Land Unit Information Sheet

Land system name: Wishaw

Land unit: WW3

General description This unit is the predominant land type in the Wishaw land system. Very deep, red Kandosols (gradational-textured profiles) predominate. There is an extensive list of species recorded for this area, with considerable variation in the relative proportions of species between sites. In general, mid-high woodlands of E. similis ( yellowjacket) predominate, with setosa (applejack), C. clarksoniana (Clarkson's bloodwood), C. brachycarpa (gum-topped bloodwood) and C. dallachiana (ghost gum) occurring at random. The understorey contains a very large, diverse range of species (refer to list below) and the ground layer is dominated by (gummy spinifex), Heteropogon contortus (black spear grass), Aristida sp. (wire grass) and Themeda triandra (kangaroos grass). Deep red Kandosols (gradational-textured profile) predominate. Regional ecosystem 10.5.1 is predominant.

Site characteristics Landform element Average slope Plain 2% Site drainage Soil permeability Well drained Highly permeable Flooding risk Inundation risk Nil Nil Potential recharge to groundwater Soil depth High Very deep; 1.5 - 5.0m Present land use Grazing

Susceptibility to land degradation processes

Sheet erosion Gully erosion Wind erosion Salting High Very low Low Very low

This information has been generated from the Desert Uplands Land Resource Database. The Environmental Protection Agency accepts no liability for any decisions or actions taken on the basis of this information. State of Queensland. Environmental Protection Agency 2004.

7/12/2005 Land Unit WW3 - page 1 Representative site number: 1469

Soil classification Australian Soil Classification Principle Profile Form KA AA AG CD - B E M O X Gn 1.13 - 4/0/025

General soil description A red, sandy clay loam changes gradually with depth to a dark red, light clay. The whole profile has a massive structure.

Soil profile morphology

Horizon Horizon no Depth Description A 1 0.00 - 0.25 Weak red sandy clay loam; No mottles; very few small pebbles subangular Quartz coarse fragments; Massive; no segregations; Dry weak; Gradual to; B2t 2 0.25 - 2.00+ Dark red light clay; No mottles; no coarse fragments; Massive; no segregations; Dry firm;

Soil chemical analysis P S H A D P h a G N o O S o i l H S l o u s m s r D r t u o t r o l s p i

a m a t g a z c t e d p a a r p v e r s k a o o p i i t i H t i e h r z s n c t e i n u n n t s n e o l o i i h i n i s

u t t i u r g c % n n r o e y t m m u

o n n s . t

A 1 0.00 - 0.25 6.2 0.17 Deficient Deficient Very low 0.10 Nil - Very low Low N Y Moderate B2t 2 0.25 - 2.00+ 6.0 0.74 Deficient Deficient Very low 0.07 Nil - Very low Very low N Y Low

Field sites within this land unit (see technical report for original site nos.) Site code Site type Site code Site type Site code Site type Site code Site type 1464 DUSLARA Tertiary 3513 Corveg 4289 Corveg 4937 Corveg 1466 DUSLARA Primary 3521 Corveg 4290 Corveg 4939 Corveg 1467 DUSLARA Tertiary 3545 Corveg 4307 Corveg 4989 Corveg 1469 DUSLARA Primary 4168 Corveg 4324 Corveg 4990 Corveg 1509 DUSLARA Primary 4171 Corveg 4327 Corveg 4991 Corveg 1510 DUSLARA Tertiary 4173 Corveg 4358 Corveg 4993 Corveg 1606 DUSLARA Primary 4178 Corveg 4367 Corveg 5016 Dalrymple 1617 DUSLARA Tertiary 4186 Corveg 4405 Corveg 5018 Dalrymple 1622 DUSLARA Tertiary 4219 Corveg 4560 Corveg 5507 Dalrymple 1626 DUSLARA Primary 4220 Corveg 4561 Corveg 5520 Dalrymple 1627 DUSLARA Tertiary 4224 Corveg 4562 Corveg 5563 Dalrymple 1630 DUSLARA Tertiary 4228 Corveg 4563 Corveg 5574 Dalrymple 1633 DUSLARA Tertiary 4229 Corveg 4843 Corveg 5585 Dalrymple 1637 DUSLARA Tertiary 4233 Corveg 4859 Corveg 5587 Dalrymple 1642 DUSLARA Tertiary 4235 Corveg 4879 Corveg 5592 Dalrymple 1647 DUSLARA Tertiary 4276 Corveg 4880 Corveg 5605 Dalrymple 1648 DUSLARA Tertiary 4277 Corveg 4881 Corveg 5607 Dalrymple 1652 DUSLARA Tertiary 4278 Corveg 4883 Corveg 5627 Dalrymple 1690 DUSLARA Primary 4284 Corveg 4901 Corveg 5639 Dalrymple 3502 Corveg 4288 Corveg 4934 Corveg 5779 Dalrymple

This information has been generated from the Desert Uplands Land Resource Database. The Environmental Protection Agency accepts no liability for any decisions or actions taken on the basis of this information. State of Queensland. Environmental Protection Agency 2004.

7/12/2005 Land Unit WW3 - page 2 Summary of plant species within this land unit

Species Common name Acacia coriacea desert oak, wirewood, dogwood, wiry wattle Acacia coriacea subsp. sericophylla Acacia cowleana (Acacia oligophleba) Cowley's wattle*, sand wattle Acacia cretata - Acacia elachantha wattle Acacia excelsa ironwood*, brigalow, bunkerman, ironwood wattle Acacia excelsa subsp. excelsa ironwood Acacia galioides - Acacia gonoclada wattle Acacia hemignosta - Acacia holosericea soap bush wattle, candelabra wattle Acacia hyaloneura wattle Acacia lazaridis - Acacia leiocalyx subsp. leiocalyx Brisbane black wattle*, black wattle*, early-flowering black wattle* Acacia leptostachya slender wattle Acacia longispicata wattle, black wattle, curracabah Acacia melleodora waxy wattle Acacia platycarpa ghost wattle Acacia platyphylla invalid species name (white barked wattle) Acacia ramiflora (6) - Acacia simsii Acacia sp. Acacia tenuissima narrow-leaved wattle Acacia torulosa - Achyranthes aspera chaff flower*, chaff burr Alloteropsis semialata cockatoo grass* Alphitonia excelsa soap bush*, red ash, soaptree, white myrtle Aristida calycina dark wiregrass, branched wiregrass Aristida calycina var. calycina dark wiregrass Aristida holathera erect kerosene grass, wiregrass, kerosene grass, large silver grass, tall kerosene grass Aristida holathera var. holathera erect kerosene grass, wiregrass Aristida inaequiglumis unequal threeawn, feathertop threeawn, wiregrass Aristida ingrata wire grass Aristida jerichoensis Jericho wiregrass, blue speargrass, Jericho three-awn, No. 9 wiregrass, Number nine Aristida pruinosa gulf wiregrass, Gulf feathertop wiregrass Aristida sp. three-awn speargrass*, wiregrass Bothriochloa bladhii forest bluegrass*, bluegrass, Burnett River bluegrass, mountain bluegrass Bothriochloa ewartiana desert bluegrass*, desert Mitchell grass, Tableland Mitchell grass, lagoon Bothriochloa pertusa (1,5) Indian bluegrass Bothriochloa sp. - Brachychiton populneus kurrajong Brachychiton populneus subsp. trilobus - Breynia oblongifolia coffee bush*, dwarfs apple* Brunoniella acaulis - Brunoniella australis blue trumpet*

This information has been generated from the Desert Uplands Land Resource Database. The Environmental Protection Agency accepts no liability for any decisions or actions taken on the basis of this information. State of Queensland. Environmental Protection Agency 2004.

7/12/2005 Land Unit WW3 - page 3 Species Common name Bursaria incana hoary blackthorn*, prickly pine*, mock orange Calytrix microcoma desert fringe myrtle, desert heather Camptacra sp. - Canthium latifolium native currant*, currant bush, mogil-mogil, native plum, wild currant, wild lemon, wild orange Canthium oleifolium myrtle tree,* wild lemon Canthium sp. - Canthium sp. (Charters Towers T.Stuart TWR116) Capparis canescens wild orange*, pomegranate*, wild pomegranate Capparis lasiantha nipan,* nepine*, split jack *, wait-a-while Carissa lanceolata currant bush*, conkerberry, Australian carissa, boonum bush, burrum bush, conkleberry Carissa ovata currant bush*, blackberry*, kunkerberry*, baroom bush, burrum bush Carissa sp. currant bush Cassytha filiformis dodder laurel*, dodder, love vine Cassytha pubescens downy devil's twine,* strangle vine, dodder-laurel, devil's vine, downy dodder lauren, blackfellow twine, devil's twine, rushy dodder laurel, spilled devil's twine Cenchrus ciliaris (1,5) buffel grass*, African foxtail, black buffel grass, Rhodesian foxtail, slender buffel grass Chamaesyce drummondii caustic-weed*, caustic creeper, creeping spurge, flat spurge, mat spurge, spurgewort Chamaesyce mitchelliana - Chrysocephalum apiculatum yellow buttons*, common everlasting Chrysopogon fallax golden beardgrass*, golden-beard grass, ribbon grass Comesperma pallidum - Corymbia brachycarpa (Eucalyptus gum topped bloodwood brachycarpa) Corymbia dallachiana ghost gum Corymbia dallachiana (Eucalyptus papuana) Corymbia erythrophloia (Eucalyptus gum-topped bloodwood*, red bloodwood*, variable-barked bloodwood, erythrophloia) red barked bloodwood Corymbia lamprophylla (Eucalyptus shiny-leaf bloodwood lamprophylla) rustyjacket*, variable-leaved yellowjacket*, yellowjacket, Leichhardt's jacket Corymbia peltata (Eucalyptus peltata) yellowjacket*, broad-leaved rustyjacket Corymbia plena large fruited bloodwood Corymbia polycarpa long-fruited bloodwood* Corymbia polycarpa (Eucalyptus polycarpa) (Eucalyptus setosa) rough-leaved bloodwood*, desert bloodwood, rough-leaf bloodwood, applejack, hairy gum Corymbia setosa subsp. pedicellaris - Corymbia sp. bloodwood Corymbia terminalis (Eucalyptus western bloodwood*, desert bloodwood*, inland bloodwood, bloodwood, terminalis) kulcha, long-fruited bloodwood, pale bloodwood Crotalaria medicaginea trefoil rattlepod* Crotalaria novae-hollandiae New Holland rattlepod, bird flower Cyanthillium cinereum (Vernonia veronia cinerea)

This information has been generated from the Desert Uplands Land Resource Database. The Environmental Protection Agency accepts no liability for any decisions or actions taken on the basis of this information. State of Queensland. Environmental Protection Agency 2004.

7/12/2005 Land Unit WW3 - page 4 Species Common name Cymbidium canaliculatum black orchid*, Queensland black orchid*, wild arrowroot*, tiger orchid, dampy-ampy, channel-leaved cymbidium, white-tongued cymbidium Cymbopogon bombycinus silky-top grass*, silky oilgrass, citronella grass, native lemon grass Cymbopogon obtectus silkyheads*, lemon scentgrass, woolly-headed grass Cyperus sp. sedge* Dianella longifolia smooth flax lily, blue flax lily, blueberry lily Dichanthium sericeum Queensland bluegrass*, silky bluegrass Dichanthium sp. - Digitaria ammophila silky umbrella grass*, hairy umbrella grass, cotton panic, spider grass Digitaria brownii cotton panic*, cotton panic grass, woolly finger, cotton grass, silver spike grass Digitaria sp. - Distichostemon dodecandrus distichostemon Dysphania rhadinostachya green crumbweed Enneapogon lindleyanus canetop nineawn*, nine-awn grass*, prickly couch*, wiry nineawn, bottlewasher Enneapogon polyphyllus leafy nineawn*, limestone bottlewashers, oatgrass Enneapogon purpurascens bottlewasher Enneapogon robustissimus nine-awn Enneapogon sp. bottlewashers* Epaltes australis spreading nutheads* Eragrostis fallax - Eragrostis lacunaria purple lovegrass*, lovegrass, neverfail Eragrostis sororia woodland lovegrass* Eragrostis speciosa handsome lovegrass Eragrostis tenellula delicate lovegrass* Eremophila sp. - Eriachne mucronata mountain wanderrie grass*, rock grass Eriochloa sp. - Erythroxylum australe cocaine tree*, native cocaine, native cocoa, turkey bush Eucalyptus ammophila sandplain red gum* Eucalyptus crebra ironbark*, narrow-leaved red ironbark*, narrow-leaf ironbark, red ironbark Eucalyptus drepanophylla grey ironbark*, narrow leafed ironbark, Queensland grey ironbark Eucalyptus exilipes fine-leaved ironbark* Eucalyptus mediocris - Eucalyptus miniata Darwin woollybutt*, woollybutt, northern woollybutt Eucalyptus persistens Normanton box Eucalyptus shirleyi silver-leaved ironbark*, Shirley's silver-leaf ironbark Eucalyptus similis Queensland yellowjacket*, yellowjacket Eucalyptus sp. ironbark Eucalyptus whitei White's ironbark* Eulalia aurea silky browntop*, browntop, satintop, sugar grass, swamp grass Euphorbia tannensis desert spurge* Evolvulus alsinoides tropical speedwell*, baby blue eyes* Fimbristylis dichotoma common fringe-rush*, fimbri sedge*, eight-day grass Galactia tenuiflora snail flower* Gastrolobium grandiflorum heart-leaf poison bush*, desert poison bush, Australian poison bush, desert poison, heart-leaf poison, pea-flowered poison bush, wallflower, wallflower poison bush Glycine sp. - Glycine tomentella woolly glycine*, rusty glycine Goodenia cycloptera fan flower*

This information has been generated from the Desert Uplands Land Resource Database. The Environmental Protection Agency accepts no liability for any decisions or actions taken on the basis of this information. State of Queensland. Environmental Protection Agency 2004.

7/12/2005 Land Unit WW3 - page 5 Species Common name Goodenia glabra smooth goodenia* Goodenia sp. goodenia* Gossypium australe native cotton Grevillea decora red grevillea Grevillea glauca bushy's clothes peg*, bushmans clothes peg Grevillea parallela silver oak Grevillea pteridifolia golden parrot tree* Grevillea striata beefwood* Grewia latifolia dysentery plant*, dog's balls Grewia retusifolia dysentery bush*, dog's balls*, emu berry Haemodorum coccineum bloodroot* Hakea lorea corkbark, bootlace, corkwood, witinti, bootlace oak Heteropogon contortus black speargrass*, bunch speargrass*, speargrass Heteropogon triticeus giant speargrass*, sugar grass Hovea lanceolata - Hovea longipes brush hovea* Hovea sp. purple bush pea* Hybanthus enneaspermus spade flower*, blue spade flower Indigofera colutea sticky indigo*, rusty indigo Indigofera linifolia native indigo, narrow-leaf indigo Indigofera linnaei Birdsville indigo*, nine-leaf indigo Indigofera pratensis forest indigo Indigofera pratensis var. pratensis - Jacksonia ramosissima Jacksonia sp. Jasminum didymum native jasmine* Jasminum didymum subsp. lineare desert jasmine*, native jasmine* Lithomyrtus microphylla - Lomandra leucocephala iron grass*, woolly matrush*, woolly-headed matrush Lomandra longifolia longleaf matrush*, spinyhead matrush*, long matrush, sag, spiny-headed matrush Lomandra multiflora subsp. multiflora many flowered matrush* Lysicarpus angustifolius budgeroo* Maytenus cunninghamii yellow berry bush* Melaleuca nervosa paperbark teatree, woodland paperbark, fibrebark Melaleuca nervosa subsp. nervosa woodland paperbark, fibrebark, paperbark teatree Melaleuca tamariscina - Melaleuca tamariscina (Melaleuca tamariscina subsp. tamariscina) Melaleuca uncinata broom honey-myrtle*, broombush, black broom, broom honey myrtle, dyurr, mallee broombush, yangarra, youngie bush, tea-tree Melinis repens (1,5) red natal grass*, natal grass, natal redtop Melinis repens (Rhynchelytrum repens) (1,5) Mirbelia aotoides - Oldenlandia mitrasacmoides Oldenlandia sp. Pandorea pandorana wonga vine*, pandorea Panicum effusum hairy panic*, branched panic, diffuse panic, effuse panic, poison panic, two-colour panic Panicum effusum (Panicum effusum var. effusum)

This information has been generated from the Desert Uplands Land Resource Database. The Environmental Protection Agency accepts no liability for any decisions or actions taken on the basis of this information. State of Queensland. Environmental Protection Agency 2004.

7/12/2005 Land Unit WW3 - page 6 Species Common name Paraneurachne muelleri - Peripleura hispidula fuzzweed Perotis rara comet grass*, pyramid grass Persoonia falcata milky plum, wild pear, geebung Petalostigma banksii smooth-leaved quinine Petalostigma pubescens quinine tree*, bitterbark, native quince, quinine berry, quinine bush Phyllanthus sp. - Platysace valida Pogonolobus reticulatus medicine bush, dye bush Pterocaulon redolens ragweed Pterocaulon sphacelatum applebush*, ragwort, fruit-salad plant Pterostylis hispidula nodding greenhood* Rhynchosia minima ryncho*, rhynchosia Rostellularia adscendens dwarf justicia*, pink tongues Rutidosis leucantha - Salsola kali soft roly-poly*, buckbush, Russian thistle Santalum lanceolatum plum bush*, sandalwood*, wild plum*, cherry bush, native plumbush, northern sandalwood, plumwood, true sandalwood, bush plum Sarga plumosum (Sorghum plumosum - var. plumosum) Sarga plumosum (Sorghum plumosum) plume sorghum Sauropus rigens stiff spurge Schizachyrium fragile firegrass*, red spathe grass, small redleaf Scleria brownii sedge Scleria sphacelata razor grass Sida cordifolia (1,5) flannelweed*, flannel sida, heart-leaf sida Sida rohlenae shrub sida Spermacoce brachystema buttonweed, borreria Sporobolus australasicus Australian dropseed*, fairy grass Stylosanthes scabra (1,5) shrubby stylo, seca stylo Tephrosia juncea tephrosia Tephrosia leptoclada - Tephrosia sp. tephrosia* Themeda triandra kangaroo grass*, red oatgrass Thryptomene parviflora - Tricoryne elatior yellow autumn lily*, yellow rush lily Triodia mitchellii buck spinifex*, spinifex, soft spinifex Triodia pungens soft spinifex, gummy spinifex, spinifex Triodia sp. spinifex Tripogon loliiformis five minute grass*, eight-day grass, rye beettle grass Ventilago viminalis supplejack*, vine tree, thandorah Vittadinia pustulata fuzzweed Waltheria indica waltheria Wedelia spilanthoides creeping sunflower* Xanthorrhoea johnsonii forest grasstree*, blackboy*, grasstree* Zornia adenophora - Zornia muriculata zornia* Zornia sp. -

This information has been generated from the Desert Uplands Land Resource Database. The Environmental Protection Agency accepts no liability for any decisions or actions taken on the basis of this information. State of Queensland. Environmental Protection Agency 2004.

7/12/2005 Land Unit WW3 - page 7 1. Introduced plant 2. Consider for protection 3. Pending registration 4. Rare plant 5. Environmental weed 6. Endangered plant 7. Vulnerable plant 8. Agricultural pest * Wildnet preferred common name; Species in brackets refer to previously known name

Special features Implications for land use Research studies have identified the red gradational soils The soils have a low-very low nutrient status, and the ('red earths') of this land unit, as an important recharge essential minerals such as phosphorus and potassium are area of the Great Artesian Basin. deficient. This land unit has one of the most diverse ranges of plant Gastrolobium grandiflorum (heart-leaf poison bush), which is species in the Desert Uplands. toxic to stock, occurs at random throughout this land unit. These soil-vegetation associations represent the intact These are recharge areas for regional aquifers and the Great Tertiary land surface that forms the heart of the Desert Artesian Basin. Uplands bioregion. The age, low fertility and isolation from Loss of vegetation cover can lead to increased runoff and similar areas of this old surface mean that species have sheet erosion. evolved here that are unique to it. Reduced infiltration of water into the soil profile not only These red earths have high numbers of and reduces the amount os soil moisture available for plant growth animals of conservation significance, including rare and and the length of the growing season, but also reduces the threatened species and endemic species. quantity of water entering the groundwater system. The lack of semi-permanent and permanent water, low This land unit is included in Land Management Unit 3. nutritional values and the presence of heartleaf poison bush have effectively protected most of this country from heavy grazing pressure, so that the native vegetation over quite large areas remains in near pristine condition with biodiversity and wilderness values of regional and national significance.

This information has been generated from the Desert Uplands Land Resource Database. The Environmental Protection Agency accepts no liability for any decisions or actions taken on the basis of this information. State of Queensland. Environmental Protection Agency 2004.

7/12/2005 Land Unit WW3 - page 8