duty to the town of Turnov in Galicia, and happened to come upon a bookshop which however seemed to contain nothing but Tolstoy’s Religious Influence on Young Wittgenstein picture postcards. However, he went inside and found that it contained just one book: Tolstoy on The Gospels. He bought it Kamen Lozev merely because there was no other. He read it and re-read it, and South-West University ‘Neofit Rilski’, Blagoevgrad thenceforth had it always with him, under fire and at all times.’’ (
[email protected] Bertrand Russell to Lady Ottoline, December 20, 1919) According to Klagge Wittgenstein’s ‘near-obsession’ with Abstract: The paper is an attempt to explain the tremendous Tolstoy’s book during his wartime service is well documented. influence which Tolstoy’s Gospel in Brief had on young (Klagge 2011: 10) He read the book in the first week of September Wittgenstein. Factors enabling the ‘religious conversion’ of and ever since always had it at his side; wfor him the book Wittgenstein are investigated together with the Tolstoyan themes became a “talisman” which protected his life. His fellow soldiers discussed in the Notebooks, 1914-16, and the ethico-religious nicknamed him “the one with the Gospel.” final part of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Wittgenstein left another strong evidence of the huge influence of Tolstoy’s Gospel on him. A year later in July 1915 Key words: Tolstoy, young Wittgenstein, Gospel in Brief, he received a letter from Ludwig von Ficker, one of the prospect rationality, religion. publishers of the Tractatus, in which Ficker was expressing doubts that he would hardly survive under the hardships at the front.