Heritage Bibliography Including materials on Hispanic history, culture, literature, and social issues NCTC Library / Thief River Falls / October – November 2007

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Non-Fiction 291 Fe Larrington, Carolyne, ed. The feminist companion to mythology . Pandora Press, 1992. ~ includes a section “Mexican mythology.” 291.37 Gu Gutierrez, Ramon A. Home alters of . University of New Mexico Press, 1997. 292 Ni Nicholson, Irene. Mexican and Central American Mythology . Hamlyn, 1967. 299.73 Ba Baldwin, Neal. Legends of the plumed serpent: biography of a Mexican god . Public Affairs, 1998. 301.45 Gr Grebler, Leo. The Mexican-American people, the Nation’s second largest minority . Free Press, 1970. 301.45 Re Reck, Gregory G. In the shadow of Tlaloc: life in a Mexican village . Penguin Books, 1978. 304.873 Ur Urrea, Luis Alberto. The devil’s highway: a true story . Little, Brown, 2004. ~AnaccountofahumansmugglingcatastrophethatkilledadozenMexican meninMayof2001. 305.48 Ru Ruiz, Vicki. From out of the shadows: Mexican women in twentieth-century America . Oxford University Press, 1999. ~AlookatMexicanwomenimmigrantstotheUS,discussingtheirparticipationin unions,auxiliaries,andcivilrightsmovementsandchallengesfacedbyoppressive structuresofrace,class,gender,and(hetero)sexuality . 305.868 De De Genova, Nicholas. Latino crossings: Mexican, Puerto Ricans, and the politics of Race and citizenship . Routledge, 2003. 305.8968 Hi McCaffrey, Paul, ed. Hispanic . H. W. Wilson Co., 2007. 309.172 Le Lewis, Oscar. Pedro Martinez: a Mexican peasant and his family . Random House, 1964. 320.98 Wi Wiarda, Howard J. The soul of Latin America: the cultural and political tradition . Yale University Press, 2001. 325.73 Ga Gamio, Manuel. Mexican immigration to the United States: a study of human migration and adjustment . Dover Publications, 1971. 325.73 Il Dudley, William, ed. Illegal immigration: opposing viewpoints . Greenhaven Press, 2002. 325.73 Il Haerens, Margaret, ed. Illegal immigration . Greenhaven Press, 2006. 331.62 Co Cockcroft, James D. Outlaws in the promised land: Mexican immigrant workers and America’s future . Grove Press, 1986. 355.0082 Sa Salas, Elizabeth. Soldaderas in the Mexican military: myth and history . University of Texas Press, 1990. 363.45 An Andreas, Peter. Border games: policing the U.S. – Mexican divide . Cornell University Press, 2000. 364.106 Vi Vigil, James Diego. A rainbow of gangs: street cultures in the mega-city . University of Texas Press, 2002. ~Includesthesection“MexicanAmericansinthebarriosofLosAngeles.” 371.829 Sp Spring, Joel H. Deculturalization and the struggle for equality: a brief history of the education of dominated cultures in the United States . McGraw-Hill, 2001. 382.917 Ca Cameron, Maxwell A. The making of NAFTA: how the deal was done . Cornell University Press, 2000. 394.266 Br Brandes, Stanley. Skulls to the living, bread to the dead: the Day of the D ead in Mexico and beyond . Blackwell Pub., 2006. 394.266 De Defibaugh, Denis. The = Día d e los Muertos . TCU Press, 2007. 467 Ga Galvan, Roberto A. The dictionary of Spanish = El diccionario del espanol Reference Chicano . National Textbook Co, 1995. 468.242 No Noble, Judith. The Hispanic way: aspects of behavior, attitudes, and customs in the Spanish-speaking world . Passport Books, 1991. 704.03 Co Cockcroft, James D. Latino visions: contemporary Chicano, Puerto Rican, and Cuban American artists . Franklin Watts, 200. 709.72 We Westheim, Paul. Prehispanic . Putnam, 1972. Oversized 745.09776 Ci Moore, Willard B. Circles of tradition: folk arts in Minnesota . Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1989. ~ Includes “Nicolas Castillo and the Mexican-American corridor tradition.” 759.972 Fr . Bullfinch Press, 2001. Oversized ~CriticalandinterpretivelookattheworksofMexicanartistFridaKahlo. 781.64 Am Rubin, Rachel and Jeffrey Melnick, eds. American popular music: new approaches to the twentieth century . University of Massachusetts Press, 2001. ~Thebusinessofpopularmusic,includes‘Mexicanballadsinthemodernage.’ 796.081 Ma McKay, Jim, Michael A. Messner, and Don Sabo, eds. Masculinities, gender relations, and sport . Sage Publications, 2000. ~ Studying sport, men, and masculinities from feminist standpoints, including a sectiontitled‘Duelingmachos:masculinityandsportinMexicanbaseball’. 810.8 Ba Heyck, Denis Lynn, ed. Barrios and Borderlands: cultures of Latinos and Latinas in the United States . Routledge, 1994. 810.8 Hi Jimenez, Francisco and Gary D. Keller, eds. in the United States: an anthology of creative literature . Bilingual Review/Press, 1982 810.8 La Augenbraum, Harold, ed. The Latino Reader . Houghton Mifflin Co., 1997. 810.9 Ne Knippling, Alphana Sharma, ed. New immigrant literature in the United States: a Sourcebook to our multicultural heritage . Greenwood Press, 1996. ~IncludesasectionsonPuertoRicanAmerican,DominicanAmerican,Cuban American,andMexicanAmericanliterature. 810.9 Ta Tatum, Charles M. . Twayne Publishers, 1982. 810.9868 Ka Kanellos, N icol ás. Hispanic literature of the United States: a comprehensive reference . Greenwood Press, 2003. 812.5408 Mu Ellis, Roger, ed. Multicultural theater II: contemporary Hispanic, Asian, and African- American plays . Meriwether Pub., 1998. 813.01 Cu Gomez, Alma, Cherrie Moraga, and Mariana Romo-Carmono, eds. Cuentos: stories by Latinas . Women of Color Press, 1983. 813.52 Re Swisher, Clarice, ed. Readings on John Steinbeck . Greenhaven Press, 1996. 813.54 Fe Olmos, Margarite Fernadez. Rudolfo A. Anaya: a critical companion . Greenwood Press, 1999. 813.54 Gr Augenbraum, Harold, ed. Growing up Latino: memoirs and stories . Hough ton Mifflin,1993. 861 De De al Cruz, Sister Juana Ines. A woman of genius: the intellectual autobiography of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz . Lime Rock Press, 1982. 861 En En breve: minimalism in Mexican poetry, 1900-1985 . Ed. Enrique Lamarid. Tooth of Time Books, 1988. 861 Pa Paz, Octavio. The collected poems of . New Directions, 1990. 861.64 Re de la Torre, Mónica and Michael Wiegers, eds. Reversible monuments: contemporary Mexican poetry . Copper Canyon Press, 2002. 863 Ga Bloom, Harold, ed. Gabriel Garcia Marquez . Chelsea House, 1989. 863 La Langford, Walter M. The Mexican novel comes of age . Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 1971. 863 Ma Martin, Vigil, José Luis. La muerte está en el camino, novela . Editorial Juventud, 1973. 863 Mu Muñoz, Elias Miguel. Crazy Love . Arte Público Press, U of Houston, 1989. 863 Oh Ohara, Maricarmen. Fantasia bilingüe=Bilingual fantasy . Alegria Hispana Publications, 1987. 863 Ro Roa Bastos, Augusto Antonio. Son of man . Monthly Review Press, 1988. 863 Sp Lawaetz, Gudie, ed. Spanish short stories, v. 2 . Penguin, 1972. 863 Va Valdivieso, Mercedes. Breakthrough . Latin American Literary Review Press, 1987. 863.01 Ot Manguel, Alberto, ed. Other fires: short fiction by Latin American women . C.N. Potter, 1986. 863.01 Sp Flores, Angel, ed. Spanish stories = Cuentos españoles: stories in the original Spanish with new English translations . Dover Publications, 1987. 863.44 Wa Watson-Franke, Maria-Barbara. Now you are a woman = Ahora eres una mujer . Ediciones Euroamericanas, 1983. 863.6 Az Azuela, Mariano. Two novels of Mexico: The flies. The bosses . U of Press, 1956. 863.64 Be Bell, Michael. Gabriel Garcia Márquez: solitude and solidarity . St. Martin’s Press, 1993. 863.64 Ga Ortega, Julio, ed. Gabriel Garcia Márquez and the powers of fiction . University of Texas Press, 1988. 863.64 Ga Fiddian, Robin. Garcia Márquez . Longman, 1995. 863.64 Ja Janes, Regina. One hundred years of solitude: modes of reading . Twayne Publishers, 1991. 863.64 Wi Williams, Raymond L. Gabriel Garcia Márquez . Twayne Publishers, 1984. 864.008 Ox Stavans, Ilan, ed. The Oxford book of Latin American essays . Oxford University Press, 1997. 868.62 Du Duran, Manual, ed. Lorca, a collection of critical essays . Prentice-Hall, 1962. 868.9 Al Alexander, Frances. Mother Goose on the Rio Grande . NTC/Contemporary Pub, 1997. ~Bilingualnurseryrhymes,riddles,songs,andgamesintroducethelanguageand cultureofMexicoandtheAmericanSouthwest. 868.9 An Anzaldua, Gloria. Friends from the other side . Children’s Press, 1993. 869.4 Co Coutinho, Afránio. An introduction to literature in . Columbia University Press, 1969. 920.009 Me Meyer, Nicholas E. The biographical dictionary of Hispanic Americans . Facts on File, Reference 1997. ~Profiles100+HispanicAmericanswho’vemademajorcontributionstoAmerican culture. 972.08 Ha Hart John Mason. Revolutionary Mexico: the coming and process of the . University of California Press, 1987. 973.046 Go González, Juan. Harvest of empire: a history of Latinos in America . Penguin Books, 2001. 973.0472 Me Meier, Matt S. Mexican American, American : from Conquistadors to . Hill and Wang, 1993. ** 973.0468 Fe Fernandez-Shaw, Carlos M. The Hispanic presence in from 1492 to today . Facts on File, 1999. 973.046872 Me Meier, Matt S. The Mexican American Experience: An Encyclopedia . Greenwood Press, 2003. 977.6 Va Valdés, Dennis Nodin. Mexicans in Minnesota . Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2005. 977.6581 Va Valdés, Dennis Nodin. Barrios norteños: St. Paul and Midwestern Mexican communities in the twentieth century . Univ. of Texas Press, 2000. 978 Da Dary, David. The Sante Fe Trail: its history, legends, and lore . A. A. Knopf, 2000. Fiction Es Esquivel, Laura. Like water for : a novel in monthly installments, with Recipes, romances, and home remedies . Anchor Books, 1995. St Steinbeck, John. Tortilla flat . Penguin Books, 1986, 1935. Children’s Literature Ad Juv Ada, Alma Flor. I love Saturdays y domingos . Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2002. ~ A young girl enjoys the similarities and the differences between her English speakingandSpanishspeakinggrandparents. An Juv Andrews-Goebel. The pot that Juan built . Lee & Low Books, 2002. ~ThestoryofpotterJuanQuezadaandhowhishehelpedhisimpoverishedvillage, MataOrtiz,transformintoacenterofworldrenownedartists. Pe Juv Perez, Amanda Irma. My diary from here to there . Children’s Book Press, 2002. 305.8 Ku Kuklin, Susan. How my family lives in America . Aladdin Paperbacks, 1998. ~AfricanAmerican,AsianAmerican,andHispanicAmericanchildrendescribetheir families'culturaltraditions. 921 Ch Juv Krull, Kathleen. Harvesting hope: the story of Cesar Chavez . Harcourt, 2003 973.04 Ho Hoobler, Dorothy. The Mexican American family album . Oxford University Press, 1994. Videos 305.8 Mi VC Minnesota pride and Minnesota prejudice. KSTP, 1990. ~ExaminesMinnesota'shistoryofprejudice.SixMinnesotafamiliesrelatetheirown family'sexperienceswithprejudice;Jewish,AmericanIndian,German,African American,Hmong,andHispanic.HostedbyAngelaAstoreandMarkSuppelsa. 305.8 Ne, VC New faces on Main Street: a review of immigration in the U,S, at the dawn of the 21 st century . Dir. Larry Long. NEWIST/CESA 7, 1998. 306.0972 Un VC Understanding each other: Mexican and Americans . Dir. Mike Arnow. Learning Seed, 1998. ~ExaminesperceivedculturaldifferencesofMexicanandMexicanAmericanculture andnonMexicanAmericanculture. 391.4 Ma VC Masks of Mexico . KNME-TV, 1998. ~ Explores the ritual use of masks in Mexico dating back to the Aztec priests and warriors, and the influence of Spanish friars who used masks to spread the teachingsof. 394.2 Mu VC La muerte viva – “the day of the dead”: a living tradition . Gessler Publishing Co., 1989. ~ The colorful Mexican "Day of the Dead" rituals are explored through popular art andtraditions. 394.26 Pa VC La Pastorela the shepard’s play . WNET-TV, 1991. ~DramatizedversionoftheMexicanfolktale. 394.2663 Me VC Nochabuena: a Mexican Christmas . Mexican Videos, 1994. ~ A look at the rich traditions of Christmas in Mexico that blend prehispanic and SpanishcustomsfromColonialtimes,aswellasmultipleotherinfluences. 461 Le VC The language = la lengua . Video Knowledge, 1989. ~ Presents an exploration of how Spanish came to be such a dominant world language. Explains who speaks Spanish, where and why. English and Spanish as wellasbilingualsignsarecomparedandpresentedforreviewandpractice. 641.5672 Ta VC The Taste of Mexico. Chicken . Taste of Mexico, 1991. ~Mexicanstylecooking.Recipesincludesalsamexicana,guacamole,horchatade arroz,tortillasoup,rojasdeOaxaca,capriotada. 759.06 Fr VC Frida Kahlo . Home Vision, 1983. ~ Profiles Frida Kahlo's work, her interest in politics and her tempestuous relationshipwithhusbandDiegoRivera,leaderoftheMexicanmuralistmovement. 759.972 Fr VC The Frescoes of . Dir. Michael Camerini. Videocassette. The Founders Society, The Detroit Institute of Art, 1986. ~ Explores Rivera's evolution as an artist, his use of the fresco technique and his politics. His frescoes unite themes of nature and revolution, drawing a parallel betweentheevolutionoflifeandthestruggleforhumandignity . 759.972 Fr VC Frida . Dir. Paul Leduc. Clasa Film Mundiales S.A.1992. ~“afilmthatmatchesthefamousdescription ofFrida Kahlo &herart:“a bomb disguised asabutterfly.”Fusing politics,painting andpassion asdaringlyasFrida didbothinartandlife” 759.972 Ta VC : the sources of his art. Dir. Gary Conklin. Mystic Fire Video, 198? ~ Pictures the artist at work, both painting and preparing a lithograph. Shows the developmentofTamayo'sstyle,usingrepresentativepaintingsfromtheearly1930's to the present day, and points out the preColumbian and contemporary Mexican sourcesandinspirationwhichhavegreatlyinfluencedhispainting 809 Sa VC Sandra Cisneros: in conversation with Dorothy Allison . Dir. Dan Griggs. Lannan Foundation, 1999. ~SandraCisnerosreadsherstory"Eleven"andotherworksandisinterviewed. 809.1 Wh VC Where poems come from . Lannan Foundation, 1991. ~15majorpoetsreadanddiscusstheoriginsoftheirpoetry:YehudaAmichai,Lucille Clifton, Victor Hernandez Cruz, Allen Ginsberg, Louise Gluck, Joy Harjo, Galway Kinnell, Philip Levine, W. S. Merwin, Czeslaw Milosz, Octavio Paz, Ishmael Reed, GarySnyder,AnneWaldman,andAliceWalker. 813.52 Pe VC The Pearl . Dir, Emilio Fernandez. MasterVison, 198?. ~Tellsthestory,byJohnSteinbeck,ofapoorMexicanfishermanwhosedreamsof wealtharebothrealizedandshattered. 862 Bu VC Alas de mariposa = Butterfly wings . Dir. Juanma Bajo Ulloa. Facets Video and Chicago Latina Cinema, 1994. ~Carmenbecomespregnant,hopingforaboytocarryonherhusband'sname. Guiltandfearhowever,keepherfrombreakingthenewstoAmi,hershy&sensitive sixyearolddaughter.Thebaby'sbirthsoontriggersaseriesofnightmarishevents. 863Ca VC . Dir. Lewis MacAdams & John Dorr. Videocassette. Lannan Foundation, 1989. ~notedMexicanauthortalksabouthislifeandwork. 863 Do, VC Don Quixote . Dir. Peter Yates. Warner home Video, 2000. 863Li VC Como agua para chocolate: like water for chocolate . Videocassette. Touchstone Home Video, 1992. ~Romanticfantasysetintheearly20thcenturyaboutayoungcoupleblockedfrom marrying by the demands of her cold and selfish mother. To be near his love the young man marries hersister,andsheexpressesherpassionforhimthrough her cooking. 863 Ma, VC Marquez: tales beyond solitude . Dir., Holly Aylett. Home Vision, 1989. ~InthisinterviewtheSouthAmericanauthor,GabrielGarciaMarquez,speaksabout his novels, his role in the LatinAmerican cinema and his recent foray into melodramaticsoapopera. 946.02 Bu VC Unfinished business . Dir. Michael Gill. Public Media Video, 1991. ~ Within the lifetime of those born now, half the population of the U.S. will be Spanishspeaking. Every year, half a million brave the border patrols to enter the U.S. illegally, "searching for the Gringo gold but also bringing the Latino gold." Hispanicimmigrantscontributeawealthoftraditions:diverseculturalcreativityinart, music, dance, respect for family tiesdistinct hallmarks of the Spanishspeaking world. 972.01 Me VC Mexican prehispanic cultures . Mexicana de Imagenes, 198?. ~ Shows the Mexican culture and its fascinating past. Several high cultures flourished:thetalentedToltecs,thecourageous,andtheeruditeMayas. 973. Mu VC Multicultural peoples of North America . Dirs. Rhonda Fabian and Jerry Baber. Schlessinger Video Productions, 1993. ~ “Mexican Americans” and “Puerto Ricans” celebrates the heritage of the cultural groupbytracingtheiremigrationtoNorthAmerica/America. Audio CDs

Música de :Mexican & Chicano music in Minesota . Minnesota Historical 781.62 Mu, CD Society Press, 1999. E – Books available on NetLibrary For information about accessing the NetLibrary collection, please contact the library. Arnold, Edwin T. and Dianne C. Luce, eds. Perspectives on Cormac McCarthy . Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1999. Baker, Richard. Los dos mundos-rural , another America . Utah St. Univ. Press,1995. Baudot, Georges. Utopia and history in Mexico: the first chroniclers of Mexican civilization (1520-1569) . University Press of Colorado, 1995. ** Bernal, Martha E. and George P. Knight, eds. Ethnic identity: formation and transmission among Hispanics and other minorities . SUNY Press, 1993. Bolanos, Alvaro Felix and Gustavo Verdesio, eds. Colonialism past and present: reading and writing About Colonial Latin America today . SUNY Press, 2002. Buhle, Paul and Dan Georgakas, eds. The immigrant left in the United States . SUNY Press, 1996. ** Carrasco, David, ed. Aztec ceremonial landscapes. University Press of Colorado, 1999. Deere, Carolyn L. and Daniel C. Esty, eds. Greening the : NAFTA’s lessons for hemispheric trade . MIT Press, 2002. Foster, Dean. The global etiquette guide to Mexico and Latin America: everything you need to know for business and travel success . J. Wiley & Sons, 2002. Griswold del Castill, Richard. Cesar Chavez: a triumph of spirit . University of Oklahoma Press, 1995. Herrera- Sobek, Maria. The Mexican corridor: a feminist analysis . Indian University Press, 1990. Kamalipour, Yahya R., Teresa Carilli, eds. Cultural diversity and the U.S. media . SUNY Press, 1998. McCluskey, Cynthia Perez. Understanding latino delinquency: the applicability of strain theory by ethnicity . LFB Scholarly Publishing, 2002. Meier, Matt S. Notable Latino Americans: a biographical dictionary . Greenwood Press, 1997. Nevins, Joseph. Operation Gatekeeper: the rise of the “illegal alien” and the making of the U.S.-Mexico Boundary . Routledge, 2002. Sadlier, Darlene J. One hundred years after tomorrow: Brazilian women’s fiction in the 20 th century . Indiana University Press, 1992. Saldivar, Jose David. Border matters: remapping American cultural studies . Univ. of Cal. Press, 1997. Stritikus, Tom. Immigrant children and the politics of English -only: views form the classroom . LFB Scholarly Pub. LLC., 2002. Sturman, Marianne. Don Quixote:notes . Cliff’s Notes, 1964. Trueba, Enrique T. Latinos unidos: from cultural diversity to the politics of solidarity . Rowman & Littlefield, 1999. Valverde, Leonard A. The Latino student’s guid e to college success . Greenwood Press, 2002. Vigil, Angel. The corn women: stories and legends of the Hispanic Southwest . Libraries Unlimited, 1994. Zavala, Iris M. Colonialism and culture: Hispanic modernisms and the social imaginary . Indiana University Press, 1992. Indexes Informe : Collection of Hispanic magazines with full text. Covers business, health, technology, culture, current topics and other subjects. Informe 1994 - July 2003 (Espaniol | Spanish Interface) Una colección de revistas hispánicas con textos completos. Abarca negocios, salud, tecnología, cultura, temas de actualidad y otras materias.

updated 10/2007