CoastalChange on the TimeScale of Oecadesla !filiffennia Passiveairborne multi-spectral remote sensing application to nearshore, acean-floor mapping and geology EbitariIsoun', charlesFletcher', Neil Frazer!,Jodi I-larney',and JonathanGradiez 1University of Hawaii, Manoa, Department of Geology and Geophysics, 1680East-west Rd.,posT 721 Honolulu, ~I 96822, u.s.A. e-mail Isoun!:ebitari@soest e-maillFietcher!. fletcherosoest e-mail Frazer! e-mail Harney!:
[email protected] 2!onathanGradie Terra systems nc.Earth & planetRs,suite 264, 2800 woodlawn Dr., Honolulu, Hl96822, u s,A, e-mailigradie!Ter rasys. corn Airbornedigital multi-spectral images collected in fourdiscrete narrow bands 88, 551,557, 701nm; width of 10nm! providehigh resolution mapping capabilities in near-shoremarine environments. The digital database for thisproject con- sistsof informationfor depthsup to -35min KailuaBay; a typicalfringing reef environment on windwardOahu, Hawaii. Subsequentphysical modeling of the multi-spectralcomponents is usedto deconvolvethe spectraleffects of the atmos- phere,water column and benthic substrates to obtain depth and bottom-type maps, Using high-resolution USGS bathym- etrysurvey data collected at two sectionsof the bayfor errorassessment, the physicalmodel achieves 80'in accuracy in predicteddepth. Spatial clustering of the bottom-typepredictions are supported by extensiveground truthing and field knowledgeas well as low error in depthpredictions. Fifteen classes are mapped that reflect variations in ecologyand sed- imentarycharacter of the ocean floor. The usefulness of this model lies its flexible application to this and other spectral data types collected in marine environments. 10S CoasraiChange on the TimeScafe of Oecades o INIIennia Measuring and modeling coastal progradation, catastrophic shoreline retreat. and shoreface translation along the coast of Washington State, USA GeorgeM.