Study of Systemic Status

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Study of Systemic Status 浙 江 林 学 院 学 报 2003,20(1):32—36 Journa l of Zh ejiang F orestry C ollege A rticle ID :1000—5692(2003)01—0032—05 S tud y of system ic statu s of M yCetO p h -Iida e W A N G Y i—ping ,W U H ong ,X U H ua—chao (Institute of Forest Protection ,Zhejiang Forestry C ollege ,L in’an 311300 .Zhejiang .C hina ) A bstract:T he actuality of M ycetoph ilidae fam ily research has been illustrated in detail. T11e research includes biology , classification an d idenfication , geograp hical distribution , status of system ic classification and system developm ent. Th e existed prob lem s and expectation are also explored in the pap er .A ccordin g to the latest inform ation , M ycetop hilidae fam ily is com p osed of 5 subfam ilies , i. e , M ycom yinae, Sciophilinae, G noristinae, Leiinae and M ycetophilinae . M ycetophilinae includes 2 tribes :E xechiini an d M ycetophilini. R efeFences 2 8 K ey w o rd s : M ycetophilidae ;geograp hical d istrib ution ; clas sification status CLC Number:Q969.44 Document Code:A Th e fami ly M ycetoph ilidae belon gs to the superfam ily S ciaroidea in the order D iptera , w h ich is th e largest fami ly in the superfami ly S ciaroidea⋯ . B ecause of this insects feeding on edible fungi or large fungus body , a lot of scholars have been involved in th e research on fungu s pest species , and great progress in research on fungu s gn ats has b een m ade . B ased on research results an d literature published at hom e and ab road in the pas t tw o decades , the authors m ak e a sum m arization on the situation of the fam ily M )’cetophilidae insect species , includ ing the b iology , geograp hy distribution , classification , ph ylogeny and m ake a forecast for the existing problems in the hope of provid ing som e fundam ental system ic m aterials for both theoretical research and practical application in the field o f co n trol of ed ible fun gu s p ests【卜151 . 1 The generation 1 .1 B iology M ycetoph ilidae insects are com m on in m ost hu m ids hab itats , particularly in w oodlands , both in the tropics and in the tem perature regions .Fo r the large ma jority of species their larva are unknown ,b ut n um erous species have larvae living in fruiting bod ies of various fungi or on m ycelium penetrating rotting plant m aterials . Larvae not spinnin g a w eb ; u su ally feedin g intem ally bearin g som e sort of case of form ed of excrem ent. D ue to their sma ll size and a h idden life ,fungus gn ats have not caught en ough attention of ecoilgists and system atists . R eelered date :2002.08 .3l: Revised date :2002.II-08 Foundation item : p ex:t supported hy N ational N atura1 .Science.Fou ndation of C hina (30070 102) B iography :W A N G Y i—ping ( 197 1 一 ), m ale ( the M ongolian nationality ) , born in K azuo of L iaonlng , Lecturer, M aster, specializing in system a tic inse ct a nd b iolog ica l c on tro1 . 转载 中国科技论文在线 第 20 卷第 1 期 W A N G Y i—ping et al:Study of system ic status of M ycetophilidae 33 1 .2 Z OO g e O g ra ph ic d istrib utio n M yc eto D h ilid a e o c cu rs o n a ll c o n tin en ta l areas ex ce p t a n tra ctic a n d o n m ost o ce an ic isla n d s . H ow ev er , on ly a few stu d ie s d ea lin g w ith th e b io geo g ra p h y o f m y ce to p h ilid s h av e b ee n p u b lish ed am on g th em u p to n ow 引 . G ag n e [10]stu d ied th e fau n a co m p o sitio n in E u rop ea n re gio n a n d th e re su lt s ho w ed th at fa u n a o f m y c eto p h ilid s in . E a ste rn N e a rctic is m o re s im ilar to th e E u ro p ea n fa u n a th a n to th e w e stern . A t p re se n t, th e d ata o n g en era a n d th e n u m b ers of sp e cie s ta k en fro m th e v ari o u s re g io n a l c a ta lo g u e s a re o n ly fo u n d in N ea rc tic fa u n a l2] D im ita r d isc u ss ed th e c o m po sitio n of th e fu n gu s gn at ab o u t fau n a o f th e P al ae arctic . region ,and considered m ost of the genera to be of boreal (H olarctic) ori gin . A b o u t 3 5 0 0 sp e cies h a v e b e en d e sc ri b ed in 1 3 6 g en e ra so fa r , b u t th e re are u n d o u b te d ly m u ch m o re sp e cie s tha t a re still u n d e sc rib ed in th e w o rld . 1 .3 E co no m ic s ign ifica nc e W ith th e ra p id d ev elo p m e n t o f ed ib le fu n gu s c u ltu re , fu n g u s gn a ts h a v e b eco m e to b e of th e ec on o mi c im p o rta n c e . L arva e fe ed o n b o d y fu n g i o f all k in d s , w h ich d a m ag e to va ri o u s s tru c tu re s an d tissu es of th e fu n gu s . T hu s , larva e m a k e o n the g ro w th vig or o f ed ib le fu n gu s d e cre as e d an d th e yie ld of th e fu n g u s lo w e red . It’s c o m m o n th at al l th e fu n gu s tissu es , s po res w e re ea te n u p w ere re su lted b y fu n gu s gn a ts p est , an d g re at losses o f ed ib le fu n g u s p rod u tion . A lth o u g h ad u lts d o n ’t fe ed o n.ed ib le d lrcetly , th e y ca rt sp rea d all so rts o f p a th og e n ic m ic roo rg an ism s , n e m a to d e s , mi tes an d s o on . T h e refo re , th e y h av e a b ad ly i m p a ct o n th e q u a lity of ed ib le fu n gu s a n d h u m an b e in g h ea lth . 2 R esearch on classification statu s of M yc et0p h ilid ae S in c e th e fi rst fu n gu s gn ats s p ec ies in w o rld w as d e scri b ed b y D e c te e r , stu d ies o n c lassifi c a tio n o f it h av e b e en e xp lo ite d . F ro m th e n o n , th e re a re a lot of sc h o lars in vo lv ed in th e rese arch o n th e fa mi ly M yc eto p h ilid ae , an d se v era l g en e ra a n d sp e cies ha v e b ee n d esc ri b ed 【 . W in n ertz w as fi rs t sc h o lar to stu d y th e c lassifi catio n sy ste m o n th e fa m ily M y ce top h ilid a e , a n d d iv id ed it in to sev en su b fa mi lies ac co rd in g to w in g ve n atio n , wi n g setae an d trichia , ocellus numb er, ocellus position , an d so on , and added up to 1 8 genera one of them includ ed his f0und 1 3 ge n e ra in th e fa m ily M y ce to p h ilid ae ⋯ T h e system of c las sifi catio n co n stru cte d b a sic al fram ew o rk o n h igh tax on . in th e fa m ily M yc eto p h ilid a e h a ve b ee n ad o p ted b y s ev eral sch o la r . L a ter m a n y n ew g en e ra w e re fo u n d b y so m e s ch o lar . It is k n o w th a t th ere a re 2 7 g en e ra in th e fami ly b y th e e nd in g o f 1 9 c en tu ry . In th e early 2 0th centu ry , Johannsen exam ined the genera of M ycetop hilidae , and considered that A llodia W in n e rt z a n d B ra ch y co m p ta set b y W in n e~ z s h ou ld n o t b e trea ted a s ge n e ra b ec au s e o f th e s ho rt ag e o f a d e q u ate ev id e n c e o n ly b as ed o n th e fi n a l wi n g fo rk an d len gth of v e n atio n [ M ean w h ile . h e re c ogn ized th at . B ra c hy ca m p ta W in n ert z sh o u ld b e trea ted as a su b ge n u s in A llo d ia W in n e rt z , an d p ro p o sed th a t ge n u s B revieo rn u M a rs h al l sh o u ld b e m e rg ed in to th e g e n u s C o rd y la M eign . T h u s th ere w e re 2 5 g e n e ra in M y ceto p h ilid a e d efi n e d b y Johann sen . E d w a rd s fi rstly p u t fo rw ard th e view p o in t w h ic h th e te xtu re of th o ra cic s eg m en t sc le rite sh o w s d ec isiv e sign ifi c a n c e to g e n e ri c cla ssifi c atio n wi th in th e s u b fa m ily M y c eto p h ilin a e , a n d s yste m a tic a lly rese arch e d th e fa u n a o f fu n gu s g n a ts sp ec ies in E n la n d . H e d iv id e d th e fa m ily M yc eto p h ilid ae in to 10 su b fa mi lie s a cco rd in g to seta e o f w in g s , th o rax , le gs , w in g ve n atio n , o c ellu s n u m b er , oc e llu s p o sitio n a s w e ll as v e n tra l d istal , n a m ely B o lito p h ilin ae , K ero p latin ae , D iad oc id iin a e , D ito m y iin ae , L yg isto rh in in a e , M ac ro c erin a e , M an o tin a e , M ycetophiJinae , Sciarinae , Scioph ilin ae .H is classifi cation s3 stem ap pears relatively reas onbale . H e al so d ivided th e su b fa mi l),M y ce to p h ilin a e in to tw o tri b es n a m ely E x ec h in i an d M ),c eto p h ilin i a cc ord in g to m ese p istern u m b ri stle , a nd a m e n d e d cla ssifi c atio n p o sition of th e g en e ra in tw o trib e s m en tio n ed ab o v e . H e th o u g h t th a t ge n e ra M y co the ra , O p isth o lob a an d P lasta cep h a la sho u ld b e m e rge d in to M y cetop h ica ; E x ech ia s ho u ld b e d iv id ed in to 2 gro u p s b as in g o n c h a n g es o f ve n atio n ; S y n p la sta a n d B revico m u sho u ld b e m erg ed in to A llo d ia ;P a ch )p a lp us sh ou ld m erg ed in to 中国科技论文在线 浙 江 林 学 院 学 报 2003 年 3 月 C ordy la , a n d T elm ap h ilus in to P h ro n ia ; ra ise d th e g en u s L yg isto w h in a to th e le v el o f th e su b fam ily L yg isterrh in in a e ; ra ise d th e g en u s M a n ota to th e le vel of th e su b fa m ily M a no tin a e . E d w a rd s ’s d ivid e d syste m is as fo llo w s : th e tri b e E xe ch iin i co n sists of 5 g e n era A na tella W in n e rtz 1 8 6 3 , A llod ia W in n ertz 1 8 6 3 , B ra ch yp eza W in n ertz 1 8 6 3 , E x ec h ia W in n e rtz 18 6 3 , R hy m soia W in n e rtz 18 6 3 , th e trib le M yc eto p h ilin i is c o m p o se d of 2 0 gen era B rachvd icrania Sk use 1 8 88 , C ordyla M eigen 1 80 3 , D elop sis S kuse 1 890 , z)),, £DsD,n口 W inn ertz 1 863 , /cy p ta W in n ertz 1 86 3 , M a c ro brac h ius D zied zic k i 1 8 8 9 , M a n o ta W illisto n 1 8 9 6 , M y ce top h ila M eig en 1 8 0 3 , M ycothera M eigen 1803 , Lygistorrhina Skuse 1980 , Opistholoba M ik 1891, ^ 0 M acquart 1834 , P a la eotric ho n ta M
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