Aurecon New Zealand Limited T +64 9 520 6019 Level 4, 139 Carlton Gore Road F +64 9 524 7815 Newmarket Auckland 1023 E
[email protected] PO Box 9762 W Newmarket Auckland 1149 New Zealand 2020-02-17 Louise Wilson Team Leader – Resource Consents Far North District Council 5 Memorial Ave Kaikohe 0405 Dear Louise, Following the pre-application meeting which was held with both Far North District Council and Northland Regional Council on 14th November 2019, please find attached a Notice of Requirement and an Outline Plan of Works waiver to alter the designation for State highway 10 at Kaeo, and to replace the existing single-lane bridge with a two-lane bridge. During the pre-lodgement meeting the following matters were covered: Project Scope Discussion of the effects of the project on the existing and surrounding environment, and how these effects can be avoided, remedied or mitigated so that the effects are less than minor Establishment that there are no affected persons, except for those properties within the proposed designation footprint with whom property purchase discussions are underway. It is recommended that the Notice of Requirement is limited notified to the land owners within the Notice of Requirement boundary. For your information, a resource consent application for this project (application number APP.041470.01.01) is being lodged with Northland Regional Council concurrently with the Notice of Requirement. It is being recommended that the resource consent application is non-notified, as for resource consenting purposes, the relevant environmental effects on persons within and near the project area are less than minor.