Some reflections on North Tyneside CDP, specifically its work on industry and employment Bob Davis August 2016 North Tyneside CDP Team1. Source: Bob Davis 1 N Tyneside CDP team photo. Standing, Left to Right: Gwynne Somerville (Research Asst./Fellow) , Muriel Watmuff (Admin./Sec.), Maggie Pearcy (Admin./Sec. Research), Irene Brown (Admin./Sec ), Steve Turner (Research Fellow, Income Maintenance project), Lynne Caffrey (Information/Welfare Rights), Thelma Quince (Research Asst., Income Maintenance project), Dave Byrne (Research Director), Bob Davis (Research Fellow), Kenny Bell (Play Organizer/Community Worker), Keith Hayman (Community Planner). Squatting Left to Right: John Foster (Assistant Director), Pam Gorham (Research Asst., Income Maintenance project), Jeremy Gass (Information/Welfare Rights), David Corkey (Director). Sitting cross-legged on ground: Penny Remfry (Assistant Director). 1 Published by: Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University, UK, 2016
[email protected] This account was prepared by Bob Davis for Imagine North East, part of the Economic and Social Research Council funded project, Imagine – connecting communities through research (grant no. ES/K002686/2). Imagine North East explored aspects of civic participation in the former Community Development Project areas in Benwell (Newcastle) and North Shields. The views expressed are those of the author. Further reports and other materials can be found on the web: About the Author: Bob Davis was a Research Fellow with North Tyneside CDP Research Team, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Polytechnic between 1973 -1978. To cite this report: Davis, B. (2016) Some reflections on North Tyneside CDP, specifically its work on industry and employment, Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University, Durham, UK.