the hopo of saving him as he -wni HOUSEHOLD O., lllS.lufi; Wells. I!.. 134,C1S: Me- n faithful nndcfllelenl pnv-eeutor. Mo- swept by. Cnwnn'K plurality, IKJ'JJ. RESULTS OF TflE VARIOUS ran rau independent nud hail n^ii^t Dislrli't Attorney—Joronic. Ind., 107.- him tho Influence nf nearly the on tiro te em STATE The love o( life, relinquished but < LOCAL ISSUES 718; OBbonic. I).. 101,11)3: Slicnrn M. Itress of lloslon. 111B opponent. Kui:u* few seconds before, ngalu asserted il> BITS1MWS 0., (W.701; Fluiiiiuer, It.. V2.aas. .lor- STATE ELECTIONS. rue, had the nomination nf both the UNDER AN ICMELD sway over Carroll's mind. Could hi unio'H plnrnllty, :iri20. Kl;:lity-t\vo ills- Uepubllcnn nnd tho Democratic par- do anything to make Ills rescue inor< trlctn IUIKBIDK. ties. The titnte has preseLved Itsusunl RULE ELECTIONS WASHINGTON. Coast Trolley Under Hammer.' • probable? Something bumped ngnlus-. Itornuifh I'i'osldpiil: Mnnlmttnn— PENNSYLVANIA'. llcpubllcan nfimlnlstratlon. The property of tbo Atlantic Consl him. It wan tils ice-hook, drifting on Alicnrn, 121!,cX!l; Clllrrnn, M. O,, UJ,- Philadelphia.—The good Kovernment ., In Ciloucostcr. the-tishormRi). mind- The report on coast defenses estimat- ed that SIO.OOO.OUU would ue required EloclrJc Ilnllwny Company, comprising ward with Its long, buoyant woodet 1 li;i:i: DulTy. It., OD.OlSi. Atacnrn's plu- forces-, led bj* Mayor John Weaver, ful of the Rtnnd of Seimlor T.OIIRO In By Albert W. Toltnan. ABOUT TAPIOCA , • their bclinlf. Rnve trenionilotis majori- to flnlsh the work planned by the ICndl- the system extending from Pleasure handle uppermost. Involuntarily li< rnlltyllt . aaiOSi S won n sweeping victory nlLalong the Bay to Ilplmar, and the Belt Line, In The lironx—HniTvii. ties to Oulld nnd Draper. Siranpely colt Hoard. y Ilpl , grasped It.. Couuld he but keep hit Instead oC soaking tapioca before, b., .; line, elccthiK their- ticket by it major- 'Abu Pa k ld i fle cooking put It Into bolliug water or O'Cciiinnn. JI. O.. la.IJOii;" Bell, It.. ity estlmnlpd nt ftom ."0.0(K) to 7O.(KV). enough, JamcH L. Shuw, thn Hepuhll- Admiral Prince I,ouls of Itattenberf; 'Asbury Park, wns sold in foreclosure senses until die canal was reached, the The People Against the cnu cnndldaio for Sean tor lu tho Thlid 'proceedings for $700,000 to Adrlnn IT. milk, and'it will have less of the. U'jyj. Ilnffi-u'h plurnllty. :i78!i. At the wame time William II. Berry, was the fruest of honor at an informal stick might help him. Essex District, wblch Includes Glou- luncheon nud it dinner. .Tollnp. of a New York city Inw flnu, HEN Carroll AnisdcB, right starchy flavor so noticeable' -when Ilrooklyn-Color, M. (>.. T1.UMI: Kb- Democrat HUII Prohibition ntudldiitc All these things were happening Machine the Battle Cry uti'ln. It.. (n.mi>; KlilKnuy, 1_>., SS/J41. •ester, wa* defented by (Jeorgo A. supposedly for II. H. Kogcrs, of the half-back ou bis COIIOKP soaked in-cold water. for State Treasurer, him rnrrlpd tbe (.'hairmnn Shouts has bought a l.irKc much more Quickly than they can be COIIT'H plnrnllty, S(>77: State by a plurality psilmated nt 100.-\Sehollold, D'emoci-iit. number of Bibles, and playing cards Standard Oil Company, who owns tho footUiill eleven nnd fnsteat new brunch, tiollcy. running from, Bel; liui-dlcr on the truck tcnui, told. An Carroll pressed himself down All Over the Land. —nmnrl, SI. <).. lfi.(!.17; Cns- non. defeattiiK .T- Lee riiinimcr, Tlopub- for the use of the men who will con- A CLOTHESPIN HINT. sidy, i).. la.ii ltonncl's nuijoi'ity. II can. struct (he J'anaini! Canal and will dis- mar to Scu.GIrt. The only other bid- ha* tlnlshcd n short term he caught a glimpse nf n darkness In 1 .MAltYLAXn. der was George W. Xon In, of Philadel- the -miter ahead; and lie knew thai (m TIIIK tcrrlllc uplicsivnl v.nn Olrei'ted tribute them with sreat liberality or very successful teaching Clullicopius boiled n few minutes nnd Itk'liinonil—croiiiwcll, 11.. «M2: Tier- IJaltlinore.—Tin* News, independent, uinoiiK tlie employes. J phia, PH., on beliulf of H. W. Tracoy, this marked the edge of the snow-field, at the llepubllcnii orpiul7.ation lu PIilI- nunomiccs that Hnlllmoro city has in II town on the Connecticut Itlver, tlie quickly dried once" or twice a month, iinn, 1)., <]niinw cIlS iniijority, "adelpbla, which (wo yea is ^ the in-lnclpul owner of tlie Atlantic as yet uiireiunved from the surface ^l\'en a nmjoiity of noflO for MeCul- Vaul Morton, President of the Kqulta- Coast Electric Light Company, nntl nearness-of thy midwinter recess nindo become more flexible and durable. MatlHMis for State Treasurer }?.r,.tv\n r ble Life lusimiirjc" Comp'any, called at it lliinllj- prolltnblu for him to rejoin lie crossed (lie Hue. and was enveloped Clotheslines will last longer niid keep majority. I«iut h. Kepiibliciin. for Contioller; 15,- whose bid wns $1125,000. Tbe purchas- JEROME IS RE-ELECTED ninjorlty for^/jlof Judse Hnrlnu. the White House and spent nn hour i)is fellow* Junior!! Uefore the. second iirsciul-darkneftc. A hundred feet ahead In better order If (rated In the saiuo .IKROM 1-2 WIN'S. Incomplete ri-tnnis from various er. In addition .to the railroad, rolllu( Democrat, nud t\ )iajority of about with the President. Thu object of the stock anil fc-nnclil«c.s. also "acquires sclueslcr began. was the camil. Could lie keep his In thr fiU')* of tin1 opiKisiiion of all parts of the State indlente the clectioii 1 call wns not made public, although it of lterry. Democrat, fnr Slate ^ t;r>,ooo iiKaiiist tlie; " — *• 13,Ntrlct Attor- strnnj>holds aie showing unexpected tbc amendment Mirnnco situatlnu. ilny from Uls schoolroom window, were gains, for Horry. I.aii('a«ter (bounty, liounced the defe^ Long Branch Ilnllwny Company, lit uecil of men, lie did not hesitate to now he could wait no longer. As the When polishing mirrors, windows or ney. He made the race ou liN owu liy a innjorlty rjf ^00. Democratic Trnmnn H. Newlieny. ot Detroit, merged with the Atlantic Const, ana 10 Its History—William Randolph ticket, without Mho aid of n solitary nnrmnlly Kepubllcan by KMKM), is I" make Ills strong muscles help out III.H water flowed Into his notrlls he suf- pU-luie glass wilh whiting the best doubt. Dauphin County, iti which Chnirniau Murnd indlver Issued n Mich., took the until of ofllcc as As- ?100.000 In stock ot the Atlantic Coast I>olltical or^niil7.atlon. against Osborne, rlnlm that Atkl: ; Democrat, linn active brnin in cai-iiliig-fuuds to pay fered all the agonies of strangulation. way to use It Is in muslin bags. Damp Hearst, tbe Municipal Ownership HnrrWnurg, tbe State capltnl. Is locat- sistant Seci*etary of tile Navy, to suc- Electric Light Company. The sale is Tanunany; Shcarn. Mnnielpul Owner- clectod St /^Controller. One ceed Charlc.i II. Dnrllns, who bns preliminary to winding up the re- for nu education. So ho. exchanged Uls Choking, lighting for life, lie was swept (In- glass lightly. Him rub with the ship, nnd I'lamuier. lt(>publlcnn. and ed, another Republican stronpbnld, on by the steady current. given Hprry 1-*WH> plnrnlltj. Other Ite- Inindrcd ami rij;lrfeen precincts out of been appointed Collector of Customs ceivership of Senator James Smlti>, pedagogue's pointer for hand-groovp, bag and polish ufT with crumpled news- Candidate For Major, Runs a even* man who voted for him had to C'.^l ylvo tbo nmenduiont Si37; against, Down through the snow toward the pulilirnn rotmtles vjiow similarly at the pott ot Burlington, Vt. Jr., nnd a reorganization of-tho com* bar and Ice-hook, and look his place, paper. split IIIR ballot. mous llepublienn losses. Perry, nom- U.VXi. pany by the first mortguge bondhold- canal rushed- TVfSton and Laerolx. Close Rac3 With Major The vote for District Attorney, with The customs officials of the port of .it one dollar and seventy-live cents a Itiated as a WHS Indorsed by (leorgotown were awaiting instructions ers. To be effective It must now be day, inuolig the tollers ou the fro'ii'ii They must leap across it, in order to | eiKbty-^Ix districts wiping, wns: the Independent Republicans »uil Pro- IlIIODK ISLAND. confirmed, by the court. WHEN PARING .VEGETABLES. McClellaa-Reform Wins .Tcrome. 3M.1T0; Oslmrnc. l from tlio White lionise about when to river. take advantage of the brief space that tilbltlonists-. in tbi< city 1h<> Lincoln Provldenee.—<5«vei nor (Jeorpe II. Ret to work nppralslng JIlis ]loo«c- would ellipse from Ibe Instant when When vegetables are pared, let the Shcarn. fiSjvSa; Klainnier. . party, funned by the Independents, Yankees, Frenchmen. Danes and *~ in Philadelphia. T'ttor. Republleun, lias carried Hbodc vclt's (,-lfts. It was decided that the Kound Guilty of Lesser Crime. flic student's- body appeared on the 1 Jerome's plurality over O^bonie, 1IJ,- save Iterry n tremendous vote. Itorw- IsL'imi for Unvernw hy n sJJ^'lilJy In- Swede*, forty-three active men nit toid. nilibisli be cleared away immediately., 70 npprnlnnl .•should tal;i> place at tlie In Jail since lnst July at Woodbury upper side of that narrow passage of velt'.i pluuillty In Pennsylvania last eiea.sed jdurallty over Dr. S. I\ C. Onr- White House, AU as to spare Miss mndc up the Run-; employed that year us sooiras a stew-pan is emptied of Its >oar was ."01,000. on n chnrgc of inuus-hiughter. Samuel to till Caswoll & Comber's two teu-black water until it was again borne contents. let It be washed and put NQW York Oily. — (Jeorpo Urinton vlii, Democrnt. Twenty-two districts Itoosevolt the annoyance of hnvliiK to II. ^Ylllinnlson was convicted of sim- ]MiiLAi>i-:].rniA. #v tint of ir>(j Klve Utter, Itepnbllcan, IU17S, thousand'ton homes. The first of, the under the ice at the lower edge. away; If a spoon, fork or knife is used, McClellnii wiw re-elecled Mnyor of travel to Georgetown to make a dec- ple assault and bnttery only, tie Jury Jind CiiirvJii, Deiiioerut, MfiO. Tbe same laration. Hitherto the Invariable season had been vwy mild. It -ra« not True, It meant a spring of only a rinse it immediately and put it'iu the Now York City by a plurality esti- rhiliidelpbhi. Pa.—O\erwbelniiiiK do- oino. recommending him to the mercy ot the feat wiis visited In tin* "Kruft n districts lust your pivo Utter ^37-4, Inul method has been to open nnd appraise court. Williamson was cliniKed with until late in January that several suc- few feet, a mere trifle for an active lrnwer. mated nt Ii iu tlio morning at 3181*, af- Columbus,—A Democratic lundsliilc Carviu 1007. The net llepuhllcnn pnln all goods before they leave the Custom man ou solid ground; but to the two •hlne;"tbo City jiarty. Mipjiortod by nit causbiK the death of Evl Doyton dur- cessive days of zero wbather.unmarrcd ter one of the mmt exciting nnd blt- the respectnbio elfiiient1* lu tin* clt.v, In the two big cities, with mp.'i^u- re- Is -I.'S Iu n total vote less than lnst H0U3C. runners, slipping through three inches turns from ntlior'iinrti s of the Stnto. In- ing n fight near Clayton. On trial Will- by a single flake of snow, formed four- PUT THINGS A WAY. ;erly contested dictions In the history and liended by Mnyor Wenvoj-. enrrlcd year. The strong Utter tide In tlie lomson said lie separated Dayton and teen Indies of clear, beautiful Ice. of- snow 611 that glassy surface, with li tlial t .TohThn M. PlPiiltisoi u III.I K bbeen early returns points to the election of If everything is put away as soon as if tin* city. Ills closest competitor WIIM the election bv a majnrltj' estimated olrct OUR ADOPTED ISLANDS. another man four times during the Then in tlie early part of February no firm spot 011 which to brace their at T.'.JKHt. d (lOvonioi- of Ohio and h tfc«.' whole Kt'piihllcnn-State ticket. It is used, tlie kilclieu will be a pleas- William It. Hearst, who headed tlie lian brouelit vlntorv to thh o entire Dem- United States District Attorney trouble, nnd that when four men at- eame an ideal week for cutting, •with feet, and almost certain denth await- The vote vri\> the lu-avlcl over cn^t tacked -Dayton ha went to lita assist- nnter place lo work in, and washing Municipal Owneiship ticket. "William ocratic State ticket. (J. R Cor, Ke- Brccknus lias tiled a suit against the the temperature ranging from fifteen ing a plunge Into the canal, it -was a hi n local campaign, and It ludtnites tmbllean boss of Cincinnati, snys Iho NtilSKASKA. ance. Williamson claimed Dayton fell serious malic:. But uelUier hesitated. of the dishes will be quickly accom- M. iYln.t, the Hepublicnn candidate, clearly tbo widespread revolt fi"oiu alleged Beef Trust In Honolulu. It is to tweuty-llve degrees Fahrenheit. Di'inooratf* will carry tbe Stnto by (JO,- OiiKiha, Neb.—The Republicans car- charged that an unlawful combination from a wagon and that others of tbo "Come on. I/iuis!" shouted Westoji, plished. This ln*t operation needs was a bad tblrd. tho domination of tbo "guii*;.*' (i(Xi. The Ucpubilean Stnto Kxecutive ried Nebraska by frmi V,U)0i> to 25,fXKt. party kicked him us he lay on the The Ilrm soon had their lower house p 1 1H coutrollins: the hiiBlnes? there and (lushing along at full speed. plenty of bolliug water, with a little When the recapitulation WIIH made Kvery one of tho City party's < :mdl- Committee would not concede- defent, Tho only State otJIcors to IK elected ground. In bis address to the Jury tilled to the eaves, and at ouce set their ilntes was elocteil. W'IKnu II. ltrown. but State Cluilrnun Cnrber. Democrat. chnrKhiK oppressive autl exorbitant The Frenchman ran close behind Koda, If dishes are greasy. were one Supri'iiH" Judce and two Ite- prices for beef. Prosecutor Stan expressed a belief crew ut work at the other building, here wore Hoventy-three oleeilon dlb- Sheriff: John M. Ituxh .lonnon. rf»ronor, < laiuis Patti^on's election by a pho- 1 that some of the StAte's witnesses had him. On they plowed together through of tin Slate Vnlversity. Two nbuut two hundred feet/- up-stream. tricts nitshlnc, llfty-nhie in Mnfthattiiu aud Kdward A. Anilrr'-dii nnd Uiidolpb inl plurality, nnd tbe uuollloial re- yenrs np> Jtcpuhlicnn ItoKent< were An extraordinary demonstration of perjured themselves, and Inferring that 1'r.vorable. conditions made their prog- the snow, raising a white cloud as they KEEP-Tim SKEWEUS. nnd llic Bronx nnd fourteen in Brook- "tlncki'iibiNjr, Comity Comnils.'-loners. rfcclvcd to midniKht sofiu to by ::J.IJOIL Tho plurnllty for good will marked the farewell ban- t'everal arrests would follow. ran. The canal was now only ten feet substantiate bis clalniK. quet in Maniln to Governor J.nke E. ress rapid. Aiusdeu Joined tlie gang, All skewers sent In with the rousts lyn. The two JU(1KO< «f the Coininuii I •lens tho Minii' odictts lh. about the sump ns after they bad been tbrce.dnys onjue ahead. In another moment it yawned from tlie butchers should be kept after t'oult, MnrrN Dalh-tt nnd CrniK Ulddlo, Tho Deittocnitic loaders claimed the two yours ago. 'ine vote was imicli Wrlulit. American', KiiRllsbmcn, When Mnyor McClelhm lenrned that lection of T'ntti^on and tho on the Spaniards nnd Filipinos participated second house. beneath them—to all appearance only being washed. These are wonderfully were on both ('Ity party aud Kopubll- smaller, however. Jlrs. Duke Defends bis re-elect Ion wns certain, though hy enn ticket". There w:ii no ll^bt upon louincrnttr ticket by Mihbtnntial iilu- lu the toasting. At S o'clock on a brisk February a long snowy trench, six feet wide mid useful in cleaning paintwork, as with, Iu Omaha only county offices were Mr& Lillian N. Duke, wife of tho a f-jnull plurality, he Is suit 1 tills state- thorn. nllilot--. while tbe Republicans simply Yolert for. nnd tlie entire Kepnbllrnn millionaire tobacco -magnate, filed n niorulug operations were jn full blast. a few Inches deep. But under the ice the aid of a piece of flannel they can ment: i p •at Its bottom, barely thicker than a Not only N tbo old riii£ Mim^lird in to conrcil( siu-li n claim. Iti ticker wiis elected by from .VM> to r>000 DO5IESTIC. pica In Trenton to the suit for divorce A light fall of snow the previous night penetrate to ail nooks- and corners and 'The result of the elect iuu shows I'hilitdelpbla. but In Ibe State :m ucll. window-pane, death lurked If one Ntinn^ tlint thit > oM in«:Hf- plurality. Jules Lomlmrd. the "sbifC- The Common Pleas Court at Toledo, brought against her by her husband, in had made It necessary to get out the clean tilings thoroughly. They are also me more plainly tlmn over my duty It Is the knoll uf tho Quay dynasty l Ueinocrnt." running for police whlch-sbe repeats her answer filed a chanced to stumble. to tho people. With Cod's lielp I will llcii-nt to lucllrnto nnylliliiK i-xi-ppt that Ohio, has refused to overrule n motion scraper. The. shouting black figures useful for fishing lace, etc., out of the nnd It" iff tho knoll of United States tbi o uti' lim' "l ltpcM" i very hp:i\" y mill that Judce. wns defeated by union labor by the Typographical Union to tnodlfy few duytt ago in wblch she alleges tliat enlivened the white surface of the Westou gave 11 leap Into the air, and discharge It lo the IK>HI of my ability. Senator Itoiet Pennine. *wbo tried to ttu nuininit of kcTnti'liini; lunde count- vote". Vety few Democrats • were he Is not n resident of Now Jersey. hot starch. - - I Kliall keep every promise made be- tbo injuuctlon'iigiilnst picketing offices river, as they harvested- the wintry sailed over the dangerous ditch, his take tho "old inaiiV place ami \\bosi< iiiK very slow. _ elected to county or city olllces uny- where printers are on strike. «-^ The plea' also sets out that Mrs. Duke feet striking a yard beyond its edge. fore election.*' record Is one of run-Mont blundering The Itppulilimns of Cleveland con- where In tbe State. wns not served with a process wltbln fruit that nils to mean so much to At 11 o'clock Max r. Ihinucn. the i Nine persons were hurt at Knoi- nud failure. With Durham uud Me-ri-d J the jurisdiction of the Court ot Chan- the sick and thirsty ot the cities during Lacrolx followed suit. In a moment CAKE OF BROOMS AND BIUJSHES. tuna KIT of Mr. Henrt'n campaign, »hc> I'lrclloii nf Mnyor Tom I. vllle, Teuii., by n oar loaded wilh pav both were sprawling In the snow, roll- Brooms and brushes will last much hoi, Peiiio^e iia'-HrH out of Jiolltlcal liy TKHMI owr Wllllniii II. eery of New Jersey, and that "the the cowing summer. fs&ued u statement to the effect that leadership. There will bo no plnco for VinGINIA. ill? stouei colliding with a suburban' ing over anil over, striving to check lto.Ml. Hriiild Wliltlock, tbp nnvclist, electric car. | proceedings are without doe process Two yards wide, and stretching longer if they are always kept hang- rHJ.OOO Illegal \olvn hnd boen cnut, and him In the councils of the new or- Rlclinionil. Vu.—The ludicatiuiis are uf law;" that she never submitted their momentum And to regain their ing lip. Those used for the floors claiming that Mr. IlcnrHt mid the I- I'ln-K'il .Mayor of Tolpilo on thp 111- Sirs. Alula Hnke, who died at Han- straight out a hundred lectfrom the ^ani7.iitlnn. ili']ii'iu]put tk-ki't: .TIIIIKC Di'iiip'spy. that tile Democrats linvp carried tlic herself to the Jurisdiction ot the court, shore, ran the canal through which the feet. r should be washed In ammonia and other cimdldntes on tbe city ticket Imd Tho wisest politicians here predict Di-liiocrat, !•> i-lci-IPiV Maypv of Cill- State, but hy a very mneb smaller ma- over. Pa., uncrlflccd her life for lier (he court never obtained Jurisdiction, soapy water, and dried lu the open, •n elected by pluralities c»f from 40.- Domoer.'itle , only about air, about every four weeks. Those (MK) to T>0.000. Ho sent out n notice to ruula and perhaps a Dcuiocratlr I,of:is- Hurry rinrclini. Itcpulillvan. and i-x- Hodgers and her baby at UPttynlnir^ the laws of the land, and that this ac- the black. Irregular lake In tbe centre surface, they soon arrested their the Muuiclpal Ownerelilp candltinteTrtrr :1.1cm were polled. The Democratic ma- when a lamp eiploded iu the licdroom. of the stream. course. Darting back to the eanal, which are used for greasy purposes lature befoi'4' the now Itejmbllran ma- <'oui:rrssiiiai u I). C. . liuilcprluc.. Dpmocrat, tion will deprive her of her constitu- nil tbe boroughs, requesting them to chine cnu ^ot Its izrlp on nffalrK. Will- l b ltl M f Clb jority hern will be about MOO. This Unable to open the windows, the nurse tional rights as a citizen." Carroll was stationed wilh his Ice- they began to break the thin Ice -with should-bc—thoroughly—cleansed with liai been Mayoy r of Colnuibiix was tbo Ilrst State election tinder the come to tbe Hoffman.llnuec for an iill- lnm II. Feiry. DeniOLTatic candldnto hll carried the flaming lump downstairs hook on the uppor side of this canal, which It was skimmed. Soon they had soda: water every week and dried in nlglit conference, to formulate plnint over Tottpr, Itcpnhllcaii. new constitution, which restricts tbe and wan fatally burned. for State Treasurer, lias swept tbe nc'Krn vote. Tlie Dcuiournt.s elect their about aeveiily-llvo feet from .the bniit. opened a space twenty feet in length. a similar way. for contesting the election. J51fltGJtltlL^ar_iar;;ur- innjorltlos-than- John Vaughn, a Bedford County (Vu.) Object to Ben-er Assessments. Niiw""~Yo"nk STATE. full State- ticket nnil a dean working The Sewer Commlssloncrs^aaOt the Ou hl», right. Iwjjlvc yn"rd~~awny,~ j the Fusion ticket In the city could com- majority on Joint ballot in tile (icnorul farmer, his wife and their twelve-year- labored Louis Laeroix, a Frenehmnn swlftly along under the snow-field. tl tu a to, which In the next four yearn uifinri. Albnuy.—A now AR~pi«lily sml two old niece met almost Instant death in' taxpayers of Woodbury arc having a will direct the #xppmllture of nearly nii'iulit'i'8 or ilio Si'iiatP vrvre clpptcd. Assembly, -n-hlcli will elect Senator _froiu the Province ot Quebec; nn His senses were fast leaving him. The The tlpht wns the Mttermt ever yoon 1 a runaway ou the mountain roud lead- high old time In adjusting assessments. ?oiM>.0()0.000. The board will .MHIUI: In tlip hist AsM'iuWy tlio Hupiilillcau- Martin to succeed blinseir. eiiual distance lo the lett stood Elwood next few seconds would turn the scale in PhlladL-lphli). AlnM'-t the full vot ing to the Peaks of Otter. City Council has not yet approved the Tammany, twelve votes; Kepubllcan hail KM out of K>0 ini'inlicr.-. In tills report of the Commissioners flxlng the Weslon. a Vermont • Ynult< A«M'inlily of Htm Btaml merce has adopted resolutions favoring Out he flashed suddenly _uilo the The sixteen votes hi this board. fore noon exceeded til iiuiubor tho^i Salt Lake City.—Thp American party, the admission of the better' class of This Is not satisfactory la many In- contents of the cnunl lu uiollon. The bleb under the charter In tli IIT ltrimhliriin- anil Municipal Owii- hllndiUK sunlight. A rush of cold air cast, nil day at,nny pro\io"u.s tlectlon. i > or which fnruii-r United States Senatcn- Chinese on 1lie Fame terms as other stances. For Instance, throe lots lu - cokes -were fourtecu Inches thick aud (>l>til|> men tlih-t>'thl pi Dcmuci-ats smote his face. He lind come up just Important of nil iUv municipal i Tbcmuis Keams Is a leader, elected immigrant)*. North Woodbury, belonging to W. H( twenty-two square, and each weighed are controlled »•< follow*: anil six .-Iru]j;lil-iiut Ilcar-t IIUMI. Llvormore. are assessed at 534 BO. bctweeu We«ton nnd Lncrolx, and too CIUCACO KEPrBLICAN. 1 KCTH TlioimiMiii Mnyor after a lillter Indications of arsenical poisoning npproxlmalely two hundred and twpu- Crullers—Two eups of sugnr, one cup Mayor, three votes. The Senilli cleetiML last year holds They are valued nt $300, wJUle Mr. . far oft for either of them to reach ChlenKO. 111.—The lU'mibllcaus made i-ampal^u. iu which opposition to the have been found in the deaths of Wai* ty-flve poniids. As they were hooks; ot butt or. two cops of sour milk, ono Controlled three ^otc. o\i-r. llio two member* electetl lyelni; Mormon Church was the sole issue. Llverniore'R residence, on Broad street, him at oner. I'residt'tit of tho lionrd of AIIILTIIILMI, a clean sweep of tbo election in Cbl-t'lmstfii to till -vainm-io-. John M. ter nnd Herbert Thuuiin. aged eight valued nt 53200, Is assessed. ?34.75. It and'prodded from man lo man. only lie heard their shouts and saw the tetispoonrnl of fioJu dissolved In Jiot caRo and Cook County, electing nil of Mnyor KIclKiul I'. Morris, Mormon ami and ten years, at Slagazlne, W. Va. (Jlllnn (I)eni.l «•»< elrcti'd in the Slx- Democrat, ran ahead of.Chief ot I?o- was declared that the assessment will tlelr tops appeared above Hie surface; Frenchman lunge toward him with his wntcr. l-'lonr to roll out tolerably stiff. their eaudidatoK •with tlie exception of teentli IlUtriet (New'YorliCoimlylrto A fast express at Western Springs, Prc^lilent of Manila tin u 1 llt'C William J. Lynch. Kepubllcau and be found unlawful It sifted Another Iliclr full size was not revealed until hook. It missed him. He struck the Kisses—One e^^', one cup sugar, onc- two votes. one num. Tbe solo Democrat to win Mierrcil I . .1. Doollni: iDeni.). mid San- III., ran down and killed Hazel aud hearing will he given after the City, lliey rose, dripping, on the endless was Webb, a candidate for trustee of Centlle, for whom United States Sen- lower edge, and his body was drawn liair cup butter, onc-lialf cup or milk, President Xloroupli of Uiixiklyn, two fold \V. Smith IKC|»I«IIK electeil 111 ator Itcecl Siuoot made a personal cam- Eva Gnrtleld, aged fourteen and sev- Solicitor passes on tlio case. chain ot the elevator, gnat crystal under It Just asbe Instinctively thrust oiHi tfuspuotiful vote«. tbe snnltnry district. The Ke]nibllcnn the Twrnly-fourth (Dntehes'i. Colnnf- enteen years. of t:irtfir. onc- elected four Judges of the Superior paign. Kxccpt some Aldermen, the blocks sparkling iu the sun. President IIoroiiKli of Hronx, one bln anil l'liliiiini i-onmics), to Fiit-cped whole American ticket probably Is The California Raisin Growers' Com- his owu Ice-Iiook upward. The steel half of soda. Hour eunuch to make a Court by pluralities riuiKlinr from *JO.- Henry S. Amlili-r (KepJ. The Senate Carroll received the cakes rroiu caught ou the brink, nrrcstlng his stiff dough: chop ou tins anil sprinkle rote. elected. pany has received notices from 137 Plan to Bury All Wires. President Itoiou^h of Kichiiiouc], one 0 to ^r»,O(K>. one judue to nil n vacancy remains politically ns Ifnns In tbo loft companies withdrawing Insurance on The Delaware and Atlantic Tele- Weston, nud pushed them ou to La- cbursc. Then gradually it began to over with powdered sugar. Bake In a mi the tirnt'li of the Superior Court by vote. sc"->-loii. linvlus thirly-sii Kcpublk-aiK property of tbe company. phone and Telegraph cjomp'iny has crolx. The throe wore jokiug and slip. quick oven. Prrsldent Horougli of t^uccus, one a plurnllty of nhout KMHI, a jud^e nf the nnd fourteen Duuiocniti. INDIANA TOWN ELECTIONS. before the Common Council of Bev- laughing over their work. There came Circuit Court by 10,(XK>, and elclit out Thieves who tried to rob the De- But that brief delay was long enough Lemon Water Ice—Take two vote. Iildiuna|>olis. Iud. — city mid town posit' Bank, at Sulphur, Ky., were erly nn ordinance permitting it to lay >i break -in-tlie- procession, and a long fur help to reach him. Lncrolx flung The iinti-Tamnuuiy of nine uieinbcrs of tbo Ilonnl of San- rleetlons were lield iliioiiKhout ln- Itx wires under ground. The Vf ork will nud rasp them in sugar, the juice of of the Itnry-Trustees by phn.iHtlei r.inyins \ NKW JKUSKV. ."' scared off by tbe explosion that was space opened hi the cinnl. Just :.s his body forward at full length, drop- lemons, the juice of one orange, board" will be Bird S. Colcr. Horough iliau.i anil iindei**an act of the last occupy but a month after permission from KKX) la T*m. Trenton.—Klcbt St:itp Senators nnd Ledslnlui-e the olticeis elected will Intended to upon the vault. Carroll loaned out over 1ho water lo ping his hook. Just as Amsdeu was one pint of ehilllled sngnr nud half a Pr«'f»l(lpnt-elect of Itruoklyn: .luncph «ixty nuMiilicrs- of tlie House of Assem- 'is given nnd. its agents say. before the llirnst (lit- l:i«t block along to Ilie Herun'l, Jtnroufrb , Pn^idi-nt-elcet of hold for four years Instead of two, as Iu a supplementary report by Mr. end of 100U the company's wires from disappearing under the. edge lie felt tiiut of water. Mix all together, s t bly WITI- elet-ti-il In New .lelsey. All of Heudilcks, State Superintendent of In- unia. The Democratic utl- the Democrats hnve vton In twenty. tural Interest''. out objection. iould not savc-hlmsclf. Ills hook fell nilulstratlonx, whicli had been In power The llJtllk from his hand, aud hi; reeled over into TRULY GREAT. into the nuts. Dry on buttered paper thrre. can bold upon the state Legislature, "1 Tiroiisim(t6T)f-peraon«-eougregated-nt- iu a cool oven. The Tamuiauy eounly ticket, barring for four >ears, or two term-', were tie- McKlNNKY WINS. Soinerset, Ohio, for the dedication of n the swift black rnrrvut. ft>att>d in botli places, the ]tcpubllc.i]]t> and makes It almost Impossible that a Koik Inland. III.—Iteturns from the Fewer Paroles in Ifuture. Osborne for Dlsttlct Attorney. Is elect- Democrat should succeed I'nltlil States monument to General Phjl-Sherldnn. The rapid Hood whirled his body B«ing Brief Inl'erviswt Wilh Over- Potato ,Salad—Boil eight potatoes in ed l-y plnralitie- wlilt-h sliow a preat makliiK almost a clean sweep. Fourteenth DIstrlctindlcate that JalUPK The action of the Board of Pardons their skins, and do not peel them until Senator John \l. Dryden in 1!K)7. In McKlnney. Hepubllean. bns defpateil KIgliteeir of tlie forty-one men who nt Trcntou, revoking the paroles of dowublream. Ills '.lead emerged at turns Authors Who An Buiy Making falling off fiom l' laml^llde, as three years have had Democratic Sen- was caM. desert their sweethearts. ure. which empowered the appoint-! was nt linnil, If ho could hold on fur a ing';" replied Mr. Fontaine Stllo, light- Ibo bowl, and add to them an onion Uocs to Unit bench. Thomas (\ O'Sul- last yenr. hut that Mr. Hook waiter ators. Only four of the twenty-one livan (Tarn.) becomes a Judge of the ment of n parole officer to keep a strict few srcouiK Ht^Jieaid the shouts ing both ends of his clgnrettc— Stllo Is which you I'ave sliced line anil scalded has won theMayoralty by about 14(X> State Kenato'rs will tic Democrats. FOREIGN. watch on paroled prisoners to see thatj General Sc-J-lou'J. MAYOR roil TIIENTON. of bis fellow woiker« and tho pounding an absent-minded genius—"Always in for ton minutes In bulling water. Sci plurality. Engineers at Pau-ima are prepaied to they did not violate, their paroles, Onej The Itepubllriius apparently clei-t MASSACHUSETTS. I-'i-eilerick \V. (irlthel. Kcpubllclin, of their boot heels as they.ran toward the bathtub; and I exercise the nicest 011 the vegetables with pepper an I.aucr Municipal Justice lu the Kour- make observatlous of sites for formi- result of this appointment has been the (note my correct use of this adjective) NKW YOltK STAT1-: UKSl'I.TS. was elci-tecl Major of Trenton liy i:iU0 realization of tlie fact that clemeucyj him. Then, his lingers supped from alt, and pom- II|KIII Iliem the tab! teeuth Dlstilct. with tin- help of the Jin-ion. — Lieiltenaiit-liovei-iiur Cur- nia.lorlly. cations. —the nicest care hi maintaining the spoonriils of oil and two of vinegar, Hearst platform. The icMilli'of the I'livtlous held In tis ciuild. .lr.. Itepubllcau. \vn< ek'eleil has been extended hi many instances the sharp, smooth edge, nud he wiis 1 MantulK Ito left Tokio, Japan, for proper degree of temperature, namely, and turn them iu thK Some poo. Tbo K<>od citizens of the lioi-oiiKb of se\enil of tin i-llles aud UAMII of New Cuvciuor liy about :t3.<> plurality. Korea ns the head of a special mission. to undeserving prisoners, who hnve> dragged under the Ice! HOSS1-:S SIOWKI) DOWN. abused their privileges. 'i'-Jlta, it In •ilxty-nlnc degrees, for It It fnlls or pie rolLsli the addition of a couple ul QueuiiH ro>e up in their inlnht anil York State weie as follow*: r«ehlii(; nearly the normal llepuhll- Barou Koniuia.-the Foreign Minister, When Carroll's hands lost tlielr 1 believed, will mean the cutting down . ripen good work becomes an Impossi- K«v»* Joe Ciih.^ldy u mighty swat. Uor- In Mount Vermin Dr. liuli - e.iu off-year vote. Ills nuuiilir, mate, New .lerscy—The boss, cai-l Lent/.; loft for Teklu as special envoy of clutch he felt Instinctively that his cold boiled heels sliced. the issue, hntslsm; the result, bobslsul of parole-i by the Boavd ot Pardons. bility. Botween you and me, I attri- mtcli Prc-Ident Joe- went ilown with liendeut, won by 1IKM over Willl.nn i;heii S. Draper. aKulust whom the re- Japan. only c-lmucc for life was Rone, and In Bordeaux Sauce—Gnu peek of toinn an awful tliud. ami .To*rpli Itennel. Arc-lier. 'KepubllL-an. ciprocity leaders made their mo'.t defeated. two or three seconds he had passed bute the low sales of 'Cranberry' to p strenuous effort1-, was eleitod hy about lMilladi-lphi.i— Tin; biisw, Dlirham and The Queen ot Portugal was tkrowii toes, green; two quarls of oi'lons, om tbe fi^lon candidatedd , won b y r>i>Sirll In Troy there were six landldiites from lior horse at Cnscncs. Her In- through all tho stages ot hevror aud my carelessness with the thermome- L'IMIII. Ibe "machine-," the Nsue, clean KOVI After Fox, Brought Home Honey. ' medium head of cabbage, two or tiue< majorily. Itcrmel received i for the Mayoralty. juries were slight. despair Into a calm, settled resigna- ter." IllliTiilu elwted .1. V. Aclillii.. Dclllii- AM tin- uiii'iual Kepuhllcan Jilurallly ei'iiiueiil; the result, sweeping rofon( Trailing a fox near Penny Pot, in large peppers, hulf' rod. Chop all to \ot«>s aud y It will require three months at least the Atlantic County deer woods, Dr.1 tion. He I'c-lt nuiie of tbe terror of Mrs. Spllgood Spelmeyer, author of 'file results of theelections iu liiv c-rat, a*. Mnyor, and 'the whole Denui- ix about :I".IIIHI this means that about victury. gether quite lino; two quarts of bos to ship the Itus-ilan prisoners from C. It. Goodfellow, of Vinehind, discov- death. It might menu simply drift- "Buckwheat Honey," nnd "The Hub- el* New York may\y suiuinaiixed as eratle i-lty nud county tleket It eleeted. ]r>.IXM> lEepulillcaus cast their votes for Haltlmoi-p—The 11O-.S, Senator A. 1* vinegar, ouo pound of sugar, ha! tlie dlfferpncp tielni: tiorm"au: the Issue. •.uffi-iiKe anieac^ Japnn, uwlug to lack of steamship fa- ered about fifty pouuds of honey hang- ing on ami on. his senses* growing blsh Henii," is a strong iinrtjsian of the follows: Major <:nus. KepuWlh-aii. was re- ounce each of allspiue, cEnnit > caused by about -i)CH» Democrats who iiienl: tbe result, auicndmont dcreatci^ cilities. ing from the limb of 11 tree. Appro- dimmer nnd dimmer, until oblivion Vertical Hnudwritlng Association, Mayor — McCleilmi. I >..- •J-JT».2 J1; tunied to nlUi-e lu Albany, iilul the mon, black pepper, celery nnd inustan ( tire i-lty nud county tickets went Ite- II.III no U'M> fur I'nnniln. reciprocity or Cllniunatl—Thi- lio-s, licence I!. Cou Paul DeloulecUv the founder oC thepriating a pnlr of his wife's lace cur- came. For perhaps a hundred-feil be- and has lately written a monograph Hearst, M. ().. J21!.0lU: Ivins. 11., lit.". 1 tains for a screen. C-oodfellow sawed seeds*, small cup of salt, (ablespooufii -|.Si>. Mcflellan*K plurnllty, 31<»'J. pulillcan. Henry si. Wliltncy, the Democratic tbe Issue-., bosvism. Insurau'-e an^ League of Patriot! , arrived lu Paris, low the ea11.1l the scraper had that to piove that the decadence of the Alan C. Kobe-. Keiiilbllcau. Wiis elect- candidate for Llouti'uanMJovernor. liqunr" li'Kl-l.ltion: the lesult, Cox, dit France, after au exile of six yeais. At off the limb, burned a paiind of sul-' of tnuierle powder. Mix all -well t Twenty-six dlntrlctn inftxhinir. phur to smoke out the bceB, and liV morning cleared the snow fioni the ice. novel Is clue to the prevalence among gether and let It cool; slowly for tluei i.'oiitrollcr-Mctz, I).. 21«.H'jn: Konl. ed fur Ma.vor of Syraeiisp l,y a innjority The Kreate-t MliprlK' was tlu> clec- feated. ^ives up politics. tho station a large crowd gave him all 1 now -feasting ou a superior quality of leaving it transparent as gins'. As literary folk of the typewriter habit. or four hours. I like (bis ilie best o SI. O.. ll)i!.!K'S; Teale, 11.. 1'JS.iMl. of CiCilIlt. dcfeatlni: the Democratic call- tlon.of John It. .\ionm for Dlsll'lcl At- Salt Lake Clty-The bos-,,the Mor- entbu-hiKtli' welcome and escorted loriA'V of Suffolk (.'niiiily. which In- mon I'hiircli: Hie II-SIH'. Mormon in lioue.w Old residents tay the fact that Carroll passed 011. with face upturned, Jnmes AYhiickerdown Eniway, whose any of my pickle recipes. This make: MOIX'K plnrallly. i:i.SiW. illilalp. Thomas Murphy, liy tile IIIVK- him through tbe city .singing the "Mar- est majority \ r ulvi-u a i-nmlldat ll Ho'.ton, Kevere, Willtlirop ami Illicitce; the it'sult, autl-Moi-mou Mayoi the beos hung their combs outside bo- he noticed that he could see quite well sociological study, "The Nearest about eight quart j:iis full. Need no I'rt'sideut fif the Itoard of Aldermen r v sellalso." Careful -precautions had tokens 11 very mild winter. —Mi-Cownn. 1>.. 'JiM.niy; Stoker. M. tin- Mayor. - > Chelsi Michael J. SiiKbiue, j elected. boon taken to prevent disorder. through the Ice.- The forenoon sun Drink," lins made him n life member, .seal It. Will keep as long as you lot I ltear-Adinlral Nobogatoff, captured shone down with almost dazzling light, with privileges of the National Bar- Cottage Cheese—If more milL lu keeps' Auralgamatlon, investi- tlOE.S TO Sl.KKI' IN COFFIN. Two Killed In Collapse. Tu Ulve All-lIK Time to 1'olltics. Kobber-i Wreck Safe, by the Japanos-p al the Buttle of the In All Tarts of the Ptnte. transmitted. lit, coinsciiiug ladlanco soured ilian e:ui be conveniently iwrd ltobber-. vrockeil the safe of the gating tlio conditions of the district 1 • Hy the partial collapse uf a llcw Il was leailled at Dclilsou. Iciwa. that Sea of Japan, reached Port Said on his Ice formed in some ditches of Glou- through the crystal Ion--. for coukliii:, a ehee^e i'an be m.uli . bank at ('r.ilghtuu, Mo.,-and gut .n\ay messenger*. Mr. Eniway has become Inilidln;.- under honld be "whole milk"—that lil'oke I'l.iti: tilass in Undertaker's ib-ii llnis., lu Omaha. Neb.. Juiiios Cor- or his liolcllligs lu a :IMHI acre rice plan- with ¥-mw. n Western Union boy, and may be dis- An emol-goiu-y Cabinet may he Thirty rural 'phones arc to be in- associate drawn under iho Ice, their ]s, not sklmnird. Heat it slowly avw Window. bett and John I.uuipkiii wen- iuhtantly tation near lu-auinoiit. Texas, hi pur- tinguished hy his number, 5S12. and founi'd In Spain lo tide over the time slnllcd In Wcnonnli soon. cry ot pity aud honor Hashed the now. hot. not boiling, wjiter. until the curds klllecl, being burled under tons of suance of his plan tu dispose of all In- Itlotilig Over il) Odes-.i. that King Alfonso Is visiting lu Ger- -Most of tho churches In Beverly are by his- helglil. six feet four Inches. I'hicilK". HI-—Anton Uodouu-k. of terests whii-ii will take time from, of the catastrophe; over the entire Held. Ime -irparuiud I'rom tlie liquid purr, brick and stom:. Two other workmen A private telegram from Odessa says many. preparing (or extended revival serv- At Hrsl It scorned as if no huniau aid With rcfcionci; to her latest novel, South Clileago. while lu a somnambu- were1 fatnllj Injured. Thi; :ucldeilt political aspirations. thai the rioting there N over and that but not until the <-unl K touch oii listic state, walked out of liN house iu Secretary of War Tnft landed at ices. was possible. Then the quick-witted "It fHnM-^'Ufdn't "Help It. Why Did hard. Drain ihN, without pressing; was. caused by the hi-caking "f a lie Itif-im'ss Is i oiiimenelng again. Colon and was received with a salute The cost of tho new four-room school Ills night nltiri'. broke a plate glass rod. I'lcncliiiiaii thought ot the other canal Shu Do Its" I\ose Llcliii Stroek has through* double eheeriiicloth. When window of an undertaking eslnbll-h- Jumped From Hotel Window. of sevonto-11 guns. bullcllng to be erected lu West Mlllville two hundred ,feel holow. ,'iijp current dictated tlio following to her third as- drained sutllcieinly to hold together iu" incut and enured. .lumping from u third story window Coiiimaudcl- HMiop Dead. The Vcnrziu'liiii Government lias will be $10,(100. wjiu heaving Carroll straight down to- sistant stenographer general: a holld ina^s, reiuuve to tt l>owl ami He was found several hours Intoi- Port Opened. In a hotel in San Francisco, Cal.. LcalN Coinuiaucler Joshua Uishop, I*. S. N., shown Its willingness 10 meet France Since the recent test of tlie wnter ibis, and It was barely skimmed with "The lilen for this tnlu came to mo add snlL to taste, a little sweet cream, asleep lu a cottln. He waa taken In China has opened the port, ef llni- Levy, said lo he au architect In New l-ctlred, died al Ills b'ouie lu Washlug- half way In the dispute over the cable -.v-urks nt Pitman rates of Insurance Ice. - If ho. dime lo Ibe surface, by most iiiu_'.\-pootedly. I-was out shop- aud, if desired, a very little powdered charge by the police. «hau to foreign trade. YurU Cliy. was fatally hurt. Imi, 1). C, aged sIMy-six. company. have IH'OII lowered. otlo clmnce In leu lie mlglit be saved. ping, ami slipped on a banana peel. As sage. Shape by pressing into cim The Field of Sports. Ill Hie Public Eye. Following au vIccTunil feud, Deputy On ilu- faun or tiio.-ge Fleming, near Lacrolx quickly shouted his pl.m to I descended, the: thought surged ovt Timely Topics. Pugllesl Contel anil M. Clestlne Bosc molds. Labor News Notes. ('buries Kaltenhauser, of Pltlshurg, Wlliiniuslown. a po:tr orc-hartl and a Weston. and together the two vaullod 1110: Japan now owes Sl.'J.'iU.tXKJ.OOO. The Harvard Bulletin says that root- mot In Paris, Fiance, and exchanged Hold of dal-ie~. side by side, are lu Tin.' growth of trade unionism lu weighs *">i;.~> pounds. He Is au alder- Hie canal, and. Ico-liuoks lu hand, lau ".'1 nouder whether 1 shall (or will) Tin; hirppst dry tlsh packing hou-e ball games are liectnulng Insufferably several shots-, but neither man was lilt, bloom. inoxpeuilvfl liuxurlea. France has been very rapid. dull. man, of coin-so. down river as fasi as tlic\\ could. It laud erilcefullyV iu the world is at Hnlll'a.t. though both wore arrested. Fur the henetlt of-utir younger lend- A clgarelro ninkcrs' tinlou, Iu Boston, Wi'iiknrss on" tbe derence Is the seri- Alexander lliliot Is a c.indidale' for For the Ilrst liine lu llfl> years llon- was :i r,no for lllc Miuli-nr* life. Could "Just hiiw, I say, but gr.idu- There is a noticeable diminution hi \. -.pedal Havana dispatch says in. er* wlfu an: Aiiii'lius iu life, we print Is the latest trade organization. OUM defect of all the big college llu^place of AudllTrct-l'anpiler lu Ibe •ainlll Cleminer. or \obraskil. is vl-,11- 1 all.i, luipHCTptibl.-. iny little hook i the iiroportlou of ill thy lnuit; notes In French Academy. oral changes lu President Pahna's- Cab- liisr Llnwoocl. the scones of his lu>}- till }' Will I(V ( The i-llll'l- WOlkUIOll. a stor\ I'roin which \\i iua\ gather u The strike of the cotton operatives in CleMMl". inet are In contemplation. theinsi-lves loo fat- CJA* lo lender assist- grow as Hie losuli of this Incident." -Irculatlou. The late Julius Stlnde Is one ot tlio hm»! cb.\-. hint iu the V. special cable dispatch states that Some f.irmeis around Sicklcrvdlc Mudciit nnd psychologist, recently told Without a cigar Edwin Hooth, Iho England to raise funds for a monument clei'inun book world. • the Paris Bourse has been very Irregu- two runnel'i-. Inipeciuilous. ]m phieing rod ta--'-. or streamers trt Even If 1 hoy ••cached Hie lower canal this sior,\ at tbe annual dinner of the about hovoral M'mide roort-s In uuto- Miss lidna Capen, with JOO-7-iW, won John Muir. the dl-co\cier of Miilr lar owing lo-the Itusslau situation. lliclr'pit;-' lalN, s,, unit -^umiiM's will All railway empIoycB lu Prussia will The Austrian budget for tlie ll-enl Lord Stratheunii will retire from the before Carroll was swept down to It. Tlilnkaloltv Club: lnobiles. and nn IniiiiuiU; friend tackled your 11HH! estimates a surplus of near- thi' cmef cup lu the women's golf (ilacler. In Alaska. I- a venerable nat- not mistake them fi>i* r.'.blilt^. 1 1 hereafter be examined once lu live uralist anil geologist. Presidency of tbo Hank of Montreal, would tlielr elToils be of any avail : "Tbe iniivei-slly ha * sent out to -IS.- bim on the .iy .i nurd :IIKMII \\. \ found row money from their Government nt for the payment of a salary to the siiiucliodj should gho you a lltly-ceut leader of the opposition In l'arllanient. brisk month lu the automobile trade. low the earth'-, surface. .summoned for November "8. ChirK Cii-maa died lu a f 'W ltour^. straight dowii-strcaiii: should a crusi. cverxboily u.nueil u> sell :in .mm Torthree per cent. pleeer . Tn our amazement. Just 17,Wl Colonel Finlay Anderson, n - well- The Husslan gunboat Vsadnik has 1 HI rent Uellccl Ills i-injr-i ly a Tew a ^'ood jHlc-t hi M.IIH' liiniM^nl, MI 1 Oculists will ride with engineers iu It is tlie. theory of a Chicago profes- Doctor .Scanlon dirt the host work of answers rend: 'I'd lite II.'" the Brooklyn pitchers, lie luudccl llf- known Jouniall-t. died in New York. boon raised by tbe Japanese at Port loot toi'Ighl or lefi. 11 nih^lit be Impos- J»M liuiig iiniuiid Hie g.ini-:y a ovoiy the cab on the St. Pnul to test tho eye- sor that Hat cat-wheels liy tlieir rhylh- Henry llun-luppo Quick, wliu Is now t leeu victories, as against twelve de- rrofi'KMir Oberlauder, the famous Arthur. Tn llnnUli Cupid From Srlionll. sible for Ibeui lo ic.ich him. Wbal !l Ihilol 1 -!o|i|icl al. ami pii'loudod to be eight of the men. mlc click facilitate the production of Citizens residing lu the same ward bard al work on his eighty-ninth poetry.' feats liorninn coitdc llluslrator, ivlebratcd .A live-year sentence of single, blessed- ' his lioily shiinM mil ilv at all !•) Hie ns crcen ltN Dif Knu'iald I.s|e. ami »nve The highest workmen's wnges In Ber- an Admiral Togo- gave him a great re- nowl, "Tlip Sauiiolo Plui." invariably ltucogoorn at the Aqueduct race JIIH tlxtirtli Ijlrthday recently. ness Is tho doom ot all Normal School .MIL [Iuu 1 wniiU'd («i ^el ;i -<'LUU(IOJ:JIKV lin arc pnld to masons—$1,110 to $2.14 n Thp iiunuat report of tbe only rail- course complained at the defeats of ception ut Toklo. students aspiring to (pitchers' positions. composes on H linotype machine — 1 .laiiies J. L'upiitllcodorokomiicHlii- As Ciirndl »a> Inn up 1111 bellealh the in.ii-bliu . nnd would nut ^n to ,L dnilcr. dny for piece work. road lu the Philippines shows earnings Ii-racllto and Oeear. Tide, both opening Clowds altended the opening lu If tho proposal of several members of Life. of llftcpn per cent, ou a capital stook of tcnirlourgootototolous leglsterecl in Ice lie hi'uril thi' thump: tlnm-pl a> I <1id nui :iiiy;|iin^ .iliout Sir William Mulock has decided to favorites. Chleago. Tlip name Is said to be gen- 1'nrls of the French Senate and Cham- tlio Chicago Board of Education takes of appi'Ditching feet. Then tnu lenpin^' niacbhic, and 1H> uii^br lub inc. I lm\e try employing deaf mutoK In the Post- Ki.353.OM>. Miss N. Kuonllon and J. tionluu uine. ber of Deputies. tangible form.- Those who would ban- 1 Nurtet I.'ae'l aa spl«i, . 1 figures nit oft the sunlight for a uiti. Inul fori\ -nine i Idi .-. -i-veiiteeri liinrlirj, onice Department In Canadu. All Ohio man otters to sluml bare- llullglus won the llnal tu the mixed ('harh'S M. Schwab has placed an The Japanese* rice crop for th!#s year ish Cupid from the school for five rears nieut. One h.illal :m am jutd vention. He Is a widower. ma Idle-. I'ldlcd Klnt'loin. his home near Milan. Italy. lil-i I'liend? v>'(-lf Itiiiuin^ lowahl it. In cui'ps commanders lo the mallei-. QWl\ JC Ip \ lllllUt»'l.s ters." -THE CRANBURY PRESS- Every Ounce You Eat. nothinir Dolnir. Every ounce bf food you cat that "*°w °>ni 1 nnTC >M y°u n,Pollc*'" ,...,. , , , , . _ i said the Insurnnco agent, "I will mnko C. C. BLAUVELT. HDTJI.I5HED EVEBT FRIDAY AT faira to d.geat does a pound of barm ym nn |ntorc|)Ung propoJ!lt,on. oirol 1 ORANnDRT, N. J. It turns tho ontiro meal into poison. m0 „„„,„• lctt(.ra o{ introduction to Get Into Our Winter Clothing, This not only deprives tho blood of the! people you know and I will give you] Underwear and Hosiery DY.THK necessary HHSUO building material, lmt' half my commission on evory one of CO. thcI l lnnd it poisons it. Koilol Dyspepsia Cure] » -" , _, , , This Store is in shape to supply everything you aro Be Comfortable, Look Stylish. 11.60 PEE YEAE. IN ADVANCE. , , JI . , T I. . ,i "My-denr mnn," cried tbo new policy A NEW is a perfect dlgcsUint. It digests -Hie bm^ „, ,mVcn.t nn cncmj. on wrth-.. likely to want. Few stores carry a stock of equal size and FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1905. food regnrdless of tbo condition of lbi< —Newark News, variety. It embraces foreign and domestic makes. Many and Save Money. stomach. It, allows that organ reflt Sure to Get Home. grades at many prices. Overcoats' of every fashionable , of every cor- Tuesday's Election. and got strong again. Relicvis belch RECORD rect fabric, of every desirable weight, of every length Trie election on Tuesday resulted in a ing, heart burn, sour stomach, indiges- " - -4.5c. to $S3.2 Following election "tho Republicans ' Nature Needs but Little. Houston Post. of every description and the every-day needs of your fam- have It." 'Way out in Craubury, we Nature needs only a Little- Early ily are now in stock as never before. can't expect many of tbe plump, but if Riser now and then to keep the bowels in dlBpenBing them a few'from the out If you want Flannels, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, clean, tbo liver active and the system Towolings, Muslftis, Calicos, Ginghams, Draperies, Curtain THE TIME IS RIPE. Clothiers. Hatters, Furnishers. side limbs, or maybe some of the pits free from bile, headaches, constipation, come our way we'll gather them up etc. The famous little pills "Early Nets or Silknlines, you ciin not afford to buy until you see The time is ripe for the fall buying. Every stock beckons and value them for all they're worth. Risers" are pleasant in effect and per Your Hunt- our great variety and the low prices we offer! you with its best merchandise; every effort will be made to make feet in action. They never gripe or Be just to yourself. The Seventh Commandment. your money spending with us satisfactory. We have chosen sicken, but tone and strengthen the what we believe to be the best. We have chosen it for you, and Our daily papers are filled with re liver and kidneys. Sold by N. F. Clay ports of "-divorce proceedings," which now we"invite you U> inspect, to judge for yourself if this is not PEPPLER'S CHATS. ton." " ing Coat, * CL Blatnrelt, Hightstown* are usually due to one of the increasing going to be o good store from which to replenish your autumn evils ol the 20th century. . Mot Necessary. and winter outfits. ~ There is no mortal Bin -which strikes Ethel—My papa is a great reader. Blankets and Robes. so heinously at the very foundation of Is yours ? Mr. Gunner, A Kino Knngo of New Flnnneletto Wear for Wo- I. have the largest and finest selected stock of high-grade society OB a violation of tbo above com- Little Margie—No', he doesn't have if bought here, will give you i DreHK GOIMIH. men nnd Children. Blankets and Eobes ever shown in one store in this or any other mandment. Tho sanctity of tbe home to read. Ho sayB mamma spcukB vol- the best of satisfaction, be- The Man with $T-50'to In no section of the shop will you Flannelette night gowns, flannel- part of New Jersey. My prices are below all competition. Come is invaded, honor Bullied, domestic umes to him when ho comes borne find moro ample preparation tbnn ette short skirts. Here are somo peace destroyed, the confidence be- cause we've been handling and see for yourself. Blankets from 65 cents to $8.00. Robes from late—Philadilphia Inquirer. in ibis dress goods section of ours.- tempting loU for you to choose them. tween man and wife forever lost; it $1.45 lo $15.00. I make a great specialty of Blanket^ and Eobes, these reliables so long we can ' pay for a Suit . Styles, qualities and prices will all robs marriage of its divinity and pros- Men's Single nnd Double and will not be undersold by any one in the business. Take tbe No Use for a Coat of Arms. vouch for their reliability. appeal to you. Breasted Suits. - hint—come here nnd buy. titutes " God's image " to tho level of "Now that you are wealthy, Mr. C," Same regarding Leggings, . tbe brute. said tbe man who dealp in pedigrees or Overcoat Men's Top nnd Storm Coats. You can make no mistake hero, Gloves, Sweaters, Knit Jack- v GALVANIZED IKON ROOFING Are not those who violate this diviue and'the like," you should really adopt can find the best seven-dollar-and-a-half's • There will be an unusual demand if excellence of stylo and perfection ets. They don't give way will outweor'any and all other rooGng,~costs less" than'shingles, injunction worse than those who break a' m^ of arms""" worth at Donnelly's which liei "ever saw or this season. Wo aro equipped to of fit, coupled with a low price, has slate or tip. I carry large quantities in stock and can fill orders at the 8th commandment? Those who " " I'll do just as" I please," retorted for any briar tliut grows. - "" heard of. satisfactorily servo you in this im- -any interest for you. once. My sales of this rooflng^now surpass any other dealer in -take that which does not belong to Mr. C, hotly. " If I like to go about They keep you whole. We show a most unusual range of choice in portant item. CAJKPETS . them can return their booty, but those this State The reason ii~that I give you Iron instead of Steel in my shirt sleeves, that none 0* Costs nothing to see them. low-priced suits, and give correct style us well A New Lino of Muslin The carpet stock i» the most com- who break the 7th commandment, by roofing. It is well known that iron galvanized will many times your business." as honest fabric for the money. Underwear pleto Hint wo have ever shown. their act, place themselves beyond the outwear slecl galvanized. When you used .to buy iron wire gal- Say, Wife or Mother, as handsome a allowing as ono You'll find Drat choosing satiHfuc- pale of restitution. Are not they worse A Disastrous Calamity. They have the appearance of much higher vanized your fence was bright many years. Now steel wire will might need wish to sec. tory. than those who break the Oth com- It is a disastrous calamity, when you it'll pay you to s-ee that hub- priced garments, and wear well, too. rust the first night lift out of doors. Same with roofing. Lit me mandment? The falsifier, by retract lose your health, because indigestion by or son buys here as you SHALL WE SHOW YOU THESE SUITS? quote you prices before you buy.. GROCERIES. You will always find the best goods at the " ing an untruth, can clear the name of and constipation have Bapped it away. do. We can't be outmatched GUNS AND AMMUNITION BELOW COST one who is defamed, but be who vlo Prompt relief can be bad in Dr. King's or undersold in Work Gloves, " We can Ha"t you, too. lowest prices. whilo they last. Seo last week's chat for particulars. • lates the 7th commandment, by ac-New Life Pills. They build up your Underwear, Shirts, Boys' Agent for Wood's Boston Coffees. Agent for White Star knowledging his fin, bub adds to his digestive organB, and cure headache, Waists,' Socks, StoCkiugs, etc. BEST SISAL STALK TWINE own condemnation and that of his co Coffee. Step in and ask for a drawing. dizziness, colic, constipation, etc. 21 0?.., 8 cents cut lengths, 7J cents by the bale. respondent. Guaranteed at"^f. F. Clayton's drug F. W. DONNELLY'S, Carriages and Harness in great variety, Corn Shelters, Corn •Unfortunately, those who suffer tho store. 25c. [ GREEN STAMPS GIVEN. Mills, liny and Straw Cutters, etc., alwnyson hand. most for this " moral lapse " are "-(he Trenton Opern House Stores ami Assembly Kponi,*- Thomas Mason & Son, weaker sez^jwd innocent children Silvers Bros. No. 7 coflco can be 3 ore frequently disgraced for life. purchased only in 1" pound Red Bags, No. 114 Main St., Higrhtstown, N. J.^ ~a. Box~1007~."THOMAS PEPPLER, . sealed. Quality Guaranteed. Ask your .The woman at once becomes a social grocer for it. Next to.R. A. Donnelly's 3Ien'n FurnlHliIni; Uomlx Store. JHIGHTSTOWN,^. J. - outcast—a moral Pariah— wh~ilo~lli«" man may still hold a place in some Do not be' deceived by counterfeits sorts of society. Every woman, when when you buy Witch Hiizel Salve. Haberdashery, YOU OUGHT TO BUY CARPET OF US! tempted to stray from tho path of vir- The name of E. C. DeWitt & Co. Is on 12 South Broad Street. OUK L.VTKST tue, should remember this fact. Society every box of the genuine. Files in Next Taylor Opera HotiHe, FASHION, PALACE, will sever accept the woman who their worst form will soon pass awuy SOCIETY, AltlSTOCItAT, THE COUNTRY BOY, whether he be a fanner breaks the 7th commandment, although WHY? if you will apply DcWilt's Witch Connecting with tiKjnt&TOWN.N.J.; !?<•; PIT Down. mechanic or business, will attain higher and better results It often winks at the " peccadillos" Hazel Salve night and morning. Best F. W. Donnelly's. Other* ijsa l<> JjsS.oO Per Dozen. WE SEW THEM, if he has wisely acquired a Bvshxess Education. of the man. for cute, burns, boils, tetter, eczema, Art Studies in Portraiture Sad, indeed, it is, but nevertheless etc. Sold by N. F. Clayton. 12 S. Broad Street, Croups, Views, Interiors. SPECIALS Because WE LAY THEM, BE A FARMER but be farmer, for farm- the womun is the one who must ever TKENTON, N. J. Carbon IUvliin^ - - IS for 50c. \VE LINE THEM, ing is just as much a business as any of the great industries, if wear tbe "Scarlet Letter" on her Man's Unreasonableness GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHY Unique ----- ;i i'or 2oe. FOR you make it so. breast. is often as great us woman's. _ But TO GUARANTEE Far better to keep tbe temple Btain Thos. S. Austin, Mgr. of tho " Repub CRANBURY AND HICHTSTOWN POST CARDS. OTTR EACH YEAR hundreds of positions are filled by us. less than to white wash tho Augeau lican," of Leavenworlb, Ind., was not BUSINESS PRICE, FIT, QUALITY YOU If you aim to get into business, we will start you. in a good stables. No matter how unhappy-a unreasonable when he refused to allow SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFKH. IS and SATISFACTION paying position. home may be, there is not the slightest tbe doctors to operate on bis wife for Yard's New BUSINESS MEN prefer the country boy—there's excuse for a violation of tho 7th com- AmcrlciiD Acrlealturlht. 1 yeur • •- Jl.tti <1 ivomi'ti I 51.11 female trouble. " Instead," he sayu, Amrrlcun lllru Mticur.luo. 1 • WE MEET .your chance. '• mandment. Only " tbe pure in heart " we concluded to try Electric Bitters Arm'rlciLn Bo>\ 1 K'nr l.uu Niiliunut Mit^ii/.ttit', 1 mnT • shall see God." My wife was then so sick she could Amurlcun Invoulor. 1 yonr -N'oimitl Ins'.m 'tor. :l yuur*-- Send at onco far handsome new caUloguo and learn the way. Fall Wrappers origin Motherhood. 1 yisir • One of the " WEAKER SEX." hardly leave her bed, and live (5) pby Dookk-M-peHwilh Iiailpn yi'.ir •• The Highest eiclana bad failed to relievo ber. After Chk'ueo Inu'r-OL'fnn/l ji>iir The Lowest The Newark Business College, Good for Our Side. taking Electric Bitters she was per CoMTinpolUiui. 1 yt'Kr Lt(.l!o'n Monthly Ma to aHbimilato nud transform all foods One is uiadu witli belt nil Como to us. Wo \yilnt you to without knowing what it menus, but thoroughly exiuuluc our Plcturi* MouMloir ruroiHhod ut tthnrt notUe Sun Optical Mfg. Co., P^f if tbo editor uses ono ho bos to spell it; into tissue buildiug blooil. Kodol re around; hangs full from neck, hiitfHfm'torv prlcuH. If the doctor goes to see auotber lioves Hour bloumch, hunt hum, with tlireo 1-in. tucks each side Established 1SS0. Incorporated 1S9D. belching nnd nl! forms of indi^ettion. man's wife ho charges for tbe vidlt, but Tho more critically you teat our Tribune "Farmer Stnto mid Warren Streets, TItENTON, N. J. to give a yoke eifect. Pleated iiiHtrutneuiH, thu bull IT WO will if the editor goes to see another man's Oflico Hours fl a. in., to 5 p. m. Consultation Free. wife he gets a charge of buckshot. Credit—Something for nothing. back, hilngs full. Trimmed like it. The closer you iuvcati Sour A PRACTICAL Nntional Illustrated Creditor—Something with nothing. with tho goods. Skirt with giito our clainiH for them, the bet- When a doctor gets drunk it's a case Credulity—A. feminine virtue and a ter you will like them. WE agricultural weekly, KNOW tht*y lmvo tho quutiticH Stomach of • overcome by the heat,' and if he masculine vice. deep flounce. PROGRESSIVE tumlc to meet the dies it 1B ' heart trouble.' When tho of Tone, Action ami Beuuty of No appetite, IOJJ ot itrongth, nervou*. awe, which ineetM tbe dennm/ln of neu, heidacho. constipation, bad breath, wants of the farmer editor gets drunk it's a cat,e of " too 1 general debility, tour rblngj, and catarrh Son Lost Mother. ' In Flannelets. rtilined mumml IH.HU , ami given HELPFUL much boozo," and if he dies it'g u cane. ol the stomach are all due to Indigestion. and every member "Consumption runu in our family, At OSc.—Silver greys in stripes lasting wit infliction to tho pur- Kodol cures Indigestion. This now discov- of delirium tremens. and through it I lo^t my mother," rliusrr. Wo curry tho J. A C. ery represents the natural Juices of diges- ENTERTAINING »/ Any old college can make- a doctor. writes E? B. Keid, of Huiuiouy, Me. and figures. Hang full from FKcher, Sobmer «& Co,, mid Kel* tion as they exist In i,heallhy-atom«ch, You cant't make an editor ; he boB to lur Htm .pimiOH, ut from $250.00 combined with the greatest known tonlo "For tho pnst live yearn, however, on' neck; skirt-and-waist effect to $500.00. KiiHy pnyincnts if and reconstructive properties. .Kodol Dys- IF YOU SEE IT YOU WILL WANT IT. bo born."—Chicago Clinic. tbe slightest sign of a cough or cold, X desired. pepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion Headstones, Markers, and Fencing. back. Trimmed with the goods and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy Send for frco sample copy to- "I Thank tho Lord," have taken Dr. Kiug't) Now Discovery Our Pluuos plcabu our Pntroiis. cures all atomach troubles by cloanslng, 'NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER, Put up in tho best alyk, of the finestqualit y of GRANITE or MARBLh cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock, for Consumption, which has saved at front, forming yoke: deep purifying, sweetening and strenelhonlnf Tribune Building, New York City. and wrought by skilled workmen. Ark., for the relief I got from Buck- mo from soriouB lUDg trouble." His tho mucous membranes lining the atomach. flounce; bishop sleeves. Mr. S. S. EUH d Rivensvood. W, Vt.. wc- All work dono at the lowest possible pricoa for First Claaa Job Ion's Arnica Salvo. It cured my fear motb'cr's death wax a sad loss for Mr. "Iwl troubled with sour stomach (or twenty yeira. The regular subscription price is $1.00 Kodol curod m. ind vo tr« nov'utlnE It la milk For estiinatos on any kind of yard work, or Blue stone of all purpose ful running sores, which nothing elso MieriCo., (orbAbr." per year, but you may securo it ut a bar- Reid, but lio learned lung trouble must would heal, and from which I had suf. not bo neglected, and how to euro It. 5 N. Warren Street, Kodol Digests What You Eat gain with your favorito local weekly MANTLES, TABLE TOPS, &c, Address, Bottlaionl;. *I.OOSUoholdlc»2« tlmu tfc.trial newspaper, "Tho Press," Cranbury, N. J. fered for 5 years." It is a mnrvclouB Quickest relief and euro for coughs and TRENTON, N. J, alxo. which sella for SO cents. Praparad bj E. O. D.WITT Jt OO., OHIOAQO. healer for cuts, burnB and wounds. colds. Frico 00c. and f 1.00; guaran- Moaonlc Tomplo MUBIC Store. BOTH PAPERS ONE YEAR FOR $1.75. LUPTON BROS., Matawan, Keyport and Guaranteed- at N. F. Clayton's drug teed at N. F. Clayton's. Trial bottle •tore. 26c free. N. F. CLAYTON. Send your money and order to Tho Press. Perth Ambov. P. O Address Matawan, N, J. -THE CRANBURY PRESS- . .—Altred-M.-Hcrrine. • JAMESBUKG. Sunday Sehoorcouventlon. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.. One of our moBt highly esteemed Tbo annual Stato "Sunday School Mr. Edwin ThorburnorHlghtetown, TIMB TADL-K m Zreztn On. IO, im. residents entered into rest with tho convention will meet In Atlantic City, S. P. DUNHAM & CO., FKIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1905. will occupy tho now Photographic Gal closing day on Tuesday; Alfred M. lory being built by Mr. F. H. Powunll, at St. Paul's M. E. Church, on Tues- TRENTON. N. J. f/ Porrldo, wBoso serious Illness hnd been WESTVIBD, PERSONALS. nearly completed. day, November Htb, continuing tbieo montioned in a former issuo. Mr. days. Among tbo upcakcrfl will bo tho Mlsa Emma Lowlo spent" Sunday Mr. Ellas L. Bennett has begun „ 1 [owYorlt 9.M Porrino was a son of Matthias Per- ln )ttll 1 Our Wnffon Climes to Your Town Every Friday, Taking 9.S7 with friends In J&mesburg. store, with dwelling attached, on Hall- l«» °»» 1 secretary. Mr. llnrion -fownrk 10.5) rlae, who bad live sons and four dnugu- Prof M Orders and Delivering Store News. 13.00 rood Avenue I,, front of tho shirt *'™™™, - - °- Brumbaugh, Houtb Arnboy-. 10.51 1J.28 MIBS Annie Davison wns tbo guest tors. Tho only survivors of tbo family Jftmnflburir Jon over Sunday of Miss Begalo Stults at factory. Miss Florence Ben Oliel, nnd Governor 3ranbury 11.00 13.3S re two daughters, Mrs. John Gibpon, KlKlitfltown... 11.07 0.11 SuDnyside farm. Mrs. Austin Kichnrd»on lias quickly StokeH. Prominent officers of the Ktuto Bordontown,... 11.31 1.1C of Cranbury Station, and Mrs. Joi. P. association will nlno take part. Tbe Sirs. A. A. Duncan is very ill with recovered from licr accident which it Tronton Dey, of Pueblo, Colorado, Ho spent general secretary, Ruv. E. M. Fi rgus- SIO for SI6.50 34 Length Coats was feared would prove serious. Sbo Burllntton' . Ml peritonitis. bis life In this vicinity and was tvico fell down collar and escaped_with but son, 835 Broad street, Newark, id dis Ounulno Mrs. J. M. Makwell, of Blghtstonn, married, his first wife being Miss Cor Of hard worsted twisted English coverts, tight fitting, welted 8JS a fow bruises. tribuling progrnms nnd credonlinlBj rtiilndolphin,.. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ancil nolia Dey, by wham ho had one (laugh- aud expects tho largest and best con- seams, extending from collars to hems of skirts, turned back Davison last Sunday, Mr. Taylor Mount und family ar* Latest JSTovelties in WEEE-DATD. ter. After ber death he married bur vention tbo association bas evor~hcld. cuffs, tailor button Ifhnniod, satin lined. -. EABTWiBB. very comfortably Betted In their now Mies Margaret MacDonuId, of Stock- Bister, Miss Gertrude Dey, by whom bo Tho program of the' several sessions i.M. ton Place, Princeton, is visiting Mr. had two children, a son who died when homo on Church Street. is boforo us, ami to all Sunday pchool $5 for $8 Covert Coats PhtlmJolphln... 7.33 Onmdoo — 1.00 and Mrs. Edward Humphreys a child, and a daughter, Mrs. Robert Mr. Qco. Simtnson who has been workers it promises much of interest. Sweaters, Golf Vests With notched collars, plaited backs, sectional belts, attrac- Burlington 1.31 Mrs. Frank Thomas', of Nuwark, vlp- Spaulding. Ho alBO hnd two gruDd- seriously ill is slowly recovering. Superintendents of Sunday schools will tive, stylish, nicely made coots. Tronton-.. 0.43 7.10 i.os ited Mrs. Charles Everingbam and daughters, Miss Nellie Eldridgo and Mr. Jos. M. Porrino lias given a very bo especially interested in Wcdnes- Bordontowa.. T.iO 8.38 ' 1.30 Mary Spaulding. His business was HlKlitmown..- CM 8 32 9.02 2.30 daughters Ibis week. ornamental setting off to his beautiful dnyV meeting. Wednesday ovening $16 tor Kersey Coats Oraaburr 0,K 8.98 Q.O7 3.35 farming which bo carried Qn with great will be tbe timo for tbo unnuuTUnnquct, and Norfolk Jackets. JnmoPtmreJun 17.03 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander S. Stults house on Church Street, by its brilliant Black, tan, brown and modo. Lined to the" waist with war- JamoHliurK -7.03 e.9f success. Ue had a fine farm just out- after which thcra will bo discussions n? Houth Amboy-. 7.33 8.07 gave a large party on Wednesday painting. B.10 side of town that has been on several For Women and. Misses. ranted satins, double-breasted. All seams strapped. Fine tailor Nowark 10.37 7.H. evening. Mr. Thomas E. Perrine's house on to methodtj and tho obtaining of best Now York:...- " S.IJ 10.63 7.13 occasions a haven of rest to those in work througliout. Three-quarter and seven-eight lengths. Church Street, is making encouraging results. Fashion calls loudly for these comfortable and jaunty Mrer George Fhares is very III with trouble or suffering, and where It was An additional train loavofl Tronton for progress. ' . heart trouble. tho dolight of himself and family to Housekeepers who want to bo fcuro garments again this season, and in consequenco we'ro $17.50 for Black Broadcloth Coats Hlehtatowa nt 0.17 P. M.. Btopplng at Bordon Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cole enter- welcome their friends in largo nnd Tho uuniveranry exercises of tho they uro getting good coffee should prepared with extraordinary assortments of each, in Long, tight fitting corsages kinds, fly fronts, men's coat col- town at o.ll P. M. Presbyterian Snbkuth Schools last Sun- always buy J. H. Silvers & Bros, that "a" Stops oa sliTnnl to rcoolvo passonirors- tained a company of friends .on Wed-Bmall numbers. ^ which all the newest fancies in stitches and colors aro lars and cud's. Skirts with lapped seams falling loose about tho "1" Stops on notlco to Acont oron slsaal. nesday evening. day was attended by crowds, it wus is put up in the red Imgi. It is guar represented, and in connection with the pleasing styles "About two years ago bo bought a estimated that at leu»t 700 packed the anteeil. Always good. Always what bottom. FREEHOLD AND JAMESBURC Mrs.' J. B. Perrlne, who will repre- , BRANCH. property in'town, whero be bad a very church. The speaker was Rev. J. B.yon expect. Always mire to inuke and qualities—Die prices are remarkably moderate. sont'Ploneor Orange, No. 1, at.the con- Women's Suits at $12.50 FOIl FREEHOLD, SEA QUIT, ABD pretty and convenient home, anil where Devins, D. D., editor .of the Now York you want more Hut, cojfoc Is liko a vention of the National (Jrango at Women's Sweaters, $1.50 to $3.50. 1.ONQ I1RANOU. ho led -n quiet, hnppy life. Observer, who gavo-a\'ery intere?ting potato- "Properly prepared it piemen We hardly believe that you could find even a tailor who Atlantic City, has engaged rooms at Splendid variety of smart effects; in plain white, FROU Jijlcanima, «.15 A. II., U.SI and S.3I Ho was faithful in tbe discharge of talk.on his journey around tho world, nnd satisfies, but a good article may hn does ordinary work to make you sucli garments for the price, you P, M. weok-dnys. Son Qlrtonlr. 7.c«P.i£. the Sea Shore, the headquarters of the-. every duty, personal, religious or polit dwelling particularly on his experi- mado very uu&atipfuctory, and NO blnck, red and navy; and white combined with colors. wcok-dn)-s. National Orange. to furnish materials. Made of homespun weaves, Crash weaves, ical. He was at one time a member of ences in .Inpan and Korea. Tbo rest Silvers Bros, aro suro that if their High and V neck styles. some in Grecian grays, some Oxfords, some plain, unsheared Fnon Loiren JiJiraiuKa, B.u, IJ.SI. Miss Annie Doy, of HigbUtown, was tho Board of Freeholders. Ho was* a nnd-e.ii P, M. vrocE-dars; Son Girt onlr. 7.11 of tbe program was full of interest. guaranteed coflco is mado witli care cheviots in navy blue and black. Semi-fitted coats, tailor strap-, P. M, vrook-diiTS. 10.03 A. M. Sundays. a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. prominent member of the Second Pres- tho result will bo pleasing to tbo fullest Misses' Sweaters, §1.50 and $1.98. Tho election Tuesday, resulted in|he TBEHIUS ASD PHn.ADEl.PBIA Win. C. Voorhces l»st week. byterian Church, and one of its deacons. extent. In plain white and red. ped, lined with satins to'matcli. Men's coat collars and sleeves,— This office brought him in contact with election of the following Borough offi- FnoM JiHEHBuiio. 9.11 A. M.. U.32 and U7 Mrs. James Harkness' home is now plaited skirts. the needy, and ho not only looked cers. Mayor, Frank Jennings; Coun- Misses' Norfolk Jackets, $2.25. P. M. wook-days. very pretty and tasteful. The addi- Resolution*. after them officially, but in every pos cilmen, Fred L. Buckelcw and William And Women's Suits at ."$19.50 and $22.50 FnoH jA^ESSUSa JtJKCTlON. 7^3,9.17. A. K tion built and tbe Beat paint on the , Tiio General Conference In plain white anil red. With large white pearl siblo way he beXriendcd them. Ho was C. Crosby ; Commissioners of Appeals, 6.30. and 0.5O r. M. vook-dnys. outside are added to greatly by tho of tho Methodist Protestant Church, buttons. Cheviots and broadcloths, splendid, long, gracefully cut prompt in meeting every obligation, J. Edmond Maryott unit Wm H. Mil- FOB SEW TOHK. furnishings of the inside. Tho paint in niinuul session nMerulilwl at Fair coats, many gores, somer-with plaits at gores. Extra full box and in his denth tbe church loses one ler, and tbo full nppropriution asked Fnou Jkin&nvva. o.ll A. U. weok-dars. was done by Isaac Bogart. Haven, N. J,, in He judgment 8a-1 *i -a-4-*Ziifo\ M Eoglisbtown church in evangelistic ' meant to Fell at 75c. and cataloging them being done by near Applegarth. Sho was of a pleas- We'll neither tormont nor roast you. Our stock is services for two weeks from Nov. 19. Mns. D. W. CLAYTON, " Mrs. J. E. Curry. They are attractive ant disposition, but quiet In manner; the largest in New Jersey. Our prices are lower on most 30c. for heavy lustrous silks, splendid lino of sbadings, meant to sell MISS MINNIE E. Biiow.v, nt G9c. * in appearance and by the best authors She leaves, besides her , husband and Rev. Benj. S. Everett and wife have goods and wo guarantee satisfaction. returned from their vjsit to bis son at MRS. A. E. Di:y, .£ of Jbooks of this kind. Neat cats- children, many friends Fho mourn her . - Committee of Union Vnlley •o - lognes bave been distributed among "Peekskill, N. Y. and from visiting E. S. APPLEGATE &, CO., Trenton, N. J. loss as that of a very dear friend. M. P. Sunday School. S. P. Dunham & Co. the members of .the school and books relatives at Jamaica, Long Island. In her girlhood days she attended November 5, li)0r>. Opposite Tnylor Opera House. may be obtained next Sunday. - - the Hlgbtstowu-Baptist-Church, -but — It-is pleasant to know that his fellow SEND FOIt CATALOGUE. since her marriage sheilas been a regu citizens gave Mr. Frank H. Powuall On the Strength of Another's Mission Band Entertainment. lor attendant at the First Presbyterian their very general support on election Word. CHRISTOPHER DURYEA, The Willing Workers' Mission Band Church of this place. without regard to party. Raid Jack to Jim "Why arc you so CONTRACTING MASON. of tbe First Presbyterian Church will dull this morning?" "Oh! my coffee give an entertainment on Wednesday GRANOLITHIC PAVEMENTS, DAYTON. was poor" pair! Jim. evening, December Cth. They will be Annual Meeting of Society. ££SS£3=g::::: K 5 Said Jack "Did it come out of a red SAMUEL FRYER, STONE AND CEMENT WORK, o assisted by other talent in the church On Monday evening the annual Miss Alice Stults, in company with DEALER IN STANDARD CEMENT. meeting of the Improvement Society her sister, Mi.-s Lillie Stults, started for bag that had the nnme of Silvers on it, ""•"" in vocal and instrumental music, reci- and 'guaranteed'?" " ' tatlODB, etc., eo that those who attend was held "in the home of Mis.'E. S. New Mexico on Tuesday to remain for 9 CHARLTON STREET, "No, it didn't" said Jim, "but i'll get Hightsfown Granite & Marble Works. " . will be well entertained. Tho admis- Barclay. A number of matters were an indefinite time. Tbe former is seek considered and officers for tho ensuing ing health. a bag of it right awny for tbey Ray IT is PRINCETON, N. J. li£>,8lon will be 15 cents. There •will be always goad." Monuments and Headstonesin Granite or Marble. .. ice creaas and cake for Bale after the year were elected. Those who have Rev. Charles Everett, D.D., and served the past year being EO efficient entertainment. Keep in mind tbe Mm. Everett, of Belmar, visited Ida Public Sales. CEMETERY WORK OF ALL KINDS. daie and help tbe band, for they are their continuance in office was urged. brother, John Everett, last week. Best Bark ftuincy Grinlto used in Monnmont: and Ecaditoccs. Their compliance is a matter of con November Ifi.—Andrew Miller will ?? willing to work if they can get help Mr. Walter Applegato bos purchased sell ut hiH rcsideuce at AcqueriucL, on BKICK AJJI> FLAG STONE FOR SALE. financially from their friends. gratulation for the society. They are a new auto of a Philadelphia Qrin. as follows : President, Mrs. J. S. Sil tho roa'l from Plainsboro to Princeton MORRISON STREET, , HICHTSTOWN, N. J. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, | The Beading Circle vers; vice-president, Mrs, H. C. Syna- Mr. H. R. Farr bas a very sick colt stock, farm implements, household It will pay to (,'et priceH ol me licfora buying elsewhere. 8 under the care of Dr. Mattbis, of CRANBURY, N. J. Will meet next week In the home mes; secretary, Mrs. Samuel Perrine. goods, etc. sas:sss5S2S I- Princeton. of Miss Eatherino Janvier, when the treasurer, Mrs. R. L. McDowell. November 25th, the executors of Cnpital, .$50,000.00. Surplus and Profits, $70,000.00. following readings will bo given : The membership at first consisted of Mr. J. W. Errickson is suffering with Morgan Bennett, deceased, will soil ut • • PHOGBAM. ladicp, who organized at tho suggestion a severe attack of-quinsy sore throat. 12 o'ejock personal property consisting George, the First, Mrs. Burroughs. of Rev. Adolos Allen, wbo has been a Mr. and Mra. "Henry Stults, of Cam of stock, farming utensils, corn, hay THE SECRET YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED. Robert Walpole, Mrs. Mention, regular attendant and adviser, and wbo den, visited friends in town over .Sun and stalks. Also household goods. Stetson Rebellion In Scotland,' Mrs. F. Davis. bos tbo improvement of conditions in day. November 2S.—Tho bclrn of Alfrec QFL -OUR_SUGCESS " 3 Per Cent. Interest AllowecTlri SavingsDepartmentr Hats " Escape of George Nlthsdale, . our town, morally, spiritually and ma Robbers have again visited our town. A. Bennett, deceased, will sell at pub terlally, ever in mind. Tho ladles have Is an Open Secret.- .-• .;- Mrs. Bradley. Last Friday they entered George Van lie sale tbe homestead farm of 133 OFFICERS. •Count Zinzendorfa hymn, done what they could to further his Derveer's Btoro, tuking several pairs of acres. The iaiprovemenLs arc a larg< "Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness." plans, and the townspeople very gen- trousers, but tbey were forced to drop house, barns, and all necessary out WE DO GOOD WORK, JOIIX 8. 8ILTKI1S. GF.0. B. MERSnON, South Sea Bubble, Mrs. H. M. Brown. erally have cooperated. their plunder, as they wero pursued. buildings, and the. location is desirable DIRECTORS. Locbaber no More, We need not say there has been im Tho evangelistic services aro beiug and convenient to town. We throw out no baits; we simply do as we would like to John Bull and Nic Frog, be done by and give to every one provements during the post year, they very successfully carried on. Tbe LOST.—On Wednesday, between Prin DAVID C. 7.EWIS. JAMIiS n. OOODWIS. KCV. A. I.. AIHISTHONQ. Miss Ella Groves. speak for themselves in beauty, and tho Rev. Mr. Etucholl and bis wife, by their Their Money's Worth. JOHN K. SILVEItH. WAl.TKIt S. QHOVKlt. D. MoLEAK VOOnHEEB. Current events. ceton anil Cranbury, on the Plains sidewalks add much to the comfort sirjging, muke the meetings very in boro road, a Brow u Satchel. Liberal WM. a.HILVEUS. ALEXANDEH3. COLE. WILLtAMJ. ROWLAND. Thanksgiving Night. of pedestrians. About twenty new terttttiug. reward will Im paid for iLH return tc sidewalks have been laid, aud while tho PRESS office. We are so glad that we- will have Mrs. J. B Rowland nnd Mra. H. It. some might have been done without, it PRESSOFFICE, entertainment in town oh Thanksgiv- Farr visited relatives in New Bruns- is safe to say that there would not bave FOR SALE—Clieap : a good doubl ing, especially as it will be largely wick on Tuesday. harrel gun Inquire at this office. til> ounty of JIUiHt'sux. on Tuesday, tlio four- The ice cream and cake for sale at the who so desires, may become a member after being hero one year. nVmnnilM iinrl i-ltilins uunln-t the t'ttmto ol ioi>nth iluy ol Novmntor. r.*«. 11L 'i» A. M., tilo flulit ili>oil. uixler yilth nr iiDlriiiiitlon 1 latest soft and close will also be a pleasing feature. of tho~sociuty. Tho annual dues are Mr. B. F. Oaborn took a short trip witlilu tilnn mnnllin from thin ilaK'. or the n tin) Term «if Soi.tiMiihcr i *-,. fors>'ltl«iu(Mit GOcts, to bo paid the first of January. vvUrb" rorovi'r harriMl or liny fiction llitiri'fd .ml tillovMiiH-t': tliu*<(initi liiiliiK Ilr-t'uinlitt'tl Davison Store, Hightstown. derby styles. last week to the home of his boyhood An Ol'l Friend. nunliv-t tlio HUM nilmiiilr-trjitoiM. .11J ^tutcil ! 1 y tho SurroL'nto. The illustrated lecture they have ar- at Fanwood, N. J., where ho visited SAI1AU BENNETT. iuitvi.1 11. DI.Y. Leonard G. Vandergrift, Jr., of Me ranged for tho entertainment and help friends nnd rclntives. a. AKMHTUONG HKKNETT. Ailmlnlttrarnr. Trenton's Hatter, feonougb, New Castle Co., Delaware, of all who love tbe pure and beautiful FRANKLIN IllINNKTT. Will Save Money. a pupil of Brainerd Institute In the AilmllliHtratnr". 25 East State Street, is a very positive expression of their A Musical Club. Diili-d October lTtii. l»>r.. TKENTON, N. J. ~ years 1867 and 1868, came last week to purpose. They think that Notice to Creditors. FEW THINGS but are sold here as cheap as Cranbury to visit tbe old town and tbo For a long timo thero has been n N'OTICK TO CKEDITOKS. llury Aim Ult'luirdKon. cxr^ntrlx of Ati-tln FRANK A. BROWN, anywhere and most cheaper. IUchariknn.*'(l<>i-oast>tl \>y illrcrtion of tho scenes of bis boyhood, and to meet his ' "Nothing useless is, or low; soro need for a revival in music in our Annn P. fllh'TK. oveculrK of Mnry E, urroKiitit of tlmCount> The policy of tliis store is lo be frank and fuir though old classmates. Many have passed Each thing iu its placo is best; town. Wo bavo plenty of material, 'ormnn. (I iHt-il. l>v (Urn tlon or 111 t And what seems but idle show but it has growc stagnant, and the en. SitrrniMtu of thf* Count/ or MltMl"-"- n sale is missed, no tricks or trifling, and those who buy • away, but from his stopping place at lliu-el.y clvt"* until',, TO tint rri'ilitniK of til Itii>linrilt-on to brine in their iU>\>lfi. ilt- Uotary PUTDIIC, . Strengthens and supports the rest." which it uliouhl have iu lack- hiilil Mury l; Fnrnmn. lo brink' in tin muruls mnl I'IIIIIOH iu:iilnht tlio t^Uiw of tho of us once are almost sure to he our friends ever after- the American Hotcrte went to call iloblHiobl.. itt'tniiniltttniilH uunit rluitnHiienlusiienlusi ttini t ithl ili>coiiMi>(], tinder ontli nr alllnimtiou, wards. This is why the store grows, though you would Brick Ice Cream. ing. Everyone knows how sadly in tata o off tlil o MIMIMM (ittMiHoilil . uu.louulol r oalli » ltliln 11I11M inoiithi fro^i thlf ilulo or tljoy AND AGENT FOB THE upon those remaining, and to him and nil ltl h f need of singers our choirs are, or on inirunitlon. wlltilti uinit months frorn th v\]\ '»o fort'Vi'r barriMl of anynrtloii thon-for hardly think it could grow bigger unless it moved out them there was a pleasant season of " Illustrated Lecture. ilutn. or thvy will bu tor«ivt'r Iwrrotl ot an of town. Notice to the Public. Village Improvement, illustrated by somo special occasion when a quartette notion thurufnr tiKfiln'-t tin) "ah! executrix iKiiliiHt the ^Hhl I'xc'iitrix. recalling past associations. He went ANNA P. SlLVKItS. Kxneutrl.x. DilUlit Hopt»ml)iT i'i. IDTi. Following Reliable Fire Insurance is needed or extra music of any kind I am now able to make Ice Cream away feeling well repaid for bis visit. eighty beautiful stereopticon views, Dutcil October 10. I'IO.I. MMI^ A\s IUciiAiinhON. OompanioB. - promises very pleasing and helpful CD- one hardly knows whero to go to gath- jn all its branohea; oan_supply Mr. Vandergrift is nicely settled and er the material. Thus, while u few Notice. Liverpool & London £ Globe, A Strong Line of New Clothing. has a wife and three children, and is a lertainmcnt, and tho members of balls, paitiea and festivals with Crnnbury Village Improvement Society, musician? were discussing this deplor oticti IH huniby chon to the tnxiibl<) I Noiioo to ury In ti German American, choice hope to BCO a large audience in the Sec- count/of MldilttiEMx that tlm.tuxun in th Milton I. Viiorliooinuil,I.L Hnyiluin. M. D. Shoes That Are that name, they decided to organize a muBical rtxoi'iitors of Hiiiuli C. Moultlirnp. I1I'CI;:I«JI>I1. ond Presbyterian Church on next iil toiyjiH)i||> nr" now duo uiul oiiyublit, ni r»s. Co. of North America, club this winter and see if some im. tlmt I. th« uiniiir.Hlciiotl. tho Collector of tutt'i liy.illri'i'tlau oflhti Hurroc-ttu of tho County ICE CREAM A Trolley Through Cranbury. .Monday evoning, Nov. 13tb, when D( tlniHiiIritowtihliip will iittonil ut tlio follow [>[ MUl.lU'H-'x. htirob}- uivfs notlnt r.> l]io provcmcnt'could Hot be made in this •lodltorrt (Tf tho Hiilil Huruh C, Moultl'rop to North lirltlxh & Mercantile, For somo time this matter has been' Andrew Wright Crawford, Esq., of Inc darn mnl pinei'H. ut Cr.inbury Hunk Right in Style. Quality and Prices. in all flavors, in bricks or'loose, direction. Wt'ilnt'Htluy, lM:i>inbi*r i:ttti. frnm 'J A. M, lirltii:iii 111oIr drbth, domum]* junl otnlms uppermost in the minds of a fow in this Philadelphia, will, along with tbe illus- H noon, ut IMnhiHljoro Dcc'iiibor nth frotn iniuliirti iliDi'hiittuof tlnt*i>t>iLstl provement that is highly recommended vocal and iuntruraeutal, and wiflh to Momliiy, - mul ThurHilny of cac Queen, it, being asked to "say nothing," tbe x of any lu'tion tlmrnror ni;itli)>>t tin' ^;i(leamiut ovening so Dcromliur 2'illi for lint purposii of rocolvln ttt-«l JlllV'U. l'HI5. Hightstown, - - N. J. ciully, plctiHO meet nt tho home of payment of ttwen. Tii\puy<*rH who do ix MlI.TON I. VoniiuKKtt. (Old Goods Sold In Bulk and Shipped Awn}-.) terested parties has brought It to the Along with "tbo other good things J. L.HU\I>AM(M. I>. Commercial Unionf Charles C. Groves uext Thursday even- puy tlitilrtu\<>4o(i or hu((>rnthut\v«ntli>llid ' knowledge of some so there id .no they bavo done tho society gives this of OiM'oinbnr will bu pro«*(J(Mlcil ii^uhmt longor reason for up fo keep quiet. entertainment for tho benefit of all, und ing at 7.30 o'clock nnd help talk over- Ul Standard, KOK SALIC—Tli© lot, l»rj;o 8 room CARPETS, SEWING MACHINES, Tbe prospect for a trolley is good. while cards of invitation bavo been und arrange for puch u club to hoDutoil 'J'itli. rj(W. started. ^ K. H. DAv hou^o, burn ami enrriuge huuso in Western of J'lttslwry. Certain parties desire to havo °n lino distributed, it Is possible tbut some of Tn\i South Cruubury, N. J , owned by from Trenton to Iho shoro, nnd thowho would like to attend might bo Mr. Willard Totten 1ms heon con- Charles Voorhei'.n. Tins property IH itlercer County mutual, CHOCKEEY and GROCERIES. route under consideration is from missed, but the lecturo Is free to every sulted nud has very kindly ottered bis favorably located amV In ttral CIUHJJ JOHN LEWIS, condition', terms ouny. Apply to Trenton, passing through Hamilton one and everyone Is Invited. services as director. If the club is a Sh rewnli a ry ,H£ii I u a I, Square, Nowtown, Windsor,~HlghUi. Miss Lotta Goodwin and Mr.Warren Hiiccess thero will probably ho ono or Basket Maker an JAMK.S II. CUN'OV'KIC. TCmpt aottloment of loBBUs is J. V. Davison, Hightstown, N. J. town, Cranbury, Dayton, Jumesburg, F. Johnson will furnish orpan muHic two public perforniiuicc.H gtveu for tho tnoi ttoord. Eoglisbtown, Freehold and so on toand vocal solos will he rendered bybenefit of BO mo local organization. So Mender. KOIt SALR—Tho fitoro property now occupied by Win. II. JUIIIIHOII located inn t the Bhoro. 111.13 Sadie Applegct and Miss Belle here i» an opportunity to spend Homo To'rndo PolioieB issued at •vorj- 1 tpttlaj node, cu, Bring your IJrokcn Baskets on Slain Street Crnnbury, N. J. Thin low rates. j node, wit limit clinruo, latlio The matter is to be followed up, nnd Applcget and a duet by Misses Bessie of your long winter cvculngs, both In IF . Improvement and pleasure, at practic- be Mended, llcnsonablo Charge Ifl im olil cstuhliHlied stund and i\ as tbe plan seems to bo vory feasible and Annie Dey.. "money iniikcr." For conditions, REAL ESTA*TE BROKER. ally no expense and It Is hoped that Office: Post Office Building, Scientifiifc HHmericati u we hope to soon say wo'aro to bavo a A collection will be taken at tho Next to M. E. Pnr.sounirc, termn etc. Apply to Terma, W • all will give this their hourly Hiipport. 0BANBURY.N.J. FARMS BOUGHT AND SOLD. trolley. close of the lecture. CKANBUUY, N. jAMRfl H. CONOVEft, NN&Co | 43 PatcrHon, St., NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. Such OOctjT No Mlddls Gronno*. dent milltlfl'<\ All the T-oynllsts look Tnporled Jap Rcaweed. oath they would not stop Iho mns- 1 The proprietor of the dry goods "The Jupaucse servants who domin- UXCLE SAM—"A Remedy That Has store bad proposed to tho" milliner crt* •while a slugle JojQihrcn tiled in E RIOT OUMS DEFEAT TROOPS EWS MASS&CRED > ate so many New York families," culd Such Endorsements Should Odilessa- , ">—' ~'~^--, who owned tlio cstabllsliment across n caterer, "are now Introducing, with Be la Bvery Home." Uio way. Martial Law In Wanaw. considerable success, a relish that Is nl- "But, Mr. Wriippcmup," she wild, Attack Made on Parade of Revolur Wholesale Prices Quoted in New York (entucky State Guard Put to Rout IN RUSSIAN RIOTS Warsaw.—Hundreds of patriots wore rcady popular In California and places "I'm not sure I like you well enough to tionary Socialists. UIJC. in the Mountains. where Chinese and Jap cooks .cater In marry you. Let us bo merely friends, massacred by soldiers emboldened by the proclamation of martial law. Ab- • Tho Milk Exchange prico {or standard American, palates. Asakim-norl Is the as heretofore." quality ia 3c. per quart. rogation of that measure wns prom- nanio of this Oriental product, which Is nnrriB. "We can't, ,MIs3 Wrlbbons." he an- ised by the Governor General tho EMPEROR TO GRANT DEMAND nothing more than a species of dried Creamery—Western, extra.? 11 P$ 2)HLOSSES IN MEN ON BOTH SIDES mvered, through lilirsMrtTOtli. "There next day. Ho placarded tho city wltli seaweed found on tlio shores of the Is no friendship ln< trade. You will itreets of Odessa Blood wnrntngs llint all persons who helped First" so ?2u. Etafo dairy tube, lints !M (81 Yellow Sea. —lIke-ire-well-enoU£U"to-innrry me or to assemble crowds In tho streets Ifna Dnrldnd In alvn tlin I*roi>la UuLver* Imitation creamery 174M in Jllltln Tried to Bnrprlae rollllclan Ball "This serves as tho foundation of I'll add a millinery department to uiy would bo shot down -wlthont i|iies- anl KtiflVncf, According Io Keport In Factory, thirds to lints..., 15 elualve Tien. ^petition of tlin Kttl.Jncfr ITorrori—. persetl. No organized violence was millions of workers were ready to fol- ntaly wounded, two were found mlns- shown to tho troops, almost nil. the Medium, choice — f'V '2 IH) ,More men have sailed to shlpw: low tliu Hussion example. The crowds p, and Shelby Hull, n brother of the Helplrii Man, uml Clillilrrn bloodshed being committed by the Pen. choice — fri> 1 7."i in the poultry business thHti one outside the hall were xo grent that lied kidney, choice 2 "."> (ft -M itlaw leader, wns budly wounded. t iluthlcialy Cue J>own—Ilaunei llroken Koldler?, but In n few Instanoe.i civil- Yellm» eji' 1 80 In 1 °" rmlly recall, mid yet there Is no ol Xho number of immigrants, from Ger- Into—Stadant Mllltln Finally Take! ians defended themselves aud live or trnfllc wns stopped for three hours. I'.l.irk luitlc HOup -- -wrr It Is Mild by •mine of tin- returning business1 wbk-h, from every considera- many laut ye«r noa 27,1184. Stand For the 1'eople—ISomlis Thrown six troopers were killed. After further harnngues outside the Liiiu, 2 .Vi (n 2 !>J "soldiers tliat llu-y miw thr'".- or four tion of niitiheui'tlcs, political econo- building tho rrowd marched through rm-its AND nEnniEa-rrPMi. JuntmculMso'n Curo rorComnroptlonsaved ' From Honao^ .Topi—tfartlul I.KIY In )f tbr- outlawK full. my and biology ought to pay so well.— *JtepnbHo !• DeTnnniied. Ihc Htrccti shouting for revolution. -Ajiplcp, •Kiiiij, jirr Iihl 2 .» c» Z fO ' my llfottireo yoan ajin.—*Mnj. THOMAK Ilon- It wan planned i'i Ciiptniii Albrci-ht Portland Ori-guuliin. the Clljr or W.n«», 1-oUmr. Near the llofhltrg the police forced the (.icwiinn. per lil.l 2 HO lT, HY) IUTK, UH|ilii HI., N*ar»l<:!i, N.V., Feb. 17.1300 St. Petersburg.—The council of tilt lion D.avn, ]ipr libl 2 .Ml In II ."i'i il} take the baud by surpriHt-, hut thut Odessa.—All KIslihiclTs horrors worklugmeiils delcgutes at mtdnl^lit deinonstrntors Io enter the side streets,'rt tea crop will, n is lcnrcdr'^bu Issued a notice pointing* out the no- causing numerous conflicts in which I'turs, Kiefer, per bl>l "."i ("• 2 2.1 were repealed a thousandfold In this 4 about G,aiKJ,(MH) pouuilH aliort ibU year. cecity of arming workers for a de- several person , were seriously injured*, Il.irtlctt, per lilil 2 «> ft. ."> .'HI Ibo world Is lielng mnde lu ]0 sfiuure feet-and Grnpc^.-Concnnl, per l>.itl.ct -10' Itf H.( Ui 'n dirt'i'tlon i to tlmt «aucrats In St. Pclcnburi; were n couRtituent nssemhly, hnseil on unl- Later the turbulence wn*. renewed In 1 1 Del.Hv.ire, per h.i-ket.... 10 M in the outl.'iwb tlioir liome, •will yerve us tho "ground * for winter loodlng the country with promises of verfal_siilTraKe. with n view to the ninny pnrli of the city and ninny more L'atinbu, |icr luikct.... 10 (»' 1-1 pprion1; were hurt. iig tho cover of tlic wood.*, tlu-y tuini'il spurts in the Olympla, London. Its A TRULY IDEAL WIFE general aruncsty and early pence* formation'of a democratic republic. CranhririM, per bbl 7 00 (510 on ihnrplhl y (\boubtt uml i d fof r thth * iiioun- Quince.*, per bbl 2 IX) (« 4 00 py cost win be $25,000. Election Returns That Interest All Parties^ The council decided-to suspend the It in alleged that the Socialists stoned tninti . In t thh e meantime mi other roin- HER HUSBAHD'S BEST HELPER l)le reform mobs of assassins tnas- political strike nt noon, but on the LIVE PODLTItT. Ihf police, compelling them to draw imny of men mnrvhod In tho direction 7.urlil nnd LWld. Claim Mora Tlmn 100 Ta«r> Old. Uililllln In ColliTtloni. [ucrading under tbr: name of Loynl- condition thnt It be resumed If their Fnwk ncr III — <•;' 11 VlEoroui Haalth Is the Or»»t Sourc* of their sahrcs, nnd It is said thnt tlie of tlio oiitlawri' MruiiKlioIil. Thoy could "\VIIPH » £hi :tt H young person's PX- After the lapse of mote thau-a ecu- Some of the odd nnd curious tilings the Power to Inaplr* »nd Enconrago ts were murdering Jews by hundreds demands were not granted. Tile coun- police ncti-.l with brutal violence. The ('lurlicns, pel- II) ~— I'f H> no HOCII plainly by the hunted men, who llooslcr*, per Ib — (',»' 7 ppiieiicp niPt'lini; spoko the other ilay_ tury the claim, of James Stllock, men muke collections of arc Included, -All Women Should Bewk It. mil turning Odessa's streets Into cil decided also tlmt only those news- masses resisted angrily nnd a cafo on nre on n muuntnln which coinjiii'toly papers may appear whoxe editors will Turke>'«, per II) — '"* 14 1 of huvluff iH'cn some one who -was "lu- Ellplialet Loclcwood and William Lock- hi the following list of titles: Wash- humbles. These OTrmrgcs made it Ulngstrasse wns nlniost dciuoliHhrd. Duckn, per p.iir Ol Of, f.l ovorlooUs tht fiirroundliif; country. • One of tho most noted, successful and entirely Ignore the censorship. Com- There were no policemen among tho in- When ilii' soldier** reached the foot rid with O:ir,'* flic was ut once taken vrood, of Norwulk. Conn., for Indem- ington engravings, local Imprints, 'lain to all thinking men that wlint- t!"i'S(', ]icr pair I 12 In I fi2 richest men of this century. In a rocent positors have refused to work except jured. l'lgenn*., per p.ur — hc meant "livid." nity, growing out of the seizure and transportation. pnrti:illx of one-ejed. article, hu, said, " Whaterer I am and ;ver relief. Itussln mnj" wrest from under thnt condition, and newspapers This outbreak Is believed to inaugu- nnKflur.ri rooLTnv. tlirowiufj out plrlirl". made proparn* Two iirtibts who weie present were es- coudcmnallon of 1 lie schooner Wash- men. Niagara, Harvard College, for- not complying with It are to be con- tlonn for polue Into en nip. The pre- whaterar success I hare attained in IO Emperor there will bo no pence rate n series of earnest demonstration!!, Tulkei-.. pel- 111 10 ppclally explicit In pointing out that ington on tbe high seas lu IT'.IO by the estry, international law, • Yalontlncp, this world I olwo all to my wife. From fiscated, their presses destroyed aud tho arrogant nttltude of the police liminary iirnuiKcuicnth hud hnrdly been 1 French' royal cruiser IAI nt'noiulnce, cx-lihriH. almanacs, lib:*! trials, local his Jewish subjects. It was Cl.iikcn.. , ].cr Ib... IH "lurid* meant gaudy, Htrongly colored. the day I first knew her she has been their workmen boycotted. having Incensed lUo Inbor party and l-'owln, per I lu mnde -wlit'n flrliif! was heard up tlio was brought up for trial Aug. 21 be- views, binding", pil'atrs. nn inspiration, and the greatest help- lanifest not only that Nicholas lilm- The railway men's union, however, i\._ .t. _ . - inountnln nldc—first one* shot ruid tlien But when tliey looked the mutter up In determined them to press their de- Duck*, xp.i.ic per ib in is fore Probate Judge Gregory In Nor- Each subject mentioned here was mate of my life.". clt bad no intcutlon of stopping the has decided to continue the si like, (JeCKc. per Hi !•! n futUndp. For two liour« this kept the dictionary tlu>y found tliat "lurid." mand* at any price. 1 p walk. The Washington was owned mainly through n desire to prevent the 11 1 7j (u 4 01 ll io dpscrlup'tue KhiiRtly, sreeujsh coun- taken at random from the order boolc uitauu in lliu Jmiish Quarter, but Orderly suffrage demonstrations tool; Sipi.ib , pel i]oj;e.i . ... up, nnd then the who lirnl by the above-named trio, and their transport of troops to Finland. The teuunce uf fear, was exactly rlRht. of a KOMOII print aud hook- seller with, hat the vaunted liberator of the Kus- place at Grntz nnd-Prague. uors. ntlcmptetdd tthi e surprl*..- plowly retreat- heirs are maintaining the present pro- Union of Unions has resolved to de- Slnlf, 190.". .'hoicc 0! I*lvld moans black nnd blue, like con- an International niulalion.—New. ls. Count Wltte, did not Include ed down the inountnln. Dodging from ceeding.—Law Notes. he Jews Jn his scheme of ameliora- mand complete amnesty for political l'rini'.' boulder to boulder, they hncked nway tused fle?h.—riilLtdolpliln Iteeord. York Press. CLEAltS JUDGE BAKER. ion. 'Women and children died by prisoner**, the immediate withdrawn! Pacitic Coast, HKVi, choice . — ("' from tin- enemy, who followed, llring. thousands in this city's Ghetto for no of troops from St. Petersburg nnd Old oddi '. ti fa Half way down the inountalii Ride ther crime than creed. They were their replacement by mlllila drawn Charges Against Indiana Jurist Not HAT ASH STnAW. the boldlcrs inndc n stand, but Ball ECZEMA FOR TWO YEARS hot, stabbed'and Btranglcd alike by from the people. Sustained In Investigation. llnv. ptimc, pet UK) Ib — W «."> sent a Ouklng pntiy out, mid forceil he civilian mob and the Czar's sol- No I, per ll«l 11 them to keep going. That more men X.I1II* <11rl'» Awful SufTorlns TVMIt Trrrlbl Washington, D. C—United States TiMdi "'i diers. Mobs marching behind por- No. 2, pi-r 100 Hi were not killed Is surprising. • hkln J1iifn(tr~Slrr]tlr»a MEhta For •"KIN ONE CAY i lAMTI-GRIPINE FOIt DAY OF PItAISE. Circuit Judge Francis K. linker, of Hit ('i 70 Clover mixed, per 100 H>. Mi>lh 2.2."> another party WB organized. H was time 1 could not gge t a night'g s slwpp,, us her fK6j Jt\ W,DUmcr,3S.J>., Manufacturer. Hyriugfietd. XSa. :essatlon. Washington, D. C—The President palcn assessments from Goverm.icnt .ler»ey, per bhl 2 IK) 0» 2 2.1 not known huw mr.ny men Ball had nt ailment v \er\ey y tevctcevc . 1 JJiad trietieddd Issued his proclamation. S« ceti, ]«-r basket -i-l di 00 his commaud, though the soldiers be- many rrmedirjt. ddcuvini g nob bcnelits. 1 bail employes. TwiiiatocH, jier ho\ 2.*, (H1 1 UC Ofllelala and I"ollcN e Bllnil. , Thursday, November 30, .for Tlianks- This Is the crux of .a report sub- lieved that tbere could not be les.s than tivfn" up nil hope. Hut as a Ubt resort J lvi Kpg jjlant, per bbl 1 .">n ("' 2 W fitly In tll» baud thnt repulsed them lu \W3 prioiirtclcil to tty Culicura, and one >w of the imperial « "K. The proclamation fiillons:-' mitted to tbe President by the Depart- Squaoli, per bill ."HI r»J 1 IX "Only the .ovorturo By tho President of the United Stales the afternoon. box i>t I lie Ointment, nnd two bottles ol ' To bo auoh a successful wrie, to re- government, as well rta UsL olilLlIIliUll.if the Itom-l ,. . y, ,,,„„,. nf .lllv T. . ...,.,„„ ment of Justice, which hns JllFt con- )V.L-«, per basket 1 I*. (" 2 IX. of America: cluded nn investigation of the charges Pepper*, per bill ."»n I'i1 1 Z't The wires going Into Cumberland Iho JtrKolicnt, tojictliiT with the Koap, ef- tain tbe love and ndmlration of her auott dynasty, can save the Jews," fected a permanent cure. Mrs. l.B, Jouc?, A FrorUmnllnn. ngnlni- Judge Baker. lietMice, per bbl ."ill («•• 1 IM Gap have been cut nnd llnll threatened husband, to inspire him to make the mid a foreign correspondent who long Addmston, Ind. T." When, nearly three centuries n«o, | Civil Service Commissioner Green rnlibaprn, per 10(1 2 M <•!• 3 ."i'i to do the same for tbe remaining wires. most of himself, should bo a woman's bas mnde a study of conditions here. StrniK beani', iH-r b.Hket... ].*i («' till constant study. / IIo said it ns he watched gallant file llrst settlers came to the country chnrseil In his recent official statement The cause of thp present trouble Good Teeth <& Good Temper Oniour, L. I., red. |«-r has. 1 "ill W 1 "S dntcx back eight week!-. At that time vJc If a woman finds that her energies bands of students rallying to check which has now become this great lle- of (lip case that several clerks In the ^Coim.. white, per bbl 2 X\ In 1 5.1 "* tronbledvlUi ins peculiar to 1.1 li) -10 Frank Ball wns nTcnndtdate for Sheriff, In NiiUI tho Jiatlves ate convinced Are characteristic of the their HI, used «• m. doacha U t are flagging, that nhe gets easily tired, ho bloodthirsty I/oynllstsr whose piihllc. they fronted not onlv liurdshlp Postnlllco nt ("nMieu. Ind.. had been Celerv, per dozen bum lit-^. 75 (3! 1 S3 HPi-klug the Iteptnnpcnn nomination. that the visiting Britlnh Association ^j*llfa|T TllOrOllffblyclCAAMfl* Idl^ dark shadoira appear under her eyes, :hantlug of the national liynin wan a and privation, but terrible rlok to their urged by Juri^c Baker tn subscribe to (.'arrul", per hbl . > (S 1 00 Atkins Saws always. stops ditcbLXECs DCails in P^ ^ ^ flt ^on jnii locsl ahe haa backache, headaches, bearing- signal ot death to whole neighborhoods lives. In those irrlin.yenrii the ruutont tho Hppubllcaii campaign fund three RcctK, uer 100 bmiciica... , 2 mi (n, 8 DO John 13olen, n barber, was also a poli- members are us -mnd as hatters, as •eieocu, cares leaccnbiea and sAMlcaUnli, i «lown palnn, nervousness, whites, irrcg- of victims. Tho remark was Justllleil. grew of setting apart one day in parh years ago. Ciiciiii.beiK, per bbl , 7.1 r..v 1 73 tician. X.'p to the announcement of they chased every locust or butterfly Tliat is because they arc P^ztlne Is In powder form to be dluolved tn pom jilaritiej or the blurs, she should start Tho student lnllitin and the semi-mil- year for n special service of thanks- l.unn be.-iu.<:, per !I.IK . 7.", (oi 2 00 Ball's candidacy, he nnd Bolen were they saw down there.—African World. made of the best steel in the water, and is U* more dejiulrc, SealiDg, gcimlnnit nt once to build up her ayatem by a giving to the Almighty for preserving Cniililloucr, per hbl . 7.1 Of I 23 Intlmato frionds. It Ib said by Ball •adeconomiol Han liquid «IMUCI«ICI for tlT itary organizations of other revolu- WOMAN "•"Al.LR-FHO.YI BALLOON. itHLET AND WOMEN1* SPEOALtMES . tonic with specific powers, ouch &s the people through the changing, per basket S in} 12 that be was promised tin.- support of CONGRESSMAN COULDEN world — Silver Steel — by- :lonlsts alone stretched forth a pro- 1 For sile at drujtgitfs, CO ctou a box. Lydls, B. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- seasons. ^* F|II odLH. per qt.. .VI (it fifl Bolen. " acting hand to tho unfortunates of Pumpkin?, per bill men that know how. ' Trial Box and Book of Instructions Frs*. , pound. Cluns to Hopes as Her Husband As- pinarli, per bbl However, when.the convention met Flnda Quick ltrllerFrom UtaOilnrTronblea the Jewish quarter. Police, troops, The custom hns now become na- TurnipSpiiineli, s,. peIH, Tr Mibbll .' .VI («• IM VMS IL PAXTOH COMMMV •0«TOM " cendrd—Theory of Suicide. Bolen threw his influence to nnother 3hr»usli Doall'a Kidney Plltf. Atk'lnt Sawi.'C'eftrfn'Wrf, Perfection T'*» Follonrinir we publish by request a civil authorities nnd civilians of tlic tlonnl anil hallowed t>3* Immemorial ji ParsnipParMiip,, , per IihMill . 1 .VI («• 1 7.") fetapen, etc., mte iotd by ill food hatl*»u letter from & young- wifo: merchant class cither showed indiffer- usage. We live In easier and morn Anderson. S. (!.—Mrs. Slaud Broad- ! Waterciesi, per 100 bu'ebts 1 Oil fe1 1 50 mnu nnd Hall lost the nomination. Hun. .Toseph A. Gouldcn, Member of deilen. Catalogue on rcqucit. Home days after this Holen wan shot Pear Mrs. Plnkham: ence to the fate of tho Loyalists' plentiful tUnes than our forefather*, nick, of Cincinnati. Ohio, wife of OnAlft. ETC. representing tho lSlh Dis- W. L. DOUGLAS * Ever'ilac* my child was born I liaro suf- qimrry or approval of Ihc inussacre. the men who with ruggctl strcnsih riinrles Ti Ilrondwick. all aeronaut, in tbe back while at work lu his shop. trict 'of New York, E. C. ATKINS CD. CO. Ine fond, as Ihopofow tvumr>n aver have, with In- Flour—Winter patents 4 23 6?-l 03 Suspicion pointed to Dull, and ho wan 1 »i[ett Saw Manuraciutrre in Ifae Woila J?&*3^ SHOES Bfl' -l'hc_ pallce-fratornizcd openly with faced the rugged days, nnd yet the fell from a balloon anil was Instantly Spiini! jiatenu 4 S.1 la' 3 73 (I also trustee of the flammation, female wrakngsi, bearlng^on n" Indicted by the (Irani! Jury. He j the Loyalists, aud General Kaullmrs. dangers to nn.tlonal life are quite as killed. Mrs. Hroadwlrk wns nn ex- .NM.' 1 -N. Duliiih.. — '" 1 OOli Soldiers' Home nt Fictorjr lod Cxecdtivc OtTlctB, Indianapolis W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edgo Line polos, backache and-wretched hf-adnebm. It creat now as at any previous time In perienced liail.xHilst. She—p&A-e thfc promptly disappeared*, gatjiered his KKAicnis— New Voile, Chinto. Mlnneapoli cannot be equalled atany price. Affected my atamacb w> 1 could not enjoy my while ostensibly strlvlus to quiet the Xo. 2 red 'MMIn) 117'S Hath. N. y.. writes: mob with an address from tho bal-our history. .signal to cut tbe ropes when her hus- Corn, Xo. 2 \ihite — ("* UT.afrionds. and bade defiance to the law. rotllaad (Ofetcn), Seattle, San Franeiice. xoealj, and half my time was spent In bed. band made this ascension, and when Oat«, niixeil — <& -.13 Ball has been In town Rcvernl times, Geullcmeu: As Meayhij, Atlanta and Tomnla (Canada). " LydlaE. Finldiani'i Vegetable Compound cony of tho palace, rcnlly nattered . It Is eminently nttlng thnt once a them so flagrantly -that they answered year our people should wt apart a day the balloon shot into the nlr she wns Clipped while :iG!i(<"i> 37H but no one ban had the temerity to at- many of my frleuds Actiptroaubillt-jta— Inilitenth.iAtklniBrtni made me a well ir oman, and 1 feel so grateful Lard, city — f(i> 7 him with exultant cheers and resumed for praise and thanksgiving to the seen hanging to the ropes between tlie tempt to arrest him, despite the have used Doon's that I am glad to irrite and tell you of my Uti STOCK. marvelous recorary. It brought me health, their march against the Jews. Giver of Good, and nt the same time balloon and the parachute. When 250 reward. Kidney Pills and "SOU) BY GOOD DEALERS IVevcs, city dre-yed II fia* II netrllfeand vitality."—Mrs. Bessie Airnley! Count TOtto at 11.30 at night had that they express their thankfulness foot In tbe air she dropped and was have been cured of til South 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash. C.iUc*. city drcased 8^f«- la tnado no response to an urgent appeal for tho abundnnt mercies received, Instantly killed. Country drchned 7!4(«? 12 DEADLY GAS EXPLOSION. kidney and bladder What Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable sent to him by tho rector of tun uni- should manfully acknowledge their About 1000 persons =aw the tr.itedy. troubles, I feel It my ^Compound did for Mrs. Alnsley it will Shci'ji. per 101) Ib 4 00 tt 3 .«) LEE ELECTRIC INSQLES versity, begging for,the iustant dis- shortcomings nnd pledge themselves Suicide is hinted at, but her husband I.iinlx per 100 Ib 7 00 &• 7 SO duty to recommend do for every aicic and ailing- woman. solemnly and In good faith to strive to Hog**,, liie\\\c,, nei: r 101) Ib 3 50 (u 3 73 Bank Ulown Up nnd X-'our Killed In r. If you have symptoms you don't un- missal of Governor Kelnbardr, which thinks It was-nn accident. the medicine. From was tho only means the statesman overcome them. Conintri y ui Ib.. Michigan City. cure derstand write to Mrs. Pinkham, nt i ppcponnl experience I know Doan's :ould adopt, the petitioner said, to During, the past year wo linvo lir-ra Lynn, Mass. Her advice is frco and rOOTB.W.L FATAL TO GUIU Ishpcmiug — H.\ an explosion of gu* Kidney l'ilis will cure luflummatlnn always helpful. prevent a catastrophe. The rector's blo.s^pd with bountiful crops. Our bus- W.ooilcock, per pair 1 W & 1 23 | a .solid brick bnuk building wu* di--of the bladder, having experienced re- RHEUMATISM request was indorsed by hundreds of lncsa prosperity lias been great. No (irouse, per pair 2 .1.1 (•» 3 00 i lttolishcd, four persons were killed. other people has ever stood on as high Victim, Miss M. Decker, Well Known lief t'Je second dny of using tbo ine.11- wealthy Jewish merchants. 1 I three others wen- seriously Injured, in Maryland. "DIKI;, cai.VAshack, ver-paii . 2 riO0 C'\( 3 3 no Simple, Inexpensive, >ni»*i a level of materinl well-hfinji us ours j and many others were hurt. IT... Dr. «. M. QEtta'a »am. mB. Ail ma. oa. now stands. We arc not threatened Mallnrd, pepr r paipair...r . 7.1 operator was found over- Foster-Mllbum Co., BuCfnlo, N. Y. An instructor at Y:iH.sur College has nre our own passions, appetites nnd KOItTHWEST'S GKEAT HARVEST. Ing at 0 o'clock in tho evening. A ceived in a football game. She was come by k'as In tho xw-a-rcrn annex of | VVrlto for D»scrlptlvo Leaflet nu odd and Interesting collection of follies; and agninst tWse there is al- W.L. DOUGLAS MAKES AMD SELLS continuous procession of ambulances the daughter of Justice Ednnnl .T. the Minors' Natlonnl Hank Building, and Testimonials. photographs—Hie photographs - of the ways need that we should war. Tba Ail 2'utHlo. MORE MEM'S S3.BO SHOES THAtf and dead wagons streamed out of the Decker, and fi»r boine years h:ul en- striking Figures Which Explain the at Hank and Mulu streets. ANT OTHER MAttUFAOTUftER. babies of young women wlio nre col- Therefore, I now set upart Thursday, Two liundrcd and sixty different quarter throughont the dny. Twentv- gn«>Hl In athletics. Two men were nent into the base- C1 ft nnn REWARD to anjom who can lege graduates. The baljlrs in (his Ihe 30th day of this November, as a Prosperity ot the Section. warn of^cxtklnff potatoes arc described LEE ELECTRIC INSOLE CO., 6lr of such vehicles passed tho Church Sbe was connected with a fiirls* foot- ment to Investlgato Uio leak. These $ I U,UUU ditpron thlbtlitemmt. day of thanksgiving for the past and collection arc strong and beautiful. of St. Stephen In one hour, loaded with ball tram which plnyed a hard came St. l'aul, Mlnn.-Tlic harvest In men will not ndmit thut n match was hi a book just Issued In Ylenu.i, m- Park Row Building. New York. .LDuaULDU *5 53.53 0 shop* havi bylht\rwr« of prayer for the future, and on that ceilent atyle. euy fltttni, and auccrlor'ncarlar They number over MO. The lnslruc dead and dying Jews. Women and several days nt;o. In the course of Minnesota nnd the lJakotas Is now struck or a naked light was exposed, Utlcd "The Practical and ICronnmic quailtlas, achfeied the laigcit aal* of any W-S5 day I ask that throughout tbe land las, achfeied the laigct aal* of any W-S5 _ tor Enid of Uieui: • little ones outnumbered the men which the joun^ woman was Injured. completed, and the crop yield is in evi- but the explosion occurred while they Housewife." A WAIST LINING READY FOR USE. AhtM In the worldld. TThehy are ||u»tt «• good •• ' the people gather In their homes uml to« that cost >oa S5.06 to J7.0O— t&e only among tho slain and wounded. Piled dence." Guesswork no longer figures as •wvre In the basement. It tore the If yon iirflu I>I:1'.SS.MAKI:U you cnu iifto "I begun to collect pictures of Iho places of worship and. in renderin dlllerenceU tbe price.. HI could take you Into high on cartloads of bodies were an element in niaklui; estimates-. The building apiirt-and broke In windows ETiTKorOaio, CJTV or TOLEDO, t "rr^ot mUiiuiiiKu; if no!, you positively my fctory t Bkt N b lt I children of female A. U.'s and A. M.'s. Ibnnks unto tlie jrost HI !i for tlie ! TROOPS TO TIGHT THE CZAlt. my fxctory at Brockton, Nas»,, Ibo largnt In stacks of loot, which the Cossacks and K Agiicullural Departments- of each State for several blocks. The men who had TIIK MOIH.I. WAIST LINING, all the world under one roof miking men • flna bcrauso 1 heard so nnich talk, about ui'iuifolui.'iuifold bli f th I FRISK J. CBEXK* outh thnt lie U ahoes, and *how vuu the c*rc with which e* cry other soldiers were conveying to their of the yc:rr. I have completed, their returns of the been looking for the leak were thrown .'oricil, Uttt'd, irii'ludiug ilec the higher education uuflttln^- woman coiisecriitc tljcmsclvca to » Ollicers and Trivatcs Korni.illy Decide leulorpartnor of tbe IIrm of K. J. Cur.vrr A ri-it.1v for MM*. pair of Douglaa thoe* i» mule, you would reallio barracks. In spite of the censeless lire of various grain cropsi produced during Into the middle of tin- street, both cs- Co., ljuslnoas In tba City of To why W. L. Douttlas $3.SO mtioei T-i tba belt for her natural fiphcre, and so on. lH , hhonor and wl-.iloiu, so that 'Iln-y nre in:nli» hi ocery cl/.cj, shoe* produced In thetvorU. work of the dead wagons, hundreds to Aid the HebeK the present season, and these llgurett capInK almost miraculously, with slight CCounty undd iiutiiut o nforv^uiJfoiJ , undd thatht tnalJ I«>11, iiiutiltim jijul IOIIK wuHt^d, "My collection proves thnt Hie high- of bodies strewed the streets ot the tnls nation may do Its allotted work hear out the estimates made In these firm will i>uy tb«auu\ ot OSK nirxoncu j»oi,- If 1 could ihow you the dllfoteticc bctwrrn tho St. Petersburjr.—It Is stated that injuries. oT iliif* lVroiilino mill SelWu In •hoea made In my factory and tliotto at ofhtr Jewish, quarter at sundown. It was on the earth in. n manner worthy of dispatches during tbe growing season. hkJia for eaoH and arery co."s of cATAnttn fuft l.liifk. vrlilro iimlgrnya. Tlie er education makes mother* or an ex- army officers and privates who met at Knrly muss at St. John's Catholic tnckefl, you would understand why Douglas tittcrly tinsafo for non-cotnhntants to those wh.i founded It nnd of those who It is noticeable that the yield per acre that cannot bs cured by tu« us« o( HiVt.Va'i Imvt nn-ii^irein thrH/.ore<|iiIn'il $3.50 •hoe* cott mure to make, « hy they hold cellenco hitherto, unknown. Highly Iho- University formally resolved to church, threo blocks down Main street, venture in the streets after 9 o'clock preserved It. is greater than for any sjenson during C'&TARRB CCRC. FltASX J. CniNF.T. If \our meri-linnt TIIK-S imt »fll their shape, fit better, wfir loagrr, and are «f educated women don't weaken them- use arms ngaliiRt the autocracy, which, had let out u few minutes before, aud Mirorii to befor* me and sub-ttirlbwl in my "^^^3" tlu-ii fviitl ni flOin-nth , whkh it trrcatar Intrinsic value than any other $3.80 at night. Martini law was In force lu witness whereof I have', hereunto the past ten years, and it Is further f shoa on the market to-day. selves with tifbt corset?, with-over- it was declared, was striving to stran- must of tho worshipers hnd passed ..-^•^K. presinco. thin Ctti dav of D«cam- not moru tlniD cost »f tntitcriitl. mutone will And all citizens were ordered 1o stay f=et 1 my hand and caused the heal of jioticoablc that every crop has ma- IV. t. Boast** Strong rWa much dancing and card playing. They gle the proletariat, who bad now- the bank. Of these Edward McGraw, UT.HL. ibor,A.D.,lS8G. A.W.'Gi.ziBoy, I'O 5-«nt to tmi, j)o-%i»h*e freo. A^lH'rfcct Ut indoors after that hour. Volley tir- tin- United States to he affixed. tured before the advent of frost—a ' —r*- » Xotary Public. Man. $2.SO, S2.OO. B aro athletic and strong. Tbelr bodies as reached the* last act of the revolution. Steveli Goodman, Kdwnrd KIser and li KHiiriiitiH-d i»r niom'j rofHmlt-'d, 31. O««» StK*$ZB0 ing was heard for two hours after, IJone at tlie city of Washington condition never before known since the Loretta McUcv were killed, und most Hult'sCitRrrh Carols tafc«nlQt«rnaHy,nu I K \EMPFr.It. Mfr., »W Hnm.lwuy, Now YorL well as their minds arc developed. CAUTION,-lnal-t ti|rf.n hiTh.^ W.UDoor- however, with thousands of scatter- this second day of November In the settlement of these States. On Oc-of the others were hurt. ActndlrnoUyoa tbv blood anil mucom stir- n» flioe* Txko nn ntibitlriitr. None c^nulna "They enter upon tho duties of ing shots. Policemen disguised ns year, of our Lord, oue thousand nine YELLOW 1'EVER KHOM PANAMA tober 10 a light frost came, but at that faeon of th* Hyste-n. Hand for tflMimouluU. 1 w'tliotit mi name and price rtMupcd on biittoic. Irce. y. J. C'BENET & Co., Toltilo, 0. AND hCKll l*Vr-,(lotrriM..Mit !»),.. Qnu-kly. Jewish merchants tired on the troops hundred nnd live, and of the Inde- date all the corn and llax had been 1VA\TK1>. A »lioe«.<:\]cr inrTerr toim whc« motlicrhood with a unique courage aiv HoUbyaM DrugBLsts, 7Jo. pendence of tin- United States the oue rifteen Havo Occurred on Steamer ioiiM mine IIPFH. tlUitiiSralnrv. Kutmi. SSIexlni W. U I>.uiKIa« Sliiien nr© m.t »ol«l. * J'nll line *.t wisdom and strength, and tho' result from roofs, with the result that dozens gathered, tbougli these crocropps would not ASKS MGGEH BATTLESHIPS. Tut* MAU'H Kamlly Pills for oon«:lpAt!o -L hundred mid thirtieth. laiiiplra F«nt frr« foiMiwiiectlon upon request. > Is that their babies are the biggest, of dwellings were stormed and their Going to Peru. liave beou affected lihad they been Fait Coior Etjttctt uted; ttie. C—Iluttleshlpt and dresics. but one "West SIdo cirl lias ToBeGiveufor Xork Press. afternoon, and many casualties amont; boundary of Minnesota on tbe 15th CATIkRRH l> Iho mother ol CONSUMPTION. tilled. Since leaving rauania llfteen toqn'do nro the iniuiedtato re- Just lirtd a t-'lft of :i beautiful brown the soldiers aud police resulted. Itnjild Drowned in Lake George. of October. Our CA111WI..VJT. Card jiving the first reliable news of students of the course of Industrial Secretiiri will Incorporate In his an- their homes. Few ot them had of the navy, lu his annual report. Is. GL'IIS WMIIC ALL ILK FA11S*, I 1 chance to sell • hoiuonttl steam pleased nilli himself aud of doing tbe and tinancliil affairs who believe tliat nual report, the (leneral Board advo- pet It tho I'xact shade of KoMtMi-bi-own weapons for even a pretense at self- To Itival Pullman Car. sued at Washington. D. C. calls em- II Omsb Ujrap. TIAM Good. I'M I engine of our stvlcs.utitim our range proper thing. Ho wore striped trou- ]!M)i! will be about the best year lu cates tbi' auMiorlzailon by Congress thnt she. admiros bo imn-h i:t dofrgry.— ID lima. Boia br drucictiia. I defense. The entire Jewish colony To rival the Pullman Car Company, phatic attention to the need of more ol sizes. We Jo not want inquiries at sers, irreproachably created, an liu- trade industry :ujd llnance that this this winter of threi' battleships and Now Y*»rk Pro-'-. CONSUMPTION would linve been wiped out before Chicago. 111.. Toronto and Montreal engineerg s and sayys the situation Is (hit lime for verticil, traction or £«s uiaculato white waistcoat, r. deep pur- capitalists arc formiai; country has ever had. sixteen torpedo ve-fsii'N. nightfall had it not been for tho KMI- ?r>,(KX),(H)O becoming alarming. engines. ple tie with an amethyst pin an Inch company In Ottawa. Out. long, a cutuway coat and a/ shining Texas Wheat Exports. Green Gives Ball. • Cows' For the White IIouso. WIIALKS KILLED IN BATTLE. silk bat. The hour was II, and scores Germany Denies Humor. The total wheat export from Gal- Former Senator George K. Green of It is officially denied In Berlin that J. E. Foreman, of Janesvllle, \V1?., of conventionally uttlred yotiug mei Binghamton, N. Y., gave 510,000 bail veston, Texas, for October was (110,- Itodle- of Twi'iity Vlrtinii I'o.iUng Off THE COMFORTER. Germany proposed to Itiissla to dli'lde sold seven Guernsey cows to !•'. E .120 bushels. The total for the season turned to look, but the object of their in Washington, D. C. to answer tbu Culifornhi Shoiv After Fight. A congested vein pressing , twenty to forty planta. Beat of mmrli , and worktniBiblp. serene and secure In the conscious graft cases. i Neuralgia Tlie HuKslans will establish iierma- cream. els. feet lmiK. wi rt> j-eeti tloiitinjr In the Our bit output CQkblta b»(o »ellontm»ll pro[> ness of his own correctness. ehunnel oft- Santii Cruz Ibltiud, thirty iia. AD Aiita, ihc fatal Io ibe world, uau no ni'iit barracks at Harbin, VlaillvoMok more tfaap tbe otter kind. , .: Russo-Cblneso Bank Opens. and Khabarovsk. miles from this city. New Battleship Iteeord. Cold Weather Iuiluoiicp. i Writ$ today tor our igedil vfftr. The Ktisso-ChliicsL- Hank lu Mnn- I TJn IKKIIP** liore cvhlcnco of a lti>rc« OLD FASHIONED FARE; The battleship IJhode Islund, in n Cnhh'i* wi'atlu't' now ndviinrin^'T^ cnurla, which confronted serious din- Kii'iilii Opens Sakhalin. - lmtilr iH'twi't'ii Ihc inon^rer-'. War- ATLAS ENGINE WORKS Hat BIlculM, Grldtlls CiiLev, l'lcft trial test off the coast of Slulne, made rt'iMirtod :ih ^LIIDUIMtln^ uMall tr.iili- :iinl fiir** Iias.hivn on between two varle- j St. Jacobs Oil lomatlc difficulties in reopening Tlie Northvru part ot the Island nt l 1 through tho Japanese sphere of in", llltll.L'IK-llI^ LUDI'du'I* l)ll»iiu ^'i With juli- ties of wlial* .-* antl ^wurillNh fur M'V-^U.l... INDIANAPOLIS Sakhalin is to be opened by 11n~- i.-1 a new mean speed "record of nearly burs. 1 frees the circulation, allays the pressure ind soothes away the pain. flucuce, is already In active operation. eral week -. at once. nineteen miles, an hour. rcnT^blit 1 nfkDti Curipu;>rlt<4l«i« The food that made tbe futlicrs Price. 35c. and 5Oc* Prefoieucc to Canada. Prominent People. Personnl Gossip. * Hvll«I» If •al-T strong Is sometimes unlit for the chil- Norway to Be Itecogulzcd. Otllcial advice ha^ been leei-ivcd Sporting llrovliies. Itlu D)itB*ilnMnlnS,OI>j,W(>lI P. • Italy's greatest living poet, Glosuo dren tinder tho new conditions that our Senator Chnnncey M. Depcw Ins Tile United States', ltunsla. Cleat from Mouth Afric.i 1>y the Catnidian Dan Patch equalled ibe world's pacing Cardueci, basjust celebnitcd bis seven- changing .civilization Is constantly aged considerably lu the last few llritain, Italy, Switzerland anil Dr.izil Cuvei-umeiiL that a rebate of fluty record, I..VJ14, at I.(^lugtou, Ky. lluth birthday. 1 bringing lu. Oue of .Mr. Bryan's neigh mouths. lm\u slgnllied their readiness to enter utiih'i the pri'tVi-entiii! tarllT shall be TboiiKb enormously rich, tbo Duke of llany Taylor WIT« elected President bors 111 the crcat Stato of Nebraska General Booth has -0 money and re- inro ollk-lal relations with Norway. alluwed only (o Canadian products of the ICnshTii Htttchnll League. lies on a small legacy left him a few Westminster never by any chance hns .^hipped from I'niU'd States purls to DO YOU BELCH ? BAD BREATH ? writes: lU'glunlil VaiidiM'liIlt won several blue years ago. money iu bis pockets. Smith Africa WIUMI MICII slllpment^ arc "I was-raised In the South, when lU'lirluui to ltuu Lottery. .Tbo Hon. John A. Merritr. tho pres- ribbons al the Chicago Show. Delglum is about to conduct a ua- •imiisiiiiftl In addition to a cei'titloiite hot biscuits, griddle cakes, pics and Grand Duke Constantino or nussia ent postnuistor- of the Nut.ou'h capital .T. A. Pietz. .li-., of New York City, puddings are eaten ut almost every is said to he the most cultured. Itoin- lluual lottery to raise $2,000,000 to de- wns in early life n farmer. ' ut' bv ertllk-d cupy uf the won the nuldour pisKil.'nnd revolver Uivun-li bill uf la fll Your anoff now living. fray tbe expenses of a government ex- ••liamplott^lilps of the TTidted States Ile- A Full Sized Box meal, and by tbe time I located In Ne- George Fletcher Ih believed' Io be the Secretnry Tatt has made himself pedition to the North Pole. volver A^snelatloii. braska I found myself a sufferer from oldest subject of King Edward.' He very popular iu San Francisco and Indigestion and its attendant ills—dis- WHS born on April '23, 17S8. Dele^ato^ In lite InUreollefriale Ath- Sclenco declares It'lhc only way to euro stomach trouble.- A new method. By absorption. No drugs. Do yon Central California. Jni>uii Honors Komurn. i> qu.n.inline ol' \ tress and pains lifter meals, an ulmosl Arinnnil Gnutlcr, a Frmdi pbyFltian letic .Yswu'intlon decided to Itold the belch? It means a diseased stomach. Aro you allllctcd with aliort breath, gas, bour ciiictiitlona, lii-urt iwlns, indt. Tho estate of the late Senator O. II. .T.ipan hns mimed Baron Komur.i tn hiulinr fiuiu don, • p">rt- \v:i? constant headache, dull, heavy hleepi- contends that n fall let v*.'«olarl'an diet next annual track mul field gestlon, dyspepsia, burning pains and lead weight in pit of stcmach, acid stomach, distended nb.lomen, dizziness, Platr, of Connecticut, amounts to a settle the dllllcultles tbe war lelt in IT I IT. lU'el.nvil »irT. ness by day and rileeples'saess at night, Is impossible for white rnces. either at NIM." York or Jit Ciuubiiilgf.- collc.^slck her.dache, i lmplcs, had complexion, bnd breath or any other stomach torture? Cut out tLo coupon be- little over ?20,000. Korcu uiicU Miinchiirlii. JOBS of flesh,Impaired memory, etc., etc, Tlio Duke of Argyll linn bought the The only plaee a Imifi-hnired football low aud take It to any druggist in tho United States and ho will glvo you absolutely free of charge n full sized Lord Mlnto, the new Viceroy of In- plnjer exists unwnd.njs is In cartoo?iF. "I was rapidly becoming lncapacl Lord Mlnto Off Tor India. Chateau d'llardelot. In France. 60c. box. dia, Is the third pr-Gnvoriior-Genernt of New y.»pk tated for business when a valued frlcu The Eurl of Mlnto. jivho "will ".m- Colonel John Singleton Mosby, (be Arthur DulWy's confession thnt while Cannda to hold the ofllee. p 'dllS Will) he was for \ears innsqiiPriidlng n* an suggested a- ehanfo in my diet, tin ed Lord Curzon «s Viceroy of Iiiilla. ox-Confederate scout,.Is still living. 1 Governor Miguel A. Otcro, of New * ^..\ ...ti*.i'. -iiiii. ii»ii>«|iiiaiiiiin»\ 14 1111 abandoumr-ut of heavy, rich stuff an left Loiidon, liiij;., to ahSuuio lilt> new Dr. Julius Knhn, known for liU con- ln« •'••ni]i.inli's fur 11 11C -Jo.UW nmntonr hn iiinoilcnlly llvnl on nlli- Mexico, is one of the.most extensive tho use of Grape-Nuts food. I fo duties. tributions to K'ifntlilc agriculture, cele- frelirlil r:n>.U-ticH lms lipi-1 n rpi-»[vwl ivllh the iiK- Mull's Anti Belch Wafers sltecp breeders In the Southwest.' . it merit -. lou-ed the gnod advle.i and shall alway: brated his eightieth birthday anni- When the King ot Slain hns on his '1 hi> r.filil I'tuilih-thili. | More ]>m.llnj; fntm flnsi» tn the lino To couvlnco you that It cures. Nothing else lJUo It known. It's sure aiid pleasant. Cures hy nbsorptlon. ^ bo thankful that 1 did M>. Last of British Heglmenls. versary on October L'3. full regalia he is snppo.sed to represent - I.M.I or ihc u I IH heln^ done this M'lt^nn. nnd the wnti- Haruilesj. No ('.nigs, stomach trouble can't bo cured otherwise—so says Medical Science Drugs won't do— "Whatever may be the experieuci Tbe lust of rvgluienls wlh Professor Theodore A. Sehurr, who they eat up the stomnch and mntoyou worse. You Mill know that It will euro you ns Eoon as you begin Its use. an outlay of more than $1,000,000. quit Halifax November 21 for ICIIK- him Just died In IJultlmori', was a pio- of others, Ule beiielk'Ial effects of ten.-, ..I ?i;r..HiJ,U0ll. leather hn^' uoi heeii eultivnled to n That is why wo let you try It tree. Field Marshal Eillicm Pashaj the fa- lami, and thereufter the giirrlsun will neer iu tbe crusade against Killing greater evtoni. chance wero apparent lu my case al mous conqueror of Greece, Is alive bu excUiblvi-ly Citnadlans. birds for hat ornaments. 1 CUT OUT THI9 COUPON. most Immediately. .My ntomudi, whlc] and In good health. In Constantinople. Allrp n.nilic. -Ml /,, and IV tor Shel- A. D. Parker, the new Vice-president don, nottid Spivilwny pneers, wen*, •••••••••••••••••••••••CUT OUT ON THIS LINE.Mi had rejected oilier food for so long, tool Thomas A. Edison declares that New Still In Manchmiii. of the Colorado and Southern Unllwny, Tin' N.ilIII C.i.iilini. Su'utl. hen ton ln'hrn^hes liy a horse hoMRht u "Fork Is too noisy for him and prefers U.K. C.IIIIMI fl-njl |~ ]V to -J3 ]..'. Take.hla Camion to your ilniBiciat amUifittHlgivftrou ArrirtiUrfiiUalziibon Uoxof Mull-a Antl lleK-h M'afrrH ntmnlu'rly ircc lEoin-ml^r to Urnpe-Nuta most kindlr; lu a da, General Kurupiitkln will be .IIMH:IK live years ago WHS "grub staked." To." few weeks a^o for ."? 17r» fmm .. LOUR w. Il»a. onlr o..« Ui,z 10 i-aoti fuiilly. If >•... can anj a ilnunlitwiiu OiK» Dol kHl> Slllll's Anil U.lcll WaferaKMKl (ftlili Urn-on, liunl.rr Kill, lulma or two nj.v headache wus gone, I bega; tho seclusion of bis New Jersey work- the lust ul' tlie Itus^iau comuianilei-& lu day he Is worth nearly a million. IL'.S.>I tll.tit l:i>.t \.'.ir. » Island nillkmiiii. «uiMildliwiuI.liGilr.]tfKl9t, aud w.' roll»BJdiU'laby wall. "" shop. to sleep hmltlifully and before u wec leuvu Munchuriii. The balvaliun Army Ib making mm), • fieorRe Wrl^htr the in\ enter of tln» was out the scales showed thnt in; los The Sultan of Turkey owns nioie progress lu (Seiimiiiy under tliu leader- IVnir.ilV .NL'» I modem ^arne of tennis, at present liven weight lMih cniulub' back. My memorj than 200 bicycle;.. Crushed lu a Mine. ship of Commander Oliplmut. V Ci-lil| N |i In Itostmi. l'NIU'Ut. ft George Meredith is one of the group 'J'llr , Makers. was restored with the renewed vL Caught by a fall of suajistoin' in a Frank Itockcfcllcr, the youngest and Hpoil'l .^I.-MH.' U'HI r«u liii|i|-n Tho InlerrollOKlate Iln^kothnll I.ea^np i Mull's Grape Tonic Co., ot autboi'H whu vi-mnlu fallhtiv.1 to tht- that I felt lu body mid mind. For thrt miiiu Jieni- Bellaire, Ohio, a f.imily of least known of the oirkhig'b brotliiMG, N. .1. 'fl \\7)rl.r.l}; withdrawn Trnni the lurisdit'tlun of the ^ 131 Rook Island, III. MOD. Ad iroHB, r>ire«i anil auuiti-ir he old-faflbloucd quill pen. nine—Sylvester ICL'iiiliill. his wife and has the liubby of training wild auinmU |>]ll!l~, us III".|^IIL'(I l>.\ .1. O. UDII. |lu.v A mat cm- Aib.le.tie Ij'uiun. years now flrape-Nufs food has kep Th^rC-eriuan ICmpress Is an enrlv "•moil cblldren—were crtisticil to dentil. at his home near Cleveland, Wickllffe- r.illiui.ilV'i i'ii^iiii'1'i. mo In prime condition, and I propose rises and sits down to breakfast with If any Individual anxin^ the hall Tft fhd Ratal! T1rit(Tfll*( • Mun ^ournatiin •mlaililmn nn ou-tliL'-Lako. lining In ut ji iiilk' ^i|'f t>t shall for tbs rest or ni; days. the Emperor, winter and summer, plnyors who roinpost' the \ Ictorlous ri'UIHin to tn thr JoMmr (if * IIKIII I mi t'iircli»(MHl tbU wnjwly. Tuft Now at runama. i.Mills -null, of llli'-|i'l'l|]ill:ll Now York Nntlounl llii^obnll Club ili>> »ntl hi* will ((Hfj nn ML-ftitalnoflior tr«il« fur cacti tom>un, "And, by the way. my i',i year o] punctually at S o'clock. Mr. Alllsuii, who Is ^evenly ynirs old, uiim Mlitn j our flnn u«nir> and mldr • Secretary Taft and hU pnrly itnlvtul and who graduated at Missouri Uni- nlullL* tlir nvct IIIIIII. Tlh' l nerves'more credit than the other mem- liry,*rly SIKUMJ, «ltkli juutwud Miu. jKjiiihiuit«t any tlinn jnu liki*. Mini v baby Is as fond of Gmpc-Nuts us 1 ;II The ICmpetor uf Japan will shortly on tht! criiisi-r Coluuihla at Colon und land will hi' I'uiiM'i'H'il lino :i visit Isu Temple to lay the tidings uf versity iu IS3-, has re-entered tin; mil bers of tliu team It Is Christie Miitlictv. cotimiwor, ri'tallrrn/nljuurnHf. always Insists on Imvlnc it. It keep went hy train to l\.uama U> tuu Presi- y:ml. .mil ilir iimsinictinii ni the conclusion of the treaty of peuci vmMly in older to taUe a special courfeu son ljer as healthy aud nearly as they mak dent Amador." hi-i ol' |ik-r-> Mill lollon. before tbo spirits of his aucestoi.s. lu .surveying. Tin* oiitl of the outdoor seavm for them." Namo glveii by Postuui Co, George Bernnrd Shaw, who has beei The lulenmlioiial Hallau Kin^ Hum 1005 Is at hntid. Etacliig, football nnd Jot)ln>r, hUu jour nun) Tli.Tiiksglvlny Proebunation. Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Indulging lu some acrid crltk-iMu 77 bert prize of 'JSiHJ francs for tlie mus; Tlii< lallc'M Mililirr I.. (Ill' C,'Milan ?olf Blill ilourlsli. aud will eonthuie. •Head tho little book "Tlio Road American literary tnste. is- s:rl.l to luvi President ItfU^evolt issiiotl hl» important eontiibutUm u, oitliopaedk Anu.v, \vlii'» \v:is c.illsteil rcci'iill.v. Is rot- tliat mn.ttor, until eavly Deconiher, Wollvlllo" lu pkgs the most unpiirdonnbli- set of .whiskci I'liaiil.h^ivlii^ iMoel.unation, iliing iho .suryeiy lias been nislgrieif to I Jr. (Jb tc\iii Ici'i ii'ii iniliL'^ in hi'i^lii. but tin* folIowi'M (tC oilier sports inns*, which cYC'i^ui'cw out of.i; mini's lac. ylt* lor Nu^L-uiUei 'M. . . far Vulpln-, uf IK>IdelliL"g. tutu ihcir attention to toineihiutr ncv» I CUT OUT ON THIS LINE, I