runs. Wedding of Donald Owen and Lydia Osbourne at St. Martin’s.

Sunday 11th Parish magazine has a tribute to Mrs Jones of ‘Fairfield’. Large crane hit the electricity wires in Bristol Road. Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Annual meeting of Village Club Committee. Silent tribute to 2 deceased members, Harry Garland and E.P. Jones. Mr E. P. Phippen gave his 40th statement as treasurer. Wednesday 14th Town Council name the extension to Spring Hill, ‘Edgecombe Avenue’. Thursday 15th St Martin’s Sunday School outing to Weymouth. Worle C.C. Thursday XI beat Lympsham on the recreation ground. 15

Friday 16th A.R.P. wardens meeting every Friday from this date in the Schools for training. Dance in aid of local charities at the Church Hall. Don Mario’s band, as usual. Saturday 17th Worle C.C. Special Meeting called for this afternoon. Three Scout troops now formed locally. Wedding of John Woolmington, drummer in Don Mario’s Band, and Dorothy Venning. Mervyn Charles, Kewstoke Road, fell from a tree and broke his arm

Sunday 18th Monday 19th Village Club meeting to discuss re-decoration. Tuesday 20th WOBs annual meeting at C of E school reported a large profit and elected officers for the coming year. Wednesday 21st Thursday 22nd Friday 23rd Saturday 24th F. Bartlett in court again for shouting in Ebdon Road. Rose Gardens in Ebdon Road reported as glorious in Gazette. New telephone box to be installed at Preanes Green

Sunday 25th Monday 26th Huge parade of National Service units in Weston to encourage enrolment. Article in Gazette on 24th persuading people to attend. Worle well represented: Territorials, First Aid, Nursing and ARP Wardens under Mr Waite. 6 R.A.F. bombers flew over in formation Tuesday 27th Bakery at the corner of Greenwood Road and High Street transferred from G. R. Parker and son to C.J. Vowles and Son. Wednesday 28th Thursday 29th Friday 30th


July 39

Saturday 1st Plans for playground to be surfaced at school in Hill Rd. Senior school looks finished. Scholarship: interview success for Gordon Porter, John Edwards and Barbara Smele. G. R. Parker’s biography so far in Mercury. Mr W. Fletcher re-elected as chairman of W.O.B.s. Mrs Hunt, The Rows, claims to be oldest parishioner at 96. Hay making in full swing. Rents for 8 new council houses in Madam Lane approved. Worle C.C. beat Webbington by 42 runs to 29! Mercury 8th Sunday 2nd Monday 3rd Council Work and General Purposes Committee discussed problem of providing public Air Raid Shelters. Carboniferous limestone on the hill and water table on flat are the difficulties. Tuesday 4th Local agriculturists, organised by Mr. Criddle, visited Royal Agricultural Society Centenary show at Windsor Great Park Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Last remaining Jewish businesses in Germany closed by Nazis. Auction of household effects at The Lodge, High Street, estate of Mrs. Monier Williams. Parish outing to Buckfast Abbey, via and Exeter. Friday 7th G. R. Parker taken ill. Charity dance at Church Hall for hospital. Don Mario’s band. Saturday 8th Wedding of Winnie Day [Hill Road East] and Dennis Brown. Big of 4 counties from midnight tonight until 4.00 am. Article in Mercury of 1st July. R.A.F manoeuvres. Volunteers wanted for evacuation scheme. W-s-M must take 8,800. Churchyard maintenance fund collection this week by Mrs J. Mann. Air Raid Precautions for schools reprinted in Parish Magazine. Mercury report that Worle Rag and Bone Man must no longer give balloons and other toys to children in exchange for rags. Worle Tennis Club, which normally meets at ‘Springfields’ is in danger of closing. Mr. A Robertson of The Shelling, Church Road, appealed for help. 17

Sunday 9th Monday 10th Flower Show meeting agreed show would open at 2.pm. on August Bank holiday Monday. Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th ITMA first broadcast. Thursday 13th Travelling fair arrived at land near New Inn. Roundabouts, swings and sideshows. Friday 14th Ken Warner home from Navy: recovered from bang on head ARP meeting at new school building. Senior wardens appointed for each sector in Worle. Changes mooted to sectors and wardens. Saturday 15th Report of Winnie Day’s wedding. Coronation Road improvements finished! Sympathy extended to Mr. W. Ball on the death of his father. Wedding of Hermione Evans to Peter Radmilovic [son of Paolo Radmilovic, the famous swimmer] Letter criticising ARP to Mercury, anon. Sunday 16th Monday 17th Tuesday 18th WOBs meeting. 2 teams entered in local league this season. Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Friday 21st Saturday 22nd ARP wardens supplied with chrome signs to put on their front gates saying Air Raid Warden. Complaints about condition of recreation ground again. Sunday 23rd Mahatma Gandhi wrote a personal letter to Adolf Hitler requesting the prevention of war. Monday 24th Tuesday 25th Brownie Pack no longer able to use Church Hall, which is booked solidly for preparations for war. Brownies to meet on the hill during good weather, or at the Infants’ School, Mendip Avenue. Wednesday 26th Thursday 27th Friday 28th Large sc ale ARP exercise today in Worle. Mock Air Raid. Saturday 29th Plan of mock air raid in Mercury. Worle Cricket Club Thursday XI report. Sunday 30th Monday 31st Gas mask fittings at C of E School from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. daily for the rest of the week. 18

August 39

Tuesday 1st Gas Mask fitting 6 – 10 p.m. at C of E school 1st to 4th. Wednesday 2nd Albert Einstein wrote to President Roosevelt about developing the atomic bomb using uranium. This lead to the creation of the Manhattan Project. Thursday 3rd Friday 4th Neville Chamberlain dismissed Parliament until Oct. 3rd. Saturday 5th Albert Beasley up before the beak for no ‘L’ plates and no qualified driver with him. Fined £1. Public slow to report for gas mask fitting. Continuing over weekend. Map in window of Dunning’s post office showed all A.R.P. information. Also there was a model head, fitted with a gas mask. Circle marked out at Ebdon Rd corner to show position of planned Rose Gardens. Council agreed to prepare cricket pitch on the recreation ground. Sunday 6th Bank holiday traffic continuous on Bristol Road today and Monday Monday 7th Worle Flower Show on Recreation ground, 2.p.m. Socially and financially successful. Tuesday 8th High St. covered in coloured paper, like confetti, bought by children at the flower show. Wednesday 9th Thursday 10th Friday 11th Saturday 12th Only half the population of Worle turned up to be measured for gas masks. Cricket Club committee meeting, 10.30 a.m. at home of C. W. Edwards, the honorary secretary. Decided that the dance at the Winter Gardens on Sept 6th would cost 2/6 per ticket, but no cabaret would be engaged. There was an Annual General Meeting in November, 1939, but the next committee meeting was held on 8th May, 1946, almost 7 years later. Sunday 13th Monday 14th Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Ellen Day, 14 The Rows died aged 83. She worked at the laundry until 6 weeks before. Funeral on Saturday. 19

Thursday 17th Friday 18th Saturday 19th Rumour that National Playing Fields Association is planning to spend £3,500 on the rec for football, cricket and bowls facilities. Methodist magazine reports ‘Worle Ramblers’ hike was ‘only just endurable towards the end’. Sunday 20th Special Church Service for Scouts, Guides and Brownies at 2.45 p.m. will follow a Church Parade. Flooding in High St following storm in evening. Lamb Inn and Lawrence Road premises had muddy water in ground floor. ‘Worst in living memory, up to 4 feet in places’. Monday 21st Tuesday 22nd Road accident at junction of Hollow Lane and Kewstoke Road, by the Old Forge. Londoners in a saloon car hit Mr. White of Ebdon, who was riding his motor cycle. Wednesday 23rd Thursday 24th As details of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact* became public, Chamberlain recalled Parliament several weeks early. In a burst of legislation, a War Powers Act was approved; and HMG ordered the Royal Navy to be put on a war footing, all leaves to be cancelled, and the Naval and coast defence reserves to be called up, especially radar and anti-aircraft units. Also, the last British and French private citizens in Germany were ordered home by their respective Governments. Friday 25th WOB dance in Church Hall for charity. Another planned for next Saturday. Saturday 26th 80 members of Scouts, Guides and Brownies joined the Church Parade last Sunday. Complaints: planes flying low over Church, causing noise. Ken Lane offered a contract with Bristol City for next season. James Wride [37] buried in St Martin’s churchyard. Sunday 27th Monday 28th Works lorry full of stone caused gaping hole in playground of the Church of School in Hill Road. It turned out to be an old cess pit. Miss Mabel Uncles, New Bristol Rd, cremated. Tuesday 29th Children return to school for new academic year. Wednesday 30th Thursday 31st 20

September 39

Friday 1st Five trains full of 4,000 evacuees were due to arrive in Weston. Worle Old Boys charity dance at the Church Hall was cancelled. Hostilities began between Germany and Poland. Norway, Sweden, Finland and Switzerland declared their neutrality. Saturday 2nd 3,200 evacuees arrived in the town. Ward rations depot for Milton and Worle was at Milton Infants’ School in Milton Park Road. Mr. Waite began the distribution of gas masks in Worle. Appeals were made for drivers and blankets for evacuees. People between 45 and 55 years asked to undertake home service with the 5th Somerset Light Infantry. Spain and Ireland declared their neutrality. Sylvia Culliford, Station House, married Eric Cormick at St Martin’s Church. W O Bs’ first match this season against Burnham United planned for today, but cancelled. WOB Reserves lost 4-2 to RAF team Worle Cricket Club end of season dance at the Winter Gardens was cancelled. Blanche Weaver, nee Wyatt, buried in churchyard.

Sunday 3rd ‘... this country is at war with Germany.’ The last 7 words of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s radio broadcast Sept. 3, 1939 British Expeditionary Forces began to leave from France. France, New Zealand and Australia declared war on Germany. Sinking of the ‘Athenia’. Another 3,200 evacuees arrived in Weston. St. Martin’s collections for today handed to Bell ringers in appreciation. Monday 4th Nepal declared war on Germany. 4,000 evacuees arrived today. About 5,600 of the total evacuees went on to Long Ashton to be housed there. Tuesday 5th U.S.A. declared itself neutral in the war. Wednesday 6th South Africa declared war on Germany Brownies met on the Hill. Only 8 present. The rest were helping with evacuees at home. Thursday 7th Friday 8th Advert for fancy ‘gas mask cases’ from Louches. 3/6d each. 21

Saturday 9th Kathleen Culliford, Sylvia’s sister, married Donald Disney of No. 1 Council Houses, Kewstoke. Reception at groom’s home. Church Hall requisitioned for ‘war activities’ WOBs to play RAF Wing at Worle Rec. Team list in Mercury Results in Mercury of 16th: WOB 5 RAF 2. Gazette describes evacuation in detail and provides ARP A-Z. Weston becomes a haven for children – Mercury Mercury – officers for marshalling evacuees in Worle & Milton headed by Mr. S. H. Jones. New bell ringers welcomed at St. Martin’s, ironically. Sunday 10th Church Service evening times changed to 6.00 p.m. to avoid the black out. Winter times will be 3.00 pm for evensong. Canada declared war on Germany John Porter, aged 87, died at Westwick Green Farm. Monday 11th Tuesday 12th Funeral at St. Martin’s of Mrs. Mabel Leaker, sister of Blanche Weaver, who died the previous week Wednesday 13th John Porter’s funeral at St. Martin’s. Thursday 14th Death of Edith White,16 Hill Road, aged 66. Friday 15th Saturday 16th Evacuees ‘settled in’ Mercury reported. Light railway whistle being confused with Air Raid warning. WOBs carrying on undeterred. WOBs 5, RAF No 2 Wing 2 Sunday 17th Methodist Harvest Festival. Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th Thursday 21st Friday 22nd Schools re-opened at last. Evacuees had separate timetables. Saturday 23rd Death reported of Rev. A. H. Mumford, formerly of Pine Hill. Pets being unnecessarily destroyed. Identity cards and ration books for all. Wilfred Parsons knocked off bike in blackout. Broke pelvis. ARP wardens’ post completed. Furnishings needed. Sunday 24th Monday 25th ARP warden admonished for showing a light. Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Phippen. Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th Friday 29th National Registration Day to provide Britain’s war-time Domesday Book. Implications for rationing and mobilization 22

Funeral of Lucy Milliner, Sunnybank, Lawrence Rd. at St. Martin’s. Saturday 30th 8000 blackout offenders in the town. 8/6d not enough to feed a child for a week. Evacuees looking much fitter already. One asked ‘Excuse me, mister, but are we still in ?’ Winter Gardens bus service details in Gazette. Cllr Newsome-Martin wrote to Gazette about lack of Labour Party representation on the Food Control Committee. Worle ARP contact details in Gazette. 30 wardens listed.


October 39

Sunday 1st Harvest Festival services at St. Martin’s. Monday 2nd Roof of Mrs Radford’s cottage in Spring Terrace caught fire. Tuesday 3rd Funeral of John Jane. Burial in Worle Churchyard. Wednesday 4th Meeting at New Inn to set up a new darts league in Worle. Christian Endeavour meeting at Methodist Chapel. Thursday 5th Junior Christian Endeavour will meet on Thursdays this season. Evacuees invited. Friday 6th Saturday 7th Report of Rev. May’s letter on expectations in wartime. Mercury report that men between 20 and 22 years must register on 21st October. Poem in Mercury attributed to Miss Lilian Rogers of Worle, now Mrs. Meyer. Worle and District Homing Society are to meet at the Golden Lion to distribute prizes. Society closing for duration of war. WOB will use younger players to replace the 20-22 year olds called up. Reminder in Mercury that blackout applies to early mornings as well as evenings. Church Bazaar and Whist Drives cancelled. Church Hall needed for war work. Sunday 8th ARP lecture at the New Inn to learn about incendiary bombs. Monday 9th All allotment land and gardens to be planted with food crops. Mr. Toomer letting land to new school in Spring Hill for gardening. Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Coronation Road tarred today to prevent horses from slipping. Einstein wrote to Roosevelt urging development of Atomic Bomb: start of the Manhatten Project. Thursday 12th Friday 13th ARP lecture at New Inn, on high explosives. Saturday 14th The British Battleship Royal Oak was torpedoed by a U Boat whilst in the "protected" anchorage at Scapa Flow. Article in Mercury giving details about impending rationing, including electricity and gas. Mrs. Whitford, New Inn, is ill and residing at a Bristol nursing home. Near the Old Wind Mill on Worle Moor, Golden Chain is flowering. Worle Schoolboys beat a team of evacuees on Rec. 4 - 3 24

Sunday 15th Usual evening services re-scheduled to 3 p.m. to help blackout. Poppy Day collection at St. Martin’s was £1 15s 9d. Monday 16th Miss Webb of Mayfield Avenue died at a local Nursing Home. Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Friday 20th Saturday 21st Official list of those missing in the sinking of HMS Royal Oak at Scapa Flow includes Petty Officer Arthur Simmonds [22], who was born in Ebdon Road. Reports in Mercury of road improvements, maintenance and costs. Details of debts accrued from housing scheme at The Rows and from maintenance of the recreation ground also reported. Roy Atkin of Worle was among the first to register for military service today in Weston area. Sunday 22nd Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Thursday 26th Friday 27th Sale of Work at the Vicarage. Saturday 28th None of the normal council elections this year. Newsome Martin’s seat was likely to be contested in normal circumstances. Complaints about thistles growing on the recreation ground. Evacuees revenged their defeat last week, winning 5 – 0 against Worle Reports of increased troubles with youngsters in the area. Evacuees responsible. Pilfering from dressing room at Churchill during match between WOBs and Churchill. Whist Drives to be held this winter at Village Club. Arthur Barber of Worle, who played for Everton during 1938 season is now at home and will appear for WOBs today. Wedding of Marjorie Collard and Wilfred Davies at Methodist Chapel. Reception in Schoolroom.

Sunday 29th Monday 30th Tuesday 31st 25

November 39

Wednesday 1st War memorial clock stuck again – 12.20 hours this time! Double Decker ‘Bus headed for Weston overturned in Locking Road Thursday 2nd Whist Drive at Village Club Friday 3rd Gladys Fletcher and Jack Hobbs married quietly in Bristol Saturday 4th United States pass Neutrality Act allowing them to sell arms to non-combatant nations. Marriage of Marjorie Collard and Wilf Davies - Gazette Weston District League results table shows WOBs reserves 0 St. John’s reserves 9. Oh dear. No date for the game. People charged with showing lights in the blackout referred to as the ‘light brigade’ in the Mercury. Sale of Work at Vicarage reported to have made £59 for Churchyard Extension fund Swings at the recreation ground proving to be very popular. ‘Tall man in dark blue overcoat’ reported to be stealing chickens, vegetables and fruit from local agriculturists. New telephone kiosk at Preanes Green. Sunday 5th Monday 6th Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th More than 50 young people attended Methodist meeting this evening. Thursday 9th Friday 10th Saturday 11th Reports of WOBs 6-1 defeat by Locking 2As. Special Constable allegedly drunk on duty – acquitted. Evacuee children said to have roses in their cheeks. No service at War Memorial today, but the large white wooden cross was placed in the Churchyard for people to plant their poppies. Sunday 12th Remembrance services at St. Martin’s. Poppies placed in big white cross Monday 13th Worle Scouts house to house waste paper collections. Albert Lane of Church View, Coronation Road, died today. Tuesday 14th Impromptu football match on rec for children of evacuated school Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th Whist Drive at Village Club Al Capone released from Alcatraz. 26

Friday 17th Homing Pigeon Society held emergency meeting. An AGM, probably the last meeting for the duration will be held soon Saturday 18th British Summer Time ended on this day. Blackout encouraged people to star gaze, and to ask whether there would be a full moon for the date of proposed meetings. Captain Strong’s column pointed out that this was 11th week of the war and that little of what was expected had happened. Neutrality of Holland formed a buffer between Britain and Germany. Reconstruction of West Wick Railway Bridge was reported to be going well. Worle’s ARP Wardens carried out tour to check that everyone had respirators that fitted. Weston Harriers met at Castle Batch. Inclement weather, but large field turned out. Darts League positions: 1st Old King’s Head, 2nd Golden Lion, 3rd Lamb Inn. Funeral of Albert Lane at St. Martin’s. Fellow bell-ringers were bearers

Sunday 19th Mrs. Church of Grape Vine Farm fell in the garden and broke her wrist. Monday 20th Derby football match between Church of England School team and the Boy Scouts. School won 6 – 2. Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd 20th Annual General Meeting of Worle Cricket Club, 7.30 at Village Club. 15 attended. Procedural decisions postponed to April 1940 Friday 24th Saturday 25th ARP wardens in Worle meeting weekly to keep up to scratch Henry Munden awarded damages after motor accident. Fussell’s Old Age Pension Christmas Gift Scheme lauched. Path to be constructed around Rose Garden at Ebdon Road.

Sunday 26th High winds reported on this day. Monday 27th Tuesday 28th Auction at New Inn of the estate of Mrs Emily Curry: dwelling house, shop, outbuildings, garden and orchard 1 and 2 Fernlea, Lawrence Road. Purchased by Mr. R. Jones at £650. Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th USSR attacked Finland. Winter War. 27

December 39

Friday 1st ARP wardens’ meeting at ARP post. Refresher course on anti- gas measures Saturday 2nd Wartime election ban caused complications over Newsome- Martin’s petrol allowances. Evacuees told they were to stay in Worle for Christmas. Discussions about entertainment and presents! Schools are to close 30 minutes earlier to avoid blackout. WCC meeting reported. Appeal for men between 35 and 50 years to join Home Defence Battalions [sometimes called National Defence Companies], later Home Guard. Wedding reported in Mercury, no date given. Private Edward Williams of Hillend, to Evelyn Wells, Hill Road. Groom on short leave from active service. George Cousins of the Rows, fined for NO REAR LIGHT on his bike. You couldn’t win!

Sunday 3rd Earlier services [3 p.m.] at local Churches well attended. Monday 4th 80th birthday of Samuel Curry, Lawson Villa, Coronation Road. Tuesday 5th Leonard Venn [30] of Whitehouse Cottage, Station Rd, fractured his spine in an accident working on the West Wick Railway Bridge. Wednesday 6th Thursday 7th Friday 8th Saturday 9th Wedding reported of William Lee to Doris Banwell at St. Martin’s Church. New home at Rock House, Lawrence Road. Report of Flying Club’s good year. L. W. Bisgrove to be head teacher at the new secondary school in Spring Hill. Rumoured that the Church Hall will re-open for social events in the new year. Census of children under 4 years for gas masks. Heavy rain and waterlogged fields drive Weston Harriers to move to Winscombe temporarily. Emily Curry left £10 in her will to the Methodist chapel. Parish raised £20 15s 1d from poppy day sales. Rev. May asked for names of Worle men serving with forces and those being called up. WOBs beat YMCA 2 – 0 28

Bill Skidmore scored for schoolboys in game between Worle Schoolboys and Worle Scouts.

Sunday 10th Evacuee children visited for the day by parents’ excursion. 2 little girls walked in alone from Worle to see their parent. Presents and tea in Milton Baptist schoolroom. Monday 11th Tuesday 12th Air raid siren test causes panic in Worle, despite warnings. HMS Duchess sank after a collision with HMS Barham. 124 died Wednesday 13th Battle of the River Plate commences. Thursday 14th League of Nations expelled USSR for attacking Finland. Friday 15th Premiere of ‘Gone with the Wind’. Saturday 16th Mrs. Curry [wife of the above, see 4th] also reached her 80th. Recreation Ground is to have £100 spent on improvements. Blackout will prevent St. Martin’s carol tour this year. Second crop this season on Mr. Criddle’s apple trees. Hampden Road work started at last. Leonard Venn recovering from injured spine. Henry George House, 21 The Rows, married Joyce Davies at St. Saviour’s church. Miss Gertrude Fletcher was buried in Worle Churchyard on this day, following a road accident. St Martin’s bells rang for some hours when the bellringers had a special meeting. Sunday 17th Monday 18th Henry Cox of Jasmine Cottage was fined 10/- for leaving a car on the highway. Tuesday 19th Special whist drive at Village Club with generous Christmas fare as prizes. Wednesday 20th Thursday 21st Friday 22nd Schools broke up for the holidays. Saturday 23rd Advertisement for a Caretaker for Worle New Council Senior School. Sixty pensioners in Worle received assistance from the OAP scheme run by Mr. Fussell. Worle Schoolboys football team lost 4 – 2 against Walliscote Boys, but Bert Skidmore scored. Sunday 24th Monday 25th John Vincent of High Street, Worle, fractured his ankle when his bicycle hit an icy patch on Railway Bridge. 29

Well attended services all day at St. Martin’s and the Methodist Chapel. Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Concert in Church Hall given by Lancaster Road School concert Party and the ‘Nigger Minstrel’ troupe. Thursday 28th Herbert William Loud died in France. Married, 2 children. Friday 29th Saturday 30th Horticulture in wartime advice in Gazette. Diary of 1939 for the Weston area in Mercury. Cowboy and Indian outfits were popular Christmas gifts. War games in the wood. Ironically, Church services were well attended and the crib blessing was particularly appreciated. Wedding report [no date given]. Jessie Oakes of Annandale Avenue married Eric Evans at St. Martin’s. Reception at bride’s home. Monster Christmas Party planned at Church Hall for next week.

Sunday 31st New year’s party in Church Hall for evacuee children.




January 40

Monday 1st New Year’s Day. Not a bank holiday in 1940. Tuesday 2nd The Russian offensive in Finland was halted by several Finnish victories; numerous Russian tanks were destroyed Wednesday 3rd Party at Methodist chapel for Christian Endeavour Branch Thursday 4th 300 children given a party in Church Hall Friday 5th Hore-Belisha, Britain's Minister of War, dismissed. Saturday 6th Mercury report of death of Herbert William Loud in British Expeditionary Force in France...... And of Maud Whitford nee Porter – funeral on this day WOB 1, Locking 3. Worle started with 10 men Rev May welcomed service men home on leave in January’s parish magazine: L. B. George {RAF], sidesman and parochial church council; P Hatherall, church councillor; Fred Gillett, Reginald Wilmot, W. Street and Hewlett Burgess.

Sunday 7th Rationing of basic foodstuffs is established in the UK butter, bacon and sugar Monday 8th Two motoring charges heard against Maurice Brewer of Wisteria Farm. Rear light trouble! And one against Alfred Hunt for failing to show a rear light. Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Bright Hour at the Methodist Chapel Thursday 11th Friday 12th ARP Meeting at C of E School Saturday 13th Gazette reported progress of new school. Fred Gillet married Vaida Watkins whilst home on leave. Gazette report. Worle Old Boys had to play 7 reserves today and lost 2 – 7 against Locking.

Sunday 14th Monday 15th Funeral of Mr. Beardsmore, Kewstoke Raod


Tuesday 16th Captured documents revealed Hitler's plans for the invasion of Scandinavia and a postponement of the invasion of France and the Low Countries until the Spring, when the weather would be more compatible to invasion. Wednesday 17th ARP exercises took place at 3.00 p.m. around Golden Lion, where ‘casualties’ were laid out on boards and ‘treated’. Decontamination squad operation sited at bottom of Pine Hill . The Russians are driven back in Finland and retaliate with heavy air attacks Thursday 18th Friday 19th ARP meeting Saturday 20th Frank Syms riding with no screen on bike’s front light Two funerals reported in Gazette – Mr Beardsmore of Kewstoke Road and Mrs Coles of Ebdon Road. Report of ARP exercise in Gazette. Sunday 21st U-boat sank British destroyer HMS Exmouth and the crew of 135 were all lost. Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Friday 26th ARP meeting Saturday 27th 2 burials in Worle: Oliver Peter Quick [77] and George Phillips. See Mercury 10.2.40 Marriage of Miss Florence Yard, Myrtle Cottage, Kewstoke Road to Victor Board, Ewart Road. Germany made final plans for the invasion of Denmark and Norway Sunday 28th Normal services at both places of worship. Monday 29th Tuesday 30th Wednesday 31st


February 40

Thursday 1st USSR launched new attack on Finland’s Karelian Isthmus Friday 2nd Homing Pigeon Society meeting at Golden Lion. Saturday 3rd Skidmore’s still has advertisements for ‘Ices’ and ‘Cooling Drinks’ despite the freezing temperature. Village Club reported to be flourishing. Whist Drives and Billiards doing well. Report of funeral of Raymond William King. Managers of new school: Rev. May, [Worle]; Rev Knight, [Kewstoke]; Rev. Lutley [Hewish] ; J.J. Edwards, [Wick St. Lawrence] and County Councillor Harden. Sunday 4th Monday 5th Worle’s new school described as ‘palatial’ at Weston School managers’ meeting. Report in Gazette on 10th Britain and France decided to intervene in Norway to cut off the iron ore trade in anticipation of an expected German occupation and ostensibly to open a route to assist Finland Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th Thursday 8th Quarter Peel rung at St. Martin’s in 3 methods for first time? Friday 9th ARP meeting at the C of E School Saturday 10th Frank Syms: wife, 3 children, widowed mother, fined 4/- Mr May [vicar] Mr. Waite [head ARP warden], H. N. Day and old Mrs Urch all have ‘flu. Fussell’s OAP Christmas gift scheme raised £25.6.00p divided between 62 old folk. Details in paper. Homing Pigeon Society given permission to fly birds. New flower garden near New Inn and Ebdon Road is predicted to be a ‘lovesome thing’ in the summer. Farmers given permission to plough by night. Market gardeners asked to recycle containers. Sunday 11th Rev May too ill to conduct services. Mr Jones and Mr Williams covered for him. USSR attack ‘Mannerheim Line’ – forts along Finland’s SE border


Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Wednesday 14th British government called for volunteers to fight in Finland. Britain announced that merchant ships in the North Sea would be armed. Thursday 15th Germany announced that all British merchant ships would be classed as warships. Friday 16th ARP meeting Saturday 17th Plans made to evacuate 400,000 children to rural areas. G.D. Waite, Chief ARP warden organising a messenger boy service. Boys between 15 and 19 needed. Recreation Ground to have £100 spent on improvements The Finns continued to retreat from the Mannerheim line. Manstein presented his plans to Hitler for invading France via the Ardennes forest. Sunday 18th Methodists’ Home Missionary anniversary services. Lily Fry took morning service. Monday 19th Death of 2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs Charles Day, Spring Hill. Tuesday 20th Funeral at St. Martin’s of ex-Police Constable Merrick. Wednesday 21st Thursday 22nd Friday 23rd ARP meeting Saturday 24th Weston Council conflict over workers’ wages reported in paper. Mr Waite soon leaving his post as deputy head of the school on the hill. Going to a post in Wrington. New ARP chief warden will also be needed Detailed report in Gazette – which was full of errors, corrected the following week! Frederick John Williams of Worle married Mary Jones at Emmanual Church. Reports in both papers. Worle Schoolboys F.C. played St. John’s school. Score 1 – 1 Newsome-Martin criticised council for ruling by brute force. Sunday 25th Monday 26th Tuesday 27th Death of Miss Alice West, 73, of 5 Coronation Road. Wednesday 28th


Thursday 29th St. Martin’s Parochial Church meeting. Attendance poor. Sec: Mr Mawson [head of the Church School] Financial report balance £48/13/1d Gazette: Methodist Church annual meeting elected new officers and representatives. Rev A. R. Bates in the chair. Finances not good! Mercury said this meeting took place on Wednesday 28th.

March 40

Friday 1st Hitler directed his generals on planning the invasion of Denmark and Norway. Funeral of 2 year old Derek Day at St. Martin’s. Saturday 2nd Cockney evacuees reportedly playing cricket on rec. Many interesting corrections to report about Mr. Waite’s new appointment. His was not headmaster of the Church of England School, he was not from Gloucestershire, and his appointment had nothing to do with Mr. Bisgrove getting the headship of the new senior school! George Day was reported to be recovering from a scalded leg sustained at work at Fussell’s. Vicar recovered from ‘flu and back to work. Sunday 3rd Evening services at 3 p.m. but following week reverted to 6 p.m. USSR troops captured Vyborg in Finland Monday 4th Tuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Brownies’ meeting 5.30 p.m. Thursday 7th Friday 8th Mr. Waite’s last meeting as chief ARP warden for Worle. Baby helmets and Mickey Mouse gas masks issued. Saturday 9th Weston Schools Managers discussed problems in Worle. G.D. Waite relieved of assistant master post in view of his new appointment as head of Wrington. Mr Waite who had resigned from post as Head ARP warden for Worle and was replaced by Mr C. W. Newsome Martin.


Detailed report of St. Martin’s annual parish meeting in papers Henry [?] Lane, Peter Farndon and Gordon Fussell all mentioned in the Church Magazine, having joined the Royal Air Force. Sunday 10th Monday 11th Meat rationing began in Britain Tuesday 12th Conclusion of Winter War between USSR and Finland. Fins concede Karelian Isthmus and shores of Lake Ladoga. Wednesday 13th Treaty of Moscow signed to end the Winter War Thursday 14th Friday 15th ARP meeting. Newsome Martin took over as Head Warden Saturday 16th German air raid on Scapa Flow caused first British civilian casualties Eggs, valued at 4/9d stolen from hen house at Apple Tree Cottage, Ebdon Rd. Sunday 17th Monday 18th Hitler and Mussolini meet at the Brenner Pass on the Austrian border; Benito Mussolini agreed with Hitler that Italy would enter the war "at an opportune moment". Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th French premier, Edouard Daladier resigned. Worle schools broke up for Easter. Presentation to G. D Waite of farewell gift. Thursday 21st Friday 22nd Good Friday. Mr. J. Gillett, The Rows, married Miss Edith Stokes, Somerdale Avenue at Milton Baptist. ARP First Aid classes at the school. Mrs Lancaster, Greenwood Road, fell and hurt her arm. Kewstoke Road widening was begun near the quarry. Saturday 23rd Oliver Payne, 2 Tintern Villas, Kewstoke Road fell onto a girder and was taken to hospital with internal injuries. WOBs football team were struggling to raise a team, so many young men were away at the front. Sunday 24th Easter Sunday. Services well attended. Evensong 6.30 again. Methodist Anniversary celebrations. Monday 25th Easter Monday. Methodist ramble over hill.


Gladys Elsie Brooks, 18 The Rows, married Roland Vowles, a Royal Engineer from Loxton. Chas Denmead of ‘Columbo’ Kewstoke Road died on this day, aged 50. Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th Britain and France make a formal agreement that neither country will seek a separate peace with Germany Cricket Club meeting at the Village Club at 8 p.m. 13 attended to discuss the future for the duration of the war. Decided to run just one team. Tenancy of Horatio Nelson Day’s field discussed. Biblical play, ‘The Master’s Cup’ performed at Worle Methodist Auction at New Inn of cottages in estates of Lucy Milliner and James Vaughan Friday 29th Mr Bisgrove met parents and staff toured the new school buildings in Spring Hill. Report in Mercury on 30th March. Saturday 30th Homing Society meeting at the Golden Lion. Local schoolboy football team played on the rec against Walliscote school Daisy Cook of Ebdon Road married Sidney Palmer of Hewish. Daisy was a Sunday School teacher, and was presented with a clock by Rev. May Len George’s accident and progress reported in paper, together with a brief account of his war experiences. Sunday 31st Mr S. Gibbins succeeded S. H. Kitchen as organist at St. Martin’s

April 40 Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Opening of the new Senior School, which was reported in detail in both local papers. Wednesday 3rd Ronald Richard Vowles, Westonia Bakery, married Miss Lunn in Evesham. Thursday 4th


Friday 5th Neville Chamberlain, in what proved to be a tragic misjudgment, declared in a major public speech that Hitler had "missed the bus". Saturday 6th Mercury reported that new cricket pitch on the rec would not be complete in time for new season. Mr Criddle reported was being ‘poorly’, but George Parker was now well enough to go out in the car!! War memorial messy and full of litter. Mr and Mrs A W Williams, 22 Hill Road produced a new daughter. Sunday 7th Ernest Phillips did today, aged 71. Born Lawrence Road, final years in Castle Road. Monday 8th Massive naval action in the North Sea as Germany approach Scandinavian coast. Germany battle cruisers sank British aircraft carrier Glorious Tuesday 9th Germany invaded Denmark and Norway in Operation Weserübung. Denmark surrendered. German cruiser Blucher was torpedoed/capsized in Oslofjord, 1,000 died. Methodists’ Tennis Club formed on this day for young people from Worle and Milton Chapels. Air Raid Siren test a great success on this Tuesday morning. For the first time everyone in Worle heard it. Wednesday 10th Vidkun Quisling formed Norwegian "national government" Thursday 11th Friday 12th The Faroe Islands were occupied by British troops, following the taking over of Denmark by . Italy annexed Albania ARP ambulance lectures started again during this week at the Wardens’ Post in the C of E school. Saturday 13th Death and funeral reported of Ernest Philips, 1 Castle Road, at age of 71. Family history in brief included in Mercury and Gazette. Death of John Earley of Prospect House, High Street, reported today. Died on Friday. Christian Scientist funeral. Outline of how Worle schools will operate described by Rev. May following opening of new senior school.


H. J. Fussell described as ‘genial chief’ of the Pensioners Gift Scheme. List of collectors supplied in Mercury. Churchyard debt to be met by strange Sale of Work Scheme. Dig for Victory: Worle striving to be self supporting. Rows Garden praised in Gazette Sunday 14th Percy John Taylor of Annandale Avenue died on this day. Senior partner of in grocery firm ‘Messrs Taylor and Church’. Father of Albert Taylor of Taylor’s Transport. Report in Mercury 20th April. Allied troops landed in Norway Monday 15th Mrs H. M. Tripp and Miss E. D. Elliot, mistresses leaving the Church School were presented with attaché writing case and wireless table respectively. Four boys in court for stealing eggs from Apple Tree Cottage. 3 boys were given 2 years probation and the 4th was sent to a remand home for 28 days, while everyone thought about it! Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Bright Hour Thursday 18th Christian Endeavour Friday 19th ARP meeting Saturday 20th Gazette published reports and comments from papers around the World on Hitler’s doings. Five boys reported to have passed the Scholarship examination to attend the County School [later the Grammar School]. Lionel Savery, John Tucker, Hildred Brambridge, Walter Hartree and Alan Durston. R. W. Pearson, member of congregation at Lawrence Rd. Methodist is very unwell. White lines on Worle’s roads re-painted. Helpful for blackout. Worle won Billiards League championship. Leslie George Edwards of Cypress Farm, Wick married Betty May Davis of Ebdon Farm at Wick St. Lawrence Church. Mr Edwards was secretary of Wick Harvest Home, Captain of the Bellringers at Wick and played for Worle Cricket Club. What a good egg!


Report of egg thieves sentenced to 2 years’ probation. One culprit sent to remand home. Sunday 21st Monday 22nd Individual Billiards final at Village Club between E. Chaplin and R. Davies. Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Bright Hour at Methodist Chapel Thursday 25th Christian Endeavour meeting 7.30 Friday 26th ARP meeting at C.E. School Saturday 27th Mercury reported that the Weston, and Portishead Light Railway could be closing down imminently. Long report with anecdotes and history. Reports in both papers of L. G. Edwards and Miss B. M Davis’ wedding. Himmler ordered establishment of Auschwitz Concentration Camp New Methodist Tennis club already reported to have 40 members Sunday 28th Monday 29th Norwegian King Haakon and his government fled to Britain. Tuesday 30th

May 40

Wednesday 1st Bright Hour trip to Lyme Regis, Seaton, Beer and Sidmouth. Thursday 2nd Friday 3rd Petty Sessions, 11 a.m. Saturday 4th ‘Parashooters’ start in Worle. Youths and older men. Precursor of Home Guard? Scrap metal collection start. H. W. Rook and Sons, Lawrence Rd to be used as collection point. James Dawson fined for driving without licence. Road widening in Kewstoke Road near quarry. WCC practice match at recreation ground to pick team. Flying club start new season despite doubts in 1939. Darts League end of season supper.


WOBs only a few matches left this season. R. N. Tucker, Bolton Terrace, Coronation Rd lost his 10 year old son, having recently lost his wife. Sunday 5th Monday 6th Tuesday 7th Brownies met on the hill Wednesday 8th Bright Hour, 2.30 p.m. Thursday 9th Half Day closing Friday 10th Germany invaded Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. became leader of a coalition government after Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain said he was stepping aside Saturday 11th The King signed a proclamation cancelling the Whitsun holiday. Gazette: reported that slugs and snails had infested gardens. W. J. Petty back from holiday. Peter Watts, locum v. Popular! Oliver Payne, Tintern Villas, home from hospital. Len George, High Street, has recovered from illness, so returned to his RAF duties. No Mercury today. Sunday 12th Whit-Sunday services: St Martins – 7 and 8 a.m. Holy communion. 11 a.m. sung Eucharist. 2.45 p.m. Children’s service. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Methodist Church: 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Monday 13th Churchill gave his 'Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat' speech. Tuesday 14th Local Defence Volunteers formed in response to Anthony Eden’s speech. Men between 17 and 65. ‘The Bob Man’, Nevill Fitt, wrote about this evening in his autobiography, p.39 Wednesday 15th Holland surrendered to Germany. Thursday 16th Friday 17th Saturday 18th A. J. Kingsbury, Lyefield Farm reported that one of his cows had had 4 calves, one heifer, 3 bulls. None survived. No Mercury this week. No reason known. Maybe paper shortage? News of German bombing on near continent led to plan to evacuate 2000 more children to Weston if necessary. 42

Sunday 19th Large congregations at Whitsun services last week. Monday 20th James William Spinner, Manchester House, Kewstoke Rd died suddenly in the shop whilst in conversation with his son-in-law. Tuesday 21st Brownies Wednesday 22nd Bright Hour Thursday 23rd Funeral of J. W. Spinner at St. Martins. Friday 24th Worle Junior School sports day. Walter Hartree, captain of winning house [Grenville] received trophy. Rex H. Clayton of Wilmslow, Hawthorn Hill, was reported missing on this day. Saturday 25th Report of closure of Weston, Clevedon and Portishead Light Railway in Mercury, together with article about its history. Death reported in Gazette of Mrs. W. Knight of Kewstoke Rd, who was known as ‘The Village Nurse’. Maureen Connor summoned at Petty sessions for having no lights on her bike. Mention of Mr. Coombes, of Laundry House., the superintendent of Methodist Sunday School, who had shingles. ‘Weston and the War’ column in Mercury provided wide range of information from Air Raid refuges, registration for National Service, and what to do if Germans parachuted in. W.C.C. beat 103 runs to 53. They play Weston College at Uphill Field today at 3.p.m. Team list in Mercury. Pigeon race from Tamworth won by G. Durston’s bird. 107 birds entered Sunday 26th Evacuation of Dunkirk ordered by Churchill. National day of prayer. Churches packed. Monday 27th Belgium surrendered to Germany. The Dunkirk evacuation, codenamed Operation Dynamo by the British, began on this day and ended on 3rd June. Tuesday 28th Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th Friday 31st


June 40

Saturday 1st Orr Ewing commented in Gazette on Belgian King Leopold’s surrender to Germany. Local Defence Volunteers report in British Legion notes, Gazette. 7 areas each with sub-divisions, platoons. 6 hours duty a week. W.C.C. 72 runs, The College 47. College boys keen and sporting. W. J. Petty elected Rotary’s new president. ‘Ghost Train’ used Light Railway line to search for lost coal truck. Death announced in Mercury of Mrs. A. Batt. She had celebrated her diamond wedding lately. Sunday 2nd Monday 3rd Evacuation of Dunkirk completed. Tuesday 4th Churchill’s ‘Evacuation speech in the Commons’ Wednesday 5th St. John Ambulance Chief Commisssioner, Major General John Duncan invited the public to First Aid classes at Worle Junior School . 7.30 p.m. tonight. Thursday 6th Friday 7th Worle Flying Club: Ripon pigeon race to take place next day [8th] All birds to be in their baskets by 4 p.m. today. Saturday 8th British Expeditionary Force’s epic stories of evacuation from Norway reported. Gazette: Private Ronald Davies, 4 The Parade, Worle. Letter to fiancée with account. Wonderful stuff. Serving men’s column in Gazette: Arthur Hubert Gay, R.A.F. Medical staff. Chapel House, Lawrence Road, Worle. Member of St. John Amb and WOBs F. H. Phippen seriously ill. Sunday 9th Monday 10th Norway surrendered to Germany.


Italy declared war on Britain and France. Tuesday 11th Rev. May worked all day trying to find billets for expected evacuees Pte Albert Loud arrived home for 48 hours leave at ‘Teneriffe’ Kewstoke Road. B.E.F. in France. Wednesday 12th Mother’s Union meeting at Church Hall Thursday 13th Worle Schools closed today and tomorrow to cope with 350 new evacuees Friday 14th German army entered Paris Worle Local Defence Volunteers first meeting. Few details, just that a good number turned up. Saturday 15th Methodist Chapel packed for anniversary of Sunday School. Pigeon Race results from Ripon. Durham Race details. H.W. Crook & Son, Lawrence Road, is the place to take scrap metal for government collection scheme. Injured Soldiers appeal for bedroom slippers, books and games. Picture of wedding of Harry Jones and Olive Hornett at St. Martin’s. F. H. Phippen’s death reported in Mercury. History and obit. Sunday 16th Local market gardener injured when horse was fightened by a cat Monday 17th Funeral held on this day of Edith Portlock, [56] Spring Hill. Related to Phillips’ family of Curch Road. Tuesday 18th Soviets invaded the Baltic States. National Saving Scheme meeting in Methodist Schoolroom, Lawrence Road. Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Friday 21st Funeral of Mrs. S. A. Chamberlain, Prospect Cottage, High St. aged 76 Saturday 22nd The French surrendered at Compiegne. Sir Geoffrey Peto, ARP Commissioner for the South West, made a speech: Churchill has told us that the has begun. 100 planes on East Coast. ARP services in front line.


Home Secretary ordered removal of Road Direction Signs. 350 evacuees arrived from Willisden. All billeted successfully, but school places difficult. Noreen Esme Denmead, Castle Road, married George Albert Bishop of Devonshire Road. Worle ‘Parashots’ report. A. M. Wilmot was section leader and W.G. Moore was deputy. Sunday 23rd Hitler toured Paris Monday 24th Tuesday 25th Inaugural meeting of National Savings Group address by L. C. Lane Charles Ball, Lawrence Rd, married Annie Blackmore in Bude Wednesday 26th Methodist ramble to Wick St. Lawrence. Greta Mary Rice , daughter of Mr and Mrs Samuel Rice o ‘Holly Bank’ Kewstoke Road married Thomas Robinson [RAF] from Manchester Thursday 27th Friday 28th Saturday 29th ‘Worle Youth who Wed in Haste, Stole for Wife’. Sylvester William Raines, 19 years old, of High Street, was charged with stealing a wallet on 22nd June from Alan Maggs. £14/10/-. Bench were sympathetic , thank goodness. Given 2 years probation and help finding a job. Hay making in full swing. Crops were exceptionally good. Girl Guides, Boy Scouts and Brownies held Church Parade and had new flag blessed in service at St. Martins. Canvassers needed for new National Savings Group. Worle Cricket Club struggled to find opponents. Praise in paper for Mrs Dawson, who intended to take over the running of her husband’s garage to free him for war work. Mr Dawson had been disqualified from driving earlier in the year. 12 new lambs at Springfield – very late. Mrs W. Jones [nee Cook] of Glen View, High Street welcomed her husband home. He was lifted off from Brest after several narrow escapes. Last race of season for Homing Society


Sunday 30th Germany occupation of Channel Islands started.

July 40

Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Ann Hunt, 5 The Rows died aged 96. Possibly oldest resident Wednesday 3rd British naval units sank or seized ships of the French fleet anchored in the Algerian ports of Oran and Mers-el-Kebir. The following day, Vichy France broke off diplomatic relations with Britain. Thursday 4th W.C.C. played against The College. Friday 5th Funeral of Ann Hunt at St. Martins. Saturday 6th Eulogy for F. H. Phippen from vicar in parish magazine. Worle Homing Society [often called Worle Flying Society] still holding races. Extracts for speech by Newsome Martin in Gazette P.C. Hanford promoted to Acting Sergeant, CID Scrap metal dump in Lawrence Road growing. Good start to National Saving Scheme. No Flower Show possible. Sunday 7th Church service details in Gazette again. Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Annual meeting of WOBs at Junior School. W. Fletcher in the chair. W. J. Petty became president. Fred Williams, vice- chairman. Balance £80/6/7d. Reported in Gaz and Merc. Wednesday 10th launched Battle of Britain. Mary Wilkins in court for rent arrears. Thursday 11th Petain became leader of Vichy French. Friday 12th Saturday 13th Household Air Raid Precautions praised in Worle, but many still need to get organised. Mercury says holes are being dug everywhere. Instructions on how to deal with incendiaries in paper. Five local girls gave a back garden concert in aid of the Red Cross. Mercury gives names. They raised 18/7d


Edward Albert Burgess, The Nest, High Street received a commission from the Som. Light Infantry. Bristol Grammar School boy. F. Wells won Homing Society cup. Cricket Club team list in Mercury. F. G. Fussell married Mabel Rice of Holly Bank, Worle. Sunday 14th Winston Churchill, in a worldwide broadcast, proclaimed the intention of Great Britain to fight alone against Germany whatever the outcome: "We shall seek no terms. We shall tolerate no parley. We may show mercy. We shall ask none." Monday 15th Lecture by Dr. Rolland Chaput. Used a loud speaker van outside Infants’ School to open air audience! Topic: ‘You and the War’. M arks and Spencer’s oven exploded, injuring Flo. Philips whose right arm and eyes were affected. Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Thursday 18th Bishop of Bath and Wells visit to St Martins for 6. p.m. service. Friday 19th Adolf Hitler made a peace appeal to Britain in an address to the Reichstag. Lord Halifax, British foreign minister, flatly rejected peace terms in a broadcast reply on July 22. Saturday 20th Still no news of Rex Clayton, missing since the evacuation of B.E. F. From France. Joined Military Police in January. Attached to 23rd division in April. Played rugby for Weston, was captain. Regular Worle column in Gazette has reduced format. Paragraph urging people not to gossip about war related matters. Even the Local Defence Volunteers were blabbing. Garden fence chat also problem. Westonians on Active Service column featured E. A. Williams, S.L.I. of 23 Hill Road. John Dunn, New Bristol Road fined at Petty Sessions for motor bike offences. Greta Rice, Holly Bank, Kewstoke Rd, married an airman. Six year old evacuee, Cyril Richardson broke leg when car collided with him.


Sunday 21st Monday 22nd Air Raid Drills were being carried out regularly in local schools, children often wore gas masks in lessons to practice. Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Friday 26th Saturday 27th W.A.S column featured Driver E. Bartlett, 21 Mayfield Ave. George Lewis, Bridge Farm [traveller?] fined for possession of firearm with no licence. St John Ambulance to undertake nightly duty and to patrol during air raids. National Savings Group began weekly collections. £21 in first week. 14 collectors doing the rounds. Bank holiday cancelled for August 4th. Newly dug holes for shelters filled with water! ARPs to give advice. Scrap metal removed from Lawrence Road by Corporation. Two more dumps at New Inn and Spring Hill Plans for more evacuees. Appeal from WOBs for new players to volunteer. School players encouraged to contact them. Closed season for homing pigeons started on this day. Sunday 28th Mock ‘Battle of the West’ held on this day. W. Huish and Sons and local lorry owners delivered quantities of sand all over village for use in fire fighting. Dumps at Castle Road, Coronation Road, Lawrence Road, New Bristol Road, Golden Lion, Hawthorne Hill, Hill Road, Kewstoke Road, New Inn, Pine Hill, Preanes Green, The Rows The Scaurs. Monday 29th Tuesday 30th Wednesday 31st


August 40

Thursday 1st Friday 2nd Saturday 3rd Italy began occupation of British Somali Land Permission for Guides and Brownies to hold meeting at new Senior School agreed during the week. Methodist Chapel to be blacked out Mrs. H. J. Fussell, Mrs Ball [Lawrence Road], Mr. F. Smith [High Street], Mr. Clift [Hill Road] all in hospital with a range of problems. Marriage of E. G. White, Kewstoke Rd to Phyllis Cullen. Mercury gave details of people and firms involved in sand deliveries. 500 tons of sand distributed. Sunday 4th Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th Thursday 8th Friday 9th Saturday 10th Local children, led by Christine Davis, presented a show in the garden at Sunnyside House, in aid of the Red Cross. Guides and Brownies joined in. Large audience. Costumes lent by local ladies. ‘The Adventures of Violet and Rose’. WCC announced that no further matches could be played because of lack of players available. Mercury report of Bob Workman’s ship being torpedoed. No lives reported lost. ARP wardens awarded first aid certificates. George Payne, 80 years old, thrown from horse-drawn cart near Ashcombe Park. Report in Mercury on 17th. Beatrice Daisy Bennett of The Scaurs, married Maurice Peglar, Bristol. Sunday 11th Mrs Ball died on this day at the General Hospital. She was the widow of Charles Ball, a wine merchant’s cellar man. Son, Ken still lived locally.


Guides, Brownies and other young people attended a Church Parade service a year since the first such celebration. Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Mercury said Village Club AGM today, Gazette said tomorrow!! Detailed Mercury report. Mortgage redeemed on building. Wednesday 14th Village Club AGM. Tribute to F. H. Phippen, former treasurer. President: Rev. May; Secretary N. C. Moody; Treasurer, H. B. Price. Supervisors, Mr. and Mrs. C. Knight. Thursday 15th Friday 16th Saturday 17th W. A. S. column featured H. R. Holbrook, R.A.F. who previously worked at Moody’s Stores and Lance-Corporal Day [S.L.I] of 7 Kewstoke Road During the week, a cow stepped on a landmine and was blown up on the MOD land on Middle Hope. R. W. Fury, adopted son of Mr and Mrs Pring, 5 Spring Terrace reported to be a prisoner of war. Official Sources. Parish magazine article by Rev. May: ‘The Path of Duty’ ‘Squat Little Spire’ of St. Martin’s having lightening conductor repaired and renovated. A G V Thornton taken ill. He was newly appointed as a Manager of the infants’ school Ancient tombstone dated 1600, found in churchyard. Mercury. Sunday 18th Clive Wall, aged 8, of Homeleigh Spring Hill, fell off his bike and was taken to hospital but not detained. Monday 19th Tuesday 20th Wednesday 21st Thursday 22nd Burial of A. G. V. Thornton reported at length. ARPs and Civil Defence represented. Friday 23rd

Saturday 24th Obituary for Mr. Thornton in Gazette. Fredericks sisters raised guinea for Spitfire Fund


Pigeon Race from Ashchurch. 123 birds. Durston, Cole, Thomas and Wells all successful. Leonard Stephen Wilson, West View, 5 Newton Road taken prisoner of war Sunday 25th Gazette Wartime Pilgrimage visited St. Martin’s. Monday 26th Tuesday 27th Wednesday 28th Thursday 29th Friday 30th Saturday 31st Detailed article of present and past of St. Martin’s in Gazette. Garden at corner of Coronation Road and High Street gates kept locked. Described as rose garden, no capital letters, which is fair enough. Proper name, in the grammatical sense should be Rows Gardens after the demolished cottages. Golden Lion put on a flower show to make up for the lack of the Horticultural show because of the war.

September 40 Sunday 1st Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Three members of the Jones family, ‘Westonia Cottage’ died in the bombing. Detailed report of this and other bombing in the town in the Gazette and Mercury on 7th. They were the first civilian bombing casualties in Weston. Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Friday 6th Saturday 7th London Blitzed by German bombers Funeral of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Jones and their daughter, Valerie at St. Martin’s Church, followed by internment in the Churchyard. Family details and mourners included in the articles in papers. Rex Clayton’s family were relieved to receive a postcard, written in German, but signed by Rex. He was a prisoner of war, but they had feared for his life.


Tamworth Pigeon race results Golden Lion bar parlour used to display vegetables and flowers. William J. Rogers brought up in Worle, appointed to Legislative Council of New Zealand. Church asking for cash to pay off debts. Eric Price qualified as wireless operator F. R. Vincent, Greenwood Road, replace the late r. Thornton as school manager. Sounds dangerous. 3 in as many weeks. Sunday 8th National day of Prayer. Big congregations expected. Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Thursday 12th Italy invaded Egypt Friday 13th Saturday 14th Report in Gazette of packed Churches the previous Sunday. Pigeon race from Derby. 93 birds flew. Mercury said Air Raid shelters needed for Worle. Gazette said they were springing up everywhere. Gazette reported the Jones family funeral. Boy Scouts showed off tailfin of German bomb and collected for Spitfire fund. Salvage reponse good. Gas mask fitting as schools again. ARP classes for school children. Sunday 15th Victory for RAF in Battle of Britain Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Tragic death of Jack Raines, Home Guard, shot in error whilst on duty. Thursday 19th Friday 20th Saturday 21st Gazette article on shelter for Worle, ‘An Ideal Refuge’. Young persons’ meetings planned for Friday evenings at Methodist minister’s home. Caterpillar problem in village! Harvest Festival at Methodist Chapel anticipated in paper.


Homing Pigeon Society race from Chesterfield. Both papers cover Jack Raines’ death in detail. Appeal for more ARP wardens. Worle very keen. Mrs. H J Fussell home from hospital Massive creeper reported in Kewstoke Rd, near quarry. Gazette said Worle was only suburban district not supplied with street . Typical! Sunday 22nd Harvest services in Lawrence Road. Extra young persons’ service held in afternoon. Monday 23rd Auction of harvest produce in schoolroom, Lawrence Road. Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Thursday 26th Autumn Rally of Christian Endeavour at Methodist Church. Friday 27th Germany, Italy and Japan sign a pact. Saturday 28th Reports in depth of inquest into Jack Raines’ death. Both papers Also carried funeral reports. Constance Simon, Coronation Road, married Arthur Wildy [RAF] of Newport, Monmouthshire. Report of Methodist Harvest celebrations. Nelson Garrett, of a garage in New Bristol Road, fined £2 for failing to obey traffic lights. End of season for Worle Homing Society. 90th birthday of Mrs. Sarah Griffin. Formerly of High St, Worle, but had moved to Barry, S. . Still hearty. Vicar made urgent appeal for more civil defence personnel. Sunday 29th Special service – tribute to Jack Raines, attended by Home Guard and family. Report in Mercury on 5th October. Harvest proceeds donated to the Hospital and Nursing Association. Rev. May planning to sit in the church to receive donations raised by the ‘talents’ scheme. Monday 30th


October 40

Tuesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Methodist Christian Endeavour social hour to welcome new members Thursday 3rd Friday 4th Saturday 5th James Sharp fin ed £1/5- for showing a light. Harvest proceeds donated to the Hospital.. National Savings objectives met. Post moved from cottage next to Golden Lion. Firemen had been shown kindness by Mr. and Mrs. Lickes Home Guard appeal for magazines, books and so on had a pleasing response. They would really have loved a mains wireless set. German bomb fin was put on show at Mr. Urch’s shop in the High Street in aid of Spitfire fund. Sunday 6th Monday 7th Petty Sessions: Patrick Jude from Liverpool was convicted of stealing David Norris’s [Kewstoke Rd] bike. Jude confessed to being a deserter since his return from Dunkirk. Sentenced to 7 days hard labour. Tuesday 8th Funeral of Rex Douglas Wilcox, 4 months old. He was grandson of Neathways, brother of Jean, Margaret and Kath. Wednesday 9th Methodist Bright Hour started new season at 2.00 p.m. Thursday 10th Friday 11th Saturday 12th Gazette featured four Disney brothers all on active service in their weekly column. Pte R. Disney, SLI; Pte D. Disney, WLI; Pte. P. Disney D of C. LI; Sapper S. Disney RE Also featured: Pte Jack Crease, RASC; and AC2 F. Kingsbury, RAF Thick, brick walls built at ARP wardens’ post


Brownies and Guides permission to use senior school for meetings cancelled because of unreasonable amount of work caused for cleaners and caretaker, who threatened to resign. Patrick Jude, Dunkirk survivor, sent to prison for theft. Sunday 13th Monday 14th Tuesday 15th Mothers’ Union service welcomed 20 new members. Wednesday 16th Thursday 17th George Fry called up today. Methodist. Sec. of Sunday School. Funeral of Frederick Oliver Penberthy, 5 years old, of Spring Terrace. Friday 18th Saturday 19th Report of death of Pte William Thomas Powell, killed on active service in London. 27 Years old, with 2 children. ‘Cumberland House’, High Street, Worle. Cold spell and people suffering colds and tonsillitis. Miss Russell away from school. £542 saved by Worle members of National Savings Scheme Large bell, previouosly used to summon children to lessons, to be given for scrap metal.

Sunday 20th Evensong at St. Martins started at 3.p.m. because of blackout. Monday 21st Tuesday 22nd Wednesday 23rd Thursday 24th Schools broke up for half term. Friday 25th Saturday 26th Gazette reported William Day, Spring Hill, was fined for selling vegetables from his lorry, which he had done for years! Methodists reorganised at special leaders’ meeting. Stewards appointed and Bert Fry took over as caretaker. Recently bereaved Mrs. Thornton, sec. of Bright Hour at Methodist Church, is to Winter in Bath. Report about milk for schoolchildren. Most in Worle Junior school joined the scheme but many did not because they got plenty at home.


Large amount of fuel stored in school coal house for the winter. Iron stoves still used and preferred by many as healthier. Eric Price, son of H. B. Price of Coronation Road, given his first Merchant navy ship. Concern expressed about careless talk. Sunday 27th Monday 28th Italy invaded Greece Tuesday 29th Wednesday 30th Thursday 31st Battle of Britain ended Violet May Vincent married William Holley at the Methodist Church. Reception in the schoolroom. Bride and Groom both lived in High St.

November 40

Friday 1st Saturday 2nd Talent Scheme raised £83 for churchyard fund. Redemption of debt after 5 years considered a great achievement Half term collections of fallen leaves for manure. Fred Trego, The Rows, married Nora Hatfield, Annandale. Yorkshire honeymoon. Sunday 3rd Monday 4th Meeting of Worle School managers. Rev. Lutley, Hewish and Rev. Edwards of Wick St. Lawrence had not attended a single meeting and it was decided to replace them. Noted that poor drainage at bottom of Spring Hill led to flooding. [They shouldn’t have piped the Rhyne!] 6 inches of water in school drive. Brownies and Guides provisionally allowed to use Church Hall as long as they clean up this time. Tuesday 5th Roosevelt re-elected for third term of office Wednesday 6th Thursday 7th Friday 8th


Saturday 9th Photograph of wedding of Violet Vincent and Wiliam Holley in Gazette Death of Edwin Sperring reported. Flooding reported in High Street near Lamb Inn and New Inn, as well as Lawrence Road and Spring Hill. Gratins b locked by gravel and dead leaves. Wellingtons or bikes needed to get to Senior School Paddington to Penzance train crashed near Taunton. Worries about vicar’s wife who was travelling, but she was not involved. Sunday 10th Monday 11th No Remembrance Service today, but the white cross will be placed in Churchyard as usual. Successful attack on Italian Fleet in Taranto Harbour. Tuesday 12th Wednesday 13th Thursday 14th Friday 15th bombed to destruction Petty Sessions: John Hodder, Baker’s roundsman fined for showing a light on his van. Frances Jones from West Wick House fined 5/- for no red rear light on her bike. Saturday 16th Praise in Gazette for evacuees, especially adults, but more opportunities for social occasions needed. Sam Curry, Coronation Road, was seriously ill. Mrs Thornton returned from Bath earlier than expected. Gutters were still clogged, but no flooding. Mr. Criddle had bronchial trouble [I live that it made the paper] Marriage in Bristol of Kathleen Iona Pearson [later Tawny Owl for 1st Worle Brownie Pack] and Maurice Leslie Smart [later a reporter on the Weston Mercury] Sunday 17th Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Works and General purposes estimate that drainage work at Spring Hill will cost £400.


Wednesday 20th County Court: Walter Vowles accused of encouraging the rat infestation by neglecting to remove a hay rick. Mr. Cainey claimed £20 damages for loss of peas and potatoes. Not allowed. Mary Jones, Pine Hill knocked from her bike and taken to hospital Thursday 21st Friday 22nd Petty Sessions: Hilda Prewett fined for showing a light. 10/- Betty Fry, Tower View, fine 5/- for having a red light on the front of her bike. Albert Diamond fined 10/- for breaking the speed limit in Locking Road. No endorsement because he was a lorry driver by trade! Evacuees football match on recreation ground. Saturday 23rd Road surfaces full of dips and ruts. Geese, Turkeys and hens reported to be wandering around very fat! If they only knew. Perhaps they did. They were said to be gobbling and hissing. Inhabitants of Coronation Road reportedly were trying everything to protect their window glass from explosions. Sunday 24th Monday 25th Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th Friday 29th Saturday 30th

December 40

Sunday 1st Miss Lily Fry preached at the Methodist Church on this day. Monday 2nd Anna Urch, Glenview, High St. celebrated 90th birthday today Evacuation Welfare Committee meeting with Mr. Finney presiding. Details of party dates and venues published. Evacuee flag day planned for 14th Dec.


Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Friday 6th Saturday 7th Article in Gazette praising Lily Fry’s effort in the pulpit! Patronising to say the least. OAP Christmas Gift Scheme committee decided not to collect this year. Government giving a grant to poorest pensioners and blackout makes collections dangerous. Mr and Mrs Coombes, Laundry House, High St. leaving next Saturday to take up new position in Taunton. Drainage scheme started in Annandale Avenue. Sunday 8th Monday 9th WAAFs on Parade at St. Martins when Bill Williams, of WOBs and a member of the Village Club, married Annie Barnett of Cardiff. Miss Barnett wore her WAAF uniform. Tuesday 10th Petty Sessions: Lewis Edwards, Laurel Farm, summoned for moving 12 cows without a science in a foot and mouth area. Small fine imposed. Mrs. H. Williams, Greenwood Road died on this day Wednesday 11th Italian invasion of Egypt defeated at the battle of Sidi Barrani Thursday 12th Mrs Birkett was speaker at Mothers’ Union. Large attendance. Friday 13th Annual scripture examination for pupils at the Junior School. Saturday 14th Funeral of Mrs. H. Williams. Churchyard burial. Sunday 15th Mrs. Millie Hancock, 67, of Hillside House, died suddenly during Evensong at St. Martin’s on this day. Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Friday 20th Edwin Parker, Glencroft, Kewestoke Rd fined 10/- for showing a light. Lily Hancock’s funeral well attended. Saturday 21st Both papers reported death in the Church. One calls Mrs. Hancock ‘Lily’ and the other says ‘Millie’.


Miss Ruberry welcomed at Methodist Church. Recently moved to village. Clifford Venn home from active service to recover from broken leg Sunday 22nd Special Carol Service at Methodist Church with Audrey Milliner at the organ Monday 23rd Methodist Church sang carols around the village Homing Society annual supper and prize giving at Golden Lion. Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Services in both churches on this day. Thursday 26th Wilhelmina Florence Henderson, Hill Road, married Ronald Woolcombe on this day at St. Martin’s Alfred James White, ‘Capetown’ Kewstoke Road, married Kathleen Daisy Newton of B ridgwater. Friday 27th Senior School hall ‘breaking up’ party given by boys of Lancaster Road School Saturday 28th Savings group had saved over £1000 in 24 weeks. Sunday 29th Carol Service at St. Martins, with choir and anthem. Monday 30th Tuesday 31st Evacuee Party in Church Hall.




January 41

Wednesday 1st Flares seen over Worle, but no warnings or bombing. Clothes rationing started in Britain. Methodist New Year party: games, competitions and food Thursday 2nd Party at Church Hall for 250 Sunday School children from local churches. Friday 3rd Italy attacked Albania First reports of incendiary bombs in local area. 1 kg incendiary bombs dropped in surrounding area, but none in Worle Housewife’s diary: ‘Waves of planes heard over us – Sirens 6.15pm’

Saturday 4th Mercury headline: ‘The Truth about those Air Raids’ aimed to reassure people by making light of damage and deaths. Death of Mr. W. Carro of Coronation Road reported in Mercury Wedding of Alf White reported in detail. Homing Society prize-winners supper at Golden Lion First major blitz on Weston and area – see Civil Defence book Worle homes bombed in Hill Road East and immediate area. ARP’s diary: ‘Flares, flares, all bloody flares – Sirens 1815 Weston Blitz - bombs quite close. All clear 0715 (Sunday morning) Housewife’s Diary: ‘Several whistle bombs directly over us – 4 killed and hundreds injured’ Second entry that day: ‘Sirens started at 5.50pm - terrific noise of many planes, house shook – family take refuge under dining table’

Sunday 5th Services: St. Martins Holy Communion 8.30; 11.00 Matins; 6.30 Evensong. Methodist Church – 11.00 and 6.00

Monday 6th School managers’ meeting. Male teachers allowed to join Home Guard. Boys doing cookery, girls doing woodwork. Wire netting for school windows. Boots and clothing needed for evacuees neglected by parents. Cook for hot school dinners. Tuesday 7th Infants’ School reopened on this day. Attendance of Worle children only 44%. Whooping cough and measles.


Wednesday 8th Local Medical Officer for school, Mr Spencer, closed the Infants’ school until further notice. Thursday 9th Friday 10th Presentation to Mr. Bosworth, headmaster of evacuated York Road School Saturday 11th Room for Brownies and Guides meeting in paper again. Separate parties for local children and evacuees applauded by Gazette Sunday 12th

Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Methodist annual meeting to appoint officers. Wednesday 15th Harry Hancock of 12 Manchester Cottages, Church Road fractured fingers while demolishing a wall Munden brothers in court over petrol money, £3/4/6d Death of Mrs. Mary Diamond, Kewstoke Road. Left 2 sons, one a farmer and the other a market gardener. Thursday 16th Housewife’s Diary: ‘Sirens 6.25am – 5.50pm Heard heavy enemy bombers & waves & waves going up the channel’

Friday 17th Incendiaries dropped in Locking and other villages.

Saturday 18th Spring Hill flood work reported in Mercury. Disney family have 4 or 5 men on active service. Bicycle lights – trouble again. 2,500 savings stamps sold in Worle in one week. Sunday 19th

Monday 20th Death of Mrs. Harvey of ‘Yevrah’, Hill Road. Methodist. Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Britain and Australia captured Tabruk, N. Africa. Thursday 23rd Friday 24th British Plane flew into the cliff at the Town Quarry. Occupants died. Petty Sessions: Robert Tucker accused of assaulting sister. Bound over for 12 months in sum of £5. Home Guards did not defend her 64

Saturday 25th Report of Home Guard Social during the week at Co-operative premises. Whist Drive, music and food. Sunday 26th ‘ Monday 27th Mrs Mary Diamond’s funeral at St. Martins Tuesday 28th St Martins’ annual church meeting in afternoon to avoid blackout . Minutes record death of Mr. Phippen, the October gift day, Bishop’s appeal. Re-election of officials and nomination of A. Tripp as Vicar’s warden and Stephen Jones as People’s warden. Wednesday 29th Confirmation classes started at the Vicarage last evening. Thursday 30th Friday 31st

February 41

Saturday 1st Gazette report of Housewives’ service to be established in Worle to support bombed areas and evacuated families. Mrs. W. J. Philips is organiser. Fire watching groups well attended. Newsome Martin was helping with demonstrations at New Inn and in Hill Road. Lectures followed in school room. 3 incendiary bombs exploded as demonstration in Ranscombe Avenue by C. W. Edwards. New officers for Methodist Sunday School announced in paper. Foot and Mouth reached the village at Ray Edwards’ premises in High Street. Dogs needed to be restrained to prevent spread. Marriage of Reginald Tucker, Bolton Terrace, Coronation Rd, to Agnes Cornish. Mr. E. Pudden of Greenwood Road buried this day. Sunday 2nd Monday 3rd Infants’ School reopened after whooping cough and measles epidemic. Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th


Thursday 6th Australian and British forces entered Benghazi Friday 7th George Durston, Kewstoke Rd, caught and killed a pure white stoat. Saturday 8th Meeting of Weston Board of School Managers agreed to appoint a school cook at Worle school. Salary limit of £1 a week! Mrs A. Hayman had already applied. 90 parents had asked for children to stay for hot dinners. Several prosecutions for permitting animals to stray in foot and mouth infected areas. Sunday 9th Monday 10th Judith [Janet] Holly, baby granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Holly of High St. was buried on this day. Tuesday 11th Funeral on this day of Mr. G. Coles of Woodbine, Ebdon Road, a farm worker. Wednesday 12th Rommel entered Tripoli, Libya. Thursday 13th Friday 14th Saturday 15th C. W. [Ted] Edwards appointed supervisor and coordinator of fire fighting groups in W.s.M. Sunday 16th Monday 17th Tuesday 18th Death of Mrs. Sam Curry [Amy], born in New Zealand. Attended Worle Methodist Church. Married Sam 37 years earlier. Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Friday 21st Mrs Sam Curry’s body lay overnight in Methodist Chapel at her own request. Saturday 22nd Harold King of Lympstone Farm cleared of allowing cattle to stray in foot and mouth infected area. Cyril Vivian White, Central Stores, High St. prosecuted for serious indecency offences against 4 boys. Cyril White was Deputy Head Warden in Worle. Village Club and Infants’ School included in Fire Watching scheme Vicar’s mother-in-law died this week. Funeral in Cornwall.


Sunday 23rd Monday 24th Germany and Britain clash in Western Desert for first time. Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th ARP’s diary: ‘Flares dropped’ Housewife’s Diary: ‘Sirens 8.00pm – 10.00pm Waves and waves of Jerry planes’ Thursday 27th Friday 28th. Meeting of Worle Methodist Trustees. Financial balance £12. Gazette report

March 41

Saturday 1st Funeral of Rose Lucy Lypiatt, aged 9 at St. Martins churchyard Sunday 2nd German troops entered Bulgaria Monday 3rd Hannah Webber’s 88th birthday School managers discussed milk for children again. Housewife’s Diary: ‘Heavy raid sounded – door shook and windows rattled’ Tuesday 4th 170 bottles of milk in playground ready for morning break today. Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th British forces invaded Ethiopia. Burial of Miss Eileen Booth, Church Road, Worle. Parochial Church Council meeting in Church Hall. Stephen Jones re- elected as Treasurer and R. E Mawson re-elected as Secretary. Three committees: Finance, Fabric and Churchyard were re-elected. Addition of Messrs Bosworth and Matthews to Finance Committee and Mr. Mann to Fabrics. Also £10 donated to Bishop’s appeal for war damaged churches. Friday 7th Saturday 8th School dinners at Senior School successful. 75 children Infant and Junior Schools likely to follow suit. Sunday 9th Preb. Kempe preaching sermon at St. Martins this evening. Monday 10th Scholarship exams for 30 local children held. Tuesday 11th Lease-Lend Bill passed in USA 67

Ratting activities were successful in village on this day!! Wednesday 12th Scholarship exams for evacuees. Thursday 13th Death of Sam Curry, only 2 weeks after his wife died. Both in their 80s. Sam was born in Worle and worked for WsM Post Office for many years. 7 sons and 1 daughter. Friday 14th Saturday 15th Report in Gazette of Methodist Chapel’s decision that a £23 debt to the circuit should be wiped out! Full report of finances Appeal for woollen gloves, scarves and helmets for fire watchers. Look up Mercury today for Hero of Dunkirk Details of Methodist appointments for the year. Miss Ruberry, Bert Fry, J. Corner and G. Coombes, Mrs Thornton and Mrs. Coombes. Sunday 16th Housewife’s Diary: ‘Waves and waves of Jerrys pass overhead Sirens 8pm – 4am’ Monday 17th Tuesday 18th Wednesday 19th R. P. Forsey died on this day. Thursday 20th ARP’s diary: ‘ARP ‘Bee’ Plane over latish – slept in shelter’ Housewife’s Diary: ‘[Midnight] Planes in fog going Midlands way – fog signal going continuously Infants’ School closed because Anthracite was not delivered. Friday 21st Saturday 22nd Lengthy obituary for Sam Curry in Gazette. Also details of funeral. Weston Corporation’s financial report shows that £12.6s was spent in the previous year on the winding and maintenance of the War Memorial Clock. Recreation ground cricket pitch cost £86 and allotment maintenance £55. Report of first boy’s football match this year between Worle Boys [2] and Evacuees [0]. Sunday 23rd Monday 24th Funeral of Mr. W. G. Hartree of ‘Stonycroft’ Road Tuesday 25th


Wednesday 26th Thursday 27th Housewife’s Diary: ‘Heard guns – 2 planes shot down while attacking a convoy in ’ Friday 28th Fred Bartlett in court again for drunkenness. Found rolling on the ground. Fined 10/- and 7/6 expenses. Battle of Cape Matapan Saturday 29th Amusing report of poor old Fred Bartlett’s doings in both papers. Mr. S. Jones urged people to save even harder for the nation by buying national saving stamps. 2 masters at Junior School offered to match the pupils’ week’s savings Report of Mr. Hartree’s funeral in Mercury gives his address as Kewstoke Road Hoops not quite extinct, apparently! One taken to school by a pupil on Tuesday and they are often used in PE lessons. Maternity and Child Welfare committee discuss funding for Infant Welfare Centre in Worle. Cyril Vivian White [44] of Central Stores, Worle, formerly a schoolmaster at Wells, was bound over for 3 years for offences on 4 boys aged 11 to 14. Sunday 30th National Day of Prayer Monday 31st

April 41 Tuesday 1st Wednesday 2nd War Weapons Week fundraising effort raised £4000 up to today. Stephen Jones led the effort. Head teacher’s log at Infants’ School reports very successful Scripture tests. Thursday 3rd War Weapons effort up the £5000 today. Aiming for a Spitfire. Friday 4th German Plane crashed at Hewish, witnessed by Sam Cox ARP Diary: ‘Bomber shot down Hewish ‘ Saturday 5th Housewife’s Diary: ‘Jerrys hit & plane brought down in Hewish 2 Germans killed’.


Mercury report that 2 Junior School Masters pledged to double the amount saved by children on the first day. £27 saved! Stella Monica Harris of Coronation Road married Pt W. T. Miller on 29th March. Report in Mercury today Sunday 6th Germany attacked and Greece. Monday 7th ARP Diary ‘On duty all night – alert 2050 – 0419’ Tuesday 8th Wednesday 9th ARP Diary: ‘Light Patrol duty till 2200 - Sirens 2135’ Bombs at and Wick St. Lawrence. Sheep killed. Housewife’s Diary: ‘Sirens 1.30am – 2.45am Woken by waves and waves of Jerry planes – hundreds of them - later heard news of another Coventry Blitz. 2 land mines dropped Woodspring Priory & Kewstoke. Incendiary bombs dropped over Wick St Lawrence & Hewish’.

Thursday 10th Friday 11th Good Friday services at St. Martin’s today. Housewife’s Diary: ‘Terrible night of raiders to Bristol –kept us awake - AA guns very noisy’ Saturday 12th Siege of Tobruk commenced John Palmer captured 2 Nazis whose plane came down near Hewish. Mercury report that Mrs. Mayled was in court for the theft of jewellery from Mr. Bradley, her employer. Widow with 5 children. 2 years probation. £7,869 5s raised by local savings group for Weapons Week. Bert Fry, caretaker of Methodist Chapel, broke his finger at Sunday school treat.

Sunday 13th Easter Sunday services at Worle’s places of worship. Methodist Church Anniversary, as well. Large congregations morning and evening. Rev. Truscott Chapman preached in the morning and Rev. Bates conducted a children’s service. Mr. Thomas Roper of Hill View, Kewstoke Road died on this day, aged 79 Monday 14th 70

Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Mr. N. G. E. Finney spoke at Methodist Chapel. Presentation to Fred Fry of pocket bible. Leaving to join H.M. Forces. Thursday 17th Yugoslavia surrendered to Germany. Thomas Roper’s funeral at St. Martins Friday 18th Saturday 19th ARP Diary: ‘On duty all night – no sirens’ Reports in Mercury of 2 local weddings. Denis Hinton [St. Judes parish] married Millicent Howells [Preanes Green]. Dorothy Eileen Brooks [The Rows] married Earnest J. Lowell of New Bristol Rd. Sunday 20th Harry Pitman, High Street undertaker, was found hanging from a beam in an outhouse at the back of their home. He had been seriously ill for several weeks. He leaves a widow, 3 sons and 2 daughters. Monday 21st Tuesday 22nd ARP Diary: ‘Alert 2330 – 0030 Brilliant flashes’ Inquest at Church Hall into the death of Harry Pitman. Verdict, ‘suicide while the balance of his mind was disturbed by financial and domestic worries. Infants’ School reopened after Easter Holiday. Staffing problems. Wednesday 23rd Thursday 24th Friday 25th ARP Diary: ‘Special Light Patrol with Crease – Planes over channel – no sirens’. WsM Police Court heard case against John Summers, High St. Worle, accused of failing to immobilize his car. Fined £1. Funeral today of Mr. C. Popham of Pine Hill. . Saturday 26th ARP Diary: ‘Duty 2200 - all night’. Rev. H. L. O. Williams of Braeside, Pine Hill died when his ship was sunk by enemy action. He was a missionary in Africa where he had been a headmaster in Sierra Leone Sympathies extended to Mrs. H. L. O. Williams of Pine Hill on sudden, tragic death of her husband.


Sunday 27th Home Guard’s Church Parade for special service today. Monday 28th ARP Diary, ‘Visited A3 Post – Fire watching – sirens 0045’ Tuesday 29th Wednesday 30th

May 41 Thursday 1st Friday 2nd Saturday 3rd ARP Diary: ‘Clocks on. Duty ARP 2200 – 0700 Sirens 2155 – 0410 AA shell fell at Preanes Green - Phew’ Christian Endeavour ramblers will start their summer activities this week and every Wednesday evening. First flight of season for Homing Society. Limit of 3 birds each. Report on 10th May Sunday 4th ARP Diary: ‘Saw Crease to be satisfied re AA shell Sirens 2350 get up fearing raid - sleep in shelter’ Monday 5th ARP Diary: ‘Balloons up in Weston (16 ?) Sirens 2330 – Light Patrol – to bed in shelter’ Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th ARP Diary:’ Sirens 2330 – 0450 (saw planes come down in flames)’ Housewife’s Diary: ‘Awakened at 4.30am shelling right overhead at enemy plane. Plane seen in flames. Planes brought down in night raid (7th / 8th) - one in Hewish – I heard it – 2 others near – 3 Germans loose. Thursday 8th ARP Wardens’ concert at Church Hall to raise funds for ‘Home Comforts’ at their post HQ. Report Mercury 10th May Friday 9th Emergency meeting of PCC to decide how much Church should be insured for against war damages. Saturday 10th Last of the heavy air raids on Britain marks the end of . Methodist tennis club to reopen for summer. Good weather and almost 30 attended. Homing Society started again with first race for old birds!!! Good entry!! Limit increased to 5 birds each. It gets better! 72

ARP Dairy: ‘Duty 2200. Hess flew plane to Scarborough’ Sunday 11th ARP Diary: ‘Dusk siren – Sirens 2350 – 0445’. Monday 12th Marriage at St. Martins of Lilian May Burrows of 3 Station Road to Frederick Richard Wilson Renals, RAF [Mercury]. ARP Diary: ‘Hess reported in E England - Hess reported ‘lost’ Two student teachers started three weeks teaching practice at Infants’ School. Miss Parrott and Miss Rutter!!! Tuesday 13th Wednesday 14th Thursday 15th Friday 16th Saturday 17th Both papers report on Homing Society, Weddings etc. Sunday 18th Monday 19th John Richard Lewis [34] of Stepstone, Pine Hill in Police Court in Weston for gaining money under false pretences. Admitted the charge and was granted bail. Long report 31st May. Tuesday 20th Formal surrender of Italian army in Abyssinia Battle of Crete commenced. Wednesday 21st Methodist ramble cancelled. Reason unknown. Thursday 22nd Germany invaded Russia Friday 23rd Local schools’ annual athletic sports meeting Saturday 24th National Savings Group reaches £100 a week target. Pigeons belonging to Mr. E. Tancock win hat trick of races. ARP Diary: ‘Hood reported sunk by Bismarck’. Sunday 25th Monday 26th S. W. Raines reported AWAL from the army. Tuesday 27th ARP Diary:’ Excited – Bismarck sunk’ Wednesday 28th ARP Diary: ‘2 alerts in night – few planes and gunfire’. Ladies’ Bright Hour at Methodist Church: final meeting of season featured musical recitals. Thursday 29th Report in Gazette on 31st May of inquest into death of Arthur Samuel Stower [75], corn and seed merchant in Worle. Verdict: suicide by drowning. Friday 30th Petty Sessions: Sylvester William Raines, Lawrence Road was accused of attempted suicide by drinking Liniment. Bound over for 12 months.


Saturday 31st Scholarship examination success for Worle Junior School in Mercury: Loveday Davey, Molly Edwards, Brian Elliot, Arthur Copeland, Tony Pitt, Michael Gillett. School sports: report that event was postponed – rain. Moved to June 21st. F. J. Townsend, a master at the Junior School called up. Territorial Officers’ Reserve, having served in WW1. ‘Worle Man Dupes Bird Fanciers’: headline in Mercury. Long article about John Richard Lewis, Pine Hill. See Monday 19th May

June 41 Sunday 1st Whit Sunday Methodist Sunday School Anniversary. Large congregations. Visitors from other Churches and Schools. Monday 2nd Whit Monday. Bank holiday cancelled for war effort, but Infants’ School closed for the day. Tuesday 3rd Death of Mrs. Margaret Jones 74] of 11 Mayfield Avenue. She was the mother of Mr. D.G. Jones, who died in the bombing in Sept 1940, together with his wife and daughter. Methodist Bright Hour visited via and Blue Anchor, returned through Dunster and Taunton Wednesday 4th Rambling Club hike to Locking and Banwell. Thursday 5th Friday 6th Margaret Jones buried today in St. Martins’ churchyard. Saturday 7th Small passage in Mercury headed: Bombs in the West, houses damaged in Coast Town. It seems that one fell on the sea front, shattering glass over a wide area. Some people treated for shock. Some bombs in country districts damaging farm buildings. Report in Mercury of court case: Sylvester Raines’ attempted suicide. Tragic tale. Worle’s total savings for War Effort reached £10,500 in first year of fund raising. Sunday 8th Monday 9th


Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Rambling Club hike to Summer Lane. Thursday 12th Friday 13th Saturday 14th ARP Diary: ‘Duty 2300 - Sirens 0056 – 0202 Work Post with Crease. No trouble’ Sunday 15th Services at St. Martins: 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion, 11.00 a.m. Matins, 6.30, Evensong. Methodists: 11.00 and 6.30. Homing Society: 42 birds entered race from Berwick. Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Friday 20th Saturday 21st Midsummer Night’s Dream. Report in Mercury of old wives’ tales in the village. Needs to be transcribed in full. Will o’ the Wisp and ghosts knocking at Church Door. Sunday 22nd Germany invaded Russia – not a good idea as it turned out. Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Thursday 26th Friday 27th Petty Sessions fined Albert Hartnell of Bristol 10/- for driving without a licence at Annandale cross roads, Worle on 8th May. Frank Philips, of Barry fined for no Driver’s Licence, 10/- Police War Reserve Olive stopped Geoffrey Quick, lorry driver from in Worle. No licence. Quick tried to renew after arrest. Fined 10/- and 6s and 3d costs. Saturday 28th Death at Weston Hospital of Hubert Raines aged 19, only son of Mr and Mrs T. Raines of Hill Road, Worle. Sunday 29th Monday 30th


July 41 Tuesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Walter Knight [17] of 7 Station Road injured. Stone from quarry fell on his head. John Mackay , then living in Reading appeared at Weston Police Court charged with embezzlement of £5. 3s. 3d. from Fussell’s Rubber Co. Ltd. Bail granted in sum of £100. Thursday 3rd Friday 4th Saturday 5th Gazette reported improved health of evacuees. Long, self- congratulatory report. Dr. W. J. Petty [old Dr. Petty] bowed out as president of Rotary Club Mr Wells’ pigeon won the Banff race for second year running. Mr and Mrs Corsbie of Coronation Road, celebrated their Diamond Wedding this week Methodists pulled together to pay off £24 debt on account. Savings group still going strongly. Sunday 6th Monday 7th Tuesday 8th Wednesday 9th Thursday 10th Friday 11th Saturday 12th Mercury carried a full report of John Mackey’s trial. The commercial traveller said he had doctor’s bills to pay. Took £30/14/3d of Fussell’s money. Fined £5 plus costs. Letter from the King for Diamond Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Corsbie of Coronation Road. Worle Savings Club’s total for year is enough to buy: Spitfire, heavy ambulance, nest of machine guns, light ambulance, ten rows of armour-piercing bombs, many A.A. shells and thousands of rounds of ammunition! Last Old Birds race for Homing Society.


Kenneth Lane, who reported for training in the RAF this week, hoped to be a pilot, said Mercury. [He did so, and later won a DFC] House in The Rows to be used as a furniture store. Sunday 13th Monday 14th Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Pamela Harding’s 21st birthday. Lived at 8 Bolton Terrace and worked for Borough Treasurer and was an ARP warden. Funeral today of Miss Winifred Bell, Spring Hill, who came to Worle as an evacuee. Homing Society’s ‘Rest Period’ began. Thursday 17th Friday 18th Reg Palmer, Greenwood Road, butcher’s roundsman, received severe cuts to the arm when his van collided with a lorry in Milton Road. He was a member of the Home Guard and number 35 in Home Guard book. Saturday 19th Sunday 20th Monday 21st Tuesday 22nd Wednesday 23rd Thursday 24th Friday 25th Emily Fletcher died at 82. Resided at Lyefield Farm with her daughter, Mrs.J. Kingsbury, and had lived in Worle all her life. Saturday 26th George Pitman placed an advertisement in Mercury announcing that he intended to carry on the family undertaking business in succession to his father, who had died recently. Sunday 27th Monday 28th Tuesday 29th Methodist meeting decided services would start earlier to avoid the blackout in the coming winter. They also expressed sympathy for Mr. Criddle, who was not well. Wednesday 30th Thursday 31st


August 41 Friday 1st ARP Diary: ‘ARP practice evening’ Saturday 2nd ARP Diary: ‘ARP Duty 2300’ Report in Mercury of presentations to Mr. F. J. Townsend who has left the Junior School to take up a commission in the army. Correction to report on 25th July: Mrs. Fletcher’s three sons were present at her funeral: Messrs. Harry, John and William. Vera Britton visited Weston on this day. Sunday 3rd Joan Corner married at the Methodist Church on this day. Husband not mentioned in report!

Monday 4th No Flower Show in Worle today, because of the war, but fine shows of produce in local gardens to boost the rations. Also Thomas Bond married at the same venue as Miss Corner, the previous day, but his wife was not mentioned! Tuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Thursday 7th Friday 8th Saturday 9th ARP Diary: ‘Pictures with family – Duty 2300’. National Savings Display Board for Worle will be erected soon to spur savers along. Pictures of workers at the Beaufighter factory appeared in Gazette. Sunday 10th Monday 11th Annie Collard, 1 The Rows, died on this day. Funeral at Worle Churchyard on Thursday and service at Methodist Church. Tuesday 12th Terms of Atlantic Charter agreed Wednesday 13th Thursday 14th ARP Diary: ’News of Churchill and Roosevelt meeting’. Home Guard dance at The Newtons. Eddie Morton and his Band, spot prize, won by Mr and Mrs Roper of Worle. Another dance planned for end of the month. Funeral of Annie Collard, see above. Friday 15th 78

Saturday 16th Detailed column of Home Guard notes in Mercury. Medical Officers for each Battalion – all majors. Appeal for women to help Red Cross collections. Funeral at St. Martin’s of Mrs Clara White, 27 the Rows. Leaves 5 daughters, one in America, one in Canada, one in Barry and 2 in Worle [Mrs. W. Gillett and Mrs. Alec Fuzzard.] Sunday 17th Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th Methodist ramble. Thursday 21st Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd Mercury reported Methodists’ preparation for winter, Homing Society results and Savings Club results. Sunday 24th Monday 25th Mr Edwards addressed 170 Fire Guards at Worle Church Hall. Newsome Martin presided. Arranged to hold an open air exercise on the following Monday at 7.30. Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th Friday 29th Practice bombs to be dropped in roadway. Only the usual rota of men and women should be on duty to deal with them. Saturday 30th Worle decided to buy 9 large armour piercing ‘beautiful bombs’ at £100 each with the National Savings fund Ellis Chaplin sustained a compound fracture of the leg. Horse pulling the reaping machine bolted and threw him to the ground. Reaper ran over him.

Sunday 31st ARP Diary: ‘ARP appointment with Muxworthy re Fire watchers’


September 41

Monday 1st Fire fighters in Worle streets to practice. Fire bombs [pretend, I hope] were dropped near The New Inn, in Hill Road, Coronation Road, etc. We don’t know where the ‘etc’ was. Must have been real – reportedly, all bombs were quickly extinguished.

Tuesday 2nd Edith Phillips of Ebdon Road fell outside Baptist Church and broke her leg. Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th Friday 5th Saturday 6th Savings group on £7 short of target for week. Homing pigeons results. 17 members entered 71 birds

Sunday 7th Monday 8th Charles Williams [28], an actor of Colbridge Farm was fined £5 for failing to submit to medical examination in contravention of the National Service Act. Details of his opinions given in article in 13th Sept. Mercury. Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th ARP Diary: ‘Light Patrol – very bad in places’ Thursday 11th Friday 12th Saturday 13th Report about Charles Williams, above, in Mercury. Wedding at Methodist Church of Ronald G. Davies and Miss Frances Jones. Ron survived 3 scares at Dunkirk and wrote home to Frances detailing his exploits. Happy day for them both and for Mrs. Davies of No. 4 The Parade.

Sunday 14th ARP Diary: ‘Registered for Fire Guard ‘ Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th ARP Diary: ‘Meeting ARP - Light Patrol’ Thursday 18th ARP Diary: ‘Light Patrol’


Friday 19th Saturday 20th ARP Diary: ‘Light Patrol - Night Duty’ Huge effort was being made to raise funds for the nine bombs. Stephen Jones confident. Proposal to set up Working Party to make comforts for the Forces and others in need. Homing Society race from Derby. 73 birds flew. Results in Mercury. Sunday 21st Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Daffodil Day in Weston. Odd time of year for it. E. H. Rake organised Worle’s effort and raised £3 0s 1d. Wednesday 24th Public meeting at Methodist Church for overseas missions. ARP Diary: ‘Light Patrol - Fire Duty’ Thursday 25th ARP Diary: ‘Light Patrol’ Friday 26th Meeting to discuss working party for comforts held at 3 Kirklands, High Street, home of Miss Talbot, at 3. p.m. Anno Urch of Western House, High Street, died on this day, aged 90 Saturday 27th ARP Diary: ‘Light Patrol & Night Duty - heavy thunderstorm at night’ National Savings Group on target for bomb buying. Splendid achievement, say Mercury. Blackberry pickers in trouble for helping themselves. Must be organised for the war effort! Permission necessary..oh yes! Death at Maywood, Church Road, of Dr. Burnell Jones. Funeral of Mrs. Frances Venning [79] if Highcliff House, Church Road. Sunday 28th Harvest Festival at Methodist Chapel. Monday 29th Mrs. A. Urch’s funeral at St. Anne’s parish Church, Kewstoke. Methodist Thanksgiving service and social held on this evening. Tuesday 30th


October 41 Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Home Guard Dance at The Newtons with Eric Morton and his band Friday 3rd Saturday 4th Mercury carried a long report about Anno Urch, who died on 26th September. Details of early life, recent years and funeral at Kewstoke. Gazette reported several local motorists in court for minor lighting offences: Fred Boobyer denied the charge but was fined £1 with 5/- costs, and John Robert Lickes was fined 5/- Home Guard miniature shooting range opened at Uphill. Worle HG used the range for shooting practice regularly. Sunday 5th Monday 6th Churchill promised Stalin that a convoy would sail to Russia every 10 days with supplies for war effort. Housewife’s Diary: ‘Sirens 8.30pm – 9.30pm. First since July 12th .Sounds of heavy gun firing over Channel 2.30.pm – 4.15pm. No bombs dropped but many planes chasing convoys’ ARP Diary: ‘Sirens 2040 – 2120 considerable machine gunning’ Infants’ School closed for annual potato lifting holiday for one week Tuesday 7th ARP Diary: ‘Sharp raid –plane down at Cheddar - sirens 2025 – 2120’ Wednesday 8th ARP Diary: ‘Light Patrol – no sirens’ Thursday 9th Parochial Church Council meeting in Church Hall, presided over by Rev. May. Crack in pulpit dangerous. Addicott and Sons called in to advise. Two wooden stays put in to prevent movement. Friday 10th Diamond Wedding of Mr., and Mrs. John Chapman, Myrtle House, The Scaurs. Married in South Africa on Oct. 10th 1881. Saturday 11th Report of Fred Boobyer’s case in Gazette. New ‘On Active Service’ heading in ‘Deaths’ column of Mercury Charles Williams, an actor, of Coalbridge Farm, Worle sentenced to 12 months for refusing medical examination


under the Armed Forces Act. He was described as a ‘Conchie’. A moralising final paragraph quoting the Exeter Recorder, reads: I cannot interfere with this sentence of 12 months, and while you are serving, try to think a little less of yourself. Try to put your conscience and your self-conceit into their true proportion and think a little more of the sufferings of those people who are fighting and risking their lives every moment of the day to look after all of us, including you.’ Sunday 12th Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Methodist Christian Endeavour young people’s group well attended. Announcement of a son today for Mrs. And Mrs. O. J. Edwards of The Laurels, High Street. Thursday 16th Friday 17th Saturday 18th Report on previous winter’s bomb damage in Weston appeared in Gazette. Time lapse necessary for security reasons. Report in Mercury of Chapmans’ diamond wedding. Mrs Chapman’s maiden name was Hester Catherine Helena van- Wyk. ARP Diary: ‘Duty 2200 -Blowing a gale’. Sunday 19th ARPs busy filling sandbags all day Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Education Committee of the council told by Miss W. M. Gill [Welfare officer] that Milton and Worle Co-operative Guild were running Young People’s Group on Monday evenings for 14-20 year olds. Fellowship Circle for evacuee women also attracted evacuated mothers. They had a rock cake competition!! Friday 24th ARP Diary: ‘Sirens - Raiders in channel’ Saturday 25th ARP Diary: ‘Light Patrol for 2 hours – little activity – Martin [Newsome-Martin?] did Saturday duty’. 83

Appeal for an organizing secretary for Red Cross 1d a week fund. Sunday 26th ARP Diary: ‘Sirens latish - Bombs in Bridgwater Bay’ Monday 27th Tuesday 28th Mrs Annie Hooper died this day at ‘Balmoral’ High Street. [Flat above the Co-op butchers.] Wednesday 29th Methodist Christian Endeavour debated the motion ‘Wealth is the cause of the world’s trouble’. Thursday 30th Home Guard dance at The Newtons. 7.30 p.m. Friday 31st

November 41 Saturday 1st ARP Diary: ‘Sirens & much activity overhead – Raid all over west country – No duty’ Sunday 2nd Usual Church services at St. Martins and Methodist Church. Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Guy Fawkes night with no bonfires or fireworks. Thursday 6th Friday 7th Saturday 8th ARP Diary: ‘Visit from Crease – bad news of great loss due to weather in last nights raid’ Sunday 9th Monday 10th ARP Diary: ‘Churchill speech cheering RAF - no sirens’. Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Methodist Bright Hour meeting. Thursday 13th ARP Diary: ‘Light Patrol - very dark -weather warm’ Friday 14th ARP Diary: ‘Ark Royal sunk’ Saturday 15th Gazette published a list of depots for gas mask fittings. Worle depots at The School, Church Road and at New Inn, rear entrance. Both venues are ARP posts for Worle ARP Diary: ‘Light Patrol with Crease – all night duty - black as pitch’ Sunday 16th Monday 17th Tuesday 18th British offensive launched in the Western Desert


Wednesday 19th Gas Mask fittings 7.p.m. to 9 p.m. at ARP posts Thursday 20th . Friday 21st Saturday 22nd National Savings Group collections boosted by sale of stamps. Mrs Ida Chapman ran a raffle for a table cloth. Mrs Summers of High Street won it. £1 7s 8d made for Red Cross Fund. John Taylor raised 15s by giving a Punch and Judy show and donated 4/6d raised with a ‘guess the weight of the marrow’ contest. Sunday 23rd Councillor Newsome Martin adopted as Labour Party candidate for the constituency for next Westminster elections. See Gazette report 29th Nov Monday 24th Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th Gas Mask fittings 7. P.m. to 9 p.m. at ARP posts. ARP Diary: ‘Fitting respirators at Post – all at 2100 – no sirens’ Methodist C. E.: Miss Lilian Durston on ‘Paul as a Missionary’ Thursday 27th Friday 28th Italy surrendered at Gondar, Ethiopia. Saturday 29th Gazette report on Labour party meeting at Tivoli Theatre. F. J. Townsend, former master at the Junior School, called up and went East, has written with news of Messrs Williams and Disney, both local men, who are reported to be hale and hearty. Also met Mr. Cowell of Worlebury. Sunday 30th Housewife’s Diary: ‘11.45pm A terrific bang shook house when a sea mine was exploded by ‘us’.

December 41 Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Wednesday 3rd ARP Diary: ‘Night Patrol - sign on Muxworthy – no sirens – very misty’ Methodist quarterly leaders’ meeting. Credit balance of £3 will go to Trust Fund.


Thursday 4th Friday 5th Russian counter-attack in Moscow began. Saturday 6th Report in Mercury of marriage of Miss Phyllis Trego of The Rows. She had been with the NAAFI at Aldershot for 2 years and married Sergeant W Aldridge of the Royal Engineers. Mrs E. Yorke, new organiser of ‘Penny a Week’ Red Cross group. 60 members who raised £60.16s 10d in first month. Sunday 7th Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour. Monday 8th Britain and America declared war on Japan Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th Friday 12th Saturday 13th Mercury reported National Savings total in Worle grows by about £130 a week. Now £7,426. Clifford Haines, Greenwood Road, was serving as a gunner on board a ship which went East. First person he met at the port was Mr. Albert Street of Old Bristol Road. Brownie Christmas Social at Church Hall. Funds for safety equipment for Ministry of Supply. Games, stalls, puppet show and a dramatic version of St. George and the Dragon. Sunday 14th Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Infants’ School plays. Parents invited. Thursday 18th Infants’ School upper classes’ plays. Friday 19th Worle Infants’ School party in School Hall. Teachers provided entertainment. Saturday 20th Madness of lighting laws continues. Arthur Trip, Nut Tree Farm was taken to court for not having lamps on his horse drawn vehicle. It was 6.15 in the morning in a country lane!! Poor man was fined 7/6d Mary Robins, a retired nurse of 5a The Rows, was fined £1 for showing a light. ‘Little Hitlers gone mad’ was general opinion. Mr. Bisdee, Sunnyside, Church Road broke his thigh when he fell from a ladder in his garden.


Sunday 21st Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Christmas Services at St. Martins Friday 26th Saturday 27th Diary of a year in Town and Country published in Mercury Story of dear old Mr. Criddle who won ‘best bull in show’ at ‘Man O’ Mendip’. He took his gold trophy up to bed with him for the 365 days it was in his possession. Lovely. Herbert Whitford of the New Inn, now in the services, was reported injured when a vehicle ran over his legs. National Savings Stamps are the favourite gift this Christmas in Worle. Sunday 28th Monday 29th Tuesday 30th Wednesday 31st By this day most of the world was at war with someone. Britain had dispatched 53 merchant ships to Russia to supply 100,000 tons of general stores, 750 tanks, 800 fighter planes and 1,400 vehicles. Good grief.




January 42

Thursday 1st U.S.A. and 25 other countries signed a united declaration against the Axis nations. Annual Parish Party at Church Hall for 170 children. Tea, films and entertainment Friday 2nd Saturday 3rd Gazette reported wedding of Ken Fuszard and Phyllis Clark Worle savers reach £8,000 Ron Disney married Stella Collard in Taunton Sunday 4th Churchill and General Masrshall went to Florida for conference. Edward Herbert Bisdee died on this day. He fell on 20th Dec whilst pruning a vine. Annual covenant service at Methodist Church. Mrs J. Rutt, Mrs Edgar Fry and Mr. W. Durston received into membership. Monday 5th Worle Infants’ School re-opened for Spring Term. Miss Simcox noted that no replacement had been sent for Mrs Morris who had recently resigned because of illness . See School File ARP Diary: Brilliant moon, no raids. Tuesday 6th Inquest for death of Mr. Bisdee. Coroner Mr. M. Pulliblank. ARP Diary: Planes about, but no raids. Wednesday 7th Methodist New Year Social for young people Thursday 8th Mr. Bisdee’s funeral at St. Martins Methodist Sunday School party. ARP Diary: Full Light Patrol – no trouble – planes about late. Friday 9th Saturday 10th Detailed report of life and death of Mr. Bisdee. Mrs Yorke, organiser of Red Cross Penny – Week Fund raised over £90 in December Mercury gives details of money raised by National Savings stamps and War Weapons Week ARP Diary: Light Patrol – Muxworthy did night duty – no sirens Sunday 11th Monday 12th Captain E J Harris died on this day. Civil Defence First Aider, he lived in Annandale Avenue. Dr. Dennis Clark called following Mr. Harris’s collapse in garden. 89

Mrs. Pat Denmead of Castle Road also died on this day Tuesday 13th Wednesday 14th Infant’s School log: Miss Harbord absent through illness Mrs Cooper appointed as Supply Teacher to cover. ARP Diary: Light patrol Thursday 15th Miss Harbord returned to school, but Miss Wilkins off for a fortnight on a course for teachers in war-time Nursery Schools. Miss Shipton also absent through illness. Friday 16th Saturday 17th Headlline in Mercury: Worle , hardly a centre of social activity. Elizabeth Bidwell, 40, died suddenly. She lived in Kewstoke Road Sunday 18th Monday 19th Funeral in Worle Churchyard of Mrs. Rebecca King, 13 Bolton Terrace, Coronation Road. Left a husband and 5 children, one son was serving overseas. Infants’ School Log: Miss Shipton absent and has sent a medical note to Mr. Holloway. Tuesday 20th Infants’ School Log: Mrs Payne sent a Supply teacher. Wednesday 21st Miss Ruth Michael’s talk on this evening at the Methodist Christian Endeavour group was ‘How far can I go with the crowd?’ Thursday 22nd Joyce Merrick, one of Worle’s ARP Wardens, married Reginald Coombes on this day. Picture under WW2 pictures.Gazette 24th. Friday 23rd Saturday 24th Harry Hancock of Worle married Edna Constance Owens of Argyle Avenue. Methodist annual Leaders’ and Society meetings were held on this day. Report Mercury on 31st. Criddle, Coombes and Corner re-elected. ARP Diary: Duty at post all night – no raids Sunday 25th Rommel’s Africa Corps reached ...US Troops went ashore in Northern Ireland. Monday 26th Tuesday 27th


Wednesday 28th Thursday 29th First ‘Desert Island Discs’ transmitted. Vic Oliver, comedian and violinist was the castaway. ARP Diary: Light Patrol, no raids. Friday 30th Saturday 31st Mercury reported injury to Mr. Tutton’s foot and a whist drive at St. Georges’ Woolpack Inn, the latter in aid of the Russia Fund.

February 42

Sunday 1st Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Funeral of Mrs. Caroline Bragg, mother of Mr. H. N. Day [Court Farm] held at Kewstoke Church. Report in Gazette on 7th Thursday 5th Friday 6th George Kew fined for speeding at Petty Sessions Saturday 7th Gazette reported that residents of Worle parish could borrow books from the new Senior School Library. School managers meeting report. Red Cross and National Savings doing well in Worle Sunday 8th . Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Glen Miller received the first ever gold disc for Chattanooga Choo Choo Wednesday 11th Thursday 12th Friday 13th Saturday 14th Report in Mercury of death of Mrs. Mary Curry.. Sunday 15th Fall of Singapore ARP Diary: Churchill on wireless Christian Endeavour anniversary services. Evening service conducted by Olive Urch Monday 16th Fire at 1 The Rows. Laundry business and home of Mr. and Mrs. Collard 91

Red Army recaptured Stalingrad airport. Tuesday 17th Damaged washing from fire above, spread all over the garden. Wednesday 18th US rationed bread and metal Thursday 19th Friday 20th Saturday 21st Herbert Smith, Corner House, St. Georges fined for wrong headlights on car ARP Diary: On duty all night. Sunday 22nd Monday 23rd Annual Parochial Church Council meeting in Church Hall. P. 224 -226 of minutes. Reference to crack in pulpit, thought to be result of bombing vibrations. Silent tribute to Mr. Bisdee. Tuesday 24th Mrs John Weber, Hampden Road was 89 on this day. She had 11 children of whom 7 were still living. Wednesday 25th Death on this day of Mrs. Whitford, wife of licencee of the New Inn. She was 23. Report in Mercury on 28th. Public meeting at Methodist Chapel conducted by Rev. Barrow of South Wales. Thursday 26th Don Mason’s message: ‘sighted sub. Sank same. Friday 27th Saturday 28th Picture in Gazette of Senior School pupils waiting for school dinners. Headline: ‘Boys grow food, girls serve it’ Warship Week appeal – report in Mercury.

March 42

Sunday 1st ARP Diary: To bed for an hour after duty Monday 2nd Oscar for ‘How Green was my Valley’ Tuesday 3rd Weston magistrates hearing of case of dangerous driving following an accident at Annandale Avenue on 5th Nov. 1941 Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Friday 6th Saturday 7th Milton and Worle Ward Red Cross Penny-a-Week fund supported by Miss Clements and Mrs. George.


Report in Mercury of Dangerous Driving case at Weston magistrates, following accident at Annandale Avenue on 5th November, 41 ARP Diary: Duty all night Sunday 8th Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Thursday 12th Friday 13th Saturday 14th Damage by the fire to property at 1 The Rows estimated as £11.5.0 Mr R. E. Ashman, accountant at Fussells, appointed to Admiralty staff on the east coast. Sunday 15th Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Friday 20th Saturday 21st Len Griffiths reported missing in Malaya. He had been in Worle Home Guard and Weston Cycling Club.Photo of grave sent to me by son. Reports in Mercury and Gazette. Copy of one of his letters in Gazette. Sunday 22nd Heavy German assault on Malta. Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Ghastly accident at Royal Potteries. Reginald Henry Thomas Roper of Kewstoke Road, Worle died when he was caught by machinery.

Thursday 26th Concert at Methodist Chapel for Warship Week. Play, ‘Annie’s Holiday’, by Jean Durston, Pat Denbigh, Jean Boness, Dorothy Ford, Ruby Venn, etc. Rommel offensive in north Africa


Friday 27th Chief School Medical Officer closed the Infants’ School until April 14th because of epidemic of mumps and chickenpox. Average attendance this day 51%. Saturday 28th St. Martins wedding picture in Gazette of Mr. A. G. Harrison and Miss Betty Joyce Freeston, of Preane’s Green House. Funeral of Reg Roper, aged 15. Savings report again for Warship Week. Worle woman bound over for shoplifting Report of Worle electrician’s escapes in the far east. More research needed. ARP Diary: Duty all night at Post – King spoke on wireless Sunday 29th ARP Diary: Day of prayer Monday 30th Tuesday 31st April 42

Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Friday 3rd Good Friday. Death of Benjamin Jones, Mayfield Avenue. His mother died shortly before and his brothers, sister in law and niece died in the bombing in 1940. Deceased had been looking after Melville Jones, orphaned in the bombing. ARP Diary: Clearing sand bags – sow peas and potatoes. Sirens 8.45 p.m. Saturday 4th Mercury headline, ‘Boy Whirled to Death while moulding pots’. Reg Roper, the boy who died was June Knight’s cousin. Also in Gazette. ARP Diary: Duty all night with Bob Warship objective trebled. Red Cross also a good total. Sunday 5th Easter Sunday and 105th anniversary of Methodist Chapel. See Mercury. ARP Diary: Gardening planting out beans, peas, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce and radish. Monday 6th Easter Monday Tuesday 7th Malta attacked again. Funeral of Benjamin Jones 94

Wednesday 8th Death of Phoebe Cook, Coronation Road, aged 82. Thursday 9th Friday 10th ARP Diary: working on sand bags on 6th,7th, 8th and 10th Saturday 11th Four of the Gill family from Spring Hill featured in paper: George, James, Dorothy, William. All in the forces. Death of Frances Bishop Keevill, Ivy House, aged 80 Sunday 12th Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Death of: G. F. W. Clayton, of Hawthorn Hill Wednesday 15th Malta awarded the George Cross. Women’s Missionary annual meeting at Methodist Church. Also, Christian Endeavour’s last meeting of winter session. Thursday 16th George Cross awarded to Malta Friday 17th Saturday 18th ARP Diary: Duty all night Sunday 19th Monday 20th Infants’ School Log: Classes 1 and 2 went for a nature ramble. Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Parochial Church Council meeting in Church Hall at 7.30 p.m. Discussed war damage insurance, state of the Churchyard steps, and most interestingly, Mr. Gibbins’ resignation as organist because he needed a blower. Vicar raised Gibbins’ salary and promised a blower. Pgs 222-224 of minutes. Friday 24th Brownie games evening at Mrs. Bisdee’s garden – Sunnyside . Farewell party. House sold – moving to bungalow in Weston. Saturday 25th Wedding picture taken at Gospel Hall. Mr. Lewis H. Morgan and Miss Decima Emily Alexander Fatal Accident at Hewish. Philip Boulter knocked down by a milk delivery van. Reg Loud driving. Long report of evidence in case. Report of death of John Tripp, formerly of Worle. ARP Diary: Sirens 22.45. Visit Post after all clear 0045. Sunday 26th ARP Diary: Sirens 04.45. Flares dropped near us. To ARP Pictures with Crease, work on sasnd bags in roof till dark. Monday 27th Sirens 0115-0245


Tuesday 28th Sudden death of Christopher Hartree, 47, of Hill Road. Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th

May 42

Friday 1st APR Diary: ARP meeting, no raids. Saturday 2nd Report of funeral of George Clayton. News from the East of Suvla Disney, Ron Salter and Len Griffiths. Sunday 3rd ARP Diary: Sirens 0145--230 Monday 4th Tuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Fire destroyed Worlebury Golf pavilion during the night. Picture in Mercury ARP Diary: ARP meeting in Weston – waste of time – no raids Thursday 7th Friday 8th Miss Shipton left in charge of Infants’ School after 3.00 p.m. ARP Diary. Duty Patrol 22.00 – 24.00 Saturday 9th Lance Corporal Henry Charles Cox, military police, died of natural causes on duty. Flying Club new season report. 72 birds went to Barnt Green for the race. Sunday 10th ARP Diary: Churchill inspiring on wireless Monday 11th Tuesday 12th Funeral of Doreen Eleanor West, Hawthorn Hill who died in hospital. Wednesday 13th Thursday 14th Friday 15th Saturday 16th James Brown, Greenwood Road prosecuted for urinating in public during the blackout. Gave false name to police and fined £1. Long report of Worlbury Golf Club meeting at Central Hotel. Headline: ‘Romantic Origin of ’. Sunday 17th Monday 18th 96

Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th Thursday 21st Friday 22nd ARP Diary: On duty all night at post – no raids. Saturday 23rd Clarence Atherton of Mill Lane appeared at Petty Sessions for ‘failing to obey traffic lights’. Sunday 24th Whit Sunday Monday 25th Whit Monday Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th Friday 29th Bing Crosby recorded White Christmas. Saturday 30th Sunday 31st

June 42

Monday 1st The poor Jones family suffered a further bereavement with the death of Bill Jones. Mourners at the funeral on this day included Will, Jack and Haydin, his sons. Tuesday 2nd Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th Friday 5th Saturday 6th Cooks at Worle Senior School demanded a wage rise, and were supported by Mr. Bisgrove. Details in Gazette Mr. F. F. Cook, secretary of Worle Branch of the rational Association Friendly Society congratulated for his work. Awarded Juvenile Fund Challenge Cup, put on display in Worle Post Office. ARP Diary: Duty 22.30 all night – no raids Sunday 7th Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th Wedding at St. Martins of Rosey Broadbear and Harry Fisher. 97

Friday 12th Saturday 13th Report of Methodist Sunday School anniversary in Mercury. Worle branch of St. John Ambulance concert in Co-operative Hall, Milton. Performers are listed in Mercury. Sunday 14th Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Thursday 18th Friday 19th Saturday 20th Worle man, Arthur George Raines, aged 20, given permission by magistrates to marry Audrey Mabel Watts. Senior school children playing in road in danger from traffic. ARP Diary: On duty all night. Sunday 21st Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Friday 26th Saturday 27th Bombs in Ebdon Road, The Square and Cherrywood Rise. See Charlie Reeve’s account of the night and of his grandfather’s [Charles Drury] death ARP Diary: Weston Heavy Blitz – 0100 – 0230. Mr James killed. Scores bombed. Big fires in Weston. We came through, but very scared. Leading steward Harold Merrick, The Nook, New Bristol Road came home on leave from the Mediterranean. Merchant Navy? Sunday 28th ARP Diary: On duty all night and survey in morning. Not a pleasant day and thoughts of night to come. Saw Mr. Conway in eve. Heavy blitz again 0145-0240. Big fires. Stick of bombs across Worlebury. On duty all night. Monday 29th Severe Incendiary Air Raids on Weston


ARP Diary: No trains from Weston – cycle to Puxton to catch train. I am too tired to worry but dread the night. Weston in a pickle. Tuesday 30th 3 Worle boys in Juvenile Court for breaking windows at The Old Forge, Coronation Road. Given a year’s probation. ARP Diary: Many guns stationed on Hill. Thundery and quiet night.

July 42

Wednesday 1st ARP Diary: Sirens and raiders – flares and incendiaries. Raid did not develop. Thursday 2nd Friday 3rd Saturday 4th Both local papers carried full reports of the Weston Blitz. Mercury report : Ellis C. Martin of Springfield Flat, Spring Hill was fined £1 for breach of blackout regulations. 2nd anniversary of Worle National Savings Group. Grand total of £27,385/11s/6d. Report of death of Mrs Clark of Castle Road, who left 3 daughters. Sunday 5th Monday 6th Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th Thursday 9th Friday 10th Saturday 11th Very moving report of the communal funeral held in the town cemetery for the bomb victims. Sunday 12th Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Duke of Kent visited the village on this day. School children gathered at the ‘whirligig’ to cheer him. ARP Diary: Bought shelter!! Thursday 16th


Friday 17th Mrs. Hester Chapman died on this day. Saturday 18th Deaths column in Mercury records many who died as a result of enemy action. Report of Duke of Kent’s visit to Worle in Mercury ARP Diary: worked on shelter 16th, 17th 18th. On duty all night –all quiet. Sunday 19th Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Funeral of Mrs. J. Cousins formerly of Colbridge Cottages, Preanes Green. She was aunt of Mrs. Neathway and of Mrs. R. Hunt. Wednesday 22nd Margery Urch, Council Houses Kewstoke Road injured when she was thrown from her bike in the Scaurs. Thursday 23rd Mr Vowles, Westonia Baker, High Street lost 3 fingers of his right hand when he caught his hand in the machinery. Friday 24th Saturday 25th Death of Mrs. Hester Chapman, formerly of Myrtle House, Worle reported in Mercury. Funeral took place on 24th. Ken Lane won his wings. Vicar put a piece in the Church Magazine about it. Worle man on attempted murder charge. Details in Mercury of case. Sylvester William, Raines of Lawrence Road was in the dock. Sunday 26th Monday 27th ARP Diary: Sirens 015-0715. Heavy mist. Full moon at night. Tuesday 28th Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th Funeral of Mrs. Maggs at Worle Churchyard. ARP Diary: Sirens. No activity. Friday 31st Elizabeth Thelma Francis, 12 years old, died following an accident on the way to the senior school. Run over by 2 schoolboys on bikes.


August 42

Saturday 1st ARP Diary: On duty all night at Post – all quiet. Worle joins National Savings Tank Scheme. Gazette ran a pictorial report of the recent bombing in Weston Florence Brewer’s dog worrying Ivan Parker’s sheep. Fine 5/- and 9/9d costs. Sunday 2nd Monday 3rd August Bank Holiday Monday, but no Flower Show Tuesday 4th Brian Cook [9] knocked over by a cycle in Coronation Road. Left leg broken. ARP Diary: Sirens 0150 – 0245 [Raid on South Wales] My Uncle, Wyn Charles, wrote a description of the above raid on Cardiff in his memoirs. See page 7 Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th Saturday 8th Tanks appeal is going well in Worle. Mercury reported that local gardens were as good as the much missed Flower Show Kenneth Palmer, previously reported missing, is prisoner of war. Roger Holbrook’s parents have received a letter from him – relieved. He has been on the high seas. Mrs. Parker from the bakery is home from hospital. Sunday 9th Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th ARP Diary: Light patrol with Crease - very dark Friday 14th Saturday 15th Tanks appeal update in Mercury. Rev. May commented on the spirit of helpfulness and kindness following raids. Reports of trial of local man for attempted murder of his wife. ARP Diary: On duty all night with Bob – all quiet.


Sunday 16th Monday 17th Tuesday 18th Annual meeting of Village Club. Rev. May presided. Sec: Mr. Moody. Silent tribute to Mr. Bisdee. Discussed re-opening skittle alley. Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Friday 21st Saturday 22nd Worle beating Weston in Tanks appeal savings. Pigeon racing re-started this week. Mrs Eliza Jane Weaden died on this day at Weston Hospital. She had lived at Lynch House, The Scaurs. Sunday 23rd Monday 24th Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th Mrs Weaden’s funeral at the Churchyard. Thursday 27th Friday 28th Saturday 29th James Mann of Castle Road sent home a telegram: Survived ‘Canberra’. All’s well. Love Jim. Report in Mercury Percy Bennett of Parkstone Villas Greenwood Road had clothing caught in machinery at Fussell’s. Suffered shock. Further reports in Mercury of trial of Sylvester Raines. Sunday 30th Monday 31st

September 42 Tuesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Marriage at St. Martins of Dorothy Philips and Frank Wilson. Reception at the Church Hall Thursday 3rd Friday 4th Saturday 5th War memorial clock taken down for repair – again. Roof of clock tower to be reinforced before the clock is put back. Woman from Ashcombe Road in Petty Sessions for stealing £7 from Mr Parker


Report in Gazette of death of Jenny Ashton, a Salvationist of New Bristol Road. Funeral took place at Worle Churchyard on previous Saturday. Long report in Mercury of inquest into the death of Elizabeth Francis in Spring Hill on her way to school. Donald Pike on bike had Roger Harper on his handlebars. ARP Diary: Sirens 2140-2150 Sunday 6th NFS Guard of Honour for wedding of Sidney George Lavender and Freda May Channing [Hampden Road]. Report in Mercury on 12th. Monday 7th Infants’ School Log: Miss Gledhill [Willesden Teacher] reported for duty on this day Tuesday 8th Three boys in court for stealing a torch from the fire watcher’s hut at Fussell’s. Report in Mercury on 12th Sept. Wednesday 9th ARP Diary: Light patrol withCrease. Weather fin – cold night – no raids. Thursday 10th ARP Diary: Light patrol no raids Friday 11th Saturday 12th ARP Diary: Some gardening and blackout work. Duty all night with Wright. Photo of wedding of Derrick Croot and Ethel Udall at St. Martins Report of Samuel Day, Stoneycroft, Worlebury. Double fracture of left leg Letter from Henry Lane received. Somewhere afloat! He said ‘It must seem strange and quiet for all at home now that girls are being conscripted’. References to other local young men: Maurice Davey, Len George, Jim Mann, Hubert Raines, Reggie Parker, Charles Gillett. Gazette and Mercury both reported on the court case following the fatal accident in Spring Hill which resulted in the death of 12 year old schoolgirl on 31st July. Boys who caused the accident were fined £1 each. Sunday 13th Monday 14th Tuesday 15th


Wednesday 16th Thursday 17th Home Guard Dance at the Newtons Friday 18th Saturday 19th Tanks campaign raised £393. 13s. 6d in one week. Slit Trenches recommended by Invasion Committee. Illustration in Mercury. Sunday 20th Monday 21st Tuesday 22nd Wednesday 23rd Christian Endeavour Union meeting. President: Miss L. Fry; Hon Sec, Miss L Durston; Treasurer, W. Durston. Thursday 24th ARP Diary: Light patrol on way home. Friday 25th W 18 ARP Wardens Post made a presentation to Newsome Martin who has resigned as Head Warden because he has been appointed Bomb Recognition Officer for the area. He took over from G. D. Waite and was replaced by W. R. Durston. Saturday 26th Report on success of Worle’s National Savings effort. Letter to paper about ‘white washing on lines’ attracting enemy planes. Sunday 27th Harvest Services at St. Martins earlier than usual to avoid blackout problems. Monday 28th Tuesday 29th Wednesday 30th ARP Diary: Light patrol with Crease.

October 42

Thursday 1st ARP Diary: Light patrol Friday 2nd Saturday 3rd Mercury reported triumphant finish to Tanks Campaign. Homing pigeon season has ended with a protest about the winner. Worle Knitting Party meeting produced 18 pairs of socks, 8 helmets, 5 scarves. All for the troups. Fire Watching call up. All women between 20 and 45. Surnames L to R registered during this week at Worle Infants’


School. Anyone who avoids registration may be prosecuted. Mothers were exempt, which accounted for two thirds . ARP Diary: Duty all night. Sunday 4th ARP Diary: Bed for an hour –then work in garden – To Hutton in afternoon to see UXB site. Very interesting lecture by Martin Monday 5th Still a vacancy on the staff of Worle Senior School after Mr. Mottram was called up. Mr. Bisgrove needed someone trained in Physical Education to replace him. Worle School Managers appointed A. J. Heybyrne as visiting manager for the Worle area this month. Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th ARP Diary: Light patrol – very dark Thursday 8th Friday 9th Saturday 10th Gazette reported a campaign for better air raid protection for schools ARP Diary: Bought new shoes 37/6d. Light patrol Sunday 11th Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Funeral of George E. King [71] who had formerly lived at Devonia Cottage, High Street. Wednesday 14th ARP Diary: Light Patrol – visit Post and return Warden mac. Thursday 15th Friday 16th Infants’ School left in charge of Miss Harbord from 3p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 17th Unnamed 15 year old Worle girl was given 2 years probation following her evidence at a hearing against a 16 year old boy charged with an attempted serious offence. Report that Maureen Giles [10] of Somerset House, Kewstoke Road was struck in the left eye by a rusty nail and taken to hospital for an operation. Report in Mercury of removal of lines of the WC&P Light Railway, together with a nostalgic report of the railway. Article in Mercury about Post-War Reconstruction ARP Diary: On duty all night – Post rearranged.


Sunday 18th Monday 19th Tuesday 20th Civil Defence Ball at Winter Gardens attended by Wardens, NFS, Rescue, Medical and First aid, Fire Guards and WVS. Wednesday 21st ARP Diary: Light patrol on way home. Thursday 22nd Friday 23rd Battle of El Alamein commenced Saturday 24th National Savings total stood at £31,313. 18s 6d. Report in Mercury of Women’s Unionist Association met at Worle on previous weekend Gazette report of inaugural meeting of Next of Kin organisation. No precise day given ARP Diary: Took boys to pictures – not onduty –but sirens 2310-2345 – no activity Sunday 25th Monday 26th Tuesday 27th Wednesday 28th Thursday 29th Friday 30th Saturday 31st Monica Corner of High Street, Worle taken to hospital with spinal trouble. ARP Diary: On duty all night at Post.

November 42

Sunday 1st Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th German-Italian forces defeated at El Alamein. Thursday 5th Friday 6th Mrs Jones, Westwick House, Westwick heard her son’s voice on BBC Forces programme today. John Jones is now a corporal in the RAF in the middle East.


Saturday 7th Report that the Savings Committee met at the Church Hall on the previous weekend. Stephen Jones appointed Hon Sec. Milton represented by Miss Day, Mrs. Blackmore and Miss Marigold; Worle reps were Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Midgley and Mr. Bradley. Ken Lane is home on leave from flying training in Canada. Eric Price and Ivan Hadley also home. Srgt Hatherall, Ken Burgess are ‘home from Gib’, Reg Jones, Ernest Doddinton and Cyril Cousins are back from minesweeping . ARP Diary: On duty all night Sunday 8th British and American forces landed in North Africa Monday 9th Tuesday 10th ARP Diary: Churchill good speech and encouraging Wednesday 11th TSS Cathay bombed and sunk off Bougie, North Africa with my Dad , Mervyn Jones, on board. He survived. No remembrance service today, but the cross was in the Churchyard as usual for poppies. One day Inspection at Infants’ School by Miss Grant [HMI] Recorded in school’s log pages 312-314. Very good report. Thursday 12th Friday 13th Saturday 14th Monthly meeting of Next of Kin organisation today at Red Cross Headquarters 2.30 p.m. Fire at Dawson’s Garage. NFS pump was called. Extensive damage. Frank Tucker, Hunt’s Cottage, Ebdon Road at Petty Session s for no lights on his bike. Sunday 15th Civil Defence paraded at St. Martins today. Home Guard, ARPs, NFS and Fire Guard. Church Bells were rung in the morning. Were they muffled?? Answer below! ARP Diary: Churchbells rang for victory in Egypt – Parage of Civil defence – very good show Mercury report of Greyhound success for Mr. W. Harvey, Spring Hill. Best known of his dogs were Castle Border, Black Johnny, Black Peter and Tin Whistle.


Newsome Martin speaks on Communist Platform about the need to respect Russia. He said that if Labour asked him to resign he knew which party he would go to! Long report in Gazette. Sylvester Raines [of Lawrence Road] case continued. Pleaded not guilty to intent to murder his wife, but guilty to intended bodily harm. Borstal for 3 years. Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Friday 20th Saturday 21st E. A. Hewlett Burgess promoted to Captain., 1st Batt. Sierra Leone Regiment. Formerly a Bristol Grammar School boy. ARP Diary: Duty all night at Post. Sunday 22nd Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Thursday 26th Friday 27th Saturday 28th Violet Gladys MUD Pearce of Castle Rd was rejected by her Canadian husband. Full report of magistrates comments. Sunday 29th Monday 30th

December 42 Tuesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Wedding of Miss Ellen [Nena] Petty of Craigside, Church Road to Lieut. Robert Brownfield Crail of Caldy, Cheshire. Reception at Royal Hotel ARP Diary: Light Patrol – much overhead activity Thursday 3rd Friday 4th Saturday 5th ARP Diary: Duty all night at Post Sunday 6th Monday 7th


Tuesday 8th Wednesday 9th Thursday 10th Friday 11th Saturday 12th Worle Missionary, Rev. H.L.O. Williams of Pine Hill presumed dead. Sunday 13th Monday 14th Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Thursday 17th ARP Diary: to ARP Lecture Friday 18th Saturday 19th Headline in Gazette: ‘Worle’s Wild Willies want leadership. The boys burnt wood collected by local Girl Guides. ARP Diary: On duty all night at Post. Sunday 20th Monday 21st Frederick Vincent, 56, of Banwell House, High Street, died after sustaining head injuries in an accident on Locking Moor Rd. A lorry collided with his bike. Tuesday 22nd Wednesday 23rd Inquest on Fred Vincent’s death. Thursday 24th Friday 25th Saturday 26th Mr. E. H. Rake, scoutmaster of 1st Worle troop defended the boys following the criticism in previous week’s paper. He also asked for volunteers to help with the troop. ARP Diary: On duty all night with E. George. Wedding at St. Martins of Leslie Morgan and May Townsend Sunday 27th Monday 28th Funeral of Mr. F. Vincent [56] of Banwell House, High Street. He died as a result of an accident on Locking Moore Road on 21st December . Tuesday 29th Home Guard social at Worle Church Hall for wives, children and friends of members of the Worle section of the Home Guard. Concert and dance. Refreshments provided by Mr. A. H. Wilmot, the section Commander.


Wednesday 30th Wedding at St. Martins of Margaret Celia Dunston and George Henry Caunce. See Mercury of 9th Jan 43 Thursday 31st ARP Diary: Attend Gas lecture

So much for New Year’s Eve!!




January 43 Friday 1st Saturday 2nd Short reference in Mercury to Wedding of Miss May Townsend of New Bristol Road to Mr. Leslie Morgan Picture in Gazette. Derek Loud [9] of Madam Lane was run over by a hand propelled truck on the WC and P railway line which was in process of being removed. Mr. Samuel Pitt of Port Said, Kewstoke Road, stepped off kerb in blackout and cut his head. Account of funeral of Mr. F. Vincent in Mercury this day Sunday 3rd Monday 4th Miss Cooper sent to Infants’ School as a supply teacher in place of Miss Gledhill Tuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Thursday 7th Friday 8th Petty Sessions: Kenneth A. Osmond , Worle Home Guard: leaving a lightless motor car on the highway. Saturday 9th Mr G. Kingsbury of The Rows sent a letter of thanks to the Mercury for the ‘good Samaritan’ who left 2 parcels of little luxuries on his doorstep just before Christmas. News in the St. Martins Church magazine of Ken Boobyer meeting Henry Lane in Kenya! Also mention of Mary Raines of the WRENS Sunday 10th Monday 11th Tuesday 12th Inquest into death of Mr. Vincent is inconclusive. Detailed report in Gazette on 16th. Wednesday 13th Call up for single girls lowered to 19 Methodist Church annual meeting. Rev. S. R. Bates presided. Stewards were re-elected, J. S. Corner, G. Coombes and AMB Criddle. Thursday 14th Friday 15th The British start an offensive aimed at taking Tripoli, Libya.


Saturday 16th Cow versus Car case won by the car!! Edgar Jesse Hawkins of Apple Tree Farm, Worle in trouble for his cows causing an accident near Puxton Railway station. Appeal for girls to enrol for Women’s Land Army. Engagement announced of Miss F. M. Hartree of Worle Hill to Driver W. Brice, a Dunkirk Hero. Gazette report of inquest into death of Frederick Vincent of Banwell House. The Royal Air Force begins a two-night bombing of Berlin Sunday 17th Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th Thursday 21st Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd Black Johnny, owned by W. G. Harvey, Spring Hill, won his event at Eastville Stadium. Report in Gazette. Belated report of Senior School Parties in Gazette. Mrs. Davies, 4 The Parade, Worle received a letter from her brother, Mr. Collard, who picked up a British Sunday paper ‘somewhere in the med’ and say a picture of his wife and daughter queuing for fish and chips in James Street! Sunday 24th Monday 25th Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Methodist Sunday School meeting appointed officers. Thursday 28th Friday 29th Saturday 30th Gladys Page Highcliffe Cottage Church Road fined 5/- for riding a cycle with no rear light. Brownies’ dolls house and furniture was raffled and won by Jacqueline Lewis. Dog racing success for W. G. Harvey, Spring Hill Sunday 31st Remnants of the 6th German Army surrendered at Stalingrad Bus curfew came into force. Last bus departs form Worle terminus at 9.24 p.m. each day.


February 43

Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd In the Soviet Union, the Battle of Stalingrad comes to an end with the official surrender of the German 6th Army Rommel retreats farther into Tunisia Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th Friday 5th Robert Wilkes fined 10/- for failing to produce ID card. Saturday 6th Gazette story about Labour Party Executive. Trouble over candidancy of Newsome Martin? Reports in Mercury of death of Mrs. Catherine Hale 84 of Westwick Imaginative account of Ken Burgess’s parachute jump in Mercury Sunday 7th Henry Burrows, Ranscombe, Worle dislocated finger when horse jerked head. Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Council Meeting wished Newsome Martin Gods speed. Thursday 11th St. Martins annual parochial meeting at Church Hall. Report in Mercury on 20th. Minutes? U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower is selected to command the Allied armies in Europe. Friday 12th Saturday 13th Gazette: Newsome Martin joining the RAF. Complications with Council Seat Wedding of Irene Ruth Wilmot of High Street to Arthur Read at St. Martins. Report and photo in Gazette on 20th Feb. Sunday 14th Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Thursday 18th Friday 19th Saturday 20th Picture of Arthur Read and Irene Ruth Wilmot’s wedding. Sunday 21st Frank Atkins shot. See 27th Gazette and Mercury. 114

Monday 22nd Churchill said to be ‘on the mend’ after a severe fever Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Friday 26th Saturday 27th Gazette and Mercury reported death of Frank Atkin, shot on rifle range at Home Guard training. Funeral this day at Weston Cemetery. Full military honours. Mrs John Webber of Hamden Road’s 90th birthday Sunday 28th

March 43 Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Christian Endeavour film lecture at Methodist Church Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th Friday 5th Saturday 6th Gazette picture of Frank Atkin’s funeral. Full report in Mercury Worle savers report as usual. Christian Endeavour anniversary at Methodist Church report Wedding of Emily Diamond to Ronald Bunn. Orr-Ewing agrees that Party labels and self interest must not prejudice progress. Gazette Sunday 7th Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th Friday 12th Saturday 13th Report that Rev and Mrs. Bartlett moved from Worle to Salcombe Sunday 14th Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Thursday 18th


Friday 19th Saturday 20th ‘Penny a week ‘fund have now collected 3,317 keys!!! Monica Corner of High Street has been taken to Bath Orthopaedic Hospital for special treatment. Sunday 21st Civil Defence and Home Guard exercise. Weston to be ‘invaded’. Four rules for civilians in paper on 20th. Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Friday 26th Saturday 27th Mrs Mingay’s tablecloth raised £23 10s. for Red Cross appeal Arthur Knight and Freda Rogers married at Methodist Chapel. Reception at Vowles’ cafe. Pic in Gaz on 3 April Rex Durant, an evacuee living with the Bisdees, run over by lorry. Broken spine and ribs Sunday 28th Monday 29th Tuesday 30th Wednesday 31st

April 43 Thursday 1st Friday 2nd George Rice in Petty Session for urinating on pavement. Saturday 3rd Mercury reports: £4,000 raised by Worle Wings for Victory B.W. Barrington and Rhoda Sperring celebrated diamond wedding previous weekend. Sunday 4th Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th Youth club to meet every Wednesday at Methodist Chapel from 7 until 9 p.m. Thursday 8th Friday 9th


Saturday 10th Diamond wedding of Mr and Mrs. Charles Venn, nee Chaplin, 2 Rozel Villas. 10 children, 19 grandchildren, 5 g. gchildren, according to Gazette. Mercury gives detailed memories. Sunday 11th Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Wednesday 14th Funeral of Henry Pople of Church Road, Worle, who died last week. Buried at Kewstoke. Thursday 15th Friday 16th Norman Peto in petty sessions for black out offence. Address given as Cheltenham House, High Street. Saturday 17th Sgt Pilot John Keedwell, formerly of Manor Farm, Worle, died on operations with Bomber Command. Report in Mercury Wings for Victory savings and money raising report. Stephen Jones was organiser. Grand total £42,568/13/6d since inception Sunday 18th Monday 19th Tuesday 20th Limited recruitment of women into the Home Guard was announced Wednesday 21st Thursday 22nd Friday 23rd Good Friday Saturday 24th Mrs Leo Fredericks double loss. Father and husband died with a week. Seven children left fatherless. Mercury Report includes local theatrical history Corporal Fredericks was buried in Worle Churchyard. Mentioned in Mercury 15th May. RAF children’s chocolate raffle Sunday 25th Easter Sunday Monday 26th Easter Bank Holiday Monday Tuesday 27th Wednesday 28th Thursday 29th Friday 30th


May 43 Saturday 1st Picture and report of Olive Urch’s wedding in Gazette Famous Golfers at Worlebury Mercury report that St. Martin’s bells pealed again at Easter. Sunday 2nd Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th Sidney Willmot of Cumberland, High Street died on this day. Widow and several children Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Auction of land and farm property at Church Hall. Full details of lots and purchases in Mercury Friday 7th Rotary Club talk about reported in Gazette Saturday 8th New C. S. M. Of ‘B’ Company Home Guard – Horace Ackland of The Scaurs Sunday 9th Mercury reported death of Lt. A. G. D. Heybyrne of Spring Hill. Relatives informed on Wednesday 5th. Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Axis forces in Tunisia surrendered. For the first time in the war, the British now claim more German prisoners than the Germans have British. Friday 14th Saturday 15th Gazette report of W. Web and Co, Hutton being prosecuted for breach of timber control rules . Albert Ernest Peach Peach ‘Safe and Well’ telegram received by mother. Report of Henry W. J. Phillips of Pear Tree Cottage urinating in public. Fined 10/- Sunday 16th 3rd birthday celebrations for Home Guard. Monday 17th Tuesday 18th Charles Edwin Knight died today at the Clubhouse in Mendip Avenue. His brother, Cliff Knight looked after the club. Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th


Friday 21st Saturday 22nd Joyce Phoebe Gillam was given permission to marry James Page by local magistrates. Former Sergeant Major Atkin not forgotten. Wreath laid in his memory. Mercury report of Worle Nation al Savers Sunday 23rd Monday 24th Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th Thursday 27th Friday 28th Saturday 29th Pte Donald Disney, aged 29, reported missing. Report in Mercury Sunday 30th Monday 31st Final victory over the Uboats in the Atlantic.

June 43

Tuesday 1st Eden announced that Empire casualties in first three years of war are 92,089 killed, 226,719 missing, 88,294 wounded and 107,891 captured. Wednesday 2nd Thursday 3rd Friday 4th Saturday 5th Sunday 6th Methodist Sunday School Anniversary services. Report in Mercury Monday 7th School Managers’ meeting. Cllr Heybyrne reported his visit to Worle Senior School. Impressed with school garden. Mrs Baker had been appointed senior woman assistant teacher. Tuesday 8th Wednesday 9th Worle Youth Club started summer meetings on H.N.Day’s field at Court Farm. Junior cricket eleven planned.


Thursday 10th Death of Mr. F. F. Swatridge, former village constable. Report in Merc. on 19th. Friday 11th Saturday 12th Sunday 13th Monday 14th Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Funeral of Mr. Swatridge. Thursday 17th Friday 18th Saturday 19th Report of Mr. Swatridge’s career and life in Worle, as well as funeral Sunday 20th Monday 21st Tuesday 22nd Wednesday 23rd Thursday 24th Friday 25th Saturday 26th Percy Palmer, Hon. Sec. of Farmer’s Union in Weston, appealed for volunteers to help with the harvest. Only 2 so far: 1 from 79 year old man and 1 from an Uphill girl. Sunday 27th Monday 28th Quarry mishap. Ivor Burgess, 24 The Rows was injured in a fall. Compound fracture of right foot. Tuesday 29th Wednesday 30th

July 43 Thursday 1st Friday 2nd Saturday 3rd The Mrs. Durston, Wilcox and Oliver all mentioned in Mercury for their money raising efforts. Sunday 4th Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th


Thursday 8th Friday 9th Saturday 10th Allies invaded Sicily. Sunday 11th Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Wednesday 14th Newsome Martin, on leave from RAF, is in Kewstoke Emergency Hospital suffering from a chest illness. Expert in bomb disposal and air raid damage assessment Thursday 15th Friday 16th Saturday 17th Death on active service of Gunner J. W. Lock reported in Mercury. Jimmy was a member of St. Martin’s choir and had been treasurer of Worle Parish Savings Group. Accountant by profession. Sunday 18th Monday 19th Tuesday 20th Death of Monica Ruth Corner in Bath and Wessex orthopaedic Hospital. Funeral service at Methodist Chapel. Report in Mercury on 31st July. Wednesday 21st Thursday 22nd Friday 23rd Saturday 24th Henry George Gooding of Greenwood Road, collapsed at the Whist Drive this week. Critical in hospital with heart attack. Worked for the WC and P railway. Son works for Vowles the baker. Sunday 25th Monday 26th Meeting of Worle Minors’ Football Club at Village Club. Minor League this season. List of officials. Appeal for kit. Tuesday 27th Wednesday 28th Brownies 5th birthday celebrations. Annie Vaughan gave them a surprise cake with 5 candles. Thursday 29th Mrs Kate Pickering died at a local nursing home on this day. Friday 30th


Saturday 31st Report in Mercury of death in Tunisia in April of Pte D.P. Disney [Paul] 5 brothers on active service Widow lives at Weymouth One son, also named Paul, 18 months old. Kathleen Diamond’s 21st birthday celebrations. Yew Tree farm, West Wick. Helps on father’s farm. Grandfather farmed at Lyefield. Moody’s stores taken over by R. W. Court. Mr. Moody ill and living in a nursing home.

August 43 Sunday 1st Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Death of Norman C. Moody, aged 62. Shop in Kewstoke Road since 1911. Took over from Albert Batt [Methodist Trustee]. Mr. Moody served in WW1. Philanthropist. Did amusing recitations with the Concert Party. Friday 6th Saturday 7th Sunday 8th Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Radio broadcast ‘Calling Gibraltar’ sent message to William Ayshford Holley from his family in Worle. Report in Mercury on 14th Aug. Wednesday 11th Village Club Annual meeting. Report in Mercury. Thursday 12th Friday 13th Ernest Cox crushed his foot at work Saturday 14th Reports in Gazette and Mercury of Mr. Moody’s funeral. Bring and Buy for Red Cross in New Bristol Road.

Sunday 15th Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th


Friday 20th Saturday 21st Gunner Wilfred Loud of The Scaurs is a prisoner of war in hands of the Japanese. His brother, Bert, was killed in 1940 in France. Margaret Crichton, a music teacher, and A.C. Arthur were married at St. Martins. Mercury on 28th. Sunday 22nd Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Thursday 26th William Tutton had an accident at work at Milton Quarry. Foot caught in a skip. Ouch Friday 27th Saturday 28th Leslie Farraday, Pine Hill, prisoner of war in Jap.hands. Nellie Scriven, Hill Road, married J. E. Oliver by special licence. Battle of Kewstoke Toll reported in Gazette. Newsome Martin will sign Labour’s new membership form. Sunday 29th Monday 30th Tuesday 31st

September 43 Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Friday 3rd Allies invaded Italy Saturday 4th Sunday 5th Monday 6th Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th Italy capitulated Thursday 9th Friday 10th Saturday 11th Langford Rovers 7, Worle Minors 2. Sunday 12th Monday 13th


Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th Friday 17th Saturday 18th Worle Minors 14 Claverham Lads 2. T. Hutchins [6] T. Pitt [3], E. Maggs [2], A Skidmore, K. Burrows and D. Urch [1 each] Oswald Spencer Lidbury known to be a prisoner in Japanese hands. Sunday 19th Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Death of Mr. William Henry Fisher of Roseleigh, New Bristol Road. Thursday 23rd Friday 24th Glyn Thomas Lewis, Tenby Villas, found guilty of unlawful possession of army boots. Report in Mercury and Gazette. Saturday 25th Sunday 26th Monday 27th Tuesday 28th Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th

October 43 Friday 1st Saturday 2nd Report in Gazette of 2 sets of neighbours in magistrates court, accusing each other of assault. Henry and Maud Cox were fined and bound over. Ernest and Helen White’s case was dismissed. Sunday 3rd Monday 4th Tuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Thursday 7th Friday 8th


Saturday 9th Death today of James Thyer, 81, of The Cottage, Kewstoke Rd. Survived by wife and 2 married daughters. Death of Mr. E. G. Jones, 40 years, 30 Hill Road. Detailed obit in the Mercury of 16th Oct ‘Rayballing’ at Loxton Yeo. [Eel fishing with worms and worsted.] Sunday 10th Monday 11th Engagement party in Wick Parish Hall. Ken Osmond of Plum Farm, Worle to Diana Cook of Court Farm Rolstone. Tuesday 12th Wednesday 13th Funeral of James Thyer Thursday 14th Friday 15th Saturday 16th Jack Winsor, aged 74 ploughed his own land while waiting for land girls to arrive. Sunday 17th Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th Donald Slater, 9, of Ascot, New Bristol Road. Knocked down by a milk van when he was alighting from a bus. Thursday 21st Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd Worle Minors lost 9 – nil to Bridgwater. Sunday 24th Monday 25th Death of Mr. G. A Holley, 59 of Glentworth, High Street. Report in Mercury on 30th Oct. Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th Friday 29th Saturday 30th Report about National Savings in Worle in Mercury. Sunday 31st

November 43 Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd


Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th Friday 5th Saturday 6th Orr-Ewing reportedly refused to meet constituent at Westminster. Minors 2 Congresbury 2. Sunday 7th Monday 8th Harry Heybyrne died on this day. Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th Friday 12th Saturday 13th Death reported of Lance-Serg Harry Heybyrne, of Spring Hill, Worle. He was 23. Only surviving son of Councillor and Mrs. Heybyrne. He sent vivid letters about North Africa and Sicily. His only brother, Gordon died from his wounds earlier in the year, leaving one small son. Ruby Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. C. Griffin, High Street, Worle Sunday 14th Harry Richard Mingay, Pine Hill, died in hospital aged 53. Regular Army. Wounded at Ypres. Flautist.

Monday 15th The allied expeditionary air force is formed in Britain for the invasion of Europe Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th H. R. Mingay’s funeral at St. Martins. Storm of protest erupted in Britain over the release of Sir Oswald Mosley, British fascist, on health grounds Thursday 18th ARP Social raised £21.2.5d. for Merchant Navy Emergency kits. List of entertainers in Mercury report on 20th Nov. Friday 19th Saturday 20th Death reported in Mercury on this day on Ronald J. Huish, aged 21, of Crossways, Kewstoke Road. He was on active service with the RAF – a wireless operator and gunner. Grandson of William Huish who used to own the quarry. Sunday 21st Monday 22nd


Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Funeral of A. W. White, who lived in Station Road. He had served in India in the army and later farmed at Wick St. Lawrence. He was 54 and left a widow and daughter. Thursday 25th Friday 26th Saturday 27th Mercury reports: Funeral of E. J. Lawrence of Bridge Rd, but an old Worle family, associated with butchery. He served in WW1 and was severely wounded, losing a leg. Gazette: Marriage of Alice Ethel Williams to Leading Air Mechanic James Herries [fleet air arm] at St. Martins. Full choral and Handal’s Largo. Picture of bride and groom. Late report of Worle wardens fundraiser at the Church Hall for the Merchant Navy. See Mercury also on 20th. Sunday 28th Monday 29th Tuesday 30th Five boys in juvenile Court accused of damaging a haystack by fire. Gazette 4th Dec.

December 43 Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Bevin announces the conscription to mines as coal output continues to flag in Britain Friday 3rd Saturday 4th Craftsman Eric Langdale, Southview, Church Rd, attended a course at M.E.F. Educational Centre in Egypt. Message to parent via a military correspondent. B.L. Pitt, Kewstoke Road, given a commission in the Army Pay Corps. Worked for Somerset Education Committee and secretary of Worle Cricket Club Sunday 5th Monday 6th Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th


Thursday 9th Church Hall fund raiser for cigarettes for local men in the Forces. Whist Drive. Farmers son from Worle, described as ‘a grand lad’ and ‘an out and out son of Somerset. Nothing shakes him – he’s as solid as the Mendips’. No name. Appeal in paper. Friday 10th Saturday 11th Report in Gazette of death of Mervyn Edwards, 19, of Laurel Farm. Died on 4th Dec, funeral at Wick on the 8th. Many mourners mentioned in paper, most of the cricket team. Brownies’ Good Turn party at Church Hall. Funds for ‘Guide International Service’ Report in paper on 18th. Sunday 12th Monday 13th Doris May Rice, 28, died after an accident cycling to work at Worle Laundry. Lived at Riverside, Banwell. Long report on 18th in Mercury Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th Friday 17th Saturday 18th Mercury report that around 100 men were sent ‘smokes’ following the fundraiser at the Church Hall. 36 whist tables, £41/8/6d Minors football results from previous Saturday. Sunday 19th Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Friday 24th Saturday 25th Mercury reports: Cpl Bill King sent radio message to his wife and small son, who live in New Br. Rd. Ginger Rake from the Chemist shop asked for names and addresses of Worle men on active service, so that cigarettes can be sent.


Allotment Contest: B.A. Knight, Sprakes Terrace given 2nd prize with 98 out of 100. Thomas Fry of Tower View, The Scaurs gained 97 points Worle Minors beat the Naval Cadets 14 -0!!

Sunday 26th Scharnhorst sunk off North Cape

Monday 27th Tuesday 28th Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th Friday 31st




January 44

Saturday 1st Minors AFC lost 3-1 to Langford Rovers H. H. Corsbie died on this day, aged 88 Sunday 2nd Monday 3rd Monty is reported to be back in Britain in order to take command of the British contingent of the Allied Expeditionary Force Edna Grace Matthews, Prospect Villa Coronation Rd married John Love at St. Martin’s. Rev May officiated Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Funeral of Mr. Corsbie at St. Martin’s Thursday 6th Friday 7th Death of William Thorne, 26 The Rows aged 40. Sportsman – billiards, golf and St. John Ambulance. Saturday 8th Report in Mercury of death and funeral of Mr. H. H. Corsbie Worle Minors at home the Wafers. 3 p.m. at Rec Wedding in Lincolnshire of Norman Petty and Christine Watson. Interesting report in Merc on 15th Worle Minors beat Wafers 9-1. Sunday 9th Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Sudden death of George Jackson, 18 years. Boscombe Villas, Greenwood Road. Strange circumstances. Ernest Horrell, Round House, Lawrence Rd, died on this day in hospital Friday 14th Saturday 15th Worle’s total saving topped £49,065. 25.6d Worle Minors played Claverham lads in first round of KO cup. Sunday 16th Eisenhower takes up his post as C-in-Chief Allied Expeditionary Forces in Britain


Monday 17th Tuesday 18th Funeral at St. Martin’s of Ernest Horrell. Report in Mercury on 22nd Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Russian troops recapture Novgorod Friday 21st Saturday 22nd Allied troops landed at Anzio Report in Mercury of Student’s sudden death at Worle. Worle Minor beat Cadets 9-0. Sunday 23rd Monday 24th Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th Thursday 27th Friday 28th Saturday 29th The Leningrad-Moscow rail line re-opens effectively ending the . Savings group hits £50,000 since July 1940!! List of collectors in Mercury. S Jones, and 12 others. BBC omitted this news from the Sunday broadcast. Much annoyance. Worle Minors played Milton United in second round of Cup. Sunday 30th Monday 31st

February 44 Tuesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Thursday 3rd Friday 4th Saturday 5th Mercury report of inquest into death of George Jackson Sunday 6th Monday 7th Tuesday 8th Wednesday 9th Thursday 10th


Friday 11th Saturday 12th Worle Senior school teacher, John Richards claims to have invented the jet plane in 1916. Census of refugees from Channel Islands. Sunday 13th Monday 14th Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Thursday 17th Red Cross Whist Drive at Church Hall Friday 18th Saturday 19th Arthur Heybyrne of Pine Hill NUR gave advice to Borough Council Housing Committee. Savings Group receive letter of congratulations. Miss Chaplin resigned as a savings collector after 4 years. Sunday 20th Monday 21st Tuesday 22nd Wednesday 23rd Fire broke out in the stables at Springfield House, Spring Hill. Fire Service called. No serious damage. Thursday 24th Friday 25th Saturday 26th Ian Orr-Ewing’s reply to questions about his attendance, or lack of it, at local functions. Worle Minors beat the Wafers 7 – 1. Sunday 27th Monday 28th Miss Pascoe and Miss Harris started final school practice at the Infants School on this day. Tuesday 29th

March 44

Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Friday 3rd Saturday 4th Savings Group ‘above average’. Red Cross fund made £100 in February. Mr Chapman, Worle Junior School, Maureen Venn,


Vera Armstrong, Mrs Willcox, Mrs Osborne, Mrs Dunston and Mrs. Gent all contributed Worle Minors at home to Bournville Rovers in semi-final of knock out cup. Gordon Hicks praised by Officer: ‘Solid as the Mendips’ Sunday 5th Death of Clifford George Knight of the Club House, Mendip Avenue, a plumber with the gas board. Monday 6th Tuesday 7th Japan starts Operation U-Go - an attempt to push the Allies back to India by destroying their bases at Imphal and Kohima, in Burmha and north east India. Wednesday 8th Thursday 9th Percy Bartlett, greengrocer in court for failing to exhibit prices of vegetables on his vehicle. Case dismissed. Friday 10th Saturday 11th Worle Minors in cup final. They beat Bournville 4-1 in the semi. Worle’s bells rarely rung because of shortage of ringers. Captain A. E. H. Burgess wounded on active service in Burma. Son of the Burgesses of The Nook, High Street. Somerset Light Infantry. Sunday 12th Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th At the start of a new major offensive the Allies drop 1,250 tons of bombs on Cassino in Italy. Thursday 16th Oswald Job, a British subject, is hanged for spying at Pentonville Prison Friday 17th Saturday 18th Tributes at funeral of Cliff Knight, caretaker of Worle Village club for 17 years. Worle’s Grand Lad – Gordon Hicks picture Worle Minors won again last Saturday. Progress report on Captain Burgess. Shot in Burma, but doing well.


McCrady McFadyean marriage at Kewstoke. Moya McFayean was daughter of Major and Mrs McFadyean, Worle, Somerset Sunday 19th Death of Hannah Webber, Hampden Road. Lived in Worle for over 70 years. She was 91. Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Friday 24th Saturday 25th Ernest Percival Smith and Pamela Joan Harding [8 Coronation Road] married at St. Martins. Reception at Brown’s Cafe in Weston. Sunday 26th Savers total hit £52,000. Comment on the ‘silent bells’ in Mercury. Monday 27th Tuesday 28th Meeting of Village Club decided Mrs. Knight should carry on as caretaker for the duration of the war. Rota of stewards drawn up. Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th Friday 31st

April 44

Saturday 1st Worle Home Guard’s commanding officer, Lieut. E. A. Savage was presented with a cup for general efficiency won at a Muster Exercise. Picture in Gazette of R.M. Smith, Captain Trevelyan, Lieut. Blewitt-Jenkins, CSM Ackland and Sgt. J. Venning. Attempted suicide of Thomas Marwood Bray, Chestnut Cottage, Lawrence Road. Detailed report in Gazette. Mercury continues to discuss Bell ringing in Worle. Rev. A. R. Bates of Worle Methodist Chapel is leaving to go to Shifnel, Shropshire. Sunday 2nd


Monday 3rd Managers meeting of local schools. Senior school PT teacher, Miss Tudway is leaving. Joan Kingcott, a school cook replaced by Della Dollington. 66% of children having school dinners and 45% taking milk. Tuesday 4th ‘Salute the Soldier’ campaign planned in Worle. Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th Saturday 8th The Russians launch their final attack on German forces in the Crimea. Bessie Allen, New Bristol Road fell down steps and was treated at Weston General. Sunday 9th Easter Sunday. Bells rang at St. Martin’s. Mercury took the credit!! Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Friday 14th Saturday 15th Sunday 16th Monday 17th Tuesday 18th The Foreign Office banned all coded messages from foreign embassies and said that diplomatic bags were to be censored. Only the fighting allies were excluded from the ban Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Meeting of Farmers and Farm Workers in the Church Hall at 7.30 p.m. Church Hall Whist Drive in afternoon. Friday 21st Saturday 22nd Corporal Wallace James Cleverely sent recorded message to his wife and 2 year old son. Sunday 23rd Monday 24th All overseas travel is banned in Britain Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th


Thursday 27th Friday 28th Saturday 29th W. G. Harvey of Spring Hill had success at the greyhound racing with his dogs. Dennis and Gilbert Mee, of 2 Newtons Cottage, met on the shores of the Mediterranean after 2 years. Sunday 30th

May 44 Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th Funeral of Mrs. M J. Lovell, wife of Frank Lovell. Family details in Mercury on 6th May. Friday 5th Saturday 6th Mrs Disney rightly proud of her family. Council Houses, Kewstoke Road. Report and pictures in Mercury ‘Salute the Soldier’ progress board erected at Fairfield House in High Street by Stephen Jones. Sunday 7th Monday 8th Funeral of Mrs. Ellen Louisa Harvey of Ebenezer House, Spring Hill. Report in Mercury on 13th. Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Funeral of Mr. A. J. Bisdee at Methodist Church. Report in Mercury on 13th Thursday 11th Friday 12th Saturday 13th Housing committee received complaint from a tenant at The Rows about a neighbour causing disturbance. Report in Mercury of sudden death of Albert John Bisdee, 1 Penlee, The Scaurs. Green keeper at Ashcombe Park Bowling club. Sunday 14th Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th


Thursday 18th Friday 19th Saturday 20th Late report in Gazette of funeral of Mrs. E. L. Harvey. Rev. M. I. Holme, ex-vicar of Worle appointed chaplain to the High Sheriff of Wiltshire. Herbert Walter Chapman died at Bath. Father, J. A. Chapman, 86 years was in business as baker and confectioner in High Street. Report in Mercury DFC for Ken Lane. Report in Gazette. Sunday 21st Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th The Americans start their drive to Rome. Friday 26th Saturday 27th Youth Sunday at St. Martins. Mr. Ashley, insurance broker of Greenwood Road is recovering from a road accident. Definition of Ward Boundaries in Mercury. Sunday 28th Monday 29th Whit Monday sports on a field near Puxton.. Tuesday 30th Wednesday 31st

June 44

Thursday 1st Funeral of Mr. P. A Clarke, who died on Sunday 28th May . He lived at Coombe Lodge, Spring Hill. Managing clerk for firm of solicitors and member of the Royal Observer Corps. Served in WWI Friday 2nd Saturday 3rd Report that Peter Disney had been wounded for 3rd time. Ken Lane DFC missing in action. Hitler orders Kesselring to withdraw from Rome. Sunday 4th Around 07.30 hours, advance units of the 5th US Army entered the city limits of Rome.


Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Allies landed in Normandy. D Day. Wednesday 7th Thursday 8th Friday 9th Saturday 10th Report in Mercury of funeral of A. P. Clarke. Sunday 11th Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Flying bomb [v.1] attack on Britain started. Wednesday 14th Thursday 15th Friday 16th Saturday 17th D Day triggered rise in ‘Salute the Soldier’ collections. Blood Gifts needed. Wardens, Fireguards and WVS doing door to door canvass. Sunday 18th Monday 19th The first of Hitler's secret super weapons, the V1, lands in Britain. Also known as the Buzz Bomb, or Doodlebug, this jet powered flying bomb had been specifically designed for terror bombing of London. It would go on to cause more than 22,000, mainly civilian, casualties. Tuesday 20th Wednesday 21st Thursday 22nd Mrs. Plaister, 2 Kirklands, held Bring and Buy sale for the Red Cross Petty Session heard a case of motor cycle and car collision at Preanes Green. Witnessed by A. E. Cornish of New. Br. Road. Friday 23rd Saturday 24th Homing birds society race. Comment in Mercury on ‘After their Blood’ effort. Mercury report of Daid Jon es, Royal Marine Commandos, 13 Council Houses, Kewestoke Road, wounded in Normandy. Father, Jack Jones is soccer referee. Brother Kenneth, 18, is in the army. Sunday 25th Monday 26th


Tuesday 27th Wednesday 28th Thursday 29th Friday 30th Defeat of Japanese invasion of India.

July 44 Saturday 1st Report that Kenneth Barry Burgess killed during the operations in North West Europe. He was 23 and served with Somerset Light Infantry. 3 years in Gibraltar. Bungalow, ‘Fairdon’ Church Road, up for auction. Details in Mercury Sunday 2nd Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Funeral at Wick St. Lawrence of A. F. Edwards, [Bob] 22 years old. Popular Home Guard. Reports in Gazette and Mercury on July 15 Friday 7th Saturday 8th Mercury reported death of Bob Edwards, Laurel Farm, Worle, whose brother Mervyn had died in 1943. Francis Reginald Vincent became a JP. ‘Rheims’ Greenwood Road. Biography in Mercury. Sunday 9th Exhibition golf at Worlebury: Henry Cotton & Syd Easterbrook. Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Friday 14th Saturday 15th John Leonard Griffiths: postcard received by wife after 2 and a half years. POW in . Ken Lane DFC is POW. His card said ‘I had miraculous escape’ Sunday 16th Monday 17th Tuesday 18th


Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th The July Bomb Plot' - an attempt by senior German Army officers to kill Hitler failed. Friday 21st Saturday 22nd Report of death of Maurice Ingram Holme, Vicar of Worle from 1918 to 1926. Mercury report of controversy about a bombed house in Worle.. Difficult to know which one, probably Greenwood Road Sunday 23rd Monday 24th Maurice Fry of Lower Farm Wick St Lawrence died aged 41. Gun accident. Dr. Petty attended. Inquest report in Mercury on 5th August. Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th Thursday 27th Friday 28th Saturday 29th Pte George Gill is back from Normandy and in hospital in Scotland with Shellshock and exhaustion.

Sunday 30th Monday 31st August 44 Tuesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Thursday 3rd Death of George Payne, Woodlands, High Street. Retired farmer aged 84. Friday 4th Saturday 5th Red Cross for area raised £138 10s 1d. Mrs Elizabeth Thyer, The Cottage, Kewstoke Rd died a week ago on this day. Funeral was on Thursday. Report in Mercury. St George’s raised £6,000 for ‘Salute the Soldier’ Sunday 6th Monday 7th Tuesday 8th Wednesday 9th


Thursday 10th Friday 11th Saturday 12th Note: There were no papers between Aug 5th and 26th. No reason known, maybe paper shortage. Sunday 13th Monday 14th Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Thursday 17th Friday 18th Saturday 19th Sunday 20th Monday 21st Tuesday 22nd Wednesday 23rd Thursday 24th Friday 25th Paris liberated

Saturday 26th Sgt. John Henderson of St. Leonards, High St reported missing. Report in Mercury 1st Worle Guide camp near Bath. Report in Mercury Dorothy Perry, Hillstan, Hawthorn Hill fractured her arm in several places. Sunday 27th Guides Church Parade at St. Martins. New colours. Monday 28th Funeral of Mrs. Louisa Rogers of St. Omer, Church Road.Service at Ebenezer Tuesday 29th Wednesday 30th Thursday 31st


September 44 Friday 1st Saturday 2nd Len George, West Lane, High Street, RAF Volunteer Reserve called up 1939 has been in East Africa. Report in Mercury headed ‘Sergeant among African Pigmies’ John Henderson safe. ‘Is that you mother?’ phone call. Sunday 3rd Brussels liberated Monday 4th Tuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Thursday 7th Friday 8th First rocket bomb [V2] fell on England Saturday 9th Report in Mercury that William c. Tozer, 19, was wounded in action in France. Nancy Osborne, lorry driver of Swiss Villa Ebdon Rd fined for speeding.

Sunday 10th Monday 11th Tuesday 12th Arthur Foster cut leg when his bike skidded!! Wednesday 13th Thursday 14th Friday 15th Saturday 16th Mrs Joyce Pope, Hampden Road, went to County Court to get possession of her bungalow. National Savings total £66,666 Smokes for services. ARPs effort.a Mrs Hack and Mr. Rake organising. Sunday 17th Battle of Arnhem began. Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th Thursday 21st Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd Captain Burgess wrote to parents about conditions in the far east.


Sunday 24th Monday 25th Tuesday 26th Battle of Arnhem abandoned. German evacuated city. Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th Friday 29th Saturday 30th German troops in Calais surrender.

October 44 Sunday 1st Monday 2nd Letter from Mrs. G. A. Hack at the School House, Worle to relatives of POWs requesting addresses so that little luxuries could be sent by the ARPs. See 1944 file for original notes of addresses for men who were German POWs, given to ARP wardens to despatch supplies to the men. Given by John Durston Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Friday 6th Saturday 7th A. J. Heybyrne to be deputy mayor. Bio in Gazette. Drinking fountains in Worle Senior school. Worle Minors beat Wafers Minors 12 – 0. Dennis Hudson, Mushroom Farm, Old Bristol Road injured by a goat in his left eye. Sunday 8th Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Thursday 12th Friday 13th Saturday 14th List in Mercury of Weston’s Civilian War Dead. Savings: £67,302


Edmund Blake, Wayside, Hampton Rd on charge of indecency. Adjourned until 19th Oct. Minors won 6 – 1 against Westover. Sunday 15th Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Methodist Youth Club started again. Thursday 19th Friday 20th Americans landed again in Saturday 21st Worle Minors won again James Blake on remand at Weston Police court accused of indecent assault. Sunday 22nd Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Thursday 26th Friday 27th Saturday 28th Football: Minors drew with Wafers. Death of Mr. E. A/. Spencer, Mendip View, The Scaurs. Yeoman stock. Early days in drapery trade. School manager. Blake case adjourned again. Sunday 29th Monday 30th Welcome home fund. Committee formed to raise £2,000 for gifts of £10 each. 7.30 in Church Hall. Tuesday 31st

November 44 Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd ARP wardens entertained wounded servicemen at the Church Hall. Refreshment’s and a concert produced by Newsome Martin. Friday 3rd Saturday 4th My parents, Betty Charles and Mervyn Jones married at 9.00 a.m. in Bethel Chapel, Victoria, nr Ebbw Vale, Mon.


Welcome home advertisement in Mercury announced house to house collection. Savings report again. Ivor Champion hurt his ear in a tractor accident!! Report of the ARP and civil defence party for wounded. Sunday 5th Monday 6th Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th Picture of wedding of Irene Curry and Lewis Edwards. Thursday 9th Whist Drive in Church Hall for British Legion Friday 10th Saturday 11th Report and Pic of Curry/Edwards wedding. James Blake of Wayside Hampden Rd sentenced to 9 months’ probation, as long as he spent the time in an institution getting treatment on a voluntary basis. I wonder whom he assaulted. Fred Burt, Woodbine Villa, Ebdon Rd fell off a platform and injured his wrist. It made the papers. Sunday 12th Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Death of former vicar, Rev. George Herbert Bode. Vicar from 1911-1918 Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th Friday 17th Saturday 18th Another Curry girl married today: Ethel May Curry to Eric Jones. Report in paper. Hester Bisdee, formerly of Worle donated a communion table to the hospital. Detailed report Nurse Wycherley, Queen’s nurse in Worle and Milton for eleven years is leaving to marry. .

Sunday 19th Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Friday 24th


Saturday 25th Home Guard farewell parade. 2,000 men took part. Dyers brothers fined for hanging onto a milk churn for too long. Pic of Ethel Curry’s wedding. Sunday 26th Monday 27th Tuesday 28th Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th

December 44 Friday 1st Saturday 2nd Gazette picture of wedding of Eric Jones and Ethel Curry. Mercury report of dog run over in Worle. Court case R. H. Beaven, plumber fined £1 but not disqualified. Alfred Hunt, Greenwood Road fined 10/- for having no drivers licence. Sunday 3rd Monday 4th Tuesday 5th Mrs Edith Parker, Springfield House, sued her husband, Ivon Stanley Parker for maintenance.[Mercury] Wednesday 6th Thursday 7th Friday 8th Saturday 9th Report in Gazette of wedding of Christine Henderson, Hill Road and Ronald Bull at St. Martins. Picture in Gazette of wedding of John Trevor and Mary Ford Rev A. C. Harman of Norton Fitzwarren, Preb. of since 1910, died on June 30th, aged 74. Will published. Left £2,944, Only 34 when he was vicar of Worle at the opening of the new Village Club in Mendip Ave. Stephen Jones has change of duties on saving committee. Cigarettes described as ‘the fragrant weed’ sent to soldiers for Christmas Welcome Home fund now over £300. Events planned at Church Hall early in new year. 3 whist drives, 3 concerts and 3 dances. 147

Sunday 10th Monday 11th Tuesday 12th Wednesday 13th Thursday 14th Friday 15th Saturday 16th The start of the Battle of the Bulge. Hitler's last ditch attempt to split the Allies in two in their drive towards Germany and destroy their supply lines. Picture in Gazette of wedding of R.J. Bull and Christine Henderson. Picture of Betty Collard and J. F. Blythen marrying in Methodist Chapel on Wed. 13th Dec. Report on separate page. R. Bunn [Home Guard] was best man. Newsome Martin addressed meeting of Communist Party at the British Restaurant in town. Picture of wedding of Thomas Smith and Ann Bishop [6 Kewstoke Road] at St. Martins. Sunday 17th Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th Thursday 21st Whist Drive in Church Hall Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd Sunday 24th Monday 25th Tuesday 26th Hitler is informed that Antwerp cannot be retaken. Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th Children’s party in Church Hall for 200 children between 5 years and 14 years old. Friday 29th Saturday 30th Sunday 31st




January 45

Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Molly Day [daughter of H N Day] married Sub Lt. C. A Bell. Reports in Merc and Gazette on 6th Jan. Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th Gay Nineties dance at Church Hall. Friday 5th Saturday 6th Worle Darts league report in Mercury. 10 teams in order of success: Woolpack Inn A, New Inn B, Woolpack B, Golden Lion B, Golden Lion A, Old Kings Head A, Lamb Inn A, New Inn A Lamb Inn B and Old kings Head B Old village custom of ‘tying the gate’ for wedding of R.W.W.Thomas and Flo Cox British Empire Medal for Mr. C. D. Lock, Lilac Cottage, Hawthorn Hill. Sunday 7th Monday 8th Birth of Maurice John Williams, son of Vera [nee Leslie] and W. J. Williams. Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th Home Guard party at Church Hall Friday 12th Saturday 13th Mercury reports: Savings up to £69, 000. Football: Worle Minors 8, Westover OB 1. Home Guard Party: Report Gazette report: Fried fish bar for Worle to re-open with Mr. Hubert Dudd in command

Sunday 14th Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Warsaw liberated Thursday 18th Friday 19th


Saturday 20th Lieut. Bryan home on D Day Leave. Picture in Mercury of Home Guard party with the Heybyrnes. Worle man said to be a mesmerist!! Long report of court case. John Leonard Griffiths death reported. in Mercury. He had died of an illness in the hands of the Japanese on 16 June 1943. Gazette report of presentation to W. E. J. Hermon of Puxton and Worle station for 18 years, promoted to WsM Sunday 21st Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Whist Drive at Church Hall Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Friday 26th Saturday 27th Funeral reported in Mercury of Mrs. Emma Parker, mother of G. E. Parker, confectioner, of Worle. Guide Concert reported. 250 in audience at Church Hall in aid of war charities. List of main performers. Sunday 28th The Battle of the Bulge ends - from now on the German Army is on retreat into Germany itself. Monday 29th Tuesday 30th Wednesday 31st February 45

Thursday 1st Fun Alive review with Don Millett at Church Hall Friday 2nd Saturday 3rd Mercury report ‘Picturesque Worle Property sells for £4,650. Referred to as Oak Cottage before it was divided into Magnolia and Oak Lea. Sunday 4th Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th Thursday 8th Dance at Church Hall Friday 9th


Saturday 10th New Girls’ club premises at Worle Senior School. Permission applied for by Miss Simcox. Grumbles about lack of interest in school from Kewstoke, Hewish and Wick St. Lawrence – still no representatives on school managers. Even the vicars have faded out! Sunday 11th Monday 12th Village Club Whist evening 7.30 every Monday from now on. Tuesday 13th The bombing raids on the German city of started. Many thousands of civilian lives would be lost in the created by 1,300 Allied bombers. Whist Drive at Church Hall Wednesday 14th Thursday 15th Friday 16th Saturday 17th Worle’s Fish and Chip shop in headlines of Gazette. Problems with fish allocations being insufficient. ‘Fish controller’ being mean! Sunday 18th Monday 19th Tuesday 20th Wednesday 21st Thursday 22nd Friday 23rd Saturday 24th Newsome Martin adopted as Common Wealth candidate for General Election in Weston. Gazette Darts League table in Gazette. Woolpack winning. Huh. Article in Mercury headed ‘St. Martins church has a twist’. Report of Annual Parochial Church meeting. Sunday 25th Monday 26th Tuesday 27th Funeral of Mrs. Sarah Jane White of Lawson House, Lawrence Road. Born in Worle. Husband William Charles White died 28 years previously. Service at St. Martins. Wednesday 28th Funeral of Mrs. Bessie Allan of New Bristol Road. Worked at the laundry for many years. Report in Mercury 3rd March Funeral of Lavinia Burgess, widow of John Burgess, builder.


March 45

Thursday 1st Friday 2nd Saturday 3rd Mr. C. Griffin retired from his Cycle shop after 26 years. Succeeded by Reg Weadon who worked for Mr. Griffin for 11 years. Sunday 4th Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th British and American troops cross the Rhine. Thursday 8th Friday 9th Saturday 10th Grand Lad home on leave. Gordon Hicks, RASC. Also mentioned at least a year before when he was complimented by a colleague. Full report of funeral of Lavinia Burgess in Mercury. Sunday 11th Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Wednesday 14th Thursday 15th Friday 16th Saturday 17th Report in Gazette of marriage of Eira Howells and Aurthur Snook. Wedding of Muriel Ivy court of Moody’s Stores to Marcel Ronald Procter. Report in Merc and Gazette on 24th March Sunday 18th Monday 19th Tuesday 20th British capture Mandalay Wednesday 21st Thursday 22nd Friday 23rd British crossed the Rhine Saturday 24th Sgt. Charles Henry Bartlett reported missing. Parents live at 13 The Rows. Charlie attended Worle School and had worked for the Post Office. R. A. F. air gunner.


Mr Richards, woodwork teacher at Worle Senior School retired. He will continue part time for the present Mrs G. H. Harris of Glentworth, High Street has taken over the National Savings Group Inquest report on death of Mrs. Gwendoline Brooks who died following the still birth of twins. There were 2 other children, aged 8 and 10. Headline in Gazette, ‘Worle boys wash more often now’

Sunday 25th Monday 26th Tuesday 27th Wednesday 28th Thursday 29th The last bomb of the war fell on Britain, a V1. Friday 30th Saturday 31st April 45

Sunday 1st Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Friday 6th Saturday 7th Light Railway route considered for road between Weston and Clevedon Sunday 8th Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Thursday 12th After 12 years as US president, Franklin D Roosevelt died from a massive stroke. He had led his country tirelessly, through some of its most turbulent times, to the impending defeat of Nazi Germany, and with the Japanese in full retreat. Friday 13th Saturday 14th Complaints from Annandale Avenue residents about heavy traffic 154

Milk licence granted to P. C. Gunningham, Manor Farm, Hill End, Worle.

Sunday 15th Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th All resistance in the Ruhr ends and 370,000 German prisoners are taken. Thursday 19th Friday 20th Saturday 21st Wedding at St. Martins of Corpl G. S. Roberts and Madeline Light Sunday 22nd Hitler decides to stay in Berlin 'until the end'. Monday 23rd Funeral of George Bisdee of Ebenezer House, Spring Hill. Report in Mercury of 28th April. Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Opening of Conference of United Nations at San Francisco Thursday 26th Friday 27th Saturday 28th Retirement of H. J. Fussell Gazette picture of Fancy Dress competition and dance in aid of Welcome Home fund Sunday 29th Monday 30th With Soviet troops less than 500 metres from his bunker, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. He shot himself with his own pistol, alongside him was his new wife Eva (née Braun), she had died after taking cyanide capsules. The capsules had already proved lethal after tests conducted on Hitler's dog Blondi.


May 45

Tuesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Berlin surrenders to the Russian Army. German forces in Italy surrendered Thursday 3rd Ragoon recaptured Friday 4th Saturday 5th All German forces in Holland, N.W. Germany and Denmark surrendered unconditionally. Wisteria at ‘Fairview’ [Fairfield] House was reportedly in full bloom, best ever. Over 100 years old. Sunday 6th Monday 7th The new German president, Admiral Karl Dönitz, authorised the unconditional surrender of the armed forces of Nazi Germany. Tuesday 8th Victory in Europe celebrations in Britain. Garden Party at Neathway’s reported in Mercury on 12th May. Wednesday 9th Unconditional surrender of Germany to the Allies ratified in Berlin. Parties all over the village on the 8th and 9th of May. Thursday 10th Friday 11th Saturday 12th Mercury Worle column mentions Interesting VE Day Event – birth of 4 goats. and Butcher [ O. J. Edwards] paid fine for Mrs Disney, mother of 14. Good for him. She didn’t get her coupons cancelled!! Sunday 13th Monday 14th Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Thursday 17th Percy Wilcox, licensee of the Old Kings Head was welcomed home. He was a POW captured in North Africa. Friday 18th Saturday 19th Supper and entertainment at Church Hall for Fireguards of No. 118a group. Dance to follow


Sunday 20th Thanksgiving Service at St. Martin’s for VE. March past and saluting point at the War Memorial, where Brigadier Flemming took salute. HG, returning POWs, ARP personnel. ATC Band Monday 21st Party at Old King’s Head for Percy Wilcox. Tuesday 22nd Wednesday 23rd Thursday 24th Friday 25th Saturday 26th Reports of VE celebrations in paper continue. Ranscombe Avenue party for children. Mesdames Fitt, Heard and Board were hostesses New Bristol Road party had to go to Church Hall to avoid the rain. Report in Mercury Sunday 27th Monday 28th Tuesday 29th Baby in pushchair disappeared. Mrs Macey of The Cottage, Kewstoke Road left Peter outside the Public Health Dept office in Weston. 5 year old girl ‘took him for a walk’ Wednesday 30th Thursday 31st

June 45 Friday 1st Saturday 2nd Jack Jones, Kewstoke Road, acquitted of speeding offence. Ken Lane DFC, Coronation Road, is home. POW in Germany. His first call was on his way home, to his fiancée Sylvia Phillips. Crowds in Worle High Street to welcome him. See Mercury

Sunday 3rd Stand Down Rally for the end of Civil Defence at Knightstone. G.D. Waite, once a teacher at Worle Elementary School, played Auld Lang Syne on the Piano. No parade, no march past, no band. Monday 4th Tuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Thursday 7th


Friday 8th Saturday 9th

Sunday 10th Australian troops landed in Borneo Empire Youth Sunday service at St. Martin’s Monday 11th Tuesday 12th Wednesday 13th Thursday 14th Friday 15th Saturday 16th Sunday 17th Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th Thursday 21st Bring and Buy Sale for Welcome Home fund. Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd Monetary gift to all returning Service men and women in the parish. Discussed at council meeting. Weston fund wanted Worle to merge with them. Worle said NO. Report in paper of people involved with Bring and Buy Belsen Flag exhibited at Worle. H. A Burgess, Hill Road had the flag. Story of its capture in Mercury. Sunday 24th Monday 25th Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th Friday 29th Saturday 30th Worle tradesmen have problem with overspend on points because of visitors. Mr Gunning pleaded guilty in court to offence. Fined £2


July 45 Sunday 1st Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Friday 6th Saturday 7th School Managaer appointed: Vicar of Congresbury, Rev Pizzey!! Report of Ken Lane’s wedding at St. Martins in the Mercury on this day. Reception in Church Hall. London honeymoon. Fabulous advert in paper: You Can Get Plenty of Vinegar at Skidmore’s, Worle. Sunday 8th Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Thursday 12th Results declared in the UK general election show a surprise landslide victory for Clement Atlee's Labour Party, he replaced Winston Churchill as prime minister. In winning their first majority government, Labour are provided with the mandate to implement postwar reforms. Friday 13th Saturday 14th Sunday 15th Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Friday 20th Saturday 21st Sunday 22nd Report of funeral of Fred Fowler, Teneriffe, Kewstoke Road Short bio in Mercury Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th


Thursday 26th Friday 27th Saturday 28th Sunday 29th Monday 30th Tuesday 31st

August 45 Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Friday 3rd Saturday 4th Report that Rex Clayton, [Hawthorn Hill] Corps of Military Police arrived back in England. Captured May 1940 at Calais. Escaped. Later seriously injured. Repatriated to Worcestershire hospital and was been visited by family. Very cheerful. captain C. W. Edwards of Church Road Worle has been ‘granted his majority’ – promoted to Major. Sunday 5th Monday 6th First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th Russians declared war on Japan Thursday 9th Second atomic bomb droped on Nagasaki Friday 10th Saturday 11th Sunday 12th Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Emperor of Japan broadcast the unconditional surrender of his country

Wednesday 15th V.J. Day: Japan surrendered to the Allies after almost six years of war. There was joy and celebration around the world and 15 August was declared Victory in Japan day. The end of war was marked by two-day holidays in the UK, the USA and Australia.


After days of rumour and speculation, US President Harry S Truman broke the good news at a press conference at the White House at 1900 yesterday. He said the Japanese Government had agreed to comply in full with the declaration which demanded the unconditional surrender of Japan.

Thursday 16th Worle Celebrated VJ + 1 at Neathway’s garden, Tripp’s field. Dancing and music. Scaurs and Moor Lane had a joint party at Mr. Moore’s field and later at the King’s Head. Church Hall spread for residents of Hill Road, Games and sports. Mrs Lickes gave prizes. Tea party for Greenwood Road Children. Friday 17th Saturday 18th Reports of the above in The Mercury. Sunday 19th Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Friday 24th Saturday 25th Kewstoke Road party picture in Gazette at Hill End. Picture of the fancy Dress party Bride and Groom party at Neathway’s in Gazette on this day.

C’est la vie…. Comme la Guerre…. And then there was peace.