Durham E-Theses The 1984/85 Miners strike in East Durham, A study in contemporary history. Atkin, Michael How to cite: Atkin, Michael (2001) The 1984/85 Miners strike in East Durham, A study in contemporary history., Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/2015/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk 2 THE 1984/85 MINERS' STRIKE IN EAST DURHAM, A STUDY IN CONTEMPORARY IDSTORY BY MICHAEL ATKIN The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be published in any form, including Electronic and the Internet, without the author's prior written consent. All information derived from this thesis must be acknowledged appropriately. THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. MAY 2001. 2 2 MAR 2002 CONTENTS Page PREFACE 1 INTRODUCTION 4 Two Themes - Betrayal and Legality 5 The Literature of the Strike 8 CHAPTER 1 METHODOLOGY 11 Triangulation 14 The Interviewees and the Interview Process 19 Literature on the Strike and its Predecessors 21 Unpublished Archives 22 Conclusion 23 CHAPTER 2 THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT 24 Changing Style ofthe NUM 41 Coalfield Decline 44 Conclusion 50 CHAPTER3 ANTICIPATION 52 The Industrial Relations Context 55 The Political Context 59 The Local Context 65 The Strike in Nottinghamshire 82 The Length of the Strike -How Long? 83 Conclusion 85 CHAPTER 4 THE ACTIONS OF THE POLICE DURING 87 THE 1984/85 MINERS' STRIKE Violent Strikes and Historic Memory 89 The Politics of Policing The Coal Strike 93 Policing the Strike at Easington - The Wilkinson Affair 106 Monitoring the Police 117 Criticism Of Policing and Questions Over Police 122 Behaviour Dealing with Arrested Miners- The Judicial System at 130 Work Covert Policing- Fact or Fiction 150 Conclusion 157 CHAPTER 5 THE POLITICS OF THE STRIKE 159 Betrayal A Repeat of 1926 164 Perceptions of the Strike at National Level 167 Confrontation the Historical Roots 173 Scargill and the TUC -Relationships at a National Level 177 The NACODS Dispute- The Strike That Never Was 184 Scargill and the NUM v Kinnock and the Labour Party 187 The Miners, Labour Party and TUC - What Happened at 192 Local Level Conclusion 196 CHAPTER 6 THE ROLE OF THE MEDIA- A QUESTION 198 OF BIAS The Media Context 199 The Politics of the Media 204 Three Local Case Studies 208 Other Television Programmes 223 The Strike as Portrayed in the Press 227 Media and the Strike in Retrospect 228 Conclusion 229 CHAPTER 7 THE STRIKE AND LIFE IN THE 231 COMMUNITY Support for the Strike in the Local Community 236 Conclusion 245 CHAPTER 8 THE RETURN TO WORK AND THE 247 STRIKE IN RETROSPECT The Closure Programme of the 1990's 262 Conclusion 268 CONCLUSION 270 History, Memory and Research 272 Future Research 276 APPENDIX 1 279 BIBLIOGRAPHY 281 LIST OF TABLES AND PHOTOGRAPHS Pit Closures 1913 - 1993 26 Coal Mining Employment in Easington 1971 - 1981 45 Unemployment Trends in Easington 1979 - 1984 46 Long Term Unemployment Trends in Easington 1979- 47 1984 Policing the Wilkinson Affair in Easington - Photos Between Pages Keith Pattinson and Billy Stobbs 112 & 113 Two Faces of the Miners' Strike- Photo Keith Pattinson Between Pages 198 & 199 The SEAM Relief Cares in Action - Photo Keith Pattinson Between Pages 236 & 237 MAP The Durham Coalfield in 1984 Between Pages 36 & 37 DECLARATION No material contained in this thesis has been previously submitted for a degree with this or any other University, and is my sole work. The Copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be published without their prior written consent and information derived from it should be acknowledged. PREFACE In 1984 when the miners strike started I was employed as a Civil Servant in Devon, an area as far removed from Britain's coalfields as it was possible to get. My first experiences of a miners strike came in 1972 and 1974 when, like so many others I had to endure the three day week, power cuts and other problems caused, it was alleged, by sections of the media by the miners strike. During 1984/85 the strike became a series of images that appeared nightly on the television news, images of picket line violence, of police wielding truncheons and of mounted police charging row upon row of pickets. As the dispute went on the images changed to newspaper headlines of how many more miners had returned to work that date. As 1984 finished and 1985 began the images were now of a hard core of miners still defiant, but I, like many more people knew that they were defeated. In 1987 I moved to Durham where pits still produced coal, where the strike was still talked about, often with great bitterness, and people that I worked with talked of their families and relations being attacked by the police for picketing and that one half of the family would not have anything to do with the other half because a relation had gone back before the strike was over. This came as a shock, for I had imagined that when the strike had finished the area returned to normal. I was even more amazed to find that the actions of families during the 1926 General Strike were discussed and comments made to the effect that as his grandfather was a scab then, what more could you expect from his family. This was my first experience of something that became a very powerful theme which ran all through my research, that of historical memory. It also said a lot for the tenacity of the mining families and the communities to which they belonged in that they were prepared once again to take industrial action in what they considered was a just cause. By 1993 I had finished my BA Degree with the Open University and was looking to research some topic to gain a post graduate degree. I decided that 2 there was a subject which was suitable, namely recording the experiences of miners and others during the 1984/85 strike. In 1994 I met, through Common Purpose, Bill Williamson who suggested that my idea was worth pursuing and would make a significant contribution to our understanding of the strike. There now came the problem ofhow to begin. Talks with a number of fellow members of Common Purpose resulted in interviews with a couple of police officers who had been at Easington during the violence there, plus an interview with the Rev Tony Hodgeson, vicar ofEasington during the strike. People that I worked with who had families involved in the strike also provided a number of people prepared to talk to me, and most of those seemed to have a friend or relation who would also be prepared to be interviewed. It quickly became clear to me that in order to carry out the research successfully I would have to get inside a culture, elements of which had not changed dramatically since the 19th Century. The main theme ofthis culture was that of an historical memory which had been handed down from one generation to another, and whose tales, myths and legends were told and retold in Miners ' Welfare Halls of pit villages, several ofwhich had seen their pit close many years ago. During the four years that I spent researching this study, I found that my attitudes and assumptions had changed. The strike was no longer about a group of workers, but was about whole communities defending their way oflife, their jobs, and their future against the government, and all the forces that the government could master against them. It was not just a strike where miner was against employer over wages or conditions, it was far more complex, and historically deeper than that. And it is this complexity and historical depth that this thesis attempts to explain, especially the relationships between historical memory and the police, the media, industrial and community relations, which have the twin threads of legality and betrayal running through them. I would like to thank all those that agreed to help me with my research, 3 especially those that gave their time to allow me to interview them about their experiences. For many it brought back powerful memories. Thanks are also due to those people who allowed me access to other material, the staff of Tyne Tees Television archives and the staff of Durham University Library and Sacriston Library. Finally my thanks must go to Bill Williamson for all his help, motivation, guidance, to my wife Sam for her help and encouragement and to Mandy Oram for helping produce this thesis. All the faults are mine. 4 INTRODUCTION The question posed in this thesis is: how far were the prevailing local interpretations of the strike in East Durham - concerning its origins, developments and outcome - consistent with the debate taking place at the time · and subsequently in the realm of public discourse.
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