Hispanic Heritage Bibliography
Hispanic Heritage Bibliography Including materials on Hispanic history, culture, literature, and social issues NCTC Library / Thief River Falls / October – November 2007 All items are available for checkout, unless it’s a reference item. Items in the reference collection are for in-library use only. If you would like to access a title we don’t own, you may request that the library purchase the title, or it may be borrowed through Interlibrary Loan. Titles in bold have been added to the collection since the last update of this bibliography. Non-Fiction 291 Fe Larrington, Carolyne, ed. The feminist companion to mythology . Pandora Press, 1992. ~ includes a section “Mexican mythology.” 291.37 Gu Gutierrez, Ramon A. Home alters of Mexico. University of New Mexico Press, 1997. 292 Ni Nicholson, Irene. Mexican and Central American Mythology . Hamlyn, 1967. 299.73 Ba Baldwin, Neal. Legends of the plumed serpent: biography of a Mexican god . Public Affairs, 1998. 301.45 Gr Grebler, Leo. The Mexican-American people, the Nation’s second largest minority . Free Press, 1970. 301.45 Re Reck, Gregory G. In the shadow of Tlaloc: life in a Mexican village . Penguin Books, 1978. 304.873 Ur Urrea, Luis Alberto. The devil’s highway: a true story . Little, Brown, 2004. ~ An account of a human smuggling catastrophe that killed a dozen Mexican men in May of 2001. 305.48 Ru Ruiz, Vicki. From out of the shadows: Mexican women in twentieth-century America . Oxford University Press, 1999. ~ A look at Mexican women immigrants to the US, discussing their participation in unions, auxiliaries, and civil rights movements and challenges faced by oppressive structures of race, class, gender, and (hetero)sexuality .
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